Aries 2024: Three Festivals. Mercury. Easter. The Christ & Hierarchy. 1860 in History. USA’s Amazing Solar Eclipse. The End of Pisces.
Aries Keynote
“I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.”
(Full Moon: March 25, 2024. UT 07.00.)
“… the first impulse is awakened in Aries, for Aries is the place where the initial idea to institute activity takes form. It is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse taking form—subjective and objective. There originates the response of the soul to the highest aspect or quality of deity because there appears the “will to incarnate.”
… Aries “awakens the will to reach the lowest and there control, to know the uttermost and thus to face all experience”—thus runs an ancient statement.”1
Aries, First of Three Spiritual Festivals
Pisces New Moon and Forgiveness
Aries Equinox
Aries 2024: Hurtling Toward 2025
Aries the First Sign and the First Ray
Mercury in Aries (March 10 to May 15)
Aries-Easter, Christ and the Slain Lamb
The Imminent Externalisation of the Hierarchy
___The Importance of 1860 in History & USA
___1860 & 2024: Solar Storms and Neptune
___Another “Carrington Event” in 2024?
___Solar Storms, Electricity and Uranus
USA’s Amazing Total Solar Eclipse: April 8, 2024
End of the Piscean Age and the Glamour of Authority
The “Lucifer” Word in Theosophical Teachings
Aquarian Wisdom Centre’s Forthcoming Events
Aries, First of Three Spiritual Festivals
It is the beginning of the spiritual new year once again – Aries renews the cycle, heralding the first of the three annual spiritual festivals – Aries, Taurus and Gemini.
These zodiac signs establish an aspect of the annually amended Planetary Plan, the Divine Blueprint that is constantly precipitating into human consciousness. Aries’ theme is about the emergence of the subjective, subtle idea – patterned and programmed in the ethers, that will eventually manifest upon the outer plane:
“Aries is the place where the initial idea to institute activity takes form. It is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse taking form—subjective and objective.”2
The first three signs of Aries, Taurus and Gemini function as a triangle of subjective energies that condition the remainder of the year. Hence, tuning into their qualities through personal reflection, group meditation and service will reward the enquirer.
Aries – Easter Festival, the Festival of the Risen Christ.
Taurus – Wesak Festival, the Festival of the Buddha or of Illumination.
Gemini – Festival of Unification – unifying East-West, carried forward by the Christ.
Pisces New Moon and Forgiveness
“Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” (Mark Twain.)
The recent Pisces new moon on March 10 was a bridge for the Sun moving from Pisces to Aries – a potent transition carrying the dynamic of forgiveness – the highest keynote of the zodiac sign Pisces. Retaining a reminder about forgiveness, just before the Sun enters fiery Aries, maintains a sense of humility as the journey begins through often-egotistical Aries.
We are told that, “forgiveness is not a synonym for pardon or magnanimity, but a sacrifice – the giving up of one’s self for the good of the group”.3 It is a profound process, a potent act of compassion related to relinquishment, release, letting go and opening the heart. The 2nd ray of love-wisdom pours through Pisces and also nurtures the spirit of self-forgiveness.
This release is related to death, a theme of Pisces through its esoteric ruler – Pluto the Destroyer. One dies to oneself – to past hurts, abuse, injustice, slander, belittlement, deception, manipulation, victimhood, shaming and guilt – received or given. Pluto tears asunder the tether that ties the two Pisces fishes together, thereby releasing these “hostages” back into the ocean of life.
At the end of the Age of Pisces, the quality of forgiveness is not a major expression of Humanity – reminding us of Scorpio St. Paul’s statement in Corinthians 13:1: “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.”
When will Humanity let the tethered fishes off the hook? – a word which implies the lower Scorpionic expression of the sting in the tail, the cycle of blame and revenge, the polar opposite to forgiveness and sacrifice. To use an arcane phrase, what “sticks in your craw” – what anger or black resentment is still being held prisoner?
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.” (Mahatma Gandhi.)
The Pisces new moon had/will have a powerful effect upon all signs of the mutable cross – especially polar opposite Virgo. Here is a sign whose shadow is well known – the lower concrete mind tendency of carping criticism, fault-finding and nit-picking. Attributes of which compound the inability to relinquish – by projecting a sense of imperfection onto others, or holding onto an holier-than-thou, self-righteous or sanctimonious indignation.
Hence, not seeing the “beam in one’s own eye”, not “claiming” your own baggage at the carousel of life, or “cleaning up your own back yard” (to paraphrase Elvis!). The greatest teaching of the soon-to-return Christ Avatar who inaugurated the Age of Pisces – is that of forgiveness. Forgiveness and sacrifice are synonymous terms, yet grossly distorted and misunderstood:
“The Significance of the Law of Sacrifice: It [sacrifice] means the impulse of giving. [to give for] The whole secret of the doctrines of “the forgiveness of sins” and of the “at-onement” lies hid in this simple phrase. It is the basis of the Christian doctrine of love and sacrifice. Hence the emphasis laid, in the Piscean Age and through the influence of Christianity, upon just these two things – forgiveness and atonement.
That man, as usual, distorted and misinterpreted the teaching and the truth, and that it fell, as does all else at present, under the glamour and illusion of the astral plane, plus the Piscean influence, is true. Man’s thought dominated and distorted the ideal and produced such a damnable doctrine as the elect of God, the chosen of the Lord, or the sole people to benefit by the sacrifice and death of the great Son of God, and who pass, due to the merits of that vicarious death, into a state of bliss in heaven, simply because of an emotional choice, which ignores millions of those who have made no such choice, nor had the opportunity to do so.”4
The word “sacrifice” connotes a death undergone when a sacrifice is made; through that death comes new life. Hence the importance of Lord of Death – Pluto, as esoteric ruler of Pisces.
Forgiveness is forged through 1st ray Pluto’s destroying work – where the past is released. And through 1st ray co-ruler Vulcan and its building work – the waters of life flow anew. An act of true forgiveness and sacrifice (or absorption) – puts an individual in touch with the 1st ray forces of Shamballa, the planetary head centre:
“This spirit of sacrifice is ever found when the Shamballa force is rightly contacted, even in the smallest degree, and the underlying impulse behind the loving will of God is sensed and understood, accompanied as this always is with the desire to participate in that will and its spirit of divine sacrifice.”5
“The quality of mercy is not strain’d.
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes.
‘Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown.
His scepter shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptered sway;
It is enthroned in the heart of kings;
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God’s
When mercy seasons justice.”
(The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare.)
Aries Equinox 2024
The past year has reached its conclusion and the spiritual new year has begun – as the Sun leaves Pisces and enters Aries on March 20. Aries is the new impulse, the annually amended Planetary Plan – emerging from the “centre where the will of god is known”: Shamballa, the planetary crown chakra, broadcasting the force of the first ray of will or power, one of the rays to pour through Aries, the first zodiac sign.
Hence the equinox of equal night/day establishes firmly the new cycle, like a zealous prophet plunging his fiery staff into the earth – announcing the new dispensation. The equinox precedes by a few days the Aries full moon festival (March 25), magnifying the potency of both events.
Aries is a fire sign ruled by the god of war, Mars. Aries is the warrior, whether wielding a sword in ancient Sparta or firing a machine gun in Ukraine. Or the warrior of light, who holds the line upon the inner planes – where inner causes precede outer effects.
Aries rules the head – and as a fire sign has a close association with the mental plane and ideation. Mercury as esoteric ruler reflects rapid mental processes but is also intuition or direct knowledge. Humanity is going through many battles today, one of which is between the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane – and the illusions under which we all labour. The battle for free thinking and the speech that clothes thought – is a fundamental right and primary tenet of FDR’s Four Freedoms.
Hence, in these trying times, to paraphrase William Blake, “We must not cease from mental fight, nor shall our swords sleep in our hands”. The battlefield upon the mental plane is where the propaganda war continues, insidiously attempting to shape human thinking – projected through the astral plane via lies and deception, subverting and confusing thought, creating endless distractions.
Aries ruler Mars, along with Neptune, rule the astral plane, where so much distortion occurs – especially aided by Neptune’s lower expression – as it currently passes through Pisces. Invoking the image of the Tibetan wisdom deity – Manjushri, is a potent visualisation for Aries – with fiery sword, cutting through spiritual materialism and discerning the truth.
(See the date for Aries Equinox Meditation and Talk at the end of the newsletter.)
Aries 2024: Hurtling Toward 2025
And so the new cycle begins for the spiritual year – as Humanity hurtles like a charging ram toward the culminating year of 2025. (Ram is Mars spelled backward.) The year 2024 will be the “forerunner” of 2025 – and is loaded with global challenges so numerous that Humanity will be confronted ever more by the planetary dweller on the threshold:
“… every latent pre-disposition, every racial and national instinct, every unconquered situation and every controlling fault”6 will continue to rise to the surface of consciousness as the planetary battles continues.
Here is the universal law working out, as Humanity awakens in increasing numbers, more spiritual force is invoked, casting newly acquired light into the lingering shadows – individually and collectively. The “every latent pre-disposition” passage is from a commentary on Scorpio, a sign that rules Humanity generically and whose ruler exo/esoterically is Mars. Mars as ruler of Aries provides the thrust for rocket propulsion!
Yet the action of Mars is determined by the higher rulers of Aries – Uranus as hierarchical or highest ruler, and Mercury as esoteric ruler. Uranus is the ruler of the 7th ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic, the ray of Organisation. The 7th ray rules geometry and the blueprinted plans that reside in the Mind of the Divine – “the raincloud of knowable things”.
Hence, the full moon festival in Aries enables contact with the “annually amended Planetary Plan” embodied in those blueprints; they can be invoked especially through group meditation around the full moon time. (March 25. UT 07.00.) (See Aries Full Moon Festival – Meditation and Talk: Sunday, March 24. (19.00 UT))
Uranus expresses the “scientific mind”, hence has a correspondence to the Aries keynote – “I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.” Mercury the Messenger is the esoteric ruler of Aries and mediates between Uranus and Mars, conveying the “new year’s idea” to be symbolically acted upon by Mars.
Mercury is super-intuitive in Aries, but also rules the lower and higher mind, hence it blends all three qualities. The Aries keynote part, “I come forth” – is the emergence of consciousness in Aries, for which the Aries’ rooster heralds a new dawn.
Just as we wake up every day to a new dawn (or a crazy rooster at 3 am!) – a blank canvas is ready to render one’s particular genius, so it is annually in Aries.
Aries the First Sign and the First Ray
The first ray of will or power is the main ray that pours through this first sign of the zodiac. Aries is a sign of new life yet also a sign of death, – the fire of Aries burns and destroys all that hinders The Path.
Pluto, co-ruler of the first ray, is the Lord of Death and is activated in this sign. Hence the Sun nourishes, yet burns and destroys – and combined with first ray Pluto and Uranus, “produces the flame and heat of the final burning ground.” Fire is an agent of purification and,
“Through the lesser fire of mind, the “jungles of experience are set on fire and dissolve in flames – and then the Path stands clear and unobstructed vision is achieved.”7

Aries, the first sign bringing through the 1st and 7th rays. (Artwork: Duane Carpenter.
Somewhat paradoxically, it is through this fiery purification, that the mind is released and the soul ruler of Aries – Mercury, becomes the intuitive illuminating principle throughout the life experience. As touched upon earlier, Mercury is the mediating principle between Uranian spirit and Martial matter.
It is this combination of factors that allows Aries to “take a stand”, to set an example – to be that idea in manifestation. It is said that death by fire or burning in Aries releases the initiate into the planetary centre, Shamballa.
Jesus most certainly made his “last stand” after running the gamut of purification and the gauntlet of rigorous testings of persecution; of being betrayed or “thrice denied” by those closest to him in Gethsemane. And being completely misunderstood, leading him to utter, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
Hence, at every annual Easter festival, we can “set our hearts toward Jerusalem” – not the literal city, but the “place of peace” within the heart – intimately connected to the soul’s path. We can resolve, make a stand – a new year’s resolution to practice “all lesser dissolutions, deaths, renunciations and disappearances” – that will lead eventually to liberation.
Mercury in Aries (March 10 to May 15)
On the March 10 Pisces new moon, Mercury entered the sign of its esoteric rulership – Aries. Mercury will stay in Aries for a long eight weeks, due to it going retrograde and direct between March 10 to May 15. It is quite significant that Mercury made its entry into Aries on the Pisces new moon, as it helps bridge this last sign of the zodiac to the first sign of the zodiac – from the past year to the new year, when the Sun enters Aries on March 20.
Exoterically Mercury in Aries is decisive and competitive, fond of debate and argument. Erudite, rapid thinkers with original ideas. Impulsive decision makers. Mentally egotistical and headstrong. Impatient with delays, especially when retrograde! Irritability and quick temper reactions.
Esoterically, Mercury in Aries bears the following descriptions:
Mercury is the mediator and messenger, representing rapid thought processes and intuitive inspiration. As “messenger of the gods”, its close proximity to the Sun reflects its role as messenger or intermediary to the other planets – literally or metaphorically understood. “Mercury receives seven times more light than any other planet.”8
One must bear in mind that all the planets are intimately connected to one another, as they evolve the Will of the Solar Logos within the corporate body of our solar system. And of course, the source of the higher self and directing will of this solar system is the fixed star Sirius, the “fourth cosmic path” that the majority of liberated humanity will tread.
Mercury is the ruler of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict (the major ray that rules over Humanity as a whole), hence is related to Aries’ exoteric ruler Mars, a “creator of conflict”:
“Mercury indicates that the line of least resistance for humanity is harmony through conflict, for Mercury expresses the fourth ray energy which is buddhic, intuitional and expressive of the Christ.”9
The Christ is the ultimate Mercurial Messenger. As a sacred planet, and on the “even ray line” of Love-Wisdom (2-4-6) – Mercury is the Harmony part of the equation, whilst co-ruler the Moon represents Conflict created by the unconscious self, in this life and from the accumulations of other lives.
The Moon and Mars both serve similar functions – in creating awareness of the unredeemed and unconscious within the personality, creating conflict for the individual upon the upward Way. The Moon veils Uranus in its rulership of the sacral/sexual chakra, whilst Mars rules the solar plexus, seat of the astral body.
Like the Moon, Mars plays a most important role in creating an awareness of what is at war within. Yet, it also contributes to the blind and errant human behaviour that creates pain and misery on this planet. Mars the god of war – inner and outer. “War and strife” create the “needed purification”.
Mercury is however, of a much higher caliber altogether. In its lower expression, Mercury is the “trickster” and mental intelligence (3rd ray), reflected by its exoteric rulership of Gemini and Virgo; it has an association with the throat chakra, seat of the mental body, but does not rule that centre per se. (Saturn does.)
“Mercury, being the Messenger of the Gods and the Agent of Their applied control, is therefore the agent of the third aspect (active intelligence) from one point of view, and of the second aspect (love-wisdom) from another. He is regarded as embodying in himself both these aspects of the mental principle, the expression of the concrete and the abstract mind of God.”10
The mind is of course where illusion is encountered (glamour on the mental plane) and this why Mercury the divine Messenger is regarded as the principle of illusion and the expression of the active higher mind.11
In an even higher expression, Mercury is buddhi or intuition, emanating from beyond the mental plane but utilising the latter. Hence the Aries keynote: “I come forth from the plane of mind, I rule.” Buddhic consciousness is the ultimate goal of consciousness evolution for humanity.
“Mercury is the synthesis of manas-buddhi, mind-wisdom which expresses itself through the human soul; Mercury rules the bridge or the antahkarana.”12 In its buddhic role, Mercury rules the right lobe of the Ajna or brow chakra, whilst Venus rules the left lobe (mind). Each new annual cycle in Aries reminds us of this distant Mercurial achievement:
“When Mercury, the divine Messenger, the principle of illusion and the expression of the active higher mind, has performed his mission and “led humanity into the light” – and the Christ-child out of the womb of time and of the flesh, into the light of day and of manifestation, then the task of that great centre we call humanity will be accomplished.”13
There are several “4’s” associated with Mercury: Associated with the 4th cosmic path to Sirius. The 4th kingdom, the human. Fully realised buddhic consciousness – the 4th initiation. Ruler of the 4th ray:
“Mercury, embodying the energy of the fourth ray, eventually carries the man around the wheel of life and through the medium of conflict enables him to achieve harmony. Mercury illumines the mind and mediates between the soul and the personality, being the Messenger of the Gods.
This mediatorship, in the first instance, produces an inevitable opposition between the pairs of opposites and a long drawn out conflict. This conflict finally works out into victory and the dispelling of illusion through the illumination of the lower mind.”14

Christ-Jesus (Inspired by the Shroud of Turin.)
Aries-Easter, Christ and the Slain Lamb
The Ram of Aries is at first a lamb – a symbol of innocence, humility, trusting and forgiveness – recalling the Biblical verse: “Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”
That “kingdom of heaven” is the realm of each and every human soul. That which bars the way are the opposites of the above attributes: Guilt, treachery, impurity, pride, vengeance – all facets of the human Dweller and unintegrated personalities.
In the West, Jesus-Christ is known as the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” – who suffers crucifixion at Calvary to “save the world from its sins”. “Lamb” also relates to the “Lamb slain before the foundation of the world” which has another more esoteric meaning.
The sacrifice of animals is a very ancient tradition – cattle, sheep, goats. In one sense, Christ the Lamb is the same as the sacrificial scapegoat that was sent out into the desert, carrying the sins of the tribe. The goat is a symbol of Capricorn where symbolism of the winter solstice’s deepest darkness celebrates the increasing light – birth of the soul, or Christ consciousness.
Hence these two signs of the cardinal cross are intimately linked – from birth in Capricorn to crucifixion in Aries – celebrated annually at Easter, the first Sunday after the Aries full moon festival – on March 31, 2024.
Note that the month of March contains the root of the word Mars, ruler of Aries and god of war. The Romans believed that March was the best month to initiate warfare. It was under Roman rule that Jesus’ Crucifixion was carried out during Aries. (Esoterically “crucifixion” is one of the words for the 4th initiation of Liberation.)
“The lamb slain before the foundation of the world” – concerns the Christ who overshadowed his disciple Jesus – signalling the end of the Age of Aries and the beginning of the Age of Pisces, whose avatar was The Christ. Yet, in terms of even greater zodiac cycles,
“In the Occident we have for long thought in terms of the “Lamb, slain from the foundations of the world,” and in this statement lies a profound astrological truth. It refers to that great round of the zodiac (a period of approximately 25,000 years) in which the sun passes through all the twelve signs of the zodiac. The period to which reference is made started in the sign Aries, the Ram.15
In 2025, at the once-in-a-century Shamballa Conclave – both Neptune and Saturn will have begun their journey into Aries, making various conjunctions, through to 2026. Neptune is said to be one of the names of The Christ:
“In certain ancient formulas, the great Teacher of the West and the present world Initiator, Christ, is spoken of as Neptune, Who rules the ocean, whose trident and astrological symbol signifies the Trinity in manifestation and Who is the ruler of the Piscean Age.”16
Hence, Neptune and Aries carries a double signature of the Christ theme. For the first time in Neptune’s 164-year cycle – this combination offers an opportune time for The Christ to prepare for, or even make His reappearance – in accord with the Hierarchy’s projected Externalisation some time after 2025. (See next section.)
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The Imminent Externalisation of the Hierarchy
Neptune remains in Aries for 14 years – until 2039, hence this period may provide a window of opportunity. But not necessarily, depending upon world circumstances, that date might be decades later. One fact is certain, The Hierarchy have already put the wheels in motion for Their preparation to externalise. The diagram below is a reminder of the structure of The Hierarchy in relation to this planet and the solar system as a whole.

Colourised diagram adapted from, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1238. (VSymbols 1997.)
Externalisation means that many in the Hierarchy will take physical bodies – including The Christ:
“The invocative cry of humanity is ascending hourly to “the secret place of the Most High” and the Hierarchy plans to emerge when Christ appears and restores the rule of the Spirit on Earth. The hour for the restoration of the ancient Mysteries has arrived.
… It will then be possible for the Hierarchy, the Church of Christ hitherto invisible, to externalise itself and to function openly upon the physical plane. This will indicate a return to the situation which existed in Atlantean days when (to use Biblical symbology, Genesis Chaps. 2 and 3) God Himself walked among men; He talked with them and there was no barrier between the Kingdom of men and the Kingdom of God.
Divinity was then present in physical form and the Members of the spiritual Hierarchy were openly guiding and directing the affairs of humanity as far as man’s innate freedom permitted. Now, in the immediate future, and on a higher turn of the spiral of life, this will again happen. The Masters will walk openly among men; the Christ will reappear in physical Presence.”17
Continuing upon this theme, the phrase in the following quotation mentions, “Members of the Hierarchy” which refers to senior disciples, initiates and the Masters from the various seven-ray and subray ashrams:
“How will these Members of the Hierarchy in Their various grades appear on earth? Will They come through the methods of ordinary birth, of childhood and maturity? Some initiates may follow this ordinary pattern, some are already passing through it today [late 1940/1950’s onward] and are in the stages of infancy and adolescence; to them will be given a large share of the preparatory work.
Some will not pass through these relatively limiting phases, but will pass back and forth between the outer world and the world of hierarchical endeavour; they will be sometimes present in physical bodies and sometimes not.
This method of activity will not be possible as long as the present rules of national and civilian identification, of passports and of drastic airport and seaport inspection are required by the authorities; such people as these “transitting initiates” would not be able to identify themselves.
This form of appearance is therefore postponed for some time. Some of the Masters will create what is called in the language of the East the “mayavirupa“—a vehicle of expression which is built of atomic physical and astral substance and of concrete mental substance.
This They can create at will, use at will and cause to vanish at will; Their problem is not, therefore, so acute in the matter of appearing and of reappearing as is that of the initiate who cannot thus create to suit his purpose and his service.
… The appearing of these initiates and Masters will begin with isolated members appearing and living among men, coming forth one by one, doing the required work, returning through the portals of apparent death to the inner subjective Ashram, and then again appearing by one or other of the methods mentioned above. This process has been going on for some time and began around the year 1860.”18
The Importance of 1860 in History & USA
1860 saw the American Civil War over which that great initiate (or “racial avatar”) – Abraham Lincoln presided. (A triple Aquarian.)
The 1860’s was a period when Helena P. Blavatsky was travelling through Europe, the Americas and India. The initiate, Florence Nightingale established her nursing school in London in 1860. The Spiritualist movement was also in full expression, strongly influenced by Neptune in Pisces.
Many scientists were making headway or just taking incarnation – such as Marie Curie, Alfred Nobel, James Clerk Maxwell, Joseph Lister, Gregor Mendel, Dmitri Mendeleev, J. Norman Lockyer, Louis Pasteur. In literature and the arts – Victor Hugo, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Lewis Carroll, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Karl Marx.
These figures are just a few of those who might be regarded as “advanced members” of the various ray ashrams that have contributed to the Planetary Plan. This 7th ray force of 1860 was accompanied by a potent expression of the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom, the primary ray of this solar system and the ray of the ultimate “solar hero”, The Christ:
“… the second ray work of teaching is the first to be organised. Subjectively, the first ray workers are already active, for the work of the first ray with its disturbing and destroying activity prepares the way; pain and disruption ever precede birth, and the agents of the first ray have been working for nearly two hundred years.
The agents of the second ray started their preparation around the year 1825 and moved outward in force soon after 1860. From that date on, great concepts and new ideas, and the modern ideologies and arguments for and against aspects of the truth, have characterised modern thought and produced the present mental chaos and the many conflicting schools and ideologies, with their attendant movements and organisations; out of all these, order and truth and the new civilisation will emerge.
This civilisation will emerge as the result of mass thinking; it will no longer be a civilisation “imposed” by an oligarchy of any kind.” (Oligarchy – “rule by a few”)19
That was the Plan, but since this was written less than a century ago, “imposed oligarchies” have emerged in many areas of politics, media, technology, money etc. The USA and several other nations are regarded as oligarchies because of the influence over the democratic system by powerfully financed corporations and individuals.
The WEF and WHO are also examples of institutions which have developed into parasitical oligarchies that determine, dictate and impose policies not developed or wanted by the general public.
Today, the century-long, “modern ideologies and arguments … mental chaos and the many conflicting schools and ideologies” – continues apace, as Humanity learns greater discrimination, balances mental polarities and expands its consciousness accordingly.
1860 & 2024: Solar Storms and Neptune
In 1859 there was a massive solar storm, a “monster sunspot that birthed the Carrington Event” – thought to be the largest solar storm in recorded history to hit Earth. As the storm coincided with the American Civil War, The Tibetan commented upon USA’s global position at that time:
“This isolationist spirit was one of the dangers to which the neutral powers were at one time prone, particularly the United States, and the physical warning as to this danger was given to them in the magnetic storms which severed contact between them and Europe and dislocated their relationship between states within America itself.”20
That electro-magnetic storm no doubt magnified the 2nd ray Love-wisdom that, “moved outward in force soon after 1860” – the soul ray of the USA. The Sun is the co-ruler of the 2nd ray and esoterically “veils” the energy of Neptune that was transiting through its own sign of Pisces at the time. (Neptune in Pisces also had a strong influence on the development of the spiritualist/psychic movement of those times.)
Another “Carrington Event” in 2024?
Throughout 2023-24, Neptune has been hovering around the same degree as Neptune in 1859 – 164 years ago. From mid-April 2023 to mid-Feb 2024 it was the “Neptune return” of the Carrington Event horoscope.
Recent solar flares that interrupted internet services in Feb-March 2024 – scientists say, point to a similar Carrington Event in early April, just a few days before the Aries new moon total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024.
“Sunspot AR3590, which recently spit out three X-class solar flares in under 24 hours, has grown even larger and is now pointed almost directly at Earth, putting us in the crosshairs of more potential eruptions … All three flares caused temporary radio blackouts on Earth, but none of them launched coronal mass ejections (CME’s) — clouds of magnetized plasma that can slam into our planet’s magnetic shield as they fly through space.
… disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field that can allow solar radiation to impact ground-based infrastructure, trigger stunning auroral displays and cause satellites to tumble back to Earth … clear signs that the sun is fast approaching the explosive peak in its roughly 11-year cycle, known as solar maximum. Scientists now think that solar maximum could arrive within the first half of this year … It will also likely be much more powerful than scientists initially expected.”21
Similar to the 1859-1860 event, the forces of Sun and Neptune may reunite an intense stimulation upon Humanity, especially for 2nd ray soul nations like the USA and Britain. Although ruler of the 6th ray of Idealism (USA’s personalilty ray), Neptune is regarded as a “2nd aspect” planet.
Currently, these nations are prominent on the world stage, and according to some observers – have “lost their moral compass”; a disconnect within the crystallised personality, preventing soul force from flowing through. A powerful magnetic solar storm might be – as Donovan once sung, “the intergalactic laxative” for any nation’s cosmic constipation!
Solar Storms, Electricity and Uranus
No pun intended, but Uranus – which rules electrical activity and chaotic disruptions, and which is esoterically “veiled” by the Sun – was very prominent in the 1859 event, as detailed in an earlier newsletter:
“On Sept. 2, 1859, an incredible storm of charged particles sent by the sun slammed into Earth’s atmosphere, overpowered it, and caused havoc on the ground. Telegraph wires … suddenly shorted out in the United States and Europe, igniting widespread fires. Colorful aurora, normally visible only in polar regions, were seen as far south as Cuba and Hawaii.
Earth’s magnetic field normally protects the surface of the planet from some storms. In 1859, the planet’s defenses were totally overwhelmed … If a storm that severe occurred today, it could cause up to $2 trillion in initial damages by crippling communications on Earth and fuelling chaos among residents and even governments in a scenario that would require 4 to 10 years for recovery …”.22
1860 was the USA’s first “Uranus return” – on its 84-year cycle close to its natal position around 8° Gemini 00”. On Sept.2, 1859, transiting Sun in Virgo was squaring USA’s Uranus – also ruler of that nation’s Aquarian soul. A marvellous point of tension from which to launch the 7th ray sub-cycle of 1860.
With all the above sub-headings under the main heading – The Imminent Externalisation of the Hierarchy, it might be tempting to say that the Externalisation could be preceded by a major solar storm event – even if the actual Externalisation is some years away.
Can we imagine the chaos that would ensue if the global internet or electricity grid crashed for days, weeks or even months? It has been suggested that certain material forces might attempt this – but a naturally occurring storm would throw everyone completely off balance. This is the nature of unpredictable Uranus.
USA’s Amazing Total Solar Eclipse: April 8, 2024
The April 8, Aries new moon has a stellium in Aries and Uranus and Jupiter will be closely conjunct – more exactly on April 21. Jupiter will supercharge the effect of Uranus and the effects of both planets will be very strong from April 8 to May 8.
Given that Taurus is closely connected to money and Uranus to the financial system, there could be a major money crisis during this period, triggered by a solar storm or other earthly forces. (See other articles by the author: Uranus in Taurus: Revolution of the Monetary System, Uranus and Money, Uranus in Taurus and the Underworld.)

Aries New Moon Eclipse April 8, 2024 – set for NYC. Note the extraordinary stellium of planets in Aries: Venus, north node, Moon, Sun, Chiron, Vulcan and Mercury. This chart has a classic “bucket” formation, with the “bucket handle” being the Earth in peacemaker Libra.
The total solar eclipse line passes close to New York, Washington, Chicago and Kansas City, four of the nation’s main centres – respectively throat, head, solar plexus – and speculatively, the ajna. (See author’s essay: Five Centres USA: NYC, LA, Chicago, Washington, Kansas City.)
Los Angeles is USA’s heart centre and is well within orb-of-influence to the main eclipse line in the map below – in the zone of partial eclipse lines. Hence, all five of USA’s centres will be activated on this solar eclipse – which might also be supercharged by extra solar flare-sunspot activity – even a possible “Carrington Event”.
Many other cities fall directly on the main eclipse line: Burlington, Buffalo, Detroit, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Little Rock, Dallas to name a few! Most of the nation is in orb of influence from the eclipse. In USA’s contentious election year, the nation’s host of national and international problems – this solar eclipse is bound to be transformative – but mostly likely chaotic for the nation.
Many divisive issues will come to a head, especially with the Aries stellium squaring USA’s Cancer Sun that is natally square to Saturn in Libra -the lord of Karma in the scales of justice. Hence, the new moon stimulation of this Saturn square Sun aspect, may bring some kind of karmic reckoning for the nation.
Total Solar Eclipse over USA, April 8, 2024.
In a 2010 missive, the author commented on the hard nature of Sun square Saturn in USA’s horoscope – relentless and unforgiving with an added, “corruption and manipulation of the Law that has had the effect of severely undermining the democratic system”. In the new moon eclipse horoscope above – set for NYC, most of this Aries stellium falls in the 9th house of foreign affairs, hence a crisis may be reached regarding Aries-like aggression toward other nations like Russia and China.
Various observers are currently saying that USA is set upon on a suicide course – through its continual provocation of these nations, particularly Russia, where one “red-line” after another has been crossed by fanatical generals at the Pentagon and NATO, compounded by loose-talk, nuclear sabre-rattling and US military on the ground in Ukraine.
It appears that various other agencies such as the CIA are executing their plans with impunity – among recent revelations that they have been building bases in Ukraine along the Russian border for the past ten years!
What also feeds into USA’s Saturn-karma scenario, is its unconditional support, arms and financial supply to Israel. In six months, this “rogue state” has cruelly slaughtered over 30,000 Palestinians and destroyed Gaza – hence USA bears some major responsibility for what has occurred. (See the author’s several reports about this in the last six months of newsletters.)23
Its ironic that US politicians are impotently squeaking to Israel that it is crossing one red line after another – regarding Israel’s further bombardment of Palestinians, whilst approving yet billions more in arms funding. (Biden Admin Quietly Approves 100+ Arms Sales to Israel While Claiming Concern for Civilians in Gaza) Let us pray that the Libra peacemaker polarity of gung-ho Aries will prevail – over war-mongers who play like children with nuclear dice, perpetuating a continuous cycle of fear and trepidation for the rest of the planet.
USA’s other main issue is national. As a result of political investment and regime changes in so many other nations – the US debt is now around 34 trillion. Hence, infrastructure and education in all states has been grossly neglected, combined with a host of other social problems.
USA is a Gemini personality – the zodiac sign known as the “warring brothers” – the soul and personality in conflict: The personality that often goes upon its willful way, oblivious to the voice of the soul. Can it be said that the USA is totally aligned with its Aquarian soul purpose or completely driven by an errant personality?
The nation is deeply divided on a multitude of issues and the warring Gemini brothers can be seen as Biden and Trump – with Trump 1.6% ahead – as of March 13. This divisiveness was on display at the recent Oscars presentations – where Trump supporters were lampooned to an approving audience. As other commentators have observed, elitist Hollywood was on show to a nation, missing the irony that half will vote for Trump – deepening the divide.
With USA’s progressed Sun in Pisces, the theme of forgiveness of one brother to another must be invoked if the nation is to survive and thrive. But it make take an catastrophic event to stop the nation in its tracks – forcing reconciliation, thereby invoking USA’s Aquarian soul theme – brotherhood and community.
The “Lucifer” Word in Theosophical Teachings
The author was going to send this article out as a separate newsletter (a 15′ read), but instead the link to it is placed here for the reader’s perusal. An excerpt from the introduction:
“This article was created to address the many criticisms of theosophists Helena. P. Blavatsky (HPB) and Alice A. Bailey (AAB) – because of their use of the word Lucifer. (Other words explained such as occult and Aryan.) These critical commentaries can be found throughout the internet and are partly due to a misunderstanding of esotericism – or The Mysteries.
The word “Lucifer” refers to Venus – “the light bringer”, but unfortunately, incorrect attributions and haphazard connections to these authors have permeated the area of religious and even “New Age” teachings – creating confusion and suspicion.” Read the rest here: The “Lucifer” Word in Theosophical Teachings
The End of the Piscean Age and the Glamour of Authority
The imposition by oligarchies and other powerful institutions utilises the shadow of the first ray of Will or Power. This first ray expression is known as the Glamour of Authority – that dominates the world at the end of this Piscean Age:
“The ending of the Piscean Age, which has brought to the point of crystallisation (and therefore of death) all those forms through which the Piscean ideals have been moulded. They have served their purpose and done a great and needed work. It might be asked here: What are the major Piscean ideals?
1. The idea of authority. This has led to the imposition of the different forms of paternalism upon the race—political, educational, social and religious paternalism. This may be either the kindly paternalism of the privileged classes, seeking to ameliorate the condition of their dependents (and there has been much of this; or the paternalism of the churches, the religions of the world, expressing itself as ecclesiastical authority; or the paternalism of an educational process.
2. The idea of the value of sorrow and of pain. In the process of teaching the race the necessary quality of detachment, in order that its desire and plans shall no longer be oriented to form living, the Guides of the race have emphasised the idea of the virtues of sorrow and the educational value of pain.
These virtues are real, but the emphasis has been overdone by the lesser teachers of the race, so that the racial attitude today is one of sorrowful and fearful expectancy and a feeble hope that some reward (in a desirable and usually material form, such as the heaven of the various world religions) may eventuate after death, and thus compensate for all that has been undergone during life.
The races today are steeped in misery and an unhappy psychological acquiescence in sorrow and pain. The clear light of love must sweep away all this and joy will be the keynote of the coming new age.
3. To the above thought must be coupled the idea of self-sacrifice. This idea has lately shifted from the individual and his sacrifice to the group presentation. The good of the whole is now held theoretically to be of such paramount importance that the group must gladly sacrifice the individual or group of individuals.
Such idealists are apt to forget that the only true sacrifice is that which is self-initiated, and that when it is an enforced sacrifice (imposed by the more powerful and superior person or group) it is apt to be, in the last analysis, the coercion of the individual and his enforced submission to a stronger will.
4. The idea of the satisfaction of desire. Above everything else, the Piscean Age has been the age of material production and of commercial expansion, of the salesmanship of the products of human skill which the general public is educated to believe are essential to happiness.
The old simplicity and the true values have been temporarily relegated to the background. This was permitted to continue without arrest for a long period of time because the Hierarchy of Wisdom sought to bring the people to the point of satiety. The world situation is eloquent today of the fact that possession and the multiplication of material goods constitute a handicap and are no indications that humanity has found the true road to happiness.
The lesson is being learnt very rapidly and the revolt in the direction of simplicity is also rapidly gaining ground. The spirit of which commercialism is the indication is doomed, though not yet ended. This spirit of possession and the aggressive taking of that which is desired has proven widely inclusive and distinguishes the attitude of nations and of races as well as individuals. Aggression in order to possess has been the keynote of our civilisation during the past fifteen hundred years.
… the coming into manifestation of the Aquarian Age. This fact should provide the grounds for a profound and convinced optimism; nothing can stop the effect—growing, stabilising and final—of the new, incoming influences. These will inevitably condition the future, determine the type of culture and civilisation, indicate the form of government and produce an effect upon humanity, as has the Piscean or Christian Age, or the earlier period governed by Aries, the Ram or Goat.
Upon these steadily emerging influences the Hierarchy counts with assurance, and the disciples of the world must likewise learn to depend upon them. The consciousness of universal relationship, of subjective integration and of a proven and experienced unity will be the climaxing gift of the period ahead of us.”24
Indeed, as the Aquarian Age struggles to emerge, the recalcitrant forces of the previous Pisces cycle are fighting desperately to hold onto power and redundant ways of living. Here is the great planetary crisis in which we find ourselves on the eve of 2025.
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
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Aquarian Wisdom Centre’s Forthcoming Events
Two dates, celebrating the Aries Equinox and the Aries full moon Festival.
Tuesday, March 19. Spring Equinox Meditation and Talk (19.00 – 20.00 UT)
Sunday, March 24. Aries, 2025 and The Externalisation of the Hierarchy.
One Day Seminar for the Aries Full Moon Festival. 13.30 – 20.00 GMT. (By donation – register here.)
Join us for a one-day zoom webinar: Aries represents the seed idea for the “annually amended plan” of 2024 – a year that will be “the forerunner” for the momentous year of 2025 – when the Great White Brotherhood will decide a date for Their appearance amongst Humanity once again.
This might be sooner or a few decades later – but certainly before the end of this 21st century! Can we imagine what that will be like and what will be demanded from all of us? This seminar will cover a lot ground – in and around the above subjects, and will consist of three 1.5 hour sessions that will culminate with a group meditation at 19.00 GMT.
Please go to this link to consult our meeting planner schedule, Zoom log-in details.
March 24 webinar registration here.
(Phillip Lindsay, president Aquarian Wisdom Centre.)
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.92. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.94. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.165. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. pp.89-90. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.165. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.208. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.105. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.663. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.127. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.281. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.272. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.281. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.272. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.100. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.269. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.219. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.219. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.696-7. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.678. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.64. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Mars Enters Scorpio: Crisis in Israel 2023, Israel: Scorpio New Moon (Nov. 2023), Eyeless in Gaza: Israel on the Brink 2023, Roots of the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Zionism-Nazism 2023, The Shadow of Pisces and Israel’s Victimhood 2024. [↩]
- Education in the New Age, Alice A. Bailey. pp.120-22. [↩]
Agree the real meaning of “Lucifer” but Alice quickly realised that it would be misunderstood, obviously, and changed her groups name to Lucis. I believe it was a monumental mistake for her to use Lucifer – in our genre we have enough misunderstandings already. Regretfully it is there in black and white and cannot be changed and it will continuously be used by the ignorant.
Yes, Lucifer seems an unfortunate choice, even H. Blavatsky caller her magazine by that name. It begs the question, would not hierarchy have foreseen the possible confusion and potential injury to the esoteric cause?
If you read the article, it states the reasons why both women chose to use the name – as rebellion against the distortions of “Churchianity”.
Students may also want to consider the references in AAB’s writings to Lucifer or Venus:
“Sanat Kumara is not on the Sirian line but—to speak in symbols, not too deeply veiled—Lucifer, Son of the Morning, is closely related, and hence the large number of human beings who will become disciples in the Sirian Lodge. This [Page 416] is the true “Blue Lodge,” and to become a candidate in that Lodge, the initiate of the third degree has to become a lowly aspirant, with all the true and full initiations awaiting him “within the sunshine of the major Sun.”
1. SHAMBALLA Will or Power Planetary Head Centre
The Holy City Purpose..Plan spiritual pineal gland
Life Aspect
Ruler: Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World
the Ancient of Days
2. THE HIERARCHY Love-Wisdom Planetary Heart Centre
The New Jerusalem Unity At-one-ment
Group Consciousness
Ruler: The Christ
The World Saviour
3. HUMANITY Active Intelligence Planetary Throat Centre
The City, standing
foursquare Creativity
Ruler: Lucifer
Son of the Morning
The Prodigal Son
Dear Phillip,
These were inspired words: was it you, Mercury, HPB, AAB or the Tibetan? It was a very lovely colloquy of inspired insights. In view of world events, it hit the mark [Sun and Mercury in Aries]. Regardless of the source, I was uplifted and redirected.
As unfortunate as it may seem, the use of “Lucifer”, also separates the wheat from the chaff, as the saying goes. Meaning, that when encountered by it, it tells you how ready, or not, one is to proceed into the teachings – depending on one’s emotional reaction to the name Lucifer. And the will to overcome them.
Indeed, how ready one is to go beyond cultural conditioning and delve deeper into the meaning of the word – and the motives of those who deliberately used it, AAB and HPB.
Let us all help to bring into manifestation Aquarian ideals, often expressed
by musicians. E.g. John Lennon – Imagine all the people living in peace,
a brotherhood of man, where we live as one. Bob Marley. We are
One Love, One Heart, Let us come together and feel all right. Elvis – If I
can dream of a better land where all my brothers walk hand in hand, why
oh why can’t my dream come true. Michael Jackson – I feel in my heart
you are all my brothers.
I recently watched a video interview with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s. Here it is. Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s interview to Jackson Hinkle, March 2024 – YouTube Very interesting. They know exactly what is going on and are begging the world to listen to reason. Yes, this is a continuation of the war that started in Atlantean times and wasn’t finished at World War II.
Thank you Philip, I enjoyed your Aries reading on the Easter Holiday. I was told Jesus represented and/or taught the power of the open heart, which allowed understanding of the true source vibration “But the moment one turns to the Lord with an open heart, the veil is lifted and they see.” “A” or “Ahhhh” represents this dimension of the universe, and is the source for inspiration (“Ah-ha!”) Sounding out this vibration takes one immediately to the heart, and is part of the hidden code of “Yah-weh” actually I A O U E the five dimensions, the tetragrammaton… Blessings on this first of three Festivals!