Scorpio 2020: Battle for Democracy. US Elections. Trump-Biden. Global Recession 2021. The Christ Crisis.
Scorpio Keynote
“Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
(Full Moon: Oct.31, 2020. 14.49 UT.)
(Note, this is the second full moon in one month, incorrectly called a “blue moon” –
the earlier full moon was on Oct.1. A true blue moon is when there are two full moons in the same zodiacal sign.)
Libra New Moon: Seed for the Scorpio Full Moon
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio: Seeing through the Maya
Invoking the Aquarian Second Ray Soul of the USA
The Scorpio Battle for Democracy
US Elections Always During Scorpio
Trump, Biden and Covid-19
___ Trump Crucified on a Grand Cross
___ Covid-19 Horoscope Revisited
Joe Biden, Scorpio Candidate for President
A Recession/Depression for 2021?
___Astrological Indications of a Global Recession
The Christ Crisis: Global Meditation Visualisation
___The Triangle of USA, UK and Australia
Libra New Moon: Seed for the Scorpio Full Moon Period
“I choose the Way that leads between the two great lines of force.”
Libra is a sign that seeks to balance, bring about equi-librium so that the scales cease to swing from one side to the other. It is the activity of the judicial mind that helps to establish a point of this often elusive equilibrium – so that decision or choice can be made. Saturn rules the throat centre, seat of the mind – and is exalted in Libra:
“In this sign, Saturn is exalted for—at the point of balance—opportunity comes and a situation is staged which makes a choice and a determination inevitable. It is a choice which has to be made intelligently and upon the physical plane, in the waking brain consciousness.”1
Saturn also rules the third ray of active-intelligence, the only ray that passes through Libra. Saturn is the judge and is the “judicial mind that weighs cause and effect more correctly than any other”.2
Hence, choices made at the Libra new moon (Oct.16) will bear their fruit on the Scorpio full moon. Choices to be made were particularly acute at that time because the new moon at 23° Libra was square to Saturn in Capricorn, the sign which Saturn rules – and also Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is the destroyer of all outworn thought-forms, and co-ruler of Scorpio, the full moon period where the results of Libran decisions will bear fruit.
The choices are many that lead to the Scorpio battlefield ruled by Mars and Pluto. Through lack of decisiveness, Libra tends to be non-committal, procrastinate or sit on the fence – but the new moon configuration forced the issue in many ways – about where one STANDS.
To take a stand is based upon under-standing or to “stand under” – to really listen and absorb the quality of an idea or a person, to incorporate it into one’s Being. One needs courage to make a stand, for which the exaltation of the sun in polar opposite Aries is symbolic.
Choices about where you stand on coronavirus, democrat or republican, free speech, democratic principles, what to wear, to engage or disengage, to be or not to be (!). All these choices stimulate more finely attenuated adjustments upon the mental plane, strengthening discrimination and discernment.
Humanity in 2020 is at a critical decision point in history, will it make a stand and reclaim its stolen power? Whatever personal decision and subsequent battle is taken on – the Scorpio keynote exclaims, “Warrior I am, and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio: Seeing through the Maya
Due to Mercury turning retrograde on its transit through Scorpio, it stays in this sign for a long two months – until Dec.1. That time spans a critical period in the global crises of coronavirus, the run-up to the US elections and government policies in every nation.
For those who really want to find the truth, this period will bring opportunity to dive deep and investigate the nature of the disinformation and propaganda that relentlessy bombards everyone on a daily basis; to activate critical thinking and arrive at an intuitive understanding of media distortion – in print, TV and internet; not an easy task if one has been subject to years/layers of unconscious media conditioning!
But it will also be a time where these forces are abused by the invocation of Scorpio on the “ordinary wheel” – “Let maya flourish and deception rule”. Many have been conditioned for decades by once reliable news sources such as the BBC, Guardian, ABC (Australia) and countless others.
Over the past 10-20 years or much longer, those outlets have become compromised through private funding and the pushing of various agendas – to the point where practically all news has a spin of one kind or another. Journalists are paid to write “hit pieces”, headlines are craftily composed with photos to create certain impressions that diverge far from reality; counter arguments to controversial topics are clothed as “thoughtful” articles – and the list goes on and on.
Because the attention span of the general population has dropped dramatically in the past decade, due to cell phone distraction and internet, it has been easy for those with agendas to sway public opinion – the now-proven lies of UK’s Brexit campaign in 2016 are a good example.
Today, anyone who questions the current narrative of Covid-19 is being banned, blocked or ridiculed as a “conspiracy theorist”, by tech giants Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia. This clampdown on free speech should be a warning sign that they are keeping to a narrow narrative that supports most governments around the world. (Note, the US Justice Department has just launched a lawsuit against Google.)
Most people obtain their information from these various news sources (a very high percentage from Facebook), many of which are in lockstep with one another – all pushing the same storyline – “consensus media”. And the world’s population in general tends to accept what this narrative is persistently and perniciously pushing – when in actual fact the populace at large is being lied to.
Mercury passing through Scorpio affords an opportunity to wake up to the old conditioning (or brain washing) – that has occurred through the passive acceptance of most broadcast news; to pierce the veil of maya and see through the “outer seeming” of things.
Of course, those with eyes to see, have always run information through their intuitive filters and arrived at a different point of view; this is happening on a massive scale now, many people are waking up, creating a great surge – indeed, a global resurgence, leading to initiation.
A good example in the following video are excellent interviews with some of the protestors in recent Trafalgar Square London demonstrations against lockdown – and other ridiculous measures applied by the UK government; this is of course a worldwide trend.
The planet Mercury is about communication and finding your voice, individually and collectively. The planetary emergency is now so urgent, that it is high time the people rise up and make themselves heard.
Mercury started its “pre-shadow phase” on Sept. 23 (i.e. slowing of daily motion), before going retrograde proper on Oct.14, finishing its “post retrograde” period on Nov.19 (i.e. back to normal daily motion). During this period, Mercury opposed Uranus for two weeks – Oct 7-20, then again near Nov.19.
This will be by far the most potent stimulation of Mercury’s retrograde period – with revolutionary Uranus sparking innovative and original ideas, supercharging intuitive flashes and influencing radical decisions.
Yet, it can also be where trickster Mercury and erratic, unpredictable Uranus in their lower expression can create impulsive actions and chaos, becoming disorganised and scattered. Hence the need for careful listening, not acting on sudden impulses or making important decisions.
The debate between Trump and Biden on Sept.29 (see later) is a good example of the latter, Mercury was in orb of opposing transiting Uranus. The bitter and vitriolic personal nature of the debate was also lower Mercury in Scorpio. Why spin-king Fox news hosted the debate is a mystery – the adjudicator lost control of disciplining Trump who constantly interrupted.
Fox News is a Libra sun (Oct.5, 1996) and has its progressed Sun-Mercury in Scorpio – with which transiting Mercury is currently aligning, and moving into a square with Trump’s Pluto, empowering him to be totally ruthless and steamroller over everyone; his natal Mars in Leo is a driving factor for using brute force.
Biden (see later analysis), has several planets in Scorpio (Sun, Mars Mercury and Venus) – and transiting Mercury has been passing back and forth over all of them up to the election, offering him the fight of his life; especially when his warrior Mars in Scorpio is activated, this will be Biden’s chance to show if he has the “right stuff”, the potency required to overcome his adversary.
Invoking the Aquarian Second Ray Soul of the USA
No matter what your political persuasion – left/right, Democrat/Republican, red/blue – the key force that must be invoked globally for the US election 2020, is the soul of the nation. That soul is conditioned by the second ray of love-wisdom and Aquarius.
As a nation whose destiny is to lead Humanity into the Aquarian Age, it is urgent that the USA gets back onto its soul track – from which it has wandered in these past decades. All those who are “members” of The New group of World Servers (NGWS), who are involved with The Externalisation of Hierarchy in the Aquarian Age, will have Aquarian soul nations like the USA particularly close to their hearts. Now is the time for all spiritually-minded to transcend the duality of two parties and vote/invoke the Aquarian soul of the nation, for the good of all Humanity.
The USA has almost lost her grip on its Aquarian destiny and the times are pressing as we approach 2025. The Materialistic Forces are throwing everything in their power to block the Externalisation – via the world Dweller that is anchored in the USA.
But the world Angel is there also, waiting to work through the Aquarian soul and create a fairer society, community co-operation and redistribution of wealth. It’s not going to happen overnight though, maybe several decades – but the nexus point is now.
Shortly after the Nov.3 elections on Dec.20, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will enter Aquarius for the first time in 12/30 years respectively, in one of their once-in-20 year conjunctions. (See Saturn-Jupiter in Aquarius: A Peek into the Future (Part I) and (Part II)). This conjunction has the potential to bring about a great reorientation for the world, but particularly for Aquarian soul nations like USA, Russia and the Netherlands.
Esoterically, Jupiter is the soul ruler of Aquarius – the embodiment of the Aquarian Water-Bearer who “pours forth for those who thirst”, in the spirit of sharing and world service. Jupiter is also the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, USA’s soul ray. (Also Britain’s) Hence the potential for activation of USA’s soul purpose will be very high in 2021.
Likewise, Saturn is very much at home in Aquarius, a “mental” planet in a mental air sign. Saturn rules the first decanate of Aquarius and for “unawakened” Humanity,
“… offers opportunity to suffer and, through suffering, to learn to choose rightly, to analyse correctly and to decide upon the higher values”. For those who are awakening or “awake”, “Humanity—as a whole and owing to the large proportion of aspirants and thinking idealists—is entering Aquarius, via the open door of Saturn.”3
Given the fact that Saturn is transiting from Capricorn, a sign which it rules at the exoteric and esoteric level, entering Aquarius with which it has a close affinity, the opportunity will be great:
“Saturn is the planet of discipleship and of opportunity; it is exceedingly active today, presenting to the world disciple those difficult situations and crises which will involve free choice, discriminative pioneering, wise response and correct decision, thus bringing about the destruction of that which hinders – without the relinquishing of any true values of which humanity may be aware.
The individual disciple has always been faced with these conditioning and releasing circumstances, and today humanity itself is in the same position. We stand at the gateway of the new world, of the new age and its new civilizations, ideals and culture.”4
Yet the lower expression of Aquarius can also be invoked, especially by Big Tech. Aquarius through its exoteric ruler Uranus (science), has a close relationship to the IT industry, corporations and the misuse of technology.
The Scorpio Battle for Democracy
There is a great global battle that has begun in earnest in 2020, with many nations taking advantage of the Coronavirus crisis to introduce greater restrictions and repression – in other words, totalitarianism. Much hinges on this election for the United States, whose democratic system has been in a downward spiral for decades; it is now confronted by a do-or-die moment to bring back the voice of the people. As one co-worker said,
“We have archaic and confusing election rules that could be manipulated to reverse the outcome of the Vote … others recognize this as a Battle for Democracy as well as in other countries – as totalitarianism increases. We could have civil war by domestic terrorists, break out in the US before and after the Election.”
But will one party be less totalitarian than the other? Other Western nations face similar challenges, particularly Britain and Australia, creating a materialistic power triangle with the USA. (See the last section of this newsletter, a meditation triangle suggestion.) Al Gore, ex-Vice President, in his 2007 book, The Assault on Reason, gives many compelling arguments regarding the teetering pillars of democracy:
“As a young lawyer giving his first significant public speech at the age of 28, Abraham Lincoln warned that a persistent period of dysfunction and unresponsiveness by government could alienate the American people and that “the strongest bulwark of any government, and particularly of those constituted like ours, may effectively be broken down and destroyed—I mean the attachment of the people.”
Many Americans now feel that our government is unresponsive and that no one in power listens to or cares what they think. They feel disconnected from democracy. They feel that one vote makes no difference, and that they, as individuals, have no practical means of participating in America’s self-government.
Unfortunately, they are not entirely wrong. Voters are often viewed mainly as targets for easy manipulation by those seeking their “consent” to exercise power. By using focus groups and elaborate polling techniques, those who design these messages are able to derive the only information they’re interested in receiving from citizens—feedback useful in fine-tuning their efforts at manipulation.
Over time, the lack of authenticity becomes obvious and takes its toll in the form of cynicism and alienation. And the more Americans disconnect from the democratic process, the less legitimate it becomes.”
That book was written almost 13 years ago, and since then, the refinement of media brainwashing techniques and election interference by other nations has reached a staggering extent – as the 2016 US elections or the Brexit campaign indicate. Gore continues,
“As a result, our democracy is in danger of being hollowed out. In order to reclaim our birthright, we Americans must resolve to repair the systemic decay of the public forum. We must create new ways to engage in a genuine and not manipulative conversation about our future. We must stop tolerating the rejection and distortion of science.
We must insist on an end to the cynical use of pseudo-studies known to be false – for the purpose of intentionally clouding the public’s ability to discern the truth. Americans in both parties should insist on the re-establishment of respect for the rule of reason.”
Reason – indeed, this is the operative word, to move from emotion driven fear and panic, to calm and balanced reason. Not an easy proposition for Hollywood-drama-inclined USA – an impetuous Mars-ruled, sixth ray personality that fosters Idealism and Devotion – and emotionalism.
Mars looms large at the US Election 2020, not only because of its rulership of Scorpio and the sixth ray US personality, but through its transit for several months in that other Mars-ruled sign, Aries. During that period in the latter part of 2020, Mars has precipitated a series of crises as it squared the transiting planets in Capricorn – Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter.
This transiting medley of planets has impacted potently on Donald Trump’s Venus and Saturn in Cancer. Whether he actually contracted Covid remains unknown (just a few short days), or if it was a blatant ruse, we may never know. But Trump sure made some political gain, given his knack for media manipulation – via simplified messaging to the masses.
Civil war in the USA (a Gemini personality, esoterically), has certainly been speculated upon several times in recent decades. In 2004, this author commented upon the possibility, discussing the divisive nature of Mars in Gemini – in USA’s 1776 horoscope. This Mars position occupies a degree very close to Trump’s Gemini sun, allowing him a “direct line”, a finger on the pulse of USA’s Gemini personality:
“Ray Six – Idealism or Devotion, via Mars. This greatly augments the sixth ray personality of the States, thus presenting very real problems in a young people who are apt always to be fanatical and exclusive. Exclusiveness is one of the major weaknesses of the sixth ray type.”5
USA has Uranus in Gemini and it was during its first Uranus return (every 84 years), that civil war broke out. In the chart for the first exchange of hostilities (April 12, 1861), Uranus, planet of revolution, was conjunct Mars the god of war. This was the time of the “racial avatar” Abraham Lincoln, that great Uranus-ruled Aquarian (sun and rising sign) who as President, preserved the Union and helped bring about the emancipation of slaves.
The next Uranus return for USA will be 2027-8, which does not necessarily mean that there will be civil war. Aquarius is the soul ruler of the USA, whilst in its exoteric horoscope the moon is in Aquarius; hence Uranus cycles are extremely important in terms of USA’s unfolding dharma and destiny; no less so in World War II, during another national/global crisis – the darkest days of 1944 when America was going through her second Uranus return.
In the Civil War, a turning point was reached when Grant captured Vicksburg, Mississippi, on July 4, 1863 (USA’s 87th birthday) This event occurred when transiting Uranus (and Mercury) had moved a little further from its Uranus return point to conjoin Mars at around 21 degrees of Gemini. In other words, the liberating forces of Uranus gained the upper hand over Mars in Gemini (The Twins) – symbolic of the schism between north and south.
The neck and neck struggle at the polls between Trump and Biden reflects the struggle of the Gemini twins – the warring brothers – Castor and Pollux – one immortal the other mortal. Who will be the immortal victor?
US Elections Are Always During Scorpio
The 2020 elections will be on Nov.3, with the polls opening for most of the nation at 7 am – hence a horoscope can be generated for that time.
The horoscope is Scorpio rising and a Scorpio sun – as it is every year, indicating the emotional intensity of election day. Scorpio, the sign of battle and initiation, the struggle between the forces of light and darkness – within oneself, within a political party or a nation.
This year is different from other elections due to the presence of Uranus conjunct the Earth in Taurus and opposite the sun in Scorpio, indicating a radical, revolutionary or an unforeseen change; an upsetting of circumstances or events. Joe Biden’s Mars in Scorpio – the ruler of his Scorpio sun, sits right on the Election Day sun.
Hence,nBiden could be a strong contender, simply from a Uranian change viewpoint linked closely to his warrior Mars in Scorpio. (See Biden analysis later.) Bear in mind that Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, USA’s soul purpose, the nation whose destiny was forged to lead Humanity into the Aquarian Age.
Transiting Uranus also squares the US lunar nodes in Leo-Aquarius on Nov. 3. The Leo energy is strong in Trump’s horoscope (Mars/rising) – and his Pluto in Leo (power of the “king”), falls on the US north node. Hence transiting Uranus will be squaring his Pluto (as it has since June 2020), challenging his hold on power, but also promising a “radical” result.
Transiting Uranus activating Pluto here could represent a major disruption or dislodgement from power. An intuitive image that comes to mind is The Tower tarot card – with Trump hurtling to earth – from Trump Tower?! Or Uranus on Pluto might represent Trump attempting to hold onto power by not conceding an election win to the Democrats, a possibility that is particularly troubling for many Americans, as it opens up the danger of domestic terrorism.
Transiting Mars in Aries is the ruler of the Election Day Scorpio Sun/Asc. Mars was active for the latter part of 2020 and on Nov.3 will still be in its other rulership of Aries – but retrograde, indicating repressed rage or a weakened drive. At a very basic level, Mars is in the fifth house of taking risks and gambling. In its own sign of Aries – Mars is the aggressor, feisty and impulsive, “spoiling for a fight” – even inspiring violence or civil disobedience.
This is the energy that was touched upon earlier regarding civil war; or, disruptive groups from within/without the nation committing terrorist acts, taking advantage of USA’s internal struggle that has rendered it vulnerable. Not to mention other attempted interference by foreign powers – “troll farms” that work ceaselessly to distribute propaganda through social media etc.
However, in this Election Day horoscope, Mars is opposite Venus in its own sign of peacemaker Libra, tempering a degree of balance and equanimity, which might also mean a tied election. Libra the sign of Decision. The position of Election Day Venus is favorably close to Trump’s progressed Venus in Libra, in his second house of resources.
Also favorable to Trump, is Mars in sextile/trine to the nodal axis in Sagittarius-Gemini, closely straddling Trump’s Sagittarius moon and Gemini sun. Likewise, the moon is in Gemini on Election Day, and for the 12-hour period that the polls are open, will move to conjoin Trump’s Gemini sun by the end of the day.
The ruler of Trump’s Gemini sun is Mercury – which happens to be moving through Libra from retrograde to direct motion. Somewhat dramatically on Nov.3, Mercury is in a very powerful three-day stationary period, poised to go direct – and advantageously sitting right on Biden’s directed Pluto (power) in Libra.
Stationary Mercury in this position is another factor that could point to a hung or delayed election – squabbles over vote counts, legality or accurate facts. This impasse or blockage is underscored by Mercury’s position in Libra (the law), square to Saturn (also the law) in Capricorn – the state.
Transiting Saturn in Capricorn (along with Pluto and Jupiter), has been opposing Trump’s Saturn and Venus in Cancer for most of 2020. Venus is the ruler of Trump’s Taurus midheaven (career, work, public perception), hence is not a conducive aspect for victory, but does not mean that he cannot win either; tense aspects like this can create the tension for a breakthrough, as discussed in Kamala Harris’ chart analysis for Libra 2020.
Trump, Biden and Covid-19
The debate between Trump and Biden on Sept.29 was a perfect storm unleashed, given Trump’s lack of understanding of how a true debate should be conducted, a moderator who lost control of the debate and the difficult synastry between the two men’s charts. The final debate on Oct.22 was a more civilised affair, but for many voters an unsatisfactory, “too little, too late”.
The key synastry factor is Trump’s rambunctious Mars in late Leo, stimulated by an exact conjunction on debate day by transiting Venus in Leo – bringing out the worst of Mars’ self-centeredness. Trump’s Mars is in close square to Biden’s Mars-ruled Sun and Venus in Scorpio, hence the audience witnessed Mars on the attack, attempting to overwhelm Biden and indeed, even the moderator – and for all its crudity, succeeded to some extent. The debate horoscope for Sept.29 at 9 pm (See below) had a Moon-Neptune conjunction that contributed scatteredness, confusion, chaos and a lack of clearly defined boundaries.
The final debate Oct.22, 2020.
Trump also delivered some cruel personal jibes to Biden, if any synastry aspect can get under the skin of an opponent, it is Trump’s Mars in Leo square Biden’s Sun-Venus in Scorpio. The transit of Mercury through Scorpio, squaring Trump’s Pluto also added invective. Under the circumstances, Biden handled it reasonably well. Scorpio is the sign of battle and in politics Scorpio’s usually have a thick hide, being able to give as good as they get. The debate however, was a complete farce.
Trump Crucified on a Grand Cross
The big formation on the day in Trump’s chart was an extraordinary grand cross formed between transiting Mars in Aries, Saturn in Capricorn and progressed Jupiter in Libra – to Trump’s Venus in Cancer.
Biden’s Jupiter in Cancer sits right on Trump’s Venus in the same degree. The Sabian symbol for this degree is “Guests are reading in the library of a luxurious home.” Thoughtful reflection never had a chance to emerge in that debate. (This Sabian degree is examined in more depth later.)
Saturn had already been opposing Trump’s Venus for a while in 2020 – symbol of his wealth and power as a property billionaire and privileged upbringing – and the tribal nature of family working closely with him in the administration.
His Venus rules the midheaven in Taurus (work, career, the public) – and now transiting Saturn appears to be bringing a karmic reckoning to that work – his presidency, courtesy of trigger planet Mars. Transiting Mars in Aries was also trine to his natal Mars at the debate, adding fuel to the flames.
This grand cross formation has brought to a head everything thus far elapsed in Trump’s presidency, it might well indicate the beginning of the end – as karmic chickens come home to roost. Added to that, just a day or two later Trump, wife and some staff were diagnosed with Covid-19, creating an even bigger national drama which Trump worked to his advantage. It is notable that Trump’s Gemini twins counterpart in the UK, Boris Johnson – also caught the virus.
Trump embodies the US global\dweller and in someways it appears to be misguided by Americans to keep blaming him as a personality/scapegoat; he represents everything that is wrong with the USA and what many Americans are not owning or recognising.
Covid-19 Horoscope Revisted
Which brings us to the horoscope of the first reported case of Covid-19, when the sun and Mercury were in Scorpio on Nov.17, 2019. (Discussed here.)
The transit of Mercury through Scorpio in mid Oct.2020, was at a stationary conjunction with Covid-19 Mercury, before going retrograde and returning again on Nov.19 – encompassing the lead-up to the US election, the election itself and post-election period.
Also notable is synastry with Biden’s chart, whose Mars sits directly on Covid-19 Mercury, his sun just a few degrees from Covid-19 sun. Likewise, Trump’s solar directed ascendant is very close at 11 degrees Scorpio.
Joe Biden, Scorpio Candidate for President
(Author’s Note: This analysis is not based upon any pro or anti Biden sentiments.)
Joe Biden is a seasoned politician and was vice-president to Barack Obama for eight years. Hence he has considerable experience “on the hill”, the political labyrinth of Washington DC. But do the American public want someone who has already been in office – that has a lot of experience on the one hand, yet dragging old baggage on the other?
As discussed about Kamala Harris in the recent Libra newsletter, some observers state that not much is expected to change if Biden wins the election – beholden to big tech/business, Wall St., Israel – and a recent question mark over family business with the Ukraine. There are also several past regrettable decisions described in this article, abbreviated below:
– Anita Hill Hearings
– 1994 Crime Bill
– speech plagiarism
– used son’s 2015 death for his political gain
– voted to gut welfare
– gave Obama a classic racist backhand compliment
– voted to overturn Glass-Steagall
– eulogized one of America’s most famed racists
– opposed school integration in the 1970s
– voted for the Iraq War6
On the other hand, Biden is committed to the following, bearing in mind that a campaign promise or expressed ideal can translate very differently after the election – due to many factors.
– pro free tertiary education
– financial boost to schools with low-income students
– a big minimum wage increase
– enhancing the Affordable Care Act
– transformation of federal housing policy
– a labor-friendly climate agenda
– commitments on union organizing
– reversal of Trump’s immigration policy
– stricter gun control, especially assault type rifles (Read the whole article on Vox here.)
Polls in the New York Times are showing that Biden has a nine-point lead over Trump on all issues. But of course we all know that polls can be misleading or even rigged! Hillary Clinton was given a 91% chance of winning in 2016 – by the same newspaper. Nevertheless, as stated by the NYT on Oct. 20:
“Mr. Trump does not hold an edge on any of the most pressing issues at stake in the election, leaving him with little room for a political recovery absent a calamitous misstep by Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, in the coming days. The president has even lost his longstanding advantage on economic matters: Voters are now evenly split on whether they have more trust in him or Mr. Biden to manage the economy.
On all other subjects tested in the poll, voters preferred Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by modest or wide margins. Mr. Biden, the former vice president, is favored over Mr. Trump to lead on the coronavirus pandemic by 12 points, and voters trust Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump to choose Supreme Court justices and to maintain law and order by six-point margins.
Americans see Mr. Biden as more capable of uniting the country by nearly 20 points. Over all, Mr. Biden is backed by 50 percent of likely voters, the poll showed, compared with 41 percent for Mr. Trump and 3 percent divided among other candidates.”7
Biden has several planets in Scorpio, one of the best signs that can endure the slings and arrows of political fortune – to have a “tough hide”: A stellium of Mars, Sun, Mercury and Venus. Biden is Sagittarius rising, his soul purpose that aligns with Sagittarius rising in USA’s 1776 exoteric horoscope.
Sagittarius, the sign of spiritual philosophy, idealism, religion, ethics, higher education and one-pointed, unerring orientation to the goal. Jupiter is the exoteric ruler of Sagittarius and is in Cancer, the sign of its exaltation.
Exoterically interpreted, Jupiter in Cancer fosters loving family relations, kindness, moral principles and generosity. Skill in real estate and finance, can tend to accumulate wealth. Emotionally idealistic, a dreamer. Esoterically Jupiter in Cancer,
“… indicates the successful development and eventual use of the form aspect and the development of psychic sensitivity both in the higher and the lower senses. These are important developments for the soul who has chosen to incarnate. The building of adequate forms and the use and control of form are essential if there is to be wise and right cooperation with the Plan of God.
Jupiter guarantees this in Cancer from the very initial stage of birth. Love as relationship to divinity and wisdom as relationship to form lie behind the soul’s intent. In space and time, for long aeons, form controls and hides the soul. This is equally true in regard to the fluid psychic nature.
These (the form aspect and the psychic nature) reach an eventual concrete perfection in Capricorn to become again in Cancer the perfect instrument of service which the initiate wields as he seeks to render mass service instead of being involved and lost in the mass.”8
How much of this Biden lives up to may not be apparent, but certainly “seeks to render mass service” to his country. An initiate he may not be, but certainly an aspirant, and possibly a disciple.
Sagittarians can be the biggest exaggerators (exaggitarius!) or compromisers of the truth – the story teller or simply bare-faced liar – like Donald Trump’s moon position in this sign; it’s a skill-set that many politicians learn early in their careers. Biden’s Taurus moon squares Jupiter in Cancer, deepening this predisposition.
The esoteric ruler of Sagittarius is the Earth, which is always opposite the Sun, hence it is placed in Taurus, conjunct reformer Uranus in Gemini – in the sixth house of health, healing and service.
The Earth as esoteric ruler in Taurus must overcome the moon in Taurus, the dweller – which can manifest as an overly materialistic, even greedy outlook, plus the control of sexual desire – recently exposed, with accusations of “inappropriate” touching females, young and older. Is this as much cause for concern as Trump’s “grab ‘em by …” remarks? Yet others say Biden’s touchy physicality is the mark of old-school politicians.
The sexual theme is further amplified by the fact that Taurus is the polarity to Biden’s Scorpio stellium – with ruler Mars placed in this sign, plus sensual Venus closely conjunct his sun. This gives Biden a physical attractiveness and magnetic appeal, in a personal sense but also in terms of a widespread public perception.
Scorpio is one of the four signs of death, ruled by Pluto. Biden has had his share of tragedy with the death of his first wife and daughter in a car accident just after he won his seat in the US Senate in 1972. Later his son Beau died of brain cancer in 2015.
The accident day (Dec.18, 1972) occurred right on his Venus return, indicating the loss of near and dear ones. To achieve his ambition and then lose his wife and daughter shortly afterward, was a cruel twist of fate. Biden recalled,
“I liked to [walk around seedy neighborhoods] at night when I thought there was a better chance of finding a fight … I had not known I was capable of such rage … I felt God had played a horrible trick on me.”9
Likewise, it had recently been Biden’s two-year Mars return and transiting Mars on that ill-fated day was conjunct his Mercury (transport) in Scorpio. On winning his seat previously on Nov.7, 1972 – transiting sun was conjunct his Mars in Scorpio. Hence the latent power of his natal Mars and its activation at the 2020 election.
Mercury is related to speech and Biden has suffered from a life-long stutter, indicated by Mercury’s square to Chiron the wounded healer – in Leo, the sign of the leader or king. This brings to mind King George VI, a Sagittarian with Sun-Mercury opposite Neptune in Gemini. (See movie, The King’s Speech) It has been said that Biden’s stutter has been incorrectly associated by critics with “cognitive decline”. After the Trump debate of Sept.29, one Biden supporter wrote:
“On top of this, Biden has a life-long stutter he has struggled with. Imagine the pressure—he can’t just walk off stage and say ‘this farce is over’, or it will look like Trump has driven him off the field. He can’t afford to fumble his words or stumble or look old and feeble. And he can’t respond to every outrageous lie and attack.
But Joe held his own. Time after time, he pulled back from the temptation to just attack back, or froth at the mouth and scream, and landed his punches. He made it clear—when Trump didn’t do so himself—that the current occupant of the White House is a desperate, out-of-control failure, that he has no plan and no capacity to govern.
He did, just once, tell him flatly to shut up. Some of us would have been happy to see him land a solid punch in the face—but that probably wouldn’t have helped him, as satisfying as it might have been to watch. And it would have broken Covid-19 protocol.
At times, you could see Biden was struggling with strong emotion, as when Trump attacked his sons, sneered at Beau’s service in Iraq. If Trump is trying to dispel the stories of how he has called soldiers ‘losers’, he didn’t help himself in that moment.
Biden had to almost physically pull himself back from the temptation to retaliate and go after Trump’s corrupt brood of offspring, but he did it, and went back to talking about all of our families and the policies that could make life better.
The strain showed—and I like that! I like that he has human feelings, and that he doesn’t hide them, but nonetheless exerts self-control. What a change that would be, to have someone like that in the White House!” (Starhawk)
This concludes a brief summary of Biden, now to consider his prospects for Election Day, Nov. 3. Some transits have already been touched upon earlier but they will all be summarised below. As per usual, readers can follow these transits via the colour-coded aspects in the quadri-wheel below:
1. Transiting Mercury in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer (Black lines)
a. Mercury is stationary about to turn direct in Libra, but for the latter part of 2020, has been activating all Biden’s Scorpio planets. Jupiter in Cancer is the exoteric ruler of Biden’s Sag rising soul purpose. Jupiter is also in Cancer in USA’s exoteric 1776 horoscope, giving similar resonances for Biden.
“Mercury the mouthpiece” is the communicator and brings high hopes for the future, but it can overestimate itself when square to Jupiter – in that “exagittarius” vein, a bit too confident or footloose; saying things that sound arrogant or over the top; this aspect will be in orb for almost a week before election day, so Biden would need to watch what he says in the heat and emotion of election battle!
b. Transiting Mercury is also conjunct solar-directed Pluto, giving Biden a sense of the power which is within his grasp, adding a further note of caution to the above.
c. Mercury is the ruler of Biden’s Virgo midheaven (career, public), so the right resolution of the tension between Mercury and Jupiter before election day is critical. The old adage comes to mind, “There’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip” – don’t lose focus until you are over the finish line.
“During his years as a senator, Biden acquired a reputation for loquaciousness and “putting his foot in his mouth”. He has been a strong speaker and debater and a frequent and effective guest on Sunday morning talk shows. In public appearances, he is known to deviate from prepared remarks. The New York Times wrote that Biden’s “weak filters make him capable of blurting out pretty much anything”.10
d. Biden’s Jupiter is in the 26th degree of Cancer, the same degree as Trump’s Venus, indicating perhaps a close karmic relation between them. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is, “Guests are reading in the library of a luxurious home”. This might suggest that Biden is infinitely more educated and politically experienced than Trump’s approach. Dane Rudhyar comments on this degree:
“Emergence of consciousness upon higher levels of being, once life has been fulfilled at normal levels. Conscious fruition. When positive, the degree is a relaxation valuable for the momentary containment of human aspiration whenever it is strained beyond its powers of self-regeneration, and when negative, the loss of all reality in a needless softness of living.11
Another commentator states:
“ARISTOCRATIC RESPONSIBILITY. Becoming an influential member of society requires
awareness of current trends of ideas and beliefs. Society is consolidated by the laws, moral codes and intellectual trends of the time, and these are shaped during gatherings at which the more influential members of the community socialise. To be a part of this set one must conform to its standards of behaviour and belief.” (James Burgess.)
e. Likewise, stationary Mercury is in the 26th degree of Libra, exactly square to Jupiter in Cancer. Mercury the mediator/messenger in a sign of mediation, Libra. The Sabian Symbol for the 26th degree of Libra is, “An eagle and a large white dove turning one into the other.” The eagle is a symbol of power and might, iconic as the national symbol of the USA – and one of the three creatures associated with Scorpio.
The eagle is symbolic of power in many traditions, Scorpio is a sign of power, potent in Biden’s chart; it is a symbol of the soul that soars from on high and has a bird’s eye view of creation; it can also be a symbol of naked aggression and ruthlessness.
The dove is a symbol of the Christ principle of peace, as it descends to Earth and envelops Humanity in its wings. The former is a symbol of the first ray will or power, the latter of the second ray of love-wisdom. Their merging and synthesis bodes well for the expression of USA’s soul – but through which leader? Rudhyar comments once more,
“The interaction of the spiritual Will and of the Love principle when critical needs arise. This sequence of symbols deals with problems met by the seeker for the fulfillment of a higher life of Relationship. Implied here is a kind of Yang-Yin interplay. When the circle encompassing both principles rotates fast, they appear to change into each other. Consciousness operates beyond duality, because the polarized energies of the Soul (or spirit). Will and Love, though ever distinct, work for a single purpose.

Master Morya, a true adept who, “Seeks to touch with the hidden spiritual fire, the head centres of all intuitive statesmen.”12
This is .. a new, higher approach to the use of polarized forces within the personality which has been ever so little transformed and operating within a new framework. The Keyword ADEPTNESS fits this phase — but there are many levels of “adept-ship”!”13
A lot of focus has been given to this aspect, given the potency of the planets involved and their relation to both Biden and Trump. Continuing now, with more transits to Jupiter …
2. Transiting Saturn in Capricorn opposite Jupiter in Cancer (Blue lines)
Jupiter as ruler of Biden’s soul purpose Sag rising, is taking a lot of heat from the square of Mercury in Libra, and also the opposition to it from Saturn in Capricorn. In fact, this is a T-square configuration of the Saturn-Jupiter opposition that finds its apex focus upon stationary Mercury in Libra.
Transits from Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn have been opposing Biden’s natal Jupiter in Cancer during 2020; this was particularly so in April when transiting Jupiter-Pluto were conjunct, closely opposing Biden’s natal Jupiter; on April 13-14 he received endorsement as the Democrat candidate from Sanders and Obama. Here is another factor related to the winning potency of his natal Jupiter – activated then and also at the election.
These Mercury-Saturn aspects to Biden’s Jupiter can work for him and against him, as explained thus far. The problem with the transiting Mercury square Saturn pattern, is that it could lead to a hung election, an uncertain outcome, delays over the vote count and/or Trump’s refusal to leave office.
Bear in mind that Trump’s Venus is in this mix, in other words, at the same degree as Biden’s Jupiter – so it takes a similar strain from transiting Saturn and Mercury. Both Venus and Jupiter are regarded traditionally as “benefic planets”, but Jupiter is regarded far and away as the planet of “luck”.
3. Progressed Sun/Asc in Aquarius square Mercury in Scorpio (Red lines)
Aquarius governs the soul of the USA, hence there is some resonance Biden carries with hhis progressed sun in Aquarius in alignment with the nation. The challenge here is not unlike transiting Mercury’s square to Jupiter; to be careful of allowing unconscious thought patterns buried in the 12th house to emerge with spite and vitriol, damaging himself thereby.
This square aspect also activates the challenging square of natal Mercury to Chiron, and moving past the fear of stammering. Note that for the Election Day chart, the Leo midheaven favourably begins right on Biden’s Chiron in Leo. Also, Scorpio ruler, transiting Pluto in Capricorn, is closely sextile Mercury in Scorpio – an aspect that will aid Biden in powerful and persuasive communication.

Lesser known is the fact that Uranus has “young” rings like Saturn.
4. Transiting Uranus in Taurus opposite Mars in Scorpio (Violet line)
Natal Mars has already been proven a “winner” for Biden in 1972. With the ruler of his progressed Sun in Aquarius opposing Mars, it could indicate an upset and win for Biden. Yet Uranus has not yet reached its full power in an exact opposition to Mars, it almost did in Aug.2020; it will reach exactitude in May 2021 – and continue through to March 2022.
5. Transiting Sun/Asc in Scorpio conjunct Mars in Scorpio (Blue lines)
This is another favourable aspect for Biden, empowering his natal Mars’ proven track record. Yet Mars is in the 12th house of secrets, like all of his Scorpio placements, and as another astrologer astutely observes by comparison of the previous democratic contender Hillary Clinton, also with a stellium in Scorpio (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Chiron, south node):
“… there exists a dramatic similarity between the astrological profile of Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, for the charts of both reveal a definite focus on Scorpio placements in the 12th house. [Note: This author favours the Gemini rising chart.]
On an astrological basis, it could therefore be said that the two are very similar in certain regards. Both harbor deep needs for privacy, personal space, and confidentiality. Both function naturally in closed-door environments where they can exercise their stunning powers of analysis undisturbed.
Neither is well-suited to the constant public scrutiny which inevitably comes with elected political position. Both are profoundly inward persons, both blessed with the shrewd intellect and penetrating perceptive power of Scorpio, but also given to moments of resentment when their private worlds come to light. It would be no great stretch to say that both of these charts show persons with something they’d rather not air to the public.
Such persons often appear defensive when placed under the harsh light of public attention. This was certainly true of Hillary Clinton, who although composed and unflappable much of the time, let her pent-up rage fly just enough times during the previous presidential election to make certain voters squirm. The same dynamic could easily express through Biden.”14
6. Transiting Neptune in Pisces opposite a Virgo Midheaven
This is traditionally not a very good transit for one’s professional life – related to disappointment or loss. One can also fall victim to scandal through deception. For the spiritually aware however, this transit can inspire and uphold the vision to the masses – which this planet rules over. Neptune is also the ruler of the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism, the personality ray of the USA, and which finds its strongest expression through Sagittarius, Biden’s rising sign.
This analysis is by no means exhaustive but certainly covers the main influences for Biden. All options weighed up, it’s a very tough call, as are the transits in Trump’s chart. It remains to be seen who the victor will be and if in the process of the election, USA’s Aquarian soul can be invoked.
A Recession/Depression for 2021?
Given the fact that so many livelihoods and businesses have been destroyed in 2020, the loss of income for millions – if not billions of people around the world, due to extreme compensation taken for Coronavirus – 2021 may well see the biggest economic depression since the 1930’s. The cause is related to the global cabals or cartels that have controlled the world for centuries and find some of their most powerful bases in the USA, as this often-quoted passage describes:
“The responsibility for the widespread misery to be found today in every country in the world lies predominantly at the door of certain major interrelated groups of business-men, bankers, executives of international cartels, monopolies, trusts and organizations and directors of huge corporations who work for corporate or personal gain.
They are not interested in benefiting the public except in so far that the public demand for better living conditions will enable them—under the Law of Supply and Demand—to provide the goods, the transportation, light and power which will in the long run bring in heavier financial returns.
Exploitation of man-power, the manipulation of the major planetary resources and the promotion of war for private or business profit are characteristic of their methods.”15
With the approach of the Externalisation sometime after 2025, the economic spell that has imprisoned humanity for aeons, must and will be broken; but “they” will not go without a fight:
“… reactionary groups in every country will neither recognise the need for, nor desire this new world order which the liberation of cosmic energy can make possible; the vested interests, the big cartels, trusts and monopolies … will mobilise their resources and fight to the death to prevent the extinction of their sources of income; they will not permit, if they can help it, the passing of the control of this illimitable power into the hands of the masses, to whom it rightly belongs.
The selfish interests among the big stockholders, the banking firms and the wealthy organised churches will oppose all change, except in so far as it will benefit them and bring more financial gain to their coffers.”16
That passage was written shortly after WWII – but since then these forces have consolidated their stranglehold on Humanity and refined their operations to a new level of sophistication and deceptiveness; they are the outer agents of the invisible Materialistic Forces and the shaking of their foundation is happening NOW – because those forces know that their time is almost up.
Whether this 2020-21 period generates what the World Economic Forum term a “reset” that benefits the people, or simply strengthens the hand of the insidious groups that are the soldiers of these global interlocking directorates – remains to be seen. At the moment, the latter forces seem to be very much in control – and will stay that way unless humanity snaps out of its dream … soon!
A global “plan” that is unfolding, also dubbed “conspiracy”, says that the sensationalised coronavirus phenomenon will lead to the disappearance of cash, replaced by a digital system of money – with a universal income paid to all; this involves total obedience to governments who are being ruthlessly driven by corporate interests worldwide.
Astrological Indications of a Worldwide Recession
Uranus In 2018, the author wrote, Uranus in Taurus: Revolution of the Monetary System – looking at the 7-year cycle of Uranus passing through this sign, traditionally associated with money: “We can expect to see radical changes in how money is used, plus long overdue financial reforms globally.”
Uranus is connected to money through its rulership of the sacral/sexual chakra – an energy centre related to procreation and survival. Uranus is also the esoteric ruler of Libra – one of the main zodiac signs of money and sex. (Ruled by Venus, like Taurus.) Uranus is also the exoteric ruler of Aquarius, a sign related to distribution and sharing of prana/energy/money throughout the community.
On February 17, 2021 (16.04.30 UT), Saturn in Aquarius will move into an exact square pattern with Uranus in Taurus – that will remain in orb, on and off, right through to late Dec. 2021. Saturn is also related to money and its manipulation – is exalted in Libra and rules Capricorn, a sign of financial organisation and management. It has been noted by some astrologers that the most frequent combination for stock market crashes is when Saturn and Uranus are in hard aspect to one another.
Therefore, revolutionary Uranus will be seeking to overturn the status quo of Saturn, its traditions and structures – to implement something radical, and in that process a restraint (Saturn) of the money flow may eventuate.
Saturn Saturn entered Aquarius in March 2020 forming its first wide square to Uranus. This was the month that Coronavirus crisis restrictions started to kick in, with the beginning of a loss of income for many. Long food queues. But when Saturn and Uranus come into their first exact square on Feb.17, 2021, there may well be the beginning of a major stock market crash.
The horoscope for this exact Saturn-Uranus square determines the entire year with regard to the interaction of these two planets. The chart below uses the major global financial centre, London – whose soul rulership is Leo, matching the rising sign soul purpose of this horoscope. (Leo is associated with gold and wealth.)
Note that the moon is in Taurus, making a close conjunction to Uranus – very prominently the most elevated bodies near the midheaven. The moon is exalted in Taurus and represents the material, matter, money – or “filthy lucre” (profit) as it is sometimes called! Taurus is also the personality ray of Britain, and a symbol of the “bull market” in London’s financial district.
Notethe large stellium of planets in Aquarius, aiding Uranus’ mission to transform the monetary system: Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn! This powerful Leo-Aquarius axis speaks to us of the personal and selfish (Leo) versus the greater good (Aquarius). From a more soul-centred perspective, Leo represents inspired and generous leadership, something that has not been seen in Britain for years – but miracles can happen!
Horoscope for exact Saturn square Uranus, Feb.17, 2021.
It is curious also to note that the full moon period of Scorpio – Oct. 31, 2020, sees the moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus, within one degree of the Feb.17 event chart. Hence this forthcoming period during Scorpio may herald that which approaches in February 2021.
The Christ Crisis: Global Meditation Visualisation
The many crises around the planet have come to a critical mass in 2020 and must be contained by the world group known as the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – particularly the more subjective, spiritually oriented portion of that group. Many who read these newsletters recognise their participation in this group, often actively through individual and group meditations.
Millions, maybe billions around the world are scared, helpless or trapped at this time – they need support and subjective encouragement. During the full moon meditations, the NGWS utilise the five planetary centres or chakras by visualizing their collective light, love and power pouring through New York, London, Geneva, Darjeeling and Tokyo. These visualisations are also accompanied by sounding The Great Invocation.
An even more potent invocation for this time of planetary emergency, is part of the original Great Invocation, used in 1940 to invoke those extra-planetary Beings known as The Lords of Liberation; that invocation was used successfully to slow down the Axis powers’ advance, enabling victory for the allies:
“The Lords of Liberation took certain unexpected steps. This They were led to do owing to the invocative powers of humanity, used consciously by all those upon the side of the will-to-good and unconsciously by all men of goodwill. Owing to these steps, the efforts of those fighting in the realm of science for the establishing of true knowledge and right human relations were aided.
The trend of the power to know and to discover (a definite form of energy) was deflected away from the demanding evocative minds of those seeking to destroy the world of men, leading to a form of mental paralysis. Those seeking to emphasise the right values and to save humanity were simultaneously stimulated to the point of success.”17
The Triangle of USA, UK and Australia
The two main centres in the Western world that are currently at a point of critical balance, are the USA and UK – these nations are the locations of two major planetary centres, New York and London. Both nations are ruled at the soul level by the second ray of Love-Wisdom. UK is a Gemini soul that links to USA’s Gemini personality. Both nations have Gemini leaders – extensively analysed in previous newsletters.
Australia is in a similar predicament regarding undue influence by Materialistic Forces and like the USA, is a “child” of Britain; it is probably also a second ray soul. Australia has a close relation to both Britain and the USA – it forms a natural triangle exoterically and esoterically. A visualisation some groups have been using recently, is a triangle between New York/Washington, London and Melbourne/Sydney/Canberra (political capital).
The visualization suggested is to view the world on a broad rectangular map, with London and New York at the extreme left and right hand sides respectively. Then to visualise a line of light, love and power – moving from London across Europe, the USSR and North America – to New York City/Washington DC. Then to see these centres emanating lines of light, reaching Australia and converging in a golden orb that radiates from Canberra out to Sydney and Melbourne.
Then, actively visualise those streams of energy dynamically circulating around the golden global triangle, purging and purifying the corruption that has accumulated in these cities/nations. We know that the planetary etheric grid is linked by many triangles of energy between major cities – such as Brussels, Berlin and Warsaw.
Hence, all global triangles will be influenced incidentally by the visualisation of this one great global triangle that passes through many nations. All the personal triangles that the NGWS currently use as individuals and groups – will also be activated, as they are scattered across all those nations.
This is just one suggestion of course, there are many permutations that individuals and groups can use from their own inspiration and imagination. For instance, adding New Zealand as an extension of the centre in Australia, would help significantly, especially in synthesising the forces between the northern and southern hemispheres.
The key for this subjective work is that we are all working unitedly for a common cause, making a subjective STAND against the tyranny of the times. This is the true magical group work that can be effected at this dawn of the Aquarian Age.
A further part of this suggested visualisation is to see at the centre of this triangle, the Christ in solemn ceremony with the assembled Masters of Wisdom, consecrating Humanity; the Christ overshadowed by the Avatar of Synthesis who draws closer by the day.
Then, as the group holds the tension of this great golden triangle visualisation with its indigo blue centre of Hierarchy – the Great Invocations can be sounded, either one or both. Bear in mind that the crises faced today are related to/caused by the imminent Reappearance of the Hierarchy – sometime after 2025: Humanity faces a Christ Crisis …
Phillip Lindsay © 2020.
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Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.249. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.234. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.283. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.148. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p. 91. [↩]
- [↩]
- New York Times [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.341. [↩]
- [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, Dane Rudhyar [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.505. [↩]
- An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, Dane Rudhyar [↩]
- The Starfire Messenger – no.129, Maureen Richmond. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.71. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.499. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.494. [↩]
Hi Phillip,
Brilliant newsletter, especially the suggestion for the global triangle.
1.) Please know that Michael Robbins, your good friend, has been using the the second part of the Great Invocation in his weekly webinars for a number of weeks now. His triangles meditation group could help with this endeavor. (He invokes your name frequently in his taped commentaries.) This would also fit in nicely with his Esoteric United Nations initiative.
2.) The NY Lucis Trust Triangles group has a weekly speaker. It would be great if you could speak to everyone sometime regarding this triangle meditation. Send Kathy Newburn a copy.
Meanwhile, I will start using it in my daily meditation.
Your hard work and insight is deeply appreciated.
All good wishes,
thanks Vicki, many of us having been using this invocation for the last several years, I hope it gets wider usage now.
Thanks Phillip. I read this today after the election. Very insightful and comprehensive as always. I had my doubts about Trump actually having Covid. Possibly a stunt to show people it’s no big deal to deflect the criticism. Yes would be great for you to speak at a Lucis meeting.
Much gratitude
The selection of 2020 was a coup d’etat and a big battle won for the CCP.
There is a war on against the world, and the political stories are distractions and tools that the CCP is using most effectively. Just ask, who can you not criticize?