Capricorn 2020: Australian Bushfires. Mountain of Initiation. Belukha-Shamballa. Saturn-Pluto. Betelgeuse. Ram Dass. Britain.
Capricorn Keynote
“Lost am I in light supernal and on that light I turn my back.”
(Full Moon: January 10, 2020. 19.21 UT.)
“Capricorn guards the secret of the soul itself – and this it reveals to the initiate at the time of the third initiation. This is sometimes called the “secret of the hidden glory.”1
Capricorn: Mountaintop of Initiation
Siberia’s Mount Belukha and Shamballa
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn
Declarations of War: Qassem Soleimani
Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction in Aquarius: A Peek into the Future
NGWS: World Servers Week that Was
The Star Betelgeuse and the NGWS
Ram Dass: Be Here Now
Capricorn Australia on Fire 2020
___Radiation and Radioactivity
___Storm Devas and Elementals
___Sydney-London: Solar Plexus-Heart Centres
___Astrology of Australia’s Fires
___Australian PM Scott Morrison
Britain’s Election Post Mortem
___Why Boris Johnson and the Tories Won
___Astrological Reasons Why Britain Voted Conservative
___To Be or Not to Be! Partisan Politics Dilemma
Esoteric Astrology and the 7 Rays
Five Planetary Centres: New Essay
Five Centres of USA: New Essay
Capricorn: Mountaintop of Initiation
“The symbol for Capricorn is the mountain with a goat standing on the summit: “All hard places can be surmounted, and the summit reached by the “Divine Goat,” symbol of the group, viewed as a unit.”2
Note the reference to “the group” – as the Aquarian age unfolds, the Law of Group Progress will supervene and become more evident. No one is an isolated unit on the spiritual journey, although paradoxically the sense of isolation and loneliness is part of the arduous Path toward discipleship and initiation. Each individual has a soul ray that determines their evolution, the ray that emanates from the ashram or inner “home” with which they are affiliated.
There are seven major ashrams or soul groupings that correspond to the seven rays, and there are seven subsidiary rays that make 7 x 7 = 49 ashrams on this planet. There is a Master or advanced initiate at the centre of each of these “lotuses”, only half of them have fully precipitated fully at this point in planetary evolution. Humanity in all its grades and occupations, belongs to, or is working toward becoming a member of one or other of these ashramic groups – that determine outer human activity and world service.
It is toward the central core of the ashram that all souls journey, through each magnetic “gate” of initiation, engaging with co-workers and taking on greater responsibilities for that ashram’s part within the Planetary Plan:
“This law is sometimes called “the Law of Elevation” for it concerns the mysteries of group realisation, and expansions of consciousness and the part each unit plays in the general progress of a group.”3
Those “expansions of consciousness” are points of minor and major initiations. Capricorn is a sign of initiation, where the various stages of progress are recognised in formal initiation ceremonies upon the inner planes – with various initiates of the ashram and Masters. It is curious that this Law of Group Progress corresponds to Capricorn, a sign which precedes the reforming Aquarius, more generally recognised as a sign of group co-operation. During the Sun’s annual passage through the zodiac, the laws learnt in Capricorn are applied in Aquarius.
“Capricorn is … the sign in which is inaugurated a new cycle of effort, whether this effort is in connection with the individual man or with the initiate. Effort, strain, struggle, the fight with the forces native to the underworld, or the strenuous conditions entailed by the tests of discipleship or initiation—these are distinctive of experience in Capricorn.”4
Note the phrase, “the fight with the forces native to the underworld”, reflecting the perennial struggle with the forces of materialism – within ourselves, and the world. Pluto’s underworld is where lurks each individual’s Dweller. The three temptations of Jesus upon the mountain top – and the Transfiguration or Third Initiation, are illustrative of this battle:
“Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”5 There are many testings on our Journey to Love, because essentially Love is the destination and the Path:
“As the aspirant learns to free himself from glamours … he discovers another world of fog and mist through which the Path seems to run and through which he must penetrate and thus free himself from the glamours of the Path … Study the three temptations of Jesus, if you would know clearly what they are.
Study the effect that the affirmation schools which emphasise divinity (materially employed) have upon the thought of the world; study the failures of disciples through pride, the world saviour complex, the service complex, and all the various distortions of reality which a man encounters upon the Path, which hinder his progress and which spoils the service to others which he should be rendering.
Emphasise in your own minds the spontaneity of the life of the soul and spoil it not with the glamour of high aspiration selfishly interpreted, self-centredness, self-immolation, self-aggressiveness, self-assertiveness in spiritual work—such are some of the glamours of the Path.”6
The initiations that are taken by each individual over many lifetimes, elevate the group or ashram, contributing to the initiation of the planet as a whole. In the Aquarian Age, it will be group initiation that replaces individual initiation, that will see quantum leaps in human consciousness – and advancement for the planet as a whole. Kahlil Gibran’s thoughts on Love, poignantly capture the struggle for every soul:
“For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you.
Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.
Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire,
that you may become sacred bread for God’s sacred feast.”

Recent photo of clouds over Mount Belukha. (More photos here at
Signs of Shamballa: Mount Belukha
Mount Belukha is the highest mountain in Siberia (14,784 ft.) – part of the Altai Mountain range that borders Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazaksthan. People living in the Altai say that Belukha is a sacred place and is worshipped as a deity. Legend has it that is the entrance to the land of spiritual purity and prosperity – Shambhala, or Belovodye.
Climbers on Belukha report a sense of the enigmatic and mystical force – as did Nicholas Roerich, who led an expedition through there in the 1920’s. He thought that the Altai mountains and the Himalayas were “two poles or magnets” connected to each other; he also painted several paintings around the Belukha theme.
In a recent conference presentation by the author, Mount Belukha was mentioned as part of a triangle with Shamballa in the Gobi Desert and Shigatse//Mount Kanchenjunga/Darjeeling – one of the main bases for the Great White Brotherhood. Shamballa is this planet’s highest spiritual centre, where “the Will of God is known” – and from where the “Planetary Plan and Purpose” radiates. Just as humanity strives towards Hierarchy, so Hierarchy strives towards Shamballa:
“He who sees in the dark light of Shamballa penetrates to that which lies beyond our little sphere to that which can be sensed behind the holy triangle (Venus, Mercury and Earth.). There is to be found the point of radiant fire which shines within the eye (Taurus), which burns upon the mountain-top (Capricorn) and which the water cannot quench (Aquarius). These are the holiest three.”7
Pluto-Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn (January 12, 2020)
This Saturn-Pluto conjunction has not occurred in this sign for 500 years, since the religious Reformation in Europe, 1517. It is also the first conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn that has occurred since Pluto was “discovered” in 1930. Hence this conjunction indicates a massive reformation that will take place in the ensuing years; it is the pivotal point of this Pisces-Aquarius cusp and represents the power structure of the status quo that have reached their ultimate point of crystallisation – and hence an inevitable shattering:
“In this sense, Capricorn holds in itself the seeds of death and finality … When crystallisation has reached a certain degree of density and so-called “hardness,” it is easily shattered and destroyed and man, born in Capricorn, then brings about his own destruction; this is due to his fundamentally materialistic nature, plus the “blows of fate” which are the enactments of the law of karma. Again and again, a certain measure of concreteness is achieved, only again to undergo destruction, prior to the release of the life and the rebuilding of the form.”8
If crystallisation is reflected upon, it means that the shadow must be faced – to destroy the crystallisation is to release the shadow locked up within. Hence, this must occur individually and collectively – and has been occurring for much of 2019 as Saturn and Pluto have moved closer to one another. Both planets represent an expression of the destroying force of ray 1 – will or power – that is used to shatter old forms.
The January full moon eclipse of 2020 represents the culmination point of this 500 year cycle. Saturn ruling the mind, is responsible for the creation of thought-forms that eventually become crystallised. The thought-form-creating capacity is karma-engendering – and Saturn is the Lord of Karma:
“From certain angles, Saturn can be regarded as the planetary Dweller on the Threshold, for humanity as a whole has to face that Dweller as well as the Angel of the Presence, and in so doing discover that both the Dweller and the Angel are that complex duality which is the human family.”9

Sir Edmund Hillary’s first ascent of Mt. Everest – or in Nepalese, Sagarmāthā “Mother of the Universe”.
The exact Saturn-Pluto conjunction occurs around the Capricorn full moon solar festival – along with the Sun and Mercury upon their annual circuit, considerably amplifying the power of the conjunction. (Including Jupiter, there are five placements in Capricorn at the full moon.) No one knows what is going to unfold in the next several years, it is all determined by human free will. Life is becoming tougher, and yet the tension must be held during future periods of pain that inevitably accompany great changes:
“Capricorn is ever the sign of conclusion, and of this the mountain top is frequently the symbol, for it marks the point beyond which further ascent in any particular life cycle is not possible. Capricorn is, therefore, the sign of what has been called esoterically “periodic arresting.” Progress becomes impossible under the existing forms, and there has to be the descent into the valley of pain, despair and death before a fresh attempt to scale the heights takes place.”10
Therefore, 2020 may be a year of greater pain and transformation for Humanity. Yet, following the shattering of these old forms, radical changes are on the horizon, symbolised by Saturn and Jupiter entering Aquarius together in Christmas 2020. Aquarius, the sign of reform and revolution and the greater cycle toward which the world is heading.
In the interim however, Humanity must come to terms with the oligarchies, declarations of war, financial institutions and corporations that dominate many Western political systems and billions of lives.
This problem is at the heart of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, hence this conjunction represents the seed of change that must occur, signalling the breakdown of that system. If this does not happen, the conjunction will represents a further consolidation of selfish power and a lack of compassion and caring by those who hold power.
One possible ramification of this conjunction is a worldwide financial crash/crisis that signals the breakdown of capitalism and the fairer redistribution of resources. It has been forecast for years, is well overdue and is predicted to occur in 2020 by many analysts, experts, financial institutions and astrologers. Capricorn is one of the major signs related to money and its production, hence its intensely material attributes in its lower expression.
Declarations of War: Qassem Soleimani
A Saturn-Pluto conjunction at a Capricorn full moon can also bring on coldly-calculating power-plays. It appears that the foolish murder of Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani by the US administration is one such ploy – deliberately designed to create fear, distraction and chaos. Saturn-Pluto is assisted by the ingress of Mars into Sagittarius, amplifying the degree of fanaticism and religious zealotry latent in Iran, but also the evangelical Christians running the White House.
The reason given that Soleimani is a “terrorist” is laughable, given that this general was one of the main people responsible for cleaning up ISIL in Syria and the region:
“Soleimani helped … in its operations against ISIL and its offshoots … assisted in the command of combined Iraqi government and Shia militia forces that advanced against ISIL in 2014–2015.”
This event is a handy ploy for Trump to create a smokescreen for himself during impeachment proceedings, not unlike Bill Clinton about to be impeached and ordering an airstrike on Iraq in 1998. It is also convenient for Israel’s embattled PM Netanyahu, who whole-heartedly endorsed – if not “ordered” Trump to execute the drone strike. (“The tail that wags the dog.”)
Significantly, stocks and shares in military industrial complex corporations rose sharply soon after the announcement. Iran has just recently discovered large reserves of oil in November 2019, perhaps there is also an eye on those resources.
Because this assassination has been diabolically timed on the build-up to the Capricorn full moon period, there will be alot of emotion, tension and hysteria in the media; a media that will push the White House propaganda of rightness and smug self-satisfaction, and may try to con the American public into embracing another Middle East war.
Dangerous evangelicals like hard-headed Capricorn and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have been spoiling for a brawl with Iran for years. Trump and the US administration has unnecessarily and on false pretences, exposed the USA and its armed forces to great danger.
Analysts state that it will not blow up into a full scale war – the intent was always to create fear and stir up hatred. Unfortunately, this event and the Australian fires have set the tone for a difficult year in 2020. May we all remain centred and intent on our individual and group purpose.
Qassem Soleimani was a Pisces sun with a Cancer moon, birth time unknown. The chart has been tentatively rectified based upon the transit of Saturn and Pluto opposing a late Cancer moon – describing his ruthless death. This adjustment gives Scorpio rising, an apt sign for a military commander. Note that the Scorpio rulers, Pluto on the midheaven in Leo square to Mars in Taurus – are uncannily reflected in this Counterpunch article: The Killing of General Soleimani: Hail Mars! Hail Pluto!
Saturn-Jupiter in Aquarius: A Peek into the Future (Part I)
A “trigon” is when three 20-year conjunctions of Jupiter-Saturn fall in the same sign and element to complete a triangle. Also called the “great conjunction”. The last cycle of conjunctions was in the earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn – a series that began in 1842, culminating appropriately in May 2000 – on the fifth Shamballa impact. (This planetary centre has a close relation to Taurus and the Buddha’s Wesak Festival full moon.)
Saturn and Jupiter were known as the “Great Chronocrators” – meaning measurers of time, derived from Saturn’s other name, Chronos – lord of time and cycles. Traditionally Saturn and Jupiter can be considered as,
“The ground base of human development which marks the interaction between the perception of ideas, potentialities, possibilities (Jupiter) and their manifestation in the concrete material world (Saturn).”11
Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, whilst Saturn rules the third ray of Active-Intelligence. These are arguably the two main rays that condition humanity through the development of mind-intelligence (Saturn), simultaneously with the expansion of compassionate understanding (Jupiter) – blended together in what is known as consciousness. The regular Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions throughout the zodiac provide a thorough in-depth experience – catalysing the unfoldment of consciousness in twenty-year “bite size chunks”!
Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur in signs of the same element for a bit less than 200 years, with some overlap at the beginning and end of the cycle. 2020 will mark the beginning of a new series of 20/60 year cycles between Saturn and Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius – that has not occurred for 800 years and is known as the Great Mutation cycle. Note that the year 1226 and the Aquarian trigon that lasted until 1405, spanned the “early renaissance” prior to the greater European Renaissance in the 1500’s.
The next cycle of Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the air element of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius – begins in Aquarius, exactly on the solstice of December 21, 2020, a most important period that will amplify its effects. Hence, another reason why so many changes must be wrought in Capricorn in 2020, for this new cycle in Aquarius to be effective.
This new airy trigon spans the last part of the cuspal period between the zodiac ages, ushering our civilisation into the Age of Aquarius proper. There is much more to discuss on this theme that will be left until the more appropriate newsletter of Aquarius, next month.
Saturn-Jupiter in Aquarius: A Peek into the Future (Part II)
NGWS: World Servers, the Week That Was
The World Servers interlude has come and gone, spanning an extraordinary week, Dec.21-28: From the Capricorn solstice, balsamic moon to the new moon solar eclipse – that saw the sun, moon and four planets passing through Capricorn – the sign of manifestation.
During that period many individuals and groups around the world worked intensively together in group meditations, seminars, webinars, triangles and online discussions – creating a valuable seed point for the subjective support of the greater group known as the New Group of World Servers.
The majority of the NGWS are not esoterically inclined or necessarily “spiritual” in an obvious way. They work in many fields of human endeavour, understand their planetary task, the group within which they find themselves, and are getting on with the job of realising their goal. They have a potent sense of mission and the part that they must play in the reformation of the world.
The esoterically oriented group within the NGWS is probably a minority, yet their power is great. Their task is to apply what they have learnt in the occult teachings and meditation. to effect an subjective influence that supports the outer group of World Servers – to help consolidate the building of the antahkarana between Hierarchy and Humanity.
Hence, in both the inner and outer personnel within the NGWS, the “ten seed groups” range from “the men and women of goodwill” – to aspirants, disciples and initiates; they reflect any Master’s ashram whose members are at various stages of unfoldment – like concentric circles radiating from the centre.
The ten seed groups are worth studying to find the one with which there is the most resonance. In any subsequent realisation lies the path for a more enhanced and empowered service expression; there can be an identification with more than one group; sometimes an individual may be part of a group that is not so obvious to them. A person may choose a group with which they resonate but may find out later that it is a veil for another group with which they are more closely associated.
Because the NGWS represents the ajna centre of Sanat Kumara, it composes the substance of the 96 petals of the two major petals of that centre (48 x 2). One petal is ruled by Mercury, representing intuition and the other by Venus, the mind. Together they symbolise the divine Herm-aphrodite – Hermes is Mercury and Aphrodite is Venus.
The total of the ajna centre’s 96 petals represent various groups of the NGWS – organisations in the fields of politics, religion, education, the United Nations, NGO’s, science and the arts. This includes other more subjective esoteric groups, and loosely organised organisms.
The NGWS consists of the “world aspirant and world disciple” who embody the gradual unfoldment of these two major petals, individually and collectively. The NGWS functions like an “eye” for Sanat Kumara to view the world from Shamballa.
The NGWS is a creative group that links the heart centre (Hierarchy) to the throat centre (Humanity), stimulating the latent creativity of Humanity – and its free will to determine its destiny. The two major petals of the ajna centre,
“… express imagination and desire in their two highest forms, and these are the dynamic factors lying behind all creation … the ajna centre registers or focusses the intention to create. It is not the organ of creation in the same sense that the throat centre is, but it embodies the idea lying behind active creativity, the subsequent act of creation producing eventually the ideal form for the idea.”12
The time span for his unique seven-year period of World Servers week extends to the Capricorn full moon festival, Jan.10, 2020 – or 10-1-2020 for the numbers lovers! What has been seeded at the solstice and new moon solar eclipse, will bear fruit at the full moon lunar eclipse – with still five placements in Capricorn. Of course there is no letting go of the tension built up during this period – it must be consolidated for the next five years, leading to 2025 when a decision will be made about the date of Hierarchy’s Externalisation.

Artists impression of Betelgeuse – revealed through techniques on ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT). The star has a vast plume of gas almost as large as our Solar System and a gigantic bubble boiling on its surface.
The Star Betelgeuse and the NGWS
Articles about Betelgeuse turning into a supernova, that emerged during NGWS week in Capricorn – appear to be more than a “coincidence”:
“Influential and potent forces pouring in at this time from the great stars Betelgeuse and Sirius. To these two influences, the disciples of the world in the senior ranks of the New Group of World Servers definitely react, and they produce a stimulation of the heart centre (Betelgeuse) and the head centre (Sirius). The secondary effect of these energies is upon the mineral kingdom, particularly upon that peculiar product, gold, and that enigma, money.13
This passage was written between 1935-9 – 1935 was the beginning of the seven year cycles of World Servers week. It has been exactly 84 years since that time – the time of the cycle of Uranus, the reformer and ruler of Aquarius. In an earlier passage written 1921-4, it was stated:
“… the interest awakened in the public mind lately by the giant star Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion is due to the fact that at this particular time there has been an interplay of force between our tiny system and this giant one, and communication between the two informing Existences.”14
Just as each individual is part of a greater group or ashram, so it is with these cosmic existences:
“… the sun Betelgeuse … certain facts connected with this sun have lately come more prominently before the public is in reality a subjective one. The science of the soul in its various aspects (mental, psychical, and spiritual) is making much headway now in the world, and is absorbing more and more the attention of thinkers.
This is the result of certain waves of energy impinging upon our solar system and thus eventually finding their way to our planet. Betelgeuse from the occult standpoint is a system of the second order, just as our solar system is one of the fourth order. There is consequently a relation between these two numbers both in the system and the cosmos. This influence reaches our system via the sign Sagittarius.”15
Based upon these passages, esoteric students have proposed that Betelgeuse in the Orion constellation, is the solar plexus centre of a great cosmic entity called the One About Whom Naught May Be Said (OAWNMBS) – and our solar system or Sol, is the-as-yet unawakened heart centre of the OAWNMBS. What therefore, are the implications for Betelegeuse becoming a supernova?
Given that in the evolution of any entity, the solar plexus forces are raised to the heart, the possibilities are profound. Perhaps its a little premature in the evolution of our solar logos to consider such a development just yet, but it is certainly a tantalising thought with regard to at least a minor initiation of our Solar Logos (our “local god”) – and hence the flow-on effect to Earth and the stimulation of the NGWS.
(See here one person’s experience in 2018 with Orion.)
The Silent Minute
At the beginnning of NGWS week, many of us saw the “Silent Minute” advertised, a seed point on the eve of the Capricorn week. The concept of the silent minute goes back to World War II:
“… from an idea by Major Wellesley Tudor Pole. People were asked to devote one minute of prayer for peace at nine o’clock each evening. He said: “There is no power on earth that can withstand the united cooperation on spiritual levels of men and women of goodwill everywhere. It is for this reason that the continued and widespread observance of the Silent Minute is of such vital importance in the interest of human welfare.”
The Silent Minute began in 1940 during The Blitz on the UK when Tudor-Pole perceived,
“… an inner request from a high spiritual source that there be a Silent Minute of Prayer for Freedom, at 9 pm each evening during the striking of Big Ben. If enough people joined in this gesture of dedicated intent, the tide would turn and the invasion of England would be diverted.”
The Silent Minute for Capricorn gained endorsement from spiritual leaders such as H.H. The Dalai Lama, creating a global groundswell of intent, a focus by thousands, if not millions. Although this period has now passed, there is no reason why it should not continue in these dire days of global uncertainty. Perhaps at 12 pm for 1-5 minutes, coinciding with the existing “noon day recollection” mantra:
“We know, Oh Lord of Life and Love, about the need. Touch our hearts anew with love that we too may love and give.”
In other words, “Let us in full surrender of our personal desires and wishes, join in the common task of leading humanity into the fields of peace!” This mantra had its origins when the Masters were pondering Humanity’s fate during WWII,
“… the question was asked: “What can we do? for this emergency must be met.” A silence fell upon the assembled group. This lasted quite a long time and then they, one and all, simultaneously voiced the reply, speaking as if they were one person, such was the unanimity: “Let us touch the hearts of men anew with love, so that those who know will love and give. Let us give love ourselves.”16
Ram Dass: Be Here Now
Ram Dass was an unique Aries pioneer in consciousness, with unconventional Uranus conjunct his sun. He had Cancer rising with Jupiter exalted in Cancer close to his ascendant – a man with a very big heart!
His exit was perfectly timed, passing on the solstice, in the first degree of Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of initiation, particularly the Transfiguration or exalted third degree, a phase that this soul may have achieved in a long and rich life. It is said that if the soul passes when the sun is in a certain sign, then it will return in that sign:
“The birth month indicates the day of opportunity. The door stands open. The particular month in which a soul comes into incarnation is indicated to that soul by the month in which it passed out of incarnation in a previous life cycle. If it, for instance, died in the month governed by the sign Leo, it will return into incarnation in the same sign, picking up the thread of experience where it left it, and starting with the same type of energy and the peculiar equipment with which it passed away from earth life, plus the gain of thought and conscious onlooking. The quality of the energy and the nature of the forces to be manipulated during life are indicated to the soul in this way.”17
In Ram Dass’s case, if he returns as a Capricorn initiate, he may well be working in his next life toward joining the ranks of a Yogananda or Ramana Maharshi – both Capricorn “paramahansas” or “supreme swans”. In some ways Ram Dass is the last of the Piscean Age gurus, his/her return will be most likely as a spiritual teacher, but far more Aquarian, as distinct from the devotional nature of the sixth ray and Pisces. (See this esoteric astrological profile on Ram Dass.)
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Capricorn Australia on Fire 2020
The bushfire crisis in Australia has brought into focus some of its worst problems. Australia is a mirror to Western nations – for the many errors and neglect that modern capitalism and the exploitation of resources has created.
The devastating fires define a general purging and purification not only for Australia, but for the world as a whole in 2020. But it is certainly a dark night of the soul for Australia. Bear in mind the earlier passage about crystallisation in any Capricorn entity – which includes Capricorn Australia:
“Capricorn holds in itself the seeds of death and finality … When crystallisation has reached a certain degree of density and so-called “hardness,” it is easily shattered and destroyed and man [or nation], born in Capricorn, then brings about his own destruction; this is due to his fundamentally materialistic nature, plus the “blows of fate” which are the enactments of the law of karma. Again and again, a certain measure of concreteness is achieved, only again to undergo destruction, prior to the release of the life and the rebuilding of the form.”18
There are two sides to this fire crisis story – the exoteric and the more esoteric.
1. Exoteric: Fire is part of the natural cycle of the Australian bush, but has now been compounded by other factors such as climate fluctuation, earth’s magnetic pole drift and worst of all – human mismanagement of natural resources. Headlines about the fires all concur – “unprecedented”. So far, before the summer bushfire season has even begun in January to February, there has been bushfire destruction equivalent to many years of previous bushfire tragedies.
The worst fires in history and highest temperatures ever; new records broken in places like Tasmania at the southern end of the nation – in the 40 degree celsius range (104 farenheit). Factors that have contributed to these fires are:
a. Forest mismanagement. From farming and logging practices, to the contentious area of controlled burn-offs and government policies reducing funding for fire-fighting. Fires are tearing through ancient forests that have never burnt before – what was once rainforest is now vulnerable to fire.

“A mother with her two primary school aged sons out on the Mallacoota lake trying to stay safe from fire, it doesn’t look like it, but it’s daytime.”
Fire experts and scientists have described the scale and impact of this year’s fires as unprecedented and said that greenhouse gas emissions, while they do not cause fires, play a proven role in raising temperatures and creating the exceptionally dry conditions that make the risk of fire extreme or catastrophic. Forest management is a very complex and neglected area that requires a complete overhaul:
“Critical recommendations concerning planning, land use and management lie discarded after failure of implementation. As with most inquiries, the feasibility, cost-effectiveness and capacity of governments and citizens to implement its recommendations were beyond both the scope, resources and time-frame of the last Royal Commission.
The legacy of a State-centric approach to land, fire and emergency management, so often viewed as a strength by many abroad is now a conspicuous weakness when it comes to the challenges of a world transformed.”19
b. Water resources mismanagement and abuse.
– Hoarding of water by large agricultural companies like “big cotton” has resulted in the Australia’s Murray-Darling rivers system running dry.
– Farmers downstream have been deprived of water and subsequently become bankrupt.
– “Water miners” such as Coca Cola granted permits to extract water in localities where there are local water restrictions already in place.
– A Chinese company was approved to run a water mining operation in drought-stricken Queensland.
The list is endless – driven by short term profit-making, fueled also by a succession of conservative governments whose agenda is fossil fuels, coal and selling out to foreign companies that have no interest in the environment.
Hence, at one level there is a particular karma working out for Australia, whose personality is Capricorn. More on this later in the transit report for Australia’s horoscope – that sees no abatement over summer for these ferocious fires.
2. Esoteric: Radiation and Radioactivity
This is an important subject that underlies the many truths of esotericism. There has been misapprehension on the subject because in the mass mind, radiation is associated with atom bombs and nuclear disaster that bring horrific death and destruction.
Of course, that extreme represents an overdose of radiation, just as imbibing too much of any substance such as alcohol, drugs, food etc. can cause death. (See last month’s Chernobyl report.)
Increased radioactivity in the individual, nation, race and planet – is the evolutionary imperative. A few important passages follow, that precede a deeper analysis of the radioactive eucalyptus tree and what is happening subjectively in Australia:
“When the subject of radiation is more completely comprehended, it will be found that it demonstrates one more instance of the unity of all life, and furnishes one more corroborative indication of the synthetic nature of the entire evolutionary process. In every instance that which radiates from each kingdom of nature is one and the same.
The radioactive human being is the same in nature (differing only in degree and in conscious response) – as the radioactive mineral; in every case it is the central positive life, the electric spark or that which is its correspondence, which radiates.”20
“A period of radioactivity is being entered upon now in which men and women will achieve a larger realisation; they will begin to transcend their human limitations, and to enter the fifth kingdom [of souls] one by one, and unit by unit … Another period of radioactivity occurred during the time of the Buddha and many achieved Arhatship in those days. That period was the highest point of what is occultly termed “a cycle of the third degree,” and a similar degree of radiatory activity has not been reached since that time …
… The cycle is again on the upward turn; about the fourteenth century [Renaissance] the human kingdom began to be noticeably radioactive, and we are on the way to the fulfilment of a “cycle of the second order” or of a period of transcendence of a still greater activity than in the time of the Buddha. It will become demonstrably great when certain conditions have been fulfilled.”21
That period is upon us now, between the years of 1965-2025, the latter date, the period of the once in a century conclave of the Masters:
“In the time of the Buddha and through the stimulation He produced, there was a great gathering in of Arhats [4th degree initiates] … who had achieved liberation through self-initiated effort. This period … marked a climax for the East. Since then the tide of spiritual life has steadily flowed westward, and we may now look for a corresponding climax in the West, which will reach its zenith between the years 1965 and 2025. Towards this end the adepts of the East and of the West are unitedly working, for they follow always the Law.”22
This is quite an amazing statement, and refers to groups of souls taking various initiations in this period now: The 4th degree group will be very small, but exceedingly potent. The 3rd degree group will be much larger and will also wield great spiritual power. The 2nd degree group much larger still, whilst the 1st degree group represents a large proportion of Humanity “reversing the wheel” and taking the first initiation – the birth of soul consciousness within the heart.
Hence, Humanity is walking an unprecedented fiery path of initiation – the awakening of the heart and its attributes of compassion, love-wisdom and kindness. Australia is undergoing an ordeal of fiery path of awakening through the bushfire crisis.
The degree of selflessness and sacrifice among firefighters (“true blue, dinkum Aussies”) – and those caught up in the fiery whirlwind have generated much compassion – in the face of hard-as-stone leadership responses. The Australian government, bereft of any imagination or natural heartfelt response, sought the advice of an agency on how to deal compassionately to the crisis! Advice from fire experts fell on the deaf ears of the Australian PM, who has continued to “fiddle while Australia burns”:
“Twenty-three former fire and emergency leaders say they tried for months to warn Prime Minister Scott Morrison that Australia needed more water-bombers to tackle bigger, faster and hotter bushfires. … the group sought a meeting with the Federal Government to discuss the issue in April and again in May, immediately after the federal election.
“We have tried since April to get a meeting with the Prime Minister …It’s clear now we won’t get that meeting. “Had we spoken back in April … to try to get more aircraft on lease from the northern hemisphere because (we knew) this was going to be a horror fire season …maybe they could have allocated more money to have more of those aircraft … It is very, very disappointing that we weren’t listened to earlier because we actually predicted exactly what’s happening now.”23

Wildfires trapped residents of a seaside town in apocal-yptic conditions, destroyed properties, caused fatalities.
The degree of the old “true blue” spirit has considerably diminished, noted by the author over the past decade, during short visits back to Australia:
“Australian film critic Matt Brady said on Twitter that the crisis in Mallacoota was laying bare another issue: how Australia has changed for the worst in recent decades. “I feel like 30+ years ago, Aussies with boats from would be flocking to help evacuate Mallacoota of their own volition,” said Brady. “But Australia is a crueller and more selfish place now and our sense of community and solidarity has been killed off so that doesn’t seem to be happening. Would love to be proved wrong!” he added.24
In the past few years, fires have been raging all around the planet – from the Arctic Circle and Sweden, to California, Portugal, the Amazon jungle, Spain and Greece – a purging and “purification by fire” has been taking place. Many of these places like California, Portugal and various nations in South America, have large swathes of imported eucalyptus trees. There are over 700 varieties of this tree native to Australia, but they are spread all over the planet. As discussed in last month’s Sagittarius newsletter,
“In studying the subject of radiatory activity … there are forms of life in the vegetable kingdom which are occultly regarded as “radioactive, “the eucalyptus tree being one such form. There are forms of animal life equally at an analogous stage and the human unit (as it approaches “liberation”) demonstrates a similar phenomenon.”25
Australia is undergoing an “initiation by fire” that is destroying and purifying the national atmosphere, ridding it of accumulated thoughtforms. The eucalyptus tree has many healing qualities, including eucalyptus oil – used as an antiseptic and repellent. If eucalyptus trees hold much radioactivity, the bushfires represent a release of that radioactivity – from one end of the vast continent to the other, raising the radioactive frequency of the nation and its inhabitants.
Sydney is the solar plexus centre for the British Empire, an subjective body that still exists, despite several nations gaining independence since its inception.26 (More on this Sydney-London relationship later.) Therefore, these Australian fires are having a planetary effect – emotionally and spiritually for millions of people who have been shocked by the ruthless power and ferocity of nature.
The solar plexus centre is the major centre for emotional body transmutation, for energies from all the lower centres to be raised up into the heart. Emotions have been running high with the loss of life and property, reflected in this harrowing account of one person’s ordeal:
“The wind was so strong and furious and it just took over everything … We couldn’t breathe. We couldn’t see. The flames were just ferocious, they were furious, they were angry. There was nothing we could do, we had to pretty much save ourselves … A couple of hours ago [in the middle of the day] it felt like armageddon here. It was as black as midnight with tinges of red. It was like we were fighting fires in the darkness.
… the fire was determined to ravage the town … The wind was that strong … as we were throwing the water, it was just coming back with fire. It was like a demon attacking us.” They felt like ants as the flames towered above them, and when burning embers began to rain down, Lorena realised “there was no chance of beating this beast”.”27
Storm Devas and Elementals
The account of this firestorm reminds one of the clairvoyant Geoffrey Hodson’s perception of storm devas:
“Because sylphs love music and harmony, and they move freely through the air, they can cover vast distances, and feel every nuance in the weather patterns. They like to harmonise and balance not only the weather, but also the different energies coming from the cosmos and the earth, and disperse the accumulation of negative human created energies. For this purpose they can easily make change in air pressure and conjure up storms.
“While I watched from the slopes of Helvellyn the approach of dark masses of storm-cloud, I observed a number of birdlike air spirits travelling in front of the oncoming clouds. Many of these sylphs are dark and fearsome to look upon, being slightly suggestive of large, swiftly swooping bats. They are darting backwards and forwards across the Wythburn valley, sometimes following quite closely the conformation of the hills.
They appear to be in a condition of high excitement and give the impression that they are intensifying the electric and magnetic conditions characteristic of a storm. Their faces are human and fully formed, though their expression is distinctly unpleasant. There are large numbers of them —probably a hundred— including some whiter varieties of sylph. They utter a weird, shrieking noise and occasionally shoot vertically upwards, passing into the clouds and reappearing above them.”28
Some further commentary here affords a much deeper insight into the esoteric causes of cataclysms:
“Whenever a catastrophe occurs on the physical plane, whether it is an earthquake, cyclonic storm or similar violent disturbance, it is due to the fact that Nature Intelligences—who are answerable to either earth, air, fire or water elements—have been offended by the sacrilege of irreverent human beings. Theirs is not an attitude of punishment or retaliation, for they do not cause these disruptions.
They simply permit areas to be inwardly cleansed of the powers that have gathered so that the whole planet itself will not be destroyed. This would happen were the monstrous forms allowed to accumulate and increase unimpeded, without adequate dissipation through releasement.
If, in a certain area, danger of earthquake threatens, its human citizens should together purify themselves of selfishness, deceitfulness and hatreds especially. Hurricanes, from the inner causative standpoint, are believed to be the result of the tempers, prejudices and greed energies of vast sections of people on the physical globe.
Man’s emotional instability, prejudice and hatred attract conditions, such as floods, in the region where that kind of consciousness is most conspicuous. Floods occur despite precautions because negative emotions have accumulated to such a degree that an outbreak is imminent.
To conquer floods, from the inner causation side, it is first necessary to change the consciousness of the people so that they are without race hatred and are above expressing harmfully the pettiness and bickering of their human natures. When men are watchful of their destructive emotions, rivers will flow serenely without damaging the areas through which they move.”29
Indeed, as the Australian fires persist, much needed rain has fallen north of the nation in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta –where floods left 21 dead and 30,000 homeless, with more torrential rain forecast.
“Heat and cold, as we understand the term, in a most peculiar manner are the result of the interplay of the pairs of opposites, and an interesting line of occult study concerns itself with the effects of racial emotions on climatic conditions. We most truly make our climate in one significant sense. When desire has burnt itself out, planetary life comes to an end, as climatic conditions will negate form-life as we understand it.”30
Sydney-London: Solar Plexus-Heart
If London is the heart centre for Great Britain31, then it has a very close relationship to Australia – a nation seeded by British explorers, pioneers and convicts. There is a reflex action between these nations, as astral forces for the entire British Commonwealth are raised to the heart via the solar plexus of Sydney.
But also, a reflex action in the other direction, concerning the recent and ongoing political crisis in Britain for instance, with its propaganda, deceit, lies and hatred – how is that “astral mess” cleansed? Via the solar plexus and the Australian fires? Bushfires in this old colony of the Empire may not be simply Australian karma, there may be a greater role being played out here.
Bear in mind also, that London is one of the five major planetary cities/centres, hence its relation to Sydney and the solar plexus purification processes, is having a ripple effect upon the entire planet.
The Western nations embody the Fifth Rootrace – that has reached its apotheosis of mental development (5.5.5), – hence is now on the decline, as the Sixth Rootrace gradually emerges and overlaps in the next 25,000 years. (London is the throat centre of the Fifth Rootrace) The Fifth Rootrace will eventually be destroyed by fire, mainly through volcanic activity over the next few thousand years – but of course bushfires play their part with exceeding efficiency:
“The Mahachohan is working specifically at this time (in co-operation with the Manu), with the devas of the gaseous subplane; this is in connection with the destroying work they are to effect by the end of this rootrace, in order to liberate Spirit from constricting forms. Volcanic action therefore may be looked for, demonstrating in unexpected localities.”32
One final statement about the deva evolution, with whom Humanity will work far more consciously in the impending Aquarian cycle of 2,000 years:
“This third group of the lowest devas. They are very destructive where man is concerned, for they embody the final and therefore powerful vibration of the past system, the conscious activity of dense matter. Hence there is consequently a profound truth in the statement that man is at the “mercy of the elements.” Man can physically be burned and destroyed by fire; he is helpless before volcanic action, and cannot protect himself from the ravages of fire, unless in the initial stages of such deva endeavour.
The occult importance of the war man wages on the fire devas for instance is very real in connection with the fire department in any city. The time lies far ahead as yet, but it will surely come, when the personnel of these departments will be chosen for their ability to control the agnichaitans [!] when manifesting destructively, and their methods will no longer be that of water (or the calling in of the water devas to neutralise the fire devas), but that of incantation, and a knowledge of the sounds that will swing into action forces which will control the fiery destructive elements.”33
Perhaps the following is a start in that direction: Dousing flames with low-frequency sound waves

A desperately thirsty koala on a 100F+ day, literally bails up a cyclist for a drink in South Australia.
Animal Deaths
Millions of animals have been destroyed and sufffered in these Australian fires, on this oldest and largest Lemurian remnant. Many species will come back of course, but it may signal extinction for others. This is in line with the evolutionary plan:
“The third effect of the coming in of this ray [seventh ray] is one that may at first repel—it will cause a great destruction in the animal kingdom. During the next few hundred years many of the old animal forms will die out and become extinct. To supply the wants of man, through disease, and through causes latent in the animal kingdom itself, much destruction will be brought about. It must ever be borne in mind that a building force is likewise a destroying one, and new forms for the animal evolution are, at this time, one of the recognized needs.”34
Astrology of Australia’s Fires
In last month’s newsletter for Sagittarius, some of the transits were analysed, particularly Jupiter – on the Jupiter in Sagittarius return (Jupiter conjunct Jupiter) – the tenth return since the formation of the Australian Federation in 1901. Fires were particularly dangerous during November 2019 – as expansive Jupiter transited over Australia’s four planets in Sagittarius, reflecting the magnitude of the fiery blast.
Also contributing, has been the transit of fiery Mars through its own sign Scorpio, adding a particular intensity – of not only the Plutonically purging fire, but also the degree of suffering and fear endured by those caught up in the fires – and the diminished air quality around the country.
In the transits chart below, set for Australia’s solar return on January 1, 2020, transiting Mars is about to leave Scorpio and pass over all the Sagittarius planets, following on the heels of Jupiter’s recent passage.
Hence, the fiery conflagration is likely to continue, and has been forecast by all the experts thus far. January-February is traditionally the bushfire season, accompanied by the highest temperatures. Already so many records have been broken with temperatures in the 40’s (celsius) all around the nation.
Mars will enter Sagittarius on January 3 and will stay there a full six weeks until mid-February, spanning the entire fire season and summer. It is shaping up to be a very fiery conflagration indeed. Sagittarius is a sign of reorientation and these few months of fires may also alter the political landscape considerably. The dates for Mars passing over the Sagittarius planets in Australia’s chart will be:
1. North node in Sagittarius – Jan.5.
2. Venus in Sagittarius – Jan.19.
3. Uranus in Sagittarius – Jan.24.
4. Jupiter in Sagittarius – Feb.10 – on the Aquarius full moon festival.
5. Mercury in Sagittarius – Feb.13.
6. Chiron in Sagittarius – Feb.14.
Mars in Sagittarius may also stoke some fiery exchanges around fundamentalist religious thought! Note also, that solar arc Mars was conjunct Australia’s sun in May 2019 and though moving away now is still well within orb of influence.
Then Mars will pass into Capricorn – the sign of its exaltation, passing over the Australian Saturn and Sun in Capricorn – from Feb.28 to March 2; this will be at the end of the fire season and may see some significant changes or laws passed. As a Capricorn personality, Australia is one of the few nations, whose exoteric chart matches its esoteric assignment. The most important transit currently is Jupiter passing through Capricorn – since its exit from Sagittarius.
Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, speculated to be Australia’s soul ray, hence Jupiter transits will always be important. Jupiter conjoins Australia’s Saturn in Capricorn for the first time in 12 years – along with transiting Mercury and south node – on Jan.3, the day of Mars’ ingress into Sagittarius.
Saturn is the lord of karma, and it appears already that Australia is harvesting much karma from its mismanagement of resources, selfish politics and deteriorating cultural values.
Then on Jan.15, Jupiter conjoins Australia’s Capricorn sun. Whenever Jupiter connects, it amplifies for better or worse the outstanding characteristics of that planet, in this case Australia’s Capricorn personality. This will be a very telling moment, particularly as transiting Mars is heading toward Venus in Sagittarius at that time. Australia will have a chance to reflect upon itself, just 11 days before Australia Day on Jan.26 – two days after Mars passes over Uranus in Sagittarius.
The entire fiery conflagration and purging has, and will engender much soul-searching by millions of Australians. Perhaps this will shock a significant proportion of the population out of apathy and lower Capricorn tendencies of materialism, the endless cycle of spending/shopping, preoccupation/obsession with the economy. A chance to reorient to sounder and saner values, putting people first.
Australia’s PM Scott Morrison
The tendency toward materialism of Capricorn is reinforced by Australia’s moon in Taurus, which happens to be close to PM Scott Morrison’s sun in Taurus – and some of his stubborn attitudes in not taking advice; it is also a reminder of Britain that has recently made a decision to go with the lower expression of its Taurus personality – money, empire, the past.
Australia’s moon in Taurus represents the nation’s vast natural resources that have been plundered by private by private mining companies and foreign investment. Australia’s progressed Moon leaves Virgo (environment) and enters Libra on Jan.5, staying there for 2.5 years, providing ample Libran themes to bring about changes in the way Australians relate to one another, to implement new laws and to bring about a fairer distribution of money.
Morrison is currently under fire from many quarters, indicated by transiting Mars in Sagittarius opposing his Mars in Gemini – his contribution to Australia’s “Lie-beral Party”, also known as “The Coal-ition” for its fossil fuel ambitions. Likewise, Morrison’s tricky Mercury in Gemini is opposite Australia’s Venus in Sagittarius (truth) – which Mars triggers on Jan.19.
There is bound to be a major political upheaval because of these bushfires – during their relentless advance through huge swathes of the nation. Aussie astrologer Varij Varidium makes the following erudite assessment of Morrison’s horoscope:
“All that fixed sign emphasis correlates with his stubborn, dogmatic character qualities and policy positions. This man is not for moving from his refusal to meaningfully act on the climate emergency, and in general to deny reality.
The challenging Neptune aspect to his Sun correlates with his delusion, deceptiveness, obfuscation, and his religious longing to be saved. Add in Jupiter, planet of positivity, prosperity consciousness, faith and belief, in the sign of leadership Leo, and we get his signature declarations “I believe in miracles” and “How good is …” – and his attraction to the prosperity gospel of Hillsong. [Evangelical church]
Also his hubris, arrogance, and marketing ability to put a positive spin on things, that is to say, bullshit! His Mercury and Mars in Gemini also aids and abets this predilection and bestows verbal dexterity and aggression, and further ability to spin, lie and deceive – though evidently not depth or seriousness of thought.”35
Many Australians are blaming Scott Morrison and not without due cause, he is as imperfect as anyone, with the limitations of his stage of soul evolution and cultural conditioning. The fires are the fault of decades of mismanagement and wrong environmental policy – that have emerged from his political culture.
Morrison is a symptom of the selfish malaise and ignorance that currently afflicts Australia. However, better that the nation’s invective and criticism is re-directed toward grass roots action groups – that can bring some influence to bear and change the current paradigm.
“Australia, the lucky country”, has considerably overdrawn its “luck balance” and must now face years of redressing its appalling situation. This famous Australian saying has never been so relevant: “Wake up Australia!”
Britain’s Election Post Mortem
The Sagittarius full moon festival of 12-12-19, the premiere sign of spiritual philosophy and reorientation upon the Path – was a critical day for Western democracy. Britain is the birth place of the democratic system and a battle was fought out between what essentially came down to a choice between spiritual or material values.
The full moon fell close to Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius, long commented upon as a planet activated in the past few years since the Brexit debacle started. That day was the opportunity for a Sagittarian reorientation to take place, to embrace a new set of values, to make a daring and bold departure from the old. As Jeremy Corbyn stated: “The country stands at a fork in the road, with a truly historic choice between parties that have widely different values and policies.”
Like the USA and other Western nations, Britain has temporarily lost its direction; its second ray soul expression of Love-Wisdom, compassionate understanding and care for all of its inhabitants – has been potent during other periods in history. The Conservative Party no longer truly conserve the better parts of the political system, have been commandeered by commercial interests that have imposed austerity upon the rest of the nation.
Similarly, Labour on the whole embodied policies that reflect the second ray soul of the nation and challenge the status quo currently holding power. Its not that black and white of course, but generally speaking, that was the scenario. A similar situation exists in the USA and other Western nations.
The choice was critical because London embodies the throat centre of nations – from where the mental development of the Fifth Rootrace is broadcast. This involves the development of mental discrimination or viveka. Hence, decisions that occur in that city or nation as a whole, have and will always affect the rest of the world.
Similarly, New York City is the ajna centre, whilst Geneva is the heart centre. A good visualisation in meditation is to see these three cities in a triangle that represents the best of the Western nations and the unity of Europe. The invocation of USA and Britain’s second ray souls – in connection with Geneva, a second ray personality – the pouring in of light, circulating through all three centres, is a useful ongoing meditation, regardless of the election outcome.
The scenario for election day was a “Battle of Britain” – the World Arjuna on the field of Kurukshetra who had to decide, using the judicial mind to weigh the pairs of opposites, then act with the heart. Well, that did not happen this time.
Why Boris Johnson and the Tories Won
Some astrological reasons why were covered in the Sagittarius newsletter summarised below in Johnson’s and Tory’s horosopes.
Boris Johnson
1. Full Moon conjunct Mercury. This was the most obvious and outstanding transit for Johnson. Mercury is the ruler of his Gemini personality – a most capricious and erratic character who bears many similarities to fellow Gemini, Donald Trump. Johnson’s Mercury is also closely opposite Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius.
2. Progressed midheaven conjunct Uranus in Virgo. Johnson pulled off a win – and the Tories were always ahead in the polls. Furthermore, transiting Uranus trines this progressed MC and natal Uranus most favourably.
The Conservative Party
1. Transiting Pluto, Saturn and Venus in Capricorn square progressed Sun in Aries. Both signs have the first ray of power pouring through them. Pluto planet of power squared a first ray Aries sun – taking victory by force.
2. Transiting Mars/Ascendant in Scorpio conjunct the Sun. As a Pluto-ruled Scorpio, there is much advantage here that underlines “victory by force”, plus all the underhanded, lower Pluto-Scorpio practices that went with that!
3. Solar arc Jupiter was conjunct Britain’s natal Jupiter in Leo, a powerful alignment.
Astrological Reasons Why Britain Voted Conservative
The key reason Britain voted Conservative is reflected in Britain’s 1801 horoscope – with its moon in Cancer opposed closely by Saturn in Capricorn. One could not imagine a more conservative combination than this.
Cautious Cancer moon can be typically worried about what it possesses, money, existential threats, attachment to the past – easily swayed by propaganda. The moon is the shadow, the mass unconscious and it appears that the mass of voters have responded to this fundamental fear.
With an exact opposition of transiting Saturn to the Cancer moon at the election date, Britain’s fate was sealed. Saturn opposite moon creates a certain paralysis – or stasis, “the state of equilibrium or inactivity caused by opposing equal forces”. Re-evaluation of the past creates indecisiveness and hence a decision based upon expediency – after being bullied for years with a simple “get Brexit done”, versus Labour’s new and more complex manifesto – the embattled public took the easy way out.

Election day transits showing in particular the triple conjunction of Saturn, Venus and Pluto opposite the Cancer moon. There is the main reason why the British public voted Tory/Conservative.
Early in 2019, the author made another analysis about this transit, stating optimistically, “Saturn may reconstruct anew – using new building materials and reconfigured geometry … This period may certainly reflect a rebuilding period following Pluto’s demolition cum renovation!” Now however, a reconstruction based upon chaotic planning and organisation? The toughest lesson for Cancer whose keynote is, “I build a lighted house and therein dwell” – is isolation:
“Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison? If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many. If you are still an isolated soul, you will have to pass through the horrors of a more complete isolation and loneliness, treading alone the dark way of the soul. Yet this isolation, this loneliness and this separation in the dark night are all part of the Great Illusion.”36
The Capricorn 2020 lunar eclipse falls precisely on Britain’s moon in Cancer – that means a four-planet stellium opposing Britain’s moon – Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto. This extraordinary line-up not only underlines the unwise decision British voters have made, but the “pain and regret” that will unfold in the near future, as the policies of the Conservative government are sought to be implemented.
The other factors that are playing out with regard to esoteric rulers of Britain: Gemini soul, Taurus personality. London: Leo soul, Libra personality:
1. The short-sightedness of its old and crystallised Taurus personality, that is focused upon avarice, greed and returning to the “good old days” of Empire. It is very similar to the Cancer moon in Britain’s 1801 chart.
2. This is compounded by the fact that London’s Leo soul has also been influencing through its lower expression – might is right, glory of Empire, dictatorial and dominating attitudes of those in government.
3. Likewise, Britain’s first ray personality of will-power, associated with the two previous signs Taurus and Leo – it is an energy that can easily be brutal, ruthless and domineering – in the most selfish way possible.
4. Another factor is the distorted expression of Britain’s Gemini soul – Corbyn and Johnson are both Gemini’s. The Tibetan addresses this quite explicitly,
“It is the Gemini influence which has produced — viewing the work of the nation from the personality or lower angle — the secret and oft devious diplomacy and subtlety which has in the past distinguished Great Britain’s political activity. Gemini people are often distrusted, and the Gemini effect along this line makes of Great Britain no exception.
Such distrust has been warranted in the past but is not as justifiable now [1940’s], for the nation is old and experienced and is fast learning the lessons which she has had to master.”37
It appears that the devious problem has deteriorated considerably since this was written 80 years ago! Gemini Corbyn certainly stood more for Britain’s soul purpose than Gemini Johnson who totally embodies, “secret and oft devious diplomacy and subtlety.” The following excerpt from an article sums it up:
“The Conservatives will continue destroying workers rights at a frenzied pace. Expect full steam ahead with zero hour contracts, bogus self-employment, underemployment, all topped off with an ever-eroding safety net. So when the walls come tumbling down following a job loss, nothing will exist to help you out of the mess.
… the ruling elite’s propaganda machine has been running on all cylinders and it’s clearly worked like a dream. In contrast, vast swathes of people are about to enter a dystopian nightmare, orchestrated by people who just couldn’t care about you any less.
Maybe more people could have searched behind the headlines of the Sun and the Mail to dig a little for the truth. Instead the population by and large responded to a hollow slogan “Get Brexit Done”. At which point you ran in like a little puppy dog hoping your master would tickle your tummy. Instead of fighting for something better, you gave up handing the nation to psychopaths, billionaires, millionaires and right wing ideologues.
You had a chance to elect a decent man, who has fought for peace and fairness all his life, who wanted a better place for everyone. But you blew it Britain. Now you will have to live with the consequences, while explaining to your children and grandchildren what you did on that fateful day in December 2019.”38
To move on, Labour must learn lessons from the left’s failure worldwide.

FDR – arguably the greatest US statesman of the twentieth century, described by the Master DK as “that great first ray disciple”.
To Be or Not to Be! Partisan Politics Dilemma
The following rumination emerged from recent political discussions about the UK election, based upon an inspiring passage:
“Seek not to evade responsibility by placing it upon the shoulders of spectacular men or any statesmen, dictator or upon any group. Look not to one person or to one group of persons and accuse them of causing the present world condition. Look not also to any one person or group to bring liberation or to find a solution of the world problem.39
In the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, we are enjoined to not take sides in the political process and to support the greater whole/good; to view the pairs of opposites/politcial parties as two parts of the one whole. True, though one strives to maintain an apolitical approach, it is easy to drift into a partisan leftist stance in this current world situation – given the values and policies that the “left” espouses.
There are times when there must be support for the group that upholds the principle of human well being and right relations. During WWII, the Masters of Wisdom who do not normally interfere in human affairs (no matter how badly we manage them) – were forced to take sides, given the severity of control by the Materialistic Forces.
It was a do or die effort and Humanity only just “scraped through” conquering those forces. DK’s instructions about impartiality were given for an ideal world – one we do not live in at the moment, with so many issues at stake, as the Materialistic Forces seek to prevent the Externalisation of the Hierarchy after 2025.
This is a great crisis, in some ways more serious than WWII because it is not so obvious. Hence, the author’s personal political stance that supported the philosophy of UK Labour, as the Conservatives have come to re-embody the fascist philosophy of yesteryear. This is what is meant by “creeping fascism”, people do not realise to what degree it has emerged – more insidious, refined and sophisticated.
As a co-worker stated recently: “It’s about moving in a more equitable direction – we do have to select the right individuals to help us resist the ones that lack right human relations.” Personally, its not about right or left, its supporting the party that offers the most obvious human benefits, for which the Conservatives in all nations are practically devoid.
Other esoteric co-workers, partisan in their focus, have been engaged in group meditations for a long time, fending off what they perceive to be an engulfing threat to Western democracy – fought out in the battleground of Britain.
This creeping fascism in Western governments hides behind the more obvious signs that we see in extremist groups like neo-Nazis and white power groups; in fact, they are convenient scapegoats for the greater fascist machine. This is not just occurring in the UK – Australia and the USA are two other outstanding examples of other Western nations following and promoting the same trend, the latter having instigated much of it, slowly since WWII.
This is the great irony – that USA helped win that war, but those fascist forces they defeated have gradually implanted themselves in that nation over the ensuing decades. Hence the elimination of some of our greatest light workers such as John and Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King etc.
The formidable forces Corbyn and Labour challenged were all ranged against them. The media’s propaganda machine is dominated by Conservative-sympathetic owners, big business, the Zionist lobby etc. Labour was truly David being bullied by Goliath. But of course, Labour had and will have much to sort out as they re-imagine themselves in the future.
Brexit was not the only issue, it was really about upholding better values, which have been deteriorating slowly in recent decades. When you compare the leaders of these three Western nations and their policies – they are all in lockstep with one another – they all have the same political agenda. A Guardian journalist nails it in his article:
“Over this time, I have watched as tobacco, coal, oil, chemicals and biotech companies have poured billions of dollars into an international misinformation machine composed of thinktanks, bloggers and fake citizens’ groups. Its purpose is to portray the interests of billionaires as the interests of the common people, to wage war against trade unions and beat down attempts to regulate business and tax the very rich. Now the people who helped run this machine are shaping the government.”40
Johnson, Trump and Morrison – all have an appalling world-view, that is manipulative, opportunistic, ill-informed and entirely careless. Yet, they are the products of their nations – we have all put them where they are. The current leadership of Australia fiddles with religious bills while the nation burns! Many in the population of these nations are too lazy, apathetic or financially oppressed to do anything about their dire situation. Or too comfortable pursuing selfish lifestyles, armchair critics from the sidelines but not taking any action.
Light-workers can work subjectively of course, and objectively by direct action in street marches, mass civil disobedience or community projects. The current turmoil in Latin nations in South America, may be a prelude for Western nations in the next few years.
When the populations of Western nations reach a point of critical mass – in realising how they have been duped by market forces and had many freedoms eroded, and when there is an even stronger stranglehold by Conservative governments – then they will be forced to act, to rise up. Humanity must take action and will do so, when the right time comes. Here is the great rhetorical question – has that “right time” arrived now?
Much of the turmoil might have been avoided if Labour won the election. Yet, we can again refer to the original passage, “Look not also to any one person or group to bring liberation or to find a solution of the world problem.” Labour may not have been able to manifest either. A Labour win in Britain would have been very encouraging in the USA, to bring into power progressive politicians who espouse similar policies and ideals to UK Labour.
Due to the Conservative win, there will be most likely be turmoil in Britain, Europe and the world at large for years; it might even delay the Externalisation – unless The Hierarchy decide to intervene, which would be a highly unusual step that compromises human free will.
Humanity has to really demonstrate its maturity and the Will to Love before Hierarchy can return. We cannot expect “someone to save us, someone to follow” – because the requisite task to determine our own destiny (or is that density?), has not yet been achieved.
Humanity must have free choice which determines karma. That choice is upon us now as we approach the midpoint in 2025, of the two Decision cycles of Hierarchy – between 2001 and 2050.
Esoteric Astrology and the Seven Rays
This short piece was recently offered during World Servers week as an offering on the Ten Seed Groups. Esoteric Astrology is part of the 8th seed group of Psychology. It is most likely in the coming Aquarian Age of 2000 years, that the Science of Esoteric Psychology – the study of the seven ray types, will subsume and blend all other psychological systems, to become the new psychology for Humanity. To this end, Assagioli’s Psychosynthesis is a beginning, because it is based upon the Seven Ray types.
But Esoteric Astrology will also find its place of prominence in the new Aquarian cycle because it is inextricably entwined with Esoteric Psychology. Esoteric Astrology is the science of the seven rays and has been called the “Science of All Sciences” because it relates every living being or entity to all other beings and entities.
Esoteric Astrology describes the qualities and energies of those living beings, thereby allowing comprehension and understanding of how they interact with each other. Therefore, it is truly the Science of Relationships – human, planetary, zodiacal and stellar.
Those relationships might include an entire kingdom in nature; a solar system and the intracacies of relations between planetary schemes, chains and globes; a planet, ray, fixed star or zodiac sign; an individual and its synastry with another individual or group; a planetary city centre such as Geneva, London and New York; a nation – its destiny and development; a nation and its relation with other nations astro-rayo-logically considered; the rootraces, subraces and branchraces etc.
As the “science of all sciences”, Esoteric Astrology will eventually become the supreme science that will absorb and blend all the exoteric sciences of astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology etc. Esoteric Astrology will also be the synthesising science of other esoteric sciences such as Laya Yoga or the science of the chakras; the science of Initiation and the Science of Esoteric Healing.
Occultism or Esotericism is the “science of the unseen” – that which can only be comprehended by that subtle sixth sense known as the intuition or buddhi. It is only through the development of the intuition, in the words of one of the Masters – will, “occultism win the day”.
The horoscope of the soul is still in its infancy. We have been given techniques by The Tibetan to delineate the soul purpose in a horoscope, using the rising sign and the esoteric rulerships. The rays however, can only be divined intuitively. They cannot be gleaned from the horoscope – the birthchart is an interface for the expression of the known and intuited rays.
Because the majority are only just developing the intuition, most are not 100% sure of their ray structure – it can take decades! Hence we have many centuries ahead of us to develop these fledgling sciences that have only been gifted to us in this past century.
Five Planetary Centres: London, NYC, Geneva, Tokyo, Darjeeling.
This essay has been developed over the past 20 years – as the author’s reflections and understanding has evolved. In the past few weeks it has been completely re-written, with more detail about the city centres as well as one important change in the assignation of the centre for Darjeeling.
In the work of World Servers recently, it has emerged how they can bring their force to bear with far more influence than ever before, through understanding the nature of the five planetary centres, of their astro-rayo-logical influences – and hence, how to direct energy through them as meditating individuals and groups.
Likewise, an associated essay has also been re-written, Five Centres of the USA: NYC, LA, Chicago, Washington, Kansas City.
Phillip Lindsay © 2020 vision.
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Videos on the Ageless Wisdom and Esoteric Astrology at the author’s YouTube channel
Also, the companion book to The Hidden History of Humanity video:
Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles.
Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.167. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1221. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1221. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.159. [↩]
- Matthew 4:1-11 [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.80. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.594. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 164. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- Dawn [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.148-9. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.721. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1086. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1255. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.735. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.436. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- The Guardian. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1077. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1079. [↩]
- The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.xi.. [↩]
- ABC News Australia. [↩]
- Common Dreams [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1062. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.84. [↩]
- The Guardian. [↩]
- Soul Guidance [↩]
- Soul Guidance [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.225. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.84. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.907. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.639. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.465. [↩]
- Facebook [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.343. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.81. [↩]
- LeftinNewZealand [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.135-6. [↩]
- The Guardian. [↩]