3 Responses to Cancer 2024: Solstice. Cancer Resource Manager. Jupiter. Mars. Hilarion & Psychic Sensitivity. Crop Circles.

  1. Heidi Kunkler says:

    When we don’t exclude anything, trough your Newsletters and comments we might understand that in the Universe everything is possible. White Magic is always present! Thank you.

  2. Beverley says:

    I found your comments so reassuring. I thought I was deluded in my efforts to “save” the
    world, specifically to try to bring peace to our warring world, amongst many other people
    doing the same thing. I discovered there are very many peace organizations, as well as
    news outlets , seeking peace, truth, and a better future for us all.

    Of course you are one of them, bringing great insights, information, etc. I look forward
    to the Cancer Solstice/full moon talk and meditation.

    As singer Bob Marley pointed out, the people of the world are ONE LOVE, ONE HEART. Let us
    come together and I’ll feel alright.”

    x Beverley

  3. david says:

    Hola Phillip, thanks for sharing!!

    “It is the conflict of the soul with environment – consciously or unconsciously carried on – which leads to the penalties of incarnation and which provides those conditions of suffering which the soul has willing undertaken when – with open eyes and clear vision – the soul chose the path of earth life with all its consequent sacrifices and pains, in order to salvage the lives with which it had an affinity”.

    From this text by Master DK, extracted from the chapter of Cancer and the detriment of Saturn, it has always caught my attention that it says “consciously or unconsciously”…

    We can interpret that, even if unconsciously, the soul that voluntarily reincarnates in Cancer through the form and its subsequent material experience, will always, even if unconsciously, save, (illuminate) the lives with which it will have affinity.

    In truth this text suggests at a deep love for the human condition, a deep faith in the healing power, conscious or unconscious, of the soul.

    As they say in India: “A lion cub never asks when he will be an adult lion because he knows that one day he will be one.”

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