Sagittarius 2018: Jupiter. Nicholas Roerich. Belgium-Brexit. California Fires. Brazil. Julian Assange.
Sagittarius keynote:
“I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.”
(Full Moon November 23, 2018. 5.39 am UT.)
Jupiter in Sagittarius: Father of the Sky
USA, Sagittarius and Trump
Nicholas Roerich: “Honorary Sagittarian”
Jupiter Ingress Horoscope: Indications for the Next 12 Years
Jupiter in Sagittarius: Fly Like an Eagle
Belgium: Sagittarian Soul – Holding the European Vision?
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: Keeping the Focus in Brussels
California Fires: USA’s Heart Centre Purified by Fire
Brazil’s Struggle for Soul: Mars in Scorpio
Brazil’s new president Jair Bolsonaro
Julian Assange: Sagittarius Soul Purpose
More Recent Commentaries on Scorpio
Unveiling Genesis: Myteries of the Rootraces and Cycles (book)
The Hidden History of Humanity (video)

Jupiter the artist! A recent stunning image taken from the spacecraft Juno. The same series of photos follow.
Jupiter in Sagittarius: Father of the Sky
Once in every 12 years the “father of the sky” returns home, to the sign of his rulership, Sagittarius. And the full moon period of Sagittarius 2018 sees Jupiter closely conjunct the Sun. Esoterically, Jupiter and the Sun are rulers of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the major ray of healing and teaching; the second ray is that fundamental force that underlies the entire matrix of this solar system; their conjunction at the full moon will stimulate the entry of this much-needed energy into a world that seethes with much hatred and division.
Hence, when Jove reaches the fiery archer in Sagittarius, the solar system’s largest planet finds itself in its element. Fire is a symbol of the mind and Sagittarius rules those themes related to the higher mind (the abode of the soul) – philosophy, religion, creative arts and sciences, esotericism, metaphysics, academic education, long distance travel etc. Jupiter will stimulate all these areas in the next year and although its energy is traditionally “positive”, its penchant for ampification or exaggeration of existing issues, combined with its unrelenting search for the truth, may create crises in all the above-mentioned fields.
USA, Sagittarius and Trump
Equally however, new emerging paradigms may be high-lighted, as well as the renewal of perennial philosophies that are the foundation of nations – bringing them back to their spiritual roots. A good example for this spiritual make-over potential is the USA, whose soul is upon the second ray of love-wisdom, its 1776 horoscope is Sagittarius rising and where the political capital Washington, is a Sagittarius personality.
The nation is a great example of all that is good about the second ray and Sagittarius – of inclusiveness and compassion, teeming with new ideas, but also the excesses of this ray and sign – religious fanaticism, impulsiveness and compromising the truth. Washington is the crown chakra that directs the nation with the political decisions and legislation that takes place there. Jupiter in Sagittarius may bring a hail of fiery arrows to rain down upon the congressmen and leadership, pricking consciences and urging them to return to, or renew their ethics and principles that have become so tarnished by creeping corporate corruption.

Mime and the Wanderer, by Arthur Rackham. (From Siegfried by Wagner.) The Wanderer is Wotan in disguise, the Scandinavian version of Jupiter or Zeus.
Or Jupiter passing through Sagittarius can strengthen existing fanatical, fundamentalist viewpoints. Jupiter will pass over Donald Trump’s moon in Sagittarius several times from February to October 2019. It will trigger the moon’s natal opposition to his Sun in Gemini, hence the public may expect the unexpected! Trump’s Sagittarius moon is a classic example of the archer firing arrows in all directions; putting foot in mouth; a grass fire blowing this way then that; bigger word salads (Gemini) will be definitely on the menu!
And so likewise, in our personal horoscopes, Jupiter will be creating opportunities for consciousness expansion, going beyond one’s usual boundaries, exploring the inner planes of perception, or adventuring to the highest mountains and broadest plains. Indeed, Krishnamurti (Sagittarius moon) reportedly loved to watch western movies, because of the grandeur of the natural beauty depicted in them.
Sagittarius is a sign that insists upon an undeviating search for the truth and spiritual knowledge – to the know the Divine Mind; to aim its arrows toward the “raincloud of knowable things” – and by piercing, enable the precipitation of the higher wisdom into earthly consciousness; to metaphorically or actually, trudge the highways and by-ways of the Earth searching for meaning. Sage-ittarius gains much of its wisdom from consciousness expanding long distance travel. Mark Twain, who had Sun, Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius, once affirmed:
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”[1]
A good message for Twain’s fellow Americans who, though ruled by Sagittarius in several ways, are also ruled by stay-at-home Cancer! In some respects, the country is so big, that going to another state might be like going overseas!
The Earth is the soul ruler of Sagittarius, hence the importance of its placement in the horoscope, particularly for Sagittarius rising. But often Sagittarius can aim too high or idealistically, missing its mark, becoming ungrounded, unanchored from reality, locked in old philosophical paradigms that are crystallised and have no use for the present day; or following teachers and gurus who have distorted the original doctrine; Sagittarius moon Krishnamurti was “guilty” of this.
Sagittarius tensions exuberance and exhilaration in the bend of its bow and it can easily become drunk on its own inflated sense of self, or the generation of wild ideas; it is certainly the “know-all” sign of the zodiac – in the sense of a broad, all-encompassing knowledge, but also the boorish know-it-all lacking wisdom.
Nicholas Roerich: “Honorary Sagittarian”
Whatever signs with which we are graced at birth, everyone has the opportunity to experience and express all the signs of the zodiac throughout an incarnation. The Russian artist Nicholas Roerich, was a Libran sun with Venus in Sagittarius; for 30 years his progressed sun was in Sagittarius, reflecting his journeys into and beyond the Himalayas.
Roerich’s paintings often depict the Sagittarian themes of vast geographical expanses, lofty mountain peaks and high spiritual aspiration, inspiring awe and wonder. From 1925 to 1929 he led the five-year-long “Roerich Asian Expedition” – from Sikkim to the Gobi Desert, Tibet and beyond, one of the most epic journeys of the 20th century:
“The expedition caravan leaving India (Sikkim) passed through China, Russia (entering Moscow), Siberia, Altay, Mongolia, Tibet and again returned to India. The extremely extensive itinerary of the expedition passed difficult to access, practically uninvestigated regions of Central Asia and Himalaya. A total of approximately 25 thousand kilometers were travelled, 35 alpine mountain passes were surmounted, Takla Makan, and Gobi deserts as well. For the first time mountain peaks and passes were marked and specified on a map.
During the expedition, investigations in history, archeology, ethnography, history of arts and religion, geography and botanic, ornithology and other sciences were made. Enormous authentic material was collected. Right after the expedition two books of the N.K. Roerich diaries, Altai Himalaya and Heart of Asia, had been published. In the course of the expedition and afterward, the artist painted more than seven thousand paintings, including a series of pictures – Banners of the East, His Country, Maitreya, Himalayas. The art works of N.K. Roerich had a characteristic peculiarity – the precision of scientific approach in his pictures harmonises with the master′s bright original vividness of his paintings.”[2]
Nicholas’s wife Helena, his sons and six others were part of the grueling expedition (where many animals and some people died), whose goal was to establish “The Sacred Union of the East”, connecting with the Masters of Wisdom and Shamballa. At the beginning of the journey, Roerich’s progressed sun was in Sagittarius, moving over that five year period into an exact sextile aspect to Sagittarius ruler – Jupiter in Libra; when they began the journey, transiting Jupiter was also aiding and abetting in Sagittarius!
Jupiter Ingress Horoscope: Indications for the Next 12 years
A Jupiter ingress chart describes trends for the next 12 year cycle, through to 2030. Half way through that cycle is the critical date of 2025, the period of the Masters once-in-a-century conclave, where decisions will be made about their externalisation among Humanity once again, culminating with the reappearance of Lord Maitreya or Christ.
Jupiter Ingress Horoscope (Nov.8, 2018)
The chart is set for New York City, the ajna centre of the Western Races, giving Scorpio rising; set for the throat centre London, Capricorn rising. Both horoscopes are powerful – Scorpio and Capricorn are signs of initiation, but NYC might be more relevant. With Scorpio rising and moon in Scorpio conjunct the ascendant, it reveals humanity’s ongoing battle with the Planetary Dweller on the Threshold. The searing experiences of the burning ground of initiation are really identified here. The ongoing Brexit negotiations during the sun’s passage through Scorpio is one recent indicator.
Scorpio ruler Mars, squares Moon and ascendant in Scorpio, hence the battle is really on. Yet Mars in Aquarius has the capacity to think outside the box, with innovative ideas that can overcome the old habit patterns of the Moon.
Mars is the planetary Hercules who has the capacity to lift the snarling hydra out of the swamp. This position of Mars falls on USA’s moon in Aquarius, underlining the USA’s current crisis of trying to move forward, but bound by the past. Highly significant in this ingress horoscope is Jupiter rising, showing the way forward – emerging from Scorpio’s gates of hell and catapaulted with inspiration and aspiration into a stratosphere of broader understanding.
The Venus in Libra, Uranus in Aries opposition speaks of a radical change in relationships, a new approach to right human relations – moving away from fear-based tribal consciousness. There is much more of course but space does not suffice – students may draw their own conclusions.
But is the triple Scorpio factor which is really the issue here. The moon represents the past and the rising sign, the future triumph over the Dweller. The moon falls in Scorpio, “expressing symbolically that which is dead.”; it is connected to the past, hence MEMORY – individual, national and racial – aspects of the individual or collective shadow.
The following passage describes an individual facing the shadow or the “dwella fella”, but it applies equally to Humanity as a whole, facing its collective shadow – and the accompanying conflict, leading eventually to illumination. This gives some pause for thought and cause for hope in these dark days – serving as a reminder to the many illusory and APPARENT happenings of our time. “Apparent” because Scorpio is a sign where “maya flourishes and deception rules”:
“In Scorpio, two most occult factors emerge from the past and begin to engross the attention of the disciple. One is memory and the other is, as a consequence of the memory, the Dweller on the Threshold. Memory in the sense here involved is not simply just a faculty of the mind, as is so oft supposed, but it is essentially a creative power. It is basically an aspect of thought and—coupled with imagination—is a creative agent because thoughts are things, as well you know.
From ancient recesses of the memory, from a deeply rooted past which is definitely recalled, and from the racial and the individual subconscious (or founded and established thought reservoirs and desires, inherited and inherent) there emerges from individual past lives and experience that which is the sum total of all instinctual tendencies, of all inherited glamours and of all phases of wrong mental attitudes; to these (as they constitute a blended whole) we give the name of the Dweller on the Threshold.
This Dweller is the sum total of all the personality characteristics which have remained unconquered and unsubdued and which must be finally overcome before initiation can be taken. Each life sees some progress made; some personality defects straightened out and some real advance effected. But the unconquered residue and the ancient liabilities are numerous and excessively potent and—when soul contact is adequately established—there eventuates a life wherein the highly developed and powerful personality becomes, in itself, the Dweller on the Threshold.
Then the Angel of the Presence and the Dweller stand face to face and something must then be done. Eventually, the light of the personal self fades out and wanes in the blaze of glory which emanates from the Angel. Then the greater glory obliterates the lesser.”[3] (See the rest of the passage here.)
Jupiter in Sagittarius: Fly Like an Eagle
“I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
Till I’m free
Oh, Lord, through the revolution …”
As Jupiter moves from the last degree of Scorpio into its own rulership of Sagittarius, the lyric from the old space cowboy himself – Steve Miller, comes to mind. His music may not be everyone’s up of tea, but there are some very interesting features in this song.
The eagle is the highest symbol of Scorpio, representing the power and might of the soul, soaring high above the world with its eagle-eye view of the whole. As commented earlier, Jupiter passing from Scorpio to Sagittarius is like emerging singed and scathed from the gates of hell and launching into the stratosphere! In the ancient Roman tradition, Jupiter’s primary sacred animal was the eagle.
Sagittarius is about taking flight into new adventures – from the highest mountains, through deserts and down to the sea – or simply in consciousness. Steve Miller is a Libran sun with a Sagittarius moon and Scorpio rising – and like many musicians, can be a channel for higher inspiration.
The song was first penned in mid 1973, on Miller’s first Saturn return in Gemini, exactly opposite his Moon in Sagittarius – which sits at the degree of the “galactic centre”. When it was performed in December 1973, the sun, on its annual course through Sagittarius, passed over Miller’s moon. Later when it was released in 1976, his solar-directed ascendant was conjunct the Sagittarian moon. And when the song became a huge hit on March 12, 1977, it was Miller’s lunar return, with Sagittarius ruler Jupiter opposite his Scorpio ascendant.
Not only this, but Saturn in Gemini plays a key role in its exact opposition to Miller’s moon. Saturn is the Lord of Time, and the repeating lyrics for the song are, “Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’, Into the future …”.
Belgium: Sagittarian Soul – Holding the European Vision?
Apart from Spain, Belgium is the only nation given by Master D.K. as having a Sagittarius soul. (Italy, Washington and South Africa are Sagittarius personalities.)[4] Hence, Jupiter’s Sagittarian presence will affect all these nations and most hopefully Belgium. Why? Because Belgium’s capital Brussels, is widely regarded as the de facto capital of the European Union with its long history of hosting the EU’s institutions.
Given the current Brexit crisis and the British cabinet fragmenting into a shambles, the philosophical basis that created the European Union may need to be re-enunciated for Britain, to counter the minority of selfish, moneyed interests that perpetuated this sham upon the British people, rendering utter confusion. Like the UN, the EU is not perfect, it is a relatively young entity evolving over recent decades and of course suffers from corrupting selfish interests in Brussels. The European Union is,
“… where members have agreed to act as one. EU policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services and capital within the internal market, enact legislation in justice and home affairs and maintain common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries and regional development … passport controls have been abolished. A monetary union was established in 1999 … composed of 19 EU member states which use the euro currency.”[5]
Sagittarius is a sign that understands the big picture, the whole. If the world’s destiny is about moving toward a greater integration and co-operation of nations, then blocs like the European Union are essential for these long term goals; to connect eventually with other blocs, that will be later effected during the age of Aquarius, when these various entities are more refined in their development. Aquarius will be the era of group co-operation and planetary community.

Demonstrators on an anti-Brexit March for Europe hold EU flags as they march to Parliament Square in central London on September 3, 2016.
The complications of a Brexit can currently be seen as unworkable and may result in another referendum for the British people. The stubborn, recalcitrant Taurus personality of Britain is currently preventing its Gemini soul from right expression. Gemini is the great connector and communicator – Britain’s soul does not want to be disconnected from the rest of Europe. Britain also has a very important role to play as part of the subjective entity know as the Commonwealth, whose nations are scattered across the globe.
Brussels is situated one hour’s flight away from London, quite close within its aura. London is the throat centre of this Fifth Rootrace and the heart centre of Geneva is not too far away in Switzerland. Britain and Brussels are both Gemini souls and Belgium as a whole is a Gemini personality, so the scope for communication of philosophical ideas is greatly augmented at this time by Jupiter’s movement through polar opposite Sagittarius. Geneva is a second ray love-wisdom personality, hence it will also be responsive to the transit of second ray ruler Jupiter.
Entity | Soul | Personality | Soul-Personality Rays |
Belgium | Sagittarius | Gemini | Not given. |
Brussels | Gemini | Capricorn | Not given. |
Britain | Gemini | Taurus | 2/1 Love-Wisdom/Will-Power |
Geneva | Not given | Leo | 1/2 Will-Power/Love-Wisdom |
The map below displays these cities in triangular relationship with one another, and may be worthy of visualisation by meditating groups at any full moon period. Observers have stated that it appears at this stage that the best solution may be for parliament to force the Government to withdraw Article 50 and cancel Brexit. During the full moon period and just after on November 25, UK Prime Minister flies to Brussels to meet the EU ambassadors:
“If nothing extraordinary happens, we will hold a European council meeting to finalise and formalise the Brexit agreement. It will take place on Sunday 25 November at 9.30am,” he said. “Finally, let me say this to our British friends: as much as I am sad to see you leave I will do everything to make this farewell the least painful possible, both for you and for us.”1
Subjective Triangle of London, Brussels and Geneva.
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: Keeping the Focus in Brussels
Mercury has been on one of its retrograde cycles for the past week, back-stepping through Sagittarius, the sign of philosophical ideas, principles and ethics. Hence, Mercury’s movement through this sign allows a review of personal and collective philosophies hitherto held. Is what was thought previously, really useful or appropriate anymore? Is it an opportune moment to discard those old ideas and embrace some new ones? Mercury’s cycle is also activating the Gemini polarity, doubly emphasised at this full moon period with the Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius.
The great danger of the lower side of Gemini is to increase and magnify superficial and unfocused behaviour, particularly on social forums and chat groups, but also the world at large. Billions are using cell phones now, but many of them are being used and even “owned” by digital technologies, turning them into hypnotised zombies – “digidiots”, constantly glued to their screens. And no conversation or human interaction is taking place. Practically no one is immune from this, no matter how high-minded they might think they are, we are all affected by it to some degree – and many do not even seem to realise it.
The internet and instant chat/comment options is where one constantly witnesses this new phenomenon, and it appears to be getting worse. Hence, the superficiality that says or asks the first thing that comes to mind, without noticing what is already right there and without thinking things through; the former is the immediacy of Gemini impressionability, the latter is the follow-through of the Sagittarian’s arrow finding the target. The monkey mind jumps from one branch to another, clicking on this, scanning superficially through that, in order to keep up with the vast amount of data – for which each one has elected to try and keep up.
Mercury will be retrograde for another two weeks, during some critical political periods, such as the Brexit decision that will be taken in Brussels this weekend November 25. Mercury can be the cheeky and prank-playing monkey, or the intuitive mediator between warring factions. Hence Mercury’s extreme importance this weekend while it is retrograde in thoughtful Sage-ittarius. The effect of this outcome will impact on the whole world, not just Europe.
Mercury is the ruler of Gemini which rules Brussel’s soul and Belgium’s personality. (Belgium is a Sagittarius soul.) Britain is a Gemini soul and her fate will be decided this weekend in Brussels. Gemini is the major sign of communication between all entities, human or national – hence the extraordinary opportunity for right communication that will result in a good outcome for all. It is also an opportune moment to hold Brussels subjectively in the light this weekend, drawing upon the power of the full moon solar festival in Sagittarius.
California Fires: USA’s Heart Centre Purified by Fire
In trying to understand the fire situation, the state of California’s horoscope for 1850 is the first place to investigate, from the mundane angle. Fire is the purging purifier and this state has had many fires that are all part of nature’s rhythmic regeneration process.
But the current fire is the third deadliest in California’s history (“Camp Fire”), with a total of 76+ lives and 11,862+ structures lost so far – many people missing, with no containment in sight. Last year’s fire on October 8 (exactly 13 months ago), held the previous record with 5,643 structures lost and 22 lives. All previous fires going back to 2005 have had nowhere near the loss of life and property.[6] So what are the astrological factors reflecting these events in California’s 1850 horoscope?
California is a Virgo sun, with moon and Venus in early Scorpio conjunct a Libran ascendant. Some charts have Scorpio rising, but for the purposes of this delineation Libra will be used. If the date of October 8 (Libra) is considered as the worst previous fire, with several intermittent fires since then, one major transit affecting them all can be seen – Uranus, the esoteric ruler of the Libran ascendant.
Since August 2017, Uranus began its 84 year return cycle – coming back to its natal position for the second time since California’s 1850 inception. California was “born” on a sub-cycle of the 7th ray of organisation and magic – and Uranus rules that ray.
In the birth chart, Uranus is conjunct transformative Pluto in the last degree of fiery Aries; it is a conjunction that speaks to California’s great pioneers who traveled West, innovative and entrepreneurial skills in the tech industry and the creative arts, as well as the mineral wealth of the gold rush that birthed it. Both planets are angular, exactly opposite the Libran ascendant.
Readers will note on the astro-cartography picture that the line for Uranus bisects California between San Francisco and Los Angeles. The line for Pluto is in “orb” just off the coast, whilst the moon-Venus conjunction passes precisely through Los Angeles! (This is connected to the recent Scorpio Hollywood commentaries.) Uranus and Pluto are also both connected to earthquake activity. “Camp Fire” has also been pushed by strong Diablo winds, aptly named for the Scorpio planets!
Uranus entered Taurus in May this year, but is now retrograding back into Aries, connecting with natal Uranus for the second of three passes. Uranus is slowing right down as it prepares to turn to direct motion; as a result, it will sit in a stationary position on natal Uranus-Pluto in Aries – all the way through to March 2019. Hence, there is the possibility that this drastic purge may continue for some time, as Uranus completes its inauguration of the next 84 year cycle. Uranus is associated with electricity and fire and also governs the electrical activity that activates the beating heart.
“Uranus embodies the energy of the seventh ray and … relates spirit and matter … brings together electric fire and fire by friction [fire as we know it], thus producing manifestation. Uranus leads the soul to the burning ground during the final stages of the Path, when the fire of Aries and the fires engendered through the potency of Uranus produce the flaming heat of the final burning ground. Through this burning ground, the initiate has finally to pass. Uranus rules the occult Way and is, in an esoteric sense, connected with the Hierophant of the Mysteries of Initiation.”[7]
Los Angeles is esoterically regarded as the heart chakra of the USA, to date relatively unawakened but perhaps now starting to unfold its petals.[8] It could therefore be inferred that the USA has been going through the burning ground of initiation that has a particular connection to the heart centre. Not the “final burning ground” but a burning ground nonetheless.
As this nation endures the pain of its ongoing crisis and gropes through the smoke of its dark night of the soul – it is entirely appropriate that the heart is cleansed and purified in order to allow the soul of the nation to take hold; to wrestle it back from the consuming materialistic forces that have engulfed it. The USA is in its burning ground of initiation, running the gauntlet of these precarious days.
California transits and progressions.
Transiting Jupiter has just entered Sagittarius on November 8, along with Mercury and the moon moving through this fiery sign, furiously fanning the flames. There is a volatility to Sagittarius, whose image or symbol can be likened to a fire running amok, sending it in all directions, or changing directions rapidly.
However, Jupiter is also the ruler of the heart centre and the second ray of love-wisdom, so its subjective work is to help awaken the masses from their material comfort, apathy or selfishness – in order to embrace the higher values, philosophical and spiritual perspectives. Malibu might be one obvious example of how wealth and comfort has no resistance to the awesome power of nature that can reduce houses to ashes in minutes. But bear in mind, as the flaming heart, Los Angeles/California is functioning on behalf of the entire nation – and all that is not aligned with the national soul purpose of the second ray of Love-Wisdom and Aquarius.
The purification by burning in California, has a distributing effect via all the etheric nadi lines that connect it to the other cities/chakras like Chicago, NYC and Washington. It is also notable how these tragic events bring people closer together in co-operation and a deepened compassion.
Also, transiting Pluto and progressed Venus have been squaring natal Saturn and solar arc Venus in Aries for the same span of time during this past year. Saturn is the lord of karma and Pluto will not finish its work on this square aspect until the end of 2019; then transiting Saturn will join Pluto to square itself in Aries; many crises are coming to a head it seems.
What is the symbolism of drought and dryness – an arid national heart? A heart devoid of compassion and kindness? This has been amply demonstrated by the US leadership in recent times – over a whole range of issues. Relief from rain may be in sight as transiting Neptune will begin to oppose California’s sun in earthy Virgo (Dec-Jan 2019) and may result in seeing some rain fall upon the parched land.
The transit will last for two years and as Neptune is the god of the waters, there could be torrents of it coming – from one extreme to another! This is however speculative but fires and mudslides are part of the cycle; water is also a cleansing and purifying agent and Neptune is connected to the heart as well, through the raising of forces from the solar plexus centre. (Chicago)
Finally, Venus the exoteric ruler of Libra rising, has also been active in the timing of these events, like the minute hand of the clock, whereas Uranus has been the hour hand. When the annual Venus return in Scorpio occurred in early September, Venus has since been retrograding from its position in Scorpio back over the moon in Scorpio (the dweller or shadow) – and then to its natal position, into Libra and across the rising sign that is directly opposite natal Uranus-Pluto. Likewise, whilst Venus was in Scorpio it was dancing a tango with Uranus, still in Taurus at that time, hence massive stimulations from both these planets, respective rulers of Libra rising.
Now, Venus is going stationary as it prepares to turn from retrograde to direct motion in five days time. Then, by November 28, Venus passes back over the Libra ascendant, activating the Uranus-Pluto opposition for the last time. It will be interesting to watch its progress and to see if Libran peace and harmony is restored by then. Laid back Libra is very Californian!
There is much going on in this mundane horoscope for 1850, and it is not too much of a stretch to interpret the above events accordingly, indeed there are some uncanny connections. If the Libra ascendant is considered, then its critical activation at this time concerns a restoration of balance for the nation as a whole. An interesting passage follows, describing how the fire devas perform under human direction for purposes of purification”
“Purificatory mantrams that awaken a fire that purifies, and burns on one of the three lower planes. This is effected through the activity of elementals, controlled by fire devas, and under the direct guidance of an initiate or disciple for some specific purificatory end. The end may be to cleanse some one of the bodies or to purify a locality, a house or a temple.”[9]
Brazil’s Struggle for Soul: Mars in Scorpio
Brazil’s development is important to trace, as its destiny is to be the home of the next (sixth) rootrace that is already coalescing. Brazil is part of an evolutionary triangle with Britain and the USA, but will eventually supersede them both:
“Brazil will — at some distant date — represent a linking interpreting civilisation, based on the unfoldment of the abstract consciousness which is a blend of the intellect and the intuition and which serves to reveal the wisdom aspect of love in its beauty … Brazil will function as the leading division of the great sixth race … Brazil will later represent the best of that which the Latin races have eventually to give … Brazil is on the Path of Probation and will rapidly move forward.”[10]
Brazil’s traditional 1822 horoscope is Aquarius rising, but the chart used here gives the opposite sign, Leo rising – in sync with what has been given as Brazil’s soul[11]; its personality is Virgo, corresponding to the Virgo sun in the 1822 chart. Regarding Brazil’s soul purpose, the following was written in a 2016 newsletter about the Olympic Games in Brazil:
“Also during this period of the next couple of years, transiting Neptune will oppose the Virgo sun, starting around April 2017 through to February 2019. Neptune will be dissolving away Brazil’s sense of self and old crystallised patterns, a healthy phase for making a new start. Yet, the lower expression of Neptune can create confusion about the national identity, as well as inviting further subterfuge and deception by selfish interests. Hence, this will be a prolonged period of uncertainty for the next three years.
But Neptune can also bring high inspiration and a new idealism that can craft a new vision for Brazil. Neptune is the soul ruler of Brazil’s Leo soul, hence its opposition to the Virgo personality has a strong potential to align personality with soul; to be subsequently energised, driving the nation forward into a new era, symbolised by the progressed Sun entering Aries.”[12]
Brazil: Leo rising soul purpose.
There is synastry of Brazil’s progressed Sun, Mars and Pluto all in Aries, close to the degree of president-elect Bolsonaro’s sun. (His Mars-Aries policy on guns is particularly disturbing.) He may well be a polarising, dictatorial figure in Brazil, but his tenure may bring about a balance in the next several years, through generating greater political awareness, defining issues and subsequent activism by the people.
The recent grand cross for the full moon of Scorpio and election day, fell right on Brazil’s Mars in Scorpio – the sign of discipleship and the battle with the dragon of materialism. It is quite likely that the next few years will see many battles – ideologically and physically, as recent violent demonstrations over the election outcome have indicated.
Brazil transits and progressions.
Transiting Uranus is also prominent in the picture, agent of revolution and change – and hierarchical ruler of Leo rising. Its opposition from Taurus to Mars in Scorpio, through to early 2020 will be a major factor in Brazil’s reorganisation and reorientation. This transit could well be the harbinger of much chaos, conflict and violence – but also radical change.
Brazil is a fourth ray soul, the ray of Harmony through Conflict, also the ray or art and beauty. Uniquely among the nations, Brazil is the only nation with a personality upon the second ray of Love-Wisdom – and therein lies her saving grace.
Brazil’s Leo potential will start to flower during the Age of Aquarius – in the next 2,000 year cycle. Leo’s ability to invoke its polar opposite Aquarius will start to emerge (especially with Aquarius ruler Uranus so active currently) – creating a synthesis of national life, a unification and fusion, blending together further the many ethnic threads that compose that nation, and playing a greater role on the world stage for global fusion.

People watch as a fire burns at the National Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil September 2, 2018.
A Further Note on Brazil’s Leo Rising Horoscope
Something did actually happen on that morning to justify Leo rising – the sun rose! All that had been prepared legally for that auspicious day, for months and years before, came to birth – even though later in the day, the traditional timing took place for official signing of documents.
As Leo is esoterically the soul of Brazil and the sun is its ruler, it is one good reason why Leo rising (soul purpose in esoteric astrology) should be used; those who are not students of esoteric astrology may not understand this, preferrring to stick to the actual time when relevant documents were signed. Either way, the Leo-Aquarius axis will be prominent for Brazil.
Events in Brazil correspond to this chart as much as the other charts, if not more so in some cases. All charts are on the same date, but varying times. For instance, the September 2 national museum fire that started around 19.30, saw transiting moon in Gemini right on the midheaven of the chart, conjunct Jupiter, just after the monthly lunar return. If ever there was a prominent midheaven event, the disastrous fire was it – the midheaven represents institutions.
Transiting Mercury, the ruler of the midheaven, was in Leo conjunct the ascendant. Progressed Ascendant in Pisces was opposite MC ruler Mercury in Virgo. Transiting Uranus in the 8th house (death of the past) was opposite fiery Mars in Scorpio. Brazilian astrologers should test this chart with other events instead of outrightly dismissing it; they may find that quite a few events work better with this chart – as the above example amply demonstrates.
Brazil’s New President Jair Bolsonaro
And so the universal swing of the political pendulum to the ultra conservative far right continues …
“Jair Bolsonaro is known for his strong opposition to left-wing policies. Most notably, he has been a vocal opponent of same-sex marriage, abortion, affirmative action (particularly racial quotas), immigration (particularly from Haiti, Africa and the Middle East, which he once called “the scum of humanity”), drug liberalization, land reforms, and secularism at the state level, among other things.
He has also made statements in defense of the Brazilian military regime (a dictatorship known for constant human rights violations). He claims that torture is a “legitimate practice” and says that he would try to pass new legislation regarding the introduction of life imprisonment to the Brazilian penal code. Bolsonaro supports the privatization of state-owned companies and advocates free market policies, although critics have stated that his policy-making record does not in fact show him to be a supporter of economic liberalism.”[13]
Bolsonaro is Cancer rising, with Jupiter and Uranus on his ascendant. Given the right circumstances, he could very well be the “mother” of his nation as far as his motivations to clean up Brazil are concerned – despite some of his appalling policies. Bolsonaro was born in the first degree of Aries and has the moon and Venus in populist Aquarius – opposite Pluto, the planet of power.
Venus was aspected by Aries ruler Mars at his victory. Venus is in a t-square to Saturn in Scorpio (hard line policies) and Mars in Taurus; he is also of strong Italian heritage from both sides of the family and was congratulated by Italy’s new far right leader. Here we see the fourth ray connection to Brazil again with Italy as a fourth ray personality.
Julian Assange: Sagittarius Soul Purpose
“In 2016, after an in-depth investigation, the United Nations ruled that Julian’s legal and human rights have been violated on multiple occasions,” she said. “He’d been illegally detained since 2010. And they ordered his immediate release, safe passage and compensation. The U.K. government refused to abide by the U.N.’s decision. The U.S. government has made Julian’s arrest a priority. They want to get around a U.S. journalist’s protection under the First Amendment by charging him with espionage. They will stop at nothing to do it.”[14]
Julian Assange is Sagittarius rising and has been written about several times in the past seven years. Whatever your opinion of Assange, colluding with the Russians or scheming against Hillary Clinton, bear in mind that your sources originate in the consensus media mill – a machine that has been programmed by his political enemies to portray Assange in a bad light.
Assange’s “sin” was to starkly expose the establishment, through war crimes committed and behind the scenes political shenanigans. Assange is a Scorpio moon, with Jupiter the ruler of the ascendant also in Scorpio – conjunct the ascendant. Scorpio is the sign that reveals what is hidden in the darkness and Sagittarius seeks the TRUTH. Assange has always been driven by these factors, combined with the high idealism of Neptune in Sagittarius, also on his Sagittarius ascendant.
Assange has been defended by top British and Australian barristers who have recognised his plight and the bigger question of free speech in journalism; he has been held to ransom by the Swedish government on trumped-up charges that were eventually dropped; without any explanation, because it came covertly from the USA via Sweden. The British Tory government, always eager to do the USA’s bidding, have refused to allow Assange his diplomatic immunity at the Ecuadorian Embassy, promising to arrest him if he sets foot outside the door.
Hence, Assange has been cruelly confined as a political prisoner for almost seven years. In the most recent article by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges – “Crucifying Julian Assange”, he says:
“Julian Assange’s sanctuary in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has been transformed into a little shop of horrors. He has been largely cut off from communicating with the outside world for the last seven months. His Ecuadorian citizenship, granted to him as an asylum seeker, is in the process of being revoked. His health is failing. He is being denied medical care. His efforts for legal redress have been crippled by the gag rules, including Ecuadorian orders that he cannot make public his conditions inside the embassy in fighting revocation of his Ecuadorian citizenship.
… The Ecuadorians, reluctant to expel Assange after granting him political asylum and granting him citizenship, intend to make his existence so unpleasant he will agree to leave the embassy to be arrested by the British and extradited to the United States. The former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, whose government granted the publisher political asylum, describes Assange’s current living conditions as “torture.”
… for the past six years, the U.K. government has refused his request for access to basic health needs, fresh air, exercise, sunshine for vitamin D and access to proper dental and medical care. As a result, his health has seriously deteriorated. His examining doctors warned his detention conditions are life-threatening. A slow and cruel assassination is taking place before our very eyes in the embassy in London.
… The former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, who rightfully gave Julian political asylum from U.S. threats against his life and liberty, publicly warned when U.S. Vice President Mike Pence recently visited Ecuador a deal was done to hand Julian over to the U.S. He stated that because of the political costs of expelling Julian from their embassy was too high, the plan was to break him down mentally. A new, impossible, inhumane protocol was implemented at the embassy to torture him to such a point that he would break and be forced to leave.
… A leaked Pentagon document prepared by the Cyber Counterintelligence Assessments Branch dated March 8, 2008, exposed a black propaganda campaign to discredit WikiLeaks and Assange.”[15]
There is much more in this excellent article by Hedges, describing the Russian and Clinton issues, well worth a read. This article and the recent revelation that Assange was secretly charged by the USA, shows that matters are coming to a head:
“Barry Pollack, an American lawyer representing Mr. Assange, denounced the apparent development.
“The news that criminal charges have apparently been filed against Mr. Assange is even more troubling than the haphazard manner in which that information has been revealed,” Mr. Pollack wrote in an email. “The government bringing criminal charges against someone for publishing truthful information is a dangerous path for a democracy to take.”[16]
The justice department is still figuring out how to charge Assange, he was never charged under the Obama administration. So, transit-wise, Assange has some good things going for him in the form of Jupiter recently passing across his Sagittarian ascendant for the first time in twelve years. The Sagittarius full moon follows up on November 23, falling precisely on Neptune and his ascendant, increasing the likelihood of the truth prevailing and possible release.
But there are other factors looming on the horizon, such as possible extradition to the USA and imprisonment; this is depicted by the transit of Saturn in Capricorn (the establishment) – that will be conjunct his Sagittarius rising esoteric ruler, the Earth in Capricorn – opposite his Sun in Cancer; this transit will be exact on Christmas Day.
The transit can have a dual effect, will Assange get a present of freedom or will a Christmas Scrooge prevail, depriving him of his freedom?; that the truth of Sagittarius will prevail, UK and USA recognising that they have no legal avenues. Or, that Saturn as the principle of limitation, karma and jailer will win out. Either way, by the end of the year Assange’s fate will be much clearer.
When Assange was first arrested on December 7, 2010, his progressed midheaven was conjunct Pluto, a great combination for infamy! Pluto rules his Scorpio moon in the 12th house, his “prisoner of Azkaban” status. Assange’s actual incarceration in the Ecuador embassy was in August 2010 when Saturn was in Libra (justice).
Now transiting Saturn is approaching the seven-year square to itself in 2019, culminating in January 2020 when Saturn and Pluto make their widely anticipated conjunction. That date could be a period, where if he had been arrested and imprisoned by the USA, that he is released or pardoned, as was his confidante Chelsea Manning recently.
The extraordinarily painful events that Assange has been through during this period, that saw both Saturn and Jupiter transit through his 12th house, are akin to some kind of initiation. He may have even contemplated suicide on occasion due to the futility of his situation. Scorpio is a sign of toughness and testing for initiation and the position of his moon and Jupiter in that sign have given him the endurance, albeit now starting to falter.
More Recent Commentaries on Scorpio – not included in last month’s newsletter, can be found below.
Thousand Oaks: Last Sting in the Tail of the Scorpion
Scorpio: Humanity Faces the Dweller on the Threshold
Pittsburgh, Scorpio and Hatred
Unveiling Genesis: Myteries of the Rootraces and Cycles (book)
One year ago, Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles was released. For those to whom I sent complementary copies (you have read it, right? 🙂 ), or who who have purchased the book, please report typos and any other technical errors, so they can be corrected for another printing soon. Also, if you would like to write a review, please visit Amazon or Goodreads.
The Hidden History of Humanity video is now nearing 5.2 million views in just over one year. If you have not seen it all the way through yet, please visit the link below. Or, watch the 10’/18′ previews on the author’s YouTube channel, where you will also find several foreign language subtitle versions – for the full length video of 2 hrs 37′.
For an introductory article, see this link “TIME: Re-Establishing Esoteric Chronology in World History”.
Phillip Lindsay © 2018.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
[3] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.206-8.
[4] The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.67.
[7] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.100.
[8] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey, p.84.
[9] Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.189.
[10] The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.55, 67. Esoteric Psychology I, p.387. The Rays and the Initiations, p.626.
[11] Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.67.