8 Responses to Sagittarius 2022: Hercules’ Sag Labour. Sound & Silence. Meditation. Venus & Mercury. Lords of Liberation. Brazil.

  1. Thank you for this, and all at the end on Brazil. Discernment, viveka, still so much needed.

    “Since the assassination of JFK in 1963 – who saw the fascist writing on the wall, the light of the USA has been gradually encroached upon. Now, on USA’s first ever Pluto return – the struggle for the soul of the nation is more clearly defined than ever. The planetary dweller faces off to the nation’s solar angel, focused in the USA. This will continue through to Oct.2023, when Pluto makes its last contact with natal Pluto, within a close 20’ of arc.

    “The world has been facing this Dweller of the Fifth Rootrace for the past couple of centuries – with the development of mind in its culminating 5.5.5 phase; a mental potency that has been recently prostituted to selfish interests – and the reappearance of the most egregious of Atlantean crimes – theft.

    “This is not so much a matter of physical theft (though that might increase in the next few years, as people become more desperate for survival) – but the theft by corporations and governments of data, identities and freedom.

    “It has already been happening for decades, unbeknown to most of Humanity – but is now entering a final phase where complete control could be effected – if the world population does not take a stand. And yet because of world glamour that has inverted the truth everywhere, the majority of humanity believe what the mainstream media feeds them. …”

    1. Bob Jordan says:

      Vicktorya you seem to be suggesting that JFK was assasinated due to his seeing the fascist hand writing on the wall. In his book Astrology of Americas Destiny Dane Rudhyar suggests on pg 110 that the reason for the so called 20 year curse of US presidents dying in office is due to the sun-Saturn conjunction. I remember his assasination and was stunned when I heard the news. I was in sixth grade and our public school principile came on the intercom, told us the news and led us in a prayer. Nobody ever complained about him doing the prayer. Interestingly enough Martin Luther King stated that LBJ did far more for civil rights than Kennedy ever could have or would have. Phillips comments on Beethovens hearing the heavenly sounds while eventually going death to earthly sounds is intriguing. Some scholars have concluded that his deafness heightened his creativity. Its as if though by becoming deaf to the physical sounds he was better able to hear the Heavenly sounds. Your comments oj Brazil and Lula were quite illuminating and at the same time disconcerting. I and a lot of porgressives had thought he was a champion of higher values not just another materialist stooge. There are those of us who try to think not in terms of Right or left but in terms of Social Justice and Human Rights. Obviously Lula is not a champion of either. It doesnt surprise me that the media has not reported the Brazil demonstrations they tend to report only what is convenient. Finally it has been suggested that all positive demonstrations contribute to a collective field of force. Thank you Phillip for another great newsletter.

  2. Wow. The section on Brazil was unexpected and puts a serious challenge to my previous understanding and thoughts on the situation. Though I have no trust at all in the establishment politicians and mainstream media sources here in the US, when I had read the cited article in the National File, it, too, seemed incredibly biased, and I’m unsure of its accuracy and truthfulness. That said, I’m keeping an open mind about it all. The video of Brazilian journalist Paula Schmitt was very interesting, and I empathize with her as being someone who previously saw herself as “on the left,” who seems to have been going though a period of disillusionment with her past political group. My experience has been similar here in the US, and like her I take more of an anti-establishment view than “left” or “right.” I’m very curious as to what journalist Glenn Greenwald’s perspective is on what is going on in Brazil, as he exposed the Operation Car Wash scandal which targeted Lula and put him in prison before the previous election and paved the way for Bolsenaro’s victory. I always had the understanding that the CIA was behind much of the corruption and shenanigans that sidelined Lula and boosted Bolsenaro. But maybe my understanding is incomplete. Definitely Lula’s ties to the banks that Schmitt brought to light is deeply disturbing, as is his attitudes towards the population in regards to the so-called “vaccines.” It has been disheartening to see the turn the “left” has taken in the past decade or so…I hardly recognize it and feel like it has lost its way, as has much of the “right.” Everything is so corrupt and dishonest, and it is very challenging not to be black-pilled the more I learn about power and the powerful through journalists and figures like James Corbett, Whitney Webb, Max Blumenthal, Robert Kennedy, Jr., Alexander Mercouris, Neil Oliver, Bret Weinstein, Scott Ritter, Eva K. Bartlett, etc. But that’s the way it is.

  3. david says:

    Hi Phillip, thanks again for sharing your thoughts in your extensive newsletter.

    For me is clear that we are in a polarized world and therefore, if we are not attentive, it is very easy to fall into the error of thinking that 50% of the population is “bad” compared to the other 50% that is “good”.

    Never better now in Sagittarius to ask: what is an ideal in a polarized society?

    It is clear that in a polarized society, if consciousness is not evolved (exoteric Sagittarius), its ideal will be subject to its perception of the supposed enemy. The tendency (right, left, anti-system, pro-system, ecologist, nationalist, humanist, liberal, new age…) that the subject professes will not matter, the ideal cannot be inclusive because it will be conditioned by its opposite. There will be no reflection of the Soul and the inferior aspect of Jupiter will exaggerate the vision, fanaticism will defile the Ideal. The destructive power will be enormous.

    For an Ideal or Goal to be inclusive, it cannot be conditioned only for personal reasons (solar sign + exoteric ruler), but it needs the complementary qualities of its opposite sign, qualities activated by the Earth, the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, always placed opposite the sun sign.

    The esoteric secret of every Soul in Sagittarius is to know how to mix in the mind the spiritual greatness of a vision (ruled by the superior aspect of Jupiter), with the practical sense, the intelligent laws of mother nature, governed by its esoteric ruler, the Earth.

    Thanks for sharing

  4. Kay Hannan says:

    The description of the discordant noise of life as illustrated with the Sagittarius, Gemini lower levels and how to transcend the clatter reminded me of the Movie August Rush (movie available on Netflix), where the lost little boy keyed his mind into the numerous bustling noises of New York City. He busily translated the jangling noise into music. The story is riveting and uplifting. The story line was brilliant and fits beautifully with the higher attainment of the Sag/Gemini energies. Seen the movie a number of times now and pleased to see it on Netflix.

  5. adam says:


    just a quick note that this month’s newsletter struck me as particularly lyrical in the soulful note it sounds. i found your words really captured the nature of the soul and the rhythm of its quality shone throughout the newsletter not only from the standpoint of our little egoic evolutions but more importantly up toward the greater zodiacal Quality as we transition from scorpio –> capricorn.

    beautifully written 🙂

  6. Andie says:

    Thank You, Phillip, for these wonderful new letters, I don’t think I
    can express how truly grateful I am for the deep thinking you
    provoke in so many.
    Your extensive knowledge of the Plan and your willingness to share.

  7. Vicki Naas says:


    1. Enjoyed your brief talk at the “Triangles” meditation last week. I always appreciate it when an astrological focus is enunciated. Come more often.

    2. You continue to reference the centennial conclave of 2025, which most of the AAB students are focused on during these last two remaining years. Like so many, I am looking forward to it with great anticipation because the date will be set for the return of the Christ. What could be better than that in this troubled world. So, when i recently read the following quote in “The Rays and Initiations”, I was somewhat taken aback. DK writes, that the centennial conclave is when the Masters decide what “crises” they can present to humanity since that is how we grow, learn and evolve. What kind of crises? Will we be ready to meet the challenge? See the quote below:

    “……..the entire Hierarchy meets at Its centennial conference and—at that time—decides what form of crisis, on what level of consciousness, and involving what group of lives, must be implemented and presented to humanity, though the other kingdoms of nature will be necessarily implicated. The reason for this is that the meeting of such a planned crisis will hasten certain realizations. Forget not that humanity grows through the presentation of moments of crisis. These moments of crisis, based on past karma, conditioned by the point in evolution already achieved, and on the presence in the three worlds of certain appropriate ray forces, are brought to the point of precipitation by united decision in the conclave of the Masters.” [RI Pg. 394]

    3. You marked that the “world dweller” has moved to the U.S.A. from Germany, a natural choice due to our materialism, among other shortcomings. That is a very disconcerting thought but may help explain the seeming unprecedented upsurge in anti-democratic forces; Neo-Nazism, and very extreme right organizations like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys. (Canada considers them domestic terrorist groups.) Dr. Douglas Baker, in his analysis of the USA horoscope, always said that America had strong fascist tendencies. The historical narrative abounds with examples since our founding.

    Thank you, Phillip.

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