4 Responses to Capricorn (Dec.) 2018: Solstice & Full Moon. Britain & Brexit. Gilets Jaunes – France. Capricorn Nations. Sirius.

  1. Erena says:

    Many thanks for thr wonderful information. Could you please explain about the connection between Mithraism’s Solstice ceremony in Persia and Christmas from the esoteric astrology study?

    1. Phillip Lindsay says:

      Erena, they are virtually the same, as I describe in the Capricorn newsletter for 2015.
      Mithras as Christ in Ancient Times
      “The night of December 25, to which date the Nativity of Christ was ultimately assigned, was exactly that of the birth of the Persian savior Mithra, who, as an incarnation of eternal light, was born the night of the winter solstice.” https://esotericastrologer.org/newsletters/capricorn-2015-christmas-solstice-time-mithras-initiation-origins-odyssey/

      1. Erena says:

        Thank you so much Phillip,
        In enlighten light and eternal love

      2. Heidi Kunkler says:

        Hi Phillip,
        as a double Capricorn a appreciate so much your outstanding comments about this sign.

        Following you the whole year, I learn very much through your teaching. I have become a fan for Esoteric Astrology, sending myself a small comment on each sign to Arcane School Geneva, of course on a lower level.

        For the New Year, I wish you all the Best and hope that you will be able to publish your comments for a long time.



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