Capricorn (Jan.) 2018: Saturn. Sirius. Santa. Haley. Kushner. USA-Israel. Nationalism. Mars in Scorpio.
Capricorn Keynote
“Lost am I in light supernal and on that light I turn my back.”
(Full Moon: January 2, 2018. 2.24 am. GMT.)
Christmas greetings! May there be peace on Earth, sharing and goodwill among all Humanity.
Thankyou for your support throughout 2017 and I look forward to sharing with you in 2018.
Phillip Lindsay
Saturn’s Passage through Capricorn 2017 – 2020.
Capricorn-Cancer: Saturn and Sirius
Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles
“Santa” Kumara and the Symbolism of the Solstice-Christmas
USA’s Nationalism, Israel and the United Nations
Capricorn Nikki Haley and the United Nations Debacle
Capricorn Jared Kushner: Trump’s Siren Songster
Mars Enters Scorpio – Danger in Israel and the Middle East
Payment Changes on Esoteric Astrologer
“Christ was born in Capricorn, fulfilled the law under Saturn, initiated the era of intelligent brotherhood
under Venus and is the perfect example of the Capricornian initiate who becomes the world Server in Aquarius.”1
Saturn’s Passage through Capricorn 2017 – 2020.
December 18-21 saw three events transpire:
1. The Sagittarius new moon with Saturn in the last degree of Sagittarius.
2. Saturn’s entry into Capricorn for the first time in thirty years.
3. The annual Capricorn solstice.
The Sagittarius new moon saw five placements in that sign: Mercury, Venus, Moon, Sun and Saturn. Hence, there was a heightened opportunity for visioning the goal and firing the arrow to the target. With Saturn in the last degree of Sagittarius, everyone will be challenged to examine deeply rooted ideas and philosophies that have become stuck, or become fundamentalist in outlook; this can apply to any field of human thought – arts and sciences, politics and religion, spiritual or esoteric teachings.
Sagittarius New Moon, Dec. 18, 2017.
As Sun and Saturn entered Capricorn at virtually the same time, this solstice will leave a very powerful long term effect, especially with Saturn in the sign that it rules. With Saturn passing through Capricorn for the next three years, the Lord of Karma will be ensuring that Earthly laws are more closely aligned to the Greater Law. Ideas and goals dreamt in Sagittarius, will be made concrete with the annual passage of the Sun through Capricorn; especially with the longer term transit of Saturn through Capricorn, the Lawgiver. Sagittarius-Capricorn represent the codification of higher principles into a pattern – a law that has been wrought – a geometrical form that exists upon the mental plane, acting as a prism through which higher forces operate.

Fall of the wall – concrete shattering …
The last time Saturn passed through Capricorn was from Feb. 1988 to Feb. 1991 – three years of great changes that saw the decline of several European dictators and the fall of the Berlin Wall; this period was aided by the transits of revolutionary Uranus and idealistic Neptune through Capricorn.
Likewise, this period of Saturn in Capricorn will also be for exactly three years (longer than the usual 2.5 years), extending from Dec. 2017 to Dec. 2020. It will span what might be one of the most tumultuous periods in history, especially when Saturn links up with Pluto in the second week of January 2020. Together they both represent destruction of the old paradigm, a major reset:
“Capricorn is an earth sign, and in it we have expressed the densest point of concrete materialisation of which the human soul is capable. Man is then “of the earth, earthy” … Capricorn holds in itself the seeds of death and finality … When crystallisation has reached a certain degree of density and so-called “hardness,” it is easily shattered and destroyed and man, born in Capricorn, then brings about his own destruction; this is due to his fundamentally materialistic nature, plus the “blows of fate” which are the enactments of the law of karma. Again and again, a certain measure of concreteness is achieved, only again to undergo destruction, prior to the release of the life and the rebuilding of the form.”2
Anyone with the slightest degree of awareness, is today acutely aware of the many, many transgressions of the Law that urgently need to be shattered, over-hauled and reformed – if Humanity is to survive. The ingress horoscope of Saturn into Capricorn further underlines this theme and will prevail uniquely for the next three years during Saturn’s passage.
Saturn Ingress into Capricorn, Dec. 20, 2017.
This chart has been set for Greenwich, Britain and universal time (UTC), giving Scorpio rising. If set for New York, it has Virgo rising. Both nations are prominent leaders of Western civilisation and both charts could be interpreted accordingly, using the respective rising signs and house positions. However for the purposes of this exercise, the planetary positions will be mainly considered.

Goats on rocks? Rocks of Lahul (Nicholas Roerich)
Having said that however, Scorpio rising with Mars ruler and Jupiter both in Scorpio, indicates a torrid time for Britain as it goes through Brexit over the next few years. In this ingress horoscope, Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio will continue to have a powerful effect whilst Saturn transits Capricorn; they will ruthlessly reveal and uncover secrets, particularly for those who hold positions of great power in corporations and politics.
One of the key areas of this horoscope concerns the conjunction of the Sun in Sagittarius with Saturn in Capricorn. It can strengthen the hand of those with fanatical and adamantine ideas, or it can bring about a new vision that can be incorporated into an emerging paradigm of new values. Saturn rules the throat chakra, seat of the mental body – hence Saturn/Capricorn’s skill in organising and constructing templates of thought, based upon what Sagittarius has reached for and contacted in the world of intuitive ideas.

Birds of Stymphalus (Francis Donald)
Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius will also assist this process, in shooting the arrow of truth to the heart; standing up for and insisting upon the truth without any deviation or distraction. The Scorpio placements will assist this process of uncovering the truth and sorting the unreal from the real.
The conjunction of the Moon and Pluto in Capricorn in the ingress chart, has to be one of the most promising factors of the intense regeneration of the Shadow of Humanity during this period. The moon in Capricorn reflects humanity’s utter enslavement to materialism and its potential, radical release via Pluto the destroyer, the force of the first ray of will-power, the might of Shamballa. Assuming that Humanity is gaining greater awareness of its plight, the following may well apply:
“But as evolution proceeds, the power of the Moon [in Capricorn], which is the symbol and ruler of form, grows less and less, and the man upon the reversed wheel is steadily freeing himself from the control of matter. The attractive lure of that which is material wanes increasingly.”3

The evolution of money … is this the future?
This Moon-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn may indicate an enormous change regarding the world monetary system, even reflected by the biggest financial crash the world has ever known; a crash that could potentially see the permanent banishment of the “money changers from the temple” – and a fairer redistribution of wealth. Or even the true beginnings of a world-wide barter system. Moon and Pluto are also in square formation to revolutionary and radical Uranus in Aries, which could bring on some unexpected upsets:
“Capricorn is, therefore, the sign of what has been called esoterically “periodic arresting.” Progress becomes impossible under the existing forms, and there has to be the descent into the valley of pain, despair and death before a fresh attempt to scale the heights takes place.”4

Initiation Mysteries at Eleusis, Greece.
As a sign of initiation, Capricorn will bring many tests and trials during this three-year period, as will the Scorpio placements mentioned earlier – both are signs of initiation into higher consciousness. As the old order is destroyed and crumbles, great efforts will have to be made to implement the new emerging order of values:
“Capricorn is … the sign in which is inaugurated a new cycle of effort, whether this effort is in connection with the individual man or with the initiate. Effort, strain, struggle, the fight with the forces native to the underworld, or the strenuous conditions entailed by the tests of discipleship or initiation—these are distinctive of experience in Capricorn.”5
This period may be one of mass Initiation for Humanity, as Saturn provides the opportunities to conform to universal spiritual Law and relinquish the old laws that have become corrupted through misuse. Individuals use Saturn to build structures of thought that serve as a construct to live life. But there will always come a time when those structures must be over-hauled or destroyed; this period will put paid to the previous thirty-year cycle of Saturn and initiate new patterns for the next thirty years.
In medieval astrology, Saturn was regarded as the “greater malefic” because he crushed those who did not obey the law – who willfully evaded justice or capture. Hence Saturn’s reputation as the Lord of Karma, the law of cause and effect – with the old fashioned karma of retribution, but increasingly the karma of reward. Hence, Saturn’s passage through Capricorn will afford an opportunity for extensive and fairer law reforms by which Humanity can grow and thrive.
Saturn in Capricorn gives us the capacity to endure, to be more patient, as these changes are brought about; to see within ourselves the outworn structures in need of demolition or intense refurbishment! As the Lord of Time, Saturn offers us a three year window for everyone to get their respective acts together in this great drama of life!
Capricorn-Cancer: Saturn and Sirius
In a recent newsletter there was a discussion about the seven zodiac signs associated with the downflow of forces from Sirius. The Cancer-Capricorn axis represent two of these signs and have a peculiar relationship to the acceleration of an aspirant’s journey toward the path of purification:
“Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High in that distant Sun [Sirius]. They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in that mass to “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.”6

For a broader context to this diagram, see Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.466.
An aspirant has already “reversed the wheel,” taken the first initiation and is embarking upon the journey home in a far more conscious way. S/he is heading toward the second initiation where the complete control of the astral body is demonstrated. Hence, the aspirant is “learning to feel,” differently to any previous existence, bringing about a purification of the astral body.
Cancer is one of the main (water) zodiac signs of feeling, representing refinement and integration of the astral body – plus, its competency to be a fit expression for downpouring soul forces. As the Moon is in detriment in Capricorn, it is in dignity (rules) in Cancer, with Neptune the god of the waters as soul ruler:
“… the Moon and Neptune—are, therefore, the direct influences which are brought to bear upon the Cancer subject and thus lead to the unfoldment of the form of life and of the emotional-astral body. The supreme usefulness of these aspects will be grasped if you will intelligently realise that without the form and without the ability to bear in mind the need to respond sensitively to the environing conditions and circumstance, the soul would never awaken to knowledge in the three worlds and, therefore, would never know God in manifestation.”7
Just as Cancer is related to the development of the emotional body, so Capricorn is connected to the evolution of the mental body – very broadly speaking: Feminine Cancer feeling, masculine Capricorn thinking. Moon-Saturn. Note the word probation – the aspirant upon the Path of Purification is “on probation,” reflected in earthly laws, when an offender is “placed on probation.” This is Saturn wielding the Law!
Taking the probation analogy a little further, all of humanity are “offenders” or “prisoners of the planet,” until they have learned to live under Solar Law, achieved by rejection of the involutionary lunar path and, through initiation via Capricorn into the Greater Mysteries. (This is partly why the full moon periods are referred to esoterically as Solar Festivals.)
Humanity has for many aeons, ignored or misinterpreted the laws that it has been given, until another Teacher or Avatar returns cyclically to reiterate the message! (We take a long time to learn in this “Earth school of hard knocks”!) Moses descending from Mount Sinai with the ten commandments emblazoned upon his tablets, is Saturn in Capricorn – “imposing the law of karma on his people.”8
On this Solar Law theme, Sirius is regarded as the higher-self to this solar system as a whole. The Sirian law of karma therefore, governs this solar system, transmitting through the karmic lord Saturn, as depicted in the diagram above:
“The Intermediate Law of Karma. There is also an intermediate law, which is the synthetic law of the system of Sirius. This law is called by the generic term, the Law of Karma, and really predicates the effect the Sirian system has on our solar system. Each of the two systems, as regards its internal economy, is independent in time and space, or (in other words), in manifestation.
We have practically no effect on our parent system [Sirius], the reflex action is so slight as to be negligible, but very definite effects are felt in our system through causes arising in Sirius. These causes, when experienced as effects, are called by us the Law of Karma, and at the beginning they started systemic Karma which, once in effect, constitutes that which is called Karma in our occult and oriental literature.”9
There are millions of people on Earth who are at the above-mentioned stage of the aspirant, refining the feeling nature; somewhere in the many lives between the first and second initiations; they constitute what is known as the World Aspirant – a very large group of spiritual seekers working in every conceivable department of human endeavour. Hence, whilst Saturn transits through Capricorn during the next three years, creating an alignment with Sirius and its principle of freedom and liberation, there is potential for a greatly accelerated development in this group; it was this energy in 1989-1990 that helped precipitate greater freedoms in Europe:
“The principle of freedom is a leavening energy which can permeate substance in a unique manner; this divine principle represents an aspect of the influence which Sirius exerts on our solar system and particularly on our planet. This principle of freedom is one of the attributes of Deity (like will, love and mind) of which humanity knows as yet little. The freedom for which men fight is one of the lowest aspects of this cosmic freedom, which is related to certain great evolutionary developments that enable the life or spirit aspect to free itself from the impact, the contact and the influence of substance.”10
Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles
This book is the suggested companion volume to the video, The Hidden History of Humanity, recently passing over one million views on some YouTube channels.
Currently there individuals who have volunteered to translate video narration into Russian, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Hindi. These will be made available on the author’s YouTube channel when they are available. If there are readers who have sub-titling software skills to volunteer, please contact the author.
This new book probes the mysteries of human civilisation, its origin in ancient Lemuria and ebb and flow in the rootraces like Atlantis, through to the current Fifth Rootrace – and into the future. It is essentially the story of the human soul and the evolution of consciousness, interpreted in the light of Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine, and The Book of Genesis, drawing upon Eastern and Western traditions – Judaic and Hindu, Christian and Buddhist.
The science of cycles, the yugas, astrology and the seven rays are incorporated to illustrate the vast chronology of human evolution. These esoteric sciences are also bridged where possible to scientific disciplines such as geology, anthropology and biology – revealing their agreement, proofs and unity.
Unveiling Genesis is a vastly updated and re-written version of The Hidden History of Humanity (2005), with 143 figures, 108 tables and hundreds of illustrations to assist the reader in deciphering our complex human origins. See more detail about the contents of this book.
641 pages (8.25″ x 9.5″) November, 2017. (Thick 60# paper, reinforced “Durabind” spine.)
ISBN 978-1-876849-15-3. Trade Paper.
Buy directly from Esoteric Astrologer (US and Canada only)
Buy on Amazon Author’s profile and other titles

The Kingdom of Shamballa.
“Santa” Kumara and the Symbolism of Christmas
Christmas Day represents the return of the “solar hero” after the previous three solstice days of greatest darkness. Because Earth is oriented to the north pole star Polaris, this northern hemisphere symbolism is appropriate for the planet as a whole. Great Teachers such as Christ are celebrated at this time, having achieved a solar consciousness that lies beyond Earth’s domain.
Santa is a simple anagram of Sanat (Kumara), also known as the Ancient of Days, the Lord of the World or Melhizedek. Sanat Kumara is the Lord of Shamballa where “the will of God is known” – the crown chakra of this planet from where the Planetary Plan is directed, or broadcast to the Masters of Wisdom – and finally stepped down to Humanity – via the conscious human Planetary Servers. The story of Santa Claus is an esoteric allegory that has several interpretations:
1. Santa Claus is Sanat Kumara who comes from his home at the North Pole – regarded as the planetary “spiritual pole” or Mount Meru. He is a rather jovial, jolly, joyous Jupiterian figure who brings happiness and presents – if we have been “good” – and all of humanity are his children. In this respect he is Capricorn’s Saturn Kumara bringing the karma of reward as a seed of renewal in the darkest time of the year.
This is the winter solstice that starts around December 22 and culminates on December 25, Christmas Day. Sol-stice means “stands still” – as the sun appears to rise in the same place for three days before it heads northwards to the spring equinox. (See diagram.)
During those three solstice days, the light is at its dimmest, yet starts to gain from Christmas Day onward. The contrast between light and night at this time is one of great beauty, as lights and candles burn brightly in forests and houses that are surrounded by the cloak of darkness; it is particularly emphasised in the Scandinavian countries close to Santa’s polar regions.
“Presents” can also be interpreted as Presence – the presence of each individual soul radiating its eternal beauty. The Presence is also that of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet – their permanent and hitherto unseen presence, reiterating their message to Humanity – the spirit of peace, goodwill and brotherhood. Hence, the three day period of the solstice is one of deep inner reflection and stillness – a time to reflect within the darkness upon our own source of soul light that is shared by all other living beings; that connection also paves the way for the New Year Resolutions that come a week later on January 1st.
Also, during this three day period, there is much deva activity. It is not uncommon to witness many interesting cloud patterns in the sky that look like devas or have animated and curious shapes. This has a connection with Santa’s helpers – the elves and pixies, those members of the deva kingdom responsible for building and manifesting the outer forms (presents) – and who work as directed by the higher intelligences. Also, the solstice period of “standing still” is not unlike Mercury turning from retrograde to stationary, to direct motion.
The three solstice days can also be measured with the three phases of caterpillar, chrysalis and the butterfly (the soul) that emerges on Christmas Day. Within the chrysalis a mysterious metamorphosis takes place, it is a place of profound transformation from one form into another; it is symbolic of three days in the tomb, or the belly of the proverbial whale, representing initiation – for which Capricorn is well known; it is symbolically the birth of the Christ within the cave of the Heart of Humanity. The Christ (the chrysalis transformed), is the representative of the Love-Wisdom principle on Earth, and as a “disciple of Shamballa,” has a direct relationship to “Santa” Kumara:
“Forget not also, the Christ is a Member of the Great Council at Shamballa and brings the highest spiritual energy with Him.”11
Sanat Kumara and Shamballa wield the force of the first ray of will-power, the most pure and potent spiritual force on the planet. The exoteric and esoteric colours of the first ray are red and white respectively, the colours of Santa’s modern day costume. (More on that theme later.)
2. Shamballa and the North Pole. Shamballa is regarded as the planetary crown chakra, and the analogy of Santa Claus coming down the chimney is the descent of spiritual force from the head centre. The fireplace is the latent kundalini laying dormant within the base chakra. The Christmas tree adorned with lights and decorations is the World Tree, the axis upon which the Earth spins on its north-south orientation. Hence, there is an association with the north pole star Polaris – the “Star of Direction—governing Shamballa.”12
The North Pole can also be regarded as the crown chakra and Shamballa’s “location” can be seen as synonymous with it. (Even though we are told that its current location is in the Gobi Desert in etheric substance.) Fohat, or the life fluid of the planet, flows around and animates the Earth:

Magnetic field of the Earth circulating though
the north and south poles.
“One end issues from her head; it becomes foul at her feet (the Southern Pole). It gets purified on its return to her heart—which beats under the foot of the sacred Shambalah, which then (in the beginnings) was not yet born. For it is in the belt of man’s dwelling (the earth) that lies concealed the life and health of all that lives and breathes.”13
In esoteric history, the North Pole is regarded as the location of the first continent and first etheric races; it has a positive polarity, whilst the South Pole a negative polarity. There is a sense of “motionless” at the pole because the rotation of the Earth is neutralised – here is an analogy with the “stillness” of the three day solstice period.
Fohat or the universal life force, reigns supreme at the North Pole – there is a divine circulatory flow, “fountain of life” or electro-magnetic current that starts at the head, “becomes foul at her feet” and is purified on its return to the heart – actually and symbolically Shamballa. The North Pole has also been call Mount Meru and is inter-changeable with the term Shamballa.

Brain cross-section with claustrum.
3. The Saint Claus or Claustrum. As above, so below – the planetary crown chakra has a correspondence to the human crown chakra. There is a “Saint Claus” or Claustrum within the cerebum, associated with the pineal gland and the crown chakra.14 In Sanscrit, it is called “The Door of Brahm” – the aperture through which the soul leaves the body – the chimney of Santa Claus.
The claustrum is a thin sheet of isolated grey matter, containing a yellow substance within its outer exterior, the “priceless oil” that descends into the spinal cord; it is known as the biblical “gold of Ophir.” Globules of this oil are found in the vital fluid or semen and if the “prodigal son” wastes this substance, it takes a long time to replace it.
The story of the wise virgins who had their lamps trimmed and filled with oil, concerns the necessity for the presence of oil in the body. There are reservoirs of this oil in the brain which furnish oil for the “lamp” – the pineal gland – the endocrine gland assigned to the crown chakra.
When the Kundalini, the serpent fire that lies concealed at the base of the base of the spine is awakened, (the “fireplace” at the base of Santa’s chimney), it burns up the dross within the spinal cord and reaches the conarium, setting fire to this oil and lighting the “perpetual lamp” – which gives light to the “whole house.” This is a description of an advanced initiation. Santa Claus is thus giver of the supreme gift of oil for the perpetual lamp, the quintessence of richness; he brings his “gold of Ophir” gifts when the Christ-Mass is celebrated.15
4. Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus.
“Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors, merchants, archers, repentant thieves, children, brewers, pawnbrokers and students in various cities and countries around Europe. His reputation evolved among the faithful, as was common for early Christian saints, and his legendary habit of secret gift-giving gave rise to the traditional model of Santa Claus.”16
The modern Santa Claus is a commercial creation that has evolved from the original Saint Nicholas:
“By the end of the 1920s, a standard American Santa—life-sized in a red, fur-trimmed suit—had emerged from the work of N. C. Wyeth, J. C. Leyendecker, Norman Rockwell and other popular illustrators. The image was solidified before Haddon Sundblom, in 1931, began thirty-five years of Coca-Cola Santa advertisements that further popularized and firmly established this Santa as an icon of contemporary commercial culture.”17
This period also saw the birth of modern propaganda and the potency of advertising. The original Saint Nicholas was a fourth century Bishop of Myra who,
“… showed his devotion to God in extraordinary kindness and generosity to those in need [in contrast to], America’s jolly Santa Claus, whose largesse often supplies luxuries to the affluent. However, if you peel back the accretions, he is still Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, whose caring surprises continue to model true giving and faithfulness. There is growing interest in reclaiming the original saint in the United States to help restore a spiritual dimension to this festive time.
For indeed, St. Nicholas, lover of the poor and patron saint of children, is a model of how Christians are meant to live. A bishop, Nicholas put Jesus Christ at the center of his life, his ministry, his entire existence. Families, churches, and schools are embracing true St Nicholas traditions as one way to claim the true center of Christmas—the birth of Jesus. Such a focus helps restore balance to increasingly materialistic and stress-filled Advent and Christmas seasons.
Aside from the obvious disparities between Saint Nicholas and the secular Santa Claus, perhaps the most poignant difference between them can be seen in the nature of the gifts they give. While Santa has his bundle of toys, the gift that Saint Nicholas gives is nothing short of freedom from poverty and desperation. The life of Saint Nicholas is an example of faith made flesh in actions of true charity.”18
USA’s Nationalism, Israel and the United Nations
“The problems confronting us should be faced with courage, with truth and understanding; as well as with the willingness to speak factually, with simplicity and with love in the effort to expose the truth and clarify the problems which must be solved.”19
In the Capricorn newsletter for January 2017, there was a comprehensive assessment of the situation in Israel and their relationship to the USA: Capricorn, the Jewish People, Zionism and Israel. These few pages may be worth re-reading, as they explore Zionism, Trump, Netanyahu, Israel and Jared Kushner. The focus of this next section will deal with two influential Capricorns, UN envoy Nikki Haley and Trump advisor, Jared Kushner.
First however, recent pronouncements by the US President of “America first” and declaring the Jerusalem the capital of Israel, can be categorised as nationalism – a dangerous trend in a world that craves increasing co-operation and goodwill among nations; these statements also support Israeli nationalism. The lessons of history some eighty years ago, must be learnt by all Western nations if a looming dystopia is to be avoided:
“Intense nationalism was one of the prime movers in bringing about this war [WWII] and no nation has been exempt from this spirit of national pride and from a nationalistic, separative outlook. Selfish interests have controlled the reasons for which every nation has entered this war; individual security has prompted the entry of even the most enlightened democratic nations.
That to these selfish incentives they have added world need and the love of freedom is true and serves to balance, though not offset, the selfish motives; that the instinct of self-preservation gave them no alternative is likewise true, but the fact remains that there would have been no war if the democratic nations had been the determining factor. That in itself gives rise to questions. Why did the powerful democracies, in the last analysis, permit this war when, united and banded together from the start, they might have arrested it in the initial stages?
Also, given the existent aggressor nations [Axis powers Germany etc.], collective self-interest forced the democracies into combat, and yet this same self-interest should have made them take the steps which would have guaranteed the peace. National types, individual national interests, national cultures and national civilisations exist side by side, but instead of being regarded as contributory to one integrated whole, they have been zealously competitive and have been regarded as the peculiar and distinctive prerogatives of some one nation and as existing for the sole good of that nation.
In the future, the contributory factor in life must be emphasised and developed, and the good of the entire family of nations must be substituted for the good of one nation or a group of nations. The education of the public in this ideal necessitates no loss of national identity or individual culture. That must remain and be developed to its highest spiritual goal for the enriching and the collective good of all. It is only the motive for the emphasis of any specific racial and national culture which must be changed.
The family of nations, viewed as a unit, its correct and proper interrelation, and the shouldering of responsibility for the one, or for the weak, must be the realised goal of all national enterprise; the resources of the entire planet must be shared collectively and it must be increasingly realised that the products of the earth, the gifts of the soil, the intellectual heritage of the nations, belong to the whole of mankind and to no one nation exclusively.
No nation liveth unto itself, any more than any individual can happily so live; the nation or individual who attempts so to do must inevitably perish off the face of the earth. All nations have made this selfish attempt, as history, ancient and modern, goes to prove. Their tradition, their resources, their national genius, their past history, their mineral and agricultural products, their strategic position on the planet, have been used in past centuries for the benefit of the nation claiming them.”20
Capricorn Nikki Haley and the United Nations Debacle
At Israel’s invisible pupetteer prompting, Trump declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, closing the door on any justice for Palestinians and their autonomy. It was overwhelmingly voted down in the United Nations with some notable exceptions such as Australia and Canada abstaining, kow-towing to their US masters. It is laughable that only seven tiny nations (“irrelevant” to US and Israel): returned a yes vote: Guatemala, Honduras, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, and Togo. 35 nations abstained, whilst 128 voted against. The US and Israel will most likely press ahead with their intentions despite the vote.
Trump and Haley, threatened and cajoled, amounting to outright bribery and extortion. A major global power was totally out of step with the rest of the world – a belligerent bully in the schoolyard. “We will be taking names” fumed Haley. Trump blurted, “Let them vote against us. We’ll save a lot. We don’t care.” Netanyahu spurned the UN as a “house of lies.” Through these diplomatically unskilled people, barging in bluntly, trying to ride roughshod over other nations, the USA is continually isolating itself, diminishing credibility in the eyes of the world. And, as if to compensate for its impotent and erratic actions, the USA is stepping up dangerous and unnecessary aggression toward other nations such as Russia (via Ukraine), Iran, North Korea and unbeknown to many, China.

An earlier publicity stunt showing
children as the victims of an alleged
chemical attack in Syria.
“The American envoy also displayed a twisted logic that was as arrogant as it was flawed. She rebuked all nations for “attacking” the US “sovereign right” to nominate Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The fact is, it is the US which has attacked international consensus and UN resolutions regarding Jerusalem’s neutral status.
… Haley also claimed the “will of the American people” was being assaulted by the UN. Her claim is not backed up by any polls. Indeed one recent poll conducted in November, just before Trump made his announcement, shows a big majority – 63 percent – of the American public are against any such move to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided Israeli capital.”21
Haley’s posturing at this event was preceded by another propaganda publicity stunt against Iran, as she stood in front of a partially incinerated missile shell purported to have been fired into Saudi Arabia from Yemen. She told reporters at a Washington military base that illegal Iranian weapons are spreading throughout the Middle East.
This was pure staged theatre, reminiscent of the Bush era WMD’s in 2002, and also giving her fanatical UN predecessor Samantha Power, a run for her money in the hysteria and propaganda stakes. Iran’s Foreign Minister compared her speech to Collin Powell’s anthrax vial – used to justify the Iraq War at the UN. The great irony is of course, that the US, France and UK are all backing the cruel Saudi slaughter and starvation in Yemen.

Haley’s comet … er, missile.
In an attempt to “manufacture consent”, Haley described Iran as a “global threat” outlining evidence of the nation’s “destabilizing behavior” in the Middle East. If there has been one destabilising force in the Middle East in recent times, it is has been the USA interfering in the politics of other nations, playing geopolitical games – the motive in many cases simply for oil resources. The USA has always been the dog that has been “wagged” by the Israeli tail – shocking but true.
Haley is a highly accomplished and very ambitious Sun in the last degree of Capricorn. She is a mother of two from an Indian American Sikh family; she was very successful in business before becoming the first female governor (and second Indian American) of South Carolina. Unfortunately her birth time is unknown so her rising sign soul purpose is unknown. She is attractive and charismatic and her rising sign might be Leo, Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius.
(Time unknown, hence Taurus rising chart set for midday.)
Haley has a powerful grand trine between Sun in Capricorn, with it’s ruler Saturn in Taurus and Pluto in early Libra. This is a configuration of POWER and is very potent and forceful in leadership. It is very likely that she has ambitions of eventually running for the US Presidency.

Adelson with close friend.
“She is now the darling of the neocons in Washington … One of her biggest donors in the multi-billionaire Sheldon Adelson a staunch and vocal Zionist and one who has been pushing for Israeli interests for a long time, whose Moon is most likely in Capricorn conjunct Haley’s Sun (showing their connection).”22
To offset her Capricorn austerity, Haley has a softer side that is appealing to the masses, Moon and Venus placed in Pisces. The Moon is square to Jupiter in Sagittarius and herein lies her problem. Even if she was born up to 12 hours before or after the time in the chart above, the Moon in Pisces would still be in orb of squaring Jupiter. Jupiter is very much at home in its own sign Sagittarius, giving expansive understanding and knowledge, a love of spiritual philosophy and usually a generous goodwill; yet its shadow is fanaticism, narrow-minded and opinionated, self –righteous and dogmatic – unfortunately, all boxes could be ticked in Haley’s case. (Israel’s Jupiter is just one degree from Haley’s, see later in text.)

Haley in awe … Now there’s a good girl Nikki, do what Bibi says! Netanyahu’s Jupiter is conjunct Haley’s sun in Capricorn.
Sagittarius is known for its fanaticism and also a certain belligerence and arrogance. All these factors have been on display lately. The sixth ray of devotion and idealism is the strongest ray that pours through this sign – and is the personality ray of the USA. (The author has commented upon this ad infinitum!) It is also one of the rays that passes through Pisces and might even be present in Haley’s make-up, at least in the emotional body.
But even if the sixth ray were not present, this Moon square Jupiter would be sufficient to express the fanaticism and naïvety that Haley exhibits. The Moon is also the Dweller/Shadow. One of the problems with Sagittarius is the emotional adherence to ideas, creating fundamentalism – Haley seems to have been indoctrinated by some of the Zionist values that she so vehemently supports.
Adding fuel and feeding the fanatical fire, was the recent new moon in Sagittarius falling precisely on Haley’s Jupiter, triggering the Moon-Jupiter square, which is commonly regarded as one of excess and exaggeration. Jupiter in Sagittarius is not averse to a bit of theatre either, and the lunar square can easily add passion and propaganda to spice things up. Her Jupiter in Sagittarius is also close to Trump’s Moon in Sagittarius, so she is a natural for doing his bidding and allowing her to climb the ambition ladder. On the ordinary wheel, before a person has awoken to their soul, the keynote for Capricorn is, “Let ambition rule and the door stand wide.” Whether Haley has “reversed the wheel” yet is unknown.

Haley and husband offer prayers at the Golden Temple, the most important pilgrimage site for Sikhism – Amritsar, India.
Haley’s predecessor Samantha Power, was equally fanatical in her work at the Security Council. The highly talented Power (Sept. 21, 1970.) has Sun and Pluto (the planet of power) tightly conjunct in Virgo, another sign that has the sixth ray passing through it. (Kushner has Sun square Pluto.)
“[Haley] also has a square between her Venus and Neptune, the latter of which is also opposite Saturn. This is a difficult position for relationships and indicates the strong possibility of being used and shaken down by one or more of her friends. She is definitely being used as a mouthpiece in the UN, and her strident stance toward Iran only betrays the fact. Both she and Kushner are inexperienced at what they are doing, and it shows, with Haley as a public face consistently embarrassing more clear-thinking people in the US and abroad.”23

Jared Kushner with his eye on power.
Capricorn Jared Kushner: Trump’s Siren Songster
In the author’s original appraisal of the various characters around Trump, it was noted that Kushner’s Neptune was closely aligned with Trump’s Sagittarius moon – giving him a “whispering siren” control. It seems that influence has come to bear its harvest – it is widely reported that Kushner’s whispers persuaded Trump on his Jerusalem decision. The following was written a year ago for the Capricorn newsletter of early 2017:
“Kushner was controversially appointed as a senior advisor to Trump on the day before his birthday, January 10. Kushner is the husband of Ivanka Trump, a businessman and real estate investor; also the owner of Observer Media, that publishes the weekly New York Observer. He is the son of the notorious and corrupt businessman Charles Kushner and was raised as an orthodox Jew.

Kushner and his “bromance” – he has visited Saudi Arabia three times in 2017.
Kushner has a mental brilliance and is very ambitious, as Capricorns can be! He has strong business links to Israel and is unfortunately regarded as a “hyper-Zionist” with regard to his support of Zionist-controlled Israel. This is no doubt because of his own cultural conditioning, so much so that his wife Ivanka converted to Judaism before they married. Now as a senior advisor to Trump, he may well ensure ongoing Zionist control of the White House and the US government. Kushner will be to Trump what Rahm Emmanuel was to Obama.
Trump believes that Kushner will be able to help broker peace in the Middle East – peace or business? Kushner is enormously influential on Trump and has become known as a trusted, behind-the-scenes power broker. Of course, the scenario does not look bright for the US freeing itself from undue Zionist influence, but time will tell as the new Presidency unfolds.
There are bound to be many internal conflicts in the administration, and Kushner is already at odds with several individuals in the new cabinet who resent his influence. Kushner is a very interesting character and one to be watched in this Trump administration. Can we give him the benefit of the doubt for now or are his politics a “done deal” already?”24
Yes, a done deal to be sure! Like Trump, and the majority of the crew on his ship of fools, benefit of the doubt can now be cast to the wind!
Jared Kushner (Time unknown.)
Kushner shares with Haley the combination of a Capricorn Sun with a Pisces Moon. This can lull adversaries into a false sense of security (Pisces moon) before Capricorn moves in for the kill! The Capricorn sun expresses intelligence with power, and along with Mercury in Capricorn (very shrewd in business), is square to power planet Pluto in Libra.
The square represents the challenge for Kushner to use power responsibly and integrate it rightly into his Capricorn personality. The point of least resistance for most of those who have not awoken to soul however, is to selfishly cultivate associations with others who have power and influence and to use power destructively or irresponsibly.
Kushner also has Venus in late Sagittarius, indicating his newly found friends (or fiends?) in Saudi Arabia. The recent new moon in Sagittarius fell close to his sirenesque Neptune, whilst Saturn in the new moon chart fell right on his Venus. This may have ramifications in the next six months with personal relations severely strained, whilst his public life may become a little tough as well. Transiting Pluto will pass very closely and slowly over his Capricorn sun from January to June, and then again for all of 2019. During that period, transiting Saturn will join the fray, mirroring in his own life dramatic developments in world events – as discussed earlier.

Jewish anti-Zionist group Netura Karta protests outside the Israeli embassy, in London, 2014.
Mars in Scorpio: Danger in Israel and the Middle East
(This section was posted on Facebook recently, if you wish to keep up with these occasional non-newsletter posts, you can follow or friend here.)
Mars has just entered Scorpio as it does every two years (Dec. 9, 2017.), promising a bumpy ride until the end of January 2018. Mars is the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio, ensuring tough trials and tests for an individual, community or nation.
As god of war, Mars rules the solar plexus, the desire nature, its expression in Scorpio is well known – on the themes of sex, power and regeneration of the emotional field. Some of us may be well challenged during this period in cooling our ardour, unleashing all of its latent heat – or finding a middle way between the two!
There could be some very heated arguments or temper tantrums, based upon personal ideology or trying to keep the status quo of one’s life under control. Scorpio is a sign of great change, of releasing and submitting everything to the fire, especially el diablo, the ego!

Ultra orthodox Jews protest.
Mars in its exoteric rulership of Scorpio is about the satisfaction of desire, aggression, control and power. Mars as the esoteric ruler, is the spiritual warrior who goes into battle against the forces of darkness within and without, lifting the hissing nine-headed dragon out of the swamp of Lernea.
And hence the stage is set for the theatre of the Middle East – with Trump’s recent unnecessary affirmation of Jerusalem as the capital. All this of course is deeply influenced by the right-wing Zionism of Netanyahu and the Likud government that has an agenda for a Greater Israel; that has been controlling the US government and Congress for decades. Hence, Israel’s whipping post – the Palestinians – and their ongoing suppression and persecution. The tragic irony and bitter untruth is that Israel always cries that it is the “victim of anti-Semiticism.”
Reflecting these trends in Israel’s chart are the following transits. (The Aquarius rising chart reflects when the vote cast the previous day came into effect at midnight.)25
Israel’s transits and progressions for Jerusalem recognition – Dec.6, 2017.
1. Transiting Jupiter in Scorpio (9th house) square Pluto in Leo. This was exact on Dec.6, the day of Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital. Pluto, also a co-ruler of Scorpio, and power planet, represents Israel’s ruthlessness and need to control and consolidate its position – since it placed itself illegally in the middle of the Arab nations in 1948.
2. Transiting Mars will be entering the ninth house of foreign affairs, remaining there until the last week of January, where it will square its natal position in Leo and culminate on the midheaven, before entering Sagittarius. January 23-26 will be a dangerous period. (Between now and then, transiting Mars will make square aspects to all of Israel’s planets in Leo: Moon, Pluto, Saturn and Mars.)

Recent protests in Jerusalem.
3. Transiting Jupiter in Scorpio will continue its transit through Israel’s ninth house for the next year; it is now moving into a square with Israel’s Saturn in Leo, exact by Dec.29. Saturn’s position on the seventh house cusp of relationships represents Israel’s crystallised attitudes of national pride (as does its Leo moon), its stubborn refusal to give any leeway to anyone – and its autocratic, dominating, unforgiving nature. Hence, Jupiter’s expansive square to Saturn may represent pressure from other nations to play the game of right relationships. This may be particularly marked between Dec.29 and Jan.7 – as transiting Mars catches up with Jupiter in a powerful conjunction that squares natal Saturn – it may be a dangerous flashpoint.
4. Transiting Mercury-Saturn conjunct Israel’s Jupiter in Sagittarius. Israel’s Jupiter is just one degree away from Nikki Haley’s Jupiter – hence their “(m)alignment.” This position of Jupiter could be regarded as one of the saving graces of the horoscope, in terms of the nation’s idealism and brilliance. But it also has a dark side, with its expansionist policies, illegal settlements, fanaticism and narrow religious views. Transiting Saturn is moving away from Jupiter now, soon moving into Capricorn, the personality of the Jewish people globally.
But transiting Mercury has been retrograde, going back over Jupiter, returning direct over that position by Jan.9, 2018. Hence, a confluence of forces around these dates. At its best, the Mercury retrograde period will offer opportunity for negotiations and productive talks. At its worst, it will create frustrating delays, hollow talk-fests and tricky manoeuvering that distracts from the issues at stake. Jupiter is the soul ruler of this Aquarius rising horoscope, so the potential for Israel to express the highest is opportune – the themes of community and sharing for which Aquarius is known.
As Aquarius rising, Israel has the potential to be an utopian society, where sharing,
co-operation, community and loving kindness is expressed – where all diverse religions and traditions co-exist in harmony.
5. Transiting Uranus passes through for its last hit in April 2018 – to harmoniously aspect Israel’s Jupiter, lending its reforming, revolutionary energies. This already occurred in June-July 2017 and of course Uranus is the exoteric ruler of Aquarius. So the combination of both rulers in good aspect does give cause for hope. Yet, there is a lower expression which brings out the unpredictability of Uranus, as well as rebelliousness against the family of nations. Time will tell as we observe this drama unfold.
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Phillip Lindsay © 2017-2018.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.168. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.170. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.159. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.466. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.323. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.167. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.570. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.416. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.755. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.197. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.400. [↩]
- Parts of the following text are paraphrased from the article The Mystery of Santa Claus, [↩]
- Parts of the text are paraphrased from the article The Mystery of Santa Claus, [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.163. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.373. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- See many other astrological articles on the Middle East and Israel at this link: [↩]
The Russian equivalent to Santa Claus is the mythological figure of “Grandfather Frost”. As for St. Nicholas, he is still the most venerated saint. The Russians borrowed his relics were borrowed from Bari (Italy) for a “visit” in May through July 2007: they were venerated in Moscow (including by Putin: and St. Petersburg by over 2,3 million people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and other countries. … People stood in hours-long lines…
The Russians have two separate feast days for him: “Winter Nicholas” (with a bishop’s mitre – December 19) and “Spring Nicholas” (May 27), a grandfatherly figure – as in the icon above.
“In the church,” a Russian reminisces, “I liked the Winter Nicholas – it was more majestic. But at home I liked our Spring Nicholas, with his high forehead and receding hairline and the dear features of his face.”