20 Responses to Sagittarius 2024: Traveller, Story-Teller. Illusion-Intuition. Covid Era. Hierarchy. Mercury Retrograde. Trump. Pluto Ingress. AAB.

  1. Lyn says:

    Mike Yeadon is known for his anti vax rhetoric. . He and RFK Jr, who wants childhood vaccines banned too. The reason the human race has flourished is because of vaccines, especially childhood ones. Of course, some children and adults will react to them, as with many medicines.
    Covid killed millions of people, and the vaccines were there to hopefully help.
    No one wants childhood illnesses to come back. Diphtheria and polio are killers.
    Yeadon’s idea of herd immunity was ridiculous.

    1. These comments are straight out of the mainstream narrative. The annual flu claims over half a billion lives annually. Deaths and injuries from Covid vaccines far exceed this.I do not have time to repeat myself here but there are those on this newsletter list who can present a deeper picture. I have written about it ad infinitum since 2020 – look it all up here if you wish to be more deeply informed: https://esotericastrologer.org/esoteric-astrology/esoteric-astrology-general/#cor

  2. Lyn says:

    America produced such a man as Trump. The proof will be in the pudding when he becomes the president. You will see exactly who he is.
    He is a known criminal and has sexually assaulted women. He is a misogynist, as are many of his cabinet. The feminine ray is ascending and all will be revealed.

    1. Not that it excuses anyone but there is a long history of sexual issues on BOTH SIDES of congress, especially in the news lately. Then there is Bill Clinton who emphatically lied, “I did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky, through to Biden’s weird fauning over young girls, all on video. Then there is Hunter Biden’s sexploits and crack cocaine in China.

      It all began in 1796 – their names are legion! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_sex_scandals_in_the_United_States

  3. Colleen Macmillan says:

    I would appreciate an informed take on cryptocurrency and Trump’s appointments and support of a financial system based 100% on crypto. I have plowed through a few explanations of what crypto and bitcoin involve, but something in these old bones just shivers at the idea and immediately rejects this notion. Any schemes involving electronic transfers of something intangible, possible hackings, trackings, and manipulations give me pause. How is this economic system going to benefit the world at large or is it just another way to line the pockets of those whose hands are already established at the helm of the financial system? Clarity, anyone?

    1. Carlos Urtasun says:

      Having read a bit of how the blockchain technology that is Bitcoin etc, came to be, I’m intrigued
      of seeing this shift of financial systems from old money, to this new. We have seen, and will see more of this fight between the old money (dark) forces and this new opportunity.

      Blockchain has a decentralised form that in itself have a pull for me, and that challenges these old financial systems. That’s why we hear these fear mongering statements of fraud, hacking etc. As if “old money” is not filled with fraud, money laundering, theft in the trillions etc. Common sense and caution is always needed when it comes to money – specially if someone offers you that deal to good to be true (always NOT true). The Biden administration has been very negative towards crypto. What Trump will or will not do, remains to be seen. According to the (crypto) market, appointing a new head of the SEC that is pro crypto as well as this “crypto czar” person, are both to positive news. He seems to have grasped that if the US does not starts to get into this, other countries will gain the lead.

      I’m seeing the future of finance taking shape, and third ray combine with seventh ray energies making it happen. 2025 will be an interesting year in many ways 🙂

      1. Colleen S Macmillan says:

        Thank you so much for your perspective 🙏. I agree that it’s refreshing to have new options for ways of currency exchange and any input from younger thinkers is encouraging for those of prior generations who welcome changes that benefit everyone. Since I really am at a loss to understand how it works, I will be watching with renewed hope that your trust in this idea will prove justified.

    2. Craig B. says:

      Another aspect to crypto is that only those that cannot be centralized will be less vulnerable to being used for ‘credit score’ manipulations and control. BTC and a couple of others are decentralized. I only looked at BitCoin much, which has nodes that have every transaction to date so it cannot be ever ‘shut down’ except by centralized efforts to make it illegal since there are – millions? – of nodes, any one of which can bring the whole system back on line at any time. What I find interesting is the lore of the origin of BitCoin, which implies that it was developed not by a real person, but a group of obviously very adept programmers with financial expertise that may have been like a ‘white knight’ effort to thwart global efforts at centralized control, that is my take on it. It does not seem to have a design that would enable dark minded manipulators. Keep in mind however that it is hard to block all tracking, though non-custodial wallets and VPN (‘onion’ method for Trezor or better) could help. If you give your ID to any exchange where you buy BTC however, they could give that up for government tracking. These cat and mouse scenarios to protect assets and identity in case all this progresses to that point of concern do tend to be rather exhausting, but we can resist some initiatives like: face scanning at airports (not really required), banking only with the large centralized banks, open google info gathering (use Brave browser, turn off any mini google or other device info gathering), QR codes when possible, ESPECIALLY injection of tracking chips into your body (potential) – that might be an ‘end game’ scenario if we allow it. We are all in this together and getting too preoccupied with getting “off the grid” aside from these measures and becoming free from debt as much as possible, becomes rather self-defeating I think. We may need to network among the non-compliant as we go through all this however, and the less reliant on money we are (esp. trackable), likely the better.

  4. Vasilis Charamaras says:

    Thanks brother! Amazing newsletter! Putting in words the unconceivable and creating forms that suit the purpose, is always a difficult task. You ‘ve done a great job in my opinion.

  5. Claudia says:

    Dear Phillip
    Many thanks for your continued research and offerings.
    The comment is in regards to the photo of ABailey, Olga Froebe , etc @ Lago Maggiore.
    While it is true that the larger part of said lake is in Italy, this photo was taken @ Eranos / Moscia, near Ascona, which is in Switzerland!!
    Eranos is at lake level – as seen in the photo – while Ronco sopra Ascona is up the hill, scarcely visible behind the persons depicted in this photo.
    Thank you for your attention. ( it might be too late to correct the caption attached to the photo, though the current version is incorrect).
    Cari saluti.

    1. thanks Claudia, now I recall Ascona! I did not make the captions, someone sent me the photo years ago.

  6. steve cropper says:

    keep shining the light phillip on the truth, many of us are very glad to have a truth teller in these dark and confusing times

  7. Ahng Avadhut says:

    As always thank you for your keen, intuitive, synthesizing, cross referencing research and insight into the living present time working out the Great Logos, Plan, Purpose, Meaning, Raison De Etre of human and Earth evolution via esoteric astrological art, science, and divination revealed in the Trans Himalayan Ageless Wisdom practically presented. Nothing could be more important, insightful, or impactful at this great CROSS-roads of human and Earth evolution than for the collective community of all grades of aspirants and women and men of Goodwill to reawaken to both concrete blunt reality and Real Nature/Reality sooner than later beyond the great illusion incessantly, mercilessly bombarding humanity via corporate consumerist poisonous plutocratic puppet show prison plantation reservation mass media pop ‘culture’ etc.. At this time the work of all truly Spiritual minded hearted souls is the Great Return opposite the great reset; The Great Return of Christ (Consciousness), Buddha (Nature), Real Nature/Reality as truly liberated, enlightened, advanced future present right relations and civilization working out through the Great Way of Divine Love Wisdom upon which this solar system is comprised and Earth evolution and experience is key in Logoic Realization and Expression most fully Ultimately! Peace On Earth Goodwill Toward Women & Men, Divine Love, Light, Liberation and Life More Abundant unto all Namaskar Namaste I (AM) say Blessed Be! ॐ✚☸✌♡✰☼

  8. AR says:


    Your analysis on Vaccines and the spiritual community is not accurate. Most of them take the vaccine to protect they parents or they grandfathers. In my case it was the main reason. But after been informed that the vaccine do not avoid the contamination of the others, I had not take it anymore. Protecting others is also a spiritual goal. So, your analysis should take it in consideration.
    Jesus would probably do the same thing just to be among those who were victims just I am now a fervent warrior against Big Pharma, Big Mainstream Media, Big financial conglomerates that promote such lies and fear. Bear in mind that the most advanced disciple of Jesus, Paul started by killing Christians. Things are not so linear that your describe it. Your analysis fails so much in this matter. In this matter you are a great separatist. In one thing I agree with you, simple people is often less manipulated than those who thing be smarter just because they have a degree in high schools.

    1. Whether you took the vaccine to “protect your parents” or not, you still fell for the original hype pushed upon you at the time. Then you realised that was not true, luckily by being rightly informed. So excusing yourself in retrospect for “protecting others”, whilst well motivated, does not really wash with me. Its making excuses for yourself based upon a supposed compassion, for not owning up to the fact that you were conned.
      Bringing in Jesus is another attempt to somehow bolster your argument. As an initiate and rebel against the prevailing status quo of the time, he may well have led the charge. Why weaken yourself to fight that battle? Saul killing Christians is vague, I do not see the point here – followed by a little ad hominem about being a “great separatist”. Good fpr you in being a warrior against the “Bigs” but watch out for that 6th ray fervour!

    2. David says:

      Hello AR and Phillip, I want to tell you about my experience with Covid to see if this way we can get out of extreme judgments.

      I had Covid, during the first few days I thought it was the flu, but more than a week went by and it didn’t go away and I felt worse and worse… I started to worry. It was a new sensation, I lost my taste and I felt more and more tired, I wasn’t hungry and I just wanted to be in bed…, finally I decided to go to the doctor and when he saw me he said: “but you don’t watch TV” … I had Covid… thank God I didn’t have pneumonia and I was able to go home, on the condition that I didn’t leave the house. But the next day I had a very important visit in Barcelona to get a space to be able to give my Esoteric Astrology classes, it was important, I had to go. So I put on my mask, got on the train and went…, before going I told the person in charge of the space that I had Covid, and he calmly told me, “come, it’s okay”. I was surprised. When I arrived, he greeted me without a mask and before I left, he advised me to drink a liquid, it was sodium chlorite (chlorine dioxide). He advised me to mix the doses with water and told me that it would be very good for me. And indeed it was, the next day I got hungry, what a joy I had… I wanted to eat! Truly, that yellow liquid was a “miracle”. I also gave it to my mother and sister and to a friend whom I infected with Covid. They all got better. Later I found out that my cousins ​​and even my pharmacist also took it, obviously everything in secret, for official medicine this liquid is a poison. In truth, it is used as a disinfectant, it smells very strong…, I think that is the bleach that Trump referred to at the time. It is evident that it is a very cheap remedy and all pharmaceutical companies are against its commercialization, sad to say, but money, as almost always, motivates “evil”.

      I never got vaccinated, but public medicine wanted to force me to get vaccinated, the pressure was very strong, it was social pressure…, but I refused, not because I was anti-system or a denialist, but out of pure logic, I knew that I had a lot of antibodies because I had had Covid and therefore I was not willing to get vaccinated, and there was already news that the vaccine had a certain “danger”, but official medicine insisted, to the point of making me feel guilty…, but I didn’t pay attention to them, I did my own private tests (paying) and I did indeed have more antibodies than a vaccinated person.

      Here in Spain, and in the whole world, there was a lot of pressure, even if you wanted to go to work you had to get vaccinated…, with those private tests I was able to avoid the vaccine, but it cost me, the social pressure was brutal.

      It is true that Djokovic gave up his need to win big titles for the sake of his health, but it is also true that the tennis players who were vaccinated continued playing without dying. Perhaps there was some relapse, but nothing as serious as the anti-vaxxers told us.

      At the time I read that the Hierarchy took sides in the matter and greatly reduced the “killing power” of Covid, and surely also removed the harmful power of vaccines, right? It is logical to think or believe that the Soul aspect of Humanity, because of Its love for it, can reduce the destructive aspect of a disease or a harmful vaccine created to obtain material benefits.

      Finally, to say that Covid as a disease existed, if it was introduced by the evil aspect of humanity or was a virus from Mother Nature, I cannot say …, I can only say that it existed and that in my body it had destructive force, I had some bad days, but certainly I must also say that it was thanks to an inexpensive and simple remedy (which according to Google is a poison) that I was healed.

      Thanks for sharing

      1. Some good points you made David, especially about those who were forced to take the vaccine in order to preserve their employment and support their families. Some of what I wrote may have sounded harsh or judgemental – which I knew might be the case but chose to publish anyway.

        My main issue has been with the so-called “spiritually aware” who demonstrated a complete lack of awareness, falling into obeyance to the imposed narrative. Some that I know, said they took it immediately because they did not want to be hampered in their regular holidays!

        No thought, no research. Or were brow-beaten into submission by their respective nation’s intensive propaganda campaigns. The fear phenomena created, truly succeeded and was the main reason critical thought simply evaporated.

        As to tennis players surviving, time will tell. The graphic in the newsletter about the huge numbers of sports people dying is no exaggeration. It has been said that the vaccine batches were set up in a way that random bottles with the mrna were present, while others were simply saline solutions – a good way for pharma companies to avoid culpability.

        Yet there have been alot of studies that show conclusive links to certain companies, Astra Zeneca was one of the first to be exposed. And why did Pfizeer want to hide data for 75 years?

        I caught it three times but suspect I that I also caught it in Asia in early 2019 before it was announced. I thought it was a flu then, but in retrospect the symptoms were identical to covid. There is much around this whole topic that could be unpacked but suffice for now, the following video from Dr David Martin discueses the patenting of Covid Sars 2 and who benefited from that: https://youtu.be/NJhAOETXlNw

    3. David says:

      I understand that people needed to get vaccinated in order to go to work, in these cases the main need is the one that rules. People need to pay the mortgage, support their children… people could not afford to go against their basic needs by not getting vaccinated, I understood that, there was no other option than to get vaccinated.
      On the other hand, older people, at least here in Spain, are very controlled by public health, it was almost an obligation to get vaccinated… well, do you remember? A very rarefied atmosphere was generated, even aggressive for the unvaccinated and as I say, in situations like this the different needs take their positions and the most correct decision depends on each particular case. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Craig B. says:

    Well, about the interview of Mike Adams with Dr. Lee Merritt. I have not found any real evidence that “they” could or have tried to somehow aerosol contact poisons. That is about as difficult as aerosoling fictitious viruses I would say, on a mass level. As for deaths if you follow John Ioannidis (world renowned epidemiologist), there haven’t been significant increases in deaths due to ‘covid’ or some poison. They are just labeled as ‘covid’ using the fraudulent use of PCR random genetics ‘testing.’ Except deaths from the mRNA shots – THOSE are the bioweapons. Some deaths no doubt were induced by stress (stress hormones – included in other typical causes of diseases – a form of toxic build up, lack of body detoxifying naturally, trauma, dietary deficiencies, healthy life style – needed rest and exercise). In general it is the imbalance and build up of toxicity that causes diseases and death. Body structural and organ alignment issues – same issue – can cause toxicity build up. See Terrain Theory – Dr. Merritt mentioned Andy Cowen – he is a Terrain Theory advocate. See spokespersons with excellent well researched summary information, drsambailey. com . The way out of fearful illusions is 1) Realize ‘viruses’ have no scientific reality. 2) Not buy into conspiracy claims that have not been established with clear evidence (aerosoling poison, nanoparticle ‘circuitry’ in mRNA shots – turns out they are simply saline crystals, etc.). TheHighWIre . com is good at investigating various fearful conspiracies, but they still believe in viruses. Critical thinking with a good base of factual information is important. As for nicotine and ‘neutralizing’ the ‘poison’ ‘out there,’ it could be more psychological and/or a little boost from the nicotine that helped clear typical cold symptoms etc. I doubt it indicates some ‘poison’ origin. Placebo and Negancebo effects, AND actually being affected by someone that is ‘sick’ (who has negative/low vibes) due to resonance with them can be significant factors. There is a good series at theendofcovid. com, that goes into all of this.

  10. Craig B. says:

    Good commentary, as usual Phillip! I appreciate someone with your discernment that is not afraid of pointing out issues with the corrupt (and allopathically dominant) medical systems that are doing so much damage. It is a wonder to see so many with such intelligence have the wool (astral glamour and illusion) pulled over their eyes. Also, that you are pretty even-handed with criticisms of the left and right in politics. I don’t know of anyone else that has your breadth and depth of analysis, along with the background you have in the ancient esoteric history of humanity / ancient wisdom and esoteric astrology. All very insightful perspectives to digest.

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