12 Responses to Aquarius 2019: New Group of World Servers. British Labour Party. Arnold Toynbee. USA. Trump.

  1. Hello Phillip, thank you for your great newsletter. Where I could find more information related with your sentence: “Toynbee was probably an advanced disciple working with the Master of his ashram – or was he actually the Master in incarnation”?

    1. Phillip Lindsay says:

      Ivan, This is speculation of course, which only one’s intuition can verify. If you go to the book quoted in the article, there is quite a bit more commentary. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.647. Also, I covered this in my book, Masters of the Seven Rays: Their Past Lives and Reappearance.

  2. Joseph A Lyons says:

    This article is just so perfectly accurate , so much so that I take my hat off to you, saluting you as an honest observer of the human nature of world politicians; I am at the moment part way through reading Alice Bailey’s book ‘Problems of Humanity” much of what you say is in this book. I can only presume that you too have read it; hence the parallel of information that you have updated with the present world political climate (I now have the complete series of Alice Bailey’s books). As an aged pensioner I am limited financially; however as a subscriber to your newsletter as my pecunary position improves I shall be purchasing your books in the near future.

  3. Nancy Connally says:

    Wonderful, Phillip! This paragraph from your post: “If all the aspirants of the world and all the disciples at work in the world today will submerge their personal interests in the task immediately ahead, we shall have what I might pictorially call the opening of a great station of light on earth, and the founding of a powerhouse which will greatly hasten the evolution and elevation of humanity, and the unfoldment of the human consciousness.” Es. Psy I, p. 315

    Sounds like the ‘station of light’ and ‘founding of a powerhouse’ that most of us are familiar with reading about is possibly referring to both the Third Initiation of Transfiguration of Humanity and the ‘True transfiguration of the Seventh Initiation of Resurrection’. The 3rd initiation appears to be the beginning of the establishment of both the station of Light and powerhouse of the Soul on earth for the assistance of the unfoldment of consciousness of humanity. And, as we know the 3rd initiation is supposed to occur in this Fifth Root race (Light of the Soul, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali p. 215 (AAB)

    We know further that prior to the 3rd initiation, the power of the monadic centre is felt in the consciousness of the disciple who is ready for the third initiation. Once the second initiation has been taken, the watching Hierarchy can begin to note the constant reorientation of the soul towards the monad, and the attractive power of that highest aspect over the initiate. Destiny of the Nations, p. 120 (AAB)

    Therefore, the importance of the seeding of the energy of Synthesis into our Planetary Life to become part of the consciousness of the new civilization prior to the event of Transfiguration and beyond. For we know that although our Solar System is developing and unfolding the Divine Aspect of Love-Wisdom in this Second Solar System before it is completed, perhaps it must demonstrate all three Aspects of intelligent Activity (through love-Wisdom) ; Love-Wisdom (Through Love-Wisdom) and Sacrifice/synthesis/will (through Love-Wisdom).

    The Third initiation of humanity is only a step in the right direction for the consummation of this solar system to occur. For it appears that humanity must and will take the Fifth initiation in this Second Solar System, in order for the Solar Logos to achieve His Purpose:

    “The consummation of all for this solar system will be when the Logos takes His fifth initiation. When all the sons of men attain the fifth initiation, He achieves. This is a great mystery and incomprehensible to us.” EA p. 25

    Esoteric students are aware that the Base of the Spine and the Head Centre are related at the fifth Initiation.

    DK also writes about this earthly ‘powerhouse’ and ‘station of light’ with its eventual cosmic implications and perhaps this is when all the preliminary work has been done and we are speaking of the 7th initiation of resurrection. DK explains that the long-range vision of Hierarchy goes beyond the unfoldment of the Soul of Humanity: “In these four statements we have sought to express the wider [Page 218] possibility or occasion as the Hierarchy sees it today. Their plans and purposes are destined and oriented to a larger accomplishment than it is as yet possible for normal man to vision. If it were not so, the unfoldment of the soul in man would be a prime objective in the planet. But this is not the case. It may be so from the point of view of man himself, considering him as an essentially separable and identifiable unity in the great cosmic scheme. But it is not so for that greater whole of which humanity is only a part. Those great Sons of God, Who have passed beyond the point of development of those Masters Who work entirely with the human kingdom, have plans of a still vaster and broader sweep, and Their objectives involve humanity only as an item in the Plan of the great Life “in whom we live and move and have our being.” Eso. Psy II, pp. 217-218

  4. Pete Jeffs says:

    Thank you kindly for your latest article, Phillip.

    What you say about the British Labour Party is fascinating. Following your last post concerning Brexit, I studied several of the charts mentioned and note that when we compare the charts for the Act of Union 1801 and the date at which the UK is currently supposed to leave the EU at 23h 29 March 2019, we have Saturn/Pluto/South Node conjunction in Capricorn opposing the Act of Union 1801 Chart Moon in Cancer (19° Cancer) which you equate with the Union’s shadow. 

    This date, 29 March 2019, also involves a Grand Trine between the Act of Union Moon (19° Cancer), Act of Union 1801 Neptune (18° Scorpio) and the Neptune of the Leave date chart (17° Pisces). The Moon on the North Node as such evokes a future destiny coloured by past illusions of grandeur. Illusion has indeed played a huge role in the Brexit process — we now reach a point that the illusions have so distorted all perceptions of reality that Government (Saturn in Capricorn) is no longer able to function (Saturn in Capricorn conjunct Pluto on the South Node). Concerning specifically Neptunian influences in the Leave Campaigns of disinformation, you might be interested in a recent film entitled “Brexit, an uncivil war”  which presents a very interesting and detailed analysis of this whole process. In a key sequence, the actor who plays Dominic Cummings rides back one night to the Leave Campaign offices to amend a first campaign sound bite, from “Take Control” to “Take Back Control”. This won immense support during the referendum period, the word “Back” implying something lost. This was Neptune at work. The force of nostalgia for something “Britannia” has lost is in my view one of the factors that brought victory to the Leave Campaign.

    Pluto is also now conjunct its own South Node (approximately 19° Capricorn at the time of writing), which suggests to me that this process may have consequence far beyond the UK. There is a sense of total incredulity today that in the UK, the current government have already are spending 2 billion each month on Brexit, according to a study published in the respected journal Politico. The government has also been hiring extra ferries from one company that apparently has no ferries, blocking the M26 Motorway in Kent, half of which is apparently to be used as emergency parking facility in the case of customs collapse. The army has been called in. Invalids are known to be stock-piling their medications. This takes place in a background of poverty which now touches 22% of the population — itself an extraordinary fact when according to the Credit Suisse, the UK was ranked as the 5th richest nation in 2018. Despite this, the country feels on the brink of not only structural collapse but that, like a version of Hamlet being played out daily on the TV, with Parliament sleep-walking the UK into a trap orchestrated by a PM who is unable to understand the dangers. Britain is truly in the throes of a constitutional crisis (Saturn conjunct Pluto). It remains to be seen if any on board are conscious of the dangers. 

    The hight of this impasse took place on the 15th January 2019 when Tory MPs voted down the British Prime Minister’s EU Leave deal by 230 votes — so constituting the largest Government defeat in history. The very next day, the MPs who voted down the EU Deal then voted the other way, ensuring that the PM won a vote of no confidence. Currently, there is no Parliamentary majority for anything — neither general election, nor second referendum, nor soft Brexit, nor hard Brexit, nor stop Brexit all together. 

    The system of governance in the UK is stymied and the EU repeatedly asks — what does the UK want?  In a quadruple irony, the PM who has subsequently conflated her position with the slogan “Take back control”, of the Leave campaign, systematically prevents members of Parliament from tabling motions which might unblock the situation. The democratic process cannot function. It remains to be seen in the week to come whether the so-called Boles amendment will be voted through the House. If so, the British Parliament may yet have a chance to block the PM’s strategy of pushing the UK towards a No-Deal Exit from the EU, an exit which the Bank of England and the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) seem powerless to prevent as, in the end, they have no direct traction on the Government, acting only in an advisory capacity.

    On the 29th March 2019, at 23h, the transiting Sun at 8° Aries opposes its ascendant at 6° Libra (2 degrees of orb), whilst squaring the Sun of the British Act of Union (1801) chart, at 10° Capricorn.

    1. Phillip Lindsay says:

      Some excellent observations there Pete. I did not have time in this latest newsletter to compare the charts as you have done, so glad you have shared this. The whole of Brexit has been one Neptunian delusion and emotional nostalgia of recapturing past empire glories. Its also interesting to note that this eclipse falls right on Jupiter in Leo in the 1801 Union chart. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the soul ray of Britain, hence a great chance that Britain’s soul will rise to the occasion!
      Also, transiting Jupiter falls on Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius, so prominent thus far in the Brexit saga. Jupiter will pass back and forth across Mercury three times between now and October 2019. This should have the power to bring about a great reorientation.

  5. Pete Jeffs says:

    Thank you for your kind comments, Phillip, and for drawing attention to the Lunar Eclipse upon the Jupiter placement at 1° of Leo in the Act of Union 1801 chart, and for your point about transiting Jupiter on the 1801 chart Mercury at 17° of Sagittarius.

    What is also fascinating to me here is that John Bercow, the Speaker of the House, has recently allowed certain Back-Bench amendments to pass which in time-honoured tradition would have been over-ruled by the Government. The PM is apparently furious with the Speaker, since what is now unfolding is a rather different “take back control” — not enacted by the UK from the EU, but enacted by Parliament from the Government. Although the Speaker has been robustly criticised by many rightwing Tories, he may indeed be the “man of the moment”, a Mercurial and Jupiterian force, who might in the weeks to come through his own powers and intuitions as Speaker, effect a fundamental change in the flow of power in UK Governance. This hypothesis rides well with your analysis and inspires me to wonder about Mr Bercow’s own natal chart!

    1. Phillip Lindsay says:

      Thanks Pete, Bercow’s chart is very interesting. (19 January 1963. Time unknown.) Currently transiting Uranus has been stationary opposite his Sun in Capricorn, his solar return was just two days ago. Uranus is all about change and revolution, upsetting the status quo. His Mercury is in the first degree of Aquarius opposite the 1801 chart’s Jupiter and of course, powerfully impacted by this eclipse in the first degrees of Leo-Aquarius. As the house speaker, Bercow plays a Mercurial role mediating between the two parties. Of course it is also a Saturnian role for which his Capricorn sun is well suited. His moon in Scorpio is at the same degree as the Labour Party’s – so perhaps some sympathy there but of course he must maintain neutrality.

      Wikipedia says: “A former hardline right-winger who changed his views after becoming an MP and at one time was rumoured to be likely to defect to the Labour Party, Bercow’s election to the Speaker’s chair depended heavily on the backing of other parties.”

  6. suzanne miller says:

    Astounding, as always, Phillip–many thanks for your profound insights–and service. Question—In reference to the quote by DK, [footnote #19]–I would like your ideas on why “a higher initiate” could not have done the work of the [lesser] who did do so, due to “[apparent inability to make things understandable to lesser evolved souls…]. Excuse my ignorance, here, but does not a “higher initiate” also have abilities to be a “step down transformer”, so to speak—or does this indicate a tendency to “leave certain matters to others”, from viewpoint of Hierarchy? [ I’m reminded of your wonderful presentation during the Capricorn “World Servers” webinar , with Michael R., and others, when a listener “opted out”, because she felt “things should be more “simply” put]…Thanks again for YOUR offerings–not “simple”, but certainly, I would think, understandable to most.[Aside from the more “technical aspects”, for some…Suzanne, USA

  7. Vicki L Naas says:

    Dear Phillip Lindsay,

    The English Master, Robert Browning, confirmed to Dr. Douglas Baker, some time ago, that the rising sign of the United States of American is Gemini and not Aquarius. The Master Robert Browning has access to the World greatest astrologer, namely the astrologer to the Masters of the Wisdom. Hopefully, those bona fides are ok with you. I would gladly send you a copy of the USA horoscope by Douglas Baker if you provide an email; this application won’t let me copy it in below.

    I only mention this because your profound interest for truth, esoteric astrology and concern for world affairs necessitates your re-evaluation of this matter. Additionally, you continue to mention Aquarius as the rising sign/soul of the USA and that is not true.

    All good wishes and stay well!

    1. This is an exoteric chart, as is the Sag rising chart. The true esoteric chart is Aquarius rising with sun in Gemini, according to The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul writing through Alice Bailey – one of the Masters of Wisdom. Dr Baker, who I have met, was not right on everything, having studied alot of his books some decades ago. He also based all his astrological writings on DK. I say this as a reminder to many devotional and at times fanatical students of Baker who believe everything he said without discrimination.

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