5 Responses to Taurus 2024: Wesak. NGWS. Jupiter-Uranus. Sex Life of Bees. Luther Burbank. Koyaanisqatsi. Tucker Carlson. King Charles.

  1. Grazia says:

    Grazie Phillip, un Wesak benedetto a te

  2. Angela says:

    “The secret of improved plant breeding, apart from scientific knowledge, is love.” Luther Burbank uttered this wisdom as I walked beside him in his Santa Rosa garden. We halted near a bed of edible cacti.

    “While I was conducting experiments to make ‘spineless’ cacti,” he continued, “I often talked to the plants to create a vibration of love. ‘You have nothing to fear,’ I would tell them. ‘You don’t need your defensive thorns. I will protect you.’ Gradually the useful plant of the desert emerged in a thornless variety.

  3. david says:

    Hello, I think the analyzes of the horoscopes of Luther Burbank and Tucker Carlson are excellent, certainly two very different characters, but both “very American”…, in both there is vocation, courage, creative freedom, generosity…, If I may, in both there is a certain naivety, a goodness, that makes them universal.

    When I read the article an image from World War II came to mind: “the French soldiers laughed at the young American soldiers (many of them peasants), because when they, due to the violence of the war, saw a cow dead they went towards her and with great respect they closed her eyes with the fingers of their hands…..

    Childishness or kindness?? …for the French who laughed, surely it was childishness, but…, the gesture is so beautiful that it could only be kindness!

    May the Light of Wesak inspire us!!

  4. Anne Marie says:

    Wishing a blessed Wesak to all……..

    I wonder how etheric vision is developed?

    Also, I have two Buddhist friends who were/are health fanatics (organic food & daily jogging), but were also “vaxxed to the max” as they say. They both ended up with aggressive cancers that suddenly appeared shortly after their Covid boosters. They have survived the chemo so far, but both of them are now looking like concentration camp inmates….all vitality is gone. It’s so sad.

    1. “The effect of color on people, animals and units in the vegetable kingdom will be studied and the result of those studies will be the development of etheric vision or the power to see the next grade of matter with the strictly physical eye. Increasingly will people think and talk in terms of light, and the effect of the coming developments in this department of human thought will be triple.

      a. People will possess etheric vision.
      b. The vital or etheric body, lying as the inner structure of the outer forms, will be seen and noted and studied in all kingdoms of nature.
      c. This will break down all barriers of race and all distinctions of color; the essential brotherhood of man will be established. We shall see each other and all forms of divine manifestation as light units of varying degrees of brightness and shall talk and think increasingly in terms of electricity, of voltage, of intensity and of power. The age and status of men, in regard to the ladder of evolution, will be noted and become objectively apparent, the relative capacities of old souls, and young souls will be recognized, thereby re-establishing on earth the rule of the enlightened.” (A Treatise on White Magic, Bailey.)

      “Development of etheric vision universally. This will be due to two causes:

      First, the scientific recognition of the existence of the etheric levels, thereby freeing people from the onus of adverse public opinion, and enabling them to reveal what they have individually long realised. Etheric vision is comparatively common even now. But comment concerning it is rare, owing to the fear of criticism. Secondly, the increased activity of the devas of the ethers, which throws the matter of the etheric levels into more active vibration, with consequent reflex action on the eye of man.” (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Bailey.)

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