Sagittarius 2019: The Seeker. Australian Fires. Chernobyl. Black Friday. Assange. British Election. London Bridge. Netanyahu.
Sagittarius Keynote
“I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.”
(Sagittarius Full Moon Festival: 12-12-19. 5.12 am UT.)
“A study of the charts of the human family at all the different stages, from the time of the Mutable Cross experience wherein the personality is built up, constructed, developed and integrated, to the final crucifixion of the personality upon the Fixed Cross of the Heavens, will reveal that every time the man finds himself under the influence of Sagittarius it is with the objective of orienting himself to some new and higher objective, with the task of refocussing himself towards a higher goal and with the unfoldment of some basic and directing purpose.”1
Sagittarius the Seeker
Australian Fires, Sagittarius and Radioactivity
Sagittarius Rising: Chernobyl Explosion
Sagittarian Black Friday Must be Abolished!
Sagittarius Rising: Julian Assange, His Slow Torture
Jupiter Moves into Capricorn
Britain’s Transit of Mars in Scorpio
The Battle of Britain: Election 12-12-19
London Bridge is Falling Down: Usman Khan
Scorpio “Leftovers”
– Mars Transits through Scorpio
– Scorpio, Memory & the Shadow
– Benjamin Netanyahu’s 2020 Swansong?
– Marie Yovanvitch, Scorpio Warrior and Diplomat
– Dr. Fiona Hill – Trump Impeachment Witness
Global Silent Minute
Upcoming Events Capricorn 2019
The newsletter for this month is, in the spirit of Sagittarius – rather large and broad! (Even for moi!) Plenty to read on the Christmas break, with a few new videos as well. We are entering a serious cycle of history in 2020 – with the January, Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, and a multitude of crises globally. The election/Brexit crisis in Britain on 12-12-19 (right on the Sagittarius-Gemini full moon), represents a pivotal point for the world, not just Britain. Many people do not realise how dire the situation is for Western democracy, because of the forces of materialism that are undermining it.
2020 will not be a year to be complacent, nor will the ensuing years leading to the all-culminating year of 2025. The next several years will exact from all of us, every ounce of strength to make a stand, wherever we find ourselves – in the home, at work, in community or nation. There must be an urgent reclamation and upholding of the light. In the words of Dylan Thomas,
“Do not go gentle into that good night,
age, rage against the dying of the light”!
Sagittarius the Seeker
Carpe diem – “Seize the day!” – might be the catch-cry of Sagittarius, of taking direct action and shooting the arrow to the chosen target. Sagittarius is a sign of orientation or reorientation, the word “orient” meaning the direction east, or to arrange something to face east.
East is the place of the rising sun and the rising sign in a horoscope, hence orientation and reorientation refer to aligning more accurately with soul (sol) purpose. Sagittarius the Archer shoots the arrow into the heart of the sun. Direction-seeking Sagittarius, is also direct in communication, they can be quite blunt in their quest for truth, and tend to bypass Libran diplomacy!
Sagittarius, at the mutable cross level of experience – before a soul has woken up in their long sojourn of incarnations, is consumed by a hunger for satisfaction of the senses. Hence, Sagittarius is the adventurer, the sky diver, racing driver, the explorer – the horseman out upon the broad plains; the gambler and risk-taker – at the horse races or casino, the party animal or carousing Centaur – usually larger than life “colourful” characters who “suck the marrow” out of life.
This latter description hints at the excess of broad-ranging Sagittarius – ruled by gigantic Jupiter. Hence, Sagittarians are often tall, loud, long or large – a swearer and a swaggerer, story teller and yarn-spinner, drinker and drugger. Indeed, Doors singer Jim Morrison emulated fellow Sagittarian William Blake, with a favourite saying: “The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom”. Double Sagittarian Brad Pitt, expresses these large-looming Sagittarius themes – in some of his movies like:
– Legends of the Fall – about three brothers and their father living in the wilderness and plains of Montana.
– Seven Years in Tibet – the biographical story of Austrian mountaineer, Heinrich Harrer – who travelled all over the vast expanses of Tibet.
– Ad Astra – an astronaut who goes into space in search of his lost father, whose experiment threatens the solar system.
– Thelma & Louise – a road trip movie – two friends who end up in unforeseen circumstances. Brad Pitt in his first major film role.
The generic mutable cross phase involves many experiences over thousands of lifetimes in different cultures and genders – through all the signs of the zodiac – mutable, fixed and cardinal. The pilgrim who has not yet awakened to soul, is thrown from “pillar to post” in the “school of hard knocks” until, having “eaten of the husks of the far country” – the Prodigal Son returns to the Father, or Spirit/Monad. This is a beautiful metaphor for every soul’s journey and its eventual return to Source, having accumulated experience, wisdom and initiation. Sagittarius-Jupiter is experience, knowledge and the eventual “getting of wisdom”.
Because of the Sagittarian sense of expansiveness, they often step within others’ physical boundaries – where they can be literally “in your face”, about 6 inches from your nose – talking very loudly at about 100 decibels, when 60 db would do just fine! In the ninth Sagittarian Labour, Hercules clears the marshes of the dreaded Stymphalian birds, by resorting to the use of clashing cymbals, creating such an unbearable din, that they depart.
There is some irony here, as Sagittarius is a sign of silence – province of the meditating monk in a mountain cave. Sagittarius rules all that is associated with higher thought and education, esoteric studies etc; it is a sign that is related to sound in several ways: The silence demanded of the aspirant to The Mysteries, such as the metaphysical school of Pythagoras in ancient times. Yet, true silence is really a state of mind where the silence of speech is not necessarily required. Sagittarius is the beauty of silence which exists in the higher realm of thought – in direct contrast to the chatter of the monkey mind which quite often dominates the life of humanity; Monkey-mind is Gemini, polar opposite to Sagittarius.

This beautiful 11th century painting was one of the many paintings and scrolls removed from Mogao Cave Sanctuaries in China by European explorers in the early 20th century. (Thanks to Mark van Dyke)
When the fixed cross stage of evolution is mounted, the journey becomes more consciously directed – upon the inner and outer planes. Sagittarius is the sign of the contemplative world wanderer searching for meaning, expanding consciousness through contact with foreign cultures and traditions. Here is the Hermit with staff and lantern to light her way, or the seventh century Buddhist monk –Xuan Zang who embarks upon a journey from China to India, fraught with perils and dangers, encountering natural disasters and the sufferings of the common people. His companion tiger was both a physical guardian and metaphysical guide.
When was the last time you forced yourself out of your comfort zone and embarked upon a real adventure? It is important to arrive at the destination, but the journey itself accomplishes many unanticipated stops upon the Way! The journey may be circuitous and meandering, or direct, steep and arduous. There are different paces for varying astro-ray-ological types:
“There are those who use the will with such intensity that exceedingly rapid results are achieved, attended however with certain dangers and risks. There is the risk of uneven development, of a negation of the heart side of nature, and of certain destructions which will later have to be remedied. Then there are those aspirants whose progress is less rapid, and who are exponents of the middle path. They proceed steadily and moderately and are called the “discriminative adepts” as they permit no excesses of any kind. Their method is to be recommended to men in this particular cycle.
Again there are those gentle souls whose will may be regarded as characterised by an imperturbable pertinacity and who go steadily, undeviatingly forward, eventually arriving at their goal. They are distinguished by intense tenacity. Their progress is slow. They are the “tortoises” of the Path just as the first group are the “hares.” In some of the old books there are detailed accounts of these three groups of aspirants and they are portrayed under three symbols:

Tortoise and Hare (Kerry Gavin)
1. The intense group are depicted as goats [hares], and aspirants of this type are frequently found in incarnation under the sign Capricorn,
2. The moderate group are depicted by a fish, and many born under the sign Pisces are found in this category,
3. The gentle or slow group are pictured as crabs [tortoises] and often come into incarnation under the sign Cancer.
In these three groups are to be found various subdivisions and it is interesting to note that in the archives of the Lords of Karma, the majority of these three groups pass into the sign of Libra (or the balances) towards the close of their endeavour. When in incarnation under this sign they balance the pairs of opposites with care, they equalise their one-sided development, modifying the unevenness of their efforts hitherto, and begin to “set an even pace.”
They frequently then enter the sign of Aquarius and become bearers of water, having to carry “on their heads the bowl of living water.” Thus the rapidity of their climb up the mount of initiation has to be modified, or “the water will be spilt and the bowl be shattered.” Because the water is intended to slake the thirst of the masses, they must hasten their progress for the need is great. Thus the “first shall be last and the last shall be first” and the hare and the tortoise meet at the goal.”2
Sagittarius, like the other fire signs Leo and Aries, is a sign of boldness, of choosing an unknown destination and embarking upon that journey – to see where the arrow flies. Sagittarius is the road trip – and one of the most emotionally effusive of the fire signs, driving them to impulsive and ill-thought-out choices at times.
A ”Sagittarian” is someone with rising sign, sun or moon, or has significant progressed planets in this sign. Nicholas Roerich is a good example of a Libran who travelled extensively throughout the East in search of Shamballa – whilst his progressed Sun was in Sagittarius. (See previous write up – Nicholas Roerich: Honorary Sagittarian.
But of course, the journey does not necessarily have to be physical, in can be entirely within one’s personal subjective world, the inner journey of exploration of Self – of meditation to destinations deep within the realms of consciousness.
Australian Fires, Sagittarius and Radioactivity
“The world-wide devastation of the forests of the world. Everywhere they have been sacrificed to the needs of man. Thus have been brought under the influence of fire, those vegetable forms of life which were ready for the initiation.”3
Fires have been raging all around the planet lately, a purging and “purification by fire”. The spate of fires in Australia is reflected in its 1901 horoscope. Australia is a Capricorn Sun with several planets in Sagittarius – Venus, Uranus, Jupiter Mercury and Chiron! Because of this stellium, many people see Australia as, “Sagittarian in nature”. Whenever one sees a fire driven by strong wind, there is the airy Gemini-fiery Sagittarius axis.
Currently, it is the 12-year cycle of the Jupiter in Sagittarius return (Jupiter conjunct Jupiter), the tenth since the formation of Australian Federation in 1901. Fires have been particularly dangerous during November 2019 – and Jupiter’s transit over those four planets in this period, reflected the magnitude of the fiery blast. Fire is a symbol of purification and it may well be a further fiery purge that eastern Australia faces when summer proper hits in January-February 2020. Of course, fires are a part of the regular rhythm of the bush, not just about climate change, but that reality is certainly fueling the fire.
Sagittarius is a sign of spirituality, religion and higher values. Perhaps the recent devastating fires have been a reminder for Australia to reorient itself to higher principles than the purely material in which it now wallows, like someone struggling in quicksand; to rid itself of evangelical political leaders that have fostered an intense conservatism and control. What is it in the Australian psyche that needs purifying and purging? Well, where do we start! Australia is a good example of what is wrong with the Western world at the moment. The worst traits of Capricorn Australia’s personality are on display currently:
Greed, ambition, selling out to foreign interests, mining monopolies that benefit the few, political short-sightedness, corrupt banks, utilities and telcos; cashless welfare cards, big-brother-police-state mentality, AI surveillance technology, fundamentalist religions, regimentation and “austerity” – the latter a major keyword for Capricorn. Austere attitudes breed austere drought conditions, followed by bushfires. (Satirical video follows, touching upon some of these themes. Warning, “unique” Aussie language!)
These bush fires are burning thousands of acres of primarily eucalyptus trees of which there are several hundred varieties. Eucalypts are occultly regarded as “radioactive” – an interesting description, as this ancient and largest remnant of the Lemurian continent is home to large deposits of “yellowcake” – a concentrate powder used to make uranium. Radioactive is an esoteric term applied to human evolution – its ongoing expansion of consciousness renders it more “radioactive”. Greater radioactivity is a mark of evolutionary progress in all kingdoms:

Rainbow eucalyptus, one of several hundred varieties of eucalyptus.
“In studying the subject of radiatory activity, we are dealing with the effect produced by the inner essence as it makes its presence felt through the form, when the form has been brought to a stage of such refinement that it becomes possible. When this realisation is applied to all the forms in all the kingdoms, it will be found possible to bridge the gaps existing between the different forms of life, and the “elements” in every kingdom, and those unifying radiating centres will be found.
The word “element” is yet confined to the basic substances in what is called essential matter, and the chemist and physicist are busy with such lives; but their correspondence (in the occult sense of the term) is to be found in every kingdom in nature, and there are forms of life in the vegetable kingdom which are occultly regarded as “radioactive, “the eucalyptus tree being one such form. There are forms of animal life equally at an analogous stage and the human unit (as it approaches “liberation”) demonstrates a similar phenomenon.”
Again, as a planetary scheme nears its consummation, it becomes “radioactive,” and through radiation transfers its essence to another “absorbent planet,” or planets, as is the case with a solar system also. Its essence, or true Life, is absorbed by a receiving constellation, and the outer “case” returns to its original unorganised condition.”4
In other words, Australia is undergoing a kind of “initiation by fire” that will destroy and purify the national atmosphere, ridding it of accumulated thoughtforms. Note that the eucalyptus tree has many healing qualities, including eucalyptus oil – used as an antiseptic and repellent. It is also of interest that the seven rays condition and influence various parts of the vegetable kingdom – all kingdoms of course, including the human:
“Ray VI [Devotion, Idealism] – determines the type, family, appearance, strength, size and nature of the trees upon our planet. Ray II [Love-Wisdom] – is the beneficent influence, expressing itself through the cereals and flowers.
Ray IV [Harmony through Conflict, Beauty] – is the life quality, expressing itself through the grasses and the smaller forms of vegetable life,— those which provide the “green carpet whereon the angels dance”.
An important symbolic happening has been consummated at the close of this Piscean Age, which is the period of the sixth ray influence. This has been the world-wide devastation of the forests of the world. Everywhere they have been sacrificed to the needs of man. Thus have been brought under the influence of fire, those vegetable forms of life which were ready for the initiation.
The major agency in the development of this kingdom has been water, and this new development, this bringing together of fire and water in this kingdom, has constituted the subjective fact which brought the steam age into being. The vast forest fires, which form such a menace at this time in different parts of the world, are also related to this “initiation by fire” of a kingdom hitherto controlled and directed in its growth by the element of water.”5
Sagittarius Rising: Chernobyl Explosion
And speaking of radioactivity, a recent mini-series of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986, prompted the author to take another look at the horoscope for the event that might have become a global disaster. The accident and subsequent cleanup that followed, spelt the end of the Soviet Union, late 1980’s/early 1990’s. Around 4,000 people died from the accident itself or eventual radiation poisoning. As a fire sign, Sagittarius was appropriately rising at the 1.23 am time of the explosion:
“An open-air reactor core fire that released considerable airborne radioactive contamination for about nine days that precipitated onto parts of the USSR and western Europe, before being finally contained on 4 May 1986.”6
Most notably, Uranus (uranium) was closely conjunct the ascendant. The presence of the Moon in Scorpio is another powerful factor relating to the “hell on earth” that was created, the death and destruction that ensued.
The Chernobyl explosion occurred on the Wesak full moon for 1986, just about 36 hours after the exact time. Wesak is intimately associated with the planetary centre known as Shamballa, the “centre where the will of god is known”. Shamballa is a distributor of the first ray energy of will or power, being a constructive or destructive force – mirrored by its rulers Vulcan and Pluto (plutonium). The Chernobyl power plant was built in 1975, the date of the fourth “Shamballa Impact” in history.
In the event horoscope, Pluto is placed in its own sign of Scorpio, closely opposite the Sun in Taurus – indicating the immense power that was unleashed. In the words of atom bomb developer Robert Oppenheimer – quoting the Bhagavad Gita, “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” (Oppenheimer was also a Taurus, as discussed in the author’s J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Nuclear Age)
The Sun-Pluto opposition is T-square to the old Soviet era chart Venus – in Uranus-ruled Aquarius. Venus rules the Taurus Sun and concerns the acquisition of knowledge, mundane or spiritual. Venus rules the 5th ray of Science and is the only ray to pass through Aquarius, the soul of Russia. The scientific clean-up of Chernobyl and the area around it involved around 600,000 personnel!
Russia probably has a 5th ray mind collectively speaking: Soul 7, personality 6. (Author speculates: mind 5, astral 6, physical 1.) With a first ray physical body, the Russians are an extremely hardy people, as has been proved in various historical events.
The main meaning from the rising sign of the Chernobyl Explosion horoscope however, is the Sagittarian theme of reorientation to higher values and embracing new philosophical principles. The Soviet era was so repressive, creating the toxic culture responsible for the nuclear accident – as the excellent mini-series demonstrates. It is interesting to note that Mikhail Gorbachev was a fairly enlightened president of that era, along with his wife who were patrons of the art of Nicholas Roerich, and the Agni Yoga series by Helena Roerich.
Russia is both an Aquarian and seventh ray soul – Uranus rules both sign and ray, hence its presence conjunct the Sagittarian ascendant, represents a radical departure from the past. The USSR entity (30-12-1922) was a Sun in Capricorn, a sign that suffers the most from crystallisation. The nuclear “accident” broke the back of that old pattern. There are many relevant transits and progressions in the old USSR horoscope for the date of the Chernobyl explosion. The old Soviet era bore the following features:
- Loss of freedom – a totalitarian dictatorship. Opposition strictly forbidden; propaganda and terror used to control the population.
- Censorship – while education was rigorous, it was controlled by the state and therefore was subject to harsh censorship.
- Religious intolerance – Stalin shut down churches and arrested some church leaders. Instead, people were to join his personality cult and worship Stalin.
- Collectivization – the idea that all farmland would be taken away from the individual and made into a collective farm. Ultimately this was a failure.
- Purges – anyone seen as a threat to Stalin’s image or rule was killed. Throughout the 1930s, Stalin’s government went through a series of “purges” – intellectuals, artists etc.
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Sagittarian Black Friday Must be Abolished!
As the journalist in this link comments, mass consumerism is destroying our planet! Black Friday occurs in Sagittarius every year, drawing upon this sign’s penchant for sensation and adventure. Every year the world is offended by the intrusion of Black Friday advertising, which occurs just after Thanksgiving every year – a marked contrast between the “spiritual” nature of Thanksgiving and the materiality of Black Friday – and, at the start of the hard sell for Christmas and the material side of Capricorn.
On this one mega-sales day, around $60-80 billion is spent in the USA alone, depending upon how the statistics are read! And retailers around the world have caught the disease and spread the contagion. Can we conceive of a more distorted sense of values? Of course, the average person struggles to make ends meet, so getting that big-ass widescreen TV or other electronica for a discount, is certainly an incentive.

Black Friday, black magic, the modern black plague and stupefication of the masses … (“The Triumph of Death” by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.)
Yet the situation has “evolved” or should that be, “devolved” – to the point of store stampedes, often degenerating into fist fights over merchandise. Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s famous painting – The Triumph of Death (1562), has never been so pertinent almost 500 years later!
It was that great Aquarian initiate, Abraham Lincoln – who proclaimed a national day of “Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.” Hence, the great irony of the following day, where thanksgiving and praise are heaped upon the “Devil that dwelleth in the underworld”! Black Friday is just one sales day of many – Cyber Monday, Boxing Day, Easter sales etc. All the spiritual holidays have been hijacked – after one spiritual holiday, its back to hell again!
How will Humanity break the greed-driven corporate grip of endless buying and consumption? The black magic of advertising has become very sophisticated in the past century, intruding into our “smart” phones and laptops – often through electronic eaves-dropping from the microphone on your cellphone, Skype and Facebook phone calls, SMS messages, social media posts and chat forums, scanning of private emails etc.
These are not paranoid fantasies, intrusions have now reached epidemic proportions; widespread practice by large corporations such as Google, have humanity in a stranglehold from which it is exceedingly difficult to extricate. (Edward Snowden discusses in this video, the nature of phone surveillance.)
The insidious naming of the sales day Black Friday (BF), subliminally generates superstition and fear in the masses. Although the sales day is in Sagittarius, it follows closely after Scorpio, more commonly associated with “black” and darkness. Mars rules Scorpio, but less commonly known, is the “hierarchical” ruler of Sagittarius, ruling the seat of the “desire” or astral body.
Hence, the name Black Friday makes a fearful association with death, the darkness of the unknown, of “evil” or “hell” – all themes associated with human ignorance, driving the masses to acquire more material things to fill up their “one and only life” – and to affirm their identity. Which in turn makes them easier to control! With the many big screens purchased (to replace previous big screens), the majority will be ingesting endless banality and brainwashing from consensus news channels – plus a junk diet of saturation advertising!
Sagittarius Rising Julian Assange: His Slow Torture
Previous reports on Julian Assange:
Julian Assange & Wikileaks (Pt. 1/2)
Julian Assange: His Horoscope and Rays (Pt. 2/2)
Julian Assange Update, Moon in Scorpio 2011
Julian Assange’s Pluto square Uranus Crisis 2012
Julian Assange: Sagittarius Soul Purpose (2018)
Julian Assange Arrest 2019
The story of Julian Assange’s cruel fate is one of the most appalling miscarriages of justice in recent years, threatening to undermine and destroy that “fourth estate” known as journalism:
“Harfnsson, the Icelandic-based investigative journalist, who is editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, told the National Press Club in Canberra, the “forced rendition” of Assange was not occurring “with a sack over the head and an orange jumpsuit – but with the enabling of the UK legal system and with the apparent support of the Australian government. “I strongly believe that resolving this issue has important international implications,” Hrafnsson said. “Prolonging it creates an enabling environment for the deterioration of press freedom standards globally.”7
This comment was made very recently and is an attitude held my many thinkers and journalists around the world. Many see it as the “thin end of the wedge” that is gradually gaining greater and greater power over controlling what is said. This sounds more like Chinese state control, than so-called Western democracies!
“In 2016, after an in-depth investigation, the United Nations ruled that Julian’s legal and human rights have been violated on multiple occasions,” she said. “He’d been illegally detained since 2010. And they ordered his immediate release, safe passage and compensation. The U.K. government refused to abide by the U.N.’s decision. The U.S. government has made Julian’s arrest a priority. They want to get around a U.S. journalist’s protection under the First Amendment by charging him with espionage. They will stop at nothing to do it.

From a classified U.S. military video -Iraqis being shot from an U.S. Apache helicopter that killed a dozen people in Baghdad, including two Reuters news staff on July 12, 2007. Released by WikiLeaks.
Whatever your opinion of Assange, colluding with the Russians or scheming against Hillary Clinton, bear in mind that most news sources originate in the consensus media mill – a machine that has been programmed by his political enemies to portray Assange in the worst possible light. Assange’s “sin” was to starkly expose the establishment, through war crimes committed and behind the scenes political shenanigans. Assange has a Scorpio moon, with Jupiter the ruler of the ascendant, also in Scorpio on the ascendant.
“In November 2016, Assange issued a statement defending the role of his organisation, saying it published hacked emails from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign because publication was in the public interest, “not due to a personal desire to influence the outcome of the election … nothing of consequence was published about Trump because Wikileaks did not receive anything of importance that it could authenticate and publish about the candidate.”8
Scorpio is the sign that reveals what is hidden in the darkness and Sagittarius seeks the TRUTH. Assange has always been driven by these factors, combined with the high idealism of Neptune in Sagittarius, also on his Sagittarius ascendant:
“The [Wikileaks] video ‘Collateral Murder’ (2010) which showed mass, indiscriminate deadly shootings by US troops in Iraq. Similar war crimes by American troops in Afghanistan were also revealed by Wikileaks. The so-called US and NATO “war on terror” was exposed as a fraud and gargantuan crime.”9
Assange’s ordeal is a classic 12th house experience, the area of life events pertaining to imprisonment, “self undoing” and the unconscious. All that is hidden, secrets, skeletons in the closet, behind the scenes activities, illegal affairs and confidential documents – all standard descriptions of the 12th house. Assange has been a prisoner now for close to ten years, through his exposure of confidential documents and behind the scenes activities of the US government. The 12th house is also connected to karma, and the many difficulties that it might bring, are often outcomes of previous lives.

The effects that solitary confinement has on a person. “Solitary confinement as a punishment is closer to a form of torture, with serious consequences for neurological health. “
Assange’s moon in Scorpio is related to the past, so his involvement in these kind of exposés may not be the first time. The moon in Scorpio also represents his sleuthing, spying and investigative abilities, complemented by Jupiter in Scorpio – also in the 12th house. Assange has been forced into the life of a hermit or a monk – both 12th house themes (and incidentally Sagittarius), due to his isolation, particularly in Belmarsh prison where he is in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day. Without his familiar computer work or internet, Assange must have been forced back upon himself to draw upon his inner resources to stay sane and physically fit.
Now as the year 2019 closes, Assange’s situation has gone from bad to worse – since being forcibly and illegally ejected from the Ecuador embassy in London recently. Since then, he has been languishing in Belmarsh Prison, becoming progressively weaker and ill, denied access to computers or materials that he needs to fight his court case. One judge took an unprecedented and judgemental step, openly labelling Assange a narcissist, personally criticising him in court; another judge was essentially directed by five US state department officials present in the court at this Belmarsh sentencing. There was not the slightest hint of impartiality or justice.
“UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer, who found earlier this year that Assange was the victim of a protracted campaign of “psychological torture,” has repeatedly condemned the British authorities for jailing him in a maximum-security prison. In a letter to the British government in May, Melzer stated that the conditions of Assange’s detention had resulted in his “continued exposure to progressively severe psychological suffering and the ongoing exacerbation of his pre-existing trauma.””10

Belmarsh Prison, Woolwich, London. Muslim prisoners released from Belmarsh after being held on suspicion of terrorism, said that fellow prisoners suffered ‘severe mental problems’, that they constantly consider suicide. “Three or four of them have become mad, exactly mad. They can’t control themselves …”
“We are being told that Assange is being “treated” with 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, known as BZ. It is difficult to know if the state is more sociopathic or more psychopathic. What US government employees and/or contractors are currently doing to Julian Assange, and those who may have used Wikileaks as a journalistic avenue, may indicate it is the latter. Torture, isolation, brutality, and the use of psychotropic drugs during interrogations and hiding this from the defendant’s own lawyers by denying them access.”11
Assange is being held for an extended stretch in Belmarsh prison – as a delaying tactic by the US to work out the means whereby they can “legally” extradite him to the USA, to be tried for espionage. This, with the full complicity of the British and Australian authorities whose conservative governments fully back the US, leaving Assange abandoned. But now several petitions and letters are circulating for various Assange causes, one being from a group of medical doctors:
“More than 60 doctors from around the world Monday called on officials in the United Kingdom to act immediately to ensure the WikiLeaks founder receives proper medical attention. In their letter to British Home Secretary Priti Patel and Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott, the doctors—including physicians practicing in the U.K., Sri Lanka, the U.S., and several other countries—expressed grave concerns over Assange’s deteriorating health as a result of his seven-year confinement in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and subsequent incarceration by British authorities as he awaits possible extradition to the United States. “We have real concerns, on the evidence currently available, that Mr. Assange could die in prison,” the doctors wrote. “The medical situation is thereby urgent.”12
There are many other petitions – to free Assange in Britain, repatriate him back to Australia, to prevent extradition to the USA – all backed by thousands of professionals, lawyers, celebrities, actors, music megastars and politicians. But all petitions have fallen upon deaf conservative government ears, like the dull thud of lead hitting the ground! (Saturn in his worst draconian guise!) Assange’s treatment is an awful example of the absence of compassion that permeates much of the Western world, bent upon profit and political control.
“Political support for stopping the extradition of Assange has been growing in recent months and Australian MPs from across the political divide have formed the parliamentary friends of the bring Julian Assange home group. The group has membership from the LNP, National party, ALP and crossbench and is co-chaired by George Christensen and Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie.”13
It has been expressed in some quarters, including Assange’s father, that Assange is being deliberately and slowly murdered – a kind of revenge by the state – with extreme prejudice. This appears to be true and it would not surprise most observers if this ploy does not work, that he is “suicided” – i.e. murdered to look like suicide.
However, the most serious aspect of the entire ordeal for the world, is not just the pain and deprivation endured by Assange, but the string of illegal and suspect manipulations by various governments that have kept him “under the thumb”; as well as the persecution of other journalists and whistleblowers, creating a climate of fear to discourage further revelations. There are already many news organisations making a stand about this, but very few have supported Assange; they have followed government policy line obediently – continuously demonising Assange, so that the majority of the population in the US particularly, believe this propaganda – “betraying our boys in Iraq”, “working with the Russians”, “lost Clinton the election”. Assange has been an inconvenient thorn in the side of the establishment, a convenient scapegoat to exile into the desert.
This includes the Swedish government, who recently, “officially” dropped their trumped-up charges of sexual assault against Assange – originally manufactured with influence from the USA. Another government betrayal was Ecuador, after a recent visit from US vice-president Pence who exerted pressure on Ecuador about their protection of Assange in the London embassy.
“Assange was arrested because he threatens the interests of the corporate global empire. He was arrested because he threatens various interests of the powerful political and corporate elite, as he exposed the immoral and unethical actions they are engaged in under the guise of national security. It’s truly outrageous and heartbreaking, and his treatment coincides with the mass censorship of independent media organizations … We are truly living in an Orwellian state.
George Orwell’s 1984 is a classic book depicting a populace ruled by a political regime that persecutes individualism and independent critical thinking as “thought crimes” that must be enforced by the “thought police.” This party seeks power above all and, through the propagandist Ministry of Truth, presents the people with their version of truth. Sound familiar?”14
This 1984 scenario is reflected by the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn – the state, control, power and crystallisation – not unlike the former USSR with its Capricorn personality. We can only speculate what will happen to Assange – and his current transits may give some indication:
1. Transiting Jupiter in Capricorn opposite Sun in Cancer. (January 1-16, 2020.) Assange has a Sun square Uranus, natally – his signature of rebellion and resistance against the establishment. Hence this 12-year cycle of Jupiter will be activating this square, possibly bringing an unexpected opportunity, sooner rather later. A Jupiter opposition to the Sun is often a “lucky” aspect, bringing hope and some bounty, both materially and spiritually. One interpretation of this transit runs thus:
“Your optimism and confidence are very strong during this time and you have a great need to expand your situation, but you’ll be more impatient and frustrated when other people express any doubt about your abilities or the potential of your project. This is a tricky time for negotiations, as you may exaggerate the importance of your efforts or project an unrealistic view … You’d rather not compromise or lower your standards, which may be out of line with the expectations of other people.
You’re tempted to take on projects that are too large in scope to keep up with or over-estimate your own abilities and promise more than you can deliver. Your physical energy is high but you have a tendency to push yourself too hard, which will often result in exhaustion … Practice more self-discipline and humility, and try to control your tendency to be arrogant or self-righteous.”15
2. Progressed Sun and Moon in Leo square to Jupiter in Scorpio. (2019 to March 2020) Coincidentally the progressed Sun is joined by the 27 year cycle of the progressed Moon in Leo. This constitutes a progressed new moon and the ending of a previous phase, the progressed dark moon (balsamic) cycle. Hence a new beginning – if Assange survives his ordeal. Can we expect to see a breakthrough by then? (a) In terms of truth (Jupiter) – winning out? (b) Clemency and medical attention? Perhaps not, progressed Sun square Jupiter is usually interpreted thus:
“This denotes a period unfavourable and subject to much trouble and difficulty, affecting adversely domestic affairs and also social matters in general. The native will suffer losses and trials which will extend over a somewhat protracted period. However, the planet Jupiter is a benefic, and therefore the square aspect, though [“]evil[”] in itself, will have much of its malignancy lessened by this fact. The native must be prepare for financial difficulties, and for many minor troubles, also for losses through others, particularly those that affect the domestic sphere and the social engagements.

There is always hope. (Banksy street art.)
He will lose someone either by death or separation, and suffer from the actions of others, experiencing sorrow and disappointment … he should be on his guard against deception, treachery and hypocrisy. It is an unfortunate time, but may be turned into good, for out of this evil good often comes: it represents the struggle of pride against the spirit, Jacob wrestling with God.”16
Well much of the above has already transpired, it appears that this trend may continue for a while, bringing the whole affair to a head by March-April 2020.
3. Transiting Uranus opposite Moon in Scorpio. (August 2019, May and December 2020, through to June 2021.) Uranus the liberator could well spring Assange from his captives during this period. The scenario might at first involve his successful extradition from the UK to the US, subsequent re-incarceration, then perhaps a pardon or release; various governments having extracted their “pound of flesh” for close to a decade by this time. The moon rules the ninth house of foreign nations and Uranus rules the 4th house of the home and family – he could be repatriated back to Australia by then, if he survives.
4. Solar arc Uranus conjunct Jupiter, exact June 2021. This progression coincides with the previous transit of Uranus, always an important planet given its square to Assange’s sun natally. Liberation, freedom? Perhaps. Progressed Venus, ruler of the 12th house where Jupiter is placed – is in Leo square to Uranus-Jupiter. Might it reflect a pardon or release, after having served more time?
The Three Shamballa’s (Talk from USR conference 2019 – by Phillip Lindsay)
New Essay Alice A. Bailey Horoscope: The Case for Leo Rising
“Doubt about Alice Bailey’s birth time has been generated by Bailey herself, and some astrologers have gone along with this idea, arguing for a Pisces ascendant; this has occurred in spite of the fact that the birth time was given by AAB to her friend Rudhyar. AAB stated she was “inclined” to Pisces rising … I was born on June 16th, 1880, in the city of Manchester, England … Leading astrologers, to my amusement, assign different signs as my rising sign …
… Arguments by astrologers that AAB was Pisces rising, derive from the fact that her Gemini sun ruler, Mercury – is placed in the 12th (Piscean) house – in Cancer, esoterically ruled by Pisces co-ruler Neptune. Mercury, the communicator or telepath, is also in harmonious sextile aspect to Neptune.” Read more ….
Jupiter Moves into Capricorn Dec. 3, 2019
Jupiter leaves its own sign on December 3, 2019 and moves into Capricorn for a one year sojourn. Therefore, its presence in Capricorn will considerably modify the expression of the Sun making its annual passage through Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius. Jupiter in Capricorn, in its lower aspect can increase a need for material prestige, money and social standing, yet it also capable of great integrity and principled living:
“Jupiter … falls in this sign … Jupiter in its lowest aspect gives the fulfillment of desire and satisfied demand, whilst in its highest Jupiter [2nd ray ruler] is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. In Capricorn, therefore, Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect [hence, “falls”], and then—as love and selflessness triumph—this lowest aspect vanishes and disappears. It is to the “fall” of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low. Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs.”17
Jupiter is also passing through Capricorn, a sign of initiation and achievement – conquering the summit. At the new moon on December 26, 2019, Jupiter is closely conjunct the Sun-Moon in Capricorn, just after a powerful winter solstice period, Christmas – and, during the New Group of World Servers Week.
Esoterically, the power of the Moon in Capricorn as a ruler of the form, grows less because the disciple is liberating themself from the control of matter. “The attractive lure of that which is material wanes increasingly.”18 Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the Christ force so prominent at Christmas time, the “solar hero” re-emerging from the darkness of the solstice.
Hence, the concentration of this Sun, Moon, Jupiter conjunction focusses and magnifies the Love-Wisdom principle to an extraordinary degree. The Earth is always opposite the Sun and, placed in Cancer stimulates the Capricorn-Cancer axis and its relation to Sirius, the Dog Star – the “higher self” to our solar system, and the main cosmic path that most of humanity will choose, once liberated. Note also, that Saturn is in Capricorn, its own sign and exceedingly powerful in relation to spiritual law, aided and abetted in a close conjunction by heavyweight Pluto.
Britain’s Transit of Mars in Scorpio 2019
(This section is connected to the Mars in Scorpio section further on in the newsletter. Some of the material is repeated.)
Mars entered Scorpio on its two-year cycle on November 19, promising some intense experiences both personal and planetary – for the next 45 days till Jan3, 2020. On November 24, there was an opposition from transiting Mars in Scorpio to Uranus in Taurus – that has not occurred on this axis since 1935. Joining Mars at 11.37 am (GMT), was an exact conjunction of the Moon – that considerably magnified the expression of this Mars-Uranus opposition, creating an “etheric power point”.
November 24-30 was a potent period in Britain’s horoscope on the axis of the fixed cross: Taurus-Scorpio, Leo-Aquarius. Britain has Jupiter in early Leo, whilst Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has Jupiter opposite, in early Aquarius. Tory leader Boris Johnson has the moon in early Scorpio with solar directed Pluto close by. All three horoscopes formed a grand cross with the Mars-Uranus opposition Nov.24-30.
At the time of writing this on Nov. 19, the author speculated that some major event relating to Britain and the leaders’ destiny might arise during that week – a critical period before the forthcoming election, where Scorpio’s lower keynote, “Let maya flourish and deception rule” – would be at its strongest, in “the thick of the battle” – all sorts of dirty tricks and propaganda swirling, warring factions, undermining opponents etc. Also a possibility under Mars-Uranus, was some major stunt or violent attack that is staged in Britain (or elsewhere), meant to disrupt the election or harm political participants. And there was, as described in the later section on London Bridge.
Yet, there are strong soul forces involved in this configuration, namely Britain’s Jupiter-ruled, 2nd ray Love-Wisdom soul, plus the powerful position of Jupiter, soul ruler of Aquarius – in Corbyn’s chart. This is a battle for the soul of Britain – the “Battle of Britain” 80 years on. One cannot say much for Johnson’s Scorpio moon, his point of least resistance is quite predictable, recently analysed in the Scorpio 2019 newsletter.
Kristallnacht Earlier, 1935 was mentioned – one of the critical years leading up to WWII. Three years later, occurred the infamous Kristallnacht incident (Night of Broken Glass), where a pogrom against Jews was carried out by the paramilitary and civilians, throughout Nazi Germany. That was Nov.9, 1938 – whilst transiting Sun in Scorpio opposed Uranus in Taurus. The Sun-Uranus opposition is similar to Mars-Uranus, and can have the same kind of consequences – authoritarian rule, persecution and the inciting of violence:
“German authorities looked on without intervening … “Crystal Night” comes from the shards of broken glass that littered the streets after the windows of Jewish-owned stores, buildings and synagogues were smashed. Jewish homes, hospitals and schools were ransacked as the attackers demolished buildings with sledgehammers. The rioters destroyed 267 synagogues throughout Germany … Over 7,000 Jewish businesses were damaged or destroyed, and 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and incarcerated in concentration camps.”19
This event shocked the world into the realisation that war was imminent – and is only mentioned here to emphasise the potential violence of a Mars-Uranus opposition – personal or planetary. It does not mean that there will be anti-Jewish violence, but could manifest in an event of similar intensity. For instance, disaffected groups lashing out in violent demonstrations around the world.
Or, the intensification of existing turbulence, such as Hong Kong, Chile, France etc. Warrior Mars is fearless in tackling headlong the various political institutions that have not served the people – by subjecting them to repression and economic hardship. In this respect, Britain could become such a battleground if the Conservatives retain power and Brexit succeeds.
It is ironic that Jeremy Corbyn has been under a protracted propaganda attack for several years, by his detractors playing the anti-Semitic card – in a desperate bid to prevent him acquiring power and to preserve the highly favourable financial status quo. That issue was bound to resurface during the election campaign and it did, when a leading British Rabbi falsely condemned Corbyn for allowing anti-Semiticism in the Labour Party.
Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis claimed Jeremy Corbyn was not “fit for office”, yet is close friends to Benjamin Netanyahu, currently under investigation for corruption in Israel. Likewise, jihadist Usman Khan’s group had Jewish hatred high on their list of grievances.
Yet, 1935 was also the year that inaugurated the seven year cycles of World Servers festival week – during Capricorn. Hence, the Mars-Uranus opposition and the overall passage of Mars in Scorpio for seven weeks, will be a period where there is developed an increasing awareness of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – on a higher turn of the evolutionary cycle – 84 years on; Mars in Scorpio will lay the groundwork for the imminent 7-year cycle of World Servers week in Capricorn (Dec.21-28) – and will be potently present through until Jan.3, 2020.
Uranus (an 84 year cycle) is the ruler of the incoming Aquarian Age for which the NGWS pave the way. As the darkness of WWII loomed large in the 1930’s, so now the potential for a new material age – engineered by resistant forces of the passing Piscean Age – must be offset by the combined efforts of all light-workers. It is a daunting task, given the stranglehold of material forces globally, but one that must be met with absolute resolution, staunchly drawing upon warrior Mars in Scorpio!
The Battle of Britain: Election 12-12-19
“There are strong soul forces involved … namely Britain’s Jupiter-ruled, 2nd ray Love-Wisdom soul … This is a battle for the soul of the nation – the “Battle of Britain” 80 years on. That was a war in the air between aircraft, this is a war upon the mental plane with competing ideologies.
The fascist forces that Britain triumphed over in the 1940’s, have regrouped in the “creeping fascism” of Western democracies, such as the Conservative government in the UK today. This is not an hysterical “leftie” perspective, it is a recognition of what this political party has done and intends to do in the future. The result of this election will have a major effect on many nations – one wonders that most people do not appear to realise the seriousness of the situation.
An interesting date that can also be seen as 12-12-12, if the year 2019 is added together. 12 is a significant number related to the 12 zodiac signs etc. The analysis of these leaders’ charts includes the horoscopes of their respective political parties – affording glimpses but without necessarily any conclusiveness, but Labour do seem to have the edge, despite the polls saying otherwise.
Boris Johnson
1. Full Moon conjunct Mercury. This is the most obvious and outstanding transit for Johnson. Mercury is the ruler of his Gemini personality – a most capricious and erratic character – who bears many similarities to fellow Gemini, Donald Trump. Johnson’s Mercury is also closely opposite Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius.
This conjunction can be empowering in terms of Johnson’s ongoing shenanigans – or it can in fact expose those character traits, to his detriment. And of course, Johnson’s Mercury is opposite Britain’s Mercury – does his political philosophy oppose what is best for Britain? Many would say, “most certainly!”
2. Progressed Mercury square Mercury. Johnson’s natal Mercury has now progressed to Mercury in Virgo, squaring its natal position. This is a great recipe for “word salads” or the difficulty in expressing ideas, the propensity to obfuscate, meander, dissemble, talk in circles or blatantly lie. Bear in mind that Johnson has a Scorpio moon, whose shadow, point of least resistance expression is to, “Let maya flourish and deception rule”.
Ironically, Johnson’s progressed Mercury is at the degree of Corbyn’s midheaven (career) – Johnson may hand Corbyn a victory – because of his unreliability or recklessness in the eyes of the British electorate.
3. Progressed midheaven conjunct Uranus in Virgo. Nevertheless, with his progressed midheaven conjunct Uranus, Johnson could pull off an unpredictable win – even though the Tories are way ahead in the polls. Furthermore, transiting Uranus trines this progressed MC and natal Uranus most favourably. The polls themselves have been defied many times and this election is no exception, the Tories cannot be complacent – as even “Dr. Evil”, Dominic Cummings advised. Noteworthy also, is that the midheaven of the full moon horoscope (outer wheel) is conjunct Johnson’s progressed midheaven/Uranus.
Looking at the UK Conservative Party chart, there are several notable points listed below:
1. Transiting Pluto, Saturn and Venus in Capricorn square progressed Sun in Aries. Both signs have the first ray of power pouring through them. Pluto planet of power squaring a first ray Aries sun is certainly capable of taking victory by force.
2. Transiting Mars/Ascendant in Scorpio conjunct the Sun. As a Pluto-ruled Scorpio, there is much advantage here that underlines the “victory by force” above, plus all the underhanded, lower Pluto-Scorpio practices that go with that!
3. Solar arc Jupiter is conjunct Britain’s natal Jupiter in Leo, a powerful alignment.
4. The full moon axis in Gemini-Sagittarius is not aspecting anything in particular – but is considerably so in Labour’s horoscope.
5. It is noteworthy that the Conservatives have Mercury in Sagittarius, such a problematic planet in Britain’s 1801 horoscope.
Jeremy Corbyn
As of Dec.1, the polls show Labour trailing at 32% to the Tory’s 43% – Lib-Dems 13%.(Nov.30). But the polls are notoriously misleading and the horoscope of the Labour leader looks better than Boris Johnson for a win. There are many other factors of course, involving the Labour Party horoscope etc.
1. Progressed Sun in Leo conjunct Pluto. Leo is a sign of leadership and Pluto a planet of power. JC’s (interesting initials!) progressed Sun is moving to an exact conjunction with Pluto in the next two years, so it is well within orb now. Also, Britain’s progressed Sun and Mercury are right on Corbyn’s progressed Sun/natal Pluto. A strong alignment of Corbyn with the nation.

Since a young man, Corbyn has been consistent with all his social and political policies – spanning 40 years.
2. Progressed Saturn in Virgo conjunct the election day midheaven. Solar directed Uranus is also in this line-up, creating a T-square to JC’s Sun in Gemini-Earth/Chiron and Mercury in Sagittarius. This is an extremely significant point of tension and as stated earlier, is heightened by the fact that election day Mercury is a prime activating planet.
3. Transiting Uranus square Jupiter in Aquarius. This is a fascinating aspect, as Jupiter is very powerfully placed in JC’s natal chart, as esoteric ruler of Aquarius – the water-bearer who, “pours forth for those who thirst”. It is also opposite Britain’s Jupiter in Leo. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, Britain’s soul ray and quite possibly Corbyn’s. Jupiter here reflects Corbyn’s far more obvious, demonstrated humanitarian values.
As Britain’s natal Jupiter is in Leo opposite Corbyn’s Jupiter, Uranus the revolutionary is T-squaring them both, urging radical change and the precipitation of the nation’s soul force.
4. Progressed midheaven conjunct Ascendant. This is a once in a lifetime occurrence. The progressed midheaven (MC) represents the career thus far unfolded, whilst the Scorpio rising sign is the soul purpose. Scorpio is also the rising sign of the election day chart. The bringing together of these two major chart angles may indicate Corbyn’s destiny to become PM.
In the meantime, the election campaign continues, with its competing propaganda, lies, innuendo, stunts and outrageous claims! Yet the Labour Party horoscope shows an amazing amount of possibilities for taking power, due the emphasis of Pluto!

Britain’s Labour Party (For previous analysis, see here.)
1. Transiting Pluto, Saturn and Venus in Capricorn conjunct progressed Moon.
2. Progressed Sun, Mercury Jupiter – and directed Venus – all in Gemini – conjunct natal Pluto. PLUS, the full moon axis for Gemini-Sagittarius, i.e. Moon and Sun – straddle these degrees, as shown in the multi-wheel above.
3. The planets in point #1 make a quincunx aspect to all the planets in point #2.
4. Transiting Mars/Ascendant conjunct Pluto-ruled Moon in Scorpio.
5. Corbyn’s Venus and Mercury in Gemini (the rulers of his Gemini sun), both fall in this axis as well.
6. All of these planets cluster around Britain’s (infamous) Mercury in Sagittarius, the ruler of Britain’s Gemini soul – and the central “trickster” for the entire Brexit ordeal. In other words, this full moon will potently activate Britain’s Mercury – may the truth prevail!
London Bridge is Falling Down
This phrase from an old nursery rhyme is a good metaphor for the state of the British nation – in the lead-up to its elections.

London Bridge stabbing – event chart. Aries rising ruled by deadly Mars in Scorpio. All Capricorn placements prominently near the midheaven and with close synastry to the Westminster Bridge attack in 2017. (See later comparison.)
Earlier, an “incident” or “stunt” was mentioned that could occur in London, on the lead up to the election, under the influence of a Mars-Uranus opposition.
While editing this article on November 29, there was a fatal “terrorist” stabbing on London Bridge where the perpetrator was shot dead. Mars was still just in orb of opposition to Uranus. The stabbing of five people, two of whom fatal – was declared a “terrorist” incident almost immediately. The same kind of attack happened two years ago before another election in March 22, 2017. (See a detailed analysis of what occurred here.)
In the event chart for 2017, Mars was in Taurus conjunct the midheaven, whilst Mars on Nov.29 made an exact opposition from Scorpio, linking these two incidents geographically and astrologically. The perpetrator’s Saturn in Aquarius created a grand cross with the Uranus-Mars opposition and Britain’s Jupiter in Leo. There are many unanswered questions that point to a so-called “false flag” event, something that is hard to swallow for many – and in the realm of much derided “conspiracy theory”. Some of these questions are addressed by a fellow esoteric astrologer here.)
Usman Khan
Conspiracy theories notwithstanding, perpetrators invariably have a lot going on in their horoscopes at the time of these events – which seem to confirm their personal motives, contrary to theories of being the “fall guy” for some clandestine group of special interests.
Nevertheless, Khan had a long history of jihadism and plotting other terrorist events, as well documented in the press. He was convicted for terrorism in 2012 and ospent 8 years in jail before being released. Khan has the sun in Pisces, the zodiacal age from which the world is emerging – with its baggage of religious fanaticism – in both the Christian and Muslim faiths.
Pisces is a sign of idealism and devotion, similar to the energy of the sixth ray – that not only passes through Pisces, but accompanied most of the Piscean age – the age of religious zealotry and bloody wars “in the name of god”. Below is a speculative chart of Khan for Sagittarius rising, the archetypal religious jihadist – based upon his progressed moon in Capricorn, and its coincidence with transiting Pluto for the date he was shot by police.
The first most obvious factor to note is the Pisces sun square to jihadist Mars in Gemini – a “perfect” combination of idealism and fanatical ideas. Sagittarius rising ruler Jupiter, is in Leo closely conjunct Britain’s Jupiter in Leo, opposite Khan’s Saturn in Aquarius. The recent exact opposition of Uranus and Mars on Nov.24, bisects this Jupiter-Saturn axis, creating a grand cross. In the transits and progressions chart below, these main transits and alignments are marked.
Other transits include,
1. Transiting Saturn in Capricorn conjunct natal Neptune (idealism), square to a Mars-ruled progressed Sun in Aries. The ascendant for the event time also conjoins the progressed sun in Aries – and natal Venus in Aries.
2. Transiting Neptune in Pisces conjunct the Sun. Again, Neptune is prominent on the theme of idealism and distorted ideologies.
3. Transiting Pluto conjunct progressed moon in Capricorn – opposite Chiron in Cancer. Khan has his natal moon in Capricorn conjunct revolutionary Uranus. Moon in Capricorn in some people, is noted for cold ruthlessness, as detailed in this essay about the Nazis. Reflect upon that – walking up to complete strangers in the street and cruelly ending their lives with a knife!
This Capricorn Moon position characterised five of the main Nazis around Hitler, including Hitler himself. Khan shares the Capricorn signature with Capricorn sun Abu Masood, perpetrator of the 2017 Westminster Bridge attack. The Moon in both attack horoscopes was in Capricorn (see below).
Links Between Westminster Bridge (WB) 2017 and London Bridge (LB) 2019
Bear in mind that both attacks occurred on famous bridges in the middle of London, in order to draw maximum attention and to create the most havoc. Masood drove his vehicle into about 50 pedestrians, killing four of them.
Both attacks happened before UK elections, the first that saw Theresa May take leadership of the Torys, whilst the second election has alot riding on it for the Conservatives to continue their rule. Or a hung parliament. The main synastry between these two event charts above – Westminster Bridge = WB) and London Bridge = LB:
1. WB Mars in Taurus opposite LB Mars in Scorpio.
2. The moon was in Capricorn in both events. Britain is a Capricorn sun sign.
– WB transiting Moon in Capricorn square transiting Uranus in Aries.
– LB transiting Moon/Saturn in Capricorn square to Aries ascendant.
3. LB Venus/MC in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries – and, WB Venus/Sun in Aries.
4. LB Pluto in Capricorn square WB Uranus in Aries.
5. The Sun in Sagittarius in the London Bridge attack was conjunct Masood’s Venus. Khan’s Sun in Pisces is opposite Masood’s Mars in Virgo – T-squaring Masood’s Mercury in Sagittarius – showing great sympathy for his fellow Jihadist.
6. Transiting Jupiter in the last degree of Sagittarius. A most potent degree and one which magnifies the theme of Sagittarius – the religious fanatic.
7. Transiting Sun in Sagittarius – passing over Khan’s hypothetical Sagittarian ascendant.
Ironically, the first fatality of the attack was Jack Merritt, a 25-year-old who worked for a program aimed at improving prisoner rehabilitation. (Likewise, Saskia Jones, the second fatality.) And yet, one of the “heroes” of the incident was a convicted murderer out on day release – many strange and unaccounted details! The Conservative party was quick to shamelessly lay blame and make political mileage from the incident:
“The prime minister [Johnson] reacted to the latest terrorist incident … by promising a package of hardline reforms which also included mandatory minimum 14-year sentences, an end to automatic early release for terrorist and extremism offences, and a new system under which those convicted will have to serve every day of sentences handed down by judges.
At the same time, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and the London mayor Sadiq Khan said urgent questions had to be asked about the Tory government’s record of imposing draconian austerity cuts to the prison services, while attempting a botched probation privatisation and failing to run an effective sentencing system.”20
Merritt’s father said, “My son, Jack … would not wish his death to be used as the pretext for more draconian sentences or for detaining people unnecessarily.”21
Scorpio “Leftovers”
This following section is named thus – because it includes several reflections from Scorpio that were posted to the author’s Facebook page, since the last Scorpio newsletter release. And also because there are still very pronounced influences of Mars and Mercury transiting through this sign, whilst the Sun is in Sagittarius.
Scorpio, Memory and the Shadow
While Mercury and Mars are transiting through Scorpio – until December 9 and January 3 respectively, the Scorpio force is still powerful – even during Sagittarius! Mars is the esoteric ruler of Scorpio and hierarchical ruler of Sagittarius, so these consecutive signs have a connection.
Every full moon cycle brings heightened awareness and connection with spiritual forces that inspire by the quality of zodiac signs involved – most recently Scorpio-Taurus. The few days following the full moon can have their pitfalls – to use a Scorpionic description – “falling into a pit”, after releasing the tension of the high point of the month. (Letting one’s guard down, taking your eye off the ball.) This is where one can be susceptible to negative forces, which emanate in most cases from our own unredeemed natures – we simply “open the door” to them.
Hence, the last full moon cycle and the next one in Sagittarius and the one after that … stay alert during the post full moon period! (The next one from 12-15 Dec.) During the passage of any planet through Scorpio, a multitude of memories may be dredged up from the unconscious; it can be a shocking experience to view those unflattering moments in the mirror – and might shock one into taking action.
If you have been experiencing unbidden – old memories re-surfacing from many events in your life, then this is Scorpio doing its work – allowing retrospective vision of events that took place a long time ago; providing opportunities to heal the past through the destroying forces of Scorpio co-ruler, Pluto. One can allow these memories to haunt, or exorcise them once and for all. Memory is an aspect of the “Dweller on the Threshold” (the shadow), a factor that assumes great importance in Scorpio – over which Mercury the mind, is the “hierarchical” ruler:
“In Scorpio, two most occult factors emerge from the past and begin to engross the attention of the disciple. One is memory and the other is, as a consequence of the memory, the Dweller on the Threshold. … From ancient recesses of the memory, from a deeply rooted past which is definitely recalled, and from the racial and individual subconscious (or founded and established thought reservoirs and desires, inherited and inherent), there emerges from individual past lives and experience that which is the sum total of all instinctual tendencies, of all inherited glamours and of all phases of wrong mental attitudes; to these (as they constitute a blended whole) we give the name of the Dweller on the Threshold.
… When the mind has reached a relatively high stage of development, the memory aspect is evoked in a new and conscious manner and then every latent pre-disposition, every racial and national instinct, every unconquered situation and every controlling fault rises to the surface of consciousness and then—the fight is on. The keynote of Scorpio is, however, Triumph.”22
Indeed, triumph – this is why warrior Mars is exoteric and esoteric ruler of this sign. To break this passage down, for a simpler reflection:
From WHERE the Dweller emerges:
– from ancient recesses of the memory.
– from a deeply rooted past, definitely recalled.
– from racial/individual subconscious.
– from individual past lives and experience.
– from established thought reservoirs/desires – inherited/inherent.
WHAT the Dweller embodies:
– all instinctual tendencies.
– all inherited glamours.
– all phases of wrong mental attitudes.
– every latent pre-disposition.
– every racial and national instinct.
– every unconquered situation.
– every controlling fault.
Mars Transit Through Scorpio: Challenging Weeks Ahead!
(Nov.19, 2019 – Jan.3, 2020)
This section is related to the previous, Scorpio, Memory and the Shadow. The transit of Mars through Scorpio will be concurrent with Mercury’s lingering passage in that sign – intensifying the fierceness of the Scorpio battlefield.
Mars entered Scorpio on its two-year cycle on November 19, promising some intense experiences both personal and planetary – in the next 45 days. On November 24, there was an opposition from transiting Mars in Scorpio to Uranus in Taurus – that has not occurred on this axis since 1935. Joining Mars at 11.37 am (GMT), was an exact conjunction of the Moon – that considerably magnified the expression of this Mars-Uranus opposition, creating an “etheric power point”.
One point of least resistance for Mars-Uranus is outbursts of impulsive anger, aggressive behaviour and resentment; it can also give rise to situations where one is on the receiving end of unexpected attacks – verbal or physical. Mars rules the solar plexus, seat of the astral body and whilst in Scorpio, can evoke destructive emotions.
Sex is certainly a big theme here, for satiation or satisfaction – or over-ruling the urge – particularly as Uranus is the ruler of the sacral centre, placed in Taurus, the “bull of desire”. Uranus is a “mental” planet, hence can bring about mental control over the simmering passions, such as the Scorpio tendencies of jealousy, anger, hatred, rage, possessiveness, power struggles – how to redirect it all, in creative ways? (Make a painting, have great sex or put your enemy’s head in a vice!)
Mars is one of the best planets to reveal what you need to work on, where you might be out of control. Mars takes no prisoners because its passage through his own sign evokes big brother Pluto, co-ruler of Scorpio. What Mars brings into awareness, Pluto helps to destroy, transform and raise up. That is why Pluto’s new symbol is the upward pointing arrow – indicating the shift of energies from the Mars-ruled solar plexus, up into the heart. Bear in mind Scorpio’s keynote on the reversed wheel: “Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.” Scorpio is the sign of discipleship.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s 2020 Swansong?
Previous profiles:
Benjamin Netanyahu 2010
Benjamin Netanyahu: Saturn Transit 2019
Benjamin Netanyahu Wins Again 2019
On November 21, 2019 – Israel’s attorney general announced an investigation into corruption allegation – just as the Sun on its yearly passage was passing over Netanyahu’s Scorpio ascendant. As a Scorpio rising Netanyahu will be,
“… in full attack mode as his speech Thursday reflected, and he’s desperate. He’s relentlessly and viciously attacked his enemies — the courts, police, the Attorney General — and accused them of an attempted coup, spilling his own blood and that of his family.
The intent is clear — to tell his base that he’s the victim of a vast conspiracy designed, as he said the other day, to put him down. And as the leader of Likud and prime minister still — perhaps for as long as four months — he will pull out every trick, maneuver and falsehood to maintain himself in power.”23
Indeed, BN has progressed Venus in Aquarius opposite natal Pluto, which should indicate a major power struggle. In the author’s early 2019 analysis of his, “favourite, fascinating villain” – Netanyahu’s Saturn transit was examined:
“Those in positions of great global power are starting to topple, and Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu may be no exception, with impending corruption charges just before an election in Israel soon … transiting Saturn (the law) is/will be squaring the moon in Libra – on and off for all of 2019. Transiting Saturn square moon transits (the past, mother, the Dweller on the Threshold), are usually never pleasant!
… This Saturn square Moon transit will present some major obstacles in facing up to the past, dealing with legal issues etc. … Also, during 2019, transiting Jupiter … will be squaring natal Saturn in Virgo … further driving home the theme of karma, the law – and the Jewish people who are ruled by Saturn-Capricorn.”24
And before this transit by the Lord of Karma, Saturn – transiting Pluto had already done much of the “spade-work”, by squaring BN’s moon in Libra for the previous two years, bringing many revelations to the surface about his dealings – so many that the attorney general was forced to finally act!
Both transiting Saturn and Jupiter will continue to dog Netanyahu for the next couple of years, passing back and forth squaring his Sun in Libra. Saturn’s passsage square his Sun will be most likely excruciating and frustrating, where he faces the music for his past misdemeanours – karma. The dates for this transit will be Feb-March, Jul-Aug, and Sep-Nov. 2020. Virtually all of 2020 – that probably cover the corruption hearings, as well as the parlous state of Israel’s politics.
Jupiter in Capricorn will also be squaring BN’s moon in Libra several times, and will not be as difficult as Saturn’s square, but may certainly exaggerate the shadow aspects of Moon in Libra with regard to reaching decisions, endless procrastination – as well as being able to turn on the charm of this unabashed flatterer! Jupiter will square BN’s moon late Feb, mid Aug. to mid Oct. 2020.
These dates are of course concurrent with the Saturn transit dates and he may well feel overwhelmed! During this whole Jupiter cycle, it is also his seventh Jupiter return to natal Jupiter in Capricorn where, “Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect and then—as love and selflessness triumph—this lowest aspect vanishes and disappears.” Will Bibi still have a chance to redeem himself, and even have a “road to Damascus moment”?
Jupiter in Capricorn’s square to BN’s Sun will begin in May 2020 for an exact, stationary square lasting four weeks, then again in Nov-Dec. 2020. This transit might well embolden Netanyahu’s warring Scorpio spirit into great confidence and even bigger lies – Jupiter square the Sun can produce the best bullshitters/storytellers – natally, and by transit!
Marie Yovanovitch, Scorpio Warrior and Diplomat
Yovanovitch was recently in the limelight, testifying at the Trump impeachment hearings, making a big impression:
“This woman of understatement and restraint has become a symbol of something America yearns for down to its very core … America knew from the moment she spoke that she represented honesty and true loyalty to the constitution, that safe harbor we always seek in a storm. Yovanovitch is our lodestar.”25
“Yovanovitch is an American diplomat and member of the senior ranks of the United States Foreign Service. She served in a variety of State Department posts … U.S. Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Ukraine … Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs. Yovanovitch is a diplomat in residence at the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University.”26
Here is a person that can easily be identified as one of the New Group of World Servers – and with five planets in Scorpio! Quite an amazing life and career – and as tough a warrior as they come!
Fiona Hill: Trump Impeachment Hearings
It has been interesting to watch the Washington swamp being drained, the abode of the hissing Scorpio hydra with its nine heads! And the revelations continue to emerge. Following on the heels of Marie Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill is a Libran with three planets in Scorpio, Neptune, Venus and warrior Mars. She appears to be a formidable force! Notably, the annual transit of the Sun in Scorpio was passing over her Mars at the time of her rather blunt testimony – tough Scorpio in action.
Scorpio is perfect timing for an impeachment hearing like this – digging up all the dirt! Now that the Sun has passed into Sagittarius, the sign of truth, more will be revealed no doubt – aided by the transit of Mars through Scorpio for the next several weeks.
“The day’s exchanges underlined how Bolton, who was fired by Trump in September, was a pivotal figure in the Ukraine affair, intensifying calls for him to come forward and give his version of events.”27
No surprise here either, fanatical warmonger Bolton is a Scorpio sun, in fact it was his solar return on November 20. Bolton’s sun is on Hill’s Mars – that exposed him! It will be difficult to see how he can wriggle out of testifying now.
Which brings in ex vice-president Joe Biden, who shares the same birthday with Bolton, born one year earlier! Bolton and Biden – has a certain ring to it, Republican and Democrat sharing the same swamp! Biden has been a leading figure in the enquiry with his involvement in business in the Ukraine; he has four planets in Scorpio and has been described as, “Your favorite Irish uncle … actively collaborated in the extreme capitalism, racism, nationalism, and police state-ism that enable the oligarchs’ agenda.”28
There is still a lot of murkiness in the swamp regarding Russia – the mainstream news in the US continues to blame, oblivious of the fact that the USA has continually interfered in the destinies of over 50 nations in the past several decades. Hence, crying foul over Russia reeks of hypocrisy, to put it mildly. Yet, many of these events are leading toward a greater transparency and purging of negative relations between nations. If this develops as it should, USA will be able to resume its true global leadership role as an Aquarian soul for the Aquarian Age!
The Silent Minute (Video here.)
The Silent Minute will be observed on December 21, the eve of the Capricorn solstice and in preparation for the unique once-in-every seven-years cycle of World Servers week. The three day period of the solstice from 22-25 December, is also spanned by a balsamic moon phase, rendering it far more potent – followed by the new moon eclipse on Boxing Day.
Many people around the planet will be gathering for meditation and conferences during this unique week that will see seven planets/lights/node all traversing Capricorn, the sign of initiation. This period will mark a huge subjective effort by the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) to offset the forces of materialism and build a lighted way into the Age of Aquarius. For more information about the NGWS and the Ten Seed Groups, check this link.
Upcoming Events
Related to the Global Silent Minute, the author will be present in Geneva – contributing to World Servers Week activities and meditations from December 21-28. Seminar and webinar will be translated into several languages.
Geneva Seminar Evoking the Power of the One Life. (Sat. 21 December – 10:00-12:30 & 14:00-17:00)
Geneva Webinar The Ten Seed Groups. (Sat. 28 December – 14:00-17:00)
Wishing everyone a great Christmas and New Year.
Peace on Earth and goodwill to all of Humanity.
Phillip Lindsay © 2019.
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Videos on the Ageless Wisdom and Esoteric Astrology at the author’s YouTube channel
Also, the companion book to The Hidden History of Humanity video:
Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles.
Books by Phillip Lindsay
Election Result Commentary 13-12-2019
Why Bojo and the Tories Won
Some astrological reasons covered in the Sagittarius newsletter summarised below in Johnson’s and Tory’s horoscopes.
1. Full Moon conjunct Mercury. This is the most obvious and outstanding transit for Johnson. Mercury is the ruler of his Gemini personality – a most capricious and erratic character – who bears many similarities to fellow Gemini, Donald Trump. Johnson’s Mercury is also closely opposite Britain’s Mercury in Sagittarius.
2. Progressed midheaven conjunct Uranus in Virgo. Nevertheless, with his progressed midheaven conjunct Uranus, Johnson could pull off an unpredictable win – even though the Tories are way ahead in the polls. Furthermore, transiting Uranus trines this progressed MC and natal Uranus most favourably.
1. Transiting Pluto, Saturn and Venus in Capricorn square progressed Sun in Aries. Both signs have the first ray of power pouring through them. Pluto planet of power squaring a first ray Aries sun is certainly capable of taking victory by force.
2. Transiting Mars/Ascendant in Scorpio conjunct the Sun. As a Pluto-ruled Scorpio, there is much advantage here that underlines the “victory by force” above, plus all the underhanded, lower Pluto-Scorpio practices that go with that!
3. Solar arc Jupiter is conjunct Britain’s natal Jupiter in Leo, a powerful alignment.
Full article here above in this newsletter.
Astrological Reasons Why Britain Voted Conservative
The key reason Britain voted Conservative is reflected in Britain’s 1801 horoscope – with its moon in Cancer opposed closely by Saturn in Capricorn. One could not hope for a more *conservative* combination than this. Cautious Cancer moon can be typically worried about what it possesses, money, existential threats, attachment to the past, easily swayed by propaganda. The moon is the shadow, the mass unconscious and it appears that the mass of voters have played into this.
With an exact opposition of transiting Saturn to the Cancer moon, Britain’s fate was sealed. Saturn opposite moon creates a certain paralysis – or stasis, “the state of equilibrium or inactivity caused by opposing equal forces”. The reevaluating of the past creates indecisiveness and hence a decision based upon expediency – after being bullied for years with a simple “get Brexit done”, versus Labour’s new and more complex manifesto – the embattled public took the easy way out.

Note, this chart is from a 2018 commentary – it has not been changed because the main long term transits are all still in orb of the aspects they were making one year ago – primarily Pluto and Saturn opposite the Cancer moon.
Early this year in another analysis about this transit, it was hopefully stated that, “Saturn may reconstruct anew – using new building materials and reconfigured geometry … This period may certainly reflect a rebuilding period following Pluto’s demolition cum renovation!” Yes, now a reconstruction based upon chaotic planning and organisation? The toughest lesson for Cancer whose keynote is, “I build a lighted house and therein dwell” – is isolation:
“Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison? If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many. If you are still an isolated soul, you will have to ***pass through the horrors of a more complete isolation and loneliness***, treading alone the dark way of the soul. Yet this isolation, this loneliness and this separation in the dark night are all part of the Great Illusion.”
The other factors that are playing out with regard to esoteric rulers of Britain: Gemini soul, Taurus personality. London: Leo soul, Libra personality:
- The short-sightedness of its old and crystallised Taurus personality, that is focused upon avarice, greed and returning to the “good old days” of Empire. It is very similar to the Cancer moon in Britain’s 1801 chart.
- This is compounded by the fact that London’s Leo soul has also been influencing through its lower expression – might is right, glory of Empire, dictatorial and dominating attitudes of those in government.
- Likewise, Britain’s first ray personality of will-power, associated with the two previous signs Taurus and Leo – it is an energy that can easily be brutal, ruthless and domineering – in the most selfish way possible.
- Another factor is the distorted expression of Britain’s Gemini soul – Corbyn and Johnson are both Gemini’s. The Tibetan addresses this quite explicitly, when discussing Gemini in “Esoteric Astrology”:“It is the Gemini influence which has produced — viewing the work of the nation from the personality or lower angle — the secret and oft devious diplomacy and subtlety which has in the past distinguished Great Britain’s political activity. Gemini people are often distrusted, and the Gemini effect along this line makes of Great Britain no exception. Such distrust has been warranted in the past but is not as justifiable now [1940’s], for the nation is old and experienced and is fast learning the lessons which she has had to master.” (DON81)
Well it appears that this problem has deteriorated considerably since this was written 80 years ago! Gemini Corbyn certainly stood more for Britain’s soul purpose than Gemini Johnson who really embodies, “secret and oft devious diplomacy and subtlety.” The following sums it up the current situation and what might be expected in Britain:
“The Conservatives will continue destroying workers rights at a frenzied pace. Expect full steam ahead with zero hour contracts, bogus self-employment, underemployment, all topped off with an ever eroding safety net. So when the walls come tumbling down following a job loss, nothing will exist to help you out of the mess.
… the ruling elite’s propaganda machine has been running on all cylinders and it’s clearly worked like a dream. In contrast, vast swathes of people are about to enter a dystopian nightmare, orchestrated by people who just couldn’t care about you any less.
Maybe more people could have searched behind the headlines of the Sun and the Mail to dig a little for the truth. Instead the population by in large responded to a hollow slogan “Get Brexit Done”. At which point you ran in like a little puppy dog hoping your master would tickle your tummy. Instead of fighting for something better, you gave up handing the nation to psychopaths, billionaires, millionaires and right wing ideologues.
You had a chance to elect a decent man, who has fought for peace and fairness all his life, who wanted a better place for everyone. But you blew it Britain. Now you will have to live with the consequences, while explaining to your children and grandchildren what you did on that fateful day in December 2019.”29
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.178. [↩]
- Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. pp.44-6. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.239. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey, p.1062. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.239. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Dandelion Salad [↩]
- Popular Resistance [↩]
- Collective Evolution [↩]
- The Duran [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Collective Evolution [↩]
- The Future Minders [↩]
- Astrolibrary [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.207. [↩]
- CNN [↩]
- Esoteric Astrologer [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- OpEdNews [↩]
- OpEdNews [↩]
- [↩]
Thank you for your commentary on Brexit, both pre and post-vote. From my perspective it seems that those struggling to fashion a better future haven’t yet learned to articulate the Will-to-Good in a clear and forceful enough manner. People en masse seem to be responding to the manifest appearance of “Will” in the political arena, through the emotional drive of “getting things done”. If those struggling in the political arena to win the populace and galvanize a movement toward a better future wish to succeed, it seems to me that articulating a clear, decisive “Will-to-Good” plan is the answer.
It is like those working in the chamber of politics have the spell book for a brighter future but don’t know how to use the wand to direct the forces to build. On the other hand, selfish forces need only continue waving their wand about and people move, but destruction with no building ensues.
Strength of words and force of character is a prerequisite, what is motivating this “Will” force is what is of greater importance. Humanity appears to be at a place where we need to mix the light of Shambhala and the Sirian force pouring in from the Hierarchy in order to move forward. Perhaps this is the core need of Humanity for the forthcoming externalization of the Hierarchy?