5 Responses to Aries 2023: Aries Equinox. Europe Conference. April Fools’ Day. Mars in Cancer. Easter, Shamballa & Resurrection.

  1. Louise says:

    Hi Phillip,
    You wrote: “The Venetian (as in Venice) (Paolo Veronese). In fact, he has gone beyond that stage, holding the planetary position of the Chohan or custodian of the Third Ray of Active-Intelligence.”

    I thought it was Master R who became the Chohan of the 3rd ray.

    1. Master R assumed the mantle of the Mahachohan in 1925, the 3rd department/aspect – previous to that he was the Chohan of the 7th ray that has a natural affinity with the 3rd ray.

  2. david says:

    Thanks again for your work, Phillip.

    Aries is the one who initiates the way from the golden (protective) light of the fifth plane, the Golden Fleece, the golden-woolled winged ram who, from the mental plan, protects all the children of God.

    The mind is a space, an interval, the silence where “the idea that reincarnates” is known (Mercury) and is activated (Mars).

    And this is why in any of the 12 rising signs is the seed of the Soul, “the power to initiate” or Aries.

    Thanks for sharing

  3. Vicktorya Stone says:

    I wonder also about the latest alarm about Artificial General Intelligence. ie, just search re the letter on a moratorium on research into this * and the singularity and the end of biological life.

    Meanwhile, “I come forth and from the plane of mind I rule…” It seems this relates to the fifth ray, fifth root race, sub…, and the 5th and 7th rays we are now entering upon with the Aquarian, Uranian, technological age, yes?

    I realize it isn’t exactly on topics of your article, Phillip, but I didn’t want to dump this into your inbox. It does connect to the Aries theme of course, so, as you will, your thoughts on this would be welcome.

    With all goodwill and godspeed,

    1. Indeed Vic, a healthy move for this moratorium on AI before it gets out of control. The Aries keynote also relates to Mercury, esoteric ruler of Aries, in its capacity as ruler the lower/higher minds and the intuition. Uranus is the hierarchical ruler of Aries and of course ruler of the seventh ray of organisation, hence the link to Aquarius which Pluto has just entered!

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