Leo 2022: Honoré de Balzac. Leo, Sirius and Masonry. Leo Russia and Geneva. Venus in Leo.
Leo Keynote
“I am that and that am I.”
(Leo Full Moon Festival: Aug. 12, 2022. 01.36 UT.)
“The true Leo type must react in a new and unique manner to the proffered opportunity, and when I say type, I refer to those people whose sun is in Leo or who have Leo rising. The reason for this is that Leo is the polar opposite of Aquarius, and the interplay of energies between these two is far more potent than at any previous time in racial history.”1
Leo Sun or Rising
Leo Rising: Honoré de Balzac
Leo, Sirius and Masonry
Leo Personality of Russia
___Leo in Europe Synastry: Russia, France, London, Geneva
___Leo’s Geneva and Russia
Venus in Le0 and Sirius
Leo Meditation Meeting and Webinar
Leo Sun or Rising
“The true Leo type must react in a new and unique manner to the proffered opportunity, and when I say type, I refer to those people whose sun is in Leo or who have Leo rising.”2
Esoterically, the rising sign or ascendant represents the soul purpose. The exact moment when a baby takes its first breath, determines astronomically the zodiac sign on the eastern horizon. This is known as the “sun of possibility”, as opposed to the sun sign itself which is “the sun of probability”.
“Probability” refers to the fact that the sun sign in which a person chooses to disincarnate, becomes the sun sign of the next incarnation – where the thread of experience from one life to another is followed:
“The birth month indicates the day of opportunity. The door stands open. The particular month in which a soul comes into incarnation is indicated to that soul by the month in which it passed out of incarnation in a previous life cycle.
If it, for instance, died in the month governed by the sign Leo, it will return into incarnation in the same sign, picking up the thread of experience where it left it, and starting with the same type of energy and the peculiar equipment with which it passed away from earth life, plus the gain of thought and conscious onlooking.
The quality of the energy and the nature of the forces to be manipulated during life are indicated to the soul in this way.”3
The sun sign represents the three-fold personality – mental, emotional and physical bodies, each of which has a “permanent atom” associated with it. These atoms are like a hard disk that are the repositories of life experience in all incarnations.
When the soul reincarnates and starts to build the new bodies of the personality, it draws upon the memory patterns within the permanent atoms – to create the karmically correct vehicle to express itself through; this includes all strengths and the “weaknesses” or karmic impediments – individual, cultural and racial.
“The rising sign, embodying another type of energy, should wax in strength during the incarnation, for it indicates the nature of the soul force that the incarnated son of God is seeking to wield through the medium of a particular personality, possessing certain characteristics.”4
Leo Rising: Honoré de Balzac (20 May 1799 – 18 August 1850)
“When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.” (Balzac)
Balzac is not widely known to many English speaking countries, yet the consideration of his horoscope is enormously instructive in understanding some of the major principles of Esoteric Astrology.
“Honoré de Balzac was a French novelist and playwright. The novel sequence La Comédie humaine, which presents a panorama of post-Napoleonic French life, is generally viewed as his magnum opus.
Owing to his keen observation of detail and unfiltered representation of society, Balzac is regarded as one of the founders of realism in European literature. He is renowned for his multi-faceted characters; even his lesser characters are complex, morally ambiguous and fully human. Inanimate objects are imbued with character as well; the city of Paris, a backdrop for much of his writing, takes on many human qualities.
His writing influenced many famous writers, including the novelists Émile Zola, Charles Dickens, Marcel Proust, Gustave Flaubert, and Henry James, and filmmakers François Truffaut and Jacques Rivette. Many of Balzac’s works have been made into films and continue to inspire other writers.”5
Balzac had the sun (ruler of his Leo Ascendant) – in the last degree of earthy Taurus – conjunct the fixed star Alcyone:
“… the “star of the Individual” and sometimes the “star of intelligence” … The energies coming from Alcyone impregnated the substance of the universe with the quality of mind.”6
This “intelligence” theme is connected to the third ray of Active-Intelligence, the personality ray of France – and possibly in the ray structure of Balzac. His Taurus sun (“the mother of illumination”), which has many similarities to the third ray – is conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, the Mercurial sign associated with communications – both verbal and written.
Sun-Jupiter people are often “larger than life” characters, which can extend to the physical body. From his portraits, Balzac appears to have a Taurean corpulence augmented by Jupiter – with a broad Leonine chest! Esoterically however,
“When the Jupiter influence becomes strong and powerful in this sign [Gemini], it indicates the initiate and the rapidly attained “dualism in synthesis” of soul and spirit.”7
Even though the horoscope of a newly hatched chicken might have Jupiter in Gemini, this initiate status might be true of Balzac, as will be explored later – in Blavatsky’s reference to Balzac as an “unconscious occultist”. With the Moon in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, widely opposite his Jupiter in Gemini, the capacity for expanded thought and a “panoramic vision” is amplified considerably – through his prodigious output of plays and novels:
“By the time he died at the age of 51, he had produced more than a hundred novels and tales filled with his countless recurring characters. Only a fraction of his books are printed in English, where he is little read.”8
Balzac has been called “the Shakespeare of the novel”, his moon in Sagittarius had a voracious appetite for knowledge, devouring many books as a child:
“Balzac had difficulty adapting to the rote style of learning at the school. As a result, he was frequently sent to the “alcove”, a punishment cell reserved for disobedient students. (The janitor at the school, when asked later if he remembered Honoré, replied:
“Remember M. Balzac? I should think I do! I had the honour of escorting him to the dungeon more than a hundred times!”) Still, his time alone gave the boy ample freedom to read every book which came his way.”
Learning by rote is not they way of a fourth ray type (Harmony through Conflict, the ray of art and beauty), possibly Balzac’s personality or mental body ray. The “disobedience” or rebellion is most likely related to Uranus, the hierarchical ruler of Leo – whose prominence is discussed later:
“When Uranus controls, the Leo person is significantly the true observer, detached from the material side of life, but utilising it as he pleases. His spiritual consciousness is capable of great expression and he can be (as has oft been pointed out by astrologers) – both an electric, dynamic leader, a pioneer in new fields of endeavour and also a magnetic centre of a group whether the group is small, as in a home, or vast as in a nation.
… He is instantly aware, once he is spiritually awakened, of his motivating impulses, and this leads him to an imposed self-discipline—the thing the Leo subject sorely needs and which must always be self-imposed and self-applied for he brooks no disciplinary measures which others may seek to impose. Discipline imposed by people upon the Leo person leads invariably to revolt and rebellion and the expression of that which the discipline is intended to eradicate. Discipline imposed by himself leads to the perfection of which he is notably capable.”9
Indeed, Balzac’s self-discipline and work ethic was potent – most likely aided by a disciplinarian Saturn in Cancer, with Mercury in persevering Taurus:
“Balzac’s work habits were legendary. He wrote from 1 am to 8 am every morning and sometimes even longer. Balzac could write very rapidly; some of his novels, written with a quill, were composed at a pace equal to thirty words per minute on a modern typewriter.
His preferred method was to eat a light meal at five or six in the afternoon, then sleep until midnight. He then rose and wrote for many hours, fueled by innumerable cups of black coffee [and tobacco]. He often worked for fifteen hours or more at a stretch; he claimed to have once worked for 48 hours with only three hours of rest in the middle.”10
“Today, when everything is intellectual competition, a man must be capable of sitting in his chair at a desk for forty-eight hours straight just as a general had to sit for two days in his saddle on horseback.” ― Honoré de Balzac.
Balzac was driven and in some ways lived like a monk, once saying, “by turns a hermit and a vagrant”– but he managed to stay in tune with a social life that nourished his writing. The “vagrant” description refers to Balzac’s penchant for walking around Paris, observing human life:
“His mission was to observe humankind in its most representative state, frequently wandering through the streets incognito among the masses of Parisian society to undertake his research … [Balzac stated]: The streets of Paris possess human qualities and we cannot shake off the impressions they make upon our minds.”11
As the ruler of Balzac’s Sagittarius moon, the broad scope of Jupiter in Gemini is also reflected in the following:
“He devoured books of every kind, feeding indiscriminately on religious works, history and literature, philosophy and physics … he found indescribable delight in reading dictionaries for lack of other books … in 1832 Balzac conceived the idea for an enormous series of books that would paint a panoramic portrait of “all aspects of society”. The moment the idea came to him, Balzac raced to his sister’s apartment and proclaimed: “I am about to become a genius!”12
Sagittarian enthusiasm with a bit of Leo “humility”! It appears that Balzac might have been a frequently-inspired, super-intuitive who “channelled” a lot of his writing – which came in such a torrent, that he was forced to work feverishly to write it all down and organise into books.
This intuitive skill is reflected in his horoscope by Mercury on the midheaven (career as writer) – in Taurus, opposite mystical and imaginative Neptune in Scorpio, the esoteric ruler of Leo. Both Mercury and Neptune are the two major planets of intuition – or buddhi, direct knowledge, beyond the mind.
“Intuition, like the rays of the sun, acts only in an inflexibly straight line; it can guess right only on condition of never diverting its gaze; the freaks of chance disturb it.” — Honoré de Balzac.
Mercury in Taurus evokes Vulcan’s esoteric rulership of this sign, and perseveringly “hammers away” at refining details and revisions of his writings, as well as the production of his books. These descriptions all sound very Virgo – the sign for which both Mercury and Vulcan rule, or are associated.
If Balzac had been born 16 minutes later, he would have had Virgo rising, yet his recorded birth time is regarded as quite accurate (Rodden Rating AA); he was born in the post-Napoleon era, where Napoleon himself had decreed that birth times must be recorded – because he believed in astrology!
Perhaps these latter degrees of Leo rising, close to the cusp of Virgo allowed him to tap into “Virgo the wordsmith”. Yet Mercury in Taurus, the dispositor of his bountiful Jupiter in Gemini, was also adequate to the task. Uranus in Virgo however, was the main influence – as will be discussed later.
France is a fifth ray (science) soul (Paris is a Virgo soul) – the ray for which the Master Hilarion is the custodian or Chohan. Part of this Master’s work (somewhat paradoxically) is,
“… stimulating the intuitive perception of its people. He has under observation all those who are true psychics, and who develop their powers for the good of the community. He controls and transmutes the great active movements which endeavour to strip the veil from the world of the unseen.
He impresses the minds of those whose vision will justify His effort. And He has much to do with various psychical research movements throughout the world. With the aid of certain groups of angels, He works to open up the world of departed souls to the seeker, and much that has of late convinced the materialistic world of life beyond has emanated from Him.”13
Whether Balzac was a “channel” or an amanuensis, is unknown, but his horoscope bears the hallmarks. This is of interest with regard to the horoscope of William Shakespeare who was regarded as an amanuensis for Sir Francis Bacon, an incarnation of the Master Rakoczi – where in that lifetime he took the Arhat or 4th degree initiation.14
Shakespeare’s horoscope has several points in common with Balzac’s: Sun in Taurus, Mars and Saturn in Cancer, Pluto in Pisces. Shakespeare’s birth time is disputed hence his rising sign is uncertain. One proposed time gives Cancer rising, which would suit amanuensis skills, given that Neptune is the esoteric ruler. (The child prodigy Akiane is Cancer rising.) The occult writer – Alice A. Bailey was, like Balzac – Leo rising, served as an amanuensis for The Tibetan – she had Mercury in Cancer sextile intuitive Neptune, also Leo’s esoteric ruler.
In The Secret Doctrine, H. P. Blavatsky referred to Balzac as an “unconscious occultist”:
“As Balzac, the unconscious Occultist of French literature, says somewhere, the Number is to Mind the same as it is to matter: “an incomprehensible agent;” … It is instructive to quote Balzac’s words upon this subject:
“The smallest as the most immense creations, are they not to be distinguished from each other by their quantities, their qualities, their dimensions, their forces and attributes, all begotten by the NUMBER? The infinitude of the Numbers is a fact proven to our mind, but of which no proof can be physically given.
The mathematician will tell us that the infinitude of the numbers exists but is not to be demonstrated. God is a Number endowed with motion, which is felt but not demonstrated. As Unity, it begins the Numbers, with which it has nothing in common . . . The existence of the Number depends on Unity, which, without a single Number, begets them all. . . . .
What! unable either to measure the first abstraction yielded to you by the Deity, or to get hold of it, you still hope to subject to your measurements the mystery of the Secret Sciences which emanate from that Deity? . . . .
And what would you feel, were I to plunge you into the abysses of MOTION, the Force which organizes the Number? What would you think, were I to add that Motion and Number* are begotten by the WORD, the Supreme Reason of the Seers and Prophets, who, in days of old, sensed the mighty Breath of God, a witness to which is the Apocalypse?”15
The quote is profoundly esoteric and one wonders if it came from Balzac’s own reading and reflection, or from “on high” – as the “unconscious occultist”, or a bit of both. The presence of the third ray is again indicated,
“… the third and the fifth rays together make the truly great mathematician who soars into heights of abstract thought and calculation, and who can also bring his results down to practical scientific use.”16
Balzac was no mathematician, but the third ray was strong in him. Note that this ray combination in the passage above is that of France – a 5th ray soul, 3rd ray personality. But where is the “unconscious occultist” in the horoscope? The mystic can be seen with Mercury opposite Neptune, but occultism concerns Uranus – the Hierophant of the Mysteries.
“To live in the presence of great truths and eternal laws, to be led by permanent ideals – that is what keeps a man patient when the world ignores him, and calm and unspoiled when the world praises him.” Honoré de Balzac.
Esoteric Astrology suggests that the moon “veils” Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus, “depending upon the intuition of the astrologer”. Balzac’s moon squares Uranus – a strong case for the veiled planet. (Uranus, as discussed earlier, is also the hierarchical ruler of his Leo ascendant.)
Uranus, the planet of occultism, placed in Virgo. Uranus is also the ruler of the 7th ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic, a ray which also appears to be strong in Balzac’s ray structure. Hence, the remarkable Virgoan traits described in Balzac’s biography – and touched upon earlier, can only be derived from the position of Uranus in this sign:
“… keen observation of detail … extensive use of detail, especially the detail of objects, to illustrate the lives of his characters … the author firmly believes that details alone will henceforth determine the merit of works … Balzac revised obsessively, covering printer’s proofs with changes and additions to be reset. He sometimes repeated this process during the publication of a book … “Finished articles” were frequently revised between editions.”17
Through Balzac’s third ray influence, combined with Moon in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini – he was widely informed on many subjects, including exoteric sciences like physics or biology – and esoteric sciences:
“Balzac had an interest in the Austrian mystic and physician Franz Mesmer, who pioneered the study of animal magnetism. Balzac spoke often of a “nervous and fluid force” between individuals, and Raphaël de Valentin’s decline in La Peau de Chagrin, exemplifies the danger of withdrawing from other people’s company.”18
Balzac was a keen student of the Swedish mystic, scientist and all-round polymath, Emanuel Swedenborg. Balzac’s novel Séraphita aimed at recapitulating the essence of Swedenborg’s doctrine. Many other authors were also influenced by Aquarian Swedenborg: Blake, Coleridge, Carlyle, Doestoevsky, Emerson, Goethe.
It might be speculated that Balzac had the 5th ray of science in his make-up – but it seems unlikely for a literary type. However, as the 5th ray is one of two rays to pass through Leo, he could have easily invoked it, perhaps invoking even the soul ray of France:
“The scintillating and brilliant French intellect with its scientific bent is accounted for by the interplay of the third Ray of Active Intelligence with the fifth Ray of Scientific Understanding. Hence their amazing contribution to the knowledge and the thought of the world and their brilliant and colourful history.”19
In this respect, Balzac might be regarded a “typical” Frenchman, endowed with a scintillating intellect. The fifth ray expression might also have contributed to Balzac as a pioneer of “literary realism”:
“Zola indicated that whilst the Romantics saw the world through a colored lens [4th and 6th rays], the naturalist [5th ray] sees through a clear glass—precisely the sort of effect Balzac attempted to achieve in his works.”20
This “clear glass” clarity is the nature of discriminating Virgo and also Uranus – the planet of science. Balzac made a classic Uranus in Virgo statement – that, “like a scientist who categories different species, he wanted to categorise different human types in French society”. The organising of categories is 7th ray, augmented by the fact that Uranus is in the second Saturn-ruled decanate of Virgo.:
“The differences between a soldier, an artisan, a man of business, a lawyer, an idler, a student, a statesman, a merchant, a sailor, a poet, a beggar, a priest, are as great, though not so easy to define, as those between the wolf, the lion, the ass, the crow, the shark, the seal, the sheep, etc. Thus social species have always existed, and will always exist, just as there are zoological species.”21
In his book “Quest for the Absolute”, Balzac writes about a scientist who is in search of a particular particle that will explain everything, making somewhat alchemical experiments in his home. The book reviews the scientific developments of the 19th century, for which Balzac was quite sympathetic – following the discoveries of the leading scientists of his day:
“As we read the extraordinary writings of the mystics who studied the sciences in their relation to infinity, such as Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, and the works of the greatest authors on Natural History — Leibnitz, Buffon, Charles Bonnet, etc., we detect in the monads monads of Leibnitz, in the organic molecules of Buffon, in the vegetative force of Needham, in the correlation of similar organs of Charles Bonnet …
… we detect, I say, the rudiments of the great law of Self for Self, which lies at the root of Unity of Plan. There is but one Animal. The Creator works on a single model for every organized being.”22
St. Martin and his band of spiritual philosophers in France were a powerful expression of the sixth ray of devotion, particularly because they came forth during a lesser cycle of the 6th ray that coincided with the greater 6th ray cycle.23 The sixth ray passes through the sign of Virgo, the soul ruler of Paris, the city in which Balzac lived, loved and wrote.
“Man cannot spend all his time doing evil, and even in the company of pirates there must be some sweet moments on their sinister ship when you feel as if you were aboard a pleasure yacht.” (Honoré de Balzac, The Human Comedy: Selected Stories)
Balzac’s Scorpio Influence
Balzac concerned himself with the darker essence of human nature and the corrupting influence of middle and high societies. Here is the presence of his Earth in Scorpio, opposite his Taurus sun. Scorpio has the proclivity for “digging up dirt”, to examine the dark underbelly of society – through the rulership of Pluto, lord of the underworld.
The moon’s south node is also in Scorpio, as is visionary Neptune and Chiron – the wounded healer. Chiron is part of a grand trine in water with Venus-Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Pisces. Pluto is the esoteric ruler of Pisces and complements the Chiron in Scorpio position.
A water grand trine can be most prophetic, fellow Frenchman and physician – Michel Nostradamus, had a water grand trine that rendered him psychically sensitive to receive many prophecies expressed through his quatrains.
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Leo, Sirius and Masonry
A recent crop circle on July 24, displaying the Masonic square and compasses, evoked much interest and some controversy. This most well-known of Masonic symbols is traditionally symbolic of living a life that is “honest, true and dignified”.
Video here. Photos and video courtesy of CropCircleConnector.
But the square and compasses also represent the Divine Architect of the Universe, (the designer of crop circles), the Grand Geometrician, the new emerging paradigm of the Aquarian Age that is being planned and built.
Masonry has had much negative press in the past century, and not without good reason, due to its corruption and being an “old boys club” for doing business. But all that is changing, with women being admitted in some lodges – where the performance of ceremonial magic and ritual, essentially anchors spirit into matter.
Earthly Masonry is very ancient and is also a reflection of the Blue Lodge and its three degrees on Sirius – the “cosmic path” that the majority of souls on Earth will choose, once liberated. The new esoteric Masonry will be part of the restoration of the Mysteries during the Aquarian Age – and will be re-established to its rightful place, promoting the Brotherhood of Man. (“Brotherhood”, as in beyond gender!)
“Masonry—inadequate and corrupt as it has been and guilty of over-emphasising certain forms of symbols—is nevertheless a germ or seed of future hierarchical effort when that effort is—at some later date—externalised on Earth.
Masonry is governed by the seventh ray, and when certain important changes have been made and the spirit of Masonry is grasped instead of the letter, then we shall see a new form of hierarchical endeavour appear to aid in the restoration of the ancient and sacred Mysteries among men.”24
As many Wisdom students are aware, the “higher self” to our entire solar system is the fixed star Sirius. Hence, spiritual law on Sirius determines the Law throughout this solar system, on every planet:
“The energies coming from the sun, Sirius, are related to the love-wisdom aspect or to the attractive power of the solar Logos, to the soul of that Great Being. This cosmic soul energy is related to the Hierarchy.
You have been told that the great White Lodge on Sirius finds its reflection and a mode of spiritual service and outlet in the great White Lodge of our planet, the Hierarchy.”25
In other words, the Masters of Wisdom who constitute the guiding Hierarchy on this planet, are the custodians of the Sirian Law. The earthly laws formulated through Earth’s various religions and spiritual practices, attempt to follow the greater laws.
The word “lodge” is used in Masonry, meaning a formal council that meets within a consecrated space, the members of which hold certain offices, whether that be the “senior deacon”, the “venerable master” or “senior warden”. Within this structure, group ritual can be conducted which evokes spiritual forces that can be anchored and disseminated on Earth.

Masonic symbolism is profound, here the sun and Sirius are featured, plus the seven stars of the Pleaides or Great Bear constellations. There is even a “stairway to heaven” and a lot more besides.
As noted earlier, “Masonry is governed by the seventh ray” the new incoming ray that will parallel the unfoldment of the Aquarian cycle. The 7th ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic is of course most conducive to solemn ritual – Masonic work is truly an Aquarian expression of group co-operation – where everyone knows their place and particular task or service to the greater whole.
The solar system itself can be considered a “lodge” with the various planets as its “officers”, all working in concert with one another – emulating the greater Sirian law. In one sense there are several levels of “lodges” – the Sirian, our solar system, the Great White Brotherhood and the Earthly lodges of traditional and esoteric Masonry:
“The great White Lodge on Sirius is the spiritual prototype of the great White Lodge on Earth, of which modern Masonry is the distorted reflection, just as the personality is a distorted reflection of the soul.”26
Masonry is a huge subject and these vignettes do not do the Craft much justice. But for those who wish to explore further, there is plenty of material out there. See for instance, The Spirit of Masonry by Foster Bailey (Alice’s husband). In the approaching Aquarian cycle, the beauty of the new Masonry will emerge – it will be practiced esoterically and will even assume some of the Hierarchy’s tasks of taking candidates through the first initiation.
“The world religions (including Christianity) and Masonry are today before the judgment seat of humanity’s critical mind; the word has gone forth almost unanimously that both of them have failed in their divinely assigned tasks. It is realised everywhere that new life must be poured in.”27
The many initiation degrees of Masonry encompass the three degrees of the Sirian Blue Lodge and correspond to all the initiations associated with esotericism. Bear in mind that the process of initiation was brought in on this planet to speed up evolution, due to the “failure of the Moon Chain”.
The Ageless Wisdom and Masonry lay out all the stages of consciousness unfoldment, reflected by the achieved initiations – right up the Master of the 5th degree and beyond. On this eve of 2025, Humanity is going through a massive awakening process with many taking the first initiation, while smaller groups are taking the 2nd or 3rd degrees.
As most students are aware, during the annual interlude of Leo, the forces of the Great White Lodge on Sirius are highly concentrated:
“August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius.
Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple. Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force.”28

Grand gilt palaces in the Kremlin befitting of a Leo personality. Moscow has a Taurus soul and Aquarius personality.
Russia’s Leo Personality
The following passage was written in the mid-1940’s when Russia was the Soviet Union – emerging from its Stalinist rule; yet it gives valuable insights into the destiny of this nation and its personality challenges:
“Russia is as yet embryonic and her part lies more in the East than in the West, provided she follows the indicated lines. Her two ruling signs are Aquarius [soul] and Leo [personality] and her real function in the comity of nations lies far ahead when the Aquarian age is flourishing and the Leo control of the Russian personality has been offset.
The planets which primarily influence Russia are the Sun (2nd ray), Uranus (7th ray), Jupiter (2nd ray) and the Moon (4th ray). This makes a most interesting, a most humanitarian and — in the long run — a non-destructive combination.
At present, the intensely individualistic Leo force in its worst aspects is dominating, but this will not last as history will eventually prove. The noisy, cruel child can turn into a controlled humanitarian in adult life and the influences potent in the Russian horoscope indicate this.”29
Eighty years since this passage was written, the Leo personality still has some way to go for its integration. The “cruelty” in this passage refers to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and still later the Stalinist pogroms and mass starvation of the 1930’s. Today, pro-Ukrainians might argue that there is still cruelty present – yes, war is hell and vile, and cruelty is abundant within Ukraine too.
Observers argue that Russia has consistently demonstrated restraint and humanitarian values in this latest war – although 99% of the media take every opportunity to ignore these facts and spin the same coloured yarn in favour of Ukraine.
Lest the reader also need reminding, as detailed in recent newsletters, Russia was pushed into this war by NATO-USA-UK-Ukraine. Nor is the author a “Russian apologist” – the karma and blame for the pain and suffering inflicted upon Russians and Ukrainians, lies with these international perpetrators.
Since the Soviet Stalinist era there has probably been a shift from the “cruel child to a controlled humanitarian” – a passage that describes the Leo-Aquarius axis, Aquarius being the soul of Russia. That other Leonine characteristic of pride is certainly present within the national psyche, a not unhealthy attribute, given the sustained attack upon Russia by the West. Another passage written in the mid-1940’s follows:
“Russia must also learn to cooperate with other powers on an equal basis. Russia must not, with ambition and design, seek to sweep the small powers into her arena of activity against their wishes or through undue pressure and force. [Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova etc.]
Russia has still much to do for the immense territories [Ural, Siberia and Far Eastern] and their inhabitants which are already within her sphere of influence; the other nations must also work out their own destiny and must not be ruled perforce by Russia.
Above everything else, the problem before Russia is to give to the other nations of the world such an example of wise rule, free expression of individual purpose, and the use of an inclusive and sound education, that other nations will pattern themselves upon what Russia has demonstrated, yet will at the same time, preserve their own cultural approach, their own self-chosen form of government, and their own mode of expressing brotherhood.
Russia inherently stands for a new world consciousness, and through her means, a new planetary expression will gradually be wrought out in the fire of experiment and experience. That great nation (a synthesis of East and West) must learn to rule without cruelty, without infringing the free will of the individual and because she has complete confidence in the beneficence of the ideals which she is developing but which are not yet expressed.”30
The “free will of the individual” might take a while, with the censorship of free speech within Russia – from journalists to activists – as it treads the fine line of the propaganda battle between it, Ukraine and the world at large. However this is a moot point – as the world (East and West) has slipped in the past 2 ½ years, into the worst ever totalitarian censorship witnessed in history – on social media, television, internet and print media.

One of the many lions of St. Petersburg, this one with astrological symbols. “Walking in the city you can meet the images of lions almost everywhere: on the bridges, in facades of the houses and in the most of historical places.”
Often the excuse has been that it is for “our own protection against fake news”, basically anything that contradicts the mainstream narrative. (The author has covered this numerous times in newsletters for this period.) Hence, during this Leo full moon period of August 2022, Russia’s Leo personality will be stimulated – for better or worse.
Leo is a sign that has the first ray pouring through it – one of this ray’s negative attributes or glamours is cruelty. Leo can also be arrogant, condescending etc, but also very generous. The first ray is not given in Russia’s ray structure – as far as we know, but it is most likely the ray of its physical body, giving incredible endurance and persistence.
On the positive side, this Sirian full moon during Leo-Aquarius could impress the Planetary Plan more deeply upon Russia’s Leo personality by bringing about a greater alignment with its Aquarian soul. (Likewise other Leo nations in Europe as detailed in the next section.) Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and the seventh ray of Organisation, the soul ray of Russia – the only nation mentioned in the Alice Bailey books as having a 7th ray soul.
With the incoming seventh ray cycle waxing stronger, it is stimulating the 7th ray soul of Russia. This is highly significant because this 7th ray cycle began in 194531, the year WWII ended – and in which Russia played a large role with its invasion of Germany and ultimately the Fall of Berlin.
Today, Russia expressing the 7th ray has a considerable potential to re-order and re-organise itself – and indirectly or directly, the entire field of Europe. This process may have just begun.
Leo in Europe Synastry: Russia, France, London, Geneva
Similar to USA’s imperfect and immature Gemini personality (as with most nations) – through evolution, Russia will continue to refine its Leo personality – which has a vast interaction with other nations in Europe.
In this Aquarian Age emerging, the polar opposite sign Leo is prominent – Russia is an Aquarian soul with a Leo personality, two signs of the fixed cross of the soul. When the Sun (personality) is opposite the rising sign (soul), it marks a certain “consummation”:
“It would also be interesting to make an analysis of those particular incarnations and their horoscopes wherein the polar opposites both appear in relation to each other—one as the sun sign and the other as the ascendant, for these lives usually express some degree of either equilibrium or of consummation; they will not in any case be negative lives or lacking in direction, event or purpose. This is particularly the case upon the Fixed Cross of the Heavens.”32
The dynamic map above for relations between nations displays blue stars for the soul of a city or nation, red stars for the personality of a city or nation. Cities with Leo souls are London and Geneva, two of the five major planetary centres. Nations with Leo souls are Italy and Roumania. Cities with Leo personalities are Rome and Berlin. Nations with Leo personalities are France and Russia. (Note, Italy is a “double Leo”, which may explain its illustrious history!)
The lines joining these nations and cities are only displayed for the outer perimeter – to give an idea of how they encompass Europe. There could in fact be many lines drawn between the various Leo relationships, where those relations can be seen historically and currently: London and Russia. Berlin and Russia. Geneva and Russia. France and Russia. Italy and Berlin, Rome and Berlin. Italy and Geneva (Switzerland).

A very Leonine visage, Leo-nardo da Vinci: Sagittarius rising, in the first Leo decanate of that sign, who emerged from the Leo soul of Italy.
The Leo personalities of France, Rome and Berlin are entities that must eventually transcend the dominating Leonine sense of nationalistic pride and self-interest (even London with a Leo soul is culpable to Leo’s lower expression!) – seeking to invoke the Aquarian polarity of rightful sharing and distribution of resources. :
“There are two subsidiary yet potent keynotes of the Leo person [or entity] upon which I should touch at this point if the nature of the influences wielded by Leo are to be clearly perceived. These are the will-to-illumine, which constitutes the driving urge towards self-knowledge, self-perception and intellectual positivity, and also the will-to-rule and to dominate, which is of such a controlling nature in this sign and such a subtle potency in the Leo type.
It is this will-to-rule which leads a person born in this sign eventually to achieve self-mastery and the control of the personality (for either a good motive or a selfish one), and it is also the same tendency which leads him finally to the control by the personality, ruled by Leo, of groups and large or small bodies of people.
This—at an advanced stage—is an expression of the fusion of Leo energy and Aquarian potency. It is inevitable in the long run for men and races; for this, all experience in Leo is preparatory. The will-to-illumine is that which drives all Leo people on to experiment and so to gain knowledge.”33
Note that the phrase “intellectual positivity” – concerns what DK describes elsewhere as the “scintillating and brilliant French intellect, with its scientific bent”34.
France’s soul is on the 5th ray of science with a 3rd ray of active-intelligence personality. The 5th ray’s expression is further enhanced as one of the rays that passes through the 5th sign Leo – France’s personality. Entities with a Leo soul include Brazil, Italy, Roumania, Geneva and London.
As London (throat centre) is one of the 5 major planetary inlets, its Leonine, “rule Britannia” influence has ruled the world mentally. Fiery Leo, the 5th sign of manas in this Fifth Rootrace – Britain is the 5th (Anglo-Saxon) branchrace of the 5th subrace, of the 5th Rootrace – or 5.5.5. With Libra as London’s personality, the phrase, “Rule (Leo) of Law (Libra) is most appropriate!
At its most basic level, Leo rules gold and glitter, hence it is no surprise that many Russian billionaire oligarchs have been attracted to, and invested in this city. The attraction also links the seventh ray soul of Russia with the seventh ray personality of London. The seventh ray of Ceremonial Order is also related to the management of money or finance – and this is why London is the global financial capital. (On this latter note, the Bank of England has just announced hikes in interest rates and warns that UK will soon enter a recession with inflation to pass 13%!)
Geneva and Russia
Leo rules Geneva’s soul and Russia’s personality, hence a connection and rapport between them. Geneva is the planetary heart centre, aided greatly by a 2nd ray Love-Wisdom personality and Leo the lion-heart ruling.
Geneva is geographically at “the heart of Europe”; it is linked to the Planetary Hierarchy who work through 2nd ray soul Darjeeling, in Northern India. Note how broadly Geneva’s jurisdiction extends to Europe and all of Russia in the mini-maps below:
“1. London For the British Empire.
2. New York For the Western Hemisphere.
3. Geneva For Europe, including the U.S.S.R. [Russia]
4. Tokyo For the Far East.
5. Darjeeling For India and the greater part of Asia.”35
The United Nations has its main bases in two planetary centres, New York City and Geneva – and of course this was no accident, divinely guided. In its ongoing growth and maturation, the UN has become co-opted and corrupted in recent decades – in its European base, through undue influence from other entities such the European Commission (EC), the European Union in Brussels, various individuals, lobby groups and business. (See, The United Nations: A Bastion of Corruption and Scandals)
Hence Geneva’s influence within its spiritual jurisdiction that extends to Russia, has been hampered by European politics – plus a huge bias within the United Nations against Russia – that reflects the current global narrative and media propaganda.
Ironically, the current UN director-general in Geneva is a Russian woman, Tatiana Valovaya – who has yet to comment openly on the war, although as some observers also note, she cannot be expected to do so.
Russia’s keynote is notable in this context: “I link two ways”. It is critical to recognise Russia as a major contributor to the success of an integrated Europe – and its role in the bridging of East and West. Russia is an Aquarian soul with a sixth ray personality – the same combination as the USA; its destiny is to co-operate with the USA and Britain as an esoteric triangle that will usher in the Age of Aquarius.
The impediments existing in this triangle are now climaxing with the current conflict in Ukraine. This impasse provides a clear vision of how the Materialistic Forces are thwarting the Hierarchical Plan by preventing the co-operation of nations – as the Hierarchy’s imminent centennial conclave draws near in 2025; in that year, Hierarchy will determine the date of Their Externalisation amongst Humanity once more.
History repeats itself – a similar situation to this era of 2025 occurred at the last centennial conclave in 1925, when the forces that created WWI were reorganising themselves for the next showdown in WWII – esoterically both wars are viewed as one.
A similar expansion of totalitarian attitudes is now being emulated in the 2020’s by various entities like NATO and Western nations led by the USA – as they seek to impose their will upon Russia at the long term expense of Ukraine. All of these actions have been incredibly damaging to Europe and the world – and may take decades to heal.
China is another problem in the East – regarding Taiwan, but diplomacy rather than naked provocation is surely a better route. China’s ambitions must be kept in check by the rest of the world, but the current posturing by Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan may be reckless, like holding a red rag to a bull! (China is a Taurus soul.) The US-Taiwan issue may also be trying to create a distraction from the disaster of Ukraine – with Russia having the upper hand in the that conflict.
Geneva and Darjeeling
“Geneva and Darjeeling are two centres through which pure spiritual energy can be directed with more facility than through the other three; they, therefore, constitute the higher points of their respective triangles. They are also more subjective in their influence than are London, New York or Tokyo. Together they form the five centres of “impelling energy” today.”36
Darjeeling is the planetary outpost through which the Masters of Wisdom work, from their nearby abodes in the Himalayas and Central Asia. As such, Darjeeling is regarded as the head centre (crown chakra) of the five planetary centres.
With its close relationship to Darjeeling and its capacity “through which pure spiritual energy can be directed”, Geneva’s role in stimulating Europe – especially Russia during the Leo full moon festival, is magnified considerably. The first ray energy that comes through Darjeeling and Geneva – in as sense, “lays down the law”.
Venus in Leo and Sirius
In humanistic or psychological astrology, Venus in Leo is a magnetic, charismatic position that I refer to as the “movie star” – e.g. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman have this position).
Esoterically however, Venus in Leo links to the mighty sun, Sirius. Venus is regarded as the “higher self” or “alter ego” to Earth and is one of the planets that transmits energies from Sirius – a star that is in turn, the “higher self” to this solar system as a whole.
Venus >>> Earth
Sirius >>> Our solar system (Sol)
Venus rules the fifth ray of knowledge/science, one of the two rays that find expression through Leo, the fifth sign. The number 5 represents manas or mind – and Sirius finds one of its strongest expressions through Leo – a spiritual festival that will be dedicated to the invocation of Sirian forces in the Aquarian Age. This is in fact, already occuring now.
From the number 5 is derived Leo’s great power as a ruler, a sovereign of its domain, yet magnanimous Leo is also associated with the heart – Leo the Lionheart. Leo expresses therefore, the two inextricably entwined paths of love and mind, heart and head.
Venus is also known as the planet of love and relationships, through its skill at reconciling opposites and the creation of harmony and beauty upon the mental plane, filtering down eventually to the astral plane – where “love” and sex are more easily sensed for Humanity as a whole.
Both Sirius and Venus were responsible for the awakening of consciousness in the hitherto “animal humanity” in ancient Lemuria, 21.6 million years ago:37
“The sun “Sirius” is the source of logoic manas … and Venus was responsible for the coming in of mind in the Earth chain. Each was primary to the other, or was the agent which produced the first flicker of consciousness in the particular [soul] groups involved.”38
What Sirius represents as “cosmic manas” or mind, reaches this solar system as Love-Wisdom – we inhabit a “second ray” (love-wisdom) system – in this particular cycle. At this Leo full moon on Aug.12, 2022, Venus is in the first degree of Leo, whose Sabian Symbol is, “Under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man’s head.”
Hence, for the next few weeks (Aug.12 – Sept. 5), transiting Venus in Leo has the capacity to unify the love/mind principles – “thinking in the heart”; the potential to invoke realisation of the Sirian principles of freedom and liberation – so desperately needed in this current cycle.
Phillip Lindsay © 2022.
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.285. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.285. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.436. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.436. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.200. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.200. [↩]
- Astrodatabank.com [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.309. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.506. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.58. Masters of the Seven Rays: Their Past Lives and Reappearance, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine I, H. P. Blavatsky. p.66. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.205. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Destiny of the Races and Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.51. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- de Balzac, Honoré. Honore de Balzac: the Complete Human Comedy (p. 10). CDED. Kindle Edition. [↩]
- de Balzac, Honoré. Honore de Balzac: the Complete Human Comedy (p. 10). CDED. Kindle Edition. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.165. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology. Alice A. Bailey. p.446. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology. Alice A. Bailey. p.416. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology. Alice A. Bailey. p.349. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.124. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology. Alice A. Bailey. p.299. [↩]
- Destiny of the Races and Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.85. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.23. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.730. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.183. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.289. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.383. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.92. [↩]
- Destiny of the Races and Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.93. [↩]
- See author’s video, The Hidden History of Humanity on YouTube – and the companion book: Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.347. [↩]
I appreciate you and your work.
Always interested in your work
You wrote, “The 7th ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic is of course most conducive to solemn ritual”. DK describes how our planetary Logos expresses his existence through constant ritual involving light and sound. One can imagine the potency of “solemn ritual” if we are reflecting the planetary Logos as He wields 7th Ray energy. Perhaps it is for these reasons that the Agni Yoga books include so many references to the attitude of solemnity. Two quotes follow:
“Solemnity should be strengthened by the concept of Brotherhood. It ought not to remain an empty sound. To affirm solemnity means to sing hymns to the rising sun. It must be realized what purification is vouchsafed at being filled with health – giving solemnity. “[Brotherhood Pg. 115]
Urusvati maintains solemnity even in moments of danger. Few can appreciate the power of this shield. Amidst stormy currents the rock of solemnity holds firm. With it, man can draw upon any force within himself and forge from it an invincible armor. People should realize that solemnity is the best bridge to Us. Our help reaches them most easily through the channel of solemnity. [Supermundane Pg. 129]
Finally, you mention the 2025 conclave, an event for which we are all preparing in our meditations. Have you ever thought about doing a horoscope for the centennial conference, the date being fixed at the December solstice? Even if it just an imaginative exercise, I think all of your students would be fascinated. Only an esoteric astrologer could approach the task, so I think it must be you. Thank you.
good points Vicki, I think the most appropriate chart would be Wesak 2025 when there is an alignment between Sanat Kumara, Christ and the Buddha in a transmitting triangle.
Hello Phillip, a pleasure to read you and to be able to answer you, we share very similar knowledge as well as the effort to make them close.
The theme of the Crop Circle is incredible…, just observing its beauty one is amazed.
I comment a bit on Leo-Balzac-Russia with the intention of enriching.
The Soul requires that every subject with a Leo ascendant experience “the light of knowledge” (Taurus) as their higher reality (10th house).
This experience on the objective plane of “that light” gives the Leo subject the power of self-affirmation, from the inside out, thus perceiving on the outside a greater conscious reality of ” that light” or knowledge of himself.
Because of the immense power that the 10th house of Balzac has, it seems clear that the writer was France’s inherited powerful talent, a great light, a deep knowledge. His Mercury/North Node opposition Neptune/South Node, both angular, suggests so.
On the other hand, it is very important to note that Leo’s esoteric ruler, the Sun, agrees with Taurus. This powerful Sun (in this case purified personality) surely veils the meanings of Neptune, but also the inspiration of Uranus and governs and/or suffers the regenerative experience that Pluto promises in the 7th house.
For me both Uranus and Pluto (ruled hierarchically and exoterically by Jupiter) are his “leonine walks” through his beloved Paris, here Jupiter, through its ruling power, organized, or rather unified, the discoveries and dualities involved in his experiences.
I have not studied Balzac’s biography, but in their overflowing, passionate and creative attitudes I detect the presence of the 4th Ray, powerfully reflected in Taurus/Scorpio. I’m not saying it’s his soul ray, but maybe it’s his personality.
On the other hand it is clear that if we think of Aquarius as the path of the Soul for Russia, it seems clear that its powerful self-affirmation, (Leo ruler of its personality), uses the environment selfishly, to impose itself, to demonstrate an “I am” . But the superior quality of Leo knows that “I am” is meaningless without “you are” and this is not Russia’s current attitude.
Russia should let its neighboring countries approach it because of the “unifying magic” (7ºR-Aquarius) of its proposal, because of the radiant power of its internal organization, and not because of its warlike self-affirmation projected towards external forms, (Leo -6ºR – personality).
But as Phillip said in one of his answers: “the irony with Russia and USA is that even though they are part of the troika (with UK) of the Aquarian Age (both Aquarian souls) they also carry the baggage of the Piscean Age with their sixth ray personalities”.
And I add: perhaps it is for this last reason that they are Aquarian Souls, right?
Thanks for sharing
Yes, perhaps Balzac was like a prowling lion observing his Parisian jungle! I disagree about Russia, I think it has been incredibly restrained. Already neighbouring countries are “approaching” it via an economic avenue which was created by Western sanctions that totally backfired. Not ideal, but that is happening. Perhaps there needs to be a financial “reset” for better relations between these nations and that is already happening in several ways: Through these sanctions, but also imposed by the WEF, banks and various bodies. It appears Russia wants to stand outside all of that and foster its Leonine independence. Thanks as always for your great commentaries David!
Hello Phillip forgive my vehemence but there is “something” that I want to express …,
What use has his enormous sacrifice served Russia?…, wars, hunger and death …, you can tell me that it has served to destroy Nazism or to implant the ideal of Communism and I will say, it is true…, but, what is the point of continuing to destroy? …., what has happened to the Light of Gorbachev? …, because confrontation with the USA seems to be the only way? …, where is the Russian Soul? …, where are the initiatives with their own light? …, there is no intelligence to propose without antagonizing? .., isn’t it better to lead by example? …, and after so much death …., they still don’t know how?
Esoterically, it is true that Shamballa at the moment only can works through the destructive aspect of Pluto, and truly God’s patience, the Solar Logos, has no limits .., but as the Christ told us, “God lives in your heart”…, and I sincerely do not believe that in the heart of Russia there is a God who desires so much death and destruction!
It is the obligation (and here we place all countries) of every president of a nation to watch over Life and not death.
What hurts me the most about this confrontation that Russia and Ukraine now suffer so much is that there can be no deserters, you are forced to fight for “something” that is not really in the Heart of Humanity.
Arjuna fought against evil, but are we really to think that the West is evil? …., No, just like the East is not!
Thank you
it appears from your comments that you have paid no attention to the fact that the West started this war, it loaded the gun and Russia was forced to pull the trigger. I wonder if you have been following my newsletter commentaries this year – or reading/watching the many links I have supplied, when you make remarks like this, because they appear to ignore the causes that I have been at pains to iterate and reiterate.
In many ways Russia is fighting for its soul, for its autonomy, redressing the crimes against it for the past 8 years in the Donbass. This is what I mean by the restrained actions of Russia, and now they are committed to completing the task it set out to do. Yes there is much suffering and this is heartbreaking for everyone, but the purpose of NATO and Western aspirations for dominance are what many people would call evil.
If you cannot see this then you may have been duped by the propaganda war that plays on sentimentality and emotion, placing Ukraine as the underdog. This, 99% of the world media are all completely on board, on the same page, making a seamless segway from coronavirus propaganda to Ukraine.
Doesn’t that strike you as strange – that the global narrative decided that Russia is evil and all the other nations are not? This is an attempt to keep alive a decrepit old thoughtform of the evil Soviet empire from the cold war of last century. Again, I wonder if you and other readers of my newsletters have even bothered to read and reflect upon them or skipped over them because “politics is boring” or “not spiritual”?
I encourage anyone who wants to catch up with my commentaries to go to this special link on Russia-Ukraine: https://esotericastrologer.org/esoteric-astrology/esoteric-astrology-general/#russ – that covers these following topics:
The Crisis of Ukraine and Russia 2022
___High Hypocrisy and Historical Amnesia
___Vladimir Putin: A Disciple of Shamballa?
___The Problem of NATO and the USA
___Maidan Uprising or Euromaidan 2014
___Ukraine Civil War
___Nord Stream Gas Pipelines
___Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Ukraine President
___USA’s Transits and the Sixth Ray
___Bioweapons Labs
___Ukraine’s Transits and Progressions
___“No Nuclear War Allowed” …
___Born in Ukraine: Helena P. Blavatsky & Russia
Prof. John J. Mearsheimer on Ukraine (July 2022)
Of course, Phillip, I am informed of all (or almost all) the most specific details of the conflict, such as:
The nefarious actions of NATO, the promises that NATO made to Gorbachev; the link that the independent Ukrainians had with the Nazis; the territorial conflict of the Dombas and the island of Crimea; the economic pressures that Russia suffers; the political conflict of the Maidan and also that of Belarus with Lukachenco; your writings, (not all); Chomsky’s invaluable views on the conflict; the opinions of different pro-Russian or pro-American politicians; my own (internal) sources of information and my own view of the conflict, horoscopes involved; the valuable comments and reflections that DK dedicates to the nations…,
My comment was intended to be a call to the Heart, to Unity, to the fact that it is difficult for me to understand that the only solution is confrontation, although perhaps it was not understood, my language is not English, I use the translator… , and such an abstract comment is very likely to have been “distorted” by the words and syntax used by the translator.
For me, the reason for what is happening in Ukraine is not on either side, we live in a duality that must be unified.
I think that the solution should be simple, a pact between brothers and neighbors, which is what Russia and Ukraine really are; a pact where the West, led by the USA, should second from diplomacy and goodwill.
But of course, with the USA (and part of Europe) supporting Ukraine with weapons and a Russia so resentful of the West, it is difficult to achieve it.
Thank you
Yes agreed David. Given the West’s total intransigence currently, it may well be Russia that brings UK and USA into a triangular alignment.
Is it possible that Balzac was a senior disciple. Is there any evidence that he may have taken an initiation? It has been occurring to me as of late that I seem to have in some ways an unusually strong attraction to Leo and that it may stem from my Aquarius rising. I do have Pluto and Mars in Leo but the two are not close to each other and do not form any major aspects. As an usual your newsletter is very informative and stretches my understanding.
“Don’t be anti-war, but pro right human relations”. Not a quotation letter by letter, but the gist of a valuable lesson I try to aspire towards. My interpretation of the new “multi polar world”, of BRICS (now expanding) of which Russia is a important part of, is that it seems that instead of fighting the US hegemony head on – they try to build a new vortex of economical energy. And it is attracting new members fast. We’ll see in the coming 25 years how this will have played out.
Thank you, Phillip this was great!
Funny how that mansonry crop cyrcle also reminded me of Ashtar’s symbol.