Scorpio 2019: Mercury. The Initiates – Humanity. Zaha Hadid. Zuckerberg. Clinton. Johnson. UK Election 12-12.
Scorpio Keynote
“Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
(Full Moon: November 12, 2019. 13.28 UT.)
Rare Mercury Transit Over the Sun
Scorpio Governs Humanity: The Initiates
Scorpio New Moon: Uranus and Mercury
Mark Zuckerberg: Allowing Maya to Flourish?
Hillary Clinton, Facebook and the US Election
Scorpio Moon Boris Johnson: “So many lies…”
Britain’s Election 12-12: Sagittarius Full Moon
Scorpio Architect: Zaha Hadid
Rare Mercury Transit Over the Sun 2019
Mercury features potently in this month’s newsletter because of its transit through Scorpio. Mercury receives seven times more light than any other planet and is truly a Messenger of Light – regarded esoterically as “one with the sun”.
“One of the biggest astronomy events of the year,” says regarding the Mercury transit across the face of the sun, Monday, Nov 11th. Transits of Mercury [over the sun] occur only 13 times each century, the next one happening Nov. 13, 2032. Mercury in mythology relates to Hermes, who invented the lyre made of a tortoise shell and gave it to Apollo (the Sun). Apollo in turn, gifted Orpheus with his first lyre, who enchanted all of nature and the underworld with his magical, transforming songs.
The symbolism of Mercury/Hermes becoming illuminated by the Sun/Apollo, can be seen as the revealing of Hermetic wisdom and celestial music on Earth. And we have a Full Moon the following day, with Mercury still conjunct the Sun and the Moon and activating, electrical Uranus opposite in the sign Taurus, Earthing this galactic enchantment.
Additionally, Jupiter conjuncts the Galactic Center this month, which signals galactic events, potential for expanding consciousness. This conjunction occurs every 12 years. Take advantage of Jupiter’s benevolence and focus on goals and wishes to benefit the greater good.”1
11-11 is also Armistice Day, marking the cessation of hostilities at the end of WWI.
Timelapse of Mercury’s transit across the sun in 2016.
Scorpio Governs Humanity: The Initiates
Scorpio has a particular affinity with Humanity as a whole; it is the so-called “4th Creative Hierarchy (C.H.), or group of angelic lives that are the power and meaning underlying the sign of Scorpio. (The other 11 CH’s are the substance of the other zodiac signs.) This 4th group represents the highest aspect of humanity, esoterically known as The Initiates, Lords of Sacrifice or Lords of Love; they are the mediators or the synthesisers.
From the Creative Hierarchies tables in Esoteric Astrology, pp.34-5.
Humanity has two choices in Scorpio: On the “ordinary wheel” it can, “let maya flourish and deception rule”, or like Hercules upon the “reversed wheel”, “emerge from the battle triumphant”. One only has to scour the headlines of the daily newspapers to see how the former keynote is still so strongly rooted in humanity as a whole – egregious, appalling behaviour, selfish acts and complete disregard for fellow human beings.
Paraphrasing Scorpio rising Mark Twain: “Lies, Damned Lies and Deception”, and considering the above phrase “deception rule” – lying is so endemic and entrenched in our culture that it is accepted as “normal”. Many leading politicians of Western nations lie deliberately, repeatedly and blatantly; they are caught-out continuously but does not seem to be a deterrence for that kind of behaviour – it has become second nature. Same in many businesses and corporations – in all areas of human activity. Of course, this has been going on for thousands of years – but has it gotten worse in recent years?

London’s monster fatberg that took two months to “defeat”! A perfect symbol for the lower astral plane, lurking hidden beneath a city.
It is a good reminder of the old adage, “What a tangled web we weave, when once we practice to deceive.” That tangled web eventually develops into the proverbial Gordian Knot that at some point must be cleaved asunder by the Sword of Truth. The ghastly “fatbergs” that are found in the sewers of major cities, those “gobby” Gordian Knots, are a good metaphor for the hell-realm of Scorpio and the lower astral plane!
“Let maya flourish” permits the onslaught of ongoing propaganda – in all areas of human activity. A good example is the respected group of scientists that argue climate change is not an issue, versus the equally respected group who argue to the contrary. Hitler once said, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” It appears that legions of modern day politicians have taken that adage to heart, so widespread and insidious is its use.
Any two opposing groups are spokesmen for special interest groups who are promoting one kind of perspective or another; they employ specialised media to create convincing, hard hitting documentaries that argue their case. Hence, the flourishing and propogation of maya drives the bewildering deception dance. Humanity is trapped, exasperated and confused in finding the truth between these extremes.
Scorpio at its lower level, is well known as a sign of darkness and deception, of obfuscation and the hidden. As a water sign, Scorpio is associated with the lower subplanes of the astral plane, the so called “hell-realms”, over which Scorpio co-ruler Pluto presides – Lord of the Underworld. Here lie horrors of human degradation and malevolent entities – it is the realm within which the Materialistic Forces function, in their attempt to control and hold Humanity in thrall, mesmerised by the serpent of illusion.
At its highest level Scorpio is the serpent of wisdom, the illumination of the Mysteries – one of which is sex. Scorpio rules the organs of reproduction and elimination, hence its association with sex. Scorpio is associated with the sacral or sexual chakra. The sacral chakra is related to the word sacri-fice – the Lords of Sacrifice, one of the afore-mentioned names of Scorpio. In other words, as part of the soul service to the planet and its redemption, Humanity must eventually sacrifice, surrender, relinquish and raise up the entire material realm, of which the universal sexual force is one expression.

Mercury (Evelyn De Morgan 1855-1919) Mercury the androgynous, hierarchical ruler of Scorpio – both sign and planet associated with serpents of wisdom.
That force finds its way to the throat centre, over which Saturn the Lord of Karma presides – seat of the mental body and higher creativity. This is where the “higher tantra” resides, the unification of opposites upon the mental plane. It is the soul that resides upon the higher subplanes of the mental plane – the magnetic force and attractive agent that draws energy up from the sacral centre – the soul, “lowers its bucket into the well”.
Mercury the messenger and god of speech, also has an association with the throat centre – in enunciating the Word. Mercury is the highest or hierarchical ruler of Scorpio, and as the God of Speech, the “Word is made flesh”. (As per the creative hierarchy diagram above.) Mercury rules over the Science of Mantrikashakti – as in mantra – the power of sound through syllables, words and phrases:
“Words have power. In Sanskrit, this power is ‘Mantrika shakti’, the creative energy behind the letters that make up the words. It is said that each Sanskrit letter has a sound vibration that resonates in our subtle energetic body and in the cosmos. This corresponds with what science tells us, that everything vibrates, including the cells in our body. These vibrations can lead to thoughts, which may lead to feelings which may manifest through words and actions.
Words can be those we receive from others as well as those we receive from ourselves, through verbalisation or thoughts. Words are like seeds that we plant, that will influence the quality of our mental wellbeing. Our inner thoughts form a big part of Mantrika Shakti. We are usually our worst judge. Throughout the day, we probably criticise ourselves without even being aware of it!
And we say things to ourselves that we would never say even to our enemies! This energy (shakti) resides in our body and when can manifest as thoughts, feelings or actions. So in other words, our thoughts may create an outcome that you may not desire.”2”
Once each member of the human family has reached the stage of repolarisation from the lower to higher centres, then they have become liberated and “qualify” as one of the true members of the Scorpio group, “The Initiates”. But there are stages to pass through before that exalted point is reached:
“The power of the mind, having been developed, tested and found true in the sign Scorpio …3 In Scorpio the mind is released into full governing activity. This release takes place in two stages: Stage 1 – Wherein the intellect becomes dominant and powerful and controls eventually the emotional nature. Stage 2 – Wherein the intellect is illumined by the light of the soul.
The emphasis is laid upon the struggle of the personality to release itself from the grip of lower desire in the first case, and in the second to release itself from the surrounding world glamour which is revealed when soul light is thrown into it, via the reflecting and illumined mind.
In Stage 1, the power of the trained reasoning and rationalizing mind is called into activity by the soul; in the other, the illumination of the soul must pour into the mind and is then reflected, like a searchlight, onto the astral plane. This takes place upon the Probationary Path and is called the experience of the disciple in the depths of the valleys.4
Scorpio the 4th Creative Hierarchy, corresponds to the fourth ray of harmony through conflict, the ray of art, music and beauty – the only ray to pass through Scorpio; it is the main ray that conditions Humanity – who will eventually reach many harmonisations through the resolution of countless conflicts – over thousands of lifetimes, on ever higher turns of the evolutionary spiral.

The Taurean Buddha – just before attaining enlightenment, being attacked by Mara (Maya), the “evil one”.
The rulership of the sacral centre by Uranus connects this planet to Scorpio –through its exaltation in this sign; the seed of the scientific mind is “buried” – awaiting its eventual activation and raising – the mind eventually tames the desire nature or astral body. Because of the polarity of the sacral and throat centres, Scorpio in its earlier stages is a sign of kama-manas or “desire-mind”, that has its seat in the solar plexus, the main centre from which desire in its multi-fold expression emanates – and over which Mars rules.
In Scorpio’s polar opposite Taurus, the Buddha achieved victory over desire and arrived at illumination – the highest expression of Scorpio, where the soul is triumphant after the experience of Taurus has been consummated: Astral glamour has been dissipated, soul light pours in – The Path of Discipleship.”5
As the Buddha enunciated in his Four Noble Truths, the root cause of all sorrow is desire – desire for that which is material. Scorpio ruler Mars (exoterically and esoterically), is the god of war ruling the solar plexus (along with Neptune), ensuring the generation of the war within – and the eventual balancing of opposites upon the astral plane.
Scorpio New Moon 2019: Uranus and Mercury
The Scorpio new moon on October 28 was potent for personal and global transformation and reform – to take place during the following month of November. Sun-Moon were opposed closely by radical Uranus, agent of revolution and reform. Scorpio is the sign of regeneration, revealing the hidden – within one’s psyche, and the world at large.
Just a few days after the new moon, Mercury in Scorpio went retrograde, where it stays for several weeks (spanning the full moon period), helping to reveal secrets, to investigate and penetrate mysteries; this could be a very tough month but yield personal, political and spiritual revelations – as well as emotional and sexual healing crises.
Especially with regard to the latter – in the new moon chart, Scorpio ruler Mars is placed in Libra, the sign of relationships – closely square to Saturn in Capricorn; this aspect could represent the termination of relationships or friendships that no longer serve their purpose, drawing upon Scorpio co-ruler Pluto the destroyer. Another alternative is to work hard to preserve existing relationship but to raise it to a new agreement between respective parties.
Scorpio’s keynote on the “ordinary wheel” is “Let maya flourish and deception rule” – indicating the quagmire of the watery astral plane – in which most of humanity still wallows. Hence, the month of Scorpio that embraces these new and full moon cycles over the ensuing weeks, along with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, brings opportunity to pierce personal illusions and beliefs, to apply the blowtorch to personal glamours and to rout the Dweller on the Threshold. (See here for a recent analysis of the meaning of Mercury in Scorpio.)
Mark Zuckerberg: Allowing Maya to Flourish?
(See earlier profile on Zuckerberg here.)
Mark Zuckerberg has several placements in Scorpio: Pluto, Saturn, Moon, Mars and Earth – in the third house of media and communications – quite a weighty stellium opposing his Taurus Sun and Venus! Taurus is one of the signs of money and wealth, whilst Scorpio is a sign of power – Zuckerberg has both and is one of the world’s wealthiest billionaires. Taurus is also the dictator and when his chart is considered from the Taurus-Scorpio axis, it is most powerful – a person who can be seduced by absolute power and control, with a tendency to work secretively and surreptitiously behind the scenes.
The Scorpio moon CEO of Facebook recently faced several congressional hearings, answering some tough questions about the sharing of data with Cambridge Analytica, and Facebook’s reluctance to police political advertising. Zuckerberg has recently stated that his company would not be vetting any election campaign advertisements or deciding what is erroneous, or fake news. Is there a degree of amorality here, dodging the responsibility of his gigantic media organisation? When challenged by people like Senator Elizabeth Warren, Zuckerberg said that he would “go the mat” to combat “existential threats”. Robert Reich states his concerns about the dissemination of misleading information, or outright lies and untruths:
“The reason 45% of Americans rely on Facebook for news and Trump’s tweets reach 66 million, is because these platforms are near monopolies, dominating the information marketplace. No TV network, cable giant or newspaper even comes close. Fox News’ viewership rarely exceeds 3 million. The New York Times has 4.7 million subscribers. The problem is we have a president who will say anything to preserve his power, and two giant entities [Facebook and Twitter] that spread his lies uncritically, like global-sized bullhorns.”6
Others have characterised Zuckerberg as a “slumlord”, stating that the problems of Facebook, “stem from an amoral instinct to extract as much value from as many people as possible, consequences be damned.”7
So within the context of the Scorpio theme, let us examine Zuckerberg’s horoscope again; his birthtime is unknown and there are several charts, but the preference for this author is Virgo rising.

Mark Zuckerberg (Rectified by Leslie Delsack)
The Moon is the shadow and is closely conjunct Mars in Scorpio, the exoteric and esoteric ruler of this sign. Zuckerberg may have some way to go yet before he transcends the limitations of his moon. (Same for most of us – it is a lifelong battle!) Based upon past dubious dealings, one might ask if his moon expresses the lower keynote of Scorpio – Let maya flourish and deception rule?
At Zuckerberg’s recent grilling by Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, on October 23, transiting Mercury and Venus passed over his Moon-Mars conjunction. On that day, transiting Venus was conjunct Z’s Moon-Mars, whilst transiting Mercury was conjunct his Earth in Scorpio – or opposite his Sun in Taurus. Zuckerberg was literally in the hotseat that day!
During the few weeks of November and December 2019, retrograde Mercury passes back and forth across Z’s Moon-Mars, affording him the opportunity to reflect deeply over public concerns about Facebook, including Senator Elizabeth Warren’s stated aim of breaking up large monopolies like Facebook and Google. If Zuckerberg is confronted again by congressional questions, will he lie? Has he already lied – or to put it rather mildly, not been so quite forthcoming with the truth? Do we give benefit of the doubt? The answer may well be, “business as usual”! Scorpio is a sign of stereotypical deception, preceding Sagittarius, a sign of stereotypical truth!
November 5-12 A possible revelatory transit of Mercury, moving back and forth over his Moon-Mars-Earth, culminating with a conjunction of the Sun and Mercury on his Moon-Mars-Earth – at the Scorpio full moon festival of November 12!
November 17-24 For the next two weeks after the full moon, transiting Mercury turns from retrograde to direct, right on the degree of Z’s Saturn, sitting stationary upon it for one week – November 17-24! That period may well bring upon him the full force of the law (Saturn), and perhaps some karmic retribution!
Also stimulated during that period will be the activation by Mercury of the Saturn in Scorpio opposition to natal Venus in Taurus; perhaps the severing of ties at the very least, severe strains on personal relationships, plus possible financial issues like a drop in Facebook stock value, or Z’s personal fortune.
November 29 – December 5 Transiting Mercury continues to make one more sweep through Z’s Moon-Mars-Earth from November 29 to December 5. This will complete an almost two-month period of Mercury retrograde, allowing the opportunity to go back over old ground, to make things better, to come up with solutions – for both Zuckerberg and those with whom he deals – government or corporations.

Is this the fearful face of someone who is struggling to control his deep Scorpio emotions by suppressing them with a coldly calculating mind? (Face analysis here.)
It appears that these periods will be quite harrowing for Zuckerberg, especially if he is a Virgo rising (his soul purpose), because Mercury is that sign’s ruler. Mercury as psychopomp of the underworld may take Z through hell and back during this period. Whether he comes through unscathed remains to be seen, but it will be a bumpy ride! He may find himself beseiged by quizzing senators, who want to make further example of him, and/or to score political points in their campaigns for the impending 2020 election.
Z’s natal Mercury is very powerful – in Aries which it rules esoterically, very fast thinking, always several moves ahead of the game etc. And Mercury closely opposes Pluto in Scorpio – a thinker who can probe deeply into the arcane world of computer code, but not necessarily philosophically! This opposition can also express as a persuasive power of communication and speech – which he does not seem to have developed fully yet; in his grillings by senators, he seems to be more the stubborn and immovable Taurus – with a stranglehold on his emotions! There is much that Z tries to hide from the public; there is nothing worse for a secretive Scorpio type to be under the glare of a courtroom full of TV lights and cameras!
Ritesh Agarwal: 25 y.o. Billionaire
There is certainly something to be said for the Taurus-Scorpio axis as a powerful force to acquire billions! Ritesh Agarwal is a 25 year old Indian entrepeneur, billionaire who made his fortune with OYO Rooms. Agarwal has no less than five placements in Scorpio: Sun, Pluto, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter.
“At the age of 13, he started selling SIM cards. Agarwal graduated from St. Johns Senior Secondary School and moved to Delhi in 2011 for college. He dropped out of college, which made him eligible for the Peter Thiel Fellowship.”8
Interesting to note yet another college dropout who makes good, courtesy of help from Peter Thiel, co-founder of Paypal – Facebook’s longest serving board member, and prominent supporter of Donald Trump.
Hillary Clinton 2019, Facebook and the US Election
Hillary Clinton, another infamous, multi-planet Scorpio personality, with Gemini rising – has criticised Zuckerberg for not fact-checking political advertising. One might surmise, that this is a fairly rich case of the kettle calling the pot black; she reinforces a point that many others have made, but her motive might be a veiled attempt to support a late run for the US Election in 2020:
“Speaking in New York at a screening of The Great Hack, a Netflix documentary about the Cambridge Analytica scandal … Mark Zuckerberg “should pay a price” for what he is doing to democracy, Hillary Clinton has said, as she expressed doubts about whether free and fair elections were even possible in the wake of Facebook’s decision to not factcheck political advertising. “When Facebook is the principal news source for more than half of the American people, and the only source of news that most of them pay any attention to, and if it announces that it has no responsibility for the airing of false ads … how are you supposed to get accurate information about anything, let alone candidates running for office?”
Hillary Clinton (She does have some good aspects for the 2020 election.)
(Birthtime in doubt –,_Hillary)
“Clinton said she believed we were seeing “a war on truth” in which the “manipulation of information” served to further the interests of a set of “incredibly wealthy people who believe they can do whatever they want to do.””9
Clinton does not include herself in the “incredibly wealthy people”, though she has a reputed net worth of around $45 million. She may not be wealthy in the eyes of billionaires, but is very wealthy to the majority of the electorate. In a 2016 analysis of Clinton’s horoscope, there was a discussion of HC’s Gemini ascendant:
“It is the Gemini influence which has produced … secret and devious diplomacy … Gemini people are often distrusted.”10 (No offence you Gemini’s!) When this “devious diplomacy” is viewed in light of Clinton’s secretive Scorpio stellium, it can create a penchant for cover-ups and bald-faced lies – e.g. Benghazi, emails etc.”11
Clinton’s Gemini ascendant ruler is Mercury in Scorpio; she made some recent remarks about Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein as “Russian assets”, right on her Mercury return, October 18, 2019. Perhaps these statements were deliberately meant to undermine any competition to the US election, in which Clinton might run. Her Mercury return triggered a close square of Mercury to Saturn in Leo, a difficult pattern:
“… narrow-minded, pessimistic and, in some cases, scheming and deliberately dishonest … defensive, suspicious, insecure or depressed. You can be mentally inhibited or too tied to traditional thinking and may be unnecessarily rigid in adhering to discipline and observing law and order … tendency to be jealous, fear of change and anticipation of danger or failure … In positions of authority, you may belittle others’ ideas.”12
Well nobody’s perfect! Similar to Zuckerberg, Clinton may find herself at war during all of November, but a different kind of battle, declared upon Donald Trump – by announcing her candidacy for the 2020 US Elections. The Scorpion loves to take revenge! If HC decides to run, then a formal announcement could be expected whilst Gemini-ascendant-ruler Mercury, transits back and forth across her Scorpio stellium during November. One of HC’s old adversaries, the notorious Steve Bannon (Sagittarius) – linked to Cambridge Analytica and the “alt-right”, believes Hillary Clinton is positioning herself for another run at the White House in 2020:
“The Democrats are disillusioned with their current crop of candidates and are willing to drop the frontrunners and bring in Hillary or a ‘centrist’ to take down the President. “They think they have a weak field and they’re – it’s like in chess – they’re prepared to sacrifice a rook to take down a king,” he explained. “They will throw Biden away to get to Trump and hope Elizabeth [Warren] or I even think Hillary Clinton or [Michael] Bloomberg or some centrist comes in here.”13
Clinton has probably already weighed her odds with an astrologer! Many politicians all over the world do this, but they keep it discreet, unlike Nancy Reagan in the White House some decades ago. Bannon has Saturn in Scorpio on HC’s sun; his Mercury is on her Venus, and his Venus is on her Mercury – seems to be an old karmic connection there! Hence Bannon will also experience the rigors of transiting Mercury throughout November!
Boris Johnson: “So many lies…”
Similar to Zuckerberg and Clinton, and linked to the USA and UK politically, via the Bannon-influenced Cambridge Analytica scandal: Scorpio moon-Gemini sun, Boris Johnson also shares the inclination (or should that be a strong conviction!), to “Let maya flourish and deception rule”. To make matters worse, the Scorpio moon makes an aspect to Mars in Gemini, compounding the tendency to lie. The lower deceptive nature of Gemini (the “arch-deceiver Busiris”), is compounded by the emotional energy of Mars, ruler of the solar plexus centre.
Mars in Gemini is often the journalist archetype and Johnson worked for the UK newspapers – The Times and Daily Telegraph from 1987-1994; he established himself as an Eurosceptic – arousing criticism from other journalists, saying that Johnson’s articles often contained lies designed to discredit the Commission. Chris Patten (the last governor of Hong Kong), stated that Johnson was “one of the greatest exponents of fake journalism”.14
There has been ample past commentary on Johnson’s contempt for the truth – as an outcome of the deadly combination of his Gemini planets and a Scorpio moon. Truth-loving Sagittarian – Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), has confirmed as much in a recent article:
“So many lies were told [about Brexit], including by current prime minister, Boris Johnson, that there needed to be a voice to counter them … Juncker also pointed the blame for the 2016 result at pro-EU politicians, specifically “my friend” Tony Blair [a Gemini and infamous liar about WMD’s in 2001]. He said the British, including the former Labour leader, had always seen the EU as an economic project and had shunned political union. “If you stick to that narrative for over 40 years, it should not come as a surprise when people remember it during the referendum.”15
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Britain’s Election Twelve-Twelve: Sagittarius Full Moon
And speaking of Boris Johnson or Nancy Reagan – was an astrologer or some invisible hand guiding the choice of a date for the British election – that falls right on the full moon solar festival of Sagittarius, December 12, 2019? And most pertinently, the degree of the Sun at that time is conjunct Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius – one of the main planets activated in the past two years – on the theme of reorientation to new philosophical principles. Here follows a few points regarding the main transits for Election Day:
1. The Gemini-Sagittarius Axis In the three days leading up to the full moon, the Sun and Moon pass across or opposite the degree of Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius, which is also aligned closely with the two leaders of the main parties – Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn. In Britain’s 1801 horoscope below, Mercury is in Sagittarius in the third house, the “Gemini house”. Solar directed Mars is almost exactly conjunct Mercury, bringing it into extraordinary focus. In the outer wheel are the Sun and Moon in opposition from Gemini to Sagittarius.
2. Progressed Ascendant in Gemini. Note the position of Britain’s progressed ascendant in the second wheel (9th house) – at the same degree of the Moon in Gemini. Here is a good example of the interface between the exoteric chart and the esoteric chart of a nation. Gemini is the soul sign of Britain. The ascendant represents soul purpose, whilst the progressed ascendant is reflective of soul purpose thus far developed.
Hence, this line-up is particularly significant – the re-orientation of Sagittarian philosophical principles, in alignment with Gemini soul purpose. The Sabian symbol for the 20th degree of Gemini is, “A modern cafeteria displays an abundance of food, products of various regions.” KEYNOTE: The assimilation of multifarious knowledge through the synthesizing power of the mind.
… man, now at the close of a cultural cycle, is able to gather foodstuffs – mental as well as physical – from many regions of the globe. His diet has acquired a planet-wide foundation; … the search for … commodities rare in local regions provided the impetus for global trade and thus eventually for a planetary consciousness. The keynote here is indeed ASSIMILATION; the negative potentiality of the symbol is WASTE.”16
Here is the eclectic nature of Gemini, of gathering from many disparate sources like a bee buzzing from flower to flower; it also hints at Britain’s ongoing trade with other nations, depending on the election outcome and whether Brexit happens or not. The main problem in the grand cross formation of Britain’s horoscope, is the square from transiting Neptune in Pisces to Mercury in Sagittarius; it has been occurring for the past couple of years, and is responsible for the mass deception, confusion and propaganda around Brexit.
Neptune makes its last exact square to Mercury in February 2020. Hence, from now until then and during the election campaign, there will be most likely a “last gasp” of the lower expression of Neptune – all kinds of trickery to influence the British public. Perhaps propaganda that has never been seen before; there is the propaganda paradox, it is quite often not seen – that is its purpose!
Misinformation by stealth, by continuous repetition. The election campaign will last for five weeks and will most likely witness the excesses of Scorpio’s lower keynote – “Let maya flourish and deception rule”! In this grand cross formation, solar directed Venus in Virgo in the 12th house – will bring some balancing discrimination, which is never a strong suit for Gemini-Sagittarius!
3. Capricorn transits to the Cancer Moon. One of the main factors for Election Day transits is the cluster of planets in Capricorn – Venus, Saturn and Pluto, all opposing Britain’s Cancer moon. This has been ongoing for the past few years, due to Pluto’s long term opposition to the Cancer moon. Pluto has been breaking down past recalcitrant tendencies, as a part of Britain has tried to hang on to the past.
Hence, the Crab runs the risk of isolation, the lower keynote of Cancer: “Let isolation be the rule and yet the crowd exists.” Might Britain have to endure the, “horrors of a more complete isolation and loneliness” – as enumerated in the following commentary on Cancer?
“Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison? If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many. If you are still an isolated soul, you will have to pass through the horrors of a more complete isolation and loneliness, treading alone the dark way of the soul. Yet this isolation, this loneliness and this separation in the dark night are all part of the Great Illusion.”17
Transiting Pluto has now passed this Cancer moon point, digging the ground for transiting Saturn to help formulate, structure and rebuild. In the full moon chart of Sagittarius, transiting Saturn is exactly opposite Britain’s moon, a most timely and appropriate position for the Lord of Karma! Yet focussing this even more intensely is Venus on its annual cycle, closely conjunct Saturn, having just passed its opposition to the Cancer moon the day before Election Day.
Venus-Saturn represent a new committed relationship based upon the regeneration of the past. Esoterically, both planets represent the mind – in opposition to the emotional, sentimental and looking-back-into-the-past tendencies of the Cancer moon. Both Saturn and the Moon are aspects of the dweller on the threshold, the nation’s collective shadow – and Election Day will see Britons confronting their “beast”, one way or the other. Generally, the older generation want to go with the past, and the younger generation want to vote Remain.
Election Day-Full Moon Horoscope: A Battle Royale
Battle royal traditionally refers to a fight involving many combatants – that is fought until only one fighter remains standing; or, any fight involving large numbers of people who are not organized into factions. “Battle royale” was the phrase that came immediately to mind – seeing Scorpio rising and Mars in Scorpio on the ascendant. Scorpio is a sign of severe tests and trials for an individual or nation. Mars and Ascendant fall in the middle decanate of Scorpio, corresponding to the “astral heads of the hydra” – fear, hatred and desire for power.
This election could well be the most acrimonious that Britain has ever experienced. Mars-Ascendant sextile Saturn in Capricorn, forming the base of a yod, or “finger of destiny” – pointing toward Moon in Gemini – the arch-villain of deception and the most elevated body in the horoscope! A lot is at stake here and the British (the world!) is fed up with the lack of resolution and true statesmanship.
The forces of materialism, as they work through the current Tory government, will no doubt put up a bitter fight, to “pull out every stop” – in order to win. Hence the theme of Scorpio on the ordinary wheel – “Let maya flourish and deception rule” – may dominate the several weeks leading up to the election; that elapsed period covers the time span of the Sun passing through Scorpio, with other planets like Mercury and Venus.
This yod formation favours the Tories – the conservatism of Saturn in Capricorn and the deceptive practices of both Scorpio and Gemini. (Of course both sides can practice this, but of late the Tories have been deep practioners of these black arts!)
Alternatively, the moon in Gemini represents the people (swayed one way or another), whilst Saturn is about making pragmatic decisions. Scorpio may rise to the electorate occasion by demonstrating, “The power of the mind, having been developed, tested and found true in the sign Scorpio … the mind is released into full governing activity”18 In other words, the avoidance of being duped, conned or deceived a second time – “ don’t get fooled again”!
“I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
And I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
Don’t get fooled again.”19
A balancing force in this chart is Mercury in Sagittarius – on its way to the annual Mercury return in Britain’s horoscope – 9 days after the election on December 21. Hopefully by election day 12-12, transiting Mercury in Scorpio will have completed its deep penetration through maya, glamour and illusion, after many weeks – unveiling deception and revealing the truth, the major theme of Sagittarius. Mercury in Sagittarius is also opposite Corbyn’s Sun on election day, activating a powerful T-square in his horoscope, discussed in next month’s Sagittarius newsletter.
Yet the key factor that can send the entire chart off balance is the continual presence of transiting Neptune in Pisces – creating a T-square to Sun-Moon in Gemini-Sagittarius. As stated somewhat repeatedly, it has been the presence of Neptune (in its lower expression) squaring Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius – that has been the main problem of deception in the past few years. Neptune’s best appearance in the full moon horoscope is to evoke its higher correspondence of a newly reoriented ideal and vision – of what politics best suits the nation.
Election Interference by NATO and the USA
The USA will be doing their best to influence the outcome of the election by backing the US-sympathetic conservative party – and god knows what other ploys that are planned! A week before the election, Trump, NATO leaders and Boris Johnson will meet at a Buckingham Palace reception:

NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Alliance – instigated shortly after WWII in 1949. Shaded countries form the alliance.
“The next day, the Nato chiefs will meet in a luxury hotel … where the leaders will discuss big subjects including Syria, Afghanistan, Russia and military burden-sharing – and where none of these big subjects is likely to be solved … This summit … may even prove to be the most disruptive political event of the election.
Part of that is because of the always careless self-confidence of Johnson, for whom the Watford summit may be the final gig … Most of it, though, will be down to Trump, whose comments about Brexit and Britain could hijack the final week of the campaign and even have explosive effects on the outcome.”20
Those comments by Trump call on Johnson to team up with the racist-fascist leader of the Brexit Party – Nigel Farage – to “form an “unstoppable force”, claiming Jeremy Corbyn would be “so bad for your country”. Trump and the US administration are also trying to coerce Britain with scare-mongering economic blackmail, by saying that the US “can’t make a trade deal with the UK”, under “certain aspects of the deal”.21

NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Alliance. Many placements in aggressive Aries! A Gemini moon at the same degree of the Sagittarius full moon, Britain’s election. (The Sabian symbol for his degree was described earlier.)
Britain, Johnson, Corbyn and Election Day/Full Moon
The multi-wheel chart below displays the relationship between five horoscopes. Britain’s progressed planets have been added, as they contribute a subjective dimension – regarding the unfoldment of consciousness for this nation, such as the progressed ascendant in Gemini, mentioned earlier. As in the previous multi-wheel chart for Britain, the line-ups are similar but with added amazing synastry to the horoscopes of Johnson, Corbyn and the Election Day full moon. The key factor here is that both Johnson and Corbyn are Gemini’s – with Gemini ruler Mercury also in Gemini; both positions of their respective Mercury’s oppose Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius!

Britain, Britain’s progressed planets, Johnson, Corbyn and Full Moon of 12-12.
Hence, whose ideas (Gemini) are going to be better for Britain’s ongoing evolution – based upon reorientation to a different set of philosophical principles? A Labour-Socialist government that is traditionally working class and more obviously for the people with regard to health, education, wages and a fairer deal.

The English civil war – a series of conflicts from 1642 to 1646 – over who would govern England. The beginning of the war was August 22 when the Sun was in the last degree of Leo. Mercury was in Virgo at the same degree as the midheaven in the 2019 election chart, whilst the Moon was in Cancer, same as Britain’s 1801 Cancer moon. In other words, similar issues now that may be connected to this earlier period in her history.
Or the Tories’ free market sell-out, demonstrative of the worst aspects of Neoliberalism – that first took root in the Tory’s Thatcher era of the 1970’s? Neoliberalism is an ideology and policy model that emphasizes the value of free market competition, associated with laissez-faire economics. The main differences between Conservative Party and Labour Party pertain to measures of tackling poverty and inequality.
One of the problems for Labour is that it has embraced Neoliberalism, causing alienation and conflict within the party. Around the world it is becoming evident, the damage that Neoliberalism has wrought. There are many arguments for this economic system, pro and con from the left and the right. Chile, one of the first nations where NeoLiberalism was adopted, is now in the throes of upheaval due to public protests about austerity measures and the social imbalance that has been created.
Corbyn and Johnson: Who Has the Best Chance of Winning? Despite polls that favour the Tories 37% to Labour’s 22%, this subject will be covered in next newsletter for Sagittarius – sent out a week before the UK election 12-12.
Scorpio Architect: Zaha Hadid
Baghdad-born Briton, Zaha Hadid is one of the greatest architects the world has ever seen; she recently passed in 2016, leaving an extraordinary legacy of buildings scattered around the planet:
“She received the UK’s most prestigious architectural award, the Stirling Prize, in 2010 and 2011. In 2012, she was made a Dame by Elizabeth II for services to architecture, and in 2015 she became the first and only woman to be awarded the Royal Gold Medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects. She was described … as the “Queen of the curve”, who “liberated architectural geometry, giving it a whole new expressive identity”.22
Hadid most likely had the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict in her ray structure, perhaps the personality and/or the mental ray. The fourth ray is well known as the architect, and architecture has been called, “frozen music”, by the mystic-occultist Goethe:
“The articulated carved stone work among England’s Gothic cathedral’s motifs that were repeated in architecture like music. Contrapuntal rhythm, another phrase that compares architectural design and music. There’s a pattern of point and counterpoint in music and design which is aesthetically pleasing to the eye, just like listening to music. In Goethe’s time, the architectural style has graceful, flowing contours that seem to solidify all that is intangible. The Baroque Style is clearly represented in architecture, painting, sculpture, theater, music, literature, furniture.”23

Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center, Baku, Azerbaijan. A perfect example of Hadid’s Cancer moon expression – long flowing, feminine lines – with the light reminding us of Cancer’s keynote: “I build a lighted house and therein dwell.” Drone video tour.
The Moon in Cancer is conjunct seventh ray ruler Uranus, allowing her to birth many innovative and precocious “children”. Uranus represents uniqueness and indeed, Hadad’s former professor described her Uranian style at graduation as, “a planet in her own orbit.” The seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic may have been in her ray structure, but if it was not, it could have been easily evoked by the Moon-Uranus conjunction. The fourth and seventh rays are both associated with Cancer. In Cancer the feminine, the mother, lies her royal title, “queen of the curve”. The seventh ray is also the ray of geometrical forms, the Platonic solids etc., allowing Hadid to be a “liberator of geometry”.
Trine to Moon-Uranus in Cancer is the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio. The fourth ray of Art, Beauty and Music is the only ray to pass through this sign – as well as polar opposite Taurus. Scorpio is an incredibly creative sign for any artist – providing a deep well of passion to draw upon, similar to her other watery placement of Moon in Cancer.
In many ways Hadid was primarily an artist, colorful designer and model maker – inspired by the Russian geometrical abstract artist, Kazimir Malevich. With the Earth opposite in Taurus, here is a great capacity to blend and bend, buildings of beauty – into a multitude of geometrical forms – using steel, concrete, masonry, glass and stone. Venus is the goddess or beauty and art, so very much at home in fourth ray sign Scorpio – with the capacity to tap into the straight knowledge of buddhic consciousness, the intuition.
Venus also rules the opposite sign Taurus – known for its pottery and sculpting skill. Hadid was such a complex blend of skills that could be coined an, “arto-sculpta-tect”, sometimes a “starchitect” to her detractors who have criticised her super expensive buildings and big reputation. Mercury is the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio – whose, “… true significance will not be understood until the consciousness of individual [wo]man is planetary in its scope and grasp, which is never the case until after the third initiation.”24

Galaxy Soho, Beijing, China. A Chinese blogger was fined $30,000 for saying the building had bad feng shui!
Whether Hadid had reached that exalted stage of unfoldment is unknown, but her visionary work is truly “planetary in its scope and grasp”. Hadid’s Moon in Cancer represents her focus on the dwelling – in which one works or lives – dwells:
“Cancer`s role in architecture would be an approach to seeking a way of feeling at home at places, concentrating on the inside and content and seeking for emotional resonance and identification with buildings; whereas Scorpio concentrates on the compact, solid and hard-wearing structures. Like is the case with all the three water signs – the reflexes of Scorpio and Cancer are highly defensive. In regard to the forms they generate … both signs have a tendency of covering up a building and avoiding open glass facades.”25
One critic of Hadid’s work says:
“A starchitect for her global elite clients, who shared her vision and could afford her fees. Not an architect for the people though. The Architecture industry is dominated by large commercial practices, like Zaha Hadid architects, and luxury house architects, paid by clients who have deep pockets. Not much in between.
An architecture which is able to dazzle and seduce, and puts that above functionality, performance, environmental design and sustainability considerations. No doubt, her work is interesting, and pushed the boundaries for form. But it’s all relative to time and place. We live in an age of glamour, and architecture is no different. Architecture has to fulfill human requirements, hopefully be inspirational, and relate to context and the environment.
There is new form making in architecture, driven by a combination of functional requirements, and environmental sustainable design. Not necessarily, about making iconic statements, although the forms are very unique, but design derived from human requirements, nature, and economy.”26
The author’s response: many of these buildings were precisely for people – art galleries, museums, train stations, places where “the people” meet and congregate – are dazzled and inspired by these amazing designs; one cannot let distaste for these factors outweigh the sublimity of the work.
Zaha Hadid’s time of birth is unknown, hence neither is her rising sign known. However, in her interviews and the manner in which she conducted her life, she has exhibited the boldness, daring, creativity and leadership of Leo; she freely cultivated being noticed and standing in the limelight. But also, polar opposite Aquarius is strong, and creates a better horoscope – regarding the planetary house positions.
Aquarius rising represents radical – and its revolutionary ruler Uranus in Cancer, has already been discussed. Hadid was known for her radical deconstructivist designs – aggressive geometric designs characterized by a sense of fragmentation, instability, and movement:
“Zenghelis described her as the most outstanding pupil he ever taught. ‘We called her the inventor of the 89 degrees. Nothing was ever at 90 degrees. She had spectacular vision. All the buildings were exploding into tiny little pieces.” He recalled that she was less interested in details, such as staircases. “The way she drew a staircase you would smash your head against the ceiling, and the space was reducing and reducing, and you would end up in the upper corner of the ceiling. She couldn’t care about tiny details. Her mind was on the broader pictures—when it came to the joinery she knew we could fix that later.”27
BBC Documentary of Zaha Hadid’s life. (1 hr. 10′)
In the Aquarius rising chart above, her boldness and daring can also be explained by Jupiter rising in Aquarius – in the first house, along with her Moon-Uranus conjunction in the Leonine fifth house of creativity – also known esoterically as the “mansion of the soul”.
The Aquarius rising chart also sees her Scorpio stellium occupy the ninth house of higher academic training; she was deeply involved as a professor of architecture for ten years, occupying various chairs of architecture in several universities.
Hadid had Mars in Sagittarius sextile Jupiter in Aquarius – there is her “spectacular vision” and invention that “did not care about tiny details” – though she was vastly capable of the latter with Saturn in Virgo, the sign of technique and meticulous detail.
Furthermore, her Saturn in Virgo squares Mars in Sagittarius, providing a point of tension to manifest the vision into a form; she also had the ability to delegate the form-building to her team of able co-workers; the latter may have also been accomplished by Scorpio ruler, Pluto in the seventh house of relationships; she was not an easy person to get on with by all accounts, quite dominant and demanding – and had a “huge ego” according to one of her closest colleagues; other collaborators that had to “deliver” her projects were often in trepidation, reflecting somewhat the Scorpionic inclination to hold others “emotional hostage”.
Perhaps this was partly why Hadid never married or had children, but the main reason would most certainly be about the boundless ideas that she wished to manifest – her true creative progeny. When she passed relatively early at the age of 65, there were many unfinished projects and unbuilt designs, recalling the same situation for another great architect, Frank Lloyd Wright who passed much older. The age of 65 follows soon after two soul decision crises that occur between the ages of 56 and 63:
“According to that crisis will depend the future usefulness of the person and whether the ego continues to use the vehicles on into old age, or whether there is a gradual withdrawal of the indwelling entity.”28
The author has noted that “the gradual withdrawal” after the age of 63 can occur in the mid to late 60’s. Hadad would have had plenty of “future usefulness” but was undoubtedly, “called back to the ashram”, after a life of rich and widespread expression. It is also possible that she might have been one of the rare fourth ray souls in incarnation before its new cycle due to begin in 2025.
Hadid also “broke the glass ceiling” for women though did not like being referred to as a “female architect”; she had detractors in the male architect establishment, and although a naturalised British citizen, she was Iraqi – who did she think she was! She once said, “As a woman architect you’re always an outsider. It’s OK, I like being on the edge.”
Phillip Lindsay © 2019.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.192. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.180. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.228-9. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Gizmodo [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Guardian. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.81. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrologer [↩]
- Astromatrix [↩]
- The Political Insider [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Guardian. [↩]
- An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, Dane Rudhyar. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.343. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.192. [↩]
- The Who [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.359. [↩]
- Spanish astrologer Georg Stockhorst [↩]
- Duncan Firth. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.53. [↩]
Your picture of Zuckerberg and Data from Star Trek was hilarious! In one image, I think you captured the essence of moon chain reincarnating souls. I also thoroughly enjoyed your Brexit astrological analysis.
I do have one suggestion referencing your use of the term “neoliberal”. If one would call current capitalistic systems (e.g. in the United States) as neoliberal, I would argue they are anything but laissez-faire, but far more of a “hands-on”, in a bribe the politicians kind of way.
To be sure, neoliberalism in a strict sense of the word does not exist anymore as it has reemerged from a blend of New Keynesian and the new classical (aka neoliberal) school of thought. These revolutions in economic thought transpired in post-WWII academia and the current thought represents something that is neither Keynesian nor Neoliberal but both.
The truth is that we do not have a choice between neoliberal nor socialist paradigms, as this choice does not exist. It is a thoughtform that has outlived any usefulness. Going back upwards of 30 years, economic theorists have reconciled the differences, but this thoughtform finds its continued employment as a fear-based tool used to manipulate voters for political ends.
The issue at hand is corruption. The United States, the place where the battle between capital and labor will be settled, has at its core two competing issues. One the US is possessed by a great entrepreneurial spirit, the other is the US is possessed by a great deal of corruption. If the US were to simply enforce laws against monopolies, such as the Sherman Act and break up some of these globe-sucking corporations, much would be accomplished. The problem does not lie in an economic paradigm. The problem lies in a failure to enforce laws to protect people against the activities of parasitic monopolies. So much discussion is focused around multinational corporations and how to control them, yet a small coalition of powerful nations enforcing anti-trust laws would immediately disturb the grounds on which these MNCs function.
Look, even under a strictly new classical school of thought, individuals will pay a higher price for goods/services offered by a monopoly than they would under a system of relatively pure competition. The problem isn’t with neoliberalism, per se.
I bring this all up because the neoliberal/socialist dyad is a zombie thoughtform brought out to scare folks into voting for demagogues or voting for destructive policies. The real discussion should be about corruption, which is a term lacking any political distinction.