6 Responses to Libra 2024: Decision. US Election. Censorship & Free Speech. Neocons & Zionists. Israel. Hurricanes. Paul Simon. Master Rákóczi.

  1. Colleen S Macmillan says:

    This newsletter is a masterpiece.

  2. nikolaos lymperopoulos says:

    Dear Phillip I was wondering how I would contribute to your posting, adding a colouring that would round a little more your approach to the coming elections and the world problems. Then I noticed for the first time (a quite weird think after so many times of reading) this passage (EA p. 238).

    ” …. A certain relationship or configuration of stars—of which one is the star Regulus, in Leo—will bring about a situation wherein the re-orientation of the attitude of the legal profession will take place; its functions and duties will be centralised for the purpose of world usefulness, and in this process legislation for children will assume great importance and be the motivating power. This legal step will be primarily advocated by Russia and endorsed by the United States of America. Before 2035 A.D. such legislation will be universal in its sphere of influence and control.

    All this will come about because Libra rules the present interlude and might be regarded as “the master of no-man’s land,” as one of the Masters of the Wisdom called it lately. …”

    Of course the “legislation for children” is only an instance.
    There is something more unique to this connection of Libra and Law, plus the “the master of no-man’s land,” which is our present World History Phase upon culmination. Tramp is not the person who is embodying anything of these qualities. The UN Constitution and Organisation and Principles need the enforcement of all the “conflicting Powers” in the World. Donald Trump record is very poor to this end. There is a myth about the “deep state” and the relationship of that, and the Democrats. The “deep state” is the Democrats and also the Republicans, with no exception, as collective organisms of Rulership and Imposition of Ideals upon other Ideals. In every State of the World there is a Collective Body ruling by exceeding the force of a triple army: Warriors, Bureaucracy, Contractors. In our world the Controllers and Holders of Money have indented themselves from the Social Structures of any State of the World with the exception perhaps of N. Korea and Cuba and some variations in Islam, which are deeply Feudal.
    So these Money Elites are like Vampires over the Social Structures of the States. If the US ever start dealing with this lethal problem, it is going to impact the whole World. Nationalism and “deep state” are “left and right hand” of the same body of reaction to what is really progressive.The current “third phase of the one World War” is named by me the “First Civil World”. The war in Ukraine and M. East, plus Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and South Red Sea is the zone of friction for the New World Agreement which has to prevail till 2035, if the prophecy is to be of any value. I don’t think that Trump, or any of the clan of these guys he admires, will be of any help to this.

  3. Pamela I Nollkamper says:

    Thank you Phillip —- Brilliant!

  4. Wonnie says:

    This is the most beautiful newsletter – ever.

  5. Peter C says:

    Wonderfully crafted work. Well researched and credible. Thank you.

  6. Lyn says:

    Another illuminating newsletter Phillip – thanks!

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