Pisces 2025: American Revolution 2.0. Russia-Ukraine. Trumpelensky. Europe & NATO. Timothée Chalamet. Sentiment. Shamballa.
Pisces Keynote
“I leave the Father’s home and turning back I save.”
(Pisces Solar Festival: March 14, 2025. UT 06.54.)
“The symbol of Pisces, of the two fishes linked together by a band. One fish stands for the soul and the other for the personality or form nature, and between them is to be found the “thread or sutratma,” the silver cord which keeps them bound to each other throughout the cycle of manifested life.
Later on, upon the reversed wheel, the personality is brought into captivity by the soul, but for long aeons the situation is reversed and the soul is the prisoner of the personality. This dual bondage is brought to an end by what is called the final death, when the complete release of the life aspect from the life of form takes place.”1
Esoteric Astrology
American Revolution 2.0: Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus
___American Revolution 2.0: Uranus and Pluto Return
___Global Glamour and Mass Indoctrination
___Uranus Trine Pluto – Until 2027
___Brief History of Russia-Ukraine Conflict
___Shamballa, the 1st Ray and Pluto
___Media Mesmerisation
___Glamours of the 6th Ray
___The Soil has been Turned and a Harvest Awaits
The Ukraine Peace Process Begins
Trumpelensky: Beware the Ides of March
Russia-Ukraine, Europe and NATO
___The End of NATO
___Triangle of Nations: USA, UK and Russia
___Uranus Transits for NATO and Trump
___Russia-USA – Uranus and the 7th Ray
Pisces Moon – Timothée Chalamet: “A Complete Unknown”.
___The Role of the Jewish People in the Arts and Story-telling.
The Glamour of Sentiment
Mercury in Aries (Feb.3 to May 11)
Are We Already in the Next Shamballa Impact?
Esoteric Astrology
Esoteric Astrology is the new intuitional astrology that will eventually supersede the astrology of today – “thus bringing about a return to the knowledge of that ancient science which related the constellations and our solar system, drew attention to the nature of the zodiac and informed humanity as to the basic interrelations which govern and control the phenomenal and subjective worlds.”2
Esoteric Astrology is essentially the science of the Seven Rays, the new psychology that is emerging for the Aquarian Age. Studying the rays brings the realisation that they consitute the missing part of astrology, that they lay behind the interpretations of all the zodiac signs. The seven rays emanate from cosmic sources and are broadcast through the zodiac signs. (See this video, Introduction to Esoteric Astrology.)
Two foundational books – Esoteric Psychology I & II (Alice A. Bailey), go into great detail about the qualities of the rays. Other large studies on the rays can be found in Michael D. Robbins’ magnum opus – (download here) Tapestry of the Gods I & II.
Teachings of the Seven Rays are the foundation of Psychosynthesis, developed by Italian psychologist – Dr. Roberto Assagioli, a close disciple of The Tibetan. The following excerpt from Esoteric Psychology I gives a good taste of the depth of this new science:
“5. For the major part of our racial and life experience we are governed sequentially, and later simultaneously by:
a. The physical body, which is dominated by the ray governing the sum total of the atoms of that body.
b. The emotional desire nature, which is to be found influenced and controlled by the ray which colours the totality of astral atoms.
c. The mind body or mental nature, and the calibre and quality of the ray determining its atomic value.
d. Later, on the physical plane, the soul ray begins to work in and with the sum total of the three bodies, which constitute—when aligned and functioning in unison—the personality.
The effect of that general integration is actively to produce an incarnation and incarnations wherein the personality ray emerges clearly, and the three bodies or selves constitute the three aspects or rays of the lower personal self.
6. When the personality ray becomes pronounced and dominant, and the three body rays are subordinated to it, then the great fight takes place between the egoic ray or soul and the personality ray.
The differentiation becomes clearly marked, and the sense of duality becomes more definitely established. The experiences detailed in the Bhagavad Gita become the experiences of the path of discipleship; Arjuna stands “at the midway point” on the field of Kurukshetra, between the two opposing forces, and, owing to the smoke of the battle, finds himself unable to see clearly.
7. Eventually, the soul ray or influence becomes the dominating factor, and the rays of the lower bodies become the sub-rays of this controlling ray. This last sentence is of basic importance, for it indicates the true relation of the personality to the ego or soul. The disciple who understands this relation and conforms to it is ready to tread the path of initiation.
8. Each of the seven groups of souls is responsive to one of the seven types of force, and all of them are responsive to the ray of the planetary Logos of our planet, which is the third Ray of Active Intelligence.
All are therefore upon a sub-ray of this ray, but it must never be forgotten that the planetary Logos is also upon a ray, which is a sub-ray of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom.”3
American Revolution 2.0: Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus.
Readers have frequently asked where the author stands with regard to the new US administration. The recent Aquarius newsletter covered a lot of ground of what is going on – and aired various concerns. It has been stated regularly that the author strives for an apolitical view though does not always achieve it!
One must take an iedological position at times – as was the case in 2016 writings supporting Corbyn in the UK and Sanders in the US. Yet there also has to be a willingness to change viewpoints, not necessarily in terms of left or right parties – but for policies.
Praising actions or policies of any political party – in any part of the world, should not be construed as subscribing to that party’s ideology or leadership. One can give praise where due for beneficial policies, or constructive critique for policies contrary to personal views. Having said that, constructive policies appear to be unfolding in the new US govt, giving cause for optimism – despite the many misgivings many of us share.
We have now arrived at the next big cleavage – following on from divisive events that unfolded from 2020 around Covid and Ukraine in 2022. On the eve of Wesak 2025, the current cleavage within the “spiritual community” – and the world at large, hinges on two viewpoints:
1. Trump and his admin are turning the USA around, back onto its true soul purpose.
2. It is the beginning of a dark takeover by a billionaire, AI-technocracy that will create a totalitarian state.
But its not that black and white either, the whole world is being affected by the new US policies – particularly Europe. There are many threads of grey on both sides of the equation that will be teased-out in the coming years – as the new changes and their ramifications come more sharply into focus. The forces of the status quo are fighting tooth and nail to preserve various ideologies. For now, believers are polarised (some vehemently), on both viewpoints – yet uncertainties abound for both.
At this point, one can choose to give the benefit of the doubt, despite several troubling issues that have been discussed in newsletters for the past few years. In these ensuing months and years, everyone will be tested on how well the intuition is honed – the “common sense” – with its capacity to transcend the lower mind which only registers the “outer seeming” of things – essentially, maya.
This newsletter will focus mainly on global issues – how policies of the new US admin are having wide-ranging effects in transforming relationships between nations. The cessation of hostilities is a key element that must be addressed in this momentous year of 2025 – if Humanity is to truly move forward.
American Revolution 2.0: Uranus and Pluto Return
Love or loathe it – there is an extraordinary revolution taking place within the USA, 248 years after the first American Revolution that began in 1776 – with The Declaration of Independence.
Pluto’s cycle is 248 years and the USA has just gone through its first Pluto return. The changes are coming so thick and fast, everyone is scrambling to keep up – and being challenged to adjust previously held perspectives.
Never before in US history, have so many far-reaching changes been effected so quickly – in several short weeks. This is what revolution looks like – for better or worse: “A rapid, fundamental transformation of a society’s class, state, ethnic or religious structures.”
If these changes are not successful and create too much resistance from opposing forces – or the population at large, then there is the potential for violent revolution on USA’s third Uranus return in two years time. (84-year cycle.) (2027 is an important year that is discussed further in this newsletter.)
The recent Aquarius-Leo full moon, T-squared by revolutionary Uranus in Taurus – is the point of tension that has facilitated massive reforms and some laudable objectives: Initially financial – identifying waste and corruption in USAID and social security etc. – but also major reforms in the military, education, health, immigration, crime and border protection.
Similarly, the stage is set for negotiating a peace deal for Russia-Ukraine, nuclear arms reduction with China and Russia and cutting the Pentagon’s budget in half over the next few years. On the surface, what can be wrong about any of these initiatives?
Europe and NATO have been brusquely put on notice that there will be a different way of doing business now – its leaders are rattled and running like scared rabbits, for various reasons: Being abandoned by the USA, facing “big bad Russia” by themselves, looking at the prospect of the death of NATO.
The USA intends to bypass all the European nations – who, under the directive of the Biden administration and NATO, supported the proxy war in Ukraine with vast amounts of money, weapons and troops.
Now in early March 2025, the US administration has indicated exactly where it stands in helping resolve the Russia-Ukraine conflict – it will work directly with Moscow. In the author’s estimation, Trump is undoubtedly sincere and adamant about bringing peace – yet opponents are choking on the prospect of not being able to conduct business (war) as usual.

The triangle of glamours correspond to and are the obverse of the rays: Ray 1 – Authority: Destroyers of Souls. Ray 2 – Division: Deluders of Souls. Ray 3 – Active-Intelligence: Manipulators of Souls.
Global Glamour and Mass Indoctrination
It has been argued that European leaders have no right to protest because most of them in the past few years were stooges for NATO and the World Economic Forum, pushing the 2030 agenda – that was NEVER in the best interests of Humanity.
Those same European nations were co-conspirators of the scamdemic, which conveniently changed course in Feb. 2022 – when it looked like the vast web of lies were unravelling: Look over here – good Ukraine the underdog, evil Russia!
And due to the deceptive lower vibration of Neptune in Pisces, about 80% of the global population in 2022 did not blink for a minute, obediently following their new directive – segueing seamlessly from Covid vax conformity onto the Ukraine bandwagon.
Swept-up in this great global glamour, most of those European nations supported Ukraine – pushed hard by the military madness of NATO and the previous US administration.
The US wasted untold $billions of US taxpayers money, for what? To use Ukraine as a proxy to attack Russia. The tragedy that unfolded resulted in the deaths of well over half a million, mainly Ukrainians – the most shocking slaughter since WWII. (Official figures are grossly inaccurate – some estimates are around one million.)
History will show those choices as the success of a mass indoctrination campaign – and the suppression of critical thinking – for which many in the world “spiritual community” (as distinct from religions) – fell foul. Many of the latter have not admitted or realised the fact that they were conned (and the author includes several friends) – even those who became ill or witnessed others dying, have still failed to connect the dots.
Ego-driven rationalisation. Denial and cognitive dissonance in the face of massive evidence now available. It takes courage to admit redundant choices because it turns one’s world upside down.
Covid vaccines could now be suspended for all age groups in America – under radical new plans. RFK Jr. and Stanford professor – Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, will shortly bring home the bacon on that issue – massive truth bombs and law suits are on the way.
Similar to the plannedemic, a majority of the world’s population was brainwashed by NATO and the Neocons about Putin and Russia – for at least a decade previous. So the die was cast for siding with Ukraine – and the hero-worship of its TV soap star turned propaganda puppet, the soon-doomed Zelensky.
He may have “risen to the occasion” in his fabricated role – in terms of devotion and personal courage leading Ukraine. But it must be borne in mind that he was funded by a billionaire oligarch, working together in a long term plan – some would say psy-op.
Zelsnsky starred in the hit TV series, Servant of the People – where his character plays a teacher who becomes president, first aired just after the 2014 US coup at Maidan. He was groomed for the role, – then a few years later in 2019 he was voted-in as Ukraine president – on a promise of peace with Russia. (For more detail see this 2022 analysis of Z’s horoscope.)
Pluto in Aquarius, the soul of the USA (and Russia), has been working in a tag team with Aquarius ruler Uranus – taking a wrecking ball to outworn institutions and systems. For many, it has been truly breathtaking to witness what has been put so quickly into motion – a lot of it quite positive, in terms of stated aims of the new administration.
Uranus Trine Pluto – Until 2027
Uranus and Pluto will be working together for the next few years – where Pluto destroys, Uranus will be reforming and rebuilding. Uranus in Gemini (USA’s personality) and Pluto in Aquarius (USA’s soul) enter into an harmonious trine relationship with one another – beginning in July 2025 through to July 2027. The potential here is the development of a more integrated national personality that aligns more closely with USA’s soul, thereby manifesting spiritual purpose.
However, the old media propaganda machine is still in action, trying to prop up the mass delusion that its leading pundits still insist upon – by ignoring history and the real facts about the Russia-Ukraine situation. CNN, MSNBC, The Guardian and a host of others are all still trying to maintain the old narrative.
This author has researched and copiously written about Russia-Ukraine from the esoteric, spiritual and astrological angles. To summarise some recent history briefly:he world. Why on earth would it want to invade Europe?
– In 2014, the US state department (Victoria Nuland et al) blatantly meddled in Ukraine, overthrowing a democratically elected government that was sympathetic to Moscow.
– This was followed by USA, NATO and Western nations keeping up aggressive pressure – ignoring one red line after another. The Russo-Ukrainian War of 2014-2022 in Donbas, led to the needless loss of 10,000 lives – roughly half each for both sides.
– Then in Feb. 2022 – to preserve its right to territorial sovereignty and with its back against the wall, Russia was forced to begin its “military operation” in Ukraine. These are all well-documented facts.
Yet, many journalists and politicians use lying propaganda, glibly squealing that Russia made an “unprovoked attack”. Further lies piled upon lies have driven this mass delusion deeper into matter.
Shamballa, the 1st Ray and Pluto
Now, it appears that this manufactured fog is being pierced by the blazing light of the first ray of will or power – a shock from Shamballa. First ray ruler – Pluto, brings to the surface all that is hidden in the underworld, creating a transparency toward which the new administration regularly states it is striving.
Trump may well be on the first ray of will-power, working through his Leo ascendant (though not necessarily – or not at all, a “disciple of Shamballa”):
“The true first ray personality who works in response to this Shamballa influence will have the ultimate good of the group deeply enshrined in his consciousness and heart; he will think in terms of the whole and not in terms of the part. That is the thing which he will endeavour to impress upon the racial consciousness. This may lead at times to ruthlessness and cruelty if the personality of the individual is not yet controlled by soul impulse.
…. such first ray exponents of force are often misunderstood and hated. They may and often do misuse the energy available but they also use it constructively within the desired limits of the immediate plan.”4
Policy-wise, in some areas all is not what it seems, which many are hoping may be the case with Israel – the toughest nut to crack and arguably the most deeply entrenched problem on the planet – and probably the last to solve. (There are also many hardline and fanatical Zionists in the new administration – as there were in the last.)
Outrageous statements about Gaza and its rebuilding, may yet be a leveraging ploy to see what other actors will emerge to address the problem. Trump may well be playing the long game on this question – or he may have it completely wrong!
Media Mesmerisation
In the flurry of all these changes and subsequent confusion, it has been educational to observe those who still rely on mainstream media as if it was some kind of bastion of truth and morality. One still witnesses a naïve and sanctimonious prostration before media personalities such as corporate lackey Rachel Madcow.
We have not forgotten her mindless propaganda-parroting throughout the Covid catastrophe – and she faithfully continues her role. For an annual salary of $30 million annually, why wouldn’t she say what she is told by her masters behind the scenes? Similarly for many other MSM personalities.
The cauldron has been well and truly stirred in this Macbethian moment – paranoia, suspicion, deeply entrenched hatreds, judgements, political prejudices – and black magic. Of course, everyone carries some kind of prejudicial baggage to one degree or another, so right now some adjustments in thinking are taking place. And much of that stems from being well-informed, by using alternative and independent sources of media.
Glamours of the 6th Ray
Many are now trying to deal with these “shocking” changes through the lens of their own hubris and crystallised thought – trashed by radical change. Bear in mind the USA (and Russia) are sixth ray personalities. The 6th ray of Devotion or Idealism is the most common ray conditioning human astral bodies:
“One of the great needs of all disciples and aspirants is the detached relinquishing of pet theories as to life, discipleship and the Plan; the preserving of that open mind which is ever ready for the unexpected presentation and able … to achieve a quick reversal of all preconceived ideals.
… Such attitudes are peculiarly difficult for those disciples who have the sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism dominant in their energy equipment, for the ideals of a sixth ray aspirant crystallise most rapidly and are quickly distorted thereby.”5
Because the sixth ray tends to see everything as either black or white, thought processes are prone to rigidly reject anything that the new administration is doing, without giving credit where due, by rationalising that there are hidden motives – and confidently exclaiming the well-worn criticism of narcissistic leaders. No political party ever satisifies all its voters, more often than not, they blatantly and routinely break election promises. It appears that reverse is true for the current US Admin.
“The glamours of … devotion. Of adherence to forms and persons. Of idealism. Of loyalties, of creeds. Of emotional response. Of sentimentality. Of interference. Of the lower pairs of opposites. Of World Saviours and Teachers. Of the narrow vision. Of fanaticism.”6 (See also article further down, “The Glamour of Sentiment”.)
But for many, its still too early to call yet, and fears of a billionaire AI totalitarianism are not unfounded. The late Jimmy Carter stated decades ago that the USA is already an oligarchy which has trumped democracy – excuse the pun!
Critics forget that by projecting blame onto one leader, that it is an entire party of Republicans (aided by a few true Democrats who changed sides) – voted-in by over half the US population. Indeed, Trump was originally a Democrat and it is said that many Republicans only tolerate him because of their need to retain power.
Hence the current rash of criticisms and knee-jerk responses are superficially biased, reflecting how many are emotionally trapped in an ideological cul-de-sac, devoid of discriminating thought. These critics are reactionary and quick to judge appearances – well before the dust has settled on many initiatives.
The Soil has been Turned and a Harvest Awaits
“By their fruits shall ye know them” is the old adage. The patient farmer diligently cultivates before the full harvest appears. And that might take four years, indeed a decade or more. Other adages come to mind, “Rome was not built in a day” and, “The Queen Mary cannot be turned around on a dime”.
But for now at least, the earth has been freshly turned, in an hitherto fallow field – and some fast growth will evolve from that.
Uranus in fertile, earthy Taurus has facilitated the turning of the soil, allowing the sun’s rays to pour vitality upon all organisms therein. Uranus is about experimentation and experience, to see what works and what does not – trial and error.
As the plough turns the furrow, long-buried secrets are steadily moving toward the surface – bringing the promise of answers to lingering questions of history: JFK, RFK, MLK, 9/11, Epstein et al. (Or will they?) Again we witness the province of Lord of the Underworld, Pluto – at once the Destroyer and Revealer.
Ukraine Peace: Trump- Zelensky
The Aquarius full moon festival of February 2025 – with Uranus in Taurus at the point of a T-square to Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo – is the dynamic point of tension behind recent discussions between presidents and PM’s – Trump and Putin, Starmer, Macron, Zelensky etc. Trump’s chart is analysed repeatedly in this newsletter, because many initiatives are emanating from him directly.
This appears to be perfect astrological timing – at the third anniversary of the conflict that began on Feb.24, 2022. In the Aquarius newsletter, it was stated:
“The full moon chart might be called The Revolution, with Aquarius ruler Uranus in Taurus, creating a tense T-square to the Sun-Moon opposition in Aquarius-Leo. Uranus, the planet of reform and revolution, still dominates Trump’s midheaven, keeping him firmly in the public eye – domestically and internationally.”

Aquarius-Leo Full moon, Feb. 2025. Note the red triangle in the centre of the horoscope wheel, Uranus at the point of this T-square to Sun-Moon.
Also mentioned,
“Trump’s inauguration horoscope contains a particularly challenging cardinal grand cross … partly offset by the position of the Moon in Libra the Peacemaker – which falls on Trump’s natal Jupiter … Mercury is in the ninth house of foreign countries, hence the square it makes to the Moon in Libra is a positive point of tension that can potentially render tough negotiations for ongoing peace in Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan or any other trouble spots.”
The Aquarius full moon horoscope has much synastry with the main players, with the T-square of Aquarius ruler Uranus in Taurus to Sun in Aquarius-Moon in Leo. As repeated regularly, Russia and USA are Aquarian souls – with a shared dharma to work together into the Aquarian Age. Moscow is a Taurus soul and Aquarian personality.
Trump has Leo-Mars rising and a Taurus midheaven. Putin has north node and progressed Venus-Mars in Aquarius. Uranus is the planet of freedom, acting on behalf of a cosmic freedom transmitted from the “higher self” of our solar system – Sirius, through Uranus.7
“It is the principle of freedom … it is that which provides a “pathway of power” between our Hierarchy and the distant sun, Sirius, and gives the incentive towards the “culture of freedom” or of liberation …”.8
In Russia’s Dec. 25, 1991 horoscope, its Leo ascendant was closely activated by the 2025 full moon in Leo-Aquarius, setting off its square to Pluto-Venus in Scorpio. Mercury the messenger and negotiator was also close to the full moon Sun in Aquarius. Russia’s progressed Sun is in Aquarius, while the 27 year cycle of the progressed Moon falls directly on Pluto-Venus in Scorpio!
The Aquarius full moon activated USA’s 1776 horoscope, with Sun-Mercury in Aquarius conjunct progressed Mercury the Mediator in Aquarius – all positions in orb of 1776’s Moon in Aquarius – the dweller. As an Aquarian soul, the USA has the paradoxical position of the Moon in Aquarius in its exoteric horoscope. The Moon’s shadow was discussed in the Aquarius newsletter:
“… the misuse of the Aquarian skill to work together in groups, that has spawned many exploitive corporations that currently dominate the nation.” USA’s Aquarian moon has also been activated powerfully by solar directed Mars in Aquarius – still in orb of influence, though it was exact in Feb.2024. It came into influence with a 2° applying orb around Feb. 2022, when USA-UK and NATO poked the Russian bear one time too many, setting off the tragedy of Ukraine.
Hence, regarding USA’s Aquarian soul and the Aquarian moon dweller, here is the hub of the battle between USA’s soul and dweller, which also plays host to the Planetary Dweller on the Threshold.
Through these recent peace initiatives, emerges the opportunity to not only halt a despicable and evil war (plus all the people who started it and kept it going since 2014), but for the soul of the USA to triumph over its dweller.
Naturally, that will pave the way for better relations with Russia, cutting through the obfuscating forces that have prevented these two Aquarian souls working together –(in a triangle with Britain), to usher in the Age of Aquarius. Already, developments are rapidly moving toward that goal.
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Trumpelensky: Beware the Ides of March
However inelegantly recent events might have been perceived at the Oval Office, observers like Jeffrey Sachs (see later) are saying that Ukraine has lost a totally avoidable war, well over a year ago – and that Zelensky is finished.
They further state that it has only been the sleight-of-hand by NATO and controlled media that has kept the public in the dark – by trying to depict the situation otherwise. Now has arrived the inevitable train wreck and what will follow.
It looks like Europe will attempt to be the main backer for Ukraine now, which could potentially pit the USA against UK and France. Perhaps this possibility is behind Trump’s attempt to create a kind of Americas bloc (Canada, Panama Canal and Greenland) – a centralised American union similar to the European Union.
Zelensky has transiting Saturn about to conjoin his progressed Sun in Pisces, exact on the Pisces-Virgo full moon of March 14. The full moon also falls less than 2 degrees from his progressed sun and transiting Saturn.

Zelensky progressions and transits for the Pisces-Virgo full moon. Transiting Saturn conjunct progressed Sun in Pisces and the full moon sun, square to Gemini rising and Jupiter, opposite Moon-Earth in Virgo. Note transiting Venus and stationary retrograde Mercury straddling the progressed midheaven.
Therein may lie a karmic harvest for Zelensky – a taste of which he received in the recent Whitehouse spat. (Trump’s efforts at public transparency might in future be interspersed with some more discreet behind-closed-door meetings!) Yet what happened also serves a purpose that lays all bare, despite the ugliness of the situation or “desecration” of the Oval Office. Plenty of those kind of meetings have occurred privately for centuries no doubt!
With this grand cross in Zelensky’s horoscope, it can represent a major test around power; a potential drastic fall from power – either by impeachment or at worst, assassination. Saturn applies a powerful restraining influence upon the innate vitality of the Sun, whether it is the natal or progressed Sun.
The progressed Sun also rules Z’s 4th house of home and family – or on a larger scale, the homeland – Ukraine. Zelensky has his natal Saturn in that house – in Leo, very close to Trump’s Leo ascendant.
There is part of their synastry that makes for a challenging relationship – where one person in power tries to dictate to another person in power – disastrous outcome! No wonder a Ukraine correspondent had her face buried in her hands, she spoke for all who witnessed the spectacle.
On the March 14 full moon, transiting Venus and stationary retrograde Mercury straddle Z’s progressed midheaven, may offer some relief from the demanding Saturn transit. Venus is the esoteric ruler of his Gemini ascendant and may well throw Z a lifeline.
“Beware the Ides of March” is the ancient warning – falling one day after the full moon on March 15, recalling Julius Caesar’s stabbing murder by many members of his senate. Zelensky is nowhere near a Caesar (though may imagine himself to be) – nevertheless the symbolism is ominous.
Et tu Brute? Or is it already, Et tu Donald? Commentators are already saying that the situation is unredeemable, despite Zelensky scrambling to be conciliatory. After this incident, Zelensky went straight to Britain where he was fawned over by PM Starmer, then later falling into the arms of Macron and Leyen.
In the Pisces-Virgo full moon chart, transiting Saturn, progressed Sun and the full moon all create a grand cross that focuses upon Zelensky’s tricky Gemini ascendant – which is very close to the degree of Trump’s tricky Sun in Gemini. Two tricksters go at it!
On the Oval Office argument day of Feb.28, the Moon was in emotionally touchy Pisces, conjunct transiting Saturn in Pisces – both squaring Trump’s Sun and Zelensky’s ascendant. There is the astrological tension/significator for the event.
For Trump, Saturn square the Sun can represent a forced turning point where he feels pressured and burdened. For Zelensky, this transit tests the value of important relationships – particularly business partnerships and the 7th house theme of “open enemies”.
Both leaders will still come under a great deal of strain as transiting Saturn moves into an exact square: To Trump’s Sun – very close at the full moon March 14 and exact on March 19; to Zelensky’s ascendant by March 9, assuming his birth time is accurate.
Similar to Zelensky, this might represent a threat to Trump’s power, especially as the Gemini Sun rules his Leo ascendant – “the lion king”. But it might have a physical effect, such as a heart attack – not uncommon for such a transit. This possibility was speculated upon in a previous newsletter in 2024, however Trump is 79 and appears to have a lot of vitality – must be all those Leo sun baths! Another attempted assassinaton is not improbable either.
Halting the war in Ukraine is the main objective, whether it includes Zelensky or not. Ending hostilities must first be established – without an endless list of conditions and qualifications. That might allow some lasting seeds of peace to germinate, providing a firm foundation for healing Ukraine’s massive physical and psychological carnage. (Ditto for Gaza – an equally, if not more complicated situation.)
Russia-Ukraine, Europe and NATO
Earlier it was stated that the global perspective on the historical causes of the Russia-Ukraine conflict have been ignored by legacy media – and most of the leaders of Western nations. History will show those choices as the success of an indoctrination campaign that has led to a mass glamour/delusion under which the European nations still labour.
That fog has permeated the United Nations – with its recent decision by the General Assembly: To back a resolution drafted by Ukraine and the European Union condemning Russia, “on the third anniversary of its full-scale invasion, spurning a rival US resolution – reflecting Donald Trump’s split with Europe and growing union with Vladimir Putin”.9
Europe is trying to double-down on this perversion of the truth, led by powerful acolytes of Zelensky. The response by the UK and Europe (European Union – EU) to recent peace talks initiated between Washington and Moscow still ignores the causal factors behind the Russia-Ukraine conflict. It is also a desperate response by weak and flailing European leaders such as Keir Starmer, Emmanuel Macron and EU president Ursula von der Leyen – who are all scrambling to take over Ukraine funding support.
It has been announced that Britain will put troops on the ground in Ukraine and the EU will raise an €800 billion package to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia. What this boils down to is a support for the continuation of war, against Trump’s proposal for peace.
This mass madness is an attempt to keep the old narrative going from the past few years, now severely disrupted by Washington and Moscow moving closer together. European leaders are now polarising with Zelensky in touchy-feely-huggy photo-ops, bolstering their own fragile political positions.
PM Starmer for instance, is redirecting billions of urgently needed funds for a sinking Britain – into a hapless continuation of war, further goading the Russian bear. Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs is a brilliant and erudite advisor to presidents and world leaders for the past 40 years. Sachs (Sun in Scorpio, pragmatic Capricorn rising), stated recently,
“In the immediate lead-up to Russia’s invasion, NATO enlargement was center stage. Putin’s draft US-Russia Treaty (December 17, 2021) called for a halt to NATO enlargement. Russia’s leaders put NATO enlargement as the cause of war in Russia’s National Security Council meeting on February 21, 2022. In his address to the nation that day, Putin declared NATO enlargement to be a central reason for the invasion.
… Biden rejected diplomacy, insisting that Russia had no say whatsoever on the question of NATO enlargement. And Russia pushed diplomacy in March 2022, while the Biden team again blocked a diplomatic end to the war.”10
And of course, who could forget “boofhead Boris” Johnson, the then UK prime minister – barging in at the behest of NATO and the Biden admin, to persuade Zelensky not to sign the peace deal. This occurred in the first couple of months after the “military operation” began in Feb. 2022 – and since that point, the hideous loss of life in Ukraine began.
Long story short, the Biden admin, NATO, UK, France and other European nations – were all belligerents that provided no other choice for Russia: “The Ukraine conflict was “provoked” and it is wrong to solely blame Russia, Steve Witkoff, a senior adviser to US President Donald Trump.” (CNN)
The End of NATO
It would be funny, if it was not so tragic in the following 3′ video, where MSM chants the mantra – “Its not about NATO”, when in fact its ALL about NATO! Whenever witnessing this kind of mass repetition, we know the opposite is true and the propaganda machine is cranked to the max!
The world may now be witnessing the final death throes of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, formed after WWII in 1949. It included thirty European and two North American member states who agreed to defend each other against attacks by “third parties”.
NATO was formed partly because of the Cold War between the US and the former Soviet Union – that began in 1947, but its roots go back to the Atlantic Charter of 1941. When the Soviet Union ended in 1991, theoretically the Cold War was over, but NATO policies were extended by aggressive and subversive US Neocons, persisting until present day. Jeffrey Sachs’ recent address to the European Parliament is also worth watching, where he discusses Russia-Ukraine and the imminent collapse of NATO. (See below.)
Jeffrey Sachs’ recent address to the European Parliament.
Now with the prospect of Russia and the USA becoming friendly, and if Donald Trump follows through on his stated aim of withdrawing the US from NATO – then NATO’s days are numbered.
The Triangle of USA, UK and Russia
If that occurs, along with warmer relations with Russia (shock, horror!), then the dharma of these two Aquarian souls could soon draw closer to realisation – working in a triangle with Britain. The only thing that needs to change at this point, is a British PM who can embrace the vision of these three nations working together:
“… there are three great fusing energies or vital centres present upon our planet:
- Russia, fusing and blending eastern Europe and western and northern Asia.
- The United States (and later South America), fusing and blending central and western Europe and the entire western hemisphere.
- The British Empire, fusing and blending races and men throughout the entire world.
In the hands of these nations lies the destiny of the planet … the keynote of human living will be struck by Russia, Great Britain and the United States — not because of their power, their historical past and their material resources or territorial extent, but because they are in a position to fuse and blend the many types, because they are far-visioned in their world purpose, because they are not basically selfish in their intent, and because the government of the peoples reaches down into the depths of each nation and is fundamentally for the people.”11
Russia is an Aquarian soul, working through its Aquarian personality of Moscow, hence uniquely positioned to illumine the Aquarian tenets of brotherhood and co-operation during the approaching Aquarian Age of 2,160 years. Speaking when Russia was a less mature entity a century ago, The Tibetan observes:
“Russia has created fermentation in other countries before she herself really knows what is the revelation of which she is custodian. Her activity is therefore premature. The true secret of brotherhood (one hitherto unknown and unrealized) is hers to give the world, but as yet she knows not what it is. This fact, that Russia is the spiritual custodian of a revelation, is sensed by the other nations in the world; and the first reaction has been fear, based on certain initial mistakes and her premature activity upon the physical plane.
Nevertheless, all peoples view Russia with expectation; they dimly realize that from her will come some new thing, for Russia is rapidly maturing and integrating and will demonstrate that she has much to give.”12
Uranus Transits for NATO and Trump
(Past articles on NATO: Ukraine, NATO & the USA (2015), The Problem of NATO & the USA (2022), NATO: USA’s Aries Attack Dog (2022).)
“The one-time trans-Atlantic defensive alliance has, over the past three decades, transformed itself from the guardian of Western Europe into global cop, seeking to project militarily a so-called values and rules-based posture … The guard dog has it seems, been re-trained as an attack dog.”13
Born on April 4, 1949 – NATO has several planets in aggressive Aries: Sun, Vulcan, Venus, north node, Mercury and Mars. God of war Mars is the ruler of Aries, hence finds itself highly empowered in this sign.
As a potential catalyst for the destruction of NATO, the synastry between it and Trump is remarkable.
1. NATO’s Saturn in Leo falls precisely on Trump’s ascendant, both positions uncannily occupying the same degree and minutes – 29 Leo 55’. According to legendary astrologer Dane Rudhyar, the Sabian symbol keynote for this degree is,
“The realization by the individual that all thoughts and all messages are inevitably to be shared with all men … a letter is unsealed … when man has reached the stage of true mental repolarization and development … he has actually become a participant in the One Mind of humanity.
Nothing can really be hidden, except superficially and for a brief time. What any man thinks and deeply realizes becomes the property of all men … it is made clear to us, and particularly to the inherently proud Leo type, that all that takes form within the mind of a man belongs to all men.”14
Some may interpret this as reflecting Trump’s insistence on total government transparency – such as unprecedented televised cabinet meetings and regular interviews with reporters in the Oval Office. Leo rising is Trump’s soul purpose – the leader or king – and he has achieved that by clinching two presidential terms. NATO’s Saturn in Leo makes a good manager but can be over-strict, controlling, dictatorial and imperious. (As can Leo rising.)
In the near future, transiting Uranus will be squaring this last degree of Leo – moving into orb of influence this April, exact in early July and Nov. 2025 – with the last activation in late April 2026. For NATO it means that all its crystallised ideological patterns that have been built up in the past 76 years will be severely shaken by revolutionary Uranus. And it looks like Trump will be their agent or catalyst, himself an “Uranian” with his Gemini sun conjunct Uranus.
In Feb. 2022, NATO’s progressed midheaven was precisely conjunct its Saturn in Leo, influential for two years previous. NATO’s “success” was pushing Russia for those two years to start its “military operation” in Ukraine.

Inner wheel Trump, outer wheel NATO. Note NATO’s midheaven close to Trump’s non-conformist Uranus. Also, on the red lines can be seen NATO’s Mercury in Aries square Trump’s mercury in Cancer – not a good aspect for communications!
2. Trump’s Gemini sun sits on NATO’s Gemini moon. “It takes a fox to outwit a fox”, is the phrase which comes to mind.
The Moon is the dweller or shadow of the horoscope and NATO can be one tricky player, in terms of maintaining its power and manipulating from its power base in Brussels, Belgium. Brussels itself is a Gemini soul, like Britain15 and is also the headquarters for the European Union. (Even though Gemini rules the soul, it can often manifest in its lower expression as “devious diplomacy and subtlety”.)
NATO’s power should have been relinquished in 1991, with the end of the Soviet Union. But instead, with NATO’s progressed Sun in Taurus squaring its Saturn in Leo at that time, it doubled down and the “guard dog became the attack dog”.
Currently, transiting Uranus is passing over the degree of its 1991 progressed sun in Taurus, bringing potential reform to those decisions. Reminding us also of Secretary of State James Baker’s famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion, in his meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990. A promise since trashed many times!
Uranus is the “hierarchical” ruler of Leo, governing group relations and organisations, connecting Leo to its polar opposite Aquarius – which Uranus rules exoterically. (Aquarius, the soul of USA and Russia.)
Hence, a transit by Uranus is highly significant to any Leo placement. NATO is however, just one of the many challenges that Trump will face during this Uranus transit which persists until April 2026 – influencing for several months after, in terms of dealing with the effects of actions instigated.
3. Trump’s Jupiter in Libra opposite NATO’s Sun in Aries. Earlier it was noted, “Trump’s inauguration horoscope contains a particularly challenging cardinal grand cross … partly offset by the position of the Moon in Libra the Peacemaker – which falls on Trump’s natal Jupiter …”.
Indeed, and NATO’s Sun, Venus and Mars in Aries – all oppose Trump’s Chiron-Jupiter in Libra. There is the stand-off delineated very clearly – War and Peace, the title of Russian – Leo Tolstoy’s classic of world literature.
NATO and Europe are now facing down Washington (the backbone of NATO), in an attempt to keep the conflict going, so far rejecting peace proposals by Trump. A new European defence alliance looks like emerging from these movements upon the global chessboard.
Ironically, Tolstoy’s book is a philosophical chronicle of France’s Napoleonic wars against Russia in 1812 – which, “ended in disaster for France and the near-destruction of Napoleon’s Grande Armée.”16 The posturing Macron and other Euro-tossers best remember their history, as they all currently appear to be running like lemmings over the proverbial cliff!
Russia-USA – Uranus and the 7th Ray
Virgo wordsmith Tolstoy (9-9-1828) began writing his book in 1863, just three years after the beginning of the 7th ray sub-cycle of 1860. The 7th ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic, Organisation – is the soul ray of Russia. Furthermore, Uranus as ruler of the 7th ray, was in early Gemini in 1860 and is approaching its second Uranus return from that date – in 2025 through to 2027!
Interesting to note that the reforming and revolutionary energy of Uranus in Gemini, was behind the American Civil War that transpired 1860-1865. Besides Russia and USA being Aquarian souls, they have the 7th ray in common – in USA’s case:
“Ray 7. — Order and Magic, via Uranus. This influence is inherited from the Atlantean world, which still rules the territorial aspect of the States, which is a remnant of old Atlantis. It is this that produces the many magical, spiritualistic and occult groups which flourish today in the States.”17
Pisces Moon – Timothée Chalamet: “A Complete Unknown”.
The Role of the Jewish People in the Arts and Story-telling.
“How does it feel, To be without a home, Like a complete unknown – Like a rolling stone?”
The annual Academy Awards were on March 2 – and the movie about Bob Dylan’s early days – A Complete Unknown, was up for 8 Oscar nominations. But it was completely snubbed and did not receive one Oscar – pushed out by The Brutalist.
Although a very good movie, critics have said that it is an unashamed piece of Hollywood Zionist propaganda. Its opening scenes depict the emergence of Israel in 1948, the main protagonist is a Jewish escapee from Buchenwald and the movie finishes with the main characters talking about living in Israel, “the promised land”.
The movie does unfortunately amplify the theme of victimhood and persecution, hence one wonders if the Academy was unduly influenced to give this slew of awards, in order to prop up Israel’s current standing in the world. Nevertheless, it is a great story of human suffering, creative genius, architecture and historical-cultural links between Europe and the USA. It is ironic, as Bob Dylan (Robert Zimmerman) was born Jewish,
“The Jews … have run the gamut of suffering and are in the forefront of the creative arts at this time, particularly in group production such as certain of the great motion pictures and in the field of scientific discovery.”18
For those of us who grew up in the 60’s, A Complete Unknown is an emotional and nostalgic ride – recalling the beauty, magic, amazing music and cultural history of that epoch. Not least because the two actors who played Dylan and Joan Baez, performed with great authenticity, playing instruments and singing – an extraordinary accomplishment. Timothée Chalamet as Dylan, Monica Barbaro as Baez. (Also, Edward Norton learned to play banjo in his portrayal of Pete Seeger.)
Dylan’s horoscope is explored in a 2023 article, his Taurus ascendant:
“As Taurus rules the organs of speech (throat, larnyx etc.), Dylan has fulfilled the Taurus brief of using “directed and motivated speech” through the spoken (sung) word – and the art of story-telling.
Story-telling is the province of the Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict (a.k.a. the ray of Art and Beauty), the only ray to pass through Taurus and most likely part of Dylan’s ray structure. Hence this old soul won the lottery by acquiring this horoscope!”
“[Jewish people] … have a close relation to this fourth ray and to the fourth root race [Atlantis], and hence their eminence at this time in the world of art, and hence the magnitude of their endless symbolic wandering and searching.”19
Interesting that the movie’s name expresses precisely this “endless wandering and searching”: To be without a home, Like a rolling stone?
Timothée Chalamet (also part Jewish) has the moon in Pisces conjunct Dylan’s south node – possibly indicating some personal connection from the past. Its always instructive to look at planetary synastry between an actor and the real-life characters they portray. As part of the mutable cross, Pisces shares with Gemini the unique gift of imitation, commented upon in the author’s article, Pisces as Humourist and Healer:
“Mimicry and clowning are particular gifts of Gemini-Pisces. They are a reflection of the evolved Piscean’s deeper transformative Plutonic path, to reflect back to others the contents of their unconscious selves. Pisces has a fondness for wordplay and puns, reflecting not only Gemini, but mutable cross Virgo as the wordsmith crafting words.”20
Chalamet has methodical Virgo rising and is an artisan of acting and music – grounded by an astonishing 7-planet stellium in Capricorn. His Pisces mystical-moon sensitivity is amplified by its square to Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius – the rising sign of philosophical poet Bob Dylan. Chalamet shares the Moon in Pisces with Dylan’s fellow troubador and Jew – Leonard Cohen (Sun in Virgo and rising, see author’s article, Leonard Cohen: Virgo Songwriter.)
Other synastries include Chalamet’s Saturn in Pisces closely square Dylan’s ascendant, sextile to Dylan’s Saturn-Moon in Taurus – the source of Dylan’s unique voice. (David Bowie famously compared Dylan’s voice to “sand and glue.”) Chalamet’s Jupiter in Sagittarius is also opposite Dylan’s Mercury in Gemini, allowing him to almost perfectly imitate Dylan’s singing and musical cadences.
Dylan’s Gemini sun is opposite Chalamet’s Pluto in Sagittarius – one of the most important aspects regarding a depth of connection. Similarly, Chalamet’s Taurus midheaven is closely conjunct Dylan’s innovative Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus – conjunct Alcyone, the “star of the individual” or “star of intelligence”.
On the day of the Academy Awards, Chalamet’s progressed midheaven (career, public) was exactly opposite his Jupiter in Sagittarius, creating a T-square to his Pisces moon and transiting Mercury-Neptune. With those kind of patterns, it could be argued that he should have won the Oscar for best actor, over now two-times Oscar winner – Adrien Brody. Perhaps the presence of Neptune may have contributed to some kind of Academy subterfuge of the political kind, perhaps not.
Aries sun – Brody, was also born Jewish, with Virgo rising and Moon (“without a strong connection” to Judaism or Christianity). His other Oscar was for his performance in Polanski’s The Pianist – about a Polish-Jewish pianist, composer and Holocaust survivor.
It was also Chalamet’s Saturn return (exact just two weeks previous), ruler of his achievement-oriented Capricorn sun. Chalamet has the same soul and personality as the Jewish people – Virgo soul (rising) and Capricorn personality (Sun).21 Chalamet being passed over for an Oscar was quite ironic – in light of the film’s title, A Complete Unknown. He was not “officially” recognised though there were a few nods to the film throughout the awards ceremony.
Pisces is the polarity of the Jewish Virgo soul, a much needed expression for them as a people, as mentioned frequently in this author’s missives:
“… one solution for invoking the love principle, lies within Virgo’s polar opposite sign Pisces. Both signs have the 2nd ray of love-wisdom and the 6th ray of devotion and idealism passing through them. The Christ Avatar was “born of a Virgin” (Sun-Pluto conjunction in Virgo), assumed a Jewish body 2,000 years ago and inaugurated the Age of Pisces. The Christ’s main message was one of love and forgiveness.”
We have been informed that the Jews have not yet passed through the Age of Pisces, still grasping the Age of Aries and all the traditions of those times:
“It is equally true of the Jewish race that in the rejection of the Christ as the Messiah they have remained, metaphorically and practically, in the sign of Aries, the Ram, or of the Scapegoat; they have yet to pass into the sign (again speaking symbolically) of Pisces, the Fishes, and recognise their Messiah when He again comes in the sign Aquarius. Otherwise, they are repeating their ancient sin of non-response to the evolutionary process.”22
The Age of Aries – approximately 4,000 to 2,000 years ago, marked a high point for the Jewish people in their mental development and the taking of the first racial initiation. The Age of Pisces relates symbolically to the conquering of the waters and the second racial initiation.
The goal of this age is related to the unfoldment of the heart. The Age of Pisces is all but finished, there is a very small window of time for the Jewish people and thinking Humanity to invoke the higher expression of Pisces (forgiveness), the complementary opposite sign to their Virgo soul.
The lower expression of Pisces is victimhood and martyrdom – born of bitter experience of course, but held onto unduly – and used as emotional blackmail to justify brutalist Zionist ideology. (Brutalism is a school of architecture.)
The Glamour of Sentiment
There was plenty of sentiment and emotional anguish in the aforementioned movies, but arguably in proportion. Following on from the previous passage, “the relinquishing of pet theories … and how the ideals of a sixth ray aspirant crystallise most rapidly and are quickly distorted” – one of the major glamours of the sixth ray of Devotion or Idealism, is sentiment or sentimentality.
The 6th ray is the most common ray that conditions the emotional/astral body; it is the personality ray of two nations, USA and Russia – and the soul ray of passionistas Spain and Italy. Through Hollywood, sentimentality is deliberately amplified by many movie makers. One recognises it – like a punch in the stomach! This is the physical area of the solar plexus, gateway to the astral body, ruled by Mars-Neptune, which also rule the 6th ray.
We have all heard the phrase “sickening sentimentality”! English philosopher – Roger Scruton, once said, “Sentimentality is that peculiarly human vice which consists in directing your emotions toward your own emotions, so as to be the subject of a story told by yourself.”
When considering the dire suffering of humanity throughout the planet, many people slip into this selfish kind of sentimentality that tends to cloud reason and clarity. They want to do good but often become “do-gooders” – like making a virtue-signalling video of themselves helping someone on the street.
“The glamour of sentiment holds the good people of the world in thrall, and in a dense fog of emotional reactions. The race has reached a point wherein the men of good intention, of some real understanding and owning a measure of freedom from the love of gold (symbolic way of speaking of the glamour of materiality) – are turning their desire to their duty, their responsibilities, their effects upon others, and to their sentimental understanding of the nature of love.
Love, for many people, for the majority indeed, is not really love but a mixture of the desire to love and the desire to be loved, plus a willingness to do anything to show and evoke this sentiment, and consequently to be more comfortable in one’s own interior life.
The selfishness of the people who are desirous of being unselfish is great. So many contributing sentiments gather around the sentiment or desire to show those amiable and pleasant characteristics which will evoke a corresponding reciprocation towards the would-be lover or server who is still completely surrounded by the glamour of sentiment.
It is this pseudo-love, based primarily on a theory of love and service, which characterises so many human relationships such as those existing, for instance, between husband and wife, parents and their children.
Glamoured by their sentiment for them and knowing little of the love of the soul which is free itself and leaves others free also, they wander in a dense fog, often dragging with them the ones they desire to serve in order to draw forth a responsive affection. Study the word “affection,” my brother, and see its true meaning.
Affection is not love. It is that desire which we express through an exertion of the astral body and this activity affects our contacts; it is not the spontaneous desirelessness of the soul which asks nothing for the separated self.
This glamour of sentiment imprisons and bewilders all the nice people in the world, imposing upon them obligations which do not exist, and producing a glamour which must eventually be dissipated by the pouring in of true and selfless love.”23
Mercury in Aries (Feb.3 to May 11)
(A re-edited/updated version of a previous article.)
Mercury entered Aries on March 3, the sign it rules esoterically. It was also the beginning of the pre-retrograde shadow period that precedes Mercury going retrograde – right on the full moon of Pisces-Virgo on Feb.14. Hence, Mercury will be stationary, turning from direct to retrograde motion on that day – adding a very powerful presence to the full moon energies.
After it goes retrograde, it stays in Aries for another 16 days before it re-enters Pisces, staying there for another 16 days – before heading back into Aries again, where it will remain until May 11, just 2 days before the Wesak full moon and the Shamballa Conclave. Hence this unique combination of Mercury in two signs will evoke new initiatives in Aries, then reflecting in Pisces upon newly implemented ideas – re-imagining or embellishing them; before returning to Aries where they can be birthed in the sign of new beginnings.
Mercury is super intuitive in both signs – watery Pisces and fiery Aries; much slower and reflective in Pisces, quicker and more direct in Aries. Hence, during this retrograde peiod, what impulsive Aries mentally projects, Pisces will provide emotional reflection.
Exoterically, Mercury in Aries is decisive and competitive, fond of debate and argument. Erudite, rapid thinkers with original ideas – impulsive decision makers. Mentally egotistical and headstrong – impatient with delays, especially when retrograde! Irritability and quick temper reactions. Esoterically, Mercury in Aries bears the following descriptions – mediator and messenger, representing rapid thought processes and intuitive inspiration.
As “messenger of the gods”, its close proximity to the Sun reflects its role as messenger or intermediary to the other planets – literally or metaphorically understood. “Mercury receives seven times more light than any other planet.”24
It must be borne in mind that all planets are intimately connected as they evolve the Will of the Solar Logos – within the corporate body of our solar system. And of course, the source of the higher self and directing will of this solar system is the fixed star Sirius, the “fourth cosmic path” that the majority of liberated humanity will eventually tread.
Mercury is the ruler of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict (the major ray that rules over Humanity as a whole), hence is related to Aries’ exoteric ruler Mars, a “creator of conflict”:
“Mercury indicates that the line of least resistance for humanity is harmony through conflict, for Mercury expresses the fourth ray energy which is buddhic, intuitional and expressive of the Christ.”25
The Christ is the ultimate Mercurial Messenger. As a sacred planet, and on the “even ray line” of Love-Wisdom (2-4-6) – Mercury is the Harmony part of the equation, whilst co-ruler the Moon represents Conflict created by the unconscious self, in this life and from the accumulations of other lives.
The Moon and Mars both serve similar functions – in creating awareness of the unredeemed and unconscious within the personality, creating conflict for the individual upon the upward Way. The Moon veils Uranus in its rulership of the sacral/sexual chakra, whilst Mars rules the solar plexus, seat of the astral body.
Like the Moon, Mars plays a most important role in creating an awareness of what is at war within. Yet, it also contributes to the blind and errant human behaviour that creates pain and misery on this planet. Mars the god of war – inner and outer. “War and strife” create the “needed purification”.
Mercury is however, of a much higher calibre altogether. In its lower expression, Mercury is the “trickster” and mental intelligence (3rd ray), reflected by its exoteric rulership of Gemini and Virgo; it has an association with the throat chakra, seat of the mental body, but does not rule that centre per se. (Saturn does.)
“Mercury, being the Messenger of the Gods and the Agent of Their applied control, is therefore the agent of the third aspect (active intelligence) from one point of view, and of the second aspect (love-wisdom) from another.
He is regarded as embodying in himself both these aspects of the mental principle, the expression of the concrete and the abstract mind of God.”26
The mind is of course where illusion is encountered (glamour on the mental plane) and this why Mercury the divine Messenger is regarded as the principle of illusion and the expression of the active higher mind.27
In an even higher expression, Mercury is buddhi or intuition, emanating from beyond the mental plane but utilising the latter. Hence the Aries keynote: “I come forth from the plane of mind, I rule.” Buddhic consciousness is the ultimate goal of consciousness evolution for humanity.
“Mercury is the synthesis of manas-buddhi, mind-wisdom which expresses itself through the human soul; Mercury rules the bridge or the antahkarana.”28
In its buddhic role, Mercury rules the right lobe of the Ajna or brow chakra, whilst Venus rules the left lobe (mind). Each new annual cycle in Aries reminds us of this distant Mercurial achievement:
“When Mercury, the divine Messenger, the principle of illusion and the expression of the active higher mind, has performed his mission and “led humanity into the light” – and the Christ-child out of the womb of time and of the flesh, into the light of day and of manifestation, then the task of that great centre we call humanity will be accomplished.”29
There are several “4’s” associated with Mercury: Associated with the 4th cosmic path to Sirius. The 4th kingdom, the human. Fully realised buddhic consciousness – the 4th initiation. Ruler of the 4th ray:
“Mercury, embodying the energy of the fourth ray, eventually carries the man around the wheel of life and through the medium of conflict enables him to achieve harmony. Mercury illumines the mind and mediates between the soul and the personality, being the Messenger of the Gods.
This mediatorship, in the first instance, produces an inevitable opposition between the pairs of opposites and a long drawn out conflict. This conflict finally works out into victory and the dispelling of illusion through the illumination of the lower mind.”30
Are We Already in the Next Shamballa Impact?
Given the fact that the world is approaching the Wesak Festival this year (May 12) and that the centennial conclave at Shamballa is speculated to be occuring at the same time, it might be timely to remind ourselves about what the Shamballa energies represent. As speculated in recent newsletters and among esoteric students, 2025 might represent the 6th Shamballa impact over Humanity’s long history: The first three in the three rootraces from Individualisation in Lemuria, to the fall of Atlantis and the ending of WWII.
We are also informed that subsequent (minor) impacts (4th and 5th) occurred in 25 year intervals – 1975 and 200031, hence it is not unreasonable to expect another one in 2025. (Author’s articles about Shamballa can be found here.)
A few excerpts follow, extracted from the Alice A. Bailey books, Shamballa was a subject that The Tibetan expounded upon at length:
[Shamballa] “This little known divine energy now streams out from the Holy Centre. It embodies in itself the energy which lies behind world crisis … It is the Will of God to produce certain radical and momentous changes in the consciousness of the race which will completely alter man’s attitude to life and his grasp of the spiritual, esoteric and subjective essentials of living.
It is this force which will bring about (in conjunction with second ray force) that tremendous crisis — imminent in the human consciousness — which we call the second crisis, the initiation of the race into the Mystery of the Ages, into that which has been hid from the beginning.32
It might be reasonably argued that Humanity – the World Arjuna, finds itself close to this point of racial unfoldment:
“There is, at this time, an emergence of certain powerful and dominating first ray personalities into the theatre of world activity. These people are in direct contact with this Shamballa force and are sensitive to the impact of the will energy of Deity. According to their type of personality and their point in evolution will be their reaction to this force and their consequent usefulness to the Lord of the World as He works out His plans of world unfoldment.
The energy of the will of God works through them, though stepped down and often misused and misapplied, by their differing and limited personalities, and interpreted unsatisfactorily by their undeveloped consciousness. These people are found in every field of human affairs. They are the dominant persons, and the dictators in every aspect of human living — political, social, religious and educational.
Who shall say (until at least a century has gone by) whether their influence and their efforts have been good or bad. Where they flagrantly infringe the Law of Love, their influence may be powerful, but it is passing and undesirable, at least where that phase of their activities is concerned. Where they meet human emergency and need, and work along lines of basic restoration and the preservation of “units of synthesis,” their influence is good and constructive.”33
“… the lot of a first ray disciple is hard and difficult. There are disciples of Shamballa just as there are disciples of the Hierarchy and this is a fact hitherto not recognised and never as yet referred to in the current writings on occult subjects.
It is wise and valuable to remember this. They are powerful, these disciples of Shamballa, headstrong and often cruel; they impose their will and dictate their desires; they make mistakes but they are nevertheless true disciples of Shamballa and are working out the Will of God as much as the disciples and Masters of the Hierarchy are working out the Love of God.
… I would also remind you that the use of first ray energy inevitably means destruction in the early stages but fusion and blending in the later and final results. If you study the nations of the world today from this angle, you will see this Shamballa energy of will working out potently through the agency of certain great outstanding personalities.
The Lord of Shamballa in this time of urgency, from love of the life aspect and from understanding of the Plan as well as from love of humanity, is sending forth this dynamic energy. It is form destroying and brings death to those material forms and organised bodies which hinder the free expression of the life of God, for they negate the new culture and render inactive the seeds of the coming civilisation.”34
Phillip Lindsay © 2025.
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- Esoteric Astrology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.116. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.3. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.402. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.16-17. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.85. [↩]
- Glamour: A Aworld problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.123. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.427. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.416. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- jeffsachs.org [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.104-5. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey p.22. [↩]
- Scott Ritter, former WMD inspector. thealtworld.com. [↩]
- mindfire.ca [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.69. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.90. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.243. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.134. [↩]
- Pisces as Humourist and Healer [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.394. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.534. [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.77. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.663. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.127. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.281. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.272. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.281. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.272. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.100. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.716. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.13. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.14-15. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.16-17. [↩]
Trump is only interested in self-aggrandisement. He is not sincere in wanting peace. I think it is likely that he is technically insane, that he is schizophrenic with profound delusions of grandeur. He wants to acquire Canada, Greenland, the Panama Canal and Gaza, dragging the Palestinian people from their homes and country, and sending them God knows where.
A very simplistic view. Trump is a player in the externalisation process as is everyone else. There is no simple black or white. Don’t forget Bailey called Stalin “a disciple”. I shudder when I see people in the esoteric genre making very unesoteric comments like this.
First, thank you for doing these letters. They are that beacon of Light that keep the madness we see around us, easier to grasp.
To add to the summary of how the Ukr/Russ. conflict started (2014) for those who don’t know, this is actually the continuation of that old dark war (WW1 and 2, and thet from Atlantean times) and not suprisingly in that dark cloud taking up a good portion of eastern europe. This energy has been festering there ever since (and who knows for how long before that). Below a quote that conncets the Nazi intelligence (Ghelen Org) with the CIA, and todays dark business.
“Most controversial was the America’s alignment with Ukrainian far-right and neo-Nazi extremists, who have a long-standing history of collaboration with the CIA. As is well known, the CIA thought highly of various former Nazis who they believed could be employed during the Cold War to fight their shared enemy: communism. To that end, thousands of Nazi scientists were brought over in Operation Paperclip. The CIA hired Reinhard Gehlen, who was chief of the military intelligence service for the Nazis on the eastern front during World War II, after which he was sponsored by the CIA to establish the anticommunist Gehlen Organisation, before becoming founding president of the BND, West Germany’s federal intelligence service.[17] The CIA helped free Hitler’s favorite commando, Otto Skorzeny, who worked closely with Gehlen, and whose activities during the Cold War ranged from Franco’s Spain to South America, including a stint working for Mossad, the Israeli secret service.[18] Skorzeny was a key figure in the network known as the Fascist International, composed of various right-wing extremists, who serviced the CIA’s covert activities around the world, including Condor in South America, the Golden Triangle heroin trade in South-East Asia, and Operation Gladio in Italy.[19] (Source: 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/the-cia-is-nazi-20-and-have-been )
ps. Op Condor in South America is the reason I can write this in English… “god works in mysterious ways” as they say 😉
Brilliant. Thank you for the additional info.
Not to omit that some Nazis joined pharmaceutical boards. Hence the roots of the current pharma-military-industrial-complex with EUA military developed and distributed bioweapon products. See Dr. David Martin – bioweapon expert that found 5,111 patents related to the mRNA shots that are illegal 1) because they are experimental gene therapy and/or 2) Products – developed under weapons contracts – see Sasha Latypova – that have been foisted on the public. Illegal no matter which way you classify them. [S1 chimeric synthetic spike protein and LPN toxic biokinetic delivery technology].
How very refreshingly clear, reaffirming, and replenishing! This newsletter certainly is a draught drawn from only the purest depths, reflecting the greatest heights. Again, gratitude to you, kind sir, for your continued striving in the pursuit of Goodness, Beauty, and Truth with a determined goal to share what you find. Blessings, blessings, blessings.
Thanks Phillip…. We are sensing an awakening and hope around here with the new and refreshing USA administration. I personally am not concerned or particularly care about Trumps personality, and if compared to past presidents ??
Hopefully Canada will recover from its current govt with a good leader in the coming months as well.
Hello Phillip, I agree with the main idea of your article about the Pisces Full Moon. The fresh air is certainly appreciated!
The arrival of the new United States government is being the “positive destruction” of the dark inertia or corrupt tendencies of our Western civilization, and also of the Eastern one.
But I think it is important not to confuse the positive aspect of said civilization, (the values of the Enlightenment or progressive humanism), with the corruption that has been generated around it. In other words, just because there are Christians murdering in the name of Christ does not mean that the message of the Gospels ceases to be sacred.
What would become of our Western society (and also the world) without the civil rights achieved for the good of the most disadvantaged? What would become of Donald Trump or Elon Musk if they had not grown up under the protection of these inclusive values?
The freedom that Uranus proposes to us can only be sacred (organized) when it is applied by the Conscious Spiritual Will (Vulcan). And the question that I ask myself is the following: what qualities must the Conscious Spiritual Will have in our Solar System governed by Love and Wisdom?
May I advice you to listen to some interviews with Brian Bertelic and Danny Haiphong.
All these alternative media have good perspectives, one of the best is Scott Ritter. This excellent article gets down to the nitty gritty:
“But the reality is that Ukraine is little more than the artificial construct of a succession of outside agencies—the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bolshevik Russia/the Soviet Union, and the so-called “collective West” comprising the US and Europe—each of whom has sought to weaken and subordinate what they call Great Russian chauvinism, and what the Russian people call the Russian nation.”
Maybe. Scott has been right about a lot a things, but I will keep my mind open for the fact that we are being conned by the new administration. It isn’t the first time the US fooled the Russians, the Chinese, the Europeans en in fact the whole world. Don’t loose your critical thinking when you hear the nice words about peace, and so on, would be my advice. Keep your focus on the facts and what they are actually doing.
Obviously Paul! Facts I have always focussed upon, its not my first rodeo!
Thank you for your newsletter Phillip. Although I’m not personally interested in world politics or the human figureheads involved, as a child of the 60s/70s I did enjoy your comments on Dylan and ‘A Complete Unknown’. I did also notice that, unless I missed it, there is no mention of the 5th Ray in your newsletter – would that suggest that it is not in play at this particular time? I’m speaking as a person new to the concept of 7 Rays..
Good question Kate! Although many people have the 5th ray in their ray structure, it is not currently in “incarnation”:
“RAY V — This ray has been in manifestation for nearly seventy years. It will pass out (by special and unique arrangement) in another fifty years [around 1999], thus breaking into its own normal cycle, because it is deemed that the needed special impulse has been adequate and that the impetus given to the human “spirit of discovery” has served its purpose. Any further intensification of the mental processes just now (except through the general pervasive effect of the third ray) might prove disastrous. The ray cycles are usually set and determined, but, in collaboration with each other and because of the imminent spiritual Crisis of Approach, the Lord of the Fifth Ray and the Lord of the World have decided temporarily to withdraw this type of force. It will take about fifty years to do this (Destiny of the Nations, Bailey.)
Bear in mind that the 5th ray is the only ray to pass through Aquarius, so maybe in a couple of centuries when humanity has learnt about this energy a bit more, it will be re-introduced.
Dear Phillip and all, I would like to share some thoughts.
The 1975 Shamballa impact triggered the reaction known today as neo-liberalism, and the outcome is termed globalization.
Upon that foundation the 2000 Shamballa impact called for a Universal Word Constitution.
United Nations responded with the (forgotten) Millennium Development Goals.
To that call the Nations stepped back developing nationalism and Fascism and even Nazism.
So, today the lines of friction are Nationalism on one hand and Universal Governance on the other.
Nazis wanted the World Governance to be leaded by the elect “Arian race” and imposed upon the “inferior races”. That was their crime.
The EU experiment was introduced (if I am “reading” well) by Mahachohan Disciples and the most prominent was the amazing Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. This is a Pattern for Multinational and Multiethnic Federations / Unions.
Nine major Multi-ethnic Formations (USA – EU – RF- Commonwealth – China – India – Shadow Federation of Islam – Shadow Federation of Africa – Shadow Federation of South America) are in a process of solidification of their spheres of influence in terms of Seats of Representation, based on some Pattern resembling the today UN Security Council. That would imply 9 Members, representing all the State Members of the World Parliament.
Human civilization is mature for the first initiation. Artificial Intelligence is “the cherry on the cake” towards this. One Global Economy and Global Tax System to Finance the Civil Society is absolutely possible, but the hindrances are immense.
The Marxist postulate that the form of economic organization or mode of production influences all other social phenomena, including broader social relations, political institutions, legal systems, cultural systems, aesthetics and ideologies, is quite standing.
The Ageless Wisdom postulate that all forms of Governance should serve the Liberation of Consciousness by and through Love stands as the Directive Agent for the Structure of the Economy and Superstructure, namely Civilization, is also here, standing.
War today is just the areas of Friction in the History of the 9 Global Entities Formation.
We need to erase the Cause of the War.
We need a Right World Agreement, such, as to lay the foundation for a Just Distribution of Resources and Goods to all Peoples of the World.
In the West we are guilty for the fact that we enjoy a rich life at the expense of the Third World. Since major parts of the so-called Third World (China and India etc) are taking their right – full share of the World Resources, we complain in the West for the lowering of our consumer status. If not admitting this reality, we are failing as aspirants and disciples, as trapped in the (most unanimously wrong) present civil thoughtforms of the West.
In our present World are in conflict the Law of the Jungle (let the strongest prevail) and the Law of Love (let the weak be nourished). This was ever he case.
So we need to navigate with Wisdom and Will – to – Good, like a downhill rafting boat, in the extreme currents of the stream, taking care not to crash on some rock to either bank of what is individual and what is common, a fourth ray quality in the experience of an entity no mater if collective or individual.
What about “as without, so within”?
Humanity seems to me to be skewed predominantly towards an extroverted expression of itself in these times. So how do I begin to integrate our world symptomatology into my own field of resolution?
For the disciple it would be to continue to deal with one’s Dwella Fella” (Phillips words) no matter how the world looks. That’s my take.
We have to remember, as Master DK said, that Peace is the result (and not the cause) of mutual understanding and sharing or, as you mentioned, “we need a Right World Agreement, such, as to lay the foundation for a Just Distribution of Resources and Goods to all Peoples of the World.
Pepe Escobar: Russia reclaiming Kursk …. Trump LEAK on Ukraine Aid Spark NATO Panic
Geopolitical analyst and journalist Pepe Escobar reveals why Russia’s advance keeps on rolling as Ukraine nears collapse i…
Further links for some readers who took exception to my remarks about the Jewish people. Here are some articles for reading and reflection. Most of the reactions on many of these topics come down to people being poorly informed, exoterically and esoterically.
Jewish Glamour: A Change in Attitude
Psychosynthesis of the Jewish People
The Jewish Group: D.K.’s Letters to Roberto Assagioli (FCD)
Into the Future: The Role of Jewish People
What Would Isaiah Say Now?
Anti-Semitic Allegations against Alice Bailey
Israel & Middle East
By year …………………….
Aries, Passover and the Jewish Scapegoat 2004
Jesus and the Jewish Dispensation 2005
Israel and Gemini 2005
Israel’s Moon in Leo and Saturn Return in Leo 2005
What Can Israel Contribute in Mutual Co-operation? 2006
Israel, Lebanon and World Peace 2006
Israel 2006
Israel’s Karmic Responsibility 2006
Difficulties in Stating the Jewish Problem 2006
Israel & Palestine: Gaza Invasion 2008
Israel & Netanyahu 2010
Jewish People: Global Solar Plexus
Netanyahu & Israel 2010
Capricorn, Redemption and the Scapegoat 2011
Israel’s Chiron in Scorpio and Its Mars Return 2011
Israel Attack on Iran 2012
Libra & Mars in Scorpio: Danger for Israel 2012
Hamas and Israel’s “Terrorism” Excuse 2014
Hamas and Khalad Meshal 2014
Israel’s Dance with Destiny 2014
Leonine Anatomy of the Israel-Gaza Crisis 2014
Israel: Black Moon Lilith in Israel’s Horoscope 2014
Zionism 2014
Transiting Saturn in Scorpio’s Influence Upon Israel 2014
Israel’s Influence in Syria 2016
Syria: Understanding the Agony of Syria 2016
Syria: Cause of Syria’s War: US Interference 2016
Syria: Venus in Scorpio and Syria 2016
Shimon Peres and Israel: War and Peace 2016
Mars in Scorpio: Danger in Israel/Middle East 2017
Capricorn, the Jewish People, Zionism and Israel 2017
Karma of Western Interference in the Middle East 2017
Happy Birthday Not: Israel Apartheid State 2018
Aquarius Rising: Israel’s New ‘Peace’ Plan 2020
Beirut Blast: Mars-Jupiter Devastation 2020
Israel, Netanyahu and the Palestinian Slaughter 2021
Mars Enters Scorpio: Crisis in Israel 2023
Israel: Scorpio New Moon (Nov. 2023)
Eyeless in Gaza: Israel on the Brink 2023
Roots of the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Zionism-Nazism 2023
The Shadow of Pisces and Israel’s Victimhood (2024)
Taurus Israel and the Minotaur in the Labyrinth
USA’s Grovelling to Israel 2024
Virgo: Soul of the Jewish People 2024
Israel the Aggressor 2024
Capricorn, Zionism, Israel: Middle East Crisis 2025
Greater Israel: From the Nile to Euphrates Rivers
The Jewish Personality: Capricorn
Seven Arab Countries and the Neocons
War with Iran May Lead to Global Conflict (2025)
Trumpanyahu on Gaza (2025)
Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu & Israel 2010
Benjamin Netanyahu: Saturn Transit 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu Wins – Again 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu’s Swansong? 2020
Benjamin Netanyahu: Will Pluto be His Nemesis? 2021
Benjamin Netanyahu and the Palestinian Slaughter 2021
Benjamin Netanyahu Invokes Amalek (Nov. 2023)
Benjamin Netanyahu: Libran (2024)
___Connections with Hitler and Shamballa
Arab Nations
Saddam Hussein and the Iraq Invasion 2003
Iraq: Beginning of a Homeland 2004
Iran and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 2006
Egypt and the Arab World: Aquarius the Liberator 2011
Egypt’s Current Crisis: July 9-10 Critical Days 2014
An excellent video discussing how cognitive warfare is used.
REVEALED: NATO Targets Its OWN Population With Cognitive Warfare! | Dr. Jonas Tögel
[Part 1 of 2] Scientist Dr. Jonas Tögel demonstrates in his book “Cognitive Warfare: The Latest Manipulation Techniques as a NATO.
As per usual, Phillip – very lucid analyses!
I’m wondering if the urge to transparency by Plutonian energy will reveal the truth about the Nord Stream pipeline. If Seymour Hersch is correct and I think he is, the revelation will go a long way towards dispelling the misinformation about USA guilt with full complicity of the German government. It will strike a below to NATO and open opportunity for new kinds of multi-polar security architectures which includes Russia, Europe and everyone else.