17 Responses to Sagittarius 2020: The Great Global Deception. WHO. WEF. Schwab – The Great Reset. USA-Biden. Dostoevsky. Solzhenitsyn.

  1. Issa says:

    Dear Mister Lindsay,

    As a member of the new group of world servers, I believe that for the sake of clarity and to propagate and spread out the teachings of the planetary Hierarchy in a world that is undergoing a deep plutonic cleansing through axis 4-10, the axis of judgment, the separation of goats and sheep, you will benefit from shortening this monthly communication. despite the relevance of your remarks, you touch upon too vast areas of thought and analysis that end up making us refractory to the teachings of the Masters. It would be of greater value for you to identify the key concepts of the world esoteric literature and to explain them one by one in accessible English. You have more than talent. You were born, I believe, to do this work. However, you should know that less than 500,000 of the 7 billion souls incarnated in the world today have heard of the Tibetan, of Alice Bailey and of Blavastsky. It is no longer a scandal Mr. Lyndsay, It is a hecatomb. The World Teacher is no longer on his way, He is among us, with us to quench the thirst of the great suffering humanities.

  2. Claudia says:

    Dear Phillip ~ on a late Euro evening-hour I read through your posting, when these words of AS pierced:

    “Bless you prison, bless you for being in my life. For there, lying upon the rotting prison straw, I came to realize that the object of life is not prosperity as we are made to believe, but the maturity of the human soul.”
    (Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956.)

    “In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousandfold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers . . . we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.”
    (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)

    “We have to condemn publicly the very idea that some people have the right to repress others … When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers … we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.”
    (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)


    thank you soo very much to bring those to my attention. MUCH appreciated indeed!

    If I may add this: in the past many weeks I found great solace in the writings of Stefan Zweig – especially “The world of yesterday”. Born 1881, died 1942 – he describes much of what is unfolding now yet again. So timely, it’s ‘scary’. Highly recommended reading/listening. I include the link to the english translation below.
    The original version (audiobook version) is read by a fellow Austrian and quite a treat.
    17 hrs of listening to Stefan Zweig.

    in english

    Thank you for your extensive research and composition of these letters and that you are sharing those.
    Very best wishes – C

  3. Lisa Love says:

    Dearest Philip! Happy Sagittarius visioning month!! My you write some LONG newsletters. I must confess I have not read it all word for word. What I want to say first is you bring up some very good points. We are entering a period according to the Tibetan where the Integrated Personality and Aspirant represent the “cream of humanity” and are on the rise around the world. Sadly, as EPII reveals, the Integrated Personality is highly individualistic, “bombastic”, selfish, and steeped in materialism, with the Aspirant just barely coming out of that. (Doing humanitarian work, but still too often selfish in motivation). When I did my videos on this group (I am in the process of doing more), I was a bit discouraged to realize that THIS is humanity’s next phase of development. It is a step above the “sheep” (the Tibetan uses that word) that makes up the majority of humanity. But, it is a long ways from jumping into disciples and initiates ruling the world.

    That means it is all the more important to understand what this next phase of human development may look like, especially with the overall Aquarian and 5th ray influence, combined with the emerging Ray 7. I feel this article is giving some “Sag vision” of some of the shadow side of this. Yes, big picture wise we are in for some possibly difficult times. In Problems of Humanity (the chapter on Labour), the Tibetan even indicated that totalitarianism and dictatorships may in fact take hold despite our best efforts. You are pointing these concerns out.

    The only real concern I have is that Sag is big picture and often skips the Virgo details (Sag gets too “cross” with them… ha ha). And, though I got the big picture concern of how we need to be sure that this virus not be used as a means to put more and more control in the hands of just a few (you would think their greed would make them satiated already), I do worry that we are in an overall world wide conspiratorial mindset now, where Virgo like facts, or Gemini like different points of view, or Piscean compassion just don’t matter much anymore to balance out the Sag big picture take on things. Instead we get Mutable Cross Sag fanaticism, Gemini gossip and polarization, Virgo criticism, and Piscean mush! Sigh.

    Though I felt your newsletter took a good stab at things, I also felt at times that it was not balanced or kept on an objective level enough. Much of what you present seemed slanted therefore to me to try to get us to come to certain conclusions. Hey, I am guilty of this as well.

    But, I am getting increasingly concerned here. How in the world will we who want to be bearers of light for others do so if we cannot keep our own impartial objectivity without becoming so PC we water down the point?

    I am searching for solutions. Sag is meant to pull the bow this month to hit the “bull’s eye” of Taurus come spring so those “May flowers” (or seed ideas) are bright, fragrant, full of light and attractive enough to get the masses to invest (finance or buy into) them. All I can say is I want to take our way of conversing up a notch. (I am including myself here as for sure many of you know my flaws as well). I will continue to meditate on a solution, though already (having had radio programs three times in my life), I feel a podcast coming. If it manifests next year, I know for sure you will be a guest. There has to be a way to help clear the fog of glamour humanity is mired in and bring the four parts of the mutable cross to aid the masses with the higher aspects that I mentioned above in their approach to their lives and events in the world.

    Much affection,

    1. thanks Lisa, you made some great points. yes I did try and force some issues or was deliberately provocative for which some resented. You are not the only person who made the remark about the newsletter being “not balanced”, written during Scorpio I decided to dispense with diplomacy, resulting in the most unsubscribes and criticisms I have ever had in a newsletter. I was expecting it, but was pushed to express it nevertheless. The letter below is typical of some responses, abuse and judgements I received, all good while I am going through the last hit of transiting Saturn square Saturn. Appreciate your work!

      “Hi Philip,

      I unsubscribed from your newsletter today and was going to leave it at that but I think you deserve to know why. I don’t think you are conscious of the extent to which negativity has poisoned your outlook. You are highly intelligent and extremely knowledgeable. You see yourself, I think, as forcing truth on those who would rather see the world through rosy tinted glasses and it is true that rosy tinted glasses do not fit one to deal with life well – but neither does unrelieved negativity. It is just as warped. You could make an extraordinary contribution to the world if you took time to examine your own shadows. I hope you will, because it is sad when one so highly gifted does not realise their full potential.

      Best wishes to you for the future,
      (name witheld)

      Part of my response:”I think there is a fine line between “unrelieved negativity” and calling something for what it is. Most people who know me, regard me as a positive outgoing person. I did hesitate of course, knowing that what I presented would appear negative, but pressed on for the sake of my conscience.”

  4. Janet says:

    Dear Phillip,
    Thank you again for working these provocative newsletters; Unless we sense a stir, there can not be a change; I just received so have just scanned a couple articles and I liked the movement. Thought provoking as previous ones I make notes in the margins to ponder in another time. I also read your footnotes to AB books and then I’m off on more desires to learn more. I wake up and go “oh, another journey, where was I”. I wouldn’t change it for the world.
    As for others criticism, hmm, how shall I say this, look into what you project onto others and there may lie an answer to their suffering.
    Blessings to you and your life may it stay in grandeur and prolific writing that many of us enjoy and become stimulated to think critically for ourselves. MJ

  5. A few more links, articles and videos associated with this newsletter:

    ALL 3 RESETS LEAD TO GOLD https://goldswitzerland.com/all-3-resets-lead-to-gold/

    What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdowns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuDQ_3g53qc

  6. Dorothy Roeder says:

    You give a positive out for Pisces moon after listing all the negative qualities. But the list of negative attributes evident in Biden’ chart is not followed by positive ones which he clearly shares. He obviously shares the hopeful vision of democracy in the US chart and I think we can expect him to work towards that rather than the self centered goals of Trump who had no idea of those goals. Nobody is perfect and everyone deserves the benefit of understanding. At least he has the goal of building not destroying.

  7. Well we will see won’t we Dorothy. I include his positive attributes in last month’s newsletter that I mentioned in this newsletter, so if you missed it, here it is

  8. Dorothy Roeder says:

    What bothers me is his probable support of the growing technocractic cabal. Few seem to take it seriously.

  9. Joanne Karpinen says:

    Wow! You really hit Biden hard and out of context. Such as the kids in cages. While it’s true that the cages were constructed under Obama, the question is why & what was their intended use? Back in May 2014, thousands of Central Americans were streaming into TX, overwhelming the US agents & jam packing Border Patrol detention cells. Over 4,000 adults and children were arriving daily! So the agents – because of the overcrowding – used little garages outside of the area as a type of holding pen. Mothers & their kids were kept there for hours in 90+ degree heat – it was a dire situation. So the Obama administration went to TX to figure out what to do – they obtained a large empty warehouse & converted it into a facility in July 2014. This facility (cages) could hold 1,500 detainees. It was clean, large, air-conditioned and a huge improvement compared to the overcrowded small garages with little room to move in sweltering heat. To create partitions, chain link fencing was used, with areas designated for teenage boys, mothers AND their small children, and yet another for entire families. The chain link fencing was cheap, allowed for good ventilation & allowed for the agents to supervise the entire facility by affording them full visibility into the enclosures. Was it great? No. But it wasn’t until the Trump administration came along when the real cruelty occurred – they separated children from their parents. They even took nursing babies away from their mamas. And today, 545 children have lost their parents b/c the Trump Admin screwed up horribly and there is inadequate tracking for reunification! Can you imagine? So, yes, the cages were built under the Obama Admin, but children were NEVER taken away from their parents (families were kept together) under Obama. And the initial intention of the “cages” although not ideal in any sense, gave air and space and viewing to those being held. Seeing how you focus on the cages without context is exactly what the Q people did, which gives me pause. It’s exhausting to put things into perspective for those who choose to taint the facts. I’ll unsubscribe.

  10. Well I am sure this story has media spin on both sides of the red/blue divide. You attribute the description of Biden to me, when it was actually a quote that I qualified at the beginning by saying:

    “(Bear in mind that the author is making a non-partisan assessment and analysis here!) ***The following is probably written by a Republican but the facts are in the public domain.***

  11. Vera Vostinar says:

    Fantastic! How refreshing and empowering to read this newsletter. I fully share your analyses/thoughts. Living in NZ, small country, I started to doubt myself lately, thinking that I maybe am too critical, not elevating my mind into that fuzzy rosy ‘spiritual’ visions. My view is that hard times are ahead and that present world situation requires courage on the part of the spiritual community and all NGWS.
    Just a thought about the Moon in Pisces. I have that and Sun in Scorpio, possibly Cancer asc. From my own experience: when young I was very sensitive, like a sponge to everything around but NOT being a driver in the seat. I let others to shape my circumstances until I ended up in difficult circumstances. When I was truly down I realized that if I want my life to take a different course, I HAVE to take the charge. And I did, when I lifted my Moon onto the higher level of Pisces (Pluto or Vulcan?) When you discussed German people with their Piscean personality I would not see them as being easily exploited. They were too eager to believe in Hitler’s Third Reich vision. And they were prepared to implement it forcefully, taking advantage of the 1st ray German personality.
    Also, those personalities you analyzed, e.g. Tedros A. Ghebreyesus (WHO), Schwab (WEF), WHO etc. all of them are well coordinated personalities if not 1st or 2nd initiates. They know very well how to exploit Pisces Moon. What I am saying is that having Moon in Pisces can make one totally ineffective unless it is coupled with some skilled mind and will.
    Also, I noticed that Grand Square in Tedros A.G. and J.Biden’s charts – prisons.
    Many thanks for your work.

  12. Some excellent points Vera! Unfortunately NZ as the land of sheep is adding even more to their herd! You are right about these powerful integrated personalities and how they use their Pisces moons. Indeed, they can even be used as mediums by the materialistic forces. The higher level of any moon position, is the planet which it veils, Vucan, Neptune or Uranus – and that can only be determined by the intuition.

    I might add that Pisces moon is prominent in the charts of creative people, the arts, the visionary and mass appeal. Schwab certainly has the ability to invoke the latter according to his vision of the world, albeit to some, in a selfish, controlling and overbearing Aries imposition.

    I still concur with what DK said about the German people being easily exploited, there eagerness to implement Hitler’s vision was the result of clever propaganda and mass hypnosis.

  13. JULIE LINES says:


    Thank you for your continued excellent analysis of what is truly happening in the world. It’s unfortunate that many are simply glued to the TV out of fear and are happy just staying in their homes to be “safe”. The lockdowns after all of this time and damage are unthinkable.

    I’ve been observing from the beginning when Bill Gates was telling us to stay home for “just 10 weeks” and found it odd that Gates had now become the face of the pandemic. I work with Microsoft on a regular basis so I know how that company is run and it is relentless in it’s global reach. Little did I know what else Gates had been up to all of these years along with his other elitist cronies; controlling the seed, creating subcutaneous databases for the world’s children, etc.
    I am comforted by your words that “they won’t win” and The True New World Order is the real hope.

    Et voilà !, here is Gates’ blockchain “pandemic” baby already rolling out the door, how ironic! https://internationalfreepress.com/2020/11/19/un-announces-biometric-digital-id-wallet/
    So much for that “conspiracy theory!”

    I’m glad you have this comment section. I quit FB after 12 years once Zuckerberg started suppressing “misinformation” such as Dr. Stella Immanuel and the Frontline Doctors who were treating patients with great success:

    Unfortunate how treatments took almost 12 months to be FDA approved (at the cost of deaths/in order for fear mongering?) yet a vaccine was almost approved in that same time frame – and a vaccine is not a cure as we all know.

    Let the truth set us free!
    Thank you Phillip!

  14. Michelle says:

    Hi Phillip from Aussie Michelle…
    …the wonderfully emotional and highly intellectual part of anyone’s mind, is their courageous right to believe intuitively, in their higher conscious self’s intent, within one’s state of integrity.
    It is within this, often hidden spacial domain, one’s own truth & reality of the self… & the self’s sense of self responsibility…eventually eludes to one’s own growth, of thought processing.
    As a believer in the right, to an educated evaluation of researched facts, I know, I will not always be viewed by everyone, in a positive form….
    However, I kinda like that thought, cause it leaves further space within my mind, to explore, ever more consciously, into the many human voyages upon this planet…regardless of whether I agree or disagree with their actions…for I am yet to find a perfect soul…yet…at times I come close.
    Its this close nearness, that continues to inspire me to learn more, about the human race & their so called rights and wrongs.
    Therefore, opinions researched, are always of value, for anyone on the path…
    Hence best not to judge ANY author, but to consciously learn to agree or disagree, in a state of open minded awareness…
    In this manner, the Aquarian age is free to grow and evolve, in enlightened discussions of awareness and kind, for those we leave behind…
    When we cease to listen, when we cease to bring an obvious truth of any lie or misconception to the surface.. we then, are only deluding ourselves.. by living a life of fear and doubt within new lies, we then begin to tell ourselves.
    As you know Phillip, such well researched words for us all, give ALL your readers a time to think
    …to grow within themselves and to develop, their own inner conscience.
    Therefore, how can words be right or wrong, if when reading your newsletters, we ALL have the choice and opportunity to grow, within ourselves.
    I for one…hope you continue writing your newsletters to your end of time…for you Phillip, have allowed me to grow within my own mind…of which I am truly grateful, in this week of Thanksgiving.
    Hence, thank you Phillip and blessings go to you, for your global thoughts and spiritual insights, whereby you continue to inspire me every month, to further my own research..in learning..more

  15. Heidi Kunkler says:

    Dear Phillip, Thank you for being so clear in your outlines. I am sure that you don’t want to nourish negativity, but tell the truth and also document it. You permit to see behind the veils. I appreciate also to be informed about what is really on in the USA and not what the media want us to believe.
    Through you I became an appassionate of Esoteric Astrology, after having already studied AE by A.A.B. With your Newsletters you are giving a great service to your followers and to humanity as a whole. It is a great work.
    Many blessings,

  16. Dear Phillip, I am very thankful for all the great insights you offer in all your writings and Newsletters. Don’t let yourself be discouraged by people who sign out from your newsletters. You do very important and admirable work and offer real insights behind the material/materialistic iron curtains.

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