7 Responses to Capricorn 2023: Saturnalia. Solstice. 12 Days Christmas. The Magi. Dolphin-Makara. Underworld. Capricorn Initiates.

  1. It seems I have been trying to help America claim its Aquarian soul. In a letter to
    Caroline Kennedy, the new U.S. Ambassador to Australia I wrote

    “It would be in the best interests of the United States to graciously accept the
    inevitable, that the world is becoming multipolar, instead of trying to retain world
    dominance by weakening those countries it considers threatens its position.

    IMAGINE what the U.S. and China could achieve if they worked together to make the
    world a better and more peaceful place.”

    “Let us make this earth a paradise, a place in which we all delight !

    To friendship between all people and all countries”

  2. adam says:


    Well put regarding the astrological meaning of “fall” with respect to Neptune in Capricorn, its association with Varuna, and being a main planetary principle of buddhi. This certainly highlights the esoteric nature in esoteric astrology and why it a far more fully fledged science than that of currently mainstream astral astrology!

    Here are some thoughts from the writings of DK via AAB:

    (1) Neptune is esoterically known as the Initiator.

    (2) Mars is transmuted after the 3rd initiation. It is essentially absorbed into Neptune under the 6th ray after the third initiation where Mars has completed its work against the lunar pitris.

    (3) All aspiration ends at the 4th imitation where the 6th ray has completed its work and the initiate takes on the vestments of the buddhic plane as the body of sentiency.

    If I may, I’d like to try to add to your thoughts on the subject. I believe the three Indian sages you mentioned are not 4th degree initiates but 5th. Ramana passed through the high point of this initiation in July 1896 as the age of 16, Yogananda I believe at death and Vivekananda at death as well.

    In the charts of all 4th degree initiates preparing to undergo the 4th initiation, one will find Neptune and Saturn under tension either dynamically or statically in a natal chart.

    As DK has stated, Neptune and Saturn are associated with the base of the spine and the rousing of the kundalini fire to the crown. Mercury and Uranus are associated with the heart and the Sun (veiling Sirius) with the crown chakra.

    Ramana at age 16 had transiting Saturn opposite Neptune with his progressed Mercury approximately conjunct his Sun. The dynamic tension of his Saturn – Neptune relationship is highlighted by a number of interesting factors. He was considered to be “lucky” as a schoolboy where everyone always wanted him on their team. He was calm and indifferent. His karmic skandhas were thin and died quickly as the dweller was absorbed into the solar angel and reconciled back into the Monad at that high point in July 1896. I used the full moon date of 24 July when I looked back at his chart.

    Vivekananda had more karmic liabilities to work out. He was born with a static, natal tension with Neptune opposite Saturn as well as approximate sextiles between Neptune and Mercury and Neptune and the Sun. I think this is somewhat hinted at in the opposition between Mars and Jupiter in his chart and Jupiter’s relationship with Mercury and the Sun. Nonetheless, it appears transiting Saturn was triggering his natal Sun and Mercury. Given the nature of his death, one could intimate that Vivekananda experienced full kundalini rousing to the crown and died as many initiates do at the high point of the 4th initiation.

    Yogananda, at the time of his passing had transiting Mercury moving into conjunction with his natal Mars (thus transmuted and indicative of Neptune energy). His natal Mars was sextile Neptune and under tension opposite Saturn. Such association between Mars and Neptune does not work out unless one has taken the 3rd initiation and approached fully the gate to the 4th where the astral body dies, otherwise Mars may not be the clear channel for Neptune that we see reflected in Yogananda’s chart. This happened under the sign of Gemini, the twins, and the great 2nd Ray, representing for us the drama of the dweller is being absorbed back into the solar angel. Neptune and Pluto are closely conjunct in Gemini for Yogananda. Though DK does not list Pluto as a sacred planet, its 1st Ray effect on the base chakra is noted in a tabulation for initiates given by DK. DK also speaks of the primarily mental impact that Pluto plays in the life of the aspiring disciple up to the 4th initiation. Finally, if one applies a Solar Arc progression to Yogananda’s chart there is an interesting tension of a solar arc progressed Saturn opposite transiting Neptune in Yogananda’s chart at the time of his passing.

    Why do I mention all of this? Its just some food for thought. Namely,

    (1) Transmuted Martian energy absorbed back into Neptune after the 3rd initiation in the chart of an initiate

    (2) Neptune and Saturn under tension, indicative of the 4th initiation’s kundalini fire

    (3) A generally favorable placement of Mercury and the Sun given the role of Mercury and Saturn in the 4th initiation as well as the Sun acting as a veil for Sirius

    (4) The notion of statics vs. dynamics at play in the chart of an initiate preparing for the 4th initiation.


    Finally, looking back on the linear 2022 calendar, I wanted to briefly make mention of the war in Ukraine and your defense of Russia as a bastion of the 7th ray. Some of what I mention you have already written about, so I am just recapping:

    The Ukraine Orange Revolution 2004-2005 was bloodless. The Feb. 2014 revolution was not. The free trade agreement between Ukraine and EU in 2014 was to benefit corporate interests and represented about a 20% Euro-zone market-share for GMO crops for Monsanto at the time (now owned by, perhaps regretfully, Bayer). There are rumblings that the Ukraine is a hotbed of CIA activity as well as a cesspool of biowarfare research labs. I cannot confirm this, but one should note the large corporate interests involved in the 2014 trade deal and the building of missile defense shields against Russia in Poland.

    One should ask oneself, why does the Dark Lode have a vortex of energy located in E. Europe? Why not somewhere else? Why is the US establishment still so hell-bent on marginalizing Russia given its lack of geopolitical power after the collapse of the Soviet Union?

    The 7th Ray is necessary for physio-etheric manifestation. If the US and Russia, through the act of goodwill, stimulate a comingling of their respective 2nd and 7th Ray souls, you have the manifestation of Christ-light. Despite the many glamours and cold war battles over Sovietism, the 5th Ray (subray) relationship between US and Russia along space exploration has acted as a gossamer thread keeping alive the hope of a broadening and strengthening of the bond between the souls of these nations. Now we see that Russia plans on pulling out of the ICC and conducting space exploration on its own starting in 2024. Attacking the Russian populace with 3rd ray tactics to create division where none exists and 2nd ray tactics of fear against the US, materialistic forces have hoped to fully destroy this relationship to prevent the plans of the Hierarchy from manifesting in any form. I believe it is important for anyone counting themselves a part of the NGWS to build a bridge in mental matter between the soul of these two nations. Such a connection between these nations should not be allowed to evaporate as it provides a bridge and quickens the pace of manifestation of Hierarchical intent. 😊


    1. Some very interesting observations Adam, thanks! Its quite possible they took the 5th, my thinking was that they were at least fourth degree initiates but I would not know about the 5th. You said, “As DK has stated, Neptune and Saturn are associated with the base of the spine and the rousing of the kundalini fire to the crown. Mercury and Uranus are associated with the heart and the Sun (veiling Sirius) with the crown chakra.”

      I do not recall that passage, perhaps you can post it? Neptune is ruler of solar plexus and associated with heart, and Saturn the throat, although a case could be made for the base centre.

      1. adam says:


        Sorry, I did not mean to sound critical. I believe you are correct. All three of the sages listed by you were 4th degree initiates at the time of their incarnating. I should have been more specific in my wording when I used the term “5th degree”.

        To answer your question. I found this information in the section in Chapter 2 of Esoteric Astrology, titled, “Leo, The Lion”. It is on page 301 of my copy from 1951. The following is an excerpt:

        “2. The awakening of the seventh centre, the centre at the base of the spine, by the soul working through the first or highest head centre and producing (as a consequence) the surging upwards of the kundalini fire. This, in its turn, produces fusion with the higher forces. When this takes place the three major centres in the body are

        The Head
        Central spiritual Sun
        The Sun

        The Heart
        The heart of the Sun

        The base of Spine
        The physical Sun

        As the above alignment corresponds to a very high stage of initiation…. “

        Anyway, the whole of Chapter 2 in Esoteric Astrology contains a lot of subtle hints and contemplative seed thoughts regarding the passage from the 3rd to the 4th initiation and the roles played by Saturn, Mercury and Sirius.

        I hope this helps.


        1. not at all Adam, right dialogue hones discrimination! Thanks for the reminder quote from EA, to do the charts justice, one would have to do a pretty thorough astro-biography and apply the criteria that DK gives for the 5th degree: “At the fifth and final initiation, Uranus and Jupiter appear and produce a “beneficent organisation” of the totality of energies found in the initiate’s equipment. When this reorganisation is complete, the initiate can then “escape from off the wheel and then can truly live.””
          But there is certainly a good argument thus far for the 5th as you have pointed out.

  3. david says:

    Hello, the reflections on the three Indian sages are very interesting, thank you Phillip and Adam. Capricorn deserves examples of this caliber.

    If we observe it seems clear that in the three horoscopes there is a great presence of the cardinal cross, especially Aries, Libra and Capricorn. Surely 4th and/or 5th initiation as Phillip and Adam as suggest us.

    And if we look more carefully we will see that in the three horoscopes Uranus is the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of the powerful presence of Libra-Aries, the signs where Saturn, the solar ruler of all three, is also placed.

    This suggests that in all three cases almost all of karma has been transcended and that therefore the Moon, (the lower personal triad), “the will of God for His expression through the form”, is veiling occult planet Uranus, the energy that inspired the spiritual message of the three masters.

    Observing the fall of Saturn in Maharishi’s horoscope, the following passage from DK came to mind: “in Aries Saturn’s power is completely ended and his work accomplished when man (the spiritual man) has freed himself from Karma and from the power of the two Crosses—the Common and the Fixed. Esoterically, Saturn cannot follow man on to the Cardinal Cross”

    Thanks for sharing

  4. Kay says:

    I found it very interesting that the timing of the new Avatar: The Way of the Water, movie just now is significant to me when in your Capricorn webinar someone mentioned “breathing under water”. Much to ponder here as the movie tells of the escape of the forest living Navi family from tyranny to settle on the islands of safety, living with the water people who could breathe air and in water, was a new elevated experience for them. The younger members were taught by the water people how to breathe under water quickly adapting to that new world.

    It all made sense now as I made the connections of the message of the Avatar movie during this Capricorn FM time. So breathe under water to breathe through the astral waters, the breath of God (Spirit). This Capricorn FM time gave me further understanding of the significance of this timely movie. It was delayed due to covid but I feel the timing is right and so significant to the way forward. Wow I needed this movie and Capricorn FM time for me to break the struggle of cycle of fear. Thank you Philip for this webinar. Blessings of peace.

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