Coronavirus Part IV: WHO. Vaccinations. Gates, Fauci. Sweden – Herd Immunity.

As this is such a large topic, the article below is titled Coronavirus Part IV (May 2020), following on from the special newsletter, Coronavirus Part III (March 2020).

It is a controversial subject, with many contentious arguments about best approaches for dealing with the problem – containment or herd immunity, let alone the politics, theories about vaccinations, and the Western health system model in general. Many scientists, experts and doctors are divided in their views, adding greater confusion and ability to discern what is going on.

The wider dimension to this crisis is claimed to be a deliberate global plan called “Lockstep” (as in lockdown), initiated by the Rockefeller Foundation in May 2010 – as one of four scenarios for human survival. It appears now, exactly ten years later, that this plan has been “chosen” to come into effect. (More on about this later, further in the text.)

The following discussions in Coronavirus Part II, touch upon some major claims, not all of which are necessarily aligned with the author’s view. Where possible the subject is analysed esoterically and astrologically.

WHO: World Health Organisation Crisis
Trump’s Historic Rejection of WHO
Rockefeller, WHO, Gates, WEF
The Master’s View on Vaccinations
Vaccinations, Bill Gates, Fauci etc.
Boris Johnson’s Encounter with Coronavirus
Epidemiologists Argument for Herd Immunity
Sweden’s Approach to Coronavirus

Coronavirus Articles 2020
Aries and the Corona-tion-Initiation
Boris Johnson & Coronavirus 2020
Busiris Virus of 2020
Climate Change and Coronavirus
Coronavirus Part I (Jan. 2020)
Coronavirus Part II – China (Feb. 2020)
Coronavirus Part III (Mar. 2020 )
Coronavirus Part IV (May 2020) 
Coronavirus Part V (Jun. 2020)
Coronavirus Part VI: (Aug.2020)
Coronavirus: Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn
Covid-19 Horoscope Nov.17, 2019
Covid-19 Politics in Germany
Covid-19, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis
Gemini’s Twin Approaches to Covid-19
Herd Immunity Versus Containment
Neptune in Pisces: Viruses & Deception (Feb. 2020)
Neptune in Pisces: Mass Deception? (Mar. 2020)
Rockefeller, WHO, Gates, WEF
Sweden’s Approach to Coronavirus
Sweden – Versus Britain, France, Italy, Germany
Swine Flu – Hoax 2009?

WHO: World Health Organisation Crisis
Like all organisations and corporate bodies, the World Health Organisation has an horoscope that can be tracked throughout its development, unfoldment and crystallisation. There are cycles that any entity experiences and WHO is currently under attack from many quarters – because of its alleged ineptitude. President Trump has just called a halt to US funding of WHO.

WHO is an Aries sun, indicating a forceful and pioneering leadership – the recent full moon of Aries fell right on WHO’s sun, pushing it into the spotlight. Transiting Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn have recently squared the Aries sun, bringing its problems into focus. The 12 pm chart has Cancer rising, most apt for the care and nurturement of Humanity. The Moon is in Pisces, expressing empathy and loving understanding.

But the Moon’s conjunction to Mercury in Pisces, can be subject to manipulation by others – or be outright deceptive. Mercury is in an appropriately dynamic T-square formation with Hygiea in Gemini opposite Jupiter in Sagittarius – infusing WHO with high ideals in health standards, but not necessarily the ability to achieve them. This is WHO’s biggest crisis since it was formed in 1948 – whose director-general said that Covid-19 was the biggest crisis since WWII.

World Health Organisation

Hygiea and Askeplius

Currently, WHO is coming up for its Hygiea return by early June, whilst the progressed sun in Gemini is almost conjunct Hygiea (exact by Feb.2021), thereby contributing to the crisis. A crisis that contains many smaller crises – mismanagement, manipulation by donors, corporate interests, poor funding etc.

WHO’s problems also highlight the entire approach of Western or allopathic medicine, its entwinement with big pharma and mineral drugs, vaccinations etc. – versus a more balanced approach to wholistic health and immunity (Hygiea).

It appears there is alot going on behind the scenes with WHO at the moment. It has an annual $2 billion budget, to which USA contributes $900,000 – whilst the UK ($250 M) and donors like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ($40 billion budget) make up the rest. Bill Gates has become a high profile figure during this epidemic, with many media interviews – advocating vaccinations, digital ID’s etc.

Is Bill Gates a genuine philanthropist or pushing more selfish agendas?

With the USA pulling out of WHO funding, it certainly leaves a void to be filled that might just be Gates – who has been increasing his involvement with WHO in the past several years. Gates is Cancer rising, with an Aries moon and Scorpio sun. What seems to be emerging is that several richly endowed charitable foundations like the Gates’ – are driving or dictating global health policy.

There is a shadow expression of all signs and planets, and for Cancer it can be an overt control and manipulation. Aries might forcefully and belligerently ride roughshod over everyone else. The recent full moon during Aries fell precisely on WHO’s sun in Aries, amplifying both positive and negative aspects of its personality expression.

The Covid-19 virus has exposed the crystallised Western or “allopathic” system of medicine that treats symptoms but fails to address disharmony produced by other underlying causes or diseases. Of course, modern medicine with its associated diagnostic technologies, surgeries, medicines and skills has reached a great summit of achievement – this must be acknowledged. But modern medical treatment often involves prescription drugs whose combinations were never intended to be applied to the human body:

“One of the great errors into which the human family has fallen has been the endeavour to administer mineral drugs to man for medicinal purposes. It has resulted in a combination of deva substances which was never intended.

The relation of man to the lower kingdoms, and particularly to the animal and mineral, has brought about a peculiar condition in the deva world and has tended to complicate deva evolution. The use of animal food (and the use of minerals as medicine in a lesser degree) has produced a commingling of deva substance, and of vibrations which are not attuned to each other.”1

Since early last century, the spectre of Big Pharma has over-shadowed the world with these kind of archaic attitudes, treating human beings as a way to make vast profits. In recent years many of these companies have been slapped with huge fines of billions of dollars for unethical business practices, which for most companies were a small “tax” to pay – a slap on the wrist.

The world is witnessing today a greater awareness emerging about the pitfalls of modern medicine – its “glamour of scientific authority” which the world has accepted during this crisis, somewhat unquestioningly, cowed by governments and propaganda.

Then there is the problem of medicine’s unhealthy co-dependent relationship with Big Pharma and the perennial money-go-round; its insidious incentive practices of rewarding doctors who prescribe the latest drug. The following points are the main recent criticisms of WHO in terms of how it functions:

1. “WHO took no notice of Taiwan when they reported their concern on the severity of coronavirus last December 2019. WHO mostly ignored our messages and never shared information as they do to other countries.”2

2. WHO was accused of being “China-centric” (Trump). WHO “helping Communist China cover up a global pandemic.” Academia and NGOs argue that since start of coronavirus crisis, WHO has caved in to nationalist bullies, praised draconian quarantine measures and failed to protect the liberal international order of which it is a linchpin.

You’ve got a situation where it looks like WHO doesn’t want to exercise its authority,” said David Fidler, a fellow in global health at the Council on Foreign Relations and a regular consultant to the WHO.”3

3. “WHO’s leaders are “very frustrated,” said John MacKenzie, a virologist and adviser on the WHO’s emergency committee. “The messages come out loud and clear, and some disregard the warnings. The US largely did, the UK largely did.”4

4. “WHO “has been drained of power and resources”, said Richard Horton, editor of the influential medical journal the Lancet. “Its coordinating authority and capacity are weak. Its ability to direct an international response to a life-threatening epidemic is non-existent.”5


Other accusations against WHO call into question the relation between modern allopathic practices, drugs, vaccines etc. Critics are saying that Covid-19 is one of the biggest frauds in history, designed to manipulate economies, suppress dissent and push mandated medicine:

1. WHO promotes stereotypical Western medical education that is not focussed upon people healing themselves; a view of health that does not treat the human organism wholistically, or promote nutrition that bolsters the immune system – to ward off disease.

WHO promotes modern physician treatment of medicine and vaccinations, creating generations of doctors who become automatons for Big Pharma, doling out prescriptions. This latter group has a huge influence on funding for medical research and medical education.

2. WHO has been compromised by one of its major funders and influencers – Bill Gates – who appears to have a fanatical adherence to the idea of compulsory vaccination for the entire planet, world depopulation and electronic ID’s/medical certificates/tracking – so called “surveillance  capitalism”. (See Robert F. Kennedy’s recent critiques of Gates.)

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has a budget of around $40 billion, WHO a paltry $2 billion. Gates is funding various companies that are developing all these technologies, as well as many other connections to Big Pharma, Big Ag – companies like Monsanto for which he has been heavily criticised:

“The Gates Foundation and related entities such as CEPI constitute the largest funders of the public-private entity known as WHO, and that its current director, Tedros Adhanom, the first WHO director in history who is not a medical doctor – worked for years on HIV with the Gates Foundation when Tedros was a government minister in Ethiopia … we see that there is practically no area of the current coronavirus pandemic, where the footprints of the omnipresent Gates are not to be found. If that is to the good of mankind or grounds to be worried, time will tell.”6

Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of hijacking WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases – clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development. They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal fetish – that good health only comes in a syringe.

In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy – and use Gates’ power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.

3. WHO Director General, Tedros Adhanom – is a personal friend of Dr. Anthony Fauci – the “de facto” public health spokesperson for the US government during the pandemic and a strong advocate of ongoing social distancing efforts in the United States.

“Fauci is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) He is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on infectious diseases – as a physician with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), serving in public health for over 50 years.”7

It has been argued that Dr. Fauci and White House medical expert Dr. Birx – grossly exaggerated pandemic numbers that led to a panic driven search for medical supplies, compromising the US economy.

Fauci advocates things will never go back to normal unless there are mass-vaccinations, echoing Bill Gates’ assertion that mass gatherings in our culture “may not come back at all” before mass-vaccinations. (Of note is that Fauci means “sickle” in Italian – a symbol of Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, which is his sun sign!) Fauci has also made the most contradictory statements:

“On March 26, in a peer-reviewed article in the highly reputed New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Dr. Anthony Fauci …, likened COVID19 to a stronger than usual common flu:

If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%.

This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza … rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.”8

“The company Moderna is one of at least 21 companies working on a Coronavirus vaccine, which they expect will go into clinical trials in April. Dr. Fauci has heaped praise on Moderna and said that a vaccine is the only way to definitively assure the end of the virus. Gates is working on multiple Coronavirus vaccine projects. Dr. Fauci’s Agency co-partners Bill Gates’ project, funding Coronavirus vaccine candidates that would compete with Chloroquine.”9

“Coincidentally” Fauci’s NIAID funded a study on Bat Coronavirus in 2018, a project that included scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese lab at the center of controversy over their bat research. In addition Gates Foundation monies via CEPI are financing development of a radical new vaccine method known as messenger RNA or mRNA.

They [Gates/Fauci] are co-funding the Cambridge, Massachusetts biotech company, Moderna Inc., to develop a vaccine against the Wuhan novel coronavirus, now called SARS-CoV-2. Moderna’s other partner is NIAID, a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Head of NIAID is Dr Anthony Fauci, the person at the center of the Trump Administration virus emergency response.

Notable about the Fauci-Gates Moderna coronavirus vaccine, mRNA-1273, is that it has been rolled out in a matter of weeks, not years, and on February 24 went directly to Fauci’s NIH for tests on human guinea pigs, not on mice as normal.”10

4. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai – advocate of immune system health.
The observations of this controversial and ardent Sagittarian resonate for many – with some reservations regarding his egocentric sounding claims, to which he refers “humbly”. Not everyone’s cup of tea but nevertheless, scientific “street cred” is important in this crisis:

“Ayyadurai holds four degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), including a Ph.D. in biological engineering, and is a Fulbright grant recipient.”11

In some ways Ayyadurai is at the opposite end of the health spectrum to Fauci, yet also has political motivations, since running for the US Senate; he says that people like Fauci and big pharma promote fear of infectious disease, then promote an utopia of vaccinations that will solve all.

Ayyadurai distills some of the big issues coming up now, how medical education has been built on big pharma. Dirty air, water, ag = bad health, big pharma, vaccines/ventilators – VERSUS – building up immune system health and right lifestyle. He says, “our immune system is our “operating system” – above that, all our “apps” run.” Some main points that underpin his philosophy follow:

a. This period represents an intersection of health and science with politics. Fauci, Gates and WHO are creating deliberate fear mongering, suppressing dissent, crashing the economy – to push mandated medicine.

b. Fauci drives the theory that the human immune system is so weak, there is always a virus as a cause. Fauci pushes “fake science” that immune system is attacked by virus.

c. Ayyadurai claims that 2,000 doctors signed a petition against Fauci because they realised that they were victims of the medical/big pharma system. (Fauci supporters tried to get  up a counter petition of Fauci as sexiest man alive! Really, what were they thinking?!)

d. Fauci is on the board of Gates foundation and in a triangular relation with WHO, CDC (Centre for Disease Control) NIH and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) – all linked to the Chinese CDC – creating an international cabal.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

e. Groups like Chan Zuckerberg Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are all about vaccines – where one must be vaccinated to get drivers licence, vaccine identity cards etc. That these mega-rich charitable groups determine and dictate global health policies.

That these groups are avoiding taxes by creating foundations and promoting themselves – but are really building their own government to determine policy through extra governmental organisations; their whole goal is to consolidate power.

f. Diagnostic codes from WHO – covid-19, or “like covid-19” – blur the boundaries of reported deaths – the merging of codes creates false statistics. (This is a big subject that many people are looking into.) Cannibalisation of annual flu numbers, including those who are critically ill – to inflate covid-19 numbers. Annual flu numbers are hence decreasing.

g. Financial incentives have been created for hospitals, where doctors are being encouraged to put cause of death as Covid-19. Hospital administrators are linked to supply chains that must turn a profit. There are protocols for tagging certain diagnoses and “cooking the books” statistically – to support mandatory vaccines.

h. Ventilators are not the solution for lungs – they enhance a “cytokine storm” on the alveoli sacs in the lungs – creating more problems.

i. The big picture is to create human automatons – which is far less expensive than creating robots. Biotech, manipulating health and bloodstream enables control and observation of populations. Goal to create a monolithic “top down” system like China, via “crony capitalism” – not invention and innovation from the “bottom up”.

There are many other commentators similar to Dr Shiva, such as Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Mikovits (must listen!), Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil, Consultant Surgeon from UK’s NHS. It is important for us to inform ourselves at this critical stage to cut through the mass maya and propaganda that makes clear discernment difficult. The mainstream media serves to promote the current paradigm and that is not necessarily in everyone’s best interests.

The following video is worth watching the whole 1hr 4min – two experienced Californian doctors in microbiology and immunology – who look at the numbers with strict science and statistics:

COVID-19 Briefing: Current Quarantine Approach Wrong Based on Science (Dr Erickson & Dr Massihi).

Trump’s Historic Rejection of WHO
The entire lockdown approach to coronavirus (versus herd immunity), has been driven by the World Health Organisation and highly influential forces within it and without – namely people like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Neil Ferguson of London Imperial College.

That policy has not only driven the USA, but the entire planet – into an unprecedented and largely unquestioning abeyance of so-called “medical authority” – that has imposed these restrictions.

Now cracks have begun to appear in this approach, with demonstrations defying the lockdown ban, economies threatened, food supply chains interrupted, social distancing forecast for the next few years etc. Various nations like Sweden and Taiwan have followed a largely successful herd immunity approach, with testing procedures and optional social distancing.

Some countries have surprisingly low statistics, that is of course if deaths are being reported or recorded accurately. Take the south-east Asia nations for instance, with a combined population of 244 million: Thailand (2931 cases/52 deaths), Cambodia (122/0), Myanmar (146/5), Laos (19/0) and Vietnam (270/0). 57 deaths out of 244 million! One wonders about these figures, given these nations’ close association and proximity to China.

Trump’s decision to not only withhold funding from WHO, but USA’s latest refusal to participate in WHO’s vaccine program, may have broken the log jam. These next weeks and months will see how well the river flows. (Note, the author is not a political supporter of Trump!) In a recent post about Mercury’s passage in Aries, it was stated:

“Hence, for two weeks both Venus and Mercury are in the signs of their esoteric rulerships, moving into harmonious relation with one another April 15-19, bolstering with progressive ideas and initiatives, the already potent position of Venus in Gemini – right human relations.”

Donald Trump

Trump made his decision on April 16, when transiting Mercury in Aries was not only in harmonious sextile to transiting Venus in Gemini, but exactly square Trump’s natal Mercury in Cancer – ruler of his Gemini sun. This square of transiting Mercury mirrored the point of extreme tension involved in his decision-making process.

USA’s Mercury is also in Cancer, and Trump’s Mercury in the same sign might reflect his gut instincts for the nation as a whole. It is interesting to note that Trump has some major synastries with WHO’s horoscope:

Trump Sun conjunct WHO Uranus in Gemini.
Trump Hygiea conjunct WHO sun in Aries.
Trump Jupiter opposite WHO sun in Aries.
Trump Venus conjunct WHO ascendant in Cancer.
Another astrologer makes some astute observations about the current situation:

Pence, Fauci, Trump and Dr. Birx.

“Recently, European leaders floated the idea of breaking restrictions, governors of the American states carried on their own discussions to plan for gradual return to full operative status, and then American president Donald Trump did the same even more forcefully in the last couple of days.

For many, the key development in the last few days has been what would appear to be a decision on the part of Donald Trump to reject the plans and policies recommended by multi-billionaire Bill Gates, who several times in recent weeks has advocated complete planetary lockdown, until a covid vaccine meeting his specifications could be developed and brought to market through his various vaccine-manufacturing business entities.

If Trump is willing to re-start the American economy in absence of such a vaccine, the reasoning goes, it would appear that Trump is not intimidated by either Gates or the covid virus. There’s a good reason why this might be so: the numbers. Actual deaths in the U.S. have proven to be significantly less than what was originally projected. Ever the political strategist and image-maker, Trump could not allow himself to be responsible for destroying the American economy without justification.

With transiting Pluto in results-demanding Capricorn positioned in long-term and relentless opposition to Trump’s natal Saturn in parental Cancer, Trump is under immense pressure coming from multiple directions, both inside and out.

This is the kind of jack-hammer tectonic stress that can actually pulverize the hard shell of ego and self-hood. We all know better than to expect miracles of spiritual unfoldment from the hard-nosed Trump, but in his recent decision to reinstate operation of the American economy, he may well have made a decision which serves the purposes of freedom for the masses.

Of course, he probably didn’t conceptualize the situation that way. Instead, Trump was confronted with this question: Is it more to my advantage to risk additional covid deaths by terminating the social-distancing order, or more to my advantage to risk literally devastating the American nation through enforced nonproductivity? This is the sort of devil’s choice which is often faced under a Pluto transit.

In all likelihood, Trump eyed the numbers and saw the obvious implication: although there have been approximately 36,000 American deaths attributed to covid since December 2019, this number is actually a very small fraction of the entire American population. (Covid-assigned deaths in the U.S.: 1 in every 10,000 persons.)

Pragmatist that he is, Trump would have perceived this bottom line rather starkly, whether he states such from the presidential podium or not. In plain terms, then, the loss of life from covids simply did not merit the complete dismantling of the American economy and the inevitable political backlash from taking such a course.

As a result, Trump’s announcements of Thursday April 16 and Friday April 17 represent a key point indicating a definite shift in the outlook for the American nation and for the world as a whole. Here’s what Starfire Messenger predicted for this same period in the previous issue.

“Matters calm down Thursday April 16 through Saturday April 18 as Mercury in Aries makes the sextile to Venus in Gemini, bringing positive information to our attention. A degree of relief is felt.”12

We can blame governments, but they are several levels down the chain of causality. If as some believe that this virus was a manufactured bio-weapon or accidentally released from a lab, there is much evidence to support this so called conspiracy theory. There is the most immediate blameworthy cause – and the forces that were behind that, whether Chinese or American – whatever their motives were and why they chose to inflict this virus on humanity.

The next level down are the agendas entwined within WHO, vaccine big pharma etc, who made several blunders in their warnings in Dec. 2019, then made contradictory statements in 2020, confusing various governments as to a course of action – herd immunity or lockdown. In the end most nations went with the hardline Chinese approach, still freshly impressed in everyone’s minds.

UK started with herd immunity then changed to lockdown, possibly creating an even worse outcome. WHO is going through perfect transits for its transformation and now it is unfolding, courtesy of planets in Capricorn square to its Aries sun.

St. Corona of northern Italy.

The vaccine agenda has been pushed by Gates and Fauci for several years, perhaps naively thinking that it is the only solution, seeing through their own lenses of approach – or perhaps there were other more complex material motivations. Fauci made a prediction in 2017 that there would be a major virus “surprise outbreak” during Trump’s presidency.

With all these obfuscations, it has been very difficult to perceive what is going on, and most people have decided its just too hard to figure out, going along with the lockdown option – for now.

Only in the ensuing months and years, with more accurate statistics gathered, will greater clarity emerge between the two approaches of herd immunity and containment. And yet more lockdowns and other virus strains are predicted – perpetuating indefinitely current fears and anxieties, healthwise and economically.

Rockefeller, WHO, Gates, WEF
John D. Rockefeller Sr. was referred to in the Taurus 2020 newsletter, as an example of one of the oil magnates who selfishly cornered wealth with his dubious business practices.

However, later he followed the example of self-improvement author Dale Carnegie by giving away his wealth and setting up the Rockefeller Foundation. Later that foundation helped to found WHO, a privately funded organisation associated with the United Nations.

As stated in the introduction, the wider dimension to this crisis is claimed to be a deliberate global plan called “Lockstep” (as in “lockdown”) – initiated by the Rockefeller Foundation in May 2010, as one of four scenarios for human survival. (See this PDF document.) It appears now, exactly ten years later, that this is one of four plans that has been “chosen” to come into effect:

“LOCK STEP – A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback. (You can read several pages of details in the PDF document link above.)

CLEVER TOGETHER – A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies emerge for addressing both urgent and entrenched worldwide issues. [Preferable!]

HACK ATTACK – An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge.

SMART SCRAMBLE – An economically depressed world in which individuals and communities develop localized, makeshift solutions to a growing set of problems.

As described earlier, WHO is an evolving entity that has recently come under powerful influence by Gates through considerable funding. Amongst Gates’ other prolific fundings are the major bodies that drove lockdown policy around the world:

– Centre for Disease Control (CDC): $3,703,548,844.
– Imperial College London: $288,751,475.
– Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) – University of Washington: 1.2 $billion.

In the Coronavirus (Part I) Mar. 2020 newsletter, there were references to some amazing, well documented “coincidences” in October 2019 – enumerated in this abbreviated version below:

1. Simulation of coronavirus pandemic – Oct. 18, 2019. “Experts from Johns Hopkins University [heavily funded by Gates] the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for “Event 201” in New York City. “The eight-hour panel brought together leaders in business, government and public health to play a team of presidential advisers modelling the response to a worldwide pandemic of coronavirus.

The scenario began three months in with 500,000 cases globally. By the end of the simulation, a mock news broadcast described the carnage. “Twenty months into one of the worst pandemics the world’s ever known, there’s still no vaccine,” the newsreader says. “The World Health Organisation estimates 150 million people have died, approximately 2 per cent of the global population. [Similar to the London Imperial College exaggerations.] The US, along with the rest of the world, is in its worst economic depression in history. The Dow Jones is down 90 cent, GDP down 50 per cent, unemployment running at 20 per cent.”

2. World Military Games held in Wuhan October 18-27. A Chinese whistleblower claimed on a video that a faction of the Chinese government attempted to infect U.S. military personnel with the 2019-nCoV Coronavirus – during the 2019 Military World Games held in Wuhan. It was also claimed that Wuhan officials were vaccinated in advance of the outbreak and it was the perfect cover for a foreign nation to release a weaponized biological agent.10 China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case has been traced back to November 17, just a few weeks after the earlier October dates for the military games.

3. Netflix series “Pandemic” released January 21, 2020. At the height of China’s crisis, with episodes titled, “Pandemic Is Now”, “Seek Don’t Hide” and “Don’t Stop Now” – raised eyebrows, with many describing it as “creepy” and “suspicious”.11

Note that the pandemic simulation and the world military games were on the same dates in October 2019.

Oct. 18, 2019 – Pandemic simulation “Event 201” held in NYC – WHO, Gates, government agencies.
Oct.18-27 – Wuhan military games, city that is home to a WHO-funded, high security virus lab.
Nov.17 – earliest confirmed case of Covid-19 virus in China.

Further dates that emerge in 2020:

Jan.1, 2020 – China announces the virus to the world.
Jan.21 – Netflix quietly releases its new series Pandemic.
Jan.24-27 – WEF (World Economic Forum) in Davos meets to discuss global problems and economic policy.
Jan.30 – WHO declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency – with only 150 known cases outside of China.
Feb-March – Covid-19 spreads throughout the world, with most nations implementing containment strategy.
March 11 – WHO declared a pandemic, giving a green light for implementing the 2010 “Lockstep” plan.

Now in May 2020, many health professionals all over the world are questioning if lockdown and social distancing are the right approach. Many acknowledge that this was the right step initially because not much was known about the virus. But later, with the hindsight of months of statistics and practically working with patients, not only is the containment approach being questioned, but the motives and other propaganda associated with it – i.e. WHO agendas, big pharma etc.

The Master’s View on Vaccinations
The subject of vaccinations was a hot topic a century ago for the spiritually health-oriented. Even though vaccines are far more sophisticated today, some of them even more dangerous, especially since the abolition in 1989 of vaccine rules – the following comments are worth reflecting upon:

“On Inoculations. What is the standing or value of inoculation or vaccination from an occult or esoteric standpoint?” This question is often in the minds of healers as they ask the further question which is the real basis of their interest, “Does it affect the subtler bodies?  How?”

There is no occult standard or value in inoculation, any more than there is an occult standard or value in giving a hypodermic injection. The entire question concerning serums and inoculations has been tremendously overemphasised by the so-called occult students. The human body, at the present time, is the recipient of such a vast amount of substance, extraneously precipitated into the interior of the body, that the whole subject is of vaster import, yet of lesser importance, than men think.

Such is the paradox which I present to you. Wrong food of every kind, the inhalation of smoke down the centuries, the breathing in of tainted air, the taking of medicines and pills and tablets of every possible description, the rifling of the vegetable and mineral kingdoms in search of their ingredients, and the injection of mineral substances, of drugs and of serums, till one wonders sometimes at the remarkable assimilative powers of the human frame.

The Amazon jungle, source of many healing medicines.

In all fairness, however, I would remind you that, as far as the physical well-being of man is concerned, these methods and techniques of the West have resulted in the production of a healthier race than in the East, in a very definite prolongation of human life, and in the elimination of many dire physical scourges which used to take their toll of man. This I, an Oriental, do admit. I have stated the situation thus in order to expand your view from the specific to the whole.

In relation to disease and inoculation, I would remind you that there are three groups of diseases which are not peculiar to man, but which are indigenous in the planet itself. These diseases are found in widely differing forms, in all the kingdoms in nature.  These three families or groups of diseases are: 1. The great cancer group of diseases. 2. The syphilitic group. 3. Tuberculosis.

Most of the objections made by doctors with occult tendencies are based unconsciously on a feeling that there should be higher methods of controlling diseases in man than by injecting into the human body substance taken from the bodies of animals.

That is most surely and definitely correct, and some day it will be demonstrated. Another reaction on their part is one of sensitive disgust, again largely unrecognised. A more vital objection should be based on the suffering entailed on the animals providing the vaccine and other substances.

The effect on the inner bodies is practically nil, and far less than the diseases themselves.  Herein lies for the future a most interesting question. How far do diseased conditions in the human body carry through and affect the inner bodies from the structural angle? It is a question I do not intend to answer.

The controlling of modern disease is being handled by modern medicine primarily in three ways: through the science of sanitation, through preventive medicine, and through inoculation. These are the lower correspondences to methods of activity emanating from the astral plane, from the etheric levels, and from the earth itself.

The science of sanitation, the use of water, and the growing knowledge of hydrotherapy are the precipitation on earth of certain inner activities on the astral plane of a most definite nature.  From the angle of the aspirant, these methods are called purification.

The science of prevention (both of diseases and of death) is the precipitation on earth of certain modes of procedure on the etheric plane whereby forces are correctly used and certain destructive agencies are controlled and prevented from going the destructive way.

The science of inoculation is purely physical in origin and concerns only the animal body. This latter science will shortly be superseded by a higher technique, but the time is not yet.”13

The Argument for Herd Immunity Versus Containment
Professor Knut Wittkowski says that the containment  approach to the coronavirus is counterproductive and that people are “more docile than they should be and stand up for their rights”.

Wittkowski was head of The Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design – for twenty years. The option of containment and social distancing by most nations is for many observers – ridiculous. There are now marches and demonstrations emerging in various nations, let alone a flood of articles and essays – challenging social isolation methods.

Note: Another video interview with Wittkowski was removed by YouTube censorship. This video is used instead.

People being arrested going for a swim by themselves, walking out in the country etc. Yet cities like London have twenty planes per day/per nation – coming in from USA, Iran, Italy etc. – without testing passengers! This is just one example of the multitude of contradictions world-wide. Why can no one can give a logical explanation of how sitting by oneself in the sun on the beach, isolated from others – somehow constitutes a health risk, when its OK to go into a big department store with hundreds of people?

Police about to arrest a paddle boarder at Malibu for “violating stay at home orders”.

Hence many are asking, is this a big con? Is Humanity being cowed into fear via media mania, like obedient sheep following the herd, conforming to the will of misinformed governments – who in turn are being dictated to by “medical authority” or corporate interests?

These themes are all enumerated widely over the internet and in this newsletter – government/corporate control, vaccinations, mass manipulation, micro-chipping etc. As head of The Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Wittkowski examines statistics, giving some thought-provoking arguments in the video above.

Sweden’s Approach to Coronavirus

Professor Johan Giesecke is one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Swedish strategy), the first Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and an advisor to the director general of the WHO.

Its interesting to note in this interview, that the key factor which made the UK reverse their original herd immunity approach (which this epidemiologist advocates) – was the non-peer reviewed paper from London’s Imperial College and its director, Neil Ferguson’s recommendations. The “authority” of that paper drove government lockdown policy in many other countries with its ludicrous, exaggerated speculations that drove decision-makers into fear:

“…predicting 2.2 million Americans and more than half a million Brits would be killed. After both the U.S. and U.K. governments effectively shut down their citizens and economies, Ferguson is walking back his doomsday scenarios.”14

People take photos among blooming cherry trees in Stockholm, Sweden, on March 22, 2020.

Some of the main points Giesecke makes in the video:

– The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only. This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product.” The initial UK response, before the “180 degree U-turn”, was better.

– The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and he has never seen an unpublished paper have so much policy impact. The paper was very much too pessimistic. Any such models are a dubious basis for public policy anyway.

– The flattening of the curve is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as the lockdown. The results will eventually be similar for all countries.

– Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people. The actual fatality rate of Covid-19 is the region of 0.1%.

In late April, Sweden said that their “looser regime” means that it is better placed to face a second wave, according to its chief epidemiologist:

“Sweden has favoured civic responsibility over mandatory rules, closing senior high schools and banning gatherings of more than 50 people, but asking rather than ordering people [democratic approach] to avoid non-essential travel, work from home and stay indoors if they are over 70 or feeling ill. Shops, restaurants and junior schools have stayed open …

… Sweden’s relatively high death toll was because “as many as 50% of deaths had come in care homes for the elderly, which have banned visitors” so it was “hard to know how a lockdown would have stopped that””15

Sweden has many more care homes for the elderly than all the other Scandinavian nations, hence its high mortality rate – which Giesecke acknowledges could have been better handled. Nevertheless, in late April/early May many European nations are preparing to return to work, schools, businesses – in varying capacities.

The following video listed earlier is worth watching for its comments about Sweden and Norway, as well as the USA. Worth watching the whole 1hr 4min – two experienced Californian doctors in microbiology and immunology – who look at the numbers – with strict science, statistics and hands-on experience.

Boris Johnson’s Encounter with Coronavirus
Whatever one’s political affiliations, the cultivation of compassion and courage create the bedrock for Humanity to navigate this global crisis together. On the eve of the Aries solar festival, Boris Johnson entered a critical phase, after being admitted to intensive care on April 6. He was given oxygen therapy and soon recovered after several days. Johnson has several difficult transits and progressions for 2020:

1. Saturn in Aquarius square Moon in Scorpio. This is a traditional transit pertaining to death because the moon is a symbol of the form or body. Saturn in Reaper mode exerts a considerable restraint upon that form, and is also the lord of karma. In that week, transiting Mars joined Saturn in Aquarius to amplify the exact square to the moon in Scorpio. Saturn will make two more squares to the moon in mid-June and late December 2020.

2. Transiting Venus in Gemini conjunct Mars. When Johnson was moved to intensive care, Venus was passing over Mars in the 8th house of death – Venus also rules this house. Furthermore, Venus was squaring with Johnson’s progressed MC (career) and Uranus – indicating a sudden turn of events and change of fortune. (Similarly, transiting Uranus was activating this point by trine aspect.) Johnson is a Gemini with several planets in that sign, hence Venus will activate them a few times – right through to August.

3. Venus, Uranus, Saturn, SA Asc in Grand Cross The last point is involved in a more complex formation of a grand cross, particularly BJ’s solar directed Ascendant square to natal Saturn in Pisces. There are tremendous forces at work here, culminating when transiting Venus reaches its exact square to Uranus-Saturn April 9-10. That culmination saw Johnson released from intensive care back into the ward, then a few days later released from hospital.

4. Progressed Moon in Scorpio conjunct Neptune. Again, the moon is the ruler of the form and has progressed to his second house which is esoterically prana and vitality. Neptune rules over infectious diseases and hard to diagnose ailments – Neptune is opposite Jupiter in the 8th house. Scorpio is a sign of great trials and tests, a sign of death – to the personality and/or physically. Death by Covid-19 occurs often with ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome – or suffocation. It interesting to note that Scorpio rules over “suffocation” in a non-physical sense:

“The death by suffocation in Scorpio releases [wo]man into the planetary centre which we call the Hierarchy”16 Scorpio rules Humanity as a whole and hence this passage hints at the vast millions who are presently “reversing the wheel” and/or taking the first initiation.

5. Transiting Neptune in Pisces square Mercury in Gemini. Until the end of 2021. Neptune active again, squaring Mercury, the ruler of the Gemini personality. Gemini rules the lungs and Neptune rules over bodily fluids and the bloodstream. Neptune was also conjunct Chiron, the “wounded healer” in the sixth house of health, activating Chiron’s square to natal Mercury in Gemini.

As discussed in several newsletters, Johnson’s Mercury in Gemini (the “trickster”) was prominent all through the Brexit crisis, and opposed Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius. In early April, transiting Mercury was also conjunct transiting Neptune, activating and amplifying the long term transit of Neptune to natal Mercury.

6. SA Pluto in Capricorn opposite SA Mars in Cancer. Exact to the minute. Pluto, like Saturn is associated with death and its opposition to Mars indicates battle, struggle and turmoil – on all levels. Mars rules the 7th house of relationships and the 2nd house – esoterically the area of life experience pertaining to prana, the use of energy, control of the form, withdrawal from matter, or acquisition of spiritual powers.

Boris Johnson survived, but some of these long term transits may still keep him vulnerable for a while. Perhaps his trying experience may have been a Road to Damascus moment, saying later that the NHS “saved his life”. Now Johnson is officially back as Prime Minister but still looks ill – no doubt finding himself at the centre of a chaotic storm, emotionally and politically.

Coronavirus Part V

Phillip Lindsay © 2020.
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  1. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p. 645. []
  2. Financial Times []
  3. The Guardian []
  4. The Guardian []
  5. The Guardian []
  6. New Eastern Outlook journal. []
  7. Wikipedia []
  8. []
  9. National File []
  10. National File []
  11. Wikipedia []
  12. The Starfire Messenger by Maureen Richmond. Email: []
  13. Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.322-4. []
  14. []
  15. The Guardian []
  16. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.98. []

2 Responses to Coronavirus Part IV: WHO. Vaccinations. Gates, Fauci. Sweden – Herd Immunity.

  1. sharon Lyon says:

    Brilliant overview – thankyou !

  2. Celeste says:

    Such a thorough investigation and reporting…… grateful

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