Capricorn 2023: Saturnalia. Solstice. 12 Days Christmas. The Magi. Dolphin-Makara. Underworld. Capricorn Initiates.
Capricorn Keynote
“Lost am I in light supernal and on that light I turn my back.”
(Full Moon: Jan. 6, 2023. UT: 23.08.)
Saturnalia, Solstice and Capricorn New Moon
12 Days of Christmas, Epiphany & The Magi
Capricorn the Dolphin: Varuna and the Sea Gods
___Venus in Capricorn
___Tracing Venus Through the Signs
Capricorn’s Battle in the Underworld
___Corporations that Rule the World
___USA’s Bottom of the Barrel
Capricorn Tests Our Limits
Capricorn Initiates
___Paramahansa Yogananda
___Swami Vivekananda
___Ramana Maharshi
Capricorn Webinar & Meditation 2023
Saturnalia, Solstice and Capricorn New Moon
The Saturnalia is an ancient Roman festival and holiday in honour of the god Saturn, held from 17-23 December. As Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, a sign which the Sun enters at the solstice on December 21 – it is obvious that this is an astrological festival, as were most festivals in ancient times that still persist today, for example Easter – celebrated over the full moon in Aries.
“The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves as it was seen as a time of liberty for both slaves and freedmen alike.
A common custom was the election of a “King of the Saturnalia” [“The Lord of Misrule”], who gave orders to people, which were followed and presided over the merrymaking. The gifts exchanged were usually gag gifts or small figurines made of wax or pottery known as sigillaria. The poet Catullus called it “the best of days”.”1
The sombre sign of Capricorn with its reserved ruler Saturn – is dispensed with entirely for several days. Serious becomes “silly” – symbolised by the Moon’s “loony” rulership of polar opposite Cancer. Indeed, Christmas is often called the “silly season” where people get drunk, party, blow money at sales or crash their cars. The Cancer polarity is also significant in terms of the reunification of families over this period.
Merrymaking prevails which is not typically the province of serious Saturn – and much of that derives from the sign previous to Capricorn: Sagittarius the notorious Jupiter-ruled party animal – host to the carousing centaurs. The Sun is in Sagittarius from Dec.17-21, hence Saturnalia celebrations find their origin here – but overlap both signs, bringing some Jovian inebriety to Saturn’s sobriety!
There is most likely a mass anticipation experienced annually – that as the Sun moves northward on Christmas Day, there will be an increasing solar vitality – from its lowest point of the year, even though the following months are the coldest.
“The renewal of light and the coming of the new year was celebrated in the later Roman Empire at the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, the “Birthday of the Unconquerable Sun”, on 25 December.”2
Saturnalia has its roots in the earlier Greek Kronia (Cronus/Saturn) in July (Cancer), celebrating the Golden Age when the world was ruled by Saturn. Esoterically, this golden age goes back to the ancient days of Lemuria, over which Saturn ruled:
“It was an “age of innocence” when humans enjoyed the spontaneous bounty of the earth “without labour”. The revelries of Saturnalia were supposed to reflect the conditions of the lost mythical age. Neoplatonist philosopher – Porphyry, interpreted the freedoms of Saturnalia as symbolising the “freeing of souls into immortality”.”3
Capricorn New Moon (Dec.23, 2022)
“Christ was born in Capricorn, fulfilled the law under Saturn, initiated the era of intelligent brotherhood under Venus and is the perfect example of the Capricornian initiate.”4
The 2022 Christmas event was amplified by the new moon occurring in the middle of the solstice period (Dec.23). In any month, a new moon and the two days leading up to it (Dec.21, the balsamic phase), has similar symbolism to the solstice: All is plunged into subjective darkness before the emergence of the first silver sliver of the moon – about two days after the exact new moon time.
The Sun entered Capricorn on Dec.21when the moon was in its balsamic phase, the new moon proper was on Dec.23 and the first thin crescent of the moon was visible on Dec.25 – Christmas Day, a powerful portent for a new beginning in 2023.
Hence, the solstice period was an important time to work in a deeply subjective manner, tapping into the magical seventh ray energy of Capricorn – through ritual and meditation, deep pondering, invoking spirit into matter. This coincidence of new moon and solstice was a repeat of the 7-year cycle of World Servers week in Capricorn in 2019 – crowned by a solar eclipse on Christmas Day.
As Capricorn is the most materialistic earthy sign, but also most spiritual, as a sign of initiation – the Christmas cycle is often a time of inner conflict and turbulence, between the unredeemed aspects of one’s nature and striving towards spiritual goals – shadow and light.
The earnest mountaineer strives toward Capricorn’s summit of achievement, where the two-horned goat becomes the single horned unicorn – one-pointed and triumphant.
Esoterically, Saturn-alia is a festival of light leading to the winter solstice – with the abundant presence of candles symbolizing the quest for knowledge and truth. Saturn is the ruler of the third ray of Active-Intelligence – the ray of light.
The Solstice Horoscope
Prominent in the solstice horoscope (and the new moon horoscope), was an exact square from the Sun in the first degree of Capricorn – to Jupiter in the first degree of Aries. Sun square Jupiter can represent largesse, generosity, but also over the top excesses, bombastic inflated ego and over-estimation of self. Conflict with others due to certain beliefs or morals. Arrogance, boastfulness and their polar opposite – lack of self-confidence.
In Esoteric Astrology, Sun and Jupiter are the co-rulers of both the heart chakra and the second ray of Love-Wisdom. Hence the potential for benign generosity, but also greed or wasting money and resources. Also, Sun and Jupiter occupy signs that have the first ray of Will-Power and seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic passing through them.
Hence, Sun square Jupiter can represent a large power-grab in any field of human experience, whether that is on the battlefield, banking and finance or other forms of exploitive corporate activity.
The solstice horoscope also sees the Moon placed in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius – opposite feisty Mars in Gemini. Traditionally, this is supposed to be one of the most fortunate of aspects, indicating “success in sports, war and politics”. This aspect can be selfishly overpowering, ignoring the needs of others, egocentric or bullying.
Hence, it is a volatile combination that has similar properties to the Sun square Jupiter: Increased self-confidence, “lucky” but unlucky if selfishly motivated, impulsive and careless, biting-off-more-than-can-be-chewed, impatient, philosophically argumentative, verbally unconstructive, propaganda prone and competitive versus co-operative. May the best of Jupiter prevail!
12 Days of Christmas, Epiphany and The Magi
“On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me, Twelve drummers drumming, Eleven pipers piping, Ten lords a-leaping, Nine ladies dancing, Eight maids a-milking, Seven swans a-swimming, Six geese a-laying, Five golden rings, Four calling birds, Three french hens, Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree.”
The 12 days of Christmas, also known as Twelvetide or Christmastide, celebrates the Nativity of Jesus. The 12 days from Christmas to Epiphany (Jan.6) were nominated as early as 361 AD – as the sacred and festive season.
Here lies a pair of opposites – feasting at Christmas, fasting thereafter and then feasting again! Capricorn is most suited to the mental discipline of fasting, whilst polar opposite Cancer finds feasting the point of least resistance. In modern times, the majority stuff themselves with food and drink – rarely fasting!
The 12 days can be counted from Boxing Day Dec.26 to Jan.6. (Some traditions count from Christmas Day to Jan.5.) The number 12 alludes to the 12 zodiac signs, which can be counted from Aries to Pisces over those 12 days. Hence Aries is on Boxing Day and Pisces corresponds to Jan.6, the Epiphany – appropriate for the Christ avatar of the Piscean Age.
Epiphany “celebrates the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ” – and also the visit of The Magi to the Christ Child. Epiphany is also called the Twelfth Night – a festival celebrated with “music, masked balls, misrule and general revelry” – same as Saturnalia celebrated before Christmas! Twelfth Night is also the name of a Shakespeare romantic comedy, written as entertainment for the close of the Christmas season:
“It was an occasion for music, elaborate fancy-dress masked balls, and parties during which whoever found the bean baked into a special cake would be declared ‘Lord of Misrule’ for the night.”5 With actors taking parts of their opposite gender and dressing accordingly, “Twelfth Night explores gender identity and sexual attraction, enhancing the impression of androgyny and sexual ambiguity.
Some scholars believe that the play addresses gender issues “with particular immediacy” as there are almost indistinguishable differences between the sexes reflected in the casting and characters of Twelfth Night.”6
Hence, again is noted the light-hearted merry-making occuring during the time of usually serious Capricorn! Laughter as an escape from Saturn’s proclamation of law. Rosicrucians say that the latter part of Capricorn is more like the next sign Aquarius – the gambolling goat that kicks up its heels.
The word epiphany comes from the Greek epipháneia – meaning manifestation or appearance. “In classical Greek it was used for the appearance of dawn, of an enemy in war, but especially of a manifestation of a deity to a worshipper.”
These definitions provide some insight into what Epiphany is spiritually. The “appearance of dawn” – the sun emerging in the East, reinforces the theme of the winter solstice two weeks earlier – when the sun reached its lowest point before gaining in strength and moving northward on Christmas Day. And of course, to “have an epiphany” means a sudden, profound or poignant insight – or intuitive understanding.
The Three Wise Men symbolise the Masters (“kings”) – Capricorn initiates who have scaled the ultimate mountain; they came from the East – as the famous hymn reveals: “We three kings of Orient are, bearing gifts we traverse afar, Field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder star.”

Some astronomers speculate that the Star of Bethlehem was actually a comet, depicted here above the roof – in Giotto’s painting, The Adoration of the Magi.
The three wise men belonged to various educated classes and were of noble birth – educated, wealthy, and influential – philosophers, counselors of rulers, learned in all the wisdom of the ancient East.
Similar to the Buddhist tradition of Tibetan lamas recognising the next Dalai Lama, the Three Kings recognised Jesus as the Messiah, traveling thousands of miles to pay homage – from as far away as Persia or India, where Jesus was reputed to have later traveled.
The term “Magi” is from Persian for a practitioner of magic (magus) – which included astronomy-astrology, alchemy and other forms of esoteric knowledge. No doubt guided by “signs” and planetary movements, the Magi found their way to Bethlehem – “the house of bread”: “We have seen his star in the East and are come to worship him.” (St. Matthew II.2.)
The Star of Bethlehem was a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, heralding the avatar of the Piscean Age. (See this discussion on how the recent 2020 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, was a seed point for the return of the Christ in the Aquarian Age.)
The First Initiation
The birth at Bethlehem represents the first initiation, the later baptism in the River Jordan the second degree, whilst the Transfiguration upon the mountain top – the exalted third degree initiation.
“There is nothing spectacular to be told anent the first initiation; the initiate-disciple still works in the dimly lit “cave of the spiritual birth”; he has to continue his struggle to reveal divinity, primarily on the physical plane—symbolised for us in the word “Bethlehem” which means the “house of bread”; he has to learn the dual function of “lifting up the lower energies into the light” and—at the same time—of “bringing down the higher energies into bodily expression.” Thus he becomes a white magician.”7
For Jesus, these events were symbolic recapitulations of initiations taken in previous lives – as he prepared himself for the Fourth Degree initiation – known esoterically as The Crucifixion. Today, due to events in the past few years, large numbers of Humanity are going through a mass awakening and taking the first initiation:
“The unfoldment of the Christ life—as a result of the presence and activities of the second divine aspect of love—will result in the ending of economic fear, and the “house of bread” will become the “house of plenty.” Bread—as the symbol of material human need—will eventually be controlled by a vast group of initiates of the first initiation—by those whose lives are beginning to be controlled by the Christ-consciousness, which is the consciousness of responsibility and service.
These initiates exist in their thousands today [1940’s]; they will be present in their millions by the time the year 2025 arrives. All this re-orientation and unfoldment will be the result of the activity of the seventh ray and of the impact of its radiation upon humanity.”8
The three kings were Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar and their gifts were gold, frankincense and myrrh:
“Gold – symbol of the material nature, which must be consecrated to the service of God and man. Frankincense – the emotional nature with its aspirations, wishes and longing, and this aspiration must rise as incense to the feet of God. Incense is also a symbol of purification, of that burning which removes all dross and leaves only the essence for the blessing of God.
Myrrh or bitterness relates to the mind. It is through the mind that we suffer as human beings, and the further the race progresses and the more the mind develops, the greater seems the capacity for suffering. But when suffering is seen in its true light and dedicated to divinity, it can be used as an instrument whereby we approach nearer to God.
Then we can offer to God that rare and wonderful gift of a mind made wise through pain, and a heart made kind through distress and through difficulty surmounted.”9
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Capricorn the Dolphin: Varuna and the Sea Gods
Capricorn is traditionally regarded as an earth sign, but it has a profound relationship to the element of water. In ancient times, the “Cave of Mithras” was the birthplace of the Sun at the Winter Solstice in Capricorn – the sign of the Sea-Goat. In the Christian tradition, the cave continued to be the symbolic birthplace of the Christ.
The Sumero-Babylonian god Ea, had the upper body of a goat and lower body of a fish – as depicted in the glyph for Capricorn. Ea was connected with work, wisdom and the instruction of humankind. This has a similarity to the ancient Oannes (the Babylonian Dag or Christ) who emerged from the sea in the “clothing” of a fish and also with the fish Avatar of Vishnu – Matsya, both teaching mortals Wisdom.
The god Pan is a nature deva identified with earthy Capricorn, depicted as a goat standing on its hind legs. Capricorn has the facility to bring spirit into matter, hence its association with earth magic and magic in general.
In ancient legend, Pan was being pursued and tried to escape by leaping into the Nile – trying to turn himself into a fish – only achieving half his transformation, hence half goat-fish.
Other names for the sea-goat were Antelope, He of vast intellect, God of Wisdom. Capricorn the sea-goat is Makara – Sanskrit for Capricorn.10
“He of vast intellect” – pertains to Saturn, the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Capricorn, ruler of the human throat centre, entrance to the mental body.
Makara, Dolphin, Neptune, Venus
There is much to unpack with some of this complex symbolism, hence the intuition must come into play.
“… the true esoteric sense of the word “Makara” does not mean “crocodile” … even when compared with the animal [Makara] depicted on the Hindu Zodiac. For it has the head and the fore-legs of an antelope and the body and tail of a fish.
Hence the tenth sign of the Zodiac has been taken variously to mean a shark, a dolphin … as it is the vahan of Varuna, the Ocean God … The dolphin was the vehicle of Poseidon-Neptune with the Greeks and one with him, esoterically.
The Dolphin … was placed for his service by Poseidon among the constellations and became Capricornus the goat, whose hind part is a dolphin – identical with Makara, whose head is an antelope with body and tail of a fish.
This is why the sign of the Makara was borne on the banner of Kama deva – the Hindu god of love, identified … with Agni (the fire-god), the son of Lakshmi … Lakshmi and Venus are one, and Amphitrite is the early form of Venus.”11
One can reflect upon Capricorn-Saturn and its mental capacity, compared to the dolphin – a highly intelligent and playful creature, with a very sophisticated system of communication. Neptune is the vehicle of Varuna and “falls” in Capricorn:
“It is to the “fall” of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low. Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs … [Neptune] falls in Capricorn, when the Christ life and consciousness come to full fruition.”12
Capricorn is known for being emotionally arid at times, sitting opposite water sign Cancer – one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac, ruled esoterically by god of the waters, Neptune.
At a very mundane level, in Britain’s horoscope – a memorable emotional response occurred in 1997 at the death of Lady Diana – when transiting Neptune opposed natal Venus in Capricorn. Usually dry and mentally-controlled Capricorn was softened by the waters of Neptune – and the nation gushed tears for weeks. Returning to a couple of deeply occult passages regarding Neptune:
“One of the most occult of the planets, Neptune, presides over the “devas of the waters”; their presiding deva Lord, Varuna, the Raja of the astral plane, being an emanation from that planet.”13
“Neptune … converts into a sphere the dodecagonal pyramid, “and paints its gate with many colours.” He has FIVE androgyne ministers – he is Makara, the Leviathan … The Dodecahedron lies concealed in the perfect Cube.”14
Neptune is the one of the main planetary principles of buddhi or intuition, reflecting from the “higher waters” of the buddhic plane to the “lower waters” of the astral plane. The dodecahedron is composed of twelve pentagons, symbolising the twelve great transformations of Spirit into matter, or the twelve zodiacal signs which transform matter into spirit.
“In certain ancient formulas, the great Teacher of the West and the present world Initiator, Christ, is spoken of as Neptune, Who rules the ocean, whose trident and astrological symbol signifies the Trinity in manifestation and Who is the ruler of the Piscean Age.”15
Hence it may be deduced that Makara and the Christ are one and the same – the Christ, an embodiment of Love, as transmitted by Neptune; the Christ as a symbol of the Capricorn initiate who has been ‘transfigured’:
“Christ was born in Capricorn, fulfilled the law under Saturn, initiated the era of intelligent brotherhood under Venus and is the perfect example of the Capricornian initiate …”16
Venus in Capricorn (Dec.10, 2022 – Jan.1, 2023)
As Venus recently transited through Capricorn, it is timely to look at its position esoterically. Venus is the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, closely connected to the mystery of Makara – which pertains to the lunar and solar angels, the lesser and greater builders of the lower/higher selves.
Venus is also the ruler of the fifth ray of Concrete Science, a discipline favoured by mentally strong, Saturn-ruled Capricorn. The letter Ma is equivalent to 5 and Kara means hand – with five fingers. Five is the number of the mental plane, counting from above down.
The mystery of Makara therefore concerns the dual, inextricably entwined evolution of heart and mind. Venus – as Capricorn’s hierarchical ruler, is at once love and mind. In the exoteric horosocope, Venus is love and relationships – but esoterically Venus is mind and ruler of the fifth ray of knowledge or science:
“The fifth group of the celestial Beings [The Capricorn “creative angelic hierarchy”], is supposed to contain in itself the dual attributes of both the spiritual and physical aspects of the Universe; the two poles of Mahat – Universal Intelligence and the dual nature of man – the spiritual and the physical. Hence number 5, multiplied and made into 10 connecting it with Makara, the 10th sign of the zodiac [Capricorn].”17
Exoterically, Venus in Capricorn is similar to the Sun in this sign: A need for social status, prestige or material wealth. Proud and reserved, does not like public displays of emotion. Tendency to be snobbish, emotionally cold or repressed. Over-concern for material things. Loyal and steadfast. A strong sense of dress and style, of composition and structure in art. Great resource and money manager/maker.
Yet, as hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, Venus holds a deeply occult position related to the exalted Third Degree initiation – a far away goal for Humanity, but within the reach of certain groups of souls, especially during the next 500 years.
Initiation is a sub-science of Esoteric Astrology (“the science of all sciences”) and whilst the Third Degree may not be the next immediate step for most who tread The Path today – for many are still struggling toward the 2nd degree, it is useful to know what lies ahead. Being part of a group where one person has or is taking this initiation, can allow members to participate somewhat in that process.
Essentially the 1st, 2nd and 3rd initiations concern the control and co-ordination of the physical, astral and mental bodies – over a long period of time. These initiations commence at the first degree when an awakening of soul or Christ consciousness occurs – followed by many lives of learning and the burning off of karma – before the 2nd degree, followed relatively quickly by the 3rd degree. Here is one simple definition (of many) about the 3rd degree initiation:
“At the Third Initiation of Tranfiguration, the control of the personality in the three worlds is broken in order that the Son of Mind, the soul, may be substituted finally for the concrete and hitherto directing lower mind. Again, through the Law of Sacrifice, the personality is liberated and becomes simply an agent of the soul.
Before the end of this century [20th], thousands will stand before the Initiator and take initiation in group form; they will pass through the door of initiation together and together take their vows. This statement applies to the second and the third initiations. The higher initiations will still be taken individually or in groups of three, but not more.18
This statement also refers to, “a corresponding climax in the West, which will reach its zenith between the years 1965 and 2025” – where many will take initiation, reflecting a similar peak at the time of the Buddha 2,500 years ago.19
It is worth noting that if a person has Venus in Capricorn in their natal chart, it does not necessarily mean that they will take or have taken the third initiation. There would be millions of horoscopes with Venus in Capricorn that span all levels of evolution. Other passages and commentaries that refer to the position of Venus in Capricorn and the third initiation:
“When he has taken the third initiation and can consciously mount the Cardinal Cross, he is then released from the ruling of Saturn and comes under the influence of Venus, who is governor or ruler of the Hierarchy which is that of the Crocodiles.”20
Saturn is the Lord of Karma, and taking the third initation means being released from the majority of one’s karma. The final fourth and fifth initiations are taken upon the cardinal cross. Similarly,
“The Mount of Transfiguration [Third Initiation] in the New Testament – is Venus in Capricorn, when love and mind and will meet in the person of the Christ, and “He was transfigured” before all men … In Capricorn, Venus reveals to man that desire for the whole, for the universal, which is the hallmark of the initiate and the true expression of the spiritual life …
… Venus is also the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, thus showing the power of the mind and its place and purpose in connection with both the major human crises: Individualisation and Initiation … Ray 5. — Concrete Knowledge or Science, under the influence of Capricorn, focused through Venus, which will enable the man to take initiation.”21
As exoteric ruler of second and seventh signs Taurus and Libra, Venus rules the areas of life experience known as the second and seventh houses:
“Capricorn.— Ruler: Venus, governing the second House, which is concerned with economics, the distribution of money and metals and which rules Taurus, the “seed house” of illumination and the new emerging light. Venus also rules Libra exoterically and the seventh House wherein enemies are recognised and unions and friendships achieved.” 22
Hence, these three signs are specifically relate to that prana known as money – Taurus, Libra and Capricorn. Here are the several layers of interpretation between exoteric and esoteric planets.
As the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Capricorn, Saturn plays an important role as ruler of the third ray of active-intelligence – complementing Venus’s fifth ray of concrete knowledge. Saturn also rules the human throat chakra/mental body and higher creativity. Saturn is also the ruler of the first decanate of Aquarius that will influence Humanity for the next 720 years,
“… vitalising of the human centre … and the steady growth of widespread creative activity, both in the individual and the race, will be increasingly seen … due to the work and influence of Saturn … the planet of opportunity, of discipleship and of testing …”23
Tracing Venus Through the Signs
“Thus can the golden thread of evolutionary progress be traced throughout the zodiacal path from sign to sign, and thus the history of humanity can he seen and its goal visioned.”
In Esoteric Astrology, there are three levels of sign rulership: Exoteric, Esoteric and Hierarchical – corresponding to personality, soul and monad or spirit – respectively. Depending upon the evolution of the soul in question, responses to these influences will vary.
Hence, in relation to Venus in Capricorn, the position of Venus in the other signs gives an overview of the evolution of consciousness. Venus is the “higher self” or sister planet to Earth – having a very important relationship that goes back to the time of human individualisation, when the “spark of mind” was ignited in ancient Lemuria.
“Venus rules in Taurus, Libra and Capricorn – and is the source of the intelligent mind, acting either through desire (in the early stages) or love (in the later stages).
In Taurus, this means the mind expressing itself through intelligent desire, for that is the goal of knowledge for ordinary man. [The acquisition of knowledge.] In Libra, the point of balance or equilibrium is attained between material personal desire and intelligent spiritual love, for the two qualities of cosmic desire are brought to the fore in the consciousness in Libra and balanced one against the other.
In Capricorn, it stands for spiritual love, expressing itself perfectly when the work in Taurus and Libra has been accomplished. Thus can the golden thread of evolutionary progress be traced throughout the zodiacal path from sign to sign, and thus the history of humanity can he seen and its goal visioned.”24
Similarly, when Venus as esoteric ruler of Gemini is added to these three signs, the problem of over-coming the astral-deire nature is illustrated, bearing in mind that around 75% of Humanity are still astrally polarised, which includes many who are at the early stages of the spiritual path:
“Venus also establishes an interplay between Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn, which again (because the Earth is one of the rulers of Gemini), produces the “desperate conflict of the imprisoned soul upon the astral plane” which characterises our planetary life.
These four-fold influences and relationships produce the minor initiations of the astral plane which ever precede the major initiations in Capricorn, in their turn prepared for in Scorpio. [Scorpio rules the 2nd degree initiation.]
Taurus pours the energy stimulating desire, via Venus onto our Earth [“The bull of desire.”]; Gemini, via Venus, awakens … the sense of duality … Libra this reaches a point of balance wherein the one who struggles sees the issues clearly and achieves a desirable point of equilibrium through the wise use of the Mercury-Venus mind, ensuring the … success of its final efforts in Capricorn. You will note, therefore, how necessary it is to realise accurately the point in evolution of the soul.” ((Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.362-3.))
This latter point is always worth bearing in mind – “realise accurately the point in evolution” – which can only ascertained intuitively. Humanity is at varying stages of evolution, so what applies to one soul will not necessarily be experienced by another. How energy from one planet impacts an individual may be completely different to another, depending upon evolution and the “vehicles of response”.
Esoteric Horoscope Readings
Phillip Lindsay has been a practicing astrologer since 1988.
(Client Testimonials)
An astrologer’s job is to help bring the archetypal “idea” of the soul into awareness, looking at all the talents and skills that you have brought in – as well as major challenges. In soul-centered astrology – using esoteric rulerships, the Rising Sign assumes great importance as it is a quality that the soul is seeking to unfold in any incarnation.
What is your great gift or soul purpose? How are you going to contribute that, and when? What is it that you have come here to do? Are you to be a healer, artist, scientist, psychologist, musician or astrologer?
The new year is an ideal time to get a reading, or for existing clients to have a transit/progression update for the next couple of years. To make a booking for a reading, please visit this link.
A happy New Year to everyone!
Capricorn’s Battle in the Underworld
As a cardinal sign Capricorn is,
“… the sign in which is inaugurated a new cycle of effort, whether this effort is in connection with the individual man or with the initiate. Effort, strain, struggle, the fight with the forces native to the underworld, or the strenuous conditions entailed by the tests of discipleship or initiation—these are distinctive of experience in Capricorn.”25
The “underworld” is where the battle is now on in earnest, the dweller on the threshold for humanity is now highly visible in human affairs. The ancient testings for initiation used to always take place in the dark (the under-world), where the candidate had to struggle through many trials toward the light.
As the most material and spiritual sign of the zodiac, Capricorn embodies the duality of darkness and light – symbolised by the winter solstice. The five-pointed star of mind – pointing upward to the “light supernal” or the inverted star pointing downward into matter: The dualities of heaven and hell, white versus black magic.
The last few years has seen Pluto’s final passage through Capricorn reveal Humanity’s shadow – brought forth from the underworld: Intensely materialistic, selfish, manipulative, bound by fear and willfully ignorant.
Corporations that Rule the World
Capricorn represents the crystallised status quo that has reached its mountaintop of power, prestige and success – only to be subject to the destroying power of Pluto and its first ray. This includes all institutions and governments, but particularly the corporations that the great Aquarian “racial avatar”, Abraham Lincoln – warned about in the 19th century:
“As a result of the war [1861-1865], corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war.”(Abraham Lincoln in a letter to William F. Elkins, Nov 21, 1864.)
That prophecy has now come to fruition during USA’s first ever Pluto return (a 248-year cycle) – exact in 2022, but staying “orb of influence” until the end of 2023. The conflict between Humanity’s dweller and angel is focussed in this nation – an Aquarian soul whose dharma is to be a leader into the Aquarian Age.
Considering current external appearances, the forces of materialism have achieved the upper hand in the USA. Corporations have blatantly bribed and corrupted congress and dictate government policy.
Especially the mega-firms of Black Rock, Vanguard and State Street – all heavily invested in the lesser giants of Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Apple – along with all other behemoths – Big Media, Banking, Pharma, Ag, Oil, Farm, Auto, MIC etc. These democratically unelected entities now craft the narrative, dominating the world, jeopardising democracy.
As a result, the major political parties (and universally) have lost their way, no longer standing for their original principles – with the exception of a few isolated “voices in the wilderness” – from both sides of the political divide. The rest have fallen into lockstep with the prevailing narrative – a mass glamour/hypnosis that has created paralysis of right action.
US leadership always succumbs to the masters of continuous war, the big weapons manufacturers that seek to profit from deliberately instigated conflicts around the world, going on now for too many decades.
The USA is now “scraping the bottom of the barrel” – a metaphor that refers to obtaining the least desirable remains – the dregs. “The sediment of wine was likened to the lowest, most despicable elements of society nearly two thousand years ago by Cicero.”26
Yet, “scraping of the barrel” also hints at a renewal, the purging and cleansing of the dross, in preparation for the barrel to be refilled with new wine – or, decantered into “new bottles for new wine”. This new wine must emanate as a healing elixir from the nation’s Aquarian soul – the Water-Bearer who “pours forth for those who thirst”.
But how does the USA (and humanity as a whole), extricate itself from the slime of the astral swamp, grope its way through “the valley of the shadow of death” – and begin the arduous climb back up the mount of Capricorn? To further paraphrase the 23rd Psalm, how does Humanity “fear no evil” to find the soul that is its “rod and staff … its comfort”?
As touched upon earlier when discussing the first initiation, this is in fact occurring right now. The events of the last three years have created a mass awakening brought on partly by the fear tactics that corporations have used to entrap Humanity.
Fear, discord and chaos has been sown broadly, reaping a bitter harvest. Yet millions have had their eyes opened, been empowered and are now dealing with all the new challenges of being “awake”.
Corporate media has done the bidding of corporate pharma, in concert with government and private organisations such as WHO, WEF, NATO, EC, CFR – and the severely compromised and corrupted United Nations – “the hope of the world”.
Readers may find this recent video of interest , Oligarchs own the UN – where lawyer and social justice advocate – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, conducts an eye-opening interview with former UN executive director Călin Georgescu.
There are thousands upon thousands of the these corporate entities that all share the same culture of manipulation and greed – all connected, serving and supporting one another. Eroding and undermining democracy by attempting a technocractic takeover. There is the shadow of the approaching Aquarian Age – organised group work, selfishly motivated, based upon the crumbling capitalist system.
What might be the outcome when the motive driving the old paradigm is flipped to altruism? This network of global corporations embodies a well-established and deeply woven matrix – a veritable Gordian Knot through which the world Alexander must cut through with his sword – symbol of the first ray. Humanity must repudiate and resist, disobey, dismantle or destroy these out-of-control entities who seek to enslave the world.
Solutions must obviously come from education in the higher Aquarian values of sharing, community, co-operation and Jupiterian generosity. The collective conscience of the materialists must be pricked by the New Group of World Servers – that mediating group that stands between Hierarchy and Humanity.
But what of the NGWS – have they failed their appointed task, since forming nearly one century ago? Have they lived up to the expectations of Hierarchy – or fallen into apathy and laziness? Compounded by the added influence of the “door where evil dwells” – closed at the end of WWII, but drifted ajar since the early 1960’s?
Capricorn Tests Our Limits
Capricorn is ruled at the personality and soul levels by Saturn – the Lord of Karma and creator of the Law. Laws are decreed so that order prevails and anarchy is not set loose. Saturn’s rings represent a circumscribed area that cannot be ventured beyond, is contained within an existing paradigm – whether it is society, an idea or life circumstances.

From the mountaineering movie, “Vertical Limit”, 2000.
Hence, Saturn’s outer rings represent the “ring-pass-not”– of not going beyond, the limits of outer experience. One must know one’s limitations and work wisely with what is.
The goat that speeds up the mountain must take greater care coming down! The mountaineer with an injured knee (Capricorn), knows that she can only walk or climb within certain limits, without tearing a tendon or putting her knee-cap out.
Here is Saturn the lord of limitation – working out one’s karma within a certain sphere of experience. We work within structures created by society – plus our own self-created structures. The thoughtforms that created those structures to live by, have an expiration date, depending upon their strength and clarity of the original construction.
Saturn-ruled Capricorn suffers from crystallisation more than any other sign. And limitation can lead to lockdown – self-impisonment. Hence, radical change must be brought about regularly in Capricorn.
The Uranus-ruled seventh ray that passes through Capricorn is the key to radical change. Uranus, the ruler of the following sign Aquarius, the reformer, the rebel and revolutionary – that overturns the Capricorn status quo and ventures far beyond the ring-pass-not into the outer reaches of the solar system.
Here is the clash between conservative Saturn and radical Uranus, well illustrated in their square pattern to one another in the past couple of years. In all aspects of life we are continually challenged to test our limits and look at the possibility of going beyond.
Capricorn Initiates: Yogananda, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi
Those names are well known among Western followers of these great Teachers – moslty speculated to be initiates of the Fourth Degree. Indeed, Yogananda’s “paramahansa” title means “supreme swan”, a name for that exalted stage of evolution. All three luminaries had the Sun in Capricorn and emerged from India – a Capricorn personality:
“The ancient mode of pilgrimage in India, by which the devotee passed or progressed from one holy place to another upon his knees, is indicative of this deep need of the Capricornian for humility. India is ruled by Capricorn and India knows this truth.
Though India has permitted the physical act to usurp the place of a spiritual attitude, yet the symbolic meaning is eternally true. When the man born in Capricorn can kneel in spirit and in truth, he is then ready for the initiatory process upon the mountain top …
… In Capricorn we have the triumph of matter; it reaches its densest and most concrete expression; but this triumph is followed by that of spirit. There is full expression of the earthly nature in Capricorn but also immense spiritual possibilities.
India, for instance, expresses a widespread degradation, but at the same time the heights of spiritual attainment; a study of India—her history, characteristics and spiritual qualities—will reveal much anent the influences and possibilities of this sign.”27
Capricorn rules the knees – that bend or kneel in humility, that great antidote to the virulent toxin of human pride. If Capricorns refuse to “bend the knee”, the blows of fate may bring them crashing to earth – with an humiliating thud! (Humility=humus=earth.)
This can be a tough lesson for Capricorn as it can be one of the most prideful signs of the zodiac – on a par with Leo or Aries! (Readers may find the author’s Indian travel diary amusing, especially the knee injury part!)
Paramahansa Yogananda (January 5, 1893 – March 7, 1952)
Yogananda was an advanced initiate upon the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom, the primary ray of the Teacher, whose books and discourses are profound, beautiful and far-reaching:
“A chief disciple of the Bengali yoga guru Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, he was sent by his lineage to spread the teachings of yoga to the West, to prove the unity between Eastern and Western religions and to preach a balance between Western material growth and Indian spirituality.
His long-standing influence in the American yoga movement, and especially the yoga culture of Los Angeles, led him to be considered by yoga experts as the “Father of Yoga in the West.”28
Sri Yukteswar later informed Yogananda that he had been sent to him by the great guru of their lineage, Mahavatar Babaji, for a special world purpose of yoga dissemination. Yogananda said that Babaji was in constant communion with The Christ,
“[Babaji and Christ] … together they send out vibrations of redemption, and have planned the spiritual technique of salvation for this age … to inspire the nations to forsake suicidal wars, race hatreds, religious sectarianism, and the boomerang-evils of materialism.”29
Yogananda’s birthday was Jan.5, hence we celebrate his solar return on the Jan.6, 2023 full moon! His natal chart has Jupiter in Aries square the Capricorn sun – both these bodies are rulers of the 2nd ray and the heart centre. This combination is almost the same as the Capricorn 2022 solstice in Dec. 2022, where the Sun in the first degree of Capricorn squared Jupiter in the first degree of Aries!
Yogananda passed at the age of 59, on his second Saturn return, no doubt making a deliberate exit, since his work had been achieved. His disciples claim that Yogananda performed mahasamadhi, a yogi’s conscious exit from the body:
“For three weeks after his death Yogananda’s body “showed no signs of physical deterioration and ‘his unchanged face shone with the divine luster of incorruptibility.'” A notarized letter from Harry T. Rowe, the mortuary director, added:
“The absence of any visual signs of decay … offers the most extraordinary case in our experience … This state of perfect preservation of a body is, so far as we know from mortuary annals, an unparalleled one … Yogananda’s body was apparently in a phenomenal state of immutability … No odor of decay emanated from his body at any time … For these reasons we state again that the case of Paramahansa Yogananda is unique in our experience.”30
Here is a good example of Capricorn’s penchant for preservation of the form! But of course the phenomenon was much more, designed to evoke the sense of wonder and questioning among his followers.
With Virgo rising as his soul purpose, Yogananda became the Virgoan wordsmith, telling his close disciples, “I can do much more now to reach others with my pen.” Virgo ruler Mercury, was appropriately placed in the sign of spiritual philosophy – Sagittarius. As esoteric ruler of Virgo, the Moon was placed in Leo conjunct the ascendant, most likely veiling occult planet Uranus – to which it was aspected by the esoteric quintile, or 5th harmonic aspect.
At this writing in early Jan. 2023, Yogananda’s horoscope has solar arc Jupiter exactly conjunct his Leo moon, symbol of his hearty leadership – and esoteric ruler of his soul purpose Virgo.
Swami Vivekananda (12 January 1863 – 4 July 1902) was a Capricorn Sun and rising, with aforementioned Venus in Capricorn conjunct the ascendant:
“Vivekandanda was an Indian Hindu monk, philosopher, author, religious teacher, and the chief disciple of the Indian mystic Ramakrishna. He was a key figure in the introduction of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world; and is credited with raising interfaith awareness, and bringing Hinduism to the status of a major world religion.”31
Hence, Vivekananda played a very similar role to Yogananda bridging East and West, but was a bit more esoteric – having connections to Blavatsky and Theosophy, the New Thought Movement and Western occultism. (Fellow Indian – Sri Aurobindo (Leo), also played a similar role in this bridging work.)
Vivekananda – like Yogananda, also achieved mahasamadhi, meditating for three hours before he was found departed by his disciples.
As Capricorn rising represented Vivekananda’s soul purpose (as opposed to the Sun’s expression as the personality) – the position of Saturn is extremely important as both exoteric/esoteric ruler of his ascendant.
Saturn was suitably place in the place of its exaltation – Libra, in the ninth house of religion and philosophy, conjunct the moon in Libra. Jupiter, the second ray planet, was also in Libra in this house, conjunct the midheaven – appropriately the most elevated planet in the horoscope in terms of his teaching legacy.
Ramana Maharshi (30 December 1879 – 14 April 1950).
Ramana Maharshi was an Indian Hindu sage and jivanmukta or liberated being:
“He attracted devotees that regarded him as an avatar of Shiva and came to him for darshan (“the sight of God”). In later years, an ashram grew up around him, where visitors received upadesa (“spiritual instruction”) by sitting silently in his company asking questions.
Since the 1930s his teachings have been popularized in the West. Ramana Maharshi approved a number of paths and practices, but recommended self-enquiry as the principal means to remove ignorance and abide in self-awareness, together with bhakti (devotion) or surrender to the self.”32
Unlike Yogananda and Vivekananda, Maharshi left his uncle’s home in Madurai, journeyed to the holy mountain Arunachala in Tiruvannamalai -where he took on the role of a sannyasin and remained there for the rest of his life. During that period he lived in several caves in the area, and devotees would visit him for advice.
The author Paul Brunton, who published A Search in Secret India – was one of the main authors who brought to the West, the existence of Ramana Maharshi. Brunton stated,
“I like him greatly because he is so simple and modest, when an atmosphere of authentic greatness lies so palpably around him; because he makes no claims to occult powers and hierophantic knowledge to impress the mystery loving nature of his countrymen; and because he is so totally without any traces of pretension that he strongly resists every effort to canonize him during his lifetime.
While staying at Sri Ramanasramam, Brunton had an experience of a “sublimely all-embracing” awareness, a “Moment of Illumination”. The book was a best-seller, and introduced Ramana Maharshi to a wider audience in the west. Resulting visitors included Paramahansa Yogananda, Somerset Maugham and Arthur Osborne.”33
Here is a powerful indication of an advanced Capricorn’s utter humility – not putting on any airs, no attachment to prestige or notoriety – no pretense.
Ramana Maharshi had the Sun in Capricorn in grand trine to Uranus in Virgo and Chiron-Neptune in Taurus – indicating a synthesis of the occult (Uranus) and mystical (Neptune) paths. The Moon was in Cancer on the midheaven, hence his permanent abode where the ashram (family) was built around him. Maharshi was the “mother” of Ramanasramam.
The moon most likely veils Neptune as it is in quintile aspect, reflecting his ability to deal with devotees and Westerners who were enquiring mystics. Libra rising was his soul purpose, hence to interact and relate with a diverse range of people was part of his dharma. Libra ruler Venus was in Scorpio:
“Venus, the intelligent mind, has its power lessened in this sign because the intellect—having been developed and used—must now be subordinated to a higher power of the soul, the spiritual intuition. The Son of Mind, the solar Angel, must now manifest as a Son of God.
This solar Angel, when in control, must give place eventually to the Presence [The Monad]. This it has hitherto veiled or hidden. Venus must wane and the Sun—as a symbol of Deity—must wax in influence and finally take its place. Such are the symbolic and esoteric significances.”34
Most likely Maharshi’s soul did, “give place eventually to the Presence”! Venus was also opposite Pluto in Taurus, creating the space for deeply transformational relationships with his disciples. One of the ways he brought this about was by sitting in silence with followers, encouraging the intuition to come into play and perhaps even telepathic rapport.
Uranus as esoteric ruler of Libra is most important – its harmonious link to the Sun in Capricorn creates an excellent bridge between soul purpose (Libra) and personality expression (Capricorn). Uranus is placed in its “own” eleventh house: “The planet of occultism, and that which governs group relations, organisations and the eleventh House.”35 Hence, the ashram, the soul group, the spiritual family that he parented.
“C. G. Jung noted that Ramana Maharshi is not to be regarded as an “isolated phenomenon”, but as a token of Indian spirituality, “manifest in many forms in everyday Indian life” … Maharshi’s appearance as a mauni, a silent saint absorbed in samadhi, fitted into pre-existing Indian notions of holiness.”36
Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat in Portugal
Zoom meditation/webinar for Capricorn 2023: Monday, Jan.4 at 19.00 UT.
Access Webinar at the Aquarian Wisdom Centre website.
Phillip Lindsay © 2023.
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- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.168. [↩]
- [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.672. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.571. [↩]
- From Bethlehem to Calvary, Alice A. Bailey. p.73. [↩]
- Some of this commentary is from an essay, “Capricorn: Neptune and the Mystery of Makara” in Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.577-8. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.897. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. pp.577,450. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp. 219-20. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.168. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H.P. Blavatsky. p.225. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. pp.398, 337. [↩]
- The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.xii. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.163. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.167, 391, 356-7. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.538. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.138. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.244-5. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.159. [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.170-1. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.225. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.538. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
It seems I have been trying to help America claim its Aquarian soul. In a letter to
Caroline Kennedy, the new U.S. Ambassador to Australia I wrote
“It would be in the best interests of the United States to graciously accept the
inevitable, that the world is becoming multipolar, instead of trying to retain world
dominance by weakening those countries it considers threatens its position.
IMAGINE what the U.S. and China could achieve if they worked together to make the
world a better and more peaceful place.”
“Let us make this earth a paradise, a place in which we all delight !
To friendship between all people and all countries”
Well put regarding the astrological meaning of “fall” with respect to Neptune in Capricorn, its association with Varuna, and being a main planetary principle of buddhi. This certainly highlights the esoteric nature in esoteric astrology and why it a far more fully fledged science than that of currently mainstream astral astrology!
Here are some thoughts from the writings of DK via AAB:
(1) Neptune is esoterically known as the Initiator.
(2) Mars is transmuted after the 3rd initiation. It is essentially absorbed into Neptune under the 6th ray after the third initiation where Mars has completed its work against the lunar pitris.
(3) All aspiration ends at the 4th imitation where the 6th ray has completed its work and the initiate takes on the vestments of the buddhic plane as the body of sentiency.
If I may, I’d like to try to add to your thoughts on the subject. I believe the three Indian sages you mentioned are not 4th degree initiates but 5th. Ramana passed through the high point of this initiation in July 1896 as the age of 16, Yogananda I believe at death and Vivekananda at death as well.
In the charts of all 4th degree initiates preparing to undergo the 4th initiation, one will find Neptune and Saturn under tension either dynamically or statically in a natal chart.
As DK has stated, Neptune and Saturn are associated with the base of the spine and the rousing of the kundalini fire to the crown. Mercury and Uranus are associated with the heart and the Sun (veiling Sirius) with the crown chakra.
Ramana at age 16 had transiting Saturn opposite Neptune with his progressed Mercury approximately conjunct his Sun. The dynamic tension of his Saturn – Neptune relationship is highlighted by a number of interesting factors. He was considered to be “lucky” as a schoolboy where everyone always wanted him on their team. He was calm and indifferent. His karmic skandhas were thin and died quickly as the dweller was absorbed into the solar angel and reconciled back into the Monad at that high point in July 1896. I used the full moon date of 24 July when I looked back at his chart.
Vivekananda had more karmic liabilities to work out. He was born with a static, natal tension with Neptune opposite Saturn as well as approximate sextiles between Neptune and Mercury and Neptune and the Sun. I think this is somewhat hinted at in the opposition between Mars and Jupiter in his chart and Jupiter’s relationship with Mercury and the Sun. Nonetheless, it appears transiting Saturn was triggering his natal Sun and Mercury. Given the nature of his death, one could intimate that Vivekananda experienced full kundalini rousing to the crown and died as many initiates do at the high point of the 4th initiation.
Yogananda, at the time of his passing had transiting Mercury moving into conjunction with his natal Mars (thus transmuted and indicative of Neptune energy). His natal Mars was sextile Neptune and under tension opposite Saturn. Such association between Mars and Neptune does not work out unless one has taken the 3rd initiation and approached fully the gate to the 4th where the astral body dies, otherwise Mars may not be the clear channel for Neptune that we see reflected in Yogananda’s chart. This happened under the sign of Gemini, the twins, and the great 2nd Ray, representing for us the drama of the dweller is being absorbed back into the solar angel. Neptune and Pluto are closely conjunct in Gemini for Yogananda. Though DK does not list Pluto as a sacred planet, its 1st Ray effect on the base chakra is noted in a tabulation for initiates given by DK. DK also speaks of the primarily mental impact that Pluto plays in the life of the aspiring disciple up to the 4th initiation. Finally, if one applies a Solar Arc progression to Yogananda’s chart there is an interesting tension of a solar arc progressed Saturn opposite transiting Neptune in Yogananda’s chart at the time of his passing.
Why do I mention all of this? Its just some food for thought. Namely,
(1) Transmuted Martian energy absorbed back into Neptune after the 3rd initiation in the chart of an initiate
(2) Neptune and Saturn under tension, indicative of the 4th initiation’s kundalini fire
(3) A generally favorable placement of Mercury and the Sun given the role of Mercury and Saturn in the 4th initiation as well as the Sun acting as a veil for Sirius
(4) The notion of statics vs. dynamics at play in the chart of an initiate preparing for the 4th initiation.
Finally, looking back on the linear 2022 calendar, I wanted to briefly make mention of the war in Ukraine and your defense of Russia as a bastion of the 7th ray. Some of what I mention you have already written about, so I am just recapping:
The Ukraine Orange Revolution 2004-2005 was bloodless. The Feb. 2014 revolution was not. The free trade agreement between Ukraine and EU in 2014 was to benefit corporate interests and represented about a 20% Euro-zone market-share for GMO crops for Monsanto at the time (now owned by, perhaps regretfully, Bayer). There are rumblings that the Ukraine is a hotbed of CIA activity as well as a cesspool of biowarfare research labs. I cannot confirm this, but one should note the large corporate interests involved in the 2014 trade deal and the building of missile defense shields against Russia in Poland.
One should ask oneself, why does the Dark Lode have a vortex of energy located in E. Europe? Why not somewhere else? Why is the US establishment still so hell-bent on marginalizing Russia given its lack of geopolitical power after the collapse of the Soviet Union?
The 7th Ray is necessary for physio-etheric manifestation. If the US and Russia, through the act of goodwill, stimulate a comingling of their respective 2nd and 7th Ray souls, you have the manifestation of Christ-light. Despite the many glamours and cold war battles over Sovietism, the 5th Ray (subray) relationship between US and Russia along space exploration has acted as a gossamer thread keeping alive the hope of a broadening and strengthening of the bond between the souls of these nations. Now we see that Russia plans on pulling out of the ICC and conducting space exploration on its own starting in 2024. Attacking the Russian populace with 3rd ray tactics to create division where none exists and 2nd ray tactics of fear against the US, materialistic forces have hoped to fully destroy this relationship to prevent the plans of the Hierarchy from manifesting in any form. I believe it is important for anyone counting themselves a part of the NGWS to build a bridge in mental matter between the soul of these two nations. Such a connection between these nations should not be allowed to evaporate as it provides a bridge and quickens the pace of manifestation of Hierarchical intent. 😊
Some very interesting observations Adam, thanks! Its quite possible they took the 5th, my thinking was that they were at least fourth degree initiates but I would not know about the 5th. You said, “As DK has stated, Neptune and Saturn are associated with the base of the spine and the rousing of the kundalini fire to the crown. Mercury and Uranus are associated with the heart and the Sun (veiling Sirius) with the crown chakra.”
I do not recall that passage, perhaps you can post it? Neptune is ruler of solar plexus and associated with heart, and Saturn the throat, although a case could be made for the base centre.
Sorry, I did not mean to sound critical. I believe you are correct. All three of the sages listed by you were 4th degree initiates at the time of their incarnating. I should have been more specific in my wording when I used the term “5th degree”.
To answer your question. I found this information in the section in Chapter 2 of Esoteric Astrology, titled, “Leo, The Lion”. It is on page 301 of my copy from 1951. The following is an excerpt:
“2. The awakening of the seventh centre, the centre at the base of the spine, by the soul working through the first or highest head centre and producing (as a consequence) the surging upwards of the kundalini fire. This, in its turn, produces fusion with the higher forces. When this takes place the three major centres in the body are
The Head
Central spiritual Sun
The Sun
The Heart
The heart of the Sun
The base of Spine
The physical Sun
As the above alignment corresponds to a very high stage of initiation…. “
Anyway, the whole of Chapter 2 in Esoteric Astrology contains a lot of subtle hints and contemplative seed thoughts regarding the passage from the 3rd to the 4th initiation and the roles played by Saturn, Mercury and Sirius.
I hope this helps.
not at all Adam, right dialogue hones discrimination! Thanks for the reminder quote from EA, to do the charts justice, one would have to do a pretty thorough astro-biography and apply the criteria that DK gives for the 5th degree: “At the fifth and final initiation, Uranus and Jupiter appear and produce a “beneficent organisation” of the totality of energies found in the initiate’s equipment. When this reorganisation is complete, the initiate can then “escape from off the wheel and then can truly live.””
But there is certainly a good argument thus far for the 5th as you have pointed out.
Hello, the reflections on the three Indian sages are very interesting, thank you Phillip and Adam. Capricorn deserves examples of this caliber.
If we observe it seems clear that in the three horoscopes there is a great presence of the cardinal cross, especially Aries, Libra and Capricorn. Surely 4th and/or 5th initiation as Phillip and Adam as suggest us.
And if we look more carefully we will see that in the three horoscopes Uranus is the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of the powerful presence of Libra-Aries, the signs where Saturn, the solar ruler of all three, is also placed.
This suggests that in all three cases almost all of karma has been transcended and that therefore the Moon, (the lower personal triad), “the will of God for His expression through the form”, is veiling occult planet Uranus, the energy that inspired the spiritual message of the three masters.
Observing the fall of Saturn in Maharishi’s horoscope, the following passage from DK came to mind: “in Aries Saturn’s power is completely ended and his work accomplished when man (the spiritual man) has freed himself from Karma and from the power of the two Crosses—the Common and the Fixed. Esoterically, Saturn cannot follow man on to the Cardinal Cross”
Thanks for sharing
I found it very interesting that the timing of the new Avatar: The Way of the Water, movie just now is significant to me when in your Capricorn webinar someone mentioned “breathing under water”. Much to ponder here as the movie tells of the escape of the forest living Navi family from tyranny to settle on the islands of safety, living with the water people who could breathe air and in water, was a new elevated experience for them. The younger members were taught by the water people how to breathe under water quickly adapting to that new world.
It all made sense now as I made the connections of the message of the Avatar movie during this Capricorn FM time. So breathe under water to breathe through the astral waters, the breath of God (Spirit). This Capricorn FM time gave me further understanding of the significance of this timely movie. It was delayed due to covid but I feel the timing is right and so significant to the way forward. Wow I needed this movie and Capricorn FM time for me to break the struggle of cycle of fear. Thank you Philip for this webinar. Blessings of peace.