Virgo 2022: Florence Nightingale. Mercury in Libra. Mars in Gemini. Global Scamdemic. Mystery of Betelguese.

Hygeia with serpent, goddess of healing – archetype of Virgo. (Gustav Klimt)
Virgo Keynote:
“I am the mother and the child. I, God, I, matter am.”
(Full Moon: Sept 10, 2022. Time: 9.59 UT.)
Florence Nightingale: Virgo Soul Purpose
___Primary Astro-Rayological Influences
___Wordsmith and Traveller
___Spiritual Experiences
___The Greater Cycle Influences
Mercury in Libra
Mars in Gemini: Propaganda Wars and the USA
___Propaganda Wars
___ USA’s Mars Return in Gemini
The Global Scamdemic is Falling Apart
___The Dark Forces and Atlantean Karma
___A Coronavirus Retrospective
___Uninformed Consent
___Media Propaganda: Wake-Up Call for Millions
___Its Not Science, its a Belief System
Mystery of the Fixed Star Betelgeuse
Virgo 2022 Meditation and Webinar
Florence Nightingale: Virgo Soul Purpose
(12 May 1820 – 13 August 1910)
“An English social reformer, statistician and the founder of modern nursing. Nightingale came to prominence while serving as a manager and trainer of nurses during the Crimean War, in which she organised care for wounded soldiers at Constantinople.
She significantly reduced death rates by improving hygiene and living standards. Nightingale gave nursing a favourable reputation and became an icon of Victorian culture, especially in the persona of “The Lady with the Lamp” making rounds of wounded soldiers at night.”1
Primary Astro-Rayological Influences
In the passage above there are many clues to the astro-rayology of Florence Nightingale (FN):
Founder of modern nursing – Virgo rising, the sign of health, healing, hygiene, sanitation etc. A number of important “asteroid goddesses” associated with Virgo are prominent throughout the horoscope: Hygeia, Ceres-Demeter, Juno and Vesta.
Social reformer – suggests Aquarius or 11th house placements (Mars-Ceres in Leo in 11th). Aquarius ruler Uranus, is hierarchical ruler of Aries – where Saturn is placed in trine to Mars. She helped abolish prostitution laws that were overly-harsh towards women and advocated for significant health reforms for all of British Society. She made significant accomplishments in professionalising nursing roles for women.
Statistician – the third ray of active intelligence/Virgo rising.
“A pioneer in statistics – represented her analysis in graphical forms to ease drawing conclusions and actionables from data … famous for usage of the polar area diagram, also called the Nightingale rose diagram, equivalent to a modern circular histogram.”2
“Virgo is regarded by the esoteric teachers of the Hierarchy to be identified with the third aspect [3rd ray] of divinity, with the mother principle … The Moon and Mercury [Virgo rulers] together, indicate the activity of the higher and lower mind and are therefore related to the third Ray of Active Intelligence.”3
Manager/trainer – a stellium of planets in Aries the leader and pioneer – particularly Mercury in Aries, ruler of her Virgo soul purpose – and her Gemini midheaven (career, public).
The 7th ray of organisation is one of the most obvious rays in her make-up. In his book Tapestry of the Gods, Michael D. Robbins (MDR) assigns FN a 2nd ray soul and 7th ray personality:
“Florence Nightingale: pioneer in the development of military and civilian nursing and of hospital care. A strong first ray and sixth ray are also apparent.”4
MDR also assigns the same to another working in a similar field:
“Clara Barton: humanitarian and founder of the American Red Cross, known as the “angel of the battlefield.” A strong ray six influence is also evident.”5
Barton (Capricorn sun-moon, Aries rising), was born just seven months after FN in 1821 – no doubt, “two peas from the same pod” – or soul ashram! Both of them were undoubted disciples, or even initiates. Both lived to the age of 90. Barton in the west in the American Civil War, Nightingale in Crimea in the east. Both from 2nd ray soul nations – Britain and USA.
Other 2/7 figures MDR mentions are Confucius, the Dalai Lama, Manly Palmer Hall, Maria Montessori, Sir Thomas More, Emmanuel Swedenborg.6
The 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom is the major healing ray. FN expressed her 2nd ray soul through a Virgo ascendant, the strongest zodiac sign for expression of the 2nd ray, in this particular cycle. Jupiter is also the hierarchical ruler of Virgo, indicating that FN may have been well on the way to building the antahkarana between soul and monad:
“Ray II.—Virgo: This constellation produces the increased activity of the Christ principle in the heart of humanity.”7
Jupiter as 2nd ray ruler, is placed in its exoteric rulership of Pisces, in the Virgoan 6th house of health and healing – opposite FN’s ascendant:
“This second ray is, therefore, closely related to Virgo and its lowest aspect is mother love with its instinctual care of that which must be nourished and guarded. Its highest aspect is the incarnated, manifested Christ.”8
In 1860, FN laid the foundation of professional nursing with the establishment of her nursing school at St Thomas’ Hospital in London. 1860 was also the beginning of a 7th ray sub-cycle within the greater 6th ray cycle – during the Piscean Age.9 This period also saw the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln and Clara Barton.

The decrepit state of wards for the wounded that confronted Nightingale when she first arrived in Crimea.
Although born in Florence, Italy (hence her name), FN was the daughter of well to do British parents. London is a 7th ray personality and site of her first nursing school. Britain is a 2nd ray soul, a ray related to education.
Nightingale had the Sun, Moon and Vesta in Taurus (born at the new moon) – the sign that is the personality expression of Britain. Sun-Moon in Taurus in the 9th house gives an insatiable appetite for higher knowledge, ultimately transformed into wisdom:
“Florence and her older sister Parthenope benefited from their father’s advanced ideas about women’s education. They studied history, mathematics, Italian, classical literature, and philosophy, and from an early age Florence, who was the more academic of the two girls, displayed an extraordinary ability for collecting and analysing data which she would use to great effect in later life.”10
Here is the analytical nature of Virgo – the meticulous scholar, amplified considerably by Virgo-ruler Mercury, placed in Aries (fast mind/intuition) – in harmonious trine aspect to Uranus in Sagittarius – the planet of science, in the sign of philosophy and religion.
Sun-Moon in Taurus also trine the Virgo ascendant, indicating an harmonious link between soul purpose and personality. Taurus is a powerful sign related to strength and perseverance – at times obstinate and “bull-headed”, even dictatorial. The latter quality was certainly needed for working in the patriarchal Victorian Era! Even though she had long term enduring friendships with women, FN often referred to herself in the masculine, e.g. “a man of action” and “a man of business”:

Helena P. Blavatsky at her writing desk in New York City. In London in the Summer of 1854, she met her Master M.
“She preferred the friendship of powerful men, insisting they had done more than women to help her attain her goals, writing: “I have never found one woman who has altered her life by one iota for me or my opinions.”11
Here is the strong masculine force of several placements in Aries, particularly Saturn. FN was a contemporary of that great initiate H.P. Blavatsky – born 1831 in Ukraine, just a little north of Crimea. (HPB was regarded esoterically as a “male” polarised initiate.)12
Another factor more obvious in modern times, is that women, in order to compete in male-dominated affairs, have had to adopt masculine behaviour.
“Florence was stubborn, opinionated, and forthright but she had to be those things in order to achieve all that she did. She worked hard to educate herself in the art and science of nursing, in the face of opposition from her family and the restrictive social code for affluent young English women.”13
The 1st ray is certainly a possibility in FN’s ray structure and if it was not present, it might have been easily invoked via planets in Aries and Taurus:
“Miss Nightingale queens it with absolute power … the Nightingale power … something mysterious and fabulous.”14
Hence, the “harder” masculine and “softer” feminine found equal balance in FN. Taurus is the “mother of illumination” and Florence Nightingale was the “Lady with the Lamp”, giving healing balm and calm on her rounds of the wards of the wounded in Crimea.
The “lady with the lamp” is also a symbol of the caring, compassionate nature of the Virgo-Pisces axis, attending to the sick (Virgo) and hospice-type care for the dying (Pisces).
“She is a “ministering angel” without any exaggeration in these hospitals, and as her slender form glides quietly along each corridor, every poor fellow’s face softens with gratitude at the sight of her. When all the medical officers have retired for the night and silence and darkness have settled down upon those miles of prostrate sick, she may be observed alone, with a little lamp in her hand, making her solitary rounds.” (Cook, E. T., The Life of Florence Nightingale.)”15
One can only imagine what the situation was like when she first arrived in Crimea:
“Florence Nightingale’s most famous contribution came during the Crimean War, which became her central focus when reports got back to Britain about the horrific conditions for the wounded at the military hospital on the Asiatic side of the Bosporus, opposite Constantinople, at Scutari (modern-day Üsküdar in Istanbul).
Britain and France entered the war against Russia on the side of the Ottoman Empire. [Interesting how this theme is strong today!] On 21 October 1854, she and the staff of 38 women volunteer nurses … and 15 Catholic nuns … were sent to the Ottoman Empire … The volunteer nurses worked about 546 km (339 mi) away from the main British camp across the Black Sea at Balaklava, in the Crimea.

The infamous Charge of the Light Brigade, where the British, due to a mis-communication, were slaughtered by the Russians. October 25, 1854 – Sun in Scorpio, Moon Mars in Sagittarius!
Nightingale arrived at Selimiye Barracks in Scutari early in November 1854. Her team found that poor care for wounded soldiers was being delivered by overworked medical staff in the face of official indifference. Medicines were in short supply, hygiene was being neglected, and mass infections were common, many of them fatal. There was no equipment to process food for the patients …
… Nightingale reduced the death rate from 42% to 2%, either by making improvements in hygiene herself, or by calling for the Sanitary Commission. For example, Nightingale implemented handwashing and other hygiene practices in the war hospital in which she worked … she still believed that the death rates were due to poor nutrition, lack of supplies, stale air, and overworking of the soldiers.”16
Here is the core of Virgo at the physical level – health, hygiene, nutrition etc. When FN arrived in Crimea in “early November 1854”, some interesting transits were activating her horoscope. Taking the approximate date of Nov.4, gives a fairly accurate picture of what was unfolding in her horoscope:
1. Progressed moon in Leo, where it had been for two years previous, allowing her to step deeper into leadership – with power and authority. Just prior to this, a recent exact date,
“On 22 August 1853, Nightingale took the post of superintendent at the Institute for the Care of Sick Gentlewomen in Upper Harley Street, London, a position she held until October 1854.”17
In Aug. 1853, the progressed moon in Leo was precisely conjunct Mars in Leo in the 11th house – an apt symbol of strong group leadership and a tireless worker for Aquarian ideals. Aquarius is the polar opposite of Leo. Natal Mars in Leo is in trine to Saturn (organiser) in Aries, and the moon on that day was in Aries conjunct Saturn.
2. Progressed Sun-Mercury and solar directed Moon in Gemini, moving into an opposition to Uranus in Sagittarius, the ruler of the 7th ray of organisation. Progressed Sun was in exact opposition to innovative Uranus when several years later when she founded the nursing school in London.
3. Transiting Jupiter trine Sun-Moon in Taurus. Jupiter rules FN’s 2nd ray soul and was passing through Capricorn, the sign of practical organisation of resources, similar to the down to earth nature of Taurus sun-moon. In fact, Jupiter created a grand trine to Sun-Moon and the Virgo ascendant.
Jupiter was also opposing FN’s progressed midheaven in Cancer, another sign of caring and nurturement (“the mother of many”), but also reflecting stepping full stride into her “career”.
4. Transiting Sun in Scorpio opposite Sun-Moon in Taurus. Scorpio is one of the main signs of death – the arrival at the field hospital for the nurses must have been a gruesome shock … the smells, sights and sounds!
The sun was in Scorpio for another three weeks after that – moving into a T-square with progressed moon in Leo, no doubt impacting the feelings of all the women who attended to the suffering soldiers.
5. Transiting Uranus in Taurus. Uranus the reformer and revolutionary, the planet of sciences associated with medicine. In the next three years to 1857, Uranus (ruler of the 7th ray) passed over FN’s Sun-Moon three times, encouraging reform activities that laid the foundation for her nursing school in 1860.
6. Transiting Neptune in Pisces. Neptune had only been discovered eight years earlier in 1846 and was passing through FN’s sixth house of health and healing. Neptune might well have been the planet “veiled” by the moon.
Neptune’s presence in Pisces was no doubt a strong influence in FN, caring for the injured and comforting the dying. A few months later, Neptune conjoined Jupiter (soul ruler) from May 1855 through to Jan.1857 – in the middle of which was her Jupiter return!
Neptune’s transit complimented polar opposite Virgo, opposing her ascendant exactly in 1858-9, culminating further her soul purpose. Likewise, transiting Jupiter did similar. Also, this transit may have triggered a profuse expression of FN’s writing.
Natal Jupiter’s activation by Neptune must have guarded her closely, because a few days after arriving in Balaclava on May 10 1855 (very close to her birthday), through overwork and exhaustion, FN succumbed to Crimea fever, coming close to death; it took her until August before she fully recovered.
Transiting Hygeia in Scorpio was opposite her sun-moon on that date, perhaps some kind of initiation occurred at that time also. Nevertheless, exposure to the fever gave her a powerful immunity, to which she never seemed to worry about:
“She had, said Mr. Osborne, “an utter dis- regard of contagion. I have known her spend hours over men dying of cholera or fever. The more awful to every sense, any particular case, especially if it was that of a dying man, the more certainly might her slight form be seen bending over him, administering to his ease by every means in her power, and seldom quitting his side till death released him.”18
Here is by no means an exhaustive review of all the transits, but provides some unique insights into the unfoldment of FN’s soul purpose. In May 1855, FN was 35 years, an age when the soul begins to take much greater control of its “instrument” – the personality:
“The causal body begins to radiate the indwelling Light. It has been constructed to a point where it is fine enough to act as a transparency and, where the contact of the Ego is made with the Triad, a point of Flame appears … The light is no longer under the bushel, but suddenly flames forth, and catches the eager eye of the Master.
This marks the period between twenty-eight and thirty-five in the life of the adult. It is the period wherein a man finds himself, discovers what his line of activity may be, what he can accomplish, and from the worldly standpoint, comes into his own.”19
The Saturn return falls in the middle of this 28-35 period, when the personality has been fully integrated in the previous 7-year cycles up to 28. Perhaps with FN’s illness emerged a great inner revelation, alignment of soul/personality – and even initiation.
“This frail young woman … embraced in her solicitude the sick of three armies. [British, French, Russian]” (Lucien Baudens, La guerre de Crimée.)
Perhaps FN was not so “frail”, her “slight” form may have belied a steely fortitude, perhaps a physical body on the 1st ray. Taurus is strong and persevering, invoking its esoteric rulership of Vulcan, ruler of the 1st ray. FN lived until the ripe old age of 90!
“I cannot conceive anything more beautiful than her frame of mind. It is so calm, so cheerful, so simple. The physical hardships one does not wonder at her forgetting to speak of; but the marvel to me is how the mental ones, — the indifference, the ignorance, the cruelty, the falsehood she has had to encounter — never seem to ruffle her for an instant.
It is as if she dwelt in another atmosphere of peace and trust in Him which nothing wicked can dim. She speaks of these things sadly and quietly as someone from another world might do, seeing so plainly the excuses for the wrong-doers, while the personal part never seems to come in, and there is such a charm about her perfect simplicity [Virgo].
There is not the smallest particle of the martyr about her [no 6th ray negativity]; she is as merry about little things as ever, in the intervals of her great thought, and with as much interest about the little things of home – as if she had not been wielding the management and organization, of the material and spiritual comfort of the 50,000 men passing through hospital and out.”20

“A remarkable spiritual testimony, this complete transcription of hitherto-unpublished diary (recorded during visits to Egypt and Greece in 1850) – reveals the troubled period during which she finally realized that the answer to her call from God lay in service to humanity” (Amazon)
Wordsmith and Traveller
“Nightingale was a prodigious and versatile writer. In her lifetime, much of her published work was concerned with spreading medical knowledge. Some of her tracts were written in simple English so that they could easily be understood by those with poor literary skills.
She was also a pioneer in data visualization with the use of infographics, using graphical presentations of statistical data in an effective way. Much of her writing, including her extensive work on religion and mysticism, has only been published posthumously.
… Her writings on Egypt, in particular, are testimony to her learning, literary skill, and philosophy of life. Sailing up the Nile as far as Abu Simbel in January 1850, she wrote of the Abu Simbel temples, “Sublime in the highest style of intellectual beauty, intellect without effort, without suffering … not a feature is correct — but the whole effect is more expressive of spiritual grandeur than anything I could have imagined.”21
Travel is the realm of the 9th house, tenanted by FN’s Sun-Moon in Taurus. In 1850 the progressed Sun in curious Gemini was culminating from the 9th house to the midheaven. Mercury in Aries the adventurer, rules the Gemini midheaven and was conjoined by Uranus at the time – Uranus ruler of the occult mysteries, hierophant of initiation etc. In reviewing the book of her travels to Egypt and Greece, one reviewer stated:
“This seminal record of her thirtieth year of life [Saturn return] is a vital record in the history of a great woman. Surely it is important reading for anyone who would understand Florence Nightingale. A fascinating self-portrait of a young woman-mystic about to become a great woman and, one presumes, a great mystic.” (Francis L. Gross, Jr., Western Michigan University.)22
Yet, FN was the author of dozens of practical, no-nonsense articles and books, on how the new nursing should manifest:
“The first edition of Notes on Nursing, Nightingale’s most famous book, was not written for professional nurses. Instead, her audience was both domestic nurses and family members caring for sick relatives. The first edition was available either the last weeks of 1859 or the first weeks of 1860, and she published an expanded and revised edition later in 1860.”23
1860, the year of the 7th ray subcycle and the founding of a nursing school in London. This fairly specific date sees Mercury, the ruler of the midheaven (career, public) – conjunct Venus in Cancer in the 10th house of career. Venus in Cancer is about caring and devotion to loved ones and families – the most elevated and prominent planet in the horoscope. Esoterically however,
“The power of Venus in this sign [Cancer] tends to make the mind the servant of the personality and this is aided by the forces of the third Ray of Active Intelligence. [The 3rd ray was possibly in her make-up.] Thus the stage is set for the appearance of the soul in form. You would find it an interesting study to compare the effects of these ray potencies as they find expression in Cancer upon:
1. The unevolved [wo]man as [s]he demonstrates form control.
2. The evolved [wo]man, initiate and Saviour as [s]he demonstrates soul control. The forces which controlled the soul whilst dominated by form become the instruments of world service.”24
This passage might confirm earlier speculation that FN may have been an initiate of some standing. The 3rd ray can be very diverse and is one of the rays that pass through Cancer, contributing to her prodigious output of writing: 14-15,000 letters and over 100 books and reports! A recent biographer stated, “writing was Florence Nightingale’s lifeblood.” [Virgo wordsmith!]25
The Collected Works of Florence Nightingale can be found at this link – one will be amazed at the profusion of subjects upon which she has written! There is the sun and moon in 9th house, the Gemini midheaven and Uranus in Sagittarius! Of interest to esoteric students,
“… the renowned Evelyn Underhill, in her Practical Mysticism, 1915, cited Nightingale several times as a source or model, calling her “one of the greatest and most balanced contemplatives of the nineteenth century.” The very title Practical Mysticism shows the influence, for it was Nightingale’s contention that the mystical life (union with God, periods of retreat for reflection/contemplation) should feed the active life, of working with God, seconding God’s work in the world, being God’s co-workers.
Nightingale herself translated and wrote introductions to the work of many medieval mystics … [Thomas à Kempis, Francis of Assisi, Ignatius of Loyola, St Teresa of Avila, Martin Luther, John Wesley, the metaphysical poets etc.] … “the basis of all real mystical religion” as follows:
“That in all our actions, all our words, all our thoughts, the food upon which they are to live, the life in which they are to have their being, is to be the indwelling presence of God, the union with God, that is, with the Spirit of Goodness, Wisdom and Power, Supreme Power, in performing all the actions of our lives.”26
Although a Christian, FN recognised the golden thread running through all religions, which her travels to India, Greece, Egypt and elsewhere helped her comprehend. Due to her strong devotion, it is highly likely that her emotional body was on the 6th ray.
Spiritual Experiences
“Nightingale underwent the first of several experiences that she believed were calls from God in February 1837 while at Embley Park, prompting a strong desire to devote her life to the service of others. At Thebes [Feb.1850], she wrote of being “called to God”, while a week later near Cairo she wrote in her diary: “God called me in the morning and asked me would I do good for him alone without reputation.”

Focuses on Nightingale’s mystic beliefs, contributions to public health and infection control, trailblazing work in government and health care reform, her life as a mystic.
Later in 1850, she visited the Lutheran religious community at Kaiserswerth-am-Rhein in Germany, where she observed Pastor Theodor Fliedner and the deaconesses working for the sick and the deprived. She regarded the experience as a turning point in her life, and issued her findings anonymously in 1851.”27
“God” being the soul but perhaps also her Master. Looking at the first date in mid February 1837 (aged 17 years), and inspired to “serve others”:
1. Transiting Sun, Venus, Mercury and Neptune all in Aquarius – the sign of world service. Venus, Mercury and Neptune were all opposite transiting Jupiter in Leo.
2. Transiting Saturn in Scorpio opposite Sun-Moon in Taurus.
3. Transiting Uranus in Pisces trine to Venus in Cancer and progressed midheaven.
The second date 13 years later – just after her first Saturn return at the age of 30, she was “called to God” – based upon biographical dates, most likely in mid February too – with very similar activations to when she was 17:
1. Transiting Sun, Venus, Mercury in Aquarius.
2. The Saturn return in Aries.
3. Transiting Neptune trine Venus in Cancer.
4. Progressed Moon in Gemini opposite Aquarius ruler, Uranus in Sagittarius.
5. Transiting Jupiter in Virgo conjunct the ascendant – probably the most powerful indicator of her experience at that time.
As Virgo types often choose, FN rejected the expected role for a woman – of her status to become a wife and mother – she was instead, the “mother of many”:
“Her most persistent suitor was the politician and poet Richard Monckton Milnes, but after a nine-year courtship, she rejected him, convinced that marriage would interfere with her ability to follow her calling to nursing.”28
Poor poet – he might have written a few poems about that! Milnes’ Venus in Taurus fell on FN’s Sun-Moon – he may have been infatuated! His Sun in Gemini was on her midheaven and he was not only a close friend, but a staunch political supporter for her cause. As a public celebrity, FN received many other offers of marriage from admiring suitors.
The position of the asteroid Juno in Scorpio, opposite Sun-Moon in Taurus – plus Vesta (or Hestia) in Taurus, reflect her attitude about relationships:
“Juno was patroness of marriage … represents conjugal issues and partnership, especially legal unions. Status and equality issues are important … the primal feminine quality of power, the shakti bestowed by goddesses in order for the cosmos to come into being.”29
The asteroid Vesta, the Vestal Virgin – is one of the most powerful archetypes of Virgo the Virgin, conjunct closely FN’s moon in Taurus, soul ruler of her Virgo ascendant. Vesta is the goddess of the hearth, Keeper of the Flame of Life, symbolising piety, dedication and service:
“She encourages sacrifices to attain goals, including repression of intimate relationships – for instance the priestess who remains a virgin, devoting her life to a spiritual cause, thereby retaining her sacral energy for higher psychic development.
Vesta by virtue of her never ending devotion to service and zealous beliefs forces the transmutation of the lower to the higher aspect of the sixth ray. From Mars to Neptune, “for the one is “objective and full of blood” and the other is “subjective and full of life.”30
The Greater Cycle Influences
The following passage is a reminder of the greater cycle within which Florence Nightingale was born, just before 1825 – one of the centennial conclaves of the Masters with Shamballa:
“Humanity was deemed capable of taking and receiving a “touch from Shamballa,” without stepping it down via the Hierarchy, as has hitherto been the custom. The determination to apply this touch (which is in the nature of a great experiment), was made in 1825 when the Great Council had its usual centennial meeting.
The results you know; they are working out before your eyes. The industrial movement began to take shape … and received a great impetus from this touch. The evil in nations—aggression, greed, intolerance and hate—was aroused as never before, and two world wars occurred …
… Paralleling this was an uprising of good, again in response to the divine “touch,” resulting in the growth of understanding, the spread of idealism, the purification of our educational systems and the inauguration of reforms in every department of human life. All has been speeded up and little such growth was seen on a worldwide scale prior to 1825.”31
There were many changes in the early 19th century: For the first time since it was discovered in 1781, Uranus entered Aquarius in 1828, stimulating the development of science during the Industrial Revolution. The 2nd ray of love-wisdom cycle32 that began in 1575, had reached the peak of its outgoing 250-year cycle in 1825 – which led to the growth of separativeness – producing the European wars, the US Civil War, and eventually culminating in the World Wars of the 20th century.
The “agents of 2nd ray” – the disciples from one of the 2nd ray ashrams, such as Nightingale and Barton (“The Florence Nightingale of America”), increased their service activities; they were the “fruit” of the previous 250 2nd ray cycle, the “efflorescence” of their generation:
“The agents of the second ray started their preparation around the year 1825 and moved outward in force soon after 1860. From that date on, great concepts and new ideas, and the modern ideologies and arguments for and against aspects of the truth, have characterised modern thought.”33
Mercury in Libra (Aug.26 to Oct.29.)
Mercury entered Libra on Aug.26 and will remain there whilst the sun passes through three signs – Virgo and Libra until early Scorpio on Oct.29. The reason for such a long passage (44 days), is because Mercury will be in one of its four annual retrograde periods, moving from direct to retrograde, back to direct motion.
Mercury retrograde always brings opportunities to go back over things and get them right. Whatever was previously rushed through, passed over, half-done or ignored – Mercury retro, as ruler of Virgo, tends to invoke the perfectionist nature of that sign – no matter what sign Mercury is passing through, creating obstacles that force a review. Hence, the typical retro themes of transport strikes, travel delays, computer crashes etc.
Mercury is the negotiator and Libra is the peacemaker, hence this period will provide opportunities for negotiations of all kinds – peace between warring nations, business deals, financial transactions etc. Decision-making is another Libran quality, as is endless procrastination – Libra’s shadow. When the scales are balanced, then a decision can be made via the “judicial mind”. May we hold all world leaders in the light, so that they are guided to make the right decisions.
Mercury is also the trickster, so there may also be attempted “sleights of hand” or trickery during this time – on a personal micro scale or global macro level; particularly during Libra, one of the major signs of money.
As can be read on the graphic for the Mercury retro table, the shaded light blue area represents the “pre-shadow phase” that began on Aug.20. If you are sensitive to Mercury, it can already feel like Mercury retro before it technically reaches Mercury retrograde! Likewise for the “post-shadow phase” in the shaded, light pink dates. The darker blue/pink dates represent Mercury moving more slowly and hence powerfully.
The dark red date on Sept.10 indicates that Mercury is stationary (at its full power), at the Virgo-Pisces full moon festival on that day. This is powerful in itself, whilst the Sun is in this Mercury-ruled sign of Virgo, rendered ever more potent by the opposition of Jupiter in Aries to Mercury in Libra.
Aries the god of war, Libra the peacemaker – this will be a fine balancing act, may Jupiter’s rulership of the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom prevail.
Mercury also rules Gemini and will be in harmonious trine to Mars’ passage through that sign before, during and after the full moon (Aug.26 to Sept.12). Mars will be in Gemini for an almost unprecedented seven months. The following article warns about the implications of hot-headed arguments and rash decision-making.
Mars in Gemini: Propaganda Wars and the USA (Aug.20, 2022 to March 25, 2023.)
Mars has just entered Gemini and will be there for a very long time, comparatively speaking, because its two year orbit usually occupies each zodiac sign for an average of two months.
But because of its retrograde and direct motion, Mars will linger in Gemini an almost unprecedented seven months! Some key words of Mars in Gemini – mentally aggressive, critical, feverish mental activity, sarcastic, rude, a chatterer and gossip. Mechanical skill, road rage. Love of debate and intellectual contest. Reporters, critics, restlessness. Devious (Think Scott Morrison, ex Aussie PM – “the liar from the shire”.).
Mars as ruler of the solar plexus/astral body, in mental Gemini – can generate much kama-manas or desire-mind. Here, the balancing of opposites upon the mental plane is very challenging. The mind nature can feel divided and constantly at war with itself – individually and collectively.
Propaganda Wars
This Mars transit will be a tricky one to negotiate because Mars in Gemini tends to be feisty, argumentative, impatient, deceptive and manipulative, pushy and aggressive; its presence in Gemini can trigger malicious propaganda, ever more so than experienced in these past 2.6 years!
The world is going through a huge propaganda war on many fronts, with competing agendas backed by billions of dollars – trying to steer a consensus narrative via legacy media. Hardly anyone is immune from being caught in this sophisticated net.
One example is the formation by the BBC of the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) in July 2019 (See Dr. Mercola’s excellent article here.) – just a few months before the whamdemic, bringing together major players in mainstream media:
The Washington Post, Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, Financial Times, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), and Big Tech partners such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft – all of them claiming to combat “misinformation” and “conspiracy theory”, but in fact doing the opposite, creating their own misinformation as part of a propaganda campaign designed to exploit and reap large profits. Google also started a similar initiative.
There are of course some really whacko conspiracy theories out there, they thrive in an environment where discussion and debate is prohibited. Sorting the conspiracy theories from the conspiracy facts is the job of a discriminating mind alloyed with good intuition.
Nevertheless, there is an interesting pair of opposites here – suppression of discussion breeds “conspiracy theory” whether truly false, or truth that is labelled as such because a different view or agenda is held. The genie is out of the bottle now (i.e. millions are waking up) – and the WEF/Big Media is scrambling to put the genie back in, though their “wrongthink” censorship plans:
“UNESCO’s [The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization] director-general, Audrey Azoulay, said: “Conspiracy theories cause real harm to people, to their health, and also to their physical safety. They amplify and legitimize misconceptions about the pandemic, and reinforce stereotypes which can fuel violence and violent extremist ideologies.”
UNESCO said the partnership with Twitter [one of the most blatant and unabashed censors], informs people that events occurring across the world are not “secretly manipulated behind the scenes by powerful forces with negative intent.” [But hello, they are!]
UNESCO issued guidance for what to do in the event one encounters a “conspiracy theorist” online [!]: One must “react” immediately by posting a relevant link to a “fact-checking website” [censors/spin doctors] in the comments.
UNESCO also provides advice to the public in the event someone encounters a “conspiracy theorist” in the flesh. In that case, the individual should avoid arguing, as “any argument may be taken as proof that you are part of the conspiracy and reinforce that belief.” [!?]
The #ThinkBeforeSharing campaign provides a host of infographics and accompanying materials intended to explain what “conspiracy theories” are, how to identify them, how to report on them and how to react to them more broadly.”34
The latter point is certainly worth noting, because many of us have fallen into the trap of endorsing/passing on something with which we resonate, before checking it – only to discover that it was untrue, made-up or part of a counter propaganda program (click-bait”) designed to upset and outrage.
Also, with its weight behind UNESCO, the WEF has announced it has recruited 110,000 “information warriors” to control the internet, policing social media and forums for “misinformation” and conspiracy content which will then be systematically shut down. The following short video gives a calm and succinct analysis of the WEF’s plans. (Don’t be put off by the melodramatic graphics!)
USA’s Mars Return in Gemini
Transiting Mars will be stirring up USA’s horoscope, not only because it is USA’s 2-yearly Mars return, but before and during its return – Mars will oppose the 1776 rising sign in Sagittarius, and will pass over USA’s progressed midheaven and Uranus in Gemini.
Hence these three potent phases of transiting Mars will be explored in a chronological sequence, followed by a summary tabulation to help keep track of the dates.
Phase I: Mars conjunct progressed midheaven and Uranus in Gemini. (Sept.2-5, 2022 and Jan.1-24, 2023.)
Preceding and during USA’s Mars return, transiting Mars will conjoin USA’s progressed midheaven and Uranus in Gemini: Sept.2-5, 2022 and Jan.1-24, 2023 – the latter date will be stationary for three weeks!
The progressed midheaven symbolises the unfoldment of any entity’s career, vocation, public standing, laws of state, dharma – over the course of a lifetime. Uranus represents reform, revolution, resistance, radical change – all factors that the USA was founded upon in 1776, when it broke away from mother country Britain.
In USA’s 1776 horoscope, the moon is in Uranus-ruled Aquarius. Esoterically, USA is an Aquarian soul with a Gemini personality – the latter will be very stimulated by the Mars return! Hence the conjunction of progressed midheaven with Uranus (exact Jan.24, 2024), stimulated by this Mars transit, promises some big changes! Especially during the critical three-week station of Mars on Uranus/prog. MC – Jan.1 – 24, 2023.
Phase II: Transiting Mars opposite Sagittarius Ascendant. (Sept.16 and Dec.11, 2022. Feb.16, 2023.)
Bear in mind that although this is a consideration of the exoteric USA 1776 horoscope, it does have connections with the fact that Washington is ruled esoterically by Sagittarius in that city’s personality expression.
Transiting Mars will be activating the 7th house cusp of relationships – within and without the nation. Mars will be opposite the rising sign Sagittarius which it rules hierarchically – where the individual responds to “mass vibration”:
“The effect of Mars is, therefore, largely mass effect and group results, producing great struggles but leading finally to great revelation … in Sagittarius, it is the revelation of the purpose of soul control over the lower kingdoms in nature, via the human centre of energy …
… It must consequently never be forgotten that Mars establishes relations between the opposites and is a beneficent and not a malefic factor, as is so often supposed.”35
Washington is the seat of government, so what may start as a crisis in Phase I, should reach a more urgent expression in Phase II – bearing in mind that Mars goes retrograde and direct over all these points through all three phases.
Phase III: USA’s Mars return. (Oct.4 and Nov.23, 2022. Mar.5, 2023.)
These transits will also see exact hits upon Donald Trump’s sun in Gemini, because his sun closely conjoins USA’s Mars in Gemini (with his Moon in Sagittarius opposite) – hence these dates may see him emerge into prominence or notoriety once again – regarding ongoing litigation and/or running for the US 2024 elections.
The author has commented at length upon the troublesome nature of USA’s Mars in Gemini (Destiny of the Races and Nations I and at Esoteric Gemini rules all kinds of media and especially deceptive media, enhanced by Mars’ natal square to Neptune in USA’s chart. (Neptune working in its lower frequency.)
Hence this natal square pattern will get a thorough workout, whilst claims and counter claims are made – lying propaganda to the nth degree might well be the order of the day! Outcome – truth severely compromised, no surprises there! From Destiny of the Races and Nations I,
“Mars in Gemini in the seventh house is about aggressiveness in relationships, and how Americans have met whatever stood in the way of their Sagittarian expansiveness. However, it also about spirited, energetic dialogue and communication … As Mars squares Neptune in the ninth house, there is a great challenge for America to discriminate clearly between its high idealism and a tendency to myth making.
… Mars in the seventh house spoils for a fight in many of its relationships; particularly with foreign nations around issues of religion (or a religious zealotry applied to any area of expression) – when Neptune in the ninth house square Mars in Gemini is considered.
With the square of Mars to Neptune, both co-rulers of the solar plexus, herein we see one of the major challenges of the USA: that of emotionalism, sentimentality, over-reactivity etc. Gemini is one of the most reactive signs in the zodiac, because of an extreme sensitivity and impressionability from its environment, which prompts continual reaction and response.
… Mars in Gemini is one of USA’s worst liabilities. Mars rules firearms, and nowhere else in the world do so many people own guns who use them indiscriminately. Gemini is well known for its lack of discrimination and Gemini is esoterically the personality expression of the USA.
… Mars in the seventh house is America’s shadow or ‘Dweller’, and brings into awareness that which needs redeeming. It is easy to not recognise this, projecting it upon all her relationships with foreign countries.”36
Let us pray that on its Mars return over 5 months (Oct.4, 2022 to Mar.5, 2023), that the USA does not “spoil for a fight” – any further than its current antagonisms toward Russia. Or do anything rash with China, whose expansionist ambitions of course must be held in check by other nations. The Mars return proper could signal a greater volatility regarding USA’s natal pre-disposition – hence the nation needs to tread very carefully.
Critical Mars Transits for the USA 2022-23.
On the firearms issue, there has been a recent, unabated surge in sales, as stated in this following article:
“A survey for his California Firearm Violence Research Center released last month showed that half of Americans expect a civil war in the United States in the next few years. One in five thought political violence was justified in some circumstances.
In addition, while almost everyone said it was important for the US to remain a democracy, about 40% said that having a strong leader was more important, “Coupled with prior research, these findings suggest a continuing alienation from and mistrust of American democratic society and its institutions. Substantial minorities of the population endorse violence, including lethal violence, to obtain political objectives,” the report concluded.”37

Libran Sting – has an urgent message in his bottle about democracy – sending out an SOS!
The best case scenario for this transit, is for issues to be thoroughly thrashed out via the democratic process, in right dialogue and debate (not Mars in Gemini’s six shouting heads on your TV!), through right mindfulness and speech – some of the practices of Buddha’s Noble Eight-Fold Path.
The mindfulness factor is most important because Mars in Gemini tends to be reactive and volatile, becoming overwhelmed through an emotional adherence to ideas. Unlike the old medieval astrology, Mars is a positive factor that reveals starkly where the contradictions lie and initiates a drive for truth, worth repeating this earlier passage:
“It must consequently never be forgotten that Mars establishes relations between the opposites and is a beneficent and not a malefic factor, as is so often supposed.”38
If Americans claim that it is “important for the US to remain a democracy”, they may not realise just how far democratic principles have been eroded worldwide in the past few years – ironically by nations like Britain, France and the USA, the very founders of the democratic system. Musician Sting recently stated the following:
“Democracy is under attack. It’s under attack in every country in the world. It’s in grave danger of being lost unless we defend it. The alternative to democracy is a nightmare, a prison, of the mind. That alternative is tyranny. All tyranny is based on a lie. The greater the tyranny, the bigger the lie. Disagree with the tyrant and you risk imprisonment, torture and death. Yet that is what we must do, all of us. We must protect our right to speak the truth.
The war in the Ukraine is an absurdity, based upon a lie. If we swallow that lie, the lie will eat us. The lie is terrified of the truth. We must not lose this battle”. If you haven’t realised it yet, we are currently witnessing the loss of democracy as we know it. Humanity is literally welcoming tyranny as it rolls out to every corner of the world.”
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The Global Scamdemic is Falling Apart
“You can fool some of the people all the time. And all the people some of the time. But you can’t fool all the people all of the time.” (Abraham Lincoln.)
“The narrative of a deadly virus which is an existential threat to humanity cannot be sustained in the long run. We already see the pack of lies and we see how in efforts to legitimize this, more absurd arguments and rapid definition, it is important to recognize here that the vehemence the media is displaying these days testifies not to their strength, but to their weaknesses.
Like the pandemic of the unvaccinated, that declares healthy people public enemy number one, and based on a single illness or test “case”, locks down a whole country. They’re doing this only because they’re running out of arguments, and in desperation are blindly lashing out.” (Ernst Wolff, renowned German economist and journalist.)
After 32 months of the Coronavirus – masks, social distancing, vaccines and media hysteria, millions are waking up to the fact that were hood-winked, cajoled, coerced and abused – physically and psychologically. Many reports are now emerging of corruption and lies within all the large institutions that drove the Covid narrative – WHO (Tedros), CDC (Walensky), FDA (Califf), WEF (Schwab) and NIAID (Fauci).
To this could be added all the equivalent bodies, governments, prime ministers and presidents in various nations – who bowed – nay, grovelled in utter servility to the imposed narrative. These groups and their spokes people, who insisted that they were, “the science to listen to”, dictated their policies through WHO to the 193 nations who had in all sincerity, signed off on WHO policy.
The Dark Forces and Atlantean Karma
A very few of the individuals involved in this enormous deception might be termed “evil”, though the majority were simply part of the astral mass hypnosis/psychosis – misguidedly motivated, swept up in a tsunami of fear.
Some national leaders became totally obsessed, or more accurately perhaps, possessed by powerful entities working through them – exaggerating their personal glamours around money and power. Video reports of Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern and some Australian state premiers are good examples of this shocking phenomenon – behaving like crazed dictators, soldier-robots of the WEF.
The world has truly been conned by a “mass formation” or mass psychosis – seduced by the siren song of the Materialistic Forces, also known as the Dark Brotherhood (DB). It is wise not to discuss this subject in too much depth, suffice to “assert the fact” – which is very obvious to those who see. The DB or Black Lodge as they are also known (also the Materialistic Forces), oppose all that the Great White Brotherhood is trying to achieve, in guiding Humanity toward Liberation.
The work of the DB has stepped up in recent years, not only because of the imminent Centennial Conclave in 2025, but because the Hierarchy plan to externalise in the next several decades – the date for which will be decided in 2025. The Externalisation will be occurring for the first time since the ancient days of Atlantis – when the great war (depicted in The Mahabharata), unfolded between the “Lords of the Dark Face and Lords of Shining Countenance”.
After the Shamballa-induced flood that destroyed the bulk of humanity, the Hierarchy were forced to withdraw and work behind the scenes, due to the triumph by the DB who have been in virtual control ever since:
“The use of cataclysm was the method employed in Atlantean days, as you well know from the tales of the flood; and through the flood there was almost complete destruction of the civilisation of that time. It is hoped that such a drastic step will not be needed today, though there are ancient prophecies which foretell the possibility of the destruction of this world at this time through fire—instead of flood.”39
Indeed, elsewhere in the Teachings it is stated that our Fifth Rootrace, as part of its natural evolution and inevitable crystallisation – will eventually be destroyed by fire and earthquakes, through volcanic activity; this is slowly happening already but will increase in the next few thousand years.
“In Atlantean days when the power of the Black Lodge was so great that defeat faced the Hierarchy and the destruction of the human soul. Shamballa then interfered, and the world of that time was destroyed. This period is recognised in modern history as the time of the Great Flood.
Today [WWII], once again, the Powers of Darkness are attempting to destroy humanity and the spiritual values. The power of Shamballa was let loose, destroying old forms—political, social and religious—but at the same time this power was seized upon by the evil forces to destroy the souls of men, to precipitate war and to destroy the cities and all our centres of civilisation and culture.”40
WWII combined with WWI represented one war – a recapitulation of the Atlantean war. As explained in other missives, the author believes that the world is in the third and final phase of this ancient struggle. The same forces are involved, but are expressing through a narrow materialistic culture that is diffused through ALL nations.
The “enemy” is everywhere, there are no recognisable nations like Germany, Italy and Japan that made a formal declaration of war – but a war upon Humanity has definitely been set in motion! Strangely enough however, the entire West has declared a proxy war upon Russia, since the Covid propaganda morphed into the Ukraine narrative.
Another factor which increasingly needs to be acknowledged, is that Humanity in its innocent and trusting naivety, could never imagine such dastardly plans unleashed upon them by a relatively small but powerful minority – and yet it has occurred.
This author has resisted using phrases like “eugenics program” or “depopulation” in the past 2.5 years of commentaries, but it appears with a mounting wealth of evidence, that it has in fact been attempted. A wealth of evidence follows in the next section, A Coronavirus Retrospective.
This small minority of mainly invisible, powerful people are the high ranking officers of interlocking cabals that do the bidding of the DB; the cabals anonymously transmit their planned program to their “lesser officers” who are in the public eye (such as Gates, Fauci, Soros) – whilst the lower-level foot-soldiers of prime ministers and presidents, zealously carry out orders dictated by WHO, WEF etc.
The entire Black Lodge strategy has been extremely well organised and The Tibetan laments the fact that the Forces of Light are lagging in this area:
“If the Forces of Evil are active and organised, the Forces of Light are equally active, but not so well organised. The basic goal is the freedom and the liberation of mankind, but the spiritual workers are handicapped by the fact that men themselves must make free choice and decision in order to be free …
… they can only be liberated when they—as individuals and later as groups—liberate themselves from the expressed thought-control of the powerful dominating groups and from the fears which these groups intentionally engender. Freedom can never be conferred through totalitarian methods; liberation cannot come through a dictator or dictating groups.”41
This timeless passage, although written over 80 years ago, urgently points to NOW, where millions have the opportunity to, “make free choice and decision … and liberate themselves from the expressed thought-control of the powerful dominating groups.”
As stated in other missives, during the next 500 years, if a relatively small proportion of humanity reach the Third Degree initiation, it will be enough to establish a permanent “station of light” on this planet that will destroy the power of the Materialistic Forces.42
The DB is aware of Hierarchy’s plans and the multiplicity of other scenarios and possibilities. That is why it is unleashing everything to prevent the Externalisation – they know that after aeons, their power will end.
Yet they are our brothers from one perspective, because the sum total of what lays unredeemed in Humanity – is embodied by them, this constitutes the Planetary Dweller on the Threshold. These forces do not have to do much because humanity is adept at shooting itself in the foot, constantly repeating errors on the Wheel of Samsara – those delusional states of desire, attachments, cravings, ignorance, greed and hatred.
But in the last few years, there has been a definite and concerted effort by the DB to go all out – this is their “last hurrah”! The gloves are off and they will fight by the unfairest and foulest means – make no mistake, Humanity has yet to enter a more intense battle before 2025.
Hence – and to not be overly dramatic about it, the need for all light-workers and world servers to stay in courageous alignment, strength and love, to be vigilant and invoke invincibility – to hold the line against odds that may seem overwhelming.
For now however (until their next big ploy), the grand charade of the past few years all comes tumblin’ down, with “conspiracy theories” on alternative media now realised as “conspiracy facts” in mainstream media.
Of course, not a single acknowledgement by media of the glaring contradictions, hypocrisy and outright lies that have been told. The propaganda machine is in full overdrive to sound their mantra, “nothing to see here”, to discourage everyone from connecting the dots between cause and effect.
A Coronavirus Retrospective
As most are aware, the sign of Virgo is closely related to health, hence it would be remiss to not have a health report in this newsletter!
To paraphrase the bard, “how can we count the ways” – of how the plans of the Materialistic Forces through their many minions are faltering?
There is a lot of material here, it could be studied for weeks, skip it if you will or become better informed!
Readers can also find the author’s past 2.5 years of writings here: Coronavirus parts 1-21, or see this new book, Destiny of the Races and Nations V, where all these writings are contained.
1. Deaths and injuries from vaccines. ((Some of the following information is drawn from Steve Kirsch’s exhaustive article, The “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart.))
a. Myocarditis, deaths and other side effects in children (and fit sports people) – well documented but not highlighted in the MSM. There are reports of course, but none have dared to associate vaccines as the cause of deleterious side-effects or death. This is primarily because those media outlets have Big Pharma money behind them – Pfizer being the most prolific and notorious funder of television networks, particularly in the USA. Almost every news program is sponsored by Pfizer.
An in depth study here:
Europe officially records a shocking 691% increase in Excess Deaths among Children
– “Between January 2021 and August 2022 (a period of 19 months), at least 1,249 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest or collapse, and 847 have died after COVID injection, worldwide. Historically, the annual average of sudden death in athletes was between 29 and 69.”43

World crisis 2019 to 2022 – Coronavirus analyses extensively researched – WEF, WHO, Gates, Fauci, Covid-19, big pharma, vaccines, medical studies, statistics and various health authorities. Buy here.
– Teens never die in their sleep. How can this happen two days after getting the vaccine instead of before getting the vaccine?44
– Infant deaths are being reported in the press in Israel, but being suppressed here. This article talks about drug companies having “hit lists” of doctors that they seek to silence because they criticized the drug.
– How can heart disease explode in kids only after they roll out the vaccines for kids? Experts are baffled as to what might be causing a sudden increase in heart disease for kids that is happening only in places that have rolled out the COVID vaccines for kids.
– Etana Hecht’s story about one of the largest North American casket manufacturers reporting a 400% increase in child-sized caskets since December 2021 or this article, “Unprecedented Orders of Child-Sized Coffins.”
– Joel Smalley documents child deaths reported to VAERS. None of these deaths would be considered normal. I’ve [Steve Kirsch] written about this extensively in last year: How did these 14 kids die? showing the CDC never explained the unusual causes of death.
See Slide 9 of FDA presentation made on 10-26-21.
– The vaccine injuries of toddlers who are now having seizures cannot be explained. This is now a regular occurrence for 2 and 3-year-old kids to have seizures. It’s only happening in vaccinated kids and most often between 2 and 5 days of vaccination from the COVID vaccine.
– “Conspiracy theorists” warned that giving the experimental shot to teens and young children would be unconscionably dangerous, as they have a negligible risk for COVID complications, and now even mainstream media from time to time admit that teens and young adults are suffering above normal rates of heart inflammation.”45
– GoFundMe deaths from stroke and other unusual causes in YOUNG people are through the roof. The amount of GoFundMe pages for young people and children who have had stokes was mind boggling, also a heap of pages for adverse reactions to the vax.
– Two teenage boys die in their sleep in different states days after vaccination and the paper concludes that the deaths were caused by the vaccine. It’s published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. There is no coverage of this in the US mainstream media.
– Australian newborns are not having immune responses against common viruses like influenza – after most mothers have been vaccinated for COVID. It may take a while for people to figure out this is from the “safe and effective” vaccines.
– Countries are starting to realize birth rates are dropping and there are more stillbirths. Sweden, the UK, Germany, etc. See article about birth rates.

Vaccine deaths reports for the UK. Latest stats show unvaccinated have lower mortality for pretty much all age groups.46
We now know from the UK data that the vaccines kill more people than they help even for those over 60. Look at how much larger the kill rate was in the first 21 days vs. >21 days. It’s stunning. A safe vaccines does not do that! Even Robert Malone finally admitted that the elderly should not get vaccinated. Watch this video at 6:50.
Well researched, copious data and reports:
UK Gov. confirms 9 in every 10 COVID Deaths over last year among Fully/Triple Vaccinated
b. Massive miscarriage rates among vaccinated pregnant women found buried in the Pfizer documents. No wonder Pfizer wanted to make a ridiculous suppression of these findings and others for 75 years – there is a loud proclamation of guilt and malfeasance! The FDA knew that a huge percentage of women (44%) in Pfizer trials suffered miscarriages. Dr. Pierre Kory explains in this article.
– An NIH study finds 40.2% of women experienced menstrual changes post vaccine.
– Naomi Wolf claims: COVID vax is a bioweapon aimed at reproduction of the next generation of the West.
– Wolf also explores, American Massacre: Steve Kirsch Claims “Hundreds of Thousands” of mRNA-Vaccine-related Deaths.

Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) Visit this VAERS link to explore detailed statistics and graphs for the various categories listed.
One micro-example of how the charts above can be examined individually:
Vaccine Myo/Pericarditis Reports
(Note the light blue and green areas of the pie chart for children aged 12, to adults aged 51.)
c. Vaccine Deaths Outnumber Covid Deaths in U.S. Households, Two New Polls Confirm. Results are consistent between polls done by multiple independent polling firms.
d. Four times increase in long term disability for airline pilots. The pilots union at a major US airline internally reports a 300 percent rise in long-term disability claims this year among its members, who are nearly all vaccinated. That’s statistically very unlikely.
e. Five doctors in Ontario died within 2 weeks of getting the 4th dose of the vaccine. First three, fourth, fifth in Ontario, sixth in Saskatchewan. It would have been buried in Ontario as well, but someone put together the pattern.
f. See “Open your eyes. This is happening everywhere.” The subhead says: Pushback over the deaths in Scotland and Italy; Wayne Allan Root has lost 33 friends—all “vaccinated”—to death or illness in the last 18 months; & TV presenter Kate McCann keels over, live!
g. Non-Covid excess deaths: why are they rising? Experts call for probe as mortality rates in England and Wales climb despite drop in coronavirus deaths
Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid.
Office for National Statistics data leads health experts to call for urgent investigation into what is causing the excess mortality.47
England: Excess Deaths on the Rise But NOT because of COVID – Experts Call for Investigation.
h. Unknown causes is now the leading cause of death in Alberta, Canada. It wasn’t that way before the vaccines rolled out. The experts dismiss that as “oh, that’s because people who have had COVID are more susceptible of dying.” Why is it only the vaccinated who are dying of the the unknown causes?
i. Embalmers are seeing blood clots in over 50% of patients that they’ve never seen in their careers. It isn’t caused by COVID because it only started after the vaccine rollout and the clots are only found in vaccinated patients. So how do the experts explain that?
A Tasmanian funeral director is concerned about the 50% rise in funerals he is undertaking in the last 7 months. ‘The previous 10 and a quarter years were very very consistent. But this has been a rapid rise in the last 6 to 7 months’. Stats: 16.6% rise in excess deaths in Oz. (Watch the interview.)
j. Life insurance companies in countries all over the world are reporting record numbers of excess deaths. Nothing like this ever happened before 2021. Nothing of this magnitude has EVER happened in their history (which goes back over 100 years).
There was a 163% rise in life insurance claims at Lincoln National. COVID doesn’t kill anywhere close to that number of people. Watch this video. You will never see a story on this on mainstream media; they ignore it.
k. Northern Ireland excess non-Covid deaths. Data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicates that during the past 10 weeks the number of recorded deaths has been 12% higher than would be expected, based on the average for previous years.
l. John Campbell, who is pro-vaccine, admits that a troubling number of unexplained excess deaths are not just happening in the UK: they are happening worldwide. Just listen to the first 30 seconds of this video.
m. The overall shift in the cause of death from respiratory to cardiac is impossible to ignore and can’t be explained if the vaccines are “safe and effective.” Causes of deaths shifted from primarily “J codes” (respiratory due to COVID) to “I codes”. Same in UK 2021 according to official UK government numbers.
n. Rock concerts canceled due to medical reasons. Justin Bieber, Santana, Brett Michaels. Other celebrities are speaking out on their vaccine injuries such as Eric Clapton, but they aren’t well publicized.
Van Morrison has also spoken out in support of Clapton – they made some protest songs. Elton John was part of the pro-vax campaign. Sting has made comments about the erosion of democracy. Article about rock musicians who have been injured – after they got jabbed.
o. How can so many vaccinated Tour de France cyclists drop out? We’ve never seen this before. It’s unprecedented. Only happening to vaccinated cyclists. No investigations. Everyone is baffled as to the cause.
p. Athletes are dying in plain sight at 22X the normal rate. Today, former NHL defenseman Bryan Marchment died “unexpectedly.” But few people are tracking this so they have no idea the rates are so much higher.
q. User surveys done by professional third party polling firms consistently show the vaccines have killed more people than COVID has. The NY Times, 60 Minutes, etc. all refuse to do the surveys themselves. They don’t want anyone to know.
r. In parts of Australia they are backing off their former recommendations with no apologies whatsoever: Vanishing vaccine mandates: No apology from our once-so-zealous public health officials.
s. The world’s most respected vaccine expert, Dr. Paul Offit, publicly admitted on a YouTube video that the whole FDA outside review process is a complete sham. FDA doesn’t review the data, they hand the committee 100’s of pages right before the meeting.
t. Pulmonary embolism rates are over 1,000X normal and we knew that in January 2021. How could this not have triggered a safety signal? As of July 12, 2022, the CDC has never recognized that pulmonary embolism might be triggered by the vaccine.
u. Haiti did not vaccinate its citizens. The current vax rate is 1.4% — yet country has one of lowest COVID death rates in the world. How is that possible?
v. A paper published in a peer-reviewed journal says the “misinformation spreaders” are telling the truth.
w. The “science” behind wearing a mask is now completely busted thanks to Professor Jason Abaluck agreeing to have his paper challenged by our experts. But half the people still wear masks at airports so the message isn’t getting out. The data shows that wearing a mask increases your chance of death if you get COVID. This is opposite to what they are telling us.
x. Robert Malone describes the conflicts of interest and how the game is played in his 15 minute speech at this vaccine safety forum at MIT. Start watching at 5:26. Here’s the writeup of the MIT event.
y. Doctors now realize that the vaccines are causing massive injuries. Five different doctors admitted the injuries were caused the vaccine, but none of the five doctors will admit it publicly.
z. Paramedics are speaking out that they are seeing more vaccine injured than COVID cases. How is that possible for a vaccine which is 100% safe? How does anyone explain this?
If there were more letters in the alphabet we could keep going, but here are more than enough points made! How many factual proofs do people need?
2. Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and others – decades prior to the pandemic, were convicted of criminal negligence and fined billions. Yet the public was asked to trust and obey these dodgy corporations during the pandemic. Millions of unused vax doses from some companies are now being dumped as they have lost public confidence.48
Read here (and audio), complete with extensive maps, graphs and written reports – stunning research:
Govt. reports prove COVID-19 Vaccination causing mass Depopulation; & Confidential Pfizer Docs.
In the following interview, Mark Steyne states that in the UK at the moment, there are around 1,000 excess deaths per day.
3. Prominent voices are now doing a U-turn on previous comments.
a. Deborah Birx, who worked as a tag team with Anthony Fauci, recently stated, “I knew that the vaccines were not going to protect from Covid infection and I think we overplayed the vaccines”.
b. Anthony Fauci recently resigned from NIAID, a body that funded gain of function research in the Wuhan laboratories. Can he see the that the ship of corporate fools has hit the proverbial iceberg and starting to sink? Fauci is also by his own admission, setting his sights on making more money with Big Pharma, and no doubt his own company Moderna, which is currently suing rivals Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca.
c. Rishi Sunak, Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer 2020-22 (and recently failed bid for PM), is now speaking out about his dissatisfaction with government policy throughout the pandemic.
“Lockdown, Sunak says, was always a political decision but No.10 wanted to dress it up as “following the science”. This meant elevating the sprawling Sage committee to the status of a mini-government. [SAGE = Strategic Advisory Group of Experts – principal advisory group to WHO.]
Don’t blame us, ministers wanted to say, we’re just following the best scientific advice. For that reason, there never was an economic or a social version of Sage: a see-no-evil policy applied. Which worked, until the aftershock of lockdown began – with the evil there for everyone to see.
The culture of fear, seen in the Orwellian advertising campaign that sought to terrify the country, applied inside Government. Questioning lockdown, even in ministerial meetings, was seen as an attack on the Prime Minister’s authority. Eminent scientists that formed the basis of the Great Barrington Declaration were completely ignored.
[Photo at left: The highly qualified architects of The Great Barrington Declaration.]
To ask even basic questions – about how many extra cancer deaths there might be, for example – was to risk being portrayed as one the crackpots, the “Cov-idiots”, people who wanted to “let the virus rip”. Hysteria had taken hold in the heart of Whitehall.
… it somehow went from being a daft idea, rubbished by scientists, to a national imperative whose necessity was unquestionable scientific truth … Why were No. 10 outriders sent out to savage dissenting scientists?”49
“Those great institutions claiming to respect “the science,” and to want to keep us “safe,” and lead us “back to normal,” have actually—deliberately, and systematically—denied “the science” all along; consistently discouraged effective regimens and remedies, while fiercely pushing products known to kill or cripple us; and otherwise explicitly conspired to acclimate all human beings (that is, those left alive) to “life” in an inhuman world.”50
In the following, as always excellent and witty video from Neil Oliver, he urges us not to become complacent just because of Rishi Sunak’s revelations. And a bit more besides!
d. Rachel Walensky, director of the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), is now in damage control saying, “To be frank, we are responsible for some pretty dramatic and pretty public mistakes, from testing to data to communications.”51
4. Dr. Joseph Mercola on the CDC. A consistent warrior for transparency and truth – who has been vilified, denounced and de-platformed, made the following points in this recent article, quoted at length (and edited) for its succinct summary of the situation. Bear in mind that Dr. Mercola is meticulous with his research and back-up citations – which can be found in all his articles:
a. “August 11, 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reversed its COVID-19 guidelines, thereby vindicating every “misinformation spreader” out there.
b. CDC is now advocating taking personal responsibility and for everyone to decide for themselves “which prevention behaviors to use.
c. CDC is also giving up on discrimination based on COVID jab status, stating, its “COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status because breakthrough infections occur.” They also admit natural immunity exists and works.
d. CDC’s about-face appears to be politically motivated, to give the Biden administration a “win” before the midterm elections. Post-election plans include “the biggest vaccination campaign in history,” so tyrannical overreaches may later resume, even as mounting data show the COVID shots are causing depopulation.”
e. “The Biden White House admitted to collaborating with social media allies [Facebook] to control COVID-19 related public information and speech. This information, along with other shocking documents showing collusion between the Biden Administration and big tech.
f. On February 21, 2021, Facebook offered CDC a “gift” of $15M ad credit coupons “for advertising on Facebook,” – additional $15,000 to support the CDC’s “COVID-19 advertising campaigns [by] providing strategic marketing assistance via an expert 3rd party.” [Faceook contributed $100’s of millions toward the Biden election campaign too.]52
g. The CDC vilified doctors such as Dr. Pierre Kory, who promoted Ivermectin as an effective method of early treatment, which he claimed could have saved up to 80% lives.|
Now Ivermectin has mysteriously shown up on the NIH (National Insitute of Health) website, without any fanfare – as a method of treating Covid!
h. The previous CDC director is speaking out about the misconduct now. “I’ve been very disappointed in the scientific community led by [National Institutes of Health] that has really dug their heels in from the beginning to try to minimize any of us that have a different hypothesis,” he said.53
i. Health experts are quitting the NIH and CDC in droves because they’re embarrassed by ‘bad science’ – including vaccinating children under 5 to ‘make their advice palatable to the White House,’ doctors claim, this article from The Defender.
j. Thanks to RFK’s book, the CDC deliberately cancelled the ESP:VAERS project which would have vastly increased the sensitivity of the VAERS system to adverse events. The project was cancelled because it showed that all the vaccines were unsafe.
5. Face masks. “Those who dutifully wore their face masks and got the jab were hailed as good and moral citizens, while the rest were labelled as murderous, disease-carrying, amoral egotists, who’d by their selfishness forfeited their right to life.”
Irrational hatred against anti-maskers, “anti-lockdowners” and “anti-vaxxers” was relentlessly fuelled and “normalized” by government officials, health authorities and media, right from the start.
6. Family members were pitted against family members. Friends against friends. Coworkers against coworkers. Employers against employees. Most of us who opted out of this grand genetic experiment have been shunned and berated by people we love.
7. The hateful rhetoric fed into everyone’s brains and acted out by the weak-minded was intended to cause harm. It was intended to cause distress, and many now carry the cross of having bullied someone to death, whether they’re aware of it or not. Sadly, many have not yet learned their lesson, and efforts to demonize certain groups continues.”54
8. Many false reports in peer reviewed journals like the Lancet, were simply “hit pieces” and have since been withdrawn. In 2015,
“Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet … states that “much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue … Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness,” writes Horton.”55
9. “Terms like “conspiracy theorist” and “conspiracy theory” are applied to everything and everyone who questions the official and clearly ridiculous narrative. And, the demonization continues even as so-called “conspiracies” are repeatedly shown to be true.
10. “The concept of vaccine passports being used to shut people out of everyday society was initially dismissed as a paranoid conspiracy theory, yet it didn’t take long before governments were doing exactly that.” [China in particular, with Canada and New Zealand trying very hard! New Zealand spent $4.6 million on vax “incentives” er, bribes.]
11. “Conspiracy theorists” also warned that the COVID jab didn’t prevent infection or spread, and that too is now an indisputable fact. As of early February 2022, Israel reported that 80% of serious COVID cases were among the fully vaccinated.”56
Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth (by two Israeli’s) became the first book critical of vaccines to have ever received a positive review from a mainstream medical journal. “Their appraisal of the book still stands today, unscathed: in the three years since its (Hebrew) publication, no medical or medical science professional has succeeded in refuting the book’s claims.”
12. Compared to actual vaccines, the new COVID gene alteration therapies do not prevent getting, spreading or limiting the severity of COVID.
13. WEF’s “philosophical” advisor – Yuval Harari, said:
“COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance. If we want to stop this epidemic — we need to not just monitor people, we need to monitor what is happening underneath their skin.”
The article continues,
“It is an opportunity for governments and global corporations to create a total surveillance system around the world that will ultimately control every human being. This sounds like science fiction. It is not.
There are secret ingredients in the COVID vaccines like graphene oxide (that the corporate media tells you is a conspiracy theory of course!) that can transmit data outside the body — like your heart rate. What do the COVID vaccines really do? They usher in the Age of Total Surveillance.”57
14. US Democrats are now blaming Donald Trump for the Covid-19 vaccine that “was not tested”. Whatever one’s views of Carlson, he makes some important points. (No, the author is not a Trump supporter!)
Uninformed Consent documentary
This a powerful documentary that is currently blacklisted on many websites, but so far is available at this link; it is an excellent retrospective over the past 2.5 years, giving, “a history of informed consent and why coercion and mandates violate this most basic and essential public health principle.”58
Dr. Joseph Mercola summarises other subjects covered in this Canadian production by Todd Michael Harris:
– “Injuries from the COVID jab and other childhood vaccines, and the history of vaccine-injury denialism.
– The corrupted individuals, organizations and networks behind the pandemic measures, including the central roles of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates in the suppression of science and life-saving treatments.
– The massive conflicts of interest between Big Pharma, the agencies that regulate them and politicians who create our laws.
– The collusion between private entities and governments to bring forth global totalitarianism under the banner of biosecurity.”59
Media Propaganda: Wake-Up Call for Millions
One interview worth watching – with propaganda expert Prof. Mark Crispin Miller, by Dr. Pierre Kory who was a strong advocate for Ivermectin in the early stages of the plannedemic – whose argument for treatment was rejected and undermined by special interests.
Kory admits that, “Up until two years ago, I read the New York Times from cover to cover every day, and believed every word of it”. This is a key factor that helps us understand how propaganda can easily dupe even the brightest people – and is continuing to have a corrosive effect upon human minds and emotions.
But millions of people like Kory have had a huge wake-up call – about how propaganda creeps by stealth into all our lives. As a result of this expanded awareness, we are now witnessing a “reversal of the wheel” as millions are preparing for, or undergoing the first initiation.
Yet, media machinations continue relentlessly to synchronise the messaging, broadcasting the same mass-think with a “pounding unanimity”, a “rolling thunder of propaganda” – as Mark Crispin Miller quips. The resistance must come from those like Kory and other medical people – who have hitherto remained silent to protect their jobs – they must now speak up; according to Steve Kirsch, they are in fact doing so slowly, in increasing numbers.
Whatever one’s thoughts on Coronavirus or Ukraine, it is incumbent upon all to be skeptical or suspicious of a one-sided narrative, a monotonous monologue – parroted by media groups that do not allow any discussion or counter-arguments.
This Coronavirus Retrospective is a by-no-means exhaustive account, but will give the reader an idea of what is now emerging after 2 ½ years – since everyone has had a longer period of time to reflect upon how they were so craftily ambushed.
As a result, some have cautiously modified their existing viewpoints, others have been turned completely upside down and woken up to the truth – whilst others still cling dogmatically to the choices they made. The latter group may stay in denial to their dying days, prevented by pride and embarrassment for admitting choices made were based upon fear, expediency or “science”.
One cannot choke on pride but at least acknowledge the mass dumbing-down that happened during those “months of madness”. Once that is owned, truth is liberated, right relations can be restored and health remediation measures taken. More world servers can then get on with the work of building the new Aquarian paradigm – that will eventually subsume the attempted totalitarianism of this time.

Sheldrake is a biologist who draws upon theosophy, proposed the concept of morphic resonance.
Its Not Science, its a Belief System
As many real scientists have stated, if it was “science” then there must be a willingness to discuss and debate pros and cons with other scientists. That was never allowed, the powers that be steam-rollered roughshod over dissenting voices – and this trend still continues, as discussed earlier with censorship plans by UNESCO and the WEF.
The situation can only change when humanity emerges from their passivity and becomes far more pro-active – to raise voices in protest against imposed, regimented ideas! How many freedoms will be eroded before its too late to say anything – have we reached that point already? If pushback does not occur, because of a meek acceptance of the current situation, nobody will have a right to complain when the going gets really tough.
“Its not science if you are not allowed to question it – its a belief system, a religion, a cult, but its not science”. This wisdom meme currently doing the rounds is very true. The fanatical suppression of alternative voices has created a very dangerous precedent. An insidious cult of a powerful few using technology, media and science, has recruited millions for its cause. As often cited, there is the shadow of the emerging Aquarian Age and its associated 7th ray of organisation.
The Coronavirus narrative segued almost seamlessly into the equally fanatical anti-Russia agenda, resulting in a proxy war in Ukraine between USA and Russia. Much misery, needless suffering and destruction has occurred, that will take decades to heal and rebuild. The entire planet has been contaminated with the viruses of fanaticism and totalitarianism – using the glamours of scientific authority, division and manipulation.
Considering the degree of zeal and fanaticism associated with the outgoing sixth ray/Piscean forces, and their expression through these above-mentioned themes, a warning from the Master comes to mind:
“If none of these things happen, humanity is headed towards a religious war which will make the past war appear like child’s play; antagonisms and hatreds will embroil entire populations and the politicians of all the nations will take full advantage of the situation to precipitate a war which may well prove the end of humanity. There are no hatreds so great or so deep as those fostered by religion.”60
The context of this passage was about crystallised orthodoxy in all religions. But it can equally be applied to the current global situation – as the reigning powers skirt dangerously close to a precipice that could set back human evolution for a thousand years. Humanity can sleepwalk even further into the morass, or can choose to escape. May the Wisdom of Sophia prevail!
Mystery of the Fixed Star Betelgeuse
“Other streams of energy which definitely play upon and affect our planetary life, such as those coming from that great star, Betelgeuse, or from Antares and other stupendous suns and solar systems which are related to the constellations of the zodiac and whose force reaches us through these constellations and not directly.”61
In late 2019, Betelgeuse mysteriously started dimming, so prominently that it could be noticed with the naked eye, continuing to decrease for several months, fuelling speculation that its end was near.
“The supernova of Betelgeuse is one of the most awaited astronomical events. Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star on its deathbed in the constellation of Orion. Sooner or later, the star will implode, and our skies will be lit with the aftermath of the event even during the daytime for several weeks.
However, no one exactly knows when the star will undergo a supernova. There’s a probability that Betelgeuse has already imploded, but since it lies about 650 light years away, the light from that event hasn’t reached us yet. Betelgeuse is one of the brightest stars in the night sky.
However, the red supergiant star returned to its normal brightness after a few months. When astronomers pointed some of the world’s most powerful telescopes at it, they were shocked to see what caused the Great Dimming.”62
Betelgeuse has some prominent commentaries in the Ageless Wisdom teachings:
“Influential and potent forces pouring in at this time from the great stars Betelgeuse and Sirius. To these two influences, the disciples of the world in the senior ranks of the New Group of World Servers definitely react, and they produce a stimulation of the heart centre (Betelgeuse) and the head centre (Sirius). The secondary effect of these energies is upon the mineral kingdom, particularly upon that peculiar product, gold, and that enigma, money.”63
Betelgeuse has been speculated by some esoteric scholars to be the solar plexus centre of the One About Whom Naught May be Said (OAWNMBS), a great entity of which our solar system is part – the unawakened heart centre. (Sirius is regarded as the ajna centre.)
“Interest awakened in the public mind lately by the giant star Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion is due to the fact that at this particular time there has been an interplay of force between our tiny system and this giant one, and communication between the two informing Existences.”64
Microcosmically, the solar plexus centre has a particular relevance to disciples on the Path, in terms of astral control, transmuting and raising those forces to the heart. Hence the phrase, “disciples of the world in the senior ranks” appears to be most relevant. “Senior ranks” probably means from the 2nd degree upwards, the initiation where the complete control of the astral body has been finally demonstrated.
This 2nd degree corresponds to Betelgeuse being regarded occultly as “a system of the second order” and the 2nd ray theme of “a stimulation of the heart centre”. Betelgeuse is in the sign and constellation of Gemini, where the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom is the only ray to pass through. Yet polar opposite Sagittarius also plays a role:
“Betelgeuse from the occult standpoint is a system of the second order, just as our solar system is one of the fourth order. There is consequently a relation between these two numbers both in the system and the cosmos. This influence reaches our system via the sign Sagittarius.”65
Once humans have liberated themselves and have progressed beyond the Master of Wisdom stage, they have a choice of embarking upon one of the seven cosmic paths. The most common path for most of Humanity will be the Path to Sirius, but for a very few it will be training to be a Planetary Logos – or the “God” of a planet!

Art work by Duane Carpenter. (Website)
Attributes…….cosmic vision, deva hearing and psychic correlation.
Source………..Betelgeuse, via the sign Sagittarius.
Hierarchy…….the fifth.
Method……….prismatic identification.
Symbol………..a coloured Cross, with a star at the centre, and backed by a blazing sun, surmounted by a Sensa Word.
Quality…………cosmic etheric vision or septenary clairvoyance.
Students may be surprised to know that the source of the peculiar cosmic energy which is found streaming towards our system along this cosmic Path [III] is that of the sun Betelgeuse. This name is, however, a blind. The reason that certain facts connected with this sun have lately [1930’s] come more prominently before the public, is in reality a subjective one.
The science of the soul in its various aspects (mental, psychical, and spiritual) is making much headway now in the world, and is absorbing more and more the attention of thinkers. This is the result of certain waves of energy impinging upon our solar system and thus eventually finding their way to our planet.”66
These stupendous ideas almost dwarf our struggling consciousness, yet they give a sense of the enormous cosmic forces which impact upon our planet. To these can be added the following:
“Briefly it might be said that the following cosmic and systemic causes are responsible for the present world crisis [WWII to present day] and the present difficult world situation:
1. A welling up of magnetic force on Sirius, which produces effects upon our solar system and particularly upon our Earth, via the Hierarchy.
2. A shift in the Earth’s polarity, due to the pull of a great cosmic centre. This powerfully affects the Earth’s orientation and is responsible for the present earthquakes, and for the volcanic eruptions and the many earthquakes during the past one hundred and fifty years.
3. The great sweep of the sun around the greater zodiac (a period of 250,000 years, or a complete round) came to an end when the sun entered Pisces over two thousand years ago. This process of passing out of, or entering into, a particular sign and cyclic influence covers a period of five thousand years where this greater round or cycle is concerned. This period of five thousand years covers the complete cycle of transition until complete freedom to function under the inspiration of the new sign is completed. We are, therefore, not yet free from incidental turmoil.
4. The passing of our Sun out of the sign Pisces into the sign Aquarius is another of the conditions bringing about the present confusion. This confusion of forces in the solar system is notably affecting our planet. In the process of passing from sign to sign, as for instance transitting out of Pisces into Aquarius as is now the case, the period covered is approximately five hundred years.
5. These are points which astrologers would do well to consider. I would remind students again that when speaking of signs I am referring to the influences of the constellations as they are represented by the signs, calling to your attention that in the great evolutionary process and owing to certain shifts and astronomical-astrological discrepancies, the Sun is not in the constellation to which a particular sign refers at any given moment …
6. Another factor little known is that the Moon today is disintegrating with increasing rapidity and this necessarily affects the Earth and produces terrestrial results.”67
Phillip Lindsay © 2022.
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- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.280. [↩]
- Tapestry of the Gods II, Michael D. Robbins. [↩]
- Tapestry of the Gods II, Michael D. Robbins. [↩]
- Tapestry of the Gods II, Michael D. Robbins. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.489-90. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.627. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.165. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
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- Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.28. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.340. [↩]
- Bostridge, M. (2008). Florence Nightingale: The Making of an Icon. New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux. [↩]
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- Solar Fire Astrology software, Esoteric Technologies P/L. [↩]
- Asteroids, Mary Esther Andrews. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.145. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.349. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.678.” [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.210. [↩]
- Destiny of the Races and Nations I, Phillip Lindsay, 2005. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.211. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.259. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.438. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.743. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.314. [↩]
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- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A, Bailey. p.545. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.15. [↩]
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- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.721. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1086. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1255. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1255, 1257. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.409. [↩]
It is remarkable to consider the countless hours on your part which went into this September “mini-book”.
At age 90, possessor of many Roerich’s works, seven decade longtime reader and student of of AAB’s and DK’s wisdom I have some sense of your unwavering dedication, and offer deep gratitude for your presence on this planet NOW.
Thank you good sir. I shall be dropping this earthsuit shortly, and do not wish to allow another moment to pass without acknowledging your magnificent committment to our humanity.
Dear brothers and sisters,
This week I received a letter with a topic to meditate on, which is Revelation, and that this topic is related to the coming of Christ.
That night, the understanding clearly came that the current situation in the world has developed for a reason. External expression, as we know, is only the effect of internal causes and processes occurring at levels higher than the three worlds of human evolution. We know that humanity is the world’s Student and what happens to the microcosm – man, student, the same happens inside the Macrocosm, that is, our planet. What must happen if we wait for the coming of Christ? As you know, the Soul must defeat the Guardian and then, divinity, Christ can be manifested in a person. By analogy, Humanity is currently deciding its fate, whether Divinity will manifest itself and Christ, that is, the Soul, will come, or the guardian will win and humanity will again be in slavery. The situation of world Arjuna is evident. Because God is all there is. Man is created in the image and likeness of God. And if we consider Mankind as a whole, then the countries, as parts of the whole, must decide for themselves only one thing, which is more important than the common good or the personal good, that is, the interests and goals of individual countries. Or even united in a group of countries. Everyone should take into account that brotherhood is commanded to us, that all countries, like people, are children of God. And that everyone is equal. Everyone exists by the Will of God and no country or group can decide that if it is, in its personal opinion, more important, and more influential, and richer, and therefore should be above everyone and decide who and how to live, or not to live. Only God has this right.
So who is who? Which country is the conductor of personal interests? And who is on the side of the Light? As you know, the person is very noisy, has a very loud voice, and the voice of the Soul can be heard only when all other voices are silent. Who is louder, who can be heard more?
Who in this situation refuses dialogue, excludes other opinions, and pretends to defend the weak, but right, but in fact, the values of individual, “chosen countries”? The crisis did not start on February 24, it turned into a war because someone decided that he was 100% right and believed in his infallibility to decide for everyone. Trampling on universal human values, freedom of will, freedom of speech, freedom to think and live as the country decides. Who wants peace? Those who sponsor weapons, pit one country against another, encourage hatred, manipulate the facts, control information so that their own peoples do not have access to information, support fascism, pretending to protect the weak from the strong.
Appearances are deceptive, and we, the students of timeless wisdom, know this in practice, and not just theoretically. Therefore, it seems that the time has come for all of us to make a choice, but not theoretically, but in practice, that is, in our daily life. Given that those who follow the Path have a louder voice and influence, and how we deal with the situation, without preferences, without bias, realizing the responsibility for our common future. Support the Light or personal claims? The glamor is great and it is very easy to mistake one for the other.
This was written by me almost immediately after February 24, 2022. These thoughts came to consciousness spontaneously.
Дорогие братья и сестры,
На этой неделе мне пришло письмо с темой, над которой необходимо размышлять, это – Откровение, и что эта тема связана с приходом Христа.
Этой ночью, четко пришло понимание, что нынешняя ситуация в мире сложилась не просто так. Внешнее выражение, как мы знаем, только следствия внутренних причин и процессов, происходящих на уровнях выше, чем три мира человеческой эволюции. Мы знаем, что человечество – мировой Ученик и то, что происходит с микрокосмом – человеком, учеником, то же происходит и внутри Макрокосма, то есть нашей планеты. Что же должно произойти, если мы ждем приход Христа? Как известно Душа должна победить Стража и тогда, божественность, Христос может быть проявлен в человеке. По аналогии Человечество в данный момент решает свою судьбу, проявится ли Божественность и придет Христос, то есть Душа, или победит страж и человечество опять будет в рабстве. Ситуация мирового Арджуны налицо. Потому, что Бог – это все, что есть. Человек создан по образу и подобию Бога. И если рассматривать Человечество, как целое, то страны, как части целого, должны решить для себя только одно, что важнее Общее благо или благо личное, то есть интересы и цели отдельных стран. Или даже объединившихся в группу стран. Все должны учесть, что нам заповедано братство, что все страны, как и люди – чада Божьи. И что все равны. Все существуют по Воле Бога и ни одна страна или группа не может решать, что если она по личному мнению главнее, и влиятельнее, и богаче и поэтому должна быть над всеми и решать, кому и как жить, или не жить. Это право есть только у Бога.
Так кто есть кто? Кто из стран является проводником личных интересов? А кто выступает на стороне Света? Как известно личность очень шумная, имеет очень громкий голос, а голос Души может быть услышан только тогда, когда все остальные голоса смолкнут. Кто громче, кого слышно больше?
Кто в данной ситуации отказывается от диалога, исключает другие мнения, и делает вид, что защищает слабого, но правого, а на самом деле, ценности отдельных, «избранных стран»? Кризис не начался с 24 февраля, он перешел в войну потому, что кто – то решил, что прав стопроцентно и уверовал в свою непогрешимость решать за всех. Попирая Общечеловеческие ценности, свободу воли, свободу слова, свободу думать и жить, как решит страна. Кто хочет мира? Те, кто спонсирует оружием, натравливает одну страну на другую, поощряет ненависть, подтасовывает факты, контролирует информацию, чтобы собственные народы не имели доступа к информации, поддерживает фашизм, делая вид, что защищает слабого от сильного.
Видимость обманчива, и нам, изучающим вневременную мудрость, это известно на деле, а не просто теоретически. Поэтому нам всем видимо пришла пора сделать выбор, но не теоретически, а на деле, то есть в нашей повседневной жизни. Учитывая то, что те, кто идет по Пути имеют более громкий голос и влияние, и от того, как мы разберемся в ситуации, без предпочтений, без пристрастий, осознавая ответственность за наше общее будущее. Поддержим Свет или личные претензии? Наваждение велико и очень легко принять одно за другое.
Это было написано мной еще почти сразу после 24 февраля 2022 года.Эти мысли пришли в сознание спонтанно.
Thank you for all this work and brilliance.
You are a true mystic! Endeavouring to help humanity glimpse at a wider reality.
Hello again, welcome to Virgo or the power to build!
Thanks Phillip for your varied and intertwined articles.
I would like to do a little analysis on Florence Nightingale’s horoscope.
Truly in this horoscope Taurus and the ninth house have great power; It is an energy that, due to the great astrological dignity that Pluto and Jupiter have in Pisces, is focused and expressed through the seventh house, the place where the other is my truth.
Exoterically we can also observe the meanings of the 6th house, but esoterically the role of Pisces is clearly identified with Virgo or the path of the Soul.
We could say that the magnetism exerted by Virgo and Pisces, (both carriers of the 2nd-6th Rays …), makes the great power of Taurus sacrifice itself for the meanings of the seventh house, where clearly the patient is the complement of Virgo, is the friend, companion, “the one who guides my Soul”, the “You”, as they say in India, “God lives in you as You”.
Put very simply, Florence Nightingale was a nurse (Virgo) with sensitivity (Pisces). Florence built (Virgo) healing energy (Pisces) thanks to the “divine” detachment of Pluto and the generosity of Jupiter both in great astrological dignity.
In the horoscope of this great initiate, due to the position of the nodes, a “magical egoism” is suggested. It is as if she, by dedicating herself only to her own self-construction, (Virgo-South Node-house 1), discovered her great sensitivity for the other (Pisces-North Node-house 7). In truth Florence cared for the sick but she also spoke, listened and understood people, Souls, “YOU through SELF.”
The successful expression of her vocation is written on her moon, exalted in the most spiritual house (9), ruled by Venus in Cancer in the 10th house. We would say that Florence expressed an action (vocation -10th house) highly conditioned by the exaltation of the ruler of Venus, Moon in Taurus. Here we can draw “the woman with the lamp” illuminating Love in Pisces/Virgo.
Florence’s father, who was the only one in the family who supported the young Florence in her spiritual aspirations, in my view we have to place him in the 9th house, a father who was quickly replaced by her Soul, the moon, the esoteric regent of Virgo.
Thanks for sharing
Some good observations David! “she also spoke, listened and understood people” – listening is one of the best qualities of Pisces. Half the healing is being heard.
Excellent, Phillip. Thank you for this. (I skipped a bit on Florence, for the moment, to be honest.)
This line is very telling, and the polarizations are increasingly ‘fixing’ or hopefully many more can be ‘in flux’, especially I notice in the US now.
You wrote, re COVID and the one (official) acceptable narrative that many adopt:
“As a result, some have cautiously modified their existing viewpoints, others have been turned completely upside down and woken up to the truth – whilst others still cling dogmatically to the choices they made. The latter group may stay in denial to their dying days, prevented by pride and embarrassment for admitting choices made were based upon fear, expediency or “science”.”
Let’s do add in one other option. (Not that I want to be a nitpicking nitwit here, but) There are those who was always, and immediately, suspicious — so the ‘existing viewpoints’ would have been that ‘the gov’t’ is lying to us. This hasn’t really been modified, for me, but enhanced, as more and more of the myriad of ‘truths’ are show to be a magician’s wand waved over public opinion fairy dust.
I guess the moral of the story may be, where Good exists (regular humans), there are retrogressive forces (those who gravitate to positions of power and promoting materialism, usually.) The retrogressive forces will call themselves the opposite of what they are, ie co-opting the early definition of what ‘progressive’ would mean, but that itself is the hoax.
Disciples will learn to discern truth from falsity, and to not be naive or gullible to those who wish to control them. It’s a dangerous path to believe lies – and especially to promote them, with the arrogance of ‘believing’ in science, or any justification, without the due diligence of rigorous questioning.
Also, a huge THANK YOU from me for all you generously share.
Phillip you are truly amazing. Your selfless, tireless, and endless search for the Truth is a beacon on inspiration for all. You have been an ongoing source of reasoned and contemplative reflection amidst the incessant downpour of Glamour over the past three years. Please continue to carry the mantle as one of the Light Bearers for The Hierarchy. Your sanity and perspective is a refreshing and much needed counterpoint to the cacophony of noise and distortion that bombards us nonstop.