Taurus 2018: Wesak. Uranus Enters Taurus. Avatars. Good News-Bad News. Mark Zuckerberg. Fascism: Past and Present.
(The Third Eye, Francis Donald.)
Taurus Keynote
“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.”
(Full moon April 30, 2018. 1.58 am, UT.)
Wesak is the Most Important Spiritual Festival of the Year
Uranus “Falls” in Taurus: An 84 Year Cycle Begins
Uranus Ingress Horoscope, Taurus New Moon (May 15)
Uranus in Taurus: Then and Now – The Rise of Fascism
The Seventh Ray Avatar and Other Avatars
The Dilemma of Good and Bad News: Propaganda
Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg, Sun in Taurus
The Hidden History of Humanity video: 2 million+ views
Wesak is the Most Important Spiritual Festival of the Year
“The Month of May is one of deepest significance to all who are affiliated with the Great White Lodge (as are all true esotericists), in that the Wesak Festival takes place and is of moment and deep import. The period is always one of prime interest and rare opportunity.”1
Every year this same mantra is repeated! The importance of the first three spiritual festivals of the year – Aries, Taurus and Gemini, can never be emphasised enough; although to personally experience them, one must probe their significance through reflection upon these signs and meditation. Taurus marks the high-water mark of the spiritual year because of those Liberated Beings who guide Humanity, meet in yearly conclave and connect with their ashrams and disciples more closely than at any other time.
They gather to receive literally, the “Word of God”, the new impulse that was released in Aries – and transmit the annually amended Planetary Plan to Humanity – via their ashrams of disciples. All is planned according to ray and astrological cycles, the constantly changing state of the world, and co-operation with humanity – who must remain free to determine their own destiny.

The Wesak Valley in Tibet. The Buddha returns each year to preside over the gathering of Masters (pentagram) and pilgrims.
The opportunity at any full moon festival is to link and work subjectively in meditation by oneself or with other co-workers and groups around the planet. A full moon festival takes place over five days – 2.5 days either side of the exact full moon time, but for most participants, the 24-hour period before the exact time is the most potent period to participate; a microcosm of that time span is one hour before the exact time of the full moon. This full moon falls on April 30.
Taurus-Wesak is the highlight of the year because of the alignment that takes place between our most exalted planetary guides and humanity. The triangle of Buddha, Christ and Sanat Kumara (in the etheric or upon the physical plane), linked in sacred ritual with the assembled Masters of Wisdom – in turn, aligned with their respective ray ashrams of human aspirants, disciples and initiates – all poised and ready to anchor and disseminate the new impulse issued in the previous month of Aries – this is a potent visualisation in meditation.
That anchoring process occurs via Taurus, an earth sign that is conducive to the descent of spirit or the Will aspect from the planetary crown chakra, Shamballa. Taurus also rules the New Group of World Servers who function collectively as the ajna centre of the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara.
Wesak is important because it is the only time of the year that the Buddha re-connects with this planet, almost liberated from his responsibilities here, but still serving an important role in this transition phase between the two zodiacal ages and the rootraces. As the two main groups of Earth Chain and Moon Chain humanity further integrate, the Buddha’s role will be taken over by his brother The Christ, marking an event in planetary history that will have reverberations throughout the solar system.

Uranus’ axis of rotation is tilted sideways, nearly into the plane of its solar orbit. Its north and south poles, therefore, lie where most other planets have their equators. Hence the “unconventionality” of Uranian people!
Uranus “Falls” in Taurus: 84 Year Cycle
Following the Wesak full moon, two weeks later on the Taurus new moon of May 15, Uranus will enter Taurus for the first time since 1934-1942. This imminent 84 year cycle is so close to the Wesak festival, that a vacuum will be created, rendering the energies of Uranus prominent. The Uranus ingress falls midway between two of the most important festivals of the year – Taurus and Gemini. The exoteric interpretation of Uranus in Taurus:
“The urge to freedom and the expresssion of intuitive ideas are limited by an attachment to material objects, or by difficulties in attempting to change material things too quickly. New ideas around money and resources. Reformers in business and economy, through humanitarian principles. Practical in an unique and original way.
Persistent, but can be stubborn. Attachment to home and family can also dampen individual expression. Spiritual impulses may be frustrated by subservience to conservative institutions. Unusual artistic and musical talent if well aspected. Use of modern electronics in business.”2
Uranus “falls” in Taurus, whereas in the opposite sign Scorpio it is “exalted”. Regular readers may recall what was written about Uranus in the Libra and Scorpio newsletters for 2017. Taurus, Libra and Scorpio are the three signs most commonly associated with desire and sex, its expression and ultimate sublimation.
Uranus is the ruler of the incoming seventh ray of Ceremonial Order, Magic or Organisation, and it also rules the sacral or sexual chakra. Exoterically speaking, it is the seventh planet from the sun – when Vulcan is not counted. Although it is widely regarded as a planet of “science” and “mentally oriented”, its rulership over the sacral centre concerns the “buried seed of mind”, ready to be reoriented to the higher centres over countless lifetimes.
One of the “glamours” of the seventh ray is sex magic, an old practice from Atlantean days that is going through a recapitulation today, as the Uranus-ruled Age of Aquarius approaches – and as the seventh ray cycle strengthens. Hence the combination of Uranus, the seventh ray and Taurus can create a powerful combination for sexual obsession, subsequent sexual healing that liberates higher creativity. An esoteric overview of Uranus in Taurus states:
“Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most occult of the planets “falls” in this sign, producing the accentuation and the sharp division between body and soul which is so marked a characteristic of the Taurian subject. It prepares the inner man for the sharp interplay and conflict in the next sign, Gemini. The presence, therefore, of the exalted Moon and the fallen Uranus gives a marvellous picture of man’s history during the stage of personality development and power.
The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness—substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions. It is interesting to note that in Scorpio, Uranus is exalted which gives indication of the success of the task which the Uranian forces undertook. Achievement is attained.”3
Let us analyse some of these statements one by one:
1. “Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most occult of the planets …”.
Uranus is a “hidden mystery” not visible to the naked eye, whereas the previous planet Saturn can be discerned without the aid of a telescope. Uranus rules occultism and esotericism, is the Hierophant of initiation and probably one of the “four Lords of Karma” – of which Saturn is the most well known. The exaltation of Uranus in opposite Scorpio, penetrates the veil of maya and conquers the Mars-ruled desire nature via the mind.
2. “… sharp division between body and soul …”.
The physical body is ruled by the moon and the moon is exalted in Taurus, where the form is glorified and the sensual nature of Taurus ruler Venus, supervenes. The “soul” may be represented here by either Uranus or Vulcan, soul ruler of Taurus, both “sacred” planets.
3. “… man’s history during the stage of personality development …”. Most of this personality development occurs for aeons, well before an individual awakens to awareness of the soul. There are many personalities in the world today who have a powerful “bull’s eye” or ajna centre, but who have not necessarily awoken to the light of the soul.
4. “The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths …”. Those “depths” are Tartarus, the darkest place in Hades or hell, the domain of Pluto in the opposite sign Scorpio. In the myth, Uranus imprisoned Gaia’s youngest children in Tartarus, deep within Earth, where they caused pain to Gaia. “Tartarus, a place of complete darkness, as was also the region of profound dreamless sleep in Amenti. Judging by the allegorical description of the punishments inflicted therein, the place was purely Karmic.”4
Hence Uranus rules the hidden Mystery Teachings that lead from the darkness of ignorance, releasing from humanity’s self-created hell. And Taurus is the “mother of illumination”, where the acquisitive nature of Taurus – via its ruler Venus (ruler of the fifth ray of science or mind), pours light into the deepest shadows; this is brought about by acquired knowledge transformed into wisdom/intuition, through the application of that knowledge in every day life experience. Hence,
5. “The task of Uranus … is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light, until such time that full illumination is achieved”.
The result is a Buddha, who has achieved “full illumination”. The Wesak festival is dedicated to the Buddha – the One who incarnated, became illuminated and passed in the sign of Taurus.
6. “… in Scorpio, Uranus is exalted which gives indication of the success of the task which the Uranian forces undertook. Achievement is attained.”
That achievement is initiaton, the 2nd or 4th degree, with which both Taurus and Scorpio are associated. As earlier iterated, Uranus rules the sacral centre, Taurus is the bull of desire and Scorpio is the disciple Hercules who conquers desire at the second initiation.
Scorpio rules the sexual organs and organs of elimination, whilst Taurus rules the organs of speech, the vocal cords, larnyx and tongue. Through their physical body rulerships, Scorpio-Taurus are associated with the sacral-throat chakras, the latter for the expression of the mental body.
The throat chakra is therefore intimately associated with the expression of ideas through speech – as the disciple upon the Way transforms from the procreative to the higher creative faculties of the mental body, seat of the soul. Hence, we are reminded again of the “… sharp division between body and soul”. Uranus and Saturn are both associated here with the geometry of thoughtforms. Therefore the expression of ideas through speech:
“The Taurian upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature in order to transform himself from one who goes wilfully on his personality way into a wise cooperator with the Plan.”5
The phrase, “directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature” – states plainly that the acquired knowledge-wisdom of Taurus cannot be kept to oneself, it must be given out in the form of teaching in some way.
The sign following Taurus is Gemini, typically the sign of speech and communication, ruled by Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods – those “gods” being our souls or monads. Indeed, there is a progression from Aries, the source of emanating ideas through these first three signs, symbolically birthed in the sign following Gemini, Cancer. This next passage summarises and includes some of the foregoing:
“Taurus, as you know, rules the neck and the thyroid gland. This is essentially the region whence must emanate the creative activity of the man who is upon the Path. The throat is a point to which the energy of the sacral centre must be lifted so that creation through love and by the will eventually will prove the sublimatory effect of the transference to higher use of the sex energy.
The right use of the organs of speech gives the clue to the processes whereby the disciple must bring about certain basic changes. The Taurian upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature in order to transform himself from one who goes wilfully on his personality way into a wise cooperator with the Plan.
By this I mean that, as man translates his ideals into words and acts, he brings about transformation, transmutation and eventually translation upon the mountain top of Initiation. The results of this creative work of materialising the vision must be carried to the point of effectual demonstration in Scorpio in which sign the final tests are applied to prove that the energy is flowing freely and without impediment and obstruction between the throat and sacral centres; to show that right direction has been achieved and that there is no longer any fear that the Taurian subject will blunder blindly forward again in his own self-interest but will, in the future, move intelligently upon the Way of Liberation—the way that brings about his own release and at the same time sweeps him into those activities which bring about the release of others.
In Scorpio, the man who has mastered his lessons in Taurus must demonstrate that creativity which will work under the inspiration of aspiration and vision and constructively attempt to express the beauty which all forms intrinsically veil, thus bringing to all revelation of that underlying purpose which motivates all events and forms.
All these aspects of basic change in purpose, interest and orientation must manifest in Scorpio, thus proving the effectiveness of the evolutionary processes undergone, in the great repeated transition from Scorpio to Taurus and from Taurus to Scorpio.”6
Two previous phrases speak to us of the creative artist – an expression which covers the common conception of an artist and many not so obvious areas: “The results of this creative work of materialising the vision must be carried to the point of effectual demonstration in Scorpio” and, “attempt to express the beauty which all forms intrinsically veil”.
That artist might be a singer, painter or a multitude of creative arts available. Taurus painters that come to mind are Dali, Picasso, Da Vinci and Turner, whilst some singers (throat) – Nellie Melba, Roy Orbison, Placido Domingo and Liza Minelli. There are a host of creative people who of course do not have any planets in Taurus-Scorpio, yet the subjective process of the throat-sacral reorientation goes forward.
Uranus Ingress Horoscope, Taurus New Moon (May 15)
Uranus transits back and forth between late Aries and early Taurus three times in the next ten months. Hence, three ingress horoscopes can be erected and astrologers have their preferences. This author regards the first ingress horoscope as the most important one that sets the tone; it is especially potent, given that this ingress occurs on the new moon. (Coincidentally, the other two ingress horoscopes both fall very close to the new moons of Scorpio and Pisces for 2018/2019.) The new moon cycle is particularly occult because it is the dark cycle of the lunar month where some of the deepest subjective, inner work can be carried out.
The ingress of Uranus into Taurus, a mere four hours after the Taurus new moon on May 15. Note that the rising sign will vary for different nations.
This chart is set for New York City, speculated as the planetary ajna centre, representing the Western nations.
1. The close conjunction of Uranus with Mercury is particularly important – a “personal” planet connected to an outer planet, brings through the energies potently. Recall what was said in the recent paragraph about Mercury ruling the fourth ray – that ray as the only ray coming through Taurus and the Mercury/Taurus association with communication. Mercury is operating in its true mode as messenger of one particular god – Uranus. In the chart for NYC, this conjunction straddles the midheaven and dominates the horoscope.

Mercury. Click here for animation.
It is said that “Mercury receives seven times more light than any other planet”7 and is placed in Taurus, the mother of illumination. Hence, there is a high potential for great illumination of humanity – in this horoscope that will last for 84 years. The cycle of Uranus in Taurus ends in 2025, the start of the much anticipated cycle of the fourth ray.
The fourth ray is also called the ray of harmony, art, beauty and unity, whilst Venus-ruled Taurus is associated with beauty of the form. Taurus as a sign of art and music, combined with the entry of Uranus, will herald new forms of art and music that are also predicted for the 2025 fourth ray cycle:
“The fourth ray being temporarily out of full incarnation at this time is the reason for the relative interlude in the production of human creative art of a very high order. The cycle of suffering is nearing its close, and we shall later see—when the fourth ray again swings into full objective activity—a recurrence of the arts on a turn of the spiral far more exalted than any lately seen.”8
Taurus is closely associated with music, sound and mantras, given its rulership of the organs of speech and hearing. Taurus brings through the note or sound of Shamballa. (See this past missive, Taurus, Music and Art)
It is worth bearing in mind also, that artists are upon all the rays, it is an error to believe that they are only on the fourth ray. Taurus rules knowledge in all areas of human endeavour, particularly science, as it is ruled by Venus – that, on one level is the goddess of sex, beauty and art – whilst it also rules the fifth ray of science. A great example of an initiate who had no less than seven planets in Taurus, was Teilhard de Chardin,
“A French idealist philosopher and Jesuit priest who trained as a paleontologist and geologist and took part in the discovery of Peking Man. He conceived the vitalist idea of the Omega Point (a maximum level of complexity and consciousness towards which he believed the universe was evolving) and developed Vladimir Vernadsky’s concept of noosphere.”9
2. This Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Taurus trines Saturn in Capricorn, ensuring the harmonious transference of spirit into matter. Mercury-Uranus also square Mars in the last degree of Capricorn, the sign of its exaltation where,
“Materialism, the fight for the satisfaction of personal ambitions, and the conflict with higher spiritual tendencies goes steadily forward, and this most material of all the signs is the battleground of the old established order and habits and the new and higher inclinations and tendencies.”10
This “battleground” has been prominent in recent weeks with the entry of Mars into Capricorn. Mercury square Mars exerts further pressure on humanity to reach for the “new higher inclinations and tendencies”. All of the factors above can amplify materialism (Taurus and Capricorn) – to the point where it reaches an unacceptable level, bringing about revolution (Uranus). Of course, it is already unacceptable! (See also a later passage discussing the materialism of the Capricorn-Taurus combination.)
3. Venus as ruler or dispositor of the four Taurus placements, is placed in Gemini, the sign it rules esoterically. Venus in Gemini harmonises the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane, creating beauty and ease of communication – the ability to connect with others by finding a point in common. It also complements the aforementioned relationship between Taurus and Gemini – the spoken word and communications.
4. Neptune in Pisces trine Jupiter in Scorpio. A great combination for the mystical awareness of humanity to be raised through the development of a greater sensitivity and compassion; through Jupiter in Scorpio revealing the hidden Christos underlying all life.
5. Sun-Moon in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn will ensure extensive transformation and regeneration of the entire planet. The area of the environment will be particularly strong, given the nature of Mother Earth Taurus. Earth Day is appropriately celebrated annually, just after the sun has moved into Taurus. The Sabian symbol for the sun’s degree here is: “Steps up to a lawn blooming with clover.” Hence, many innovations in cleaning up the environment – from oceans full of plastic to air pollution and earth degradation – has the potential to move forward rapidly, under the innovative scientific influence of Uranus.
Whilst on the subject of EARTH, spring and the merry month of May are always associated with the appearance of the first crop circles of the season – mainly in the Wiltshire area of Britain (A Taurus personality.) Taurus as an earth sign, and the moon’s exaltation here are a perfect combination to reflect spirit impressed into matter.
When Uranus’ rulership of the seventh ray is considered, with its major theme of sacred geometry – already intricately present in crop circles to date, the world might expect a whole new series of crop patterns and symbols designed to inspire Humanity.
Of course this idea can be extended to any of the other patterning phenomena in nature – on sand or snow, or light and clouds. Bear in mind, that the last time Uranus was in Taurus, crop circles were unheard of – this is the first return cycle since 1934.
Uranus in Taurus: Then and Now – The Rise of Fascism
Much has been written about the astrological effects of the Uranus-Pluto square of the early 1930’s that reflected the rise of fascism in Germany. At that time Uranus was in Aries, the soul of Germany, feeding the lower expression of Aries – Mars aggression and the misuse of the first ray of will-power.
The cycle of Uranus is about seven years in any sign; its last passage through Taurus began in 1934 and ended in 1942 when esoterically, “the battle had been won” and the tide of the war changed, leading to victory in 1945. The years 1934-39 saw Hitler come into greater power, tapping into the lower vibrations of Uranus-ruled Aquarius, “bringing the German people together”. Taurus is ruled by Vulcan at the soul level, also ruler of the first ray of will or power – hence many dictators can tap into this energy.
The ingress of Uranus into Taurus in 1934 simultaneously conjoined Hitler’s Taurus sun in the first degree of Taurus, helping him consolidate his rising power by withdrawing from the League of Nations – and making himself Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor. Of course the next five years leading to 1939 saw further expansion of power – and the rest as they say, is history. Many observers have noted the similarity between 1930’s Europe and USA today, like this article, the story of an Holocaust survivor who has noted these trends.
The Uranus-Pluto square of the early 1930’s was repeated in recent years – in different signs, witnessing the Western nations in general develop a “creeping fascism”. (See these three links: 1. Uranus-Pluto Square-Dance on the Cusp of the Ages 2.Uranus square Pluto: Not Finished with Us Yet! 3. The Last Uranus-Pluto Square: Pisces-Aquarius Transition) The following brief video interview with Madeleine Albright discusses the current fascism phenomenon but refers only to some European or South American nations.

A rather unfortunate or ironic backdrop to Macron’s talk, an inverted 5-pointed star, part the circle of stars in the European Union flag.
The irony is that leading Western nations such as USA, UK, France, Australia etc, have all developed various forms of the fascism virus and project this lack of awareness onto other nations that are more obvious in their expression. Italian dictator Mussolini said that you “pluck the chicken one feather at a time” – so that the population does not notice the gradual erosion of freedoms. Creeping facism or “creepy” fascism. A good example is currently in France, where President Macron has been responsible for some “erosion” of freedoms:
“Macron is a pound-shop Margaret Thatcher, redistributing wealth to those with too much of it, while assaulting workers’ rights and France’s hard-won social model. His tax changes have gifted the hundred wealthiest households more than half a million euros a year: the top 1% captured 44% of his new tax breaks.”11
A former banker supports policies that are not only out of touch with the needs of the nation, but also reversed election promises – what else is new? Those actions, along with recent predecessors continue to reverse the great idealism that France pronounced to the world – “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”. The West is truly in decline, approaching free-fall. Macron also supported the deception about Syria so the nations could “teach Assad a lesson” – in their impotent and over-dramatised one-day sortie – grand-standing to save face.
Now that the Uranus-Pluto square of recent years has passed, Uranus enters Taurus again in a very similar pattern to 1934, with same themes repeated. Hence, Uranus in Taurus from 2018-2025, will be a very testing period, representing the third and final phase of the World War that is already raging upon the mental plane – between various ideologies, plus the insidious media propaganda wars that attempt to “win hearts and minds”.
The question is, will Humanity let this third phase of the war descend from the mental plane to the physical plane – as recent scare-mongering in the Middle East or North Korea has reflected? Even with North Korea’s recent stated intention of “complete de-nuclearisation”? Will another Hitler emerge, to focus these forces of materialism that are seeking to suffocate Humanity?
With the approach of the Hierarchy and the Christ, there is always an anti-Christ that will oppose and obstruct – via an individual and group that supports an ideology. The problem with this latter group is that they are usually far better organised than the spiritual groups, hence the need to invoke the seventh ray of Organisation that is now becoming more potent:
“If the Forces of Evil are active and organised, the Forces of Light are equally active, but not so well organised. The basic goal is the freedom and the liberation of mankind, but the spiritual workers are handicapped by the fact that men themselves must make free choice and decision in order to be free; they can only be liberated when they—as individuals and later as groups—liberate themselves from the expressed thought-control of the powerful dominating groups and from the fears which these groups intentionally engender.”12
Note this latter phrase which is a theme running through this newsletter. The date that Uranus leaves Taurus in 2025 corresponds to the new fourth ray cycle – and when the Masters of Wisdom will be making their decision to begin their reappearance amongst humanity once more; this will be the first time since They were forced to withdraw from human contact during the dark days of the destruction of Atlantis.
The materialistic forces are well aware that the forces of light are about to externalise, hence their desperate grip on Western nations. The Hierarchy’s gradual “descent” from the higher planes is also causing friction and conflict, because of the clash of Their highly attenuated frequencies with the status quo – ironic but an occult truism. This final passage below, written in the darkest days of WWII, illustrates the task humanity has before them in combating the lower expression of Taurus and Capricorn. Note that Venus (mind) is respectively the exoteric and hierarchical ruler of these two signs:
“Capricorn is related, as you have been told, to initiation; it is also the sign of the coming world Saviour and these higher aspects of the Capricornian influences can be potently demonstrated if humanity so wills it and will take advantage of the Venusian influence to use the mind as the reflector of soul purpose. If this does not take place, the present situation will turn into something far worse—a situation wherein the mass of men will be “re-initiated into the Earth and forced to turn their backs upon the dawning light.”
A dark period of civilisation will ensue. Instead of the dark cave of initiation wherein the light of the initiate’s own nature illumines the darkness and so demonstrates his command of light, the dark cave of materialism and of physical, animal control will take the place of the “lighted Way.” The earthy aspect of Capricorn, the lowest concrete aspect of the mind and an increased control by the Taurian spirit in its worst form will take the place of the divine possibility of entrance into greater light, the manifestation of the soul nature and the recognition of the “light which is found in the eye of the Bull.”13
Taurus however, as the Mother of Illumination and with the aid of Uranus, will impulse a stupendous, corresponding influx of light.
The Seventh Ray Avatar and Other Avatars
As ruler of the seventh ray, and early in this seventh ray cycle that began in 1945, the ingress of Uranus into Taurus could certainly hasten the coming of several avatars over the next 84 years – amongst whom are The Christ and the Avatar of the Seventh Ray; these or other avatars were expected in the last Uranus cycle:
“This Wesak [Taurus] Festival in 1941 can prove to be a “Changer of Conditions” and a major turning point in the life of mankind if every spiritually minded person can bring himself to the needed point of selflessness, disciplined purity and resultant receptivity … Every possible step has been taken by the Hierarchy to enable the Avatar, the Coming One, to appear. What these steps are cannot be declared here. Only some questions, suggesting possibility, are permissible.”14
Wesak, Taurus full moon festival, 1941.
That Wesak Festival had an extraordinary six-planet stellium in Taurus: Sun, Saturn, Uranus, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter! No doubt it strengthened the Taurus personality of the British nation, in their determination and stubborn resistance to the German attack upon London, the throat chakra for Humanity.
Note also, that Uranus was about to leave Taurus and make its first foray into Gemini a few months later in August of 1941. The Hierarchy was no doubt fully aware of this through their astrologer Master Jupiter; They understood that “nature abhors a vacuum” and that this was the last chance to utilise the materialising forces of Uranus in Taurus, to bring spirit into matter, during the most potent festival of the year. Likewise in 2018, a similar opportunity will present itself, before Uranus leaves Aries, creating a another vacuum – just before it enters Taurus two weeks later.
(The graphic to the right was irresistible – nothing like the real Master Jupiter who resides somewhere in the Nilgherri Hills of southern India! But interesting to note that he is fighting the dragon/hydra of Scorpio. Also that he is a “Master Magician” an attribute of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic, assigned to the personality expression of that second ray planet Jupiter. Master Jupiter is however, on the first ray of will-power.) The Tibetan continues his comments about avatars:
“Think you that His body of manifestation is already on Earth, waiting to be overshadowed, inspired and used at the right time, as was the vehicle of the Master Jesus by the Christ? There are those who say that it is waiting and has been waiting for 22 years. Is it possible that there will be a sudden descent of the Prince of Light and Peace to change present conditions by the effectiveness of His radiance and His message? There are those who look for Him to suddenly appear, and they number millions of expectant people. Some say He is already on His way.”15
Written in 1941 hence subtracting 22 years, gives 1919, the year after WWI had finished, when the first tentative efforts were made to establish the League of Nations from which Hitler later withdrew. It was also the year when The Tibetan (Djwhal Khul, or D.K.) contacted his amanuensis Alice A. Bailey, with the transmission of their first book, Initiation, Human and Solar. It appears that the “Prince of Peace” did not reappear in 1941 as discussed below:
“Is it possible that this Wesak Festival will see Him approach nearer to the Hierarchy and make a contact with Them? Some say it will take place. Can the “massed intent” of humanity evoke response and lead to the appearance on Earth of the lesser Avatar? Some say nothing can stop it.
Prophecy, expectation and the present time cycle testify to the opportunity. This possible dual event—the coming of the Avatar of Synthesis to the Hierarchy and of the lesser Avatar, His Representative, to humanity—can be a probable happening if the world disciples and aspirants measure up to the opportunity.”16
More than likely this hoped for reappearance did not occur at that time but the Christ did start making preparations in 1936 for his eventual reappearance. Perhaps it was because Humanity or the disciples of the world did not “measure up”. Instead, we are informed that the invocative cry of an agonised Humanity brought in the forces of cosmic Beings known as the Lords of Liberation, who were karmically permitted to intervene in WWII, allowing victory for the allied forces.17 (It has been suggested by one reader that the avatar may have been Krishnamurti, discussed below in the comments section.)
The lesser avatar is the one who holds the office of The Christ, whilst the Avatar of Synthesis is a greater avatar – and the seventh ray avatar possibly even greater. The latter’s appearance may occur in the next 84 years following the previous two avatars, or perhaps much later in the Aquarian cycle. The point being, the entry of Uranus into Taurus paves the way for all these avatars. The increasing strength of the seventh ray will help to bring order from this planet’s current chaos.
Books by Phillip Lindsay
The Dilemma of Good and Bad News: Propaganda
(This section is from a recent post and subsequent discussion on Facebook. If you would like to “friend” the author, go to this link. If you read these posts on Facebook, they are invariably modified by the time of the monthly newsletter, due to further reflection upon the subject.)
Astrology is the study of cycles of rays and planets. One impersonally notes their effects for better or worse as they influence humanity, without necessarily any emphasis on the “positive” or “negative”. And so we see the effects of a Saturn return, or a transiting Jupiter in Scorpio, or a Pluto in Capricorn.
There is a new world emerging and an older one slipping away – Pisces to Aquarius. But, to ignore or fail to comprehend the complexities and karma of what has been created in the past, is to allow the possibilities of those patterns to carry over into the future as “bad seeds”.
There are many spiritually oriented people who proclaim the mantra of “focus on the positive”, concentrate on building the new emerging paradigm – and this is absolutely true and worthy; they say that the past does not matter because it is dying and for that reason, one does not have to understand the past.
But as the Spanish philosopher George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This is why it is so important to understand history, both exoteric and esoteric, and the reasons why past cycles of human evolution failed, if humanity is to head in the right direction.
There is also a lack of acknowledgement by some of what is going on in their own nations. A refusal to accept that the old paradigm is crumbling, a sugar-coating of perception – that chaos reigns and that their once cherished institutions or values are tarnished, undermined, stuck and utterly compromised.
Before World War II, many people did not realise what was going on and then suddenly war broke out; it was because they were not paying attention or were beholden to the forces of propaganda; or by remaining passive, the “forces of light” would somehow mystically save them. The world is in a similar situation today and propaganda has become far more refined and ubiquitous. (The author has commented upon this extensively in these essays.)
Therefore, in progressing forward to the future, we must understand what it is that we are actually leaving behind, how it got that way – and what is emerging NOW. Those who cannot or do not, will remain imprisoned in the sarcophagi of old ideas and broken dreams, clinging to nationalistic values that are not globally inclusive or informed, especially around geopolitical propaganda for instance. We must make the effort to inform ourselves from diverse sources that contribute to an wholistic world view, aided by mental discrimination and an intuitive heart:
“The existence of a closed mind on a national scale is dangerous in the extreme, just as the individual is in a dangerous “state of mind” when he closes it to world contact, world news and world understanding, and when he refuses to admit new ideas and new modes of behaviour. … freedom of choice can be infringed … by keeping the citizenry in ignorance of world affairs, and secondly, by giving them biassed news and misinformation, or a garbled or distorted slant on world affairs, as is the case in most other countries, particularly in the United States.”18
The passage above was written in the 1940’s when only radio and newspapers were available; now it has reached hitherto unimaginable proportions through all kinds of media, forcing a crisis of ideas:
“The forces flowing through the masses of average intelligent men today (and by that I mean those men who are educated and able to recognise the world news and to discuss world events and trends), are constituting the experimental ground for the transference of the energy of the sacral centre to the solar plexus. This leads inevitably to turmoil, over-stimulation, revolt and many other difficulties.”19
The following passage from The Tibetan is about the idea of not polarising with either end of the news spectrum, in politics or religion; yet reflection and discussion is needed to remain free of illusion:
“The members of the New Group of World Servers [NGWS] belong to no party or religion and yet belong to all parties and religions; they assume no attitude or position either for or against any existing government, religion of social order … They say nothing and write no word which could feed the fires of hatred, or tend to separate man from man, or nation from nation … They represent an attitude of mind.
… The members of the NGWS are not, however, a band of impractical mystics. They know exactly what they seek to do, and their plans are laid in such a manner that … they are discovering and bringing together the men of good will all over the world … they will cultivate the spirit of non-hatred, utilising every opportunity to emphasise the brotherhood of nations, the unity of faith, and our economic interdependence. They will endeavour to speak no word and do no act which can separate and breed dislike.”20
Yet, disciples and initiates have been forced to come forth in the past to challenge the existing status quo and create revolution, with liberating results. The French Revolution is one good example – overseen by the Count St. Germain. How then does one interpret the passage above in light of the many events that have occurred in the name of human liberty? How can one sit idly by and not comment on the vast injustices that exist in the world on a daily basis – with the latest massacre of Palestinians by Israeli’s for instance?
As Edmund Burke once said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” This may sound like an outworn platitude, but exposing and creating awareness of human injustices is not creating hatred; it may cause anger and resentment for many, or being hated by the people who are exposed. Likewise, exposing human injustice as often as possible, supports the very theme of the “brotherhood of nations, unity of faith and economic interdependence.” That is why the following passage is so pertinent,
“The problems confronting us should be faced with courage, with truth and understanding; as well as with the willingness to speak factually, with simplicity and with love in the effort to expose the truth and clarify the problems which must be solved.”21
There is a fine line between reporting world events in an intelligent and balanced way, as opposed to continually pointing the finger of blame, of what is wrong, driving the problem deeper into matter, without offered solutions. The latter constitutes many posts on social media and although solutions may not be offered, at least a greater general planetary awareness is being created.
There is another fine line to tread between the two approaches outlined in the passages above. The NGWS is composed of aspirants and disciples who work in the subjective or objective worlds – some direct more focus upon one or the other, others straddle both areas. There are of course different RAY approaches, as all ashrams are part of the NGWS.
First ray types are often drawn to work in the field of politics whilst second ray types leaning toward effecting subjective change. Group meditation is one of the greatest potencies. The following passage from a co-worker illustrates the dilemma of varying approaches:
“The power of thought. What are we causing to grow? What are we spreading around that affects the thinking (emotions) of others. Do we energize problems and chaos and horror or do we present solutions and put light on earthly happenings by enlarging our thinking to include the spiritual perception of events. Now is the time to give it all we have to give … the world is waiting and our thoughts and words are powerful beyond belief.”22
There are factors of emotional reaction by many sensitive souls to more “negativity” – with a corresponding denial or refusal to accept it. There is only so much toxic news that one can absorb – and everyone has a different threshold! The fact that something is exposed that once was hidden, is a huge “positive” because subterfuge is transformed into truth. Yet despite much evidence for truth in many issues like 9/11 for instance, in accepting truth it is difficult to over-ride pre-existing perceptions that are reinforced by consensus media propaganda.
One of the main problems that confront us today is even being aware of what is happening in one particular part of the world, let alone getting accurate and undistorted news about it; so there must be first an awareness created of world events, then it is up to the interpretative capacity of each person to incorporate that into the awareness.
One must bear in mind that one is always only partially informed, it depends how much time one spends researching sources, understanding history – and/or applying the filters of intuition to penetrate the maya of news. TV news programs in particular are now very sophisticated in spinning cleverly slanted perspectives.
Many of us do not have solutions to global problems, or are not in a position to directly influence those who can; but we have a great capacity to subjectively change the culture of the mental body of the planet. In working through a universal dialogue on internet forums (conferencing 24/7), human opinion and thinking is being constantly refined, the pairs of opposites upon the mental plane are being balanced, and illusion is being overcome; a greater wholistic view is being developed.
And this is having a global effect that is precipitating constantly into human consciousness, transforming the thinking of millions and inspiring them to act upon their own piece of planetary service. Let us continue to stimulate the dialogue, the conversation – and strive in all the varying approaches to the One Work. One co-worker opines,
“We can many times tell what we are creating by the reaction we get from others, or in the case of Facebook, by the types of comments that are posted. When we begin to see expressions of horror or disgust, etc. such as “so sad”; “shameful”; etc. we know we are building on kama manasic levels. That is what the slang term “playing the ain’t it awful game” means … just passing around bad news without suggesting action or solutions. That men and women do this automatically without realizing.”23
The author’s response was: “I would not necessarily characterise passing on information as “building on kama manasic levels” – but of course it does happen alot, like sensational tabloid news. Facebook and instant messaging is a reactive medium. A lot of people find most of their news through their Facebook friends, so they often obtain a wide cross section of news that they might not have otherwise considered or been exposed to; then this must be filtered through the discriminating mind and intuition. However, many reject views that challenge their status quo and will not inform themselves of other viewpoints.
Alot of people may play the “ain’t it awful game” in an unconscious way and this is an excellent point. But motives for posting by many is to raise awareness of something for which others may be completely oblivious, or apathetic about – especially if their diet of news is from the MSM. We have to also bear in mind the various levels of understanding on a broad public social media platform. Individuals’ posting actions in turn may lead others to taking action locally or globally, hence their posts cannot be ignored or dismissed outright. Everyone works at whatever level they can.
This was the original thrust of the FB post – passing good quality information along, achieving clarity through exposure and discussion, so as to at least minimise the glamours of propaganda. One cannot judge people for not “suggesting action or solutions” – for a lot of people who feel disempowered, just posting is simply finding a voice with the possibility of attracting like-minded thinkers – that may lead to some affirmative action.
Internet forums and social media, despite their limitations and abuses, lead to a greater global conversation that contributes to the expansion of the planetary mental body, generating greater understanding and invariably a more compassionate outlook. Kama-manas is the default of most of humanity, hence the task of the NGWS is to inspire to higher thought.
This brings up again the varying approaches – some servers will work in both worlds, leading others from the unreal to the real. Other servers will work entirely esoterically, building the new paradigm and ignore much of the maya occurring around them.
A good forum is where ideas are discussed and where due consideration is given for each point of view, leading to a refinement of thought and a resolution of the pairs of opposites for those propaganda’s that compete from opposite poles. Hence it assists the process of cutting through the maya of outer information by evoking the intuition, personal and group.
Thereby good dialogue (the “right speech” of the Buddha – a Taurus), transforms the mental matrix of the planet, creating a “100th monkey” syndrome, where all of humanity benefit from broader and more illuminated thought. That revolution of ideas, carried forward successfully, leads to the successful challenge of the status quo and the development of a more mature democratic system.
Making sense of the world does not mean ignoring what is going on around us – and just “focus on the light and wait for the Christ to save us”. DK does say in the Blue Books how much we have to stay informed. He also talks about the appalling propaganda that was rampant during the time when he wrote His books – as well as passive attitudes:
“The attitude of many students, inevitably participants in world events, that “such is the Law and such is the Karma of people and nations and such is the pre-determined destiny” is far from right. They believe—sometimes sincerely—that all that should be done is simply to wait for results to appear and for karma and destiny to fulfil itself. Then and not till then, all will be well.
But they forget that karma fulfils itself in relation to the form nature upon which it expends its energy and that where there is a static condition and a quiescent attitude, the process moves but slowly; the life then within the form fails to experience the needed, forceful awakening; inevitably then there lies ahead a repetition of the process until the time comes when activity and response is evoked.
This then leads to resistance to the apparent karmic necessity and this brings about liberation. Only through resistance to evil (and in this world period and in this kali-yuga, as the Eastern teachers call it, it is an essential basic attitude) can karma be brought to an end.”24
We have to make sense of this maya, to develop discrimination, to challenge the lying narratives that we are continually assaulted by on a daily basis, in increasingly insidious and sophisticated ways. If we do not, then we simply join the ranks of the submissive masses who are being bent to the will of materialistic forces. This is the great Kurukshetra that we find ourselves in today, a great battle upon the astral, and increasingly the mental plane – in the world of ideas and humanity’s illusions; it is the WWIII referred to earlier.
Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg, Sun in Taurus
Following on from last month’s newsletter on The Astrology of Facebook, Cambridge Analytica etc. – and Mark Zuckerberg’s subsequent grilling by Congress, it is worth considering his horoscope. The author favors Virgo rising, but as revealed at this link, there are several rectifications by astrologers, hence the rising sign is highly speculative. Nevertheless, much can be gleaned from his horoscope and recent events.
The Taurus-Scorpio axis is highly emphasised with five planets in Scorpio and three planets in Taurus! Taurus is known as a sign of acquisition for higher knowledge or of money and material things – or both. With a net worth of 68 billion, and at 33 years of age, Zuckerberg is the fifth richest person in the world, also part of that clique called “the one percent”.
Speculative horoscope for Mark Zuckerberg.
Bill Gates, another tech billionaire, and at one time the richest man in the world (recently displaced by Jeff Bezos of Amazon), also has three planets in Scorpio, sharing Saturn in Scorpio with Zuckerberg. Saturn in Scorpio is highly disciplined and focused – and ruthless in business, as Gates was renowned; likewise Zuckerberg – Mercury in Aries opposite Pluto in Scorpio, takes no prisoners!
But Taurus is known traditionally for its acquisition of money and Zuckerberg’s wealth comes from that Taurean influence, including Venus in Taurus, the ruler of this sign. Zuckerberg shares this Venus placement with Bernie Madoff (made-off with the billions), who had four other placements in Taurus!
Venus in one of its guises as the morning star is Venus Lucifer (Bringer of light), which through religious demonisation down the ages, has become evil and that which is “filthy lucre” or lucrative (profitable). Madoff certainly qualifies for falling foul of the lowest material aspect, despite his high intelligence which Venus in Taurus confers.
Madoff (Leo rising) admitted that his whole life had been a fraud when confronted by his sons, leading to long term imprisonment for his Ponzi schemes. The main astrological significator of Madoff’s insatiable appetite regardless of the human cost, is Venus in Taurus square to Jupiter in Aquarius. The greed of Taurus is obvious with Madoff, but can we say the same for Zuckerberg? Has he also stolen billions through his collection of data that was sold on to thousands of corporations and companies?
As a brief aside, horoscopes must always be considered in terms of soul evolution. Aquarius rising Karl Marx – is an interesting case of an advanced soul who tried to create a system based upon greater fairness for humanity – caught up in the capitalist system. Marx had Sun, Moon and Venus in Taurus, his theories holding that human societies develop through class struggle:
“In capitalism, this manifests itself in the conflict between the ruling classes (known as the bourgeoisie) that control the means of production and the working classes (known as the proletariat) that enable these means by selling their labour power in return for wages. Employing a critical approach known as historical materialism, Marx predicted that, like previous socio-economic systems, capitalism produced internal tensions which would lead to its self-destruction and replacement by a new system: socialism. Marx and Engels based their manifesto on a touchingly simple answer: authentic human happiness and the genuine freedom that must accompany it. For them, these are the only things that truly matter. ”25
Has Zuckerberg simply regarded the general public as “dumb f***s” – as he originally described his fellow Harvard students who helped him start an early version of Facebook? Or was that just youthful arrogance at play? Is he as much a thief as Madoff, but in a more sophisticated way? And what about the Winklevoss twins from whom he allegedly stole the Facebook idea? There is an interesting article by one of the people associated with Zuckerberg at that time. “I was one of Facebook’s first users. I shouldn’t have trusted Mark Zuckerberg.”
Well these are moral questions and Zuckerberg is young, approaching his 35th year, when the soul bears a more pronounced influence upon the relatively matured and integrated personality. How much does one apportion benefit of the doubt? Might he transform into a Marx Zuckerberg?
Zuckerberg promotes himself as a philanthropist, but is this just simply tokenism that he has been advised to do for a good public face, rather than a deeper motivation to improve the lot of his fellow humanity? Perhaps, but he may not have had time to figure out what to do with his rapidly acquired fortune either.
“The Chronicle of Philanthropy placed Zuckerberg and his wife at the top of the magazine’s annual list of 50 most generous Americans for 2013, having donated roughly $1 billion to charity.”26 As someone worth $68 billion, $1 billion seems a drop in the bucket. One is reminded of the story of the widow’s offering in Matthew 12:42:
“As Jesus was sitting opposite the treasury, He watched the crowd placing money into it. And many rich people put in large amounts. Then one poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amounted to a small fraction of a denarius. Jesus called His disciples to Him and said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more than all the others into the treasury.” Or the other well known aphorism:
“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god.” (Matt. 19:24. See the esoteric meaning of this phrase in the comments section below.) The same questions may be asked of others like Jeff Bezos who is a notoriously tight-fisted Capricorn. Edward Snowden recently commented upon Facebook,
“Businesses that make money by collecting and selling detailed records of private lives were once plainly described as ‘surveillance companies’ … Their rebranding as ‘social media’ is the most successful deception since the Department of War became the Department of Defense.””27
And of course, this leads to anther accusation that Facebook, like Google, is simply an information collecting and profiling mechanism for groups like the CIA and NSA – on behalf of the so-called Deep State. Has Zuckerberg sold out to these entities, consciously, wilfully and even greedily – careless of the ramifications? Quite possibly and perhaps his latest astrological transits reflect karma catching up with him. Despite all these factors, many of us choose to keep using Facebook as a convenient social tool – even though it tracks all your web browsing before and after you log on/off!
Transiting Jupiter in Scorpio seems to be making the most noise in Zuckerberg’s horoscope currently. Jupiter is the truth serum, revealing the hidden in Scorpio, as it has been since late 2017 in the lives of people like Harvey Weinstein. When the Cambridge Analytica revelations began in mid-March 2018, transiting Jupiter was closely opposing Z’s sun. (Since Nov. 2017, Jupiter had passed over all of his Scorpio planets.)
For the next several months to September, Jupiter makes two more passes over all Z’s Scorpio planets, with (agonising?) thoroughness, opposing his Venus in Taurus twice more, before making the final opposition to his Taurus sun in mid-October 2018. Scorpio is the healer and exorcist that eliminates the poisons. Zuckerberg will be “put through the mill” it seems, a great metaphor for initiation.
There could be many more revelations during this period, and the public may come to learn the full extent of the truth. It is obvious that Facebook is scrambling at the moment to make rectifications, if the notices posted by them are any indication. (Some more “light reading” here on Cambridge Analytica: I’ve seen inside the digital propaganda machine. And it’s dark in there. Emma Briant.)
Its interesting to note that Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby both have Mars in Scorpio – transited by Jupiter during their respective crises, Cosby recently found guilty. Jupiter has not finished with either of them either, making two more passes over their Mars positions between now and September 2018. This includes the current trial of sex allegations against Cardinal George Pell, Australia’s most senior Catholic and the controller of the Vatican’s finances in Rome. Pell has Saturn in Taurus with moon in Scorpio opposite. Transiting Jupiter will not be finished passing over those planets until October-November 2018, perhaps reflecting an outcome by then.
Likewise, others like Kevin Spacey with Jupiter in Scorpio (his Jupiter return); Roman Polanski who is suing the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for his expulsion – has his progressed sun in Scorpio, in transiting Jupiter’s path until September. Eric Schneiderman, the Attorney General of New York was forced to resign in May 2018 due to allegations of choking sexual partners. Schneiderman has Saturn and Venus in Scorpio, and it was natal Saturn transited by Jupiter that saw his outing and exit. Morgan Freeman is the latest with Mars in latter degrees of Scorpio, currently aspected by Jupiter.
Transiting Jupiter is already making alot of aspects, but natal Jupiter will soon be activated by transiting Saturn (Lord of Karma) in its own sign of Capricorn; it will reach Z’s Jupiter in Capricorn by January 2019, hence by then he may know his fate. Jupiter is justice and Saturn is the law. Capricorn is another sign of money, potent in the charts of Jeff Bezos (Sun, Mercury, Mars) and Rupert Murdoch (Capricorn rising and Saturn). Jupiter in Capricorn trines Z’s Venus in Taurus, amplifying the wealth factor.
Jupiter falls in Capricorn, giving a “fulfillment of desire and a demand for satisfaction; a drive for power, status and wealth; they often hold positions of economic or political responsibility; prudent, cautious, mature judgement; workaholic executive who neglects family; can develop emotional frustration and loneliness and hide it behind dignity and importance.”28
The question remains, if one were to give Zuckerberg the benefit of the doubt (and that is a big stretch for many observers), will he respond to the higher influence of Jupiter in Capricorn, activated by transiting Saturn? Or will it be business as usual, “blinded by desire”?
“In its highest, Jupiter is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. It is to the “fall” of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low. Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs.”29
The Hidden History of Humanity: 2 million+ views.
“The Hidden History of Humanity” video has just passed two million views since it was released seven months ago. This was totally unexpected, but happened by chance when someone posted a link from my video editor’s YouTube channel (Justin Wilkinson) to the mega website Reddit.com, going “viral” shortly thereafter. My own video channel has only a very modest 7,000 + views! (See for other vids on esoteric astrology and various previews to HHH.)
Judging by the comments under the video (some of them are weird and whacky), a lot of the material went over many people’s heads – because they are not acquainted with esotericism or the ageless wisdom. But even if 10% liked the video, then that is still around 200,000 views, so I am very glad that it has had such a broad exposure.
I have received many emails from people who have never been in touch with the Ageless Wisdom philosophy before, who are very keen to absorb more material on the subject. Hence, through the medium of video, the theme of Esoteric History has become a doorway to the Mysteries, just as in the past the subjects of angels, ufo’s or near death experience had a similar effect.
By the way, several people have mentioned that English subtitles would be good to have with the English audio version because English is not their first language, or they are hard of hearing. If there is someone out there with the ability to English sub-title the video using editing software, please contact the author.
To probe these mysteries more deeply, see the companion book to the video, “Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles”. In the next month or two, there will be a regular webinar that will go through the entire book, sharing commentary and questions. This will be announced on Facebook and in my regular newsletters. Currently the author is planning the next phase of this project – several journeys next year to various locations, gathering material and footage for the next HHH video and book.
Phillip Lindsay © 2018.
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- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.683. [↩]
- Various authors unknown. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.400-1. [↩]
- Theosophical Glossary. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 397-8. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p. 397-8. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine, H.P. Blavatsky. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.245. [↩]
- Wikipedia. See also here. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.170. [↩]
- https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/apr/19/emmanuel-macron-moderate-owen-jones [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.743. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.542-3. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.308-9. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.308-9. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.308-9. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.494. [↩]
- Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.595. p.749. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.542. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. pp.643-4. [↩]
- The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.163. [↩]
- Facebook dialogue: Nancy Connally and Ornella C. [↩]
- Facebook dialogue: Nancy Connolly. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. pp.443.-4. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Zuckerberg [↩]
- https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/edward-snowden-facebook-is-a-surveillance-company-rebranded-as-social-media [↩]
- Various sources. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
WOW (and 3/4) !!!
Hi Phillip,
Is it possible that the body of manifestation of the Christ was Krishnamurti? In 1919, he was in preparation to play that role.
“Think you that His body of manifestation is already on Earth, waiting to be overshadowed, inspired and used at the right time, as was the vehicle of the Master Jesus by the Christ? There are those who say that it is waiting and has been waiting for 22 years.”15
It is possible Louise, in 1919 K was 24 years old, which is a 2 x 12 Jupiter cycle for that second ray disciple of KH. In my book “The Initiatiions of Krishnamurti”, I discuss K’s role as the one to be overshadowed by The Christ, which he fulfilled in part. But it is unclear in the quote what level avatar DK is referring to. He may well have been referring to K and in my book it is written,
“DK may well have been referring to K in this quote, which would mean that he had been ‘waiting’ since 1919. (DK first contacted Alice Bailey in that year.) This passage was written in 1941 at a critical point of the War, but there is no clear indication from this author’s sources what was going on for K at the time, save that he was in retreat at Ojai. Given the severity of K’s experience there may well have been other alignments that the Hierarchy were trying to achieve.” (https://esotericastrologer.org/books/the-initiations-of-krishnamurti/)
A thought on economic systems for consideration:
If you go back in time to the mid-20th century and look at the big corporations in the USA and look at the big corporations today, many of them died and not due to mergers/acquisitions; they just unexpectedly went out of business. Kind of like what happened to IBM in the 1990s as the PC revolution snuck up on them during the 1980s. The US capitalist system promotes a couple of things: (a) risk taking and (b) creativity. Large corporations have a longer shelf life under socialist systems given the ability of these behemoths to hide behind a morass of laws. This goes back to the idea of being a passive recipient waiting for salvation vs. being an active member of the human race. Socialist systems could end up repressing creative energies; be careful what you wish for.
For instance, look at your viral video. 2 million views is wildly unexpected and impressive. Economic systems that allow for this type of unexpected upside due to one putting in one’s creative energies should be nurtured.
What Marx does not account for is the nature of a dynamical system. We are to assume that the capitalist class becomes entrenched and exploitative of the laboring class under Marx’s view. However, what I want to point out is that having a “1%” type class does not mean the system is broken… if we cycle in and out of this 1% status, it can be a sign of a healthy economic system.
The problem happens when those who rise into what should be a dynamic state of wealth and then attempt to control public policy to protect their wealthy status by eliminating risk to their status. These materialistic forces definitely do exist and work to maintain and extend their soul-crushing grasp on the world. But…. socialism is not the answer. Socialism may be exactly what the materialistic forces use to shelter their holdings from risk.
You know… socialize the risks and privatize the profits. A saying that was en vogue after the 2008 financial crisis.
I just want to point out that a system that rewards individuals with windfall upsides and allows for a dynamic cycling of individuals in and out of wealth can promote prosperity and creativity, if this system is protected from selfish forces attempting to siphon off all of the vitality for themselves.
A thought on the nature of aspiration in Taurus and working as a member of the NGWS:
I remember DK referring to the eye of the needle parable as referring to the two 3rd degree initiates unwilling to give up everything (personal aspiration) and fully take refuge in the Dharma.
Like the story of Jesus sitting in front of the coffer with donations being made, the poor woman (a lowly aspirant) giving her all (dynamic aspirational energy during the Wesak) vs. those rich persons (disciples and initiates at or below the 3rd degree) giving some when they have so much more to offer…
There is a story of the Buddha traveling a road and being approached by an advanced aspirant, who was asked by the aspirant how many lives were left to live before liberation. The Buddha pointed to a tree with a few leaves on it and stated the aspirant was to live a few more lives and the aspirant was disheartened. Another aspirant approached, one far more ignorant and was asked the same question. The Buddha pointed to a tree with hundreds of leaves and the lowly aspirant was overjoyed at the compassion of the Buddha. The advanced aspirant witnessed this in a state of disbelief and was promptly admonished by the Buddha.
Happy Wesak!
Thanks Adam, here is the “eye of the needle” quote from DK:
“…admittance to Shamballa and a divine expression in life and service of the first great divine aspect, the will aspect, is the goal held before the members of the Hierarchy. They too are on the way of evolution, and Their goal is to pass through the “eye of the needle,” on Their way to the higher evolution. This higher evolution is that which opens up before a Master of the Wisdom. The use of this esoteric term by Christ in The New Testament story gives us a hint as to the nature of the exalted consciousness which He expressed. Faced by the rich young man who possessed so much, Christ indicated that he needed to prepare himself for a great negation and for a step forward. The true significance of this has never [Page 116] been grasped and lies in the fact that the phrase “rich young man” is in reality a technical term which is frequently applied to an initiate of the third degree, just as the words “little ones” or “little child” apply to an initiate of the first or second degree. This rich young man was rich in his range of awareness, rich in his personality equipment, rich in his aspiration and in his recognition; he was rich as the result of age-long experience and evolutionary development. He is told by the Christ that he must now prepare himself for what is called in Rule V “the Triad shining forth”; he must now prepare for the unfoldment of the monadic consciousness and for the fourth initiation. In that initiation, the causal body, the body wherein the soul experiences and reaps the fruit of experience, must be and will be destroyed. This has to take place before the initiate can enter into the Council Chamber of the Most High and express the will-to-good and the will of God in fulfillment of the purposes of God. The will of this particular “rich young man,” initiate though he was, was not yet adequate to the requirements, so he went sadly away; he had to prepare himself for the fourth initiation, the Great Renunciation, the Crucifixion, and thus fit himself to pass through the needle’s eye.” (RI-115.)