Libra 2020: Equinox. Decision. Arjuna. Glamour. Bezos & Billionaires. Berlin – RFK. Child Sex Laws. USA Fires. Kamala Harris.
Libra Keynote
“I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
(Full Moon: October 1, 2020. 21:05 pm. UT.)
The Libra Equinox
The Libran Decision
Arjuna’s Decision on the Battlefield
The Glamour of Fear and Coronavirus
Libra, Money and Billionaires: The New Nazis?
___Jeff Bezos and Amazon
___ The Shadow of Capricorn: Fascism
Berlin Demo’s: Reclaiming Sovereignty
___ Robert F. Kennedy Jnr.
Venus in Leo: Invoking Sirius, Liberation
Libra and Child Sex Legislation
___John Paul Rice
USA’s Fiery Ordeal: Retrograde Mars in Aries
___Libran Kamala Harris: VP Nominee
The Eternal Now
that central point
where the scales
cease their oscillation
when past and future
and only NOW remains
poised upon the precipice
of the Infinite …
The Libra equinox – equal night and day – where an interlude intervenes, as the passage of the sun along the Earth’s ecliptic – crosses the celestial equator, announcing the autumn or spring equinox, depending upon the hemisphere in which you reside.
The Libra equinox (Sept.22), is symbolic of Libra in general, its horoscope sets the tone for the next quarter of the year. It is one of the cardinal points that builds the four-square foundation of the annual cycle: Aries-Libra, Cancer-Capricorn.
Libra is the balance between seasons, night and day, or head and heart. Libra is fairness, justice and right relationships – seeking through its ruler Venus to unite the pairs of opposites, creating beauty and harmony.
Libra has been called the sign of “No-mans-land” – that neutral space between the warring opposites – where linear, illusory time is transcended, revealing the Eternal Now. Where the scales are balanced and poised to a point – where decision can be reached – using the judicial mind.
Through its esoteric ruler Uranus, Libra presides over relationships between groups, bringing like-minded collectives together in mutual co-operation. Libra precedes Aquarius, ruled by Uranus exoterically, furthering the shared goals of group work and community – particularly groups of nations. The airy trigon of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius represent the three main zodiac signs of relationships:
– Gemini – general relationships – identifying the common thread between all.
– Libra – personal, intimate relationships.
– Aquarius – group relationships.
On the diagram of the celestial sphere, the ecliptic represents time – its invisible circle describes the year it takes for the Earth to move around the Sun. The equator represents space – the division that is made between hemispheres, and extends out to the celestial equator.
Hence, the intersection between these two circles – the equinoxes and solstices, represent where space and time meet, yet the possibility that the illusion of space-time can be transcended; these four points represent doorways where alignment can take place with the inner, timeless realms of the soul.
Saturn is the Lord of Time and is exalted in Libra, measuring out the cycles of an incarnation; it has a profound relation to the cardinal cross – exalted in Libra, falling in Aries, detriment in Cancer and dignified in Capricorn.
The Libran Decision
Libra is a sign that witnesses the consequences of actions or ideas initiated in the opposite sign Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Hence, Libra is a sign of karma whose lord – Saturn, is exalted in this sign.
Saturn and Libra are both “mentally” oriented – Saturn rules the throat centre, seat of the mental body and also rules the third ray of active intelligence, the only ray to pass through this sign. Libra is a “mental” air sign ruled by Venus, the ruler of the fifth ray of knowledge or science. Uranus is Libra’s esoteric ruler, regarded as a planet of “science”:

Uranus and its very eccentric ellipsis. Likewise, Uranian people can be eccentric!
“Uranus, the occult planet, stands for exoteric science which penetrates into the hidden side of form life, and thus we have the period wherein man is not alert enough or conscious enough to seize upon opportunity and turn it to esoteric or soul ends, but can identify himself with the more advanced aspects of form.”1
Hence, every year during the cycle of the sun passing through Libra, the consequences or karma of what began in Aries (March-April) – find their realisation or understanding in Libra, individually, collectively and globally. Some idea initiated as part of your “new year’s resolution” will come up for review, in terms of how that idea is still precipitating or fully manifested. How strong was your resolve or “follow through” in realising that idea’s goal? Libra is a sign where the idea can come to fruition because it is a sign of practical manifestation:
“… three of these rays definitely predispose the Libran subject to concrete understanding, to intelligent will and to knowledge: the first ray … the fifth ray and the third ray. Hence the effectiveness of Libra upon the physical plane and the power of the developed Libran to project the inner spiritual purpose or intended will into physical expression. An instance of a person, equipped to do this, can be seen in H. P. Blavatsky.”2
HPB had the moon and Venus in Libra, the latter planet ruling the fifth ray. She had the task of bringing highly abstract spiritual, philosophical concepts down to the physical plane – through her voluminous writings and books such as The Secret Doctrine.
Back in March-April 2020, the Covid-19 “pandemic” gathered greater momentum, though the panicked responses of governments – goaded and bullied by “authoritative bodies”, health “experts” and a robotic media relentlessly cranking out meaningless or misleading statistics.
The world has witnessed repressive lockdown measures that have gone far beyond what has been needed – to which thousands of medical doctors and scientists attest – most of whom are ignored or marginalised, as documented in previous newsletters.
It is during this month of Libra that a review of the “ideas” (or propaganda), initiated in the March/Aries period have borne good or bad fruit. Today the entire planet is in complete disarray, disagreement and divisiveness over Coronavirus – this “mutant harvest” speaks for itself.
Now, a “Libran Decision” must be made by governing bodies, groups and individuals as to what course of action to embark upon: To follow blindly the advice of whatever authority they answer to – which, for millions has not been working for the past six months.
Or, to exercise a greater capacity for critical thinking (Saturn, Venus), to perceive what is actually occurring now; i.e. It is no longer about the virus (some say it never was) – but the politics of control, fascist tendencies, forced regimentation of entire populations, wilful destruction of businesses and the economic life of millions, if not billions.
Saturn rules Capricorn which traditionally represents the state, government, the status quo. Saturn at this level is about letting the state think for you and allow its authority to guide or dictate. A large proportion of “ordinary humanity” cannot think critically and need this kind of guidance. But there is a very large proportion of humanity who have the capacity to critically think. Saturn at the personal level is about independent thinking, disciplined research and a careful weighing of the scales (the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane) – using the judicial mind:
“… it is in Libra that the balancing of the pairs of opposites must take place and reach solution through the activity of the judicial mind and the establishing of a point of equilibrium between the male and the female principles. This … is the problem existing basically between the Sheep and the Goats, between negative and positive, and between those who blindly follow either instinct or custom and those who climb freely where they choose and are self-directed in conduct and attitude.
This self-direction may lead them in either direction upon the wheel of life, following either selfish desire or spiritual aspiration, but the point to have in mind is that, judicially and with intent and after due reflection and balancing of the various ways, they then do as they will and as seems to them right and desirable. This is of itself of a basic usefulness and thereby they learn; for all action produces results and the judicial mind weighs cause and effect more correctly than any other.”3
Indeed, are you climbing freely or following the herd? Through Libra’s esoteric ruler Uranus, one can experiment and experience, make a decision and reap the outcome. The sheep and goats represent two points of the four-armed cardinal cross: Aries (sheep) and Capricorn (goats) – Libra is the middle sign between them – on the reversed zodiacal wheel. Libra is the middle way – “I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
In this extraordinary world period, transiting Mars is passing through Aries (see later section) the god of war invoking its polar opposite – Libra the Peacemaker. Humanity as a whole is being tested and tried in the fiery crucible – the “burning ground” of the mental plane, to find their way out of the fogs of confusion and chaos upon the astral plane.
Some kind of decision may be forced during this Libra period, where populations refuse to submit to dictatorial controls, exercise greater civil disobedience or participate in mass demonstrations. Transiting Mars in Aries could see violent outcomes, particularly as it makes various squares to the planets transiting through Capricorn – Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter.

“I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.” Electric field lines of two opposing charges separated by a finite distance. Everything is electrical in nature.
The next three months will be absolutely critical for those who choose to be sheep, or to “climb freely” as goats. This might be of particular relevance to Australia – a Capricorn personality, that is experiencing the worst aspects of Capricorn/Saturn repression, through its panicked response to coronavirus measures.
Capricorn is most susceptible to obedience and authority, to obey the law and do what you are told. These are of course, needed qualities for maintaining law and order and a civil, peaceful society.
But what has happened in Australia’s case particularly, though also in many other nations now – it has been conned and brow-beaten by the “authority” of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and its directives to Australian government and some states in particular like Victoria and its premier “chairman Dan”. Here we are witnessing part of a mass, Neptune-driven cloud of glamour enveloping the entire planet, like a kool-aid laden chem trail!
The glamour of fear (the real virus) has taken over national and state leaders – more than any other nation in the world, perhaps with the exception of China. This has resulted in the most extraordinary and shameful, draconian police tactics upon the population at large – not unlike the brownshirts of the Nazi period in the 1930’s. Ironically, the Brownshirts had Libra as their birth sign (Oct.5, 1921), with sun square to deadly Pluto – keeping law and order through ruthless, fear-driven control.
Arjuna’s Decision on the Battlefield
“In this transition period through which the world is now passing and in this interlude between two activities—that of the Piscean Age which is passing and that of Aquarius which is coming in—Libra will eventually rule, and the end of this century [20th] will see the influence of Libra steadily coming into pronounced control and into a position of power in the planetary horoscope. There is, therefore, no need for real anxiety.”4
No need for “real anxiety”? Despite these reassuring words from the Master (written duing WWII!), it is hard for many not to be anxious during this tumultuous time. The emerging new paradigm of the Aquarian Age is taking a firmer foothold, but is being obstructed by the status quo of the past Piscean era and the forces of materialism. It is very hard for many of us to see through the smoke of the battle, as the darkness of the old age threatens to engulf the emerging Aquarian light.
This situation is further fuelled by a smoke and mirrors propaganda war – orchestrated by dominant global media, in turn fed by the lower expression of Neptune transiting through Pisces – obfuscation and confusion.
Humanity finds itself today at exactly the same point of DECISION (one of Libra’s major themes), as it did in ancient Atlantis. The guiding Masters of that time presented Humanity with a choice between the emerging light of the next cycle – or to continue the way of a deeply selfish and spiritually irresponsible culture. That ultimatum led to the great Atlantean war, epitomised in the Hindu epic, The Mahabharata, of which The Bhagavad Gita is the golden kernel:
“A study of The Bhagavad Gita and of Arjuna’s problem when he sat down in despair between the two opposing armies will be found most illuminating in connection with Libra. The great battle which is related in that ancient scripture of India really took place in the first instance in mid-Atlantean days and in the sign Libra.
The major conflict of this present [written in WWII], Aryan period [Fifth Rootrace] is being waged upon a higher turn of the spiral and is under the influence of Scorpio. That in the past prepared the world probationary disciple, humanity, for the path of true discipleship. That in the present is preparing the world disciple to take initiation.

Krishna counsels Arjuna on the battlefield. (from The Mahabharata, directed by Peter Brook)
During the vast interim between the Atlantean decisive happening and the present time, a great re-orientation upon the wheel of life has taken place; since then, several million [wo]men have passed from Scorpio into Libra (symbolically speaking) and there have been “weighed in the balances” and have afterwards refocussed their desire life towards spiritual aspiration and reinforced their determination to move forward and thus have returned into Scorpio upon the reversing wheel. Ponder upon this thought, for this constitutes the real problem for the masses of intelligent men at this time.”5
Note that Libra rules the “reversal of the wheel” where the trend of many lives of material living is reoriented by striving toward the soul. To paraphrase the earlier passage, “Refocusing the desire life in Libra, the disciple reincarnates in the next sign Scorpio – where the tests are applied regarding the earlier decision to reverse the wheel; this is why both Libra and Scorpio are closely related to the theme of sex. Also in reference to the above passage, the Scorpio period of World War II has been now superseded by Libra, as in the aforementioned phrase, “coming into a position of power in the planetary horoscope.”
Libra’s pre-disposition to procrastination, sitting on the fence, indecisiveness etc – is embodied in Arjuna’s paralysis in action upon the battlefield, as the two enormous armies were about to clash. Arjuna was caught in “no man’s land” – over which Libra is “master” – that space between the “two great lines of force”. Libra presides over interludes between all cycles.

No mans land is not necessarily a bleak, foreboding place as depicted in WWI. It is a place of uncertainty, of a continual balancing of the scales and where decisions are made. (Note the horse in the picture!)
Arjuna was torn between destroying his relatives, teachers and community leaders – people he loved and respected, or to retire in peace to a kingdom and a few pleasures. He therefore sought advice from his charioteer Krishna, symbol of the soul; Arjuna represents the questing yet bewildered personality. It is here that Krishna gave Arjuna some profound guidance – this is the heart of the Bhagavad Gita, a glimpse of which is found in this short excerpt:
“You grieve for those who are not worthy of grief, and yet speak words of wisdom.The wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead. There was never a time when these monarchs, you or I did not exist, nor shall we ever cease to exist in the future. The soul acquires another body after death. The invisible Spirit is eternal. The visible physical body is transitory. The Spirit pervades this entire universe and is indestructible.
No one can destroy the imperishable Spirit. The physical bodies of the eternal, immutable, and incomprehensible Spirit are perishable. Therefore, fight for your right as your duty, O Arjuna. The Spirit is neither born nor does it die at any time. It does not come into being, or cease to exist. It is unborn, eternal, permanent, and primeval.”
Today the World Arjuna stands bewildered between the opposing forces, recognising the relationship between soul and personality and wondering where duty lies. This is a regular, recurrent cycle for all aspirants and the battle can rage on different levels, over several lifetimes.
It is the age-old conflict between material domination and spiritual control; the highly developed personality must be subjugated and controlled by the soul. Aries ruler Mars, brings Arjuna into the fight – Krishna himself said he was “never without action”. In one life or another, the battle reaches a crescendo and the disciple must make a final stand by allowing the soul to take control, leading to triumph and ultimately, initiation.
Today, the world Arjuna is battling on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral, this time the war is raging upon the mental plane. The Master DK foresaw the aftermath of WWII, a war that was a recapitulation of the Atlantean conflict – that had the effect of destroying materialistic values.
Yet since WWII, those forces have become ever more refined and sophisticated – as Humanity bears down on 2025, the start of a new cycle ushering in the reappearance of the Mystery Schools and the Masters of Wisdom. We are advised accordingly – and DK’s words as usual, are as fresh today as the time they were:
“Disciples must now organise for a steady united effort. This must take the form of a closer cooperation between all groups and a standing together in a closer relationship, thus strengthening each other’s hands and, where possible, pooling resources. It should result also in a united push forward of all spiritual and occult agencies and the carrying of the truth along all possible lines, down among the masses of men.
Just as in Atlantean days, spiritual forces were subordinated to the selfish desires of men, so today, they are being subordinated to the minds and the ambitions of men and the results will be profoundly evil. The world situation today [WWII] demonstrates this.
For though material benefit and physical prosperity might eventually emerge from certain countries where great experiments are being undertaken, they will only exemplify the triumph of the form and will finally come to naught. [As may be the case today.] Just as every human being struggles through in some one life to personality achievement so it is among the nations.
Yet at the heart of every nation lies latent the mystical soul and eventually—after dire struggle and distress—all will be well. Tendencies towards materialism and towards personality achievement must, under the larger plan and the will-to-good, be offset by a counter move of spiritual living and this must be the objective of all working disciples.
Let such working disciples see to it, therefore, that their love for all beings deepens and that the growth of their love comes through their tapping the group love which lies back of all world happenings. My brothers, when will the time come when the world will realise that the love aspect … is focussed through the inner subjective group of workers?
That love is now in the stage of anchoring itself physically through the new groups which are in process of forming all over the world. These new groups are centres (or should be) of divine love, magnetic, constructive and pure. See to it, therefore, that your conformity to the requirement is met in the measure of your physical strength, bearing ever in mind that you are equal to more effort and to greater strain than ever before”6

The 10-petalled solar plexus centre. Note the goat, symbol of Capricorn, the 10th sign – the number of perfection.
The Glamour of Fear and Coronavirus
See also, Virgo 2020: Coronavirus Part VI: The Clamour and Glamour of Coronavirus
The word “glamour” is an esoteric term used to describe illusion upon the astral plane. Bear in mind that most of Humanity is astrally polarised, functioning from the solar plexus centre, the “gateway” to the astral body – hence Humanity is immersed in glamour and particularly prone to the glamour of fear.
Illusion per se, refers to the mental plane, whilst maya is Sanskrit for illusion upon the physical plane – of objective appearances created by mind. When mental illusion is intensified by desire or “kama-manas” (desire-mind, emotion) – it produces glamour.
“Maya is … the intense activity produced when both glamour and illusion are realised on etheric levels. It is that vital unthinking emotional MESS … in which the majority of human beings seem always to live.”7
Humanity is impacted by various glamours, including those upon the Path – perhaps even more especially for them! The Tibetan has written much about this topic in, Glamour, A World Problem – and through his letters to disciples in Discipleship in the New Age (Vols. 1 & 2). Just about any human attribute can be a glamour, in one letter to a disciple, DK says:
“… you could give much; but you cannot give it until you have completely changed your estimate of yourself. In the past you have succumbed to glamours of various kinds: Glamour about me, the Master, and about the Hierarchy and your relation to that Hierarchy; glamour about certain world disciples and your relation to them; glamour about the magnitude of the work; glamour about a certain sad little aspirant; glamour about your scientific capacity which held you away from my work for years; glamour about money; glamour about people.”8
As we are all conditioned by the rays at the soul and personality levels, as well as the mental, astral and physical bodies, we can identify our glamours through the rays – as part of the process of working out our rays.
The rays cannot be ascertained from the birth chart, the horoscope simply acts as an interface for the expression of the known and intuited rays. Perusing this incomplete list of the ray glamours below, will give you an idea of your glamours – if you are brutally honest with yourself! (For this table and other tables on the rays, see this link.) Some glamours underlined will be discussed later.
RAY I: Will-Power
The glamour of physical strength.
The glamour of personal magnetism.
The glamour of self-centredness and personal potency.
The glamour of “the one at the centre.”
The glamour of selfish personal ambition.
The glamour of rulership, of dictatorship and of wide control.
The glamour of the Messiah complex in the field of politics.
The glamour of selfish destiny, of the divine right of kings personally exacted.
The glamour of destruction.
The glamour of isolation, of aloneness, of aloofness.
The glamour of the superimposed will—upon others and upon groups.
RAY II: Love-Wisdom
The glamour of the love of being loved.
The glamour of popularity.
The glamour of personal wisdom.
The glamour of selfish responsibility.
The glamour of too complete an understanding, which negates right action.
The glamour of self-pity, a basic glamour of this ray.
The glamour of the Messiah complex, in the world of religion and world need.
The glamour of fear, based on undue sensitivity.
The glamour of self-sacrifice.
The glamour of selfish unselfishness.
The glamour of self-satisfaction.
The glamour of selfish service.
RAY III: Active-Intelligence.
The glamour of being busy.
The glamour of cooperation with the Plan in an individual and not a group way.
The glamour of active scheming.
The glamour of creative work—without true motive.
The glamour of good intentions, which are basically selfish.
The glamour of “the spider at the centre.”
The glamour of “God in the machine.”
The glamour of devious and continuous manipulation.
The glamour of self-importance, from the standpoint of knowing, of efficiency.
RAY IV: Harmony through Conflict. Art, Beauty
The glamour of harmony, aiming at personal comfort and satisfaction.
The glamour of war.
The glamour of conflict, with the objective of imposing righteousness and peace.
The glamour of vague artistic perception.
The glamour of psychic perception instead of intuition.
The glamour of musical perception.
The glamour of the pairs of opposites, in the higher sense.
RAY V: Science, Knowledge
The glamour of materiality, or over-emphasis of form.
The glamour of the intellect.
The glamour of knowledge and of definition.
The glamour of assurance, based on a narrow point of view.
The glamour of the form which hides reality.
The glamour of organisation.
The glamour of the outer, which hides the inner.
RAY VI: Devotion, Idealism
The glamour of devotion.
The glamour of adherence to forms and persons.
The glamour of idealism.
The glamour of loyalties, of creeds.
The glamour of emotional response.
The glamour of sentimentality.
The glamour of interference.
The glamour of the lower pairs of opposites.
The glamour of World Saviours and Teachers.
The glamour of the narrow vision.
The glamour of fanaticism.
RAY VII: Ceremonial Order, Organisation, Magic
The glamour of magical work.
The glamour of the relation of the opposites.
The glamour of the subterranean powers.
The glamour of that which brings together.
The glamour of the physical body.
The glamour of the mysterious and the secret.
The glamour of sex magic.
The glamour of the emerging manifested forces. ((Glamour, A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.121-2.))
The reader will note that the glamour of fear is listed under the second ray of love-wisdom, one of the most common rays that condition human souls, and indeed, this solar system. The second ray is related to the heart centre, the higher correspondence to the solar plexus, and is ruled by Jupiter – ruler of the second ray.
In this particular era when a large proportion of Humanity are waking up, “reversing the wheel” and taking the first initiation, there is a mass movement from the solar plexus to the heart. Yet, in this fragile state of world affairs, that transition can be compromised by manipulative, materialistic forces which exaggerate and amplify individual, group, national and world glamours.
For instance, some of the glamours of the fifth ray of science, such as, “glamour of the intellect, of (scientific) knowledge and definition, of assurance, based upon a narrow point of view” – combined with the first ray “glamour of authority” – have been the fuel for fear instilled in the hearts of humanity during the coronavirus crisis. The glamours of authority and science have worked through imperfect or selfishly motivated bodies such as WHO and various figures in positions of authority and power around the world.
The fact that these few individuals/entities have been successful in getting their message across is partly because of their vast wealth and octopus-like influence through media and scores of other independent bodies. For instance, Bill Gates gives considerable funding to the BBC and Guardian newspaper – hence no impartiality is left in those once reliable national services. This influence has come to bear, despite prolific arguments to the contrary by thousands of medical people globally.
“The responsibility for the widespread misery to be found today in every country in the world lies predominantly at the door of certain major interrelated groups of business-men, bankers, executives of international cartels, monopolies, trusts and organizations and directors of huge corporations who work for corporate or personal gain.”9
Hence, through human ignorance and a corresponding exaggeration through media, it has been very easy to stoke the glamour of fear and doubt – fear of catching a disease, fear of death, fear of losing loved ones, fear of loss of income etc. Doubt – about conflicting medical evidence or government guidelines. The application of this recipe has been constant and relentless for most of 2020. Master Morya describes “the serpent of doubt”:
“But what kind of trust is the best? And what doubt is the worst? The inner trust that needs no words of affirmation is the best. The fleeting doubt is the worst. It is not the gnawing serpent of doubt that is most to be feared, because with just one achievement the serpent can be destroyed. But the swarm of small worms of doubt requires a lengthy cure. The strongest trust can be upset neither by thought nor word. It would be better to swallow a deadly poison than to remain in the illness of doubt. He who is shielded with trust needs no other armor.”10
The first ray glamour of authority is a glamour that has its roots in mass psychology. Essentially, humanity is “safe-guarded” from themselves by the laws of an authoritative body, government, a dictatorship, a monarchy – or in recent centuries, the Catholic Church and its zealous “protection” of the Inquisition. The latter phenomenon that lasted a few centuries, had its roots in the sixth ray glamours of some European nations like Spain and Italy: The glamours of interference, narrow vision and fanaticism.
This first ray glamour of authority easily complements the seventh ray glamour of standardization and regimentation, which in turn caters to the fear complex – the seed of all glamour upon our planet. Fear can be seen as the one underlying glamour of all glamours, and it is fear that has been generated relentlessly and hysterically by “bodies of authority” and their media, for all of 2020.
This global situation has created such burgeoning clouds of glamour that it has made it difficult to truly see, even for the most experienced esotericists who are themselves divided as a group. The bushfires in Australia and California, through their obscuration of the skies – turning them an eerie orange, are an appropriate metaphor for the light that is currently being blocked from human awareness. (See later section on transiting Mars in USA’s horoscope.)
Hence, the majority of Humanity thus far have easily acquiesced to the directives of authority, because it is simply too scared or too confused to arrive at an independent conclusion based upon critical thought. (See last month’s newsletter: Virgo & Discrimination: Crisis in Critical Thinking)
Yet, in reality, despite the alleged virulence of Covid-19, what has occurred in 2020 is probably the greatest attack upon the freedoms of Humanity by the Materialistic Forces since WWII. And it is ironic that the virus began in China, one of the most repressive nations on the planet. Yet this attack appears to be orchestrated by an international network or cabal in several nations, rather than one lone initiative.
Why is this happening with such devastating ferocity? Because 2025 and the Externalisation of the Hierarchy is approaching – those Dark Forces are now “pulling out all stops” in their bid for domination and control. Yet the spiritual community remains divided on this issue – many are coasting along with the mainstream narrative, consigning these alternative arguments to the bin of “conspiracy theory” or Qanon. There are threads of truth running through all these viewpoints, that is why it is so difficult to discern.
Glamours of the third ray have also played a major role, as this ray is closely related to communications, media and propaganda: The glamour of active scheming, “the spider at the centre”, devious and continuous manipulation.
All these deceptions are echoed in the horoscope for the first reported case of Covid-19 in China, 2019. The Sun and Mercury were in Scorpio, whose keynote on the “ordinary wheel” is, “Let maya flourish and deception rule.” Scorpio as a water sign holds many tests for the second initiation. Sun-Mercury in Scorpio are part of a grand trine in water – with moon in Cancer (food, mother earth) and Neptune in Pisces (contagious diseases, mass consciousness).
Two major factors are brought into focus here:
1. Mars is the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio.
2. Mars and Neptune are the co-rulers of the solar plexus centre.
The author has many commentaries on how Neptune is related to mass glamour: Neptune in Pisces: Viruses & Deception (Feb. 2020). Neptune in Pisces: Mass Deception? (Mar. 2020). Busiris Virus of 2020.
Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011, becoming noticeably potent in its lower manifestation from 2016 onward. The lies of Brexit and the insanity of the US 2016 election are good examples. Now those debacles have escalated from individual nations to the madness and extreme measures of a global lockdown, destroying economies and livelihoods.
Yes, the virus kills people but statistics and differences of opinion in the medical/scientific communities – speak a different story to the over-hyped media reports, as explained consistently in all the author’s Coronavirus reports since Jan.2020.
Media still insists on daily headlines on statistics where more cases are being reported. But they often fail to say that more people are being tested, hence more cases – but not corresponding deaths. What is also happening is that all statistics are measured beyond a normal flu season of a few months and many countries are still encouraged to record all deaths as Covid-19. The UK and the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) recently revised down their mortality figures. Counter arguments say no CDC did not, and so everyone is left in the dark not knowing what to believe!
Despite ongoing reports sensationalising new cases, and the stating of any death as a Covid death, nations like USA, Australia and Brazil still have death rates of only around 3% of reported cases – the percentage would be far less if unreported cases were counted.
Media frequently publishes pictures of mass graves to give the impression that many people are dying. An example was given last month of Brazil, a similar example was in Indonesia recently with a caption reading, “There are fears Jakarta is running out of space to bury its dead.” 244,676 cases, 9,553 deaths = 3.9%. Whilst the big cities will experience higher mortality ratios, it is not exactly the 15% figures seen in Europe!
The overall point being made here is how susceptible and impressionable we can all be to media spin in print, internet and television. That impressionability is dependent upon what degree each individual has redeemed the substance of their astral bodies, combined with discriminating thought.
Finally, a Swedish Dr. Sebastian Rushworth M.D. – who has been working in a Stockholm hospital for the entire duration of 2020, describes how herd immunity has finally been proven beyond doubt to work: Covid-19: Does Sweden have herd immunity? (Rushworth’s views are collaborated by several Swedes known to the author. )
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Libra, Money and Billionaires: The New Nazis?
To read the author’s past commentaries on money, see this link – particularly this one Libra, Money and the Old Paradigm Imploding.
“American capitalism has gone completely off the rails. While millions of Americans have lost their jobs and struggle to pay the bills, the wealthy and corporations have scored billions in tax breaks and bailouts on top of massive profits. The pandemic has exposed the profound inequality tearing our economy and society apart.” (Robert Reich, US economist and activist.)
Jeff Bezos and Amazon
US economist Robert Reich’s comments were about Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos – who profited considerably during the Coronavirus crisis of 2020, cracking the $200 billion mark for the first time in history. Bezos has a stellium of planets in Capricorn – transiting Jupiter passed back and forth over his sun this year, expanding his wealth considerably. The question remains when he goes through his Saturn return in 2022, whether there is any real altruism in the natal positions of his Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius.
So far Bezos’ current donations, like many other billionaires are an infinitesimal fraction of his wealth, really a token philanthropy which is often advertised loudly. In many ways, like Gates, Zuckerberg and others, its no longer about the money, its all about power.

Jeff Bezos (Ascendant is hypothetical from rectification by Starkman.)
Like fellow billionaire Elon Musk, rather than put their wealth into earth repair and sustainability, they are more concerned with setting up colonies on Mars, which are simply ego-serving pie-in-the-sky ventures that benefit nobody; or networks of satellites to saturate space, controlling much of what is happening on Earth. The underlying factor with many of these individuals appears to be a lack of compassion and a complete disconnection with their fellow humanity, regarded as objects to take advantage. Bezos did set up an environmental fund this year, described by one critic:
“In one tweet, a poster said, “Jeff Bezos didn’t ‘donate’ $10B to ‘fight climate change’ he’s setting up a $10B venture called the ‘’ In other words, he’s founding a bank and using it to invest in ‘the green sector,’ thereby profiting from & influencing how transition happens.”
Another wrote, “If he honestly cared enough about an issue to sacrifice a significant amount of his wealth to it and significantly impact his life for the cause he would never have become a billionaire. … They’re horrifically flawed shells of people with no compassion for any cause.””11
Bezos’ rectified Cancer rising chart is the same rising sign as Bill Gates – there is the capacity to be the nurturer of the world, instead so far it has expressed as Cancer the hoarder and manipulator, the puller of strings – whilst opposite sign Capricorn is the business savvy – using the law of economy. Capricorn rising billionaires include Rupert Murdoch and Mark Zuckerberg.
“A study of the characteristics and qualities of the man who is born in the sign Capricorn will reveal a great deal anent the human family because the Capricornian can express all the worst of which a man is capable and all the best. It is a sign of extremes … Esoterically, all world Saviours and Sun Gods are born in Capricorn but also the very worst type of man—hard, materialistic, cruel, proud, selfishly ambitious and egoistic. The head rules the heart in such cases, whereas in the perfect example of the influences of Capricorn, head and heart are perfectly balanced.”12
With Mars in the last degree of Capricorn, Bezos strives hard to reach the top of the mountain – of materiality – or rocketing to Mars! The rocket is of course the perfect phallic symbol for macho Mars masculinity.
“Mars is the God of War, the Producer of conflicts, and in this earthly sign [in Capricorn], Mars triumphs in the early stages of the evolution … in the life history of the undeveloped and average man. Materialism, the fight for the satisfaction of personal ambitions, and the conflict with higher spiritual tendencies goes steadily forward, and this most material of all the signs is the battleground of the old established order and habits and the new and higher inclinations and tendencies.
India, governed by Capricorn, has been a battlefield right down the ages; Port Said, ruled by this sign, is synonymous with the satisfaction of all the earthly and animal desires of the baser sort and is one of the wickedest cities in the world—a meeting place for the evil of three continents.”13
Capricorn is the summit of the spiritual mountain, a sign of initiation, esoterically. Whether that summit will appear on Bezos’ horizon sometime in this incarnation – remains to be seen. With the Moon in Capricorn (the dweller, shadow), Bezos might have his work work cut out!
The Shadow of Capricorn: Nazism, Fascism
With Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all transiting through Capricorn currently, it is worth exploring a little further of Capricorn’s shadow side – as it has been sorely evoked in 2020! We are told in the ageless wisdom that the main Nazis around Hitler, including “the Fuehrer” were,
“… a group of seven men who personify in themselves great and specific aspects of material forces (connected with the seven types of energy in their lowest and most material expressions) and their manifestations — war, fear and cruelty. They are united by one point of view and by one goal, and hence their success …
They are the custodians of forces which control them – and over which they themselves have no slightest control. You ask who these seven are: Hitler, von Ribbentrop, Goebbels, Goering, Hess, Himmler and Streicher … These men embody and personify the forces of aggression and rule by fear not only the enslaved nations but also their few allies [Japan and Italy] who are not by any means in the same category of power—fortunately for them.”14
In an astrological essay that examines the rise of Nazi power – Nazi Germany: An Astro-Historical Analysis, this author identified four out of the group of seven with Capricorn moons – Hitler, Goebbels, Hess and Eichmann. Other influencers with a Capricorn moon were List and Wiligut (philosophically) – and Bismarck, “a dark avatar”:
“Coming forth correspondingly from the realm of cosmic evil, and responsible for the focus of materialism upon the planet today was Bismarck.”15
Capricorn moon readers, do not be unduly alarmed at the bad rap your moon might be receiving! Its all about stage of spiritual unfoldment as to how these energies are utilised.
Recently in June, the author was traveling through Nuremberg, the crown chakra of Germany and power base for the Nazi Party that conducted huge ritualistic rallies there – to amass greater power; it was also the site of the Nuremberg trials after WWII – now it is a museum that was attended by yours truly! It is interesting that during 2020 and our creeping fascism, that a well known quote from Goering was making the rounds:
“Naturally the common people don’t want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” (Hermann Goering)
The “attack” in 2020 has been from Coronavirus or Covid-19 – and the “denouncing” has been directed at thousands of independent thinkers who have questioned the mainstream narrative. The denouncing, censorship and silencing of thousands of scientific and medical intellectuals is akin to the infamous book-burnings by the Nazis in 1933.
“They [Nazis] are the spirit of materialism embodied, devoid of all true feeling and perception, lacking the light of love and understanding, but powerfully animated by the energy of substance itself. It is time that men woke up to the nature of these beings who sought (under the present grouping of constellations) to enslave the race. The earthly influence of Capricorn made their activity possible; they themselves have been evoked out of their evil past by the material side of humanity itself and the potency of the massed selfishness of mankind.”16
As this passage was written between 1939-42, one wonders in 2020 if it is, “… time that men woke up to the nature of those beings who sought [seek] to enslave the race”? The reappearance of these forces in the world has been due to two factors: 1. The “door where evil dwells” that was closed during WWII, has drifted ajar again – due to Humanity’s continual materialistic focus. 2. The aforementioned return of the Hierarchy sometime after 2025. The Tibetan continues his discussion:
“The Forces of Darkness are powerful energies, working to preserve that which is ancient and material; hence they are pre-eminently the forces of crystallisation, of form preservation, of the attractiveness of matter, and of the lure of that which is existent in the form life of the three worlds. [Hence Capricorn’s susceptibility.]
They consequently block deliberately the inflow of that which is new and life-giving; they work to prevent the understanding of that which is of the New Age; they endeavour to preserve that which is familiar and old, to counteract the effects of the oncoming culture and civilisation, to bring blindness to the peoples and to feed steadily the existing fires of hate, of separateness, of criticism and of cruelty.
These forces, as far as the intelligent peoples of the world are concerned, work insidiously and cloak their effort in fair words, leading even disciples to express hatred of persons and ideologies, fostering the hidden seeds of hatred found in many human beings. They fan to fury the fear and hate of the world in an effort to preserve that which is old and make the unknown appear undesirable, and they hold back the forces of evolution and of progress for their own ends.”17
Let us break this passage down into bite-sized chunks! …
– they work to preserve that which is ancient and material.
– they are pre-eminently the forces of crystallisation, of form preservation.
– they are the attractiveness of matter, the lure of that which is existent in the form.
– they block deliberately the inflow of that which is new and life-giving.
– they work to prevent the understanding of that which is of the New Age.
– they endeavour to preserve that which is familiar and old.
– they counteract the effects of the oncoming culture and civilisation.
– they bring blindness to the peoples.
– they feed steadily the existing fires of hate, of separateness, of criticism and of cruelty.
– they work insidiously and cloak their effort in fair words.
– they lead even disciples to express hatred of persons and ideologies.
– they foster the hidden seeds of hatred found in many human beings.
– they fan to fury the fear and hate of the world.
– they preserve that which is old and make the unknown appear undesirable.
– they hold back the forces of evolution and of progress for their own ends.
And finally, as we reflect upon Capricorn – which transiting Pluto will occupy for the next few years:
“Capricorn is related, as you have been told, to initiation; it is also the sign of the coming world Saviour and these higher aspects of the Capricornian influences can be potently demonstrated if humanity so wills it and will take advantage of the Venusian influence [Hierarchical ruler of Capricorn) – to use the mind as the reflector of soul purpose.
If this does not take place, the present situation [WWII] will turn into something far worse—a situation wherein the mass of men will be “re-initiated into the Earth and forced to turn their backs upon the dawning light.” A dark period of civilisation will ensue.
Instead of the dark cave of initiation wherein the light of the initiate’s own nature illumines the darkness and so demonstrates his command of light, the dark cave of materialism and of physical, animal control will take the place of the “lighted Way.”18
Now, coming full circle in this discussion, we can examin the selfish or altuistic motives of the world’s top billionaires, noting that most of them are American, making their fortunes in technology.
These billionaires influence our lives in many ways: Page and Brin from Google (its old motto was “don’t be evil”) – also heavily invested in Big Pharma; likewise Zuckerberg from Facebook, Ballmer from Microsoft, Musk from Mars (!) – and the ubiquitous Gates, or George Soros – cultural manipulator. Does their tight rein on the Coronavirus narrative, through censorship on all their platforms (Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter etc.) – qualify them as “the new Nazi’s”?
How many of them are merely “token philanthropists”, expressing the glamour of “selfish unselfishness” – and what do they have to truly give Humanity, instead of the rampant exploitation many of them have practiced? One thing is for sure, their obscene wealth displays a failure of the capitalist system.
Berlin Demo’s: Reclaiming Sovereignty
Due to their recent historical past, the Germans know a thing or two about fascism and state control – they can smell it easily. Germany has been one of the places where truly active mass demonstrations have recently taken place since Coronavirus lockdown restrictions began. In August there were large demonstrations in London, Paris and many other cities in Europe – hundreds of thousands of people, barely reported in media like CNN.
Berlin demonstrations 1.3 million people. Aug.1, 2020 – just approaching the full moon of Leo-Aquarius on Aug.3!
From a German friend: “Here a beautiful snapshot of the amazing interaction between organisers and police on the stage of the Aug 1st demo in Berlin. Not all the conversation is translated unfortunately. In the minutes in which the police man waits before the announcement, an organiser talks to him about going into his heart, about doing the right thing, about the possibility to refuse the order and become a hero in German history. One can only imagine what went on in this policeman’s heart and mind before he finally made the announcement to disperse the lawful, approved, absolutely peaceful and beautiful demo of more than a million people.” (Uta Gabbay)
Likewise in London a few weeks later:

Berlin Demonstration: Note the Sun in Leo, the sign of Berlin’s personality, square to revolutionary Uranus.
Berlin is a Scorpio soul with a Leo personality, an intensely multi-cultural, creative city – in line with its status as the throat chakra of Germany. That weekend saw a collective voice rise from Berlin’s throat – protesting about lockdown and many other issues – associated with using Covid-19 as a pretext for greater government control.
Berlin’s Leo personality links to London’s Leo soul and France’s Leo soul. Leo is about leadership and courage – and these nations are taking a leading role in standing up to the imposition of new rules under the guise of Covid-19 “precautions”. This is not “conspiracy theory” – though of course it has been/will be labelled as such.
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr.
In the video link below, Robert F. Kennedy Jnr. gives an inspirational talk before the big demonstration in Berlin on that full moon weekend. He summarises very well what is going on now and how urgent it is for people to WAKE UP! This is no longer about Covid-19, its about the preservation of the tenuous thread of democracy and human rights throughout the world.
“We keep hearing the words ‘Solidarity’, compassion and equal rights in the mouths of politicians who try to separate and divide us. People who order fines, isolation, experiment on our health and restrict all our freedoms. Those people are not philanthropists. They ask us to believe in a new religion called ‘the scientific consensus’, a fabricated dogma used by a corrupt cast called ‘experts’ who serve no other than their own interest. Tracking and tracing are the tools of this inquisition. We know where this ultimately lead us to: Isolation, punishment and slavery.” (Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Speaks at Berlin Rally for Freedom and Peace)
RFK’s horoscope has a stellium of planets in Capricorn – in marked contrast to the Capricorn stellium in Bezos’ horoscope! As discussed earlier,
“The Capricornian can express all the worst of which a man is capable and all the best. It is a sign of extremes … Esoterically, all world Saviours and Sun Gods are born in Capricorn … in the perfect example of the influences of Capricorn, head and heart are perfectly balanced.”
It would be safe to say that RFK, like is father and uncle, JFK – is a world disciple who has made it his task to battle the medical establishment and be an activist for many environmental issues. The list of his achievements is extraordinary, if one cares to peruse his profile. Note in this edited Wikipedia list below, he is labelled a “promoter of COVID-19 conspiracy theories”. His service to humanity is quite extensive, as opposed to the exploitation of others by other Capricorn types:
Note, dogged warrior Mars in Scorpio, with Saturn also in this sign; RFK’s Cancer moon reflects an acute emotional sensitivity, conjunct Uranus – an unconventional and independent champion of environmental issues. Both Capricorn and Scorpio are signs of initiation. The point of tension that RFK is currently holding, is pushing him onto the burning ground of initiation – stimulated be the transit of Uranus (till March 2021) opposite RFK’s Saturn, ruler of his Capricorn stellium.
The five placements in Capricorn have or will be activated by the three transiting planets in that sign – Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto; RFK is being empowered by these forces. In mid November, Saturn and Jupiter pass once more across his Sun, but this time together in the last week of Nov. 2020.
Transiting Pluto will be passing over RFK’s Venus until the end of 2021, creating great opportunities for persuasive, transformative relationships – maybe even some personal difficulties in his marriage. During this period, transiting Pluto passes close to his Sun but does not reach it exactly until Feb. 2022, lingering nearby until Oct. 2023.
Pluto conjunct the Sun transits can be drastic – the destruction of all rigid patterns from which Capricorn suffers the most; profound psychological shifts, facing the Dweller and even succumbing to serious illness. But Pluto as a planet of power, can be most empowering, and with its transit over Mercury in Capricorn during this time, represents potent, persuasive communication.
RFK has a condition called spasmodic dysphonia, a neurological condition that affects muscles in the larynx, also known as the voice box. Struggling with this kind of ailment for someone constantly speaking in public, is of course deeply ironic – a tough twist of fate. (PBS broadcaster Diane Rehm suffers from the same condition.)
Taurus rules the organs of speech and the larnyx, hence it is quite possible that RFK is Taurus rising, with “aggravating” Mars in Scorpio opposite. Therefore, the midday chart here may not be too far from the correct time. If this proposed ascendant is correct, then the sacral-thoat centre relationship is very dynamic – procreative versus creative.
“The Taurian upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the [Page 398] method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature in order to transform himself from one who goes wilfully on his personality way into a wise cooperator with the Plan.
By this I mean that, as man translates his ideals into words and acts, he brings about transformation, transmutation and eventually translation upon the mountain top of Initiation. The results of this creative work of materialising the vision must be carried to the point of effectual demonstration in Scorpio in which sign the final tests are applied to prove that the energy is flowing freely and without impediment and obstruction between the throat and sacral centres.”19
RFK was an admitted womaniser calling his biggest defect — “my lust demons”. He also fought drug and alcohol addiction in his teens – courtesy of his Mars and Saturn in Scorpio! Many souls who came into incarnation in the early 1950’s, growing up in the 60’s and 70’s were tested accordingly, through the sexual and cultural revolutions. RFK has obviously cleaned up his act since then:
“Kennedy continued his education at Harvard and the London School of Economics, graduating from Harvard College in 1976 with a Bachelor of Arts in American History and Literature. He went on to earn a Juris Doctor from the University of Virginia and a Master of Laws from Pace University.20
A German friend continues her report of the demonstrations in Germany:
“The demo of Sept. 29 didn’t go so well. There were more people than the previous time, all very peaceful again, very colorful. A celebration of love and freedom. Police made problems wherever they could and escalated and used absolutely unwarranted brutal force in some cases.
All are well-documented by demonstrators, all are investigated now, it’s all over the media. Still a lot of fake news, but because there is all this video footage on the internet, the lying and manipulating of the mainstream media become embarrassingly obvious. Also the mismanagement and unlawful procedures of the police. Not working anymore!!! Did it get through to you that the nephew of John F. Kennedy spoke at that demo? [RFK Jr.] It’s seems a very vital link to the US, I believe a lot will open due to this link. Here is his speech from the main stage:
I so much hope that this shift to the New will be able to be made with no violence. So much care is being invested by the organisers of the movement to keep peaceful, to stay open to dialog in spite of this massive mistreatment. And they educate the masses to do the same. Gandhi’s way. As the only way which can lead to success.
… They have de-escalation teams going through the crowd to help wherever a tension rises. They have a team of 50 lawyers working behind the scenes constantly to legally offset the problems the police burocrats pose at every step … the movement is getting organised in many big cities in Germany. They are self-organising units, cooperating. A new leadership is emerging. Based on the new values. Non-violence, Respectful interactions always, honoring the constitutional law of the land which is in Germany a very good one.
Demanding direct democracy, in which the people is the sovereign, not the government. A new way to make laws seems to be in the making. It is amazing how cross-disciplinary cooperation is emerging before our eyes, on the street, on public stage. Medical professionals speak out and interpret the facts right, dismantling the Corona measure lie. Lawyers take the government to court. Media people get organised, freeing themselves from mainstream constraints and the rising censoring of fb, google etc.
New platforms are being introduced, where uncensored news are shared. People move from mainstream to alternative news if they really want to know what is really going on. Educators cry out against the stupidity of corona measures in school. I still don’t see a concerted movement in the area of economy. Perhaps it’s still hidden. Or perhaps it needs more collapse to emerge.
People lose their jobs for even only attending a ‘corona-denier’ demo. Germans reach out to Europe and beyond. They are aware that they are being closely watched, that they are playing a key role. A global movement has started. The governments want to keep that hidden. So we need to share with each other.
Recent note: Since the Berlin demonstrations the establishment in Germany is toughening its stance. They are increasingly threatened by this growing movement and instead of listening and engaging in dialog, they seem to only think how to suppress the movement; they are breaking more and more democratic laws in order to do so.
It is being contemplated not to obey anymore the regulations, not to prepare demos carefully in cooperation with police, but to organise demos spontaneously, in different cities at the same time. It is extremely dynamic now, for those who are conscious, while those who sleep live in a parallel world. It will need the economic crash to wake the masses up.” (Uta Gabbay)
And finally, to London’s recent demonstrations on Sept.19. An excellent YouTube channel that covers what is going on in Britain, and is trying to re-shape how media is evolving – Brees Media.
Venus in Leo: Invoking Sirius and Liberation (Sept. 6 – Oct. 3)
Venus in Leo is a very magnetic and charismatic position that I refer to as the “movie star” (e.g. Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman). Esoterically however, Venus in Leo links to the mighty star Sirius.
Venus is regarded as the “higher self” or “alter ego” to Earth and is one of the planets that transmits energies from Sirius – a star that is the “higher self” to this solar system as a whole. Venus rules the fifth ray of knowledge and science, one of the two rays that find expression through Leo, the fifth sign. The number 5 is that of manas or mind and Sirius finds one of its strongest expressions through Leo.
From here is derived Leo’s great power as a ruler, a sovereign of its domain, yet magnanimous Leo is also associated with the heart – Leo the Lionheart. Leo expresses therefore, the two inextricably entwined paths of love and mind, heart and head. The fixed star Regulus will also be invoked at the Oct.1 full moon in Libra-Aries, by a conjunction of Venus in late Leo:
“The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.”21
Venus is also known as the planet of love and relationships, through its skill at reconciling opposites and the creation of harmony and beauty upon the mental plane, filtering down eventually to the astral plane – where “love” and sex are more easily sensed for Humanity as a whole.
Both Sirius and Venus were responsible for the awakening of consciousness in the hitherto “animal humanity” in ancient Lemuria, 21.6 million years ago. (See author’s video, The Hidden History of Humanity on YouTube – and the companion book: Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles.)
“The sun “Sirius” is the source of logoic manas … and Venus was responsible for the coming in of mind in the Earth chain. Each was primary to the other, or was the agent which produced the first flicker of consciousness in the particular [soul] groups involved.”22
What Sirius represents as “cosmic manas” or mind, reaches this solar system as Love-Wisdom – we inhabit a “second ray” (love-wisdom) system – in this particular cycle. Hence, during this month, transiting Venus in Leo has the capacity to unify the love/mind principles – “thinking in the heart”; the potential to invoke realisation of the Sirian principles of freedom and liberation – so desperately needed in this era of draconian repression, Saturnian lockdown.
Libra and Child Sex Legislation
This subject was first covered on Esoteric Astrologer in 2004: Sex Legislation and Child Pornography. That article is now sixteen years old and since then the problem of child porn/trafficking appears to have exploded, in a considerably enhanced and more sophisticated digital world; it has occurred across all social strata – professional to working class.
We read regularly in the news about this or that paedophile ring being exposed, hundreds arrested, sophisticated digital networks on the “dark web” uncovered – and we are told that this is only the tip of the iceberg. Yet the exposure of these crimes is creating greater awareness in passing tougher laws and educating the population at large.
Libra is a sign closely affiliated with sex, relationships and marriage – hence it has a close connection with the child “fruit” of many unions. Libra is also a sign of justice and legislation:

“The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focused in Regulus, which is … a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.”
“A certain relationship or configuration of stars – of which one is the star Regulus, in Leo – will bring about a situation wherein the re-orientation of the attitude of the legal profession will take place; its functions and duties will be centralised for the purpose of world usefulness, and in this process legislation for children will assume great importance and be the motivating power.
This legal step will be primarily advocated by Russia and endorsed by the United States of America. Before 2035 A.D. such legislation will be universal in its sphere of influence and control. All this will come about because Libra rules the present interlude and might be regarded as “the master of no-man’s land,” as one of the Masters of the Wisdom called it lately.”
((Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238.))
Indeed, as stated in the earlier part of this newsletter, Libra no-man’s land” as prevailed over the world from the end of last century to now – as part of the interim period between the ages of Pisces and Aquarius: “Libra steadily coming into pronounced control and into a position of power in the planetary horoscope.”23
Child porn/trafficking is not a pleasant subject and many people evade reading about it because of its deeply disturbing and depraved nature. But it is continually reported in the media, such as the recent case of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Again, we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg which means there is a disturbingly high number of people in society who engage and thrive in this area of human activity.
Recently, John Paul Rice – an independent Hollywood film producer of “A Childs Voice” movie on human and child trafficking, spoke out on a Facebook video. Rice is one of a growing throng of activists who are speaking out about child sexual abuse, a heartening trend. Rice is a Virgo sun (Sept.11, 1978) with several planets in Libra (Mars-Pluto) and Scorpio (Venus-Uranus) – he claims that he was sexually abused as a child. His story in the video link above is highly articulate and moving.
Related to the Libra sex theme is the problem of promiscuity and the bringing in of souls at the wrong time, out of their cycle as it were:
“The widespread promiscuity of the sexes … will eventually and inevitably cease. Through this lack of regulation and of essential rhythm, the natural consequences have occurred, and millions of souls have been brought into incarnation who were never intended at this time to incarnate and achieve exoteric manifestation.
This fact is largely responsible for much of the present economic distress and for the modern planetary dilemma. The economic situation and the necessity to provide for the unduly large population of the planet, lies behind much of the aggression and greed of the nations down the ages, and for the effort being made today as never before to provide better and more adequate living conditions.
War has consequently been the inevitable result of this undue and unlimited propagation of the human species. This lack of sexual control has brought into the world thousands of unwanted children whose appearance is solely the result of accidental and uncontrolled sexual relations, and in no way indicates the planned intention of parents—planned because intended to offer experience to incarnating souls, with the conscious intent of offering the opportunity to hasten the “birth into the light” of those particular souls, thus rendering service to the divine plan.”24
Here is where we see the many disconnected “unwanted children” become the prey of predators. There is also an interesting dynamic between Libra and its polar opposite Aries. Mars rules Aries and represents masculine desire – summarised in the glyph for Mars. Action and “seed sowing” in Aries brings consequences/karma in Libra, a sign of sex. “Unlimited propagation” leads to over-population, creating scenarios for war, the province of Aries-Mars.
It is the influence of Libra that must prevail, to bring about a balance in sexual expression through right relations that will “ hasten the “birth into the light” of souls, rendering service to the divine plan:
“There can be no new birth, no creation of the “body of light” … apart from the process of physical incarnation. There can be no fusion of the opposites of soul and personality apart from the physiological processes of sex … it is in the relation of the sexes that the element of time enters into the experience of the soul, and the understanding of this will come when the doctrine of reincarnation is properly comprehended and taught universally.
It is here that sex magic and the inner tantric teachings have gone so woefully astray, and been centralised upon individual development and the attainment of some experience which is presumed to promote spiritual attainment.”25
The subject of sex is vast and mysterious! An attempt to review the subject esoterically was covered in two newsletters: Libra 2017: Sex and Relationships (Part 1) and Scorpio 2017: Sex and Relationships (Part II). It is not until a human being is on the verge of Liberation, that the highly abstract mystery of sex is revealed:
“At the fourth initiation another of the great secrets is revealed to him. It is called “the mystery of polarity,” and the clue to the significance of sex in every department of nature on all the planes is given to him … owing to the point in evolution of our own Planetary Logos, this secret is the most vital … is at the stage wherein He is consciously seeking the at-one-ment with his polar opposite, another Planetary Logos.”26
USA’s Fiery Ordeal: Retrograde Mars in Aries
Mars has just turned retrograde in Aries and will remain so for two more months until mid Nov. 2020. The fires on USA’s west coast from Washington, Oregon and California have cut an stupendous swathe of firestorms and destruction – emulating the intensity of the recent Australian fires.
The sky turned orange/red – the colour of Mars, the sun blocked out and air quality index was as high as 500 in some places. The USA is besieged on many fronts at the moment, in keeping with Mars’ theme of battle. USA is also a Mars-ruled sixth ray personality.
Transiting Mars is squaring USA’s Pluto in Capricorn, just prior to this nation’s first Pluto return in its history. With recent transits of Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn activating natal Pluto, the Pluto return is getting an early start!
Likewise, Mars on its much faster cycle through Aries, has been and will be squaring all these planets in Capricorn, creating a series of crises. Transiting Mars’ square to Pluto was exact on Sept.18 and returns for its last square to USA’s natal Pluto on Dec.31, 2020.
Pluto is the Purge and as the USA approaches its first Pluto return – since its inception in 1776, all crystallised patterns created in this nation’s history are being destroyed. Natal Pluto inhabits the second house of money and possessions – thousands of homes have been destroyed, people are losing their belongings and financial security.
This has all been preceded by severe financial hardship upon millions, due to coronavirus lockdowns in the past few months. And it might get much worse, resulting in a recession/depression to rival that of the 1930’s. As the smoke from the West coast fires drifts across the entire continent, with a looming election in November and cleavages in opinion about coronavirus – the USA is being brought to its knees.
Perhaps this is what is needed before she can rise back up again – like the proverbial phoenix fire-bird – from the ashes. [graphic] Currently both the global Dweller and Angel are focussed for the Western world through the USA. Mars and Pluto always work closely together:
“Mars and Pluto—function in connection with the sacral centre (Mars) and the solar plexus (Pluto). This latter planet becomes active in the life of the man who is “becoming alive in the higher sense, his lower nature passes into the smoke and darkness of Pluto, who governs the lesser burning ground, in order that the man may live in truth in the higher land of light.”27
The “burning ground” is a process of emotional transmutation, of confronting Pluto’s underworld individually and collectively – the national shadow, the global shadow; this is occurring already as Pluto continues to reveal the hitherto hidden – bringing shock revelations.
On the other hand, the “burning ground” is reflected by outer events where there is upheaval, conflict and destruction – causing enormous emotional anguish. Mars square Pluto has the potential to dwarf what happened under Mars-Jupiter during that recent explosive week in Lebanon.
Reflect upon the suppressed, repressed emotions of a populace – like those thousands of tons of fertiliser sitting in a Beirut warehouse, just waiting for a spark to set it off. Apart from the transit of Mars to USA’s natal Pluto, transiting Mars squares transiting Pluto twice more this year in October and December.
As “non-sacred” planets, Pluto-Mars are easily invoked by the Forces of Materialism – as occurred in the 1930’s with the rise of fascism just after Pluto’s discovery. Fascist tendencies are increasing alarmingly in many nations at the moment – under various guises, limiting and hindering human freedoms. It has been said that,
“If humanity fails to unite under the banner of the Forces of Light against the forces of material aggression and selfishness, then the “fiery ordeal” might be unavoidable.” Perhaps the wildfires that have been sweeping around the planet in recent years are not so much about climate change but a more subjective process in breaking earthly attachments. Divine intervention is a method resorted to by Hierarchy – if recalcitrant Humanity fails to, “stop worshipping the golden calf”:
“Divine intervention could also take the form of a cataclysmic happening which would bring aggression to an end through destruction. It would probably be at such a cost of human life that there is definite hesitation over employing it by the custodians of natural law and the workers who understand divine purpose, apart from the fact that humanity has now reached the point in evolution where the expression of human free will is definitely possible.
The use of cataclysm was the method employed in Atlantean days, as you well know from the tales of the flood; and through the flood there was almost complete destruction of the civilisation of that time. It is hoped that such a drastic step will not be needed today, though there are ancient prophecies which foretell the possibility of the destruction of this world at this time through fire—instead of flood.
Which of the two methods—divine embodiment and natural cataclysm—will be employed will really be decided by humanity through its use or non-use of free will and understanding. If humanity fails to unite under the banner of the Forces of Light against the forces of material aggression and selfishness, then the “fiery ordeal” might be unavoidable.”28
Kamala Harris: VP Nominee
Kamala Devi Harris (KDH) has an extraordinary horoscope, born at the exact time of the Libra full moon period in 1964. Harris is the Democrats/Joe Biden’s pick as running mate for the forthcoming US election, giving the possibility of her becoming a first female vice-president – and even President, should something befall Biden. Libra is the main sign of the law and justice – indeed, it may have been the rising sign of recently departed Supreme Court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg (See this Facebook post).
Harris has been an attorney for many years, and as a senator advocated healthcare reform, citizenship for immigrants, a ban on assault weapons, and tax reform. She was the district attorney for San Francisco 2004-11 and has had much experience in aggressive prosecutions, reflected no doubt by her “go-getter” Aries moon!
KDH has an Indian mother and Jamaican father, making her an unique combination of African-Asian American. She grew up in a black neighbourhood in Oakland, and experienced from an early age, racial discrimination and segregation. She attended a black African church at a young age and was introduced to the rich world of Hindu mythology by her mother.
Space does not permit of a complete profile, nevertheless she has had a long and impressive career in law and legislation – though somewhat controversial at times. (See Wikipedia article here.) In his astrological analysis, Malvin Artley comments:
“This campaign for president is very scripted, for anyone who knows how to read it. It favors the corporate class and Wall Street, pandering to the big donors, and promises nothing to address the concerns of the average American in the long term. [She is],

Up close and personal, what would be a good caption here? Biden’s Sag rising tends to be “in your face”!
– Pro-Israel, also a plus to have a Jewish husband. AIPAC loves her.
– Pro Wall Street
– Pro strong police force
– Pro women’s reproductive rights (supports abortion)
– Pro affirmative action
– Pro gun control
– Pro immigration
– Pro LGBT rights
– Advocate of environmental protection laws.
Overall, so far, Harris shows as an establishment Democrat. On other matters, she says she opposes tax cuts to the wealthy, is pro workers’ rights and collective bargaining, advocates for six months paid family leave, supports small businesses with under 10 employees, supports the Postal Service, is pro subsidized housing, is pro Green New Deal, has stated she is against Super PACs, and is pro food stamps.
Those policies sound mildly progressive, to the point that she has been cast as, “…a centrist Democrat who has shown willingness in the past to consider progressive ideas … Immediately after her tap to be VP, Twitter was trending thus:
- Wall Street is happy with the pick. More neoliberal globalism.
- Biden’s cabinet will be full of Obama holdovers and primary candidates to whom he owes favors.
- Biden and Harris are the most favoured Democrat recipients of the billionaire class.
- Tech monopolies love Kamala
- Hawkish on foreign policy
- A big win for imperial feminism
- Kamala Harris is a far left radical (again, there is no ‘left’ in American politics)
- Progressive black women feel torn about Kamala
- Fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions
- Biden picked a black, female, hawkish, Wall Street-hugging lover of Israel
- Because of her mixed heritage, there are claims of something along the lines of birtherism (Hint: She’s American. Look at the birth certificate.) There is also a piece of disinformation doing the rounds on social media of her being an ‘anchor baby’ for the same reason, which is false.
- Our elections mostly determine who will be on SNL for the next four years.”29
The author concurs with many of these points, nevertheless, Harris might well be “the best of a bad bunch” – indeed, if she ever did become president, she could be a very good administrator – a “firm but fair” Libran, very tough when needed, with a possibility of bringing some order out of chaos – in a long transition leading up to 2025 and the next elected president.
Gemini rising indicates Harris’ soul purpose – to develop the capacity to communicate with all kinds of people, particularly through the spoken word – to be a “person of the people”, of the “common man”.
Gemini is the personality of the USA, hence Harris has the potential to use her soul force to influence and transform USA’s not-quite-integrated personality. In USA’s 1776 horoscope, this Gemini personality finds much of its expression through troublesome Mars in Gemini – which sits close to Harris’ ascendant. USA’s Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Virgo which sits on Harris’ Venus in Virgo. As the author states in Destiny of the Races and Nations I,

Harris with lawyer husband Douglas Emhoff – she is stepmother to Emhoff’s two children from previous marriage.
“As Mars squares Neptune in the ninth house, there is a great challenge for America to discriminate clearly between its high idealism and a tendency to myth making. The glamours of the movie industry and music, addictive substances, emotional psychism and religious cults, are all up for review with this aspect. The American media, with its excesses and exaggerations, is another prime example of how truth is compromised.
Another manifestation of Mars square Neptune is the sharp intellect of Virgo and ninth/seventh house themes around legal matters. Litigation and craftily calculated documents deceive and are major problems borne out in the Cancer Sun square Libran Saturn – the abuse of the law through manipulative practices.”30
Astrologer Maureen Richmond comments:
“Biden and Harris issued a statement that, when elected, they would implement hard lockdowns, mandatory vaccines, mandatory mask-wearing for all persons at all times outside the residence, and a non-optional aggressive covid tracking system, a tough authoritarian stance reflective of the extreme Mars-Pluto square in the announcement chart …
… that would authorize state health departments in the U.S. and their contractors to forcibly enter private homes, forcibly test, and forcibly remove from the premises anyone they like, for any reason, for any period of time, to any location, without any form of due process allowed. The Biden-Harris ticket has enthusiastically endorsed this plan and has added even more invasive measures to it.
… while she was a prosecuting attorney, district attorney, and attorney general in California, she proved herself merciless, securing the incarceration of many innocent persons while closing her eyes to evidence which might exonerate the falsely accused … Some have noticed an odd duplicity in the face and responses of Harris. Even when asked about the most serious and ponderous questions, she often maintains a facial musculature which looks as if she can barely restrain herself from bursting out laughing. It is possible that this face is not merely a conversational mask, but rather a true representation of Kamala Harris. .”31
That “duplicity” is the shadow of Gemini rising, for which Gemini’s are often distrusted – shared by another Gemini rising, Hillary Clinton. As Gemini ruler Mercury is placed in early Scorpio, conjunct her late Libra sun, Harris is able to bring to bear the force of Mercury in this Mars-Pluto ruled sign, to break through resistances, especially on the courtroom floor. Mercury in Scorpio probes very deeply and persistently – it is great for researching cases, or “digging up the dirt”! Mercury in Scorpio also complements hard-hitting, “go gettem”, Mars-ruled Moon in Aries.
Mercury is also part of the grand trine between Sun in Libra, Gemini rising and Saturn in Aquarius on the midheaven (career). Saturn is the law and Aquarius represents the many reforms that Harris has championed over the years, although as others have pointed out, she can be absolutely stubborn and unmoveable in this fixed sign. Her Saturn also falls close to USA’s 1776 moon in Aquarius, the same sign that qualifies USA’s soul.
Venus in Virgo is the esoteric ruler of Gemini and the exoteric ruler of Libra, hence it functions as a pivotal point or bridge between the expression of her Libran personality and Gemini soul purpose. Venus in this position is the scholar with meticulous attention to detail, the lawyer who can create complex documents full of almost untranslatable legalise for the average person! As stated above, “Litigation and craftily calculated documents”. Hence, Harris knows how to play the game, to say the least! Esoterically, there is a much more rarified dimension to this position of Venus:
“Venus, pure love-wisdom, falls into generation in this sign and occultly “descends to earth” and stands … for the gift of mind and of divinity, embodied in the Son of Mind and thus for the descent of the Christ principle into generation or into matter. Virgo and Venus are together two aspects of intelligence.
The symbolism of the descent of Spirit into the womb of the virgin mother is preserved for us in the astrological fact that Venus falls in this sign; esoterically, she disappears from view and vanishes into the darkness.”32
Venus also makes a close conjunction to Pluto, enhancing a direct and transformative approach to relationships, to “take no prisoners” if necessary, a ruthlessness for which she has been criticised in the past. In this respect, both rulers of Gemini, Mercury and Venus, have a tough Scorpio-Pluto edge to them.
There is much more that could be said, perhaps in another newsletter. And the burning question, what are her chances at the election on Nov. 3, 2020? One must bear in mind of course, that the election outcome concerns other factors such as the USA and Democrats horoscope, Biden etc. In the transit chart for Nov.3 there is:
There are several striking activations in Harris’ horoscope for election day – which falls just a few days after the Scorpio full moon period on Oct. 31. That chart has revolutionary Uranus conjunct moon, opposite sun in Scorpio – creating a grand cross with USA’s north/south nodes in Leo-Aquarius – and solar arc Uranus in Aquarius! More on this in the Scorpio newsletter for that month, where Scorpio Joe Biden’s horoscope will also be examined. To follow the transits in Harris’ chart, look at the colour code lines.
1. Transiting Saturn in Capricorn square Sun-Moon. (Blue line) Saturn is at the point of a powerful T-square to Harris’ Sun-Moon in Libra-Aries – and her progressed midheaven in Aries. This kind of Saturn aspect can be a powerful inhibiting factor, but depending upon the soul in question, can deliver success through great striving and will power. Mercury, her Gemini ascendant ruler – is also part of this T-square, conjunct Harris’ sun in Libra, adding its potency.
Both Saturn and the moon reveal aspects of the Dweller, hence Harris may be confronted by unresolved ego forces and aggression emanating from her feisty Aries moon! It could be a very frustrating combination where the urge to move forward may be held back – also the result of a delayed or contested election outcome!
2. Progressed sun opposite Gemini ascendant and solar arc moon. (Orange line) It is most notable that the progressed sun in Sagittarius (rising sign of USA’s 1776 horoscope), is precisely opposite Harris’ Gemini soul purpose ascendant – to the minute – 24° Sag 17’! And the solar arc moon is just a few minutes away in Gemini. The fact that Harris’ natal sun-moon opposition in Aries-Libra has moved up to coincide with her ascendant-descendant axis, is a major “coincidence” activating the possibilities of her soul purpose Gemini.
3. Grand Cross: Transiting Neptune in Pisces opposite Venus, prog. Mars in Virgo – transiting nodes in Gemini-Sagittarius (Dark red lines) Venus is the esoteric ruler of Gemini rising soul purpose, therefore most significant when stimulated by Neptune.
At its lowest level, this transit can bring about distrust by the public, given Neptune’s glamour-making tendencies – generated by Harris and/or the media machine. On the other hand, it might also enhance the public’s idealism about Harris where she becomes a poster child for a first female VP or even President. Another astrologer comments on how this Neptune transit may not be good for Harris:
“Throughout the current presidential campaign, Harris will have transiting Neptune in Pisces opposite her natal Venus in health and sanitation-conscious Virgo. Certainly this configuration indicates that a matter of public health and sanitation is foremost in her mind and in the public discussion at this time. But this transiting aspect from illusion-prone Neptune also seems to manifest in Harris’ manner through a creeping sense of inauthenticity. Some have noticed an odd duplicity in the face and responses of Harris. ” (Maureen Richmond)
USA’s progressed sun in Pisces is strongly influencing now, to an exact opposition with Harris’ Venus in the next two years. The author has commented several times on how transiting Neptune has been tracking USA’s progressed sun in the past few years, influencing in its lower glamour aspect – of lies, deception, subterfuge, fake news and the opioid crisis. Hence, potential for public mistrust but also the opposite of the public idealistically embracing Harris. Bear in mind, USA is a feminine nation:
“Some nations are negative and feminine and others are masculine and positive. India, France, the United States of America, Russia and Brazil are all feminine and constitute the nurturing mother aspect. They are feminine in their psychology — intuitive, mystical, alluring, beautiful, fond of display and colour, and with the faults also of the feminine aspect, such as over emphasis upon the material aspects of life, upon pageantry, upon possession and upon money or its equivalent as a symbol of the form side of existence. They mother and nurture civilisation and ideas.”33
Progressed Mars in Virgo represents the “hastening of the Christ principle”, and as co-ruler of the solar plexus with Neptune, must certainly be challenging Harris to bring about a balance in her emotions, her ambitious martial attachments too perhaps.
The transiting nodal axis in Gemini-Sagittarius also mirrors/strengthens the progressed sun in Sagittarius opposite Gemini rising and solar arc moon in Gemini. Sagittarius is about philosophical ideals, as is Neptune, the visionary and mystic. This grand cross could influence the USA Gemini personality considerably and propel Harris into a high profile position.
4. Transiting midheaven conjunct Mars, opposite Saturn. Harris’ natal Mars is powerful as the dispositor of her Mercury in Scorpio and Moon in Aries. Mas in Leo can be very self-centered and attention-seeking, even the proverbial “drama queen” – possibly one of her greatest liabilities. Mars is opposite her Saturn in Aquarius near the natal midheaven, stimulating high ambition. With transiting midheaven starting the day conjunct Mars, it could be a positive stimulant toward success.
Overall it is hard to say what will be the outcome for Harris, many astrologers would write her off with the powerful Saturn square to her sun-moon, or the Neptune opposition to Venus. Only time will tell and in the meantime, the election prelude in the USA promises to one of the most antagonistic, vitriolic and damatic in history, especially given the transit of Mars through Aries, T-squaring USA’s natal Pluto-Mercury – and squaring the Cancer sun on election day!
Phillip Lindsay © 2020.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.149. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.233. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238-9. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.20. [↩]
- Glamour, A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.22. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.619. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.71. [↩]
- Agni Yoga, Helena Roerich [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alic A. Bailey. p.169. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.170. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.257. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.298. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.544. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.75. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.543. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.397. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.300. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.347. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- Education in the New Age, Alice A. Bailey. p.135. [↩]
- Education in the New Age, Alice A. Bailey. p.135. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.172. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.78. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.259. [↩]
- Kamala for President [↩]
- Liberation of the Nations: The Role of Sirius, Aquarius and Uranus. [↩]
- Maureen Richmond [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.281. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.55. [↩]
dec 21/2020. thanks phil for the inspiering good work. I have 3 of your books which i study, though the subject is vast. I originally started with AB and HPB and many years back Buddhism and the Vedas. This is ME, I live it,though it is easier said than done,but every step covers a mile. Your books have made it easier for me to understand. I feel we needed this contiuation where AB left. this gap you have filled especially in these changing times,and you have also expended the subjects further. For this WE should be greatfull . Thanks once again and many a blessing. Ray Malta (Cyclops Hill) EU.