Aquarius 2024: Pluto in Aquarius. Corporations & Conferences. Davos Man and the WEF. Japan Quake. Trutine of Hermes.
Aquarius Keynote
“Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.”
(Full Moon Jan. 25, 2024. 17.54 UT.)
“… that revealing light only finds Location when the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order is active and in process of manifestation in the three worlds, and necessarily, therefore, upon the seventh plane, the physical plane.
Such a manifestation inevitably takes place in moments of planetary crisis, when the seventh ray is active and when the Sun is in Aquarius. Such a combination of relationships is being established now, for the seventh ray is rapidly coming into manifestation and the Sun is in Aquarius, for the Aquarian Age is just beginning.
The Objective of this combination (which has occurred six times during the period of the fifth root-race) is to bring about illumination and the establishment of order upon the Earth.”1
Pluto Bridges Capricorn to Aquarius
The Sun-Pluto Ingress into Aquarius 2024
Aquarius and Corporations
The World Economic Forum and Aquarius
___ The Cycle of Conferences
___The “New World Order”
___German Themes Old and New
___WEF Horoscope Revisited 2024: German Themes Old and New
Earthquake Japan Jan.1, 2024.
___Japan Airlines Crash Jan.2, 2024
The Conception Chart and the Trutine of Hermes
Capricorn 2023-2024: The year that was and will be ….. (Last month)
Full Moon meditation and talk.
Pluto Bridges Capricorn to Aquarius
New moon cycles are as important as full moon cycles because they are seeding points throughout the year – as preparation for the full moon phase that always follows two weeks later. Ideas seeded at the new moon are amplified or harvested at the full moon. The January 11 new moon in Capricorn had several placements in Capricorn: Sun, Moon, Pluto and Mars (exalted). As is well known, Capricorn’s shadow fosters a deep crystallisation, where old legal structures have become corrupted and misused – requiring reconfiguration and restructuring.
This is where the following sign of Aquarius with its ruler revolutionary Uranus – brings about the transformation needed a reform of the status quo – will it be selfishly or unselfishly motivated? The former most likely will be attempted! At the Jan.25 full moon, the esoteric ruler of Aquarius – Jupiter, is in a tight T-square formation to the Sun/Pluto-Moon opposition (See chart later on.). This holds the promise of a crisis in the law of supply which Capricorn rules – and which Aquarius distributes: “Capricorn—mineral kingdom—money—concrete expression of the Law of Supply”.2
Similarly, Jupiter in Taurus in its fundamental expression represents – money, prana, exchange, possessions and great wealth. Regarding the financial system, the new moon chart might be viewed as a trendsetter for the entire year.
Supercharging these Aquarian themes of distribution, is Pluto making its 2nd ingress of 3 into Aquarius, coinciding with the Sun’s annual entry into this sign – on Jan.21, four days before the full moon of Aquarius-Leo on Jan.25, 2024. Therefore, Pluto’s influence over the entire full moon period will be potent – especially as part of the T-square. Aquarius is an “intellectual” air sign ruled by Uranus, the planet of science (exoteric and esoteric) and Pluto we are told,
“… governs the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions, and its influence is therefore largely cerebral and in that you have the clue to its late discovery. Mankind is only on the verge of becoming mental.”3
This is promising, regarding Humanity’s increasing mental control and developing discrimination between the real and the unreal, lying propaganda and the unvarnished truth! Note Pluto’s new symbol indicates a moving upward, a resurrection from death or dying to the past:
“Pluto, transmitting first ray energy … governs the house of major separations and of death. “The arrow of God pierces the heart and death takes place.” But in this connection it must be remembered that death is definitely brought about by the soul. It is the soul which shoots the arrow of death. (The upward pointing arrow is the astrological symbol of Pluto.)”4
The Sun-Pluto Ingress into Aquarius 2024
On its second of three hits, Pluto entered Aquarius at the same time as the Sun on its annual sojourn, Jan.21, 2024. This is a remarkable “coincidence” because this date represents a pivotal point in the cuspal period between the ages of Pisces and Aquarius – a time of accelerated change and upheaval, influenced by Pluto, the great regenerator.5
Pluto is the esoteric ruler of Pisces, so has been actively engaged in bring that precession cycle to an end through the processes of destruction. Hence Pluto rules the “lesser burning ground”.
Also, Pluto is the ruler of the first ray of will or power, a ray that is coming into pronounced activity through the increasing exposure to Humanity from the Shamballa force – embodying the Planetary Plan, becoming stronger by the year.
It is even speculated that 2025 will be a cycle of a “Shamballa impact” – minor or major, an amplification of The Plan as it emanates from “the will of God” via Sanat Kumara – the custodian of Planetary Purpose.
The polar opposite sign to Aquarius is Leo, which brings the 1st and 5th rays through it. Leo – a sign of mental power and rulership, of individual expression and creativity. With regard to selfish corporate attitudes, Leo the dictator is most certainly invoked.
Pluto rules the first ray of will or power. Therefore, Pluto is connected to cycles based upon the numeral 1, 10, 100, 1000 etc. Pluto’s passage through Aquarius encompasses the year 2030, marking the 100-year anniversary of its discovery in 1930. (2030 is also the date of the UN and WEF’s “sustainable development” goals.) Therefore, Pluto’s strength and influence will increase in the next several years, given that it has not been in human consciousness for very long:
“[Pluto] … governs however the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions, and its influence is therefore largely cerebral and in that you have the clue to its late discovery. Mankind is only on the verge of becoming mental.”6
Another expression would be a stimulation of the masses to rise up against repressive laws, as they did in France in the late 1780’s when Pluto was last in Aquarius. As noted earlier, “Pluto has always been revolving around our sun and producing its effects.”7 Pluto is the planet of power, a power that has been stolen from Humanity and needs to be reclaimed. Just as the storming of the Bastille in 1789 was unpredictable, wild and bloody, starting the French Revolution – so it could be the same in this modern era.
The same mistakes from that era, of a dictatorial and extravagant monarchy, are being repeated on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral today – by a corporate monarchy dictating their will to humanity.
As Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, Pluto’s transit could re-establish and re-enunciate the true principles of an Aquarian Universal Brotherhood – the mantra of “Liberté, égalité, fraternité” (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity).
And speaking of brotherhoods or fraternities – during Pluto’s transit through Aquarius, the Great White Brotherhood – ruled by Jupiter and the second ray of Love-Wisdom, will be making their decision about when to reappear among Humanity in these next decades. That fact in itself holds great promise and encouragement for the world.
Previous commentaries on Pluto in Aquarius: Pluto in Aquarius [2022] (2023 – 2044)
Pluto in Aquarius [ update 2023]
Aquarius and Corporations
The last time for Pluto’s transit through Aquarius was 1777 – 1799: The American Revolution over-lapped that period from 1765 to 1783 and The Declaration of Independence was in 1776.
American sovereignty was recognized in 1781, the U.S. Constitution was drafted in 1787, George Washington was elected the nation’s first president – and the Bill of Rights was adopted in 1791. And of course, the French Revolution unfolded from 1789 to 1799. These revolutions in the USA and France are generally attributed to the discovery of Aquarius ruler Uranus in 1781.
Uranus was in Gemini at that time, but Pluto, though “undiscovered” was in early degrees of Uranus-ruled Aquarius. (“Pluto has always been revolving around our sun and producing its effects.”8) All of these events in the USA consolidated this Aquarian soul’s founding in 1776. Between 1781 and 1790, the number of corporations in the US grew from 33 to 328. Aquarius is a sign of group work and co-operation, of which corporations, made up of many people – are a symbol.
These entities can work selfishly or altruistically, mainly the former in their incipient evolution thus far, combined with the capitalist system. Just after the American Civil War, that great “racial avatar”, initiate and Aquarian – President Abraham Lincoln, said in an 1864 letter to Col. William F. Elkins:
“We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood … It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.
I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless.”9
Lincoln’s missive still rings loud and true today, as several “cruel wars” have been raging in these past few years – most notable in Ukraine and Gaza, driven in part by corporate greed, the military industrial complex and the battle for global power. Corporations like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, General Dynamics (employing thousands of people), make vast profits, steering them toward further lobbying and government policy making – perpetuating an endless cycle of war.
The era of 1860 was the start of a sub-cycle of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Organisation, ruled by revolutionary Uranus. Uranus is also the ruler of humanitarian Aquarius and one of the root causes of the Civil War was the moral question of slavery. Jupiter is the soul ruler of Aquarius and the second ray of love-wisdom, USA’s soul ray.
Jupiter is therefore the humanitarian and philanthropic side of Aquarius, whilst exoteric ruler Uranus is the reformer and organiser, the planet of science, hence its association with technology and Aquarius. (Note also that the 5th ray of science/knowledge is the only ray to pass through Aquarius.)
Since 1860 – and later around 1945 at the beginning of another 7th ray cycle10, has helped bring about a refinement of corporate operations, to the point where today they dominate world governments and dictate policy. Due to the rays 1,3,5,7 – the material forces have always been better organised than the spiritual:
“The Black Lodge is also far more advanced in externalisation than is the White Lodge, because materialism and matter are, for it, the line of least resistance … [it] is therefore far more firmly anchored upon the physical plane than is the Hierarchy. It requires a much greater effort for the White Lodge to “clothe itself in matter and work and walk on material levels” …
… Owing, however, to the spiritual growth of mankind and to the steady, even if slow, orientation of mankind to the spiritual Hierarchy, the time has come when the Hierarchy can materialise and meet the enemy of good upon an even footing; the Hierarchy need not be further handicapped by working in substance whilst the Forces of Evil work both in substance and in matter.
Once the reappearance of the Christ and of the Hierarchy is an accomplished fact, these Forces of Evil face sure defeat. The reason for this is that the trend of human living and thought is turning steadily towards the subjective spiritual values, even if these values are interpreted in terms of material well-being at present and of better living conditions for all—with peace and security also for all.”11
Surely Pluto’s role in Aquarius over the next 20 years will bring its destroying power to these exploiters of humanity, to break up their crystallised culture. In the hands of these mega corporations, technology has become technocracy – the new soul-less religion with an insatiable appetite to own, enslave and control everything, driven in part by a poorly legislated AI.
In these kind of future scenarios, corporate structures could remain but be transformed internally, through changing the root culture by which they operate. Here is where Jupiter – the soul ruler of Aquarius, can be invoked by Pluto – to bring about a balance between the head and heart, intellect and compassion, selfishness and selflessness.
That is one way for Pluto in Aquarius to operate, but any resistance to positive transformation by these entities over the next 20 years may result in their utter destruction. Or their further empowerment if Humanity does not stand up for itself.
The World Economic Forum and Aquarius
The ingress of Sun-Pluto into Aquarius on Jan.21 happened just a few days after the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting at Davos – and just before its founding anniversary on Jan.24, 1971.
As WEF’s solar return falls on the Aquarius-Leo full moon, and as it champions many corporations – its timely to examine WEF once again. (Peruse the author’s several other astrological analyses of WEF.)
The WEF’s annual conference in Davos, Switzerland (Jan.15-19, 2024) had the laughable theme, “Rebuilding Trust”! What kind of “trust” might that actually be, when the WEF has engaged in so much con-artistry in their contributing role of the planned Covid crisis?
If the reader is still not up to speed on these irrefutable facts, please peruse the author’s several other astrological analyses of WEF 2020-2023. The avalanche of evidence for power abuse by WEF and the harmful effects of vaccines, is there for anyone with an average IQ and a spirit of enquiry to investigate; mainly in alternative media but increasingly in mainstream media. More and more people now believe that the only “trust” WEF requires, is for the gullible public to swallow their next wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing plans. (See author’s extensive reports on Covid 2020-23.)
And with other WEF trustees such as Ursula van der Leyen, who assisted the profits of her husband’s Big Pharma deals during lockdown – what could possibly go wrong? Leyen’s 2024 speech opens with, “our top concern for the next two years is not conflict or climate, it is disinformation and misinformation”.
In other words, Global Corp will try desperately to control its narrative – whilst labelling all contrary voices or those who wish to establish a rational dialogue – as “conspiracy theorists”. Rumours are already emerging of an alleged and imminent AI attack – by various agencies to create another big illusion – or public hoodwink.
Klaus Schwab places Van der Leyen upon a pedestal, as a “visionary” – someone who whole-heartedly supports Israel’s genocide, er “self-defence”; who has created even greater imbalances in Europe through her role as European Commission president. Schwab’s “point person” in Europe was conveniently appointed the new president of the European Commission (EC) on December 1, 2019 – on the eve of the coronavirus outbreak.
The core of the WEF are essentially exploiters of humanity – under the guise of humanitarianism. The WEF is an unelected, self-appointed body, cultivating a network of corporate elites who aim to dominate the world, imposing their various agendas such as Net Zero food and farming, digital ID’s and Mis/Disinformation controls.

Net Zero and the demonisation of CO2, the most essential element for life – besides oxygen. Pro and Con Arguments. See this author’s previous commentaries on climate change: Climate Change and the Great YearClimate Change and CoronavirusClimate Change 2022.
Other WEF wealthy “luminaries” include NATO misanthropist Jens Stoltenberg, ex PM and alleged war criminal Tony Blair (digital ID advocate), climate hysteric Al Gore and Anthony Bourla, CEO of predatory Pfizer. At Davos, Bourla said that many young people are being hit by “turbo cancers”, though naturally not admitting that they were largely the result his company’s vaccines, foisted upon the public during the “pandemic”.

Pisces Tedros praying for his salvation from karma! See his “Disease X” humbug er, video (5′).
And in its infinite kindness and concern for the public, Pfizer is working hard on another vaccine to counter these cancers. Then there is “Disease X”, first mooted by WHO’s unashamed liar Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. WEF says turbo cancers “could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic.”
Some say this is speculative nonsense – others that globalist plans are always stated up front and that the damage has already been done through mass vaccinations in the past few years. We may well see more conspiracy theories become conspiracy facts – as they have been well proven over the past few years.
The Davos conference is always held during the sun’s transit through Capricorn – the most spiritual and also material sign of the zodiac – just a week or so before WEF’s founding anniversary in Aquarius – Jan.24, 1971. The material side of Capricorn (money, matter, mind), predominates behind a veneer of whiz-bang innovations and technology. Capricorn is a sign of both black and white magic, depending upon polarisation and motive!
The WEF has made very plain its intentions in the past few years – their dictatorial edict runs, “You will own nothing, eat bugs for protein, have a social credit score, live in controlled 15-minute cities with 24/7 surveillance – and be happy!”
According to David Rogers Webb – in his capacity as a financial analyst of vast experience, the, “You will own nothing” mantra is the tip of the iceberg, as it is actually a complex active plan by central bankers to steal almost all wealth legally. This is outlined in his free book, The Great Taking.
That, in combination with the hijacking of the United Nations by same or similar forces, aided and abetted by private, non-publicly elected organisations such as WHO – WEF & Co. have attempted to thwart the Planetary Plan, bringing Humanity to a massive crisis today. Yet this has all been needed – as it has helped Humanity to see through the contradictions, lies and propaganda, bringing into focus the issues at stake, which it had previously taken for granted, leading to an ongoing awakening. Here follows a sad indictment of the Kali Yuga cycle of the Fifth Rootrace:
Artificial Intelligence or AI. Regarded by many industry insiders as one of the greatest future threats to humanity. See this author’s article, The Spectre of Artificial Intelligence 2023.
A blazing laser light has been shone upon the corporate billionaire dictators of most world governments, inept and paid-for politicians – lack of true statesmen, the gross imbalances between the haves and have-nots, the manufacture of constant war – feeding the military industrial complex.
The misuse of medical technology; transhumanism/AI, constant illegal surveillance and monitoring of populations; the blatant acquisition of housing in both the retail and rental markets – creating unaffordable accommodation and widespread homelessness.
The threat of central bank digital currencies (CBDC’s) replacing cash, creating internet or power grid crashes and blaming it upon some foreign nation; Net Zero control of the food and farming, the fostering of false ideologies regarding climate change/CO2.
The ongoing zombie apocalypse of the meth/opioid epidemics; the creation of gender confusion in young people; widespread sexual exploitation and slavery of children and adults, the dumbing down of education etc. etc.
The social engineering of fear, creating division and conflict in all areas of human activity; feeding off resentment and outrage, creating submission and stress, drastically lowering the human immune system. T he creation of “Predictive Programming” in media and film, to soften up the masses before it pops out of the manufactured crisis pipeline.
Yet the Satya Yuga or Golden Age is slowly emerging, could we see it, obfuscated by the debris of past cycles. Some spiritual groups have chosen to align themselves with the WEF for the last decade or so, taking to heart The Tibetan’s statement about the future “Cycle of Conferences”:
“Many consider the World Economic Forum and its annual Davos meetings as, at best, a talking shop for powerful corporations and vested economic interests.
While this is an undeniable aspect of the meetings, a deeper look reveals that more enlightened interests have a strong presence at Davos, and with so many world leaders and influential thinkers together in one place, an opportunity exists for the principles of right relations to influence the thinking, planning, and life-mission of participants.
When we look behind all the rhetoric of Davos, we find a growing nucleus of goodwill ready to be fanned into a flame. The Cycle of Conferences initiative exists for just such opportunities as this – to act as an intermediary, a channel, to ground and amplify the will-to-good from the Hierarchy and to seed the proceedings with these energies.” ((Lucis Trust))
The latter paragraph certainly highlights the potential of such an opportunity – some might see as creating a “subjective seeding” or “infiltrating the enemy” – through physical participation at the event. Some might view this statement as naïve or misplaced idealism, yet there is most certainly some truth there.
Others argue that the genuine people of goodwill who attend these conferences are manipulated or swamped by the potency of the status quo and their over-arching agendas. Let us hope that conscious light workers can work within “the belly of the beast”, sowing seeds of change, particularly with regard to moral principles. Newly elected Argentine president Javier Milei, may have thrown a cat amongst the WEF pigeons – in his first guest appearance at Davos, warning:
“… the Western world is in danger … those who are meant to defend the values of the west have been co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism, and therefore poverty. The main leaders of Western countries have abandoned freedom, in favour of collectivism … These are not the solution to the world’s problems but the root cause.”12
Peruvian lawyer – Victor Belaunde, also lambasted the WEF, agreeing with Milei’s views:
“The people who have climbed to the highest ranks in status and wealth thanks to liberal and democratic capitalism, are promoting ideas that, as they are implemented, will destroy it. “In addition, the demonstrations of frivolity and intellectual mediocrity that the famous forum emits are increasingly scandalous. For example, the impression that the prostitute traffickers make during these meetings – why not some orgies while we save the world with 2100 euro-a-night ladies?
“Every year in Davos, Switzerland, the luminaries of our planet, the members of a supposed world elite, gather at the so-called World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. “The WEF is the brainchild of German executive Klaus Schwab, who, with immense skill, devised a relatively small cohort of corporate and political elitists, who were and are becoming immensely wealthy along the way.
“Mr. Schwab is the proponent of a particular economic and business philosophy, whose consistency with liberal and democratic capitalism is highly debatable. The vast majority of attendees do not pause to reflect on this point, being interested only in the opportunity to improve their personal public relations and rub elbows at the highest level.
… “What is this philosophy that is incompatible with liberal and democratic capitalism? “It is the so-called Stakeholder Capitalism, a term popularized in all languages and interpreted as meaning of “interested parties”.
“But who are these “stakeholders” and what do they mean by “stakeholders”? – Stakeholders are all those individuals and entities that have an “interest” in the activities of a company or in the development of a project. So far, it all sounds very nice, modern, inclusive, and democratic, but it is not … etc.etc.”13
Also in the vein of those bucking the WEF trend, Austrian heiress – Marlene Engelhorn, turned up at Davos holding a placard, “Tax the rich!” She has set up the Good Council for Redistribution, that explores how societies redistribute wealth, believing that a failure to tax wealth “distorts democracy by giving outsized political sway to the super-rich while simultaneously depriving governments of the resources that could help to address this power imbalance”.14
The town of Davos is transformed annually into a bevy of shopfronts advertising the wares of mega economic giants such as Meta and Blackrock – the latter’s CEO Larry Fink is also a director of the WEF.
Apart from managing a large proportion of the planet’s assets, the aptly named Blackrock is engaged in the worst kind of predatory behaviour (vulture capitalism) in the real estate market, as detailed in a past newsletter. The third ray of active-intelligence and its shadow of “devious and continuous manipulation” is hard at work here:
“Guess who is the major sponsor and financier of the WEF? You are right: BlackRock. It is, therefore, not difficult to figure out who pulls the strings behind the WEF, WHO, the political UN, the entire UN Network.
As long as the majority of (Western) people are feeling comfortable in the system, so long the fist of tyranny around our necks will tighten, lightly but ever more, as in euthanasia.”15
WEF’s continual discussion of “pandemic preparedness” or “cyber polygon attack” scenarios, openly confides future plans implemented by world governments – for which Schwab-daddy boasts somewhat promiscuously, “ve have penetrated zere cabinets”!
The following video (11′ 39″).features Van der Leyen and a pro-Trump interviewee, perhaps not anticipated by the WEF, but interesting points made.
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The Cycle of Conferences
Returning to the theme of The Cycle of Conferences, here follows The Tibetan’s original statement – written shortly after WWII,
“A powerful first ray activity—the activity of will or purpose—is swinging into action. The Christ, as the Leader of the Forces of Light, has empowered the Ashrams of the Masters upon this first Ray of Power to strengthen the hands of all disciples in the field of government and of political arrangement in every nation …
… to enlighten, if possible, the various national legislatures by whatever means may be needed, so that the potency of their words, the wisdom of their planning, and the breadth of their thinking may prove so effective that the “Cycle of Conferences and of Councils,” now being initiated by the statesmen of the world, may be under the direct guidance (again if possible) of Those in the Council Chamber at Shamballa Who know what is the Will of God.

Davos is not the only conference in town – there are tens of thousands of physical conferences taking place continuously all around the planet. Online conferences possibly number even more.
The selfishness of the little minds in the various of the world must in some way be offset. That is the problem. [Still is!] I wonder if you can grasp the significance of this happening? Down the ages, individual statesmen and rulers have from time to time been responsive to the influence of that spiritually supreme Council; but it has been the responsiveness of the individual disciple who has worked alone and unaided and who has faced, (or experienced) defeat as often, if not oftener, than he has experienced victory.
Today, in the planning now going forward in connection with the various international conferences and councils of which you all know, the spiritual effort (for the first time in human history) is to bring all of them, as functioning groups, under the direct impact of the energy which motivates and actuates that place where the Will of God is known and the purposes of divinity are defined and projected.
This means that each of the coming world conferences (and there will necessarily be many) will have a greater and far more extensive effect than would otherwise be the case; it means, however, that the risks involved and the clash of minds will also be far greater. This is a point which you should bear in mind as you study and read reports of these various conferences.”16
Unfortunately, the “selfishness of the little minds in the various legislatures of the world” appears to still persist on an even greater scale than the 1940’s, as do the motivations of the majority of corporations. Author and activist – Rick Thomas, gives some interesting analyses of the WEF in his article,
“Davos is the yearly conclave for the Transnational Capitalist Class (TCC) … The strength of the TCC lies not only in their phenomenal wealth, but in their ability to interconnect and create think tanks and policy-making networks. The Transnational Institute describes the main purpose of the World Economic Forum is,
“… to function as a socializing institution for the emerging global elite, globalization’s “Mafiocracy” of bankers, industrialists, oligarchs, technocrats and politicians. They promote common ideas, and serve common interests: their own.”17
Indeed, “socializing institution for the emerging global elite” describes perfectly Klaus Schwab’s expression of his Jupiter in Aquarius, referred to later as “as a superficial kind of sociability”. As The Tibetan opines, “The average man in Aquarius puts all his wares into the window, and often in the room behind the window there is little to be found.”18 Rick Thomas continues,
“The WEF has forged an agreement with the United Nations to “accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” by deepening institutional coordination and collaboration between the UN and the WEF. Much more disturbing is that the agreement grants transnational corporations preferential and deferential access to the UN System – at the expense of States and public interest actors.
This “preferential access,” gives corporations special oversight privileges, making them, in conjunction with the WEF, a higher executive authority. This agreement between the UN and WEF formalizes a disturbing corporate capture of the UN. It moves the world dangerously towards a privatized and undemocratic global governance,” said Gonzalo Berrón of the Transnational Institute.”19
Here Thomas probes the internal mechanism that drives these entities – with the WEF playing the role of arch-co-ordinator. This has invariably led to a further undermining of the already co-opted United Nations – using its reputation as a world body for Humanity, to promote corporate agendas based on making more money or “stakeholder capitalism”:
“Stakeholder Capitalism is essentially the attempt to bring all the stakeholders to the bargaining table. The World Economic Forum is the bargaining table. The stakeholders are any individual, corporation, nation, city, NGO or entity with wealth, power and global influence. Some of the main institutions that sit at the table are the UN, World Bank, BIS, IMF, G20, WHO and NATO.”20
All of these groups are driven by the same or similar ideologies – but all have utterly failed in freeing a quarter of the world from poverty – over 2 billion people. The profits of a few corporations alone, rightly directed and planned, would make an enormous difference.
But the sad fact is, that many of these institutions do not want that to happen – even a they blab sweet platitudes to the contrary, because of a need to stay in control and keep the masses down. This kind of attitude is of course, born out of fear – of the masses rising up to challenge the status quo – and that day appears to be not too far away! The following humorous comments by Thomas can be taken with a grain of salt, but may bring a smile,
“January 15-19, the WEF syndicated crime extravaganza will go down in Davos, Switzerland. Approximately 3,000 stakeholders will fly in private jets to attend the annual conclave. According to the WEF website, members will include:
60 heads of state (national crime bosses)
- all major international organizations (private control grid)
- the Forum’s 1,000 partners-in-crime
- as well as civil society leaders (gangsters-in-training)
- foremost experts (paid liars)
- young changemakers (useful idiots)
- social entrepreneurs (propaganda artists)
- and the (always compliant) media
This transnational oligopoly of crime bosses will sit with Godfather Klaus Schwab. They will schmooze, plot and scheme, and finally, come to agreements on a multitude of global policy issues that will impact the future of our planet.
None of these policy decisions will have any consultation with the public. In fact, most of these decisions will be made in back-door meetings. The public will not even be informed of the existence of these policies, until after these agreements are signed and ratified by orgs like the United Nations, WHO, and the G20.”21

That there has always been a shadowy group or groups sitting around a table (in their own exclusive conference), plotting global control – has long been suspected.
The “New World Order”
Reflecting upon the previous statement regarding The Cycle of Conferences – and the many meetings needed, there will be many “risks involved and clash of minds”. The much bandied about phrase “new world order” is connected to a statement by Alice Bailey.
Fundamentalist Christians and other groups have quoted regularly from AAB’s books, seeking to denigrate them as “the work of Satan”. (This also is connected to a misinterpretation of Lucifer – as Venus the light bringer.)
Hence, much confusion has been created, even in “New Age” groups, associating the works of AAB with the globalist agenda, when they in fact stands for the very opposite – a planetary order that organically emerges – by the people and for the people. Here is another theme of our Kali Yuga cycle – where white is made black and vice-versa, taking the phrase New World Order out of context, since it was hijacked back in the 1990’s.
In that year President H.W. Bush gave his infamous New World Order speech, essentially executing long term planning for controlling Middle East oil – by demonising Iraq. This was part of a long term plan, exposed by General Wesley Clark – after being informed just after 9/11 – of plans “to topple by the U.S. military in the coming five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.”
Iran is very much in focus in 2024, as the hawks at the Pentagon show no sign of easing up upon their well-publicised goal. There are many passages throughout AAB’s books that use the phrase, New World Order – mainly in The Externalisation of the Hierarchy that details the return of the Masters of Wisdom – incarnate in physical form, sometime after 2025 – and before the end of this century.
The 2025 Centennial Conclave is imminent – where that date will be decided. Hence, it is timely to clearly elucidate the origin of this phrase – for Christian evangelicals, “new agers” and committed students of these Teachings. Here follows one of the main passages about the New World Order, also written shortly after WWII. In perusing these points, the reader will note how many things have not been achieved, even driven in the opposite direction that was originally intended:
“Steps Towards the New World Order:
In contradistinction to the totalitarian world order, what should the rest of the world plan? Towards what world objectives should the democracies work? Utopian schemes, idealistic forms of government and cultural living processes have ever been the playthings of the human mind, down through the centuries.
But these Utopias have been so far ahead of possibility that their presentation seems useless. They are most of them wholly impractical. Certain immediate possibilities and attainable objectives can, however, be worked out, given a definite will-to-good and patience on the part of humanity. Certain major and spiritual premises should lie back of all efforts to formulate the new world order. Let me state some of them:
- The new world order must meet the immediate need and not be an attempt to satisfy some distant, idealistic vision.
- The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis [WWII] and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience.
- The new world order must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding.
- The new world order will be founded on the recognition that all men are equal in origin and goal but that all are at differing stages of evolutionary development; that personal integrity, intelligence, vision and experience, plus a marked goodwill, should indicate leadership.The domination of the proletariat over the aristocracy and bourgeoisie, as in Russia [1940’s], or the domination of an entrenched aristocracy over the proletariat and middle classes, as has been until lately the case in Great Britain, must disappear. The control of labour by capital or the control of capital by labour must also go.
- In the new world order, the governing body in any nation should be composed of those who work for the greatest good of the greatest number and who at the same time offer opportunity to all, seeing to it that the individual is left free. Today the men of vision are achieving recognition, thus making possible a right choice of leaders. It was not possible until this century.
- The new world order will be founded on an active sense of responsibility. The rule will be “all for one and one for all.” This attitude among nations will have to be developed. It is not yet present.
- The new world order will not impose a uniform type of government, a synthetic religion and a system of standardisation upon the nations. The sovereign rights of each nation will be recognised and its peculiar genius, individual trends and racial qualities will be permitted full expression. In one particular only should there be an attempt to produce unity, and that will be in the field of education.
- The new world order will recognise that the produce of the world, the natural resources of the planet and its riches, belong to no one nation but should be shared by all. There will be no nations under the category “haves” and others under the opposite category.A fair and properly organised distribution of the wheat, the oil and the mineral wealth of the world will be developed, based upon the needs of each nation, upon its own internal resources and the requirements of its people. All this will be worked out in relation to the whole.
- In the preparatory period for the new world order there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. No nation will be permitted to produce and organise any equipment for destructive purposes or to infringe the security of any other nation. One of the first tasks of any future peace conference will be to regulate this matter and gradually see to the disarming of the nations.
These are the simple and general premises upon which the new world order must begin its work. These preliminary stages must be kept fluid and experimental; the vision of possibility must never be lost, and the foundations must be preserved inviolate, but the intermediate processes and the experimentations must be carried forward by men who, having the best interests of the whole at heart, can change the detail of organisation whilst preserving the life of the organism.”22
There are many contradictions to these various points – that have veered well off suggested pathways. It would be a simple task to analyse all of these points, reviewing where Humanity is in 2024 – of how much has been achieved or lost thus far. Perhaps some earnest student can follow up on this!
But essentially the New World Order – as laid out by the Guides of the Race, has been hijacked by the shadowy Material Forces working through an army of very well organised parties, who seek to dominate, subjugate, enslave or annihilate – for the convenience of a powerful minority – who often insist they are doing it for “Humanity’s own good”!
In this context, the aforementioned names of Bourla, Leyen, Schwab, Blair, Gates etc. – can be simply regarded as “middle management” in a pyramid whose apex is occupied by said invisible forces – the material opposition to the Planetary Plan. One could argue that many points enumerated in the New World Order have been taken over entirely.

W.H.O. A private entity founded by oil magnate Rockefeller. No one voted forthem democratically. See astro profile here.
What better way for the Materialistic Forces to thwart the Planetary Plan than utilise point by point what has been laid out by the White Brotherhood? Take point #7 for example, straight from WEF’s playbook, recalling how the world was dictated to during the covid scamdemic, via sister organisations WHO and the UN:
“7. The new world order will not impose a uniform type of government, a synthetic religion and a system of standardisation upon the nations. The sovereign rights of each nation will be recognised and its peculiar genius, individual trends and racial qualities will be permitted full expression. In one particular only should there be an attempt to produce unity, and that will be in the field of education.”23
Reflect also upon on the WEF’s ideological spokesperson, Yuval Harari: “The idea of a soul, of free will, these are over”. The denial of the human soul, free speech, the basic Four Freedoms to which Humanity is entitled. Many of these principles have been ignored by the WEF – or given superficial lip service.
Since the early 1960’s (post JFK), many human rights have been gradually eroded or reprogrammed into a pseudo-philosophical system that appears to stand for certain ideals – but has ulterior motives.
The UN’s 17-point plan of sustainable development is one example, pushing the false climate change/global warming narrative, giving the powerful few greater ability to control. Yet an increasingly awakening Humanity is chanting Pink Floyd’s mantra – “we don’t need no thought control”. There can be found many critiques of this 17-point plan, one of which is addressed by African nations.

The hilarious Fawlty Towers episode, “The Germans” (don’t mention the war!) Video 5′.
WEF Horoscope Revisited 2024: German Themes Old and New
The WEF has the Sun in Aquarius – a sign related to the distribution of resources, the large organisational capacity of the 7th ray and bringing people together. Hitler also had that Aquarian capacity – in its lower expression:
“… Hitler … there is no question that he has unified, produced fusion and blended together the various elements in the German race. This activity is Aquarian in nature but in its lowest and most undesirable aspect.”24
This author discusses the WWII period of history frequently because there are so many astrological and political similarities to our current era. Today humanity is witnessing a new global dictatorship, not from one person, but by large selfishly motivated organisations – the shadow of the Aquarian Age.
The WEF, by acting on behalf of the corporate behemoths, has assumed a role of becoming director of a “totalitarian world order” mentioned earlier in the, “steps to a new world order”.
Not wishing to reinforce racial stereotypes, the fact that Schwab has a somewhat Nazi pedigree through his father – cannot be ignored either. Likewise, van der Leyen shares the same origin, from the German nation that has a dominating Aries soul – that contributed to its aggression in WWII, through its 1st ray personality.
Schwab has a large stellium of planets in “pushy” Aries, a sign that brings through the first ray of will or power: Sun, Saturn, Venus, Vulcan and Mercury. Yet this aggressive Aries energy is disguised by Schwab’s moon in Pisces, covering all that fire with a soft veneer of water.
Due to its “lower Neptune” influence, Pisces can also be one of the most deceptive signs, especially with a moon position there. Van der Leyen’s Libra stellium sits opposite Schwab’s, hence it is no wonder they are a mutually beneficial team – to put it mildly! Leyen’s fire however, comes from her bossy Moon-Uranus in Leo.
These racial and astrological synastries and not merely coincidences – “by their fruits ye shall know them”. It indicates how Nazi-like or totalitarian ideology did not stop with the end of WWII – it found other channels of expression – and also “jumped ship” from Germany to the USA. (Operation Paperclip etc.).

Like Berlin and other big cites, Nuremberg saw a huge rally of tractors – a rally far different to those of the 1930’s. Power to the people!
Having said that, it is gratifying to see huge demonstrations in Germany by farmers with their tractors in major cities, protesting against dictatorial edicts from the UN/WEF’s 17-point plan – the phasing out of diesel subsidies. (Farmers in the Netherlands are also similarly under attack.) In another sphere, massive demonstrations against Germany’s so-called “far right” Alternative für Deutschland party. But, a German co-worker observes:
“The demonstrations against the right is a government-organised demonstration against the opposition. Some say it reminds them of the East Germany regime’s propaganda tools. I find it alarming that they succeeded to get so many well-meaning people to the streets, who never stop to think through what ‘right’ really is, and never listen to what the AfD is actually saying.”

Recent demonstrations against AfD policies at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. Allegedly against the deporting of immigrants and a Brexit style “Dexit” (as in Deutsch.).
Indeed, alot of that going around in this age of distraction! Here is another good example of “woke indoctrination” and the glamour generated through the Germany’s Pisces personality – susceptible to suggestion, as it was historically in WWII.
However, Germany may be waking from its slumber under inept leaders – as its 4th ray soul responds to the imminent cycle of the fourth ray (Harmony through Conflict. Art, Music and Beauty) – beginning after 2025.
Returning to Schwab, he has a history of dodgy dealings, aiding South Africa in its illegal development of a thermonuclear bomb, has been revealed in the past few years. The year he left Harvard, Schwab helped form Sulzer AG by the merger of Sulzer and Escher Wyss, where his father Eugen Schwab had worked on the Nazi atom bomb effort. Schwab served as a director.25
The previous passage discussing Hitler mentions Aquarius as the polarity of his pronounced Saturn in Leo – the dictatorial king. Schwab has a speculated Leo rising, with Jupiter in Aquarius opposite. Hence Schwab has – like Hitler, “unified, produced fusion and blended together the various elements” – of the corporate world to create a totalitarian body.
One would have thought that the higher frequency of Schwab’s Jupiter, esoteric ruler of Aquarius – would be working, but it seems to express mainly as a superficial kind of sociability – a congenial, fatherly figure at conferences – though also very patronising. The Pisces moon, ruled by Jupiter – works quite symbiotically.
However, the cold technological, scientific business mind appears to dominate in Schwab. The 7th ray of organisation is also very strong – as it is with the WEF. The 7th ray is also the ray of finance – the organisation of money. Schwab’s WEF “child” has the sun in Aquarius and its solar return falls very close to the full moon of Jan.25, 2024.
Major transits and progressions.
1. Transiting Neptune & prog. Sun in Pisces – opposite Pluto in Virgo, square Moon in Sag. (2025-26)
A long term cycle with an exact square to the Moon in Sag. in July 2025 – and opposition to Pluto one year later in July 2026. In other words, the natal Moon square Pluto aspect is in process of activation, in this 53-year-old entity.
This natal square pattern is about the right use of the power (Pluto) of the mind to develop discrimination (Virgo), with a tendency to indulge in speculative ideas (Sag.) – and be dominating and ruthless in meticulously applying them (Pluto in Virgo).
Moon in Sagittarius can be the fundamentalist and fanatic – in the espousal of ideas. WEF’s Sagittarius moon squares Schwab’s Pisces moon, compounding the possibility of emotional distortions – or deliberate deceptions.
WEF’s Mars in Sagittarius has a similar fanaticism as the Moon in Sagittarius. It must not be forgotten that there is a five-planet stellium in this sign! All these factors contribute to the development of a very forceful and dominating scientific fundamentalism – in Schwab and within the entity he created, the WEF.
Therefore, transiting Neptune and progressed Sun in Pisces, creating this T-square to WEF’s Moon square Pluto – can have two major effects:
a. Increase the degree of idealism, fanaticism, distortion and deception that places the WEF in a greater position of power, imposing its ideals upon the world.
b. Increase the degree of fanaticism, distortion and deception – to the point of becoming completely unhinged and lacking credibility, especially with transiting Neptune in the mix – the result of which would be WEF’s demise and death.
The Moon in Sagittarius seems to be very pertinent – “the fundamentalist and fanatic” that also has a lot of synastry with various WEF recruits and political leaders. Note that the progressed moon is also in Sagittarius in the ninth house, triggering all the natal Sagittarius positions, just before WEF’s second lunar return at the age of 54 in 2025. Hence we will most likely see an increased fanaticism and one-pointed focus in WEF attempting to realise its plans.
At the time of this writing in 2024 – like an oracle underlining the importance of this placement, transiting Venus was conjunct the Moon in Sagittarius, whilst transiting moon in Gemini was opposite! The moon is the shadow of the horoscope, and moon in Sag is well known as a “spinner of yarns”, story-teller, “exaggitarius” – or in plain Australian lingo, “the bullshit artist”!

Pluto’s helmet which rendered him invisible on his journeys to the surface of the earth from the underworld.
2. Transiting Pluto conjunct the Sun in Aquarius (April 2025 to Nov. 2026)
The “demise and death” or (shock, horror!), regeneration of the WEF toward more integrated human principles – will also be accelerated by the transit of Pluto newly entered into Aquarius, passing over WEF’s sun in Aquarius in the next few years.
Pluto gets close to WEF’s Sun in April 2024 but does not reach it proper until April 2025, Jan. and Aug. 2026 – finally through to Nov.2026. During this period transiting Pluto will harmoniously aspect (sextile) WEF’s Mars, Jupiter and Neptune in Sagittarius – supercharging the volatile and fanatical nature of those positions.
Yet the long term transit of Pluto over WEF’s sun will be a big determining factor as to whether it continues, morphing into even greater control with power planet Pluto, or undergo some serious transformation.
3. Transiting Uranus square Aquarius ascendant-descendant (July-Aug. 2024 to May 2025.)
This could be one of WEF’s most important transits, given that Uranus rules Aquarius, its proposed “soul purpose”. Certainly, Uranian technology, AI and transhumanism are part of that brew –as well as the organisation of so many corporate groups. But will there be any stimulation of the more compassionate side of Aquarius – exemplified by soul ruler Jupiter?
Schwab’s Jupiter in Aquarius sits very close to WEF’s ascendant, hence has already been getting much stimulation from transiting Uranus. The first hit by Uranus will be in July-Aug. 2024 then Oct. 2024 through to May 2025. There is an opportunity for WEF to change that way it relates so condescendingly to the public (Leo descendant), dare we hold our breath for that outcome?
Earthquake Japan Jan.1, 2024
The quakes occurred on the Noto Peninsula, the largest of which had a magnitude of 7.6, leaving 30 dead. The main planetary culprits appear to be a Mercury-Mars conjunction in Sagittarius upsetting the order of things – square to Neptune (tsunamis) in Pisces. Mercury was in its most powerful stationary phase about to go direct. Japan is esoterically a Capricorn personality – the Sun was in Capricorn square to Chiron in Aries.
According to some researchers, other significators of earthquakes are Venus and Uranus, or the moon void of course, i.e. leaving a sign. Venus is notable, also in Sagittarius, square to Saturn in Pisces – Saturn the ruler of Japan’s Capricorn personality. In the astro-cartography chart, the Mercury-Mars lines run through the south of Japan, well within orb of influence of the Noto Peninsula, whilst the Moon-IC/Mars-desc line is even closer.
The Sun-desc line also runs through Japan’s north, all of them bracketed by the Neptune line further north – squared by Mercury-Mars. So far there have only been small waves, yet memory is invoked of the famous wave painting by Japanese artist, Katsushika Hokusai.
Further, in Japan’s 1889 horoscope (see below), transiting Mars was closely opposite its’ Gemini moon which squares Mars in Pisces. Transiting Neptune in Pisces was right on natal Mars. A powerful T-square created by transiting Mars-Neptune to natal Moon-Mars.
Facebook friend Reiko Nakanishi reports from Japan some interesting symbolism:
“A giant earthquake shocked the Noto Peninsula in the northern part of Japan. Tokyo was also shaken, but I’m safe because it’s far from the epicenter. But, the threat of the tsunami continues because it still shakes many times in an hour.
The Noto Peninsula is likened to a dragon’s head from its shape. And the guardian deity of that area is Susano no Mikoto. This god is a hero who exterminate a giant snake with many heads, but it seems to be the appearance of Hercules in the East that we know as esoteric students.
I’m thinking about the spiritual will of this event that happened on the first day of the new year of the Dragon and the month of Capricorn. I hope this earthquake reminds us that we live on a planet where the land is so fragile and sensitive to the energy flow from outer space, especially during the activation of solar flair.
This peninsula is one of the coldest regions in Japan. To avoid being affected by the tsunami in this earthquake, they are urgently evacuated empty-handed. Please send your warm light so they can stay the night safely within your prayer.”
Japan Airlines Crash Jan.2, 2024
The collision between two planes (Jan.2) at Haneda airport is linked astrologically to the previous day’s earthquake event. Miraculously, all 379 passengers survived. though 5 of the 6 crew in the coast guard plane did not make it. In the Jan.1 earthquake chart, Mars-Mercury in Sagittarius were identified as major instigators – squaring Neptune in Pisces and opposing Japan’s moon in Gemini.
In the runway crash horoscope, the Moon was in Virgo precisely squaring a stationary Mercury in Sagittarius and well within orb of squaring Mars as well. Mercury rules transport and when retrograde, stationary (or even in its post retro shadow phase), is connected to accidents and failures in communication. (The passenger plane was cleared to land in good flying conditions.)
The fireball that erupted on the runway was an ominous example of the volatility of Mars in Sagittarius – physically, mentally and emotionally. Haneda airport is within the aura of Tokyo – one of the five major planetary centres, speculated as the global solar plexus, where world emotion is transmuted. A co-worker comments,
“Considering Tokyo as the solar plexus, the astral body is anchored here; it is the body for the irradiation of the love of the soul through the personality – after it is purified and perfectly reflecting the light of the sun/sol/soul.
Between all centres, the only one that is called soul/sun is the sol-ar plexus. Japan is known as “the land of the rising sun”. All centres are divine and sacred, needing only to be aligned with the higher planetary purpose. “The oldest nation with the clearest unified record is Japan.””26
We might reflect on what is the global symbolism of this earthquake and crash: A failure in technology from a world leader in the field? Where are the nations emotionally? How do other traumatic and painful events in the world have their reflex reaction in the planetary solar plexus – such as the cruelty and suffering in Gaza – or Ukraine and Somalia etc?
When Japan’s Gemini moon is considered, the crash event had a grand cross involving this nation’s progressed Mercury in Gemini conjunct its moon, squared by transiting moon in Virgo, opposed by Mercury-Mars in Sagittarius, squared by Neptune in Pisces!
Transiting Mars in fiery Sagittarius was also precisely conjunct Japan’s solar directed Saturn, lord of karma and ruler of Japan’s Capricorn personality – where the sun is passing through this month.
Pluto and Chiron were both prominent and angular in the crash event chart. Pluto in Capricorn opposite Cancer rising (the masses), Chiron in Aries on the midheaven. A crisis of power and leadership?
In the astro-cartography chart, the Pluto and Chiron lines intersect very close to Tokyo. Pluto the lord of the underworld, associated with earthquakes – both physical and spiritual.
Another factor in Japan’s horoscope, is that transiting Uranus (technology) has been squaring its Aquarius sun (which it rules) – since Sept.2023, through to Feb.2025. (Not unlike Uranus conjunct Israel’s Sun in Taurus currently.)
This indicates further instability, especially when disrupter Uranus is considered as an astrological factor in earthquakes. But also Japan’s Capricorn personality, a sign that suffers the most from crystallisation.
Likewise, Venus is regarded similarly by some researchers and it is notable that in the Ishikawa earthquake on May 5, 2023 – that transiting Venus was conjunct Japan’s Gemini moon; that natal moon is void-of-course (leaving the sign) – also considered another astrological factor in earthquakes.
On Jan.1, transiting Venus was exactly opposite Japan’s natal Pluto, whilst transiting Uranus was conjunct Japan’s progressed Venus in Taurus. Overall, 2024 has started with a bang and promises a roller-coaster ride – may the forces of equilibrium prevail!
The Conception Chart and the Trutine of Hermes
The conception chart is calculated by employing an ancient Egyptian method known as “The Trutine of Hermes”. This system uses the moon and ascendant in the natal chart and finds their reversed position for approximately nine months previous, arriving at a conception chart – also known as the “pre-natal epoch”.
The Moon represents the form and the first house cusp the physical body, hence their close relationship. A conception chart is therefore the moment when the soul contacts its future parents, connecting to the recently conceived, fertilised egg within the mother’s womb.
Then throughout the succeeding gestation period, the soul occasionally “looks in” on its new adventure into the material realm. The five months’ stage of pregnancy is also called “the quickening”, where the astral body starts its formation.
We can see the progression from conception – soul/mental body, astral body, then finally the etheric/physical. There is a sequence but also, all three stages can be seen as concurrent. When the baby is born, the first breath is the birth moment – incarnation of soul into form, or spirit into matter has been accomplished.
Having “drunk of the waters of Lethe” the soul has for the most part forgotten what it truly is, spending the rest of the incarnation “re-membering”, struggling back toward the light. Lethe was one of the rivers of the underworld of Hades – Pluto’s realm, where it flowed around the cave of Hypnos, where all those who drank from it experienced utter forgetfulness and oblivion.
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
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Aquarius Full Moon meditation and talk
Wednesday 19.00 UT.
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.425. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.245. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.439. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.509. [↩]
- The sun technically enters Aquarius in 2,117 AD. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.439. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.439. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.439. [↩]
- The passage appears in a letter from Lincoln to (Col.) William F. Elkins, Nov. 21, 1864. [↩]
- Aquarius 2,117 AD: Beginning of the Age of Aquarius [↩]
- The Externalisaton of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.688. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Global Research [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.446. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.136. [↩]
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- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.190-2. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.190-2. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.285. [↩]
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Hello Philip,
Your analysis is too much west centered. The ucranian experience and gaza genocid is the proof that west has lost the human values and the rest of the world is not more longer whith WEF. WEF represent only 15% of humanity whose decadence is in plain sight of everybody. Only these fanatics of WEF are continue living in a parallel world.
Many thanks
Hello Philip,
This missive is very timely and prescient, touching a nerve in our current milieu. American fascism is on the march showing itself in disparate ways but primarily through its expression by the “alt-right” and its counterbalancing “Antifa”. It is alarming and dangerous, in my opinion, to our democracy. The misinformation campaigns are at a magnitude not seen since WWII. The propaganda was condemned by DK, because of its power to mislead and mobilize the masses.
I have wondered again and again, why and where this current flare-up in fascism originated. You mentioned Project Paperclip where the US recruited thousands of former Nazi scientists after the war to immigrate to America and develop all our weapons of war. [There has to be serious karma for America due to that policy.] However, as a child we were never taught in school about American antisemitism and the Nazi movement in America. Rachel Maddow of MSNBC wrote a new book entitled “Prequel”. I was utterly shocked to learn about the prewar Nazi movement in the US wherein their propaganda was mailed out to citizens free of cost using congressional franking privileges. Maddow wrote that the movement was so successful that Hitler thought the US might enter the war on the German side at best and at worst remain neutral. Hitler had a picture of Henry Ford in his office and Henry Ford had a picture of Hitler in his office.
So the current fascist expression in the US did not come out of nowhere. There are deep roots [Vulcan / Taurus] that go way back to pre-WWII. I recommend that fellow students listen to one of Maddow’s speeches on YouTube regarding her book “Prequel”. It looks like our citizenry will finally have to face-up to our policies of naturalizing former Nazis for purposes of building the American war machine via the military industrial complex. We are the ones who have been supplying most of the arms around the world used to perpetrate the Palestinian holocaust and other equally cruel conflicts. It is a devastating realization. Maddow points out that the Nazis never surrendered, they just moved in droves to North and South America.
Thanks again for all your hard work and another thought-provoking analysis.
P.S. I had forgotten about the Faulty Tower’s pic, “Don’t mention the war” as he goosesteps with a Nazi salute. The Brits mastered black humor and you’re a genius to have remembered that bit.
Fascism is not confined to any one country or political party – it is the shadow of the Fifth Rootrace and the increasing first ray energy via Shamballa.
Brilliant analysis of the WEF Phillip. Hopefully it will open some eyes in the esoteric community.
It appears that the Nazis were just as much a creature of the US and UK as Germany. It is the shadowy group of international financiers / corporations with offices in many Western nations that financed and supported the Nazis to further the purposes of the Forces of Evil who had emerged from their “ancient lair” prior to the World War. These same dark forces seem to be responsible for much of what is transpiring today.
Hopefully this time around, enough of the “spiritually minded people of the world”, as DK calls them, will awaken to the true nature of the impending danger to avert global nuclear war.
How do I unsubscribe please Philip. Your newsletters are extremely insightful and I have been reading them for many years but I am defintely a proponent of “socialism” (in an approximate 70% : 30% ratio to capitalism- far from what we have today in the “developed” world) and I definitely believe global heating and climate breakdown are extremely serious issues for humanity. I am a climate protester including breaking the law often (and getting charged for it) with protest movements. That is how strongly I feel about it. I don’t want to block your newsletters on my email account because doing so affects the automatic spam filters many email service providers use and may increase the likelihood of your newletters being labelled spam and not reaching new people’s inboxes which I don’t want to happen. Thank-you
there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email you receive Tony. There is a middle way between all these polarisations we are currently experiencing. Unfortunately many will believe what they want to believe, whether it is about climate or covid, and no amount of evidence to the contrary will convince them. Some call this cognitive dissonance. Humanity has despoiled this planet with much pollution – which goes without saying, but it is not the prime reason for so called “climate change”. Climate cycles have been going for millions of years – ice core samples are one good scientific proof of these past epochs. But I am sure there are counter arguments for that too. When people say they “feel” strongly, I always urge them to “think” strongly. If anyone unsubscribes because they disagree with me on one issue or another, I also recommend to not “throw the baby out with the bath water”!
“… Pluto governs the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions, and its influence is therefore largely cerebral and in that you have the clue to its late discovery. Mankind is only on the verge of becoming mental”.
It is interesting to observe how the Tibetan Master relates the brain with the mind through Pluto in this phrase.
When the light of the Soul breaks into consciousness, that is, when the mind is illuminated, all attitudes (ideas and emotions) related to the personality or more material aspect (brain) of the manifestation are inevitably destroyed so that the path is free of obstacles, so that the sacred planets, especially Neptune and Uranus, can exercise their constructive function, the manifestation of the Soul in matter (matter previously purified thanks to Pluto).
It is for this reason that we can think that the transit of Pluto through Aquarius implies a profound renewal of the meanings of the “water bearer”, a destruction of its old meanings related to Pisces (6ºR) so that a meaning can emerge superior. A substance more in line with the new meanings that the 7th Ray and the New Age of Aquarius bring with them.
Thanks for sharing
Pluto’s influence is “largely cerebal” yet it rules the base chakra, there is a conundrum! Not unlike Uranus the planet of science ruling the sacral chakra. The seeds of mind buried in the lower centres, awaiting their raising to the higher centres. Aquarius is a “mental” sign yet also emotional:
“Astral energies emanating from the new sign of the zodiac into which we are now entering, the sign Aquarius. This sign, that of the water-carrier, is a living sign and an emotional sign. It will (through the effect of its potent force) stimulate the astral bodies of men into a new coherency, into a brotherhood of humanity which will ignore all racial and national differences and will [Page 314] carry the life of men forward into synthesis and unity.
This means a tide of unifying life of such power that one cannot now vision it, but which—in a thousand years—will have welded all mankind into a perfect brotherhood. Its emotional effect will be to “purify” the astral bodies of men so that the material world ceases to hold such potent allure, and may in its later stages bring about a state of exaggeration as potent in the line of sentiency as that which we have undergone in the line of materiality!
The final stages of all signs produce over-development of the factor on which they most potently work. At present the effect of this sign is constructive among the pioneers of the race, and destructive among the rank and file of humanity.” (TWM313)
“The influence which emanates from the Pole Star and which is such a potent factor in our solar system reaches our planet via the sign Aquarius. The reasons will be noted if the student bears in mind the significance of water as a symbol of the emotions, which are but a lower manifestation of love-desire. Aquarius is a force centre from which the adept draws the “water of life” and carries it to the multitude. This force from the Pole Star, via Aquarius, is of special power at this time and the day of opportunity is therefore great. It is one of the agencies which make the coming of the Great Lord a possibility. ” (TCF1263.)
Hello Phillip, you are right, each chakra is a different mental space, surely for this reason each center has its miniature reflection in the brain.
Uranus as ruler of the sacrum makes sense, because only the 7th Ray through Uranus can organize in matter (egg/sperm, atom/cell) the will of the soul that wants to be manifested.
Thanks for sharing
Hello Phillip,
Pluto’s influence is “largely cerebral”, but he rules the base chakra, there is a conundrum!
Sorry, but I don’t understand why you say it’s a “conundrum”…, the base of spine is also the brain, right? It’s its lowest part, the part most connected to matter, “the darkest place”, Pluto’s favorite place. In fact, in the average man Pluto also rules the head centre, implying that destruction is not “sacred”, it is not conscious.
In the initiate or disciple the head centre is already ruled by Vulcan because the destruction carried out by Pluto in the base of spine is already conscious, directed by the crown chakra ruled by Vulcan, the conscious will.
In the initiate or disciple, as the mind is illuminated, the destructive process carried out in the matter/brain by Pluto is already conscious, that is, it is not governed by the karmic or unconscious mind of the common man.
It is said that the “animal brain” is the solar plexus centre but there is some kind of consciousness in all the centres.
DK states, “The solar plexus, directing and controlling certain aspects of the nervous system, and which is in large part the instinctual or animal brain.”
“In the next root race, ray five will commence to pour its power into the animal kingdom, gradually stimulating the instinctual mind of the animal until it vibrates to the ray of the intellect, of knowledge. This will bring about an organising of the animal brain, and the transfer of the power of the solar plexus centre to the head centre, and consequently a shift in the animal polarisation and an added activity of the brain in the head.”
We can only take comfort in the belief (faith) that the Hierarchy is working with, and through, useful instruments (useful idiots) to facilitate the realization of the Divine Pan. We know that at a higher level of reality, good and evil are merely a means, a construct of glamour, for externalizing, in our consciousness, the machinations of the Imponderable. But, on a day-to-day basis, it is challenging to remain mindful of the unfolding drama: “Let instability do its work.” As always, your analysis and insight is a clarion voice of sanity in a world that has truly gone mad. I fear that your interpretation of unfolding events on a world-scale is an accurate reflection of what has happened, and what is yet to happen.
Thank you Philip, you are an incredible resource!
My fathers Japanese sensei taught him that Japan was part of the first spiritual human civilization, still reflected today in their culture and society.
The germans helped create Israel through their genocide, its interesting the zionist bankers and British elite had planned for the state decades before the war, then – voila! A Hitler emerges and Jews are forced from Europe.
Also interesting that many see British royals as descended from the lost Hebrew tribes, Williams recent wedding playing the hymn Jerusalem was illluminating..
They spent 100’s of years trying to wrest this ground from the muslims and arabs, and so many years later, finally succeeded. Doubt they will give it up…
Thank you very much, your newsletters always so interesting.
I would love to know where in DK’s books he talks of New Moons being the seeding time as you mention in the letter. I believe I read it somewhere in the books but cannot find it again. I hope you will help me with that.
I cannot find it either Frida! This passage is interesting however and applies to right now before the new moon:
“The dark half of the moon, the period towards the end of the waning moon, and the early new moon. This, as you well know, affects the meditation work.
d. Psychological factors and mass inhibitions due undoubtedly to forces external to the planet and to plans, obscure in their intent to ordinary humanity. These forces, playing upon the human race, affect the most sensitive; they in their turn affect their environment and gradually a momentum is established which sweeps through a race or a nation, through a period or a cycle of years, and produces conditions of profound depression and of mutual distrust. It causes a sad self-absorption and this we term a panic or a wave of unrest. The fact that the working out may be military, economic, social or political, that it may take the form of a war, of a religious inquisition, of financial stringency or international distrust is incidental. The causes lie back in the blue prints of the evolutionary process and are governed—even if unrealised—by the good Law.” (A Treatise on White Magic.)