18 Responses to Occasional Newsletter: Mars Enters Scorpio: Crisis in Israel 2023

  1. Tere says:

    Dear Philip, what better application of astrology is there than to understand ourselves and how we co-create this world. It is amazing how we can track/link/connect the dots through astrology and knowledge of the global “scheme” of things. Just as with the newsletter on Virgo and Propaganda, the Mars in Scorpio and the conflict in Israel-Palestine rings close to me. I worked in and on this conflict myself, experiencing the violence and insanity of war in my own skin. I share herein one of my posts for I believe in the balance between discernment, being informed, knowledgeable of international law, and taking responsibility for clearing the inner Scorpionic-Taurean shadows, with a focus on the well-being, safety and human rights of all involved. Warm regards. https://truthpermeatessimulatedechoes.wordpress.com/2023/10/10/compilation-my-posts-on-gaza-israel-teresa-encarnacao/

  2. Tere says:

    And, a follow up from the above more technical information-sharing, herein I share some art therapy and a message of awareness and discernment to rise above the divide and conquer games being played out by political and war driven so-called leaders. Warm regards and peace, https://truthpermeatessimulatedechoes.wordpress.com/2023/10/10/another-way-is-possible-gaza-israel-teresa-encarnacao/

  3. robin davis says:

    Your Heart felt poem … hits home.

  4. Bettie says:

    Regulus is so close to Israel’s Mars position in chart shown above. Do you think that could have a bearing on Israel to seek revenge? Love your poem. It says it all. Thank you for all your newsletters.

    1. I do not know Bettie, the energy of Mars in Leo is enough!

  5. Sandra says:

    Thank you for your beautiful poem. Your words touch the deepest part of my heart.

  6. Carlos says:

    “The area of difficulty—as is well known—is the Near East and Palestine. The Jews, by their illegal and terroristic activities, have laid a foundation of great difficulty for those who are seeking to promote world peace. As a Jewish member of my Ashram pointed out (and I commend him on his soul vision), the Jews have partially again opened the door [Page 430] to the Forces of Evil, which worked originally through Hitler and his evil gang. The “sealing” of that door had not been successfully accomplished, and it is the part of wisdom to discover this in time. These Forces of Evil work through a triangle of evil, one point of which is to be found in the Zionist Movement in the United States, another in central Europe, and the third in Palestine. Palestine is no longer a Holy Land and should not be so regarded.” end quote.

    Assuming the “another in central Europe” is Ukraine/Poland etc. I wonder if the iminent (or already happened) defeat of those dark forces in Ukraine, has made it to move to Palestine/Israel. That energy has to go somewhere, and refocus itself – not that it has ever lost focus in Palestine, but you get what I mean.

    1. There is a good argument for the European point where you suggest. As to whether the energy there has diminished, time will tell. The Zionist lobby in the USA is as strong as ever, it will take a while to de-energise this triangle I expect, especially as the Palestine area is so old.

      1. Carlos says:

        Probably not diminished in the “amount” sense, but maybe harder to “act out”, as it being pushed back hard. Can’t recall the exact quote, but i think it was from Problems of humanity, where D.K states that the bombings and fire in many european cities sort of cleansed the old ingrained evil from it. (implying that some old cities could have used some of that refreshing Fire) Maybe the so called “war of attrition” is doing the same, causing a shift in the “cloud”.

        1. There is another similar quote:

          “In the maps which are to be found in the Archives of the spiritual Hierarchy, the entire area of the Near East and Europe – Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt and Russia – are under a heavy overshadowing cloud.

          Can that cloud be dissipated by the right thinking and planning of Great Britain, the United States and the majority of the United Nations or – must it break in disaster over the world? Will it present a task too hard for correct handling by that inexperienced disciple – Humanity?”

  7. Tere says:

    Fascinating Carlos’ reference to the link to Poland too, where to millions of Ukrainians fled and have stayed to date. Elections in Poland take place on 15 October, Sunday, the day after the Libra Ring of Fire eclipse. I pulled the quote in the link shared below from an article that I originally wrote in late 2021. For the quote, published August 27 (2 months before the date that Philip mentions for a Mars in Scorpio return linked to Hamas), I purposefully selected a photo that I took in Krakow – the city close to the most infamous concentration camp. Photo from an event dedicated to … dragons. 😉 It is all in the code (even if I do not always include astrology in my articles). In discernment, T

  8. Heidi Kunkler says:

    Dear Phillip, thank you for this Newsletter and your poem. I grieve with you!

  9. Thank you very much, Phillip, for your excellent analysis. I also thank you for your wonderful poem, which definitely resonated with me.

    I also wrote a prayer for this situation and share it who may wish to use it. As a seeker of the mysteries for most of my life, I have come to understand that the focused energy of strategic prayer is the one thing that can help, even in extremely difficult and delicate situations such as this terrible war.

    Blessings to all and thank you for your very interesting comments.

    Prayer for Peace in the Middle East

    Oh, Wondrous Creator.
    May we be instruments for Thy peace.
    May Thy Light flow through us now
    As a healing balm of Love to help
    Bring peace to the terrible conflict
    Now raging between Hamas and Israel,
    And bring stability to the Middle East.

    May this balm from Thy Heart
    Soften the hearts of those intent on war
    In this divided region of our world.
    May it protect and strengthen the peacemakers
    and heal all those who are suffering
    From devastating loss and injury,
    Now – at this very moment.

    (Visualize white light flowing to this region for a minute)

    Oh great God, May harmony, healing,
    Wisdom and understanding fill the
    Hearts and minds of those
    instrumental in this war.
    May thy great and Mighty power of
    Miracles – LOVE – reign supreme.
    May Thy Will oh God be done.

    Chrissie Blaze

  10. Fionnuala says:

    For Old Testament laws
    For old testicle prophets……?😊

    Thank you for your article and all your insights

  11. Vicki aas says:

    Beautiful poetry, Phillip. It touches my heart and helps, just a little, to relieve the pain our fellow Israelis and Palestinians are enduring. These events shock the heart and the mind. How much more can our fellow human beings endure? Under the circumstances, I would like your ‘occasional letters’ to be more frequent. We need to hear your voice during these turbulent times.

  12. 2025 was always going to engender human trials and conflicts. 2024 a crucial year and penultimate to the Hierarchal Conclave. Humanity really must CHOOSE.

  13. Barb Merrifield says:

    Thank you for your newsletters! Interesting info about a US poll regarding religion: “Overall, both evangelical and non-evangelical Protestants have seen their shares of the population decline as the percentage of U.S. adults who identity with Protestantism has dropped. Today, 24% of U.S. adults describe themselves as born-again or evangelical Protestants, down 6 percentage points since 2007. During the same period, there also has been a 6-point decline in the share of adults who are Protestant but not born-again or evangelical (from 22% to 16%).”


  14. Leonie Brittain says:

    Thank you so much for your poem. So many of us are overwhelmed by what is happening and it is so helpful that you have put into words so beautifully what we feel. From here we can frame a prayer.

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