8 Responses to Capricorn 2025: Cap. Solstice & New Moon. Zionism-Israel. New Orleans. World Glamour. UFO’s. Rumblings from Shamballa?

  1. Colleen S Macmillan says:

    This one’s a keeper! So comprehensive.

    In short, we become what we hate.

  2. Scott says:

    I thought one time you said Virgo was to do with Jewish soul?

  3. david says:

    Good job Phillip, it is “amazing” the amount of data your articles (newsletter) cover.

    The egocentrism of the Jewish people in believing that they are the chosen people without thinking about the words of Christ: “we are all children of God” is a belief that forces humanity to take extreme positions, both for good and for bad. The more privileged a people feels, the more (from humility) they must serve their fellow men. A service that, on the other hand, many Jews as individuals have been able to demonstrate.

    I would like to comment on two situations that I have seen lately on the Internet and that have surprised me very pleasantly. Both are related to the United States and its politicians and have made me think about the innate goodness that resides in the human heart.

    The first was Trump’s kind words to Biden when Trump visited him at the White House on November 13.

    And the second is the friendly complicity that Obama and Donald Trump showed at Jimmy Carter’s funeral.

    These are two attitudes that, due to the loving understanding they give off, are powerfully related to the qualities of the 2nd Ray ruling the Soul of the nation.

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Michael says:

    Marx, of Karl Marx fame has become a curse word used in the collective West to apply to any person, place, or thing that threatens the West’s ideas of freedom to pursue one’s own happiness. If successful we would all never experience freedom and happiness again, the current hegemon’s goal. I agree the current hegemon’s goals are such, but they are not Marxist. If anything, I would label them Fascist, as in corporate control of government, where the government officials work as representatives of large corporate power interest promulgating corporate interest.

    I am far from an expert in Marx; however, from what I have seen so far, he provided a detailed critique to the capitalistic system (three volumes of Das Capital, not one), stating that all the wealth would remain and grow in the hands of the rich, and that the real problem was a more equitable sharing of the value produced by both labor and capital. He claimed the new capitalists, who acquired capitalist from their two former economic systems, were falsely advertising their new system. If we view human history from a wider lens, we see that the major economic systems in the world, generally speaking, started with slavery, moved to a feudal serf system (the church of Rome liked this), to our current model, the wage earner. Wages that never keep up with prices. Image that. Somebody must be skimming a lot more than just the cream off the top.

    So, let’s see here. Feudal Europe decides to retire the feudal serf system (there is much packed in here, but suffice to say, there was a change to wage earner). When that happened, who had all the capital? Yes, the same people who brought slavery and the serf system to us. See the picture? I’d say old Karl exposed that old devil’s slip, and the devil doesn’t like that, so they must bury any thoughts Marx had and label them bad. Soviet Russia’s use of or misuse of these principles doesn’t make them wrong. Since when was the idea of more equitable sharing a bad thing? Have you seen any programs or projects in the West designed to help and improve the lives of their citizens? But those Fascist Capitalist continue to get richer.

    One of the carrots used to keep people in line and supporting this childless pursuit of one’s happiness in a capitalistic system is that this is a land of opportunity, and if you follow the laws and work hard, you too can someday make it, be rich, and be happy, just like the examples they provide us through that magic wand called Hollywood, which is currently burning. Perhaps the dross?

    I don’t know if I agree with everything Marx wrote, as I haven’t read it all. However, the principle of more equitable sharing I do agree with.

    The emotionally charged negative out of hand response to anything Marx by even the more intelligent people of the world proves that the hegemon was successful in convincing people that sharing more equitably the materials and produce of the lands somehow explodes in the face of individual freedom and pursuit of happiness.

    1. Very true Michael, Marx was an advanced disciple in my view, whose work became distorted by others. There is an awareness growing however about this, as I saw recently in some interviews.

  5. Craig B. says:

    Enjoyed the deep dives into current events, illumined by the esoteric insights you provide – as usual!

  6. Michael says:

    From Whence Do We Observe?

    Our point of view usually begins from right where we are combined with the knowledge we have already collected, and information provided to us. That is what we know, and with that knowledge and information, we draw conclusions.

    “The world is full of knowledge, which is in the last analysis sentient response to conditions which exist, by minds which are developing but are not fully developed.” EP1 page 107

    There are forests and there are trees. What should we observe?

    To every effect, there is a cause. Should we spend time supporting an effect while not knowing its cause and its purposeful intent?

    Imagine a village filled with happy people who pride themselves on their work ethic, their fairness, and a shared caring for each other. Those who visit this village are always impressed by how clean it is, and safe to walk at any hour. Nobody was particularly rich, yet everyone had all their needs amply met. The village, not being a utopia, had issues that they needed to work out, yet all was accomplished in a civil caring intent. One night while everybody was sleeping, a predatory parasitic organization, who had been observing with intent their prey for some time and conceiving their plan to add this nation to their collection of host nations, organizations, religions, educational systems, businesses, etc., struck.

    The people of the village awoke to find they had many broken windows, trash on the streets, and dead animals. The people were shocked and in dismay. Who would do such a thing? Then, as if on cue, stood some outside eyewitnesses to the disaster, and those who promised they would capture the perpetrators and restore their village back to its original condition.

    To prove their worth, and to build up the trust of the people, the parasite’s witnesses claimed it was a militant evil group of men who follow a religion different than theirs. To further make their point, they even captured some of the ‘perpetrators’ and paraded them around for all to see how effective and caring they really are. Then the parasitic leadership explained they already had a plan to make their streets safe and end the violence and restore their once proud village.

    The people listened with great support, because they wanted to return to what they had, and here in front of them were the people who would assist them to do just that. Many of these front people being trained in how to express concern and interest in themselves but making it look like they are doing it for the people. The good nature of the people of the village was taken advantage of. All of this protection, and eradication of threat would cost money that the people would have to provide. The parasite (savior from the many people’s point of view) soon expanded their activities. They invented something called our national security interest, and that they should never be breached by outsiders, because that would eventually adversely affect the living conditions in the village. Soon the parasitic organization assumed the self-named title, ‘the policemen of the world’ combating these evil other religion people all over the world. Of course, ironically, the policemen were always needed in countries rich in natural resources whose people, even after hundreds of years, were still dirt poor. Rumor has it, they awoke one morning too, to a disaster, and a ready-made solution. How convenient, don’t you think?

    The people of the village saw their wealth slowly disappear. They saw the infrastructure of their nation rot away. The schools and the churches had no answers. They saw the prices of everything going up, yet they also saw, well, some of them did, that the so-called savior class of people, was growing in extreme wealth as everything else fell apart in the village, and everybody else slowly sinking into deeper poverty. The parasite’s response to the increased poverty was that those people were lazy and irresponsible, and they got what they deserve. To the hard-working people who believed hard work should produce a just reward, they jumped on this reasoning because it supported their lifestyle and beliefs.

    People in the village began to argue amongst themselves and started to take sides. For the parasites in order to keep the people occupied fighting amongst themselves, always provides a controlled choice. The end state is still the same.

    From whence do you observe? Are we not trained to observe from a neutral position? And from the universal to the particular? Does that then mean to maintain neutrality even after one uncovers a truth? The Hierarchy, after a point, took action to have the axis powers destroyed, not placated and not cajoled. Power never relinquishes its position of control voluntarily. Of course, it is true that someday Sanat Kumara will see the last weary traveler come home. Until such time, we will all need to deal with those forms that support the dark side or are the dark side. When the advancement of the parasites begins to encroach too much upon The Plan, well, then it’s The Parasite against The Plan. Are we also taught that the Dark Face when bestowed with love energy, just abuses it and turns it against us somehow? Or words to that effect?

    The age of the Forerunner is concluding. We are in transition to another phase of the battle. And let us make no mistake about this being a battle of light and dark. Are we not also taught that before the return of the Christ, there would be a requirement for a relative peace and a more equitable sharing of wealth? What will that look like? Who would make it so? Perhaps the Hierarchy has them destroying themselves, and they don’t even see it coming.

    Now let me please explain from whence I observe. I observe Globally, beholding to none but the truth wherever I find it, to the best of my abilities. Other than wanting to pick up on the pulse of the masses and what the dark face is up to on the public air waves, I concern myself not towards the canine and equestrian extravaganza that was purposely put in place to hypnotize and occupy the public.

    Trump’s real job is to manage the downfall and shrinking world footprint of the current fading empire, headquartered in the District of Columbia and Wall Street with satellites in the City of London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, etc. He may or may not fully comprehend this at this time. This will allow for the establishment of a multipolar world with the removal of this parasitic waring empire’s global footprint, as well as provide a fairer distribution of world value amongst nations. The European Parasites ability to continue their worldly colonization has been destroyed, and ironically by the USA. So, too the USA’s abilities to pursue any further long-term conflicts and enforced colonization is coming to an end, from a low production capability output, to reduced natural resource availability, the power simply isn’t there to support their old ways. Do not cry for the nation’s movers and shakers, because this reduction doesn’t affect them, as they were never really beholding to any nation, other than what they could get out of it for themselves.

    However, they are still lethally armed and could cause more damage than the world desires in the short term. Hence the slow methodical activities of the BRICS and Global South not wanting to experience that short-term burst of global destruction from that adolescent child called the USA and the Greater West (a.k.a. The Great Colonizers. The East has no such reputation.) Are these not prerequisites for the Second Coming? I’m not saying Trump is a good guy. I’m not saying he is a bad guy. What I do know is politics in the Reich is a deadly serious game being around that much power, intrigue, and strange bedfellows. Whom it seems change beds often.

    BRICS will continue to rise, and the USA will be forced to accept a multipolar world role at a reduced rank, or to be completed isolated from the rest of the world. It appears that it will be isolation, an isolation that was galvanized by the excessive greed of the American leaders and people.

    Now, the West still controls a great deal of the monetary system, and they know that if BRICS is successful, their favorite ‘peacetime’ weapon of choice, ‘Sanctions’ just lost its sting. This is vital. Because it will switch the flow of money, capital, currency, in favor or a more sharing model. BRICS has its greed too in places I’m sure, and even if their investors benefit; nonetheless, the flow of currency would have been made.

    Trump, the self-titled greatest deal maker in the world has his work cut out for himself. Success will be when he has mass America convinced, they are the greatest nation in the world, while disentangling and removing the West’s Tentacles over world power, and reducing the economic output of this country to closer to the third world nation status. While still attempting to control the Western Hemisphere. Hence the talk about Canada, Greenland (minerals), Panama Canal, and Venezuela (oil). Then, the home of the Greed Model of Life will have nothing but itself to reflect upon and begin to wonder. I would say an auspicious time to provide service toward the Plan.

    I’m not saying this removal of USA hegemonic control is being conducted by all pure altruistic people. They too suffer from greed and still want to control their part of the world. They just see better profits elsewhere.

    And now is where the difference between a national government and a corporation for profit comes in. A little history about the word tyrant. Kings representing the government of the people were called tyrants by the oligarchs who just like today represented the corporate for-profit model people. They liked wars back then too. Through the machinations of economic daily living the people amassed much debt, because the design of the system could produce nothing other than that. So, to balance the books so to speak, the Kings would announce debt forgiveness to include giving back any confiscated land for non-payment to the people. The idea was the land belonged to the people of the land. The government of the land would manage it by parsing out plots to the people so they could grow their own crops, and have a place to live, and be available for wars and other national labor projects. Religious Jubilee years being of similar intent. Do know, that powerful kings who got the most back for the people, the most often, were very popular with the people and hated by the oligarchy. Dam those governments for the people. Let’s take them over and run them the way we want to. And Ceasar, you were getting just a little to popular with the people, and you know how we hate to share too much power and profit. 😊

    Even the money controllers of the world have a limit when it comes to war, not the carnage, rather the profit it costs. So, if they can obtain their end state for less, they will. Less wars? Okay. But needed wars are also still, okay. The USA as a host nation to this parasitic organism has not much more to give, so they are breaking up shop and moving on.

    You see, this current empire, is part of the ‘Paperclip” crowd, the same group who helped direct the cosmic evil entry here. You do have your ears on, yes? Genocide?

    Perhaps it may be for now those with strong first ray and even seventh, to see and feel the need to well, change up on subjective work, or I’m late to the game? I think the announcement time is coming to a close. The Plan is moving forward. Perhaps it is Plutonian energy we should be directing towards the blockage? Reception could be up to them. Be transformed for the good or become a toothless agency. I mean come on, produce some will-to-good already, or drop your wool and get off the stage. That three-lettered agency for the owners of the ‘East Indies Corporation’ beginning with the letter W, comes to mind. I firmly believe that good people do attend those meetings, hoping to make even a small change. Well, results never have and continue not to materialize, that is the great sounding projects do not. Window dressing at best, a token here a token there, yet all still for their profit. They become some of the best produced Hollywood Spectaculars, staring the Dark Face in its ‘we are here to help you’ costumes. Why don’t they happen? Because the proper power does not want them to happen.

    Oh, but the world is complex, and these issues did not happen overnight. We are really trying hard. See we meet every year. They would retort, and many would accept. I do not because of experience in the world of rather large government contracts with numerous American Multinational Corporations. I’m sure there are many more who could attest to the same. What the Corporate Government Partnership wants done. Gets done. Now. And without much resistance, usually. It always just takes the proper nod from the proper power.

    Now, for all the people who have been subjected to life after life of ingrained beliefs that express hatred and mistrust for others and vice versus and selfishness well below what the above is about, (and let us not forget to check ourselves also) these can be race, religion, class, or anything else the Dark Face has used their energy to instill the hatred and separation they need to ply their trade. I would see to them and for them, our fellow brothers and sisters is whom we should direct light love and power to. To instill right human relationships and true value.

    In the end isn’t it about value? How I value you, and you me? How I treat you and you treat me? From the individual, to group, to organization, to city, to nation. How should we define and measure this thing called value and exchange it has been one of humanities problem at the individual level up to the national level. How we value on the individual level fractals its energy upward through the various echelons.

    Perhaps different rays have different vision and different tasks. Yet still there are the fundamental service held in common. Let us not ever separate over the differences. If we can’t hold together, how so for the masses? All rays have different energy, yet they need to work in unity for the Plan doing their part.

    “The world is full of knowledge, which is in the last analysis sentient response to conditions which exist, by minds which are developing but are not fully developed.” EP1 page 107

    There are forests and there are trees. What should we observe?

    To every effect, there is a cause. Should we spend time supporting an effect while not knowing its cause and its purposeful intent?

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