23 Responses to Pisces 2025: American Revolution 2.0. Russia-Ukraine. Trumpelensky. Europe & NATO. Timothée Chalamet. Sentiment. Shamballa.

  1. Trump is only interested in self-aggrandisement. He is not sincere in wanting peace. I think it is likely that he is technically insane, that he is schizophrenic with profound delusions of grandeur. He wants to acquire Canada, Greenland, the Panama Canal and Gaza, dragging the Palestinian people from their homes and country, and sending them God knows where.

    1. Steven Chernikeeff says:

      A very simplistic view. Trump is a player in the externalisation process as is everyone else. There is no simple black or white. Don’t forget Bailey called Stalin “a disciple”. I shudder when I see people in the esoteric genre making very unesoteric comments like this.

  2. Carlos Urtasun says:

    First, thank you for doing these letters. They are that beacon of Light that keep the madness we see around us, easier to grasp.

    To add to the summary of how the Ukr/Russ. conflict started (2014) for those who don’t know, this is actually the continuation of that old dark war (WW1 and 2, and thet from Atlantean times) and not suprisingly in that dark cloud taking up a good portion of eastern europe. This energy has been festering there ever since (and who knows for how long before that). Below a quote that conncets the Nazi intelligence (Ghelen Org) with the CIA, and todays dark business.
    “Most controversial was the America’s alignment with Ukrainian far-right and neo-Nazi extremists, who have a long-standing history of collaboration with the CIA. As is well known, the CIA thought highly of various former Nazis who they believed could be employed during the Cold War to fight their shared enemy: communism. To that end, thousands of Nazi scientists were brought over in Operation Paperclip. The CIA hired Reinhard Gehlen, who was chief of the military intelligence service for the Nazis on the eastern front during World War II, after which he was sponsored by the CIA to establish the anticommunist Gehlen Organisation, before becoming founding president of the BND, West Germany’s federal intelligence service.[17] The CIA helped free Hitler’s favorite commando, Otto Skorzeny, who worked closely with Gehlen, and whose activities during the Cold War ranged from Franco’s Spain to South America, including a stint working for Mossad, the Israeli secret service.[18] Skorzeny was a key figure in the network known as the Fascist International, composed of various right-wing extremists, who serviced the CIA’s covert activities around the world, including Condor in South America, the Golden Triangle heroin trade in South-East Asia, and Operation Gladio in Italy.[19] (Source: 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/the-cia-is-nazi-20-and-have-been )

    ps. Op Condor in South America is the reason I can write this in English… “god works in mysterious ways” as they say 😉

    1. Vera says:

      Brilliant. Thank you for the additional info.

    2. Craig B. says:

      Not to omit that some Nazis joined pharmaceutical boards. Hence the roots of the current pharma-military-industrial-complex with EUA military developed and distributed bioweapon products. See Dr. David Martin – bioweapon expert that found 5,111 patents related to the mRNA shots that are illegal 1) because they are experimental gene therapy and/or 2) Products – developed under weapons contracts – see Sasha Latypova – that have been foisted on the public. Illegal no matter which way you classify them. [S1 chimeric synthetic spike protein and LPN toxic biokinetic delivery technology].

  3. Colleen S Macmillan says:

    How very refreshingly clear, reaffirming, and replenishing! This newsletter certainly is a draught drawn from only the purest depths, reflecting the greatest heights. Again, gratitude to you, kind sir, for your continued striving in the pursuit of Goodness, Beauty, and Truth with a determined goal to share what you find. Blessings, blessings, blessings.

  4. Lawrence Harrington says:

    Thanks Phillip…. We are sensing an awakening and hope around here with the new and refreshing USA administration. I personally am not concerned or particularly care about Trumps personality, and if compared to past presidents ??
    Hopefully Canada will recover from its current govt with a good leader in the coming months as well.

  5. david says:

    Hello Phillip, I agree with the main idea of ​​your article about the Pisces Full Moon. The fresh air is certainly appreciated!

    The arrival of the new United States government is being the “positive destruction” of the dark inertia or corrupt tendencies of our Western civilization, and also of the Eastern one.

    But I think it is important not to confuse the positive aspect of said civilization, (the values ​​of the Enlightenment or progressive humanism), with the corruption that has been generated around it. In other words, just because there are Christians murdering in the name of Christ does not mean that the message of the Gospels ceases to be sacred.

    What would become of our Western society (and also the world) without the civil rights achieved for the good of the most disadvantaged? What would become of Donald Trump or Elon Musk if they had not grown up under the protection of these inclusive values?

    The freedom that Uranus proposes to us can only be sacred (organized) when it is applied by the Conscious Spiritual Will (Vulcan). And the question that I ask myself is the following: what qualities must the Conscious Spiritual Will have in our Solar System governed by Love and Wisdom?

  6. Paul Zwaga says:

    May I advice you to listen to some interviews with Brian Bertelic and Danny Haiphong.

    1. All these alternative media have good perspectives, one of the best is Scott Ritter. This excellent article gets down to the nitty gritty:

      “But the reality is that Ukraine is little more than the artificial construct of a succession of outside agencies—the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bolshevik Russia/the Soviet Union, and the so-called “collective West” comprising the US and Europe—each of whom has sought to weaken and subordinate what they call Great Russian chauvinism, and what the Russian people call the Russian nation.”


      1. Paul Zwaga says:

        Maybe. Scott has been right about a lot a things, but I will keep my mind open for the fact that we are being conned by the new administration. It isn’t the first time the US fooled the Russians, the Chinese, the Europeans en in fact the whole world. Don’t loose your critical thinking when you hear the nice words about peace, and so on, would be my advice. Keep your focus on the facts and what they are actually doing.

        1. Obviously Paul! Facts I have always focussed upon, its not my first rodeo!

  7. Kate Lang says:

    Thank you for your newsletter Phillip. Although I’m not personally interested in world politics or the human figureheads involved, as a child of the 60s/70s I did enjoy your comments on Dylan and ‘A Complete Unknown’. I did also notice that, unless I missed it, there is no mention of the 5th Ray in your newsletter – would that suggest that it is not in play at this particular time? I’m speaking as a person new to the concept of 7 Rays..

    1. Good question Kate! Although many people have the 5th ray in their ray structure, it is not currently in “incarnation”:

      “RAY V — This ray has been in manifestation for nearly seventy years. It will pass out (by special and unique arrangement) in another fifty years [around 1999], thus breaking into its own normal cycle, because it is deemed that the needed special impulse has been adequate and that the impetus given to the human “spirit of discovery” has served its purpose. Any further intensification of the mental processes just now (except through the general pervasive effect of the third ray) might prove disastrous. The ray cycles are usually set and determined, but, in collaboration with each other and because of the imminent spiritual Crisis of Approach, the Lord of the Fifth Ray and the Lord of the World have decided temporarily to withdraw this type of force. It will take about fifty years to do this (Destiny of the Nations, Bailey.)

      Bear in mind that the 5th ray is the only ray to pass through Aquarius, so maybe in a couple of centuries when humanity has learnt about this energy a bit more, it will be re-introduced.

  8. nikolaos lymperopoulos says:

    Dear Phillip and all, I would like to share some thoughts.

    The 1975 Shamballa impact triggered the reaction known today as neo-liberalism, and the outcome is termed globalization.

    Upon that foundation the 2000 Shamballa impact called for a Universal Word Constitution.

    United Nations responded with the (forgotten) Millennium Development Goals.

    To that call the Nations stepped back developing nationalism and Fascism and even Nazism.

    So, today the lines of friction are Nationalism on one hand and Universal Governance on the other.

    Nazis wanted the World Governance to be leaded by the elect “Arian race” and imposed upon the “inferior races”. That was their crime.

    The EU experiment was introduced (if I am “reading” well) by Mahachohan Disciples and the most prominent was the amazing Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. This is a Pattern for Multinational and Multiethnic Federations / Unions.

    Nine major Multi-ethnic Formations (USA – EU – RF- Commonwealth – China – India – Shadow Federation of Islam – Shadow Federation of Africa – Shadow Federation of South America) are in a process of solidification of their spheres of influence in terms of Seats of Representation, based on some Pattern resembling the today UN Security Council. That would imply 9 Members, representing all the State Members of the World Parliament.

    Human civilization is mature for the first initiation. Artificial Intelligence is “the cherry on the cake” towards this. One Global Economy and Global Tax System to Finance the Civil Society is absolutely possible, but the hindrances are immense.

    The Marxist postulate that the form of economic organization or mode of production influences all other social phenomena, including broader social relations, political institutions, legal systems, cultural systems, aesthetics and ideologies, is quite standing.

    The Ageless Wisdom postulate that all forms of Governance should serve the Liberation of Consciousness by and through Love stands as the Directive Agent for the Structure of the Economy and Superstructure, namely Civilization, is also here, standing.

    War today is just the areas of Friction in the History of the 9 Global Entities Formation.

    We need to erase the Cause of the War.

    We need a Right World Agreement, such, as to lay the foundation for a Just Distribution of Resources and Goods to all Peoples of the World.

    In the West we are guilty for the fact that we enjoy a rich life at the expense of the Third World. Since major parts of the so-called Third World (China and India etc) are taking their right – full share of the World Resources, we complain in the West for the lowering of our consumer status. If not admitting this reality, we are failing as aspirants and disciples, as trapped in the (most unanimously wrong) present civil thoughtforms of the West.

    In our present World are in conflict the Law of the Jungle (let the strongest prevail) and the Law of Love (let the weak be nourished). This was ever he case.

    So we need to navigate with Wisdom and Will – to – Good, like a downhill rafting boat, in the extreme currents of the stream, taking care not to crash on some rock to either bank of what is individual and what is common, a fourth ray quality in the experience of an entity no mater if collective or individual.

  9. Cynthia says:

    What about “as without, so within”?
    Humanity seems to me to be skewed predominantly towards an extroverted expression of itself in these times. So how do I begin to integrate our world symptomatology into my own field of resolution?

    1. Carlos Urtasun says:

      For the disciple it would be to continue to deal with one’s Dwella Fella” (Phillips words) no matter how the world looks. That’s my take.

  10. Paul Zwaga says:

    We have to remember, as Master DK said, that Peace is the result (and not the cause) of mutual understanding and sharing or, as you mentioned, “we need a Right World Agreement, such, as to lay the foundation for a Just Distribution of Resources and Goods to all Peoples of the World.

  11. Pepe Escobar: Russia reclaiming Kursk …. Trump LEAK on Ukraine Aid Spark NATO Panic
    Geopolitical analyst and journalist Pepe Escobar reveals why Russia’s advance keeps on rolling as Ukraine nears collapse i…


    1. Further links for some readers who took exception to my remarks about the Jewish people. Here are some articles for reading and reflection. Most of the reactions on many of these topics come down to people being poorly informed, exoterically and esoterically.

      Jewish Glamour: A Change in Attitude
      Psychosynthesis of the Jewish People
      The Jewish Group: D.K.’s Letters to Roberto Assagioli (FCD)
      Into the Future: The Role of Jewish People
      What Would Isaiah Say Now?
      Anti-Semitic Allegations against Alice Bailey


      Israel & Middle East
      By year …………………….
      Aries, Passover and the Jewish Scapegoat 2004
      Jesus and the Jewish Dispensation 2005
      Israel and Gemini 2005
      Israel’s Moon in Leo and Saturn Return in Leo 2005
      What Can Israel Contribute in Mutual Co-operation? 2006
      Israel, Lebanon and World Peace 2006
      Israel 2006
      Israel’s Karmic Responsibility 2006
      Difficulties in Stating the Jewish Problem 2006
      Israel & Palestine: Gaza Invasion 2008
      Israel & Netanyahu 2010
      Jewish People: Global Solar Plexus
      Netanyahu & Israel 2010
      Capricorn, Redemption and the Scapegoat 2011
      Israel’s Chiron in Scorpio and Its Mars Return 2011
      Israel Attack on Iran 2012
      Libra & Mars in Scorpio: Danger for Israel 2012
      Hamas and Israel’s “Terrorism” Excuse 2014
      Hamas and Khalad Meshal 2014
      Israel’s Dance with Destiny 2014
      Leonine Anatomy of the Israel-Gaza Crisis 2014
      Israel: Black Moon Lilith in Israel’s Horoscope 2014
      Zionism 2014
      Transiting Saturn in Scorpio’s Influence Upon Israel 2014
      Israel’s Influence in Syria 2016
      Syria: Understanding the Agony of Syria 2016
      Syria: Cause of Syria’s War: US Interference 2016
      Syria: Venus in Scorpio and Syria 2016
      Shimon Peres and Israel: War and Peace 2016
      Mars in Scorpio: Danger in Israel/Middle East 2017
      Capricorn, the Jewish People, Zionism and Israel 2017
      Karma of Western Interference in the Middle East 2017
      Happy Birthday Not: Israel Apartheid State 2018
      Aquarius Rising: Israel’s New ‘Peace’ Plan 2020
      Beirut Blast: Mars-Jupiter Devastation 2020
      Israel, Netanyahu and the Palestinian Slaughter 2021
      Mars Enters Scorpio: Crisis in Israel 2023
      Israel: Scorpio New Moon (Nov. 2023)
      Eyeless in Gaza: Israel on the Brink 2023
      Roots of the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Zionism-Nazism 2023
      The Shadow of Pisces and Israel’s Victimhood (2024)
      Taurus Israel and the Minotaur in the Labyrinth
      USA’s Grovelling to Israel 2024
      Virgo: Soul of the Jewish People 2024
      Israel the Aggressor 2024
      Capricorn, Zionism, Israel: Middle East Crisis 2025
      Greater Israel: From the Nile to Euphrates Rivers
      The Jewish Personality: Capricorn
      Seven Arab Countries and the Neocons
      War with Iran May Lead to Global Conflict (2025)
      Trumpanyahu on Gaza (2025)

      Benjamin Netanyahu
      Benjamin Netanyahu & Israel 2010
      Benjamin Netanyahu: Saturn Transit 2019
      Benjamin Netanyahu Wins – Again 2019
      Benjamin Netanyahu’s Swansong? 2020
      Benjamin Netanyahu: Will Pluto be His Nemesis? 2021
      Benjamin Netanyahu and the Palestinian Slaughter 2021
      Benjamin Netanyahu Invokes Amalek (Nov. 2023)
      Benjamin Netanyahu: Libran (2024)
      ___Connections with Hitler and Shamballa

      Arab Nations
      Saddam Hussein and the Iraq Invasion 2003
      Iraq: Beginning of a Homeland 2004
      Iran and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 2006
      Egypt and the Arab World: Aquarius the Liberator 2011
      Egypt’s Current Crisis: July 9-10 Critical Days 2014

  12. An excellent video discussing how cognitive warfare is used.

    REVEALED: NATO Targets Its OWN Population With Cognitive Warfare! | Dr. Jonas Tögel
    [Part 1 of 2] Scientist Dr. Jonas Tögel demonstrates in his book “Cognitive Warfare: The Latest Manipulation Techniques as a NATO.


  13. Craig B. says:

    As per usual, Phillip – very lucid analyses!

  14. Paul L Bundick says:

    I’m wondering if the urge to transparency by Plutonian energy will reveal the truth about the Nord Stream pipeline. If Seymour Hersch is correct and I think he is, the revelation will go a long way towards dispelling the misinformation about USA guilt with full complicity of the German government. It will strike a below to NATO and open opportunity for new kinds of multi-polar security architectures which includes Russia, Europe and everyone else.

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