Taurus 2024: Wesak. NGWS. Jupiter-Uranus. Sex Life of Bees. Luther Burbank. Koyaanisqatsi. Tucker Carlson. King Charles.
Taurus Keynote
“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.”
(Full Moon: April 23, 2024. 23.49 UT.))
“Let the clarity and the quality of the note to be sounded by the manifesting form – appear and be heard.“
“Venus connotes in our minds, even if we have only a glimmer of occult truth, that which is mental, that which concerns final sublimation, that which deals with sex and that which must work out into symbolic expression upon the physical plane.
These are the major concepts which enter our minds when Venus and Taurus are considered in unison. These factors of expression have ever been related to these two since the night of time, because they are essentially basic and eternally cosmic in their implications. Taurus is one of the signs which veils a certain divine mystery.”1
The Taurus-Wesak Festival: Highlight of the Spiritual Year
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers
Cycles of the New Group of World Servers
The Uranus-Jupiter Conjunction in Taurus
___Money. Earthquakes. USA-Russia. Israel-Iran.
___Taurus, Vulcan and the Mineral Kingdom
___Uranus in Taurus: Planet of Science
Taurus and the Sex Life of Bees
___The Plant Kingdom and Daevas
___Luther Burbank, Mystic Botanist
Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of Balance
Taurus Tucker Carlson
Taurus and King Charles’ Prostate Cancer
Taurus-Venus, Money 2nd House: The Law of Reciprocity
Full Moon Meditation and Talk
The Taurus-Wesak Festival: Highlight of the Spiritual Year
“The Month of May is one of deepest significance to all who are affiliated with the Great White Lodge (as are all true esotericists), in that the Wesak Festival takes place and is of moment and deep import. The period is always one of prime interest and rare opportunity …”2

The Buddha, transmitting to the Manu, Christ and Mahachohan – who in turn transmit to the rest of the assembled Masters. Crowds of pilgrims both in physical and subtle bodies, watch on. (Artist: Linda Vugler, 1999.)
The importance of the first three spiritual festivals of the year – Aries, Taurus and Gemini – can never be emphasised enough. Hence, the same basic principles are enunciated in these newsletters annually. Esotericism requires many tillings of the soil, to use an earthy Taurean metaphor. One must probe the significance of these festivals – astrologically, theoretically and through meditation – to arrive at a deeper understanding than the previous year.
Taurus marks the pinnacle of the spiritual year because it is when the spiritual Hierarchy on Earth meet in alignment with the Buddha on His annual visitation. Taurus is also the sign that rules the New Group of World Servers (NGWS).
The Hierarchy or Masters of Wisdom gather to receive – literally, the “Word of God”, the new impulse that was released in Aries – and transmit the annually amended Planetary Plan to Humanity – via their various subjective groups of workers.
All is planned according to ray and astrological cycles, the constantly changing state of the world, and co-operation with Humanity – who must be able to exercise their free will to determine its own destiny.

Pilgrims make their way around the Wesak Valley (about 20,000 ft.) with Mount Kailash (“The Abode of Shiva”) – in the background.
The opportunity at any full moon festival is to link and work subjectively in meditation with other co-workers and groups around the planet; this takes place over 5 days – 2.5 days either side of the exact full moon time, with the 24-hour period before the exact time, the most potent period to make a contribution – if not the exact hour. This year that 5-day period will be from April 21-26.
Taurus-Wesak is truly the highlight of the year because of the alignment that takes place between our most exalted planetary guides and humanity. The triangle of Buddha,
Christ and Sanat Kumara (in the etheric and/or upon the physical plane), are linked in sacred ritual with the assembled Masters of Wisdom – Who in turn are aligned with their respective ray ashrams of human aspirants, disciples and initiates – poised and ready to anchor the new impulse issued in the previous sign of Aries.
Wesak is the only time of the year that the Buddha re-connects with Earth – almost liberated from His responsibilities here, but still serving an important role in this transition phase between the zodiacal ages and the rootraces.
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers
“The members of the New Group of World Servers belong to no party or religion and yet belong to all parties and religions; they assume no attitude or position either for or against any existing government, religion or social order. They engage in no political activity of any kind, and attack no existing order.
They are neither for nor against a government or a Church, and spend no money, organise no campaign, and send out no literature which could be interpreted as attacking or defending any organisation of a political, religious, social or economic nature.
… The members of the New Group of World Servers are not, however, a band of impractical mystics. They know exactly what they seek to do, and their plans are laid in such a manner that – without upsetting any existing situation – they are discovering and bringing together the men of good will all over the world.”3
Easier said than done! The New Group of World Servers is ruled by Taurus:
“The initiate sees the New Group of World Servers brought under the illuminating power of Taurus, with the rest of humanity still under the influence of Pisces.
You have, consequently, the “over-shadowing raincloud of knowable things” hovering over humanity, just as the Hierarchy overshadows the New Group and just as the soul overshadows the personality of man …
… you have all the needed illumination and light upon all the coming problems, waiting to precipitate itself through the New Group of World Servers under the influence of Taurus, the nurturer of all illumination, and you have humanity, at the same time, conditioned and made sensitive by Piscean energy during the past two thousand years.
You have, therefore, a condition of great spiritual promise, and in this combination of energies you have present those forces which will implement the activities of the Hierarchy, condition its initiates, affect every Ashram, bring light into the present darkness, and—as can already be seen—stir into new understanding the present Piscean consciousness of mankind.”4
Cycles of the New Group of World Servers 2024
(Complete tables in downloadable PDF.)
As discussed in the Wesak newsletter for 2022, there are various cycles of opportunity for the NGWS. This year, starting in Aries 2024 – note the 1, 3 and 9 year cycles emerging 2024-25:
In the table above, 2024-25 is the second of three phases on the 1 & 3-year cycles: Tension/Expansion – that will be completed by the third and final phase: Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness in 2025-26.
The latter is very timely, given that Wesak 2025 corresponds to the Centennial Conclave of the Hierarchy (obvious, but to reiterate – once in a 100 years!) – for when They will make a decision for the date of Their reappearance among Humanity, within these next decades or even sooner.
The date, time and place will be determined at Wesak 2025, hence this Wesak 2024 will be a profound preparation for 2025. All World Servers are being summoned by an ever-increasing clarion-call, at this penultimate moment in history – to step up and keep standing amidst the onslaught from material forces upon Humanity.
This means making sacrifices, relinquishing our petty cares, comfort and personal dramas, preoccupation and excuses based upon physical health or long term-habits – and re-directing them all into service of the greater whole. In local community or online, to disseminate the fact that Hierarchy exists, that there is a Planetary Plan unfolding, that “the door where evil dwells” is closing – and the One who holds the Office of the Christ – Lord Maitreya, is poised to return. We are all building the new Aquarian paradigm that is slowly emerging from the dross of the previous Piscean Age.

Wesak Valley – Mt. Kailash’s pyramid-shaped summit on the right. (Brazilian water colorist Ari de Goes Jr.)
“Make each three year cycle conform to the rhythm of creation.”
To clarify these three-phase cycles:
[1] In the first year [2023-4: Crisis/Consolidation], lay your emphasis upon the activity of the manifesting principle, using that which appears and with which you have to work.
[2] In the second year [2024-5: Tension/Expansion], let the clarity and the quality of the note to be sounded by the manifesting form – appear and be heard.
[3] In the third year [2025:6 Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness], behind the form and expressing itself through the quality, let the livingness and the work of the indwelling life emerge for all to see.
The keynote of the first year’s work [last year 2023-4] is consolidation, that of the second year [now 2024-5] must be expansion whilst the keynote of the third year [2025-6] must be the making of a definite impact upon the public consciousness, by the sounding and the emphasising of some one clear note. If this cyclic measure is kept thus in mind, no serious mistakes will be made ….
… The New Group of World Servers must work in these three year cycles and the foundation of cyclic attainment must be laid. This cyclic rhythm will release from strain and yet enable the workers in the Group to feel that there is no failure. It is impossible to do good work where a sense of failure or lack of attainment is found.”5
Hence, it can be seen from the table above that the NGWS began the first year of a three-year cycle (Crisis-Consolidation) in 2023 – at the outset, marked by the particular Covid crisis.
9 Year Cycle
“At those times, when the Hierarchy meets in silent conclave, a part of God’s vision, and His formulation of that vision for the immediate present, is revealed for the next nine year cycle.6
In other words, 2023 saw the “vision for the immediate present”, revealed. What was that vision – many millions of humanity awakening? According to the table above, the 9-year cycle that began in 2023 to 2032: Tension/Expansion – matches this year’s 3-year cycle: “Let the clarity and the quality of the note to be sounded by the manifesting form – appear and be heard”.
How will the NGWS effect this? Taurus is a sign related to sound, speech and music. It is also connected to the 4th ray of Harmony through Conflict, the major ray ruling Humanity, which begins a new cycle in 2025. This ray is also called the ray of art, beauty and music – that which uplifts and inspires a sorely downtrodden humanity.
The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus (April 17-26)
“Uranus or Pluto … affect the soul life far more than they do the personality life … Today, humanity is rapidly responding to the higher spiritual influences and, therefore, we can look for the discovery of increasingly subtle forces.”7
Although in close range to one another during the month of April, Uranus and Jupiter will be closely conjunct between April 17 to April 26, with the exact, to-the-minute conjunction on April 21. That will be followed by the amplifying energy of the Wesak full moon a few days later on April 24. Jupiter will vastly amplify the effect of Uranus.
So what will be the effects of this conjunction that occurs every 14 years? With Uranus – the planet of innovation, invention, technology and revolution, combined with the expansive and exploratory nature of Jupiter, it can represent a huge acceleration in the awakening of human consciousness.
1. Money. Taurus is closely connected to money and Uranus, via its rulership of the 7th ray of Organisation – is related to the organisation of money, i.e. the financial system. Uranus-ruled technology regarding digital currencies and AI could be a prominent feature, used rightly or abused. Hence, there could be a global money crisis during this period, triggered by Uranus-ruled electrical activity, such as a solar storm – and/or human manipulation of the money markets via technology.
2. Earthquakes. Taurus is an Earth sign connected to Mother Earth and the movement of the Earth’s crust is in continual flux. A rare 4.8 earthquake occurred near New York City on April 4 and another 7.4 in Taiwan on April 3. Uranus is a well-known factor in earthquakes, often prominent in astro-cartography charts where the Uranus line runs close to the epicentre. In the Taiwan event, the Uranus-Ascendant line passed straight through that area.
In the astro-cartography map for April 21, the Jupiter-Uranus line runs right around the world (as always), but passes through some well known earthquake-sensitive zones such as Java and Sumatra. Then passing by South-East Asia, China, India and Russia.
The Russian area is particularly interesting as the Jupiter-Uranus line intersects with planetary lines of several planets in Aries, plus Saturn and Mars in Pisces – all within orb of Taurus soul, Moscow. These two latter planets, especially Saturn pass close to Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.
The Saturn-Jupiter line then proceeds over the top of Scandinavia and close to Iceland, known for its recent and frequent volcanic eruptions. From there the line proceeds down the east coast of the North Americas, passing very close to New York City and Washington, Miami, Costa Rica and Panama. Then it passes by north-west South America, within orb of uber earthquake-prone Peru.
These zones only relate to Jupiter-Uranus but other planetary lines are relevant at the time of their conjunction – such as the moon, Venus and Pluto. For instance, on April 21, the Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces line – is within orb of the west coast of the USA and the cities along the coast such as Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. The Moon and Neptune concern the lunar effect upon the tides, plus Neptune’s rulership of water – a potent combination for an earthquake-generated tsunami.
3. USA and Russia. Both of these nations (including the Netherlands) are the only ones on Earth ruled at the soul level by Aquarius. Uranus and Jupiter are the exoteric/esoteric rulers of this sign, hence this conjunction has profound implications for the soul purpose of these nations. Perhaps particularly for Russia, given the above-mentioned confluence of lines in that vast nation, but also because Moscow is a Taurus soul.
Rome, China, Canada and Poland are all Taurus souls, hence this conjunction will have profound effects upon them – particularly Poland’s relationship to Russia.
Canada has had a close relation to China and recently some altercations over election interference. The Taurus energy is most likely behind the stronger consolidating ties between Russia and China, whilst Italy had a close connection with China through the Belt and Road project, but from which it now seeks to withdraw.
This conjunction is in the 22nd degree of Taurus, whose Sabian Symbol is, “A white dove over troubled waters”, a hopeful theme – given the simmering conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East. Jupiter-Uranus make an exact opposition to Russia’s Pluto-Venus in Scorpio, which could mean that the heretofore slow-to-anger energy of Taurus Moscow, is unleashed in a great display of power – in Ukraine or in Russia’s relations with Iran.
4. Israel and Iran. Israel’s Taurus sun has had a long term transit by Uranus since June 2023 through to April 2025. (Discussed here in 2023.).
This Uranus transit is exact late May 2024, late Dec.2024 through to late March 2025.
This transit is most significant as it is the ruler of Israel’s Aquarius ascendant which holds the idea of a global community/kibbutz – of sharing and religious tolerance, that had the potential to be an example for the world – and was for a while in a limited sense. But instead the “stacked deck” of the Leo polarity has predominated.
Jupiter is of course the soul ruler of Israel’s Aquarius ascendant – placed in the sign of religion, Sagittarius. Whilst pointing to a relative religious tolerance between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, this Jupiter position tends to feed religious justifications for the occupation of the Promised Land since 1948.
Uranus is the revolutionary, radical and reformer – so the possibilities of an ideal like the one stated above are not entirely lost, though of course the future looks bleak.
Could Israel ever live down and reform its tarnished image – after the brutal slaughter of over 33,000 Palestinians since Oct. 7? It is clear that the ruthless Zionist leaders regard this as their “revolution” for the “freedom” of Israel. But they will never be able to eradicate Hamas and their ideal of Palestinian freedom.
One is reminded of Lady Macbeth’s exclamation, “Out, out damned spot” as she walks she rubs her hands as though washing them, trying to get rid of the blood, rubbing her hands, trying to erase it, but cannot. “Here’s yet a spot,” she cries, desperately rubbing.
This metaphor not only refers to the impossibility of the eradication of Hamas, but the collective guilt that may emerge in the future, not only for recent bloody massacres, but the whole sorry story of Israel and the Palestinian persecution since 1948: The grim irony of how just after WWII and the holocaust, the persecuted became the persecutors.
Uranus has been moving back and forth over Israel’s sun in Taurus – since June-July 2023, continuing until April 2025, activating the square to natal Mars in Leo. This will/has create much instability, change and further conflict. By April 2026 there may have come about some resolution of the natal Sun square Mars. But it appears no one will be holding their breath over that possibility – it would take a miracle or even the Reappearance of the Messiah himself. Now there’s a thought …!
Iran has revolutionary Uranus in Scorpio opposite Israel’s Sun in Taurus – reflecting the antagonism between these long term adversaries. Hence, transiting Uranus has been opposing natal Uranus in Iran’s 1979 horoscope, mirroring its 42-year “mid-life crisis”. Iran’s Uranus in Scorpio also sits on Russia’s Pluto-Venus, expressing their history politically – and more recently, joining the BRICS nations.
5. Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus 1941
Although the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction happens every 14 years in different signs – the last time the conjunction occurred in Taurus was in the thick smoke of battle – May 8, 1941. This was 83 years ago, close to the Uranus cycle of 84 years, which number is 12 x 7 Jupiter cycles. May 1941 was 7 months before the USA committed to the war, after the attack on Pearl Harbour.
May 1941 was also 19 months before the Capricorn solstice/full moon of 1942: “When the sun moved northward that year (1942) the great White Lodge knew that the battle had been won.” ((The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.494.)) .
Taurus, Vulcan and the Mineral Kingdom
Likewise, today we live in the uncertainty of unresolved conflicts and the extraordinary array of weapons that are now produced, far in advance of 84 years ago.
Venus and Vulcan are the exoteric/esoteric rulers of Taurus respectively. Vulcan is the co-ruler of the 1st ray of will-power, Venus rules the 5th ray of knowledge or science:
“Vulcan also rules nations at a certain stage of embryonic soul expression, such as the present, and governs their activities, fashioning the instruments of war when war and conflict are the only means whereby liberation can come, though woe betide those through whom wars come. Vulcan then takes hold and—since the Middle Ages—has brought the mineral kingdom, “the depths from which supply must come,” under human control.
In the present war [WWII], Vulcan is concerned along with Venus in the relation of man to man, and of man to the mineral kingdom. Venus, the mental energy of humanity, establishes relation between man and man, between nation and nation whilst Vulcan establishes relation between the fourth kingdom in nature and the first.”8
Apart from the vast increase in production of metals for industrial and domestic use, another factor that can be considered today is the harvesting of many specialised minerals for electric car batteries – such as nickel, manganese, cobalt and lithium.
There are roughly 185 kgs. of these minerals in the average EV battery, many of which are obtained by exploitive child-labour practices in developing nations. These minerals all fall under the rulership of Taurus and Vulcan, yet there is a higher correspondence interpretation also:
“The esoteric ruler of Taurus is Vulcan, the forger of metals, the one who works in the densest, most concrete expression of the natural world (from the human angle). He is the one who goes down into the depths to find the material upon which to expend his innate art and to fashion that which is beautiful and useful. Vulcan is, therefore, that which stands for the soul, the individual, inner, spiritual man …
… in his activity we find the key to the soul’s task upon the eternal round of the wheel of life. You will remember how Hercules upon the Fixed Cross had to fashion his own weapons before he succeeded in the struggle. This is in reality a reference to the art of Vulcan who rules the inner man and guides his fashioning.”9
Painting at right: Vulcan at his forge: Nothing like the presence of a naked woman to keep the lads swinging their hammers – concentration! In ancient Greek mythology, Venus the most beautiful goddess, was married to (Vulcan) – an ugly and lame god. Beauty and the beast!
Venus-Vulcan, the two rulers of Taurus. Therein resides a duality that represents the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, the only ray to pass through Taurus. Venus and Vulcan together: “To fashion that which is beautiful and useful”.
Uranus in Taurus: Planet of Science
Another factor to consider while Uranus is in Taurus, is that it brings “1st aspect” spirit (Vulcan) – into “7th aspect” matter (Uranus). Uranus rules the the 7th ray of Organisation and has an association with the 7th plane, the physical.
When we consider that the physical plane is three lower subplanes of gaseous, liquid, dense and that the four higher ethers are that which is beginning to be penetrated by modern sciences, there is Uranus the “planet of science”:
“… Uranus, the occult planet, stands for exoteric science which penetrates into the hidden side of form life, and thus we have the period wherein man is not alert enough or conscious enough to seize upon opportunity and turn it to esoteric or soul ends, but can identify himself with the more advanced aspects of form.”10
Note the phrase, “can identify himself with more advanced aspects of form”. This might describe a preoccupation with the perfection of the physical form (part of development around the first initiation), or humanity’s fascination/obsession with modern technology – over which Uranus traditionally rules.
At another level, Uranus rules the esoteric sciences, particularly Esoteric Astrology – which is the science of energy relationships. Uranus at this level is, “… that mysterious and occult planet”11 and the hierophant of initiation who presides over, “… The School of Magic of the tenth order … [Uranus] … is sometimes called `the planet of the violet force,’ and its graduates wield the power of cosmic etheric prana.”12,
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Taurus and the Sex Life of Bees
Apart from mating with one another, which is a fascinating process in itself (see video 2’ 22”), bees also have wide-ranging sex in the plant kingdom – as pollinators for flowers and plants.
It is said that bees are sacred to the goddess Venus – ruler of earthy Taurus – mother nature. As we move into the age of Aquarius and its associated technologies, humanity is becoming more aware of the role of frequency and vibration in all kingdoms.
A case in point is how electrical fields of plants interact with those of bees – as transcribed from this David Attenborough video (1′ 13″), How Flowers Talk to Bees:
“Plants have negative charge which creates an electrical field around the flower. Bees have a positive charge, so when it approaches the flower, the electrical field changes. When it lands, the negative and positive fields immediately cancel each other out.
The plant’s negatively charged pollen jumps across onto the positively charged bee. Then the plant’s electrical field is changed. So when another bee comes along, it detects the altered electrical signature and avoids the flower. The plant is effectively telling the bee that it has no nectar and to come back later.” (David Attenborough)
The Plant Kingdom and Daevas
What we are witnessing is sex in nature – the positive polarised bee (male), unites with the negative polarised flower (feminine). The flower petals are open and receptive, the bee penetrates its centre. It take nectar and also picks up pollinating spores to be dropped at another location.

Bee orchid – sexually deceptive pollination and floral mimicry. A highly selective and evolved plant–pollinator relationship.
Different flowers either mimic the scent of a female bee (another electrical signature ), or have created a bee-image in their very structure and colour to attract a pollinating male.
Many flowers also resemble the human vulva, most notoriously the orchid. Venus is related esoterically to the mind, but is also the goddess of love and wisdom (Sophia):
“In the vegetable kingdom, the work of the second ray of Love-Wisdom is seen, symbolically, in one of its major consummations. Attractiveness, in the sense of beauty, of colour, of form, of distribution, and of perfume, is to be seen on every hand, and had you but the eyes to vision the reality, the synthesis of life would appear to you in all its glory.
… The entire problem of magnetism is closely connected with the problem of sex. In the occult study of the dissemination of the seed life and the germs of the vegetable kingdom, and in the understanding of the part played therein by those miraculously developed organisms,—the ants and bees—and later in the investigation of the work of the etheric builders, the elves and fairies, by those with awakened vision will come a new light upon sex and upon the function it serves in the interrelation of lives and the creation of forms.”13
Indeed, bees are “miraculously developed organisms” with an extraordinary intelligence – the “hive mind”. Likewise, the plant kingdgom is also highly evolved through its production of beauty, colour and usefulness to humans:
“The vegetable kingdom has the quality of attractiveness, expressed in colour, and its liberation, or its highest form of activity, is demonstrated by the perfume of its highest forms of life. This perfume is connected with its sex life, which has group purpose and which calls to its aid the initiating wind and the insect world.
This is not just a pictorial way of portraying truth. The very nature of perfume, its purpose and intent, is to affect those agencies which will produce the spreading and the continuity of the life of the vegetable kingdom.
The “aspirants” in the vegetable kingdom, and the most evolved of its forms, have beauty and perfume, and are susceptible to the hidden influences of Those to Whom is confided the initiating of the life-forms and their bringing to a desired perfection.

Nature deva of tree ferns. (Download whole book here: Kingdom of the Gods, Geoffrey Hodson.)
Hence the influence of the sixth Ray of Devotion upon this kingdom, and the application of the Ray of Devotion which (symbolically expressed) “fixes the eye upon the sun; turns the life ever to the rays of warmth, and causes the blending of the colours and the glory of the perfumed radiance.”14
Hence the use of perfumes and essential oils, where traditionally the woman puts on her “scent” to attract a mate or to enhance romance or sexual activity – the latter generating heat and bodily fluids:
“The vegetable kingdom is responsive to the particular type of energy which produces the phenomenon of water, or moisture. Through the effect of water every higher type of plant life is evolved, and through the combination of heat and water results are brought about which produce new types.
The herbal scientist who is producing new species is really occupied with the effect of sex energy in the second [vegetable] kingdom of nature; he will do well to deal with all plant life as energy points responsive to other and greater energy centres. Much will be learned along this line when electricity and colored lights are more freely used in experimental stations.”15
This notion of “energy points responsive to other and greater energy centres” also relates to the Deva Kingdom in all its grades – from the lesser builders of plant forms, up to the highly evolved equivalent of archangels that preside over vast forests, individual trees – who hold the blueprints for the building of all species in the vegetable kingdom growth.
Luther Burbank, Mystic Botanist
“In Atlantean days the opening of the door into the fifth kingdom, or into the stage of buddhic consciousness, had a profound effect upon the vegetable kingdom. This effect can be seen working out in such results as are achieved by Burbank, and which are of a nature corresponding to the initiatory process in man, involving a rapid achievement of relative perfection.”16
Luther Burbank was an extraordinary American botanist, horticulturist and pioneer in agricultural science. He developed more than 800 strains and varieties of plants over his 55-year career. Burbank’s developments included those of fruits, flowers, grains, grasses, and vegetables.17
He also produced 500 hybrid roses and a thornless rose. Burbank was a man of great humility with a deep reverence for nature. He settled in Santa Rosa, California and was also a student of Yogananda. In Autobiography of a Yogi, chapter 38 is titled, “Luther Burbank—A Saint Amidst the Roses”:
“The secret of improved plant breeding, apart from scientific knowledge, is love.” Luther Burbank uttered this wisdom as I walked beside him in his Santa Rosa garden. We halted near a bed of edible cacti.
“While I was conducting experiments to make ‘spineless’ cacti,” he continued, “I often talked to the plants to create a vibration of love. ‘You have nothing to fear,’ I would tell them. ‘You don’t need your defensive thorns. I will protect you.’ Gradually the useful plant of the desert emerged in a thornless variety.”18
One might ask what did Burbank have in Taurus? Venus! Not only Venus in its own sign, but it made an exact trine to his Moon in Virgo on the midheaven, opposite his Pisces sun.
Another earth sign, Virgo represents the Mother of the World who presides over the daevic building activity mentioned above. The Virgin holds a sheaf of wheat in her hand – symbolic of all the above-mentioned “fruits, flowers, grains, grasses, and vegetables”.
Also noteworthy, the exo/eso ruler of his Scorpio soul purpose is Mars, placed in scientific Aquarius – dubbed by this author as the “Da Vinci factor”. One of the most beautiful symbols for Scorpio is the red rose that surmounts a stem – the thorny path trod to the shedding of a radiant perfume, symbolic of the liberation of the causal body.
Scorpio is one of the main signs of sex (Taurus-Scorpio, Aries-Libra) – and essentially Burbank spent his life having sex with plants, i.e. breeding countless varieties and developing new “children-strains”! Some well-known quotes by Luther Burbank:
- Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.
- Less than 15% of the people do any original thinking on any subject. The greatest torture in the world for most people is to think.
- The integrity of one’s own mind is of infinitely more value than adherence to any creed or system.
- Plants are as responsive to thought as children.
“The perfume of the flowers, as found in the higher units of the vegetable kingdom. This perfume can be either deadly or vitalising, and can either delight or repel. It attracts and constitutes part of the aroma of this kingdom which is sensed in the planetary aura, though unrecognised as a whole by humanity. You isolate a perfume. Yet the perfume of an entire kingdom is a well recognised phenomenon to the initiate.”19

On the way to a crop circle, Britain, 2014. (See previous report on crop circles. Author’s photo.)
Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of Balance
Taurus shares similar qualities as Cancer – through the moon’s exaltation in the former and rulership of the latter. The moon-mother is the builder of all forms in nature, from the tiny flowers to the most majestic forests and the creatures which inhabit them.
Cancer or Taurus is Mother Earth, ruling over the beauty and bounty of this planet. Especially at this time – in the full flush of the northern hemisphere spring – a time of hope, optimism and re-creation.
There are many exhilarating beauty spots on this planet that provide nurture and inspiration for humans, but they are rapidly diminishing or being spoiled through lack of care. These idyllic areas are often taken for granted, without a realisation of the perilous situation upon this ravaged planet.
Most of us are aware of the endless list of environmental problems that are result of human greed, ignorance and apathy; the lack of connection between humans and the environment. We need regularly reminding of these many factors:
- Polluted soils through toxic agricultural practices, industrial pesticides and fertilisers.
- Denatured and toxic food products as a result of the practices above. The consequent lack of nutritional content and etheric vitality in food, compounded by various preservation methods.
- The monopolising and patenting of seed stocks to create GMO foods that maximise profit but weaken the human constitution.
- Excessive use of sugar, food additives and harmful substances in a wide range of foods. Many pharmaceuticals.
- Oil and mining companies that still operate without environmental safeguards. Fracking to squeeze every last drop of oil out of the ground.
- Polluted rivers that feed into oceans all around the world.
- Lack of clean drinking water and/or having to travel miles to get it and carry it home by hand.
- The consequent creation of plastic bottles of water because local water is unsafe or over-fluoridated. The resultant pollution of empty plastic bottles – a never-ending cycle.
- Lack of proper sanitation and sewerage facilities – dumping in rivers and oceans. Same for industrial waste.
- Red algae tides created by agricultural fertiliser run-off into the ocean.
- Continent-size cess-pools of plastic floating in various oceans.
- Garbage and waste oils discharged by ships at sea.
- Dwindling fish stocks polluted by chemicals, mercury and PCB’s. Fish farms that feed fish with animal products, creating more harmful food resources.
- All creatures in the seafood chain that are affected, from birds to humans. Birds, dolphins and whales starved to death by eating plastic.
- Super trawlers that “mine” the sea, taking everything in their path, leaving untold damage to the sea floor.
- Factories and power plants that spew billions of tons of toxic gases into the atmosphere – which, like the oceans, are distributed all around the planet.
- Traffic – billions of cars burning billions of barrels of fuel, discharged into the atmosphere.
- Chem trails – Controversial spraying by aircraft, geo-engineering weather, soil contamination, human behaviour etc. (Many videos here by researchers and scientists.) Advocates say there is no “climate change”, but “human climate interference”:
- Climate change – as a result of much of the foregoing but also naturally occurring long term cycles.
- Thoughtless disposal of waste, ignorance of recycling methods, particularly in developing countries but also in many so-called “developed” nations. Humans estranged from their environment.
- Obnoxious and toxic odours that invade many environments, not simply confined to industrial areas.
- Noise pollution: As a result of all of the above, the roar of traffic, industry, machinery, amplified music, war, competition and a race for resources, all seriously impact Earth’s nervous system with many discordant sounds.
- Invisible magnetic pollution from microwave transmitters, power line towers, mobile phones, wifi, antennae, x-rays, nuclear waste leakages etc.
- HAARP: Low and high frequency waves interfering with Earth’s electrical field – to effect weather control, create “natural” disasters, military weapon applications, electro-magnetic mind control etc.
These are just a few factors that come immediately to mind. As a physician, considering all these planetary factors, as one would the human body, it’s a miracle that Earth, the “patient” – is still alive. Is the diagnosis terminal or can the nearly dead be raised back to life? Most definitely Earth can be renewed and restored.
Can Humanity regenerate the planet in time to – as singer Patti Smith rages, “wrestle the earth from fools”? Many initiatives are of course being generated and this is encouraging, but will changes be effected in time to avoid a planetary calamity?
A must-watch documentary, not conspiracy but fact ….
Some major nations are now taking two steps back through their ignorant and self-serving environmental policies; financial decisions that maximise short term profit with no long term plan. In so doing, they will reap the karma and become victims of what they have failed to halt – become engulfed by environmental catastrophes.
Taurus Tucker Carlson
By reviewing this interesting personality, some readers might think that the author is pro right-wing or a “conspiracy theorist”. These criticisms are quite tiresome and entirely inaccurate – an astrologer’s job is to analyse the horoscope without fear or favour, so that truth emerges.
Whatever his faults, Carlson is certainly someone who has a sincere approach to finding the truth. The following passage is regularly quoted in these missives:
“Taurus, as you know, rules the neck and the thyroid gland. This is essentially the region whence must emanate the creative activity of the man who is upon the Path.
The throat is a point to which the energy of the sacral centre must be lifted so that creation through love and by the will eventually will prove the sublimatory effect of the transference to higher use of the sex energy. The right use of the organs of speech gives the clue to the processes whereby the disciple must bring about certain basic changes.
The Taurian upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature in order to transform himself from one who goes wilfully on his personality way into a wise cooperator with the Plan. By this I mean that, as man translates his ideals into words and acts, he brings about transformation, transmutation and eventually translation upon the mountain top of Initiation.”20
There has been an explosion in independent journalism in the past few years, due to the legacy media’s failure to keep the public informed. Carlson has risen to command one of the biggest audiences and it is notable how scared mainstream media are of losing millions of viewers to him. Carlson had the highest-viewed cable TV show – then when he left Fox, those figures climbed even higher on Twitter, with the addition now of the Tucker Carlson Network.
Hence, as a Taurus Sun, Moon and Saturn – Carlson fulfills the brief for the above quotation. He is a classic Taurean, down-to-earth personality who holds conservative values and asks probing questions to a broad variety of interviewees – famous, infamous or “unknown”.
Carlson’s Taurus sun and moon trine the planet of truth – Jupiter, in meticulous Virgo, further enhancing his research skills. The Taurus moon is conjunct Alcyone, one of the seven Pleiades and the “star of the individual, governing humanity”.
Moon-Alcyone are on the cusp of Gemini, the more well-known sign of communication; that sign’s ruler Mercury is placed in Gemini, a perfect position for a journalist. Ever more so as Mercury is placed opposite Mars in truth-seeking Sagittarius. (Mars in Sag can be the “loose cannon” at times!) Yet, Taurus and its theme of the “right use of the organs of speech” prevails.
With Cancer rising as his soul purpose, Carlson has the ability to reach the masses. Cancer ruler – the moon in Taurus, is placed in the 11th Aquarian house of universal consciousness, group relationships and the “distribution of the waters of life”.
Cancer soul ruler – Neptune, is in Scorpio opposite Sun-Moon in Taurus, giving strong idealism, intuition and a psychic sensitivity which he mentioned once (in relation to his sense of smell).
Carlson once said somewhat mystically, “You are being acted upon by a world you cannot see … I cannot tell if this person is a tool of light or darkness”. The presence of the sixth ray of devotion and idealism is obvious and he is an avowed Episcopalian Christian, calling himself a “Samaritan of our times”.
Uranus, the “great awakener” and generic ruler of the 11th house, will be transiting across Carlson’s sun and moon for the next few years, promising major or even radical revelations. In some respects, Carlson stands for USA’s 2nd ray soul which must be invoked.
Taurus and King Charles’ Prostate Cancer
“… as the race develops right emotional control [right transmutation], we shall see the gradual disappearance of the phenomena of cancer. I said right emotional control; inhibition and the suppression of the desire impulses by the force of the will is not right control.
It is interesting also to note that though both men and women suffer from the disease of cancer, the general cause is not identical, though the basic cause (reaction from an over-expression of the sex life through the cultivation of the desire nature) remains the same.”21
The health of King Charles is instructive from an esoteric astrology and healing viewpoint. There has been all kinds of media hype about whether the cancer will kill the king, who will accede the throne – and other endless distractions based upon the saying, “never let a good crisis go to waste”!
The prostate gland is, “both an accessory gland of the male reproductive system and a muscle-driven mechanical switch between urination and ejaculation.”22 Hence, the prostate is associated with the sacral chakra which rules the gonads, “the sex gland … a mixed gland that produces the gametes and sex hormones of an organism.”23
Just as there are endocrine glands associated with all seven chakras, the gonads are/is the endocrine gland associated with the sacral centre. Uranus rules the sacral centre and the sign Scorpio rules the reproductive organs. King Charles currently has transiting Uranus-Jupiter opposite his Scorpio sun, a transit which started back in June 2023 and will conclude by Jan.2025.
At the same time, transiting Pluto has been squaring KC’s moon in Taurus and will continue until the end of 2024. The moon represents the physical form and Pluto is the destroyer-transformer. In Hindu chakra symbolism, the moon is depicted in the sacral chakra, representing reproduction of the form and no doubt “veiling” Uranus. Statistically, under such a Pluto-Moon transit, people can lose their battle with cancer.
The late Finn Skoett Andersen, founder of the Humlegaarden healing centre in Denmark, was a pioneer in the use of mistletoe, and conducted a statistical survey of his cancer patients, noticing that many of them had a Pluto to moon transit – conjunction, opposition or square.
Hence, Pluto the destroyer can bring a life to an end, or transform the substance of the form nature, thereby extending the life. In the book Esoteric Healing, where there is a discussion about how esoteric healers can work:

The prostate (literally “one who stands before”) is the “guardian” – whose function is to secrete a slightly alkaline fluid, milky or white in appearance, that in humans usually constitutes roughly 30% of the volume of semen.
“They can stimulate a centre higher than the one controlling a particular area and thus—by the intensification of the higher centre—reduce the vitality of the lower. If, for instance, there is disease or trouble in connection with the organs of generation (as for instance disease of the prostate gland), then the throat centre should receive attention.
It is that centre which must eventually be the recipient of the energy of the lower creative aspect or correspondence. This is called “the technique of the withdrawal of the fire”; by its means what you call overstimulation in certain cases, or inflammation in others, can be stopped.”24
This sacral-throat relationship describes the evolutionary journey for Humanity and its long term goal. It is curious that Uranus rules the sacral, this mental “planet of science” represents “the seed of mind” buried in this lower centre – awaiting its eventual lifting to the throat centre, gateway to the mental body.
Similarly, Pluto whose “influence is largely cerebral” – is the ruler of the base chakra, situated below the sacral. The base chakra is also related to sexual kundalini, through the primordial survival instincts that reside therein.
The sacral centre is also called esoterically, “the organs of generation” – partly because it is not regarded esoterically as a spiritual principle. This 6th chakra – counting from above down, has 6 petals and 6 is the number of matter. The numeral 6 depicts the descent of spirit, spiralling into and anchoring into form. 666 is the number of matter on the mental, astral and physical planes – depicting the “beast” of the personality – that must eventually be raised into the initiate – 999! (Matter ascending into spirit.)

Hindu depiction of the throat centre with its 16 petals. Note the elephant, symbol of wisdom and strength.
“A [wo]man can then transfer consciously the creative fire and energy from the organs of generation to the throat, or, through the conscious control of the heart, produce suspended animation of the physical body.
This is not achieved through what is called Hatha Yoga practices, or concentrating the attention upon the physical organs, but through the development of the control by the inner God [soul], Who works through the head centre and thus dominates all else.”25
The high incidence of prostate cancer globally, reflects the movement of energies between the sacral and throat centres: “Prostate cancer is the 2nd most commonly occurring cancer in men and the 4th most common cancer overall. There were more than 1.4 million new cases of prostate cancer in 2020.”26
In this Fifth Rootrace – where the mind is being perfected, the throat centre as the seat of the mental body is prominent. Hence, prostate cancer indicates the balancing of the opposites between sacral and throat, the cleansing required in the sacral – before the throat centre can be fully utilised.
A transit by Uranus opposite KC’s Scorpio Sun can be unpredictable, bringing on rapid or unexpected changes. The Sun represents the three-fold personality, mental, emotional and physical.
As Uranus rules the 7th ray of ceremonial order or organisation, it is associated with the 7th plane – the physical. The 7th ray has a particular affinity with the etheric body component of the physical plane, hence the colour violet associated with this ray. Uranus the reformer transforms all aspects of the 3-fold personality – hence its transit can reveal or precipitate dis-ease.
As a “mental” planet of exoteric science, transiting Uranus opposing the sun can bring about brilliant and innovative ideas, plus an ongoing conflict or balancing of the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane. The theme of freedom and higher awareness is strong with this kind of transit, but stability and security might be difficult to maintain in interactions with others.
Weird behaviour is not unexpected with a Uranus transit, depending on the degree of personality redemption. Any personal eccentricities can be magnified, particularly when transiting Jupiter on its 12 year cycle, meets up with Uranus in a relatively rare conjunction around April 21, 2024 – further amplifying the opposition to KC’s Sun in Scorpio.
As a planet of revolution, Uranus opposite the Sun can bring uncomfortable change, particularly for a fixed sign like Scorpio (and a royal family in decline), hence learning to adapt to changing circumstances is paramount.
King Charles is a Leo-the-king rising – his soul purpose, and the Scorpio sun is the ruler of Leo. Hence the Uranus transit may provide an opportunity to become more closely aligned with soul purpose – and preside over a dying monarchy.
But it could just as easily bring out the worst of Leo – arrogance, pride, “lording it over others”, being a “drama queen” etc. Hence, any resistance to what Uranus offers, will inevitably lead to ego conflicts (especially as Uranus rules his 7th house of relationships) – and consequently, “trouble in the palace”.
There is also a lot of past baggage concerning the murder of Lady Diana, confidant and sex fiend Jimmy Savile. (See author’s article Jimmy Savile: Scorpio Dark Shadow) Recent revelations of another close confidant – the salacious Lord Mountbatten, a hapless “randy Andy” of Jeffrey Epstein notoriety, Harry the rebel, the sycophantic Klaus Schwab – dubious dealings with the WEF, for which Charles was a very vocal spokesperson.
Now it has been revealed that Kate Middleton, King Charles and Sarah Ferguson all have some form of cancer. Some observers are asking, could this be as a result of them being zealous promoters of the Covid vaccine, that they are now suffering side-effect consequences – along with millions of others around the world.
Uranus is transiting through Taurus – conjunct KC’s Earth – always opposite the Sun in a horoscope. Here follows an oft-quoted passage:
“Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most occult of the planets “falls” in this sign [Taurus], producing the accentuation and the sharp division between body and soul which is so marked a characteristic of the Taurian subject.
It prepares the inner man for the sharp interplay and conflict in the next sign, Gemini. The presence, therefore, of the exalted Moon [KC’s moon] and the fallen Uranus gives a marvellous picture of man’s history during the stage of personality development and power.
The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness—substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions.”27
(For a recent analysis of King Charles’ chart, see this 2022 article King Charles III: Scorpio Sun, Earth in Taurus. (A much earlier one from 2003 – Prince Charles, Scorpio.)
Taurus-Venus, Money 2nd House: The Law of Reciprocity
Taurus is one of the main signs of money, as is the second house of the horoscope which derives its meaning from the second sign Taurus – ruled by Venus:
“Venus, governing the second House, which is concerned with economics, the distribution of money and metals and which rules Taurus, the “seed house” of illumination and the new emerging light.”28
This newsletter has been distributed for over 20 years, and one of its greatest challenges is reminding readers about the Law of Reciprocity: Only about 1% of subscribers donate regularly!
This work is a calling and a privilege to offer – including book publications and webinars that support the dissemination of the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Donations make this work possible and I give heartfelt thanks to all those who have supported this work over the years – and to others who may contribute in the future.
A blessed Wesak to everyone!
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Phillip Lindsay © 2024
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Aquarian Wisdom Centre
Taurus full moon meditation and talk
(On Zoom – April 23, 18.00 UT.)
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.384. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.683. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.643. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.229. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.165. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.241. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.114. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.386. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.385. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.149. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.138. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.693. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.244. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.197-8. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1072. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.716. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- anandaindia.org [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.242. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A.Bailey. p.398. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.59. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.283-4. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.201. [↩]
- wcrf.org [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.201. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.538. [↩]
Grazie Phillip, un Wesak benedetto a te
“The secret of improved plant breeding, apart from scientific knowledge, is love.” Luther Burbank uttered this wisdom as I walked beside him in his Santa Rosa garden. We halted near a bed of edible cacti.
“While I was conducting experiments to make ‘spineless’ cacti,” he continued, “I often talked to the plants to create a vibration of love. ‘You have nothing to fear,’ I would tell them. ‘You don’t need your defensive thorns. I will protect you.’ Gradually the useful plant of the desert emerged in a thornless variety.
Hello, I think the analyzes of the horoscopes of Luther Burbank and Tucker Carlson are excellent, certainly two very different characters, but both “very American”…, in both there is vocation, courage, creative freedom, generosity…, If I may, in both there is a certain naivety, a goodness, that makes them universal.
When I read the article an image from World War II came to mind: “the French soldiers laughed at the young American soldiers (many of them peasants), because when they, due to the violence of the war, saw a cow dead they went towards her and with great respect they closed her eyes with the fingers of their hands…..
Childishness or kindness?? …for the French who laughed, surely it was childishness, but…, the gesture is so beautiful that it could only be kindness!
May the Light of Wesak inspire us!!
Wishing a blessed Wesak to all……..
I wonder how etheric vision is developed?
Also, I have two Buddhist friends who were/are health fanatics (organic food & daily jogging), but were also “vaxxed to the max” as they say. They both ended up with aggressive cancers that suddenly appeared shortly after their Covid boosters. They have survived the chemo so far, but both of them are now looking like concentration camp inmates….all vitality is gone. It’s so sad.
“The effect of color on people, animals and units in the vegetable kingdom will be studied and the result of those studies will be the development of etheric vision or the power to see the next grade of matter with the strictly physical eye. Increasingly will people think and talk in terms of light, and the effect of the coming developments in this department of human thought will be triple.
a. People will possess etheric vision.
b. The vital or etheric body, lying as the inner structure of the outer forms, will be seen and noted and studied in all kingdoms of nature.
c. This will break down all barriers of race and all distinctions of color; the essential brotherhood of man will be established. We shall see each other and all forms of divine manifestation as light units of varying degrees of brightness and shall talk and think increasingly in terms of electricity, of voltage, of intensity and of power. The age and status of men, in regard to the ladder of evolution, will be noted and become objectively apparent, the relative capacities of old souls, and young souls will be recognized, thereby re-establishing on earth the rule of the enlightened.” (A Treatise on White Magic, Bailey.)
“Development of etheric vision universally. This will be due to two causes:
First, the scientific recognition of the existence of the etheric levels, thereby freeing people from the onus of adverse public opinion, and enabling them to reveal what they have individually long realised. Etheric vision is comparatively common even now. But comment concerning it is rare, owing to the fear of criticism. Secondly, the increased activity of the devas of the ethers, which throws the matter of the etheric levels into more active vibration, with consequent reflex action on the eye of man.” (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Bailey.)