Scorpio 2017: Sex and Relationships (Part II). Signs of Christ – Leonardo da Vinci’s Lost Painting.
Salvator Mundi (Saviour of the World) – Leonardo da Vinci
Scorpio Keynote
“Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
(Full Moon Nov. 4, 2017. 5.23 am. GMT.)
The Scorpio “Human Hierarchy”
Signs of Christ: Leonardo Da Vinci’s Christ Painting
Scorpio Hollywood
The Fall of Harvey Weinstein: Jupiter Enters Scorpio
Reincarnation and Sex
The Seventh Ray and the Sacral Centre Revisited
Sweden Retreat Reminder
New Book: “Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles”.

Higher and lower symbols of Scorpio.
The Scorpio “Human Hierarchy”
Sex is the one of humanity’s greatest gifts, yet it has been so abused and misused; it is the source of our greatest pleasure and uninhibited adventures, but also our most intense pain, guilt and shame; a bounty of beauty and love, yet also ugliness and hatred. These pairs of opposites are exemplified by the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, also known as the ray of Art and Beauty.
The fourth ray is the only ray to pour through Scorpio and its polar opposite, Taurus – the bull of desire. The combination of the conflict part of this Harmony through Conflict equation, combined with Scorpio ruler Mars – the god of war, creates a potent field of battle between the soul and personality. Out of all the seven rays, the fourth ray is the major ray that influences humanity:

Song of the Waterfall. (Nicholas Roerich.)
“The fourth ray is the ray par excellence which governs humanity. There is a numerical relation to be noted here, for the fourth creative Hierarchy of human monads, the fourth ray, in this fourth round, on the fourth globe, the Earth, are extremely active. It is their close interrelation and interplay which is responsible for the emergence into prominence of humanity. In other rounds [cycles], humanity has not been the dominant evolution or the most important. In this round it is …
… Our objective is the harmonising of the higher and the lower aspects, or principles, both in the individual and in the whole. This involves conflict and struggle, but produces eventually beauty, creative power in art, and synthesis. This result would not have been possible had it not been for the potent work of the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge which – in conjunction with the fourth ray – produced that reflection of divinity we call a man.”1
The fourth ray – the “conflict and struggle that produces beauty and creative power in art.” Harmony, through conflict. The fourth ray mirrors the evolutionary trend of humanity invoking a greater intensity of Light; of accepting the consequences of conflict when integrating those higher frequencies into the existing status quo of the personality vehicles; primarily for most, the emotional body, the Scorpio rock upon which the personality is dashed. Yet it is from those disturbed waters that leads the seeker from desire to aspiration, to love; from the stormy sea, the shipwrecked sailor struggles up the beach and finds dry land. One of Scorpio’s greatest symbols is the red rose – the path of the thorny stem that leads eventually to the beauty of the unfolded flower and its soulful fragrance.
Scorpio is known as the “fourth human hierarchy.” Creative Hierarchy is an esoteric name numerically allocated to all zodiac signs. These hierarchies are great lives (or aggregates of angelic/deva lives) that act as intermediaries between spirit and matter, transmitting forces from beyond the solar system into the solar system; they each embody forces that emanate from one or other of the zodiacal constellations. Hence, the hierarchies are the zodiac signs, functioning as vari-coloured lenses, transmitting forces from the twelve constellations to Earth.
The Creative Hierarchies.
The consciousness of all kingdoms, including the human, evolves through the influence of the creative hierarchies. Each human incarnation sees a new birth pattern emerge where different zodiacal, planetary and ray influences will play upon that individual soul, according to their stage of evolution, karma and soul group progress.

Jim Carrey’s Christ painting.
The Scorpio fourth creative hierarchy is also called “The Initiates” and the “Lord of Sacrifice”; this concerns the unique task that our incarnating souls or solar angels have – in the eventual redemption and raising of Earth to the status of a “sacred planet”. Each liberated human will contribute their incandescent achievement to Earth’s evolution. As humanity moves forward in the evolution of consciousness via various initiations over many lifetimes, it becomes more cognisant of the group plan as part of the Planetary Plan, the ashramic purpose and part that each individual souls plays.
If the Scorpio hierarchy is “The Initiates”, then the Scorpio zodiac sign is generically related to the second degree initiation, where the desire nature/astral body is demonstrated to be under control by the aspiring candidate; it represents a high water mark in human achievement and sex is the most potent expression of desire.
As discussed in last month’s newsletter, Libra is associated with sex but Scorpio is where the testings are applied. Anyone with planets in Scorpio will concur, particularly with the “personal planets” – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars; Scorpio rising individuals particularly, because the ascendant represents the soul purpose in any incarnation. Scorpio is a sign of initiation, hence Scorpio rising represents for those who are consciously treading the Path, a minor or major initiation toward the second degree.
Interestingly, the previous sign of Libra represents the decision-making process through the judicial mind – Scorpio acts upon and brings about the consequences of those decisions – for better or worse. Actor and artist Jim Carrey, is a good example of a Scorpio rising soul who is walking the painful path of love via the fourth ray – the ray of comedy, drama and art of which the laughing/grimacing masks are the universal symbol.
Signs of Christ: Da Vinci’s Lost Painting
“No one will ever be able to fully grasp the wonder of Leonardo’s paintings, just as no one will ever be able to fully know the origins of the universe.”2
The recent news of Salvator Mundi (Saviour of the World), a “lost painting” by Leonardo da Vinci, has occurred at a critical time during planetary crises; it offers a ray of hope and inspiration, as well as mystery; from a master painter and initiate, depicting the “Master of All Masters”. The news came to light during Libra, a sign associated with art and beauty. The painting will be auctioned in New York City during Scorpio, a sign of profound human experience and closely aligned with the fourth ray of beauty and art.

Christ in the Mountains (Nicholas Roerich.)
Bear in mind that the Scorpio hierarchy is called the “Lords of Sacrifice” and that The Christ represents one of those Lords who have completed the sacrificial journey, only to tarry a while in this Earth sphere to draw all souls forward. Part of that sacri-fice is to draw the energies up from the sacral-sexual centre into the higher centres; to sacrifice or crucify the instinctual animal nature upon the altar of Love.
The Christ inaugurated the cycle of the Piscean Age 2,000 years ago and Pisces is the archetypal sign of sacrifice, compassion and love. The same Being who held the Office of the Christ in those times, must return again to Earth life in order to complete His mission:
“In the Aquarian Age, the Risen Christ is Himself the Water-Carrier; He will not this time demonstrate the perfected life of a Son of God, which was His main mission before; He will appear as the supreme Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, meeting the need of the thirsty nations of the world – thirsty for truth, for right human relations and for loving understanding. He will be recognised this time by all and in His Own Person will testify to the fact of the resurrection, and hence demonstrate the paralleling fact of the immortality of the soul, of the spiritual man.”3

Christ at Christie’s, hmmm …
Salvator Mundi has resurfaced just a few short years before the 2,025 designated date of the externalisation of the Masters of Wisdom (or at least their decision of when to return), followed by the return of The Christ him/herself. (Note the androgynous nature of the painting.) For those who are able to “read the signs,” this must be surely one, reflected by the painting’s reappearance into broader public consciousness.
“Salvator Mundi is the Holy Grail of Old Master paintings,’ says Alan Wintermute, Senior Specialist in Old Masters at Christie’s. ‘To see a fully finished late masterpiece by Leonardo – made at the peak of his genius – appear for sale in 2017 is as close as I’ve ever come to an art-world miracle.’ ‘Discovering a new painting by Leonardo is a bit like finding a new planet,’ he says. ‘During the course of his career, which lasted for around half a century, Leonardo probably began work on no more than 20 paintings, and only 15 have survived that art historians generally agree are entirely his.’
‘It has this quiet aura. It is really quite humbling and moving to be confronted with this face to face’ … ‘It stops you in your tracks,’ says Sooke as he approaches the painting. ‘It has this quiet aura. It is really quite humbling and moving to be confronted by this face to face. Here’s the figure of Christ in the guise of Salvator Mundi – saviour of the world.’”
‘I’m not remotely religious,’ confesses art critic Alastair Sooke as he stands before Leonardo da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi, ‘but I find looking at this painting genuinely moving because it is offering a vision of peace that is a complete antidote to day-to-day life. It really is quite an extraordinarily memorable picture; one that feels as though it could just slip off into the shadows at any moment.”4
The painting is very powerful, estimated to have been completed some years (1506-1513) after da Vinci’s Mona Lisa – which itself is described as, “the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world.”
The Mona Lisa is also androgynous, with an aura of peace that can easily be equated with the Salvator Mundi painting. There have been also many esoteric dissertations written about the Mona Lisa, concerning sacred geometry and the like; likewise with Salvator Mundi, plenty of links can be found. (See video here.)
‘“The Mona Lisa is androgynous – half man and half woman. The painting was based on two models. The first was Lisa Gherardini and the second was Salai, Leonardo’s apprentice.”5
The Mona Lisa is also the most valued painting in the world, estimated at around $782 million in 2015. Will Salvatore Mundi fetch much higher than its $100 million starting price tag at auction? The hope is that a gallery will buy it, ensuring its permanent public display and inspiration.
The horoscope for the evening of the auction date at Christie’s is most revealing, with Sun, Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio, the latter two in conjunction, Aphrodite and Jupiter, ruler of the Christ’s second ray of love-wisdom. Venus and Jupiter together indicates that the painting may sell for a very high price! [And did, $400 million!]
Christie’s Auction: 15 November 2017
Neptune is on the midheaven of this chart and is also representative of the Piscean avatar whose esoteric name in the West is Neptune. Neptune makes an harmonious trine aspect to Jupiter and Venus in these water signs of Pisces-Scorpio, whilst water sign Cancer is rising (esoteric ruler Neptune) – for the commencement of the general auction. Neptune is also on the midheaven of Da Vinci’s horoscope, as will be explored in the Sagittarius newsletter.
Transiting Neptune conjoined da Vinci’s Pisces moon back in 2012-13, reflecting the painting’s restoration work being done at that time, as well as da Vinci’s mystical, visionary nature that was inspired to paint Salvator Mundi.
Scorpio Hollywood
Hollywood is a Scorpio, incorporated as a municipality on November 14, 1903. A chart set for midday gives Aquarius rising with Saturn also in that sign, reflecting the era of film making with emerging technology, as well as the group co-operation required to make movies. (Think about the ten minutes of credits at the end of any big movie!) Aquarius is also the soul of the USA and Los Angeles is regarded esoterically as the (unawakened) heart centre.6 The heart is the fourth chakra that has a close correspondence with the fourth ray of beauty. There were also various spiritual groups in old Hollywood, such as the well known Theosophical headquarters at Krotona, where Alice A. Bailey had some significant experiences.
Hollywood: November 14, 1903.
The Sun and Mercury are in Scorpio, arguably the strongest zodiac sign of glamour, maya and illusion – but particularly the glamour factor. And what actually constitutes movie–making … ? An art that moves and inspires the masses emotionally; and depending upon motive, also manipulates emotions and creates propaganda. Hence the well known expression, the glamour of Hollywood, with larger than life movie stars, sex-love, romance and fortunes to be made. Sex and money are of course, the province of the Uranus-ruled sacral centre; Uranus is the esoteric ruler of Libra, and exalted in Scorpio.

Grace Kelly, from Hollywood “royalty”
to real life princess and children’s
philanthropist. Scorpio rising, Sun,
Mercury and Mars in Scorpio!
In this horoscope, Venus is in its own sign of Libra, a great contributor to the themes of the arts, sex and money, the latter being two of Libra’s main themes. Venus, along with the moon in Virgo, are both in the eighth Scorpionic house of “love, sex and death” as the old astrological terminology has it. Venus also trines the afore-mentioned Saturn, creating an harmonious interplay with their respective elements.
The moon in Virgo (purity, purification) is in an applying square aspect to Uranus in Sagittarius, indicating the challenges of the right use of sex; of film craft (Virgo), innovation and originality. Like Uranus, the moon is also associated with the sacral centre, related to the generation of new forms. Uranus is the ruler of the Aquarian ascendant, and in Sagittarius, affords the possibility of the presentation of great visions and dreams – indeed, Hollywood is the “dream factory”, another term that alludes to the astral nature of Scorpio.
Enhancing those big bold dreams is the presence of Jupiter in Pisces, harmoniously trining Mercury in Scorpio, which by the way, is the ruler of the “fourth human hierarchy.” Mercury is the ruler of the fourth ray, the story-telling ray, particularly enhanced by the Jupiter trine. Harvey Weinstein has the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction as noted later. Mercury in Scorpio, is like the deep-sea diver who penetrates the depths of the oceans; in his lower expression, is the scurrilous and damaging gossip of Hollywood. Esoterically however,

One of Harvey Weinstein’s productions.
“Mercury [in] Scorpio … has a mass or general effect, for it is the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio and its effect is of a planetary nature … and is, therefore, far more difficult to trace at our present point of planetary development and human consciousness. Its true significance will not be understood until the consciousness of individual man is also planetary in its scope and grasp.”7
The consciousness of humanity is rapidly becoming “planetary in its scope and grasp”. In Hollywood, we can see the positive and negative potential of Mercury (the mind, the communicator), to shape ideas for Humanity; of the creative producers, script-writers, directors and actors who can work to uplift and inspire the masses; from the set designers and costumes to the casting agencies (and casting couches!), there is the great Aquarian spirit of group co-operation and artistic community.
There have been many inspiring movies made, but also, probably the majority, from very mediocre to very bad. Degrading, morbid, ultra-violent, banal, horrific – dragging viewers downward and failing to lift them up. This is the lowest common denominator of Scorpio, the lower subplanes of the astral plane – “hell”, opposite pole to “heaven” of the higher subplanes. Here is the dichotomy of the fourth ray pairs of opposites – heaven and hell.

Charles Manson in 1969.
Born on the same day
as Grace Kelly, different year.
One person who created “hell” in Hollywood in the sixties was Charles Manson, with his hypnotic control over followers and bloodthirsty deeds. Manson has Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in Scorpio. On the night of the infamous murders in 1969, transiting sun was squaring his Venus-Sun whilst progressed moon in Taurus opposed that conjunction.
Hollywood has a big problem as a propaganda machine, such as the glorification of the military industrial complex fused with heroism, a classic reflection of USA’s Mars-ruled personality. With a constant diet of those kind of movies, the population is controlled and exploited, giving conditioned consent to perpetual war and personal gun culture. For this latter theme, see the special newsletter on the recent Las Vegas massacre – that was quickly driven off the headlines by the Harvey Weinstein scandal.
There has also been a consistent stream of allegations from Hollywood actors about paedophile rings, one of the latest from Lord of the Rings star Elijah Wood. Oscar-nominated film-maker Amy Berg has also created a documentary – An Open Secret, about the pedophilia problem in the film industry.
The culture of sex has been ingrained in Hollywood film industry from its earliest beginnings, the original movie houses like Metro Goldwyn Mayer etc. – of actors (female mainly, but also male), typically forced to run the gauntlet of sexual favours to land a part. (See also this article, “Moguls and starlets: 100 years of Hollywood’s corrosive, systemic sexism.”) The opportunism of their employers, the big producers and directors, has been flagrant but accepted as a necessary evil in the Hollywood machine; until now, perhaps the tide has finally turned. Harvey Weinstein has emerged from generations of that kind of culture. Australian director Sophie Mathisen says,
“The entertainment industry, built on the dreams of the naive and young, represents a veritable playground for the beneficiaries of a system skewed rich, white and male. Women, by virtue of their scarcity in positions of real and actualised agency, are rendered little more than onscreen accoutrements to a power elite pulling the strings. In a fickle and quicksilver industry in which careers are built on subjective relationships and nepotism, who you know counts. Importantly though, what you know can be the additional leverage needed to turn an acquaintance into an ally or a foe into a firm friend.”8
The Fall of Harvey Weinstein: Jupiter’s Entry into Scorpio
“The voices of Weinstein’s accusers have torn the fabric of patriarchy.” (Naomi Wolf)
The news of Harvey Weinstein’s escapades came out precisely on the Libra full moon of October 5, when the sun was conjunct his Saturn in Libra. Saturn represents the law and karma and since that date, scores of women have emerged with their own stories of sexual harassment and rape.
Oh how the mighty have fallen – Weinstein ruled Hollywood for thirty years and it seems, did what he pleased. He duplicated the actions of many producers and directors before him, going back to the beginning of the industry. Whilst Jupiter transits Scorpio for the next 13 months, many more stories are likely to emerge, as they are now on an almost daily basis.
On October 8, Weinstein was fired by his own company, just two days before Jupiter entered Scorpio. Jupiter is the most elevated planet in his chart and represents his role as “Zeus” of Hollywood. (See his horoscope later on.) The Jupiter ingress horoscope has the Sun and Mercury in Libra square to Pluto in Capricorn, guaranteeing that much more will emerge, not just in Hollywood, but around the world in every conceivable workplace environment – and is already occurring:
“Within seconds, the stories began flooding in, from women who had worked in libraries, at the BBC, in journalism, for the MoD, in the civil service, in children’s publishing, in recruitment, in restaurants, at MIT, in the nuclear industry, at a law firm, in academia … the list went on and on … every woman, of any age (and degree of attractiveness because it’s nothing to do with sex), has similar stories to tell.”
Jupiter Ingress into Scorpio, 10-10-2017.

Rose McGowan, one of
Weinstein’s many
accusers. Sun in Virgo,
Mars in Taurus.
Hence, these recent revelations constitute a planetary event that has mighty potential to transform the way people relate to one another. Much of this was discussed in last month’s Libra newsletter – Sex and Relationships (Part 1). The Jupiter ingress chart set for Hollywood, Los Angeles also has Libra rising, its soul purpose of right relationships. The chart has a dynamic grand cross formation with Moon in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius, criss-crossed by Mars in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces! The Moon in Gemini, as the most elevated body is all about communication, the stories emerging in the media and the kind of gossip that will fuel the trashy tabloids for years. Its opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius is calling for principles and ethics to be re-established, a line to be drawn once and for all. Or will it? Mars in Virgo falls upon USA’s Neptune in Virgo, in the ninth house of foreign affairs, affecting other nations. What happens in the USA invariably circulates around the world.

Gwyneth Paltrow has her
own Weinstein stories.
Sun-Pluto conjunction
in Libra.
The esoteric ruler of the Libran ascendant is Uranus, and its current revolutionary role in Aries, the sign of new beginnings, cannot be ignored. Uranus rules the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order, the sacral/sexual chakra, and is exalted in Scorpio. Uranus’ recent oppositions to Jupiter in 2017 have been quite dynamic, paving the way for radical change to take place. Now that Jupiter is in Scorpio, there will probably be many personal and public tsunamis over the next year, as waves of emotion, resentment and pain are activated in millions of women (and men) that have been abused and manipulated.
Jupiter rules the heart centre, whilst Mars, the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio, rules the solar plexus centre. Here lies the potential for millions to move en masse from the solar plexus to the heart, which of course constitutes initiation, a greater awakening and reclamation of power, stolen by an old disintegrating culture. The presence of Neptune in Pisces offers the gift of forgiveness, whilst equilibrium between the genders will be greatly accelerated.
Harvey Weinstsein: March 19, 1952. Note that Weinstein’s Mars falls upon Hollywood’s sun in Scorpio.
Harvey Weinstein is Leo rising (according to rectification), and it fits his broad physical countenance (also somewhat Taurean), his known “growly” nature, as well as his brilliant leadership in facilitating the production of many amazing movies. (There were trashy, lowbrow ones too.) Note, since this article was written, another rectification has 13 Scorpio 18′ rising, with Pluto on the midheaven. Weinstein’s trial is in early 2020, hence there may be a report about this in a future newsletter.

Zeus was widely known for his many erotic
escapades, whole relationships resulted in
many godly and heroic offspring.
“The actress Heather Graham has described to Variety how he met with her while sitting with a number of scripts stacked on his table, like a king commanding from his throne room.”
Indeed, Weinstein was one of the most thanked people at film award ceremonies, even referred to as “god” by Merryl Streep once. And, reflecting his elevated Jupiter in Aries, he was a god – Zeus, king of his domain, generous to his “subjects” and yet tyrannical and dictatorial, without any qualms or conscience when sexually “lording it over” any actress. Zeus was renowned in ancient mythology as the profligate (“wildly extravagant, given to dissipation and licentiousness; shamelessly immoral”), who “spilled his seed” in countless extra-marital affairs. Zeus-Jupiter is the spirit of both the second ray of Love-Wisdom and the first ray of Will-Power – all bundled into one personage. First ray ruler Pluto in Leo, is another indicator of his power, of a relatively advanced soul who has “reversed the wheel”.
Weinstein has a “soft” side, with a Jupiter-Neptune ruled Pisces sun (and Venus in Pisces), that gave him the ability to “read” people and trends, an unique skill to “get a feel” for winning scripts that came across his desk. His visionary capacity to get movies made (also revitalising the British film industry), comes from his brilliant, expansive, story-telling Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in pioneering Aries – opposite Neptune in Libra – movies and “dream-making.” The Sun tenanting the last degree of Pisces is called the “anaretic” degree in medieval astrology, considered a critical life lesson, indicating a completion or apotheosis of karma.
Jupiter or Zeus, Weinstein’s most elevated planet, in the ninth house of the arts, is deeply implicated in his over-bearing, bullying style. It is notable in his astro-cartography, that his Mercury-Jupiter lines runs through London, a location where many of his accusers say that assaults occurred. Bad Harvey Hunting? – away from home and free to indulge himself with less risk of blowback? Well, now the blowback is a class 5 hurricane. His skill in producing movies also stems from a shrewd and canny, deal-making Capricorn moon – and, his Mars square Pluto, a ruthless, take-no-prisoners approach in closing the deal.
Whether the following passage refers specifically to Weinstein or not, it is worthy of reflection, concerning the dweller on the threshold that we all have to face – and the potency of his Mars placement in Scorpio:
“Each life sees some progress made; some personality defects straightened out and some real advance effected. But the unconquered residue and the ancient liabilities are numerous and excessively potent and – when soul contact is adequately established – there eventuates a life wherein the highly developed and powerful personality becomes, in itself, the Dweller on the Threshold.
Then the Angel of the Presence and the Dweller stand face to face and something must then be done. Eventually, the light of the personal self fades out and wanes in the blaze of glory which emanates from the Angel. Then the greater glory obliterates the lesser. This is, however, only possible when the personality eagerly enters into this relation with the Angel, recognises itself as the Dweller and – as a disciple – begins the battle between the pairs of opposites and enters into the tests of Scorpio.

Hercules battles the nine-headed hydra in
the (Scorpio) swamp of Lernea.
These tests and trials are ever self-initiated; the disciple puts himself into the positive or conditioning environment wherein the trials and the discipline are unavoidable and inevitable. When the mind has reached a relatively high stage of development, the memory aspect is evoked in a new and conscious manner and then every latent pre-disposition, every racial and national instinct, every unconquered situation and every controlling fault rises to the surface of consciousness and then – the fight is on.
The keynote of Scorpio is, however, Triumph. This is its major expression upon the physical plane. As a result of struggle and of victory, the whole divine man – not yet perfectly expressing himself, if I might word the situation thus – is anchored upon the physical plane with such accuracy and clarity that there is no escape from the environing conclusions of the disciple’s family, friends and group that he is a disciple.
From that angle he is meticulously watched; he learns the meaning of the word “example”; he is pilloried by those who are onlookers and the first conscious stages toward group awareness and group response, plus group service, are now taken. Such is the outcome and the reward of the experience in Scorpio.”9
The main astrological signature of Weinstein as sexual predator, is the square from Pluto in Leo to Mars in Scorpio. Mars in its lowest, most fundamental expression here, squared by obsessive Pluto – is at once hyper-erotic lust, yet a quasi-mystical experience that drives sex addiction and eventually the search for something higher. This Pluto-Mars square is an unredeemed samskara (a latent karmic tendency shaping one’s present life ) – that Weinstein’s soul has brought forward from other lifetimes, in order to be tested upon as a Leonine leader; it has been compounded to a degree by his Capricorn moon which can be cold-blooded, manipulative and without compassion. His deeds for the past three decades indicate that he took the path of least resistance with the Mars-Pluto square pattern, even cultivated his repetitive patter/script into a distorted artform. Actor Emma Thompson stated,

A complex man, his right eye was injured when he was 12.
In Oct. 2017, “Weinstein underwent counseling
that focused on “dealing with his anger, his attitude toward
others, boundary work and the beginnings of work on empathy.””
“I don’t think you can describe him as a sex addict, he’s a predator. That’s different. He’s at the top of, as it were the ladder of, a system of harassment and belittlement and bullying and interference” and warned that there were many more like him in Hollywood. This has been part of our world, women’s world, since time immemorial. So what we need to start talking about is the crisis in masculinity, the crisis of extreme masculinity which is this sort of behaviour.”10
However, Weinstein was a bully to everyone, as a recent article called “The Cult of Harvey Weinstein’ affirms:
“Everything Harvey did was all about manipulation [Moon in Capricorn, Pluto] and fear. He was a massive bully. He would flatter people [5th house moon], get the best out of them and then dump on them really, really hard to destroy them [Pluto]. It was this whole thing of breaking people down so you could build them up in your own image.” [Mars in Scorpio square Pluto in Leo.]
Other former Miramax employees described how their years working at the company had left them with post-traumatic stress disorder. “I remember friends would ask me what it was like to work at Miramax and I would always tell them that it’s kind of like telling people you fell down the stairs,” said Jesse Berdinka, a former US marine who worked at Miramax for seven years and said the “mental weight” of the sometimes “sadistic” experience [Capricorn moon, Mars in Scorpio] would affect the rest of his life. “We always referred to Miramax as the trenches in the sense that it was a war zone [Mars],” one former assistant told the Guardian. “We used to joke about having to wear a helmet to work.””11

A Weinstein winner. Ralph Fiennes has Moon,
Neptune and Venus in Scorpio.
It was the combination of Weinstein’s Pluto in Leo, thirst for power and Mars in Scorpio lust for sex, that kept him trapped in this predatory addiction. Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock had Pluto square Mars – with Mars in the opposite sign of Taurus, also emotionally challenging. But Weinstein practiced a different brand of terrorism. Note that Mars rules his ninth house tenanted by Mercury-Jupiter, hence the relation between lower procreativity and higher creativity. All addictions emanate from the desire nature, the solar plexus, ruled by Mars.
That is why Mars-ruled Scorpio is the symbol of the second initiation where forces are ultimately brought under control. Weinstein’s basic motive for all his misdeeds may have been on the surface sexual, but were ultimately about power and control, having someone completely subjugated to his desires and, against their will may have been another source of eroticism. Mars is a most important planet as the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio, creating opportunities:
“In Scorpio, the result of all the struggles carried forward during the seemingly endless pilgrimage around the zodiac or wheel of life is brought to a point of climax, again through the activity of Mars which has not appeared actively in the intervening signs between Aries and Scorpio – as far as the reversed wheel is concerned.
The disciple has now to demonstrate the strength, character and quality which he has unfolded and developed within himself during his long pilgrimage. He started in Aries with Mars ruling, and the great war between the dualities which constitute the man began. The pairs of opposites were thus brought into relation with each other. In Scorpio, with the same planet ruling his interior life, the war is on and in this case Mars rules not only the physical body but the entire form vehicle, which we call the personality in the three worlds.
All aspects of the lower nature are involved in this crisis, for Mars is the esoteric ruler in Scorpio and the tests applied involve the form nature – gross and subtle, integrated and potent … The effect of Mars is, therefore, largely mass effect and group results, producing great struggles but leading finally to great revelation … in Scorpio, it is the revelation of the vision of liberation and service … It must consequently never be forgotten that Mars establishes relations between the opposites and is a beneficent and not a malefic factor … The final struggle in Scorpio only takes place when the point of balance between soul and body has been reached in Libra and it is in Scorpio that the preponderance of the spiritual energy is imposed upon the lower personal forces

Leonidas, the king of Sparta with 300 soldiers –
Mars to the max, but not Miramax!
… Mars is closely related to sex, which is an aspect of the pairs of opposites, and its effect is also definitely to vitalise the blood stream; it vitalises, purifies and stimulates all aspects and organisms in the body, via the blood stream. It will be obvious to you, therefore, how the tests in Scorpio and the activity of Mars are potent to arouse the entire lower nature and bring about its final rebellion and the last stand, so to speak, of the personality against the soul. It is Mars who brings the world Arjuna into the active fight. The whole man is then engaged and the “quarrel of the sexes” is resolved in its highest aspect through the battle between the highly developed personality or form nature and the soul which seeks to be the ultimate controlling factor.”12
The phrase above, “largely mass effect and group results”, is interesting in that Weinstein could be considered a kind of “spiritual fall guy” – who brings to a head (albeit unwittingly), the old culture that must be destroyed and in the process finds himself on the path of redemption:
“A study of the processes of death as the sign Scorpio conditions them and the processes of death as we see them working out in the sign Pisces [His sun sign] would be of very real value. Death through the influences of Pluto and death through the influences of Mars are widely different. Death in Pisces through the energy of Pluto is transformation – a transformation so vital and so basic that the,
“… Ancient One is no longer seen. He sinks to the depth of the ocean of life; he descends into hell, but the gates of hell hold him not. He, the new and living One leaves below that which has held him down throughout the ages and rises from the depths unto the heights, close to the throne of God.”… Death in Scorpio is … described in the same ancient writing in the following words:
“… Ancient One dies by drowning. Such is the test. The waters envelop him and there is no escape. He drowns. The fires of passion are then quenched. The life of desire ceases its appeal and to the bottom of the lake he now descends. Later, he re-ascends to Earth where the white horse waits his coming. And this he mounts, proceeding towards the second death” (that is, towards Pisces).”13

Weinstein’s mother and brother.
Mother Issues?
The insecurities or rage that led Weinstein to dominate women at every opportunity, may partly lie in his Mars in Scorpio in the fourth house of the home and family, the mother. Mars placed here might also mirror his volatile relationship with his brother, although that is also the province of the third house of siblings.
However, one main psychological cause for his behaviour toward women lies with the Moon (mother) in Capricorn, conjunct wounded healer Chiron – the wound of the mother. (His company Miramax was named after his parents Miriam and Max.) Furthermore, the Moon and Chiron are in close square to Saturn, a very difficult aspect connected with an emotionally absent or dominating parent.
Capricorn moon can find it difficult to express feelings as it is, let alone being square to Saturn. The person may appear very strong and independent but can be extremely fragile and needy, always having to prove himself. Right up to her death in 2016, Miriam Weinstein was a strong influence upon her sons, encouraging an, “appetite for the art house fare that defined the early days of Miramax.” She “gave advice and pastries” – and was the “backbone” of their new venture. When this conjunction of Moon-Chiron is seen in the fifth house of romance, then perhaps a link can be seen between Weinstein’s mother and women in general. Another dimension is the stereotypical Jewish mother – Capricorn is a sign intimately associated with the Jewish people:
“The stereotype generally involves a nagging, loud, highly-talkative, overprotective, smothering, and overbearing mother or wife, who persists in interfering in her children’s lives long after they have become adults and who is excellent at making her children feel guilty for actions that may have caused her to suffer. The Jewish mother stereotype can also involve a loving and overly proud mother who is highly defensive about her children in front of others. Like Italian mother stereotypes, Jewish mother characters are often shown cooking for the family, urging loved ones to eat more, and taking great pride in their food.”14
Weinstein already had much worldly power and fortune – and a beautiful wife, but chose to keep feeding his insatiable appetite. This might appear as outright greed, but perhaps more of a compulsion based upon deep emotional pain and/or an inability to express feelings. On the day of the October 5 full moon, when the news first became public, transiting Sun was conjunct Weinstein’s Saturn, activating the square to his Moon-Chiron. Saturn, the Lord of Karma and dispositor of the Capricorn moon had caught up, determining his course over this and succeeding incarnations. Through this analysis we may come to understand his soul purpose, the deepest psychological motivations and the dweller or shadow that he faces in this incarnation. The Moon is the shadow in esoteric astrology, and seems to have played a large part in Weinstein’s life:
“The power of the Moon is lessened in [Capricorn] … Materialism, the fight for the satisfaction of personal ambitions, and the conflict with higher spiritual tendencies goes steadily forward … As evolution proceeds, the power of the Moon, which is the symbol and ruler of form, grows less and less, and the man upon the reversed wheel is steadily freeing himself from the control of matter. The attractive lure of that which is material wanes increasingly.”15
Whether Weinstein has arrived at this point is unclear. He may be made a scapegoat (Capricorn) for all of Hollywood’s sins for the rest of his life; for people to project their own imperfections and faults, without actually doing any work upon themselves. He may continue to be vilified and reviled by the entire industry that he helped create. Yet Weinstein is just a man, brilliant, erring, imperfect and human, no less deserving of compassion and understanding than anyone else.
Weinstein’s current visibility may well be eclipsed by accusations flooding out about other directors in the film industry. As Emma Thompson warned, “there were many more like him in Hollywood.” James Toback is one director who now has over 200 accusations leveled at him – and incidentally also has Mars in Scorpio. With Jupiter in Scorpio and Scorpio ruler Pluto in Capricorn, these power abusers will keep emerging from all areas of human endeavour.
The Libran scales are being tipped in the planetary horoscope, as gender equality seeks a greater equilibrium and humanity grapples with one of its biggest problems, sex. Hence, there is much hope to emerge from this current real-life Hollywood drama. Men, or should we say “everyone”, may think twice before consciously entering into any future manipulative sexual liaisons. Everyone has their sexual histories, some best forgotten, but in the Uranian spirit of “experiment and experience” – we all move forward eventually.
This trend of sexual power abuse has been unfolding for the past few years, with such high profile celebrities as Max Clifford, Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harris, Terry Richardson, Bill Cosby, Anthony Weiner, Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes from Fox news – including, “grab ‘em by the pussy” Donald Trump. Again, many cases are tangentially about sex because the theme is mainly about power. Other actors have made thousands of observations:
“Actor Daniel Day-Lewis was no fan of Weinstein despite the fact he won his first Oscar for “My Left Foot.” He told Weinstein, “There’s only one part of you that works – the ability to pick scripts and pick movies. Otherwise, you’re a complete disaster as a person.”
“The transcript of Weinstein’s performance … the grim role he allegedly played over and over again to meet, harass and ultimately silence his victims, is essentially a master class in the semantics of power play and abuse. Famous or unknown, many woman have known their own Harvey Weinstein. Whether the ultimate goal is sex or career advancement or money, the language of his power play is a universal routine, one that every woman will recognize and must try to negotiate.”16
Weinstein’s life would make a great Miramax movie … perhaps someone is already writing the script.
Reincarnation and Sex
Whilst dwelling upon the theme of women being abused, one must bear in mind that the soul takes many incarnations in male and female bodies. There is certainly pause for thought by those who might “cast the first stone” today, in terms of their transgressions “yesterday” – in this life or in others. This by no means excuses the actions of those offenders today, however who is to to know that the female abusees in this life were the male abusers in a past life – and vice-versa? Hence the responsibility in this supposedly more enlightened age for the genders to work unitedly and intelligently at bridging the gap. There are also “anti-feminist” female thinkers who say that the patriarchal dominance theme is exaggerated.
With regard to reincarnation, some observers have stated that choosing to be gay or lesbian, represents a balancing of the genders in one particular life or other. And that the following incarnation might see a resumption of an heterosexual orientation, a treading of the middle way. The same might be said for trans-gender, transvestite etc. For instance, an individual may have had a series of incarnations as one particular gender, only to find themselves in an incarnation of the opposite gender where they are forced to reconcile the opposites. Esoterically, humanity is heading toward a resumption of its original hermaphrodite state, of which the coming Sixth Rootrace is the beginning, but this will be millions of years in the future when the consciousness is more evolved. (See also further in the text, more remarks about reincarnation and incarnations.)
The Seventh Ray and the Sacral Centre Revisited
With the incoming seventh ray cycle waxing ever stronger, in tandem with the Aquarian precession cycle unfolding, this subject is worth giving further consideration, in addition to what has already been stated in these Libra and Scorpio newsletters. The following few pages (you can skip if you wish), is a small excerpt from a long and fascinating section in Esoteric Psychology I (by The Tibetan Master through Alice A. Bailey) that runs for over 20 pages. The subject is so enormous, that it can only be touched upon in this newsletter. The author has bolded some relevant sections and made a few comments in brackets [ ]:
“The Sacral centre – Ray of Ceremonial Magic – Seventh Ray … at this time the seventh ray governs and expresses itself through the sacral centre, that which controls the sex life and the building of forms of expression. Therefore it swings now into activity and pours through this particular centre in order to organise and produce the appearance of those new forms through which all life in the new cycle (astrologically understood and periodically and cyclically understood) may express itself.

Kuan Yin, the divine feminine.
Thus it was necessary for the sex life to be controlled by this type of energy in order to bring about the needed changes, and hence also one of the great results of the influence of the incoming seventh ray has been the increase in the mental interest in sex [7th ray ruler Uranus is the scientific mind] … Races incarnate, disappear and reincarnate, and so do all lives in form. Reincarnation or cyclic activity lies behind all phenomenal activity and appearance.
… It is that which lies behind the science of chemical affinity, of the relation of the polar opposites, and of the marriage relation, whether that of men and women or of the soul and its expression, the personality. It is the cause of the sex relation in the world, which works under the great Law of Attraction and Repulsion.
It is obvious that the matter [sex] is a difficult one to approach. So why is it so difficult? In the last analysis, we shall find that the difficulty is based on the prejudices in men’s minds, and upon their inner assurance that their particular point of view is necessarily the right one because they themselves live and act in accordance with it, and it suffices for them; it is based on the fact that sex is one of the fundamental primeval urges, one of the substantial instincts, and is consequently the dominating factor in the animal side of man’s nature; it is based upon the excessive intimacy of the subject, an intimacy which was transmuted into an indecent secret during the periods wherein the race succumbed to an excessive puritanism and prostituted a natural function into a prurient mystery.
This intimacy relating to the subject of sex caused it to be regarded as an unmentionable episode, and as a topic to be shunned by decent people, instead of being regarded as an instinctual and natural process, – as instinctual and as necessary as the functions of eating and drinking. It is a function, however, which has not been reduced to rhythm in the daily life and regarded as one to be followed and satisfied only when need arises and right demands. Herein lies a great distinction and a clue is offered to the problem.
Again, the difficulty of the problem can be found in the widely diverse attitudes of men’s minds to the subject. These attitudes range all the way from an ill-regulated promiscuity to a monogamy which has worked out into a cruel imposition and restraint upon women, and an unbridled license on the part of men. Attendant upon these difficulties, and growing out of these wrong attitudes, the legalities and the illegalities, the license and the restraints, have produced points of infection (if I may so call them) in our civilisation.
Because of them, we find a lax morality which is based on bewilderment, “red light” districts which are but an unhappy compromise with vicious tendencies and unsatisfied desires, divorce courts which devastate the life of the family and in time undermine the national life (of which each family unit should be a wholesome part), and the steady growth of disease as the result of the prevalent promiscuity and the many illicit relations. There is also a psychological factor to be found, of real importance. This fact is the militancy expressed by the many groups of people who are seeking to impose their own ideas and their peculiar solution of the problem upon their fellowmen.
Behind all these results of an age-long wrong attitude to the sex function lie two major evils, or rather two major effects of man’s actions, mental and physical. These are of dire significance. There is, first of all, the development within man’s consciousness of those complexes, those psychoses and psychological disruptions and inhibitions, which have so seriously undermined the health and the serenity of hundreds and thousands of men. There is, secondly, the threatening of the very life of humanity itself, as it is embodied in the family unit and family life. On the one hand, you have promiscuity and over-indulgence in sex relations, which are resulting (and have always resulted) in over-population and an over-production of human beings.
On the other hand, you have an enforced sterility which – though in many ways the lesser of the two evils – is eventually dangerous. This sterility is rapidly on the increase. [Note the recent dramatic 52% drop in male sperm count.] It leads finally to physical conditions which are undesirable. Nevertheless, at this time, it is the lesser of the two evils. Two points might incidentally be noted here.
… There is no immediate solution of the problem of sex with which we are at this time confronted. For ages men have misused and wrongly employed a God-given function; they have prostituted their birthright, and through their laxity and license, and through their lack of control, they have inaugurated an era of disease, both mental and physical, of wrong attitudes and illusory relations which it will take several centuries to eradicate; they have also brought too rapidly into incarnation myriads of human beings who were not yet ready for the experience of this incarnation, and who needed longer interludes between births wherein to assimilate experience.

The Aquarian Water-Bearer
Those souls who are unevolved come into incarnation with rapidity; but older souls need longer periods wherein to garner the fruits of experience. They are however open to the magnetic attractive power of those who are alive on the physical plane, and it is these souls who can be brought prematurely into incarnation. The process is under law, but the unevolved progress under group law as do the animals, whilst the more evolved are susceptible to the pull of human units, and the evolved come into incarnation under the Law of Service, and through the deliberate choice of their conscious souls.
These rays, pouring through the sacral centre of the planetary etheric body, have necessarily an effect upon the sacral centres of humanity, and hence the sex life of mankind is temporarily over-stimulated, and hence also the present over-emphasis upon sex. But hence also (and this must be remembered) the keen impetus now being mentally expressed which will eventually result in man’s thinking through to a solution of this problem of sex.
The coming in of the Aquarian age also stimulates in man a spirit of universality and a tendency towards fusion. This can be seen working out in the present trend towards synthesis in business, in religion and in politics. It produces an urge towards union, and among other unions, towards religious understanding and tolerance. But these influences, playing upon the sensitive bodies of the undeveloped and the over-psychic, lead to a morbid tendency towards unions, legitimate and illegitimate; they produce an extreme aptitude to sexual intercourse in many directions, and to relations and fusions which are not along the intended or the evolutionary line, and which outrage oft the very laws of nature itself. Energy is an impersonal thing, and is dual in its effect, – the effect varying according to the type of substance upon which it plays.”17
New Book Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles. (Available mid-November)
This book probes the mysteries of human civilisation, its origin in ancient Lemuria and ebb and flow in the rootraces like Atlantis, through to the current Fifth Rootrace – and into the future. It is essentially the story of the human soul and the evolution of consciousness, interpreted in the light of Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine, and The Book of Genesis, drawing upon Eastern and Western traditions – Judaic and Hindu, Christian and Buddhist.
The science of cycles, the yugas, astrology and the seven rays are incorporated to illustrate the vast chronology of human evolution. These esoteric sciences are also bridged where possible to scientific disciplines such as geology, anthropology and biology – revealing their agreement, proofs and unity.
Unveiling Genesis is a vastly updated and re-written version of The Hidden History of Humanity (2005), with 143 figures, 108 tables and hundreds of illustrations to assist the reader in deciphering our complex human origins – upon this beautiful planet we call Earth! Read more …
Phillip Lindsay © 2017.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.320. [↩]
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- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.150. [↩]
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- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.385. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.359. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.207. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.211-12. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.214. [↩]
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- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.170. [↩]
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- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. pp.261-280. [↩]
…nice one Phillip
as usual i like to thank you for your kindness and your precious work. flyng philip fly, flyng up to the sky.
An exceptionally illuminating look at possibly one of the greatest problems of humanity today. The idea that such as Weinstein are “highly evolved”, one to ponder…
Thanks for your great work Phillip!
The following quote from Alice Bailey’s “light of the soul/YSPJ” may of interest to some aspirants & students of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings who haven’t seen it. Thankfully Alice Bailey & Helena Roerich didn’t beat around the bush on the topic of sex.
“By abstention from incontinence, energy is acquired. Incontinence is usually regarded as the dissipation of the vitality or the virility of the animal nature. The power to create upon the physical plane & to perpetuate the race is the highest physical act of which man is capable. The dissipation of the vital powers through loose living & incontinence is the great sin against the physical body. It involves the failure to recognize the importance of the procreative act, the inability to resist the lower desires & pleasures, & a loss of self control. The results of this failure are apparent throughout the human family at this time in the low health average, in the full hospitals, & the diseased, enfeebled & anemic men, women & children everywhere to be found. There is little conservation of energy, & the very words “dissipation” & dissipated men” carry a lesson.
The Light Of The Soul (TheYoga Sutras of Pantanjali) Lucis Trust P199
Compilation of quotations from the Work of AAB & H.Roerich on the topics of Sex & Homosexuality: