21 Responses to Capricorn New Moon 2022: Capitalism has “Wrecked the World”. Bio-Medical-Media Tyranny & the Death of Democracy.

  1. anna says:

    Superb insights Phillip, you give me hope and practical ideas I can commit to. Am focused on doing what I can to maintain my vibration, freedom(s) where I can amongst many of who have succumbed. I really started to question if it was my believing in a conspiracy, and after reading this know I am not. Thank you. Anna – PS. Loved your Moon session with the Aquarian Wisdom.

  2. Lyn says:

    All we have to do is look at the toilet roll fiasco in 2020, when we were first faced with lockdowns. People grabbing every roll in the shop and to hell with anyone else. Humans can be money grabbing beasts at both ends of the scale.
    I keep reminding myself that none of these demons can touch the Soul. And that……’There is a place in the Soul where nothing has ever touched. It is always more than anything that ever happens to you.’ (Meister Eckhart)
    I also have to remember we are in the Kali Yuga and it was all predicted eons ago. It is part of the degeneration of a cycle. So what is next? What do we replace capitalism with? Humans are flawed.
    My old friends from UK uni days, all socialists, are watching with a smirk on their faces at the decline of capitalism.
    I have faith in karma and that light will always win. Here’s hoping.

  3. Heidi Kunkler says:

    Hello Phillip, I just read your synthetic reconstruction of what is happening since two years in this crazy world, and thank you for your clear openness.

    This morning, 1st of January, 2022 I woke up and was thinking about how the World would be, when on the top if each important government would sit a Master of Wisdom with some initiates.
    I am sure that great changes would happen very soon. Maybe some are already here, waiting for the right moment to act!? Any how, we have to go the middle way, without being influenced by vax or no-vax, ignoring as much as possible the impositions of the local government, and discerning on what is happening around us from a correct distance.

  4. Anne Wilson says:

    Thank you Phillip, an outstanding article with a collection of videos, references, books etc that bring together the ancient wisdoms, history, astrology and your intuitive insights through this current great reset. A great resource and wealth of both esoteric and academic information I can take forward as a ray 2 soul and also now Jupiter is in Pisces in 2022 to build with other souls on the Poeer of Light needed on earth at this time.

  5. Carol says:

    I am finally beginning to realize the truths you have been expressing. I have vaccinated and boosted as I tend to be a liberal and go along with the crowd to do the right thing. But I am listening to other wiser voices now… how to mend my mistakes about it now is my intent. Very aware we are in a war. A bit scared that I will give in and praying I will take the narrow road. Thank you for your fearlessness.

  6. CARL KALIN says:

    I am aligned with all the theory. The real hard question I believe is what to do about it in the world today? I can do my practices and meditations to work on the inner planes but what do in outer world affairs?
    Organize and resist seems to be the likely avenues open to a lesser and lesser extent. Hitler did not come down because of the resistance in occupied countries. Massive bombing and the Russian winter were key components, For Japan it took two atomic bombs. What will this take and how can I approach my role? Knowing how bad it is does help with motivation but not action. I am guessing I am not alone with this unanswered question and I also realize it is likely a different answer for every person. However, some guidance would be very useful Phillip in my case and perhaps others too?

    1. Hi Carl, the most obvious I think is to align oneself with like minded groups online and/or on the physical plane. If there is a ban on street marches in London for instance, how are they going to prevent 500,000 or a million from marching peacefully? Many of us feel powerless and impotent in the face of a daunting, dominating status quo – but they are powerless if enough people stand up together for their rights. Well, this is the short answer anyway!

      1. Marielle Jansen says:

        Just today it happened in Amsterdam The protest march had been forbidden, but people marched anyway. National radio said about ten thousand took part.

    2. Kay Hannan says:

      Kay Hannan here
      Hi Carl small community steps are vital. In Australia now groups of like minded people are gathering to support each other as many non-jabbed are out of work taken voluntarily, (but really I see this as a great sacrifice of principles regardless of the consequences for them, no job, no home or shelter, no food etc. little groups are forming in nearly every town in Australia, meeting every week to support and share practical steps for survival. This is growing as people find groups near them. Graham Hood (redundant airline Captain) initiated a Face Book page called Hoodies Helpers where people in dire circumstances post their story, as advice, and how to move forward. It is somewhat of a welfare group of support, but also take part in silent peaceful protest street marches in regular basis. Every state in Australia has a State group to write to. And Phillip suggests the aligning with like minded groups. Other countries are copying what Australia is doing now.

  7. Vicki L Naas says:

    Dear Philip,

    It is very fitting to receive your missive this New Year’s day of 2022. This essay, given adequate justice, could be a four-day seminar. Where to start?

    1. “Weaponizes kindness” is my favorite quote. Although, I had to look up the word “keelhauling”. What a ghastly practice and the visual image may never leave my mind.

    2. Further to your points regarding big business/big pharma and the charitable works that mask greed and untold misery to the common good: Due to the unfavorable litigation with Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family in their illegal promotion of opioids, that made them fabulously rich, many art institutions will remove the Sackler name from their endowments including the New York Museum of Art.

    3. Further, Bloomberg news reported that Warren Buffet, who gave his wealth to the Gates Foundation, would not interfere with the labor strike in one of the businesses he owns, despite Sen. Bernie Sanders request. Factory management, despite great profits, are depriving workers of adequate salary, healthcare and accrued vacation. Again, we have the sad example of oppressing workers to fill corporate coffers.

    4. The Agni Yora book “Supermundane”, published 1938, writes extensively about epidemics. Please recall that Helena Roerich was the amanuensis for the Master El Morya. The numerous passages place the cause of epidemics firmly at the feet of humans for the manner in which they pollute their hearts and minds with malice. At the start of the epidemic in 2020, I did on extract on all the AAB books and The Tibetan very much indicated the same root cause. Below are three quotes from “Supermundane”, page 327, but of course students can perform their own query at http://www.agniyoga.org to obtain a more thorough overview with context.

    “People search afar for the cause of epidemics, but they should look within the human organism.”

    “By their thoughts and actions people increase the intensity of the spatial reactions, but these, like a boomerang, strike back at them. Thus, a dangerous epidemic develops.”

    “Remember that this epidemic was foreseen long ago. When We spoke about Armageddon, We had in mind not only war, but all the devastating consequences of humanity’s confusion. But one should not fall into despair, for a depressed state opens the door to all that is poisonous. It is wise to know that Armageddon is accompanied by epidemics. We cannot limit our awareness to known forms of illnesses but must be ready to face the most complicated and unusual symptoms.”

    5. Most importantly, could you please comment/expound on the esoteric significance of the Venus retrograde in Capricorn that is occurring from 12/19/21 to 1/29/22. Kathy Newsome, Triangles/Lucis Trust, identified a period of spiritual opportunity when the mid-point occurs on January 8th as the Earth, Venus and the Sun all come into alignment, a 40-day and 40-night process, literally and symbolically. We know per the Tibetan’s teachings that Venus represents the alter ego of the Earth, or “the Soul” of Sanat Kumara. Very profoundly, Kathy likened the 40-day cycle to Christ’s sojourn in the wilderness when he contemplated His future destiny, the destiny of Humanity and was tested. This is a Capricorn conjunction.

    Here is my pressing question. I have long wondered why the Hierarchy chose a 100-year conclave to meet and decide the course of action for the forthcoming 100-year cycle, which as you point out, is to occur at the 2025 winter solstice. Due to this current Venus retrograde synod, I have been studying Arielle Guttman’s groundbreaking work on the “Venus Star Cycle” and its relation to the “Golden Mean” and its astrological significance for generational astrologers. She clearly states that “the average Venus Star Point” is about 100 years. Wow, what a statement. I suspected the White Brotherhood had to be observing some kind of cycle in convening their planning sessions, but what coincides with 100 years? Is the “Venus Star Cycle” the reason why the Hierarchy meets at 100-year intervals? If so, what are the ramifications for the Logos, the Hierarchy and Humanity?

    Thank you so much again, Phillip, for all your hard work and contributions to the Teachings.

    Good health and blessings,

    1. Thanks for your informative letter Vicki. I do not have time to address everything you mentioned and I am aware of the Venus cycle. The 100 year Council of Shamballa conclave has been going forever it seems, at least since 1425 is the earliest mention. I think it might be more related to a ray than a planet. DK discusses first ray cycles in TCF, of 10, 100, 1000 years. The first ray is of course the main energy of Shamballa.

  8. Tara Blasco says:

    Thanks Phillip for this newsletter. It is enlightening to read your perspective that I also share about the happenings of the day and what DK mentioned before. We are at a time where we need to awaken individually and as a group and reclaim our freedoms and right to think for ourselves. I agree being in connection with like minded people is very helpful and necessary in these trying times.

  9. Beverley says:

    I think it is likely some governments get caught up in the panic and think they are
    doing the right thing to protect people with vaccinations, mandates, etc. We need to
    attempt to reach them with logic and goodwill, and endow them with courage to
    think for themselves.

  10. Dorothy Roeder says:

    Great essay. This morning Dr mercola had a review of a book, United States of Fear,” by psychiatrist Mark McDonald. The author mentions he did not used. to believe in “dark forces” but now does. Little does he know that Master DK has talked about the Black Lodge on the cosmic astral plane who work to ensnare fear, greed and lust for power in their plans to foster separateness and to use the light of Humanity against the enlightenment of all of us. We must believe that Sanat Kumara, with our support will win the battle against them.

  11. Dorothy Roeder says:

    Actually I think it is not capitalism itself that is so bad, but rampant, uncontrolled capitalism. We won’t make progress without individual invention and entrepreneurs, but the very talented few must be willing to share their gifts freely with all, not use them to garner wealth and power for themselves.

  12. Shannan says:

    Thanks Phillip for your tireless research uncovering FACTS that disclose the silent war testing all aspirants and disciples at this time upon the kama-manasic plane. The test for some may require not less than everything.

  13. Marielle Jansen says:

    We really need to show that the Aquarian Conspiracy will be the cabal’s worst nightmare, because we are subjectively connected and the people who have their hearts open for their fellowmen are beginning to outnumber the ones who don’t.
    The very best tool we have is the energy of love, because this is, as Phillip pointed out, what ‘they’ sorely lack. The problem is that they don’t even know what they are missing. They are in fact the real deplorables, because they don’t know what love really is.
    So the questions we can ask anyone, without finger-pointing, are:

    – have you ever truly loved?
    – what do you love?
    – who do you love?

    The answer to these questions will be an indication of the level of soul awareness and the ‘secret code’ by way of which one qualifies or not as a ‘recruit’ in the Army of Love.
    There is no need to lavish love upon the worst offenders of right human relations, but we can make an effort to save some of the souls of those who don’t really know what they are doing. Love must be the cure against tyranny. We are born to be free.

  14. david says:

    Hi Phillip, thanks again for your article!

    According to my perception, what is happening in the world is the result of the entry of New Energies (7th Ray> Aquarius) into the system. It is destruction as well as construction that go parallel to the impact of the spirit descending on the opposite matter.

    Therefore, at present, an objective or planned dual attitude of confrontation (good versus evil) cannot be successful, because no one yet knows how to handle the immense power of the new energies on the objective plane.

    But if it can be successful, that while egoism reacts by destroying itself, the non-egoism or spiritual aspect reacts on the subjective plane, the level of the soul, with attention and love, building the future that it will later manifest.

    Remember that all forms of control or defense are in themselves self-destructive; they are the inability of matter to embrace the higher consciousness, the new incoming energy.

    It is the natural law of life, the old gives way to the new, but this does NOT mean that we should have a passive attitude, but rather do as Christ told us:

    “Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”

    Because in the harmlessness there is “the angel”, the builder, the possibility of including the wrong brother.

    Happy New Year!

  15. Lyn says:

    Excellent newsletter! There are some real heroes in the current war on humanity – Kennedy, Malone, McCullough, Mercola, Big Tree, etc. – but you bring something that’s missing in all of the above – the deeper, esoteric context in which everything is taking place. It won’t be appreciated by many (judging how hard it is for even long-time students of the Wisdom to see what’s happening) but you do have a small but very appreciative audience it seems – me included.

  16. Marielle Jansen says:

    I guess it is the impact of both the first and seventh ray that we are witnessing and that it is the sixth plane on which the current battle takes place. I happened to find the following, in which it is said that “the astral plane is not God-created, or divinely “inspired,” but is the product of human desire (…)”. We, humanity have to transform the astral plane according to God’s pattern and plan. DK tells us how to deal with this.

    Discipleship in the New Age II – Teachings on Initiation – Part VIII
    The Second Point of Revelation:
    The Will is an expression of the Law of Sacrifice.
    At the indicated second initiation he receives a quality of stimulation which enables him to “see” the astral plane as it essentially is; with this revelation comes also the recognition of the basic human necessity to “make it holy” or to “render whole” that which provides the most disturbing element in the existence of mankind. [377]
    […] Each human being has eventually to make his own definite decision anent the astral plane and his release from its control, and has then to follow (for several lives) a policy of non-association with its phenomena. But the initiate-disciple receives an unique revelation and an applied conditioning which enable him to recognize it as a man-created whole or world or state of consciousness (whichever term you may care to employ) and therefore as something which must be transformed. Two things consequently emerge in his consciousness:
    1. That the astral plane is not God-created, or divinely “inspired,” but is the product of human desire, evinced at the very dawn of human intelligence; this desire has built thought-forms which are in tune or allied to every phase of human desire from the lowest type of physical desire up to the spiritual aspiration of the man who is seeking liberation. What can the disciple, therefore, do to make the astral plane “holy” or “set apart” and segregated from the sum total which the Divine Thinker, Sanat Kumara, has created, and with which the desires of mankind – through the medium of the astral world – have, fortunately for the individual man, become entangled? At this point, he knows that he must, inevitably and eventually, contribute something. He realizes that he must intelligently work towards the separation of the astral plane from the six planes of divine creation. I would ask you to remember, brother of mine, that the star of creation is the six-pointed star and not a seven-pointed star.
    2. As the needed service which must be rendered takes possession of the heart and mind of the initiate, the method is simultaneously revealed to him. This method is the use of an “advancing point of light”; it is, however, a form of light which can only be implemented by the will; this will can only fully complete its task when all three [378] aspects of the will – as exemplified in the three points of the Spiritual Triad – have all been sequentially employed.
    You can see, therefore, how different is the revelation which comes to the initiate than are those which the average aspirant and disciple regard as astounding revelations. Their sense of values is in error. There is a group service quality to the revelation with which we are dealing, and also about these five stages of revelation, which is unknown until the antahkarana has been created, thus linking the Spiritual Triad and the Personality. The energy then to be used is entirely related to the Will aspect of divinity. This does not demonstrate as it does with average advanced humanity, as applied goodwill, but it expresses itself as a dynamic destructive spiritual Will; it adds its quota of destroying energy to the task of destruction with which the Hierarchy is confronted in connection with the astral plane.
    This Point of Revelation brings with it certain revelations of an unexpected nature and imparts to the initiate certain new and significant results which register as truths to the initiate-consciousness. He discovers that he must learn the divine nature of the destroying aspect of the Will; he learns that it is not related, when demonstrating as this particular aspect, to determination or fixed intention, but is a fluid energy which can be directed toward the plane of desire wherever and whenever contacted; he finds out also that, in order to combat this vast and vibrant astral world, an aspect of light must be employed, and that therefore he is being given his first opportunity to work with Light under the inspiration of the Will – as do all the Members of the Hierarchy; he realizes, consequently, that he must employ this aspect of light under the action – definitely directed – of the Will, in order to bring about the disappearance of that world as a sentient conscious entity; he knows that he must primarily destroy the astral phenomena for which he is creatively responsible, and that (having done this) he must demonstrate his complete freedom from the phenomenal contact of the astral plane at the second, the third and the fourth initiations. [379]
    This he must do through the “advancing light” of lower mental substance, and the activity of the buddhic level of activity; then to this he adds the destroying power of the atmic level of activity. He has to take note, in this process, of a certain level of responsibility. Thus he can finally destroy (with the means of the advancing light of the atmic plane) a certain proportion of astral substance for which he is not individually responsible but which is nevertheless related to the group or to the nation with which he is by birth or inclination affiliated. It is the united and synthetic use of the three triadal expressions of energy which makes the work of the world servers effective.

  17. I have always hoped that people would find the courage to accept their sovereignty and individual DNA awareness from the Creator. Perhaps realizing the power and possibilities, through love and responsibility for our thoughts and actions we would release the tether of victim hood that enslaves us to our darkness. I do hope the revealing of the light and truth that is unfolding will give courage to the ones who choose to live in fear. Thank you for your insightful article and thoughts.

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