Taurus 2021: Wesak. NGWS. Aldebaran. Vulcan, Volcanoes. Uranus. Cyber Polygon. Sheep-Goats. Findhorn Fire.
Venus rides Nandi the bull. (Taurus by Johfra)
Taurus Keynote
“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.”
(Full Moon: April 27, 2021. UT 03.31)
“The Month of May is one of deepest significance to all who are affiliated with the Great White Lodge (as are all true esotericists), in that the Wesak Festival takes place and is of moment and deep import. The period is always one of prime interest and rare opportunity.”1
New Moon in Aries – Preceding the Wesak Festival in Taurus
Taurus-Wesak Festival
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers
Aldebaran: Eye of the Cosmic Bull
Taurus, Mother Earth, Vulcan and Volcanoes
Uranus in Taurus and the Underworld
The Great Reset’s Next Phase in 2021: Cyber Polygon
Sheep and Goats Decisions – Libra
___ Regarding Complacency or Taking Action
US Firearm Fatalities: The Real Pandemic
Findhorn Fire on the Aries New Moon
New Moon in Aries – Preceding the Wesak Festival in Taurus
(See later article on the Findhorn fire at the Aries new moon.)
The greater ebb and flow is indicated by the phases of the full moon and new moons. New moons are lesser known intervals to the full moon festivals, but are extraordinarily potent for occult meditation. The new moon is preceded by the balsamic phase, the darkest time of the month – indeed, the first silver sliver of the moon only appears about two days after the new moon proper.
The word “occult” simply means that which is hidden, such as an “occultation” of the moon during an eclipse. Unfortunately, it has negative connotations in the public mind, due to mass ignorance – and superstitions that are not unfounded, due to selfish use of lunar energies by those versed in the magical arts. The white magic of the coming Aquarian Age, will work from a solar (soul-ar), not lunar orientation, but will use the new moon cycle altruistically to create light within the darkness.
The symbolism of any new moon is the seed that is planted in the dark, under the Earth, awaiting fire and water – or moisture and the solar rays to coax it into life. This imagery is particularly appropriate for Aries, the seed-sower, but also Virgo – the dark womb of gestation. The way of all planetary light-workers is to work thus, especially during our current dystopian nightmare that is seeking to engulf humanity in this age of the Kali Yuga; this, in anticipation of the emerging Satya Yuga or Golden age that has begun and is already overlapping the previous cycle.
All insoluble problems at the physical level can be solved at the mental level through directed thought in group meditation; it can change or break up the dynamic of the existing crystallised thought-forms that have been created by centuries of human “thinking” – that hover like thick black clouds over various parts of the planet. The Master D.K. has said that WWII could have been avoided if relatively small groups of meditators had taken affirmative action; think about that for a moment, what an incredible statement!
“The World Crisis was, as you know, inevitable, but physical warfare could have been avoided if right psychological methods had been employed, and it could have been cured if a process of transmutation and of transference had been correctly carried forward, and if the spirit of sacrifice had also been demonstrated by the world aspirants. The need for group sacrifice has not met with adequate response, except in those cases where it has been imposed by governments upon their nationals. Such is the sorry history of what is taking place today.”2
All spiritually aware people must ask themselves at this time, how much are they giving to their highest potential and “straining every sinew”? Are they overly focussed upon damning the existing paradigm, or are they toiling for that which is emerging? Are they just ducking or hiding from the storm and hoping that it will blow over? How much does lunar-driven fear/cowardice or solar-infused courage rule their lives?
As souls on different rays, all awakened souls on the inner planes belong to one or other ray ashram that has dedicated itself to unfolding some aspect of the Planetary Plan – as it exists in the mind of Sanat Kumara, Lord of Shamballa. Our awareness of the existence of this Being’s purpose, even if only theoretically, allows us to participate in the great Co-Creation – humanity’s evolutionary dharma. Hence, the ashramic work is described below:
“Ashramic Meditation. This is based upon the evocation of human response to the higher spiritual values; it concerns itself with the creation of those conditions wherein these new values can, under the divine Plan, flourish; it is focussed on that immediate aspect of the Path which humanity needs to tread, and its intent is to swing into creative activity the desires, aspirations, reflections and concentrated meditation of [wo]men, at whatever may be their particular point in evolution, so that a mighty, coherent and invincible movement will be instituted which must and will result in the creation of the new heavens and the new earth. This is one way of expressing the significance of the coming of the Kingdom of God on Earth, and the creation of a new order and way of life.
There are crisis points at times of superlative tension in the meditative work of all hierarchical Ashrams. At the times of the new moon and of the full moon, all members of all the Ashrams meditate deeply in an invocative and evocative manner; their meditation, therefore, falls into two parts: the first part is evocative of inspiration from the Nirmanakayas [inspired contemplatives in the higher realms] with Whom they deliberately get in touch; the second part is invocative of the New Group of World Servers and enables them responsively to come under hierarchical impression.
Three times a year—at the April, May and June Festivals —there is a united hierarchical meditation led by the Christ; these Festivals are invocative of Shamballa or of that which lies beyond the Nirmanakayas and can only be safely carried forward in united meditation, under directed guidance and the highest possible inspiration. Each Ashram can approach the Nirmanakayas as a group at stated periods for which due preparation is made; only the entire group of Ashrams, the Hierarchy as a whole, can approach Shamballa.
The New Group of World Servers is invocative to the Hierarchy for purposes of impression and can be impressed by any Ashram through its disciples in that group; thus the great chain of contact and the great channel for the inflow of spiritual energy reaches from Shamballa to humanity and then, through humanity, to the three subhuman kingdoms; in this way, these lower kingdoms are “enlightened and raised.”
All this is accomplished through meditation, through invocation and evocation, carried forward in the spirit of worship, which is the fundamental method of spiritual recognition. Thus, creatively, the glory which is hidden in every form is evoked and slowly brought to exoteric manifestation.”3
This is a very esoteric passage that most of us may not fully comprehend, but it gives an idea of our evolutionary path as Co-creators “in the mind of god” – as living light cells within the greater body of creation. Another passage that stimulates our imagination about the Nirmanakayas, beings with which humans can, and have contacted:
“Beyond this state of samadhi lies the dream state of the Nirmanakayas and of the Buddhas, and so on up the scale of hierarchical life till that great Dreamer is known, who is the One, the only Narayana, the Lord of the World Himself, the Ancient of Days, our Planetary Logos. The student can only arrive at a very dim understanding of the nature of these dream states as he studies the idea conveyed in the earlier statement to the effect that, to the occultist, life on the physical plane is but a dream condition.”4
All these thoughts are given for inspiration as we approach the most important spiritual festival of the year – Wesak, the Taurus solar festival where a great meeting takes place between Sanat Kumara, The Christ and the Buddha. They in turn transmit the annually amended Plan to the Masters of the 49 Ashrams, who in turn relay that information to all ashramic members in their various grades – which is then disseminated through the New Group of World Servers to Humanity at large.
This Wesak will undoubtedly be one of the most important EVER, due to the rising crescendo of our planetary crisis. Let us all participate in earnest, with resolute determination to counter the encroaching material forces that seek to enslave Humanity.

The Wesak Valley in Tibet. The Buddha returns each year to preside over the gathering of Masters (pentagram) and pilgrims.
Taurus-Wesak Festival
The importance of the first three spiritual festivals of the year – Aries, Taurus and Gemini – can never be emphasised enough. One must probe their significance however, to really experience them – through the reading of available literature and in reflective meditation.
Taurus marks the pinnacle of the spiritual year because it is when the spiritual Hierarchy on Earth meet and connect with the aspirants and disciples of Their ashrams. The 49 ashrams of the Masters compose the planetary heart centre – in effect they are the lotus petals of the Greater Ashram of The Christ or World Teacher.
Consulting the planetary centres diagram again: The Hierarchy is the planetary heart centre that mediates between Shamballa (head centre) and Humanity (throat centre). Likewise, the New Group of World Servers (NGWS – Ajna centre) – the spiritually awake, mediates between Hierarchy and Humanity.
At Wesak, the Hierarchy or Masters of Wisdom, gather to receive – literally, the “Word of God”, the new impulse that was released in Aries – and transmit the annually amended Planetary Plan to Humanity, via their various subjective groups of workers. All this is planned according to ray and astrological cycles, the constantly changing state of the world, and co-operation with Humanity – who must be able to exercise its free will to determine its destiny.
The opportunity at any full moon festival is to link and work subjectively in meditation with other co-workers and groups around the planet; this takes place over five days – 2.5 days either side of the exact full moon time. The 24-hour period before the exact time is the most potent period to make a contribution – and if possible the exact hour and minute.
Taurus-Wesak is truly the highlight of the year because of the alignment that takes place between Earth’s most exalted planetary guides – and humanity. The triangle of Buddha, Christ and Sanat Kumara (in the etheric and/or upon the physical plane), is linked by sacred ritual with the assembled Masters of Wisdom; They in turn, are aligned with their respective ray ashrams of human aspirants, disciples and initiates – poised and ready to anchor the new impulse that issued forth in the previous sign of Aries.
Wesak is important because it is the only time of the year that the Buddha re-connects with Earth – He is now almost liberated from His responsibilities – but still serving an important role in this transition phase between the zodiacal ages and the rootraces. As the two main groups of Earth Chain and Moon Chain humanity further integrate, the Buddha’s role will be taken over by his brother, the World Teacher who holds The Office of the Christ, marking a momentous event in planetary history – and that will create ripples throughout the solar system and beyond.
Taurus Rules the New Group of World Servers
“This group is ruled by Taurus, and to it that divine Taurean energy brings “illumination and the attainment of the vision.” The NGWS is the “eye” of Sanat Kumara, the lens through which the Lord of the World sees Humanity and all kingdoms.
“The New Group of World Servers is composed at this time of all those sensitive and consecrated servers of the race whose objective is world peace, who aim at the establishing of good will on earth as the basis for future living and world expansion. Originally, this group was composed of a handful of accepted disciples and consecrated aspirants.
Its ranks have been opened … to all those of good will who are working actively for real understanding, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the helping of humanity, and who see no separating bar of any kind, but feel alike to all races, nationalities and religions … This group is ruled by Taurus, and to it that divine Taurean energy brings “illumination and the attainment of the vision.”
This [NGWS] group is, figuratively speaking, the “bull, rushing forward upon a straight line with its one eye fixed upon the goal and beaming light.” But what is that goal? It is not the goal of Self-illumination, for that lies far behind; it is the goal of providing a centre of light within the world … and of holding up the vision …

Shiva riding his bull Nandi. Shiva can also be seen as Sanat Kumara, who “rides” Nandi the bull, the NGWS.
Let this never be forgotten, and let the New Group of World Servers realise its mission and recognise the demands of humanity upon it. What are these demands? Let me enumerate them, and then let me ask you to take them in all simplicity and act upon them.
1. To receive and transmit illumination from the kingdom of souls.
2. To receive inspiration from the Hierarchy and go forth, consequently, to inspire.
3. To hold the vision of the Plan before the eyes of humanity, for “where there is no vision, the people perish.”
4. To act as an intermediate group between the Hierarchy and humanity, receiving light and power and then using both of these, under the inspiration of love, to build the new world of tomorrow. ”5
Hence the importance of Wesak, where the entire Hierarchy are assembled to transmit the Plan to their Taurean intermediary, the New Group of World Servers; this is where They sound the note and the NGWS listen intently to the quality of that sound, broadcasting as they interpret through their everyday service activities:

In the not too distant future, the Christ will assume the role of the Buddha, culminating an ancient relationship that have had since Atlantean times, and bringing about a merging of East and West.
” … men and women, who are oriented to soul living in their aggregate, form a group of souls, en rapport with the source of spiritual supply. They have, as a group, and from the angle of the Hierarchy, established a contact and are “in touch” with the world of spiritual realities … this group of aligned souls come into contact with certain greater Lives and Forces of Light, such as the Christ and the Buddha.
The aggregated aspiration, consecration and intelligent devotion of the group carries the individuals of which it is composed to greater heights than would be possible alone. The group stimulation and the united effort sweep the entire group to an intensity of realisation that would otherwise be impossible … they unitedly constitute themselves channels for service in pure self-forgetfulness.
… If at the time of the May full moon they work together as a group of souls, they can accomplish much. This thought illustrates also the significance of this law which does produce polar union … in this work, there is no personal ambition implied (even of a spiritual nature) and no personal union sought.
This is not the mystical union of the scriptures or of the mystical tradition. It is not alignment and union with a Master’s group or fusion with one’s inner band of pledged disciples, nor even with one’s own Ray life … This union is a greater and more vital thing because it is a group union.”6
Aldebaran: Eye of the Cosmic Bull
The Taurus-ruled NGWS could be called the “bull’s eye” or Aldebaran, the star that resides in one of the horns of the Taurus constellation.
“The eye of the cosmic Bull of God is open and from it light pours radiantly forth upon the sons of men.”7
Can we consider the fixed star Aldebaran to have some influence upon us from its position in the constellation of Taurus? There are several fixed stars that are prominent in their influence upon humanity – Sirius, Polaris, the Pointer stars, Regulus, Castor and Pollux – to name a few. Aldebaran is mentioned by H.P. Blavatsky in relation to tracking its conjunction with the vernal equinoctial point over very long cycles of time:
“He who follows, or succeeds the daughters of Atlas, or the Pleiades – looking down from the eye of Taurus”.8
In the Alice A. Bailey books, Aldebaran is conspicuously absent by name, but there are plenty of references to the “eye of the bull”:
“The entire secret of divine purpose and planning is hidden in this sign [Taurus], owing fundamentally to the relation of the Pleiades to the constellation, the Great Bear, and to our solar system. This constitutes one of the most important triangles in our entire cosmic series of relationships and this importance is also enhanced by the fact that the “eye of the Bull” is the eye of revelation …
… This Shamballa force is that which “fans or intensifies the light by the removal of obstructions and proceeds from far distant places, pouring through the eye of illumination into those spheres of influence upon the sorrowful planet, the Earth, impelling the Bull upon its onward rush.” So speaks the Old Commentary.”9
Yes, our “sorrowful” planet – ever more so today if Humanity does not rise to the occasion and address the planetary ills it has brought upon itself. Taurus, as an earth sign with the moon exalted, is Mother Earth – and she is currently in a sick and sorry state.
Taurus, Mother Earth, Vulcan and Volcanoes
“Cataclysms of a world-wide nature will occur during the next one thousand years; continents will be shaken; lands will be raised and submerged, culminating in the profound material disaster which will overtake the world towards the close of the fourth branch race of the sixth subrace [5.6.4]. This will usher in the infant sixth rootrace.”10
A recent sojourn in the Canary Islands (See the author’s Facebook post – “On the trail of giants and volcanoes …”) – hiking through several of its volcanoes, triggered some deep reflections. The islands offer a view of the primordial forces at work behind all creation. Given the fact that so many volcanoes have erupted recently – Etna in Sicily, La Soufrière on St. Vincent island, Fagradalsfjall in Iceland – it is timely to explore this theme during earthy Taurus.
(See also, Taurus 2010: Volcanoes and Vulcan. Iceland.)
There are about 45 volcanoes with ongoing eruptions – around the world – 20 volcanoes actively erupting on any particular day.11 The ageless wisdom informs us that:
“… the Mahachohan [Lord of Civilisation] is working specifically at this time (in co-operation with the Manu), with the devas of the gaseous subplane; this is in connection with the destroying work they are to effect by the end of this rootrace [5th], in order to liberate Spirit from constricting forms. Volcanic action therefore may be looked for, demonstrating in unexpected localities, as well as within the sphere of the present earthquake and volcanic zones.”12
The deva kingdom is that parallel evolution to humanity, in their myriad grades and functions, who attend to the building and destruction of all forms, whether it is a human body, a flower, a tree, mineral etc. The Aquarian Age will open a major door of understanding to this “invisible realm” that stands behind all creation – a preview of which occurred in the Findhorn community in the 1960’s – 70’s (See later article):
“… these devas … Through their activity during certain cycles the entire surface of the Earth is changed through the medium of volcanic action; continents are raised and submerged; volcanoes are active or quiescent, and thus the world is purified by fire.
In their own department these Agnichaitans [agni=fire] are kept busy building the mineral forms through the agency of fire; they are the alchemists of the lower regions, and through contact with them, and through the knowledge of “the words” by which they are controlled, the future scientific alchemists … will work with minerals and with the lives embodied in all mineral forms.”13
The moon is the builder, or “mother of all forms”, an expression of the lunar devas or angels – hence the moon’s exaltation in earthy Taurus is most appropriate. Vulcan is the esoteric ruler of Taurus and gives its name to Volcanology, the study of volcanoes. Vulcan has a direct relation to the moon and the life-giving magma that issues forth during an eruption.
Here is the raw material of creation, “mama magma” abundantly flowing with its rich etheric forces and minerals. The magma is the raw material or “iron” upon which Vulcan the Smithy, working at his forge – “expends his innate art … to fashion that which is beautiful and useful.”14?
Hence, in Taurus there is a union of the masculine Vulcan with the feminine moon, more esoterically symbolised by the exoteric ruler of Taurus, Venus – and her marriage to Vulcan: The most beautiful goddess betrothed to the ugliest and lame god, Vulcan. These feminine and masculine poles are viewed by some as the phallic volcanic peak containing the crater or female vulva – symbolising the mysteries of creation and birth: Shiva and Shakti.
The Taurus-Scorpio axis is deeply symbolic of desire which arises in Taurus, and finds its satiation or satisfaction in Scorpio – one of the signs most infamously associated with the mysteries of sex. Scorpio is a sign that “rules the organs of procreation and elimination” – the penis, testicles, ovaries, womb, vagina and anus.
What is eliminated from the body is the best fertiliser – faecal matter and urea, the basis for growing all food – this is the ancient natural cycle of self sufficiency. Likewise, with life’s raw materials gifted from volcanoes – the rich black soil on Lanzarote hosts the growing of some of the world’s best wine grapes and other agriculture.
At the risk of an apparent preoccupation with the Scorpio extremities (!), volcanoes are vulvas (now there’s a meme!) that bring forth essential primordial life. Likewise, in this multi-faceted symbolism, the volcano is a female breast, giving forth “mama’s magma” to her children. It appears that the majority of volcanic symbolism is predominantly feminine, associated with reproduction and nurture – hence the moon’s exaltation in Taurus.
Volcanoes are both destructive and constructive – there are the Pluto and Vulcan rulerships of the first ray at work. The “feminine” Pluto or goddess Kali, united with the “masculine” Vulcan: Pluto destroys, whilst Vulcan forges anew. Spiritual will works invisibly, manifesting in visible matter. Pluto rules the base chakra, seat of the “sleeping serpent”, the coiled kundalini force that is witnessed in a volcano’s awesome eruption.
L: Mt. Tongariro, New Zealand. NZ is a Virgo personality, an earth sign like Taurus. NZ’s land mass is a pristine virgin remnant of one of the Lemurian, “gardens of Eden”. (See author’s Genesis Unveiled: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles.) R: A landscape angel of the Tongariro region, described by clairvoyant Geoffrey Hodson in his book, Kingdom of the Gods.
The author recently took an excursion into lava tunnels on Lanzarote, “down into hell”, Pluto’s underworld – whilst the moon was in Pisces, ruled esoterically by Pluto – and when transiting Jupiter was opposite natal Pluto! In the photo on the right, everyone thought they were looking into two tunnels, until the guide threw a rock into the pool of water in the foreground! Such are some of the illusions that can be fostered in the underworld, bringing to mind the role of Mercury, a guide across the River Styx, who represents the mirror and the principle of illusion.
Uranus in Taurus and the Underworld
This full moon for Taurus 2021 has a close conjunction of Uranus in Taurus to the Sun. Uranus is the ruler of the incoming seventh ray of Ceremonial Order, Magic or Organisation. For “ordinary humanity”, Uranus rules the sacral or sexual chakra that corresponds to the parts of the body Scorpio rules. Uranus is also exalted in Scorpio and its rulership over the sacral centre concerns the “buried seed of mind”, ready to be reoriented to the higher centres – over countless lifetimes. (In the more spiritually advanced, Uranus rules the head centre.)
One of the “glamours” of the Uranus-ruled seventh ray is sex magic – as the Uranus-ruled Age of Aquarius approaches and the seventh ray cycle strengthens; this is a big problem when it comes to the predatory “pornification” of humanity, many of whom find themselves controlled by the lower expression of the seventh ray. One example in this article, Pornhub spots an opportunity – CNN: “Offering free membership to quarantined Italians … access premium content to “help keep your company during these next weeks at home.”” (!) Libra’s presence in the planetary horoscope is however, seeking to balance the opposites on this theme – through its esoteric ruler, Uranus.
Taurus and the seventh ray are also both related to money and finance, hence during its passage through Taurus, the world can expect a reform of the financial system. Unfortunately, at the moment it appears that “reform” is biased in favour of large corporate entities and manipulative forces not in Humanity’s best interests. (See the following section, “Next Step in the Great Reset: The Cyber Polygon”.)
Hence the combination of Uranus, the seventh ray and Taurus have the capacity to create a powerful combination for sex-money transformation. Sex and money have always been the two fundamental survival themes of the base, sacral and solar plexus centres – for which the Venus-ruled signs Taurus and Libra express in different ways.
Whilst on the theme of Taurus and money – or “filthy lucre”, it was announced on April 14 that the author’s regularly vilified villain – Bernie Madoff, passed away in prison at the age of 82; he had Sun, Uranus, Moon and Venus in Taurus; his scurrilous Ponzi schemes are a stunning example of the insatiable appetites of Taurus working at a basic level – driven by a high intelligence.
Mark Zuckerberg also has Sun and Venus in Taurus and is one of the world’s richest people. He may not be as outwardly, criminally culpable as Madoff, but still conducts devious business practices that are based upon the selling of Facebook data and it appears, anything that he can get away with! (Which includes a relentless censorship campaign against all Facebook users about Covid-19.) An esoteric overview of Uranus in Taurus states:
“Uranus, the planet of the hidden mystery and one of the most occult of the planets “falls” in this sign, producing the accentuation and the sharp division between body and soul which is so marked a characteristic of the Taurian subject. … The task of Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness—substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions.”15
The, “sharp division between body and soul” concerns the moon-ruled physical body where the form is glorified and the sensual nature of Taurus ruler Venus, supervenes. At another level, Venus as ruler of Taurus and the fifth ray, is about the acquisition of knowledge that is ultimately transformed into wisdom/intuition. Taurus, the “mother of illumination”.
Taurus rules the neck, the back of which is the location for the throat chakra, “gateway” to the mental body. Between those two levels lies artistic creativity and the expression of beauty, one of the names of the fourth ray that passes through this sign and of course, a theme closely associated with Venus.
The “task of Uranus, hidden in the depths” is Tartarus, the darkest place in Hades or hell, the domain of Pluto in the opposite sign Scorpio. In the myth, Uranus imprisoned Gaia’s (Earth) youngest children in Tartarus, deep within Earth, where they caused her pain.
This is a poignant allegory about the souls sent to redeem the “non-sacred planet”, Earth – who must grope their way out of the darkness toward the light. Hence Uranus rules the hidden Mystery Teachings that liberate from the darkness of ignorance.
As cited regularly, Taurus rules the thyroid gland, neck, organs of speech, the vocal cords, larnyx and tongue. The thyroid is the endocrine gland associated with the throat chakra and therefore connected to the expression of ideas through speech:
“The Taurian upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature in order to transform himself from one who goes wilfully on his personality way into a wise co-operator with the Plan.”16
The phrase, “directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature” – states plainly that the acquired knowledge-wisdom of Taurus cannot be kept to oneself, it must be given out in the form of communication – speech, written words, sound, music – the “mother of illumination” must shine her lamp for the “little ones” who follow behind. Mind > Brain > Vocal cords >Speech/Song. The Taurean Buddha is a prime exemplar.
The following is also mentioned regularly but repetition can be a good way to come to an understanding from different angles:
“Taurus, as you know, rules the neck and the thyroid gland. This is essentially the region whence must emanate the creative activity of the man who is upon the Path. The throat [chakra] is a point to which the energy of the sacral centre must be lifted so that creation through love and by the will eventually will prove the sublimatory effect of the transference to higher use of the sex energy.

Organs of speech.
By this I mean that, as [wo]man translates his ideals into words and acts, he brings about transformation, transmutation and eventually translation upon the mountain top of Initiation.
The results of this creative work of materialising the vision must be carried to the point of effectual demonstration in Scorpio in which sign the final tests are applied to prove that the energy is flowing freely and without impediment and obstruction between the throat and sacral centres …
… to show that right direction has been achieved and that there is no longer any fear that the Taurian subject will blunder blindly forward again in his own self-interest but will, in the future, move intelligently upon the Way of Liberation—the way that brings about his own release and at the same time sweeps him into those activities which bring about the release of others.”17
The Great Reset’s Next Phase in 2021: Cyber Polygon
“We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyberattack which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack.
We have to ask ourselves, in such a situation, how could we let this happen despite the fact we had all the information about the possibility and seriousness of a risk attack. Cybercrime and global cooperation should be on the forefront of the global agenda.” (Klaus Schwab, WEF chairman and chief fear-monger.)
If the reader is interested in researching or reminding themselves of events that led up to the 2020 “pandemic”, please visit the author’s newsletter where all those factors are laid out in sequence. In October 2019, a pandemic simulation scenario called “Event 201” was executed by a small group of people:
“Experts from Johns Hopkins University, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for “Event 201” in New York City. “The eight-hour panel brought together leaders in business, government and public health to play a team of presidential advisers modelling the response to a worldwide pandemic of coronavirus … The World Health Organisation estimates 150 million people have died … etc.
We want to show policymakers, business leaders, and global public health organisations that a severe pandemic may be as disruptive to a country as a national security event can be. All these events have led to growing awareness of the potential challenges, but unfortunately we’ve seen that among policymakers and business leaders this awareness waxes and wanes.”18
And of course, the rest is history. Shortly after this simulation, the first case of “Wuhan virus” was identified in China in November 2019, but was not announced to the world until early January 2020. Coincidence or planned in advance? Note how quickly events unfolded over a period of nine weeks for these dates that unfolded in 2020:
Jan.1, 2020 – China announces the virus to the world.
Jan.21 – Netflix quietly releases its new series Pandemic.
Jan.24-27 – WEF (World Economic Forum) in Davos meets to discuss “The Great Reset”.
Jan.30 – WHO declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency – only 150 known cases outside of China.
Feb-March – Covid-19 spreads around world – most nations implementing China-style containment .
March 11 – WHO declared pandemic – implements 2010 “Lockstep” plan as per Rockefeller Foundation.
There have been many “simulations” of events in history that have “gone live”, one of the most significant was NORAD’s exercise in North America on the day of 9/11, dealing with a nuclear attack and plane hijackings.
Much more common and insidious than simulation exercises is “predictive programming”, where groups who have covertly planned agendas – use media, films and documentaries to “seed” the public consciousness with future scenarios – in a way that is largely unconscious because it is often presented as “entertainment”.
One relatively recent example is the 2002 movie, Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise – where PreCrime, a specialized police department, apprehends criminals based on foreknowledge provided by psychics called “precogs”. The film included technologies such as facial recognition, retina scanning, driverless cars, predictive crime-fighting and personalised advertising start to become commonplace in their own reality. Another example was,
“The 2004 BBC programme, ‘Panorama: London Under Attack’, a fictional scenario was presented in which terrorists detonated three bombs on the London Underground and a fourth bomb in the streets above. One year later, as part of the 7/7 attacks, “terrorists” detonated three bombs on the London Underground and a fourth bomb in the streets above – with 52 deaths. Were those who watched the Panorama episode preconditioned to accept the events that took place on 7/7?”19
The 2010 movie Contagion illustrates how an epidemic breaks out, with the associated fear, panic, breakdown of social order, lockdowns and state control.
Another most recent and very disturbing example was the documentary Pandemic – released in January 2020, just before the WEF’s annual meeting on Jan.27. The documentary came at the height of China’s crisis, with episodes titled, “Pandemic Is Now”, “Seek Don’t Hide” and “Don’t Stop Now” – raised eyebrows, with many describing it as “creepy” and “suspicious”.20
Now in July 2021, another possible scenario may come to fruition, brought to you by yes, you guessed it, the wonderful folks from The Great Reset! This year’s simulation is actually the second, it was first run in July 2020:
“Cyber Polygon 2020, a similar WEF-sponsored simulation that took place last July in which speakers warned of a coming deadly “pandemic” of cyberattacks that would largely target two economic sectors, healthcare and finance. Cyber Polygon 2020 was officially described as “international online training for raising global cyber resilience” and involved many of the world’s biggest tech companies and international authorities, from IBM to INTERPOL.”21
Given the track record of simulations and past public pre-programming, there is a possibility that this “simulation” will also go “live”, sometime soon after July – that is, crash of the electricity grid, the money system, healthcare and even the whole internet:
“On Wednesday [Feb.2021], the World Economic Forum (WEF), along with Russia’s Sberbank and its cybersecurity subsidiary BI.ZONE announced that a new global cyberattack simulation would take place this coming July to instruct participants in “developing secure ecosystems” by simulating a supply-chain cyberattack similar to the recent SolarWinds hack that would “assess the cyber resilience” of the exercise’s participants.
On the newly updated event website, the simulation, called Cyber Polygon 2021, ominously warns that, given the digitalization trends largely spurred by the COVID-19 crisis, “a single vulnerable link is enough to bring down the entire system, just like the domino effect,” adding that “a secure approach to digital development today will determine the future of humanity for decades to come.”22
This new scenario comes hot on the heels of the Coronavirus “pandemic” where individuals and businesses have already lost a lot of their income, gone out of business, been bullied, locked down, lied to and confused about Covid-19, vaccinations, health ID passports etc. Now, with Humanity at its most vulnerable, would be perfect timing for those forces to strike and consolidate their position, plunging the world into even deeper controlled chaos and confusion.
Humanity and the NGWS cannot allow this to happen – action must be taken subjectively through meditation and/or objectively through peaceful demonstration and/or public disobedience. Raise your voices! There has been discussion in recent newsletters about the possibility of a financial crash, courtesy of the Uranus-Saturn “square dance” during 2021-2. To their great credit, 1,250 clergy from different Christian denominations across the UK recently stated about vaccine passports:
“This scheme has the potential to bring about the end of liberal democracy as we know it and to create a surveillance state in which the government uses technology to control certain aspects of citizens’ lives. As such, this constitutes one of the most dangerous policy proposals ever to be made in the history of British politics.”23
Once a person is forced into getting a health ID as proof of vaccination, there is no turning back, it is the “thin end of the wedge”. Not only does it give governments and corporations greater access and invasion into people’s privacy, but it opens the door to even more draconian controls, which will result in control of bank accounts and the flow of money/income:
“New economic systems that are digitally based and either partnered with or run by central banks are a key part of the WEF’s Great Reset, and such systems would be part of the answer to controlling the masses of the recently unemployed. As others have noted, these digital monopolies, not just financial services, would allow those who control them to “turn off” a person’s money and access to services if that individual does not comply with certain laws, mandates and regulations.”24

Israel wants to be the world leader in vaccine passports now. Blair has had a long and close relationship with this nation.
This group of people therefore, including bankers and ex UK PM Tony Blair, have been pushing for digital identity systems for decades. Blair is a proven liar due to the “weapons of mass destruction” fiasco that pushed Britain into the 2003 Iraq war. Blair keenly advocates biometric digital identity systems that will “inevitably” be the tools that most governments will use to deal with future pandemics; he also promotes the harshest of lockdown measures, saying the only alternative to biometric digital identities is to “lockdown the economy.” Nothing whatsoever to be distrustful or suspicious about here!
“To usher in this new and radically different system, the current corrupt system must somehow collapse in its entirety, and its replacement must be successfully marketed to the masses as somehow better than its predecessor. When the world’s most powerful people, such as members of the WEF, desire to make radical changes, crises conveniently emerge—whether a war, a plague, or economic collapse—that enable a “reset” of the system, which is frequently accompanied by a massive upward transfer of wealth.”25
Coronavirus Part I (Jan. 2020)
Coronavirus Part II – China (Feb. 2020)
Coronavirus Part III (Mar. 2020 )
Coronavirus Part IV (May 2020)
Coronavirus Part V (Jun. 2020)
Coronavirus Part VI: (Aug.2020)
Coronavirus Part VII: (Nov.2020)
Coronavirus Part VIII: (Dec.2020)
Coronavirus Part IX: (Jan. 2021)
Coronavirus Part X: (Mar.2021)
Must watch video
Still going along with the msm narrative? Check this excellent doco that shows how many people around the world were demonstrating against lockdown four weeks ago. It was barely reported in mainstream media. Its inspiring to see how many millions of people are in active resistance to the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon the world. Many good interviews from experts as well ….
The Pushback | Oracle Films | The Day the World Stood Together #DareToThink
Sheep and Goats Decisions – Libra
We are told that the end of last century saw the influence of Libra steadily coming into pronounced control – and into a position of power in the planetary horoscope and therefore there was “no need for real anxiety.”26
Here we have the harmonising forces of Libra at play in this great conflict between the zodiac ages, ray cycles and rootraces. Twenty years after the year 2000 in this current planetary crisis, it is very hard for many to sense any reassurance that there is, “no need for real anxiety”.Yet it appears the force of Libra within the planetary horoscope is very much present – for Humanity to make important choices and decisions, particularly around their freedoms, to vaccinate or to have health passport ID’s.
Libra is called “the place of judgment” due to Saturn’s exaltation in this sign and its theme of the judicial mind that must be employed to make a decision – to “cast the die”; this decision separates the “sheep from the goats”, the Aries Ram from the Capricorn Goat – marking the distinction between the ordinary wheel of life and the reversed wheel.”27
This “ordinary wheel” is the one that most of Humanity treads, but this planetary crisis has been a catalyst for many of “reversal of the wheel” – where emergence from herd consciousness into individual autonomy and independent thinking is taking place.
“It is in Libra that the balancing of the pairs of opposites must take place and reach solution through the activity of the judicial mind and the establishing of a point of equilibrium between the male and the female principles. This … is the problem existing basically between the Sheep and the Goats, between negative and positive, and between those who blindly follow either instinct or custom and those who climb freely where they choose and are self-directed in conduct and attitude.
This self-direction may lead them in either direction upon the wheel of life, following either selfish desire or spiritual aspiration, but the point to have in mind is that, judicially and with intent and after due reflection and balancing of the various ways, they then do as they will and as seems to them right and desirable.”28
Regarding Complacency or Taking Action
“Will it happen? First they [Nazis] came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.” Martin Niemoeller
How does one explain the “good German,” the term used to describe the average, presumably decent German, who did nothing to hurt Jews but also did nothing to help them and did nothing to undermine the Nazi regime?
In 2021 the same question must be asked. Will Humanity sit at home and see all its freedoms taken away? This is happening globally – with barely a whimper and a passive acceptance by the majority that it is somehow “inevitable”. It appears that “intent after due reflection and balancing of the various ways” is not being utilised, even by people in the so-called spiritual community. Yet there are encouraging signs of organised demonstrations worldwide – though a lot more awareness must be generated.

A rapid testing centre in Finchley, UK last week. “I’ve had one vaccine and I’m having another in 10 days. My daughter is about to give birth and I’d really like to be able to see her. Hopefully this will help me do that.” Rino Sampieri’s motivation for testing was similar. “I’ve been semi-shielding for my mother and I’m flexi-furloughing,” he said. “I haven’t got any symptoms and I don’t think I’ve got it, but … anything to get the economy back up and running.” — The public have been conned by the crime of the century!
Has the majority just “rolled over” like obedient puppies and given up? It appears so, witnessing the long queues waiting to get the vaccine jab. Many are doing so because their livelihoods are affected – jobs, businesses etc. They have already been brought to their knees economically and now they offer themselves as “lambs to the slaughter”: Eager Londoners queue up to be tested in race to find Covid variants.
Unless people stand up and resist the medical/techno dictatorship via governments that barrage the population relentlessly with an endless stream of lies, duplicity and manipulation – they will find themselves enslaved in this system much sooner than they ever dreamed. Already in some countries like Israel it is almost too late – the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, the pariah’s and outcasts, the price they have paid for being “goats who climb freely”.
Even Deepak Chopra is promoting the vaccine and will be presenting at a Vatican health summit soon with Anthony Fauci – the devils have taken over the Vatican, arrrgh!
There are many influential people on social media, that have not adopted a stance, have sat on the fence, not offered an opinion or perspective to one of the most horrifying developments in human history; this, in stark contrast to their usual critiques – amounts to a deafening silence that plays right into the hands of the forces that are steering the propaganda; these influential people have in effect, already been scared into submission.
Others are living lives of genteel retirement, or inhabiting bubbles of apathy that ignore what is going on around them, in order to maintain their comfort zones. They may pay dearly for not voicing their concerns, or have they already been brain-washed with over a year of relentless media propaganda? That brainwashing process only takes a few months, according to research.
“Mass brainwashing can take place in a nominally free society. The incessant drumbeat of The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and almost every other major newspaper, plus The Atlantic, The New Yorker, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, all of Hollywood and almost every school from kindergarten through graduate school, has brainwashed at least half of America every bit as effectively as the German, Soviet and Chinese communist press did – and in the latter case, still does.”29
Facades are falling now and revealing where people are at – and who are really your friends, particularly when it comes down to the factor of personal courage – of putting oneself on the line, making oneself vulnerable to stand up for a cause. Many people who bleated about politics, Brexit or BLM in the past few years, have all fallen strangely silent now – cowed into submission, or have just given up the good fight?
This is truly a time of the “separation of sheep from the goats”, those who blindly or even with open eyes, follow after, swept along with the surge – or those who choose to walk a tougher but more ethical route. In the following video, excellent points and reasonable arguments are made about the current erosion of civil liberties.
The decisions made in 2021 will decide our future – whether the materialistic groups from pre-WWII, successfully reassert their control and succeed in winning the day – or not. Bear in mind that these groups are making their “last stand” – that precedes the Externalisation of the Hierarchy, post 2025:
“The first phase of the Great Judgment is asserting itself. The sheep and the goats are forming into two distinct groups … The judgment referred to has relation to a mysterious process which is going on in the thinking of the planetary Logos. He is deciding at this time the mode by which a momentous event or happening within the Hierarchy shall take shape; He is timing the process of its externalisation …
… He is deciding which Ashrams shall be externalised and Who, within those Ashrams, should and must proceed with the purely inner and subjective work, and Who should be chosen to work—consciously and openly—in the outer world of men, thus duplicating in Their numbers what Christ experienced when He “descended into Hell.” Many things have to be considered; the objectives in view of the Masters concerned, the rays in manifestation, and many astrological relationships.”30
It’s all about timing of ray and astrological cycles – around 2025 there will be some remarkable coincidences of the long-term-cycle planets changing signs:
– Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2025.
– Neptune and Saturn move into Aries 2025.
– Uranus moves into Gemini 2025.
– Jupiter into Leo 2026.
Neptune in Aries is particularly pertinent to Aries the Ram/sheep or, “The Lamb of God” – the Christ, whose name is Neptune in the West. With Saturn’s position in this sign, the new cycle beginning in Aries will gain much materialising power toward the Externalisation.
Alot depends upon how Humanity faces their challenges between now and then, how aspirants and disciples in their various ashrams step up, measure up to the current opportunity. The “sheep and goats” symbolism has several levels of meaning. There is humanity at large and those who have “woken up” – and then there is those who have been initiated versus those who have awoken:
“I would like to point out that the distinction between the “sheep and the goats” is mainly hierarchical. The term “goats” is esoterically applied to initiated disciples and to those who have climbed the mountain of initiation. The term “sheep” is applied to those who are following blindly the inner urge of their souls and who are groping their way (in relatively large numbers) toward the Hierarchy.
For them still has to come the great revelation that the “kingdom of God is within you.” Such is the word for them at this stage in humanity’s history. Once they have realised that, they are already being absorbed into the Hierarchy. Life will now for them simplify. For the “goats” must come the impelling call from the highest aspect of the Spiritual Triad, “Seek the way of Ascension”—ascension out of even triadal life into that of pure Being and of monadic existence.”31
US Firearm Fatalities: The Real Pandemic
(The author has written extensively on this theme for the past 20 years, if you would like to peruse some of the articles here.)
Another day, another tragic massacre in the USA. The event at a Fedex facility in Indiana, occurred as vengeful Scorpio was rising, with its Mars ruler placed in Gemini. The USA has just gone through its two-yearly Mars in Gemini return – an oft-commented upon, troublesome position in its 1776 horoscope.
The moon was also in Gemini on its monthly cycle heading toward a conjunction with natal Mars. Mars is the most elevated planet above the horizon in the event horoscope. Mars is also the ruler of USA’s sixth ray personality. The Mars-ruled sun is in Aries, square to deadly Pluto in Capricorn.
It was the 45th mass shooting (when four or more people are wounded or killed) – in the USA since March 16 – that’s 1.5 mass shootings every day! Bear in mind that there is already a gun massacre every day in the USA – where around 30 people across the nation are murdered by firearms, leading to around 11,000 deaths per year. A further 64 per day take their own lives by firearms – 23,000 per year.
The shooter was an ex-employee of Fed-Ex, a 19 year-old kid – amongst generations of similarly disaffected and alienated lost youth who, enabled by movie and media saturation, think the solution to their problems is down the barrel of a gun. There are thousands more like Hole (no birth data available as yet), who have the capacity to act out similar scenarios.
“In March 2020, Hole’s mother contacted the local authorities and warned them about her son’s intent to die by suicide by cop, prompting an investigation to be opened … Hole was a “brony“, a fan of the animated series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Less than an hour before the shooting, at 10:19 p.m., he posted to his Facebook account “I hope that I can be with Applejack in the afterlife, my life has no meaning without her. If there’s no afterlife and she isn’t real then my life never mattered anyway.”32
Usually these perpetrators have severe lack of self-worth, confirmed somewhat by the culture in which they find themselves. Hence, they see no point to life, particularly if they have not been taught any spiritual values. Ironically, four of the victims were religious Sikhs. No birth data is available yet, but there is always a significant pattern that is activated in these kind of situations.
Meanwhile, USA has just passed a bill for annual defence funding of around $753 billion. Think how far a few billion of that grossly absurd sum could fund constructive education around firearms and spiritual values, but of course this obvious question is barely contemplated in USA’s current culture. Hence, the wars projected outward to foreign nations, will continue within the nation.

Remains of the Community Centre, the hub of the community. The house in the background is “Cornerstone”, where Eileen Caddy lived.
Findhorn Fire on the Aries New Moon
Findhorn has been an international “intentional community” in Scotland since 1962, with thousands of people from over 40 countries having visited or lived there at some time. Peter and Eileen Caddy and Dorothy Maclean were the founding triangle for the community, living in a caravan when they first arrived in 1962.
Based upon a universal spirituality that was not polarised in any dogmatic religion, Findhorn continued to expand and grow over the years. The founding members had various spiritual influences from esoteric Christianity, Rosicrucianism, Theosophy, Alice A. Bailey and Sufism. It was rumoured that some of the Masters had given this project their blessing or were involved with it – such as Serapis, Master R and Master DK.
Eileen Caddy and Maclean were both sensitives who had contact on the inner planes, Maclean particularly with various entities in the deva kingdom. There were various experiments in working with these entities, some of the most sensational results were gigantic vegetables grown in their gardens. Later,

The Universal Hall was not touched by the fire. It was the Sanctuary & Community Centre that were destroyed.
“David Spangler became co-director of Education almost immediately after he arrived in 1970, which resulted in the gradual transformation into a centre of residential spiritual education with a permanent staff of over 100, and the establishment of the Findhorn Foundation in 1972. The following year, David Spangler and Maclean, with several other Findhorn Foundation members, left to found the Lorian Association near Seattle.”
In the past 50 years Findhorn has developed into an eco-village, running educational programmes, housing about 40 community businesses such as the Findhorn Press and an alternative medicine centre. After the recent fire, a friend commented,
“Due to pandemic restriction (2020-1) the Foundation was forced to redundancy processes and let go of about half its members. The man who did this [arsonist] was one of these, a guy with mental health issues. He gave himself up to the police of own accord. Very sad! Community determined to rebuild. I lived there for 10 years and left 5 years ago.”
The time of the fire was at 2.05 am on Monday morning (April 12), just 1.5 hours before the Aries new moon at 3.30 am. Technically the fire occurred in the deepest part of the monthly “dark cycle”, the “balsamic” phase, noted for its Plutonic, transformative effects – just before the new moon proper.
The new moon horoscope has a five planet stellium in fiery Aries, with Mars ruler placed in Gemini sextile the Aries sun. Mars is also the ruler of the Findhorn Trust Scorpio stellium, hence this entity is sensitive to Mars transits.
In the event horoscope for the Findhorn Fire, Mars is in mischievous Gemini opposite an inflammatory Sagittarius ascendant and the dispositor of the five placements in fiery Aries, just before the Aries new moon (discussed in the first section of this newsletter). Mars is the only planet above the horizon and is square to Neptune in Pisces, another factor indicating subterfuge. Mars was also activated by its opposition to the December 14, 2020 solar eclipse – at around 23 Sagittarius, a sign of reorientation. (Sagittarius is also the rising sign, or soul purpose of the Findhorn Trust.)
Also significant is the position of the Sun, Moon and Venus in Mars-ruled Aries – square to Pluto the destroyer in Capricorn. All entities, human or group, create these kinds of incidents for themselves – and fire is the great purger and purifier. Hence a new cycle of rebuilding will take place – that has the opportunity to eliminate any past crystallisations that were preventing the community’s organic growth.
The Caddies and Dorothy Maclean arrived at the Caravan Park in Findhorn Bay on 17 November 1962 – this is considered the birth of Findhorn and as the reader will note, the chart “works”. Thanks to a few conversations with Facebook friends on a post about the fire, the exact birth chart time was ascertained for the Findhorn Trust; the date happens to be shared by a friend’s birthday and who also lives nearby in the Forres region. His comments:
“The Aries energies, and the fire are truly significant and timely to the community at this time. It is right in the middle of its second Saturn return. The community started on esoteric principles, and has become a bit distant from its roots. Has also suffered a big blow though Covid. As you know, being myself the same age as the community, near to the hour, I take an interest in its spiritual wellbeing.”
Indeed, there is much going on in this horoscope which will be examined shortly, but first let there be a consideration of the natal horoscope. As a Sagittarius rising/soul-purpose, Findhorn’s goal has been a broad-ranging exploration of all aspects of universal spirituality.
With a strong stellium in Scorpio – Sun, Mercury, Venus and Neptune – its role has been to delve deeply into transformative psychologies, and whether they knew it or not, to prepare aspirants for the second degree initiation (over which Scorpio generically rules), when the complete control of the astral body is demonstrated. Intentional community living is not an easy process because so many members who are drawn together with common ideals, discover that they have some baggage to unpack and process! The Scorpio stellium inhabits the Aquarian eleventh house of the horoscope and Findhorn is the archetype of a “new age Aquarian community”.
Sagittarius rising ruler Jupiter, is placed in another sign that it rules, Pisces – conjunct Chiron, the “wounded healer”. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of love-wisdom, the great ray of the World Teacher and of healing. Findhorn is undoubtedly a second ray soul, given its focus on education and various healing modalities.
Jupiter in Pisces has a broad “oceanic” consciousness and is a potent expression of core Piscean principles of devotion, love-wisdom, sacrifice, forgiveness etc. Jupiter opposes Uranus, bringing another Aquarian flavouring.
The most significant Aquarian theme is Saturn’s placement in Aquarius, Saturn the mind in a “mental” sign, learning individual responsibility within the greater group process. This is highlighted by a close opposition to the Moon in Leo, also regarded as the shadow of the horoscope. In this case, it would reflect as egocentric glamours, selfishness, “my service”, drama queen tendencies, the new age narcissist etc.
Moon is also conjunct Mars in Leo, which magnifies the themes of me me me at the expense of “us” – especially because Mars is the ruler of the solar plexus/emotional body, and the ruler of Scorpio where all those tests are applied.
Positively, the Moon in Leo represents powerful female leadership in the community, reflected by Dorothy Maclean (Jan.7, 1920), who passed in 2020 at the age of 100 years. Maclean was a Capricorn sun with the moon in Leo, aligning with the Findhorn horoscope.
David Spangler was born on the same day as Maclean – in 1945. Eileen Caddy (Aug.26, 1917) had Saturn-Neptune in Leo closely conjunct Findhorn and Maclean’s moon. Peter Caddy (March 20, 1917) had five planets in Pisces with a potent Moon-Uranus conjunction in Aquarius.
Recently in 2017, another spiritual centre – Meditation Mount in Ojai, California – went through its fiery ordeal. There are some pictures here when the author was visiting in 2019.
Findhorn Progressions and Transits
There are quite a few powerful activations for the fire, listed below – bearing in mind that long term cycles are triggered by shorter term cycles:
1. Transiting Pluto sextile Sun in Scorpio. For the past couple of years and for the remainder of 2021. Pluto the great transformer and regenerator, ruler of Scorpio, the Phoenix firebird. Big changes had already been underway before the fire – and will continue ever more intensely in 2021 no doubt.
2. New moon in Aries square progressed Sun in Capricorn. The fiery Aries energies at odds with the tendency for Capricorn crystallisation, more than any sign of the zodiac. This progressed Sun in Capricorn will move into an exact sextile with the Scorpio sun during 2021, coinciding with transiting Pluto. These are positive forces for “the Phoenix to arise from the ashes”.
Also noteworthy, is that the progressed Capricorn sun is precisely opposite Peter Caddy’s Saturn in Cancer. Cancer is the sign of the home, dwelling etc – and was most likely a prominent force for Peter Caddy to bring together a “greater family”.
3. The second Saturn return in Aquarius. Technically the last exact “hit” of the Saturn return was in early Feb.2021, but Saturn does come back close to this degree in Oct.2021 – a date that can be considered the finish of the 30-year return cycle.
4. Transiting Neptune opposite progressed Moon in Virgo. This transit created a grand cross with the “culprit”, transiting Mars in Gemini – opposite the rising sign of the event chart, Sagittarius.
5. Transiting Mars in Gemini opposite Sagittarius rising. Here is the main spark that created the inferno. Mars in Gemini can be very impulsive, erratic and feisty; its opposition to fire sign Sagittarius brings to mind the volatility of strong wind on a grassfire, changing direction suddenly.As mentioned earlier, it is significant that the fire horoscope has the same rising sign as the Findhorn Trust. Sagittarius is the sign of reorientation and one-pointed striving toward the goal; it also may represent the perpetrator and any fanatical beliefs that might have driven him to commit arson. No birth data, but said to be 49 years old, approaching his Chiron return in Aries.
6. Transiting Uranus opposite Neptune and Venus in Scorpio. This transit will begin in July 2021, all the way through to April 2023; it represents the rebuilding processes – physically, psychologically and spiritually. As mentioned by one observer earlier, has Findhorn strayed too far from its roots? Uranus represents the esoteric Teachings – does there need to be a stronger reorientation back to those principles upon which the community was founded?

Findhorn beach skies, 2010.
The following is an excerpt from a travel blog written in 2010, on the author’s first visit to Findhorn:
“The impulse for Findhorn Community most definitely emanated from higher inspirational sources. Extraordinary experiments and communications with the deva or angelic kingdom took place in those early days – to demonstrate how humanity could co-operate with them. Dorothy Maclean (now in her 90’s), the one who received so many of the angelic transmissions, has recently returned to live the rest of her days here.
If one goes to the barely used library near the Great Hall, there is a meditation room adjacent, that was always empty when visited. Hanging on the wall is a portrait of the Count St. Germain, known now as the Mahachohan or Lord of Civilisation. Master R is another of his appellations. On the mantlepiece is another portrait of St Germain from Manly P. Hall’s book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. So there is no ambiguity here as to what inspirational forces lie behind Findhorn!

St. Germain in the library.
Whilst exiting the Universal Hall at Findhorn Community one day, I met a man (David) who asked me to write an article for an upcoming publication on Francis Bacon, said to be a previous incarnation of Count St. Germain. We stood there talking for about fifteen minutes, when our attention seemed to be drawn simultaneously to a small plaque on the wall near our feet. It was dedicated to Francis Bacon and carried one of his esoteric ciphers upon it!
There are groups doing excellent work here, in all traditions and disciplines. In this respect, Findhorn has been a seed for the new Aquarian cycle and it has inspired and spawned many other groups across the globe.
Like Wales, Scotland shares the Celtic ancestry and is a very mystical place. There are many Welsh and Scots who have the ‘second sight’ (psychism, clairvoyance etc). I met one character who had a wealth of experience in UFO phenomena and regaled me with stories for hours – until my head was spinning so much, I had to beg my departure!
Shakespeare’s story of Macbeth (written they say, by Francis Bacon), contains some infamous scenes related to witches and some old magical practices of Scotland. “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble!” Macbeth’s castle is nearby Forres and is a very pleasant visit, simply to see how they lived in those days. (No ghost of Macbeth that I could detect!)” ((esotericastrologer.org)
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.683. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.171. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.216-9. [↩]
- The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey, p.87. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.690. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.113 [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.403. [↩]
- The Secret Doctrine II, H.P. Blavatsky. p.785. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.376. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.467. [↩]
- volcano.si.edu [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.907. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.640. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.385. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.400-1. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.397-8. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.397-8. [↩]
- news.com.au [↩]
- thecoincidencetheorist.com [↩]
- news.com.au [↩]
- unlimitedhangout.com [↩]
- unlimitedhangout.com [↩]
- The Guardian [↩]
- unlimitedhangout.com [↩]
- unlimitedhangout.com [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.238. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.230. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.233-4. [↩]
- townhall.com [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.60. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.62. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
Hi Phillip,
Thanks for the article, Vesak / Budha the way of wisdom, simplicity.
The world situation …?, I often think: “to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s”.
Very often the fight must be parallel, (Neptune) and not confronted (Mars), but well, maybe it is a perception related to my rays and not to the totality of the truth.
I believe that the emergence of the New Age is due to death, to disinterest in the old. People, especially young people, will be interested in different thought patterns …, it is the law of Life.
As you have ever pointed out, there is currently an excess of activities, many (almost all) condemned to death. Activities fed back into their own egoism, without a clear projection of the future, without the present either. The seventh not understood, the fourth too tense, tired.
Active persistence in favor of human goodness is the key, because flexibility in action becomes real thanks to the Ideal of this Goodness.
Are there dark powers in humanity? Yes, but as you say with more Goats (christs or third degree initiates) living in it. They are not Goats conditioned by the Ideal (6R) but connected to Reality (7R). At the moment a parallel reality, but, in the future, the only one.
Beautiful photos Phillip of the caves of the Canary Islands … maybe this is the first time I see beauty on Pluto.