4 Responses to Aries#2, 2019: Easter. New Zealand’s Jacinda. Bach. Brexit. Attenborough. Goodall. Assange. Netanyahu. Apocalypse.

  1. Great work Phillip! Look forward to seeing you at the USR conference.

  2. suzanne miller says:

    Eye-opening, astounding…presenting alternate ways to ponder the “various-nefarious”—as well as the always available “hope-scope” concerning our planet and Its Players!!–Suzanne, USA

  3. Burke Hunter says:

    Thanks Phillip for your good work. I was surprised to see you write the shooter’s name in the Christchurch killing. Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister, said,
    “One thing I can assure you – you won’t hear me speak his name.”
    Ardern’s comments reflect a growing body of research that shows elevating the identity of the perpetrator in mass shootings leads to copycats. Again, Phillip, thank you for all that you have written.

    1. Phillip Lindsay says:

      Burke, I chose to name him and will do again if his birthdate becomes available. A birth chart gives understanding of motives and understanding leads to compassion and forgiveness, something the NZ PM apparently supports.

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