15 Responses to Pisces 2021: End of Zodiac Year. Neptune. Glamour. Pluto. Facebook. Zuckerberg. Billionaires. Mercury Retro. China.

  1. Russell Walls says:

    “Hidden History of Humanity” is WONDERFUL! Should be required viewing for all people on the planet. :). Absolutely loved it! Thank you for your insightful, hard work.

  2. Colleen Macmillan says:

    I am with you in spirit to stand against the heinous, full-frontal assault being waged on the world stage at this time. So often the power of non-resistance is misinterpreted as a physical action, such as a literal turning of the cheek, the outer appearance of an internal process of consistent, focused will. Thank you, a thousand times over.

  3. Marilyn Barry says:

    I agree with what you write about Covid 19. I have had a gut-level reaction to it since I first heard about it and its restrictions. What a coincidence, I thought, just when groups such as Extinction Rebellion were being heard and school children were striking for the climate! We are all suddenly silenced and crushed by new laws and lies. Anything I posted on Facebook against the current thinking was removed and my hand slapped.
    My big question is what can we do? It’s already on my bucket list to be arrested. At age 75 I have little to lose and I’m up for it, but is this going to solve the problem?

  4. Suzanne B. Miller says:

    Thank you for your tireless, multi-faceted explanations, views and reviews on subjects which should concern everyone–especially, perhaps, the “Esoteric Community”, whose members are divided in their beliefs, unbelievably! All good to you in your future pursuits,Philip!–Suzanne Miller

  5. Christine Shand says:

    Dear Phillip, I hear your “Rousing call to service” and pray others do as well, and act on it. Thank you for your service. May the flame of Love burn bright in all.

  6. Eva Smith says:

    Dear Phillip
    Your work and Newsletters have been a God send. You keep us informed, no bullshit, and with an esoteric perspective. Please if you can, do continue. Your tireless efforts and your research help us all. It is so much appreciated. I look forward to your Newsletters and send them to so many in my circle who now get to read them.
    Your books are amazing. I own them all and refer to them consistently.
    thank you Phillip for your service and all your offerings.
    With light and love,

  7. Eric Huysmans says:

    Dear Phillip, please keep hanging on with the Newsletters! They are so valuable. I will send you again a donation for this one. And hopefully later again, for the next ones to come. Thank you so much for your consistent, persistent, highly intelligent and courageous service!

  8. David says:

    Neptune is the music, both that which corrupts the white purity of rice and that which does not, It will depend on which conscience plays the flute.

    Esoteric Neptune is the Heart or Soul of the Sun. It is Krishna, who with his flute of 7 holes (7 chakras) makes falls in love the Gopis (the creative matter). It is “the music” that elevates the matter to the intuitive plane, from the solar plexus to the heart, from reaction to understanding, the acceptance of personal reality (Arjuna) through the Love of the Soul (Krishna).

    Neptune in Pisces is the fluidity of the ideals of humanity, both good and bad, and this fluidity, for some time, has been our difficulty since it is in its intangibility where we must discern between the freedom that Aquarius /7R promises or the false freedom (out of sentimentality), of a stale and outdated exoteric Pisces /6R.

    In this process Uranus in Taurus does not help (in Aries it did) because its tendency is to be materialistic.

    Pluto in Capricorn, with its destructive power, does not help either, nobody wants what they love to be sabotaged or destroyed. Here the attachment to the established exercises his power and Pluto bursts in without asking permission …, but, “Krishna rescues the six principles of Pluto being the seventh himself” (Esoteric Astrology-Appendix-Pluto).
    Krishna is the detached or impersonal love hence his power to rescue, to heal, like “the music”. He is the Avatar that arises in Pisces through Pluto (esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Pisces).

    Therefore, without forgetting Pluto, owe ourselves to the meanings of the dignity of Neptune in Pisces, Krishna, the “mental music”, the fluency. Knowing how to let the One who observes from detachment impose Love, Intuition, Rhythm … the Law of a new order in Aquarius / 7R. It is not easy, but being flexible or fluid is our responsibility, so to speak, it is our little sacrifice, dharma, for the greater good, our Universal destiny.

    Thanks, Phillip

  9. JB says:

    Dear Phillip

    Thank you for your tremendous work in putting the esoteric teachings into a world events context.
    I hope your newsletters will still be available to read, as there are so many I have not yet discovered.

    Your newsletters are so ambitious and deep and I can only understand bits and pieces of it, and I must admit in the same line that I am not as convinced on every conclusion you make or on all the details, when it don´t fully resonates with my observation, experience (or lack thereof) and limited intuition (or perhaps illusions acting as wisdom). Many times I have no real proof of the opposite either so I stay open and leave on the shelf or do some digging just to conclude I am still confused.

    One do not have to agree on everything, that is the beauty of free speech and free thought. Respect and even love should never be built upon the fragile ground of total consent. Evolution might need some friction to proceed. Master DK did not demand anyone to blindly swallow anything he conveyed, and so should we aspirants or disciples try out, discuss, meditate, share views and investigate the truth together. We all have different ray structures and experiences, and many things we may have to form an opinion about (with as much use of mental clarity and investigation as possible) before we can know the fuller story. That is the lot of being in human experiences, we have to use what we have got and try to use mental discrimination in combination with glimpses of intuition. Depending on the %, the result will vary, but the training to do this process is what we all should encourage and respect and share between us, and not get caught in the battle of what is “right” and “wrong”.

    I can understand the need to take a break from these very comprehensive newsletters that seems like writing a little book each month. Hope you will find the extra space to direct the resources in other ways. I wish all the best to your projects onward, and I will gladly follow your endeavors and works, as they have all in common that they always provoke thought and makes you start to contemplate, and that in itself is a great thing. Revelations will come in these times and we will see how the wheel turns and we will all be able to put in our joint forces to stir the wheel into the new age with fresh understanding and awareness.

  10. Andreea says:

    I felt the need to say a big Thank You for this brilliant newsletter that brought me a breath of fresh air and hope that not everything and everybody is lost in deception. I must admit that the past year I felt unbelievable let down because of what I saw going on in Humanity and especially in some of the Ageless Wisdom spiritual groups whom I am keeping in high regard. The disappointment I felt was especially due to the latter ones, because it was almost impossible for me to accept that such bright people can be so easily deceived. There it was for me the test of acceptance and moving forward. I followed your articles and read your books since I discovered Ageless Wisdom almost 3 years ago. I felt your explicit call to action this time as a great way to overcome what is keeping us down. I really do love Ageless Wisdom and hope that these High Teachings will prevail!
    In Love, Light and Power


  11. Yuli Gunn says:

    Hi Philip,
    I came across you on the Triangles webinar a few weeks ago and just want to express my gratitude for your work and your perspective.
    I have been a student with the Arcane School for over ten years (and before that another Mystery school). The work that the school enables me to focus on compels me to continue. But the attitudes I have encountered have led me to question my sanity, my inner alignment with Truth and Reality and so the entire impulse of the Lucis Trust.
    The cognitive dissonance I have experienced while working with the School has caused great tension. Perhaps this is to strengthen my inner resolve. But at times I have felt like a lone voice being drowned out by prevailing (progressive/liberal) attitudes.
    I have been distraught and despairing about whether to continue with this group, but nevertheless my inner guidance steers me onward.
    Reading what you have to say has given me strength and renewed my determination to stay the course. (My health was starting to be affected.)
    For now I am continuing month by month with the Arcane School work, realising that we are in a critical time and now is the time to muster all the strength and inner alignment I am capable of.

    Anyway Thank you!! for all the hard work that you do. I really value it and appreciate the hours of research that you have to put in to keep up with all the events that are unfolding.
    Yours in appreciation and best wishes,
    [name witheld]

    ps I wrote an essay last November on farming which mirrors Dr Shiva Vananda’s work ( and Russell Brand’s recent discussion). I hope that there is a growing momentum for living in harmony with the Earth in every aspect of life.
    I have also been looking into weather modification (Under an Ionised Sky?) and the adrenochrome issue. What a world we live in!

  12. Anna Marie says:

    Dear Phillip:
    Thank you so much for having the courage to write about what’s really going on in the world. The dark ones have truly shown their faces for all to see and it is very distressing to long-time students of the Ageless Wisdom to witness the distorted viewpoints of certain esoteric groups. One would like to believe that highly intelligent spiritual teachers had developed discernment, at least to the extent of recognizing the activities of the dark forces when presented in such technicolor brilliance! I recently closed my Facebook account even though I never posted anything and the only listings were for Buddhist events. If one is a spiritual “traditionalist” these days, one needs to be extremely cautious to stay out of the line of fire. May Hierarchy help us to have the wisdom to act appropriately. The “rule of evil now must end.”

  13. Heidi Kunkler says:

    Dear Phillip,
    As you know, I am a long term follower and read every month with great interest your outstanding work. I appreciate your points of view and your courage to tell the truth. For me and for many others, you are a guide. Thank you.

    For Yuli Gunn, I would like to precise, that the Triangles network is a very important service. I am with Arcane School Geneva since 2001. It may happen that we don’t agree with all, but in these times we have to be careful that we don’t separate. Unity in the diversity is the motto of the World Servers and we should never forget it.

    Phillip, I tried to buy a book on Amazon, but the only one available was Shamballa Impacts. I bought it, but wanted the first volume of the Hidden History of Humanity. All the other books were not available!!!

    1. Thanks for your thoughts Heidi. If you are trying to buy from Europe, the Amazon US site might say that the books are unavailable. You could try to buy by installing a free VPN (virtual proxy network) so that Amazon cannot detect where you are. The other problem is that Amazon have locked me out of my sellers account for almost three months now, and after many emails, still have not resolved the problem. I am not certain why this has happened. So because I cannot access the account, I do not know how much stock Amazon are holding, so it is hard to figure out how much to send them – as they always over order!

      The best solution in the short term or even long term as I have been encouraging, is to go to the bookstore on my website where you will get 15% discount and one free book with every three books purchased. This will help to defray the higher postage costs from USPS in the USA to any overseas location. https://esotericastrologer.org/bookstore/

  14. Vicktorya Stone says:

    As to what we can do, practically, first, understanding the situation is crucial.

    Phillip wrote: “It’s plain to see that China has considerable influence upon WEF, if not actually running their policy, as with many nations around the world. Bear in mind that WEF along with WHO, are dictating Covid policy globally. And many spiritual groups are naively going along with the majority of humanity, thinking that this is all just fine …”

    1. Do not buy Chinese products. Know your manufacturers and ingredients.
    2. Know your local policy makers/bureaucrats (school boards and health boards, e.g.) Expose those connected to the progressive agendas, and especially those who have direct and indirect ties to the CCP. This is massive.
    3. Reject the CRT and other divisive indoctrination in the schools.
    4. Do not comply with ‘mandates’. Resist. (ie, When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty.)
    5. Ensure your local election processes are as transparent as possible. Ensure your elected representatives.
    6. Similarly work for election integrity at state/province and national levels. Election theft is not unusual!
    7. Educate yourself and friends further about covert and asymmetrical warfare.
    8. Prepare and stock up on essentials; ensure you have a local COMMUNITY of those committed to the freedom of the human soul.

    TIP: Notice who is scapegoated, and who cannot be criticized w/o repercussions. Realize that your governments LIE to you. This is not new. Learning it may be new to you. Notice that official narratives, and especially ‘expert’ advice (combined with ‘consensus’ argument, or ‘settled science’!) are propaganda and indoctrination. We are fully in the world of doublespeak, when ‘safe and secure’ means the opposite.

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