Libra 2022: Equinox. The Law, Sex & Money. Pluto in Aquarius. Elizabeth II. King Charles III. Putin. Master Rákóczi.
Libra Keynote
“I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
(Full Moon Oct.9, 2022. UT 20.55)
Reflections on the Equinox
Libra: The Law, Sex and Money
___The Law: Failure of Democracy
___Sex: The Travesty of Gender Identity
______ Current Issues Around Sexuality and Gender
______Some Esoteric Perspectives on Sex
______Sex and the Astral Plane
______Venus in Libra: Sex and Relationships
___Money: Misuse and Manipulation
______ Pluto Enters Aquarius
The Passing of Queen Elizabeth II
___The British Empire
___End of the British Monarchy?
___King Charles III
Libra Vladimir Putin’s Solar Return
Master Rákóczi: The Annual October Council Meditation
New Course on the Ageless Wisdom
Easter Conference April, Aries 2023
Reflections on the Equinox
“Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings. Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter which first came together in Aries.
This balance and this relation of the great opposites, spirit and matter, is symbolised for us in the personality situation of balancing the pairs of opposites on the astral plane, and finding between them the “narrow razor-edged path” which leads the [wo]man into the kingdom of the soul.”1

Libran beauty: Song of the Waterfall (Nicholas Roerich – a Libran)
The recent Libra equinox is where an interlude intervenes, as the passage of the sun along the Earth’s ecliptic crosses the celestial equator – announcing the autumn or spring equinox, depending upon the hemisphere in which you reside.
Equal night and day is an apt symbol of the first degree of Libra the Balance. The equinoxes and solstices constitute four important intervals of the year – the cardinal cross of Aries-Libra (equinoxes) and Cancer-Capricorn (solstices) – when important rituals are conducted upon the outer plane and also upon the inner planes, within the deva or angelic realm.
Libra is the balance between seasons, night and day, or head and heart. Libra is fairness, justice and right relationships – seeking through its ruler Venus to unite the pairs of opposites – creating beauty and harmony.
Libra has been called the sign of “No-mans-land” – that neutral space between the warring opposites – where linear, illusory time is transcended, revealing the Eternal Now. Where the scales are balanced and poised to a point – where decision can be reached – using the judicial mind.
Through its esoteric ruler Uranus, Libra presides over relationships between groups, bringing like-minded collectives together in mutual co-operation. Air sign Libra precedes the next air sign Aquarius, ruled by Uranus exoterically, furthering the shared goals of group work and community – particularly groups of nations.
The theme of Libra the Peacemaker is emphasised powerfully in 2022, through the conjunction of the Sun to Mercury – still in its retrograde phase – but “stationary” in preparation for going direct on Oct.2.
The horoscope cast for the equinox will determine the next quarter of the year, up to the Capricorn solstice. Hence Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun in Libra will force individuals, groups and nations to create proper dialogue (Mercury) – that supports right relations and peace.
Not an easy task, because in the equinox chart, Libra ruler Venus is placed in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces, giving the tendency for criticism (Virgo) and deception (Neptune) – this is of course the lower expression. Given the routine lying culture that exists all around the world currently, we might expect the point of least resistance!
In fact the Equinox opposition of Venus-Neptune creates a T-square to USA’s troublesome Neptune in Virgo square Mars in Gemini – the latter planet being one of the classic positions for lies and deceit.
As an aside, Joe Biden’s recent speech about Russia at the UN is a good example of the general culture of making routine false statements in order to bolster the propaganda war. Biden is a Scorpio, whose lower keynote is: “Let maya flourish and deception rule”. Everything Biden said was one lie after another – a shameless act in the once-hallowed halls of the UN. (Likewise CNN, BBC etc. are all following the same script.)
USA’s 1776 horoscope has Saturn in Libra square to the Sun in Cancer, playing an important role regarding the Law. The rigid Saturn square Sun pattern still has not been resolved or integrated correctly into USA’s personality – which is often draconian, controlling and forceful – “The law of the fist” as Putin called it. (See this theme discussed in Putin’s solar return chart, later.)
Notwithstanding the ugliness of the world, Libra is a sign of beauty, balance and harmony, so well demonstrated in the great forests of the Earth – where there is perfect co-existence of the plant and animal kingdoms, where the power of silence draws us into a naturally meditative state. Libra is a sign of contemplation and reflection and its colour is green!
Urgent Call for Donations
______Libra, the sign of money – the exchange of energy or prana. Thanks for your many kind words of gratitude for these newsletters, but out of thousands of subscribers – only a handful donate every month, often the same donors. The problem has been exacerbated over the past couple of years, with donations dwindling drastically.
A reminder that subscribers to this newsletter receive (without charge or paywall), an unique blend of the Ageless Wisdom and Esoteric Astrology – practically applied to global events unfolding today; this facilitates a spiritual perspective, helping us to engage from a more informed and conscious position.
The author’s other projects include The Hidden History of Humanity books & free video series – plus 17 books – the purchase of which also supports this work (See books advertisement and links.)
Hence, if you appreciate the content of these newsletters, please consider not only making a one-off donation, but a regular contribution – from individuals or groups who benefit from this material in their studies or full moon meetings.
Wishing you all a rich Libra festival experience,
Philllip Lindsay
Thanks for your kind contribution!
Stripe is supported in many countries.
Libra: The Law, Sex and Money
“When Libra is dominant and the three divine aspects of the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, the Creator—law, sex and money—will give the clue to the three lower kingdoms. Law, natural law (the externalisation of the subjective spiritual law) will give the clue to the animal kingdom; sex or the consciousness of affinity will reveal the mystery of the vegetable kingdom; money will unveil the secret of the mineral kingdom.”2
1. The Law: A Failure of Democracy
“Libra has been the “sponsor of the law.” Legislation has hitherto been engrossed with the enforcing of those negations and those attitudes of fear which have been preserved for us in the Mosaic code and imposed through the medium of punishment for infringement.
This has been a probably necessary stage for child races and for the preservation of a “nursery regime” for men. But mankind is reaching maturity and a different interpretation of the purposes and intents of Libra through the medium of law is now required.
The law must become the custodian of a positive righteousness and not simply the instrument of enforcement.”3
Earthly laws are created in approximate correspondence to universal spiritual laws. Those laws have been formulated through religious traditions that identify core principles for human conduct and living. In this cycle of the Kali Yuga – and during the 500-year cusp of the ages of Pisces-Aquarius, the world is witnessing the failure of Western religions in particular, replaced by a religion of scientism and the erosion of many values, principles and ethics.
Democracy has only had its most recent expression over the past 500 years and will take perhaps the entire age of Aquarius to reach its true potential. In the meantime, many fluctuations are occurring, most notably since 2020 and the totalitarian coup that has taken hold over most nations of the world – instigated by the likes of such private, unelected bodies such as the World Economic Forum (WEF).
These groups, in concert with the cultural malaise that underlies Big Money, Media, Pharma etc., have succeeded in hijacking almost every democratic institution on the planet – through dictating their vision as “policy” to governments, that have in turn dictated to their respective populations.
This has occurred through the so-called “pandemic”, a clever rebranding of the annual flu for which billions were conned into taking a vaccine “solution” to the “problem”. This theme has been covered extensively by the author since early 2020.
The coronavirus scam was only the first stage of a strategy for greater control – through digital ID’s, mass surveillance, financial control etc., where every aspect of our lives can be tracked, documented and awarded social merit/demerit points – or carbon credits.
When various authors (the canaries in the coal mine), were sounding warnings about this in early 2020, they were widely dismissed, demonised and ridiculed. But now all those “conspiracy theories” have become conspiracy facts – a conspiracy against Humanity by the aforesaid culprits.
The fundamental problem is that democracies have been eroded and over-ridden by these materialistic forces. The founding nations that championed democracy – Britain, France and the USA – have become totalitarian, using deceit and manipulation against their people.
If Humanity does not stand up to these ongoing impositions to freedom and liberty, then they will be lost forever and a very dark dystopian age of slavery will unfold.
Democracies are only as strong as the people sounding their voices, we must all register our opposition to these encroaching threats that are coming “thick and fast”, attempting to force Humanity into a meek submission.
We must shake themselves free from inertia, apathy or “battle weariness”. There has not been a threat to human freedom like this since the world wars of last century. A mass hypnotism has prevented Humanity from seeing clearly, but millions are now waking up and wrestling back their stolen power, their basic human rights.
In the spirit of Aquarius, groups must be formed of like-minded individuals – whether it is writing to the local representative, using social media, marching in the streets, creating awareness campaigns, public disobedience – refusing to comply with directives, being a dissenting voice. It takes courage to exercise all these options – do we have what it takes?
2. Sex: The Travesty of Gender Identity
“I have enlarged somewhat upon sex and the judicial system as they are both ruled and conditioned by Libra and this will be increasingly the case … In this transition period through which the world is now passing and in this interlude between two activities … the Piscean Age … and Aquarius …
… Libra will eventually rule, and the end of this [20th] century will see the influence of Libra steadily coming into pronounced control and into a position of power in the planetary horoscope.”4
Now, almost one quarter into the 21st century, Libra should be very much in a “position of power” – particularly in relation to its main themes: The law, sex and money. These three subjects are going through extraordinary crises, in terms of how misused and abused each theme has become. Yet they are being “worked through”.
Herein lies the opportunity for change, to render Harmony from Conflict – a particularly Libran theme, also that of the fourth ray of the same name, the essential ray that conditions Humanity in general.
Libra is ruled esoterically by Uranus, ruler of the sacral or sexual chakra. Uranus also rules the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order, a ray that is increasing in its potency and whose cycle will last over the next 2,000 years with the Aquarian Age – which it also rules!
One of the major “glamours” of the seventh ray is sex magic, that looms large for those who are approaching or have taken the first initiation. However, it is a challenge at all levels of unfoldment – particularly for those with the seventh ray somewhere in their ray structure – most commonly the ray of the personality or physical body.
“The interest being shown today in the so-called cosmic rays indicates a scientific recognition of the new incoming seventh ray energies. These rays, pouring through the sacral centre of the planetary etheric body, have necessarily an effect upon the sacral centres of humanity, and hence the sex life of mankind is temporarily over-stimulated, and hence also the present over-emphasis upon sex.
But hence also (and this must be remembered) the keen impetus now being mentally expressed which will eventually result in man’s thinking through to a solution of this problem of sex.”5
Basically, sex magic – particularly in ritual, over-indulgence in sex, sexual obsession etc., concerns the misuse of soul powers.
“Cosmically speaking, sex is a short word used to express the relation existing (during manifestation) between spirit and matter, and between life and form … Sex is essentially an expression of duality, and of the separation of a unity into two aspects or halves.
These we can call spirit and matter, male and female, positive and negative; and they are in the nature of a stage upon the evolutionary ladder towards a final unity …”.6
Has the sexual revolution of the 60’s and 70’s now gone too far? Have the scales of Libra swung too much to one side? How many extra letters can one add to LGBTQ +xyz? Now, due to “gender dysphoria” (identifying as your opposite sex), doctors are annually performing thousands of double mastectomies on healthy teenage girls!
Those girls “identify” as boys and want to look like boys – and it is truly astonishing, that through no other apparent motive than greed, modern medicine is catering to the whims of teenagers who have nowhere near the maturity to make such decisions. (Girl to boy reassignment surgery costs around $50,000 and boy to girl under $10,000.)
It is argued by some that gender dysphoria is a myth that has created a kind of mass psychosis. Dr. Miriam Grossman describes the newly identified rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD), as “a social contagion … the phenomena of ideas and behaviours being spread within friend groups after immersion on the internet – pornography plays a big part.”
The problem of finding one’s identity when growing up, has been hijacked by certain groups, is creating cultural chaos, wrenching society from its foundations by trying to abolish the two sexes.
Inclusiveness or Dangerous Brainwashing?: The Transgender Movement.
Kara Dansky is an attorney, writer, gender rights advocate, and President of the U.S. chapter of Women’s Declaration International.
Finding identity is one of the reasons why many some people choose to be LGBTQ, when it has been argued that many are often none of those options. Some astrologers say that this can sometimes be confirmed in the horoscope, as a failure to meet the challenge for heterosexual relationship – or to deal with their own desire natures. There is of course, also the widely acknowledged problem of being incarnate as one sex, but still carrying strong opposite-gender traits from recent incarnations.
For many in recent generations, it has been a choice based upon being accepted by a certain peer group, of living a “fashionable” or “alternative” lifestyle; of wanting to explore various aspects of sexuality that they feel is not met within an heterosexual relationship. In some cases, the reasons are simply sexual perversion or attracted by the seventh ray glamour of “subterranean powers” – of all that is taboo and forbidden:
“These perversions are ever found when a civilisation is crumbling and the old order is changing into a new. [As it most certainly is today.] Why should this be? It is due to the fact that the newer impulses pouring into the old, and the impact of the new forces upon humanity, awaken in man a desire for that which is, for him, a new and untried field of expression, and for that which is unusual and oft abnormal.
Weak minds then succumb to the impulse, or strong experimenting souls fall victim to their own lower natures, and investigate in unlawful directions. You have, then, under these new energies, a definite progress forward into new and untried spiritual realms, but at the same time, you find an experimenting in the realm of physical desire which is not for humanity the line of progress.”7
The author received a lot of criticism from some in the gay community when stating some of these ideas several years ago (and probably will again!) – in two 2017 newsletters: Sex and Relationships I (Libra) and Sex and Relationships II (Scorpio).
The main problem that most of the author’s critics had, were the quoted passages from the Master DK (via Alice Bailey) – about the esoteric causes of homosexuality. These critics stated that those passages were “distortions of Alice Bailey’s prejudiced personality” or her “puritannical Victorianism” – and so forth.
This is a typical criticism from people who are otherwise students of the Master Djwhal Khul’s writings, but who cannot reconcile what He said, with choices that they made and subsequent lifestyles adopted; many of them have also outright dismissed the deeply esoteric causes of homosexuality that go back to the dawn of time in Lemuria.
It has been speculated that homosexuality might be more of a problem for Earth chain souls who incarnated in Lemurian times, than for the older Moon chain souls. Yet the misuse of sex in general was why the Moon chain evolution was a “failure”! (See the newsletter links above)
As a disclaimer, the author is neither “homophobic”, anti-gay, and has gay friends and clients. Discerning the “genuinely gay” from the barrage of coercive, manipulative sexual politics is very challenging. To cover this topic in a more deeply nuanced way would however require alot more space.
At the end of the Age of Pisces – and its associated outgoing sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism, the world is seeing the worst exaggerations and glamours of this sign and ray. A fanatical adherence to ideas is one of the glamours of the sixth ray, infiltrating all areas of human expression – politics, sciences, arts, economics, sexuality – even the Ageless Wisdom!
Belief is one of the characteristics of the sixth ray, as opposed to true knowing of the fifth ray. Belief is usually based upon emotion whilst knowing is based upon a mental comprehension of facts. Everyone has a mixture of both, often expressing as kama-manas or desire-mind.
People want to believe in one thing or another, often without discrimination or taking the time to research the facts; they are driven to fit their desire to a perceived reality – fitting the horse to the saddle, rather than the saddle to the horse! It is no coincidence then, that the two rulers of the sixth ray are also the rulers of the solar plexus, the gateway to the desire or astral body.
The Materialistic Forces work primarily upon the astral plane and find it easy to manipulate Humanity as a whole – because humanity is polarised astrally. Because the solar plexus is the most separative centre, these shadowy forces are continually finding ways to drive a wedge between people in many areas of human activity – the various gender ideologies, critical race theory, nation sovereignty, coronavirus etc.
Aquarius is one of the signs of androgyny and experimentation, as is Libra – both signs have Uranus in common as exoteric/esoteric rulers:
“Out of the many sexual experiments now going on, the coming generation will arrive at a point of balance and then, as a consequence, they will tip the scales in the desired and desirable direction. Of this there is no question of doubt; there is only the point in time and this will be astrologically determined.
Through the legal minds and through right legislation, sex will be seen eventually to be a proper and divine function and will then be safeguarded by right education of the young and the ignorant, and the right action of the young and highly intelligent emerging generation—the children and babies of today.”8
Current Issues Around Sexuality and Gender 2022
1. Teaching children to self-identify and use non-gender pronouns. This trend has reached grotesque proportions globally (a “social contagion”), with teachers in primary, high schools and tertiary education pushing the same ideology. (Toronto professor Jordan Peterson takes on gender-neutral pronouns.)
“Kids have been taught from as early as kindergarten that male and female is a choice that you can make, and that part of your identity is between the ears and not between the legs. It’s a denial of your chromosones and a rejection of your physical body.
Children are being tricked into making life-changing decisions under the trans movement, with experimental procedures and unapproved medicines” – according to Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child psychiatrist and public speaker.
She notes that some of the practices being used in the trans movement cause irreversible damage, and are based on scientific studies that are being misrepresented by their proponents.” How Trans Movement Misrepresents Science to Harm Children: Dr. Miriam Grossman. (A “must-watch” interview!)
The following interview from the (Dave) Rubin Report might also be of interest …
2. Child trafficking and sex abuse. This subject was touched upon in a 2020 newsletter: Libra and Child Sex Legislation. A co-worker comments:
“The gender theory of worldwide programing, is distorting and destroying the pliable and flexible mind of young children, into a false gender identity. The soul chooses the gender, useful for that specific life, for some soul need. Human beings, mainly the children and the youth, need to identify themselves as free thinkers and independent human beings, then as divine conscious beings which is the goal of evolution.
To take children from the present need to racial past achievements, is trying to keep them focused on their animal physical and feeling nature. This is retrogression – the objective [by negative forces] is to prevent soul and higher consciousness to be acquired, allowing outer influences to control their lives, leaving them easy prey to submit to slavery.
Many children are used for paedophiles, sex magic rituals, to be “sucked” of their fresh life essence – as predators look for the “elixir of youth and long life”. The groups of controlling [human] entities are all old and do not want to die,of course.” (Anonymous)
3. Drag queens performing for children. Would you allow your kids to attend this “fun” event? One of many videos that can be found on this specific subject.
4. Gender and public toilets – consider the following statement by a typical “non-binary” writer who rails against the “cis-gender” groups: Public bathrooms are gender identity battlefields. What if we just do it right?
5. Biologically male athletes identifying as female and dominating womens sport. How did we get here?
6. Men having babies. Can Men Get Pregnant? Politcal correctness reached a new low when a University Of California Medical Prof Apologizes For Saying ‘Pregnant Women’ – she should have said “pregnant people”!
7. The feminisation of men. The cultural undermining of masculinity that weakens traditional male roles, creating hordes of effeminate males, “sissies” or “fem-boys” – all part of a directed strategy to create confusion and chaos within and between the sexes.
8. A judge cannot define what a woman is, in a senate hearing. Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson – see short video.
9. ‘Transphobic’ Questioning During Senate Hearing. Law Professor Slams Sen. Hawley. (This is rich – an intense wide-eyed face-off – a field day for a body language expert!)
10. The normalisation of pornography and endangerment for impressionable young minds (and adults), exposed to sexual violence and other perversions. The consequent addictions that ensue and the inability to form right relationships. Pornification and the Mainstreaming of Sex. When commenting upon the nature of cosmic evil, The Tibetan comments:
“There are two of these astral forms [ancient etheric planets] in close proximity to our Earth, which are rapidly “decomposing”, if I may so term it, and yet have a very potent influence. On account of this close relation, they produce two types of desire or of astral tendency among men.
One produces much of that instinctual tendency to cruelty which one sees in children and in certain types of men, and the other has an effect upon the sex life and produces some of those tendencies to perversions which cause so much difficulty now.
Sadistic tendencies and sex perversions find much strengthening influence from these dying astral emanations. In ancient days they were still more potent, being closer to our earth than now; hence the ritualistic cruelties and the horrors, for instance, of Sodom and Gomorrah.”9
11. Attacks on heterosexuality. Claims made in propaganda media outlets such as The Guardian, What have we learned from 50 years of studying porn? ‘Heterosexuality is essentially broken’.
12. More people are not marrying and having babies. This is due to the fact that Humanity is becoming increasingly mentally polarised. For instance, “college-educated young Chinese between the ages of 25 and 29 are most likely to be single”. As a result of the declining birth rate, China scrapped its one child policy and raised it to three children!
Similarly in Japan, “17.3% of men and 14.6% of women aged between 18 and 34 said they had no intention of ever tying the knot … growing desire among young working women to enjoy the freedoms that come with being single and having a career.” Population levels are declining worldwide as discussed in this short video: Population Collapse is coming (elon-musk-dr.-shanna-swan-jordan-peterson)

Promise (Visionary artist Alex Grey) The soul reincarnates.
Some Esoteric Perspectives on Sex
Sex is a huge field of enquiry and one of the greatest mysteries of the universal life force that is not fully understood until the higher initiations.
There are many comments on sex throughout the “blue books” – in fact one book, A Compilation on Sex, “Focuses on the cause and basic mystery of the sex relation. In the vale of illusion, the symbol often engrosses the attention and that which it represents is forgotten.”
The following two pages are extracted from a six-page passage in Education in the New Age (Written 1946-9), that has many relevant points worth pondering today – after all, this is the “ageless” wisdom:
“The emphasis in the future will shift from the urge to produce large families to that of producing quality and intelligence in the offspring. This will include that science of which eugenics is the distorted and exoteric indication … The need of an increasing birthrate will be eventually regarded as erroneous … which it would profit you to study:
1. Many souls are rapidly achieving perfection and passing away altogether from our planetary life. This process will be intensified during the coming Aquarian Age … There will be, therefore, no necessity for a massed and hurried creation of human forms.
2. The economic situation will make it necessary that certain physical restrictions should be imposed, because it is now evident that beyond a certain point the planet cannot support humanity. This is more fundamental in its implications than you can imagine.

Kissing (Visionary artist Alex Grey)
… Through this lack of regulation and of essential rhythm, the natural consequences have occurred, and millions of souls have been brought into incarnation who were never intended at this time to incarnate and achieve exoteric manifestation. This fact is largely responsible for much of the present economic distress and for the modern planetary dilemma.
The economic situation and the necessity to provide for the unduly large population of the planet lies behind much of the aggression and greed of the nations down the ages, and for the effort being made today as never before to provide better and more adequate living conditions.
War has consequently been the inevitable result of this undue and unlimited propagation of the human species. This lack of sexual control has brought into the world thousands of unwanted children whose appearance is solely the result of accidental and uncontrolled sexual relations, and in no way indicates the planned intention of parents—planned because intended to offer experience to incarnating souls, with the conscious intent of offering the opportunity to hasten the “birth into the light” of those particular souls, thus rendering service to the divine plan.
… There can be no fusion of the opposites of soul and personality apart from the physiological processes of sex, and I say this deliberately, for it is in the relation of the sexes that the element of time enters into the experience of the soul, and the understanding of this will come when the doctrine of reincarnation is properly comprehended and taught universally.

Holy Family (Visionary artist Alex Grey.)
It is here that sex magic and the inner tantric teachings have gone so woefully astray, and been centralised upon individual development and the attainment of some experience which is presumed to promote spiritual attainment. The underlying idea, governing all that has been given out on the sex relation heretofore, is twofold in its implications:
1. To provide bodies for incarnating souls so that certain destined evolutionary unfoldments may be carried forward, and the attainment of an equally destined and inevitable spiritual unfoldment becomes possible.
2. To impart the scientific procedure whereby bodies “built in the dark” may gradually be superseded by bodies “built in the light.” Thus will be brought about the manifestation of the foundational light aspect of the world and its underlying structure.
… The relation between the soul and the personality is consequently a higher aspect of the basic sex expression of the universe, and this relation is intended to bring about the appearance of a son of God as light in the world, enabling him to say, as did the Christ, that he is “the light of the world,” and to fulfill the injunction, “let your light shine.”10
Sex and the Astral Plane
“In the bulk of humanity the sacral centre and the solar plexus govern the life, and that is why desire for material living and for the sex life are so closely blended.”11
The impulse for sex has its origin for average humanity in the sacral centre – linked to the adrenal glands, survival issues, fight or flight – and the instinct to propagate the species.

This diagram is always a good reference for students of esotericism, regarding the evolutionary journey of forces from the lower centres moving to the higher centres.
For the more evolved, the sex impulse emanates from the desire or astral body which the solar plexus centre governs. The solar plexus is “unusually stimulated” in this particular cycle and is, “so potent that it swings the [wo]man into a state of consciousness which is fundamentally astral, thus governing the sex life from the angle of the sentient consciousness.”12
Desire arising in the solar plexus is transmitted to the centre just below – the sacral, blending with its unconscious instinctual nature. The evolutionary journey for all of Humanity is to raise the energies from the lower centres below the diaphragm, to those above:
The sacral centre is pro-creative – the throat centre is creative, as it is the “doorway” to the mental body. Solar plexus moves upward to the heart, and eventually to the throat, but most importantly via the heart.
The base chakra forces are “subject to the same rhythmic life as the other centres” and eventually move to the crown chakra at a very advanced stage; but if forced through the premature arousal of kundalini (“the power of life”) – can cause insanity and major problems for several incarnations.
Venus in Libra: Sex and Relationships (Sept. 29 – Oct.23)
“Venus, the mind or the soul in Libra reveals to man the exoteric significance and results of desire.”13
This transit of Venus fits neatly with the Sun’s transit through Libra on its annual cycle. Exoterically, Venus ruling Libra is the goddess of art, beauty and sex – “revealing the exoteric significance and results of desire”.
The artwork here by Duval depicts the beauty of Aphrodite birthed in the ocean – from the foam produced by Uranus’s genitals, which his son Cronus (Saturn with his scythe) – had severed and thrown into the sea.
This is a profoundly occult story that involves three rulers of Libra: Venus exoterically, Uranus esoterically, Saturn hierarchically and also exalted in Libra. Venus was prominent at human Individualisation 21 million years ago, standing for the implantation of the electrical spark of mind – that started the long journey of the soul and its unfoldment of consciousness.
This was also the period when hitherto animal, hermaphrodite humanity separated into two sexes – male and female, becoming individual souls distinct from the herd. (See the author’s video, The Hidden History of Humanity)
Note also that both Uranus and Saturn are “mental” planets, the former especially related to science and the latter as ruler of the throat chakra. Venus is the ruler of the fifth ray of knowledge or science – and Libra is an intellectual air sign. The combination of all three rulers gifts Libra a great practicality and potency to manifest:
“The power of the developed Libran to project the inner spiritual purpose or intended will into physical expression.”14
Venus is the mind that harmonises the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane, creating harmony, right relationship and beauty – expressing for astrally polarised humanity as the goddess of lust, passion, pleasure and sex!

Venus and Mars Surprised by Vulcan. (Artist Alessandro Varotari.) Venus and Vulcan are the exoteric/esoteric rulers of Taurus, known as the “bull of desire” – but also the acquisition of higher knowledge leading to wisdom.
The ocean is also a symbol of the astral plane – a reflection of the greater ocean of consciousness to which Venus is connected. Appropriately, Duval had Venus in Pisces – where this planet is exalted – in the watery realm of the fishes and Neptune!
Venus is the planet of relationships and Libra is the sign of relationships. Hence, during its brief sojourn in its own sign, Venus brings opportunity to foster right relations through engagement – that word used to describe a couple’s first stage of relationship commitment before marrying.
Engagement – using the Libra theme of friendliness, affability and diplomacy – through constructive dialogue, echoes the Equinox horoscope discussed earlier, with the power of Mercury in Libra. Libra is the Peacemaker and in today’s constant climate of war – harmony and right relations must prevail in 2022.
“Venus also rules Libra exoterically and the seventh House wherein enemies are recognised and unions and friendships achieved.”15
3. Money: Misuse and Manipulation
“Soaring profits at two of the UK’s biggest energy companies have been described as an “insult” to millions of people struggling amid the cost of living crisis, with high oil and gas prices funding multibillion-pound rewards for their shareholders.
Working people are facing the longest and harshest wage squeeze in modern history. It’s time working people got their fair share of the wealth they create, starting with real action to bring bills down.”16
As if the reduction of income and business was not enough during the past few years of the “Covid ambush”, energy and fuel companies continue to ruthlessly gouge prices, creating more fear and trepidation.
Britain is one of the worst examples, with Big Oil’s quarterly profits around a staggering £50 billion – as Britons have been told to brace for even higher energy bills at around £3,850 this winter! The new British PM (Liz Truss) took some pressure off and said she would cap the energy bill at £2,000 – a still exorbitant sum.
The big energy corporations have gone completely rogue, doing as they please “for their shareholders” (right!), dictating to government that is too weak or ideologically disposed to counter these companies. (Oil firms seem more interested in shareholders than net zero)
The irony here is that oil and energy companies used the excuse or “delays in the supply chain due to Covid or Ukraine” – a completely nonsensical and false ploy to drive profits: “Prices soared amid fears over supplies of energy caused in part by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.” Fear drives the market!
“The UK firm BP was accused of “unfettered profiteering” after it said on Tuesday underlying profits had tripled to $8.5bn (£6.9bn) between April and June, thanks to high oil prices. It was its biggest quarterly profit in 14 years and BP said it would hand out nearly £4bn to shareholders as a result …
… Rachel Reeves, Labour’s shadow chancellor, said the “eye-watering profits” showed that the government was “totally wrong” to have given significant tax breaks to oil companies. A host of MPs from Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Green party as well as environmental campaigners called for a higher windfall tax on oil companies.”17
The big bosses of companies have no excuses or proper explanations, they are as culpable as Big Pharma in pillaging the general public:
“Shell’s chief executive, Ben van Beurden, said the company could not “perform miracles” to bring oil and gas prices down, adding: “It is what it is.”
Really, it is what it is – what does that mean, precisely nothing – a cop-out answer, an utter failure to address the causes of the problem, or the deviant behaviour of corporatists. Centrica, the owner of British Gas, handed its investors £59 million, after reporting operating profits of £1.3bn during the first half of 2022.
All of the above is of course being replicated in many countries around the world, Britain is simply a microcosm of a global problem of corporations holding humanity hostage, keeping millions struggling in poverty whilst the “elite” jackals of the world continue their marauding.
Even the budget for the new Tory government in Britain supports the wealthy elite, in a week that saw the UK pound plummet to the level of the US$ – an unprecedented event:
“The International Monetary Fund has launched a stinging attack on the UK’s tax-cutting plans and called on Liz Truss’s government to reconsider them to prevent stoking inequality. In rare public criticism of a leading global economy, the Washington-based fund said Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget risked undermining the efforts of the Bank of England to tackle rampant inflation amid the cost of living emergency.
It said a statement planned by Kwarteng for 23 November, presented an “opportunity for the UK government to consider ways to provide support that is more targeted and reevaluate the tax measures, especially those that benefit high income earners”.18
How can Humanity resolve this deteriorating and excruciating situation? Many millions in rich European countries or the USA appear to ignore the problem as they pursue familiar lifestyles, and the endless consumption of goods, fed by a steady stream of excessive manufacturing: The proverbial, “like there is no tomorrow” – based upon the illusion of infinite resources to feed the machine. Indeed, this report from CNN celebrates the grossest excesses of the wealthy:
“The world is in turmoil. The specter of global conflict lurks on the horizon. Energy prices are putting the squeeze on millions. Covid lingers. But in Monaco, at the yachting world’s most glamorous event, it’s business as usual.
This week, superyachts with a combined value of somewhere near $3.8 million [Should read ‘billion’] gathered together in the azure waters of the tiny European principality for the 31st annual Monaco Yacht Show. And no amount of geopolitical anxiety could tarnish the glitz.” (Amid global turmoil, superyachts are selling more than ever. Here’s why)
Billions of vehicles around the world throng the highways day and night, mostly driven by oil products. The push to ban fossil fuel vehicles in some countries by 2035 appears impossible! Even electric vehicles that plug in to recharging outlets, derive their power from oil, coal or gas, rendering the sales pitch of “clean and green” – null and void.
“The global oil and regional gas markets are anything but – they are rackets, a profiteer’s paradise. If they operated in a single legal jurisdiction, they would have long been deemed illegally rigged. The excess, unearned profits of the oil and gas industry are astronomical, recently revealed as $3bn every day for the past 50 years. That’s $1 trillion a year, on average, from the pockets of you and me into the bank vaults of dictators and big oil. It may be the biggest shakedown in history.”19
In a recent article, How much longer can we tolerate this price-gouging racket of an energy sector?, it was stated:
“Cartels have dominated the oil and gas industry for so much of its history, it has become normalised. But, if you take a step back, the absurdity becomes clear. Countries such as Saudi Arabia can produce a barrel of oil for a few dollars, sell it for $100 and still talk about cutting production.
Such behaviour is deeply embedded. From the 1920’s to the 1970’s, a group dubbed the “international petroleum cartel” by the US Federal Trade Commission dominated. Its members were Exxon, Shell, Chevron, Mobil, Texaco, BP and Gulf. Opec was formed in 1960 by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and others to challenge it. It succeeded, quadrupling prices by the end of the 1970s.”20
Writing in the mid 1940’s, The Tibetan stated the following:
“The prostituting of life to the task of providing the bare necessities or to making it possible for a few rich and privileged people to have too much when others have too little, will come to an end; men everywhere can now be released into a state of life which will give them leisure and time to follow spiritual objectives, to realise richer cultural life, and to attain a broader mental perspective.
But, my brothers, men will fight to prevent this; the reactionary groups in every country will neither recognise the need for, nor desire this new world order [the true “NWO”, not the one that has been hijacked!] which the liberation of cosmic energy (even on this initial tiny scale) can make possible; the vested interests, the big cartels, trusts and monopolies that controlled the past few decades, preceding this world war, will mobilise their resources and fight to the death to prevent the extinction of their sources of income; they will not permit, if they can help it, the passing of the control of this illimitable power into the hands of the masses, to whom it rightly belongs.
The selfish interests among the big stockholders, the banking firms and the wealthy organised churches will oppose all change, except in so far as it will benefit them and bring more financial gain to their coffers.”21
Almost seven decades since this was written, not much has changed. Let us hope that the trend of the “rich and privileged” will “come to an end” very soon! Perhaps the world is witnessing the peak of their powers, just before it all comes tumbling down. But it will take a major resistance by Humanity to achieve that goal. If it does not occur, then the consolidation of materialism will continue – which was one of the main reasons for the fall of Atlantis:
“That same evil is again upon the warpath and is being fought by the men of goodwill, under the direction of the Great White Lodge. Heights of luxury were reached in Atlantis of which we, with all our boasted civilisation, know nothing and have never achieved. Some faint traces of it have come to us from legends and from ancient Egypt, from archeological discovery and old fairy tales.
There was a recurrence of pure Atlantean mischief and wickedness in the decadent days of the Roman Empire. Life became tainted by the miasma of unadulterated selfishness and the very springs of life itself became polluted.
Men only lived and breathed in order to be in possession of the utmost luxury and of a very plethora of things and of material goods. They were smothered by desire and plagued by the dream of never dying but of living on and on, acquiring more and more of all that they desired.”22
This latter trait led to the disease of tuberculosis:
“It is in this situation that we find the origin of tuberculosis. It originated in the organs whereby men breathe and live, and was imposed—as a penalty—by the Great White Lodge; the Masters promulgated a new law for the Atlantean people when Lemurian vice and Atlantean cupidity were at their most ruthless height.
This law can be translated into the following terms: “He who lives only for material goods, who sacrifices all virtue in order to gain that which cannot last, will die in life, will find breath failing him, and yet will refuse to think of death until the summons comes.””23
Pluto Enters Aquarius (2023 – 2044)
These previous passages was written over 60 years ago, since that time those material forces have consolidated and refined their methods even further. As Pluto the planet of power is transiting through Capricorn – a sign of power and materiality (in its lower expression), we are seeing the worst possible result of this corporate evolution. But is it all about to collapse?
Pluto moves into Aquarius in March 2023-24 for the first time since it was discovered in 1930 – remaining there until 2044. Aquarius is of course the sign that the world is currently transitioning into for the next 2,000 odd years – a sign of sharing and equitable distribution of resources. Hence, a long-term planet like Pluto entering this sign, is a great herald of future possibilities.
But for that possibility to occur and for Humanity to enter into a new Golden Age (Satya Yuga), the old system must somehow be destroyed utterly, implode upon itself. How will that happen? At the moment it looks as if the Material Forces have the upper hand, a tight stranglehold on humanity.
Pluto in Aquarius can be used negatively, in terms of the corporations or groups which are the shadow of Aquarius and its themes of community and group co-operation. In its lower sense, there can be a total emotional detachment, a cold and calculating use of technology even more than is being abused now.
“The last time that Pluto was in Aquarius (1778-1799) there was huge growth in the number of corporations, as groups of people (Aquarius) began to buy shares (Pluto). Between 1781 and 1790 the number of corporations in the US grew from just 33 to 328.
Global trade exploded which eventually spawned growing opposition to slavery. Today, there are many people who suffer appalling working conditions, not to mention those who are unable to find work, or who are homeless, or otherwise disadvantaged.”24
So what will it take to stop this juggernaut riding roughshod over humanity, trampling human rights and liberty – as we have all witnessed in the past few years? There appears to be only two options:
1. The people rise up and put an end to this madness – through activism, protest and civil disobedience. Humanity must shake off its apathy and inertia, awaken from its deep slumber, but may have to experience severe deprivation to rouse it to action.
“The last time that transformative Pluto moved through humanitarian Aquarius, the people of France revolted against their dictatorial and extravagant monarchy. On 14 July, 1789 they stormed the Bastille, starting the French Revolution. Mobs of people (Aquarius) projected their repressions (Pluto) back upon those in power.
‘Equality, Liberty and Fraternity’ was the Aquarian catch cry of the day. Now we are entering a period of human history where a similar cry for freedom and equality will echo across the globe.”25

Storming of the Bastille. Many parallels between the aristocracy of those times with the wealthy of today.
2. The Hierarchy decide to intervene – an earlier-than-planned intervention by senior Masters or The Christ himself. We know that 2025 is Their centennial conclave – where a date will be determined in the next few decades for their Reappearance amongst Humanity once again.
Spiritually speaking, Humanity should not have to be “saved” by Hierarchy, it must save itself, snap out of the dream in which it finds itself today – through the imposed hypnosis of the Dark Forces. This is part of the testing for Humanity, as Hierarchy lovingly watches over and guides it.
Humanity can no longer be the children who, to quote David Bowie, cry for “someone to save us, someone to follow”, it must step into a new spiritual adulthood and take responsibility.
There is a certain irony here, as everyone is consciously or unconsciously invoking the salvation of the World Teacher – we do want the Hierarchy to intervene and set things right – but are we willing to make the sacrifices to do that or leave it to others?
In these last degrees of Pluto in Capricorn – the sign of the mountain top of initiation and high attainment, Humanity can – to use a Taurean image, take the bull by the horns and wrest power back from selfish dominating forces. It will however, take a great exertion of will and courage.
As stated earlier, Pluto in Aquarius can be used negatively, in terms of the consolidation of what is already being implemented by Big Tech, Media and Money. Aquarius is a sign of the intellect through its exoteric rulership by Uranus, the planet of science.
Hence Aquarius can be emotionally cold or deficient unless the esoteric ruler of this sign is accessed – Jupiter, ruler of the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom: The water-bearer who pours forth from the contents of the heart for thirsting Humanity. The following passage is from a must-read article by Ernst Wolff, a renowned German economist and journalist:
“The current situation we find ourselves in is unique in the history of mankind. Never before has the whole world been thrown under the rule of this type of coercive regime as we are experiencing now. And never have so many measures been taken which at first glance appears so unintelligible, partly so nonsensical, and in many cases, so contradictory.
… Quite clearly, they have chosen to install a new system. In the background, away from public view, they are preparing a new system, and additionally, they are using the end phase of the present dying system to plunder it, using all tricks at their disposal. This is exactly what we have seen since March 2020.
The quite deliberate and premeditated destruction of the world economy for the exclusive expansion of the digital-financial complex with simultaneous preparation via the central banks of a new system, and in collaboration with the IT corporations. It is about the complete removal of cash, and banks in their previous form, and the introduction of digital money from central banks. [ID’s, social credit system etc.]
The end goal, as it appears, is that we will all have just a single account through which all transactions run. This account will not reside in a business bank, but with the central bank. The background to this plan is the following: Digital central bank money is programmable, and because central banks can create unlimited money out of nothing, one can indeed operate in this way with negative interest rates.
Without having to destroy the system, digital central bank money will allow governments to watch over all transactions made, to assign various tax rates and impose upon individual fines.”26
Senator Bernie Sanders echoes Wolff’s statements:
“Let’s be clear. The most important economic and political issues facing this country are the extraordinary levels of income and wealth inequality, the rapidly growing concentration of ownership, the long-term decline of the American middle class and the evolution of this country into oligarchy.
We know how important these issues are because our ruling class works overtime to prevent them from being seriously discussed. They are barely mentioned in the halls of Congress, where most members are dependent on the campaign contributions of the wealthy and their Super Pacs. They are not much discussed in the corporate media, in which a handful of conglomerates determine what we see, hear and discuss.
We now have more income and wealth inequality than at any time in the last hundred years. In the year 2022, three multibillionaires own more wealth than the bottom half of American society – 160 million Americans. Today, 45% of all new income goes to the top 1%, and CEOs of large corporations make a record-breaking 350 times what their workers earn.
Meanwhile, as the very rich become much richer, working families continue to struggle. Unbelievably, despite huge increases in worker productivity, wages (accounting for real inflation) are lower today than they were almost 50 years ago. When I was a kid growing up, most families were able to be supported by one breadwinner. Now an overwhelming majority of households need two paychecks to survive.”27
Again, the only way to offset all of these trends is the formation of co-operative communities, one of the key themes of Aquarius:
“With Pluto here there’s a tendency towards decentralisation as groups and communities reassert and reclaim power, joining forces and linking up in networks to share resources. This is likely to include sharing electricity that is generated and stored across neighbourhoods …
… Pluto in Aquarius seeks to level the playing field so that power is shared more equitably. Personal ownership will be largely superseded by group sharing and co-operatives are likely to flourish.”28
Finally, a result of the abuses of greedy big pharma corporations – vaccine injuries and deaths. Now the truth is coming out, share this widely!
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The Passing of Queen Elizabeth II (April 21, 1926 – September 8, 2022)
The death of Elizabeth II marks the end of the longest reign of a British monarch in history – almost 70 years; it also signals the decline of the monarchy and the British Commonwealth.
Elizabeth was a Taurus sun, with a regal Leo moon and pragmatic Capricorn rising. Capricorn is renowned for its longevity – certainly physically but also the duration of her office. Elizabeth’s long reign is reflected by Capricorn ruler Saturn, placed in Scorpio on the midheaven (public, career) – the “most elevated” planet in the horoscope.
Whatever one’s views or criticisms of Elizabeth and the monarchy, her mission in the transition from the old Piscean Age to the incoming Aquarian cycle, was to “to act as a liaison between “God’s will” and the parliament of the people.” As a young girl, Elizabeth II had to study much about the English Constitution and law.
Capricorn rising was the perfect force for her role as a hard-working executive or CEO, with great challenges to not interfere in the democratic process – yet give and take wise counsel to/from political leaders.
The Queen has been described as, “an extraordinary woman who led an extraordinary life of service.” She must have greeted and fare-welled dozens of British prime ministers, the latest in the few days before her death was outgoing Boris Johnson and the new PM Liz Truss.
Elizabeth II died on the Christian festival date of September 8, that celebrates the birth of the Virgin Mary – nine months after her “immaculate conception”, on December 8th, under the influence of Sagittarius.
This ancient festival it seems, was chosen astrologically, given that September is the zodiac sign of Virgo the Virgin. There is an uncanny connection here with Elizabeth I, the “Virgin queen” and undoubted initiate, who was born on September 7, 1533 – spending 44 years on the throne. (See this author’s article from 2020 – Elizabeth R: The Virgin Queen.)
There are some interesting similarities between their horoscopes: Elizabeth I had sun in Virgo, moon in Taurus, with a soul purpose Capricorn rising – indicating that she may have taken a major initiation in that life. Elizabeth II was also Capricorn rising with Sun in Taurus and Moon in Leo – she too may have taken initiation. As she passed in Virgo, esoteric lore decrees that this will be the sun sign of her next incarnation..
The main planets active at Elizabeth II’s passing were transiting Saturn in Aquarius conjunct prog. moon in Aquarius and natal Mars and Jupiter in Aquarius! Quite an amazing line-up, all of which square to natal Saturn in Scorpio on the midheaven – the signature of her reign.
The time of death was announced by one person as 2.37 pm and 3:07 pm was announced by a BBC correspondent, Yalda Hakim, prematurely tweeted in advance of a formal announcement that the Queen had died. 2.37 pm seems the more likely time of passing – hence the transit chart above is set up for this time:
Main transits and progressions in order of importance:
1. Transiting Moon and Saturn in Aquarius, conjunct progressed Moon in Aquarius, conjunct natal Mars in Aquarius. Quite a stunning line-up – all in the 21st degree of this sign. Saturn the lord of karma and reaper of souls conjunct natal Mars, ruler of her Scorpio midheaven – where natal Saturn sits all powerful “on the throne”.
This exact aspect of so many planets in the same degree of Aquarius prompts a look at the Sabian Symbol: “A woman disappointed and disillusioned”. Astrologer Dane Rudhyar comments:
“Things go wrong, we get upset but we must carry on. Facing emotional upset and pain with grit and forbearance”. Sometimes we face the future with the expectation that nothing much of value is coming our way; this occurs when we have had our hopes dashed and cannot reaffirm optimism.
It is a great emotional challenge to resist despair and courageously and stubbornly choose to be hopeful. In fact, perhaps the greatest gift of faith is the refusal to allow pessimism to take hold. Faith is not a gift or an opinion but a decision; it indicates exceptional maturity.”29
2. Not only is there an extraordinary conjunction in Aquarius in the same degree, but in the next 22nd degree is Jupiter, the soul ruler of Aquarius was also activated, the moon passing over it just a couple of hours after her death. This would be particularly significant if Elizabeth was a 2nd ray soul, which is most likely the case – given that Britain is a 2nd ray soul, the ray ruled by Jupiter.
3. In addition, this mass conjunction of planets in Aquarius creates a grand cross to the aforementioned Saturn/midheaven in Scorpio – with solar arc Neptune in exact conjunction. Those Scorpio placements sit exactly opposite solar arc Jupiter in Taurus.
Completing the fourth leg of the grand cross is progressed Mercury in Leo (ruler of the 8th house of death), almost exactly opposite Mars in Aquarius, with progressed Neptune not far away.
There are other details but these are the main ones. Elizabeth’s death was listed as “natural causes”, but given that her mother lived to 101, it is quite possible that she died prematurely due to side effects of Covid vaccines (three doses) – which she innocently promoted, obediently “following the science”. In February of 2022 she tested positive for Covid-19 and not been feeling well since.
Either way, the moment of her passing was astrologically extraordinary and perhaps it was well and truly her time. (Whether Elizabeth and other members of the royal family were “shape-shifting reptilians” is left to the imagination or intuition of the reader!)
End of the British Monarchy?
Up until recent centuries, the sovereign of a nation was often an advanced soul who incarnated as a leader of the kingdom, ideally disseminating their power, love, wisdom – though of course there have been many tyrants going back to the days of Atlantis, let alone the past few thousand years!
The planetary crisis of the past few years has provided an opportunity for large numbers of Humanity to “reverse the wheel” and take the first initiation. With the rapid acceleration of consciousness in the last few centuries – and the gradual corruption of monarchies worldwide, millions have emerged from the herd mentality and become independent, discerning thinkers.
Hence, the need for rulers and royal families is fading away, replaced by developing democracies – albeit with a current unsettling trend of governments adopting totalitarian tactics. Just this week, “Denmark’s Queen Margrethe, Europe’s only reigning queen and the continent’s longest serving monarch, has stripped four of her eight grandchildren of their titles, the palace announced.
The official reason was to allow the four children of her youngest son, Prince Joachim, to live more normal lives, and follows similar moves by other royal families in Europe to slim down their monarchies, the palace said.”30
The British Empire
The British Empire began in the late 16th and early 18th centuries and was the largest empire in history, presiding (in 1913) over 412 million people, 23% of the world’s population. At the peak of its power, it was described as “the empire on which the sun never sets”, as the Sun was always shining on at least one of its territories.
The British Empire can of course be criticised for its colonialist plundering of resources from other nations, its involvement with slavery and a condescending attitude over the realm. Likewise, other European nations like Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands etc.
But as an advanced 2nd ray soul in the family of nations, particularly in terms of its mental evolution (5.5.5), Britain’s spiritual role was to disseminate its 2nd ray soul consciousness globally. Britain was the “mother of the USA” before 1776, having a deep involvement with India, Australia and the formation of the British Common-wealth that evolved from the British Empire.
The Commonwealth is a political association of 56 member states, the vast majority of which are former territories of the British Empire; it was formed in 1926 with the decolonisation of the British Empire through increased self-governance and secession of, and by its territories.
“The U.K. is the nucleus or the living germ of the British Commonwealth of Nations wherein a great experiment in free government is being tried out; this gives complete internal freedom and choice to each related Dominion, plus an equally complete and free interrelationship. The Dominions are all of them independent nations, but belong to a united Commonwealth; a pattern is thereby presented for world consideration.”31
Yet it appears that almost a century later, that “great experiment” has come to an end, with many members of the Commonwealth dissatisfied that a head of state in Britain can have the final say upon constitutional crises in a nation.
A major case in point is when the Australian Labour government in Australia was dismissed in 1975, due to the machinations of the CIA, the governor general and the Queen. PM Gough Whitlam famously quipped at that time: “Well may we say God Save the Queen, because nothing will save the Governor-General.”
Whitlam was probably the greatest statesman Australia ever had, initiating many great changes, but tried to do too much too soon, treading on USA’s toes by trying to kick it out of the Pine Gap satellite surveillance base near Alice Springs.

From the author’s Destiny of the Races & Nations I.
Nevertheless, the subjective connections of the British Commonwealth body remain – and despite many mistakes, the experiment was broadly successful. Writing in the 1940’s, The Tibetan stated,
“I would like to indicate the influences which control the British Empire through the medium of its component parts; they are an important factor in present events, owing to the major and powerful nature of the part Great Britain is playing in the present situation [WWII].
As you will have noted Great Britain is ruled by Gemini and Taurus, and consequently the principles of multiplicity and integration are simultaneously present. Duality, triplicity (England, Scotland and Wales) and also differentiation are the conditioning aspects of the empire. Under the major control of Gemini and Taurus you have the following potencies active.”32
These five nations are still very active in their relations to one another, exoterically and esoterically – though currently, far from ideally! The cities in these nations and elsewhere are energy points or chakras within the greater body of the old empire:
“London is, of course, the heart centre for Great Britain … whilst Ottawa is the throat centre and Sydney is the solar plexus centre of the British Empire …33 … a study will be made of London, Sydney, Johannesburg, Toronto and Vancouver with subsidiary studies of Calcutta, Delhi, Singapore, Jamaica and Madras which are all subjectively related in a manner unforeseen by students at present.”34 (See also the author’s commentaries in the series of Destiny of the Races and Nations Vols.1-5.)
Britain is a second ray soul that is ruled by Jupiter, the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, the water-bearer (QEII’s natal position) – who pours forth for thirsting humanity – a sign of sharing and distribution of resources, one of the goals of the old British Commonwealth.
And so we say farewell to the old era, some might say good riddance! And we stand before a very new challenging era – a Brave New World, with the incoming King Charles III and new British PM Truss, the finance minister Kwarteng – all foot-soldiers of the dictatorial World Economic Forum.
King Charles III
Charles must have been the longest ever king-in-waiting, due to his mother’s longevity! His Scorpio sun sits close to his mother’s Saturn – holding him “under the thumb” for many years.
Charles’ moon sits precisely on his mother’s sun in the first degree of Taurus – there is a very close bond between these two souls. Charles has Leo rising (conjunct his mother’s Moon), the sign of kingship. Charles also possesses the high idealism of Mars-Jupiter in Sagittarius – reflected in his many philosophical ideas that range through the promotion of homoeopathy, urban housing, architecture, environmental issues and the “climate change” agenda.
For the climate change theme, Charles has been asked by the British government not to attend the latest Cop27 climate change summit coming up soon. For whatever reasons remains a mystery!
Whether Charles makes good of his reign remains to be seen, though his involvement with the World Economic Forum, close friendship with Klaus Schwab, being a public promoter of vaccines and sounding the insidious mantra of “build back better” – indicate that he may attempt to consolidate upon that fairly deeply rooted path.
As space does not allow here, Charles’ transits may be examined in the Scorpio newsletter. Suffice to say for now, he has transiting Jupiter and Chiron culminating powerfully on his midheaven – reflecting his ascent to power.
(See also an earlier analysis of Prince Charles.)
Libra Vladimir Putin’s Solar Return 2022
There have been two major developments in the Russia-Ukraine crisis – sabotage of the Nordstream pipeline and accession of four Ukraine states back to Russia. Not to mention the ongoing suffering inflicted on both sides of this “family affair”.
The deliberate sabotage carried out on the Nordstream pipelines, was bizarrely blamed on Russia, when in fact President Biden said Nordstream “would be stopped” – in Feb.2022, just before Russia executed its military operation in the same month.
Secretary of State Blinken and Victoria Nuland of the 2014 Maidan notoriety – both admitted same. One must ask the obvious question, why would Russia blow up a huge source of their income worth billions, just to spite Europe?
The sabotage occurred close to the date of USA’s Mars return in Gemini, a planet also prominent in Putin’s solar return (SR) horoscope for Oct.7, 2022. Solar return charts can start “working” before the birthday – if the date is close. In Putin’s SR chart, Mars is in the 9th house of foreign relations, overlaying USA’s long-troubled Mars square Neptune. This indicates intense interaction between Putin and the USA for the next year.
The activation of USA’s Mars return on the date of the pipeline sabotage is like a signature of “astrological guilt” – pointing to the perpetrator of this wanton act of vandalism that will make life even more difficult for nations in Europe. Some observers are speculating that this was an attack by the USA – not just on Russia, but Germany and Europe as a whole.
Putin’s SR Mars is within half a degree of Mars’ position in USA’s chart – at the point of a T-square to Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces – giving much latitude for further deceptions and intrigues. It is a volatile combination – a similar pattern was present at the recent Indonesian soccer match where almost 200 people were tragically killed in a stampede.
In that event, a grand cross was formed between transiting moon in fiery Sagittarius – opposite Mars in Gemini, criss-crossed by Neptune in Pisces (the masses), opposite Mercury in Virgo. It was a case of the volatile mass emotion of a mob, after police responded with tear gas to fans who invaded the pitch after the match finished.
Notwithstanding these potential solar return volatilities, Putin has the Sun in Libra and in true Libran style, has exercised much restraint regarding NATO and the USA – for the past decade or so. The solar return also has Libra rising with its ruler Venus in this sign conjunct the sun, with the moon in Pisces, indicating a possible gentler approach.
Putin’s natal/SR sun in Libra falls very close to USA’s Saturn in Libra – talk about karmic connections! As discussed in the earlier section on the Libra equinox, USA’s rigid Saturn square Sun pattern expresses as “The law of the fist” – as Putin described it. USA’s Saturn “fist” wants to pound Putin into oblivion!
Mercury in Virgo is in a powerful position in the SR chart, not only as part of the dynamic T-square, but also exactly trine to Pluto, indicating some very tough talking and negotiating – a theme with which Libra is very familiar.
Putin’s recent speech is a good example of this potency, aided by his Mercury-ruled Gemini moon. The speech was predictably and inaccurately panned by the Western press as, “rambling … more angry taxi driver than head of state”!35
It was certainly a passionate speech that traced Russian history leading up to present time. Worth watching if you want to learn more about Russia, its Aquarian soul and Leo personality!
The abundance of Libra in the solar return indicates further restraint – that is, not resorting to nuclear weapons. The West is always accusing Putin of threatening such, when in fact it has made the same threat several times – including Zelensky in Ukraine. But, if your only source of news is mainstream media, then you will not be aware of this, or in fact their constant lying propaganda on many other themes.

Master R in his next appearance as Count Saint Germain (Artist: Jane Adams)
Master Rákóczi and the Annual October Council Meditation
The following passage is mentioned in the Libra newsletter every year, because of its increasing importance related to the imminent Externalisation of the Hierarchy after 2025:
“Every October and every March, the Master R. gathers together His council of helpers, the Masters and the senior initiates in the Ashrams of the third, the fifth and the seventh rays. Though He is the Head of the third Ray of Aspect and is in control, therefore, of the two Rays of Attribute mentioned above, He does not Himself wield these forces, because He is One of the three Heads of the Hierarchy and His work cannot be confined to the activity of any one ray. He works through the Ashrams of these rays, but He Himself works primarily in cooperation with the Christ and the Manu.”36
March-October corresponds to Aries-Libra and it stands to reason that Master R would preside over these meetings – in his role as the Lord of Civilisation and the “regent” of Europe and America. Aries is the first impulse of the spiritual year, where the seeds of the annually modified Planetary Plan are sown. Polar-opposite sign Libra reveals how plentiful or not the harvest has been – whether the seeds, “fell on fertile or stony ground”.
This is why Libra is a sign intimately associated with karma – the consequences of thought/ideas sown in Aries, bear their bounty in Libra. Saturn, the lord of karma is exalted in Libra and it rules Libra hierarchically.

“He is rather a small, spare man, with pointed black beard, and smooth black hair.”37
Saturn also rules the 3rd ray of active-intelligence – the only ray to pass through Libra –province of the third hierarchical department of The Mahachohan – another name for the Lord of Civilisation or Master R.
All the “rays of attribute” – 4, 5, 6, 7 – fall under the aegis of The Mahachohan. Within Hierarchical circles, Master R is known as “The Count”, alluding to his St. Germain “incarnation” immediately following Francis Rákóczi of Hungary – which led him to taking the “post” of Lord of Civilisation.
Previously as the fifth degree initiate Master R, he was the head of the seventh ray ashram. Hence He has a lot of experience in wielding these ray forces and working with nations in crisis. (For example, his work as Count St. Germain during the French Revolution.)
Since World War II, Master R’s work has been exceedingly difficult in bringing in the new Aquarian civilisation, working with the energy of the 7th ray of Order, Organisation or Ceremonial Magic. This ray is ruled by Uranus, which is also the soul ruler of Libra.
The 7th ray corresponds to the seventh physical plane, hence the, “power of the developed Libran to project the inner spiritual purpose or intended will into physical expression.”38 The following passage was written in the late 1940’s but may be even more appropriate today, as many “evil personalities” have once again taken control:
“The entire rhythm of international thinking has to be altered, and that constitutes a slow and arduous task; the evil personalities which, in every country, are responsible for the chaos and uncertainty, have eventually to be replaced by those who can work in cooperation with the rhythm of the seventh ray, and thus produce ordered beauty … two elements in every land and nation: those people who hold on to the bad old things of the past, and those who work for the extreme opposite of this point of view and for that which is new.
Under the influence of this 7th ray energy, balance has to be brought about and preserved, so that the “noble middle way” [Libra] of right action and of right human relations [Libra] can be safely trodden.
The task of the Master R. is, however, lightened by the fact that the 7th ray is now coming into activity and its potency is increasing year by year. His task is also aided by the intelligent work done by the Ashram of the English Master Who works consistently with the awakening and the arising masses.”39
Indeed, the power of this new 7th ray cycle that began in 1945, is becoming stronger and is starting to overcome the outgoing 6th ray. As “the regent of Europe”, Master R has the responsibility of overseeing its development and unity, hence bringing into focus the esoteric triangle that exists between two major planetary centres – London and Geneva, the headquarters of the European Union in Brussels and several other important European cities.
New Course on the Ageless Wisdom: The Mysteries Unveiled
An intiative of the Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat in Portugal. See this link for more details. (Postponed to Thursday, Oct. 20.)
Easter Conference April, 2023.
An initiative of the Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat in Portugal – for more details, visit this link:
European Unity: Toward Global Unification
Phillip Lindsay © 2022.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
Note, this has been cancelled due to ill health.
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.168. [↩]
- Esoteric Asrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.245. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.236. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.237. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.273. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.277. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.278. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.235. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.312. [↩]
- Education in the New Age, Alice A. Bailey. p.133-9. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.310. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.574. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.391. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.538. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.498. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.231. [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.232. [↩]
- Pluto in Aquarius – Liberty, Equality, Fraternity – Aussie astrologer, Michele Finey [↩]
- Pluto in Aquarius – Liberty, Equality, Fraternity – with Michele Finey [↩]
- Global Research [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Pluto in Aquarius – Liberty, Equality, Fraternity – with Michele Finey [↩]
- [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.631. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.68. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.85. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.68. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice Bailey p.669. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.58. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice Bailey p.668. [↩]
Philip, i have followed with great interest your works over the years/decades. As a maternal type, i haven’t quite known what use to make of the sweeping insights, so find myself mostly tongue-tied in understanding. I would love to dialog with you at some point about how to use these great insights to contribute to greater personal and collective light. My own heart leans towards the cultivation of loving understanding in relationships, i.e. how the soul’s light meets personal development within enfolded systems (like family, neighborhood, regional and national cultures). I think your appeal for funds is well grounded so sent you something. Best, K PS Thanks for sharing that Sept 8th is the birthday of Mary, as that is mine as well, ha! The mother….so funny
I found this newsletter fascinating, especially as the peacemaker Libra features It
was a great relief to read about the hypocricy of the US, and its negative actions,
rather than demonizing Libran Putin. Maybe I have missed it, but in any of your
newsletters have you explained why the US imposes its will on the world, using
both military and economic warfare. and is now confronting Russia and China in
order to retain its world dominance? Look forward to attending the Libra full moon 2022; meditation and weibinar
thanks Beverley, I have written much on the USA in the past 20 years in my books and here: You can find sections on most nations on this page, China, Russia etc.
Very good analysis, especially of the gender obsession of the liberal classes. It seems there is much confusion in the youth these days, which the incoming energies have stimulated.
Dear Phillip,
1. “Visionary artist” Alex Grey appears to be suffering from a slight case of schizophrenia.
2. Regarding the current “gender obsession” phenomena in our times. I struggle to understand, even after reading your insights. My only insight is that it is a Uranian influence now coming into prominence in the Aquarian age. The Piscean Age, was binary, like the glyph of the two fishes with the binding cord connecting them. The Aquarian Age, like the glyph of the two wavy lines, indicates a “continuum”; “neither this nor that”. By explanation, I am invoking the life-work of the British scientist, Rupert Sheldrak, in characterizing all life processes as a “continuum”. The Uranian influence is freeing and cannot be contained in tidy little conforming boxes like Newtonian physics [neither man nor woman]. Rather, we are looking at particle physics where everything is pure energy in motion, in other words, a continuum [both man and woman]. Interestingly, Uranus as 1st Ray energy, indicates synthesis or “everything simultaneously”. Put that concept in a human sexuality context and it confuses our brains and identities. As a legatee of the Victorian Era, my inculturated response is “just stop it, right now!”.
3. Money: If anyone deserves more money, you do. However, whenever I find more “green-backs”, I send it off to save starving elephants in two continents. My question to you, kind Phillip is, “You or the elephants?”
4. Finally, you make me laugh sometimes with your deep philosophical enigmas. I am addressing your reference to “fitting the saddle to the horse” or vice versa. Really?
Thanks Phillip.
Aquarius is one of the signs of androgyny and experimentation, as is Libra – both signs have Uranus in common as exoteric/esoteric rulers. The Tibetan says:
“Out of the many sexual experiments now going on, the coming generation will arrive at a point of balance and then, as a consequence, they will tip the scales in the desired and desirable direction. Of this there is no question of doubt; there is only the point in time and this will be astrologically determined. Through the legal minds and through right legislation, sex will be seen eventually to be a proper and divine function and will then be safeguarded by right education of the young and the ignorant, and the right action of the young and highly intelligent emerging generation—the children and babies of today.”
The main point I was making in the newsletter is that whilst there is plenty of Aquarian/Uranian experimentation going on – sexuality and just about everything else is being hijacked by the material forces – with their attempted and successful corruption everywhere. Neptune in Pisces is not making things any easier as most of the world is susceptible to its lower expression of glamour.
Not my place to comment on point no 3 regarding “You or the Elephants?” – but – always a but 🙂
since this is a greater question for the community – as a whole. ( and why you, Vicky, should not take this personally)
My thinking is this: The spirit of goodwill, of sharing, and giving for a cause (pick one), has been increasing for many decades. The environment, poverty, animals, etc is something many many millions of people a drawn to donate too, or help in any way the can. All of course to their capabilities, and level of consciousness.
But when we come to a cause, as our Dear Phillip here, (sorry to call you a cause) the candidates for giving goes down to the hundreds, maybe much less (I don’t really know). That puts those candidates in a special position. To abilitate a person like Phillip – that inspires thousands in their thinking, which in turn each person that is inspired does their share in their world.
To abilitate someone like Phillip (as an example…) ranks a fair bit higher than an elephant for me – and I love elephants, and birds and pot bellied pigs (had one for 13 years!) but so does a great majority of the goodwilling peoples of our world! Whereas, not many know of a “Phillip”. Therefore, for us that DO, we do have a different choice to make.
I know I need to do much better in this regard.
I hope no one takes offense (so easily these days 😉 )
Your point taken. Well said. The Tibetan said that Neptune can represent the Christ and in the sign of Pisces, 12th house, it can mean “Christ the Savior”. This obviously is the higher expression of these energies. However, I was reminded by a couple of mundane astrologers that Neptune can also represent death and decay as a ruler in the 4th house. These astrologers noted that there is a growing trend among Chinese youth to simply walk away from their soul-killing mortgaged lives and they have the saying in Chinese that translates, “Let it rot”. The young Chinese are literally abandoning their materialist lives much like the hippies did in the 1960’s. This speaks to your observation of “corruption everywhere”; a necessary process of dying before new life arises yet again. I try to remember there is a beneficial side to the corruption and death of worn-out forms as I live through the deterioration of every institution in the US. Whatever beliefs we had in the old- world order is getting smashed to pieces as Uranus in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius for the 3rd and last time this year in the sign of Libra.
All the best,
Its not only the death of the Piscean age with its esoteric ruler Pluto doing destruction, but also full into the Kali Yuga of the 5th rootrace – a changing of signs and rootraces, the latter over an immense period of time. Eventually in millions of years, the human race will become hermaphrodite again, as it was before Individualisation 21 million years ago – but this time with developed consciousness where the mind and intuition are blended, reflected in an hermaphrodite form. Perhaps the race is sensing this already, and/or perhaps the material forces are trying to bring forward this prematurely in a totally distorted way.
Hello Phillip, excellent and very varied article as always, allow me to focus my answer only on: 2. Sex: The Travesty of Gender Identity
Reading the article and thinking between the masculine and the feminine, these texts from the Tibetan Master came to mind:
“It is useful to bear in mind, when considering the nations that some are negative and feminine and some positive and masculine. India, France, the United States of America, Russia and Brazil are all feminine, and constitute the nurturing mother aspect.They are feminine in their psychology,—intuitive, mystical, sensitive, alluring, beautiful, fond of display and colour, and with the faults of the feminine aspect, such as the laying of too much emphasis upon the material aspect of life, upon pageantry, upon possessions, and upon money as a symbol of that which connotes the form side. They mother and nurture civilisation and ideas.
China, Germany, Great Britain and Italy are masculine and positive; they are mental, political, governing, standardising, group-conscious, occult, aggressive, full of grandeur, interested in law and in laying the emphasis upon race and empire. But they are more inclusive and think in wider terms than the feminine aspects of divine manifestation”.
And I think that with these definitions what is masculine or feminine in relation to a subject (a country) becomes very relative, it is no longer so evident. For example, I would never have said that Italy is masculine…, or that Russia is feminine…, but if I read the text carefully I intuit the Truths, the Ideas, that destroy my judgement.
And in this sense I think that the current way of understanding sex (the relationship between the feminine and the masculine) is the distorted reflection of the new truths or ideas that are penetrating the collective unconscious.
That is, due to the duality Pisces versus Aquarius, the thinking of the current human being is tense, complex and very abstract, and this means that, (with bad or good intention), the old ideas (laws) are manipulated, perverted or destroyed. And in relation to the couple, family or sex, the ideas are also taking a dimension more in line with what the Age of Aquarius will be.
I think about how the relationship between man and woman was lived more than 2000 years ago and I can’t imagine what it will be like in 1000.
But it does seem clear to me that today, with more or less success, from the subjective planes attempts are being made to break with the outdated laws and old attitudes that in the Pisces Era related men to women.
But of course this for a 3rd Ray of Practical Intelligence in Libra with its “karmic” laws (Saturn) already established is very difficult to accept, but we must remember that in our solar system the quality that conditions (illuminates) the physical expression, and therefore, it imposes the Law to be followed, it is the energy of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, ruler of our Solar Logos. Put another way, it is Jupiter defeating Saturn, and Jupiter is the Heart, the place where Vision goes beyond appearance.
Thanks for sharing
Hi Phillip,
Thank you for your hard work put in these erudite articles.
You might want to search what is happening right now in Iran. Society is in revolt there against an oppressive and dictatorial regime and demand the freedom and liberty they have been struggling decades for. There are many casualties and the struggle is bloody but persisting.
Yes indeed George, I have been following it but there is only so much I can cover!
Unfortunately, these “uprisings” or not quite as portrayed in western media. Too much CIA/MOSSAD involvement to be a true uprising. Not saying that it shouldn’t be one – but that is for the Iranian people – PEOPLE – to decide, not outside interests with an agenda going on for many decades…
Ι understand what you say. There has historically been a huge involvement of the CIA/Mossad in Middle Eastern affairs.
BUT, I assure you that the dissatisfaction of the Iranian people with their regime is vast and genuine. They are truly abhorred by the behavior and policies of their government. I have been following the events in Iran for more than 10 years now and my travels there, and personal contacts-this last point (contacts) is very important for the formation of mature opinions, have assured me of the vast anger Iranians have with their government. Their disapproval of their government is well above 80%, may be approaching 90%, in my opinion.
They demand freedom, human rights, and the liberty to live without the interference of their terrible government, which not only uses religion for its own selfish ends via a completely dogmatic and out-of-date interpretation of religion (something very common in the history of all religions and certainly the three well known monotheistic ones), but also is deeply corrupt at all levels. Iranian government is something like the Military-Industrial complex in the US: fully corrupt. But, unlike the US where the Constitution protects the basic rights of people, in Iran the people are are the mercy of their corrupt government.
There is a vast disobedience by women in Afghanistan too, defying the Taliban’s heavy handed public beatings etc. Perhaps this is all a reflection of Venus passing through Libra currently.
One point about the US, is that it is the clearest step in the direction of humanity ruling itself, and not under monarchs and kings, czars or other ‘rulers’, but a citizen-leader, for a fixed term.
Now, since this grand experiment in self rule is undertaken, of course there will be attacks made upon the Spirit of Liberty, and of course all nations have guilty players.
We have to see what is in the greater good, actually – to have a tyrannical communist power as ruler, or a compromised great ideal with all its hypocritical and yes, criminal actions. Who among us is pure?
Hello again, I would like to develop point -2: sex- a little more.
First of all, say that in this New Age of Aquarius there are more and more reincarnated souls that belong to the 7th Ray and their energies will be the ones that will manifest the qualities of the “water carrier” on earth (or matter).
In relation to these souls, a statement that I read in Alice Bailey’s Blue Books came to mind: “a 7th Ray soul can relate the mind to the physical plane without the involvement of the solar plexus.”
So, and although it is difficult for many of us to understand, we can say that the consciousnesses of the 7th Ray know how to have a physical/sexual relationship without having a pronounced feeling.
Therefore, a 7th Ray soul, unless evolved and therefore conditioned by the Love of the budhic plane, will always express directly (without the emotional filter) its mentality on the physical/sexual plane.
And this is why if the conscience is not highly evolved, the result will be contaminated by capricious thoughts or extravagant ideas that in the eyes of the Age of Pisces will seem strange and perverse to say the least.
This has its positive side because it is thanks to the freedom that these minds obtain from detachment from emotions that they are capable of questioning, destroying, all the attitudes that until now related the feminine with the masculine. Attitudes that they (and the New Age) consider expired.
And on the other hand, if the conscience is more linked to the traditions of Pisces, (2ºR and 6ºR) where the solar plexus or emotional aspect is so necessary, its sexual experience through the prevailing 7th Ray will be erratic, it will suffer disappointments. Idealizing the partner or the romantic experience will be seen as old-fashioned, full of maya.
All this can be clearly seen in youth, where the two positions are mixed and all kinds of dynamic sexual relationships arise, they call them open relationships, without any kind of emotional attachment, and therefore, with little durability.
We can see how some suffer with these relationships and others instead seem to live them with great freedom. Basically they are original and free relationships but “extravagant” (lower Uranus) and, due to the absence of the preserving aspect, without substance or feeling.
And all this confusion, as Phillip tells us, is aggravated by “the power of evil” which, taking advantage of the fact that “the fear of God” has disappeared, especially in the West, manipulates the minds of the unevolved in favor of its dark interests.
Thank you
Very interesting comments. Thank you.
The monarchy won’t die, but will just reduce in size. The British love their royals. The pomp will cool down, especially with William.
I remember seeing Prince George on tv when he was born. We only caught a glance as they left hospital, but I ‘saw’ a large fat earthy man. I saw him again recently on tv, a little boy now, and the same thing. I saw in his eyes that he was a cranky, bombastic sort of person. Interesting. Maybe when he is King, that will be the end of the monarchy!
Aquarius is the sign of androgyny so it is not surprising to see same sex relationships and various gender types.
Thank you for this article. Phillip, you mention that if humanity does not stand on its feet now to assert its sacred human destiny it will remain in slavery…. I received an interview today, December2022, that gives many an argument to motivate us to get up quick. as you suggest!!! here it is : “Oligarchs own the U.N. – Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviews former UN executive director Călin Georgescu”:
Thank you for your huge work – will donate later (right now my dentist…. Saturn in Cancer square Neptune/Ascendant in Libra…. has priority)
thanks Isabelle, its a brilliant interview! Not only does Călin Georgescu give a great insight into the machinations of the UN that is totally aligned with WEF, but he talks in several places about spiritual values. A must watch for anyone who seeks to delve beneath the surface of the outer maya that attempts to hide what is going on.