11 Responses to Virgo 2018: Integration, Healing, Wholeness. Healing Planet Earth. Renaissance of Women. Reading Books.

  1. Michael W. Zimmermann says:

    Please keep in mind that Steven Pinker is an avowed atheist/academic who has repeatedly mocked all things New Age and spiritual. He is a staunch Darwinist whose main attitude is one of liberal humanism. I have seen him on American talk-shows where he positively exudes the arrogant scientific (conventional) attitude that thinks reason is the ultimate, and that us intuitives are inferior flakes.

    (So much for my non-critical atttitude…)

    1. Phillip Lindsay says:

      Lol! Yes I noticed that he was but decided to post his views anyway, thanks for the heads up Michael.

  2. Vasilis Haramaras says:

    Phillip , my brother , you are ” on fire ” . What a great and encouraging newsletter !

    About Steven Pinker ; I can’t help noticing that all the great work around the world has been done by people that have no idea or muck this New Age stuff .This is something worth considering by all the ” spiritual workers ” .

    ” you shall know the tree from its fruit ”
    I think our contribution to humanity is our Work and not who we are as personalities . Why is so important how we appear to be and not who we truly Are ?

  3. Teresa Keast says:

    Really valued your comments Phillip…Great to be reminded of our role in visioning a new civilisation, a new world, whilst holding the feminine energy for it to grow and blossom by minding our own inner world of thought and its manifestation into words. Loved your comments on the importance of the Renaissance of women, totally agree. We can choose in any moment to be present in love or fear…the two cannot co-exist. The mothering principle finds ways and words of love to teach her children right relations in the world, knowing that harsh judgement and criticism will only separate and isolate so no learning or growth is possible. She holds an intuitive wisdom that needs no recognition and gently weaves its magic.

  4. kathleen Crater says:

    This is the first time for me to make a comment on your monthly reports that I have followed for years. However, i found this one especially vital for this time for all aspirants. it was a wake up call for me, again, about the world happenings, especially criticism we give voice to what our opinions are. i found myself guilty on many of the political happenings. I am going to save this post and read it on a regular basis as a reminder as my true role as a member of the NGWS. Also I enjoyed your reflections on the purpose of reading books. Once again I must thank you for your insightful writings.

  5. Suzanne Miller says:

    Outstanding and illuminating insights…many thanks! [On a side note… can you provide a source to further study Poetry and Poets, as related to style, context, construct, etc., Astrological and/or ray make-up–examples of said poets and poetry…??] This, in reference to your description of the “VirgoType” of poet…

  6. Jenetta Haim says:

    Thank you. An interesting read always 🙂

  7. Bronwyn Astridge says:

    That one packed a punch! An ouch in the best possible way. Thank you Phillip, i feel renewed and refocused.

  8. Maureen Powers says:

    Thanks for sharing your wisdom & knowledge. I have Virgo Rising and you posted a great overview. It has assisted me in clearer understanding of SELF

  9. adam says:

    A great post. Given your scenarios five and the presentation of a rhetorical question regarding discipleship in the new age, I figured I would offer my own limited view on the question:

    The ajna center of the disciple is ruled by Mercury, planet of the 4th Ray.

    The mind of the integrating personality uses the ajna center in a form called “meditation with seed”. Focused on strife, the mind temporary takes on the hue of such strife and creates obstruction. Perhaps this is why the wise have spoken against judgmental mindsets? The mind temporary takes on the color of what it is focused upon. Hence the importance of the integrating personality to find the ray of the soul and thereupon meditate. What is latent can be brought into objective manifestation through the activity of the 4th ray.

    With the idea of the scenarios presented, I think scenario 1 is most plausible. Although obstruction appears everywhere, it is a question of going versus coming. If one goes, steps out into the unknown, there is foreboding and possibly fear. From this, further obstruction arises. If one’s mindset is rather one of coming to meet rather than going away, one steps out on a journey of arrival; there is anticipation and joy, obstruction gives way to integration and completion.

  10. Katherine says:

    Hear hear, I reiterate the comments above, an especially potent newsletter. Thank you for synthesizing all the information into an expression of wisdom 🙂

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