Virgo 2023: Social Engineering
Hello friends,
As promised, there will be the occasional newsletter or announcement, based upon the urgency of certain planetary events (as this missive is), an retrospective glance at the the past few years, giving context to the present and the future.
Social Engineering: Has the “Spiritual Community” Been Asleep?
We may well ask! Are the so-called “awakened ones” slumbering? Who is awake and who is merely “woke”?
These are perplexing questions nagging those who have weathered the last few years of vaccines and lockdowns – who did not accept the imposition of deceptive mainstream narratives. Let us be reminded about the power of media to shape human thinking:
“The forces of evil will now endeavour to utilise the character of humanity as a whole, to hinder the Forces of Light, prevent the attainment of world tranquillity and world understanding, and thus delay the day of their own final defeat.
This defeat, when accomplished, must include the three worlds of human evolution—mental, emotional and physical. For long these evil forces have used psychology in order to reach the ends they had in view, and have used it with amazing success; they are still using it, and can be depended upon to employ its methods to the uttermost.
They use the press and the radio [now internet, TV & AI] in order to distort human thinking; they present half-truths, impute false motives, rake up past grievances, foretell (with foreboding) imminent difficulties; they foster ancient prejudices and hatreds, and emphasize religious and national differences.
In spite of much shouting, demanding and proposed organization, there is no truly free press anywhere; particularly is it absent in the United States, where parties and publishers dictate newspaper policies.”1
Since this was written, the degree of refinement and sophistication developed in mass media has brought about even greater deception, authoritarian control and manipulation – to which no one is immune.
It is estimated that about 60-80% of “spiritual communities” across the planet succumbed to the totalitarian edicts that were issued from 2020 to 2022. And those communities may do so again, as murmurs of the next false virus campaign looms upon the horizon (Sept. 2023) – a re-enactment of the tired old drill – masking-up, lockdowns and compulsory vaccinations.
These same “spiritual communities” naively followed the media-driven, seamless-segway from Covid to Ukraine – supporting the propaganda that Russia is “evil”.
Those communities ignored well known history (some through their adherence to redundant political ideals) – of how NATO and USA neocons have planned opposition to Russia for decades; this was a hangover from the Cold War, resurrecting that old dogmatic corpse, using Ukraine as a proxy – at the tragic cost of several hundred thousand lives.
How spiritual communities missed the boat on these issues, is perplexing to the minority group who did not comply – who considered their co-workers as “spiritually aware” or even “spiritually advanced”, but were to say the least, surprised by the lack of discrimination exercised by those individuals – and poor choices they subsequently made. Others seemed to be simply lazy or apathetic in not doing due diligence in researching other news sources.
Their lack of questioning or challenging the “science” was reflected by a facile acceptance of a steady diet fed to them by “those good people at CNN” – and the rest of the bought-and-paid-for consensus media.
Many people took at face value the MSM narrative and were not willing to depart from that. Instead of using their allegedly “spiritually aware” minds, they succumbed to fear, descending to the astral plane – along with the majority of astrally polarised humanity, scared witless by a relentless campaign of social engineering.
There are other almost excusable reasons for these lapses in awareness, some of which involved high intensity propaganda in certain cities or nations where there appeared to be high casualty rates, when in fact there were not – much of it was smoke and mirrors.
“I tell you that humanity is everywhere spiritually minded and that the new race, the coming civilisation, and the new age culture will be found throughout the world—the universal inheritance of the human race. But everywhere humanity is the victim of propaganda—a propaganda which can only be seen in its true light when [wo]men think in terms of human liberty; when they together take the needed steps to ensure human happiness, and learn in so doing to face world conditions as they are, not hiding their heads in a dream world of their own making.”2
The Wisdom of “Ordinary” People
One of the biggest paradoxes is that the average “non-spiritual” person in the street has exhibited far more understanding of the global situation. These people have utilised their god-given intelligence and native intuition – whilst a majority in “spiritual communities” appeared to have not, chose to sit on the fence, or remained silent – a culpable kind of cowardice and complicity.
Many or most spiritual groups duplicated what was happening everywhere, demanding that everyone be vaccinated with certificate proofs and masked-up for meetings or retreats – with one individual even stating that those who were not vaccinated could not attend an online meditation! This mania spread like a wildfire through all spiritual communities.
The lapse of perception was due to not utilising native intelligence/intuition – and allowing oneself to be sucked into the vortex of mass deception and fear. Obeying the glamour of the false authority of governments, “medical experts” and big pharma. Yet it is more complex than this and concerns largely the mainstream media. Even during WWII in 1943, it was stated in the opening quotation to this article:
“They use the press and the radio [now internet, TV & AI] in order to distort human thinking; they present half-truths, impute false motives, rake up past grievances, foretell (with foreboding) imminent difficulties; they foster ancient prejudices and hatreds, and emphasize religious and national differences … there is no truly free press anywhere; particularly is it absent in the United States, where parties and publishers dictate newspaper policies.”3
Many in spiritual communities around the world have been practicing their particular disciplines and meditations for decades – whether that has been in Buddhist, Christian or Vedanta groups, new psychology, “new age”, esoteric or Western occultism.
Yet in focusing upon these particular spheres of activity, for which some have achieved ground-breaking work, those individuals and groups have not kept up with what has been unfolding in the “real world” (esoterically “unreal”!), preferring to live on a diet of mainstream media – relegating “outlandish” perspectives contradicting the corporate line – as “conspiracy theory”.
This most effective phrase was coined by the CIA to deter those who questioned the “inside job” of the JFK assassination. The year 1963, was when the rot truly started to set in – with the rise of the military industrial complex, “forever wars” and foreign coup meddling, united with the power of clandestine agencies – all vastly contributed to our world situation 60 years later in 2023.
Part of the problem is that Humanity as a whole, through its inherent goodwill and naivety, tend to give the benefit of the doubt regarding insidious groups who do not have the benefit of their fellow humans at heart – who greedily exploit and coldly manipulate.
For the general population, such evil might only be the fantasy realm of Lord of the Rings or a James Bond movie where heroes valiantly vanquish villains. Bond movies were brilliant MI6 propaganda and that agency has a very powerful influence on the current pro-Ukraine narrative.
Yet these stories and myths over millennia indicate that much evil exists in the world. This planetary battle has been fought for a very long time, giving Earth its dubious esoteric status as “the sphere of suffering … conditions of agony and distress such as are found on our planet – are found in no such degree in any other scheme.”4
Our so-called “non-sacred” planet is in the process of achieving the status of a “sacred” planet through the awakening and redemption of the entire human race. Right now on the eve of 2025, Humanity faces its Dweller on the Threshold – as the ancient battle intensifies.
Due to the idealism and ignorance of “spiritual” (I use this word advisedly!) individuals and groups, the naivety and ignorance of the general population has insidiously percolated and permeated throughout the membrane of spiritual groups. This has also been compounded by the ivory towers that some spiritual scholars and leaders have inhabited, disconnected from the world below; steadfastly, if not fanatically focused upon the goal of service and initiation.
A subtle spiritual pride and sense of superiority has also driven their world view: A know-it-all, dismissive attitude based upon some supposed authority – yet also, simply being out of touch with world events through decades-long ingestion of MSM propaganda.
Here is an interesting parallel to the “Fauxcie” authorities (“follow the science”) – who drove the pandemic narrative 2020-2022. As that campaign began to falter and fade – the mass media, directed by clandestine agencies, exclaimed – “look over here, evil Russia, war in Ukraine!” At the end of the day it was really a matter of “follow the money” as Big Pharma and weapons manufacturers reaped astronomical profits.
Those spiritual leaders who stood at the apex of their group pyramid, who stuck to their viewpoints and capitulated to the mass deception, ideologically infected their own groups. Could it be that in some cases those decisions led to a premature departure, shortening their service activity?
The estimated 25% (maybe much less!) – of those who resisted the past few years of the Covid-Ukraine narrative, many submitted themselves to rigorous research and arduous learning curves, scanning the entire media spectrum – filtering and discriminating through a myriad of articles and videos, in a genuine effort to sort truth from fiction.
When they spoke up to share their findings – in a spirit of goodwill and support toward their co-workers, they were shouted down, ridiculed, ostracised and “cancelled”. They had already made up their minds, the dye was cast – they had crossed the proverbial Rubicon!
This small group who attempted to make reasonable arguments for a contrary view, was mirrored by the thousands of scientists and doctors who challenged the medical establishment inquisition. Now, many of those professionals are being vindicated – but their findings are still ignored, suppressed or throttled down in the msm.
The other 75% of the spiritual community never bothered to do the hard yards – and even in 2023, when presented with irrefutable proofs from many learned scientists, peer-reviewed scientific papers or government data, astute observers and real journalists – have displayed an utter cognitive dissonance about the shameless sham that took place, an attack upon Humanity, that still rages.
Oblivious leads to oblivion! The climb-down from previously and preciously held positions can be humiliating for some fragile egos. Apologies to those who were vilified are still essentially non existent, even if in retrospect some fanatically held viewpoints have mellowed somewhat.
Another factor that contributed to the lack of awareness in spiritual groups was a kind of “spiritual escapism”, drilling down even deeper in their particular disciplines, creating greater disassociation – not wanting to examine all shades of the public information spectrum. Or issuing statements such as, “its all part of the Plan” – such utter bunkum that completely ignored so many warning signs and rationalised their initial beliefs.
“I have no interest in helping or teaching those who divorce the affairs of the world and of humanity from spiritual teaching and selfless living. I have no use for mystical visionaries and esoteric students who love to wander in the high realms of abstract thinking and amass details of occult or mystical information, but who refuse to understand that the changing of the old order, the awakening of humanity to the new possibilities and the purification of the political and economic arena are today the factors of the greatest spiritual value.
That is spiritual which has for motive the establishing of the Kingdom of God on Earth; that cannot take place until much has been changed in human affairs and living.”5
These “spiritual groups” based their arguments upon belief – not a real knowing; they chose to bolster emotionally-sourced beliefs through flimsy argument and rationalisation, claiming that they were following the “real science”.
In fact, it was a “scientism” – a manufactured scientific fundamentalism corrupted by virulent strands of emotionalism and fear, with no discrimination exercised to determine the difference. The lower concrete mind fell into illusion (glamour upon the mental plane) and blocked out the higher intuition.
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9/11: First Major Hoax of the 21st Century
Some of the 25% group had only just woken up in 2020 – to this parallel universe of dystopian plans, predatory pharmaceutical companies and lying governments. (Continued after advertisement.)
Others had their previous wake-up calls and epiphanies over the past 30 years – driven by personal circumstance or major public disasters such as the other “inside job” of 9/11 – now proven well beyond any doubt, yet still officially unacknowledged. (See this recent, painstakingly researched documentary: Peace, War and 9/11)
Indeed, many who practiced and researched esoteric teachings for the three decades prior, and worked with various spiritual groups – swallowed the shocking 9/11 sleight-of-hand narrative, amplified by ruthless repetition of planes flying into buildings and saturation media coverage 24/7. The 9/11 event was the first major piece of carefully planned social engineering in the 21st century.
A few weeks after 9/11 – on Oct.7, 2001, the invasion of Afganistan took place, looking for the alleged perpetrator, Osama Bin Laden. 17 months later – in March 2003, came the invasion of Iraq on the pretext of Saddam the “evil dictator” and his “weapons of mass destruction”.
Replete with “embedded” journalists, CNN live-televised this circus of horrors – in one of the most blatant media propaganda orchestrations the world has ever seen. Afghanistan turned into a quagmire – with a final humiliating withdrawal by the USA in 2021. Twenty years of a manufactured war – “grief, trauma and lamentation”, with 99,000 Afgani lives lost.
This first mass deception of the 21st century (9/11 and Afghan-Iraq invasions), was also later thoroughly disproved – at the cost of around 500,000 Iraqi lives, trillions in wasted government funds, a huge profit for the military industrial complex and the theft of Iraqi oil by American companies.
The Penny Drops
For some, it was only a few years later in 2005, after finding the time to digest and reflect upon these disturbing aggressions, that the whole charade was realised and revealed. (Some much fewer knew instantly on that fateful day of 9/11!)
And so similarly in 2023, many realisations have taken place since events have unfolded in 2020. Many people are awakening world-wide, preparing for or taking the first initiation, the realisation of the soul principle within the heart. The early 2000’s was when a minority of the spiritual community “lost their virginity”, realising that they had been blatantly violated by an insidious system – along with most of the world.
The 9/11 event was just one example of deliberate public deception – that does not take into account the numerous attempts in the past 50 years to create well-documented scare campaigns about viruses and vaccines. Covid 2020-22 was the first “successful” campaign that brought together a perfect storm of long-term planning and positioning.
Following is a reminder of a timeless and frequently quoted passage, confirming the fact that there are many large groups of individuals who prey upon infant Humanity:
“The responsibility for the widespread misery to be found today in every country in the world lies predominantly at the door of certain major interrelated groups of business-men, bankers, executives of international cartels, monopolies, trusts and organizations and directors of huge corporations who work for corporate or personal gain.
They are not interested in benefiting the public except in so far that the public demand for better living conditions will enable them—under the Law of Supply and Demand—to provide the goods, the transportation, light and power which will in the long run bring in heavier financial returns.
Exploitation of man-power, the manipulation of the major planetary resources and the promotion of war for private or business profit are characteristic of their methods.
In every nation, such men and organizations—responsible for the capitalistic system—are to be found. The ramifications of their businesses and their financial grasp upon humanity were, prior to the war [WWII], active in every land and though they went underground during the war, they still exist.
They form an international group, closely interrelated, working in complete unity of idea and intention and knowing and understanding each other. These men belonged to both the Allied Nations and the Axis Powers; they have worked together before and through the entire period of the war through interlocking directorates, under false names and through deceptive organizations, aided by neutrals of their own way of thinking.
Today, in spite of the disaster which they have brought upon the world, they are again organized and renewing their methods; their goals remain unchanged; their international relationships remain unbroken; they constitute the greatest menace mankind faces today; they control politics; they buy prominent men in every nation; they insure silence through threat, cash and fear; they amass wealth and buy a spurious popularity through philanthropic enterprise; their families live soft and easy lives and seldom know the meaning of God-ordained work;
… they surround themselves with beauty, luxury and possessions and shut their eyes to the poverty, stark unhappiness, lack of warmth and decent clothing, the starvation and the ugliness of the lives of the millions by whom they are surrounded; they contribute to charities and church agencies as a salve to their consciences or to avoid income taxes; they provide work for countless thousands but see to it that these thousands receive so small a wage that real comfort, leisure, culture and travel are impossible.”6
These invisible cabals, cartels, corporations and shadow governments are the outer expression of the Materialistic Forces that ruthlessly oppose all for which the White Brotherhood labours:
“They [cabals etc.] are relatively few compared to the countless millions of men, but are exceedingly powerful; they are highly intelligent but unscrupulous, and it is through them that the Forces of Evil work.”7
In 18 months, in 2025 (perhaps May/Taurus at Wesak) – the Masters of Wisdom will meet in Their once-in-a-100 years conclave with the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara – in the planetary centre known as Shamballa – determining an imminent date to externalise among Humanity once again.
Hence, between now and then – and even beyond, further ruthless and protracted attacks can be expected, in one totalitarian form or another. This is not a time to let our guard down. Acute vigilance and discrimination must be practiced. We cannot take any news reports for granted, or as truth – question everything! Develop greater intuitive awareness.
This home stretch of the “forerunner” toward 2025 demands courage – a stoic, even stalwart determination to take a stand, no matter what the personal cost – is everyone up up to the task?
It takes courage to stand up for one’s convictions – but many have not reached that “conviction” point yet, still dithering in the realm of the vague and nebulous. Or are sitting on the fence of non-commitment, adhering to crystallised ideas. It is one thing to have a conviction and another to muster up the courage to stand by it.
Will the quoted passage above galvanize wisdom students to action, to resist and not comply with any new imposition that has its source in unelected international bodies such as the WEF or WHO? What will happen when the next mass hoax comes down the chute – whether that is another deadly virus, forced digital currencies (slated for October), a false-flag alien invasion etc? Will everyone recognise it for what it is?
Pandemic 2.0 has already begun in recent weeks – a planned re-run of 2020, starting September/October 2023 – the anniversary of Event 201 and the Wuhan Games in October 2019. (As many are aware, those two events were a “dry run” for an actual pandemic scenario.) This new pandemic scenario might even be a “cover” for an attempted financial switch to CDBC’s, digital currencies and the outlawing of cash.
The question to all “spiritually aware” individuals or those who are part of “spiritual groups” – including those in leadership roles: Are you going to participate in another passive roll-over to imposed edicts, or will there be a more principled resistance based upon a global vision of true, inner knowing?
Remember, silence = complicity – i.e. “aiding and abetting” this ongoing criminal attack upon Humanity. As soon as enough people stand up – its over!
Phillip Lindsay © 2023.
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Esoteric Horoscope Readings
Phillip Lindsay has been a practicing astrologer since 1988.
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An astrologer’s job is to help bring the archetypal “idea” of the soul into awareness, looking at all the talents and skills that you have brought in – as well as major challenges. In soul-centered astrology – using esoteric rulerships, the Rising Sign assumes great importance as it is a quality that the soul is seeking to unfold in any incarnation.
What is your great gift or soul purpose? How are you going to contribute that, and when? What is it that you have come here to do? Are you a healer, artist, scientist, psychologist, musician or astrologer? To make a booking for a reading, please visit this link.
- Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.452-3. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.236. [↩]
- Externalization of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.452-3. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.416. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.247. The original unexpurgated version: First Edition 1947. View the PDF here PH 1947 [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.71. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.668. [↩]
Hi Phillip,
Thanks for the inspiring article. I have one comment. When we quote from Problems of Humanity, we have to indicate the edition used. There were three very different editions, only the first one having been published as dictated by the Tibetan and put together by Alice Bailey. For the second and the third editions, Problems has been heavily reworked by Lucis Trust staff. Since these two subsequent editions have been published long after Alice Bailey’s death but under her name, it is fair to consider them as falsifications.
Thanks for the reminder, I took these passages from the Lucis Trust CD so they may differ from the original. If you have the original edition, let me know if the quotes above differ at all, thanks!
Hi Phillip. Here is a link to the first edition of “Problems of Humanity” 1947, the original, with the seven problems as dictated by The Tibetan:
Best regards!
Thanks for providing this link. In the last chapter concerning “International Unity”, this valuable paragraph was left out that has a bearing to Philips article: “I have no interest in helping or teaching those who divorce the affairs of the world and of humanity from spiritual teaching and selfless living. I have no use for mystical visionaries and esoteric students who love to wander in the high realms of abstract thinking and amass details of occult or mystical information, but who refuse to understand that the changing of the old order, the awakening of humanity to the new possibilities and the purification of the political and economic arena are today the factors of the greatest spiritual value. That is spiritual which has for motive the establishing of the Kingdom of God on Earth; that cannot take place until much has been changed in human affairs and living.” POH/247
Fantastic quote Sam, thanks – I will edit it into the article!
You’re welcome, Sam. Take a look at these significant words too, surprisingly absent in later editions: “Also, as we consider the psychological defects and the possibility of reform in the other nations (for I can deal with only a few of them) let me remind you that I write in no spirit of pessimism but from the standpoint of an unalterable belief in the glory of the human spirit; I write with a staunch conviction of the emerging and ultimate triumph of the soul of man over all transient defects and circumstances.” POH/28
And then the Tibetan goes on to say: “What is true of individual man is eternally true of nations and for them also the same hope of illumination and of future, spiritual triumph and glory is predicted.”
Thanks Ana, an invaluable source – over 50 pages redacted from the later editions, what!
You’re welcome, Phillip! And thank you for the page on the “Redacted Editions”. “From Bethlehem to Calvary” is another book that has been expurgated from a lot of quotes in the editions after 1937 and 1961, leaving the book reduced by almost half. I have a file with the complete book in English and I highlight the removed quotes, if you find it useful.
Not just Problems of Humanity but many books have been edited/censored. I spent 30 years acquiring every first edition so that I could study the originals. I also acquired the manuscript for Letters on Occult Meditation, which is riven with alterations throughout – including leaving some letters out completely.
As for groups and individuals sleeping – absolutely! INERTIA is the enemy of Hierarchy and the wish and hoped-for outcome of The Black Lodge. The road to 2025 will be very rocky and disturbing.
Indeed, I recall Letters on Occult Meditations and your work on it – another casualty of the LT censors! The quote from Sam has been factored into the newsletter now:
“I have no interest in helping or teaching those who divorce the affairs of the world and of humanity from spiritual teaching and selfless living. I have no use for mystical visionaries and esoteric students who love to wander in the high realms of abstract thinking and amass details of occult or mystical information, but who refuse to understand that the changing of the old order, the awakening of humanity to the new possibilities and the purification of the political and economic arena are today the factors of the greatest spiritual value.
That is spiritual which has for motive the establishing of the Kingdom of God on Earth; that cannot take place until much has been changed in human affairs and living.” ((Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.247. The original unexpurgated version, First Edition: 1947.))
I will be making the PDF file of the first PH edition public on my website, but if it is already available on other sites, feel free to send the links.
Thank you – this is most welcome. Thank you also Phillip for this courageous letter (virgo 2023).
Thanks very much for your important post, I was not aware of these redactions which are quite substantial! I have used one of the quotes bought to my attention into the newsletter where it finds a perfect fit with my commentary!
The redacted pages need examining to explore the motive as to why they were omitted, and who was responsible for that. (AAB, Mary Bailey, Foster?)
certainly not AAB.
Thank you for this reminder when I read this book soon to get an original if possible.
Jeronim Schwendinger
Dear Phillip,
Such a lovely surprise to receive your occasional letter. On an unrelated note, may I have the benefit of your insignt? I recently came across the writings and YouTube content of a healing hypnotherapist, Dolores Cannon, now deceased. She was the author of about 15 books. She says she doesn’t “channel” entities but claims to tap into and receive information from the “oversoul”. She claimed spontaneous healings. She reminds me of the works of Edgar Cayce, who was reputed at one point to have received much of his information from DK.
Have you ever heard of her, read her books or listened to her lectures on YouTube? If so, what is your take? She says she has a background in metaphysics but it is not along the Theosophical or Alice Bailey line of thought; which is o.k. but her nomenclature is missing or different. Bear in mind, Dr. Douglas Baker, who was not psychic, per his own admission, claimed he had never read or examined any “channeled” content that was anything more than beautiful and aspirational content from disincarnate beings, of no particular standing in the Hierarchy.
I don’t know what to make of Dolores Cannon’s material on the “New Earth”. Some of her writings agree with Blavatsky and DK, other material, not. [I don’t want to be close minded just because I was enculturated in a particular tradition.]
Please let me know your thoughts. Hope all is going well with your work.
To your health, inspiration and prosperity,
I think her material is useful Vicki, it may not be necessarily esoterically accurate but she reaches many people.
Hi Phillip. I’m from Australia and have long been disappointed and frustrated by some sections of the esoteric community who locked others out of group because of not being jabbed. I am very long time student of the Ageless Wisdom and served in the Morya School for a number of years. In Australia we still have some of the most draconian Health Orders in place plus the country is certainly under a communist agenda more and more. The battle lines are drawn so it’s more urgent to salvage a collective spiritual awareness of purpose. A few of us are using our knowledge and training with energy healing badly needed plus aiding the common person seeking new awareness with introduction to simple books. Neale Donald Walshe’s latest book The God Solution for Humanities Problems” plus other authors. So I agree that intelligent people are embracing these timely books for a way to new conscious awareness thus raising their vibrations to a new level. The seekers will find the WAY. There seems to be a collective conscious surging in our area. We are open to the need and busy. This has helped me move forward when felt the esoteric community was dimming their light. Hope we all make it through the next wave. Blessings of peace to all.
Thanks Kay, it really was so shocking what happened in Australia – and still has a heavy mandate for the future. I visited there a few months ago, but was glad to get back to Europe.
Hear hear Phillip! I so much agree with what you write and like your fierce language in this welcomed Newsletter. I was and still am astonished, baffled and sometimes angry about the ignorance and cowardice of the narrative complying part or the “spiritual community” you speak sternly of. How can they not see through the glamour and illusion while studying and quoting the books for years?
Many thanks for this letter in this important time. Especially now that we are seeing a “virus” attack in the making. However, I have the sense that things are changing world wide, and this time around will not work out as smoothly for them. We are seeing much movement from the so called Global South, to stay clear of the Ukraine narrative, as well as working towards multipolarism. Africa’s voice also rising more and more in the world. Can’t help to sense that the Hierarchy is working hard to bring this shift to get away from a myopic western look on all things, and to bring ALL of humanity into the forefront. Exciting and turbulent years ahead.
Indeed Carlos, its exciting to watch the major shift of power in nations like Africa, BRICS etc, whilst the old institutions try to hang on desperately to the old order. A great time to be alive, but the battle is tough!
Fantastic article. Thank you. Have you heard of Jacob Nordangard? Check him out. He is one of us. I am an Eckist.
Maureen, no I have not but I see he has a website
I can recommend Jacob that has gone trough the harsh reality of the “academia” and choosed a path of being a truth warrior.
Thanks for your call to action…. I needed that… !
Remember Hillesgården? They need a boost!
Well said, Phil. ‘Spiritual escapism’ is an interesting idea, one I think is accurate for many. It serves as a blind to reality and truth.
Thank you so much. The world needs people like you. Such a shame your work does not reach a wider audience. Maybe that’s the task of people like me.
Thanks Phillip for keeping us alert. I do miss your astrology newsletters I’ve been reading for years. Alice Bailey was my first real teacher who found me (not knowing her name…) at theosophical farm upstate New York.
I’m a close friend of Denise Byron…
Blessings and appreciation, Anya Kumara 🌹🌹🌹
Hello Phillip,
Allow me a reflection on “the sleeping spiritual community”.
I’m not saying that an important part of “the spiritual community” is not asleep surely you are right and it is asleep…, or rather it is deceived and that is why it is asleep.
But we also know that the function of the spiritual community (governed by the 2nd R and 4th R) is to create/build new ideas on the higher mental plane so that advanced humanity (governed by the 3rd R and 7th R) can apply them actively in society as seeds of a better future.
The greatest battles are fought on the mental plane, where the soul resides, and not on the external plane, as the forces of evil, through fear and pain, would have us believe.
I believe that for a spiritual consciousness, which has a concrete mind, a solar plexus and two feet that tread the earth, it has great merit to know how to abstract from the environment to work on the ideas of DK/AB from higher mental plane, with the intention of making these ideas closer and more understandable to advanced humanity.
Peace does not bring understanding but it is understanding that brings peace. To understand that the forces of evil are manipulating us, we must first (re)know the forces of good, and then, by dual contrast, the decision is usually the most correct.
Thank you Philipp, as Eric says, “for your fierce language”, because it surely puts us on alert!, because being alert (attentive, or in calm expectation) is the first step to understanding.
Brilliant call to action Phillip. The Hierarchy owes you one.
Hi Phillip! You most probably don’t remember me but we met in Costa Rica years ago. Thank you so much for this newsletter. You express so well what I have been thinking for so long. Very early on, I got so disgusted by the so called “spiritual” communities or leaders. It was clear to me, from day 1, that it was a whole hoax. And I didn’t shy away from my position. Same with the towers. Two months later I knew the truth but, every time I tried to share it, I got labeled with ugly names. A year and a half ago I moved to the country side, near Lake Arenal, as I couldn’t stand the idiotic behavior of most of the city people anymore. Looking forward to hear more about 2025!
I do in fact remember you Janine and there are still one or two people in CR that hold the same views as you, such as our dear sister Renata.
Every single observation presented in this article brings great joy to the heart. The “spiritual community” is only as lofty as its lowest rung, many groups lacking anyone who has individuated. Most groups glory in the idea of spirituality, thinking that merely reading or studying something, or belonging to a group, makes them “spiritual”, while they do not practically apply and manifest the underlying gist of the Teachings. What is not digested and applied thus becomes an delusion of grandeur, separative, elitist and, in essence, a work of darkness, blocking the person and group from the intensity of the Intuitional Plane. Striving to coordinate through daily action the heart-mind connection is essential, or there can be no real sensing of the underlying truth of any material, no matter how inspirational it may seem on the surface. These are trying times, indeed, this transition from 6th Ray to the hem of the Robe some may touch in the Aquarian Age to come. Do not despair or lose heart. His Will be done.
Dear friends,
Yes, we are having more problems. We will make it because we must. Youtube videos are doing well!
Hang in there. I have enjoyed your hard work Phillip Lindsay and watch your videos. I also have some of your books. Lets all hang in together. Thank you! Upstate New York, Lara
Hello Phillip, Thank you for your spot on assertation of the state of our Global Family. In my opinion we have every reason to stay the course of trying to wake people up to their potential and do it full speed ahead. Wouldn’t it be a curious that all of this death, despair, deceit and destruction is intended to show the “false prophets”, or in other words, “Separate the wheat from the Chaff”? Hasn’t it been declared that, “there is nothing new under the Sun” and that this is a cycle that has already been ordained? If so what do we do? I tend to go back and forth between panic and peace in the mission. I agree that now is the time to spread the truth of our Oneness with Providence! Thank you for inspiring me to do more to fulfill my service to saving souls! God Bless you Phillip!
Thanks Dorene, its interesting that you use the phrase, “Separate the wheat from the Chaff” – a perfect Virgo metaphor for the discriminating Mercurial mind, whilst Mercury is stationary now in Virgo, about to go from retrograde to direct. Discrimination was one of the major failures of the spiritual community.
As there are a few glitches with my contact form, I have no idea who sent this email to me, but which is worthy to add to these comments:
“I just read your newsletter. Thank you. I wonder though why the buddhist communities are so tied up in the vaccine narrative. It really was strange to see them believe the whole delusional stuff going on. It was sad in some ways to witness. I question why some Lamas seemed so afraid of it all.
Does it have to do with the dharma protector or 4D realms (confusing people).
Many people are like walking programs, very strange.
What would the Tibetan (DK) say about that?”
I have commented in the past few years in my newsletters about the Dalai Lama and Pope Francis both embracing the mainstream narrative, perhaps for different reasons. Toward the end of this article this is mentioned:
Thank you, Philipp! Exciting and openly as always!
A reminder that if English is not your first language or if you only speak other languages, there is a translate button on every page of my website in the lower left hand corner.
You simply click on the blue Translate button that brings up flags for over 30 nations, click on your flag and the page is translated instantly. I am to told that the quality of translation is quite good!
I just remembered that I wrote a similar newsletter in 2021 – at the height of the “pandemic”:
“Propaganda and the Esoteric Community: The Global Hypnosis in 2021.”
Some of the comments in that newsletter are worthy of consideration, now two years on.
I remember that article, and at the time i found it to be the most honest report and challenge to the soporific pandemic narrative.
Thanks for being there, and bringing the fire to the ‘spiritual’ community. Thank God for my hairdresser who scoffed at covid and called it out for what it was. I caught the wave of fear for a bit, then had to let it go as i feel more sane with common sense.
The pandemic was less difficult than being filmed and having the accumulated data flow gather too much intensity in my aura, burning up my feminine essence, or shakti. Takes awhile to restore.
Dear Phillip Lindsay,
Your Occasional Newsletter is very important and Great.
Would it be possible to have a place where one can get the first published originals of Alice Ann Bailey without the censorship that has probably been done in some books?
Regarding your article “Social Engineering: Has the “spiritual community” been asleep?”
I come from Austria and at that time I spoke English very poorly, like many spiritual people in the German-speaking world. I am only gradually learning English. Dr. Georgi Stankov basically made sure that I started to learn English and to keep it up for years.
In what I will write here, I will not only refer to DK, but also to others and I will paraphrase. Since I have practically only recently begun to study the English originals of the teachings, since the German translations do practically nothing with me.
The originals, however, provide a constant proper growth of my consciousness. This should not be surprising, since the original energy and thought forms are connected with them and the translators of the very poor translations will probably not even be initiates.
Dr. Stankov has never been involved in the whole thing and pointed out the issue years ago:
Kind Regards
Jeronim Schwendinger
Phillip, thank you for having the courage to articulate what some of us (but not very many) people are thinking. You have the ability, in verbal expression, to marry the Extoeric exigencies of daily existence with the Esoteric truth. What seems so apparent to a painfully small minority has escaped the sensibilities of the masses…and even those who should know better. This I attribute to the triumph of theory over application. It’s shocking to realize that right up to the very advanced stage of development at the 4th initiation, a soul can still be working through past karma.
On another more practical matter, your new newsletter format is much more succinct, and for me at least, digestible. Without a relatively intimate knowledge of esoteric astrology, I was at a loss to understand the technical aspects of your excellent observations. Your interpretation of the astrological implications of your analysis, and the wisdom they imparted, was for me much more informative and inspiring. Thank you! and I look forward to your future thoughts. You are a solo voice of reason in a raging storm of madness.
Dear Phillip,
Thanks for such an incredible, trenchant and hard-hitting insight into the insidious and murky machinations of the Dark Forces. This is one of the most astonishing analyses of this subject I’ve ever come across and I heartily congratulate you for your courage in publishing it. What particularly struck a chord were your comments about ‘spiritual’ people being so supine about lockdowns and vaccinations while lapping up the brittle lies of the MSM. As someone who’s spent decades as a journalist I know better than most how the media concoct their own perverse versions of reality.
Dear Phillip, it won’t be the first time I would comment to your views about pandemia episode 20/22, but is really interesting the call into reconsideration of the each own position, especially in spiritual comunity that you well know. Because at this time the decrystallization on beliefs is deeply falling, and is not a mere effect for causal things (which imply the concrete mind activity), but mainly “out of cause- matter”: which means Life is deactivating what once give energy to. For example was not so long that you consider ( as also Benjamin Creme had said), the Lama and Pope to be references for social change, but that had downfall into the abyss of old in few time. The past pandemia was designed evidently orchestrated, but believe me or not, it was from cooperation with spheres of goodness. What the media and the world and governments, and corporations, and spiritual and masses communities done about, correspond to what they were doing in the dark slumber, their fashioned develop. That was not to birth new people from the old, but was a complex manouver of Forces. So I will not explain what yes or what no, each one brings in experience of it. You are correct to see the next one coming but as far as I can say this will act not on purpose of collective and nations and vaccines, but more individually, this is more face to face, the challenge will be greater individually ( the individual and the Universe), and many dark forces will put their eye and intentions on course. I would never reject a collective intention for active movement toward economical and social engineer ( I like the title), but I would say NOW everyone should consider to be an individual, more than ever, without expecting the effects, but please don’t confuse these term with selfish activity; to be conscious to be, means the daily life work is deeper in understanding than to go into mass movements and be active social and politically. And please stop referring to mystics as something separate from the world affairs, lol😊. We never know what path another fellow is taking in their individual develop, and so ( speaking about the spiritual comunity), one could need tto leave the library studies tto go out to the streets, while other would need to make use of their meditative faculties more often, and so on. But in MYSTIC terms there is really no separation between the two worlds. Distance to the world only works with deep involvement in Love and service🙏🏾✨
Well defined. The article runs the risk of alienating good work done by spiritual communities yet highlights the need to wake up, question and act!
Phillip, becoming more aware of dark plots and “murky machinations”, which your newsletter so aptly supports, is part of reading reality. How does this knowledge (and it’s possible accompaniment by fear & victimization mentality) translate into positive action, whether by someone who may be an esoteric student or not? If an exposé is part one, where is part two – an ‘operator’s manual’ for effective decision-making regarding an optimal practical response to the abounding threats to the integrity of mankind? Perhaps simply a deeper resolve towards service & spiritual practice? Thanks.
“How does this knowledge (and it’s possible accompaniment by fear & victimization mentality) translate into positive action, whether by someone who may be an esoteric student or not?”
A very interesting and practical question! Just giving my 2c, and from my viewpoint of how I try to live: Yes, the increasing awareness of how the dark works and what happens in the world can be a tough thing to live with. My understanding is that every time we see through the fog, it all get in a little more light. That in itself is a service rendered to the world. MY glamour and illusions got a bit less. Thus also the world’s. Keeping fear/victim mentality out, is always done by acknowledging the facts of what one sees, but not engulfing/staying with it, as to attract fear (one’s own, or tapping into the fear reservoar of people around you). By getting clarity, you let some light in, and that helps to stay positive. As the Tibetan once said – Light will always win over darkness. At least in the long run… (not quoting him exact, but what I remember).
So – positive action – that is the actual act of looking and seeing through the propaganda. Each time you see through it, you are not a part of those in the dark. Then the dark one have less on you.
“How does this knowledge (and it’s possible accompaniment by fear & victimization mentality) translate into positive action, whether by someone who may be an esoteric student or not?”
It depends on many factors, it always depends.
OSHO says that if you want precise answers, you have to ask precise questions.
“OSHO: Only That Which You Have Experienced Has to Be Trusted”
QUESTIONER: Is there anything to do after
KRISHNAMURTI: All that you have to do is
merely to watch. That is the greatest action.
Out of that is action; and that is the only action.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Talk 2, Rajghat, 01 Dec. 1963
In general, it can always be good to read the books of Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and others. This further builds up the thought forms and at the same time refines one’s own personality.
If you observe the whole process, you actually find the answer to the right action. At least that’s the theory, but theory always comes before practice, doesn’t it?
Phillip thank you for this timely and potent wake-up call!
The esoteric community by and large has succumbed to the massive mass manipulation of the last few years, together with the intelligentsia. It has not fulfilled its role as Ajna centre of the planet, as the trained observer and steward it is meant to be. It has not used its critical thinking, and has not had the esoteric sense to see the writing on the wall.
Disappointing as this surely is, to humanity and to Hierarchy, what is now the need of the hour, is the recognition of this failure. The acknowledgement, self-search and necessary upgrade of the discerning faculties – individually and as a world community.
It may be hoped that in the different forums and groups a recapitulating and evaluating process may take place, so the esoteric community can learn from its mistake and will be better equipped to take on its planetary role.
If this recapitulation will not happen, the esoteric community may turn out to be more of a liability than a help in the present world crisis and opportunity. The covid crisis was only the tip of the iceberg of planetary evil, suddenly becoming visible. Planetary evil had been faced in the world war, but the door to it had not been sealed. It has since reorganised and gained strength underground. We all have failed to recognise and face it when it was still largely underground, in spite of DK’s numerous calls to do so. Now it’s out in the open. NOW is the time to see it for what it is, to name it, and take a clear stand vis a vis it.
A few papers have recently been published on planetary evil, which may be profitable to study. I don’t manage to attach or link to them here. Might be a good idea to collect these reflections in one place.
From a mature individual and a mature community one should also expect a due apology to those who did see the writing on the wall, who did sound a warning call, who had the courage to take a clear stand. To apologise for the large parts of the esoteric community, who together with humanity, have silently or publicly judged these messengers as conspiracy theorists and sometimes worse.
This seems a necessary step in the process of unifying our forces, taking on our function as the group of world servers, and rising up to the need of the hour.
Thanks Phillip. Timely and needed post. OK, so now the search is on for 1st editions of all of AAB’s books in digital format. But to the matter at hand, starting in the US and then spreading to Europe after WWII, the public has been methodically dumbed down about world affairs. In the US it started in earnest with Bernays over a century ago and was put into overdrive by the CIA and Operation Mockingbird. The censorship of information in Western media is now pretty well complete. One has to go to independent sources to get at the truth of all matters, and even then one has to cross check everything and use common sense. It is not easy at times, but must be done. The Plan is unfolding, but the way it is presented in the Western press is that it is a negative development, speaking of international relations, for instance. Our need for understanding — understanding in the sense of getting at the truth of matters — is urgent now. across all walks of life.
Thank you!
Friends, I have started a page about Problems of Humanity that I can keep adding to or adjusting as researches unfold:
….. what can one do when the majority of the population are lost sheep.
“where your attention goes your energy flows”
I feel this can be attention in form (body) (physical) or attention vibrationally (unseen energy). Both are valid.
The thing to come into “play” here is the AWARENESS of both to use in concert.
Do not underestimate the validity of your unseen energies… and place the utmost value on The Light while the dark becomes dim.
it appears some of the first editions can be found at this site.
In EXH it is stated that true Democracy has never been tried. I was just digging through it looking for a quote where DK says that in democracy today the loudest voice has the most power not the most reasonable one. Yet in my search through Lucis online index I can’t find it. Yet that seems very accurate. Since I first “read” that quote I intuited that the loudest voice is usually the one with.the most money. I believe that has started to change. In my search I read a number of comments on the current situation politically. Two points emphasized are that we have all created the current situation. So Trump and the neocons perhaps helping us see our own consciousness clearer. He also says that people with esoteric knowledge are not necessarily more important than people without it but who are calling for a better way. There is a quote from the from the original Pogo comic strip “We have met the enemy and he is us.* I have at times been dismayed by the seeming shortcomings of many spiritual oriented people who don’t seem to see things clearly enough but perhaps we should focus on the increased numbers of people who are demanding a better world.
Phillip – well said.
Perhaps this will help people to move, to act. As a wise man once said ‘Just have fun out there’.
Best wishes to all!
Selective awakenings are occurring, for some, on some subjects. Yet there are still several crucial issues of confusion, beyond the safety of vaccines or rationale for lockdowns. These ‘truths’ are at the level of beliefs and not subject to research, critical thinking, or even common sense. Perhaps that is due to most spiritual concepts being unproven by scientific method, and so those interested in spiritual matters do not have rigorous thinking skills, but prefer to point to an authority or general consensus. The dependence upon–the glamour of–authority, seems to run extraordinarily high in those who believe they are spiritual, or more spiritual and more aware or more enlightened, etc. Afterall, this community of students are pretty sure they know The Masters, and what is going on in esoteric realms, so their presumptions of other areas in which they have no experience or research beyond ‘accepted authorities’ are also correct?
In general, social engineering is a key way to view these ‘stories’ which we are told to believe by corporate media, government officials, experts or scientists of all sorts. I would have thought it was common knowledge (since Galileo), that consensus is not science. Nor does questioning data mean someone believes the nuttiest conclusions presented on a subject. The term “conspiracy theory” itself is used to disparage any idea that is not part of this consensual cabal, which has also become part of a package of partisan politics in terms of the vaccines.
So while we are moving away from some of the intense attacks upon those of us who have spoken up about untested vaccines and their side effects, due to so much push back and unavoidable evidence of harm, I see these admissions slow to come, if at all. Cognitive dissonance is very strong, especially when on such a mass scale and with so many ‘authorities’ in consensus, and social, political, economic and medical pressure placed upon all of us. We see here in the comments that there are not rebuttals or questions from those who believe these vaccines are just fine, so a division has been made and discourse is difficult, at best.
At this point, the virus and vaccine and the continuing plans to roll out more mandates, etc., will run its course, there will be some victories for health and many more failures of consciousness. I assume this will be an ongoing issue, with new twists and turns to caution the newly wary.
However, we have so many more issues of social engineering which are a plague upon humanity and our ability to think clearly, when lies are the norm, and the official narrative rules. It only rules us when we believe the lies and consent to the related practices which such false knowledge requires.
This includes all the really ridiculous ‘facts’, such as the magic bullet for the JFK Assassination, which for near to 60 years has fed the lie that a lone gunman shot the US president. Nothing is further from the truth which just a few pages of research will show. As well, try questioning the official story about 9-11, and be accused of disrespecting the dead and you must wear a foil hat. I won’t mention much about climate change, because I know this is rather entrenched now, due to more manufactured consensus. Yet, perhaps the more recent assertions of scientists that the data is manipulated, wrong, and man’s role in heating up the planet and sea levels rising are a rationale to change the entire global economy and tax some so others can pollute, is madness.
Lastly, I’ll just mention the UFO/UAP, aliens, etc. These “whistleblowers” Grush or Elizondo, eg, they are CIA doing disinformation operations and deflection. A bright light maybe, Representative Nancy Mace did say something quite curious the other day when asked about this subject (as she was the one told about ‘non-human biologics’) A reporter asked her if she believed it, and she said she didn’t know, but maybe it was all about money laundering. Brilliant. She may well be getting closer to the truth. It’s out there.
Point is, we have a long way to go on all of these life-affecting STORIES we are told. The toll of cognitive dissonance and that glamour of authority must be lifted in this now-shattered community before there is a chance at clarity and cooperation and respect.
Thanks again for the articles, Phillip, and encouraging the comments.
Bravo Phillip…
Much appreciated newsletter.
Adds great context to the brave doctors that are exposing the vaccine nonsense, such as Dr. McCullough.
From Risa –
Phillip – your last occasional newsletter –
A Call to Awaken & to Action!
A Clarion Call to the real New Group of World Servers
& Seed Groups.
I very much appreciate your insight into our world condition. I too am aghast at the spiritual community fully accepting accounts from the media. I believe many of them are still influenced by glamour and the sixth ray that induces them to follow an authority voice!
As the Tibetan repeatedly said, in describing the NGWS , they are from all walks of life , and many would not see themselves as part of any esoteric community….but be so immersed in the work, that their effectiveness ,would in many cases and ways be more effective and potent , than many of the ” Spiritual organizations” and this has been ever more apparent ,as the decades , post world war 2 , have unfolded…..Thank you for your service as a trained observer Philip. Your insight and collating research ,has illuminated the Kama/Manasic stew, that humanity has been manifesting over the last few years ..I am very grateful….Om Mani Padme Hung…Let Light Love and Power Restore This Earth
As advised by Philip, I am reposting my email to him here.
“Dear Phillip, This is ‘funny’ given how being a Virgo Sun, my work is very much focused on teaching about how propaganda and social engineering are used and allowed both by governments and by many so-called good-doers who are fully participating in the “games”.
On my website you will find many more posts on this topic and I am writing from experience of knowing the system inside out and of having done my own work of clearing illusion kept by many people working in human rights, humanitarian work, and very much so the so-called spiritual community.
You didn’t mention the lies about China, such as human rights abuses, which are
either fabricated or highly exaggerated. See article in Pearls and Irritations – The
Greatest Propaganda Campaign in Human History”. The source of these lies is the
United States of America. It has also spread fear that China is a threat. See the
video of independent journalist John Pilger “The coming War on China” – by America,
also probably using proxies such as Taiwan and Asian countries. There is evidence
that Australia is being favoured for that role. Hence the invitation of the Australian
Prime Minister Albanese to an official visit and state dinner with the Biden Administration.
You are right Beverly but China is a bit more complicated, having adopted the WEF’s plan for digital control, creating a ruthless penetration financially and politically into many nations, especially academic institutions in Australia etc. So as a great emerging power with significant ambition, it needs to be held in check by other nations which may come about through its membership of BRICS.
Great Letter Phillip…❣️
I thankfully… have not been asleep. 💜☀️💜
Another good commentary, Phillip. I would urge all students of the ageless wisdom to become familiar with the Terrain Theory. I think the best spokespersons are Dr. Sam and her husband Mark Bailey. They have a lot of very concise and clear in-depth videos they have been producing and posting at . This is a New Zealand couple who have taken on the New Zealand Ministry of Health and the Health Council of New Zealand. They have become more popular than those government agencies and are the tip of the spear in exposing all of the false narratives concerning viruses (none credibly identified ever) and ‘covid-19’ specifically. They go a layer deeper than just the corrupted allopathic medical systems of the world and expose the underlying false assumptions propping up the fear-mongering campaigns about dangerous “viruses.” If there is any such thing it certainly hasn’t been identified with any credible science. Its all about maintaining one’s personal health and there is NOTHING to fear! I’ll post my website which delves into new science and has a COVID-19 page for more info./links.
Thanks Craig, I have watched several of their videos these past years, worth watching!
Also, there is a whole educational in-depth series at . My website is , There is a COVID-19 button – upper right menu, for a page of links related to that.
Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare
Jaw-dropping stuff! Excellent report ….
There is also this article about the mirroring nature of how we co-create and how important it is to stop mirroring with actions those who we judge – Virgo’s best asset is discernment, rather than judgment
Dear Phillip, thank you for your excellent article, clear thinking and application. There’s been good comments from many already in this thread, and I thank them too. In my own deliberations in addition to authority allegiance, fear, lack of courage and naïve ignorance of the corrupt workings of today’s world – my sense is, that very many students and spiritual seekers are not really in touch with their GUT (body holds the scores and is more reliable than the mind), therefore their intuitive antenna isn’t really working. Intelligence is not the same as experience!
Here in Finland the collective is still numb and no official investigation into the Covid catastrophe has started and I doubt if it will any time soon. Our excess deaths are currently at 12-13 percent. There are some small groups trying to get their voice heard but so far collective dissonance has been too strong. Luckily, I found a small local group in spring 2020 with likeminded people resisting the vaccines (no real esoteric students, but some spiritual seekers). We invited Jakob Nordangård to Finland and had a great lecture by him and a very lively discussion.
My intuition told me to withdraw into expanded regular meditation work in November of 2019, little did I know the chaos the world would get to just a few months later. The collective fear and panic were palpable in the collective astral field. Some of which I reflect in the descent part of lates blog-article Ascent & Descent.
Finland’s NATO membership process was fast and undemocratic and only now afterwards are people slowly starting to reflect (as there is talk about American troops on the ground) on how quickly we abandoned our neutrality, our peace keeping efforts in the world and our legacy as a resource for conflict resolution. The healer in me sees a collective trauma response, which never lends for good decisions whether individual or nation. There are history echoes from the time Finland took side with Hitler (another trauma response) in our ever-traumatized tip-toeing relationship with Russia. Truth is that the happies people in the world (4 years in a row, in some bogus statistics) are just numb.
Much love….Micaela
Thanks for sharing Micaela! I read your extraordinary story at the link you provided and heartily recommend it to others!
Its still very hard to reach people with the truth, let alone bring those to account for the tragic misdirections of the past few years.
Thank you Phillip for your kind words.
Have you, or some other esoteric astrologer made an analysis of the Uranus/Taurus – opposite Scorpio sequence we are living through. Intuitively I have reflected on the heads of the Hydra and how these decanates have been brought forth for us to be seen. We are still in the last decanate of pride, separativeness and cruelty, and what we see is truly cruel. What happened in humanity last time this opposition was active? I assume you have done this and ask if you could direct me to the write up. Thanks!
sex, comfort & money
fear, hatred & desire for power
pride, separativeness & cruelty
Not the current transit Micaela, what are you referring to exactly by “truly cruel”?
Hi there,
here’s just a few thoughts about this last decanate
Pride – those who did wrong, pride prevents them from admitting it
Separativeness – everything that’s happening around destroying the family unit, i.e. wokeism and gender wars, children being put on puberty blockers before their hormones have even developed and they are all confused.
When I wrote truly cruel, I was thinking about excess deaths and how they are not discussed, while the U.S. starts a new mandatory round of vaccines from 6 months–>
Desire for power – authoritharian powers grabbed all over
Hatred – hatred and division / vacced and unvacced
Fear – all the fear propaganda we endured
Sex – ?? can’t think of clear connection other than desire nature
Comfort – its easiest to do as your told, trust the authorities
Money – there was a lot of money to be made….the investors will follow
Just a few ideas! If humanity as a whole is due to take the first initiation, these are the struggles, glamours & illusions hopefully enough of us has seen through.
I see, yes the mental cruelty of propaganda and fear based misinformation, while all the time maintaining that they are the aribters of others’ “misinformation”. Cruelty can be associated with the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The 4th ray which is the only ray to pass through these two signs, can be also associated with cruelty through its co-ruler the Moon and the unconscious – or ancient, evil behaviours. Likewise, Scorpio has that malignant reputation in its lower sense, the venomous, barbed tail of the Scorpion. Then there is Scorpio ruler Pluto, currently placed in Capricorn, a combination of ruthlessness by and for the status quo, whose result is cruelty.
Merci à Philip et à tous ceux qui prennent la peine de vivre la spiritualité au quotidien .
Une réflexion m’est venue en lisant les commentaires sur la suppression de certains paragraphes dans les livres de DK:
– lorsqu’on sait que ces livres ont été transcrits par AA BAILEY, pouvons nous imaginer qu’un disciple plus sensible avec la pensée de DK se soit incarné après le décès de Bailey et que ces versions puissent être plus conformes?
– par rapport aux différents groupes , avons nous la vue synthétique suffisante pour apprécier leur travail sans flirter avec un esprit séparatiste?
– Tous les ashrams des maîtres préparent leurs disciples incarnés à prendre des armes visibles?
– la bataille fait rage sur le plan mental, invisible pour beaucoup et il est bon d’alerter , tout en reconnaissant que ceux qui travaillent avec la volonté de bien n’utilisent pas forcément les mêmes canaux que ceux de la bonne volonté .
Restons unis en pensée d’Amour, au service de la Vie .
If English is not your first language, please run your posts through google translate, then post here. I personally doubt there was “a disciple more sensitive to DK’s thinking” with regard to changing the texts. In some places when comparing the original with the new, there seems to be no consistency or underlying theme, more of a whim it seems.
Good morning
Thank you to Philip and to all those who take the trouble to live spirituality on a daily basis.
A thought came to me while reading the comments about the removal of certain paragraphs in DK’s books:
– when we know that these books were transcribed by AA BAILEY, can we imagine that a disciple more sensitive to DK’s thinking was incarnated after Bailey’s death and that these versions could be more consistent?
– in relation to the different groups, do we have sufficient overview to appreciate their work without flirting with a separatist spirit?
– All the ashrams of the masters prepare their incarnated disciples to take up visible weapons?
– the battle rages on the mental level, invisible to many and it is good to warn, while recognizing that those who work with the will of good do not necessarily use the same channels as those of good will.
Let us remain united in thought of Love, in the service of Life.
Thank you Phillip for the courage, the trenchant and yet finesse articulation of the current situation. Being part of the esoteric community, I have seen first hand how many drank the kool-aid; how the narrative is still their thoughts and the influence of MSM. I continually ask myself why and a lot of what Phillip says seems to be the only answers.
I live in Canada which has been one of the hardest hit countries with mandates by a dystopian government.
A question in this thread has been asked on how to handle future mandates. I can only say DO NOT COMPLY. JUST SAY NO. Most likely this will be met with backlash as it did with plandemic 1. We realize that we must act in group formation. If 10 of us go to establishments where adherence to mandates are enforced we will either leave and they will lose our business or they will eventually let us in. The more we go along the more power is given to the authorities and that will only embolden them.
My husband and I resisted the jab for almost 2 years. My husband finally succumbed so he could see his grandkids which we hadn’t seen for 2 years. He died from the jab. Since my entire family had been jabbed, when I mentioned that the jab caused my husband’s death they turned a deaf ear and I was given a lashing. Now a year and a half later they are more open to the thought. At first I hesitated telling friends my thoughts but now I openly tell them that the jab was responsible. It is met with “really??” People seem to be a bit more open to listen.
This newsletter is producing much discussion and commentaries. Hopefully the word will spread out and will reach those that are ready to listen.
Thank you Phillip.
I am so sorry for your loss, my sincere condolences.
My father was overdosed with midazolam end 2021 by our NHS and died, but luckily my immediate family did not take the shots. Terrible times for the innocent and vulnerable 😢
I took COVID-19 very seriously for about 3-4 weeks, and like some others, I quickly realized the ERs were empty, I did not know anyone who had COVID-19, so I dove deeper. Mid May 2020 I heard of G.O.F. For the first time, loan uh g story short its insanely scary. I could count on one hand the number of times I heard G.O.F. mentioned on mainstream media for we’ll over a year or so.(I was actually listings and counting)
So With an unknown number of labs doing G.O.F. Research around the world, it is only a matter of time before the next pandemic hits, please don’t be a bigger fool than the fools mentioned in this article by thinking “Here go again, another Scam-Demic”, I imagine many people will foolishly do so, I won’t be so naive, never underestimate something that can slowly and very painfully kill you and your loved ones. also TY Phillip for all you do and give!!!!❤️