2 Responses to Taurus 2020: Wesak, Shamballa & NGWS. Pluto-Jupiter. Music. Money Crisis: Uranus square Saturn.

  1. Sandra A Swetland says:


    I always appreciate your newsletters and have learned a lot, tho’ sometimes overwhelmed by all the information. Usually I can keep in mind the really important transits; squares, trines, etc.which will effect upcoming months and for that I’m grateful.

    I’d like to comment on the Reinhold Neibuhr quote: I’ve read that the original wording was “Lord, grant me the Grace to accept with Serenity the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.” It’s a minor thing but seems to resonate more truly.

  2. Michelle De La Rente says:

    wonderful as per usual Phillip in gratitude thank you blessings

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