Special Edition Newsletter: Capricorn Servers Week, 2025 & the Externalisation of the Hierarchy
The New Group of World Servers,
2025 and the Externalisation of the Hierarchy
An Astro-Cyclic-Historical Perspective
The New Group of World Servers is Ruled by Taurus
NGWS is the Planetary Ajna Centre
An Astro-Historical View of the NGWS Seven-Year Festivals
2025 and the Externalisation of the Hierarchy
The Five Planetary City Centres
How Can this Information be of Practical Use?
What Drastic Measures Might be Taken?
Global Transformation by Triangles
The NGWS and the Ten Seed Groups
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy after 2025
The NGWS and Aquarius
Astrological Analysis of Capricorn 2019: World Servers Week Dec.21-28.
Solstice, Balsamic Moon and Solar Eclipse: Dec.21-26.
This newsletter could be titled, “Everything you always wanted to know about 2025 and the New Group of World Servers – but were afraid to ask!” Well not quite everything, but the reader will certainly find here much to reflect and ponder upon. There have been many requests these past several months asking, “what’s all the fuss about 2025 and the NGWS”? What’s happening astrologically at the Capricorn solstice and new moon in December 2019? What is Shamballa, who are the Hierarchy and the NGWS?
Here you will find the synthesised sum of the author’s commentaries on this subject for the past twenty years, brought into one place and expanded upon into the future. I hope it provides a thorough “go to” reference, illuminating many of these queries about the seven-year cycle of World Servers week – approaching this Christmas period of 2019.
Phillip Lindsay
The New Group of World Servers is Ruled by Taurus
The NGWS is an subjective global group of souls from varied professions and human activity – defined as:
“… all those sensitive and consecrated servers of the race whose objective is world peace, who aim at the establishing of good will on earth as the basis for future living and world expansion … Its ranks have been opened … to all those of good will who are working actively for real understanding, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the helping of humanity, and who see no separating bar of any kind, but feel alike to all races, nationalities and religions.”1
Astrologically, the NGWS,
“…is ruled by Taurus, and to it that divine Taurean energy brings “illumination and the attainment of the vision … the bull, rushing forward upon a straight line with its one eye fixed upon the goal and beaming light” … providing a centre of light within the world … of holding up the vision … let the NGWS realise its mission and recognise the demands of humanity upon it:
1. To receive and transmit illumination from the kingdom of souls.
2. To receive inspiration from the Hierarchy and go forth, consequently, to inspire.
3. To hold the vision of the Plan before the eyes of humanity, for “where there is no vision, the people perish.”
4. To act as an intermediate group between the Hierarchy and humanity, receiving light and power and then using both of these, under the inspiration of love, to build the new world of tomorrow.”2
Hence, the importance of the Wesak Festival in the month of May at the full moon festival of Taurus – where the entire Hierarchy assemble to transmit the Plan to their Taurean intermediary, the New Group of World Servers. The diagram below shows these relationships between the centres clearly:
The Spiritual Centres of Earth
NGWS is the The Planetary Ajna Centre
There are three major spiritual planetary centres: Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity – head, heart and throat chakras respectively. In the diagram above, the NGWS is the intermediary between the Masters of Wisdom and Humanity – functioning as the ajna or brow chakra, the Taurean “bull’s eye”:
“The ajna centre of the Lord of the World [Sanat Kumara in Shamballa] is just beginning to express itself in a recognisable manner through the New Group of World Servers. This intermediate group—between the Hierarchy and Humanity—is a carrier of the energy which makes the Plan possible (the Plan of which the Hierarchy is the custodian). This Plan implements the Purpose, and later, when the New Group of World Servers is organised and is recognised as a living organism, it will definitely receive energy from Shamballa in a direct reception, via the Hierarchy.”3

Wesak Valley, Tibet. The Buddha links in a triangle with Sanat Kumara and The Christ, overlighting the assembled Masters of Wisdom in the five-pointed star formation, whilst a crowd of pilgrims looks on. We are all invited to attend on the inner planes!
The note sounded by Shamballa-Hierarchy is received by the NGWS and transmitted – as each individual or group sees fit, in their every day service:
“… men and women, who are oriented to soul living in their aggregate, form a group of souls, en rapport with the source of spiritual supply. They have, as a group, and from the angle of the Hierarchy, established a contact and are “in touch” with the world of spiritual realities … this group of aligned souls come into contact with certain greater Lives and Forces of Light, such as the Christ and the Buddha.
The aggregated aspiration, consecration and intelligent devotion of the group carries the individuals of which it is composed, to greater heights than would be possible alone. The group stimulation and the united effort sweep the entire group to an intensity of realisation that would otherwise be impossible … they unitedly constitute themselves channels for service in pure self-forgetfulness … If at the time of the May full moon they work together as a group of souls, they can accomplish much.”4
(And also of course, at the seven year cycle of the NGWS during Capricorn!)
The ajna centre has two major lobes or petals consisting of 48 minor petals each: 48 x 2 = 96. The NGWS embodies the planetary ajna centre (the “eye of Sanat Kumara”), hence these 96 petals represent various groups in the world who are serving the Plan.
These groups range from exoteric organisations in the fields of politics, religion, education, the United Nations, NGO’s, science and the arts – to the more subjective esoteric groups, and evenly loosely organised organisms. The NGWS consists of the “world aspirant and world disciple” who embody the gradual unfoldment of these two major petals, individually and collectively:
“… the centre between the eyebrows also begins to make its presence felt [for the awakening aspirant], and this significant two-petalled lotus begins to vibrate. It symbolises the work of at-one-ing the soul and the body, the subjective and the objective.
In some occult books it is called the lotus with the ninety-six petals, but this is only a differentiation dealing with the energies focussed in the two petals. It will be noted that the sum total of the force petals in the centres (excluding the two head centres) amount in all to forty-eight petals [base 4 + sacral 6 + solar plexus 10 + heart 12 + throat 16 = 48].
These energies in their two aspects of physical vital energy and soul qualities make up the ninety-six aspects or vibrations of the two petals of the Ajna or eyebrow centre. It must be remembered also that the word ‘petal’ only symbolises an expression of force and its apparent effect in matter. The five centres with their forty-eight petals are synthesized therefore into the two-petalled lotus, and then we have forty-eight plus two equals fifty, the number of the perfected personality, for five is the number of man and ten is that of perfection.” 5
The New Group of World Servers (ipsgeneva.com)
The NGWS is also seen as both the ajna centre and, “the heart of humanity” …
“The new Group of World Workers, who, in their totality throughout the world, constitute the heart centre and the “centre between the eyebrows” of the etheric body of the human family. Through the one [heart], spiritual life can begin to flow in and vitalise all the centres, and through the other [ajna], the vision can be seen and the inner worlds sensed and known.”6
In this scenario, Hierarchy are the head centre and the United Nations, the ajna centre of Humanity.
Planetary Spiritual Centres |
Shamballa | Sanat Kumara. “The Seven Spirits before the Throne”. The Council Chamber of Shamballa. | Head centre Directing the “will of god”, the Planetary Plan and Purpose. |
Hierarchy | The seven Chohans of the Rays plus the Masters of Wisdom, their ashrams of initiates and disciples. | Heart centre Watching over and guiding Humanity with infinite love and patience. |
The New Group of World Servers |
All those dedicated souls, creative and awakening, who offer unselfish service to humanity. | Ajna centre The Eye of the Bull. The eye of Sanat Kumara. Illumination. |
Humanity | Civilisation. Advanced thinkers who determine human evolution through creative thought and free will. | Throat centre The collective mind of humanity. |
2019: World Servers Week (9’45”)
An Astro-Historical View of the NGWS Seven-Year Festivals
(Click here for the down-loadable, PDF table of all the Cycles for the NGWS)
2018-2019 The full moon period for Capricorn in December 2018 coincided with the winter solstice, supercharging and combining these two important spiritual events. That Capricorn festival was a prelude for the seven year cycle of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – that occurs in Capricorn, December 2019. The last 7-year cycle of the NGWS was in December 2012, closely coinciding with the end of the Mayan Calendar. (See 2012 newsletter here.)
1925 In 2025, the 100 year anniversary of the founding of the NGWS will take place – “the emergence of a band of “conditioning souls”, under the name of the New Group of World Servers, has been possible since 1925”.
1925 and 2025 are the dates set for once-in-a-century meetings, or conclaves of The Hierarchy, the guides of humanity – the Masters of Wisdom – in the Council Chamber of Shamballa; They will have a particularly earnest decision to make about the timing of Their Reappearance (externalisation) and may already have a fair idea of when that might be – most likely within the next few decades at the latest. (See quote later in the text.)
1925 was also the period when The Hierarchy “shifted gears” for the first time since the ancient Atlantean time, “moving” their ashrams from the mental plane to the buddhic plane – “thereby making direct and unimpeded etheric reception possible”.7 It was also in 1925 that the Master Racozki assumed the mantle of The Mahachohan, Lord of Civilisation.
1935 Although the NGWS has been possible since 1925, the year 1935 was the first Capricorn festival impulse that inaugurated all the following seven-year cycles:
“In December, 1935, the energies of Capricorn were augmented by the pouring in of forces from a still greater constellation which is—to our zodiac—what the zodiac is to the earth. This augmentation will take place again in 1942 … By means of this augmentation—during the coming Aquarian zodiacal cycle [next 2,000 years] — groups on earth can avail themselves of the tide of Capricornian influences which will flow into our radius of registration every seven years.”8

The two-horned Capricorn goat strives to the mountain-top, and becomes the triumphant one-horned unicorn.
1942 “In 1942, there will come another planetary inflow of which we all are begged to avail ourselves, and for which we are urged to make due preparation. This “week of group impact” occurring every seven years, will run from December 21st till December 28th, and if this should at any time fall at the period of the full moon, the opportunity will be most significant.
This possibility must be watched. This week should be regarded as pre-eminently the “festival week” of the New Group of World Servers, and after 1942 advantage must be taken of this period, and special preparation made.”9
There was a full moon at the Capricorn solstice on December 22, 1942 – in the first degree of Capricorn-Cancer. The NGWS must have “availed themselves” of these potent forces that helped to reverse the tide of WWII – hitherto heading the way of the Axis powers:
“The evil forces were closer to success than any of you have ever dreamed. They were so close to success in 1942 that there were four months when the members of the spiritual Hierarchy had made every possible arrangement to withdraw from human contact for an indefinite and unforeseen period of time … we believed that man would go down to defeat, owing to his selfishness and his misuse of the principle of free will.
We made all preparations to withdraw, and yet at the same time we struggled to get humanity to choose rightly and to see the issues clearly … the mental potency of the forces of evil was overcome and the “energy of the future” was directed or impelled by Those Who were seeking the higher human values and the spiritual good of mankind.”10
It was a “do or die” moment for Hierarchy and Humanity – but thankfully, the tide of war turned in favour of the forces of light – with the aid of the so-called Lords of Liberation – who had been invoked by Humanity’s massed cry for help during World War II:
“When the sun moved northward that year (1942), the great White Lodge knew that the battle had been won … the Masters then organised for renewed effort (through Their disciples) to bring about those conditions wherein that which was new and that which was in line with loving divine purpose could freely move forward.”11
“Sun moved northward” refers to the Capricorn winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and the Sun’s astronomical movement toward the spring equinox; after the greatest darkness in winter, seasonally and metaphysically – Humanity’s greatest hour of darkness had passed. The NGWS festival week must have had some impact. The four months from August to December 1942 was when the Hierarchy had “made every possible arrangement to withdraw from human contact”. The survival of Humanity had been upon a knife edge – a very close call.
Yet, since then, the world war has re-developed into a third phase upon the mental plane, in the world of clashing ideologies – threatening to precipitate upon the physical plane. The door where evil dwells has drifted ajar again – as the forces of Materialism seek to control Humanity, being well informed of the imminent Externalisation of the Hierarchy after 2025.
The words of artist and poet William Blake, come to mind: “I will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand.” The NGWS must step up their efforts of consciously co-operating with Hierarchy, of recognising and tasking their role as a mediator between Hierarchy and Humanity – to ensure that the scales continue to tip in favour of The Plan.
As touched upon earlier, the 1942 and 2018 Capricorn festivals have a remarkable commonality – they both fell upon the full moon and the solstice – a total of four times since 1942. Hence, the recent Capricorn festival of 2018 links the 1942 and 2018 global crises – as a prelude and build-up to the NGWS festival week of December 2019. There is much work to do in the preceding full moon festivals leading up to December 2019.
In the year of 2019, the “energy of the future” must be re-invoked, the higher human values emphasised with the spiritual good of mankind. When the “sun moved northward” in 1942, after the Capricorn solstice and full moon, the “war had been won” esoterically, leaving another three years for it to precipitate into physical plane reality in 1945.
The world in 2019 is in a similar position to 1942, but it is a far more subtle and less obvious crisis for the unawakened masses. In the past few decades, fascism has re-emerged and is present in the expression of many Western nations. Yet, there is also a corresponding resistance steadily emerging. Nevertheless, Humanity and the NGWS cannot be complacent, despite the fact that the NGWS may have expanded and strengthened its position:
“They [NGWS] can now come in because of the work already done by the group of souls who hastened their entrance into incarnation … These souls, because of their point in evolution … because of their impressibility to the group idea and to the Plan, can come into incarnation and begin, more or less, to work out that Plan and evoke a response to it in the human consciousness. They are thus in a position to “prepare the way for the coming of the Lord.”12
2025 and the Externalisation of the Hierarchy
Have the world aspirants and disciples fulfilled their responsibilities for the following “three recognitions” – that will pave the way for the externalisation of the Hierarchy after 2025?
“… the gradual engendering of the divine idea in the human consciousness. Above everything else required at this time is a recognition of the world of meaning, a recognition of Those Who implement world affairs [Hierarchy] and Who engineer those steps which lead mankind onward towards its destined goal, plus a steadily increased recognition of the Plan on the part of the masses.
These three recognitions must be evidenced by humanity and affect human thinking and action if the total destruction of mankind is to be averted. They must form the theme of all the propaganda work to be done during the next few decades—until the year 2025—a brief space of time indeed to produce fundamental changes in human thought, awareness, and direction, but—at the same time— a quite possible achievement, provided the New Group of World Servers and the men and women of goodwill perform a conscientious task. Evil is not yet sealed. The spread of the Christ consciousness and His recognised Presence with us is not yet attained.”13
This passage has been of great concern to some students, “the total destruction of mankind is to be averted”. How does one ascertain such a subjective measurement of the three recognitions – what proportion of humanity has recognised them? Its subjectivity renders it difficult to quantify – no surveys have been done or statistical data gathered. (Now there is a task for someone or group!) Yet, Alice Bailey’s husband – Foster Bailey (FB), well after AAB’s passing in 1949, much later in the 1970’s – revealed that “no nuclear war will be allowed”:
“When the war [WWII] was over, the forces of darkness were pushed back but they were not crushed. And ever since then there has been the possibility of a third world war that would end the whole human experiment up to date and start us back again as an infant humanity to begin to learn it all over again. And in 1954, it was established subjectively and in reality that there will be no third world war … 1954 was a great year, a very spiritual significant year.”14 (Author’s further commentary on this quote at this link.)
This passage is still not taken for granted by some students of the Wisdom, who question the authority of Foster Bailey, the accuracy and source of his statements. Each individual must develop their intuitive insights on this question, that counter doubts fostered by the lower mind. On the other hand, there are plenty within the esoteric community who affirm that FB’s statement is correct.
The actual date for the Reappearance will be decided in 2025, at the once-in-a-century conclave of the Great White Brotherhood – at the Great Council Chamber of Shamballa. The Reappearance may be very soon, a few years after – or it might be several decades away. The Planetary Plan concerns The Externalisation of the Hierarchy – and nothing can stop this inevitable occurrence, as The Hierarchy utilise the flow of the steadily increasing Aquarian forces:
“… a great and new movement is proceeding and a tremendously increased interplay and interaction is taking place. This will go on until A.D. 2025. During the years intervening between now [1940’s] and then, very great changes will be seen taking place [and they have!], and at the great General Assembly of the Hierarchy—held as usual every century—in 2025 the date in all probability will be set for the first stage of the externalisation of the Hierarchy.
The present cycle (from now until that date) is called technically “The Stage of the Forerunner”. It is preparatory in nature, testing in its methods, and intended to be revelatory in its techniques and results. You can see therefore that Chohans, Masters, initiates, world disciples, disciples and aspirants affiliated with the Hierarchy, are all at this time passing through a cycle of great activity.”15
Given the current world situation, the Reappearance may be hoped for sooner rather than later! The lyrics from a David Bowie song come to mind: “Someone to save us, someone to follow, Someone to shame us, some brave Apollo”. Apollo is another name for the sun god, the solar logos and is of course, a Christ figure.
In this song is stated the massed cry of humanity invoking a saviour (as they did in WWII), an Avatar, the return of Christ. Though there might be a massed invocation for “someone to save us”, the aspirants and disciples of the world have much work to do, to apply practically their innnate spiritual knowledge plus the esoteric teachings gifted in this past century. In a sense and as a mediating “2nd aspect” group – the NGWS is collectively The Christ. This will be the first time that the Masters of Wisdom have appeared among humanity since the Atlantean war aeons ago:
“I refer to an aspect of the amazing enterprise upon which the Hierarchy is embarked within this cycle: Its appearance, expression and activity upon the physical plane for the first time since it withdrew into the subjective side of life and focussed itself on the mental plane (instead of the physical) during the days of ancient Atlantis and after the war between the Lords of the Shining Countenance and Lords of the Dark Face … For millions of years, as a result of the triumph of evil in those days, the Hierarchy has stood in silence behind world events.”16
The two world wars of the 20th century were a recapitulation of the Atlantean conflict, that is still continuing in its third and hopefully final phase upon the mental plane. There is much at stake for the forces of materialism, to fight the imminent Reappearance and Externalisation of the Hierarchy. That is why there is so much conflicting propaganda today – Humanity is utterly bewildered and confused about the global state of affairs.
The Reappearance of the Hierarchy is planned from 2025 onward. Reflect for a moment upon this stunning development in world history – when the Masters of Wisdom will walk among humanity again. Not since those far away Atlantean days has this occurred, when They had to withdraw from human contact, due to the Atlantean war and ensuing cataclysms – caused by the second major Shamballa impact in world history; Their presence as Guides and inspirers of the race was relegated to a role behind the scenes – now after millenia there is preparation for Re-emergence.
One of the most recent presences of the Hierarchy is connected with the life of Jesus and his eventual overshadowing by The Christ in Palestine 2,000 years ago. Master Jesus is currently stated to be in a Syrian body and based “in a certain part of the Holy Land.” Imagine the great sacrifice these Beings will make by appearing again – it is almost beyond imagination:
“… the Members of the Hierarchy are fitting Themselves for the objective work of public expression. This entails far more difficulty than you might imagine … because it entails the development of that form of “resistance to the pull of the lower vibration” … for that lower vibration is a necessary aspect of your normal expression—little as you may like to realise this … there is nothing in the Masters or higher initiates which can respond to any vibration of this nature … it can cause Them the acutest discomfort and pain; that is the reason why the Son of God was called in The Old Testament a “man of sorrows and acquainted with grief”.
… The Hierarchy is therefore … preparing Itself for the experience of physical manifestation; It is also endeavouring to “create” the needed responsive apparatus which will be of such a nature that Members of the Hierarchy may function with the minimum of difficulty on earth and will experience the least possible measure of handicap; They will thus be enabled to give full time and attention to the work to be done by Them in physical manifestation.”17
2025 is also the beginning of a cycle of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict – the ray of art and beauty, that has a particular affinity with Humanity, and which has been “out of incarnation” for a long time.
The gradual approach of the Hierarchy to the physical plane and outer appearance, is paradoxically a source of planetary turmoil and conflict; Their highly refined vibrations are at odds with that of the status quo, physical plane world.
The Forces of Materialism are fighting “tooth and nail” to prevent the Reappearance from occurring, hence Humanity’s dweller on the threshold struggles to maintain the past. The following factors are all converging at, or around 2025:
- 2025 – the 100 year anniversary of the founding of the New Group of World Servers.
- Conclave at the first 25 years of every century – the Lord of the World & Council of Shamballa 2025.
- The planned reappearance of Hierarchy soon after 2025, decided at the Planetary Conclave of 1425.
- Half-way mark of 49-year cycle of Decision Initiation taken in 2001. (2001 + 24.5 = 2025)
- Climax of spiritual development moving from the East to the West, reaching its zenith between 1965 and 2025.
- The 4th Ray of Harmony through Conflict – coming “slowly into manifestation” after 2025.
- Pluto’s 2024 entry into Aquarius – destruction of Capricorn crystallisation may be completed by then.
- Neptune’s 2025 entry into Aries – symbolising Christ as Neptune. Aries the Ram – the “lamb of god”.
- Uranus’s 2025 entry into Gemini. Its previous 84-year cycle was in 1941, the turning point of WWII.
- The middle of the Pisces-Aquarius cusp – 1700’s to around 2200.
- Overlapping cycles of the outgoing 6th Ray of Devotion and incoming 7th Ray of Magic and Order.
The Five Planetary City Centres
The five planetary city centres are of utmost importance for understanding the direction of energies and forces as they circulate around the planet; particularly at the full moon periods, where meditators are enjoined to visualise energies pouring through those centres. Each city is responsible for the distribution of energy to various parts of the world, depicted by the diagram below:

The Transmission of Rays and Zodiac Forces to Planet Earth – via the Five Planetary Centres and Five Continents.
The chakras assigned to these centres are the author’s evolving understanding. Out of these five centres, the reader will note the seeming contradiction of the small town of Darjeeling, compared to the other very large cities. This is because Darjeeling is a highly magnetised and ancient centre associated with India’s vast history; it is also in physical proximity to the Himalayas, the abode of the Masters of Wisdom.
“… the physical plane areas or localities which constitute the present modern exits for energies, through which directed energies can pass to carry out the creative process, are five in number: New York, London, Geneva, Darjeeling and Tokyo. These five form a five-pointed star of interlocking energies, symbolic of the major divisions of our modern civilisation.
… I am here concerned with physical plane utilisation of energy through the power of directed thinking and on behalf of the evolution and well-being of mankind. At each one of these five centres one of the Masters will be found present, with His Ashram, and a vortex of spiritual forces will there be organised to hasten and materialise the plans of the Christ for the new and coming world cycle.
The organising of these five centres will be done slowly and gradually. A senior disciple will appear and will work quietly at the foundation work, gathering around him the needed agents, aspirants and assistants. All these workers at any particular centre will be trained to think, and the effort now present in the educational and social world to force men to think for themselves is a general part of this training process.”18
How Can Knowledge of the Five Cities be of Practical Use?
1. To visualise energies pouring through these cities at full moon group or individual meditations – to realise the power of subjectively directed thought.
2. To understand that these five centres have jurisdiction over large sections of the planet. Hence energy pouring through or directed through them, has potential for wide distribution.
3. That these centres are ruled by astrological and ray forces – that may be particularly strong at various full moon festivals. For instance, during the month of Scorpio, and at the full moon – Darjeeling. Or Leo in Geneva’s case etc. (The Orient and Occident also have soul and personality rays: Orient 4/3 and Occident 2/4.)
4. That the nations which fall within these five regions, all have their own astrological and ray rulerships – which or may not correspond to the astro-ray rulership of the city in question. For instance, Geneva is ruled by Leo and its nation Switzerland is an Aries soul and Aquarius personality.
5. That various individuals may find themselves living in physical proximity to these major centres, or a national centre/city associated with a global centre. There may be an attraction to these cities, based upon individual karma, astro-ray influences – or group affiliations.
However, as far as the efficacy of meditating groups is concerned, consciousness does not recognise the tyranny of distance. Groups and individuals can link up with one another instantaneously and direct energies accordingly. Each group or individual bring their own nation’s astro-rayological qualities to building the emerging paradigm – the transformation of the etheric body of our planet from material squares to spiritual triangles – as outlined in the next section.
Of course, information about the centres is useless unless one has a rudimentary understanding of how they function. For instance, the solar plexus (Tokyo) is the seat of the emotional body. The throat centre (London) is the gate of the mental body etc. Matching the function of a planetary chakra/city with the astro-ray make up and its function in the outer world, will go a long way to develop an understanding of how energy circulates around the planet – within the Grand Design!
The science of the planetary centres is in its infancy – the assignment of chakras to the five main cities was never given out by the Master DK. There is a fair degree of certainty of chakra assignment to some centres, others are a matter of debate among esoteric enquirers.
Some students will be able to make use of this information, and test its veracity. To be aware of all these energy relationships is to consolidate a world view that is protective of The Planetary Plan’s unfoldment and development. The visualisation of the planetary centres in global-linking group meditation, shields the ongoing relentless attacks from the Forces of Materialism, the Black Lodge:
“… the Members of the Hierarchy are not only sensitive to impression from the two other planetary centres (Shamballa and Humanity), but They are acutely aware of the Forces of Evil which are fighting furiously against the externalisation of the spiritual work.”19
(For more in depth information on the five planetary centres, go to this link.)
What Drastic Measures Might be Taken?
Hence, as the world moves toward the externalisation signpost of 2025, the “furious” state of affairs that has ensued just before the 2016 US elections – the explosion of competing propagandas and fake news, the hatred and divisiveness that continues, the selfish political manoeuvering in various nations – at the expense of the electorate, mounting environmental crises, mass indoctrination along inappropriate cultural lines, misuse of new technology, child abuse, slavery, people trafficking etc.
Yet much greater awareness has been generated as a result – humanity at large, and world servers have learnt valuable lessons in the past few years – greater discernment for the veil of propaganda, increased political perception etc. All these global problems are moving to a point of critical mass.
There is a gradual emergence of resolution in some areas, whilst others are completely neglected, argued over endlessly, or paying lip service with platitudes – but no action taken. If Humanity does not measure up in the few years either side of 2025, would Shamballa/Hierarchy have to take drastic action – through setting in motion some kind of intervention? Cataclysms are the result of drastic measures taken in the past, because of Humanity’s recalcitrance (i.e. resisting authority or control; not obedient or compliant); they are one of four methods used by the Guides of Humanity for “divine intervention”:
1. Divine embodiments.
2. Natural cataclysms.
3. Evocation of slumbering Entities.
4. Emergence of inspired leadership.
In a worst case scenario of so many seemingly intractable problems upon this planet, a general lack of inspired political leadership, and Humanity’s inability or slowness to bring about change – what options of divine intervention might be currently considered by Sanat Kumara and The Hierarchy? Of course, this may well be a premature speculation, but it does cross the minds of thinkers engaged in world service.
The Christ Avatar is of course poised for His Reappearance and that will be a great inspiration, but can only return when the ashrams of disciples and Masters are first externalised; when Humanity has achieved their requisite part of the work – of raising itself to meet the NGWS/Hierarchy – creating deeper reforms in finance, politics, religion and our culture as a whole:
“The use of cataclysm was the method employed in Atlantean days, as you well know from the tales of the flood; and through the flood there was almost complete destruction of the civilisation of that time. It is hoped that such a drastic step will not be needed today [WWII], though there are ancient prophecies which foretell the possibility of the destruction of this world at this time through fire—instead of flood.

Destruction of Atlantis (Nicholas Roerich, 1928.) Perhaps Roerich was sensing this possibility between the two world wars.
Which of the two methods—divine embodiment and natural cataclysm—will be employed will really be decided by humanity through its use or non-use of free will and understanding. If humanity fails to unite [written during WWII] under the banner of the Forces of Light, against the forces of material aggression and selfishness, then the “fiery ordeal” might be unavoidable.”20
The world today is not in a physical plane global conflict, but has reached the biggest crisis since WWII; in that war, triumph came about through the plaintive cry of Humanity that led to the “Evocation of slumbering Entities” – the so-called Lords of Liberation.
Now, seventy years later in the midst of clashing and divisive ideologies, does the World Disciple stand by and wait for The Christ Avatar – that “someone to save us”? Or is there a requirement to maximise service in every individual and group sphere, to forge on (Vulcan), regardless of any future outcome; to “strain every sinew”, absolutely exhausting one’s personal resources?
Global Transformation by Triangles
Taurus rules the NGWS and the symbolism of the moon’s exaltation in this sign is profound. The Moon-Mother is the matrix, the web of matter, the web of light. The planetary etheric web is currently undergoing transformation that is catalysed by active working human triangles.
The science behind this work is deeply esoteric and yet very simple. The etheric structure of the planet is currently a network of squares, created in a much earlier evolution – now being transformed into triangles through the acceleration of spiritual consciousness. The square is a symbol of matter whilst the triangle is a symbol of the harmony of the soul.
The creation of meditating triangles between individuals is deceptively simple and yet devastatingly effective; it is like buying a new amplifier for your stereo system – it will magnify what you already do and increase the efficacy of what each individual and group transmits to the world.

Spaceship Earth, Disney World, Florida. Based on the work of Buckminster Fuller. Here is the 7th ray of geometry in action.
Building an subjective matrix of triangles by the world’s conscious community has great potential to bring about widespread transformation on Planet Earth – in a relatively short period of time. Triangles work is a service activity that hardly takes any time and can be incorporated into existing meditations; it utilises “the power of thought and of prayer to uplift and transform consciousness.”21
As its theme implies, only three people are needed to make it work – connecting with two other people – linking in thought each day, using the Great Invocation, a world prayer, to visualize energies of light and goodwill circulating through the three focal points of your triangle, and pouring it out through the network of triangles surrounding the planet.
Participants can imagine the hearts and minds of the human family being irradiated with light and goodwill, “strengthening all that is good and true – and of beauty in the world.”22 Energies can of course be directed (with care) through the various planetary centres – as well as subsidiary triangles between nations or major cities.
For instance, a triangle still being employed during the Brexit crisis by some groups – is the triangle between London, Geneva and Brussells. One can energise several or many triangles, depending upon prior agreements made with individuals to be part of your triangle.
“In this present system, the result of evolution, as far as the etheric body is concerned, will be the contact established between all three points of each triangle, making a ninefold contact and a ninefold flow of energy; this is consistent with the fact that nine is the number of initiation … The initial triangle was formed by Sanat Kumara [Lord of the World], and we call the three energies which circulate through its medium the three major Rays of Aspect.
The four Rays of Attribute formed their own triangles and yet, in a paradoxical manner, they are responsible for the “squares” through which their energies at this time pass. Thus the work of transforming the inherited etheric body was begun and has proceeded ever since. In the etheric body of the human being you have a repetition of the same process in the triangle of energies created by the relationship between the Monad, the Soul, and the Personality.”23

“Contact established between all 3 points of each triangle, making a 9-fold contact and a 9-fold flow of energy.”
In the coming Aquarian cycle, the Science of Invocation and Evocation will make its presence increasingly felt. The triangles of light and goodwill are invocative, constituting the a.b.c.’s of the Science of Invocation. The triangle work will form,
“… a network of light as a channel of communication between the Hierarchy [Masters of Wisdom] and Humanity, and will form simultaneously a network of goodwill, which is the objective expression of the subjective influence of light. Their [triangles] strength is dependent upon the depth of feeling in the one case, and the strength of the will in the other, with which they are created. I have here given those disciples who are launching this new project which is so close to my heart [Master Djwhal Khul], a new and useful hint. This work must go on.
… The forming of triangles of light and of goodwill concerns the reservoir of energy upon the inner and etheric side of life which will automatically and with full circulatory effect enable the exoteric work of the men and women of goodwill to make progress. It is not goodwill per se, but the creation of triangles of energy within the etheric body of the planet which are deliberately qualified by goodwill.
“… this creative work, with its intelligent and practical purposes and its ability when rightly functioning to unite the exoteric and the esoteric workers in one spiritual undertaking, originates in reality in Shamballa itself … this activity will form an important part of the new world religion … it will have its own inner group who will work entirely subjectively, building the triangles of light and of goodwill, and then will work objectively, directing the activities of those who are building the organisational aspect of triangles of practical goodwill on Earth with an effective subsidiary activity.”24
The NGWS and the Ten Seed Groups
The NGWS is comprised of ten seed groups, as in the diagram below, also listed in greater detail in the table at Appendix 1. Bear in mind that the majority of the NGWS are not esoterically inclined or necessarily “spiritual” in an obvious way. Nevertheless, they range from “men and women of goodwill” to aspirants, disciples and initiates; they have a potent sense of mission and the part that they must play in the reformation of the world. The responsibility of the small proportion of the esoteric members of the NGWS, is to work subjectively, supporting the entire NGWS group. The ten seed groups are worth studying to find the one with which there is the most resonance; in any subsequent realisation lies the path for a more enhanced and empowered service expression; there can be identification with more than one group.
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy after 2025
This current period of 2019 leading to 2025, closes a window that opened in 1965, mirroring an earlier opportunity 2,500 years ago:

Shakyamuni Buddha with 18 Arhats. (Mukti Singh Thapa.)
“In the time of the Buddha and through the stimulation He produced there was a great gathering in of Arhats. These were men who had achieved liberation through self-initiated effort. This period, in our Aryan race, marked a climax for the East. Since then the tide of spiritual life has steadily flowed westward, and we may now look for a corresponding climax in the West, which will reach its zenith between the years 1965 and 2025. Towards this end the adepts of the East and of the West are unitedly working, for they follow always the Law.”25
As earlier stated, contact by the Masters directly with Humanity, has not occurred since ancient Atlantis. Hence, Their renewed presence at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius promises accelerated revolution in human consciousness; a truly “golden age”, another name for the Satya Yuga that is now beginning for the next Sixth Rootrace.
The New Era will usher in new forms of music and art that will emerge under the influence of the fourth ray cycle – which coincidentally begins in 2025. The fourth ray of Harmony Through Conflict, the ray of beauty, art and music. These new art forms will reflect the fresh frequencies precipitating into human consciousness, the energies of Aquarius; they will, complement the fifth ray of science forces that will also be powerful throughout the age, an age that Humanity must build of its own free will and conscious co-operation with the known Planetary Plan:
“Music will be largely employed in construction, and in one hundred years from now it will be a feature in certain work of a constructive nature.”26
As to the exact date of the Externalisation after 2025, the following passage written in 1943, may offer a hint:
“The Restoration of the Mysteries, the initiation of those disciples who have stood firm and unafraid during the war [WWII], the enlargement of Their ashrams, owing to the almost unforeseen development of the spiritual sense among the world aspirants who would not normally have become disciples during this incarnation, and also the externalisation of Their ashrams during the next one hundred years, preparatory to the reappearance of the Hierarchy upon earth, are some of His present hierarchical responsibilities.
These involve a tremendous expenditure of force, of second ray energy, just as His [The Christ] first activity demands an unusual expenditure of first ray power—something which even He, in His high place, is only now learning to handle, as a pledged Disciple of Sanat Kumara.”27
The use of the phrase “next one hundred years” may be generic and not necessarily literal; but it must point to a time-frame in which the Hierarchy are aiming to implement the Plan. If 100 is added to 1943 = 2043. And that might be construed as the latest date for the externalisation of the ashrams of disciples and initiates per se – “preparatory to the reappearance of the Hierarchy upon earth”. Only a mere two decades after 2025!
Nevertheless, nothing is hewn in stone for Hierarchical plans, always subject to change, depending upon human responses, decisions and action taken. For example in the above passage, “unforeseen development of the spiritual sense among the world aspirants who would not normally have become disciples during this incarnation”.
The NGWS and Aquarius
The next 2,160 year cycle of Aquarius also coincides with a greater 25,000 year cycle of Aquarius28 – occurring for the seventh time in the history of the Fifth Rootrace.
Hence, the forces of Aquarius-ruler Uranus and the ray it rules – the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic and Organisation, will be potent in bringing the Kingdom of Souls into full physical expression. The seventh ray also finds an easy expression through the sign of Capricorn that dominates World Servers week. There will be a stellium of six planets in Capricorn in 2019, affording a remarkable opportunity – discussed in more detail in a later section.
During this Aquarian cycle we will witness the blending of exoteric science with esoteric science. This will be made possible through the planned re-establishment of the Mystery Schools, with subsequent inductions of thousands of candidates for initiation. Aquarius is also the World Server, and in many ways The New Group of World Servers employs the techniques and principles of Aquarius – it is the World Water-Bearer:
“I would have all disciples begin to train themselves to respond to the Aquarian energy now pouring into the Hierarchy … This Aquarian influence produces mainly the intensifying of the hierarchical relationship to Shamballa … It is through the disciples that the New Group of World Servers are brought under the stepped-down Aquarian influences; this has to be an individual matter, largely dependent upon the point of evolution.
… This inflow of Aquarian energy is one of the factors which will enable the Christ to complete His task as World Saviour and World Teacher.” All who respond to the life-giving force of Aquarius and to the light-giving force of Taurus can and will work in the New Group of World Servers, even though they have no occult knowledge and have never heard of their co-workers under that name. Forget this not.”29
Bear in mind, that laggard Humanity is still catching up in its evolution, due to the failure of the Moon Chain aeons ago. The double Aquarian cycle offers a magnificent moment in time to shorten that gap, leading to the establishment of a “beacon of light” upon this planet that will ensure no further control by the Materialistic Forces. Providing that there are enough candidates to take the Third Degree initiation – those who can collectively hold the tension for the Fifth Rootrace, this goal should be reached within the next 500 years, in the first decanate of Aquarius:
“Now the group light bearer will shortly be seen. Then shall we see the rest of the human family (who respond not yet to the Christ impulse) having their progress facilitated towards the path of probation. The work will still be slow, and much yet remains to be done; but if all the aspirants of the world and all the disciples at work in the world today will submerge their personal interests in the task immediately ahead, we shall have what I might pictorially call the opening of a great station of light on earth, and the founding of a power house which will greatly hasten the evolution and elevation of humanity, and the unfoldment of the human consciousness.”30
“Later, the Avatar will emerge Who will embody in Himself all that the Buddha had of enlightenment and all that Christ had of acquiescing love. He will, however, also embody the energy which produced the Approach of Appropriation, and when He comes forth, there will transpire a great appropriation by humanity of its recognised divinity, and the establishing upon earth of a station of light and of power which will make possible the externalising of the Mysteries of Initiation upon earth. This approach is the cause of much of the present turmoil, for the Avatar is on His way.”31
During the next few hundred years it is also prophesied that humanity’s ignorance and fear of death (hence understanding the principles of karma and reincarnation), will no longer hang over the world like a dark cloud; this will constitute the breaking of a huge glamour that has enthralled the world since Atlantis:
“You say there are as yet only beliefs as to immortality and no sure evidences. In the accumulation of testimony, in the inner assurances of the human heart, in the fact of belief in eternal persistence as an idea in the minds of men lies sure indication. But indication will give place to conviction and knowledge before another hundred years has elapsed, for an event will take place and a revelation be given to the race which will turn hope into certainty and belief into knowledge.
In the meantime, let a new attitude to death be cultivated and a new science of death be inaugurated. Let it cease to be the one thing we cannot control and which inevitably defeats us and let us begin to control our passing over to the other side, and to understand somewhat the technique of transition.”32
Here are just a few glimpses of the wondrous developments awaiting, once obstacles in this transitional phase are overcome. Note in these past few references to a 100-year cycle: Externalisation of the Hierarchy, the new music and art, destruction of the glamour of death – and hence knowledge of the soul’s immortality, for the masses of humanity.
Astrological Analysis of Capricorn 2019: World Servers Week
There is an extraordinary gathering of planets in Capricorn during World Servers week from December 21-28, 2019. Two charts can be generated for this period – one for the solstice moment when the sun enters Capricorn; the other for the new moon which occurs after Christmas Day.
Both horoscopes have Scorpio rising for London, but of course the rising sign will differ for the other four planetary centres. The Scorpio emphasis is quite marked, with its ruler, Mars in Scorpio and the moon in Scorpio – in the solstice chart. Scorpio is a sign of tough trials for discipleship and is also a sign of initiation, having passed those tests.
Likewise, Capricorn is a sign of initiation and there a four placements in Capricorn in the solstice chart, whilst there are six in the new moon horoscope. As London is the throat centre for the Fifth Rootrace, its influence upon global thinking is powerful, so whatever goodwill is generated there, or visualised passing through there – will have a global effect. World Servers week is from December 21-28, but on the 29th, Mercury also enters Capricorn, making seven placements in Capricorn for that 8-day period.
The Silent Minute Initiating NGWS week on December 21 at 9 pm, a silent minute will be observed globally. This will provide the opportunity to link up with all other servers around the planet, in conscious anticipation of the work to be done, the invoking of light and love and indeed the The Spirit of Peace and the Avatar of Synthesis.
Capricorn is the most material and spiritual sign of the zodiac. With the forces of the 1st ray of Will-Power and the 7th ray of Ceremonial Order passing through it, there is a great capacity to bring spiritual purpose into manifestation . This is ideal for World Servers week and befitting of Capricorn’s keynote: “Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.” The world server turns back from personal bliss, to serve humanity.
The solstice period, combined with the new moon that follows shortly thereafter, is a deeply occult period in which to effect subjective work. The winter solstice is celebrated as the birth of the Christ or soul, i.e. Christ’s-mass on December 25th, the last day of this three-day period where the sun “stands still” in its transition from south to north of the celestial equator. Capricorn the 10th sign is a sign of perfection, hence the initiate who has achieved the arduous climb to the summit.
The winter solstice marks the first degree of Capricorn, the sure-footed mountain goat that has trodden its way up the steep and arduous path, becoming ultimately the transformed unicorn – upon the pinnacle of spiritual achievement.
This three-day solstice transition period is also symbolic of the third initiation or the transfiguration of the personality, where the mental body is in complete control of the three-fold personality. The power of the will working through the mental body is a great force that must be handled responsibly, hence Capricorn’s reputation as the black or white magician, the sign of grossest materiality or the most sublime spirituality.
The deepest darkness of the winter solstice, just before the increasing light – “when the sun moves northward” – is a profound symbol of initiation into the Mysteries. Humanity’s perennial search for light – “the goat seeking green grass”, the search for the soul – the true “home” symbolised by polar opposite Cancer.
The most profound anchoring of the light into matter at this time of the year, reveals that every atom in the earth and atmosphere is suffused with that light. Capricorn represents the birth of the Christ in the cave of the heart – symbolically, nine months after His “conception” in Aries the Lamb– a sign where the Sun is exalted and a festival that celebrates Christ’s resurrection at Easter.

The waning crescent moon that heralds the balsamic moon phase of the monthly cycle, 3-4 days before the new moon.
Balsamic Moon. Not only is this Capricorn interval marked by the darkness of the solstice period, but it is also a balsamic moon, the last phase of the monthly cycle before the new moon, lasting 3-4 days. This phase begins at the thin waning crescent moon, rising more faintly each day until it disappears altogether.
The balsamic phase is called the “dark moon” period because there is no visible light from the moon, it has “disappeared” before its new moon reappearance. This lunar phase is a potent period for inner work, a period of renewal, regeneration and deep rest – where the intuition works powerfully. It is symbolic of the Mysteries where the candidate for initiation is “left in the dark” – to find their own way out of the underground cave; they must rely on their inner intuitive senses to do so, because the sense of physical sight has been diminished. This balsamic phase precisely coincides the three day solstice period.33
New Moon in Capricorn 2019 – Boxing Day: Solar Eclipse
New moon cycles can be deeply esoteric periods to work, as opposed to the intensity of the full moon festivals, where there are more participants in the meditation process. Yet one has to be careful at the balsamic/new moon period not to be drawn into devitalisaton or depression – brought about by world conditions, excessive introspection etc. The Tibetan discusses some of these factors and their causes:
“The path of the sun in the heavens. The southern path tends to a lowered vibratory influence and aspirants should bear this in mind in autumn and the early winter months. [Leading up to the Capricorn solstice, then moving northward after the solstice.] The dark half of the moon, the period towards the end of the waning moon [balsamic], and the early new moon. This, as you well know, affects the meditation work.”34
Annual Solar Eclipse
It will be an annual solar eclipse at this new moon on December 26, 2019. Eclipses make a deep impression in the etheric body of the planet – they “fix” the planetary configuration in the ethers, magnifying the new moon horoscope forces. Often the eclipse horoscope pattern is activated by planetary transits within the following 6-12 months, precipitating some kind of an event.
The eclipse line extends from Indonesia, south-east Asia, southern India, Pakistan across to Saudi Arabia. Events triggered can be natural cataclysms – and that may certainly be the case with regard to the island of Sumatra, arguably this planet’s earthquake and tsunami capital. The eclipse line passes through the most sensitive portion of that island that has been the epicentre of past quakes. (See author’s analysis of the Sumatran quake and tsunami, 2004.) It is ironic to note the earthquake of 2004 was on December 26, 2004 – exactly 15 years ago, just 12 hours before the Capricorn full moon.
Other events that can arise are political turmoil within Indonesia, conflicts between nations – for example India and Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia – all planetary hotspots for potential conflict. Hopefully these events do not come to pass, but their possibility cannot go left unsaid. The band of influence of the astro-cartographic eclipse line is usually quite broad – hence, nations as far away as China and Australia, on either side of the line – will be affected.
“It is in the [eclipse] Saros Cycle 3 south. Bernadette Brady refers to this as a family of eclipses conjunct the fixed star Kaus Madius: Traumatic transformation; favourable for coronations, expiatory ceremonies, planting trees, sowing seeds, building towns, and matters of a permanent nature; danger of earthquakes, natural disaster, political conflict … the birth chart for the Saros Cycle 3 Eclipse commenced at 27 Leo – Trump’s ascendant and also Mars/Leo in the Indonesian independence chart. So we can expect tectonic movement in Indonesia; political upheaval in USA and recession in Australia.”35
The eclipse is also widely conjunct the fixed star Facies:
“Ruthlessness or the victim: The nebula in the face of the Archer … This nebula is the eye of the most feared of all warriors – the archer. Facies is a difficult star, being either the perpetrator of violence or the victim. Whatever Facies touches will be influenced by ruthlessness and/or aggression.”36
Here follow several of the main points about the new moon horoscope:
1. Moon and Sun are closely conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn. Esoterically, the power of the Moon in Capricorn as a ruler of the form, grows less because the disciple is liberating themself from the control of matter. “The attractive lure of that which is material wanes increasingly.”37 Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the Christ force so prominent at Christmas time, the “solar hero” re-emerging from the darkness:
“Jupiter … falls in this sign … in its lowest aspect gives the fulfilment of desire and satisfied demand, whilst in its highest Jupiter is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. In Capricorn, therefore, Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect, and then—as love and selflessness triumph—this lowest aspect vanishes and disappears.
It is to the “fall” of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low. Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs.”38
Hence, the concentration of this Sun, Moon, Jupiter conjunction focusses and magnifies the Love-Wisdom principle to an extraordinary degree. The Earth is always opposite the Sun and, placed in Cancer, stimulates this Capricorn-Cancer axis and its relation to Sirius,the Dog Star – the “higher self” to our solar system, and the main cosmic path that most of humanity will choose, once liberated. Note also, that Saturn is in Capricorn, its own sign and exceedingly powerful in relation to spiritual law, aided and abetted by heavyweight Pluto the Destroyer, in a close conjunction:
“Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High in that distant Sun [Sirius]. They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in that mass to “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.”39
Note the word “probation” – the aspirant upon the Path of Purification is “on probation”, reflected in our earthly laws, when an offender is “placed on probation” – how very Saturnian! Taking this analogy a little further, all of humanity are “offenders” (or “prisoners of the planet”), until they have learned to live under Solar Law, achieved through gradual rejection of the involutionary lunar path – and by initiations into the Greater Mysteries.
Also the phrase,“isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.” Cancer is one of the main (water) signs of feeling, representing refinement and integration of the astral body – its competency as a vehicle for the higher buddhic, Neptunian forces.
Therefore, this new moon/solstice/servers week period, will not only have a profound effect upon all aspirants and disciples upon the Path, but also the “mass of men”, with the potential of creating or accelerating a mass “reversal of the wheel” – to, “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past”.

Voyager 2 on its closest approach to Uranus on 24-1-1986 – whilst the sun was in Aquarius and Uranus was in Sagittarius, the sign of long distance travel and discovery! (Artist: Julian Baum)
2. Sun-Moon-Jupiter trine Uranus in Taurus. Taurus is another earth sign that carries the theme of practical manifestation of the Plan upon the physical plane. Plus of course, it rules the NGWS and is the Mother of Illumination.
Uranus is the ruler of the 7th ray of Ceremonial Order, Magic and Organisation – a ray that passes most powerfully through Capricorn and which is responsible for this sign’s skill in business, money, organisation, executive etc. Uranus is the 7th planet from the Sun (not counting Vulcan), rules the 7th ray, and is prominent on this 7-year cycle for the 7-day period of World Servers week:
“Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most occult of the planets “falls” in this sign, producing the accentuation and the sharp division between body and soul which is so marked a characteristic of the Taurian subject … The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness—substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions.”40
Uranus is the reformer and revolutionary, hence its influence will help bring about many changes, particularly with its trine aspect to Jupiter, both planets are exoteric and esoteric rulers of Aquarius.
3. Mars in Scorpio conjunct Scorpio ascendant. (At least in London) Mars the god of war in its own sign Scorpio – battleground for the World Disciple and humanity at large; where the World Hercules must lift the seething nine-headed dragon out of the stinking swamp – symbol of the unpurified astral nature:
“The disciple has now to demonstrate the strength, character and quality which he has unfolded and developed within himself during his long pilgrimage. [from Mars-ruled Aries] … In Scorpio, with the same planet ruling his interior life, the war is on and in this case Mars rules not only the physical body but the entire form vehicle, which we call the personality in the three worlds. All aspects of the lower nature are involved in this crisis, for Mars is the esoteric ruler in Scorpio and the tests applied involve the form nature—gross and subtle, integrated and potent.
… The effect of Mars is, therefore, largely mass effect and group results, producing great struggles but leading finally to great revelation … the revelation of the vision of liberation and service … Mars establishes relations between the opposites … Scorpio governs “the initiates,” which is the true esoteric name of man … through Mars and the Martian activity that the revelation comes about.”41
In the new moon chart, Mars in Scorpio is in an harmonious sextile aspect to Pluto in Capricorn, linking these two signs of initiation, their relation to the solar plexus and sacral centres, plus a most esoteric relationship to one another:
“Pluto and not Mars is here mentioned … as a non-sacred Planet, ruling Scorpio. The reason for this is that there is a relation between Mars and Pluto analogous to that between Venus and the Earth. Esoterically speaking, Mars is the alter ego of Pluto; the activity of Pluto at this time and in this lesser world cycle is very important on account of its esoteric approach to the Earth, impelled thereto by the vivification of its life by a display of Martian energy.”42
The rulership of Mars over the astral body, particularly when placed in Scorpio, the sign of astral trials and turmoil, is most appropriate for humanity and world disciples at this time; hence its position in this sign can be exceedingly difficult:
“You will see from this how important are the functions of Scorpio and Mars upon our planet at this time, and you will note also how brief a time remains in which humanity can (rightly or wrongly) handle its tests. You will realise also the pressure under which the Hierarchy at this time struggles now that Martian energy is expressing itself upon the astral plane.
Will the world Hercules lift this problem up into heaven and “elevate the Hydra” of passion and hate, of greed and aggression, and of selfishness and ambition up into the region of the soul? Or will it carry the whole matter down on to the physical plane with the inevitable corollary of world disaster, world war and death? Such are the problems with which the guiding Hierarchy is faced.”43
This passage was written during WWII (1939-42) and is no less pertinent today, in the scenario of the author’s so-called “WWIII on the mental plane”.
4. Mercury the Messenger in Sagittarius. In this philosophical and idealistic sign of direction and intuition. Mercury is virtually unaspected to any other planet, but is conjunct the Galactic Centre, or Hunab Ku in the Mayan tradition. Here Mercury brings through the stupendous forces at the centre of the Great Wheel itself. In Britain’s natal horoscope, Mercury is placed in Sagittarius and has been prominently aspected throughout the Brexit debacle – the theme of which, is about reorientation to higher philosophical principles.
Likewise, in the Capricorn new moon chart, Mercury represents reorientation and re-direction for humanity as a whole, as in “reversing the wheel”; plus all the re-orientations that aspirants and disciples must make – at whatever stage of unfoldment they find themselves; constant compass corrections and adjustments, tweaking the course one has already set.
In some cases, that might involve a radical tack and sailing forth in a completely new direction! Mercury is also hierarchical ruler of the Scorpio ascendant for London, representing the highest outcome, at least for Britain, if not for the Fifth Rootrace. Mars as exoteric and esoteric ruler on the Scorpio ascendant, promises many tests and trials – there can be no illusions about that!
5. Venus in Aquarius. This placement indicates a willingness to embrace broader relationships, to experiment by going beyond one’s comfort zone; especially considering Venus’s square aspect to Uranus in Taurus. The relation of these two planets is a “mutual reception” – where Venus tenants the sign that Uranus rules, whilst Uranus is in the sign that Venus rules; this may express itself potently in the realm of sex – Uranus rules the sacral centre and is placed in the bull of desire sign, Taurus.
Esoterically however, a higher “tantra” is at work: Venus is the ruler of the 5th ray of Science, mind, knowledge. The 5th ray is the only ray to pass through Aquarius; likewise, Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is the planet of the scientific mind. Hence, the square aspect between them represents the challenge to raise forces from the sacral centre to the throat and ajna centres; to expand into greater consciousness and mental understanding, to embrace new, even radical ideas that will liberate humanity from the Scorpio swamp!
6. Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. These two planets have been in orb of conjunction in 2019, but reach their exact conjunction soon after World Servers week, on the 13th January, 2020 – joined closely by Sun and Mercury on their annual pilgrimage through Capricorn. This occurs three days after the Capricorn full moon festival on 10th January!
The conjunction of these two planets in the sign of Capricorn has not occurred for 500 years, when Protestantism emerged at The Reformation, courtesy of Martin Luther – a disciple with several planets in Scorpio. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction at that time fell precisely on Luther’s progressed Sun in Capricorn in 1517.

Martin Luther, nailing his 95 theses tothe door of All Saints church, on All Hallows Eve, October 31, 1517.
Similarly, we may look for another Reformation, so urgently needed in diverse areas of human activity: Religion, politics, economics etc. Hence, the period from the December solstice through to the end of January, may see a major world crisis precipitate – financially, politically and/or spiritually. Capricorn is a sign that suffers the most from crystallisation – that must be periodically shattered. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is like a mighty karmic hammer that can deliver the blow needed.
Combine that with the presence of Mars in Scorpio, then something must yield. Humanity appears to be resisting change and a portion may have to be dragged by dramatic events, “kicking and screaming” out of their apathy and selfishness. It is said that “Saturn is one of the most potent of the four Lords of Karma and forces man to face up to the past, and in the present to prepare for the future.”44
There is a basic esoteric analysis for the World Servers week in Capricorn. The prominent planets of Jupiter and Uranus, will be invoking the forces of the 2nd and 7th rays, whilst Saturn and Pluto the 3rd and 1st rays.
It will be a potent opportunity for the New Group of World Servers to give their all, to transform the mental and psychic atmosphere of our struggling planet, so that Humanity may be positively influenced, empowered and encouraged to effect all the urgent changes that are needed; to push back at the opportunistic and ruthless materialistic forces that work through the global culture; to make a stand and bear our burdens and hold fast.
Phillip Lindsay © 2019.
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Appendix 1: The Ten Seed Groups (Go back)
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Further Detail About the Ten Seed Groups
(Mainly from The Externalisation of the Hierarchy [EOH], pp.31-61.)
1. Telepathic Communicators
“It will be apparent to you therefore why it was necessary for the initial or first group to lay the emphasis upon telepathic rapport, because upon that rapport, understandingly cultivated and developed, the success of these seed groups must depend. It does not mean that their success depends upon the established success of the first group, but upon the comprehension by all the groups of the meaning and purpose and techniques of telepathy. (See Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle)
The founding upon the inner planes of a school of telepathy to which humanity can become sensitive, even if unconsciously so, is part of the task which the first group, the Telepathic Communicators, has undertaken. They are the custodians of the group purpose, and work on mental levels. The second group, the Trained Observers, has the objective to see clearly through the use of the intuition; they serve on astral levels. The third group, the Magnetic Healers, has the objective of working with forces on the physical plane. The other six groups will be mentioned later.” (EOH31)
“I have indicated somewhat the intended work of the first group from the angle of telepathic interplay (Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle). The method of communication between the Members of the Hierarchy has to be externalised, eventually, upon earth and this is one of the tasks of the group. It might be of service to you if I outlined a little more clearly what is the purpose of the new seed groups, in terms of the new age civilisation and culture so that the practical results might be visioned with clarity and some new ideals emerge as to the quality of the coming new world order … As regards telepathic communication between the Members of the Hierarchy: within itself, the Hierarchy functions practically entirely on the plane of mind.” (EOH36) Back
2. Trained Observers
“The second group, the trained observers, will inaugurate the era of light and of a free control of the astral plane, with its quality of freedom from illusion and glamour. This freedom will be brought about when “right observation” takes the place of the disturbed vision of the present, and glamour will be dissipated through the “right direction” of the light of the soul throughout the plane of illusion. The Aquarian Age will be predominantly the age of synthesis and light.” (EOH36)
“From certain angles the work of the second group (the Trained Observers) is exceedingly hard, harder perhaps than that of any other group—except that which is engaged in political work. In the latter field the work of the first Ray of Will or Power is beginning to make its presence felt, and hence the great difficulty. The energy which works out in political activity is not yet understood.
The work of the Destroyer Aspect has been kept relatively in the background and only during the past half century has it become definitely active. This became possible because the whole world, practically speaking, was involved and only in the region or realm of synthesis can the first Ray function. This is a point to be remembered and one that is little grasped as yet. I wonder if you can appreciate the importance of the two statements anent the first Ray found in this short paragraph? I oft give you so much real information of which you remain oblivious.
The second group is wrestling with glamour. The processes of light and their relation to group glamour and to individual glamour form a very close connection. Right illumination—which is another name or aspect of right direction—will take the place of glamour, and the objective (personally considered) of this group of disciples is to bring “light into dark places” and illumination into their lives. It is not my intention here to deal with the problem of glamour. With that I have concerned myself in the instructions to this group (Glamour: A World Problem).
The task of this group of disciples is closely connected with the astral task of the Hierarchy. This is, at this time, the dissipation of the world illusion. That has been its problem since Atlantean times, and the climaxing of its effort is imminent and immediate. It takes the form (for all illusions take to themselves form of some kind or other) of the “pouring in of light,” esoterically understood. This is an illusion and at the same time a great and significant [Page 39] spiritual fact. Hence we have today upon the physical plane the emergence of much light everywhere; we have festivals of illumination, and a consistent endeavour on the part of all spiritual workers to enlighten mankind, and a great deal of talk on the part of educators anent illumination of a mental kind. The keynote of this effort to eliminate world glamour was sounded by Christ when He said (following the example of Hermes, Who initiated the process of enlightenment for our race, the Aryan), “I am the Light of the World.”
Disciples must learn the significance of illumination, received in meditation, and the necessity to work with light as a group for the dissipation of glamour. Hermes and Christ undertook this work of astral enlightenment and are constantly occupied with this task. Their work in the new age is to be aided by the intensive activity of certain groups of which this second group is one. Later, when the new civilisation is nearing appearance, these groups will all have in them two key persons or points of energy through which the forces of Hermes and the will of Christ will be focussed, and through which They will be enabled to work. When this takes place, the task of dissipating the world glamour will be much more rapid than it is today. In the meantime groups of disciples can “nurture and conceal,” thus protecting from trouble the germ or seed of the new Aquarian culture and civilisation along this particular line of freedom. Again, I repeat, they must do this along with other groups, working along similar lines, either consciously or unconsciously.
The second task of this group of disciples is to act as a bridge for forces which are seeking etheric expression and which emanate from soul levels, via the mind. I have earlier pointed out in A Treatise on White Magic that the astral plane is itself an illusion. When the first task of the groups working with world glamour is accomplished this will be evident. I can give you as yet no real idea of the underlying meaning, for you are all working in some measure upon the plane of illusion and of glamour, and for you the world [Page 40] illusion exists and the astral plane is for you a fact.
But this I can say: for the initiate members of the Great White Lodge the astral plane does not exist. They do not work on that level of consciousness, for the astral plane is a definite state of awareness even if (from the spiritual angle) it has no true being. It embodies the great creative work of humanity down the ages, and is the product of the `false’ imagination and the work of the lower psychic nature. Its instrument of creative work is the sacral and the solar plexus centres. When the energies, finding expression through these two centres, have been transmuted and carried to the throat and heart by advancing humanity, then the foremost people of the race will know that the astral plane has no true existence;
they will then work free from its impression, and the task of freeing humanity from the thraldom of its own creation will proceed apace. In the meantime a group of disciples is being slowly built up (of which this second group is a part and in which it can play an important function, and occupy a key position), which can gradually aid in the task of dispelling the great illusion and can act also as a bridging group so that those who are freeing themselves from glamour can find their way into the vortex of influence wielded by the group, empowered thus to work. Then three things can happen:
1. Those who thus approach the group will find their efforts to live free from glamour greatly helped and intensified by the group assistance.
2. They will swell the number of those so working and hasten the processes of dissipation.
3. The Hierarchy will be enabled then to work more closely upon earth and to approach much nearer to mankind.
The third function of this second group lies in a more distant future. The Hierarchy has necessarily a department of workers whose major task it is to work solely in the world of illusion and with astral matter. This department came into being in Atlantean days when the great controversy [Page 41] took place between those who embodied the consciousness or soul aspect of deity and those who were similarly representative of the matter aspect of deity. Symbolically speaking, the left-hand and the right-hand paths came into being; white and black magic were brought into conflict with each other and the pairs of opposites (always existent in manifestation) became active factors in the consciousness of advanced humanity.
The battle of discrimination was opened, and humanity became active upon the field of Kurukshetra. Where there is no conscious response to a condition and no registered awareness, there is no problem of responsibility, as far as the soul is concerned. In Atlantean times, this condition was evoked and hence the problem facing the race today; hence the task of the Hierarchy to free the souls of men from the surrounding glamour and to enable them to achieve liberation. The culmination of the issue and the controversy, then initiated, is now upon us.
The third function, therefore, of the group can be grasped at this time, and eventually this branch of the hierarchical effort can find due expression upon earth.
From the above analysis of opportunity it is evident how the groups have a definite place in the plans of the Hierarchy. By developing spiritual sensitivity, and achieving freedom from glamour, the disciples who are members of these groups can raise the racial consciousness and bring in illumination. It should be remembered that it is inspiration which is the goal of all true telepathic work, and illumination which is the reward of effort and the real instrument for the dissipation of world glamour. Thus these groups can nurture the germ of the future culture, act also as bridging units, and externalise certain departmental activities of the planetary Hierarchy—the next great desire of its Members.” (EOH38-41) Back
3. Magnetic Healers
“The third group carries the initial impulse through “into the light of day” and will bring the physical world into a condition whereby “the healing of the nations through the arising of the sun of righteousness” will become possible, because the laws of healing (which are basic and fundamental) can be applied and worked out in all departments of life upon the outer levels of appearance—for disease is only found in the world of phenomena.” (EOH36)
“Turning now to the work of the third group, we find ourselves concerned with the task of the magnetic healers of the world. This has been dealt with elsewhere (Esoteric Healing). I will here refer to one or two points of more general interest, and to their threefold opportunity. It is [Page 42] of interest to note that the work of this group is perhaps one of the hardest to carry through, although from another angle it is far easier than the task of most of the other groups, because the consciousness of the bulk of humanity is found to be predominantly upon the plane of illusion and therefore, as the Old Commentary says:
“They who work to bring in light and yet are surrounded by the maya of the senses, work from the point of present being and need not to move out or in, or up or down. They simply stand.”
The healers of the world upon the physical plane have to work upon that plane and their task is that of bringing through the energies of life, emanating from the soul plane, via the mind, but excluding the emotional. These energies have to be brought through into physical consciousness and, from the physical level, do their necessary and magnetic work. The task of the healers, if successful, involves:
1. The bringing through of healing divine energy.
2. The exclusion of the astral world, and therefore illusion.
3. The utilisation of the healing energy in full waking consciousness upon the physical plane.
Most of the healers in the world are working as follows:
1. As purely physical healers, dealing with the vital forces of the physical body, and with their own consciousness polarised in the etheric body.
2. As emotional astral psychics, with the consciousness polarised upon the astral plane, and utilising the astral body and working in and with glamour and illusion. The effect of their work, if successful (and I would have you note that “if,” for I deal with the idea of relative permanency) may be one of two things:
a. They may cure the physical ills in the patient which are of such a nature that the inner astral desire (and [Page 43] therefore the lower desire) has eventuated in physical disease, experienced in some aspect or organ of the physical body.
b. They may intensify the effect of the illusion of desire in the physical brain consciousness and cause such a violent increase of the active energies that death may occur before so very long. This is quite a frequent happening. Nevertheless death is a cure, remember this.
Under these two categories the bulk of the world healers are found—sometimes doing good, oft doing harm, even if not realising it, and even if (as is usually the case) of good intention. There are three other categories of healers, however, to add to the two above:
3. Mental healers in the true sense of the word. Most mental healers unduly flatter themselves and work not with their minds at all. They have much mental theory and astral methods. Desire is the motivating power and not mental impulse. The true mental healer only brings about his results when he knows something of illumination in the technical and academic sense, and of the power of light to dispel illusion. Disease is not an illusion; it is a definite effect of a real cause from the standpoint of average humanity. When healers can work mentally, they deal with the causes of disease and not with the effects.
4. Those healers whose soul contact is established and who work through the souls of people, enabling them therefore:
a. To stand in spiritual being
b. To work, free from illusion
c. To achieve true perspective upon the physical plane
d. To coordinate the personality and the soul so that the will of the inner spiritual man can work out upon the physical plane.
5. Those who can work (as is eventually intended that this third group should work) definitely as outposts of the consciousness [Page 44] of the Hierarchy of Masters. This work will be done in group formation and with a united synthesised effort. The personal effect of such healers is therefore:
a. To coordinate the personality of the patient. They are themselves coordinated.
b. To bring about contact with the soul, on the part of the patient. They are themselves vitally in contact.
c. To fuse and blend the personality and the soul and thus provide an instrument for the distribution of spiritual energy. They are themselves thus fused.
d. To understand and use the laws of true spiritual healing through intelligent activity upon the mental plane, through freedom from glamour, and through such a right use of force that the instrument of the soul (the personality) becomes vitally magnetic.
I would remind you that such effort in the early stages (and those stages are the present ones) results inevitably in the development of a critical spirit through the intelligent effort being made and the discriminative recognition of glamour in many cases, because only through such an effort can analysis of a right kind eventually be achieved and criticism be eliminated. In the meantime, those thus in training are oft a difficulty and a problem both to themselves and to their friends and co-workers. But this phase is temporary and leads to a more lasting relationship and to the emergence of that true magnetic link and love which must heal and lift and stimulate all that it may contact.
In the coming Aquarian Age we shall see humanity producing a culture which is sensitive to the finer and higher spiritual values, a civilisation which is free from glamour and from much of the illusion which today colours the Aryan peoples, and a racial life which will be embodied in those forms which will bridge the gap at present existing; it will be free from what we now know as disease of the worst kind, though death and certain forms of bodily breakdown which may eventually end in death will, of course, still be prevalent. The overcoming of death is not contingent upon the elimination [Page 45] of bodily ills, but upon the establishing of that continuity of consciousness which carries over from the physical plane of life to the inner subjective existence. Of this state of being, groups such as this third group can be the custodian and their problem is therefore:
1. To establish that state of personality development which will lead to magnetic living upon the physical plane.
2. To study the laws of life, which are the laws of health and of right relationship.
3. To develop that continuity of consciousness which will “open the doors of life and dispel the fear of the known and of that which disappears.”
From the angle of the work of the world healers, the above is a statement of opportunity. This they face as the nucleus or one of the germs or seeds of the new civilisation and the coming culture. It embodies the objective of all their work, and their contribution to the united work of the groups.
Equally so, they can bridge the gap at present existing in the racial consciousness between
1. Life and death.
2. The sick and the well. This is between
a. The physically sick and the inwardly well, which is the case with a few—a very few—of the advanced people, or the disciples of the world and the senior aspirants.
b. The physically well and the psychically sick, which is sometimes the case, but of singular rarity.
c. The physically sick, the psychologically sick, and the overshadowing soul. This situation is often found today.
3. The physical plane and the world of souls, because of the development of a sound instrument and the dissipation of those causes which work out as effects in the physical body as disease, and act as barriers to the inflow of soul energy and the entrance of soul awareness into the brain activity.
This bridging work, when it occurs today, is often simply a fortunate but fortuitous happening and is not the result of a consciously planned bridging work. But it is the intent of the Hierarchy that the groups which will be later formed, and which are today in process of forming (including this third group of mine) can aid in this process, if such is the will of the constituent parts.
Finally, every initiate is a magnetic healer. This is a statement of fact. Though the members of the Hierarchy have each of Them Their duly appointed functions and Their planned activity (dependent upon Ray, upon race and upon dedication) there is one activity which They share in common and that is the power to heal. Their ability to act as magnetic healers works out in various ways, predominantly in the realm of psychological readjustments and psychic disentanglements, and—only incidentally and as a result of the two above activities—in the processes of bodily healing. You will note from the above, that the healing work done by the initiate members of the Great White Lodge is threefold—psychological, bringing in the soul; psychic, releasing the lower psychic nature from illusion so that the psyche or soul can have full sway; physical, as the result of the inner psychological and psychic adjustments.
This triple healing activity is intended to be the objective of all groups working as this third group, the magnetic healers, should work; thus will be brought about an emergence of hierarchical effort into outer activity. Thus you will note, my brother, that the work of the first three groups just discussed, and viewing them as constituting one unit, produces a synthetic endeavour in the three worlds, and leads from the plane of the soul to the plane of outer expression.” (EOH41-6) Back
4. Educators of the New Age
“The fourth group has ahead of it a rich and most interesting course of study and an illuminating objective. Its instructions (See Education in the New Age) will evoke more interested response from a larger group of readers than perhaps will be the case in the instructions of any of the other groups, except those of the sixth whose subject is religion in the new age, and the third (See Esoteric Healing). I give them in the order of their importance. They will be more definitely popular and meet a more general need. The interest which the teaching on education will evoke will be owing to the fact that education is today widely recognised as the major moulding factor, next to economic pressure and circumstance, and there is a widespread interest in progressive education and in the new ideals which should—and will—eventually govern educators.
There is a definite stirring among the masses and the life of the mind (note that phrase) is now more active and potent than ever before. For this there is an occult reason of a most interesting nature.
Those of you who have studied The Secret Doctrine will remember that in that momentous period wherein animal-man made the great transition into the human family and [Page 48] humanity came into being, developing the germ of individuality, the seed of self-consciousness and embryo intellect, we are told that this event was brought about in three ways:
1. The seed of mind was implanted in some of the aspiring animal-men by the Hierarchy, and these animal men became human beings, of a very low order to be sure, but still men. They were “sparked,” if I might so express it, and a point of light appeared where before there was none. Before there was only a diffused atomic light but no central point of light within the head, and no indication of the higher centres. These individuals, along with the more advanced humanity which came to the planet in Atlantean times (having individualised elsewhere), constitute the most advanced humanity of our present period. They represent culture and understanding, no matter where it is found, or in what class or race.
2. The instinctual nature of animal-man (found active among those who had not reached the stage of any conscious aspiration) was suddenly stimulated or vitalised by the coming into expression of the first group and the directed attention of the Hierarchy, working under the ancient Law that “energy follows thought.” Thus gradually, with a remarkable rapidity, instinct became blended into, or resolved into, its higher expression—the intellect. Thus in due course of time a large group of animal-men became human beings. They today represent civilisation and the masses of ordinary intelligent people, educated under the mass systems of the present time, able occasionally to think and rise to mental emergencies, yet not highly cultured. They constitute the so-called general public which we designate by the words “upper and lower middle class” people, the professional classes and the bourgeoisie everywhere.
3. At the same time there is to be found a vast number of people who are human beings but who are not the result of either of these two processes. They are the product of the slow moving influences of life itself, of what we are apt to call the evolutionary urge, innate in matter itself. They [Page 49] have painfully and with infinitely slow processes evolved out of the animal condition into that of human beings, with an awakening conscience, an urge to betterment, and an embryonic mind of such a nature that it can respond to simple educational processes, when available, and is so responding. They are the illiterate masses, the still savage races and the low grade human beings who are met with in their millions on our planet.
The cause for the momentous situation which calls for a re-alignment of our educational systems and processes, and for a readjustment of our present concepts of education, is to be found in the fact that the light of knowledge and the benefits which accrue from it have penetrated to the lowest grades of these slowly evolving people; all three groups are now strictly human and not simply the first two. The highest of them is therefore nearing the stage of demonstrating that which is superhuman and the lowest is separating itself (by almost imperceptible stages) from the animal condition. This necessarily causes a cleavage but it is one of which the highest group and the Hierarchy itself is cognisant, and which they “heal by their own inclusiveness.” Forget not, that the greater can always include the lesser and thus bridge all gaps.
It is the education of these three groups which will be considered by the fourth group which has as its project education in the new age. Here again we touch the threefold purpose which each group has to hold before itself and which in the present instance consists of:
1. The educating of the lowest of these groups into which humanity divides itself, so that they can become strictly and consciously human. This was the objective of the impulse which inspired the Renaissance and which lay behind the work of Rousseau, that great initiate, and this is the impulse which is today responsible for modern Humanism with its apparent materialism and yet its deeply spiritual subjective programme and purpose. This eventually produces civilisation by the inflow of the light of knowledge.
2. The education of the second group so that it may be stimulated by the inflow of the light of wisdom and thus constitute a bridging group between the other two, being—as it is—strictly human and self-conscious. This process will make of its members cultural aspirants, with a new sense of values, with a recognition of spiritual objectives and with a developed ability to make them the moulders of public opinion. They will then be the most important group, expressing the culture of the new age. They will set the standard of values for the masses.
3. The education of the advanced thinkers, of the aspirants and world disciples in applied knowledge, expressed wisdom and occult understanding. This group synthesises all that is available in the other two groups and thus forms the nucleus of the Kingdom of God, of the fifth kingdom which is so rapidly coming into being.
I cannot do more than indicate these points, for their proper theme and their elucidation will be dealt with in the group’s instructions. What I have stated, however, will serve to indicate to you the general theme of the new education and point the way to some of the considerations which are prompting my handling of this subject.” (EOH47-50) Back
5. Political Organisers
“The work to be done (political service) by the fifth group of disciples is by far the most difficult of any for it is in many ways far less advanced. This is due to two facts:
1. The masses of men are, as yet, relatively so little evolved that the task of this group of workers must therefore necessarily be dependent upon the success of the educational work of the world, as it will eventually be exemplified by the ideals and point of view of the fourth group and similar groups everywhere.
2. So few truly first ray people are manifesting on the planet at this time and, when they do, their work perforce proves destructive, owing to the unevolved condition of the masses of men. That is why revolutions [Page 51] so seldom, if ever, can be carried out without bloodshed, for the intended ideas have to be imposed upon the masses and are not immediately recognised and adopted by those masses, they evoke counter responses which arouse those in authority to wrong activity. The above ideas should arouse you to careful thought.
Let it not be forgotten that the objective of all true governmental control is right synthesis, leading to right national and interior group activity. The problem resolves itself into a dual one. First of all, we have the problem of the type of authority which should be recognised by the peoples; and secondly, we have the problem of the methods which should be employed, so that the chosen authoritative measures will proceed either by the method of enforced control, or would be of such a nature that they will evoke a generously rendered and recognised cooperation. Between these two ways of working, many changes can be rung, though the system of cooperation, willingly rendered by an intelligent majority, has never yet been seen. But we are moving towards such a condition of world consciousness and are on our way towards experimenting with it.
Let me here briefly indicate to you some of the modes of government which have been tried out, or will be tried out in the future.
1. Government by a recognised Spiritual Hierarchy. This Hierarchy will be related to the masses of the people by a chain of developed men and women who will act as the intermediaries between the ruling spiritual body and a people who are oriented to a world of right values. This form of world control lies indefinitely ahead. When it becomes possible so to govern, the planetary Hierarchy will have made a major Approach to earth, and there will then be thousands of men and women in touch with Their organisation because they will be developed enough to be sensitive to Its thoughts and ideas.
2. Government by an oligarchy of illumined minds, recognised as such by the massed thinkers, and therefore chosen by them to rule. This they will do through the education of the thinkers of the race in group ideas and in their right application. The system of education, then prevalent, will be utilised as the medium of reaching the masses and swinging them into line with the major ideas and this will be done not by force, but through right understanding, through analysis, discussion and experiment. Curiously enough (from the point of view of many) the spiritual Hierarchy will then work largely through the world scientists who, being by that time convinced of the factual reality of the soul and wise in the uses of the forces of the soul and of nature, will constitute a linking body of occultists.
3. Government by a true democracy. This again will be made possible through a right use of the systems of education and by a steady training of the people to recognise the finer values, the more correct point of view, the higher idealism, and the spirit of synthesis and of cooperative unity. Cooperative unity differs from an enforced unity in that the subjective spirit and the objective form are functioning towards one recognised end. Today, such a thing as a true democracy is unknown, and the mass of the people in the democratic countries are as much at the mercy of the politicians and of the financial forces as are the people under the rule of dictatorships, enlightened or unenlightened. These latter might be regarded as selfish idealists. But I would have you here note the word “idealist”! When, however, the world has in it more truly awakened people and more thinking men and women, we shall see a purification of the political field taking place, and a cleansing of our processes of representation instituted, as well as a more exacting accounting required from the people of those whom they have chosen to put in authority. There must eventually be a closer tie-up between the educational system, the legal system and the government, but it will all be directed to an effort to work out the best ideals of the thinkers of the [Page 53] day. This period does not lie so far ahead as you might imagine, particularly if the first move in this direction is made by the New Group of World Servers.
This first move involves a right comprehension of goodwill. These three systems, which are the three major systems, correspond to the three major rays of synthesis, of idealism, and of intelligence, which are only other names for the rays of Will or Power, of Love-Wisdom and of Active Intelligence.
4. Government by dictatorship. This type of government divides itself into three parts:
a. Rule by a monarchy, limited usually today by the will of the people, or rather by the politicians of the period, but symbolic of the ultimate rule of the Hierarchy under the Kingship of the Lord of the World.
b. Rule by the leader of some democratic country, who is usually called a president, or by some statesman (no matter by what name he may choose to be called) who is frequently an idealist, though limited by his faulty human nature, by the period in which he lives, by his advisors, and by the widespread corruption and selfishness. A study of such men who have held office in this capacity, made by a fair-minded neutral, will usually demonstrate the fact that they held office under the influence of some idea, which was in itself intrinsically right (no matter how applied), which was forward-moving in its concept, and belonged to the then new age. This relates them to the second ray.
c. Rule by dictators, whose animating principle is not one of the new age ideals, emerging in their particular time, but an idealism of a more material kind—a generally recognised present idealism. They are not usually reactionary nor are they found among the intuitive workers of their age, but they take what is grounded, settled and easily available—made so by the thinkers of their time—and then give it a material, national and selfish twist and objective, and so force it on the masses [Page 54] by fear, warlike means and material promises. They belong, therefore, more practically to the third ray methods of work, for they are intelligent, expedient, and materially constructive. True idealism, involving as it must the new age patterns, and religious incentives are lacking in their techniques. Nevertheless, they do lead the race on another step, for they have a mass effect in evoking thought, and sometimes eventual resistance, as the result of that thought.
Later we shall study these and other ways of governing, and analyse their ordinary modern expressions and future spiritual correspondences. These will some day appear on earth as a result of the many experiments today going on. Remember this.
As I earlier said, the processes of education, of law and of government are so closely allied and so definitely related that if ever the work of this fifth group reaches a stage where it is indeed a germ of a new age organism (and many such groups will necessarily appear in the different countries of the world), it will be found that they will act as a clearing house or a linking body between the educators of the time, those whose task it is to enforce the law, and the statesmen who are chosen by the educated masses to formulate the laws whereby they should be governed. It will be apparent, therefore, along what three lines of study and work the members of this fifth group will proceed. These I will not further elaborate in this place.” (EOH50-4) Back
6. Workers in the Field of Religion
“In view of the steady progress towards religious unity which has proceeded apace during the past 150 years, the work of the sixth group (religion in the new age), as is also the case with the first group (telepathic communication) promises rapid results. This is, however, necessarily dependent upon the “skill in action” and the willingness of the group members and allied groups to proceed with slowness and tact.
The moment any idea enters the religious field, it gains immediate momentum from the fact that the outstanding [Page 55] characteristic of the human consciousness is the sense of the Innermost or the Real, a recognition of subjective destiny, and an innate knowledge of and reaching out to the Unknown God. Therefore, any truth or presentation of truth or method which has in it the possibility of producing a nearer approach to divinity or a more rapid understanding of the “deeper Being” evokes an immediate response and reaction. There is consequently much need for caution and considered action.
I have already indicated to you the form that the religion of the new age will take (See The Reappearance of the Christ). It will be built around the periods of the Full Moon, wherein certain great Approaches will be made to the world of reality, also around two periods of massed Approaches to be made at the time of the major eclipse of the moon and of the sun during the year. The two major Full Moon Approaches will be those of the Wesak Full Moon and the Full Moon of June—one hitherto consecrated to the Buddha Who embodied the wisdom of God, and the other to the Bodhisattva (known to Christians as the Christ) Who embodied the love of God.
The platform of the new world religion will have in it three major presentations of truth, or three major doctrines, if such an undesirable word can be permitted. It is with the elaboration of these three points of view, or evocations of truth, that the work of the sixth group of disciples will be concerned. They are:
1. The fact of the Spirit of God, both transcendent and immanent, will be demonstrated, and also a similar fact in relation to man. The mode of their approach to each other, via the soul, will be indicated. This aspect of the emerging truth might be called Transcendental Mysticism.
2. The fact of the divine quality of the Forces in nature and in man and the method of their utilisation for divine purposes by man. This might be called Transcendental Occultism.
3. The fact, implied in the first, that Humanity, as a Whole, is an expression of divinity, a complete expression, plus the allied fact of the divine nature and work of the planetary Hierarchy, and the mode of the Approach of these two groups, in group form, to each other. This might be called Transcendental Religion.
More than this I will not here indicate as I seek to touch briefly upon the remaining three groups. I will, however, point out that we shall elaborate somewhat the Technique of the Presence of God, approaching it from a new angle, that of the Group, and also upon the Technique of Light. Two lesser Techniques I have at times called to your attention and with these we will later deal, for they are in the nature of approaches to the other two—the Technique of Indifference and the Technique of Service (See Glamour: A World Problem). As we study the divine Approaches, we shall see that they involve two parties or two groups—those found on the objective and those on the subjective side of life.” (EOH54-6) Back
7. Scientific Servers
“The work of the seventh group, which is in the field of science, is closely allied to that of the seventh ray and is one with a most practical physical purpose. It is strictly magical in its technique, and this technique is intended to produce a synthesis between the three aspects of divinity upon the physical plane, or between life, the solar energies and the lunar forces. This involves a difficult task and much understanding; the work to be done is not easy to comprehend. It will be carried forward by first ray workers, assisted by seventh ray aspirants, but using fifth ray methods. They will thus combine, in their personnel, the work of the destroyer of outgrown forms, the findings of the scientists who penetrated behind the outer form to its motivating energy, and the practical work of the magician who—under the law—creates the new forms, as expressions of the inflowing life.
This group of disciples will make a close study of the problem of evil, and they will bring about a better understanding of the purpose existing in matter or substance, and the inflowing enlightened and different purpose of the soul aspect. That is why (in my earlier discussion of the subject) I linked the results of religion and of science together; religion is concerned with the awakening to conscious purpose of the soul in man or form, whilst science is concerned with the activity of the outer form as it lives its own life, yet slowly becomes subservient to that purpose and to soul impress. This is the thought contained in the words “scientific service” as used by me. The work of this group is therefore a triple one:
1. They will take the most advanced inferences of the workers in the field of science, and will then formulate the new hypotheses upon which the next immediate steps forward in any particular scientific field will be founded.
2. They will avail themselves of the sensitive reactions which the new spiritual Approaches (as taught by the world religion of the time) will have made possible and—utilising the inferences thus made available in connection with the inner world of spirit—will outline the nature of the incoming forces which will determine and motivate the culture of the time.
3. Taking the substance or material, and the spiritual inferences and the scientific hypotheses, they will formulate those forms of service on the physical plane which will precipitate with rapidity the Plan for the immediate present. They will release through this blend of scientific knowledge and intuitive idealism, those energies which will further human interests, relate the subhuman to the human through a right interplay of forces, and thus clear the way of those intellectual impediments which will (and always have) blocked man’s approach to the superhuman world.
I doubt that it will be possible to do much in connection with the forming of this group, and this for several reasons. [Page 58] The first is that such a group cannot be formed until a certain scientific discovery has been made of such moment that our present scientific inhibition in recognising the fact of the soul as a creative factor, will disappear. This discovery will be part of the acknowledged “facts of science” by the year 1975. Secondly, A.A.B. has not the necessary scientific knowledge to do more than grasp the broader outlines of the intended work, and then only primarily from the angle of the more mystical and philosophical approaches. Nor, my brothers, have I. It will take a fifth or seventh ray initiate to deal with this matter, and though I could invoke the assistance of such a brother, it does not seem to me a profitable expenditure of force at this time. The sigh of relief from A.A.B. as she grasps the fact that there is one less group to tackle on my and your behalf would almost warrant my making this a major reason!” (EOH56-8) Back
8. Psychologists
“Let us now pass on to a brief indication of the work of the eighth group, which is psychological service. In this field the work will be lifted out of the realm of the strictly human and will concern itself with wider issues—for, my brothers—there are wider issues than those which concern the human family alone. The work of these disciples will cover the following three issues:
1. The relation of the human soul to the subhuman kingdoms in nature and the place of the human kingdom as an intermediary between the three higher kingdoms and the three lower.
2. The quality of the soul in the three subhuman kingdoms, with particular emphasis upon the animal and the vegetable kingdoms. The consciousness of the mineral kingdom is so far removed from the human that it is not possible for us to formulate anything about it in words, or to identify ourselves with it until after the expansion of consciousness which takes place after the third initiation—that of the Transfiguration.
3. A study of the Plan, as it appears at this time to be working out in the five kingdoms in nature. It will be apparent to you that the teaching connected with this group will be more definitely and academically occult in its significance than will be the case in the others, for it will be based upon information contained in The Secret Doctrine and in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. It will be founded upon certain premises contained in those volumes. Therefore, the members of this group of disciples will be of the more orthodox persuasion; they will be theosophists by nature, and academic by disposition.
The nature of the anima mundi, the fact of the subjective consciousness found in all forms without exception, and the existence of an interplay between these forms, through the medium of the soul, will be the major theme. Soul sensitivity and reaction to the energy in any form will be the training objective of the group members. Owing to the difficulty of this task, the members of this eighth group will be chosen from the personnel of the other groups, for they will have had a fair measure of training in their preliminary work. Two groups will then be interlocking groups—that which is formed of the key people in all the groups, and this one.” (EOH58-9) Back
9. Financiers and Economists
“The ninth group, whose project is financial service, will be one of the most practical and interesting from the standpoint of the present world situation and modern conditions. I may begin to organise this group before long, provided some of my disciples show me the subjective signs for which I look, which involves a right understanding and spiritual appreciation of money. By this I do not mean that any of you who do show such signs will be in this group, but you will provide the right conditions which will make its inception possible; one or two of the key people, however, may form part of the financial service group if the plan works out as hoped and intended.
The task to be undertaken by this group is to study the significance of money as directed and appropriated [Page 60] energy. This direction of force produces concretisation, and the work is then in the field of magical endeavour. As with the work of the other groups, the task to be carried out falls into three categories of endeavour:
1. The effort to understand the nature of prana or of vital etheric energy, and the three qualities which distinguish it; these are (as you well know) inertia, activity and rhythm or—giving them their Hindu names—tamas, rajas and sattva. When the mineral wealth of the world was undiscovered and unused, we had the stage of tamas at its deepest and most inert point. Much concerning money today is related to the karma and destiny of the mineral kingdom. With this, however, we need not here concern ourselves. The processes of the pranic life were originally carried out in the realm of barter and the exchange of that which is found upon the surface of the earth and later went down into the depths, thus bringing into fluidity the deepest and densest expression (from the human standpoint) of divinity. This is a point to be remembered.
Today the process is being reversed and money is connected with the produce of the vegetable kingdom in the form of paper money, founded upon the mineral wealth of the world. This is an interesting subjective reality to have in mind.
2. A study of the processes whereby money has been steadily deflected from personal uses, both in the good and in the evil sense.
I do not, however, intend to write a treatise upon finance. It would largely be a record of man’s dire selfishness, but I seek to deal with money as the Hierarchy sees the problem, and to consider it as a form of energy, prostituted at this time to material ends or to the selfish aspirations and ambitions of well-meaning servers. They are limited in their view and need to get a picture of the possibilities inherent in the present situation which could deflect much of this form of concretised divine energy into constructive channels and “ways of light.”
3. A study of the Law of Supply and Demand, so that there can be made available for the Masters’ work through the medium of the world disciples (of pure motive and skill in action and tried responsibility) that which is needed, and, my brothers, sorely needed by Them.
Money has been deflected into entirely material ends, even in its philanthropic objectives. The most spiritual use now to be found in the world is the application of money to the purposes of education. When it is turned away from the construction of the form side and the bringing about solely of material well-being of humanity and deflected from its present channels into truly spiritual foundations much good will be done, the philanthropic ends and the educational objectives will not suffer, and a step forward will be made. This time is not yet, but the spiritualising of money and its massing in quantities for the work of the Great Ones, the Disciples of the Christ, is part of a much needed world service and can now make a satisfactory beginning; but it must be carried forward with spiritual insight, right technique and true understanding. Purity of motive and selflessness are taken for granted.” (EOH59-61) Back
10. Creative Workers
“Some men and women in the world tower above their fellow men, and produce that which is superlative in its own field; their work has in it the element of divinity and of immortality. The work of creative artists, the intuitive perception of great scientific investigators, the inspired imagination of the poets of the world and the vision of the illumined idealists, have all to be accounted for and explained, for the laws under which such men and women work have yet to be discovered.
The close study, by the psychologist, of the abnormal and the subnormal, of warped and distorted minds and of defective equipments, has been over-emphasized, and due attention has not been given to the divinely abnormal, and to those types of consciousness which transcend the ordinary human state of intelligent awareness. These latter super-normal states find expression through the medium of the great artists, musicians, dramatists, writers, and the many other types of creative workers [film making, fashion, dance etc.] who have been the glory of the human kingdom down the ages, and who will flame forth during the coming century with greater glory still.” (EPI-99)
“This magnetic aura has another point of entry in the region of the throat centre, utilising it as the recipient of higher impressions. This centre or area of energy is largely used and vitally activated by those who are the creative workers of the world; they have necessarily made a direct contact with the soul and are therefore wide open to those intuitive ideas which are the source of their creative work. According to the success they have in such creative production, and according to the beauty of their work, will be the impression they thereby convey to other men. Curiously enough, the new and peculiar forms of art which delight some people and which outrage the sense of beauty in others are largely solar plexus creations and are therefore not of a truly high order. In a few of them—a very few—the throat centre is involved.” (TEV117)
“You are a creative worker and have also the ability to work in several creative ways. You are both an artist and a writer. This means that your soul can reach expression and usefulness along two channels. You have, therefore, two definite assets to contribute to world service and two points of expression whereby your soul and your brain are en rapport. Such channels are necessarily media of relation and down them light can flow, irradiating dark places. I would like to point out that creative workers in any field are primarily those who can destroy those glamours to which humanity is prone. These are found in those fields of illusory activity which men have themselves created. ” (DINAI-132) Back
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.689. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.233. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.368. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.113. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p. 199. [↩]
- A Treatise on Whitle Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.589. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.405. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.195. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.196. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.493. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.494. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.195. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.164. [↩]
- Changing Esoteric Values, Foster Bailey. pp.72-3. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.530. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.519. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.530-1. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.675. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.688. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.259. [↩]
- https://www.lucistrust.org/triangles [↩]
- https://www.lucistrust.org/triangles [↩]
- Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey. p.163. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations”, Alice A. Bailey. p.275. [↩]
- The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.xii. [↩]
- Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.250. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.435. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.567. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.231-3. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.315. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.279. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.500. [↩]
- See Demetra George’s book, “Finding Our Way through the Dark”. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.307. [↩]
- Aussie astrologer Chandra Easton. [↩]
- Solar Fire Astrology Software – Planetarium Report. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.466. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.400-1. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.208. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.507. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.217. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey.p.165. [↩]
Excellent. To the Point (of Light) and constructive. May we ALL work to this end.
We thank you for publishing the source of the mandala and table on the NGWS: Institute for Planetary Synthesis, http://www.ipsgeneva.com.
Thank you for the pithy material, as always. Beyond the fascinating and inspiring text, I always appreciate the inclusion of the beautiful paintings, photos and graphics that you invariably include. Keep up the great work!
Dear Philip,
Thank you so much for the fabulous work you have done in the esoteric astrology. I have this chance to follow you and read your works for almost 10 years. All your works, the monthly newsletters and your precious books, are pure light for the seeker’s mind and heart.
I have a question about the esoteric astrology’s interpretation for those who live on the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. It seems that all the explanations and definitions are for the Northern part.
Also in this text where you talked about “The winter solstice is celebrated as the birth of the Christ or soul, i.e. Christ’s-mass on December 25th, the last day of this three-day period where the sun “stands still” in its transition from south to north of the celestial equator.”
How is this effects the consciousness for those who live in the southern part of Hemisphere? It’s the summer solstice for them. How Capricorn symbols and energies interpreted on that part of the Earth? Definitely you explained it before in your books or in the monthly newsletter, but I couldn’t find it now.
In endless love and light
Thanks for your kind feedback and it a good question which I have addressed several times – as I grew up in the southern hemisphere. I usually qualify my remarks with a phrase like “in northen hemisphere symbolism” but may have forgot. The northern hemisphere symbolism of winter applies to the whole planet because it is oriented to the north pole star, Polaris – a highly important star for human evolution. You may find some more information in several other pieces I have written on the solstice here:
The Cancer Solstice: Time and No Time
Aries and the Cardinal Cross Equinoxes and Solstices
August Solar Eclipse: Earth Changes 2017
The Solstice, Time and ‘No Time’
The Christmas Solstice
The Capricorn Solstice and Initiation
The Solstice and Initiation
Solstice & Capricorn Festivals 2018
Under this link, if the links do not work: https://esotericastrologer.org/esoteric-astrology/esoteric-astrology-general/
Dear Phillip
after the cycle of the forerunner-near to the end-, do you know the name of the following name of the NGWS’s activity?
There are many references if you go to “search by subject”, here is just one that you will find under cycles or ngws: https://esotericastrologer.org/newsletters/taurus-2023-wesak-venus-in-gemini-trans-gender-aries-conference-harvest-dalai-lama-mercury-retro-robert-f-kennedy-reciprocity/#ngws