Shamballa, Technocracy and the 84-Year Cycle of Uranus
Germany’s Influence from WWII to Today
Hitler’s Occult Influencers
___The Search for Shamballa
Technocracy’s Inception 1913-1932
Uranus’s Demi Cycle: 1972-3
___The Trilateral Commission Founded 1973
___Rockefeller’s Influence Toward Agenda 21
On this Sagittarius New Moon Eclipse Dec.4, 2021, this essay paints a broad picture of the evolution of Technocracy and its interface with the Shamballa energies, as distributed by the planet Uranus over its long cycle.
It is an attempt to encapsulate and summarise our current world situation – historically, esoterically and astrologically – and in the light of the Ageless Wisdom teachings. These themes may be expanded upon in the future, perhaps a book that can fill in many other gaps.
More on Technocracy later, but it is essentially, “a proposed system of government in which the decision-maker or makers are selected on the basis of their expertise in a given area of responsibility, particularly with regard to scientific or technical knowledge.”
Shamballa is the planetary crown chakra – “where the will of God is known”, presided over by the One known as Sanat Kumara, Melchizedek or the Ancient of Days. Much that was written by the Master DK, in an earlier cycle of Uranus in Taurus – in the 1930’s before WWII, has uncanny, prophetic resemblances today. History repeats itself in a different guise on this 84-year cycle of Uranus.
Likewise, with world events such as the extraordinary global drive toward medical apartheid – to demonise the unvaccinated and the proposed forced vaccination upon the population of Austria, other nations and some aboriginal groups in Australia. The “quarantine camps” are an euphemism for concentration camps – for those who choose to not be vaccinated or express anti-establishment views. More about those nations after this fairly long passage about Shamballa and mass consciousness – some parts of which are italicised for emphasis:
“The Shamballa energy is … that which is related to the livingness (through consciousness and form) of humanity … it concerns the establishing of right human relations and is that condition of being which eventually negates the power of death. It is therefore incentive and not impulse; it is realised purpose and not the expression of desire. Desire works from and through the material form upwards; Will works downwards into form, bending form consciously to divine purpose. The one is invocative and the other is evocative.
Desire, when massed and focussed, can invoke will; will, when evoked, ends desire and becomes an immanent, propulsive, driving force, stabilising, clarifying, and finally destroying. It is much more than this, but this is all that man can grasp at this time and all for which he has, as yet, the mechanism of comprehension.
It is this Will – aroused by invocation – which must be focussed in the light of the soul and dedicated to the purposes of light, and for the purpose of establishing right human relations; it must be used (in love) to destroy all that is hindering the free flow of human life and which is bringing death (spiritual and real) to humanity. This Will must be invoked and evoked.
There are two great handicaps to the free expression of the Will force in its true nature. One is the sensitivity of the lower nature to its impact, and its consequent prostitution to selfish ends, as in the case of the sensitive, negative German people [Pisces personality] and its use by the Axis nations for material objectives. [Written WWII.]
The second is the blocking, hindering, muddled but massed opposition of the well-meaning people of the world who talk vaguely and beautifully about love but refuse to consider the techniques of the Will of God in operation.
According to them, that Will is something with which they will personally have naught to do; they refuse to recognise that God works out His Will through men, just as He is ever seeking to express His Love through men; they will not believe that that Will could possibly express itself through the destruction of evil with all the material consequences of that evil.
They cannot believe that a God of Love could possibly employ the first divine aspect to destroy the forms which are obstructing the free play of the divine Spirit; that Will must not infringe upon their interpretation of Love.
Such people are individually of small moment and of no importance, but their massed negativity is a real detriment to the ending of this war, just as the massed negativity of the German people, and their inability to take right action when Hitler’s purposes were disclosed, made possible the great inflow of ancient and focussed evil which has brought the present catastrophe to man. [Commentary on the parallel with modern day later.]
Such people are like a millstone around the neck of humanity, crippling true effort, murmuring, “Let us love God and each other,” but doing nothing but murmur prayers and platitudes whilst humanity is dying. [Commentary on the parallels with modern day later.]
You can easily appreciate the fact that the evocation of the energy of the Will and its effect upon the unprepared, materialistically minded person might and would prove a disaster. It would simply serve to focus and strengthen the lower self-will, which is the name we give to realised and determined desire. It could then create such a driving force, directed to selfish ends, that the person might become a monster of wickedness.
In the history of the race, one or two advanced personalities have done this with dire results, both to themselves and to the people of their time. One such figure in ancient times was Nero; the modern example is Hitler. What, however, has made the latter so dangerously an enemy of the human family is that during the last two thousand years mankind has advanced to a point where it can also be responsive to certain aspects of this first ray force.

Hitler with some of his inner circle who composed “an initiatory seven”: L to R: Goebbels, ?, Himmler, ?, Hess, Hitler, Streicher.
Hitler therefore found associates and cooperators who added their receptivity to his so that an entire group became the responsive agents of the destructive energy, expressing itself in its lowest aspect. This is what has enabled them to work ruthlessly, powerfully, selfishly, cruelly, and successfully, at the destruction of all that attempted to impede their projects and desires. [Commentary on the parallel with modern day later.]
There is only one way in which this focussed evil will which is responsive to the Shamballa force can be overcome, and that is by the opposition of an equally focussed spiritual Will, displayed by responsive men and women of goodwill who can train themselves to be sensitive to this type of new incoming energy and can learn how to invoke and evoke it.
You can consequently see why there was more than the casual use of a current word in my mind when I talked to all of you in terms of goodwill and of the will-to-good. All the time I had in my thoughts not just kindness and good intention, but the focussed will-to-good which can and must evoke the Shamballa energy, and use it for the arresting of the forces of evil.”1
Germany’s Influence from WWII to Today
Germany has a Pisces personality and likewise today, the “massed negativity” of Humanity is expressing similarly whilst Pisces ruler Neptune is passing through this sign – a majority of the planetary population is passively accepting the dictates of the “globalists”.
Hence, “their inability to take right action” will contribute to the consolidation of evil upon this planet. Thankfully, there is now much resistance expressed internationally, but this must expand and accelerate as quickly as possible. This is a race to the 2025 “finish line” – a date proposed by globalists for having their plans manifested – but also correspondingly, from the opposite of that material pole, the 2025 centennial conclave with the Masters of Wisdom and the Council of Shamballa. Herein lies the current battle between the forces of light and darkness.
Just as the German people did not take right action when “Hitler’s purposes were disclosed”, so Humanity runs a similar risk today by not taking right action, or being too slow to respond – against the revealed purposes of the WEF, WHO and the entire cast of misanthropes such as Gates, Fauci etc.
We must ask ourselves today in late 2021, whether the “door where evil dwells” has been opened again to a “great inflow of ancient and focussed evil”? It appears so. There is much work to do – the next two years will see a stepping up of intensity of opposing forces, as the global group who currently have the upper hand, will try ruthlessly to consolidate their gains from the last couple of years. If the spiritually oriented cannot see this and think everything is right and proper, then they are living in a dream fantasy – a nightmare for those with the eyes to see.
Since WWII, the Shamballa force has been stepped up with the fourth and fifth impacts in 1975 and 2000, and a most likely sixth impact in 2025 at the Centennial Conclave. The point of least resistance for this potency is selfish appropriation by Humanity, particularly by those individuals and nations with the first ray of will-power in their make-up – such as Britain and Germany.
Just as, “Hitler found associates and cooperators who added their receptivity to his so that an entire group became the responsive agents of the destructive energy … enabling them to work ruthlessly, powerfully, selfishly, cruelly, and successfully” – so today, we have a collective Hitler in the form of Big Pharma, Media, Banks, Tech, Gov etc. playing the role of global dictator.
There is even have a “soft Führer” figure – World Economic Forum founder – Klaus Schwab, who is the main architect of the “Great Reset” – “you will own nothing and be happy”. Schwab is German-born near the border to Austria, the birthplace of Hitler. No racial or anti-German sentiments are being expressed here, there is simply an analytical examination of first ray energy and its right use or misuse. But it is an interesting coincidence, is it not, relating to the fact that “the door where evil dwells” was never properly sealed in Germany – or many other nations for that matter.
The central European nations carry the force of the first ray – Germany a first ray personality, Switzerland a first ray soul, Austria – the first ray working through its fifth ray personality – on the first ray line. These nations, including the other north and western European nations of Scandinavia, Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy and Britain (first ray) – constitute the core of our Fifth Rootrace, where the force of manas or mind has reached its high water mark.
These nations are all relatively advanced spiritually but are facing their collective shadow as part of the global dweller on the threshold. Britain is a good example of the misuse of its first ray personality in the past couple of years, becoming almost a totalitarian regime overnight.
There are cogent arguments for this problem having simply “jumped ship” from Germany to the USA, whose destiny as an Aquarian soul is to be a world leader into the Aquarian age. The USA is one of the main battle grounds between the global dweller and angel are fighting it out.
Other Schwab soldiers – such as Germans Angela Merkel (recently departed chancellor) and Ursula van der Leyen (Chairperson of the European Commission), are in positions of great persuasive influence in Europe, ensuring that all aspects of the Great Reset are followed through to the letter by the European Union of nations. At the posting of this essay Dec.2, a report reads:
“Germany’s national and regional leaders have agreed to bar unvaccinated people from much of public life in a bid to fend off a fourth wave of Covid-19. Outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel described the far-reaching measures as an act of “national solidarity”.”2
Van der Leyen is now pushing for all of Europe to make the Covid-19 vaccine mandatory because so many people are refusing it. (I wonder why!) Van der Leyen’s husband Heiko, is the CEO of Orgenesis, a company that specialises in cell and gene “therapy” – based in Germantown, MD, USA. (Really!)
Van der Leyen even flew recently to the USA to present the CEO of Pfizer with a distinguished leadership award! Pfizer and its CEO have been widely discredited and fined billions over their deceptive pharmaceutical business practices. But ordinary Joe Public is not aware of these facts and happily submits to the overbearing dictates of these companies.
With CEO’s being rewarded and acclaimed as such, is revealed how utterly compromised and corrupted are all the entities driving the narrative. This global structure has reached its acme of organisation and power – it must be broken up and broken down. Perhaps like a flower that has bloomed, the technocracy blossom has sown the seeds of its own death that will hopefully give birth to a wiser and more inclusive use of technology. The Tibetan continues his discourse with more amazing similarities to modern times:
“I would like here to point out that the will aspect can be contacted only from the mental plane and only those, therefore, who are working with and through the mind can begin to appropriate this energy.
Those who seek to evoke the Shamballa force are approaching close to the energy of fire. Fire is the symbol and the quality of the mental plane. Fire is an aspect of the divine nature. Fire was an outstanding aspect of the war [WWII]. Fire is produced by physical means and the aid of the mineral kingdom and this was the great menacing and chosen means of destruction in this war.
This is a fulfilment of the ancient prophecy that the attempt to destroy the Aryan race [Fifth Rootrace] will be by means of fire [related to volcanic activity in the future], just as ancient Atlantis was destroyed by water. But, fiery goodwill and the conscious focussed use of the Shamballa force can counter fire by fire and this must be done.
… There is the effort to be made to comprehend somewhat the nature of the direct impact of the first aspect [Shamballa] upon the human consciousness, apart from the hierarchical centre altogether – an impact made without any of the absorbing and stepping-down process to which the Hierarchy subjects it.
I have referred to this direct contact elsewhere; it can be more direct and complete when there is greater safety brought about by a more understanding human approach. One of the causes lying behind World War II is to be found in a premature contact [with the “Shamballa force”] – a contact made by certain selfish minds of a relatively high quality, aided by the Black Lodge.
To offset this and eventually bring about the elimination of the influence of the dark forces from our planet must come the active, conscious use of the Shamballa force by the White Lodge, aided by the men and women whose will-to-good is strong enough to safeguard them from personal peril in their work and from being deflected on to wrong and dangerous lines.
This aid necessitates a certain definite and planned contact and interplay between the two centres: Humanity and Hierarchy. [For which the New Group of World Servers is the intermediary]. When this is better established, there can be organised and known cooperation and the members of both great centres can “stand together with massed intent.”
This massed intent will be the correspondence upon the mental plane of the massed intent of the general public who stand with the power of appeal upon their lips and in their hearts. To this appeal must be added the focussed will of the world thinkers and intuitives who will use their minds and brains in the affirmation of right.”3
Who are those “selfish minds of a relatively high quality”, that had “premature contact” with the “Shamballa force”? There are various books that discuss the occult influences upon Nazi beliefs, some of which describe the Germans searching for Shamballa. Some clues follow ….
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Hitler’s Occult Influencers
Hitler and some of his closest advisors such as Hess and Himmler were influenced by various occult authors such as Wiligut and List. (See the author’s essay, Nazi Germany: An Astro-Historical Analysis.) And also by Karl Haushofer, a German general who gave military advice to the Japanese and was very interested in Tibetan culture, learned in Sanskrit, claiming to have visited Tibet; his links to the Japanese resulted in Germany and Japan eventually becoming allies.
Haushofer was also a professor, geographer and politician – developing the doctrine of Geopolitics that advocates conquering territory for more living space and the acquisition of power. Hence, Haushofer was no intellectual slouch and would easily qualify along with many other German thinkers as having, “selfish minds of a relatively high quality”. Haushofer founded the Vril Society in Berlin in 1918, “sharing the same basic beliefs as the Thule Society – seeking contact with supernatural beings beneath the earth to gain from them the powers of vril.
Was this the “premature contact with the Shamballa force” referred to by The Tibetan? They also asserted a Central Asian origin of the Aryan race …”4 – an idea most likely taken from H.P. Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine – was one of the sources about Vril that the Nazis drew upon, hence distorting the concept of HPB’s “Aryan Race” statements – from its original Hindu meaning of “noble”, and as the foundation of the Fifth Rootrace, to a Nazi ideal of an elite “master race”.
The irony is that Germany is the Saxon part of the Anglo-Saxon branch race, the fifth branchrace that it shares with Anglo Britain – the fifth branchrace of the fifth subrace of the Fifth Rootrace, 5.5.5. (As discussed in the author’s books and essays on the subject.) Aryan is a word used generically for the whole of the Fifth
Rootrace, but at times to the fifth subrace per se.

One of the sources of information about Vril that the Nazis drew upon, including theosophical authors such as H.P. Blavatsky, where the Nazis distorted the concept of “Aryan race”.
“When Hitler became chancellor in 1933, he adopted Geopolitics as his policy for the Aryan race to conquer Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia. The key to success would be finding the forefathers of the Aryan race in Central Asia, the guardians of the secrets of vril.”5
Hence, prompted by a mixture of esoteric beliefs and the influence of Haushofer/Thule Society,
“Germany sent annual expeditions to Tibet from 1926 to 1943. Their mission was first to find and then to maintain contact with the Aryan forefathers in Shambhala and Agharti, hidden subterranean cities beneath the Himalayas. Adepts there were the guardians of secret occult powers, especially vril, and the missions sought their aid in harnessing those powers for creating an Aryan master race. According to these accounts, Shambhala refused any assistance, but Agharti agreed.
Subsequently, from 1929, groups of Tibetans purportedly came to Germany and started lodges known as the Society of Green Men. In connection with the Green Dragon Society in Japan, through the intermediary of Haushofer, they supposedly helped the Nazi cause with their occult powers. Himmler was attracted to these groups of Tibetan-Agharti adepts and, purportedly from their influence, established the Ahnenerbe in 1935.”6
There is alot to unpack here – the subject of a broader enquiry and book by this author; much of the groundwork has already been laid in the essay: Nazi Germany: An Astro-Historical Analysis.7
Suffice to say, based upon this brief but very revealing account, it would not be unreasonable to state that here lays the source of “premature contact with the Shamballa force” – by “selfish minds of a relatively high quality”. Here also might be seen similar causes of the world’s current “WWIII”, but on a vastly greater scale in the collective “Hitler” of “WEF, WHO and the entire cast of misanthropes – aided by the Black Lodge”.
Technocracy’s Inception 1913-1932
The stimulation of the fourth Shamballa impact in 1975, coincided with the development of the first personal computer and the internet; it was also a period that saw the resurgence of Technocracy ideas, first developed around 1913 – becoming more formalised in the early 1930’s in the USA.
From 1975 onward, which included the fifth Shamballa impact in 2000 (and perhaps a sixth impact in 2025), technological development has massively accelerated, allowing plenty of scope for “selfish minds” to take advantage – and in turn, to be easily taken advantage by the Black Lodge.
“Technocracy is a proposed system of government in which the decision-maker or makers are selected on the basis of their expertise in a given area of responsibility, particularly with regard to scientific or technical knowledge.
This system explicitly contrasts with representative democracy, the notion that elected representatives should be the primary decision-makers in government, though it does not necessarily imply eliminating elected representatives. Decision-makers are selected on the basis of specialized knowledge and performance, rather than political affiliations, parliamentary skills, or popularity.”8
The foundations of Technocracy were laid in 1913-1922 through the writings of Alexander Bogdanov – a Russian scientist and social theorist whose fiction and political writings were highly influential: Tectology: Universal Organization Science.
“Bogdanov proposed to unify all social, biological, and physical sciences by considering them as systems of relationships and by seeking the organizational principles that underlie all systems.”9
Appropriately, the period for these very Aquarian ideas from 1913-1922, embraced the entry of scientific Uranus into its own sign of Aquarius – for only the second time since its discovery in 1781. Bogdanov was a Leo sun with Uranus in Leo – and this period of seminal writings occurred when his natal Uranus was activated by the opposition of transiting Uranus.
The period also covered WWI, the first phase of the recapitulation of the great Atlantean war 1914-1945, as told in the Hindu epic, The Mahabharata. The third and final phase of this conflict – “WWIII” in 2021, is currently being fought out upon the mental plane through the clash of ideologies, dominated by Technocrats. Now is when Humanity must “seal the door where evil dwells” for the final time. In many ways the responsibility for this lies with the subjective spiritual workers, working particularly in the realm of group meditation.
Uranus-Aquarius rules aviation and WWI was the first aerial war, but it also involved many other Aquarian technologies – armaments, large artillery, bombs, tanks, ships, submarines, sonar, radar, grenades, flamethrowers, machine guns etc. – all the province of the fifth ray of science, the only ray to pass through Aquarius – augmented considerably by the Uranus-ruled seventh ray of organisation and the seventh plane of the mineral kingdom.
This technological acceleration continued during WWII, with a myriad of new inventions, culminating with the development of nuclear power and the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan.
Howard Scott (Sun in Aries, Jupiter in Aquarius), founded the Technocracy movement near the end of 1919 to 1921, whose members were mostly scientists and engineers; this occurred just as Uranus was leaving Aquarius and entering Pisces, corresponding with Bogdanov’s research period. Incidentally, it was also the period of the “Spanish” influenza epidemic, that might be seen as a precursor to the artificially imposed Coronavirus one century later.
Scott’s ideas were revived again in 1932 in New York City – the throat centre (i.e, mental body) of the USA, where the “Committee on Technocracy” was formed at higher learning institution, Columbia University.10
There is an inception horoscope for June 16, 1932, with the Sun/Mars in curious, intellectual Gemini and Moon in Scorpio – if a 9 am horoscope is used (a general time of intention and business for the day), whilst Uranus in Aries dominates the chart, conjunct an Aries midheaven. Uranus is also conjunct Scott’s Venus in Aries, ruler of the fifth ray.
Aries is the trailblazer in the realm of thought, the pioneer – and Technocracy appears to have been a benignly motivated movement that sought to alleviate human problems, especially with generous Jupiter rising in Leo, trine to Uranus in Aries. Both planets are the esoteric and exoteric rulers of Aquarius, the sign in which Saturn is placed, in its own first decanate. Saturn is the ruler of the throat centre/mind and Aquarius is an intellectually polarised sign. Hence, very good positions all round for such an entity as Technocracy.
There is a good argument for Leo rising, given Technocracy’s widespread influence when they it was launched – as well as the authoritative nature of Leo. The fifth ray of science passes through both Leo and its opposite sign Aquarius. Nevertheless, the Technocracy Movement’s high public profile only lasted a couple of years, over-shadowed by Roosevelt’s New Deal program that was implemented as a response to the crippling depression of the early 1930’s.
Many people also rejected the “undemocratic” stance of Technocracy that proposed replacing partisan politicians and business people with scientists and engineers – who had technical expertise to manage the economy. This period of the 1930’s also corresponded to the rise of fascism in Europe and Hitler’s ascent to power, becoming Führer in 1934 – when transiting Uranus was passing over his Taurus sun. Uranus rules revolution and this period marked the rapid growth of a “Nazi revolution”.
The Technocracy horoscope had its Uranus return 84 years later in 2016, when transiting Uranus reached the same degree as its natal position in Aries. This was the period of the corrupted UK and USA elections, when Tech giants like Facebook and Google were consolidating their power and wealth, harvesting data and working with firms like Cambridge Analytica – a company that actively interfered in election outcomes.
Uranus was in Taurus from 1934-1942, the latter year when the war had been won subjectively. Now in the 2020’s, the world is witnessing a repeat of Uranus in Taurus (2018-2026) – this time a dictatorial revolution driven by technocratic ideals.
It should also be borne in mind that just after WWII, thousands of German scientists and engineers were “harvested” by the USA from Germany, in a secret US program called Operation Paperclip, giving a huge boost to scientific development but also some sinister facets that fed “selfish minds”. (This is in reference to the previous statement of how fascism “jumped ship” from Germany to USA after WWII.)
The Uranus in Taurus cycle finished/began in 2018-19, hence a recapitulation of the earlier 1930’s cycle is now occurring – from the dictatorial viewpoint, but also the potential of a higher turn of the evolutionary cycle and greater altruistic intention. Taurus is often the dictator, for example – Hitler, Pol Pot and Saddam Hussein.
Uranus’s Demi Cycle: 1972-3
Half way through the 84-year Uranus cycle of 42 years, Uranus opposed its own natal position, the so-called “midlife crisis” in a human chart. Technocracy’s Uranus opposition occurred 1972-3, whilst Uranus was in Libra, the sign it rules esoterically. These years were just short of 1975, the fourth Shamballa impact that saw a new technology revolution with the birth of the personal computer and the internet.
The Trilateral Commission
1973 also saw the founding of the infamous Trilateral Commission with their first meeting in Oct.1973 in Tokyo, one of the five planetary chakras – assigned in the author’s current estimation as the solar plexus. The Trilateral Commission fostered the revival of Technocracy through its utilisation by global elites, many of them hungering for more power and control rather than for the good of Humanity.
The Trilateral Commission was an initiative by one of the most notorious of these elites, David Rockefeller, formed with the co-operation of private citizens in Japan, U.S.A, Canada and Western European nations – ostensibly to “foster substantive political and economic dialogue across the world.”11

David Rockefeller (1981) – from a long lineage of Rockefellers going back to his grandfather John D. Rockefeller – “widely considered the wealthiest American of all time and the richest person in modern history.”
Its critics however, have stated that the commission is undemocratic, pointing to the modern democratic system as not a democracy at all, but controlled by elites. The Commission – “promotes global consensus among the international ruling classes in order to manage international affairs in the interest of the financial and industrial elites under the Trilateral umbrella.”12
Indeed, the list of former and current members reads like a who’s who of neocons, bankers, politicians, influential media and other assorted scoundrels! Others believe the organisation to be a central plotter of a world government or synarchy (secret or deep state) – of having orchestrated the 9/11 attacks to initiate a “new world order” – the latter phrase of which has been tumbling frequently from the mouths of government officials in 2020-22 – especially in Australia.
The Trilateral Commission fostered the worship of science, that technology will save Humanity, ushering in a new technotronic era with everything controlled by technology. Indeed, technology has and will benefit the world, when it is used unselfishly. Unfortunately, that has not been wholly the case since 1975 – and 2020-2 reflects domination by Big Tech, many of whose technocratic army see humans as commodities like animals, simply resources to be used; many of them appear to have no understanding of the human soul – just a cold calculating attitude to exploit and “harvest” their fellow humans. Here is the shadow of both the fifth ray of science and the seventh ray of organisation.
Hence, it can be reasonably argued that this hemi-cycle of Uranus from the Technocracy horoscope of 1932, triggered greater control by the elites through technology that has led the world to its current situation in 2020-2022. As touched upon earlier, 1975 was the year of the fourth Shamballa impact, and the new technological revolution of personal computers and the internet.
The Rockefeller model of 1973 fed ideas that helped create the UN Agenda 21 where the elites want to control everything – including land ownership. The United Nations has been the hope of the world but has been hopelessly compromised and corrupted these past few decades.
It was the Rockefeller Foundation that set up the World Health Organisation (WHO) in the early 1950’s, and which is currently dictating medical policy to the 193 member nations who blindly signed up to WHO’s credo.
Little did these nations realise, in their optimism, naivety and idealism for a healthy, disease-free planet – that WHO would become dominated by the likes of Bill Gates and his errant, misguided, eugenics-centric approach, linked philosophically to the WEF, Klaus Schwab and AI.
Technocracy has now become AI (artificial intelligence) where people will be modified by technological implants and become an uber-controlled slave society of “humanoids” or “transhumans”.
“The Third Reich crimes pale in the light of what is going on and is planned worldwide, embracing 193 UN member countries, driving towards a diminished world population, a colossal capital shift from the bottom and the middle to a few already ultra-rich on the top – and a fully digitized world, called “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” or “The Great Reset””.13
Another nail in the coffin of global technocratic control, occurred at the 1992 Biodiversity Convention in Brazil. Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, under the guise of saving the environment, it was really a ploy to protect the emerging pharmaceutical and biotech industries, for which many nations signed off on, just as they did to WHO. (See The Earth Brokers, by Pratap Chatterjee.)
Technocracy has now “gone wild” – it pleases itself what it wants to do. As an un-elected entity, Technocracy dictates policy to many world governments and democracies. In fact, Technocracy and all its associates in Big Banking, Media and Medical has severely undermined democracy – if not virtually destroyed it, especially during the past two years 2020-22. Many Western democracies have turned into dictatorships overnight, FDR’s Four Freedoms have been severely wounded – especially freedom of speech and the right to debate, discuss and dialogue about any issue.
“And the lied-to and manipulated “mainstream public” calls anything that deviates from the sacred official narrative a “conspiracy theory”. When the day comes, when there is no more denying that our civilization is in shambles, it’s no good saying, “sorry, we didn’t know, we just followed orders.
The Nuremberg Code makes it clear that this excuse is not accepted. We may but hope that these crimes committed by coerced, or bought, or ordered or even sympathetic governments will be brought to justice by an equivalent of the Nuremberg Trials that brought the Third Reich criminals to justice in 1945-46.”14
Note the mention of Germany again twice here, the Nuremberg Code and the Third Reich – the war criminals who were put on trial at Nuremberg after WWII. Nuremberg is the crown chakra of Germany15 and through the Nuremberg Code, acts as a de facto planetary crown chakra (Shamballa) – wherein spiritual law emanates. Currently, there is an attempt to carry out Nuremberg 2.0 by a group of German lawyers, headed by Reiner Fuellmich.
It is ironic that Nuremberg, the city of the appalling Nazi rallies of the 1930’s (essentially mass black-magic rituals), carries now a global responsibility, despite the fact that people like Merkel and Von der Leyen are currently dominating. Again, another interesting intersection of energies – Shamballa the first ray planetary crown chakra, Nuremberg the head centre of Germany (perhaps Europe?) – a first ray personality. (Note, the author “accidentally” found himself in Nuremberg in mid 2020, and visited the Nuremberg museum where the rallies and trials were held.)

A mass rally of millions at Nuremberg, all under a spell – led by a pied piper into one of the world’s greatest tragedies. Can we see a similar but not so obvious scenario playing out today?
To conclude this essay, the remarks of a friend, co-worker and German:
“The attempt to completely reset this planet under the control of the few over the many causes all of us, individually, nationally and collectively, to face our own unredeemed patterns. Wherever we have not cleaned house and have not taken full possession of who we are, these controlling forces enter and manipulate us.
Germany has not completed its house cleaning after the world war. The Nuremberg trials have established a new bottom line of justice, which has brought international law to a new level. This is a truly great achievement.
However, only a percentage of perpetrators have been put on trial. Many have vanished from public view and have later been re-installed in influential positions.” To read the rest, please click on the following footnote number:16
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
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- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.344-7. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.586-9. [↩]
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- Also found in The Destiny of the Races and Nations I (2005), Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
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- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.85. [↩]
- … cont. “The roots of the fascist system have slowly grown back under the surface and during decades, in cooperation with other materialistic elites, have developed into a hidden global network, much more powerful than before, which is now sprouting out into the open in every country, taking advantage of the weaknesses of each.
Germany has not fully recovered psychologically from its misuse of power during the war. A reticence of asserting itself is lingering, a fear of repeating the old mistake. It does not stand in its full power and use it for the good of itself and Europe. This passivity gives entry to the controlling forces.
Luxury and comfort make it hard for the citizens to see through what is really going on. Blind obedience to the governing power prevents critical thinking in this nation which is known for its structured mind and meticulous genius. But there is an inborn acute sense of justice in the German people, and it is beginning to wake up. The cognitive dissonance between the loyalty to government on the one hand and the growing severity and illogicality of the restrictions become increasingly unbearable to this justice-loving people.
We may be very close to the tipping point of a critical mass which recognizes the manipulation it is being subjected to. Nuremberg 2.0 may well happen, and this time all the way. Already there are courageous forces rallying in the all but government-controlled legal establishment in Germany. The investigative extra-parliamentary corona committee focalised by lawyers Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer meticulously uncover in public sessions the forces working behind the scenes.
80 such weekly 6-hour long sessions have been held already, with high calibre interviewees from Germany and around the world. A new centre has just been established, called ZAAV – an acronym for “Center for the processing, clarification and prosecution of crimes against humanity due to governmental Corona measures”.
Ralf Ludwig, the most prominent lawyer of the democratic uprising, and his team have committed to collect all evidence of those who are responsible for and have cooperated with this hidden agenda seeking to control humanity for their own ends. It is planned that in each district a branch of this centre will take up its work. Germany, use your past experience, raise this hydra out of the swamp!” – Uta Gabbay, Frankfurt, Germany. [↩]
Yes Phil, the door is open again. This is not obvious to many because of the deceptive language used, but it only deceives the undeveloped consciousness.
Where ever fear, hatred and separativeness appear, there is the opposing force; in covid and big pharma’s cash grab, pandemic segregation, identify politics and associated race/gender hate groups, Islamic extremism, environmental doomsday cults, billionaire backed authoritarian globalism, censorship and cancel culture, a corrupted/activist media, subversion of democratic systems, indoctrination in education, and autocratic bureaucracies. It’s all out in the open now. The same forces as in the first half of the 20th century have risen and are active again, in force, even if the outward appearance is a little different. If you deconstruct 1914-45, the essence is the same.
To Schwab, you can add the European Central Bank, which is in Schwab’s pocket and very dictatorial. Also George Soros, his son Alexander and their Open Societies Foundation, and there is also a powerful group in Sweden. The Swedish group’s role in 1914-1945, and now, are equally sinister (and perhaps the most powerful of all of these groups).
I suggest ‘subterranean cities’ may be a veil for ‘subterranean siddhis’, and the reference to the Himalayas might be a distorted reference to Shamballa (i.e. the use of the Shamballa force through the lower centers). Consider this meaning in terms of the goals of Hanshoffer and his ilk.
I haven’t heard of the Society of Green Men etc, but the Green references immediately struck me as indicating a group selfishly utilizing the Third Ray of Mind, i.e. high intelligence for manipulation and selfish acquisition, also the misuse of the third matter aspect of deity. Again, the same in 1914-45 as now.
It’s not all one way, of course. Hierarchy is very actively stepping up its efforts to deal with the problem. It is clear a long and difficult struggle lies ahead.
Being a Swedish resident for the greater part of my life, I’m curious about that “powerful group in Sweden”. Do they have a name?
I know the Nazis were inspired, so to speak, of the work done in Sweden regarding “race hygiene” – but not sure how big the group/movement was. (maybe it has nothing to do with this)
I’m not exactly sure how this may fit in but after WW 2 was over the USA and Canada brought some of the German scientists previously under Hitlers control into the CIA.
Experiments now known as MK Ultra were ran out of Canada.
IQ testing implemented throughout the public school systems were used to target higher functioning children in mind control experiments. The intended purpose was to create super spies for the purpose of a back door system of control and manipulation of all political dignitaries.
Members of my family were targeted in these experiments.
There were a few operatives I encountered one posing as a sweet Old Nanny and another as a dedicated Math teacher.
The math teacher tried to convince 3 families to let him take their child (all females) to a facility ran in Colorado to expand their mental capacity.
2 of the girls were taken I was the third who escaped their grip when my parents saw through to their evil motives.
I was tortured in one event in 1966 when my parents hired the Nanny to stay with me and my brother while they attended a banking conference in Carefree Arizona.
During this conference my father learned of the plans of the secret banking society and shared those plans with my mother and I in 1968. All their plans have already been implemented and at present are in the final stages.
This Nanny – operative took me to a location in Northern New Mexico. I was drugged, placed on a metal table. Electrodes were placed on my right shoulder and hip. I was shocked with enough voltage to lift my tiny body part way off the table. Tapes were played into my right ear in an attempted to program my mind. To this day the right side of my body is smaller creating an S curvature of my spine.
The program ran its course just before my 30th birthday and with the help of a skilled occult practitioner I was able to deprogram my mind and invoke my higher will to escape their grip in the higher mental plane.
Since then I have observed several instances of events were it was obvious to me certain individuals were programmed by the CIA. There is a sudden shift in personality or a slip. I have observed it in political leaders, mass shooters, celebrities and media personalities and talk show hosts to name a few.
During the time I was going through the process of deprogramming I would self observe these slips in my personality. I was able to disassociate at Will in order to regain control from the higher mind. It took 3 years to deprogram my mind.
I remain higher functioning to this day. Until recently only those closest to me knew of my experience.
There is information disclosed on MK Ultra now due to the freedom of information act.
However during the senate hearings in the early’70’s when the CIA was investigated for these heinous acts much of the information was destroyed by the CIA. The lists of targeted subjects were shredded.
One brave operative shipped some of the boxes to and undisclosed warehouse and those documents were only recently found.
A few links with information on the vast network of experimentation that goes far beyond what I have shared here.
i have the impression that Green Man is associated to prana and the etheric state of being in terms of vigour. Vril quest is associated to this, Ray 7, as planetary kundalini when arises is the etheric in flames.
Thank you Phillip for this outstanding service! You must be working day and night….! Your book “Shamballa Impacts” helped me a lot to understand your todays essay.
When the muse inspires, I must obey!
Dear Phillip,
I think it is very helpful that you are asking people to awaken to the significance of these unique times we are living through, perhaps the end of the Kali Yuga. I am somewhat comforted that the character of our era was foreseen by the Guides of humanity, the White Brotherhood.
In the Agni Yoga book, “Brotherhood” published in 1937, El Morya presciently writes in paragraph 118, ” In legends about Armageddon there are mentioned people with covered faces. Is there not something similar taking place now? It can be seen that the whole world is gradually putting on a veil and brother rises against brother. Precisely, the covered faces are marking time.”
There are many prophetic references to the end-times and Armageddon in the Agni Yoga books that fellow students might find revelatory of our current epoch. The Master Morya compares our civilization to Atlantis, when the “oceans began to rise” and He says that mankind should pay attention to these heralding signs. Will humanity uplift its consciousness or must we face the destruction of our civilization; this time by fire?
Thank you again for a thought provoking newsletter.
Extraordinary passage Vicki, thanks! Given the fact that we are still in the period of the recapitulation of the great Atlantean war, the Atlantean comparisons are most apt.
Thank you for this Phillip. It has helped fill in some of the pieces for me. I hope and pray that people will wake up in time. I look around me and am so discouraged. I have to find a way to keep going and do what I can.
Merci pour votre service . Merci pour l’intense radiation.
Wonderful writing with illuminating information, thank you for your work.
“The wilful (self-willed) man of the world is apt to be more responsive to Shamballa force than is the disciple or the aspirant because they are more attuned to the gentler vibration of the Hierarchy”. (EA: Triangles of Energy—Constellations)
In this sense, and as Phillip already suggests, the work of the aspirant or disciple can only be subjective, with the will to suggest or inspire the “willful (obstinate) man of the world” new lines of more inclusive thinking.
From astrology I think that the transit of Uranus through Gemini will bring us a greater understanding of the dualities involved in the current crisis.
If, following the line of thought of the article, we look at the last 84-year cycle of Uranus, we can see that the Washington Conference (1943), the beginning of the triumph of good over evil, occurred when Saturn (the one who concrete) transited with Uranus, (the truth or new reality), the sign of Gemini.
And a year later, just when Venus (the wisdom that unifies duality through form) made conjunction with Uranus in Gemini, the Normandy landings took place. And for the greater Glory of the Twins, the bearer of Love and Understanding, that June 6, 1944 it was a Gemini full moon:
“I recognize my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow”
If we understand Humanity as a unit, the first step to move forward is to recognize (forgive and heal) our mistakes, not our own (which also) but those of Humanity.
Dear Phillip,
Humanity is battered by the waves but not drowned. Though I think that we have been collectively taken in by glamour, your analogy with the Nuremburg rallies is shocking but apt, just as the German people were in a sense mesmerised by the appeal of Hitler and lebensraum, we have through fear and ignorance been mesmerised too, by an amalmagation, of big tech, pharma,politics and politicians ruthless grabs for total power over our lives.The media too is complicit whether through ignorance or guile, nothing is published here in Australia, another similarity with 1930s Germany.The similarities are compelling and at the same time somehow shocking. We need to urgently ‘ seal the door where evil dwells’.
I so look forward to your essays Phillip, absolutely informative, shining a much needed spiritual light on our journey towards the light.
Knowledge is power, in these times grossly affected by fear and ignorance Phillip your help to put pieces of the puzzle together is invaluable.
Thank you.
Fools! all you who believe and support this “Propaganda And The Esoteric Community: The Global Hypnosis In 2021.” Does your son, too, have to die of covid before you get it that the covid pandemic is real? He believed the kind of “information” being propagated here, so he refused to get vaccinated. He was 41.
David and Nancy,
Please accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss, it is the saddest event for any parent. I have enjoyed and quoted your writings David, over the past few decades. I have never denied that Covid-19 exists – it kills people, especially if they have pre-existing morbidities.
So I ask you in this very trying period for you, is it really fair to blame perspectives that other people offer – which includes a wealth of evidence from medical and scientific professionals, on the death of your son? Those many thousands who have been shut down and censored by media? I am sure he was smart enough to inform himself broadly of the situation, that led to his decision to not take the vaccination. (We do not know the karma involved here either of course.)
Now there is mounting evidence that plainly shows the vaccinated are becoming the largest numbers in hospital admissions and many deaths. The vaxxed apparently have 161 times the viral load of the unvaxxed – according to a recent Oxford University study. But if anyone believes what is fed to them in the MSM, then they will not be aware of these facts. You and other dear brothers in the esoteric community have contributed greatly to a body of esoteric thought, but have you kept up with what is happening in the “real” (not) world?
What if you dropped all the projects that you have now, and truly investigate for yourself the situation – as carefully and methodically as you have done in your researches in Buddhism and the Bailey material? If only for the sake of the memory of your son? What is it that he might be trying to convey to you from the other side right now?
I say this not in defence of what I have written, but from remembering that in 2006, after 22 years of deep study, reflection and writing in the Ageless Wisdom, that I “woke up” to what was going on in the world. I remember my embarrassment at this realisation! I had been a bit of an ivory tower scholar, pursuing the higher realms of thought and ancient wisdom.
This led me to a profound realisation that 9/11 was an inside job, the first major hoax against the American people – after committing myself to the study and reflection of the subject, as meticulously as I had done with the Ageless Wisdom. And so the parallel work of keeping myself informed about the other “mundane” factors in the world has proceeded – it is another kind of esotericism, investigating that which is hidden from the light; it requires much perseverence and the exercise of “viveka”, you know that term I am sure.
Now we are in the second great hoax globally, and the forces of materialism have done their best to perpetuate fear and propaganda, divide and rule is their policy, and it has worked very well thus far, cutting through every community one can imagine. I hope that we can all maintain some cohesiveness and integrity in our broader spiritual community, but in order to do so, people have to do their thorough research and due diligence.
Thank you, Phillip, for your condolences. The bottom line is, if he had been vaccinated, he would still be here today. He refused to get vaccinated because he believed that the vaccines were more dangerous than the covid. We had many discussions about these things. He did much research, and gave us many “facts.” We suggested this video, “Dying in the Name of Vaccine Freedom”:
He thought it was propaganda. We also gave him firsthand information from a local doctor here, who said that she never before had to tell so many families that their loved ones, 30-40 years old, did not make it. Real life here in the U.S. is that more than a thousand people per day die of covid. The overwhelming majority of them were not vaccinated. “Dying in the name of vaccine freedom.” Yes, it is fair to blame the perspectives that these people accept and believe.
I can only imagine the slings and arrows you are also receiving from those immersed in dogmatism of one world government being better than sliced bread. So pleased you are seeing through the illusion and speaking out about it. Excellent occult work.
Thanks Vic – many, see the comment above yours just 4 minutes earlier …
Dear David and Nancy, such immense sorrow for your loss but I cannot help but make a comment here in respect of your philosophy if I may. A vaccine is only protective if it is meant to protect – the very idea that a vaccine would protect your son is based on trusting that the vaccines intent is to protect and that rests on your belief in the current system of control. There is more and more mounting evidence to suggest the vaccine is not only not protective but also likely to be immune compromising at the very least and at the worst intended to harm. The Military tribunals which are already taking place and will continue through 2022 will I hope bring you much peace as you realise that the vaccine would not have made any difference and as a humanity we witness the lifting of the veil over this obscure and obscured time. Perhaps your son was meant for a higher purpose and will be back again in this extraordinary time ahead as we enter a new epoch for humanity. I hope so. Much love to you both.
You will have to catch up with some of my past newsletters Jessica. The Saturn-Uranus square that lasts till Oct.2022 is one of the prime significators.