15 Responses to Aquarius-Leo Full Moon: The Turkey-Syria Earthquake

  1. Suzanne miller says:

    Astounding and IN–LIGHT–ening, as always!

  2. Anne says:

    You mentioned above that………”Meditation groups around the world work regularly at dissolving these clouds.”
    As a former Arcane School student and current Buddhist, I am very interested in joining with such a group. We are and have been at a crisis point on this planet leading up to the great Conclave of 2025.
    Can you direct me to a group working to dispel the increasing clouds of glamour?

    1. I will reply to you privately Anne.

  3. Evita Myriam says:

    Atma Namaste. Thank you for your work. It is much appreciated.

  4. Svetlana says:

    Thanks, Phillip – these are topical emphases.
    I will add a little, as a geophysicist seismologist, on the subject of lightning. Earthquake lightning is also related to convection and electrical processes within the mantle. The release of stored stress in the Earth’s crust occurs along faults along which this magma rises. Magma itself is highly electrified, because the mantle is a reservoir of circulating electrified matter. It is, you could say, an internal ‘liquid’, a living melt… I think because of it tense aspects with the Moon (ruler of water), Pluto (ruler of the Earth’s core energy) and Uranus (ruler of the systemic electricity) are really determining… And yes, of course, the state of the ionosphere as an intermediary between systemic and terrestrial processes plays a significant role.

    1. Thanks Sveta, excellent observations! Good to know also that you are an astrologer and student/teacher of the ageless wisdom!

  5. Thank you very much for this very nice but difficult artikel
    I am 84 years old and wonder if you make horoscope ??
    Just wanted to know if I am on the good way now, the past as you understand I know, but like to know if you can see, if mine change give that what I believe in now. and if you are doing things like that what is the price?? if you are not working that way, mine excuse
    thank you any way for all the mails I had the last years, very good
    regards willem

    1. hello Willem, you can go to this link if you wish to book a reading: https://esotericastrologer.org/readings/

  6. Heidi says:

    Thank you Phillip. One can not interprete better the actual situation in the world. Let’s hope that all the right workers and servers will have the foreseen effect!

  7. Deniz Özmen says:

    Turkey is in the middle of multipl crisis, both external and internal. Purification and renovation are mandatory, necessary to survive. Turkey is governed by incapability and ignorance for more than ten years, we need an urgent change, immediately. Thank you for your comments and sincerity.

  8. david says:

    Hello Phillip, great article, nothing is free and the Tibetan Master, in this text that you show us, already tells us where we can currently place the difficulty or the opportunity.

    First part of the Text:

    “On the maps found in the Archives of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the entire area of the Near East and Europe—Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt, and Russia—is under a heavy overshadowing cloud.”

    In this first part, the opportunity is for Russia to correctly apply the organizing power of the 7th Ray that governs its Soul in Aquarius above the destructive tendencies of the 6th Ray so present in this geographical area, Russia included.

    Second part of the text:

    “Can that cloud be dispelled by the correct thinking and planning of Britain, the United States and the majority of the United Nations or must it break out in disaster over the world?”

    In this second part, the United Kingdom, USA and the majority of the United Nations have the opportunity to recognize that “inclusive knowledge” is the superior quality of the 2nd Ray. This attitude will leave behind the ideals, personalities and exclusive feelings (6ºR) of their past to achieve a better perception of the superior qualities of the 7º Ray or Russia.

    Thanks for sharing

    1. David,
      Now that Seymour Hersh has exposed the USA in his article about the Nordstream bombing (which has been completely suppressed in the MSM), it leaves no doubt that USA – through its 6th ray personality aggression and 6th ray glamour of interference in other nations, chose to sabotage the pipeline. This is technically a declaration of war and Russia would be within its rights to respond accordingly but has been very restrained in not doing so. Can we imagine if Russia did something like this to USA?

      An American, Hersh exposed other stories like the Mi Lai massacre, has won various awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for journalism, and yet has been buried by the MSM. As this heavy truth emerges, USA is desperately trying to create all sorts of other distractions such as weather balloons and UFO’s.

      How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline: https://www.globalresearch.ca/how-america-took-out-nord-stream-pipeline/5807811

      1. david says:

        Hello Philip,

        Let’s hope that in 2026 with the third return of Uranus (for the USA Horoscope) there will be some important change for this great nation.

        Let us remember that the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, the Avatar of Liberty, arose in the first return, and that in the second, after the influence of Roosevelt’s “4 freedoms” speech, the UN was founded.

        Let us work so that this third return is perceived from its superior aspect or 2º Ray.

        1. Indeed David,excellent points! Lincoln was a triple Aquarian ruled by Uranus, the 7th ray ruler. It was also the beginning of a 7th ray sub cycle in 1860. It was in 1945, right on the Uranus return that “Christ took over his duties definitely and consciously as teacher and leader in Aquarius solar cycle”. From my article on 2117:

          “At the centre of this Triangle the Christ took His stand; from that point His Aquarian work began, and it will continue for two thousand five hundred years. Thus He inaugurated the new era and, upon the inner spiritual planes, the new world religion began to take form.”15

          Note that the period mentioned is 2,500 years not 2,160 years, the usual cycle for a zodiac sign’s precession. 2,500 refers to a seventh ray cycle which unfolds over this period and encompasses the zodiacal cycle of Aquarius on the lesser wheel of 2,160:

          “… the Lord of the seventh Ray plays a similar part. Herein lies the reason for His inflowing force at this time, for a profound movement is in order of accomplishment, and a transference is in progress which calls for His particular type of energy. A transference is being effected of certain groups of human and deva Monads out of the human kingdom into the fifth or spiritual kingdom. During His cycle of close on two thousand five hundred years, a specific number of men will pass on to the Path of Initiation, and take at least the first Initiation, thus transferring their centres of consciousness out of the purely human into the early stages of the spiritual.”16


  9. Katherine O'Brien says:

    Fascinating, thanks for your work Phillip

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