Aries 2021: Global Crisis. Seven Rays. Shamballa. Black & White Magic. Dictatorship. Scientism. Germany. China.
Aries Keynote
“I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.”
(Full Moon: March 28, 2021. 18.48 UT.)
In this world cycle, Aries, Taurus and Gemini are three subjective energies or the three conditioning signs which lie behind manifestation. They lie behind the form-taking experience in Cancer … let us bear in mind their cause-initiating nature and the fact that they have a more specifically psychic effect and subjective influence than their strictly phenomenal and physical effects would lead one to imagine.”1
Aries, First of Three Spiritual Festivals
Esoteric Astrology and the Seven Rays
Aries, the First Ray and Dictatorship
___The First Ray and Shamballa
___ Germany: Aries Soul, First Ray Personality
___The Undermining of Democracy and Civil Liberties
___Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s Global Class Action
___The Second Nuremburg Tribunal
Medical Dictatorship by a Few
___ First Ray Glamours
___ Neptune in Pisces Revisited
Aries “Gatekeepers” Keeping the Agenda on Track
___ WEF and WHO: Cartels and Cabals
Astrology of Several Aries “Gatekeepers”.
___Van der Leyen, Merkel, Macron, Michel, Al Gore, Pope Francis, Prince Charles.
___ Intuition
___ Seventh Ray Glamours
___ Fifth Ray Glamours
___ Sixth Ray Glamours
___ Third Ray Glamours
China’s Rising Global Dominance
___ SE Asia and Myanmar
___ China, WEF and Schwab
___ Wuhan Virus Bioweapon?
___China’s Social Credit System
___ China and Germany
___ Atlantean Black Magic
The Forces of Light
Aries, First of Three Spiritual Festivals
It is the beginning of the spiritual new year once again, when the cycle renews itself in Aries – heralding the first of the three annual spiritual festivals – Aries, Taurus and Gemini. These signs establish an aspect of the annually amended Planetary Plan, the Divine Blueprint that is constantly precipitating into human consciousness. Aries’ theme is about the emergence of the subjective, subtle idea – patterned and programmed in the ethers, that will eventually manifest upon the outer plane:
“Aries is the place where the initial idea to institute activity takes form. It is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse taking form—subjective and objective.”2
These first three signs of Aries, Taurus and Gemini function as a triangle of subjective energies that condition the remainder of the year. Hence, tuning into their qualities through personal reflection, group meditation and service will reward the enquirer.
Aries – Easter Festival, the Festival of the Risen Christ.
Taurus – Wesak Festival, the Festival of the Buddha or of Illumination.
Gemini – Festival of Unification – unifying East-West, carried forward by the Christ.
That which is initiated in Aries, finds its consequence or result in polar opposite sign Libra. Here is the law of cause and effect – or karma, hence the reason for the exaltation of Saturn the Lord of Karma, in Libra. Therefore, the importance of making sure that ideas bought forth and projected in Aries, have a clear and well defined outline – so that they will have an accurate manifestation in Libra.
One way to work with the subjective energies of Aries – to initiate new, dynamic activity, is to work in group meditation focused upon a particular theme of World Service. Here, templates can be built upon the mental plane, or existing ones can be embellished, consolidated, refined and expanded. In this era of planetary emergency, any one of the areas represented by the so-called ten seed groups – might be a place to start.
1. Telepathic Communicators
2. Trained Observers
3. Magnetic Healers
4. Educators of the New Age
5. Political Organisers
6. Workers in the Field of Religion
7. Scientific Servers
8. Psychologists
9. Financiers and Economists
10. Creative Workers in the Arts
Esoteric Astrology and the Seven Rays
The study of the Seven Rays constitutes the science of Esoteric Astrology. As emphasised regularly, a person’s rays cannot be gleaned from the birth chart. The horoscope is simply an interface through which the rays of the soul and personality – and the “lesser vehicles” of the mental, astral and physical bodies – express.
For instance, the soul ray expresses through the rising sign or ascendant, whilst the personality ray works through sun sign – the expression of the “three-fold lower self” or personality. The rays can only be ascertained independently through study, reflection and meditation – and this can take some years! In this era of instant satisfaction or satiation, some students find supposed ray tables on the internet based upon your time or date of birth, these are utterly false and should be avoided at all costs!
As the rays pass through the signs, they are also modified by each sign’s exoteric/esoteric planetary ruler – the planets are distributors of the rays, yet also have their own rulerships of each ray, which leads to a rich confluence and blending of the rays, planets and zodiac signs. For instance, rays 1 and 7 pass through Aries, a sign ruled at three levels by Mars, Mercury and Uranus – yet those planets rule rays 6, 4 and 7 respectively.
The study of the rays is a profound exploration of human qualities that constitutes the science of Esoteric Psychology – a discipline that can be studied on its own, apart from Esoteric Astrology. But it is Esoteric Astrology – The Science of All Sciences – that brings the rays to life when considering individual horoscopes or the annual cycles of the Sun and planets through the zodiac.
When examining the rays associated with the zodiac signs for the first time, many students experience “aha” moments – where there is a realization of the “missing part of astrology”, i.e. the rays that round-out or considerably qualify the meaning of the signs. When we consider the Ancient Greek aphorism “know thyself” – one of the maxims at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, one cannot do much better than study the rays – to work out at least the soul and personality rays, and the other “vehicles” or the mental, astral and physical bodies.
Knowledge of the rays is not only complementary to the study of astrology, but represents in many ways, the deepest form of psychology imaginable. To study and know ray characteristics, their vices and virtues, the “glamours” of the rays, their occupations and their many septenaries that relate to the energy centres, jewels, colours etc, – is a profound journey.
Much more about the rays can be found on the author’s website. If you are new to the rays or wish to re-explore, the ray tabulations page might be a good place to start – bearing in mind that there are also essays and book downloads (Tapestry of the Gods) on the rays.
Aries, the First Ray and Dictatorship
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is “host” to the first ray of will-power that pours through this sign. Vocations of the first ray are the explorer, leader, adventurer, politician, occultist, executive, manager and dictator.
The first ray also passes through Leo and Capricorn, giving the potential for that ray to be invoked, even if the individual does not have that ray in their “ray structure”. Conversely, those signs can enhance the expression of the first ray if it is part of the individual’s “equipment”. The following diagram is a good illustration of the passage of just one ray (the first), through Aries, Leo and Capricorn – and it is transmitted through the “gateway” of the Sun, distributed by the planets to Earth. Vocations of the rays are also a handy ready-reckoner to give a general idea of ray attributes.
Dictators are found in many walks of life – whether it is the dictator in the home, the office or political arena – we all know or are those kinds of people! The term dictator, implies a forceful imposition of ideas upon another without any discussion, debate, engagement, or proper relationship – the latter quality reflecting the opposite sign to Aries – Libra. Dictatorship is raging in the world today with for instance, no discussion or debate allowed about Coronavirus/Covid-19.
Ray 1 – Will-Power.
Virtues Strength, courage, steadfast, truthful, fearless, trustworthy, large-minded.
Vices Ruthless, hard, cold, prideful, arrogant, ambitious, tyrannical, cruel, controlling.
These characteristics can be seen in the Sun signs Aries, Leo and Capricorn, but also of course in the rising sign, moon sign or strong emphasis in those signs. An individual may not have any of these signs present in their horoscope, yet might have a first ray soul, first ray mind and first ray physical vehicle. It is possible to have multiple assignments of the rays to various vehicles, but the soul and personality ray cannot be the same, except perhaps in an extremely rare instance.
Dictators can express themselves through all the signs, especially Aries, Leo and Capricorn – and the signs ruled by the two first ray planetary rulers, Vulcan and Pluto – hence Taurus and Scorpio respectively. Pisces is ruled by Pluto at the soul level, so it too is a dictator contender. A strong first ray type might choose to incarnate through some of the “soft” love-wisdom signs such as Virgo-Pisces, in order to modulate and temper the often hard expression of the first ray. Louis XIV might be an example with sun in Virgo – but his moon in Leo is the giveaway as his “Sun king” title and absolutist monarchist role indicate. Virgo is also a sign that “veils” the first ray planet Vulcan. (Or WHO director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, with six placements in Pisces – mentioned later.)
The First Ray and Shamballa
Aries polar opposite Libra is another sign that first ray types express themselves in, despite the fact that only ray 3 is given as passing through this sign. In one sense, Aries first ray spirit, incarnates into Libra’s third ray matter. The first ray transmitting through Aries is moderated by Libra’s fairness, ability to engage and relate – such as Margaret Thatcher, past PM of Britain. The first ray is associated with the planetary centre known as Shamballa, the crown chakra of the planet:
“Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings. Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter which first came together in Aries.”3
The Three Planetary Centres: Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity.
Note the intermediating New Group of World Servers (NGWS).
Germany: Aries Soul, First Ray Personality
Aries soul, Pisces personality. Soul ray 4, personality ray 1.
Germany’s Aries soul promotes the expression of Aries and the first ray force that sign transmits, as well as the fact that it is a first ray personality. Hence, there is a double-emphasis of first ray energy for this nation. Just because a zodiac sign or ray conditions a nation’s soul, does not mean that there is a pure expression of that energy – more often than not in a nation’s early development, soul force is distorted.
Hence, like other nations, Germany’s Aries soul has been misused in its lower aspect, combined with the first ray Shamballa energy that Libra rising Hitler and the Nazis tapped into, before and during WWI & II. Germany’s Aries soul in its lower expression, was the impulse behind them initiating both wars – only for the Allies to be victorious. (Though since that time, Germany has become financially “victorious” or dominating.)
Such is the impulsive nature of Aries and its spirit as the explorer – German leaders even ordered an expedition in search of Shamballa in 1938. Like Britain, Germany’s personality is on the first ray, hence its point of least resistance as the will-to-govern, hence Hitler’s admiration of that nation. (Hitler was likely a first ray soul, as most probably was his adversary Churchill.)
The increasing power emanating from our planet’s great first ray centre – Shamballa, is responsible for the rise of fascism in nations. Ever since WWII, the spiritual guides of Humanity (The Great White Brotherhood), who are steeped in the principle of the second ray of love-wisdom, have taken a calculated risk and permitted,
“… a direct inflow of the Shamballa force (in spite of its attendant risks) to pour into the world. The objective was to stimulate the free will of the masses; the result upon them has been relatively good as it has led to the formulation and expression of the great world ideologies—Fascism, Democracy and Communism as well as that peculiarly distorted blend of Fascism and Communism which goes by the name of Hitlerism or Nazism.”4
This “ancient conflict” is of course the Atlantean war, recapitulated during WWI & II, today in its third and final phase. Note also, that China’s capital Beijing, is just a stone’s throw from the current location of Shamballa; physical proximity to this centre must have a strong influence. China is literally in Shamballa’s aura, as is neighbouring India to a certain extent – also a first ray soul. (More on the relaation between Germany and China later.)
When Aries is considered through its ruler Mars, there is the warrior and aggressor. And when this energy of Mars (co-ruler of the sixth ray), is combined with the first ray energy that pours through Aries – there is produced a formidable, almost indomitable combination that can express most powerfully through a local community leader, a civil rights advocate, an explorer, dictator or adventurer.
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries sets the intention through grasping a seed idea and planting it. Aries is known as the seed-scatterer, whether that is taking Mars’ phallic glyph literally – in terms of semen, sex and reproduction, or the dis-semination of ideas.
Mercury is the soul ruler of Aries and is known as the communicator of ideas through language – more commonly represented with its exoteric rulership of Gemini. Mercury in Aries however, is more about intuition – direct knowledge. Mercury is also the ruler of Germany’s fourth ray soul (the ray of art, beauty and music) – that gifted the world the sublime language of music for several centuries:

Brahmâ “expands” and becomes the Universe woven out of his own substance … beautifully expressed by Goethe, who says: “Thus at the roaring loom of Time I ply, And weave for God the garment thou see’st Him by.” (The Secret Doctrine, H.P. Blavatsky.)
“The Germany of the mystical poets and writers of the Middle Ages will again arise—the Germany of the musical festivals, the Germany which has given the world the best of the music of all time, the Germany of Schiller and of and the Germany of the philosophers.”5
“The Shamballa energy is very different to the planetary heart centre, represented collectively by the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom. Earth’s inhabitants are still getting used to the Shamballa force – pure spiritual will that easily distorts through most of undeveloped Humanity. There has been a relatively recent decision to allow the Shamballa energy to be released direct to Humanity – hitherto Hierarchy acted as a shield or filter to these highly refined spiritual forces.
This is an universal law for all spiritual forces that impact this planet, whether it is a ray, zodiac sign or planet – they all have their lower and higher expressions, depending upon the “vehicles of response”. For instance, Uranus can express as erratic and eccentric, Neptune as addiction or world glamour; this is simply because Humanity is at many different stages of soul unfoldment, with varying degrees of “substance redeemed” within the personality vehicles of the etheric-physical, astral and mental bodies.
The Undermining of Democracy and Civil Liberties
Hence, as the 2025 centennial conclave draws closer – in the “Council of Shamballa”, the Shamballa force is being invoked for better and worse. This imminent occurrence which precedes the Externalisation of the Hierarchy is also the reason why the Materialistic Forces working through their corporate entities, have taken desperate measures to control the world in the guise of a man-made, orchestrated Pandemic – mandatory vaccinations, mask-wearing, social distancing and vax passports. Here is a blatant misuse of force expressing itself as totalitarianism:
“A concept for a form of government or political system that prohibits opposition parties, restricts individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control over public and private life. It is regarded as the most extreme and complete form of authoritarianism.”6
What has the world witnessed in 2021-1 – need we be reminded? Prohibition of any public debate or discussion about Coronavirus, governments ignoring laws and dictating public lockdowns and procedures that have resulted in loss of businesses, employment and income.
Invasion of privacy, media censorship and banning, akin to the Nazi book-burning horrors of the 1930’s – the suppression of higher thought – or thought, period. Again, the author draws attention to the past in order to illuminate the present.

Dutch police made many brutal and unnecessary attacks upon a peaceful public protesting during March 2021. It appears that this policy of intimidation is being used by many governments around the world.
The very Aries theme of violent intimidation of peaceful public protests – that occurred mid-March 2021, in London, Dublin, Dresden and The Netherlands – to name a few. (The shocking slaughter in Myanmar is another tragic political story.)
A new anti-protest bill is currently being rushed through British parliament, deliberately attempting to bypass public discussion: New anti-protest bill raises profound concern and alarm, human rights groups say.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is an international lawyer qualified both in his native Germany and California, who has fought big cases successfully. With the aid of legal people from around the world, he is preparing A second Nuremberg Tribunal class action:
“An international network of corporate lawyers will litigate the biggest tort case of all time namely The Covid-19 fraud scandal which has since become the biggest crime against humanity ever. On the initiative of a group of German lawyers, a Covid-19 commission of inquiry was set up with the aim of bringing collective action on an international level on the basis of Anglo-Saxon law.”
Fuellmich states on his website: “I have been practicing law, primarily as a trial lawyer, against fraudulent corporations such as Deutsche Bank – formerly one of the world’s largest and most respected banks, today one of the most toxic criminal organizations in the world – VW one of the world’s largest and most respected car manufacturers, today notorious for its giant diesel fraud – and Kuehne + Nagel the world’s largest shipping company, we’re suing them in a multi-million dollar bribery case.
I’m also one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. Since July 10th 2020 this committee has been listening to a large number of international scientists and expert testimony to find answers to questions about the corona crisis, which more and more people worldwide are asking. All the above-mentioned cases of corruption and fraud committed by the German corporations pale in comparison – in view of the extent of the damage that the corona crisis has caused and continues to cause.
This corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a corona scandal and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages on a political level. Everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas.”7
As a Pisces personality – at the end of the Age of Pisces, the German people in the 1930’s were subject to,
“… an extreme negativity which makes them the most easily “conditioned” people of all time, plus an ability to accept dictatorship and propaganda without any questioning or revolt and with a deep sense of inferiority … consequently easily exploited, easily convinced by those who can shout and threaten; they are easily regimented.”8
Now in 2021, one 84-year Uranus cycle since the late 1930’s – and at the very tail-end of the Age of Pisces, whilst Neptune is transiting through its own sign, it appears that the process is being repeated all over again – on a global scale. Just as most of the Germans were unaware that they had been duped, misled, lied to – so it appears that in 2020-1, the majority of the planetary population has had a veil of glamour pulled over its eyes:
“… accepted dictatorship and propaganda without [barely] any questioning or revolt … easily exploited, easily convinced by those who can shout and threaten … easily regimented.”
World events are currently accelerating very quickly – as materialistic forces scramble to consolidate their position and push through tougher controls. It has been speculated publicly that a “Fourth Reich” envisaged by the Nazis is now emerging globally via the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” – advocated by WEF chairman Klaus Schwab and driven by various shadowy groups. Indeed, a recent in depth biographical article of Schwab’s family background, provides the missing pieces that the compromised big media site, Wikipedia conveniently leaves out.
The essential part of the story is that Schwab’s father was a Nazi collaborator in WWII. Yes, you would want to keep that from your Wikipedia profile! Not that this damns Schwab of course, but these connections, associations and modus operandi keep coming up consistently. The following passage can be easily applied to the era of today – to corporate Nazism which is rife through Big Media, Money, Pharma and government:
“The Forces of Light … are working for the release of Germany from the glamour which descended upon her people. The Hierarchy makes a distinction between the bewildered mass, the wrongly educated youth and the obsessed leaders in all branches of the government. The latter are “shells,” obsessed by evil entities and hence their dynamic, one-pointed potency, hence also their extreme skill and cunning, based on very ancient evil experience and hence also the well-nigh ludicrous falsity of their propaganda.
They are the spirit of materialism embodied, devoid of all true feeling and perception, lacking the light of love and understanding, but powerfully animated by the energy of substance itself. It is time that men woke up to the nature of these beings who sought (under the present grouping of constellations) to enslave the race. The earthly influence of Capricorn made their activity possible [in 2020, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn – the latter will remain there until 2025], they themselves have been evoked out of their evil past by the material side of humanity itself and the potency of the massed selfishness of mankind.
In like manner, the Forces of Light can be evoked in tremendous potency but only by the massed aspiration and spiritual desires of the peoples of the Earth. Of this evocation, there are already signs.”9
One does not have cast the net very far to identify several of the world’s top corporate chiefs who appear to be similarly “possessed” – who are, “devoid of all true feeling and perception, lacking the light of love and understanding”.
Medical Dictatorship by a Few
Throughout 2020-1, Humanity has been brow-beaten, fed incessant fear-inducing propaganda, had debate about coronavirus suppressed and censored, has been exploited, regimented and manipulated. This has occurred through forcing people to wear masks, despite the wealth of medical evidence that states mask-wearing does not work or is detrimental to health. Of course, advocates and propagandists of mask-wearing will trot-out equally “scientific” evidence – and the bamboozled general public is none the wiser.
Forcing people to wear masks is a way of demoralisation and dehumanisation – a process of taking away a person’s individuality so that they become a faceless face in a mass of soul-less faces – simply numbered entities awaiting further “processing” for vaccination and associated passports. Wearing a mask is not being “considerate” of others, there is the emotional blackmail that has been foisted upon everyone.
Regimentation is one of the shadow expressions of the incoming seventh ray of Ceremonial Order/Magic or Organisation. Regimentation by authoritarian states will not be complete until vaccine passports are universally approved; after many have had their first, second or even third shots of the “vaccine” – then there will be a global regimentation.
We are not even considering here the myriad harmful side effects of vaccinations, resulting already in thousands of deaths and adverse reactions, or their alleged gene-altering effects revealed by highly qualified medical scientists. Those who do not comply with taking the vaccination, will be/are already cast into the outer circle as “lepers” who are restricted from about 80% of social and cultural activities.
This is already happening in Israel, even longer in China – and other nations are looking on to see how they can implement such schemes. In Israel there is a double apartheid currently taking place, as many Palestinians are being denied the jab – which is surely an advantage if they could recognise it, having been indoctrinated by propaganda like the Israeli’s, many Palestinians now believe that they must have it.
First Ray Glamours
Like China, the Jewish people are a first ray soul and a third ray personality, hence the glamours and vices of the first ray in both these nations – the misuse of first ray force as enumerated here:
The glamour of the superimposed will upon others and upon groups.
The glamour of rulership, of dictatorship and of wide control.
The glamour of destruction.
The glamour of the Messiah complex in the field of politics.
The glamour of selfish destiny, of the divine right of kings personally exacted.
The glamour of isolation, of aloneness, of aloofness.
Neptune in Pisces Revisited
As discussed in several newsletters for 2020-1, one of the main causes of the glamour under which the world labours, is the lower expression of Neptune in Pisces, creating glamour and illusion, the stimulation of the fear of death – the most ancient primordial fear and greatest of human illusions. As the last sign of the zodiac ruled esoterically by Pluto, the lord of death and destruction – Pisces is one of the signs of death; due to its sensitive emotional nature, it is prone to all kinds of fears.
The transit of Neptune in Pisces has been exacerbated (somewhat paradoxically), by the imminent approach of The Christ – whose esoteric name in the West is Neptune. Here is lower Neptune (the masses) versus higher Neptune (The Christ) – pure “buddhi”, intuition or direct knowledge.
Hence, the stirring up of astral substance over the entire planet, wherein lies much of the unredeemed shadow of Humanity, the Planetary Dweller on the Threshold. Therein is the opportunity to purify these forces and hence lay the groundwork for The Externalisation. In the author’s estimation, about 75-80% of the world has fallen into a Neptunian, mass hypnosis by media, indicated by various polls and other responses.
Because the majority of the human population has accepted the skewed media hard-sell, does not mean that they are “right” – simply because that group is composed of the majority of the planetary population who have not developed independent, critical thought, who lack discrimination or discernment.
The “majority” is the “mob mentality” that is emotionally driven and easily led to fixation upon some idea/ideal/idol. Monty Python’s “she’s a witch” is a classic example! (Monty Python and the Holy Grail).
The masses are driven and controlled by a much smaller group who have considerable intellectual development and expertise – “the intelligentsia” (“thinkers and scientists” in the earlier planetary centres diagram) – a group that is not necessarily spiritually developed, or has “reversed the wheel” of material living from the mutable cross,- or yet symbolically mounted the fixed cross of the soul.

Calumny of Apelles (Botticelli). “The figures are either personifications of vices or virtues, or in the case of the king and victim, of the roles of the powerful and the powerless. From left to right, they represent (with alternative names): Truth, nude and pointing upwards to Heaven; Repentance in black; Perfidy (Conspiracy) in red and yellow, over the innocent half-naked victim on the floor, who is being pulled forward by the hair by Calumny (Slander), in white and blue and holding a flaming torch. Fraud, behind, arranges Calumny’s hair. Rancour (Envy), a bearded and hooded man in black, holds his hand towards the king’s eyes to obscure their view. On the throne, the king has the donkey’s ears of King Midas, and Ignorance on his far side and Suspicion on the near side grasp these as they speak into them. The king extends his hand towards Calumny, but his eyes look down so that he cannot see the scene.” (Wikipedia)
Hence, in the spirit or should we say matter – of the Kali Yuga age, there has emerged a truly horrific, passive acceptance of the “Big Calumny” (lie) – which includes influential spiritual groups that have accepted, through their own crystallised development, conditioning, inertia and flat-out laziness – the mainstream media narrative, dictated by corporate media. A friend and co-worker recently wrote the author, concerned at the “fostering of conspiracy theory”:
“I’m quite ok with Jake Tapper, Anderson Cooper, Dana Bash and others. I seem to see into the character of the CNN people and do not find anything repellent. My reading of them finds humanity in their hearts.” … To which the author responded …
“Yes the CNN people might appear “nice”, reasonable and kind-hearted and might well be … but at the end of the day they are ludicrously overpaid corporate lackeys doing the bidding of their masters … they only help perpetuate misinformation, masquerading as facts – good material for glamour to thrive. CNN just keeps grinding it out every day and people passively absorb it. Ironically, even esotericists, “fighting glamour”, cannot see because some are so deeply in the thrall of mass media.”
Spiritual leaders like Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama are also “on board” the WEF train – have fallen for the mass hypnosis. (However, the Dalai Lama may have been threatened or coerced by China.) Extending the analogy further, can we look forward to a “train wreck” – when WEF runs out of track for their “runaway locomotive”?
Aries “Gatekeepers” Keeping the Agenda on Track
Or is that “Gates-Keepers”? As previous newsletters have indicated, there are a few controlling bodies who are the main determiners of our current medical dictatorship, the first visible players are the WEF, WHO, various groups such as SAGE, CDC, NIH, John Hopkins University and personalities such as Gates and Fauci.
Cartels and Cabals
Above and beyond these entities are the invisible cartels and cabals that occupy the apex of this pyramid of power – from where directives emanate. Not conspiracy theory – actual fact! A reminder for readers of the author’s oft-repeated quotations on cartels and cabals – written 1945-7 just after WWII. In the past 75 years, these groups have refined and consolidated their grip upon power to an extraordinarily dominating degree:
“The responsibility for the widespread misery to be found today in every country in the world lies predominantly at the door of certain major interrelated groups of business-men, bankers, executives of international cartels, monopolies, trusts and organizations and directors of huge corporations who work for corporate or personal gain.
They are not interested in benefiting the public except in so far that the public demand for better living conditions will enable them—under the Law of Supply and Demand—to provide the goods, the transportation, light and power which will in the long run bring in heavier financial returns. Exploitation of man-power, the manipulation of the major planetary resources and the promotion of war for private or business profit are characteristic of their methods.
In every nation, such men and organizations—responsible for the capitalistic system—are to be found. The ramifications of their businesses and their financial grasp upon humanity were, prior to the war [WWII], active in every land and though they went underground during the war, they still exist. They form an international group, closely interrelated, working in complete unity of idea and intention and knowing and understanding each other.
These men belonged to both the Allied Nations and the Axis Powers; they have worked together before and through the entire period of the war through interlocking directorates, under false names and through deceptive organizations, aided by neutrals of their own way of thinking.
Today, in spite of the disaster which they have brought upon the world, they are again organized and renewing their methods; their goals remain unchanged; their international relationships remain unbroken; they constitute the greatest menace mankind faces today.”10
These many business and corporate groups are inter-related, deeply entwined with multiple entities and mega rich families around the world, so often relegated to the realm of “conspiracy theory” – but which nonetheless exist and whose activities have been widely documented. Illuminati derives from illuminatus meaning “enlightened”. In other words these groups of intellectually brilliant people, who have much light of intellect but lack compassion, have hijacked the term for the White Brotherhood, or Hierarchy of Enlightened Being – whose light is infinitely greater:

This is a grey area of associations for many, not what the author necessarily subscribes, but gives the general idea.
The Illuminati, Rothschild family, the Bilderberger, Club of Rome, Deep State, Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, various “think tanks”, World Affairs Council, the Aspen Institute, Le Cercle, the Brookings Institution, the Atlantic Council, the Business Advisory Council, World Government Summit, the US Federal Reserve, the corrupted and compromised United Nations, Council of 13, Committee of 300, Bank of International Settlements, International Monetary Fund, The Vatican, Secret Societies, NSA, CIA, Mossad, MI6, some royal families, Hollywood, the music industry etc.
The study and explanation of these groups range from the extreme to the reasonable – a rich source of glamour, generating paranoia and speculation – which makes claims about them easily discredited or dismissed. Yet evidence lies in the public domain, should anyone care to take the time to investigate.
It can be seen therefore, with the powerful, ingrained and well established grip that these groups have around the planet, how much needs to drastically change before the true Hierarchy of Light can return – and Humanity can enter the Aquarian Age,.
WEF – World Economic Forum: “The foundation is funded by its 1,000 member companies, typically global enterprises with more than five billion dollars in turnover (varying by industry and region). These enterprises rank among the top companies within their industry and/or country and play a leading role in shaping the future of their industry and/or region.”11
WHO – World Health Organisation. WHO is composed of representatives from 194 nations, serving as WHO’s decision-making body. It is governed by 192 Member States through the World Health Assembly. Bill Gates is now one of WHO’s largest funders. Practically all nations in the world are legally beholden to WHO directives – regarding pandemics.
On March 11, 2020 the WHO Director General – Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, officially declared a Worldwide Pandemic when the number of confirmed cases outside China was 44,279 – with only 1,440 deaths recorded by WHO. Shortly after this premature declaration, WHO and WEF launched an emergency task force in March to respond to the coronavirus outbreak – with more than 200 corporate members like Alphabet (Google), Nasdaq, KPMG, and Hewlett Packard etc. Let it be repeated, WHO and WEF are the main drivers of Covid-19 treatment and vaccination policy to governments around the world.
Astrology of Several Aries “Gatekeepers”.
Or should that be WTF? As discussed in a newsletter on WEF, this entity is an Aquarian sun and rising sign with five planets in one-pointed Sagittarius – a sign known for its fanaticism, due to the powerful expression of the sixth ray through this sign. Sixth ray ruler Mars is part of this Sagittarius stellium, considerably magnified by its close conjunction to Jupiter – and Neptune, the other co-ruler of the sixth ray. It might be safe to say that the WEF is prone to zealous fanaticism.
Mars is also the ruler of Aries, the sign tenanted by Chiron the “wounded healer” – at a time when the WEF is going through its first 50-year cycle of the Chiron return. Hence WEF is assuming leadership and forcefulness, driven by the fanaticism of Mars in Sagittarius – for its health policies and other plans such as, “you will own nothing but be happy”.
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Spectacular turnout for the worldwide march against lockdown March 2021.
Angela Merkel
German chancellor Angela Merkel, is regarded by some libertarians as an, “agent for Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum … whose job it is to keep the ship of the nascent EU (European Union) state trudging right towards that iceberg of The Great Reset”. Merkel, has Mars in its most fanatical position – in Sagittarius conjunct WEF’s moon – meaning that she could be easily influenced by WEF fanaticism.
Merkel, who has a doctorate in quantum chemistry and worked as a research scientist, recently had a classic Mars in Sagittarius outburst, saying she would not take the vaccine, while under enormous pressure to do so. “Merkel also voiced support for EU chief Ursula von der Leyen’s threat to block AstraZeneca vaccines produced in the bloc from being exported, ahead of a crunch EU summit on Thursday on the escalating row. (‘New pandemic’: Merkel seeks to tackle British variant with Easter lockdown)
Amazingly (or alarmingly!), key leaders in Europe and the WEF have synastry with WEF/Merkel’s late Sagittarius placements: Emmanuel Macron – France, Prince Charles – Britain, Al Gore – USA, Charles Michel – Belgium, Pope Francis – spiritual leader of Catholic Christians.
Sagittarius is the sign of one-pointed orientation and so all these leaders have promoted the Great Reset, repeating its mantram, “Build back better”, shooting their philosophically misguided arrows to the agreed target. Note that several entities here have “Exaggittarius” ruler Jupiter, in its own sign – enthusiastically inflating Schwab’s deeply flawed philosophical ideas.
Klaus Schwab Revisited
All the above planetary positions in late Sagittarius, make an harmonious trine aspect to WEF chairman Klaus Schwab’s all-powerful Mercury in Aries. As the “master of ceremonies”, Schwab’s Mercury in Aries is in exact square to Pluto in Cancer, reflecting a ruthless and unerring drive to achieve his philosophical goal. As stated in another newsletter, power planet Pluto is set for a closer transiting square to Schwab’s Mercury in Aries throughout 2021, reaching exactitude in Feb.2022, all the way through to the end of 2023. The 82 y.o Schwab may well find this time very difficult:
“During this period, important communications may occur that have a long-lasting effect. Not only do you tend to come across forcefully, but also you may encounter people or situations that attempt to control what you think and what you say. Pressure from the outside or within may prompt you to raise your voice and to be heard. You often have strong opinions now, and it is possible that you have to defend them as your ideas may come under attack … Sometimes you have a need to be right and become so convinced of your point of view that you can see no other.”12
Schwab has Saturn, Sun, Venus and Mercury in Aries; he is German and as stated earlier, Germany is an Aries soul that has tapped into the aggressive and forceful nature of Aries – to become the dominant European economic power. Likewise, Schwab in his own unique way, has tapped into his nation’s Aries energy. The Bilderberg Group, whose aim is to “bolster a consensus around free-market Western capitalism and its interests around the globe” – has the Moon in Aries conjunct Schwab’s Mercury in Aries. Just as the WEF’s moon in Sagittarius has such a profound influence on the entities listed above, so does the shadowy Bilderberg Group’s Aries moon influences Schwab’s Mercury.
Ursula von der Leyen
Schwab’s “point person” in Europe is German politician and physician, Ursula von der Leyen, a strong advocate of WEF policies and “conveniently” appointed the new president of the European Commission (EC) on December 1, 2019 – on the eve of the coronavirus outbreak.
Von der Leyen is a vivacious and charismatic Libra sun, Venus and Mercury, with autocratic Moon-Uranus in Leo. She has Earth in Aries placed in the middle of Schwab’s Aries stellium. Essentially, van der Leyen’s task is to enforce and consolidate WEF policy via the EC in Europe and it appears to be holding so far but with many criticisms of her actions.
Von der Leyen’s powerful influence is reflected by her Moon-Uranus in Leo, that falls on the EC’s sun in Leo – an entity that also has Moon in Aries! The Aries influence with all these groups and individuals is quite pronounced. Van der Leyen is currently being blamed for the crisis of a shortage of vaccines in Europe. Whilst upon the subject of vaccines, the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies make more money than the GDP of most nations.
Mega companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon etc. are all heavily invested in the Big Pharma money spinner, hence their outrageous censoring of the narrative, to protect their interests: Here are the top ten Big Pharma’s eye-watering revenue in 2020:
1. Johnson & Johnson – $56.1bn. 2. Pfizer – $51.75bn. 3. Roche – $49.23bn. 4. Novartis – $47.45bn. 5. Merck & Co. – $46.84bn. 6. GlaxoSmithKline – $44.27bn. 7. Sanofi – $40.46bn. 8. AbbVie – $33.26bn. 9. Takeda – $30.52bn. 10. Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding – $26.69bn.13
Bill Gates-Microsoft
The ubiquitous Gates has a finger in almost every pie and is known for his aggressive business practices, going right back to his early Microsoft days. Gates has the Moon in Aries, the same position as Apple founder Steve Jobs, whose astro-profile can be found here. As stated in the author’s 2011 article, Jobs’ moon and Mars positions in Aries contributed to him succumbing to cancer of the pancreas – due to his emotional volatility. The pancreas is the endocrine gland associated with the solar plexus ruled by Mars-Neptune.
Moon in Aries taps into first ray ruthlessness, especially as the moon rules Gates all-grasping/hoarding Cancer ascendant – and is the most elevated, dominating body in his horoscope. Bear in mind, the moon represents the unconscious, the shadow, the “dweller on the threshold”. Gates’ moon is somewhat qualified by Mars in Libra opposite, bringing greater calm, compared to the rage of Jobs’ Mars-Moon in Aries.
That is not to say however that Gates is without his rage. Aries ruler Mars, is the dispositor (ruler) of Gates’ Scorpio Sun, Venus and Saturn. Gates’ creation, Microsoft, is also Aries – Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Chiron in this sign! Microsoft is well known for its aggressive business practices, backed-up by a shrewd, hard-nosed Moon in Capricorn.
Then there is the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation – says author Daniel Pinchbeck:
“This “irrational rationality” — this hidden heart of darkness in the project of Enlightenment — is the reason that conspiracy theories swirl around Bill Gates. Gates is a perfect representative, an archetypal figure, of Enlightenment as it first demystifies and then seeks to control the world, reducing everything to binary code while concealing that this is, in itself, a mythological and irrational procedure.
The Gates Foundation is an instrument of corporate globalization, furthering the agenda of monoculture. The $46.8 billion endowment of the Gates Foundation invests huge sums in the worst polluting and most destructive companies in the world. In many cases, these companies create the very problems that the Foundation claims it wants to solve. For example, the Gates Foundation states that one of its aims is better nutrition for children, while investing billions in Coca Cola and McDonald’s. The Foundation claims to address climate change, yet invests huge sums in Exxon, British Petroleum, and Shell. And so on.”14
“The term scientism is generally used critically, implying an unwarranted application of science in situations considered not amenable to application of the scientific method or similar scientific standards.”15
The emergence of modern science in the past 500 years has accelerated global development to a staggering degree – and four industrial revolutions have emerged during this period. Klaus Schwab outlines what he sees as the Fourth Industrial Revolution:
“The First Industrial Revolution [1765] used water and steam power to mechanize production. The Second [1870] used electric power to create mass production. The Third [1969] used electronics and information technology to automate production.
Now a Fourth Industrial Revolution [2016 >] is building on the Third, the digital revolution that has been occurring since the middle of the last century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres. There are three reasons why today’s transformations represent not merely a prolongation of the Third Industrial Revolution but rather the arrival of a Fourth and distinct one: velocity, scope and systems impact. The speed of current breakthroughs has no historical precedent.
When compared with previous industrial revolutions, the Fourth is evolving at an exponential rather than a linear pace. Moreover, it is disrupting almost every industry in every country. And the breadth and depth of these changes herald the transformation of entire systems of production, management and governance.”16
Here is where Humanity faces the scientism dilemma. As its name implies, ism means “taking sides with” or the “imitation of” – a religion, science, philosophy, theory, behaviour etc. Isms usually denote a crystallisation of thinking in any particular field. The past year of 2020-1 has highlighted the split in scientific thinking between thousands, if not millions of scientists and medical experts – divided on the coronavirus, its treatment and vaccinations.
Scientism appears to be a non-wholistic approach to science and is easily compromised by financial research grants, weapons manufacturers, pharmaceutical and oil companies etc. In other words, science is used to “make the shoe fit” – because ulterior motives (usually financial), drive the agenda. Hence, the use of scientism has been hugely influential recently. Despite known dangers, side-effects and deaths from hastily manufactured “vaccines” – scientism, through compromised and manipulated media, has been used to scare the masses, driving them to queue up eagerly for their first shot.
Others claim that mass vaccinations are part of a major eugenics exercise, designed to kill off large portions of the population through gene-altering ingredients in the vaccine. Shades of Dr. Mengele experimentation with human guinea pigs. (See this earlier newsletter that discusses the subject of Eugenics.)
Of course, the opposite can be argued by these proponents of scientism, that opponents of their ideas are rooted in “pseudo-science” – what they might label as scientism. Really? A counter projection? There is an extraordinary number of highly qualified scientists and doctors around the world, from prestigious universities or Noble Prize nominees – who have argued against the entire, scurrilous presentation of the “Pandemic”.
It is hard to gauge if they are a majority, or if those dominating the narrative are a minority. The voice of this large number of experts has been utterly shut/shot down and censored by mainstream and social media, big tech etc. Some examples of these experts are World Doctors Alliance (also on Telegram.) and the Great Barrington Declaration – headed by Oxford professor of epediomology, Dr. Sunetra Gupta.
Nevertheless, it appears that scientism or pseudo-science has been deliberately and blatantly used by those controlling the narrative. This division of medical opinion is also a reflection of the current unfoldment of the Fifth Rootrace, where the development of mind has reached its apotheosis. The mental plane is divided into two levels:
The lower four subplanes – domain of the lower or concrete mind.
The higher three subplanes – domain of the causal body or soul.

The four lower suplanes and the higher three subplanes of the mental plane – home of the causal body or soul.
Scientism is entirely of the lower concrete mind and its point of least resistance is materialism – i.e only that which can be seen, weighed, cognised with the five finite senses – exists. Paradoxically, we now know through the amazing scientific inventions of electron microscopes and powerful telescopes – how the unseen has been brought into view. Due to human evolution thus far unfolded, the majority of those who embrace the scientific approach are polarised in the lower mind – that gives a persistent, plodding determination to make breakthroughs, and is subject to flashes of intuition.
Yet, the higher mind is the domain of the soul, one’s true conscience, the sixth sense of the intuition – has a much greater scope for expression. Hence, the group of “conscientious objectors” in the medical-scientific field, are not only drawing upon their scientific training, but their innate, inner knowing:
“The intuition is that recognition of reality which becomes possible as glamour and illusion disappear … when glamour no longer grips the lower man … Fleeting moments of this high freedom come to all true aspirants at times, during their life struggle. They have then an intuitive flash of understanding.”17
“The intuition is a growth, primarily, in sensitivity and in an inner response to the soul. This must be cultivated with care, and no attention should be paid to the factor of time …”18 … “(The disciple) learns, finally, to substitute the intuition, with its swiftness and its infallibility, for the slow and laborious work of the mind, with its deviousness, its illusions, its errors, its dogmatisms and in separative thinking and cultures.”19
Many of us are familiar with a passage attributed to that great scientist, musician and initiate, Albert Einstein: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
As humanity becomes increasingly mentally polarised, the “21st century schizoid man” emerges, bearing increasingly common ailments related to the balancing of opposites upon the mental plane. Notable lately have been various incidents associated with “mad scientists”, such as the chilling story of the Danish submarine inventor convicted of murdering jounalist Kim Wall.
The paradox with a lot of scientists is that their scientific method is compromised by their beliefs – religious, scientific or otherwise. Belief is not knowing, it is a sensed truth, often inaccurate or completely misguided.
Scientism is a belief system akin to a religion, assuming all the powers of its vested, self-appointed authority, converting the masses into “believers” or blind followers. Bear in mind that those masses are still polarised in “Atlantean consciousness”, hence budding thought is influenced powerfully by emotion, creating “desire-mind” or “kama-manas”.
The sixth ray is the most common emotional/astral body ray, ruled by Mars and Neptune, hence Neptune’s potent transit through water Pisces at the moment. Another factor to bear in mind with this potent polarisation of the intelligent scientific community on the lower mental plane – is that over a period of lives, it can eventually produce the black magician:
“The true fifth ray person is apt to negate and refuse to admit, the fact of the Higher Self … They respond so easily and with such satisfaction to the power of thought; pride in their mental competence is their besetting sin and they are, therefore, set in their purposes and preoccupied with the world of the concrete and the intellectual …
… Their major problem is not so much the negation of the astral body, for they are apt to despise its hold, but they have a major difficulty in recognising that which the mind is intended to reveal—the divine spiritual Self. Their lower concrete mind interposes itself between them and the vision …20
… Anyone who over-exalts the concrete mind and permits it continuously to shut out the higher, is in danger of straying on the left-hand path. Many so stray… but come back, and then in the future avoid like errors in the same way as a child once burnt avoids the fire. It is the man who persists in spite of warning and of pain who eventually becomes a brother of darkness …
… Mighty dark magicians may be located on the lower mental levels, but on the higher, the White Lodge dominates, the three higher subplanes [of mental plane] being the levels that They beg the evolving sons of men to seek; it is Their region, to which all must strive and aspire.”21
Seventh Ray Glamours
How many times have we heard the term “magician” –such as the money magicians, media magic or the computer wizard? All of them have used their advanced intellect to create powerful magic in their own fields. Some have done so altruistically, many have been motivated by selfishness and power. We could say that today, the world is in the grip of some powerful black magic, as a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral than ancient Atlantean times. Again, we have the shadow of the seventh ray making its presence felt as it moves more firmly into incarnation:
The glamour of magical work.
The glamour of the subterranean powers.
The glamour of that which brings together.
The glamour of the physical body.
The glamour of the mysterious and the secret.
The glamour of sex magic.
The glamour of the emerging manifested forces.
Fifth Ray Glamours
This general background of the Fifth Rootrace described above, is why so many people have been swayed by the lies, untruths and glamours of big media working on behalf of the super-intelligent scientific establishment; this is black magic at its worst and must be recognised and named as such.
The fifth ray is the ray of science or knowledge and is nascent in the development of the Fifth Rootrace, corresponding to the fifth plane, the mental plane. Like all the other rays, the fifth ray has its glamours:
The glamour of materiality, or over-emphasis of form.
The glamour of the intellect.
The glamour of knowledge and of definition.
The glamour of assurance, based on a narrow point of view.
The glamour of the form which hides reality.
The glamour of organisation.
The glamour of the outer, which hides the inner.
Hence the galaxy of glamours that swirls around Humanity – of all the seven rays, particularly the sixth ray of devotion, the third ray of active-intelligence, the seventh ray of organisation etc. This is why aspirants and disciples have been sucked into the maelstrom of global glamour, rationalising that the “Pandemic” is – a “wonderful opportunity” to help Humanity’s heart open, to purge and purify, to reduce materialistic living and re-establish more refined values.
True, some of those themes may be or are emerging, but this idealistic perspective utterly ignores -indeed, “buries its head in the sand” – to what is actually unfolding, an all-out attack by the Forces of Materialism upon an unwitting Humanity – the lies, deceit, double-speak, fear and confusion perpetuated. This “wonderful opportunity” view is a naïve and well-meaning excuse that ignores a grotesque, incomprehensible situation that would otherwise be the territory of a science fiction horror movie.
As stated several times in these missives, the bulk of humanity, like an innocent lamb, could not conceive of an evilly motivated grand master plan by a few, to rule and control the world, but that is in fact, exactly what appears to be happening; it is occurring because those forces seek to counter the real Planetary Plan, decreed in the Council Chamber of Shamballa – and about to emerge in all its power and magnificence after 2025.
Sixth Ray Glamours
Again we must consider the powerful influence of the outgoing cycle that the sixth ray still has upon humanity. The sixth ray is the most glamour-inducing of all the rays and many on the Path are influenced by it. That is why those individuals are particularly suited to the dissipation of glamour, once they have been made aware of their own glamours and have worked hard to dispel them:
“… sixth ray aspirants … are seldom aware of the glamours which control them. It is exceedingly hard to induce the sixth ray aspirant to admit that he is held by a glamour, particularly when it is glamour of spiritual connotation and of a very high order. In their case, the glamour is enhanced by the energy of devotion which stiffens it and brings in a quality which makes it most difficult to penetrate.
Their complete assurance proves a serious obstacle to clear-sighted work because that has all to go before the work of dissipation can be carried forward successfully. First ray people can overcome glamour with relative ease once they become aware of it as a personality limitation.
Third ray people are as susceptible to it as are those of the sixth ray and their devious, twisting, planning minds and the rapidity with which they can deceive themselves (and seek often to deceive others), greatly hinders their work of clearing away glamour.”22
Third Ray Glamours
Note that the third ray (along with the fifth ray) is the primary ray of those who work in computer software, information technology, mass media and business. Third ray glamours follow – bear in mind that a few global personalities and groups will appear obvious:
The glamour of being busy.
The glamour of cooperation with the Plan in an individual & not a group way.
The glamour of active scheming.
The glamour of creative work—without true motive.
The glamour of good intentions, which are basically selfish.
The glamour of “the spider at the centre.”
The glamour of “God in the machine.”
The glamour of devious and continuous manipulation.
The glamour of self-importance, from the standpoint of knowing, of efficiency.
China’s Rising Global Dominance
Taurus soul, Libra personality. First ray soul, third ray personality.
This newsletter is taking a particular focus upon the first ray energy as it pours through Aries, and where that first ray energy is present in some leading nations like Germany and China.
– Germany – Aries soul. First ray personality.
– China – Taurus soul. Third ray personality. Taurus is associated with the first ray via its esoteric ruler Vulcan, the ruler of the first ray – which happens to be this nation’s soul ray.
Germany and China have a particularly interesting relationship, as detailed later. In the Libra newsletter for 2019, just weeks before the speculated release of Covid-19, there was a profile of Xi Jinping and China, that in retrospect might be considered somewhat restrained.
Since that date, the author has become more aware of China’s encroaching influence in almost every area of the planet. To say that it appears China is trying to take over the world – might be an understatement! China’s new found wealth has been reinvested in many countries, to the point where whole nations, or state leaders of nations are beholden/enslaved by China’s economic iron grip. Likewise, in various entities such as the WEF, China has an insidious and disturbing influence.
Bear in mind, as a first ray soul and third ray personality, China carries several of the glamours of these rays. When the glamours of both these rays are combined there is a complex potency that is hard to break:
Ray 1 – The glamour of rulership, of dictatorship and of wide control.
The glamour of the Messiah complex in the field of politics.
Ray 3 – The glamour of active scheming. The glamour of “the spider at the centre.”
The glamour of devious and continuous manipulation.
China has become the embodiment of material forces from the West – indeed it has been the manufacturer and outsourcing for the West, which has bought its great wealth. As a result, half of China’s population has been released from poverty, an amazing achievement. But now China appears to be driven by a certain cockiness and greed, a rampant megalomania, in its bid to influence and control the world.
Xi Jinping has made himself dictator for life – a not very encouraging trend in terms of a deeper crystallisation of his vision – as well as the first ray glamour, “A messiah complex in the field of politics”. The following article gives a frightening illustration of Jinping’s policy of extinguishing the worship of God entirely, by replacing it with the worship of the Communist Party leadership – himself: How China’s Xi Jinping destroyed religion and made himself God:
“Hitler and the Nazis attempted something similar in the 1930s with their Nazification program, which was an effort to turn the Catholic and Protestant churches of Germany into ardent supporters of National Socialism and the Nazi leadership.”23
SE Asia and Myanmar
China virtually controls most of South East Asia now – it “owns” Cambodia through billions in funding that this nation will never be able to repay; Vietnam similarly with increasing influence in Thailand and Laos. There is something strange about the fact that out of the SE Asia population of 250 million, there has been recorded less than 125 Covid-19 deaths.
On the other hand, nearby Myanmar has 3,203 deaths – why the huge disparity, has this nation been a guinea pig for Covid-19, or simply had a large infection rate due to China’s widespread presence?
Observers say that it is through Chinese influence in Myanmar that the recent demonstrations have taken place, where the brutal military crackdown, according to local sources, resulted in 217 people killed and 2,191 arrested – far more than reported in the mainstream media:
“Many in Myanmar suspect Beijing of supporting the military’s takeover, and there has long been a deep vein of resentment against China’s growing influence, but protesters insist they were not responsible for a spate of attacks on factories last weekend. Some say they suspect the military instigated attacks on the factories to justify imposing martial law in industrial zones that have been hotspots for protests against the junta. Adding to the uncertainties, China has said it is prepared to do more to protect its extensive business investments in Myanmar, which include factories, pipelines and other big infrastructure projects.”24
Insidious infiltration by China has penetrated into WEF, WHO, US and Australian universities and businesses, South America, New Zealand, many nations in Europe and Africa – the list is endless. China has created a breath-taking encompassment of the entire planet, using the same tactics of domination and control through economic “investment”, i.e. bribery.
China does not have altruistic intentions for the rest of the world, though it might mask them as such. (China makes a lot of masks!) China is ruthlessly exploitive and manipulative in its ambition to increase its wealth, power and military might – all driven by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), whose head is Xi Jinping.
Indeed, this current article makes for a sobering read: The US and China are preparing for war — and Australia is caught in the crosshairs: “Make no mistake: we are now in a phase of preparation for war. China is becoming more aggressive in tone and actions, while the US is strengthening its regional alliances.” China’s true Taurus/first ray soul expression lies in deep latency. The world is witnessing its lower expression at this moment of its evolution – hijacked by darker forces of materialism, as has also occurred in many Western nations.
China, WEF and Schwab
China has a powerful controlling stake in the WEF – which controls the heavily Chinese-financed WHO and hence dictates medical policy on Covid-19 to the entire planet. China is also the second biggest funder to the United Nations, closely associated with the private body, WHO.
As a Taurus soul, China has assumed the role of a dictator (Hitler was a Taurus sun) – behind the scenes, obfuscating via its clever third ray manipulation and Machiavellian scheming. (Here is a key feature of personalities such as Bill Gates.) Klaus Schwab and Germany both have close relations to China in different ways:
“The founder of the WEF, Klaus Schwab was awarded the China Reform Friendship Medal by the CCP in 2018, for assisting in “China’s efforts to re-engineer the global economic order.” The WEF public approach to China is eerily reminiscent of people like Lord Darlington in Kazou Ishiguzo’s Remains of the Day who will declaim that “Oh, Hitler/Xi is a devilish old chap in some ways, but he is no threat to anyone, and his achievements must be admired.”
… WEF publications have stated that China has been impacted greatly by the virus, but on the other cannot help itself in extolling at great length the future prospects of what it forecasts and clearly hopes will be the main global economic force of the century.”25
WEF has fostered relations with China and Chinese universities for more than thirty years. Klaus Schwab’s dream is the establishment of a biometric-technocratic surveillance state on the Chinese model:
“What sounds like the megalomaniacal fever dreams of a psychopath is the vision actually sought by one of the most powerful players in the global economy, the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” (4IR). Amongst the partners of this project are large banks, Big Pharma, the Vaccine Alliance GAVI, insurance and oil companies, consulting firms like McKinsey, digital companies like Microsoft, Facebook, and Netflix — and, last but not least, the Chinese technology giant Huawei.”26
Wuhan Virus Bioweapon?
There is a widespread contention that China is actually the mastermind behind the Wuhan virus as a biological weapon against the rest of the world. The Wuhan facility is one of the top labs in the world that has deep connections to US establishments and top Big Pharma propagandist, Anthony Fauci :
“There are still some critics, who manage to sneak past the gate keepers. Among them are the signatories of an impressive document sent to the intelligence services of the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia, dated January 11 [2021].
The document is signed by among others retired United States General Robert Spalding who was forced out of the National Security Council, Attorney Michael Senger and Sanjeev Sabhlok who resigned from the Victorian state treasury in September over what he described as the creation of a “police state” in Australia to enforce virus restrictions.
The document, entitled ‘The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Lockdown Fraud’, is available online. Its basic contention is that the entire notion of national lockdowns “was brought into human history on the order of General Secretary Xi,” and that “the imposition of lockdowns in Wuhan and other areas of China — a nation unconstrained by concern for civil liberties and constitutional norms — started a domino effect where one country, and state, after another imposed draconian and hitherto untried measures on their citizens”.27
Victorian state premier Dan Andrews has been mocked as “Chairman Dan”, alluding to not only his puppet-like involvement in the multi-million dollar Chinese Belt and Road scheme, but also his Chinese style, draconian lockdown on Victorians. Andrews is a Cancer sun with Moon in Taurus square Mercury-Mars in Leo, hence his hard line stance and alignment to China’s lower Taurus tendencies.
Those lower Taurus traits are traditionally, greed or “filthy lucre” (money as a source of greed), insatiable acquisition of material goods. Bernie Made-off with da billions is a favourite example of the author – with Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury in Taurus!
China’s Social Credit System
China is now asking WHO that it be allowed to control vaccine passports – for the entire world! This proposal is based upon China’s social credit system that has been in operation since 2014 and controls every aspect of its population’s lives. This control began with the phony lockdown in Wuhan that has been used as a template to impose upon the rest of the world. One WHO advisor says world poverty will double if lockdown continues – reflect upon the ramifications.
The United Nations openly admits that it admires China’s social credit system and China happens to be the second largest contributor to the United Nations, behind the USA. Klaus Schwab’s dream is the establishment of a biometric-technocratic surveillance state based upon the Chinese model.
People do not realise that once they accept these digital vax passports so that they have the “freedom” to travel, it will ultimately decrease more freedoms in many other areas, and keep them locked into fallacious “booster shots” – interminably. The following short video (15’) summarises succinctly the situation.
If one listens (in any language) to the video of Jinping opening the WEF at Davos recently in 2021, it is full of lies and contradictions – what was said and what is China’s record. Jinping is a Gemini, one of the best liars of the zodiac! He also has Jupiter in Gemini conjunct the midheaven (career) and hence his self-elevation to be the reigning Zeus of the Chinese pantheon.
“The core message of CCP Propaganda is always the same: China is the only country in the world to have perfectly managed the pandemic. The Chinese system is superior. Whoever doesn’t do it like China is inhumane.”28
Here again is the third ray glamour of “efficiency”. The passage above is from an article that claims WHO is acting as a shadow world government and instrument for lockdown-reset – by implementing agreed-upon measures through the health departments of individual countries. WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus owes his post to China’s voting power within WHO.
China and Germany
“Germany is one of the most important strategic partners for the Chinese Communist Party in the Eurozone. At 120 people, no other country in the world sends as many diplomats to Germany as China, and hundreds of other bilateral points of contact exist at the federal level.
China finances 19 Confucius Institutes in Germany, which officially promote the Chinese language and Chinese culture, but unofficially aim to influence discourse at post-secondary schools [These “infiltrating” institutes have been established in other countries like Australia and the USA.] Beyond that, the Chinese Communist Party has been fostering a close-knit lobbyist network in Germany for decades.”29
Here we see the unification of two economic powerhouses, two nations of the East and West, potently on the first ray of will-power, the ray of governance, politics and dictators:
“Since the conflict with the USA has intensified, Germany is seen as the key country to get Europeans on China’s side.” “The Chinese leadership is mobilizing their entire network in Germany at a level that we’ve never seen before,” can be heard anxiously from Berlin’s security circles.”30
Nevertheless, the article goes on to describe how Germany’s “panic paper” delivered to Angela Merkel and other ministers, was a Chinese-inspired piece of propaganda. Even residents in the early days of the Wuhan outbreak, screamed “fake, fake, fake – it’s all fake” – at Chinese government inspections around their apartments; this is also reminiscent of the theatrical videos of people falling flat on their faces in Wuhan streets!
“The document, immediately dubbed the “Panic Paper,” made big waves: it admits that the relatively low number of deaths from COVID-19 would not suffice to get the public to commit to long-lasting, drastic measures — to achieve the “desired shock effect,” it would require a strategic activation of the fear of death, especially the fear of death by asphyxiation:
“1. Many of the seriously ill will be taken to the hospital by their loved ones, but turned away, and will die in agony at home, struggling for breath. Asphyxiation or not getting enough air is a primal fear for every human being. The same for the situation in which nothing can be done to help loved ones hovering in mortal danger. The images from Italy are disturbing.
2. Children will not suffer from the epidemic: False. Children will easily get infected, even with restrictions for going out, for example by neighbour kids. When they then infect their parents and one of them dies in agony at home and they feel like it was their fault, because, for example, they forgot to wash their hands after playing, it’s the most horrifying thing that a child could ever experience”31
This passage is reminiscent of the author’s report about the first recorded case of Covid-19 in China, when the Sun was in Scorpio Nov.17, 2020. (Covid-19 Horoscope November 17, 2019.) In that article this passage is quoted about Scorpio, one of the four signs of death:
“Scorpio is regarded esoterically as a sign of, “death by suffocation” – which is what happens when a person dies of Covid-19, starved of oxygen. As a Greek co-worker puts it: “The Greek word is Asphyxia or asphyxiation (α– “without” and σφύξις sphyxis, “squeeze”… throb of heart) – a condition of deficient supply of oxygen to the body (hypoxia).”
(The issue of fear is also dealt with in another article by the author: The Glamour of Fear and Coronavirus.) The following passage sums up matters rather well:
“The transhumanists and globalists around the WEF are planning the complete restructuring of the global economy from a neoliberal, resource-intensive turbo-capitalism towards a digital surveillance state with a planned economy for their own benefit, framed as the “Great Reset.”
The WHO serves as their unremarkable instrument of transition to that end, with the China lobbyist Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus [six planets in Pisces!], who sells China’s lockdown propaganda as a scientifically assured finding. This never-before-seen convergence of interests leads to the absurd stability of a “New Normal,” which already carries undeniable fasco-totalitarian traits in its early form. During this process, all countries seem to be becoming increasingly similar to China.”32
Atlantean Black Magic
The practice of black magic is absolutely rife in the world today – through all its nefarious channels mentioned in this newsletter. The world finds itself currently re-experiencing and recapitulating the darkest days of Atlantis. Lies, fear and manipulation have been used covertly and blatantly by world bodies, science and governments to pull the wool over the public’s eyes (the sheeple) – and to roll out a totalitarian agenda at an exceedingly rapid pace.
Humanity has been out-paced, caught like the proverbial deer in the headlights – utterly confused about which way to jump, but choosing vaccination in the majority of cases, through propaganda persuasion.
The few black magicians of the world have enormous power and work through the ambition and greed of their minions. They work mainly at the physical and astral levels, hence their success through their various instrumentalities in hood-winking Humanity and stirring them into a panic:
“The magician of the Good Law works with the soul of things. His brothers of darkness work with the material aspect. The white magician works through the force centres [chakras], on the first and fourth subplanes of each plane.
The black magician works through the permanent atoms, and with the substance and forms concerned. The white magician utilises in this connection the higher three centres [heart, throat, ajna]. The black magician uses the energy of the lower three centres (the organs of generation [sacral], the spleen, and the solar plexus) synthesising their energy by an act of the will and directing it to the centre at the base of the spine, so that the fourfold energy is thence transmitted to the throat centre.
The white magician uses the kundalini force as it is transmitted via the central spinal channel. The black magician uses the inferior channels, dividing the fourfold energy in two units, which mount via the two channels, leaving the central one dormant.
Hence it will be apparent that one works with duality and the other with unity. On the planes of duality, therefore, it is apparent why the black magician has so much power. The plane of unity for humanity is the mental plane.
The planes of diversity are the astral and the physical. Hence the black magician is of more apparent power than the white brother on the two lower planes in the three worlds. The dark forces are ruled on the physical plane by a group of six oriental leaders and six occidental leaders; of these the oriental are the most powerful because they are the oldest racially and therefore the most experienced.”33
The oldest race in the East is the Chinese, whose roots go back to the third subrace of Atlantis. With the approach of Hierarchy’s centennial conclave in 2025, there is no doubt that all these leaders of the “dark forces” in both the East and West are highly active – as they have never been before. That is why it is so difficult to see clearly at the moment, a maelstrom of thick thought-forms has been created and poured over humanity like a thick, black syrup.
The Forces of Light
The Forces of Light will eventually prevail and overcome this attempted hijack of humanity, there is no doubt about this – if the lightworkers of the world, the New Group of World Servers, the World Hercules – rises to the occasion and makes a stand. The Hierarchy cannot be passively relied upon to come to the rescue!
There must be emergence from our safe bubbles of philosophical rationalisation, courage must eradicate fear. The NGWS must pave the way for Hierarchy to reappear after 2025, there is much work to do with the externalisation of the ashrams. At the moment, upon the physical plane -through peaceful public demonstration, lawsuits, even civil diso*edie*ce; simply mustering the courage to voice personal concerns to friends and family, posting on social media – no matter what the penalty – do not compromise, disseminate information broadly.
But more esoterically, working subjectively through group meditation to purge and purify, to dispel and dissipate the thick clouds of glamour that surround the Earth. Meditation groups are already doing this – it is the MAIN weapon that the forces of light can use to dissolve glamour and the seemingly intransigent, monolithic forces that oppress the world.
For those who are dedicated to these subjective tasks, there is a group meditation for the dissipation of world glamour. But it must be worked with very carefully by those experienced in meditation, who have worked diligently at eliminating their own glamours. For those who wish to work thus, click this link.
In this time of urgent planetary need, the original Great Invocation is a particularly potent one to use, invoking extra-planetary forces such as the Lords of Liberation and the Avatar of Synthesis.
The Original Great Invocation
(Used before and during WWII.)
Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind.
Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May men of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
So let it be, and help us to do our part. — 1935.
Let the Lord of Liberation issue forth.
Let Him bring succour to the sons of men.
Let the Rider from the Secret Place come forth,
And coming, save.
Come forth, O Mighty One.
Let the souls of men awaken to the Light,
And may they stand with massed intent.
Let the fiat of the Lord go forth:
The end of woe has come!
Come forth, O Mighty One.
The hour of service of the saving force has now arrived.
Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty One.
Let Light and Love and Power and Death
Fulfil the purpose of the Coming One.
The WILL to save is here.
The LOVE to carry forth the work is widely spread abroad.
The ACTIVE AID of all who know the truth is also here.
Come forth, O Mighty One, and blend these three.
Construct a great defending wall.
The rule of evil now must end. — 1940.
The Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men—
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. — 1945.
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.344. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.94. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.168. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.126-7. [↩]
- The Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.17. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- Off-Guardian [↩]
- The Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.18. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.543-4. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.71. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Klaus Schwab: The 4th Industrial Revolution: What It Means, How to Respond. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.67. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.595. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.415. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.223. [↩]
- Letters on occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.134, 136. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.221-2. [↩]
- How China’s Xi Jinping destroyed religion and made himself God. [↩]
- Myanmar factory attacks put focus on Chinese influence [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
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- [↩]
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- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.577. [↩]
I look forward to reading this very lengthy article and I agree with much of what you say. But it seems like everyone is a bad guy. Who are the good guys? Who are the good leaders?
Yes it does appear as such, I have not spared my criticism in this newsletter. Most of these people are well meaning but have compromised themselves in one way or another. There are not many good leaders I can think of, maybe one or two in the Scandinavian nations, and of course there are more who in opposition parties who are not in power at the moment.
You are the good leader, I am the good leader and so is everyone of the masses. The point of all of this is to realise that leadership is internal, not external. You cannot put yourself in the hands of another blindly but must learn discernment and wisdom individually. Yes teachers will appear but they are not there to become a parent to you and take over leadership for you. They are there to guide you into bearing that responsibility for yourself. It must be realised that this situation exists because people have handed responsibility for leadership to someone/something other than themselves.
Everyone is waiting for the world to change, but the world exists as it is so you realise that YOU have to change. The kingdom of light is birthed directly from the hearts of men, one soul at a time.
Again, how refreshing and nourishing it is to have a common sense POV published and presented more specifically to the astrological community and to students of the Teachings in general. Gratitude, Phillip, for your efforts to stem the tide of hysteria and global mass delusion
Dear sir, first I would like to sincerely thank you for all the hard and amazing work you are putting to spread awarness, second I would like if you can write something about Beirut explosion and its relation to everything that is happening right now specially in the middle east, Lebanon, syria, iraq, occupied Palestine, I’m from beirut and I was there and trust me when I say, A great evil has been unleashed in that explosion. I would really appreciate if you can have your personal input about it esoteric wise. Thank you in advance, peace light and love to all 🙏💜
I did cover it last year here Ghaith –
Dear Philip,
Your work is very enlightening and we must spread the word. I’ve been sharing you through my family and friends. I am living in the UK from the past 5 years however now thinking in going back to my country, portugal. Not feeling well in here anymore and the prison sensation is very present nowadays. Not seeing my family for a year now. Vaccine passports will come and I hope this doesn’t last until 2025 ….. 🙁
All the very best, much love ,
Thank you Phillip for such a wonderful work.
I love reading your newsletters…
Waves of love back to you
Vaccines passports are already in the making in France and I, as a French citizen, just signed a petition against it. A sibling living in France who works in alternative medicine vouches all the data you expose and if it wasn’t for your newsletters, I wouldn’t know where/whom to turn to, to get my information here in the US. You have no idea how grateful I am for the research you do, how it helps me go through life. May the Forces of Light be always with you.
“Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth”
the first part of your article reads like a commentary on the ageless wisdom and would make a good introductory study for newcomers. Thank you for your meticulous research. May your readers sustain you financially and with the energy of goodwill and meditative blessing.
Such gratitude for your strong, courageous voice!,
The focus upon the CCP should be very helpful for those wondering what to do and what forces are behind much of the global totalitarian push (that some misguidedly assume is a wonderful new age new world order … )
Phillip wrote:
” To say that it appears China is trying to take over the world – might be an understatement! China’s new found wealth has been reinvested in many countries, to the point where whole nations, or state leaders of nations are beholden/enslaved by China’s economic iron grip. Likewise, in various entities such as the WEF, China has an insidious and disturbing influence.”
If the climate change agenda can similarly be seen in its pernicious light, We The People of the world may have a chance to raise out of this planned and accelerating implosion.