7 Responses to Sagittarius 2023: Future Trends for the United States of America

  1. Colleen Macmillan says:

    YES, YES, YES! This marvelous mapping of world events is so validating and certainly helps aid all the head-shaking wonderment as to WHY my homeland seems to have stepped off the path. I suppose it is part of the process and now Hope can rest assured in the knowledge that there is inevitably a period of reconstruction after breaking away from the terrible warring destructive behaviours in which this nation sadly has become entrenched and actively funds. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  2. Vicki Naas says:

    I’m glad you are back at your usual monthly communications in these momentous times. I thrive on the wisdom of AAB and the astrological insights. As far as I know, you are still the only Disciple interpreting esoteric astrology, the astrology of the soul. This science has never been more needed as it encompasses the “Plan” of God and the long-term goals. We need a long-term strategy if we are ever to survive the final days of the “Kali Yuga”. DK wrote that He could see the future of mankind because it was written in the stars, wherein the goodness of mankind was ‘guaranteed’. This is obviously a paraphrase. I hold onto His thoughts as we venture into the future. “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age”. Remember those beautiful words of the Christ?

    Good health and all good wishes,

  3. Sally James says:

    Incredible detail of the USA’s crisis…But what about here in Australia…WTF is going down on our home soil….our own political agenda…..a similar detailed analysis would be greatly appreciated…

  4. Paul Bundick says:

    Thank you for your penetrating analysis. It truly helps us rise above the immediate situation and see the larger world stage. It is Thanksgiving in the USA and I give thanks to you for your service

  5. Craig B. says:

    Very helpful insights. I followed Benjamin Creme until his death not long ago, and this integrates well with the perspectives he provided (now still published with world events in Share International magazine – monthly).

  6. david says:

    Hello Phillip,

    Could it be understood that because the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, the earth, is in house 2, the goal of the US is to transmute all the exoteric meanings of this house? …

    As the Tibetan tells us, for the personality the 2nd house are ” the possessions and the gains and for the soul it is the control of the form, the acquisition of spiritual power”…, and isn’t this really the “theme” of the USA?,

    Isn’t the ability to make money and obtain possessions an almost obsessive talent that this country needs to better understand?,

    Isn’t this still “a great unsolved mystery” for this country?

    The theme creates a particular karmic condition, it presents the circumstances for a full and complete development, but EEUU become so occupied with “the theme” that it forget the composer (the soul) of that theme.

    The importance of this esoteric regent, “the earth,” is evident in the progressed chart for the election of Abraham Lincoln. In this chart we can see a full moon applying a conjunction to the esoteric ruler, both on the cusp of the 1st house. In Pisces/Aries, the end and the beginning of a new path for the Soul of this great country.

    thanks for sharing

    1. Indeed David, thanks for your observations! The 2nd house is more esoterically speaking, the house of spiritual values. Learning those values more deeply would automatically ensure fiscal understanding. The Tibetan gives these lower/higher meanings for the second house:

      Finances. Monetary interchange.— Prana.
      Expenditures.— Use of energy.
      Possessions.— Control of the form.
      Losses.— Withdrawal from matter.
      Gains.— Acquisition of spiritual powers.

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