Virgo 2018: Integration, Healing, Wholeness. Healing Planet Earth. Renaissance of Women. Reading Books.

“The Mother of the World conceals Her Name .. [and] … veils Her Face. I have already made mention about the Mother of Buddha and Christ.”
Virgo Keynote
“I am the Mother and the Child. I, God, I matter am.”
(Full Moon: August 26, 2018. 11.56 pm UTC.)
Part I: Virgo: Integration, Healing and Wholeness
Part II: Invoking Virgo for Healing Planet Earth
Good News/Bad News: Informing Ourselves Correctly
Part III: The Renaissance of Women
Part IV: Virgo and Criticism of World Affairs
Virgo and the Return to Reading Books
Part I: Virgo: Integration, Healing and Wholeness
(Much of this newsletter will be presented on Sunday, August 26 on the 2025 Initiative webinar, which is open for anyone to attend. It will be followed by some other shorter presentations and perspectives, then an audience discussion and questions.) This presentation will discuss the role of Virgo and its importance for Humanity and the planet as a whole.
In the last century, the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, set up ten seed groups that were an experiment in starting focal points of energy, through which certain energies could flow into Humanity. The experiment was to inaugurate new techniques in work and in modes of communication. Those ten seed groups are:
1. Telepathic communicators. 2. Trained observers. 3. Magnetic healers. 4. Educators of the new age. 5. Political organisers. 6. Field of religion. 7. Scientific servers. 8. Psychologists. 9. Finance and economics. 10. Creative workers. (See here for greater detail about these groups.)[2]
The group of magnetic healers is the one that is associated with this Virgo newsletter:
“These healers have no relation to the work of the so-called magnetic healers of today. They work intelligently with the vital forces of the etheric body. This group of healers must bring about the right healing of the personalities of individuals in all aspects of their nature. The work to be done is that of the intelligent transmission of energy to various parts of the nature—mental, emotional and physical—through the right organisation and circulation of force. Their work will be group work and, usually, for a group. Magnetic healers must learn to work as souls and not as individuals. They must learn to communicate healing energy from the reservoir of living force to the patient or patients.”[3]
Virgo is a conduit for the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the most potent of any other zodiac sign, hence it is a major zodiacal force of healing. To heal, we must have a vision of what it means to be “whole” and where that will take us. We have to consider the “whole being” and relinquish the causes that have driven an individual or group into a state of separation or imbalance. We must work with all possible levels of influence – the etheric/physical, astral and mental bodies, energy streams that flow in and out of those bodies, beliefs and mindsets – and of course the soul – individual and group.
The glyph for Virgo is triple, indicating that it is a reflector of the divine trinity of Will, Love-Wisdom and Intelligence – expressed through the human personality upon the mental, emotional and the physical planes. Virgo is a sign well known for the theme of healing, although most popularly upon the physical plane – through diet, nutrition and other physical healing arts such as yoga, tai chi and qi-gong. As a triple-themed sign, it is also related to emotional and mental health. There are several reasons why Virgo is a sign of healing:
1. The second ray of Love-Wisdom, the major ray of this solar system – and as the ray of teaching and healing, finds its strongest expression through Virgo during this greater world cycle. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom and is also the hierarchical, or highest ruler of Virgo.
2. The caduceus is the symbol of Mercury, ruler of Virgo – the staff of life entwined by two serpents, surmounted by the wings of the soul; it is a triple symbol, reflecting the three main currents that traverse the spine – the ida, pingala and shushumna nadis. Mercury represents the lower and higher mind – and is also the Messenger between both.
3. Virgo is an earth sign and the Moon is the esoteric ruler, standing for Mother Earth or the Mother of the World who embraces the entire planet. The moon represents the form nature that is to be healed and transcended. As the two rulers of Virgo, “the Moon and Mercury together indicate the activity of the higher and lower mind and are, therefore, related to the third Ray of Active Intelligence.”[4]
The Moon veils the forces of either Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus – which planet that is, can only be intuitively ascertained. These three planets also represent the three levels of personality to be integrated – mental, emotional and physical.
4. The planet Vulcan is very important in relation to Virgo because it is through the first ray rulership by Vulcan the Smithy who “hammers out” and fashions the form nature.
5. There are several asteroids associated with Virgo:
a. Vesta the Vestal Virgin, representing the “chastity” of the desire nature that is purified upon the astral or emotional plane.
b. Ceres-Demeter, the goddess of the grain that the symbol of Virgo reflects – the virgin goddess holding a sheaf of wheat – physical plane nourishment as well as the nurturing of seed ideas on the mental plane.
c. Hygeia – the goddess of healing, from where the word hygiene derives. Hygeia used serpents to find healing herbs in the forest, hence the aforementioned caduceus symbol.
d. The three goddesses of Virgo: Eve, Isis and Mary:
“… they embody in themselves the symbology of the entire form nature, which, when integrated and functioning as a whole person, we call the personality. This personality is … the third aspect of divinity, that of God the Holy Spirit, the active intelligent and nurturing principle of the universe. [Also called “the mother”, see # 6.]
Eve – symbol of the mind of man attracted by the lure of knowledge to be gained through the experience of incarnation. In Lemurian times, Eve took the apple of knowledge from the serpent of matter – indicating the period of Individualisation for Humanity.[5]
Isis – the midway point is reached; the quickening of that which is desired (the Desire of all nations, as it is called in the Bible), has taken place and Isis consequently stands in the ancient zodiacs for fertility, motherhood and as the guardian of the child.
Mary – carries the process down to the plane or place of incarnation, the physical plane, and there gives birth to the Christ child.
In these three Virgins and these three Mothers of the Christ, you have the history of the formation and the function of the three aspects of the personality through which the Christ [soul] must find expression.
Virgo stands for a synthesis of these three feminine aspects — Eve, Isis and Mary. She is the Virgin Mother, providing that which is needed for the mental, emotional and physical expression of the hidden but ever present divinity.”[6]
6. The Divine Feminine qualities of Virgo – nurturing and protection.
“Virgo is regarded by the esoteric teachers … to be identified with the third aspect of divinity, with the mother principle …”[7]
Virgo the Virgin mother represents the womb of time and also of three-fold form nature, as she guards the Christ principle within her own material substance. Then after a long gestation she births the Christ child or soul.
“Virgo symbolises depths, darkness, quiet and warmth; it is the valley of deep experience wherein secrets are discovered and eventually “brought to light”; it is the place of slow, gentle and yet powerful crises and periodic developments which take place in the dark and yet which lead to light.
It is the “blinded stage” which is found in Masonic rituals and which ever precedes the gift of light. Virgo stands for the “womb of time” wherein God’s plan (the mystery and the secret of the ages) is slowly matured and—with pain and discomfort and through struggle and conflict—brought into manifestation at the end of the appointed time.
Today it would seem … that we are entering into the eighth month of the gestation period; this is almost literally the case where humanity is concerned for—counting from Virgo to Aquarius, the sign into which we are now entering—we find that there are just eight signs: Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces and Aquarius, and this is surely the guarantee that the birth of the new age, of the new consciousness and the new civilisation and culture is inevitable and sure.”[8]
Note these phrases, “secrets are discovered and eventually “brought to light”” – and “the “blinded stage”” – pointing to the profoundly subjective nature of Virgo, its skill for penetrating and traversing the depths and eventually revealing in the light.
Part II: Invoking Virgo for Healing Planet Earth
Our planet has reached a precarious crisis in most fields of human activity – politics, religion and education, arts and sciences, business and finance, in human relationships, slavery and sexual exploitation, homelessness and refugees. All these themes are rampant and widespread around the globe.
We face global catastrophe through climate change and extreme weather, partly by Humanity abusing the lower three kingdoms – mineral, vegetable and animal. These latter themes pertain to exoteric or outer Virgo – planetary healing and repair for the polluted oceans, land devastated by selfish mining practices, putting an end to scientific weather manipulation and so on
Yet, some of these earth changes are cyclic in nature, unfolding over vast periods of time – where the poles move to the tropics, ice ages or meltings ensue, or there is increased volcanic and earthquake activity. This latter occurrence has been predicted to increase in the next few thousand years. As Humanity rides the cusp of the Fifth Rootrace moving into the Sixth Rootrace, purgings and purifications will take place to make way for the new. Many of these factors in the current world situation have been bought about by two main factors:
- Humanity as a whole, its lack of development and three-fold personality integration – seen as one body; who have not been able to use planetary resources responsibly through ignorance, poverty, greed or apathy.
| - A small proportion of Humanity – A very mentally developed group though a minority, have exploited and manipulated the planet’s finite resources and money – for no objective other than personal gain, to live in material luxury, oblivious to the needs of the rest of Humanity.
Hence, there has been an over-development of the mental principle, especially in this mentally polarised Fifth Rootrace – with the side-effects of arrogance, greed and separateness. The principle of compassion has been by-passed, ironically in this fading Age of Pisces where it could have been developed to a much greater degree.
Hence, to use the earlier correspondences, the goddess Eve has been favoured and Isis has been ignored, even to the point where her sacred name is tarnished by an acronym for a terrorist group – who embody the basest expression of human hatred. Therein lies the pair of opposites – love and hate.
Yet, groups like this are simply a by-product of a prevailing lop-sided global culture of aggression and selfishness. Therefore, to use the Virgo symbolism again, a disconnect has occurred in the overall threefold integration of Humanity between Eve on the mental plane and Mary upon the physical plane.
Goddess | Plane | Aspect |
Eve – Lure of knowledge to be gained through the experience of incarnation. | Mental plane – fire. Throat centre. |
Will |
Isis – Quickening of that which is desired; fertility, motherhood, guardian. | Astral plane – water. Solar plexus & heart centres. |
Love |
Mary – Births the Christ child. | Physical plane – earth. Sacral & throat centres. |
Intelligence |
Isis represents the middle principle of compassion and its emotional reflection – and she currently languishes, while Humanity lags in its development. As stated earlier, the second ray of love-wisdom pours through Virgo more powerfully than any other sign. Virgo represents the birth of the Christ within the cave of the heart (the first initiation) – occurring in large numbers of Humanity.
We are approaching The Externalisation of the Hierarchy – the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom will return into human contact sometime after 2025. This extraordinary planetary event has not occurred since when They were forced to withdraw from human contact during the dark days of Atlantis. Their imminent reappearance has been planned for centuries – and as we near the year 2025, the forces of materialism are fighting furiously to prevent that occurring.
Those forces work through their selfish agents upon the physical plane in all areas of human expression, noticeably in politics, science and particularly big business. Note, these departments of human activity are all upon the “hard ray line” or 1,3,5,7 – the energy of Will as it works through the mental rays.
It appears – and appearances do not necessarily reflect the truth – that the materialistic global trend is so deeply entrenched, that changing attitudes is a daunting task for Lightworkers – due to difficult economic circumstances, apathy or conditioned thinking. Here is where the individual can team up with a special interest group and make a contribution. Materialism was the problem that led to the downfall of Atlantis, where the crime of theft was paramount.
“To procure what they coveted and felt they needed, the most highly evolved of that race began to practice magic … Words of Power employed and carefully planned rituals followed by those who sought to enrich themselves and to take what they wanted, no matter what the cost to others.”[9]
Today, theft has been refined and developed, diffused globally – theft of global resources, corporate tax avoidance, theft of personal data and identities, theft of personal livelihoods in the name of profit, theft of land, people etc. etc.
Despite great initiatives currently underway to address many of these world problems, it is sometimes difficult to gauge how far humanity is ahead of the game. Can we take comfort in the previous passage that stated, “the birth of the new age, of the new consciousness and the new civilisation and culture is inevitable and sure.”? Can we reject the “serpent of doubt” as Master Morya describes it – the “swarm of small worms of doubt requires a lengthy cure.”
Humanity has evolved very rapidly in the past 70 years, equivalent to centuries of evolution. We must reflect upon how uneven or lop-sided our development has been, through science and technology for example, – and what urgent steps are needed to remedy the situation for the ailing patient – humanity.
Here we must apply Virgo discrimination or Viveka, to discern the real from the unreal. What options lay open for Humanity, Hierarchy and those who are part of the New Group of World Servers? Various scenarios include the following, real or imagined:
Scenario 1. The disciples and aspirants of the world will prevail, they will rise to the occasion and through dedicated, tireless labour, effect changes. They will consolidate upon work already started and follow it through to completion; they will work with ceaseless perseverance.
These aspirants and disciples form the New Group of World Servers who work objectively and subjectively throughout the world. A smaller portion of the NGWS are esoterically trained and have an opportunity to work subjectively through meditation, ritual and other activities – continually adding to the emerging paradigm of new Aquarian principles.
But are all aspirants and disciples of the world really doing enough? Are their “hearts on fire with the spirit of service”? Are they living up to the expectations of the Hierarchy or have they become lazy and distracted – and failed collectively to measure up?
In this respect there is a lesson from the past that we might reflect upon. The Discipleship in the New Age (or DINA) books by Alice Bailey were about the several groups of disciples to which the Master DK gave personal instructions. Despite the fact that these groups had the extraordinary privilege of a Master of Wisdom guiding them, DK disbanded the group because,
- The group was not integrated and had produced no particular spiritual enterprise. Many of them did less for the Triangle work, the Goodwill work and the distribution of the Invocation than the average School student – they did not aid DK as he had requested.
- Failure in occult obedience – many did absolutely nothing about their personal instructions from DK.
- Members who did not agree with some instructions claimed it was AAB making the statement. When the instructions were favourable they felt it was from DK himself.
There was a 4th point that was deleted in the original text – could it have been perhaps laziness? This recalls DK’s encouragement at the end of one his books, “Work my brothers!” We might well ask rhetorically, why would the performance of disciples in this day and age, without guidance of the Master, be any better than it was between the 1920’s and 1950’s?
Scenario 2. There is a financial crash that is the worst the world has ever seen, an event that has been predicted for the past decade, creating grave short term hardship (a depression), but eventually birthing a fairer economic system and re-distribution of wealth.
Scenario 3. Through humanity not being able to effect change in sufficient time, The Hierarchy drastically intervenes and the One who holds the office of The Manu, unleashes more cataclysms than originally planned, as a “planetary correction” – forcing humanity to transform and live in a greater spirit of co-operation.
Scenario 4. The forces of materialism take over and subject this planet to slavery, just as the Nazi plan to do the same almost succeeded in WW2. Would Hierarchy contemplate walking away from Humanity, just as they had prepared during WW2, when the Nazis appeared close to success? A truly shocking prospect to consider – that Hierarchy desert Humanity because of its inherent selfishness.
Scenario 5. A third world (nuclear) war emerges and destroys the planet. This is unlikely but is mentioned because it is a fear that is perpetuated by certain world leaders. Foster Bailey stated in one of his later books in the 1970’s that the Hierarchy will not allow a nuclear war to occur. Nor it is said, will those watching extra-terrestrials! (See astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s comments.)
Some of these points may seem horrific, but actually name the residual fears that all of humanity holds – at this critical hour of unfolding planetary karma; these points summarise what many people think, fear and speculate upon; there are probably other ones of course. The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in January 2020 symbolises when many of these global problems may come to a head for resolution, one way or the other.
Good News/Bad News: Informing Ourselves Correctly
As a counter-balance to the foregoing, researchers have found that the human brain is hard-wired to read news articles with negative tones over positive ones. Biologically, our brains are wired for a pessimism bias, which urges us to pay more attention to negative news.
“Steven Pinker [Virgo sun] is among the few intellectual leaders who have dedicated their lives to changing our debilitating perception of ourselves. …. The best-selling author has recently rebooted the rhetoric with his new book, Enlightenment Now, in which he makes a case for progress and demonstrates how humanity has continued to thrive according to many measures, including prosperity, peace, safety, and happiness.
Pinker points out that there have been many improvements in human living: “…despite our many shortcomings, we are living longer, healthier, safer, and happier lives than at any other point in human history. Dismissing how far we’ve come is ultimately a denial of truth.”
1987: 23 wars, 85 autocracies, 37 percent of the world population in extreme poverty, and more than 60,000 nuclear weapons.
2017: 12 ongoing wars, 60 autocracies, 10 percent of the world population in extreme poverty, and more than 10,000 nuclear weapons.
For most of human history, life expectancy at birth was around 30. Today it is more than 70 worldwide, and in the developed parts of the world, more than 80.
Despite wealth inequality, there is a decrease in global poverty. 200 years ago, 90 percent of the world’s population subsisted in extreme poverty. Today, fewer than 10 percent of people do.
Literacy rates continue to rise. Before the 17th century, no more than 15 percent of Europeans could read or write. Today, more than 90 percent of the world’s population under the age of 25 can read and write. With increasing access to information digitally, we can only expect this number to increase.
Despite the setbacks in democracy in various regions, the world has never been more democratic than it has been in the past decade, with two-thirds of the world’s people living in democracies.
We are also living safer lives than ever before. Over the last century, we’ve become 96 percent less likely to be killed in a car crash, 99 percent less likely to die in a plane crash, 95 percent less likely to be killed on the job, and 89 percent less likely to be killed by a natural disaster thanks to advancements in infrastructure.”[10]
Part III: Virgo and the Renaissance of Women
“Where women are revered and safeguarded, prosperity reigns and the gods rejoice.”
How do we use the energies of Virgo to bring about the healing of the planet? How can we work upon this missing link of Love-Wisdom that is so scarce in the hearts of those many political and business groups that control our lives? How can there be a Love-Wisdom subversion effected – that will open hearts, that will prick collective consciences and consciousness? Are they really beyond our reach, these fellow members of Humanity?
If we return to the Isis theme, we can see that the solution is very obvious. Fostering the age of the Divine Feminine has gained increased momentum over the past few decades; it has encouraged the awakening of the heart and reminds us that Humanity as a whole is lifting its collective consciousness from the solar plexus to the heart:
“It is that process of decentralisation and “elevation” of the lower consciousness [in the solar plexus] to the higher [in the heart] which produces the main difficulties to which the disciple is subjected. It is this process also which is going on in the world as a whole today, causing the appalling disruption of human affairs, culture, and civilisation.
The entire focus of humanity’s consciousness is being changed; the selfish life (characteristic of the man centred in his desires and consequently in the solar plexus centre) is giving place to the decentralised life of the man who is unselfish (centred in the Self or soul), aware of his relationships and responsibility to the Whole and not to the part.
This sublimation of the lower life into the higher is one of deepest moment to the individual and to the race. Once the individual disciple, and humanity as well, symbolising the world disciple, have mastered the process of transference in this respect, we shall see the new order of individual service and of world service established, and therefore the coming in of the awaited new order.”[11]
The gradual upliftment of women is reflected in recent decades of initiatives that have empowered women and created less sexual abuse, but of course there is still has a very long way to go. Following are a few inspirational passages from the Agni Yoga teachings by Helena Roerich, transmitted by the Master Morya:
“The Mother of the World is at the head of the Great Hierarchy of Light of our planet … Behind each symbol stands a High Individuality, and each symbol covers a great reality.”[12]
“Indeed it is time to point out that the one Mother of both Lords is not a symbol but a Great Manifestation of the Feminine Origin, in which is revealed the spiritual Mother of Christ and Buddha. She it was Who taught and ordained Them for achievement. From times immemorial the Mother of the World has sent forth to achievement.
In the history of humanity, Her Hand traces an unbreakable thread … On Sinai Her Voice rang out. She assumed the image of Kali. She was at the basis of the cult of Isis and Ishtar. After Atlantis, when a blow was inflicted upon the cult of the spirit, the Mother of the World began to weave a new thread, which will now begin to radiate.
After Atlantis the Mother of the World veiled Her Face and forbade the pronouncement of Her Name until the hour of the constellations should strike. She has manifested Herself only partly; never has She manifested Herself on a planetary scale …”[13]
The word Virgo is a corruption of an ancient Atlantean name that was applied to the mother principle. At one time Atlantis was a matriarchy that dominated civilisation, hence some of the old myths about Lilith, the last of the Virgin Goddesses. Helena Roerich continues,
“ …with the demeaning of woman, the coarsening and degeneration of humanity was unavoidable. There exists a most ancient saying, “Where women are revered and safeguarded, prosperity reigns and the gods rejoice … The New Epoch… [starting now] will bring the renaissance of woman. The Epoch of Maitreya is the Epoch of the Mother of the World.”[14]
That “epoch” is upon us now, the Aquarian Age, indistinguishable from the Mother of the World and Lord Maitreya.
“Woman may be judge as well as legal adviser, for injustice will be diminished when the tribunals themselves shall repel the maligned principle. Such a distinction will transform the whole way of life. When I say, “You, women, can comprehend cooperation,” I thereby wish to evoke the slumbering fires from the depths of your hearts.”[15]
Here we have the feminine symbol of justice, blind-folded for impartiality, feminine for intuition and holding the sword of discrimination.
“In the future equilibrium of spirit and matter, a clear vision may be obtained. But not only fragments are to be seen. That is why the ancients guarded this natural telescope so cautiously. The most powerful telescopes were women.”[16]
Indeed, in ancient Roman times, only women were chosen as the sibyls or mediums, “trained by disciples on the seventh ray to speak under inspiration from the Hierarchy, Whose foreknowledge … does not extend beyond two thousand years.”[17]
Virgo and the Deva Evolution
Although there is not sufficient space to cover the subject adequately, the subject of the devas or angelic hierarchies cannot go unmentioned because they constitute the Mother aspect of evolution; they are a parallel evolution to humanity and build the forms that everyone inhabits. Human evolution is considered masculine whilst the deva evolution is feminine, and in these two streams lies ahead a divine marriage and synthesis.
Part IV: Virgo and Criticism of World Affairs
Introduction Separation is birthed by criticism which is symbolically and actually the shadow of the highly discriminating Virgo mind. Naturally, all the zodiac signs are capable of criticism, some most vehemently, but Virgo is one of the main symbols.
One expression of the word discrimination is used for instance, where white people discriminate against black people – or other racial minorities. Hence apartheid (apart-heid – separateness.) This is an expression of the lower mind whose point of least resistance is to separate and label. It is also the shadow expression of the Fifth Ray of Science that has conditioned the development of this Fifth Rootrace, all the Western nations.
But true discrimination is the ongoing evolutionary process of the balancing of the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane, the development of discernment between the real and the unreal, lower and higher. To use a Virgoan keyword, it is a refinement of the mind, where finely attenuated adjustments take place – it is Viveka.
The great Adi Shankara wrote a Vedanta treatise called Vivekachudamani – “Crest-jewel of discrimination” which discusses discernment between the real and the unreal, the eternal and temporary – as the central task for the striving disciple to achieve liberation or Moksha.
Correct practice of viveka develops skill in discerning the details of alignment, by turning attention inward and working with invisible details. Hence, meditation – Virgo is regarded as a sign that embodies “the meditation phase of meditation”. (Leo –concentration, Virgo meditation, Libra contemplation, Scorpio illumination, Sagittarius inspiration.)[18]
Note the use of the word “details”, another Virgoan characteristic that is wedded to its other themes of “meticulous entirety” and thoroughness. Hence Virgo the scholar, the poet and writer who pays assiduous and diligent attention to the detail of their craft – and in any field of human endeavour – music and the arts, science or politics.
The shadow expression of Virgo has been quite prominent toward the end of the Piscean Age because of the fact that it is the polar opposite of this sign. The critical mental factor of Virgo has contributed to an uneven development, falling short of the loving understanding and compassion of Pisces; which is ironic because the second ray of Love-Wisdom finds its strongest expression through Virgo in this greater cycle.
Criticism of World Events With Moon, Mars and Venus in Virgo, the author is well acquainted with the shadow side of this sign! And, as a long-time commentator upon world affairs, is also familiar with the tendency to criticise world events and personalities. One does however, aspire to neutrality, even-handedness and an apolitical aptitude!
There is a very fine line between the fifth ray kind of impersonal analysis – and criticism. (There will be those who will claim that they are exercising the former and not the latter – when in fact they are expressing the latter under the banner of the former!)
In making a distinction between criticism and judgement, “Criticism is pointing out a flaw, disagreeing with or disliking the actions/words of something or someone based on opinion – but not determining the person/thing’s worth. Judgement is claiming that someone or something’s worth or reputation is determined by their actions/words/lifestyle or by one relative flaw or asset.”[19]
There is also of course, “constructive criticism”, but the fact remains that there is a lot of criticism in the world that leads to separation within humanity. Criticism occurs on all levels of evolution, from the very uneducated, to the partly informed through to the intelligentsia. In the Ageless Wisdom teachings, the Master Djwhal Khul advises aspirants and disciples upon the Path to refrain from criticising world events.
This is can be a very difficult task to accomplish, especially when one might have a sense of outrage at injustices perpetuated by humans upon other humans. Continual feedback alerting those who lead is necessary, as part of the many corrections and adjustments that are involved in human evolution. That is, if those leaders are taking any notice! True democracy may still be a faraway pipe-dream, where the leaders and representatives take notice. If they do not, then a French or American revolution might have to arise and destroy the power structure.
There are very good reasons why refraining from criticism contributes to a greater subjective building of the new Aquarian cycle humanity is entering. There is a fine line between raising awareness of the world situation and what is wrong with the system and what we are going to do about it. Many individuals and groups continually point out these facts, but instead of raising awareness, help to drive the problem deeper into matter. Here follows several passages on the subject, interspersed with commentary:
“The danger of “Imperil,” as the Master Morya has called it … What is referred to is the reaction of the disciple to world evil. This produces uncertainty as to the future, annoyance at what is being done throughout the planet by non-disciples, criticism of national and international planning and a general atmosphere of unhappiness, plus a sense of superior knowledge. All this is expressed in a negative, unconstructive manner.
To this many disciples are today prone; they need to realise that world affairs are not and cannot be moulded or determined by any hierarchical knowledge in the possession of the disciple. World affairs and conditions have necessarily to be based upon the demand and the point in evolution of the mass of humanity, working through their representatives, chosen or imposed, in every country.
This demand can be and is affected, modified and spiritualised by the attitude and the teaching of disciples everywhere who are vocal and of humanitarian instinct. If, however, the will and knowledge of disciples in all nations were to condition world affairs and control entirely the political, economic and social life of the people, it would produce a far more serious cleavage than now exists, for instance between the rich and the poor, or between the classes and the castes.
It would produce a pronounced line of demarcation between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of men. This would run counter to hierarchical intention, which is rapidly healing the existent breach, and thus offset the work which Christ set out to do on Earth. This point is often overlooked by well-intentioned disciples. It is humanity which determines its own destiny. Disciples point the way, indicate the vision, set a needed example and emphasise the ancient landmarks.”[20]
Indeed, the phrase, “produce a far more serious cleavage than now exists” bears some reflection. As does, “World affairs and conditions have necessarily to be based upon the demand and the point in evolution of the mass of humanity.” These factors bring us back to the ideal of democracy and a conscious participatory process by the entire population.
“[S]He [the aspirant] must be taught to focus on constructive activity and to refrain from pulling down the old order of living. He must be set to building for the future, and to thinking along the new lines. He must be warned not to waste time in attacking that which is undesirable, but must instead bend all his energies to creating the new temple of the Lord through which the glory may be manifested. In this way public attention will gradually be focussed upon the new and beautiful, and the old established creations will fall into decay for lack of attention and so disappear.”[21]
As Jesus once said, build for the future and “let the dead bury their dead”– “but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:60.) The long passage above that begins with “the danger of imperil”, may be one of the most difficult to accept for some disciples because of the obvious question: If we ignore planetary injustices, who will take care of upholding the law and the inspiration/aspiration to right living? The rest of unawakened or partly awakened Humanity? These questions boil down to each individual finding their poitn of service within the greater whole.
Whole nations can be duped by leaders, such as Germany in WWII – and even The Hierarchy had to abandon their hitherto neutral stance and take the side of the Allied Forces against the Axis Powers; They could no longer stay silent behind the scenes guiding and inspiring Humanity. This ‘imperil’ passage above urges disciples (as opposed to unawakened humanity), to recognise and use their subjective skills to build the new paradigm, trusting that the rest of humanity will rise to the occasion and recognise the role they must play.
“This work of educating the men and women of good will in the world must be proceeded with as rapidly as possible. The work must, however, be carried on with no infringement of harmony. There must be no interference with national preferences and programs, and no belittling of national governments, no matter what they may be. No political activity should be carried on in the name of the New Group of World Servers. Such action would continue the old methods and perpetuate the old hatreds.
There must be no attack upon any party or group, and no criticism of any leader or national activity. Such old methods have long been tried and have failed to bring peace on earth. The members of the New Group of World Servers, and those associated with them, stand for no party, neither for nor against any group or form of control. This is their imperative position. For attack or counter-attack they have not time, energy or money. Yet their attitude is not one of “passive non-resistance”. They are at work balancing world forces, and fostering the growth of that group of men who stand for good will, understanding and brotherhood.”[22]
Very difficult medicine to swallow for some disciples! How many times do we see posts on social media for instance, of disgraceful injustices such as animal cruelty, malignant political leadership, human trafficking or global pollution? But what are those posters actually doing about their pet peeves? We all do this to some degree – it is one thing to raise awareness of an issue and to be informed but how do we use our energy the most efficiently in combating these problems?
Of course, create or join an action group objectively, or start a meditation group that works on the subjective level – but to continually post “same same”, simply drives more salt into the wound; it perpetuates an endless cycle that breeds the same kind of hatred and separateness – equal to those who are being criticised for their inhumanity. The final following passage challenges us to live by and aspire to the higher laws:
“The true disciple sees the vision. He then seeks to keep so closely in touch with his soul that he can stand with steadiness whilst he endeavours to make that vision a reality; he aims to achieve what, from the standpoint of the world seems to be impossible, knowing that the vision is not materialised through expediency and undue adaptation of the suggested ideas of worldly or intellectual counsellors.
Public opinion and the advice of those who are Piscean in their tendencies and not Aquarian, are carefully considered but not unduly so, and when advice is found to be separative and tends to eliminate harmony, and produces a lack of brotherly love and understanding, it is discarded at once. When there is evidenced a constantly critical attitude towards other workers in the field of world service and where there is a capacity to see only selfishness and fault and to impute wrong motives and to believe evil, then the true aspirant refuses to be swayed and goes serenely on his way.
In the coming cycle I emphatically tell you that the true work will be carried forward (the work of spiritually welding the world into a synthesis and the production of a recognised brotherhood of souls) only by those who refuse to be separative and whose words are watched so that no evil is spoken; these are the workers who see the divine in all and refuse to think evil and impute evil; they work with sealed lips; they deal not with their brothers affairs, nor reveal that which concerns them; their lives are coloured by understanding and by love; their minds are characterised by a trained spiritual perception and that spiritual awareness which employs a keen intellect as the corollary of a loving spirit.
May I repeat in other words this theme, for its importance is vital and the effect of the work of these instruments on the world is immense. These men and women whose mission it is to inaugurate the New Age have learned the secret of silence; they are animated ceaselessly by a spirit of inclusive love; their tongues lead them not astray into the field of ordinary criticism, and they permit no condemnation of others; they are animated by the spirit of protection. To them will be committed the work of fostering the life of the New Age.
To those who have not yet reached this point in evolution and whose vision is not so clear, nor their natures so disciplined, there remains the important work, on a lower level, of working with their kind. Their attributes and qualities bring to them those who resemble them; they do not work in such loneliness and their work is more outwardly successful, though not always so.
It must be remembered that all work, in the sight of the Great Ones, is of equal importance. For those souls who are at the stage where a home or office provides sufficient experience, that is for them the supreme effort; their attempt to work is-—on its own level-—as great an achievement as to fulfill the destiny of a Christ or a Napoleon. Forget this not and seek to see life truly and not with its distinctions-—men-made and dangerous. A disciple who has not yet the fuller vision of a more trained worker and who is only just learning the ABC of public work may, with all his failures and dense stupidities, be doing as well as an older disciple with his wider knowledge and experience.”[23]
Inspiring words! The phrase, “To those who have not yet reached this point in evolution” – is important to bear in mind that DK in all these passages is addressing mainly accepted disciples in the ranks of Hierarchy, reminding them of their capacities to work subjectively and objectively, but with restraint of criticism.
There are a greater number of aspirants in the ranks of the New Group of World Servers (“whose natures are not so disciplined”), and it is they who particularly must relinquish the old “tried but false” methods; yet no less so for “accepted disciples” of course. In this recognition also lies some Virgoan discrimination of where one is upon the Path; many aspirants consider themselves disciples, when they are nowhere near that stage of unfoldment. A “little knowledge can be a dangerous thing” and likewise, there are disciples who consider themselves initiates.
These are well-known problems in the world’s esoteric groups, who are regarded by Hierarchy as the most “glamoured”! Virgo is a sign known for humility, that great antidote for human hubris and the lower nature of Leo, the previous sign to Virgo. DK also reminds us that we are all aspirants from the lowliest and humblest of servers to the Christ and beyond!
Virgo and the Return to Reading Books
“Libraries really are the gates to the future. So it is unfortunate that, round the world, we observe local authorities seizing the opportunity to close libraries as an easy way to save money, without realising that they are stealing from the future to pay for today. They are closing the gates that should be open.”[24] (Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming.)
Indeed, since the communications revolution which is still going, there has been less and less reading of physical books and a greater consumption of videos, or reading on electronic devices. No wonder the secondhand stores are full of bookcases that they find hard to sell!
In this age of Mercury-ruled Geminian distraction, a return to the Mercury-ruled Virgoan reading/meditation is sorely needed. There are some people who now never read, they only watch videos. Videos are great and can convey a lot of information and inspiration, but they do not necessarily offer the chance to reflect – unless one is continually rewinding or pausing the video!
Reading from a book offers the opportunity of quiet reflection – no logging on is required – just the engagement of the mind. No plugging-in, no re-charging, no interruptions or beeps from your device (if your phone is switched off) – just plain, simple reading and the chance to engage the imagination.
Videos spell-out for us an image of something to convey meaning, but there are often many other images that can be used. Hence reading allows a tailoring of the personal imagination to the text, blended with the cognitive faculty. It is a dynamic activity, whereas video-watching tends to be passive – and often viewers are checking other devices at the same time – not really absorbing anything!
Electronic devices and phones might be alright for reading, but ultimately they are full of interruptions by emails, text messages, phone calls and social media, hence distract and dilute the “purity” of the main event. A book, particularly a well-loved spiritual book, has a life of its own. It becomes imbued with the aura of the reader and develops a certain magnetism that remains when the reader returns to it. There are now various initiatives around the world that are encouraging a back-to-books trend. (See, Real books are back. E-book sales plunge nearly 20%) Gaiman continues,
“We have an obligation to make things beautiful. Not to leave the world uglier than we found it, not to empty the oceans, not to leave our problems for the next generation. We have an obligation to clean up after ourselves, and not leave our children with a world we’ve shortsightedly messed up, shortchanged, and crippled.
Albert Einstein was asked once how we could make our children intelligent. His reply was both simple and wise. “If you want your children to be intelligent,” he said, “read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” He understood the value of reading, and of imagining. I hope we can give our children a world in which they will read, and be read to, and imagine, and understand.”[25]
Earlier, the Virgo scholar was mentioned, it is this greater depth of enquiry that must make a resurgence, to counter generations of ill-informed children and adults who have not benefited from books, and as a result are saddled with an appalling ignorance.
Virgo describes the stereotypical, nerdy female librarian, humorously portrayed in films. This is the feminine Virgo as the discriminating scholar, the seeker of knowledge and lover of the literary arts. She is also portrayed in a deliberate astrological manner by J.K. Rowling, as Hermione, in the Harry Potter books – the feminine aspect of higher learning – and magic! It just so happens that the actor who portrays Hermione (Emma Watson), is Virgo rising – what a great role to develop one’s soul purpose!
Phillip Lindsay © 2018.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
[1] Illumination, II:VIII:11. Helena Roerich.
[2] Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey.p.37.
[3] Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey.p.37.
[4] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.281.
[5] See Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles, Phillip Lindsay.
[6] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.253.
[7] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.281.
[8] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.260.
[9] Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.231.
[10] New Evidence That the World Really Is Getting Better
[11] Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. pp.127-8.
[12] Letters Of Helena Roerich I, 18 June 1935.
[13] Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, Helena Roerich. 220.
[14] Letters Of Helena Roerich II, 5 April 1938.
[15] Aum, Helena Roerich, 421.
[16] Leaves of Morya’s Garden II 125.
[17] The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.28.
[18] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.228.
[20] Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.68.
[21] A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.420.
[22] Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.674.
[23] A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. pp.631-2.
[24] Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming
[25] Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming
Please keep in mind that Steven Pinker is an avowed atheist/academic who has repeatedly mocked all things New Age and spiritual. He is a staunch Darwinist whose main attitude is one of liberal humanism. I have seen him on American talk-shows where he positively exudes the arrogant scientific (conventional) attitude that thinks reason is the ultimate, and that us intuitives are inferior flakes.
(So much for my non-critical atttitude…)
Lol! Yes I noticed that he was but decided to post his views anyway, thanks for the heads up Michael.
Phillip , my brother , you are ” on fire ” . What a great and encouraging newsletter !
About Steven Pinker ; I can’t help noticing that all the great work around the world has been done by people that have no idea or muck this New Age stuff .This is something worth considering by all the ” spiritual workers ” .
” you shall know the tree from its fruit ”
I think our contribution to humanity is our Work and not who we are as personalities . Why is so important how we appear to be and not who we truly Are ?
Really valued your comments Phillip…Great to be reminded of our role in visioning a new civilisation, a new world, whilst holding the feminine energy for it to grow and blossom by minding our own inner world of thought and its manifestation into words. Loved your comments on the importance of the Renaissance of women, totally agree. We can choose in any moment to be present in love or fear…the two cannot co-exist. The mothering principle finds ways and words of love to teach her children right relations in the world, knowing that harsh judgement and criticism will only separate and isolate so no learning or growth is possible. She holds an intuitive wisdom that needs no recognition and gently weaves its magic.
This is the first time for me to make a comment on your monthly reports that I have followed for years. However, i found this one especially vital for this time for all aspirants. it was a wake up call for me, again, about the world happenings, especially criticism we give voice to what our opinions are. i found myself guilty on many of the political happenings. I am going to save this post and read it on a regular basis as a reminder as my true role as a member of the NGWS. Also I enjoyed your reflections on the purpose of reading books. Once again I must thank you for your insightful writings.
Outstanding and illuminating insights…many thanks! [On a side note… can you provide a source to further study Poetry and Poets, as related to style, context, construct, etc., Astrological and/or ray make-up–examples of said poets and poetry…??] This, in reference to your description of the “VirgoType” of poet…
Thank you. An interesting read always 🙂
That one packed a punch! An ouch in the best possible way. Thank you Phillip, i feel renewed and refocused.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom & knowledge. I have Virgo Rising and you posted a great overview. It has assisted me in clearer understanding of SELF
A great post. Given your scenarios five and the presentation of a rhetorical question regarding discipleship in the new age, I figured I would offer my own limited view on the question:
The ajna center of the disciple is ruled by Mercury, planet of the 4th Ray.
The mind of the integrating personality uses the ajna center in a form called “meditation with seed”. Focused on strife, the mind temporary takes on the hue of such strife and creates obstruction. Perhaps this is why the wise have spoken against judgmental mindsets? The mind temporary takes on the color of what it is focused upon. Hence the importance of the integrating personality to find the ray of the soul and thereupon meditate. What is latent can be brought into objective manifestation through the activity of the 4th ray.
With the idea of the scenarios presented, I think scenario 1 is most plausible. Although obstruction appears everywhere, it is a question of going versus coming. If one goes, steps out into the unknown, there is foreboding and possibly fear. From this, further obstruction arises. If one’s mindset is rather one of coming to meet rather than going away, one steps out on a journey of arrival; there is anticipation and joy, obstruction gives way to integration and completion.
Hear hear, I reiterate the comments above, an especially potent newsletter. Thank you for synthesizing all the information into an expression of wisdom 🙂