Scorpio New Moon 2023: Roots of the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Emergence of Zionism-Nazism
Scorpio Keynote
“Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
(New Moon: Nov.13, 2023.)
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it …
Only the dead have seen the end of war”. (George Santayana)
Israel: Scorpio New Moon (Nov.13)
The Origins of Zionism and Nazism
– Theodore Herzl and Zionism
– Bismarck and the Emergence of Nazism
– Britain’s Balfour Declaration
– Netanyahu Invokes Amalek
– Oil and Gas Reserves in Gaza
– Control of Suez Canal
– Master Jesus as Joshua, Son of Nun
– Esau the Amalek and Atlantean
– Doubts on the Oct.7 Hamas Attack
– Gideon Levi: Outspoken Israeli Journalist
– Jewish People: Global Solar Plexus Centre
– Palestine is No Longer the Holy Land
– Triangle of Evil
– Our Duty to Stay Informed
As the subject of Israel and Jews is one of the most divisive and emotional on the planet, it is timely during this planetary crisis to take a deeper dive into the subject – esoterically. Esotericism looks at root causes, that which lies behind outer manifested appearances – which can be fraught with maya and illusion.
Hence, there follows an astrological analysis of the Scorpio new moon for Israel, an historical overview of the exoteric roots of the current conflict, complemented by esoteric commentaries from the Master. The author has worked on the question of the Jewish people for many years – which included an online group, The Methuselah Project (2007-2014), composed of Jews (some in Israel) and Gentile esoteric students.
Our vision was to discuss and meditate on the “Jewish problem”, to contribute toward a subjective resolution upon the higher mental plane – so virtually intractable and ancient has been this issue. Some of the group members are still doing this work and the fruits of those labours were shared at a 2011 conference: Jewish Glamour: A Change in Attitude. Other essays on this subject can be found here:
Psychosynthesis of the Jewish People
The Jewish Group: D.K.’s Letters to Roberto Assagioli (FCD)
Into the Future: The Role of Jewish People
What Would Isaiah Say Now?
Anti-Semitic Allegations against Alice Bailey
Israel: Scorpio New Moon (Nov.13)
At this critical stage of horror and unresolved conflict in Israel, the new moon is of particular importance, given its powerful activation of Israel’s horoscope. New moons are quite esoteric, in that they represent the planting of a seed in the “dark cycle” that symbolically finds its fruition at the full moon.
The Scorpio new moon is also the Hindu festival of Diwali, which celebrates the triumph of light over darkness – where Lakshmi is venerated as the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Lakshmi is Venus, the brightest planet in the night sky, the ruler of Libra and Scorpio’s polar opposite sign, Taurus. The position of Venus in Libra in the new moon chart holds some promise of light, as elaborated later in the text.

Lakshmi lights the candle. See these two esoteric essays on Diwali: Diwali: Its Esoteric Origin and Hindu New Moon Festival of Diwali.
However, this Scorpio new moon of Nov.13 has some very challenging groupings of planets opposing and conjoining Israel’s Sun in Taurus – namely Mars, Moon, Sun and midheaven in Scorpio – conjunct Earth/Chiron, opposite the Sun in Taurus and transiting Uranus. The latter planet Uranus was mentioned in a previous newsletter – as a long term transit that has the potential to radically alter Israel’s future for the better, particularly as it rules its Aquarius ascendant, symbolic of community and sharing.
Transiting Uranus (reform and revolution), is moving back and forth over Israel’s sun in Taurus – until March 2025, activating the natal sun in Taurus square to natal Mars in Leo; this will no doubt create much instability, change and further conflicts.
Israel’s Sun placed in Taurus is a reminder of the repetition of an old pattern, where the Children of Israel, “fell down and worshipped the golden calf [Taurus]… and forgot the new teaching of the age of Aries”.1 Yet, the Mars-ruled zodiac age of Aries – once adopted by the Children of Israel, was where they remained, indicated today by the ultra orthodox sects, settlers and Christian Zionists:
“In the rejection of the Christ as the Messiah, the Jewish race has remained symbolically and practically in the sign Aries, the Scapegoat; they have to pass—again speaking symbolically—into the sign, Pisces, the Fishes, and recognise their Messiah when He comes again in the sign Aquarius.”2
These comments by the author or in the quotation above by Alice A. Bailey, should in no way be interpreted as “anti-semitic” – a phrase that has been hijacked, developing an acute mantric potency – as a label applied to anyone criticising Israel.
The problem of the Jewish people as a whole has been compounded, complicated and crystallised by one third of the world’s Jewish population choosing to live in a very small part of the Middle East; they are living by a Zionist ideology among a majority of the Fifth Rootrace’s so-called Semitic or third subrace – Arabs/ Palestinians. (Moors and Afghans also belong to this subrace 5.3.)
Hence, the term anti-Semitic applies to all those tribes. It might be argued that currently Israel is practicing an extreme form of anti-Semiticism against the Palestinians – many Israeli’s shamefully regard them as “animals”, “subhuman” or inferior to the “chosen people”.
There are many examples of Israeli politicians, settlers, or generals uttering these descriptions – with a desire to see them eliminated. Hence, Israel’s current “mowing the lawn” – as they call their regular subjugation of the Palestinians – is currently described by many as “ethnic cleansing” or flat-out genocide, even the ironic word “holocaust”. It has been recently reported that more Palestinians have been killed in past 34 days than in the past 22 years combined (See chart above). Damage so far includes:
- At least 45% of Gaza’s housing units have been destroyed or damaged.
- 279 education facilities damaged.
- 130 health facilities attacked.
- 18 hospital and 40 health care centers out of service.
- 51 ambulances damaged.
- At least 3 churches and 66 mosques damaged.
In the Scorpio new moon pattern, it is the position of Mars/MC, Moon and Sun in Scorpio, that is of greatest concern – as all three positions dominate the new moon chart and activate Israel’s Chiron in Scorpio/Sun in Taurus axis.
It is essentially a recipe for further extreme and unpredictable violence, either inflicted upon the Palestinians or attracting a furious attack upon itself by the nations which surround it.
All these Scorpio positions in the new moon chart fall in Israel’s ninth house of foreign relations: Turkey, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and other Arab neighbours. Russia and USA. So far these nations appear to have been remarkably restrained in not following through on some of their rhetoric in recent months.
No doubt much manouevering is going on behind the scenes around the global chessboard – as well as diplomats scrambling in a genuine effort to avert a global war.
The large nuclear weapons stockpile that Israel holds, is the “sword of Damocles” that hovers over the entire Middle East. It is Israel’s big-stick deterrent that allows it to proceed with impunity in how it deals with Palestine, warding-off potential attack from other nations – backed up of course by the USA.
But it appears that this could soon change, as Arab and Muslim rage boils over around the world e.g. Malaysia, Indonesia), as they witness the disproportionate response of Israel in Gaza. Likewise, calls for restraint by the USA and the United Nations are falling on Israel’s deaf ears. As a Taurus sun, Israel is like a wounded bull, enraged and blinded in its bloodlust for revenge, an expression of its Scorpio polarity – Chiron and the Earth.
The Damocles lesson is that those in power always labour under the spectre of anxiety and death, and that there can be no happiness for one who is under constant apprehensions. Sounds like Israel being constantly under siege, or laying siege to its neighbours. The Damocles sword is now commonly used as a catchall term to describe a looming danger.
Israel’s policies have in recent months led it to become one of the most hated nations on Earth, as it continues draconian policies with international impunity. Thousands of demonstrations in unprecedented numbers are taking place all over the planet, and even mainstream media is joining in condemnation of what is unfolding – in this “catastrophe” or “Nakba 2.0”.
Possible harmonising influences in this new moon horoscope is the afore-mentioned Lakshmi – or Venus in Libra, trine to the new moon Aquarius ascendant, which is also the rising sign of Israel’s chart. Venus-Libra brings balance and reason to resolving conflicting opposites, symbolised by the Libran scales. Libra rules the narrow, razor-edged path that lies between opposites:
“Libra—is related to the mental unit and, as we saw when studying the sign Libra, produces eventually a balance between the pairs of opposites. This is brought about upon the astral plane. It is the attainment of this balance which produces the reversal of the mode of passing around the zodiacal wheel and it takes place when integration has occurred, and the man is focussed upon the mental plane.
He can, then, through right use of the mind, discriminate between the pairs of opposites and find the narrow razor-edged path which passes between them and keep his balance upon it.”3
It’s ironic that Benjamin Netanyahu has the Sun and several planets in Libra the Peacemaker is acting-outnot only his Mars-ruled Aries polarity, but also the transit of Pluto the Destroyer square to his Libra sun.
Libra also rules “no man’s land”, that neutral zone between warring factions. Hence during the transit of Venus through this sign for the next few weeks, there is a good opportunity for détente, cease-fires and even Peace in Palestine; that is if Venus can predominate over the transit of ruthless Mars through Scorpio until Nov.24.
As the horoscope bi-wheel above shows, the intense opposition of all the Scorpio positions opposite Sun and Uranus in Taurus – makes a T-square to the midpoint of the troublesome positions of Mars and Saturn in Leo, described in the past two newsletters. Midpoints represent points of concentrated energies between the two planets concerned. Mars-Saturn midpoints are notoriously difficult – the emotional, physicality of Mars versus the restraining or crystallising mental force of Saturn. The following interpretation illustrates:
“The desire to be right and successful in one’s actions, which could potentially inhibit one’s ability to act. Repressing anger leads to much pent-up energy and frustration which can potentially drain one. The desire for certainty and always knowing the outcome of things, which, at worst, can have a debilitating effect on one’s creativity and ability to be open to what the universe has to offer.
On the positive side, this combination can manifest great technical skill and the ability to accomplish something based on careful and planned-out agendas. To concentrate and focus one’s efforts and to maintain patience and persistence when working through blockages and difficulties.” 4 “Interruption of work, activities leading to separation or which are periodically interrupted. Acute sicknesses or matters. interruption. Forced separation. Death. Obsequies. Funeral.”5
It is said that the resolution of the apex point (Mars-Saturn) of a T-square is its opposite point – which is Aquarius, Israel’s rising sign that has held the promise of an “universal kibbutz”, a non-sectarian global community based upon Aquarian principles of sharing and distribution. Is that possibility still a realistic goal, or has the “Israel experiment” failed?
The Origins of Zionism and Nazism
“Sometimes the witch hunting takes on atrocious dimensions — the Nazi persecution of Jews, the Salem witch trials, the Ku Klux Klan scapegoating of blacks. Notice, however, that in all such cases the persecutor hates the persecuted for precisely those traits that the persecutor displays with a glaringly uncivilized fury.” (Ken Wilbur)
The persecution and scapegoating of Palestinians by Israel’s Zionist apartheid regime in Oct./Nov. 2023, has not only slaughtered over 10,000 people but virtually razed Gaza to the ground, by bombing a reported 27,000 tons of munitions. Can any of us consider the terror of living under such a maelstrom?
Israel’s right wing government, to which half of Israeli’s 9.8 million population subscribe ideologically, has ironically perpetuated another holocaust for which the Palestinian people have become the new “persecuted Jews”. But of course this has been going on since and before Israel’s inception 75 years ago in 1948.
The title of this article is somewhat provocative – equating Zionism with Nazism, because there are several shades of grey in Zionism. Yet it is the stranglehold of militant Zionism that has brought Israel to its greatest ever crisis in 2023.
The internationally illegal assertion of nationhood in 1948 was accompanied by the displacement of 900,000 Palestinians and the massacre of thousands in Palestinian villages – and during the war 1947-9: “33 massacres, half of them occurring during the civil war period … 68 villages where acts of indiscriminate killing of prisoners, and civilians took place, where no threat was posed to Yishuv or Israeli soldiers.”6
Theodore Herzl and Zionism
Israel was founded on violence and bloodshed, its roots reaching back to at least the end of the 19th century when Theodore Herzl proclaimed Zionism in 1896:
“Zionism initially emerged in Central and Eastern Europe as a national revival movement in … reaction to newer waves of antisemitism and as a response to Haskalah, or Jewish Enlightenment. Soon after this, most leaders of the movement associated the main goal with creating the desired homeland in Palestine, then an area controlled by the Ottoman [Turkish] Empire.
This process was seen by the Zionist Movement as an “ingathering of exiles” (kibbutz galuyot), an effort to put a stop to the exoduses and persecutions that have marked Jewish history by bringing the Jewish people back to their historic homeland.”7
Indeed, persecution of Jews has been going on for aeons – more recently in Russia and Ukraine from the late 18th to 19th centuries where various pogroms took place. (Pogrom: Violent riot incited with the aim of massacring or expelling an ethnic or religious group, particularly Jews.) This is acknowledged by The Tibetan through Alice A. Bailey – giving the following frank but fair assessment:
“… one must place the long and sorry story of the persecution of the Jews by the Gentiles—widespread in the Middle Ages … sporadic in more modern times, but culminating in the violent treatment of the Jews during the world war. [WWII Holocaust]
It was, however, a treatment not uniquely theirs, but meted out also to Poles, Greeks and the helpless of many nations. This is a point which the Jews today appear to forget. They have not been alone in their persecution. The Jews constituted only twenty per cent of the dispersed persons in Europe after the war.
This same sorry story of Gentile cruelty includes also the growing anti-Semitism which can be seen even in countries which have been relatively free from it; there is a constant discrimination against the Jew in business circles; restricted areas are increasing everywhere; the plight of Jewish school children in the U.S.A., for instance, who are discriminated against, hooted at and abused, is shocking to contemplate.

Persecution of Jews in Russia in 1885. This persecution has taken place in all European nations over many centuries – and the rest of the world.
The situation also exists wherein no country anywhere wants to open its doors and offer the unwanted Jews asylum. [Similarly today, most of the Arab nations are not willing to take in the Palestinian refugees with certain classes in those nations despising Palestinians as much as the Israeli’s.]
No nation wants to admit them in their hundreds. Right thinking people in every nation are seeking and will continue to seek a solution, and one will be found. This problem child within the family of nations is a child of the one Father and spiritually identified with all men everywhere.
People know that there is “neither Jew nor Gentile”, as St. Paul [born Jewish] expressed it (facing two thousand years ago the same sad problem), and men and women in both groups have constantly and increasingly proved the truth of this statement.
Such is the problem of the Jewish minority, given with a frankness which will evoke much criticism, but given in this way in the hope that because it is prompted by love, the Jews will shoulder their own responsibilities, will cease crying aloud to the Gentiles to solve the problem alone, and will begin to cooperate with a full sense of spiritual understanding and so aid the thousands of Gentiles who earnestly want to help.
There has never been a time [post WWII] when the Gentile world has been more keen to do what is right by the Jew or more anxious to solve this problem and make restitution for all he has suffered. Changed inner attitudes are needed on both sides, but very largely on the side of the Jews; there is evidence that these new attitudes are germinating, even if the finding of the right solution may take much time. There are Jews who today are saying what is said here.”8
As stated above, that the Jews have not recognised the persecution of others, has compounded their existing victimhood. Hence, Zionist ideology sought to finish endless persecution by reclaiming the ancient Palestine homeland.
Bismarck and the Emergence of Nazism
At the same time as Herzl in the late 19th century, the German chancellor Bismarck was laying the foundation for the emergence of Nazism:
“Racial Avatars. These Appearances are evoked by the genius and destiny of a race. The typical man (in quality and consciousness, not necessarily physically) foreshadows the nature of some race. Such a man was Abraham Lincoln, coming forth from the very soul of a people, and introducing and transmitting racial quality—a quality to be worked out later as the race unfolds.
Coming forth correspondingly from the realm of cosmic evil, and responsible for the focus of materialism upon the planet today was Bismarck. Both men came forth within the same one hundred years, thus demonstrating the balance in nature and the constant interplay of the pairs of opposites.
They are both types of the most powerful Avatars which humanity itself has as yet produced. They emerge along the lines of government, of the first ray and in the department of the Manu, and are very sensitive to Shamballa force. Such Avatars frequently emerge at the founding of a nation. This is true of both Bismarck and Lincoln.”9 (See also Nazi Germany: An Astro-Historical Analysis)
Bismarck was born in the middle of the Industrial Revolution, which although it brought many benefits to Humanity, spawned deeply materialistic attitudes; he masterminded the unification of Germany in 1871, becoming its first chancellor until 1890, dominating European affairs for 19 years:
“At the same time, the Shamballa force [first ray] is active in all of them, for it produces federation and synthesis. Its first great expression or demonstration of the spirit of fusion took place in the 18th and 19th centuries, and led to the formation of such countries as Italy and Germany [two of the Axis powers] which were created out of many smaller states, duchies and kingdoms …
… They [nations] have, however, reacted to that force through the medium of certain great and outstanding personalities who were peculiarly sensitive to the will-to-power and the will-to-change and who (during the past 150 years [early 1800’s]) have altered the character of their national life, and emphasised increasingly the wider human values. The men who inspired the initiating French revolution; the great conqueror, Napoleon; Bismarck, the creator of a nation …”10
Born in 1860, Theodore Herzl grew up in the nationalistic atmosphere of the new Germany, whose expanding economic, industrial and political ambitions, led to both world wars – and the Nazi ideology that led to WWII. (See Nazi Germany: An Astro-Historical Analysis)
Herzl was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist and political activist who believed that anti-Jewish sentiment would make Jewish assimilation impossible, thereby proposing the establishment of a Jewish state. Here is where an intentional or unintentional racism was founded, creating an exclusivity from their hitherto excludedness – deepening the Jewish sense of persecution, crystallising outmoded religious practices, and reclaiming a land that they had not inhabited for thousands of years.
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Britain’s Balfour Declaration
Hence began the trickle of Jews leaving Europe in the early 20th century to create settlements in Palestine, gradually building up over fifty years until 1948. One of the main pathways toward that goal was created by the British, through the Balfour Declaration of 1917:

The declaration was on Nov.2, 1917 when the Sun and Mercury were in Scorpio and Saturn was in Leo. Israel’s 1948 chart is the first Saturn return of that agreement.
“The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, then an Ottoman [Turkish] region with a small minority Jewish population.
The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917.”11
Note mention of the infamous and deeply Zionist Rothschild’s who have considerable influence in the world, working behind the scenes – pulling strings in global events. In 1917, British actions were determined by two major factors: (1) The strong influence of British Zionist politicians. (2) The need for Britain, at the height of its British Empire potency – to find a power niche in the Middle East.
At the time, the old Turkish (Ottoman) empire had controlled much of Southeast Europe, West Asia, and North Africa, including Palestine, between the 14th and early 20th centuries. Hence, the influence of Turkey combined with a French and Russian presence in the region – left Britain “without a sphere of influence”:
“Early British political support for an increased Jewish presence in the region of Palestine was based upon geopolitical calculations. This support began in the early 1840’s … following the occupation of Syria and Palestine by separatist Ottoman governor Muhammad Ali of Egypt.
French influence had grown in Palestine and the wider Middle East, and its role as protector of the Catholic communities began to grow, just as Russian influence had grown as protector of the Eastern Orthodox in the same regions. This left Britain without a sphere of influence, and thus a need to find or create their own regional “protégés”.”12
These passages paint a vivid picture of how these global hegemonies have been juggling in the past couple of centuries, with the historical baggage that current players in the conflict carry: Turkey, Egypt, Syria, several Arab states, Russia, France, Britain etc. More stern commentary from The Tibetan:
“The outstanding evidence of the Law of Cause and Effect [karma] is the Jewish race. All nations prove this Law, but I choose to refer to the Hebrew peoples because their history is so well known and their future and their destiny are subjects of worldwide, universal concern.
The Jews have always had a symbolic significance; they sum up in themselves—as a nation, down the ages—the depths of human evil and the heights of human divinity. Their aggressive history as narrated in the Old Testament, is on a par with present-day German accomplishment [WWII Holocaust]; yet Christ was a Jew and it was the Hebrew race which produced Him. Let this never be forgotten.
The Jews were great aggressors; they despoiled the Egyptians and they took the Promised Land at the point of the sword, sparing neither man, woman nor child. Their religious history has been built around a materialistic Jehovah, possessive, greedy and endorsing and encouraging aggression.
Their history is symbolic of the history of all aggressors, rationalising themselves into the belief that they are carrying out divine purpose, wresting away from people their property in a spirit of self-defence and finding some reason, adequate to them, to excuse the iniquity of their action.
Palestine was taken by the Jews because it was “a land flowing with milk and honey,” and the claim was made that the act was undertaken in obedience to divine command. Later, the symbolism gets most interesting.
They divided into two halves: the Israelites with headquarters at Samaria, and the Jews (meaning two or three special tribes out of the twelve) locating around Jerusalem.
Dualism ran through their religious beliefs; they were schooled by the Sadducees or the Pharisees, and these two groups were in constant conflict. Christ came as a member of the Jewish race and they renounced Him.”13
The Jewish people have a third ray/Capricorn (the goat) personality – ruled by Saturn the lord of karma, hence the lesson is deeply ingrained, as is the theme of the Jewish scapegoat which is released into the wilderness, taking with it all the sins and impurities of the people; it could be called an “escape-goat” in that a ritual somehow conveniently atones for tribal transgressions, as opposed to the tribe working conscientiously within the forge of the heart.

The Victory of Joshua over the Amorites (Nicolas Poussin 1594-1665) A scene painted by many artists.
The “aggressiveness” in the passage above refers to the lower expression of the Jewish first ray soul (and perhaps a Mars-ruled sixth ray emotional body), that is further discussed in this passage:
“An instance of this [1st ray force] can be noted in the history of the Jews as found in the Old Testament. When the first ray was in control and passing through one of its rare cycles of activity we read that they butchered and slaughtered all their enemies — men, women and children, putting them to the sword. The sword is ever the symbol of the first ray force just as the pen is of the second ray influence.”14
This passage doubtless refers to a battle against the nation of Amalek in ancient times, where the Israelites are commanded to,
“… punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” (1 Samuel:15.)
Netanyahu Invokes Amalek
Recently, Benjamin Netanyahu has dangerously invoked the memory of Amalek – as a justification for slaughtering Palestinians, a genocide that could also be called Nakba 2.0 or Amalek 2.0:
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israelis were united in their fight against Hamas, whom he described as an enemy of incomparable cruelty. “They [Israel]are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world,” Netanyahu said in Hebrew. He then added: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.
… The Amalek reference is one of many comments by Israeli leaders that serve to help justify a devastating response to the brutal Hamas attack on October 7 that took the lives of more than 1,400 people in Israel. A member of the Knesset has called for a second Nakba, in reference to the expulsion of Palestinians that Israel carried out in its 1948 war with Arab neighbours. A military spokesperson said about Israel’s initial airstrikes that “the emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy.”
[As of this writing], 10,790 people in Gaza have been killed, including 4,000+ children, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. A spokesperson for UNICEF now says that Gaza is a “graveyard for thousands of children” and a “living hell for everyone else.”
Forty-seven percent of Israeli Jews said in a poll conducted last month that Israel should “not at all” consider the “suffering of the civilian Palestinian population in Gaza” in the next phase of fighting. Casting the enemy as Amalek reinforces that attitude.
There are more than 23,000 verses in the Old Testament. The ones Netanyahu turned to, as Israeli forces launched their ground invasion in Gaza, are among its most violent—and have a long history of being used by Jews on the far right to justify killing Palestinians.”15
Master Jesus as Joshua, Son of Nun
An irony related to the Amalek massacre is that the Master Jesus featured strongly in that battle, in his previous incarnation as Joshua, Son of Nun:
“The Master Jesus … at present living in a Syrian body, and dwells in a certain part of the Holy Land. … He is well known in the Bible history, coming before us first as Joshua the Son of Nun, appearing again in the time of Ezra as Jeshua, taking the third initiation, as related in the book of Zechariah, as Joshua, and in the Gospel story He is known for two great sacrifices, that in which He handed over His body for the use of the Christ, and for the great renunciation which is the characteristic of the fourth initiation. As Appollonius of Tyana, He took the fifth initiation and became a Master of the Wisdom.”16
The passage infers that he had taken the second initiation in the life of Joshua, an initiation ruled over generically by Scorpio. Joshua functioned as Moses’ assistant in the books of Exodus and Numbers, and later succeeded Moses as leader of the Israelite tribes; he commanded a militia group in their battle against the Amalekites and led the magical-mantra destruction of Jericho – a very ancient event in the early history of the Fifth Rootrace.
One can only wonder what the Master Jesus is thinking today, as He watches over the current conflict – given that he “dwells in a certain part of the Holy Land”. As the custodian or Chohan of the sixth ray of Devotion or Idealism, a ray that is rapidly being replaced by the incoming seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Organisation, He is witnessing the sixth ray/Pisces Age last gasp in all its gory glory – Mars-ruled brutality.

Esau (left) – with red hair, selling his birthright to Jacob. (Dutch artist.) A very esoteric story, covered in Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles.
Esau the Amalek and Atlantean
In the early subraces of the Fifth Rootrace, there were many battles with the much older Atlantean subraces who influenced the emergence of our fourth Celtic subrace (5.4). The Amaleks were led by a grandson of Esau the nation’s founder:
“Esau represents in the Bible the race which stands between the Fourth and the Fifth [rootraces], the Atlantean and the Aryan. “Two nations are in thy womb,” saith the Lord to Rebekah; and Esau was red and hairy. (Verse 24 to 34, ch. xxv. of Genesis contains the allegorical history of the birth of the Fifth Race.”17
Hence the predominance of red-heads in the fourth Celtic subrace of the Fifth Rootrace (5.4). This fourth subrace was generated by the previous Fourth Rootrace (Atlantis). The many mummified giants found in the Americas had red hair – revealing their Atlantean heritage. There has also been an ancient mistrust of red hair within humanity’s collective memory! (Redheads have been Feared and Vilified Throughout History)
Paradoxically, Judas Iscariot who betrayed the Jewish Jesus was said to have red hair and, “in light of his actions, the hair colour became associated with Jewish people, even though evidence that Judas’ hair was actually red is questionable at best … This idea continued to be reinforced through Medieval times and the Renaissance period, particularly with Shakespeare’s tragedy The Merchant of Venice, in which Shylock [a Jew] had red hair and actors portraying him would wear red wigs.”18
(For more commentary on Esau, see Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootrace and Cycles: Book II, Ch.5: Jacob: Fifth Subrace: Esau: Race Between Atlantean and Aryan.)

Click on the photo to see 1′ drone footage of the destruction of vehicles at the Nova festival: 23′ 05″ to 24′ 09″.
Doubts on the Oct.7 Hamas Attack
Everyone is aware of the October 7 attack by Hamas, but since that time, many glaring inconsistencies have been identified as to why the border fence was not guarded as it usually was – fastidiously.
Many other discrepancies have been reported in mainstream Israeli news like Haaretz – such as border guard units being stood down two days before the event, the IDF killing their own indiscriminately at the kibbutz’s, helicopters firing Hellfire missiles upon cars at the music festival. Hamas does not possess this kind of arsenal – the following reference for this quote has film footage of those attacks:
“Israel admits Apache helicopters fired on their own civilians running from the Supernova music festival. The pilots realised that there was tremendous difficulty in distinguishing within the occupied outposts and settlements who was a terrorist and who was a soldier or civilian…
… The rate of fire against the thousands of terrorists was tremendous at first, and only at a certain point did the pilots begin to slow down the attacks and carefully select the targets.”19
In other words, it appears to have been a pre-planned event (at the least, a panicked and chaotic response by the Israeli’s), that provided a pretext for the execution of a much longer term plan of a “Greater Israel” – that would expand beyond its current borders into Gaza/West Bank and surrounding Arab nations. Netanyahu even gave a talk at the United Nations a few weeks previous to Oct.7, stating this plan. (Video here 20’.) The following video is also worth watching, as is part 2 that is in the following section.
Oil and Gas Reserves in Gaza
There has also been much discussion of accessing rich oil and gas resources that are currently the province of Gaza. (The unrealized potential of Palestinian oil and gas reserves.)
“Geologists and resources economists have confirmed that the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, in Area C of the West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip, according to a recent UNCTAD study.
New discoveries of natural gas in the Levant Basin are in the range of 122 trillion cubic foot while recoverable oil is estimated at 1.7 billion barrels, according to the study entitled “The Economic Cost of Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential.”
This offers an opportunity to distribute and share about US$524 billion among the different parties in the region and promote peace and cooperation among old belligerents, the study notes.
These funds could finance socioeconomic development in the oPt as part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. However, so far the Palestinian people have been prohibited from exploiting the oil and gas reserves in their own land and water to meet their energy needs and generate fiscal and export revenues.”20
Israel Destroys Gaza to Control Suez Canal?
This speculation is based upon an article about,
“The Ben Gurion Canal Project – a “secret” (classified) U.S. project formulated in 1963 by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory LLNG, a strategic think tank (focussing on nuclear radiation) on contract with the U.S Department of Energy. The LLNG project was formulated in response to the nationalization of the Suez Canal in July 1956 by President Gamal Abdel Nasser (1956-1970). Its intent was to bypass the Suez Canal.
According to the “classified” document prepared by the LLNG (1963) quoted by Business Insider, July 2023, a strategic plan was envisaged: “to blast an alternative Suez Canal through Israel using 520 nuclear bombs” [!]. The plan consisted in using 520 buried nuclear explosions “to help in the excavation process through the hills in the Negev Desert. The document was declassified in 1993.
“[Canal] … Its objective is to achieve US-Israeli Maritime Dominance against the people of the Middle East. In the context of a broader US-led Middle East War, the Ben Gurion Canal Project is part of America’s hegemonic military agenda. It is consistent with Netanyahu’s “Plan to Wipe Palestine Off the Map”: The Ben Gurion Canal will give Israel in particular and other friendly nations the freedom from blackmail arising out of access to the Suez Canal.”21
Gideon Levi: Outspoken Israeli Journalist
Gideon Levi (what a great Jewish name!), has been a long-suffering journalist in Israel, voicing dissent against the Zionist regime. His articles and videos are highly recommended (this following video 20’):
Levi was born on June 2, 1953 and has the perfect horoscope for a journalist, writer and communicator: A stellium in Gemini: Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars. (The author has always referred to Mars in Gemini as “the journalist”.) This strong Gemini focus also makes for a powerful, passionate and persuasive speaker, as the above video demonstrates.
Jewish People: Global Solar Plexus
It has been argued that the Jewish holocaust of WWII was karmic retribution for the Amalek slaughter, which in itself was the proverbial “eye for an eye” – in revenge for a previous attack by the Amalek’s upon the Israelites, as they emerged from Egypt. The word Holocaust has been hijacked in a sense, because the entire World Wars conflict from 1914 to 1945 is regarded as an “universal holocaust”.
Esoterically, the Jewish people embody the global solar plexus centre, which has been described as a karmic clearing house” – for an individual or collective entity:
“The fourth type of force, which is responsible for the state of world affairs at this time, is that of the Jews; they, as a whole, constitute the solar plexus of the planetary Logos; their problem is being used today to focus, qualify and condition the world feeling-nature and the emotional reactions of the sensitive nature of humanity and of the planetary Logos.
Forget not that the Personality of our planetary Logos is not yet perfect, hence the fact that His body of manifestation, the planet, is not reckoned as being one of the sacred planets. Through the Jewish people throughout the world, feeling—sympathetic or antagonistic, expressive of love or conditioned by hate—is being gathered to a focus in the planetary solar plexus centre, preparatory to a great and permanent change.
It is for this reason that I have said to some of my pupils that when humanity will have solved correctly the Jewish problem, and when it has been resolved in a humanitarian and sound manner, then the energy of the planetary solar plexus centre will have been raised to the heart and a great transmutation will have taken place.”22
Palestine is No Longer the Holy Land
The following passage has been regularly quoted in these newsletters for the past twenty years. Repetition in esotericism is often needed to ponder and reflect upon the depth of the Master’s statements:
“I would point out, however, that Palestine should no longer be called the Holy Land; its sacred places are only the passing relics of three dead and gone religions. [Judaism, Christianity and Islam.] The spirit has gone out of the old faiths and the true spiritual light is transferring itself into a new form which will manifest on earth eventually as the new world religion.
To this form all that is true and right and good in the old forms will contribute, for the forces of right will withdraw that good, and incorporate it in the new form. Judaism is old, obsolete and separative and has no true message for the spiritually-minded which cannot be better given by the newer faiths; the Moslem faith has served its purpose and all true Moslems await the coming of the Imam Mahdi who will lead them to light and to spiritual victory; the Christian faith also has served its purpose; its Founder seeks to bring a new Gospel and a new message that will enlighten all men everywhere.
Therefore, Jerusalem stands for nothing of importance today, except for that which has passed away and should pass away. The “Holy Land” is no longer holy, but is desecrated by selfish interests, and by a basically separative and conquering nation.”23
The Triangle of Evil
Another passage also quoted regularly about Palestine:
“The area of difficulty—as is well known—is the Near East and Palestine. The Jews, by their illegal and terroristic activities, have laid a foundation of great difficulty for those who are seeking to promote world peace. As a Jewish member [Roberto Assagioli] of my Ashram pointed out (and I commend him on his soul vision), the Jews have partially again opened the door to the Forces of Evil, which worked originally through Hitler and his evil gang.
The “sealing” of that door had not been successfully accomplished, and it is the part of wisdom to discover this in time. These Forces of Evil work through a triangle of evil, one point of which is to be found in the [1] Zionist Movement in the United States, [2] another in central Europe, and [3] the third in Palestine. Palestine is no longer a Holy Land and should not be so regarded.”24
Such a damning condemnation that vividly illustrates that this is exactly what is working out today. The many Zionist groups in the USA have consolidated and magnified their power since the passage above was written, as also in Britain. The “Israel Lobby” in the USA consists of several key groups:
– Christians United for Israel, the “largest” pro-Israel lobby. Christian Zionists are a powerful election group for politicians.
– The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) – directly lobbies US Congress.
– The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations – main contact between the Jewish community and the executive branch” of the US government.25
– The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) – deals with anti-Semitism globally.
It has been speculated by students where the “triangle of evil” point is in Europe – ranging from Austria (birth place of Herzl and Hitler), to Geneva the planetary heart centre (what better place for the Dark Forces to concentrate their efforts?), to Poland (site of many Nazi death camps for Jews), to Kiev in Ukraine where many Jewish pogroms were carried out.
On the latter location of Ukraine (regarded by some as not technically “central Europe”), it appears that their recent, largely unannounced defeat by Russia has neatly seg-wayed to Israel, appearing to be another distracting obfuscation by NATO and Co. – to avoid telling the truth about what is really going on there. (See video commentaries of analyses by Col. Douglas MacGregor.) Hence, Ukraine is certainly a strong contender that ties in with another regularly quoted passage:
“I would have you bear these points in mind while you investigate the world picture. This picture is taking shape and warrants recognition. It involves the Jews (who are not a nation but a religious group), the Near East and Russia.
In the maps which are to be found in the Archives of the spiritual Hierarchy, the entire area of the Near East and Europe—Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt and Russia—are under a heavy overshadowing cloud.
Can that cloud be dissipated by the right thinking and planning of Great Britain, the United States and the majority of the United Nations or—must it break in disaster over the world? Will it present a task too hard for correct handling by that inexperienced disciple—Humanity?”26
“Will it present a task too hard for correct handling by that inexperienced disciple—Humanity?” It certainly appears that way currently, given Western nations’ condoning of Israel’s actions – either by omission, or through weak, lip service platitudes.
The USA has just sent $19 billion to Israel – on top of its already disproportionate annual funding for decades. Similarly, USA has spent $150+ billions in its abject failure to create a coup against Russia through its proxy Ukraine. Will USA’s support of Israel result also in failure and a diminution of its power in the Middle East – that has never been about “bringing democracy” but the control of oil resources. (The next newsletter will deal with the major outer-planet transits in USA’s horoscope.)
This is where the world finds itself today, on this eve of the great centennial conclave of the Masters at Shamballa in 2025 – Humanity must make so many more courageous and determined choices, standing up to the forces of tyranny that have been unleashed upon the world in the past few years.
Our Duty to Stay Informed
There are of course many articles and videos that the reader can inform themselves thereby. Many would rather not enter the “boring” world of politics or share in the horrors and suffering unfolding in Gaza – and for that matter, the now virtually forgotten war in Ukraine.
As the bombing continues in Gaza, so we are all bombarded with competing narratives – which take time to sift through, balancing our perceptions. It is a duty of all who tread The Path to be informed of what is happening in the world, particularly that which is reported outside of the MSM consensus bubble; that which attempts to steer a falsified narrative in a certain direction, creating all kinds of justifications or enablements by omission! Already several articles and videos are linked in this newsletter, two more recommended watching:
Promises and Betrayals: Britain and the Holy Land Timeline (Israel/Palestine Documentary 2 hrs.) Excellent film with archival footage from the late 19th and early 20th centuries that brings that era to life.
really, is that reality?
many eyes equal
one eye?
vision distorted
blindness multiplied
1,500 Israeli lives
for 10,000+ Palestinians?
dark hatred
driven deeper
ruptured and razed
for two million souls
free-falling into
a never-ending
a bottomless pit
of pain and terror
of certain uncertainty
there is
no refuge for the refugee
yes, these souls
who belong to the
One Humanity
but …
where has love gone?
Phillip Lindsay © 2023.
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- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.79. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.81. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.302. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.104. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.297. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.132. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. pp.263-4. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.15. [↩]
- The Dangerous History Behind Netanyahu’s Amalek Rhetoric. [↩]
- Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.56. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.705. [↩]
- Redheads have been Feared and Vilified Throughout History [↩]
- [↩]
- The unrealized potential of Palestinian oil and gas reserves. [↩]
- GlobalResearch [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.87. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.754. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.429. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.430. [↩]
In order to embody balance, understanding and compassion, the Law of Karma responds:
“One becomes what he hates.”