Libra 2024: Decision. US Election. Censorship & Free Speech. Neocons & Zionists. Israel. Netanyahu. Hurricanes. Paul Simon. Master Rákóczi.
Libra Keynote
“I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
(Full Moon: October 17, 2024. GMT 11.26.)
“The Sun “falls” in this sign because again neither the personality nor the soul dominates in the man who is a pure Libran; a balance is achieved and thus they esoterically “tune each other out.”
Neither the voice of the personality nor of the soul is heard particularly but … “a gentle oscillation now proceeds. No strident note is heard; no violent colouring of the life affects … and no upsetting of the chariot of the soul.”1
Libra: The Decision
___Venus in Scorpio and Pluto
___US Election
___Pluto, Planet of Power
___Libra and the Reversal of the Wheel
___The Path of Aspiration to Discipleship
Libran Choices for the US Election
___Global Issues: Ukraine and the Middle East
___Domestic Issues
___Unity Party and Trump’s Dream Team
Media Censorship and Freedom of Speech
___Censorship Takes Many Forms
Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse (Oct.2)
___USA, Putin, Netanyahu, Julian Assange
Israel the Aggressor
Zionists and Neocons Control the USA
Libran: Benjamin Netanyahu
___Mars, War and the Sixth Ray
___Jupiter in Capricorn
___Mars-Pluto in Leo and the First Ray
___Connections with Hitler and Shamballa
___Transits & Progressions
What in the Weather: Man-Made Hurricanes?
Paul Simon: Soul Inspired Libran
Master Rákóczi: Annual October Council
Libra Full Moon Meditation and Talk
We live in a time of chaos, divisiveness and uncertainty – characterising the end of the Piscean era, while the reforming forces of Aquarius gradually take hold. Humanity is being tested in the fiery furnace of initiation, as the old world is destroyed – and its underbelly starkly revealed.
Those tests relate to discriminating the real from the unreal, the upholding of essential moral values, resistance to authoritarian pressures and holding one’s centre in the calm eye of the hurricane.
During this time of Libra, decisions must be made – using the “judicial mind”, that will determine how the climacteric year of 2025 plays out: The year when the Those Who Watch Over Humanity will decide when to return for the first time since the dying days of Atlantis.
In order for that imminent Return to occur, purging and purification will pave The Way – through drastic measures applied by Humanity itself, failing which – nature herself, in the form of cataclysms such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions – storms, floods and fires.
Although many people are awakening to the “lie of the matrix”, the majority of humanity still slumbers. A great event is unfolding, the separation of the sheep from the goats – those who follow blindly the herd – or those who think and walk an independent path.
Libra: The Decision
The momentous month of October preceding the US election on Nov.5, has a powerful bearing upon the rest of the world – particularly in terms of foreign policy decisions and the individual decisions of American voters. The two main global issues are the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine – both determined in large by the USA. Will Humanity choose war or peace?
Libra is a sign that witnesses the consequences of actions – of ideas initiated in the previous opposite sign of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Hence, Libra is a sign of karma where lord Saturn harvests with his scythe the consequences of past actions/decisions. Saturn is exalted in Libra and prominently placed in USA’s 1776 horoscope.
Saturn and Libra are both “mentally” oriented – Saturn rules the throat centre, “gateway” to the mental body and also rules the third ray of active intelligence, the only ray to pass through Libra. Libra is a “mental” air sign ruled by Venus, the ruler of the fifth ray of knowledge or science. Uranus is Libra’s esoteric ruler, regarded as the planet of “science”:
“Uranus, the occult planet, stands for exoteric science which penetrates into the hidden side of form life, and thus we have the period wherein man is not alert enough or conscious enough to seize upon opportunity and turn it to esoteric or soul ends, but can identify himself with the more advanced aspects of form.”2
Hence, every year while the sun passes through Libra, the consequences or karma of what began in Aries (March-April) – find their realisation in Libra, individually, collectively and globally.
Some idea initiated as part of one’s “new year’s resolution” will come up for review, in terms of how that idea is still precipitating or fully manifested. How strong was one’s resolve or “follow-through” in realising that idea’s goal? Libra is a sign where the idea can come to fruition because it is a sign of practical manifestation:
“… three of these rays definitely predispose the Libran subject to concrete understanding, to intelligent will and to knowledge: The first ray … the fifth ray and the third ray.
Hence the effectiveness of Libra upon the physical plane and the power of the developed Libran to project the inner spiritual purpose or intended will into physical expression. An instance of a person, equipped to do this, can be seen in H. P. Blavatsky.”3
Helena P. Blavatsky (HPB) had the Moon and Venus in Libra, the latter planet ruling the fifth ray. HPB had the task of bringing highly abstract philosophical concepts down onto the physical plane – through her voluminous writings and books such as The Secret Doctrine. Alice A. Bailey, another amanuensis who followed HPB, also had the moon in Libra.
It is during this month of Libra that a review of the “ideas” (or propaganda), initiated in the March/Aries period have borne good or bad fruit. Today the entire planet is in complete disarray, disagreement and divisiveness over many ideas.
The reason is because Humanity is developing discrimination and learning to think independently – balancing the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane. It is no accident therefore, that Libra is currently prominent in the planetary horoscope:
“In this transition period through which the world is now passing and in this interlude between two activities—that of the Piscean Age which is passing and that of Aquarius which is coming in—Libra will eventually rule, and the end of this century [20th] will see the influence of Libra steadily coming into pronounced control and into a position of power in the planetary horoscope.”4
During Libra, a “Libran Decision” must be made by governing bodies, groups and the voting populace – as to a course of action: To follow blindly the advice of some supposed authority – or utilise independent, critical thinking (Saturn, Venus).
Venus rules Capricorn hierarchically, Saturn rules Capricorn exoterically and esoterically. Saturn-Capricorn traditionally represents the state, government, the status quo. Saturn at this level is about letting the state think for you, allowing its authority or superior knowledge to guide or dictate.
A large proportion of “ordinary humanity” cannot think critically and need this kind of guidance for society to work by certain laws. But there is a very large group that has developed the capacity for critical thought. Saturn at the personal level is about independent thinking, disciplined research and a careful weighing of the scales (the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane) – using the judicial mind:
“… it is in Libra that the balancing of the pairs of opposites must take place and reach solution through the activity of the judicial mind and the establishing of a point of equilibrium between the male and the female principles.
This … is the problem existing basically between the Sheep [Aries] and the Goats [Capricorn], between negative and positive, and between those who blindly follow either instinct or custom and those who climb freely where they choose and are self-directed in conduct and attitude.

Note the various positions of Saturn and Mars on the Cardinal Cross: In fall, detriment, dignity or exaltation.
This self-direction may lead them in either direction upon the wheel of life, following either selfish desire or spiritual aspiration, but the point to have in mind is that, judicially and with intent and after due reflection and balancing of the various ways, they then do as they will and as seems to them right and desirable.
This is of itself of a basic usefulness and thereby they learn; for all action produces results and the judicial mind weighs cause and effect more correctly than any other.”5
Indeed – climbing freely or following the herd? Through Libra’s esoteric ruler Uranus – one can experiment and experience, make a decision and reap the outcome.
The sheep and goats represent two points of the four-armed cardinal cross: Aries (sheep) and Capricorn (goats) – Libra is the middle sign between them – on the reversed zodiacal wheel. Libra is the middle way – “I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
In Buddhism, the middle way is known as madhyamapratipad and the Buddha presented the Noble Eightfold Path as methods to follow the middle way.
Venus in Scorpio and Pluto
In this month of Libra 2024, transiting Venus is passing through Scorpio, considerably qualifying the concrete, practical aspect of Libra with an influence that goes beyond the mind – the intuition:
“Venus, the intelligent mind, has its power lessened in this sign because the intellect—having been developed and used—must now be subordinated to a higher power of the soul, the spiritual intuition.”6
In other words, the challenge to develop trust in this sixth sense that transcends the five outer senses – to go beyond concrete mind conditioning. That is the highest potential – the more common attributes of Venus in Scorpio are:
Positively – artistic, sensual, colourful and dramatic. Will sacrifice all for love. Loyal and devoted. Attraction to the esoteric or hidden mysteries. Psychically sensitive. Emotional intensity.
Negatively – jealousy, hatred, ruthless, cold or indifferent, possessive or obsessive, vengeful, spiteful, power hungry, sexually manipulative, dominating in love-hate relationships etc.
Unfortunately, the point of least resistance for Humanity is generally these latter factors. In this cycle of approaching US elections, the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war and the expanding conflict in the Middle East – Venus in Scorpio will make it very challenging for Libra the Peacemaker to effectively balance the scales.
Especially now, since Israel’s attempt to drag Lebanon and Iran into a broader regional conflict. Iran started firing missiles into Israel on the Oct. 2 solar eclipse in Libra.
Pluto, Planet of Power
Pluto the planet of power is co-ruler of Scorpio, hence its current position in the last degree of Capricorn – the sign of worldly power, also qualifies the transit of Venus through Scorpio.
Pluto the Destroyer – is the esoteric ruler of Pisces, breaking up all the old patterns of the past Piscean Age – as this precession cycle wanes and the Aquarian era emerges.
It is notable that both the Democrat and Republican parties have the Sun in Pisces and that Aquarius is the soul force of the USA. There is no “left or “right” wing of the American eagle any more, the breaking down process of the Piscean Age is paving the way for something new to emerge.
Complementing Libra’s aforementioned “mental” focus, is that Pluto is esoterically regarded as “cerebral”:
“Pluto … governs however the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions, and its influence is therefore largely cerebral and in that you have the clue to its late discovery. Mankind is only on the verge of becoming mental. Its effects are felt first in the mental body.”7
This is very curious, because the rulers of the two lowest chakras – the sacral and base, are “mental” planets Uranus and Pluto. The seed of mind buried in the lower centres awaits eventual raising to the higher centres. Pluto also rules over the “lesser burning ground” – where it becomes active in those who are,
“… becoming alive in the higher sense … the lower nature passes into the smoke and darkness of Pluto, who governs the lesser burning ground, in order that the man may live in truth in the higher land of light.”8
Humanity is being tested and tried in Pluto’s fiery crucible – the “burning ground” of the mental plane, providing the mental discipline to find its way out of the fogs of confusion and chaos upon the astral plane.
Libra and the Reversal of the Wheel
And this development has thankfully been occurring during the last few years of planetary crises – largely instigated by the Materialistic Forces. Thousands, if not millions have participated in a global mass awakening.
The same thing happened during the two major world wars – of which the third and final phase is now unfolding, hopefully confined to the mental plane. Libra rules the “reversal of the wheel” – in one sense, for Humanity as a whole, yet also at another level for those upon the Path:
“… humanity as a whole is today reversing itself upon the great zodiacal wheel just as the individual disciple does; the point of reversal and the sign or signs in which it takes place, mark a momentous point of crisis in the life of this kingdom in nature, producing upheaval, difficulty and a whole gamut of readjustments, necessitated by the re-orientation …”.9
The Path of Aspiration to Discipleship
A large portion of Humanity has now reached this stage, still caught up in all the glamours of the astral plane, but becoming rapidly, mentally polarised:
“Libra, therefore, controls the “moment of reversal of the wheel” in the life of every aspirant, for there comes a moment in the cycle of lives wherein a point of balance is reached and a relative equilibrium is attained, and over this event Libra presides.”10
This theme of mental polarisation continues in Libra through its “mental” rulers Venus, Uranus and Saturn, also the earlier mention of Pluto “first felt in the mental body”:
“Libra—is related to the mental unit and … produces eventually a balance between the pairs of opposites. This is brought about upon the astral plane.
It is the attainment of this balance which produces the reversal of the mode of passing around the zodiacal wheel and it takes place when integration has occurred, and the [wo]man is focussed upon the mental plane.
He can, then, through right use of the mind, discriminate between the pairs of opposites and find the narrow razor-edged path which passes between them and keep his balance upon it.”11

“Libra—is related to the mental unit and … produces eventually a balance between the pairs of opposites. This is brought about upon the astral plane.” (The mental unit occupies the 5th subplane of the 5th mental plane, counting from above down.)
A large portion of Humanity has now become the planetary Arjuna who must make a choice – upon the battlefield Kurukshetra – moving from an hitherto astral consciousness to becoming more mentally polarised. This is the dharma of our Fifth Rootrace:
“Next there comes a period in the life of the aspirant when he shifts off the probationary path and moves on to the path of discipleship. This is the result of an activity which is a reflection in his individual personality life of the Approach of Acquiescence.
This takes place upon the battlefield of the astral plane. There the disciple acquiesces consciously in the inevitable process of transmutation which takes place before the personality can be a fit instrument for the soul.
He stands between the pairs of opposites, learning the secret of duality, and like Arjuna (fixed at the [Libra] midway point) he seeks the way out, eventually acquiescing in the task ahead. This is the stage of submission to which every disciple subjects himself.
It is through acquiescence that the astral aspect of the personality is brought into line with the divine purpose of the indwelling soul. This is not, a negative, weak submission, or a sad, sweet acceptance, so-called, of the will of God, but it is a positive, dynamic assumption of a certain position or attitude upon the battlefield of life.
This attitude recognises rightly, as did Arjuna, the demands of both armies (the army of the Lord and the army of the Personality) and whilst acquiescing in the facts of the case, the disciple stands up and fights as best he may for the privilege of right understanding and right activity.12
Libran Choices for the US Election
Libra Keynote: “I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
What are the choices regarding the respective policies of the two main candidates for these old Piscean entities – the Democrat and Republican parties?
Note in the following quad-wheel for both parties, USA’s progressed planets and transits for election day, the extraordinary number of placements in Pisces! The Democrats (inner wheel) have four and the Republicans (second wheel out) seven!

Inner to outer wheels: Democrats, Republicans, USA progressions and transits for election day Nov.5.
Currently, in the Republican chart, transiting Neptune sits on natal Moon in Pisces – and USA’s progressed Moon in Pisces. All of them are about to leave Pisces and move into Aries, signifying the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one.
In the Democrat chart, transiting Saturn has been going back and forth across its Sun in Pisces which does not bode well for victory. However, transiting Jupiter does, as it sits on the Democrat Gemini ascendant.
The main probem with these line-ups is transiting Neptune in its lower influence of deception and illusion, so prominently influencing USA’s progressed Moon in Pisces. This is a very incomplete analysis of course, a more comprehensive perspective can be found in the Leo 2024 newsletter.
The following policy comparisons are quoted from NewsNation – supposedly, “fact-based, unbiased political coverage.” Given R.F. Kennedy Jr.’s endorsement of Trump and hailing from the “true democrat” pedigree of his father RFK and uncle JFK – his views from NewsNation are given as well. (See later section on the Unity Party.)
RFK’s “make America healthy again”, is brought home powerfully in his speech on the subject. (See transcript here, just past halfway down.) Fellow former democrat – Tulsi Gabbard, who also endorsed Trump, is on the same page as RFK Jr. – on most policies.
Both have blasted their one-time Democrat party as “warmongers” and “the party of censorship and surveillance.” Dennis Kucinich is another former Democrat who shares similar views, expressed in his recent article, Mistaking Militarism for Statecraft, Empire for Democracy and Debt for Prosperity.
Following are the two major global issues identified – the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.
War in Ukraine
The Pentagon generals, the “Neocons” and NATO are obsessively fixated upon creating a major war with Russia – using Ukraine as a proxy, creating risk of a nuclear exchange, that would wreck Europe and the rest of the world.
The USA and the UK are the two main belligerents – ironic, as they form an esoteric triangle with Russia that is supposed to lead Humanity into the Aquarian Age.
– Called for a cease-fire in an official campaign statement.
– Said he could “solve the conflict in a single day.”
– Trump: “Every day this proxy battle in Ukraine continues, we risk global war.”13
– Harris announced that U.S. would donate over $1.5 billion to Ukraine.
– Financial assistance will aid infrastructure, security, energy and refugees.
– Harris has been in lockstep with Biden to help Ukraine in its war with Russia.
– Harris spoke of American commitment to the Eastern European nation.14

Dennis Kucinich – Sun in Libra and proponent of peace.
Dennis Kucinich “I introduced Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney over Iraq and the lies which led us into war … [that] caused the deaths of over one million Iraqis …
… When I heard Vice President Harris brag about former Vice President Dick Cheney endorsing her candidacy, that put the exclamation point on the fact that the leaders of the Democratic party are for war. I am not.
Why else would Vice President Harris become the front person for such virulent bravado, invoking lethality abroad? A paradox of this campaign is that the much-villainized former President Trump, (representing a party that has also taken us into unnecessary wars) – is the one who speaks to the need to negotiate and to talk directly with potential foes in order to avoid war, or to end it. ((Mistaking Militarism for Statecraft, Empire for Democracy and Debt for Prosperity.))
R.F. Kennedy Jr.
– Has made peace a priority – promising to “end proxy wars, bombing campaigns, covert operations, coups, paramilitaries, so normal most people don’t know it.”
– Vowed to end war in Ukraine. Withdrawal of U.S. troops and missiles from Russia’s borders; convince Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine.
– UN peacekeepers will guarantee peace to the Russian-speaking eastern regions. RFK slammed Biden for the Ukraine war, saying the president wanted to weaken Russia.
– RFK said that “Putin was asking to settle this war from the beginning.” ((NewsNation))
Given the parlous state of the US economy and its crumbling infrastructure, it makes a lot of sense to redirect military funds from the “forever wars” back into the domestic sphere.
Dennis Kucinich
“The fervour of warmongering, fuelled by machismo and high bravado illustrates the failure of leadership and a fatal ignorance of the diplomatic process. We should be exercising the science of human relations, not propelling a hubristic and ego-driven brinkmanship which accelerates the dialectic of war.”15
Israel-Palestine Conflict
Historically, candidates have always voiced their unconditional support for Israel – and that is still the case in 2024, though may be rapidly diminishing given recent events in Gaza and Lebanon.
The Democrats will most definitely adhere to their stated commitment – but whether that translates similarly for Trump and RFK Jr. remains to be seen.
The current state of affairs in the Middle East has been spiralling out of control, as rogue state Israel acts with impunity, through the appalling genocide in Gaza and since the assassination/bombing in Lebanon of the Hezbollah leader – Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
US policy support for Israel must change if it is to avoid a war with a vengeful Iran – and perhaps even Russia through its relations with Iran. Again, as in Ukraine – the consequences of such a war could well go nuclear.
– Hasn’t announced plans regarding the Israel-Hamas war if re-elected in 2024.
– Suggested war will have to “play out.” “We need to protect Israel, there is no choice.”
– Has positioned himself as a strong ally to Israel but critical of PM Netanyahu.
– Told Israel’s intelligence agencies to “step up their game.”16
– Called for an “immediate cease-fire” in Gaza in March, describing the situation as a “humanitarian catastrophe.”
– Said Hamas’ threat to Israel “must be eliminated” but added, “too many innocent Palestinians have been killed.” Opposed Israeli invasion of Rafah, southern Gaza, where over a million people had fled.
– Harris has repeatedly expressed support for a two-state solution.17
R. F. Kennedy
– Defended Israel’s right to respond to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, saying Israel had a moral obligation to do so. Believes US and international community could have done more to help Israel prevent the conflict.
– Said U.S. “must support Israel” above all else. Was “heartbroken” over “bloodshed in Gaza” but that Americans must understand that “Israel is in an existential battle.”18
Israel is a hot potato for RFK, with his Jewish wife and extended Kennedy family – who have publicly denounced and disowned him.
Issues for the USA
Border Crisis
Independent observers say that the Biden administration has allowed at least 7.2 million illegal immigrants across the southern border, up to 25 million by some estimates.
Why? Harris was supposedly the “border czar” they say. Elon Musk, also mooted for Trump’s “dream team” – has speculated with many others that it was a deliberate ploy to boost Democrat votes.
Approval of citizen applications has been at the fastest speed in years. Venezuelan prisons have been emptied and prisoners sent to the USA.
ICE (US Immigration & Customs Enforcement) – has stated that 13,000 convicted murderers and 15,000 sexual offenders were intercepted at the border – but released into the US. Armed foreign gangs have been terrorising and taking over apartments in Colorado.
Other issues covered by NewsNation – of where the candidates stand – include:
Policing and gun safety
Fentanyl crisis and opioid epidemic
Social Security
Climate Change
Unity Party and Trump’s Dream Team
(Not to be confused with The Unity Party of America – a national political party founded on November 4, 2004.)
Since the unprecedented support by former Democrats – RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard for the Republican Trump campaign, the seed of a new “unity party” has the potential to emerge from the debris of the two major parties – advancing the cause of national unity. Other contributors to Trump’s “dream team” include entrepeneurs Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy.

Abraham Lincoln, leader of the newly formed Republican party just after 1854, had to navigate a contentious array of factions from both Democrat and Republican parties.
This strategy is similar to Abraham Lincoln’s “Team of Rivals’, where he appointed his political opponents to key positions in his Cabinet during the Civil War.
Might not a Unity Party echo the Libra keynote, “I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force”? Repellent as it might be for those who revile Trump – bear in mind that it is the Republican Party that he serves.
Trump is a former Democrat (2002-2009), but from 1999-2001, he was affiliated with the centrist Reform Party founded by Ross Perot, who presented it as a viable alternative to Republicans and Democrats.
Given his history, it can be seen that Trump is a non-conformist, reflected by the rebellious streak of his Sun-Uranus conjunction in Gemini.
Trump is not controllable by the so-called “deep state” and therefore observers say, represents a threat to it. Hence, two assassination attempts with many unanswered questions about inexplicable lapses of security.
Media Censorship and Freedom of Speech
(Many articles by the author on this topic: Media, Communications, Propaganda.)
The terms, “media” and “censorship” are inextricably entwined, with an added strand of propaganda.
How can the people make informed choices – to, “choose between the two great lines of force”, when they draw their water from a poisoned well of information? Free Speech is the primary freedom of the four freedoms enunciated by Franklin Roosevelt (FDR):
* Freedom of speech and expression * Freedom of worship * Freedom from want * Freedom from fear *
In the past few years, the stark diminishment – even strangling of these freedoms has occurred – regarding “pandemic” lockdown, Russia-Ukraine, US politics etc. If free thought/speech and expression is suppressed or censored by corporate-controlled governments – then how can Humanity discuss the complex problems that it faces?
Nobody on The Path can afford to allow others to do their thinking for them – based upon particular ideologies that are not in the best interests of the population at large: Manipulative ideologies motivated to exploit others.
Pluto’s transit through Capricorn – the planet of power in a sign of power – has enabled material forces to impose control on vast populations, using the power of global media and government. Now, the US First Amendment is coming under dire threat, as discussed in the second quotation below:
“The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws respecting an establishment of religion; prohibiting the free exercise of religion; or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.”19
Today, opponents of the First Amendment include the WEF (World Economic Forum) and some of their foot soldiers – notably John Kerry and Hillary Clinton:
“Enemies of the First Amendment vow to “hammer it out of existence,” as John Kerry explained this week, and they are prepared to circumvent legal protections to achieve their aims at all costs.
Kerry, speaking on a panel on climate change at the World Economic Forum, lamented what he regards as insufficient censorship of “disinformation” and called on his allies to “win the ground, win the right to govern” in order to be “free be able to implement change” despite the “major block” of the First Amendment.
… Kerry and his allies have already developed means to sidestep the “major block” of our founding documents. Hillary Clinton herself has floated the idea of criminal penalties for the spreading of “misinformation.””20
Freedom of speech is increasingly being curtailed, diminished or banned around the world – whether it is participating in a peaceful street march, or censored online by Facebook, YouTube, Google and Wikipedia.
A common refrain from cautious presenters now is, “Not certain what I can say here on YouTube”. The following passage was written almost a century ago – reflect upon how refined and advanced these persuasive tools of censorship have become today:
“For long, these evil forces have used psychology in order to reach the ends they had in view, and have used it with amazing success; they are still using it, and can be depended upon to employ its methods to the uttermost.
They use the press and the radio [internet, movies, AI] in order to distort human thinking; they present half-truths, impute false motives, rake up past grievances, foretell (with foreboding) imminent difficulties; they foster ancient prejudices and hatreds, and emphasize religious and national differences.
In spite of much shouting, demanding and proposed organization, there is no truly free press anywhere; particularly is it absent in the United States, where parties and publishers dictate newspaper policies.
The main reason why there is no really free press is based on two factors: first, the fact that humanity is not yet free from its predetermined reasonings, its basic ignorance of factual history, or of nations and their psychology; humanity is still controlled by racial and national bias and by prejudice.
Secondly, the fact that all this is nurtured and kept alive by the forces of evil, working upon the inner side of human affairs and dealing mainly with the psychological angle because it is so exceedingly potent.
This they will increasingly do as this planetary war [WWII] draws to a close; they will seek to offset the work of the Hierarchy, to hamper the activities of the New Group of World Servers and to cloud the issues involved to such a degree that the men of goodwill everywhere will be bewildered and will fail to see the clear outlines of the factual situation or distinguish between what is true and what is false. Forget not, the forces of evil are exceedingly clever.”21
1. By omission, simply ignoring important stories, often focusing upon other stories – “look over here”. A good example currently is the salacious Diddy (Sean Combs) revelations, flooding social media feeds with appalling details of sexual abuse and alleged murders. (Combs is a multi-planet Scorpio.)
2. The corralling of people into acceptable mainstream narratives that all follow the same script. A particular perspective or “spin” on a story that tones down some features whilst amplifying others. For example, minimising the seriousness of two failed Trump assassination attempts, or trying to ridicule other political candidates by dragging-up stories from decades ago.
Journalist Caitlin Matthews notes the subtle use of language is also used to deflect,
“We’ve been seeing similarly bizarre linguistic gymnastics from the mainstream press since Israel began its invasion of Lebanon, with the mass media instead using phrases like “raids”, “ground offensive”, “ground operation”, and “Israel Enters Lebanon” in its headlines in order to avoid the word “invasion”.
This is the same media class that used to ridicule Russia for calling its invasion of Ukraine a “special military operation”.
… Iran’s attacks “escalate”. Israel’s attacks “expand the conflict”. Lebanon’s attacks are “terrorism”. Israel’s attacks are “self-defense”. Russia launched an “invasion”; Israel launched a “limited ground operation”. Destroying Gaza is a “response to October 7”; October 7 was “unprovoked”. When their guys do it it’s bad, when our guys do it it’s fine.”22
3. The use of and AI on social media and Google search engines – whereby certain posts or stories are minimalised or marginalised in their exposure, or “buried” under 20 pages of search results.
Similarly, the audio-visual content of all videos is trawled – looking for words or images that might compromise the propaganda that prevailing media giants seek to impose.
Of course, there is a censorship that must work to preserve basic human decency, in terms of extremely gross and sickening images/text content.
4. Flat-out lies, factually and provably untrue. This is the real “dis-information”, “mis-information” or “mal-information” – that these media giants brand anything else which contradicts their narrative.
5. Persecution of many truth-teller journalists – through threats to their physical, family or financial security, and/or the outright removal of their online platforms. (e.g. Julian Assange.)
6. The arrest, imprisonment and fining of citizens who might make relatively innocuous comments on social media. (Succinctly summarised in various clips in this video: 17’ to 21’ 10” – and 3o’ 58” to 33’ 52”.) Likewise, several independent journalists and commentators. The recent arrest of the founder of Telegram (Durov).
7. New internet legislation in Australia highlights the problem of free speech. Who is to determine what constitutes “misinformation”? One person’s misinformation may well be another’s truth. Conspiracy theory for some is conspiracy fact for others.
Again, these terms are used by authorities – claiming it is for the “public good”, but actually attempt to keep everyone conforming to an imposed ideology. (See Why Misinformation Bill risks Freedoms it Aims to Protect.)
8. Similarly to #7, the labelling of dissenting/critical voices as hate speech. Criticism is not necessarily hateful, it might be derisive or emotional, but who is to determine if it constitutes hate? New controversial bills introduced in Canada and Britain.
9. Many of the Media Giants such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and TV station conglomerates – often put their weight (and donations) behind the party they want to see win – creating an imbalance and broader demonisation of political foes. It is said that mainstream, big media is aligned ideologically with the liberal left/Democrats:
“… the media seeks to defend their ideological allies on the left and persecute those on the right while claiming to be objective. This idea that the media is made up of unselfconsciously liberal elites who don’t even recognize the biases they have against conservative policies and conservatives in general goes back decades…”23
Indeed, in a recent revelation, Producer Admits MSNBC Is ‘Doing All They Can to Help’ the Harris Campaign:
“Hamdan revealed on hidden camera that “what her [Harris’s] message of the day is, is their message of the day,” as MSNBC actively pushes Harris’s narrative to help her win. He admitted that MSNBC is doing “all they can to help,” Harris get elected, with the network operating as an extension of the campaign.
He went on to say, “MSNBC is indistinguishable from the party,” further highlighting their partisan agenda. In discussing the relationships between the MSNBC hosts and Democratic politicians, Hamdan reveals, ”The anchor and the politician are just in total agreement about everything.”
He adds, “If you watch an interview with a Democratic politician, they just finish each other’s sentences.” Hamdan also didn’t shy away from criticizing the network’s audience, stating, “They’ve made their viewers dumber over the years,” and explaining that MSNBC is “too cozy with Democratic politicians.””24
10. Control of the media by the CIA. (See also the author’s 2015 article, Maya of World Media and the CIA)
“This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong.
And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want.” (Hannah Arendt. 14 Oct. 1906 – 4 Dec. 1975. German historian and philosopher.)
Control of media has been going on for a very long time! Back in the 1960’s and 70’s Operation Mockingbird was established – a large-scale program that manipulated domestic American news media organizations for propaganda purposes. It began with the organising of around 400 journalists and editors from all the major news outlets – revealed in 1975 at the Church Committee hearings.
“The most shocking revelations of the committee include Operation MKULTRA, which involved the drugging [LSD and other substances] and torture of unwitting US citizens, as part of human experimentation on mind control …
… Operation Mockingbird was a systematic propaganda campaign with domestic and foreign journalists operating as CIA assets and dozens of US news organizations providing cover for CIA activity”25
In this interview (29’) of shocking revelations (with which many students are familiar), it is stated that in 2016 the door was opened by the Obama administration to allow the CIA to re-propagandise the American people – hitherto “not allowed” since the early 70’s. Since then, the program has made major inroads into platforms such as Twitter, to continue their work of influence and manipulation.
A past 1970’s CIA director – William Casey, made his infamous statement: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
It was from JFK’s disdain for the CIA after the disastrous Bay of Pigs, that he threatened to “shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.” His assassination occurred shortly thereafter.
One major trend today is the sharp decline of viewing numbers for mainstream television and the rapid rise of independent journalism. Since the “great awakening” of the past few years, the populace is starting to see through propaganda and seeking alternative perspectives.
How independent media is growing while legacy media is dying (30’ interview)
“The major battle in the world today is that of the freedom of the average citizen to think for himself and to come to his own decisions and conclusions. It is here that the major quarrel between the Great White Lodge and the Black Lodge is to be found.”26
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Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse (Oct.2)
The month of October 2024 may be one of the most eventful ever, not only because of the US election on Nov.5, or wars in Ukraine/Middle East – and 2025, but because of the nature of astrological forces and solar flares that will amplify all these themes.
“The Sun just unleashed the most powerful flare we’ve seen in seven years. On October 3, a flare measured at a strength of X9.0 exploded right in the middle of the solar disk. Even more excitingly, it was accompanied by what is known as a halo coronal mass ejection – one that is ejected straight at Earth.
It’s the second X-class flare of October 2024, both emitted from the same active sunspot region, and the most powerful since September 2017.”27
Currently, solar storms bombarding the Earth may reach extreme levels, sparking auroras and straining hurricane-weakened power grids. Electrical activity in the atmosphere can play havoc with the weather and human technology, creating blackouts and internet disruption. On Oct. 11, a severe G3 geomagnetic storm sparked dazzling auroras around the world.
One of the key conditioning forces was the solar eclipse in Libra that occurred on Oct.2, 2024 – whose etheric imprint may last up to a year or more, within the aura of the Earth, reactivated by other planetary transits over that period.
This solar eclipse of Sun, Moon and Mercury was conjunct USA’s Saturn in Libra, setting off the square to natal Sun in Cancer – which has eclipse Mars in Cancer sitting on it. In USA’s 1776 horoscope, Sun square Saturn can be draconian, the challenge to integrate the lesson of Libra – international law, justice and fairness.
In the Oct. 2 solar eclipse chart, Mars in Cancer is a very passive-aggressive combination, staying in this sign until just over a day before the Nov. 5 election.
The position of Mars here can amplify current fear and uncertainty, yet is also a strong advocate for fighting for/restoring the homeland – or for instance, cleaning up the appalling damage left by Hurricane Helene.
Also qualifying the eclipse, is the position of Libra ruler Venus in the sign of Scorpio. Unfortunately, the point of least resistance for Humanity is the lower expression of Venus in this sign: Vengeful, spiteful, power hungry, aggressive, ruthless, manipulative, dominating etc.
The Scorpio energy invoked here can stir up its lower keynote: “Let maya flourish and deception rule”. It has the potential to create a lot of pre-election nastiness on both sides of the campaign and will make right international relations very challenging for Libra the Peacemaker to effectively balance the scales.
On the other hand, the influence of Venus in Scorpio has the higher potential for cutting through the crap, getting down to right relations, creating a sense of national unity.
In the eclipse horoscope for Washington, Venus in Scorpio dominates at the midheaven and is part of a water grand trine to Saturn in Pisces and Mars in Cancer. Given the nature of the grand trine, there is great potential here for emotional healing within the nation’s psyche – as emotions will be running very high.
Julian Assange
The Oct. 2 eclipse fell upon on Netanyahu’s Mercury in Libra, Putin’s sun in Libra and Julian Assange’s Uranus in Libra – that will no doubt have profound consequences for all individuals over the next year. (See later for Netanyahu,)
Just as Saturn in Libra squares USA’s Cancer sun, so Assange’s Uranus in Libra squares his Cancer sun. One individual pattern overlays a national pattern and here we see Uranus the reformer, versus Saturn the status quo. Assange, who is a major freedom of speech advocate, made his first public appearance on Oct.1, outing the villainous CIA,
“The CIA organized a “campaign of retribution” against him, demonstrating to the world the capabilities of intelligence organizations for extraterritorial repression.
The CIA drew up plans to kidnap and to assassinate me within the Ecuadorian embassy in London, and authorized going after my European colleagues, subjecting us to theft, hacking attacks, and the planting of false information. My wife and my infant son were also targeted.
The CIA’s targeting of myself, my family, and my associates through aggressive extrajudicial and extraterritorial means, provides a rare insight into how powerful intelligence organizations engage in transnational repression.”28
Israel the Aggressor
(See also, The Shadow of Pisces and Israel’s Victimhood (2024))
The propaganda that Israel is always the victim – at the hands of Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran, simply does not stand up to the facts. The Zionist leaders were not content with their genocide in Gaza which resulted in at least 42,000 deaths since Oct.7 – those figures are reputedly much higher.
Israeli military then conducted a long-planned terrorising attack upon the citizens of Lebanon, via 5,000 exploding pagers and walkie-talkies – indiscriminately killing dozens and injuring hundreds.
To top it off, Israel levelled several apartment blocks with 2,000 lb. bunker-buster bombs, in order to assassinate the country’s leader – Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
On the Oct.7, 2024 anniversary, Israel stepped up its attacks on Lebanon with 120 airstrikes in one day. “Benjamin Netanyahu has warned Lebanese people that they could face “destruction and suffering” like the Palestinians in Gaza if they don’t “free” the country from Hezbollah.
“You have an opportunity to save Lebanon before it falls into the abyss of a long war that will lead to destruction and suffering like we see in Gaza,” the Israeli prime minister said in a video address directed to the people of Lebanon. I say to you, the people of Lebanon: Free your country from Hezbollah so that this war can end.”29

Hassan Nasrallah (31 August 1960) A cleric with Sun and 5 planets in scholarly Virgo, moon in philosophical Sagittarius. Rising sign unknown.
The Zionist strategy has always been to goad Iran and draw it into a broader regional conflict, to give it the excuse to wage war on Iran – with the complicit backing of the USA. In other words, an attempt to change the balance of power in the region “once and for all”.
The one ace that Israel has up its sleeve – for which all Arab countries are keenly aware – is nuclear weapons, Israel’s silent agent of fear and blackmail, should any country choose belligerence. Iran and the other Arab nations have not yet developed nuclear weapon capability. (Iran in about five years time it is speculated.)
But now the gloves are off since Iran chose to respond on Oct. 1 – by raining ballistic/hypersonic missiles down upon Tel Aviv and other parts of the country. There was great substantial damage which Israel chose not to report, such as the destruction of twenty F-35 fighter jets at one airport.
Iran may not have retaliated unless they knew that they had at least tentatively, the backing of Russia and China – two major nuclear powers who have recently solidified their relationship with Iran through the BRICS countries agreements. Perhaps Putin’s phone call to Netanyahu at this time was about that.
In another development on the Oct. 2 solar eclipse, the Israel foreign minister indignantly declared that UN secretary-general – António Guterres was, “persona non grata” and banned him from entering the country.
This again reflects the contempt Israel has for the United Nations and international law. Israel has declined into a pariah or rogue state that has lost the respect of most nations, squandering many decades of goodwill toward it – and the Jewish people in general.
As a result, a new anti-Semiticism has arisen, provoking violence in various parts of the world toward Jews. Zionist hatred of their perceived adversaries, has bred even greater hatred, perpetuating an endless cycle of hatred and revenge. This will take decades, if not centuries to heal with the balm of forgiveness. (See the Virgo newlsetter and the lesson of the Pisces polarity.)
“When you hate, you generate a reciprocal hate. When individuals hate each other, the harm is finite; but when great groups of nations hate each other, the harm may be infinite and absolute.
Do not fall back upon the thought that those whom you hate deserve to be hated. I do not know whether anybody deserves to be hated, but I do know that hatred of those whom we believe to be evil is not what will redeem mankind.”
(Bertrand Russell.)30
One of the biggest problems with Israel’s demise is through its leadership by Benjamin Netanyahu (a Libran, more on him later), whose psychopathic obsession with his Zionist mission, has destroyed any goodwill that has been gleaned for Israel in the past 76 years. Retired US diplomat and ambassador – Charles Freeman (Sun in Pisces), makes some poignant observations:
“When you agree Israel has a right to exist you are agreeing with it that there can be no self-determination for Palestinians, and that was the question. The savagery of the last 10 months or so in Gaza and in the West Bank which is less reported but equally brutal have changed that question.
The question became, “Does Israel deserve to exist, given its behaviour?” We’ve seen a series of International Court decisions in The Hague which charge Israel with all kinds of illegality, including the supreme illegality which is genocide.
Now the question post-assassination [of Haniyeh] I think has been changed yet again: Can the world tolerate the existence of a state that has shown that there is no criminal act, no act of depravity that it is not prepared to carry out? That is now becoming the active question.
So, Mr. Netanyahu has led Israel to the abyss, and this is terribly ironic because the founders of the state of Israel saw it as a safe haven from European anti-Semitism, which was a horrible phenomenon … Mr. Netanyahu’s actions have now brought Israel to the point where there is a very real possibility that it will be destroyed, either by emigration of people of conscience, and the fearful.
Nobody wants to live under constant fear of rocket attack or assault … Mr. Netanyahu has put in jeopardy his own country. The question is, does he care? Many who have known him over the years have observed that he doesn’t seem to care about anything except himself. It is a sad day to see, you don’t know.
There are many decent people in Israel, despite the fact that the majority appear to support genocide. There are many who don’t and who are decent people and he’s put them in jeopardy.
He has also put the world’s Jews in jeopardy because this is all reviving anti-Semitism, which was, you know largely gone, [but] not completely. Human beings always have others that they detest, but it was largely gone. It’s coming back and this is the result of Mr. Netanyahu and his extremist colleagues…”.31
(Interview with Charles Freeman. 1 hr)
Zionists and Neocons Control the USA
“…Israelis need to rediscover their conscience [the soul of Judaism] and that means they need to recover Judaism in my view because I think Zionism has become the very negation of Judaism.
Everything that was good about Judaism, which inspired both Christianity and Islam and which created our culture at its finest has been overtaken, overthrown, erased, forgotten, reversed.
You know I hope that – I’m not Jewish although I have Jewish grandchildren – I hope very well that the world’s Jews outside Israel will talk to their co-religionists and help them realize what they have become …”. (Charles Freeman)
Let us be clear about those who are responsible for these “forever wars” that emanate from the USA.
1. Zionists has been discussed in detail in many of the author’s newsletters, as a political group obsessed with power – who have never had the best interests of Jewish people at heart; they have always used the plight of the Jews to further their own selfish ambitions – even during WWII in their collaboration with the Nazis, as it “furthered their cause”.
In fact, Zionists are no different from Nazis, in terms of their ruthlessness and utter lack of empathy; they have built up and consolidated their position in the USA since the end of WWII – and particularly around the time of the assassination of JFK.
The Zionists appoint handlers for every US politician, have thousands embedded in government and bureaucracy, spend large amounts of money influencing politicians, think-tanks and their own organisations such as AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) – to name a few.
2. Neocons – or neo-conservatives, is a group that stands behind any US government and is an integral component of the so-called “deep state”.
The group began in the 1960s during the Vietnam War, “… among foreign policy hawks who became disenchanted with the increasingly pacifist Democratic Party and with the growing New Left and counterculture of the 1960s.”32
But now, according to former Democrat RFK Jr. – the Democrats have become the party of the Neocons. (Interview here at 30′.05″)
In 1992, with the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union, the next phase of neocon ideology was born – preserving American hegemony at all costs. This meant insuring that no rival superpower was allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Russia or Asia, the goal being, “to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy.”33
The Neocons were responsible for the plan revealed by NATO commander – General Wesley Clark, in his infamous interview where he related how he was told the plan: “We’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”34
Note the mention of Lebanon, but more ominously, “…finishing off, Iran”. The Neocons’ most notorious claim to fame was when they peaked in influence during the George W. Bush presidency – with the keen co-operation of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.
The Neocons played a major role in promoting/planning the 2003 invasion of Iraq – following upon the heels of the Neocon-planned 9/11 – and based upon the widely proven false pretext of “weapons of mass destruction”. (Prominent Neocons are listed in this footnote.35)
The Neocon ideology is still very much present in the USA, driven by the MICIMATT: Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank.” Here is the powerbase of ongoing aggression that characterises support of Israel – and the proxy war against Russia, via Ukraine and their half million dead.
The obvious point to be made here is that these policies have not been prudently planned by a democratically elected government – they are simply figurehead administrators told what to do and say.
Independent observers state that this is why Donald Trump is perceived as a threat to the deep state because he does not want to be their puppet. Trump has said, “I will solve the Ukraine conflict in a single day.” He has the backing of former Democrats Gabbard and RFK Jr.
Its interesting to note that Dick Cheney’s recent endorsement of Kamala Harris, exposes the fact that the current Democrat administration is completely controlled by the Neocons.
This is a great irony as the Democrats are now regarded by many as warmongers, in stark contrast to the “pacifist Democratic Party” of the 1960’s. NATO, perceived by independent observers to be the terrorist arm of the Neocons, has certain plans about to be hatched:
“The American Neocons are ruthless, and they are conspiring in Europe and with Biden to safeguard against the possibility of Donald Trump cutting off all assistance to Ukraine, if he emerges victorious in the November 2024 presidential election.
This conspiracy, hatched among the NEOCONS, proposes to create a fund entrusting to NATO, an unelected NEOCON sanctuary, overseeing this $100 billion fund to provide support to keep World War III going. NATO will allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles. The objective is the destruction of Russia.”36
It is not hard to see how these two groups of Neocons and Zionists work closely together – in various interlocking cabals embedded in the US government, the CIA, Pentagon and think tanks.37
Libran: Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu & Israel 2010
Benjamin Netanyahu: Saturn Transit 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu Wins – Again 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu’s Swansong? 2020
Benjamin Netanyahu: Will Pluto be His Nemesis? 2021
Benjamin Netanyahu and the Palestinian Slaughter 2021
Benjamin Netanyahu Invokes Amalek (Nov. 2023)
One of the most written-about personalities by this author, past articles above. And one hesitates to give the subject any more oxygen than it deserves. Yet, scrutinising his life, historical roots, ideologies, horoscope and transits – brings greater understanding of the current problem of Israel.
In past analyses the author has used a Scorpio rising horoscope – but the overall consensus amongst astrologers appears to be Sagittarius rising, either around 10º or 29º.
It is easy to associate Scorpio rising with BN, but this can also be explained solely by the expression of that sign’s two rulers, Mars and Pluto – which BN has prominently conjunct in the sign of will and power – Leo.
Hence, this analysis will explore the 10º Sagittarius rising chart, calculated by veteran chart rectifier (and Israeli) – Isaac Starkman.
Sagittarius, the sign of the questing aspirant searching for meaning, the archer who seeks higher learning and understanding. (BN has a bachelor’s degree in architecture, a master’s degree in management from MIT, also studied for a doctorate in political science.)38
Given the old saying, “by their fruits ye shall know them”, who would have thought that BN was a Libran? Not just the sun in Libra the peacemaker – but Moon, Vulcan, Neptune and Mercury.
The main Libran expression that appears to be working, is BN’s ability to maintain engagement with the political factions in his government.
Otherwise, BN is very much in his polar-opposite Earth-in-Aries – the esoteric ruler of his soul purpose, Sagittarius.
Mars, War and the Sixth Ray
Aries is ruled by the god of war – Mars, conjunct power planet Pluto in BN’s ideological ninth house – in Leo, the sign of power, rulership and kings. His ardent followers used to chant, “Bibi, king of Israel!”
Mars is in an “easy opposition” to his Sun in Libra-Earth in Aries (sextile/trine respectively) In a 29º Sag. rising chart, Mars would trine this Sag. degree. Either way you cut the cake, whether Scorpio or Sagittarius rising, Mars is very strong and also the hierarchical ruler of Sagittarius – which means,
“… as that individual responds to mass vibration in Sagittarius, where Mars appears as ruling the sixth Creative Hierarchy, the lunar lords of the form nature who must eventually be sacrificed to the higher spiritual aspect and brought under the control of the solar Angel.
The effect of Mars is, therefore, largely mass effect and group results, producing great struggles but leading finally to great revelation …”.39
Mars is also the ruler of the sixth ray of devotion and idealism, a ray that must be prominent in Netanyahu’s ray structure, possibly his personality – the ray of the fanatic in its lower manifestation.
In this particular cycle, the sixth ray finds its strongest expression through Sagittarius – a sign well-known for religious zealotry and extremism. (Here again is where we find the missing parts of astrological interpretation in the rays that pass through certain signs.)
But BN’s zealotry appears to be not so much religious (i.e. Judaism), but more Zionist political fundamentalism. Amal Jamal, a political scientist at Tel Aviv University describes the 6th and 1st rays in BN:
“He has a very narrow black-and-white image of reality,” Jamal said. “With him, it’s ‘you are with me, or you are my enemy. You submit, or I have the right to obliterate you.’”40
“This [sixth ray] is called the ray of devotion. The man who is on this ray is full of religious instincts and impulses, and of intense personal feeling; nothing is taken equably.
Everything, in his eyes, is either perfect or intolerable; his friends are angels, his enemies are very much the reverse; his view, in both cases, is formed not on the intrinsic merits of either class, but on the way the persons appeal to him, or on the sympathy or lack of sympathy which they shew to his favourite idols, whether these be concrete or abstract, for he is full of devotion, it may be to a person, or it may be to a cause.
He must always have a “personal God,” an incarnation of Deity to adore. The best type of this ray makes the saint, the worst type, the bigot or fanatic, the typical martyr or the typical inquisitor.
All religious wars or crusades have originated from sixth ray fanaticism. The man on this ray is often of gentle nature, but he can always flame into fury and fiery wrath. He will lay down his life for the objects of his devotion or reverence, but he will not lift a finger to help those outside of his immediate sympathies.
As a soldier, he hates fighting but often when roused in battle fights like one possessed. He is never a great statesman nor a good business man, but he may be a great preacher or orator.”41

Recent US congress address in 2024 – about 60 standing ovations. That kind of power over a whole nation is disturbing!
The underlined words above certainly apply. BN has been conducting an inquisition against the Palestinians for a very long time. He is a skilled orator (and liar!) – witness US congress in their endless standing ovations to the puppet-master!
This disturbing power most likely reflects that BN has some hypnosis or mesmerising skills, enforced through the position of underworld Pluto in Leo, sextile to mass consciousness Moon in Libra.
BN was a dedicated soldier, like his brother who was killed in the infamous raid at Entebbe. Its worth exploring a bit of BN’s earlier life to understand where he comes from now:
“… served for five years in a special forces unit of the IDF … took part in numerous cross-border raids during the 1967–70 War of Attrition … rising to become a team-leader in the unit. He was wounded in combat on multiple occasions.
He was involved in many other missions, including the 1968 Israeli raid on Lebanon and the rescue of the hijacked Sabena Flight 571 in May 1972, in which he was shot in the shoulder … returned in October 1973 to serve in the Yom Kippur War.
He took part in special forces raids along the Suez Canal against Egyptian forces before leading a commando attack deep inside Syrian territory, the details of which remain classified today.”42
BN most likely sees himself as an heroic warrior fighting the good fight for Israel’s existence, yet many observers wonder now whether its all about him, rather than the original cause.
Mars in Leo can be like that, totally self-centred (the “drama queen”) – without any awareness of the more inclusive Aquarian polarity.
This latter quality is interesting, because BN’s progressed ascendant in Aquarius is moving into an exact opposition to natal Mars in Leo! Will some kind of resolution emerge in balancing these opposites? Also, BN’s Mars is less than 2º from Israel’s Mars in Leo, a troublesome and much commented-upon position that squares the nation’s Taurus sun.
Jupiter in Capricorn
When considering Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of BN’s Sagittarius soul purpose – it is in Capricorn, the place of its “fall”:
“Jupiter in its lowest aspect gives the fulfilment of desire and satisfied demand, whilst in its highest Jupiter is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. In Capricorn, therefore, Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect, and then—as love and selflessness triumph—this lowest aspect vanishes and disappears.
It is to the “fall” of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low. Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs.”43
It is obvious that for BN, love is still “fallen and blinded”. Jupiter in Capricorn has heavy hubris 44, social prestige and thirst to acquire power.
Furthermore, Jupiter makes a close T-square to BN’s Sun in Libra-Earth in Aries (esoteric ruler of Sagittarius). Sun square Jupiter people are often excessive and over-the-top – BN fits that description!
Amplifying The Sun-Jupiter square is the fact that Libra ruler Venus is placed in Sagittarius conjunct the ascendant. This can bring the charm factor to BN’s negotiation skills, particularly when it comes to Sagittarian themes of religion and dealing with foreign nations.
Mars-Pluto in Leo and the First Ray
As touched upon earlier, Mars and Pluto are prominently conjunct in Leo, respectively sextiling the Sun and Moon in Libra. Mars in Leo can be bombastic and arrogant, overly dramatic and a skilled exaggerator/liar!
Pluto is the co-ruler of the first ray of will-power, along with Vulcan, which is exactly conjunct his Libra sun.
That would be enough to invoke the forces of the first ray, but it is also most likely in BN’s ray structure. BN may well have a first ray soul that aligns with the first ray soul of the Jewish people.
It is ironic that BN recently invoked memory of the battle of Amalek (Benjamin Netanyahu Invokes Amalek (Nov. 2023)) the sin of which is continuously repeated in Gaza – and now in Beirut:
“[The first ray] … may lead at times to ruthlessness and cruelty if the personality of the individual is not yet controlled by soul impulse … An instance of this can be noted in the history of the Jews as found in the Old Testament.
When the first ray was in control and passing through one of its rare cycles of activity we read that they butchered and slaughtered all their enemies — men, women and children, putting them to the sword. The sword is ever the symbol of the first ray force just as the pen is of the second ray influence.”45
Connections with Hitler and Shamballa
Apart from the fact that both leaders were/are involved in genocide 46, Hitler was Libra rising – almost at the same degree as BN’s Sun in Libra.
Both Hitler and BN were/are likely, souls on the first ray of will-power. The first ray has a connection to Shamballa, the first ray crown chakra of the planet, “where the will of god is known”.
The Nazis accessed occult knowledge from various sources (including Blavatsky), even sending an expedition into Tibet pre-WWII – in search of Shamballa. Libra has a close connection to Shamballa:
“Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings … the impact of Shamballa energy upon the first ray individuals and nations can be potent in the extreme.”47
In other words, both Hitler and Netanyahu have tapped into the spiritually inverted force of Shamballa:
“… it is only in group formation that, as yet, the Shamballa force of the will can be tapped. They are useless to the individual under the new initiatory dispensation. Only the group, under the proposed new mode of working and of group initiation, is capable of invoking Shamballa.
That is why Hitler, the exponent of the reversed reaction to Shamballa (and consequently the evil reaction) had to gather around him a group of like-minded people or personalities.
On the upper arc of the evocative cycle (Hitler being the expression of the invocative arc of the Shamballa force) it requires a group to bring about evocation. ((The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.35-6.))
What was true for Hitler and his group may well be true for Netanyahu and his group – whose tentacles reach into the far corners of the Earth – through Zionist organisations and media institutions.
BN is simply the visible head of the 9-headed hydra. Yet, many Israel’s do not concur with Netanyahu’s vision: “Netanyahu is not Israel,” wrote Yaakov Katz, the editor in chief of the Jerusalem Post. “And Israel is not Netanyahu.”
It appears that Netanyahu is now in a desperate “do or die” effort to realise his/Zionists long-held ambitions of Israeli dominance in the Middle East – and even expansion into a “Greater Israel” that dominates all Arab nations.
Netanyahu’s Transits
The major transits that appear to be driving this ruthless aggression are:
1. Transiting Pluto in Capricorn square Sun in Libra. (Since Jan. 2022, almost out of orb now. See also Benjamin Netanyahu: Will Pluto be His Nemesis? 2021.)
Pluto the planet of power, has returned for one last incursion into Capricorn – a sign like Leo that can produce despots and tyrants. Pluto is still in orb of squaring BN’s Sun in Libra but not with the intensity of the past few years. Nevertheless, it is still there until the end of Nov. 2024, fuelling BN with an obsessive sense of power and perseverance.
2. Transiting Uranus in Taurus square to Mars in Leo. In orb since July 2023, stationary July to Nov. 2024, with a final hit in May 2025. This is the major long term transit that is influencing BN’s current behaviour, overlapping the transit of Uranus over Israel’s Sun in Taurus.
Hence the alignment of Israel with its current leader, one who through his over-zealous actions may have sounded the death knell for the nation’s very existence. Uranus transmits an aspect of the first ray and has a reputation as the revolutionary.
Again, BN most likely perceives himself as an heroic (Mars in Leo) revolutionary (Uranus) – fighting the good fight, based upon an distorted ideology.
Here we might ask the question – is Netanyahu “evil” – “sold his soul to the devil”, or unconsciously serving those forces – or just a well-meaning, blinded idealist? The same kind of questions have been asked about other figures in the past few years, such as Bill Gates.
Throughout this period, transiting Uranus is quincunx BN’s Sun in Libra, which it esoterically rules, giving the possibility of making concessions, peace-making and diplomacy. In other words, Uranus’ square to Mars in Leo, activates its natal sextile to the Libra sun.
3. Transiting Saturn in Pisces opposite Saturn in Virgo. (April and Oct. 2024, through to Jan.2025.) Saturn in Virgo has a reputation for being pedantic, despite it being a mutable, flexible sign.
Saturn occupies the middle, Saturn-ruled decanate of Virgo. Virgo is the soul of the Jewish people and Saturn rules its Capricorn personality, so another very apt alignment.
Saturn opposite Saturn transits challenge the individual to deal with the consequences of thought-forms created – used to live one’s life by. The Saturn opposition represents a turning point, highlighting restrictions, rigidity and repression, yet can also stimulate endurance and persistence.
This kind of transit puts one at loggerheads with oneself, regarding fixed and crystallised ways of thinking and living. Saturn in Pisces certainly gives the potential for the forgiveness factor to be developed – negating Saturn in Virgo’s acute capacity for cutting criticism.
4. Progressed Moon in Cancer opposite progressed Sun in Capricorn. (Exact late Oct. 2024.) This is already in orb of close influence. Cancer is the home-land and Capricorn is the personality of the Jewish people.
This opposition of progressed Sun and Moon is like the monthly full moon cycle, a harvest moon if you will, for the entire life cycle – a high water mark of achievement or recognised failures. To have the progressed sun in Capricorn is similar to Saturn opposite Saturn, in terms of crystallisation:
“Capricorn is an earth sign, and in it we have expressed the densest point of concrete materialisation of which the human soul is capable. Man is then “of the earth, earthy” and is what the New Testament calls “the first Adam.”
In this sense, Capricorn holds in itself the seeds of death and finality—the death which takes place finally and eventually in Pisces. Ponder on this.
When has reached a certain degree of density and so-called “hardness,” it is easily shattered and destroyed and man, born in Capricorn, then brings about his own destruction; this is due to his fundamentally materialistic nature, plus the “blows of fate” which are the enactments of the law of karma.
Again and again, a certain measure of concreteness is achieved, only again to undergo destruction, prior to the release of the life and the rebuilding of the form.”48
Indeed, this kind of progression represents a symbolic death, but can also be physically passing from this incarnation.
5. Transiting Jupiter opposite Sagittarius ascendant. (July 2024 through to Feb.2025.) Jupiter is the ruler of BN’s Sagittarius soul purpose, hence its stimulation is very powerful, amplifying Sag. idealism and the archer’s one-pointed aim.
Jupiter is moving back and forth into the seventh house of “open enemies” where “enemies are met”, yet its presence in this house can also be beneficent.
6. Transiting Mars in Cancer square Moon in Libra and Sun. Mars squares the moon exactly on the Oct.7, 2024 anniversary of the Hamas invasion in 2023, bringing up painful memories and most likely a re-dedicated commitment to fighting for the homeland.
Likewise, in the last week of Oct. 2024, transiting Mars in Cancer will square the Sun in Libra. Hence, the whole month of October offers BN an opportunity, or he might be forced into making some kind of concession or peace deal.
7. Oct. 2 solar eclipse conjunct Mercury, challenging BN to enter into dialogue and talks. However, natal Mercury squares Uranus in Cancer, which can be erratic, rebellious and unpredictable. This is a pattern that has characterised a lot of his life. Around this time he received a call from Putin – whatever they discussed!
8. Solar Return Oct.20, 2024. This horoscope has a grand cross between Sun in Libra, Earth/Chiron in Aries – crossed by Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon and Jupiter are in communicative Gemini – whose exoteric ruler Mercury is in Scorpio, square the Aquarius ascendant.
Mercury is in the 9th house of foreign nations and could simply express as more tough, unyielding talk. Yet Gemini’s esoteric ruler Venus in Sagittarius conjunct the midheaven, might offer some flexibility in negotiations. Solar return Moon in Gemini, closely conjunct Israel’s Mercury in Gemini, may also offer opportunity.
Even with Oct.7 planner Yahya Sinwar recently killed, it appears BN has no intention of relenting. (Sinwar had Sun, Moon, Vulcan, Neptune and Venus in Scorpio.)
Solar return Aquarius is rising, the same ascendant as Israel’s midnight chart – and Aquarius ruler Uranus sits right on BN’s 4th house cusp of the home and family. (A recent drone strike was directed to his personal home.) Uranus is also currently making one of its passes across Israel’s Sun in Taurus.
Uranus is the esoteric ruler of BN’s Sun in Libra, hence its angular position on the IC, opposite the Scorpio MC – is bound to shake up his life, especially with the Mars-Pluto opposition. The latter can dispense ruthless death-dealing but can also be on the receiving end.
What in the Weather: Man-Made Hurricanes?
“When you modify the weather you are meddling with nature”.49
This subject was featured earlier in 2024 – Not Climate Change but Geo-Engineering. (Well worth a re-read of this deeply researched article.)
For newer readers or older, who have not come to terms with this phenomenon, or have not investigated it adequately – before dismissing it as “conspiracy theory”, ask yourself why there are around 100 patents for weather modification techniques since 1891 – all on the pubic record!
We are witnessing the shadow of the Aquarian Age, where humanity’s new found power of scientific knowledge over the past few centuries, has found its point of least resistance in its selfish misappropriation. The “great hoodwink” of Coronavirus 2020-2023 is a recent example.
During the next 2,000 years, science without its abuses will reach heights undreamt – both exoteric and esoteric science.
We will have a glimpse of these possibilities as Pluto the planet of power moves into Aquarius for the next two decades. Certainly the possibility of more scientific abuses, but also a harnessing of science for humanity’s greater good.
As a constant traveller in Europe the author has witnessed in the past two years an alarming increase in aerial spraying (“chem trails”) – that create an almost permanent haze in every single European country visited.
And yet the poorly informed still think that this is aircraft condensation (“con trails”). The latter disappear within a minute, the former take days to break up and spread over vast swathes of sky.
Crops are being affected, not only because they cannot photo-synthesise efficiently under hazy skies, but because of various toxic chemicals contained within the trails:
“Barium, aluminium, radioactive thorium and caesium, copper, titanium, silicon, lithium, cobalt, lead, ethylene dibromide and several pathogenic agents. Chemical trails can cause a condition called Morgellons syndrome.
It is a disease which causes serious deterioration in the body. As well as this disease, chemtrails are associated with other illnesses such as tumours, Parkinson’s disease and cardiac dysfunction.”50

HAARP wave clouds – many more at this link.
Without wanting to re-hash the 2024 article above, the point needs to be highlighted and in the spirit of Vulcan – hammered home: The legacy media still ridicules anyone who questions the obvious changes in our skies and the many weird cloud formations that have never been witnessed before in history.
A Google search on the subject reveals pages and pages of articles and links that chem trails are a nonsense and not real. The search algorithm has been set up for denial and deception.
It is obvious from reading any of these articles that the writer has either not researched the facts and dismissed out-of-hand, or is being paid to write propaganda nonsense.
It has been assumed generally that the spraying programs are meant to hasten rainfall – which in itself, interferes with the Earth’s natural weather cycles. But now it is going well beyond that once “acceptable” reason, venturing into “weather attacks”.
The combustible materials used in spraying settles on vegetation, creating the most volatile bushfires ever witnessed in recent history – and blamed on “climate change”.
Many observers suspect these attacks were behind catastrophic recent floods – in China, Australia and Dubai. Super hot fires in Australia, Maui and California – where uncharacteristically, molten metal was found under burnt cars. The following 4’ interview summarises succinctly the issue:
All of this is not only part of the new scientific religion (scientism)51 driven by motive of control and power – but is the modern black magic that used to be practiced in old Atlantis.
The Tibetans, who were part of the 7th subrace of Atlantis, were well familiar with weather attack techniques, using mantrams (sound) and ritual. (Today sound and electronics are used.) One of their own, the great saint Milarepa, indulged in such practices in an earlier part of his life:
“Milarepa uses black magic and hailstones to destroy his Uncle’s and Aunt’s village. Giant hailstones smothered the houses and completely destroyed the crops, which were the very livelihood of the village.
… Marpa as a teacher was very harsh on Milarepa because of the great deal of negative karma that the student had accumulated by using magical powers to create havoc on the enemies of his family, destroying their homes, crops, killing people and destroying livestock.”52
Fast forward to modern day – one must ask why Bill Gates and others have applied for hurricane patents?! (Bill Gates 2009 Hurricane Patent.) This is the same person who wants to block out the sun to reduce “global warming” and who played a major role in the scamdemic of 2020-2023. (See Bill Gates, Coronavirus, Vaccines and WHO)

Part of the hurricane patent that can be read here in its entirety.
There are now a bewildering array of techniques for altering the weather – many places around the world have had unprecedented weather events – such as the recent floods in Dubai.
“Follow the science” was the mantra during the 2020-2023 lockdown – all part of the nine-headed hydra of scientism – where the voice of true scientific, independent thinkers was suppressed, censored or marginalised.
Similar mantras are now being sounded regarding weather manipulation, when in fact there is an abundance of scientific data that supports this fact, conveniently ignored or parsed over. There is ample evidence of experiments with hurricane manipulation, one famous case was Project Cirrus in 1947:
“An Air Force B-17 penetrated a hurricane 415 miles (667 km) east of Jacksonville and dumped several pounds of crushed dry ice into the storm, just to see what would happen … The scientists were eager to examine the storm the following day. However, when they flew to the predicted storm location, they had trouble locating the eye.
After some hunting around, they found the hurricane center nearly 100 miles (160 km) west of where they expected it to be. To their astonishment, the hurricane had made a 135 degree left turn and was now moving due west.
On top of that, it was strengthening! By the afternoon of the 15th, Hurricane King struck Savannah, GA. One person died in the storm surge and US$2 million in damage was done to Georgia and South Carolina.”53
The Oct. 2024 hurricanes – Helene and Milton, caused devastating destruction in Florida and North Carolina, with many deaths and property damage that will take decades to restore.
One only has to watch the countless reels of video on social media, direct from those in the region, to witness the ferocity of the storms/tornadoes and the ensuing destruction. Independent investigators who track hurricanes, noted how the acceleration, intensity and wind speed of Helene and Milton were unprecedented.
Other videos claim to reveal HAARP technology interfering with existing storms – or creating them from scratch. (HAARP = High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) Even “steering” a hurricane in any direction, to have an impact on a certain portion of the voting populace. Entirely feasible, if not true.
Video above gives brief explanation (1’ 46”) of Hurricane Helene and HAARP frequency transmissions.
There has also been much speculation in articles like this: Is the DoD Attempting a Land Grab for a Lithium Mine Where Hurricane Helene Just Hit in NC?
“It is uncertain if the hurricane was man-made with geoengineering, for which there are government patents – or a natural disaster, but it does seem to be a land grab by the DoD, and here’s why.
The hurricane itself does seem to be anomalous compared to a “normal” hurricane.”54
Additionally, there are many accusations that FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is not doing its job properly and has other agendas. If not domestically, international weaponisation of the weather has been occurring since at least the 1960’s: Rainmaking Is Used As Weapon by U.S.
There are thousands of stories like these few above, they cannot all be lying or exaggerating. Yet those who manipulate the weather can easily resort to a “plausible deniability” that relies upon the ignorance of the population at large – and paid-for-media.

Another Hurricane Milton hit Florida in 1962 – 62 years earlier, close to a 60-year cycle of Jupiter-Saturn.
When there is a hurricane season, existing storms can be anticipated and manipulated by various technologies. The following passage is from June 1, 2024:
“Saturday, June 1 marks the official start of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season and forecasters predict an “above-normal” season this year … (NOAA) said they are 70% confident that there will be a whopping 17 to 25 total named storms this season.
… It’s the greatest number of hurricanes predicted by NOAA in its annual May forecast since 2010 when it predicted 14 to 23 named storms.”55
The following video (17’) may seem far-fetched to some, watch and evaluate. HAARP Insider Admits Hurricane Milton Part of ‘Weather Warfare’ Plot To ‘Collapse Society’
Not so much climate change, but climate interference.
Paul Simon: Soul Inspired Libran
This subject was touched upon in the Cancer 2024 newsletter, Master Hilarion: Psychic Sensitivity and Neptune. Various musicians and writers were identified for their Neptunian sensitivity:
“Paul Simon has a similar “channel” factor – with moon in Cancer trine to Mercury in Scorpio. When he wrote the very beautiful Sounds of Silence, inspired by JFK’s assassination, he had progressed Sun conjunct his Mercury. The message then is still as strong today – maybe more so, in spite of, or because of our technological communication.”
In a recent interview, Simon talked about the “mystery” of where his songs came from,
“The Sound of Silence was the first song I wrote which seemed to come from some place that I didn’t inhabit … At age 23, it was unusual, well beyond my age and abilities. Then it happened again throughout my writing. Bridge Over Troubled Water was another song that came mysteriously.
So did a lot of Graceland. I wrote Slip Slidin’ Away in 20 minutes – usually it takes me a couple of months to get a song. There are other examples, like Darling Lorraine, of songs that came from some place else … A mystery, you could call it.”56
That “mystery” is at least Simon’s soul, and/or another influence coming from a higher source. Bob Dylan has stated similar, “I do not know how I got to write those songs, its almost if they were magically written … It’s a different kind of penetrating magic.”
Simon is a musical mystic or musical medium – as his exploration of spirituality also confirms. Simon’s new project in 2024 was inspired by a dream:
“On 15 January 2019, a voice in the dream told him: “You are working on a piece called Seven Psalms.” Over subsequent weeks and months, and as Covid closed the world down, he found himself waking in the early hours with lyrics that had come to him in dreams.
“Seven Psalms is an example of the whole [seven-part] piece coming to me in a unique way,” Simon says, after I mention that he’d actually sung about how “a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping”- as long ago as The Sound of Silence. “I think there’s a connection between who I was as a kid, and my subconscious, and who I am now.”57
Dates are gold for astrologers, identifying influences in the horoscope. On Jan.15, 2019, Simon’s “channel factor” was again being activated. Transiting Moon in Taurus was opposing his Mercury in Scorpio, activating the natal trine to Moon in Cancer.
Mercury and the Moon are the exoteric and esoteric rulers of Simon’s rising sign, his soul purpose – Virgo the songwriter or wordsmith.
The Moon in Cancer is esoterically ruled by Neptune and makes a close quintile to the Moon. The moon is said to “veil a hidden planet: Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus” – in this case it appears certainly to be Neptune.
On that same day Jan.15, transiting Mercury in Capricorn was closely opposing natal Moon in Cancer. Hence, Mercury the ruler of Simon’s Virgo ascendant, was activated in the natal chart and also by transit.
Furthermore, over the ensuing “weeks and months” transiting Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, was moving into an exact trine with the Moon in Cancer, “waking in the early hours with lyrics”. Neptune rules the imagination and the dream world.
“Sound of Silence” is a song about the importance of communication. In a world where people are isolated from each other, there is a need for greater connection.
The song speaks to the need for people to come together and communicate honestly with each other if they want to understand each other’s pain. It’s an uplifting message that reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles.”
It is timely that as 82 y.o. Simon approaches his Uranus return in two years time that this film is being made of his life and music. Uranus, the esoteric ruler of his Libran sun – is placed in Taurus, the sign that rules the organs of speech – where the disciple,
“… employs the method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature … translates his ideals into words and acts”.58
Uranus dominates the midheaven in Gemini, the more well-known sign of speech and communications, ruled by Simon’s Mercury in Scorpio. Hence, a perfect horoscope as a vehicle for communicating intuitive impressions into words and song – by a much-loved minstrel.
Master Rákóczi and the Annual October Council Meditation
The following passage is mentioned in the Libra newsletter every year, because of its increasing importance related to the imminent Externalisation of the Hierarchy some time after 2025:

“He is rather a small, spare man, with pointed black beard, and smooth black hair.”59
“Every October and every March, the Master R. gathers together His council of helpers, the Masters and the senior initiates in the Ashrams of the third, the fifth and the seventh rays.
Though He is the Head of the third Ray of Aspect and is in control, therefore, of the two Rays of Attribute mentioned above, He does not Himself wield these forces, because He is One of the three Heads of the Hierarchy and His work cannot be confined to the activity of any one ray.
He works through the Ashrams of these rays, but He Himself works primarily in cooperation with the Christ and the Manu.”60
March-October corresponds to Aries-Libra and it stands to reason that Master R would preside over these meetings – in his role as the Lord of Civilisation and the “regent” of Europe and America.
Aries is the first impulse of the spiritual year, where the seeds of the annually modified Planetary Plan are sown. Polar-opposite sign Libra reveals how plentiful the harvest has been – whether the seeds, “fell on fertile or stony ground”.
This is why Libra is a sign intimately associated with karma – the consequences of thought/ideas sown in Aries, bear their bounty in Libra. Saturn, the lord of karma is exalted in Libra and it rules Libra hierarchically.
Saturn also rules the 3rd ray of active-intelligence – the only ray to pass through Libra –province of the third hierarchical department of The Mahachohan – another name for the Lord of Civilisation or Master R.
All the “rays of attribute” – 4, 5, 6, 7 – fall under the aegis of The Mahachohan. Within Hierarchical circles, Master R is known as “The Count”, alluding to his St. Germain “incarnation” immediately following Francis Rákóczi of Hungary – which led him to taking the “post” of Lord of Civilisation.
Previously as the fifth degree initiate Master R, he was the head of the seventh ray ashram. Hence He has a lot of experience in wielding these ray forces and working with nations in crisis. (For example, his work as Count St. Germain during the French Revolution.)
Since World War II, Master R’s work has been exceedingly difficult in bringing in the new Aquarian civilisation, working with the energy of the 7th ray of Order, Organisation or Ceremonial Magic. This ray is ruled by Uranus, which is also the soul ruler of Libra.
The 7th ray corresponds to the seventh physical plane, hence the, “power of the developed Libran to project the inner spiritual purpose or intended will into physical expression.”61

Master R in his next appearance as Count Saint Germain (Artist: Jane Adams)
The following passage was written in the late 1940’s but may be even more appropriate today, as many “evil personalities” have once again taken control:
“The entire rhythm of international thinking has to be altered, and that constitutes a slow and arduous task; the evil personalities which, in every country, are responsible for the chaos and uncertainty, have eventually to be replaced by those who can work in cooperation with the rhythm of the seventh ray, and thus produce ordered beauty … two elements in every land and nation: those people who hold on to the bad old things of the past, and those who work for the extreme opposite of this point of view and for that which is new.
Under the influence of this 7th ray energy, balance has to be brought about and preserved, so that the “noble middle way” of right action and of right human relations can be safely trodden.
The task of the Master R. is, however, lightened by the fact that the 7th ray is now coming into activity and its potency is increasing year by year. His task is also aided by the intelligent work done by the Ashram of the English Master Who works consistently with the awakening and the arising masses.”62
Indeed, the power of this new 7th ray cycle that began in 1945, is becoming stronger and is starting to overcome the outgoing 6th ray. As “the regent of Europe”, Master R has the responsibility of overseeing its development and unity, hence bringing into focus the esoteric triangle that exists between two major planetary centres – London and Geneva, the headquarters of the European Union in Brussels and several other important European cities.
Phillip Lindsay © 2024.
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Aquarian Wisdom Centre
Libra Full Moon meditation and talk with Phillip Lindsay.
October 16, 2024. 18.00 GMT.
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.150. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.149. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.233. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.225. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.439. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.78. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.413. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.183. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.302. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.275-7. [↩]
- NewsNation [↩]
- NewsNation [↩]
- Mistaking Militarism for Statecraft, Empire for Democracy and Debt for Prosperity. [↩]
- NewsNation [↩]
- NewsNation [↩]
- NewsNation [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- [↩]
- The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.452-3. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Producer Admits MSNBC Is ‘Doing All They Can to Help’ the Harris Campaign [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.679. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Human Society in Ethics and Politics (1954), Part I. Ethics, Ch. VI: Scientific Technique and the Future, p. 271. [↩]
- Charles Freeman [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Daniel Bell, Daniel Moynihan, Irving Kristol, Bernard Lewis, Lulu Schwartz, Richard and Daniel Pipes, David Horowitz, Robert Kagan, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, Paul Bremer, Douglas Feith. [↩]
- [↩]
- It has been asserted that the two groups are inextricably entwined, as observed in this honors doctorate, The Jewish Roots of Neoconservatism. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.210. [↩]
- [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.209. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
- Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.15. [↩]
- The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.168. Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.86. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158. [↩]
- Geoengineering Whistleblower Interview with Kristen Meghan. See video. [↩]
- [↩]
- An exaggerated trust in the efficacy of the methods of natural science applied to all areas of investigation. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Is the DoD Attempting a Land Grab for a Lithium Mine Where Hurricane Helene Just Hit in NC? [↩]
- [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.398. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.58. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice Bailey p.669. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice Bailey p.668. [↩]
This newsletter is a masterpiece.
Dear Phillip I was wondering how I would contribute to your posting, adding a colouring that would round a little more your approach to the coming elections and the world problems. Then I noticed for the first time (a quite weird think after so many times of reading) this passage (EA p. 238).
” …. A certain relationship or configuration of stars—of which one is the star Regulus, in Leo—will bring about a situation wherein the re-orientation of the attitude of the legal profession will take place; its functions and duties will be centralised for the purpose of world usefulness, and in this process legislation for children will assume great importance and be the motivating power. This legal step will be primarily advocated by Russia and endorsed by the United States of America. Before 2035 A.D. such legislation will be universal in its sphere of influence and control.
All this will come about because Libra rules the present interlude and might be regarded as “the master of no-man’s land,” as one of the Masters of the Wisdom called it lately. …”
Of course the “legislation for children” is only an instance.
There is something more unique to this connection of Libra and Law, plus the “the master of no-man’s land,” which is our present World History Phase upon culmination. Tramp is not the person who is embodying anything of these qualities. The UN Constitution and Organisation and Principles need the enforcement of all the “conflicting Powers” in the World. Donald Trump record is very poor to this end. There is a myth about the “deep state” and the relationship of that, and the Democrats. The “deep state” is the Democrats and also the Republicans, with no exception, as collective organisms of Rulership and Imposition of Ideals upon other Ideals. In every State of the World there is a Collective Body ruling by exceeding the force of a triple army: Warriors, Bureaucracy, Contractors. In our world the Controllers and Holders of Money have indented themselves from the Social Structures of any State of the World with the exception perhaps of N. Korea and Cuba and some variations in Islam, which are deeply Feudal.
So these Money Elites are like Vampires over the Social Structures of the States. If the US ever start dealing with this lethal problem, it is going to impact the whole World. Nationalism and “deep state” are “left and right hand” of the same body of reaction to what is really progressive.The current “third phase of the one World War” is named by me the “First Civil World”. The war in Ukraine and M. East, plus Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and South Red Sea is the zone of friction for the New World Agreement which has to prevail till 2035, if the prophecy is to be of any value. I don’t think that Trump, or any of the clan of these guys he admires, will be of any help to this.
Very interesting quote, the one from EA p. 238, you informed us of.
Read this yesterday, and wonder if this is one of many small steps towards that prediction by 2035
(or at least also being inspired from Regulus)
quote: ” According to Volodin, 388 legislators backed the bill, with no votes against. The draft law proposes adding “child-free” ideology to six existing laws banning “pedophilia, LGBT and gender reassignment propaganda,” the official said.
“We continue to create a unified legal space to protect children, families and traditional values,” Volodin wrote on his Telegram channel. “It is important to protect people, especially the younger generation, from the ideology of refusing to have children imposed through the Internet, media, films and advertising.” End quote.
(The Russian State Duma on Thursday passed in its first reading a bill to outlaw propaganda encouraging women not to have children.)
Thank you Phillip —- Brilliant!
This is the most beautiful newsletter – ever.
Wonderfully crafted work. Well researched and credible. Thank you.
Another illuminating newsletter Phillip – thanks!
Excellent article Phillip, very well done and with a lot of alternative information to the official one. For my part, I will contribute on several points, thanks!
– Kamala Harris and Donald Trump and the concept of freedom:
It is clear that both understand this concept differently. In my opinion, I think that Kamala’s is more inclusive than Trump’s and it is impossible for me not to think that “inclusion” is the word that best defines the qualities of the 2nd Ray that governs the soul of the United States.
It is also true that Trump’s attitudes tend to destroy the established power, and indirectly, also to cleanse it and free it from its rigid structures and the power that opens paths is also a quality of the soul, more specifically of the 1st Ray. Many things must be destroyed before The New can be built.
– Leadership of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah:
It is important to know that since the massacre in Aleppo perpetrated by Baissar al-Assad with the support of Iran and Russia, the leadership of Hassan Nasrallah has been seriously damaged. Many Sunni Muslims celebrated his death…
– What is happening with the weather?:
Esoterically it is very important to understand that the human realm is related to the throat chakra of the Entity that expresses itself through planet Earth. This chakra governs the thyroid, the powerful gland that affects the general state of the physical and even emotional body. Therefore we must recognize that the current state of humanity/thyroid, due to the radical changes that are coming, is very stressed, affecting all the physical/natural processes of the Earth that “seemed” so stable.
– Paul Simon:
Truly, Paul Simon’s Mercury-Moon water trine tells us of a great sensitivity for music inspired from “heaven” or Soul, and even more so if we consider that Neptune and the ASC are esoterically ruled by the Moon in their own sign. Mercury in Scorpio brings the classic creative tension of the 4th Ray of Harmony and Beauty. On the other hand, I would also highlight Venus, the ruler of musical beauty, for being at an angle (power of expression), in the 4th house (emotions), and as the orthodox ruler of his Sun in Libra and MC in Taurus, and the esoteric ruler of his splendid Jupiter in Gemini.
– An idea… a possible future influence of the 7th Ray on the personality of United States of North America:
I have always had the impression that the “Hispanics” of Central American countries, such as Venezuela, Bolivia, Guatemala, Peru and even Mexico and a bit of Cuba, have a marked influence of this energy or 7th Ray. I don’t know exactly why, it is a perception, but it surely has to do with the influence exerted by the colorful Mayan culture. In this sense, I have sometimes thought that perhaps, when the United States transcends its “white” patriotism so closely related to the 6th Ray that governs its personality, the expression (personality) of this great nation will pass, thanks to the powerful Hispanic/Mayan influence of its immigrants, as well as the influence of its ancient and numerous immigrants from Eastern Europe, to be governed by the 7th Ray of Order and Ceremony.
Thanks for sharing
Having been impressed to begin reading ‘The Externalization of the Hierarchy’ some weeks ago, using a slow reading meditative approach, if one was to remove the references to dates, and other timeframe items (yet not without value is the historical background), the essence behind what was written then, is the same essence we are faced with today, aside from perhaps some of the players changing their outer appearance.
In other words, it is describing the situation we are in today both occultly and overtly. I am not finished with this book yet. There are two quotes I would like to highlight. The first was written in May 1939, and the second in April-May 1940.
To qualify those dates with major events, in May 1939, Germany invaded France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. In September of the same year World War II was officially declared after Germany invaded Poland. In April 1940 Germany invaded Denmark and Norway on their way to the iron ore in Sweden, and to disrupt the Allies supply lines in the North Sea. The USA was still not militarily in the fight until December 1941.
The first quote from May 1939
“You will have to guard yourselves with care, so that even in defense of that which you may personally or nationally approve you do not find yourselves full of hate and breaking the law of love—the only law which can truly save the world. Perhaps the key to your success along this line will be the silence of a loving heart.” EOH 82
The second quote from April-May 1940.
“I would like in this connection to deal with one problem which has somewhat disturbed the least clear-thinking among those whom I have for some time taught. I have for years sought to develop in the world a group of men and women who would stand for the spiritual values, who would love all men, who would foster the spirit of goodwill, and who would stand to humanity (as far as they could) as the Hierarchy of Light, as Christ and His disciples seek to do. This has been interpreted by some of you as meaning that you must refrain from rebelling against the evil thing in your midst, and from all criticism and partisanship. You seem unable to love with steadfastness the offender and yet to rid the world of the offence. The situation might clarify if you answered to yourself one or two questions:
Do you believe that the Hierarchy of Light, under the leadership of Christ, is on the side of cruelty, aggression and the slaughter of the defenceless?
Do you believe that the world can be saved by a refusal to think and by the shirking of individual responsibility, thus ignoring a situation which does exist?
Do you feel that there are no issues and principles which are worth fighting for and dying for, if need be?
Do you stand with the Forces of Light or with the Forces of Materialism?
What are you doing to aid the side which claims your allegiance, loyalty and idealism? EOH 217 – 218
The warning to guard ourselves with care so as not to hate and not break the fundamental law of Love becomes very important, and perhaps difficult at times; the more obvious the evil thing becomes in our midst.
I see no contradiction between both quotes. I wonder if there are any people who sit on the fence waiting for an official written memo from the Hierarchy that they once again, or always were not neutral in this battle, and have taken sides.
By their fruits, the Master tells us we will know a person. Not by the words or commercials that come out of their mouths. I would imagine nations and groups falling into the same category. If we are to believe that the current genocide isn’t a genocide as defined by our current leadership (in both Europe/USA; a genocide that our eyes can clearly see, then perhaps we should ignore all the Madison Avenue / Hollywood productions that have spun the past several Western Minded administrations. Please remember there is always a planning stage and prerequisite actions required before a nation’s hidden plans go public, and it is always beneficial to be able to blame the opponent for starting the war.
Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth.
Let Them bring succour to the sons of men.
Let the Rider from the secret Place come forth,
And coming, save.
Come forth, O Mighty One.
Let the souls of men awaken to the Light,
And may they stand with massed intent.
Let the fiat of the Lord go forth:
The end of woe has come!
Come forth, O Mighty One.
The hour of service of the Saving Force has now arrived.
Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty One.
Let Light and Love and Power and Death
Fulfil the purpose of the Coming One.
The Will to save is here,
The Love to carry forth the work is widely spread abroad.
The Active Aid of all who know the truth is also here.
Come forth, O Mighty One and blend these three.
Construct a great defending wall.
The rule of evil now must end.
Great summary article, as usual Phillip – thank you!