Taurus 2022: Wesak-NGWS. Jupiter in Aries. Blame Game. Plato’s Cave. WEF’s Yuval Harari. China. Initiation 2025.
Taurus Keynote
“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.”
(Full Moon: May 16, 2022. 04.14 UT)
“The initiate sees the New Group of World Servers brought under the illuminating power of Taurus … the Hierarchy overshadows the New Group and just as the soul overshadows the personality of man … all the needed illumination and light upon all the coming problems [is] waiting to precipitate itself through the New Group of World Servers under the influence of Taurus, the nurturer of all illumination.”1
The Wesak Festival: Highlight of the Spiritual Year
___Shamballa and the New Group of World Servers
___Understanding Our Role as World Servers
___Cycles of the New Group of World Servers
___Current and Future Cycle Opportunities
New Moon Eclipse: Jupiter-Neptune-Venus in Pisces
Jupiter Ingress to Aries
The Global Blame Game and Mass Hypnosis
___The Price of Ignore-ance
___Thinking, Discernment and Media Propaganda
___Plato’s Cave: Belief Versus Knowledge
___Applying Spiritual Teachings to Current World Events
___The Fourth Ray Technique of Integration
The WEF’s Yuval Noah Harari – Philosophical Voice
___Harari’s Horoscope
___Harari and the WEF
___Some Troubling Fascist Connections
Taurus: China’s Ruthless Quest for Control and Power
___Zodiac and Ray Rulers
___China and Russia, USA, UK
___Shamballa and First Ray Nations
1965-2025: Climax of Initiation in the West
The Wesak Festival: Highlight of the Spiritual Year
“The Month of May is one of deepest significance to all who are affiliated with the Great White Lodge (as are all true esotericists), in that the Wesak Festival takes place and is of moment and deep import. The period is always one of prime interest and rare opportunity …”2

The Buddha, transmitting to the Manu, Christ and Mahachohan – who in turn transmit to the rest of the assembled Masters. Crowds of pilgrims both in physical and subtle bodies, watch on.
The importance of the first three spiritual festivals of the year – Aries, Taurus and Gemini – can never be emphasised enough. One must probe their significance however, to really experience them. Taurus marks the pinnacle of the spiritual year because it is when the spiritual Hierarchy on Earth meet in alignment with the Buddha on his annual visitation. Taurus is also the sign that rules the New Group of World Servers (NGWS).
The Hierarchy or Masters of Wisdom gather to receive – literally, the “Word of God”, the new impulse that was released in Aries (this year in two Aries festivals – the “blue moon”) – and transmit the annually amended Planetary Plan to Humanity – via their various subjective groups of workers. All is planned according to ray and astrological cycles, the constantly changing state of the world, and co-operation with Humanity who must be able to exercise their free will to determine its own destiny.

Pilgrims make their way around the Wesak Valley (about 20,000 ft.) with Mount Kailash (“The abode of Shiva”) – in the background.
The opportunity at any full moon festival is to link and work subjectively in meditation with other co-workers and groups around the planet; this takes place over 5 days – 2.5 days either side of the exact full moon time, with the 24-hour period before the exact time, the most potent period to make a contribution – if not the exact hour.
Taurus-Wesak is truly the highlight of the year because of the alignment that takes place between our most exalted planetary guides and humanity. The triangle of Buddha, Christ and Sanat Kumara (in the etheric and/or upon the physical plane), is linked in sacred ritual with the assembled Masters of Wisdom – Who in turn are aligned with their respective ray ashrams of human aspirants, disciples and initiates – poised and ready to anchor the new impulse issued in the previous sign of Aries.
Wesak is important because it is the only time of the year that the Buddha re-connects with Earth – almost liberated from His responsibilities here, but still serving an important role in this transition phase between the zodiacal ages and the rootraces.
As the two main groups of Earth Chain and Moon Chain humanity further integrate, the Buddha’s role will be taken over by his Brother, Lord Maitreya – Who holds The Office of the Christ, marking a momentous event in planetary history – that will have reverberations throughout the solar system.
Shamballa and the New Group of World Servers
Taurus is an unique period when the force of Shamballa is most present and potent. To many who seek spiritual knowledge, the whole idea of Shamballa may be a little abstract. The challenge for aspiring mystics is to penetrate into a deeper understanding of the true multi-dimensional structure of the world; this can be achieved through the study of the science of occultism, meditating and reflecting upon this wisdom until it becomes realised within the heart.
In order to elaborate upon our function as aspirants, or members of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS), it is necessary to go a little deeper into some esoteric facts about Shamballa, that mysterious centre “where the Will of God is known”.
As in the triangle diagram above, the three major planetary centres are Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity, representing the crown, heart and throat centres respectively.
The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) is the bridging group that lies between Hierarchy and Humanity; it represents the ajna centre – the “bull’s eye”, where all is illumined and through which Sanat Kumara “views” the world.
Shamballa is the home or “throne” of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World, the personality expression of our Planetary Logos (“God”) – that Being whose consciousness utilises all planetary kingdoms as its body of expression.
This Being is our relatively “local” God, who has many relationships with the other “Gods” within and beyond our solar system. Our Planetary Logos communes with the other planets or Logoi, playing its part in the grand cosmic orchestra.
The sacred words of these various Logoi are joined in a continuous stream by the energies of the seven rays, the zodiac signs and the planets, eventually transmitting all those frequencies through the various “agencies” of Shamballa, Hierarchy, the NGWS and Humanity; through the various planes and subplanes of consciousness; an hierarchical order – graded states of consciousness, hence the term “Hierarchy” to describe the Masters of Wisdom.
At all the full moon periods throughout the year, these forces find their way through the five planetary centres – all of which are conditioned by ray and astrological forces: London, New York, Darjeeling, Tokyo and Geneva.
Sanat Kumara has gathered around him six other Kumaras or Buddhas (3 exoteric and 3 esoteric), who comprise the “Seven Spirits Before the Throne” or the Great Council of Shamballa, corresponding to the seven ray forces that pass through Earth – and the “seven sacred planets”. These Kumaras are sensitive and responsive to the various interlocking factors and relationships that exist between other planets in the greater body of the solar system.
The Seven Kumaras are the only remaining ones of 108 Kumaras that visited Earth many millions of years ago – and whose fiery light illumined Humanity to wakefulness; this was the time of Individualisation in ancient Lemuria.
It is said that Sanat Kumara will remain with us, “until the last weary pilgrim returns home”, until all of humanity have achieved liberation, hence his other name, “The Silent Watcher” or “The Great Sacrifice”.
“… Sanat Kumara … standing steadfastly by all those lives which are undergoing redemption, and by all those who are the agents of the redemptive process … These agents are the sons of men who will—each and all—demonstrate eventually “within the courts of Heaven” and at the place of initiation, the nature of their high calling …”3
Understanding Our Role as World Servers
“The New Group of World Servers is composed at this time of all those sensitive and consecrated servers of the race whose objective is world peace, who aim at the establishing of good will on earth as the basis for future living and world expansion. Originally, this group was composed of a handful of accepted disciples and consecrated aspirants.
Its ranks have been opened … to all those wo/men of good will who are working actively for real understanding, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the helping of humanity, and who see no separating bar of any kind, but feel alike to … all races, nationalities and religions.”4
What are the pre-requisites to be a consciously functioning member of the NGWS?
1. The heart centre must be awakened and linked with the heart centres of at least eight others.
2. The head centre must be in process of awakening and able to, “hold the mind steady in the light”.
3. Creative activity must be found along the lines of humanitarian, artistic, literary, philosophic or scientific lines.5
The Hierarchy regards Taurus/Wesak as the most important astrological festival of the year – and, the New Group of World Servers is ruled by Taurus. This means that They invest a lot of hope in the NGWS – this intermediate planetary centre, “the hope of humanity”:
“The group, therefore, which “serves as Aquarius indicates” is the Hierarchy; the group which is “speeded upon the upward Way”, is the New Group of World Servers. This group is ruled by Taurus, and to it that divine Taurian energy brings “illumination and the attainment of the vision.”
This group is, figuratively speaking, the “bull, rushing forward upon a straight line with its one eye fixed upon the goal and beaming light.” But what is that goal? It is not the goal of Self-illumination, for that lies far behind; it is the goal of providing a centre of light within the world of men and of holding up the vision to the sons of men.
Let this never be forgotten, and let the New Group of World Servers realise its mission and recognise the demands of humanity upon it. What are these demands? …
1. To receive and transmit illumination from the kingdom of souls.
2. To receive inspiration from the Hierarchy and go forth, consequently, to inspire.
3. To hold the vision of the Plan before the eyes of men, for “where there is no vision, the people perish.”
4. To act as an intermediate group between the Hierarchy and humanity, receiving light and power and then using both of these, under the inspiration of love, to build the new world of tomorrow.
5. To toil in Pisces, illumined by Taurus and responsive in degree to the Aquarian impulse coming from the Hierarchy.”6
The first three spiritual festivals of the year are very potent and subjective in their effect. The initiating impulse pours through Aries, is consolidated upon in Taurus and distributed in Gemini …
The NGWS can be likened to Shiva’s white bull – Nandi, his vehicle of expression. Sanat Kumara embodies the Shiva force.
Taurus is the Mother of Illumination – the mother is connected to the Moon which is exalted in Taurus – and which receives the reflection of the solar rays at the full moon period of Wesak.
Hence Taurus is the both the Mother of Form, and the Mother of Illumination, the “eye of the Bull” to which Christ made reference when he said, “I am the Light of the world … if thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light.” Hence also, the struggle between spirit and matter that is magnified in Taurus:
“Will this Taurian influence, increased as it is by the incoming Shamballa forces, produce the floodlight of illumination of which Taurus is the custodian, or will it simply foment desire, increase selfishness and bring humanity to the “fiery heights of self-interest” instead of to the mountain of vision and initiation?”7
This either/or scenario remains a constant for Humanity. When considering the three earth signs of the zodiac, Taurus is the custodian of the light of knowledge, Virgo is the guardian of the light of wisdom, whilst Capricorn is the light of initiation.8 Wesak is celebrated a month later by the Tibetans (in June), as they use a solar-lunar calendar. The esoteric Wesak festival is always in May, during the passage of the Sun through Taurus in the Western zodiac.
Cycles of the New Group of World Servers
The NGWS has only been a recent development in recent centuries of planetary history, coming to “birth” in 1925 (between WWI & II), as an “emergence of a band of “conditioning souls”. The Hierarchy could long foresee planetary developments and hastened the NGWS’ entrance into incarnation.9
1925 was a momentous year, as it was not only the centennial meeting for the Great Council of Shamballa, but it also signalled the shift of the Hierarchy and their ashrams from the higher mental plane to the buddhic plane. Such a move had not occurred since the ancient days of Atlantis. 2025 will see the centennial meeting, another momentous year for which the past few years has been a build-up.

Allegedly a photo DK, see this link for more information.
No doubt “developments were hastened” in 1925 because of the evolution of human consciousness and the subsequent appearance of the next phase for Humanity – the Sixth Rootrace. The Planetary Plan is a great mystery and even the Master Djwhal Khul has said that it can only be known by the Masters as they work in group formation with one another. Hence, it is all that the NGWS can do, to catch a glimpse of what the Plan is:
“They alone are beginning to comprehend what it is. Suffice it for the rest of those in the Hierarchy—the initiates and disciples in their ordered ranks and various gradings—to co-operate with that immediate aspect of the Plan which they can grasp and which comes down to them through the inspired minds of their Directors at certain stated times, and in certain specific years. Such a year was 1933. Such another will be the year 1942. [1925, 1933, 1942 … 2019, 2022-3 etc.]
At those times, when the Hierarchy meets in silent conclave, a part of God’s vision, and His formulation of that vision for the immediate present, is revealed for the next nine year cycle. They then, in perfect freedom and with full mutual cooperation, lay Their plans to bring about the desired objectives of the Heads of the Hierarchy, as They in Their turn cooperate with still higher Forces and Knowers.”10.
Current and Future Cycle Opportunities
The 1, 3 and 9 year cycles start with “Crisis/Consolidation”, followed by “Tension/Expansion” and completed by “Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness”. The 7-year cycle is held during Capricorn, the last one was in 2019.
Complete tables in downloadable PDF.
Before analysing the cycles unfolding in 2022, let us consider some comments from The Tibetan:
“Make each three year cycle conform to the rhythm of creation.
[1] In the first year [Crisis/Consolidation], lay your emphasis upon the activity of the manifesting principle, using that which appears and with which you have to work.
[2] In the second year [Tension/Expansion], let the clarity and the quality of the note to be sounded by the manifesting form appear and be heard.
[3] In the third year [Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness], behind the form and expressing itself through the quality, let the livingness and the work of the indwelling life emerge for all to see.
Bear this in mind as you consolidate the work. The keynote of the first year’s work is consolidation, that of the second year must be expansion whilst the keynote of the third year must be the making of a definite impact upon the public consciousness, by the sounding and the emphasising of some one clear note. If this cyclic measure is kept thus in mind, no serious mistakes will be made ….
… The New Group of World Servers must work in these three year cycles and the foundation of cyclic attainment must be laid. This cyclic rhythm will release from strain and yet enable the workers in the Group to feel that there is no failure. It is impossible to do good work where a sense of failure or lack of attainment is found.”11
Hence, it can be seen from the table above that the NGWS is in a culminating third year of a three-year phase – Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness. This three-year cycle started in 2020 [Crisis/Consolidation] – at the outset, marked by the particular Covid crisis.
Many choices and decisions were taken by Humanity and the NGWS during the last couple of years, leading to this final year – Wesak 2022 to Wesak 2023. Here will be seen the fruits of labours of the past few years – consequences of decisions, and how effective an “Impact on Public Consciousness” will be.
3 x 3 Year Cycle
Note also – that the lesser 3 year cycle of Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness, corresponds to the end of the greater 3 x 3= 9 year cycle of Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness. The coincidence of the lesser with the greater, always has an amplifying effect.
That greater 3 x 3 year cycle started in 2014-15, when the UK and US elections were just warming up for 2016 – the results of which led to a consolidation of power along a certain political line, leading to the current planetary predicament today.
9 Year Cycle
Yet in the greater 9 year cycle, 2014-15 was the beginning of a Crisis/Consolidation cycle which will shift into a Tension/Expansion cycle in 2023, followed by Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness in 2032! As commented upon earlier,
“At those times, when the Hierarchy meets in silent conclave, a part of God’s vision, and His formulation of that vision for the immediate present, is revealed for the next nine year cycle.12
In other words, 2023 will see the next part of the “vision for the immediate present”, revealed after this culminating cycle of 2022-23.
New Moon Eclipse: Jupiter-Neptune-Venus in Pisces
On April 12, 2022 – there was an historic conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Bear in mind that,
“In certain ancient formulas, the great Teacher of the West and the present world Initiator, Christ, is spoken of as Neptune.”13
The last conjunction of these two planets in this sign occurred on March 30, 1856 – heralding some important events such as the birth of spiritualism, charity work (Salvation Army), nursing (Florence Nightingale the initiate) – and H.P. Blavatsky’s ascent to prominence through the creation of the Theosophical Society in 1875.
Jupiter, ruler of the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom, united with Neptune, ruler of the 6th ray of Devotion and Idealism. Both planets are co-rulers of Pisces, a sign that is a conduit for the 2nd and 6th rays – hence this once-in-a-166-year conjunction brought a magnified potency of these forces, in both their physical and more subtle expressions.
The potency of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction lasted all the way through to the new moon eclipse of April 30, because Venus joined the Pisces party, amplifying the existing three-week conjunction. As discussed in the recent Aries newsletter, exalted Venus in Pisces brings its unique flavour of unconditional love-wisdom, compassion, reason and forgiveness – giving the capacity to encourage peace and harmony.
The passage of these planets through Pisces is a major marker that reflects the end of the Age of Pisces – but also heralds the return of the Great White Brotherhood some time after 2025 – whose Reappearance will usher in the Age of Aquarius. The Taurus new moon was a partial solar eclipse that amplified the Pisces trio of planets, also bringing in the radical and revolutionary qualities of Uranus, conjunct the Sun-Moon.
Looking at the astro-cartography, it can be seen that this eclipse line starts near the Antarctic and finishes close to La Paz in Bolivia, whose original name was Nuestra Señora de La Paz (Our Lady of Peace). The line runs by ancient Lake Titicaca and straight through Lima, Peru – one of the biggest cities in South America.
Given that this whole region is earthquake prone, there are several ingredients at this eclipse that could set off a large earthquake and tsunami. Uranus is always significant regarding earth movements – particularly in earthy Taurus, whilst the presence of Venus is also statistically associated with earthquake activity. Venus was conjunct Neptune – the lord of tsunamis, exaggerated considerably by Jupiter’s presence.
That is not to say that a physical event like this could necessarily happen right on the eclipse (which it did not), it could occur weeks or months later when a transiting planet activates the eclipse horoscope. The passage of Mars through Pisces will activate this triple conjunction from the full moon day of May 16 through to May 23, activating the physical and spiritual potential of the conjunction.
Barring any physical occurrence, there might be a major shift of the tectonic plates of humanity that sets off a cultural earthquake, followed by a tsunami of kindness, co-operation and forgiveness. The eclipse pattern is “burned” into the etheric body of Earth, seeding the potential for physical and/or spiritual upheaval worldwide.
Jupiter Ingress into Aries
Jupiter spends about one year in each sign and finishes its entire zodiacal circuit by passing from Pisces to Aries on May 11 – just a few days before the Wesak full moon on May 16.
Jupiter in Aries represents the ruler of the second ray of Love-Wisdom in 1st/7th ray sign Aries – a sign of leadership and opening up new avenues of exploration in education, religion and philosophy.
In ancient mythology, Jupiter has a 1st ray expression – through its association with Zeus, king of the gods. Hence, it has been speculated that Jupiter has a first ray monad.14 The planets have various ray expressions, they are not just rulers of the rays. Hence, Jupiter is a 2nd ray soul with a 7th ray personality. The 7th ray of Ceremonial Order likes ritual, pomp and ceremony!
Jupiter in Aries represents a renewed spiritual activity, drawing upon the harvest of the previous 12-year cycle – particularly its recent transit through Pisces and its conjunction with Neptune. On the downside, Jupiter in Aries can be arrogant, impulsive and fanatical, bombastic and belligerent – especially regarding religious or philosophical themes.
Famous personalities with Jupiter in Aries include Francis Bacon, Alice A. Bailey, Julius Caesar, Chopin, John Cleese, Salvador Dali, Fyodor Dosteovski, Yehudi Menuhin, Robert J. Oppenheimer, Nikola Tesla and Yogananda. Yogananda, an advanced initiate upon the 2nd ray – had Jupiter in Aries square his Capricorn sun – both these bodies are rulers of the 2nd ray and heart centre.
Alice A. Bailey15 had Jupiter in Aries in the 9th house conjunct the midheaven, reflecting her high-profile pioneering work as an amanuensis/teacher of the Ageless Wisdom, and publisher of books transmitted to her by the The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul.
The Global Blame Game and Mass Hypnosis
This author’s critics regularly make accusations of playing a blame game – upon the medical establishment or upon nations and their leaders. In fact, its really a process of unveiling the truth through statements of fact – and the elucidation of long-standing causes behind world events. The very nature of esotericism is to reveal the hidden, to delve behind the outer seeming – piercing the maya of everyday life.
Often, the act of attributing blame is superficial and disingenuous, based upon prevailing prejudices, cultural conditioning, the need to make someone a scapegoat, simply not having any idea of circumstances – nor making an effort to delve deeper into them.
This situation is created and compounded by propaganda media that, due to its insidious imposition into every life via TV, telephone and internet – does most of the thinking for the masses. Media ALWAYS has certain agendas as to how people “should” think:
“From Woke to COVID to the war in Ukraine, people no longer make their own ideological pilgrimages to the truth – the truth is served oven-ready by their political betters. Nowadays, there’s little distinction between the two hemispheres: reality and illusion.
It’s not so much that people have been robbed of their ability to decipher between these two, it’s that facts have been reoriented into fiction and fiction into facts. It’s a degradation of epistemology16 so momentous, that people don’t even know, that they don’t know, that they don’t know what’s happening …
… humanity has perjured itself – and life as we know it has morphed into a sort of science-fiction, soap-opera with few common ancestors to reality. Even right-thinking folks require the equivalent of a cerebral chainsaw to hollow out the slew of implausible narratives into something remotely resembling reality. It goes beyond fiction to predictive programming. They’re not just deceiving you; they’re showing you that they’re deceiving you.”17
All these influences contribute to mindlessness (as opposed to mindfulness) and lack of discernment leading to the act of blaming – a simplistic polarisation that projects responsibility for a certain situation upon a nation or a leader, without any real substance or well thought-out reasoning, based upon emotive stimulation – and/or saturation media “thinking” for you.
Polarising with one side or another automatically blames the other side – responsibility for any situation lies somewhere in between. Hence it might be argued that Putin “pulled the trigger” but USA, NATO and Ukraine “loaded the gun”. Incidentally, Pope Francis said, “the real “scandal” of Putin’s war is “NATO barking at Russia’s door,” which he said caused the Kremlin to “react badly and unleash conflict.”18
In the spiritual community, several bellicose detractors of these missives continually refer to some of the subjects covered as “conspiracy theories” – when in fact they are “conspiracy facts”. That is, once “unprovable” and intuited, they have now entered into the mainstream as “proven facts”. Yet, in order to preserve an adamant viewpoint, the latter is dismissed or still classified as propaganda.
These newsletters have solid factual backing behind them, often independent-thinking non-mainstream journalists, but also those found in the traditional outlets. It takes a lot of time to traverse the entire spectrum of viewpoints and synthesise that information – most critics do not do that, either not having the time or lazily adhering to one small bandwidth of their “tried and trusted” sources.
Trying to denigrate the author’s writings by labelling them “conspiracy theory” is the standard fallback and refuge of those who do not have a cogent counter-argument, hold rigid beliefs or are driven by a sense of outrage and spite – through having their world-view challenged.
These critics have accepted the mainstream narrative on just about everything in the past two years – from getting multi-vaxxed, to aligning with the odious narrative on Ukraine – contributing to the malicious thoughtform that Russia is “evil”.
Anyone (such as moi!) who dares to suggest otherwise (including exoteric news journalists), is “treading a dark path”, or is totally “glamoured and irresponsible” for influencing others. Here is the judgementalism of the sixth ray of devotion and idealism, the personality ray of USA and Russia.
Not for a minute do those sanctimonious voices stop to examine their own fanaticism, deeply held beliefs or decades of cultural conditioning – essentially their cognitive dissonance. They are “believers”, not “knowers” and make many rationalisations to support their beliefs.
This inability to discriminate or to discern on ever more subtle levels, is said to be the difference between an aspirant and a disciple on the Path; it has its root in the desire-mind or kama manas, the realm of the lower mind with an admixture of astral energy; this is where most of Humanity is polarised in its current development of consciousness.
And right there – is the core of how glamour is generated, where the inability to perceive personal glamours is projected – whilst proudly proclaiming to have sole ownership of the truth. One must seek at least, the middle ground.
Here is also the source of schisms within the Wisdom community. These attitudes are part of the phenomenon identified by Belgian Dr. Mattias Desmet, “mass-formation” or mass/hypnosis-psychosis. “Mass” as in the masses, and completely controlling much of the planet today:
“One begins to recognize the effects of the cultivation of anxiety and mental confusion, of the steady diet of terrifying data, of constantly changing and conflicting information, of enforced compliance to shifting policies demanding physical and visual isolation.
… Modern society, with its refined techniques in marketing and mass communication … “tends to robotize and automatize man.” Where competing interpretations of reality are censored, what is constantly repeated “fixes patterns of thought”, which patterns assume realities of their own. “He who dictates and formulates the words and phrases we use, he who is master of the press [and TV], is master of the mind.””19
Hence, well-meaning and sincere aspirants – even “advanced disciples”, can become caught up in the treacherous net of mass glamour. The “glamour of authority” is one of the most easily identified in the past couple of years, but which of course, has been around for centuries:
“The Glamour of Authority is a mass glamour in most cases. It has its roots in mass psychology and is one of the indications that humanity is at the nursery stage as yet, wherein men are safeguarded from themselves by the imposition of some rule, some set of laws, some authoritative dictum, emanating from state control, from the rule of an oligarchy, or from the dictatorship of some individual.
It reduces mankind, as far as one can judge, to set forms and standardises men’s activities, regimenting their lives and work. It is imposed and ordered through catering to the fear complex, rampant in humanity at this time; and this fear is one of the most fruitful sources of glamour which we have.
We might perhaps and with reason regard it as the seed of all glamour upon our planet. Fear has been the incentive to those conditions which have brought about the glamour of the astral plane, though not the illusions of the mental levels of consciousness.”20
The Price of Ignore-ance
“Wisdom starts with owning up to ignorance” – Confucius.
When considering the last two years of the “Plannedemic” and now the war in Ukraine, how can we, “count the many ways” – not of, “how do I love thee”, but of how media propaganda has created blindness to the real facts? Let us consider the following:
Coronavirus and Vaccines
– Ignoring alternative and independent media voices and only subscribing to mainstream media – who are completely biased, owned and controlled by agenda-driven forces like WEF, WHO, Big Pharma and Big Media.
– Ignoring the gross censorship by TV, internet and print media that prohibit discussion of any alternative viewpoints to Coronavirus and Vaccines. Big media is controlling the flow of information globally, and sticking to one repetitive narrative.
– Ignoring media vilification of thousands of medical experts and scientists who dared to challenge the mainstream narrative on coronavirus measures and vaccines – in favour of much smaller but powerful bodies – like WHO, WEF, Big Pharma etc;
– Ignoring the fact that if we “listen to the science”, then by the very nature of “science”, it must be open to challenge by other scientists and thinkers – not censored and shut down. Real science must be peer-reviewed, yet most studies are sponsored by special interest holders, and not peer-reviewed at all.
– Ignoring the plans laid down by WHO, WEF, Rockefeller Foundation etc. – that have for over the past ten years, plainly stated objectives on their websites. Yet these facts are reactively scoffed upon and assigned to the fantastic realm of “conspiracy theory”. Likewise, there has been an ignoring of those bodies’ frequently stated Eugenics philosophies – in articles and videos.
– Ignoring that Pfizer is a criminal organization that paid one of the largest criminal fines in history for being a repeat offender of fraudulent marketing practices. Ignoring that the FDA and Pfizer fought to prevent damning data from the Covid-19 clinical trials being released for 75 years! Many other Big Pharma companies also paid a combined total of billions in fines.
– Ignoring that deaths following the COVID-19 vax reported to VAERS, the official US government vaccine adverse event database, over the past 15 months – is over three times higher than the number of deaths reported to VAERS for all 72 vaccines over the past 31 years combined.
– Ignoring the predatory track record in business of people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci; ignoring their detractors such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who took them comprehensively to task, through speeches and books – with illuminating results.
– Ignoring the side-effects of harmful vaccines that have killed and injured many. Ignoring thousands of cases of myocarditis in the young and the fit – the extraordinary statistics of top sports people that have died or been injured from vaccines.
– Ignoring the fact that especially after the third shot, thousands have lost their lives, shortening their potential world service – yet an inability by loved ones to connect the cause to the effect.
– Ignoring the social and economic damage that has been done, the explosion of suicide rates, mental health issues – particularly in young children – that will take generations to heal.
– Ignoring so many contradictions in the news and everyday life – like masking when ordering coffee, but sitting down nearby with the mask off.
– Ignoring the opportunity to question why – and the god-given capacity for critical thought, or the use of the intuition.
– Ignoring the “consensus” of participants agreeing on something that is obviously false – agreeing with those false opinions – just because everyone else seems to think so.
– Ignoring conclusive and irrefutable reports of the virus origin in Wuhan, funded by US firms and bodies and how it has been “gene-edited”, added to vaccines. Ignoring the proof of “gain of function” research instigated by Anthony Fauci.
– Ignoring global trends that have emerged during the plannedemic that bring about greater control of food production and money.
– Ignoring the transition of focus upon the virus, to the war in Ukraine – a seamless segway of swapping one crisis for another ….
The War in Ukraine
How can we “count the many ways” of how FACTS about Ukraine have been ignored, passed-over or distracted from? Again, the author insists that there is no “siding with Russia” – it is simply a presentation of facts that consensus media refuses to do.
The burden of cruel suffering and destruction inflicted upon the Ukrainian people does not simply lie with Russia. Ukraine is the meat in the sandwich: USA/NATO/Ukraine Gov. – and Russia.
– Ignoring the many wars and coups initiated by the USA/CIA and/or NATO in past decades – with the loss of millions of lives: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Serbia, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Central and South America etc.
– Ignoring the gross censorship by TV, internet and print media regarding discussion of dissenting viewpoints. Ignoring the closing of social media accounts and public vilification of alternative voices who dared to challenge the mainstream narrative. (Exactly the same methods as the coronavirus debate.)
– 1991 – Ignoring that USA and NATO have been interfering in Ukraine since at least 1991.
– 2002 – Ignoring that USA cancelled the Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty, to which Putin responded “That’s a game changer”.
– 2003 – Ignoring the period of the Ukraine presidential election when the West publicly demanded that Ukraine must choose between Russia and Europe.
– 2008 – Ignoring a NATO summit in April 2008 – an announcement that Ukraine and Georgia would become part of NATO. Russia made it very clear that this was a red line crossed.
– 2013 – Ignoring a suggestion by Russia to have talks to resolve differences – which the EU and Ukraine rebuffed.
– 2014 – Ignoring the abolition of the law (Feb. 23, 2014), that made Russian an official language in Ukraine.
– 2014 – Ignoring referendums conducted by the two self-proclaimed Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in May 2014, that were not “referendums of independence” but of “self-determination” or “autonomy”. The Minsk I (Sept.2014) and Minsk II (Feb. 2015) accords did not provide for separation or independence of Republics, but their autonomy within the framework of Ukraine.
– 2014 – Ignoring fierce repression of Russian-speaking regions (Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Lugansk and Donetsk) – that led to militarization and horrific massacres of Russians.
– 2014 – Ignoring that USA-NATO were responsible for the 2014 Maidan uprising in Ukraine. All copiously documented facts. A democratically elected president was removed from power.
– 2014 – Ignoring that just after the Minsk I Agreement, the replaced US puppet-President Poroshenko launched a massive “anti-terrorist operation” against the Donbass.
– 2014-2022 – Ignoring that the Ukraine government has been bombing eastern Ukraine since 2014 with the loss of an estimated 14,000 lives. Even CNN said in 2019 that “Ukraine has been locked in a proxy war with Russia for five years, and the conflict has claimed around 13,000 lives in the country’s east.” Not a peep about that now.
– 2014-2022 – Ignoring that since 2014, President Biden and his son Hunter have been “as thick as thieves” with Ukraine, money, oil and biological laboratories. Admitted in the New York Times and many other publications.
– 2015 – Ignoring that since 2015, another political puppet was created via a TV show about a school teacher who becomes president of Ukraine – Zelenskyy. A few years later (2019) he becomes president. Ignoring joining very simple dots of this plan – and the oligarchs who created and financed it.
– 2016 – Ignoring the Hillary Clinton-generated propaganda (Russiagate) that tried to blame Putin for influencing Trump’s election victory – since overwhelmingly disproved. Americans have been conditioned since the end of WWII, through the cold war, to hate the USSR and then Russia – and to hate Putin for the past two decades. What has not been acknowledged is that the USSR of the 1950’s is not the Russia of 2022.
– 2019 – Ignoring that Zelenskyy’s election promise was to end the war with Russia when he was sworn in as President – for which he has many ignored opportunities.
– 2019 – Ignoring Zelenskyy signing into law, banning the use of Russian language in most official functions all over Ukraine.
– 2019 – Ignoring that Ukrainian fascists (Svoboda, Azov etc) said they would remove and kill Zelenskyy if he continued negotiating with Putin. This action thwarted a peace agreement that could have prevented a Russian invasion. Zelenskyy instead, made alliances with the far right -supported by the US and NATO.
– 2019 – Ignoring that the US withdrew from the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty.
– 2019 – Ignoring that Zelenskyy could have avoided the war by agreeing to the Minsk accords and Russia’s peace offers. Ignoring that Zelenskyy has been acting on orders from Washington and implementing its agenda.
– 2020 – Ignoring the small but powerful neo-Nazi groups (Azov etc.) that infiltrated and influenced the Ukrainian government and army. Ignoring their summer camps for children to indoctrinate.
– 2020 – Ignoring the fact that due to the poor state of the army, and to compensate for lack of soldiers, Ukraine resorted to paramilitary militias. By 2020, they accounted for 40 percent of the Ukrainian forces – about 102,000, armed, financed and trained by USA, UK, France etc.
– 2020 – Ignoring characterisation of Ukrainian paramilitaries as “Nazis” or “neo-Nazis” –considered as “Russian propaganda” – when it is the opinion of the Times of Israel and West Point Academy’s Center for Counterterrorism. Ignoring that the West armed and trained these militias – guilty of numerous crimes against civilian populations since 2014: rape, torture and massacres.
– 2020 – Ignoring senator Adam Schiff’s sentiment when quoting another – during Trump impeachment proceedings: “The United States aids Ukraine and her people so that we can fight Russia over there, so we don’t have to fight Russia here.”
– 2021 – Ignoring that in March 24, 2021 – Zelenskyy approved a strategy for de-occupation and reintegration of Russian-annexed Crimea. Pushed no doubt by his NATO handlers, a very deliberate and provocative “poking of the Russian bear”. Ignoring the joint Nato/Ukraine military exercises in Ukraine in 2021.
– 2021 – Ignoring that a Russian talks offer in Nov.2021 to, “cool things down” – was refused by the US and Ukraine.
– 2021-2022 – Ignoring several months of anti-Russia propaganda and talk of war in late 2021, by US and NATO nations via mass media, leading up to Feb.24, 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
– 2022 – Ignoring Zelenskyy’s announcement at the Feb. 2022 Munich Security Conference that Ukraine was contemplating restoring its nuclear weapons program.
– 2022 – Ignoring the rise in ceasefire violations and a 30-fold increase in attacks by Ukraine against the Donbass just days (around Feb.16) – just before the Russian “military operation” began on Feb.24. This may have been the final straw for Russia.
– 2022 – Ignoring the continued Ukrainian artillery bombardment of Donbass population. Feb.23 the two Republics asked for military assistance from Russia. On 24 February, Vladimir Putin invoked Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which legally provides for mutual military assistance in the framework of a defensive alliance.
– 2022 – Ignoring that in order to make the Russian intervention seem illegal, Western powers hid that the war started on Feb.16. The Ukrainian army was preparing to attack the Donbass as early as 2021, as some Russian and European intelligence services were well aware.
– 2022 – Ignoring Putin’s speech Feb. 24, that the operation was to “demilitarize” and “de-nazify” the Ukraine. The intention was to not take over Ukraine, or occupy and destroy it.
– 2022 – Ignoring that Victoria Nuland (US State Dept.) confirmed that Ukraine has numerous bio-research labs and is very concerned that Russia may get their hands on the materials in these labs.
– 2022 – Ignoring recent revelations that the U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine (Nov. 2019 ) – 3 months before Covid was known to even exist!
– 2022 – Ignoring that the US and NATO allies deliberately slowed down the fighting in Ukraine. “For some in NATO, it’s better for the Ukrainians to keep fighting and dying, than to achieve a peace that comes too early or at too high a cost to Kyiv and the rest of Europe”.
Riveting video commentary on Ukraine from 31′ 20″. (Before that is an eye-opening account of the US role in Syria). One of the most important videos to watch, especially for Americans – from an American of obvious integrity.
– 2022 – Ignoring that Ukraine knew it had no chance of defeating the Russian army. Zelenskyy sent men to die in a war he knew they could not win; allowing incalculable suffering and injury on his own people for no reason, except nationalistic fervour and pride.
– 2022 – Ignoring the fact that most of the mainstream news about the Russia-Ukraine conflict is pure propaganda, framing Russia’s incursion as “disastrous” and “losing” when in fact they are achieving their objectives to weaken the Ukraine military and “de-Nazify”.
– 2022 – Ignoring that Zelenskyy is not a skilled musician and singer, but Western supporters in the “spiritual community” posted videos indiscriminately of his alleged performances anyway.
– 2022 – Ignoring that Zelenskyy banned his own media and formed one “United News” controlled information platform.
– 2022 – Ignoring that Zelenskyy suspended 11 opposition parties, and that mayors and others suspected of cooperating with Russian forces have been tortured and killed.
– 2022 – Ignoring the illogical and plain stupid banning of Russian athletes at the Olympics and sporting events such as Wimbledon.
– 2022 – Ignoring the utterly nonsensical banning of Russian culture performances and displays in the arts, literature, dance and music.
– 2022 – Ignoring the trade sanctions imposed upon Russia by the USA that will cause food/fuel shortages and skyrocketing prices in Europe, USA and around the world.
– 2022 – Ignoring the European Commission leader – Ursula van der Leyen and her role as a top WEF lieutenant (and Big Pharma/WEF advocate), leading the charge against Russia in Europe.
– 2022 – Ignoring the fact that attacks on the Mariupol theatre, Bucha and Kramatorsk train station were most likely staged “false flag” events to garner more outrage against Russia, and sympathy for Ukraine. Likewise, the 9,000 Mariupol civilians in “mass graves”, another hoax. Most of the masses bought it, assuming and affirming that Putin is an “evil man”. (He is “no saint” of course!)
– 2022 – Ignoring the possible scenario of US co-operation with Britain and Russia – to keep in check the extraordinary ambitions and power-plays of China. (Currently Russia has China silently backing it.)
– 2022 – Ignoring NATO’s invitation to Sweden and Finland to join NATO. Finland’s entry into NATO would bring NATO to Russia’s border – a development that the Kremlin has declared as unacceptable. By piling on more provocations, Washington and NATO are intentionally widening a conflict that was deliberately provoked in the first place.
– 2022 – Ignoring that Nancy Pelosi declared a virtual war in Kyiv, making it clear that there would be no peace talks, and she will not accept anything but victory against Russia.
– 2022 – Ignoring latest speculations about the US-NATO creation of a “false flag” event, the detonation of a “low yield” nuclear device in Ukraine which is blamed upon Russia.
2022 – Ignoring the hypocrisy of criticism by the West of Russia’s clampdown on free-speech (which is true), yet free speech (one of the Four Freedoms) has been shut down worldwide since 2020 – on discussion of Coronavirus and vaccines.
Similarly, dissenting voices on Ukraine will now be dealt with by the USA’s newly created Disinformation Governance Board (or the Orwellian “Ministry of Truth”) – headed by by a former “communications advisor” to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Nina Jankowicz. (See also Del Bigtree’s comments at 24’ of this video.)
And finally, a short 10′ video giving the Russian view of what has happened thus far …
Thinking, Discernment and Media Propaganda
There are many more points that could be added to this already long list. Those who have ignored or not taken into serious consideration these statements, will have a very different view of the current global situation, particularly if they have only gleaned their information from conventional media.
One of the greatest problems at the moment, if not THE greatest problem, is a relentless media propaganda that seeks to slap, trap and strap humanity into a straight-jacket of thinking.
Many students in the Wisdom community admit that their only source of news comes through conventional outlets. Very few have explored alternative news sources with independent thinkers. Many have simply not had the time to do that, due to demands of daily living. Hence, may have made their decisions regarding vaccines or Ukraine, based upon the consensus media – that might be accessed once a day, or less.
The world situation is also partly the result of the phenomenon of mass hypnosis/psychosis that has unfolded since early 2020 – whipped up by the merciless squalls of media-driven fear and hysteria, applied relentlessly in the grind of the daily news cycle – 24/7. This same media has been conditioning humanity for decades – in terms of political thinking, attitudes to health and medicine, ideas about other nations and certain leaders.
Therefore, it’s difficult or almost impossible for many to step back and review this kind of cultural brain-washing, let alone admit that media saturation has permeated deeply into all of our psyches – creating systems of BELIEF. Not a KNOWING bought about by the exercise of discernment or critical thinking, but belief. And to “stay safe” in the nanny state, many want to be believers!
The climb-down from this flimsy scaffolding of thought, is often blocked by pride and a know-it-all attitude – major components of the shadow of the Fifth Rootrace. Many do not want to admit that they were conned, or made the wrong decision – or were brainwashed! No one is exempt from these processes, some have woken up to it – and in amazement, wondered how they stumbled along for so many years not seeing certain truths, which have since become obvious.
Others still wander in the twilight zone of shadowy half-truths – and through conservative attitudes, stick doggedly to the “devil they know” – mainstream news, almost religiously in some cases. A long time ago MSM was far less manipulative, but in recent decades it has “done a Darth Vader” – gone over to the dark side to project shadows upon the wall of Plato’s cave.
Plato’s Cave: Belief Versus Knowledge
What is the allegory of Plato’s cave? It is a concept devised to reflect upon the nature of belief versus knowledge. Plato uses this allegory as a way to discuss the deceptive appearances of things we see in the real world – maya, glamour and illusion.
Plato encourages people to focus upon the abstract realm of ideas – a realm constituting the higher subplanes of the mental plane, the seat of the soul. Plato is regarded spiritually as a “teaching avatar” for the Fifth Rootrace because of his emphasis upon the mind:
“The first method was strictly mental, and even today remains so; the masses, for instance, know little of Plato and his theories in spite of the fact that he has moulded human minds—either through acquiescence in his theories or through refutation of them—down the ages. The other method is strictly emotional and so more easily colours the mass consciousness.
An instance of this was the message of the love of God which Christ enunciated and the emotional reaction of the masses to His life, His message, and His sacrifice. Thus the need of the mental few and the emotional many has been met down the ages.”21
The Master also tells us that Humanity is as a whole, polarised astrally or emotionally – hence its susceptibility to being hoodwinked by glamour.
“The [Plato] allegory states that there exists prisoners chained together in a cave. Behind the prisoners is a fire, and between the fire and the prisoners are people carrying puppets or other objects. This casts a shadow on the other side of the wall. The prisoners watch these shadows, believing them to be real.
Plato posits that one prisoner could become free. He finally sees the fire and realizes the shadows are fake. This prisoner could escape from the cave and discover there is a whole new world outside that they were previously unaware of.
This prisoner would believe the outside world is so much more real than that in the cave. He would try to return to free the other prisoners. Upon his return, he is blinded because his eyes are not accustomed to actual sunlight. The chained prisoners would see this blindness and believe they will be harmed if they try to leave the cave.”22
A wonderful allegory for the evolution of consciousness – from the darkness of ignorance to the light of reason, from a deep torpor to soul awakening. Humanity has been a “prisoner of the planet” for long aeons, an unique karma in this solar system, upon this, “unhappy little planet of suffering which we call the Earth … Conditions of agony and of distress such as are found on our planet are found in no such degree in any other scheme.”23
The path to enlightenment is painful and arduous, says Plato, and requires that we make four stages in our development:
1. Imprisonment in the cave (the imaginary world).
2. Release from chains (the real, sensual world).
3. Ascent out of the cave (the world of ideas).
4. The way back to help our fellows.
Applying Spiritual Teachings to Current World Events
It should be noted that those in the global spiritual community, i.e. those aspiring to or consciously treading the spiritual path, cover a broad spectrum of the various stages of consciousness and initiation.
Millions of people who are religious and deeply devoted – have not yet even, “reversed the wheel”. One aspirant’s truth might be a disciple’s untruth. One disciple’s awakened stage, might be rapidly receding in the rear-view mirror of an initiate:
“Some definite direction has led man from the stage of primeval man to that evolutionary point where a Plato, a Shakespeare, a da Vinci, a Beethoven can appear. Some power has evoked man’s capacity to formulate ideas, to produce systems of theology, of science and of government; some inner motivating power has given man the ability to create beauty, to discover the secrets of nature; some realisation of divine responsibility lies behind the philanthropy, the educational systems, and the welfare movements throughout the world.
The progress of the human spirit has been one of irresistible unfoldment, of a developing appreciation of reality, beauty and wisdom. Instinct has developed into intellect; intellect is beginning to unfold into intuition. The significance of God, the registering of man’s divine potentialities, and the increasing capacity to understand and to share in the thought processes of others—all these indicate progress and unfoldment.”24
All these factors must be taken into consideration when arriving at certain convictions about the state of the world today – how much of the vision is the moving shadow on the wall, and how much the clarity of the clear light of day? Has the individual “reversed the wheel” yet, or have they taken the first, second or third initiations – whose stages of consciousness and perception vary considerably?
How well has the aspirant traversed the various subplanes of mental plane discernment? How much substance has been redeemed within the etheric, astral and mental bodies – that “unredeemed” substance which constitutes the masking veils of perception within the personality?
Further layers of illusion or glamour are created when “chapter and verse” of the Wisdom Teachings are breathlessly quoted like Biblical fundamentalism, seeking to bolster convictions about one issue or another; yet they are often vain attempts to confirm belief, not true knowing. (Yes, the author might be accused of such!)
The following passage, like anything from a spiritual text, can be interpreted one way or another. It is ironic that in light of today’s mostly unacknowledged totalitarianism, that the totalitarianism of post WWII is mentioned here:
“Toward the end of the second decade of my work [1930’s], totalitarianism reared anew its most evil head, and perforce, the Hierarchy took sides against this primary principle of evil, though never against any group of human beings. Please note this.
The point I seek to make is that the Hierarchy is inflexibly against any demonstration of the principle of non-freedom, no matter what form it takes, but is ever on the side of humanity. The spirit of evil which animated German actions evoked every possible opposition from the Forces of Light and from their source, the Hierarchy.
Today [written in 1948] this totalitarian evil is expressing itself through the planning of the Russian oligarchy, through the Zionist movement, and through all groups which seek to fetter and imprison the spirit of man; but the people under the sway of this evil influence and the scheming of these evil groups are never regarded in any light different to that of the rest of mankind.
They are looked upon as glamoured, or as weak and ignorant (which they undoubtedly are), but they are never separated off in the thinking and planning of the Hierarchy from the rest of mankind.
The evil must not be permitted or allowed to triumph, but the unhappy and glamoured exponents of this evil are loved, along with the rest of mankind. This is a point which is hard for the illogical thinker to understand, but it expresses most truly the attitude of the Christ and of all who serve His cause.”25
There are several points to take up here:
1. The totalitarianism that has manifested from 2020-22 has TOTALLY over-ridden the Four Freedoms and the processes of democracy – in practically every Western nation; yet this glaring contradiction goes unnoticed or unacknowledged by many:
“Hierarchy is inflexibly against any demonstration of the principle of non-freedom, no matter what form it takes … all groups which seek to fetter and imprison the spirit of man”.
Therefore Hierarchy must surely be against what has happened in the past two years – and which continues to unfold with alarming speed in the West’s proxy conflict with Russia.
2. The “Russian oligarchy” referred to here is the Stalinist era government of the 1940’s. The modern billionaire Russian oligarchs are a much different breed who took advantage of the 1990’s transition from the Soviet era – and which have been largely broken up in recent decades, resulting in the jailing of some, or an uneasy truce with others – on an understanding to keep out of government affairs. No doubt this transition period has not finished and it will take decades to clean up the corruption and cronyism.
3. The USSR of the Cold War era that began after WWII is a far cry from the Russia of today. Critics claim that Putin is trying to bring back the USSR and its territories.
4. If anything, the Zionists have increased their power, cunningly and quietly, they are in fact the elephant in the room that no one dares to criticise; they occupy a high point on the pyramid of power and when challenged, play the “anti-Semitism” card and shut down dialogue.
Another passage from the Wisdom Teachings has also been referred to by those who have polarised with Ukraine and think that Zelenskyy is a “hero”; he might have shown some courage within the propaganda bubble of “bully Russia” – but nothing could be further from the truth, if one recalls all his inactions in the aforementioned “ignoring” list:
“The United Nations is still the hope of the world and can remain so; it is a great field of experimentation, but is suffering today from an initial error. That error was the admitting of a totalitarian Power into its nations.
For seven long and terrible years the Forces of Light had been fighting totalitarianism [1941-48]. In the early days of the post-war period the Nations compromised with principles and admitted Russia to the United Nations.
Had they proceeded to unite all the other nations of the world on the sure ground of economic reform, of needed national reorganisation and of regional groups (a better term than “blocs”), Russia would have been forced to conform, for her very existence would have been at stake. An initial error can lead to much trouble, and it is this type of trouble which the United Nations today faces.”26
Some points from this passage:
1. The UN has been hopelessly compromised and corrupted by private bodies such as the WEF and WHO.The UN is indeed, still “the hope of the world” but must “clean its stables” – by rejecting the private agendas and manipulations of various individuals and groups – this may take a very long time to root out completely, probably decades.
2. It has been 74 years since the passage above was written, and whilst The Tibetan was correct in his assessment of that time – so soon after the horrifying Nazi/Stalinist eras, students cannot regard the situation of 1948 as “fixed in time”, that the entity known as Russia (or any other nation), has not evolved and transformed since that period.
3. Russia is no longer a communist country, instead it is called a “federal semi-presidential republic under a centralised authoritarian state”.27 Yes, Russia still carries vestiges of totalitarianism and authoritarianism – but nothing like the Stalinist era.
4. Russia is far from perfect and this can be said about many other nations, some of whom appear to have even temporarily regressed – Britain being a case in point!
5. A wisdom student observes: “After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia was dismantled by Wall Street and sold to US linked oligarchs for pennies on the dollar. Putin was finally able to claw back Russian assets for the people (he may have ended up with a lot himself it seems). Russia is now a capitalist, federal, democratic, republic, at least in theory.”
The Fourth Ray Technique of Integration
The fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict is the main ray that rules Humanity as a whole, explaining in part why war has been almost perpetual upon our planet. Upon the upward evolutionary spiral, Humanity reaches ever higher states of harmony, through the interceding conflicts between the pairs of opposites – particularly upon the mental plane and the various ideologies. The following passage is a “technique of integration” for this fourth ray, also known as the ray of art, beauty and music:
“Midway I stand between the forces which oppose each other. Longing am I for harmony and peace, and for the beauty which results from unity. I see the two. I see naught else but forces ranged opposing, and I, the one, who stands within the circle at the centre.
Peace I demand. My mind is bent upon it. Oneness with all I seek, yet form divides. War upon every side I find, and separation. Alone I stand and am. I know too much.’
The love of unity must dominate, and love of peace and harmony. Yet not that love, based on a longing for relief, for peace to self, for unity because it carries with it that which is pleasantness.
The word goes forth from soul to form. ‘Both sides are one. There is no war, no difference and no isolation. The warring forces seem to war from the point at which you stand. Move on a pace.
See truly with the opened eye of inner vision and you will find, not two but one; not war but peace; not isolation but a heart which rests upon the centre. Thus shall the beauty of the Lord shine forth. The hour is now.'”28
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The WEF’s Yuval Noah Harari – Philosophical Voice
“Harari is the ideological commissar of the World Economic Forum”. (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)
“Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli public intellectual, historian and a professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the author of the popular science bestsellers Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century.”29
Here follow a few choice introductory quotes to get a feel for Harari’s philosophy, culled mainly from this short video – take a deep breath or two!
“Humans are now hackable animals. The whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit, they have free will and nobody knows what’s happening inside me, so whatever I choose in the supermarket, this is my free will – that’s over.”
“The big political and economical question of the 21st century, is what do we need humans for, or at least what do we need so many humans for? [Hinting at eugenics.] Interviewer: Do you have an answer for that? Answer: Keep them happy with drugs and computer games.”
“Earth will be populated or dominated by entities that are not even organic – they do not breathe, they do not have emotions – the potential of AI is much much bigger than any historical revolution, it’s really a biological revolution.”
“All these stories about Jesus rising from the dead and being the son of God, this is fake news.”
“This is the crucial revolution and covid is critical because it convinces people to accept, to legitimise total biometric surveillance. We need to stop this epidemic, we need to not just monitor people, we need to monitor what’s happening under the skin.”
“Now humans are developing even bigger powers than ever before – we are really acquiring divine powers of creation and destruction, we are really upgrading humans into gods, we are acquiring the power to re-engineer life.”
“What scientists and engineers are telling us more and more, if we only had enough data and computing power, we can create external algorithms which understand humans and their feelings, much better than humans can understand themselves … this is when authority really shifts away from humans to algorithms.”
“There is no such thing as free will … freedom has absolutely no meaning from a physical or biological perspective, it’s just another myth. Another empty term that humans have invented. Humans have invented god, heaven and hell – and humans have invented free will, but there is no more truth to free will.”
“And as for feelings, they are definitely real, they are not a figment of our imagination but feelings are really just biochemical algorithms … and there is nothing metaphysical or supernatural about them.”
“We now see mass surveillance systems established even in democratic countries which previously rejected them. And we also see a change in the nature of surveillance. Previously surveillance was mainly above the skin, now it’s going under the skin. Governments want to know not just where we go and who we meet, above all they want to know what is happening under the skin – our blood pressure, body temperature, what is our medical condition.”
As mentioned earlier, this kind of philosophy arouses WEF founder Klaus Schwab beyond tumescent – the brave new world of AI technology, a cold, efficient calculating world where data is gold and humans are simply to be manipulated like mindless automatons.
Where you will “own nothing and be happy”, monitored 24/7 (like China already), where you will be forced onto digital credit, onto a social credit system of merit and demerit points, where you will be told what to eat, where to shop – a host of enslavements.
This is the same WEF that has been the main driver of the Plannedemic narrative since early 2020, that has directed WHO – which has in turn dictated health policy to 193 signed-up world governments.
The WEF is fundamentally anti-democratic, is corporate-driven and promotes an totalitarian fascism. Does this sound like a world we want to live in? It is the same as what Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia attempted to do in the 1930’s-40’s – and what China is already implementing today.
“Harari kind of laments that totalitarian regimes and oligarchies and plutocracies of the past have not been able to achieve this level of control over humans,” [Robert F.] Kennedy said, “but the current technology gives those cohorts that exciting capacity.”30
Harari’s Horoscope
Harari’s birth time is unknown, but his physical appearance and scholarship suggests that Virgo is a possible rising sign. Israeli astrologer Isaac Starkman, says he has not rectified Harari’s chart, but intuits Virgo too. Starkman says he wrote to Harari for a birth time but received no reply – perhaps a case of another academic scoffing at astrology!
So where does that kind of “philosophical” thinking originate with people like Harari? For this speculative horoscope time, the Mercury-ruled signs of Virgo rising and a Gemini midheaven are quite prominent.
Harari is a brilliant, Mercurial character – widely read and scholarly, synthesising many streams of thought together in his various books. Although careful and studious Virgo might be his rising sign, there is an element of the slapdash, wildly speculative, careless and cavalier, reflected by Mars in Mercury-ruled Gemini.
Mercury is placed in scientific and detached Aquarius, conjunct Venus. Aquarius is “scientific” because it is ruled by the planet of science – Uranus, also ruler of the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic.
The only ray to pass through Aquarius is the fifth ray of science or knowledge, ruled by Venus – which is in that sign. Harari may well have a fifth ray mind or even soul, but even if he did not, fifth ray energy could be easily invoked from the horoscope alone.
The 3rd, 5th and 7th rays all find a powerful expression through Capricorn, the sign of Harari’s moon – bringing about the magical, manifesting, organising qualities of Capricorn and the seventh ray.
Capricorn is also the personality ruler of the Jewish people. Virgo is the soul of the Jewish people, hence if Harari is Virgo rising, his soul purpose and personality have much in common with his race/religion.
Harari and the WEF
Harari certainly embodies the intellectual brilliance and creativity of the Jewish people. In previous commentaries on the mind-set of “Davos man”, the third ray of active intelligence and the fifth ray were identified as predominant expressions – this is only natural in many ways, given that they are the major rays conditioning our Fifth Rootrace. The third ray is also the personality ray of the Jewish people, something it shares in common with the Catholic Church and China.
Harari’s Venus-Mercury in Aquarius falls on WEF’s Sun in Aquarius, whilst director Klaus Schwab has Jupiter in Aquarius conjunct the WEF ascendant in Aquarius. Many of their ideas are based upon Aquarian technologies, masquerading “for humanity’s good” – but which are in fact selfish manipulations.
“The WEF is the organisation that masterminded the globally harmonised planning, development and implementation of the lockdowns, mandates, authoritarian vaccine campaigns, suppression of early treatment options, global targeting of dissenting physicians, censorship, propaganda, information and thought control programs which we have all experienced since late 2019.
This is the organisational structure used by the ones who have sought to control and manage the world to advance the economic and political interests of their members through the ongoing “Great Reset” (as named and described by their chairman Klaus Schwab) by exploiting and exacerbating the social and economic disruption which they have artificially and intentionally crafted since SARS-CoV-19 began spreading across the world.”31
The following video summarises succinctly how the un-elected WEF – has elected itself to manage world affairs. The content is an succinct summary of WEF’s agenda. (Please ignore the demonised, photoshopped Schwab! )
Some Troubling Fascist Connections
Lest the author also be accused of being preoccupied with the past, or having a morbid interest in the “Nazties”, a reminder here about history and how its cycles repeat, particularly as Uranus transits through Taurus today, as it did in the 1930’s.
Paradoxically, Harari shares his birth date with the formation of the Nazi Party on Feb.24, 1920 – a Pisces sun. In this author’s historical essay, Nazi Germany: An Astro-Historical Analysis, it is stated:
“The Piscean Sun certainly reflects the Nazis’ role at the end of the Age of Pisces, and the astral glamours that they shared with the Pisces-ruled Germany personality. The Sun/Uranus conjunction points to their unique if not bizarre character, and Saturn in Virgo opposite, to their cold and clinical efficiency.”32
This “cold and clinical efficiency” of the Nazi Party is also reflected by its Venus in Aquarius position, the same as Harari. The author has no wish to vilify, condemn or create innuendo with Harari, but “by their fruits ye shall know them” – and his preceding statements have an inescapable connection:
“Humans are now hackable animals … humans have this soul or spirit … that’s over. What do we need humans for … keep them happy with drugs and computer games. Earth will be populated by entities that are not even organic … do not have emotions. Jesus rising from the dead – this is fake news.
Covid is critical because it convinces people to legitimise total biometric surveillance. There is no such thing as free will … freedom has absolutely no meaning … feelings are really just biochemical algorithms …”.
Also ironic, is that Harari criticised Netanyahu for being a dictator, “under pretext of fighting corona”, something that the WEF was involved in planning from the very beginning.
Is there any contradiction then, when Harari claims that Vipassana meditation, which he began at Oxford University in 2,000 – “has transformed my life”? … “He practises for two hours every day … every year undertakes a meditation retreat of 30 days or longer, in silence and with no books or social media, and is an assistant meditation teacher.
He dedicated Homo Deus to “my teacher, S. N. Goenka, who lovingly taught me important things”, and said “I could not have written this book without the focus, peace and insight gained from practising Vipassana for fifteen years.” He also regards meditation as a way to research.”33
A co-worker who wishes to remain anonymous, but has broad experience with many kinds of spirituality, said this about Vipassana:
“Vipassana is a soul-less technique. You just get to know your body very well on the cellular level. No wonder such people are attracted to it. You don’t need to bother with any higher beings or conscience or grace. It’s all just technique and technology. I wonder about the word ‘soul-less’. It sounds harsh, people who practice it are not soul-less. But in this strand of Buddhism there is not the concept of soul, of individualised continuity of consciousness. I can just see how this kind of Buddhism fits well with technocracy.”
This is just one viewpoint of course, millions of people have benefited from this practice – as a step upon the way to liberation. Harari is a vegan, which might be attributed to a diet-fussy Virgo ascendant. He is also in a gay marriage, a significator for some old-school astrologers of Venus in Aquarius – “unconventional relationships”.
Returning to the Capricorn moon again, as it represents the shadow or dweller in Harari’s horoscope – and this position is also featured in the aforementioned essay, Nazi Germany: An Astro-Historical Analysis. Astonishingly, out of the “initiatory seven” power group of Nazis -including Hitler, four of them had the moon in Capricorn:
“… the man who, from purely selfish motives and through an intense concentration, focuses his mind and brings about the gratification of his desires and the achievement of his goals. He kills out all emotional reactions and goes a long way towards dissipating glamour. He develops the ability to draw on the light of matter itself (physical matter and mental substance) and thus he generates a false light from which soul light is rigorously excluded.
It is this power which eventually produces a black magician. He has developed the capacity to draw upon the light energy of matter itself and to focus it so powerfully and effectively that it becomes a great destructive force.
It is this which has given Hitler and the six evil men associated with him their power to destroy upon the material plane …34 The earthly influence of Capricorn made their activity [Nazis] possible; they themselves have been evoked out of their evil past by the material side of humanity itself and the potency of the massed selfishness of mankind …”.35
Venus is the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn and The Tibetan, when discussing the powerful triangle of Capricorn, Leo and Pisces (whose combined influenced faded around 1975), warned that if Humanity does not “take advantage of the Venusian influence to “use the mind as the reflector of soul purpose”, there will emerge a situation wherein “the mass of men will be re-initiated into the Earth and forced to turn their backs upon the dawning light … The earthy aspect of Capricorn, the lowest concrete aspect of the mind … will take the place of the divine possibility of entrance into greater light”36
That “dawning light” is Aquarius, the imminent 2,160 year cycle into which the Earth is moving. Bear in mind that the Venus-ruled fifth ray is the only ray to pass through Aquarius. As stated earlier, much of the AI technology and science which Harari and the WEF champion – is related to Aquarius, but is being used in a predatory fashion by those powerful and selfish few.
The WEF and their cronies, embody the shadow of the Age of Aquarius. WEF is an Aquarian sun and rising sign, whilst director Schwab has Jupiter in Aquarius. It has been noted by observers that several leaders high up in the pyramid of WEF power (Schwab, Van der Leyen, Trudeau, Ardern), and their many minor ministers – appear “as if possessed”, when projecting themselves in parliaments, conferences or on television; their adherence or slavery to the prevailing WEF thoughtforms, recalls this statement – though not necessarily to the same degree:
“The latter [Axis leaders] are “shells,” obsessed by evil entities and hence their dynamic, one-pointed potency, hence also their extreme skill and cunning, based on very ancient evil experience and hence also the well-nigh ludicrous falsity of their propaganda …
… They are the spirit of materialism embodied, devoid of all true feeling and perception, lacking the light of love and understanding, but powerfully animated by the energy of substance itself. It is time that men woke up to the nature of these beings who sought (under the present grouping of constellations) to enslave the race.”37
One might say this is too far a stretch of the imagination to equate the WEF group with the WWII group – or is it? The WEF is insidiously sophisticated – in their “soft” dictatorial attitudes. We might well ask today, “Isn’t time that Humanity wake up to the nature of those who seek to enslave the race” – under different though similar astrological influences? To name a few,
1. Pluto in Capricorn – the planet of power in a power sign and of initiation.
2. Neptune in Pisces – in its lower aspect, creating much glamour and confusion.
3. Uranus in Taurus – making a repeat run from the 1930’s, the dictators in Germany and Russia.
Some damning and dismissive reviews of Harari’s books follow, an encouraging sign that some see through his work – yet many of the tech wizards of Silicon Valley love him, such as “metaverse” Mark Zuckerberg:
“Anthropologist Christopher Robert Hallpike reviewed the book and did not find any “serious contribution to knowledge … whenever his facts are broadly correct they are not new, and whenever he tries to strike out on his own he often gets things wrong, sometimes seriously … an info-tainment publishing event offering a “wild intellectual ride across the landscape of history, dotted with sensational displays of speculation, and ending with blood-curdling predictions about human destiny.”38

Anthropology is the scientific study of humanity, concerned with human behavior, human biology, cultures, societies, and linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human species.
This description is a reflection of Harari’s speculative and careless Mars in Gemini, which also happens to be one of the most deceptive positions for Mars – people who are “loose with the truth”. “Weasel-like” might be another description – “an untrustworthy, or insincere person”.
When reading the initial statements by Harari at the beginning of this article, many appear to be simply bald-faced lies and untruth, but blatantly stated with some kind of intellectual authority:
“Reviewing the book in The Washington Post, evolutionary anthropologist Avi Tuschman points out problems stemming from the contradiction between Harari’s “freethinking scientific mind” and his “fuzzier worldview hobbled by political correctness”, but nonetheless wrote that “Harari’s book is important reading for serious-minded, self-reflective sapiens.”39
“… in The Guardian, philosopher Galen Strawson concluded that, among several other problems, “Much of Sapiens is extremely interesting, and it is often well expressed. As one reads on, however, the attractive features of the book are overwhelmed by carelessness, exaggeration and sensationalism“.”40
Harari does make some interesting observations, such as this statement from 2017 – which falls into the “useless eaters” phraseology of some politicians:
“By 2050 a new class of people might emerge – the useless class. People who are not just unemployed, but unemployable.” He put forward the case that dealing with this new social class economically, socially and politically will be a central challenge for humanity in the coming decades.”41
Of course, technology can free people from mundane and soul-destroying tasks – to develop consciousness, community and the arts; this would apply in the following passage to those described as: “A restless, alert, discontented and intelligent minority … of about 40%”.
Harari might have glimpsed a fragment of the truth in identifying the “useless class” – that is also alluded to in the Wisdom teachings, a group of humans that will need much nurturing and attention (“fanning their spark into a flame”) – in the future Aquarian Age. In fact, both the “useless class” and the WEF are embodied in the following highlighted passage:
“Speaking generally, we have in the world today the unintelligent masses who are rapidly becoming self-conscious – under the pressure of modern life and our modern educational systems.
We have secondly, the truly self-conscious thinkers or individuals who have assumed world control and prominent place in world affairs, through the power of their thoughts and the emphasis and magnetism of their personality.
By the clarity of their thinking in their chosen field, they dominate the masses, but they are dominant in a separative sense. [WEF etc.] These masses whom they control can be divided into two divisions: [A] A restless, alert, discontented and intelligent minority … of about 40% … [B] The remaining 60% is formed by the unthinking masses, who are little more than emotional animals. [Harari’s “useless class”.]
They live, work, suffer and fight, but have no real idea of what it means, or of where they, as a race, are going. With these latter there is little yet to be done. With the 40% however [A], much can be achieved when the New Group of World Servers is sufficiently coherent.
Notice should be taken also of the world idealists and workers, who are pledged to the working out of some ideal which seems to them to embody all that is desirable and to solve the problem as they see it around them.
Under this group could be placed the leaders and dictators of the world at this time, no matter by what name they call themselves. That their methods may not be desirable, is of course often true but is relatively immaterial.
Rightly or wrongly, they are working under the inspiration of an idea; they are bringing about definite changes in the minds of their fellow men and in world conditions; they are evoking a mental response from the public and the world. [WEF again]
They are, therefore, placing the world in their debt, by inaugurating those changes which are altering the world rhythm and speeding up its tempo. They are thus preparing us for the still more revolutionary changes of the new age. Some of them are to be found included in the New Group of World Servers.”42
This very interesting passage states that, “they are evoking a mental response from the public and the world” and that “their methods are relatively immaterial”. There is a fine line between achieving these aims – or imprisoning Humanity against their will – our current global situation.
Yet the actions of these individuals and groups have evoked a response and an awakening in a large proportion of the population. Especially now 2.5 years since the “Plannedemic” began – people have had more time to recover from the globalist “ambush”, reflect upon what has happened and come to a realisation that everything was not as it seemed.
Like the Nazi leaders of pre-WWII who were not recognised during their ascent to power or mistakenly appeased by Allied nations, so these modern “nazi types” need to be recognised, called-out and exposed for who they are; they are far more intelligent and sophisticated compared to what is modernly understood as Nazi – such as the thugs of the Azov battalion in Ukraine.
This is not an unreasonable or alarmist statement to make, in light of how these individuals and groups have created a totalitarianism in the past few years, a medical dictatorship via the “Plannedemic” – i.e. planned for many years.
Nazism is the shadow/dweller of the Fifth Rootrace – simply put, the will working through the mind, unalloyed with heart. As a leading nation of the Fifth Rootrace, Germany embodied the Dweller for a time. But now our planetary shadow, to which we have all contributed, has emerged in every nation – many of whom now exhibit these fascist tendencies. That is why it has been so difficult to define a clear-cut “enemy” in this planetary battle.
The following video link summarises many points made by the author in the past two years of newsletters – and much more. (Try and ignore the dramatic music!): Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose.
Taurus: China’s Ruthless Quest for Control and Power
(This subject was also covered extensively in the Libra 2019 newsletter: China and Xi Jinping.)
China’s soul energy potential is Taurus – and Libra is its personality expression; its soul is on the first ray of Will-Power, with personality upon the third ray of Active-Intelligence. The point of least resistance for the expression of zodiac and ray energies is their lower expression – even for “advanced” nations.
Note the absence of the “bridging” second ray of Love-Wisdom and compassion – between the 1st ray soul and third ray personality; this further enables China 1st/3rd rays to be ruthless in business, political influence and military-industrial expansion. The absence of the 2nd ray also contributes to a poor human rights record, with ethnic minorities and the populace at large.
Horrifying lockdown in Shanghai, people starving, suiciding and going crazy. Other nations want to make China’s “Zero Covid” actions a template for their approach to “pandemics”.
Another factor compounding these existing problems is the lower expression of Saturn, ruler of China’s 3rd ray personality. Here is the essence of “Draconian” lockdowns, based upon the 3rd ray glamours of active scheming and efficiency – plus an exaggerated expression of the Law of Economy. (See also Del Bigtree’s latest exposé on what is happening in Shanghai and Beijing.)
Draconian is a word associated with Saturn “Stern” – a vengeful Jehovah. These policies were also highlighted in Saturn-ruled Capricorn Australia – who emulated China’s fanatical approach:
“At a meeting chaired by Xi on Thursday, the ruling Communist Party’s supreme Politburo Standing Committee vowed to “unswervingly adhere to the general policy of ‘dynamic zero-Covid,’ and resolutely fight against any words and acts that distort, doubt or deny our country’s epidemic prevention policies …
… the Chinese government is doubling down on its approach of relying on swift lockdowns, mass testing and quarantine to squash the highly transmissible Omicron variant for the foreseeable future … zero-Covid has become an unquestionable, unchallengeable policy that is closely tied to his political authority — and therefore there will be no flexibility when it comes to its implementation.”43
The world is witnessing China’s abuse of first ray energy to aggressively dominate and control the entire planet. It is no exaggeration to state these alarming facts, neither is it making China the “bad guy” – here is simply a detached analysis to obtain a sense of China’s role within the global hegemony.44 China has infiltrated most nations on earth culturally, socially, politically and economically – to one extent or another.
China “owns” some countries economically, having invested heavily – billions that those nations will never be able to pay back; hence they will be permanently in China’s debt and influence. One example of this is Cambodia, but also many other South East Asian, African and South American nations are compromised. Not only developing nations however – Australia, New Zealand, Italy and many other Western nations. US analysts say that Beijing believes it will “own” the USA within 15 years!
The other factor that has helped China become so economically successful is its Libra personality – a sign that is concerned esoterically with the law, sex and money. The third “mother” ray which pours through Libra (a “practical” sign), is also the great manifesting principle when it comes to extensive manufacturing. Taurus is also traditionally a sign of money and material acquisition, hence the combination with Libra is formidable for economic dominance!
The third ray immersion in materialism currently dominates – in the recent decades that mark China’s major reorientation and building new infrastructure. The third ray has a tendency toward communism, whilst the second ray of love-wisdom finds its best expression in democracy. The first ray’s point of least resistance is fascism and dictatorships.
As a third ray nation, China has been able to use the Law of Economy to invest shrewdly in an extensive range of projects worldwide. Libra as a sign of relationships – has helped China to engage and charm other nations. Yet it has also used the “masculine” first ray in a very coercive and forceful fashion in exacting deals with nations:
“China, Germany, Great Britain and Italy are masculine and positive; they are mental, political, governing, standardising, group-conscious, occult by inclination, aggressive, full of grandeur, interested in law and in laying the emphasis upon race and empire. But they are more inclusive and think in wider terms than the feminine aspects of divine manifestation.”45
All these nations have had their turn at being aggressive and building empires (Ancient Rome, Nazi Germany, British Commonwealth) – now it appears to be China’s turn, at least in this modern era.
China has a long internal history of dynasties and kingdoms that go back thousands of years. In fact, China has its origins in the third subrace of Atlantis (4.3), its roots are very deep and ancient.46
China’s ruling signs Taurus and Libra, have Venus in common as their exoteric ruler. Venus in its traditional expression is related to money and its acquisition, plus its astral expression in the desire for sex. Esoterically, Venus is the mind and Taurus is the acquisition of higher knowledge and wisdom – for which the Chinese philosophers were renowned.
Taurus is ruled esoterically by Vulcan the Smithy – who in his less mature expression, wreaks destruction with his hammer:
“… the Taurian subject … will be destructive because “bull-headed” and because the hammer aspect of Vulcan will be dominant.”47
Between the two eclipses of the recent Taurus new moon (April 30) and the forthcoming Taurus full moon festival (May 16), lies a danger of the hammer being a point of least resistance for warring nations; that might manifest as a major incident in Ukraine, or China attacking Taiwan – who it regularly intimidates with a show of air-power fly-bys.
May 9 in Russia was Victory Day, a holiday from the Soviet era that commemorates – ironically in this era of fascism popping up everywhere – the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945. It might be a strategic day for the Kremlin to change tactics, a de-escalation or an escalation that resorts to the “hammer”. (See Putin’s May 9 speech 10′.)
China and Russia, USA, UK
China finds itself in an unique position currently – as the USA/NATO wage a proxy war on Russia through Ukraine, with the ultimate aim of “weakening Russia” – with scant regard for Ukraine, despite its propaganda to the contrary. (See Col. Black’s comments in video above.)
As esoteric students are aware, Russia, USA and Britain are all part of an esoteric triangle that is supposed to lead humanity into the Aquarian Age. Currently the actions of UK and USA “ganging up” on Russia, are severely limiting the joint soul potential of this trio of nations.
Both the UK and USA have refused to work with Russia intelligently – through diplomacy and talks. USA has inflexibly stated it is committed unequivocally to a “win” against Russia, not only creating a very dangerous precedent, but enabling China’s power considerably. If this spiritual triad of nations chose to co-operate, they would not only start to unfold their dharma as leaders in the approaching Aquarian cycle – but hold in check the global encroachment of China.
Indeed, the power structure of the planet is changing, with the UK, then the USA and even Germany seeing a dwindling of their control, whilst Russia and China are moving into prominence upon the global chessboard.
“The US should show that it can win a nuclear war”. (April 27, Wall Street Journal headline.)
Hence, the well nigh maniacal, reckless and provocative actions of NATO and Western nations increasing nuclear threats to Russia as they cling fanatically to their last vestiges of power. (Watch video: Escalation in Ukraine: The Nuclear War Danger is Real.)
Of course, this greater interaction between nations will lead to an eventual merging of East and West. The relationship between Russia and China is currently the seed of that future reality – perhaps some time in the next 2,000 years of the Aquarian cycle.
Russia’s spiritual motto is, “I link two ways” that is, East with West. As described in a recent newsletter (The Crisis of Ukraine and Russia), Russia has unique Mongol roots that have their origins in the 9th century. China’s spiritual motto is, “I indicate the Way.” For now, both nations are stepping into their power, exercising their muscles, testing the limitations of their influence.
It should be restated in light of this current crisis, Russia appears to have been remarkably restrained for years – regarding the taunts it has endured from the West:
“The propaganda is overwhelming and is desperately following what Ben Franklin warned about war, is when the government tells you who is the bad guy and revolution is when you decide for yourself. The Western Press is always desperate to paint Putin and Russia as the bad guy.”48
It is getting to a point now, where that restraint and patience has almost run out, with the possibility of Russia using the “hammer” like it has never been used before. One recalls the hammer and sickle of the old Soviet flag, a union of the hammer (workers) and the sickle (peasants), representing the “victorious and enduring revolutionary alliance”.
Shamballa and First Ray Nations
The increasing power of Earth’s great first ray centre – Shamballa, is responsible for the rise of fascism in nations. Ever since WWII, the spiritual guides of Humanity (The Great White Brotherhood), who are steeped in the principle of the second ray of love-wisdom – have taken a calculated risk and permitted,
“… a direct inflow of the Shamballa force (in spite of its attendant risks) to pour into the world. The objective was to stimulate the free will of the masses; the result upon them has been relatively good as it has led to the formulation and expression of the great world ideologies—Fascism, Democracy and Communism as well as that peculiarly distorted blend of Fascism and Communism which goes by the name of Hitlerism or Nazism.

Shamballa, Gobi Desert and the Shigatse area. Proximity to Russia and India, also a 1st ray soul. Nth Korea nearby – nuclear (1st ray) ambitions.
All these ideologies are fostered by the desire of the masses for the betterment of the condition in which the populace in any country lives and it has become focussed, expressive and creative by the force of the Shamballa influence.
But another result of this inflow of the will-to-power has been to stimulate a certain group of outstanding personalities in many lands so that they have assumed control of the masses and can thus determine the policies and methods—religious, political and social—of the different nations.
In every nation a relatively small group of people decide all important issues and determine all major national activities. This they do either by force, terror and deception or by persuasion, fair words and the application of ideological motives.
Of this situation in the world the Lords of Destiny are availing themselves in order to bring the ancient conflict to an end and so enable humanity to pass into the new Aquarian Age relatively free and with a clearer understanding of right human aims, right relationships and man’s predestined future.”49
Written during the great crisis of WWII, this “ancient conflict” is of course the Atlantean war, recapitulated during WWI & II – today in its third and final phase. Now it appears in this “shadow period” of the Aquarian Age, “a certain group of outstanding personalities in many lands” – e.g. WEF etc. – “have assumed control of the masses … thus determining policies and methods”. The WEF by the way, champions China – ad nauseum, using it as an ideal example of their own aims.
China’s capital is Beijing – a stone’s throw from the current location of Shamballa; physical proximity to this centre must have a strong influence – China is literally in Shamballa’s aura. China’s Libran personality also has a connection to Shamballa, “turning the wheel” of karma, hence the annual Libran solar festivals will always have this force present:
“Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings. Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter which first came together in Aries.”50
1965-2025: Climax of Initiation in the West
At the last Centennial Conclave of Wesak 1925, after millions of years since the Atlantean period, the Great White Brotherhood – the greater ashram of Lord Maitreya, shifted its focus:
“This process [of grounding buddhic energy] has been greatly facilitated since the entire Hierarchy shifted its location (since 1925 A.D.) from the higher mental levels to the buddhic plane, thereby making direct and unimpeded etheric reception possible. This is one of the significances of the words which we read in The New Testament that ‘the veil of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom’—a symbolic way of expressing the unveiling of an unimpeded channel.
This was made possible by the Christ as the Avatar, working in cooperation with the Master Jesus, and also by the point of evolution reached by the humanity of that time.”51
Almost one century has elapsed since that momentous event in 1925 – between the two World Wars, when many disciples entered the portal of initiation. A similar period now approaches in 2025, and all members of the various ashrams are being tested and sifted in their fitness for broader service. 2025 is also a time of great culmination for another cycle that began in 1965:
“In the time of the Buddha and through the stimulation He produced there was a great gathering in of Arhats. These were men who had achieved liberation through self-initiated effort. This period, in our Aryan race, marked a climax for the East.
Since then the tide of spiritual life has steadily flowed westward, and we may now look for a corresponding climax in the West, which will reach its zenith between the years 1965 and 2025. Towards this end, the adepts of the East and of the West are unitedly working, for they follow always the Law.”52
This time span totals 60 years, which can be interpreted as a Jupiter-Saturn “trigon” or three 20-year cycles of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions. Yet, these were not conjunctions – in 1965 Saturn was square to Jupiter and in 2025 they will be square to one another again.
As Jupiter rules the heart and Saturn the head, the tension of this square that inaugurated the 60 year cycle has been to effect a deeper integration and balance between these two principles. The success of this process may well mark a, “climax for the West … where liberation is achieved through self-initiated effort”.
Initiation is a deeply arcane science, described in books such as The Rays and the Initiations (The Tibetan through Alice Bailey). In that book is described various initiations and the testings required, but also group initiation that will be more of a feature of the Aquarian Age:
“Rule XIV. For Applicants: Listen, touch, see, apply, know. For Disciples and Initiates: Know, express, reveal, destroy and resurrect. These are the rules for group initiation and I am dealing with them to give you a fuller understanding of the Laws of Group Life …
… I would call your attention to the fact that the initiate has faced two major tests, symbolically described as “the burning ground” and the “clear cold light.” Only after he has successfully passed these can he—or the group, when considering group initiation—move forward and outward into the wider reaches of the divine consciousness.
These tests are applied when the soul grips the personality and the fire of divine love destroys the loves and desires of the integrated personality. Two factors tend to bring this about: the slow moving forward of the innate conscience into greater control, and the steady development of the “fiery aspiration” to which Patanjali makes reference.
These two factors, when brought into living activity, bring the disciple into the centre of the burning ground which separates the Angel of the Presence from the Dweller on the Threshold. The burning ground is found upon the threshold of every new advance, until the third initiation has been taken.”53
Whatever stage of spiritual unfoldment or initiation one has reached, group initiation affords an opportunity for those who are not quite ready to take initiation, to participate in the initiation process – through being part of a group whose members are at various stages of unfoldment. Those few who may have reached a more advanced stage, have the capacity to hold the group tension enough – that enables others to “pass through the portal”.
Bear in mind that the Science of Initiation (a sub-science of Esoteric Astrology), was instituted on this planet due to it being a “laggard” in the solar system, to speed up evolution due to the great mystery of the failure of the moon chain evolution – that preceded our current earth chain unfoldment. (See this short article, Sex and the Moon Chain Failure.)
Between now and 2025, we all walk the burning ground of initiation toward the “clear cold light”, taking advantage of Hierarchy’s “direct and unimpeded etheric reception”. The burning ground requires the relinquishment of all that one might hold dear – undue focus upon the physical body and its ailments, petty desires and old habit patterns/addictions, precious ideas and even spiritual concepts – all must be consigned to the fire!
“The Fire of which I speak, that accompanies the new conditions offered to our planet, will rejuvenate, purify, reconstruct everything: the matter will be refined, your hearts will be liberated from anguish, troubles, incertitude, and they will become luminous; everything will be improved, elevated; the thoughts, sentiments and negative acts will be consumed and destroyed.”54
And in this immediate cycle of Wesak 2022, we strengthen our resolve to commit to the flames – freeing the inner flame of the soul to illuminate all. Happy Wesak!
Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat in Portugal
Note our new look website, now also phone and tablet compatible.
Zoom webinar for Taurus 2022 will be Sunday, May 15 at 19.00 UT.
Register on the Aquarian Wisdom Centre website.
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Phillip Lindsay © 2022.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.229. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.683. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.387. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.690. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.197. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. pp.232-3. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.374. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.260. [↩]
- See the author’s The Shamballa Impacts for more detail. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.242. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.165. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.241. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.219. [↩]
- As commented upon by recently departed co-worker and expert rayologist, Michael D. Robbins. [↩]
- Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I [↩]
- the philosophical study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge [↩]
- globalresearch.ca [↩]
- thedailybeast.com [↩]
- nexusnewsfeed.com [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.45. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.28. [↩]
- studiobinder.com [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.649. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.416. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.186. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p. 636-7. [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p. 640. [↩]
- Wikipedia. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.363. [↩]
- frankspeech.com [↩]
- https://childrenshealthdefense.org [↩]
- dailyexpose.uk [↩]
- Esoteric Astrologer [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. pp.209-10. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.544. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.543. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.543. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- technocracy.news [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.657. [↩]
- CNN [↩]
- Hegemony is the political, economic, and military predominance of one state over other states. [↩]
- Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.56. [↩]
- Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles. Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.394. [↩]
- armstrongeconomics.com [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. pp.126-7. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.168. [↩]
- Discipleship in the New Age II, Alice A. Bailey. p.405. [↩]
- The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.xi. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.39. [↩]
- The last prophecy of Peter Deunov. [↩]
Hi Phillip,
Great newsletter. Your “ignore” list is impressive and I would like to add my 2-cents worth:
1. recall Cuba: when Russia was ousted from the western hemisphere; but now seems ok for the US to do the same with Ukraine and Finland.
2. Putin’s phrase of “nazism”, though you mentioned Ukraines paramilitary groups, recall that the Nazi Death Squads of WWII were comprised of mostly Ukranians, Croats, etc. from that region, made up not only criminals but volunteers, including ministers, architects, etc.
3. where were all the bleeding-hearts when streams of unwashed, different-looking refugees wandered from Syria, Africa, Asia, etc. when conflicts were there? there was no outpouring of help for them and hardly any mention, so why now? answer: not only because of the propaganda but also THEY LOOK LIKE US, carrying their suitcases and well-dressed and nourished–easier to identify with and not like those previously mentioned.
Well done, again, Phillip.
I agree with Fred, the “ignore” list is impressive. If I had one to add, it would be the 2020 USA election, or rather it was a soft coup d’etat? This issue also is verboten to discuss on mainstream, or ‘polite'(?) / esoteric company due to cognitive dissonance on what usually seems to me to be hatred about personality traits of Trump.
As you point out with Ukraine, suggesting that Putin has a few good points that are ignored doesn’t mean you are siding with Putin over another, but just that you are looking at the facts.
The facts about that 2020 fraud of an election has direct implications to the Ukraine war, obviously, with the Bidens’ & Co. complicity and crimes, and will consume the world for years to come. For now, the USA is going to have a hot summer as the flames about midterm elections in November are whipped up.
Still hoping for some rational thinking among the enlightened. Very best to you.
Hi Philip. I appreciate you work.
Question: Do you think the World would be a better off if people were not vaccinated against Covid 19? I take if that you are not vaccinated yourself, if I read your train of thought correctly.
Regardless, stay healthy.
Extraordinary. 💜🙏😇 Gratitude and Grace to your high heart.
Thank you so much for sharing your research. Extraordinary! I wish a wider population were exposed to your writings.
Hi Phillip
Thank you so much for your research and telling the truth which I share completely. When I look around where I live, I can only confirm that a lot of people and friends of mine, continue to be ill after the third shot, but they don’t connect or admit that their illness is due to the vaccinations.
One has to be really detached to see clear and be guided by the soul!
Thank you, Phillip! Your work is deeply appreciated! May God (within and without) speed our awakening to unfolding reality in its truer light. 🙏