7 Responses to Special Edition Newsletter: Capricorn Servers Week, 2025 & the Externalisation of the Hierarchy

  1. Excellent. To the Point (of Light) and constructive. May we ALL work to this end.

  2. We thank you for publishing the source of the mandala and table on the NGWS: Institute for Planetary Synthesis, http://www.ipsgeneva.com.

  3. Michael W Zimmermann says:

    Thank you for the pithy material, as always. Beyond the fascinating and inspiring text, I always appreciate the inclusion of the beautiful paintings, photos and graphics that you invariably include. Keep up the great work!

  4. Erana says:

    Dear Philip,

    Thank you so much for the fabulous work you have done in the esoteric astrology. I have this chance to follow you and read your works for almost 10 years. All your works, the monthly newsletters and your precious books, are pure light for the seeker’s mind and heart.

    I have a question about the esoteric astrology’s interpretation for those who live on the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. It seems that all the explanations and definitions are for the Northern part.

    Also in this text where you talked about “The winter solstice is celebrated as the birth of the Christ or soul, i.e. Christ’s-mass on December 25th, the last day of this three-day period where the sun “stands still” in its transition from south to north of the celestial equator.”

    How is this effects the consciousness for those who live in the southern part of Hemisphere? It’s the summer solstice for them. How Capricorn symbols and energies interpreted on that part of the Earth? Definitely you explained it before in your books or in the monthly newsletter, but I couldn’t find it now.

    In endless love and light

    1. Erana,
      Thanks for your kind feedback and it a good question which I have addressed several times – as I grew up in the southern hemisphere. I usually qualify my remarks with a phrase like “in northen hemisphere symbolism” but may have forgot. The northern hemisphere symbolism of winter applies to the whole planet because it is oriented to the north pole star, Polaris – a highly important star for human evolution. You may find some more information in several other pieces I have written on the solstice here:

      The Cancer Solstice: Time and No Time
      Aries and the Cardinal Cross Equinoxes and Solstices
      August Solar Eclipse: Earth Changes 2017
      The Solstice, Time and ‘No Time’
      The Christmas Solstice
      The Capricorn Solstice and Initiation
      The Solstice and Initiation
      Solstice & Capricorn Festivals 2018

      Under this link, if the links do not work: https://esotericastrologer.org/esoteric-astrology/esoteric-astrology-general/

  5. Diana Bolbochan says:

    Dear Phillip
    after the cycle of the forerunner-near to the end-, do you know the name of the following name of the NGWS’s activity?

    1. Diane,
      There are many references if you go to “search by subject”, here is just one that you will find under cycles or ngws: https://esotericastrologer.org/newsletters/taurus-2023-wesak-venus-in-gemini-trans-gender-aries-conference-harvest-dalai-lama-mercury-retro-robert-f-kennedy-reciprocity/#ngws

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