Virgo 2021: Essence of Virgo. Plant Kingdom. J.R.R. Tolkien – Lord of the Rings. Australia & NZ. Vax Crisis. Afghanistan 9/11.
Virgo Keynote:
“I am the mother and the child. I, God, I, matter am.”
(Full Moon: Sept 21, 2021. Time: 0.19 UT.)
The Last Leo Full Moon, Jupiter in Aquarius
___Truth and Glamour|
Virgo New Moon Sept 7
The Essence of Virgo
Eucalyptus “Radioactive” Healing Oil
___Virgo and the Plant Kingdom (Devas)
J.R.R. Tolkien: Virgo Rising Creator of Lord of the Rings
___ A Water Grand Trine: Tolkien’s Psychism
___Influence of the Mystery Teachings
___Tolkien’s Poetry and Art
___The Lord of the Rings and WWII
___The Lord of the Rings Today
___“I will not cease from mental fight”
Virgo Australia and New Zealand
___The Four Freedoms Revisited
___Dr. Joseph Mercola’s Statement
___Prof. Peter McCullough
___Countering the Masking-Up Argument
___Breaking the Global Cabals
Afghanistan and 9/11 Come Full Circle
___9/11 and Covid-19 – Biggest Hoaxes of 21st Century
___Afghanistan: Pawn of Empires – Britain, Russia, USA
___The Astrology of Afghanistan
___ USA, Russia and Britain
___Horoscope for Afghanistan under Taliban
The Last Leo Full Moon, Jupiter in Aquarius
The second “blue” moon of Leo on Aug.22 saw Jupiter in Aquarius conjunct the moon, opposite the Sun – Jupiter and the Sun, the two rulers of the second ray of love-wisdom and the heart centre. Jupiter’s presence there will considerably magnify the potency of this already powerful “Sirian full moon” – with the Sun conjunct Regulus, a star known as the “heart of the lion” and distributor for the “triple forces” of Sirius.
Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius and rules the second ray of Love-Wisdom, the ray that is the “foundation” of our entire solar system – to which Sirius is the “higher self”. Jupiter is truly the essence of the Aquarian Water-Bearer, who “pours forth for those who thirst” – from the urn placed upon the shoulder, emulating Atlas who holds the world upon his shoulders.
The urn contains the waters, or electrical “plasma” of Love-Wisdom – that are distributed freely to all of Humanity – whose goal is essentially learning how to love, “a truth that, behind all outer seeming, the motivating power of the universe is love.”
Truth and Glamour
Jupiter, through its rulership to Sagittarius, is about finding this truth, wrestling from the Mind of the Divine the timeless verities, the perennial philosophies that endure through the ages. This is a particularly important theme in this current age of untruth, lies and propaganda: My truth versus your truth. My truth is truer than your “truth”. Your truth is my lie. Discerning the Truth for aspirants and disciples upon the Path constitutes testing for Initiation:
“Where the light of truth is called in, glamour automatically disappears, even if only for a temporary period. But, again, difficulty arises because few people care to face the actual truth, for it involves eventually the abandonment of the beloved glamour and the ability to recognise error and to admit mistakes, and this the false pride of the mind will not permit.”1
The Tibetan informs us that, “occult bodies and esoteric groups are at this time, the most glamoured of any of the world groups” ((The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.571.)) – through having read the Wisdom teachings, and who subsequently “think that they know”:
“The third danger against which the aspirant must guard himself is becoming obsessed by his own embodied ideas, be they temporarily right or basically wrong. Forget not that all right ideas are temporary in nature and must eventually take their place as partial rights and give place to the greater truth. The fact of the day is seen later as part of a greater fact.
A man can have grasped some of the lesser principles of the Ageless Wisdom so clearly and be so convinced of their correctness that the bigger whole is forgotten and he builds a thought-form about the partial truth which he has seen which can prove a limitation and keep him a prisoner and hold him back from progress.
He is so sure of his possession of truth that he can see the truth of no one else. He can be so convinced of the reality of His own embodied concept of what the truth may be that he forgets his own brain limitations and that the truth has come to him via his own soul and is consequently coloured by his ray, being subsequently built into form by his personal separative mind.
He lives but for that little truth; he can see no other; he forces his thought-form on other people; he becomes the obsessed fanatic and so mentally unbalanced, even if the world regards him as sane.”2
Notwithstanding these potential pitfalls, this second Leo “blue moon” period on Aug.22 offers an extraordinary opportunity for Humanity as a whole to grasp some essential truths that will so brightly illuminate its Path, that a planetary revolution in consciousness is inevitable. Truth is intimately related to Beauty – one reveals the other! The poet Robert Browning, who was rumoured to be an incarnation of one of the English Masters, wrote:
“Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise
From outward things, whate’er you may believe.
There is an inmost centre in us all
Where truth abides in fullness; and around
Wall upon wall, the gross flesh hems it in.
. . . And, to know
Rather consists in opening out a way
Whence the imprisoned splendour may escape
Than in effecting entry for a light
Supposed to be without.”
Virgo New Moon Sept 7
New moons are deeply occult periods given the fact that the moon is hidden or “occulted”. The period just before the new moon – the dark moon or balsamic phase, is when there is no visible moon, leading up to the astronomical new moon. The first sliver of the new moon that appears in the sky, is around two days after the exact new moon time.
Virgo is a sign related to The Mysteries, plumbing the depths of what is hidden within the womb of time. The Virgo archetype embodied in the asteroid Ceres-Demeter, rules over this realm – concerning mental development, knowledge and wisdom. In the spirit of Ceres (cereal), seeds sown at the new moon bear fruit at the full moon two weeks later. Seed ideas in this case, befitting mentally discriminating Virgo.
Hence, a new moon in Virgo is a deeply esoteric opportunity. This is likely the reason why the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah – is celebrated at this time. The Jewish people have a Virgo soul and it is their traditional anniversary to celebrate the creation of Adam and Eve – as told in Genesis.
Eve is part of the Virgoan “triple goddess” – Eve, Isis and Mary. Esoterically, we are told that Eve gives birth to Humanity upon the mental plane. The whole story of the Garden of Eden is an allegory for Individualisation in ancient Lemurian times when the “spark of mind” was imparted and the evolution of consciousness began. (This is explored in the author’s book: Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles, companion to the video documentary, The Hidden History of Humanity.)
Greece is also a Virgo soul ((Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.67.)) and their ancient festival of Demeter in the month of Boedromion (September), became known as the Eleusinian Mysteries. Candidates for initiation were led through dark underground caves (Virgo), in their quest for the light of knowledge and wisdom.
Later, there is an encounter at the river Alpheus, a potent symbol of polar opposite sign Pisces (and Pluto its esoteric ruler) – as this river flows underground in parts. Demeter finds the girdle of Persephone and is told a story wherein is glimpsed Persephone on her throne with Pluto. This is most symbolic of the union of Virgo-Pisces, the soul’s work of the resolution of the pairs of opposites.
Brazil is a Virgo personality and this new moon falls precisely upon their birthday on September 7. Street marches by millions were planned to protest against the ruling judiciary who constitute a dictatorship in that country. This new moon is in exact trine to Uranus, planet of revolution and reform – it bodes well for some fundamental changes in that nation. On this same date, the Taliban announced their new government in Afghanistan – see further in the newsletter for the astrological analysis.
The Essence of Virgo
The Virgo full moon festival falls on Sept.21, just two days before the Libra equinox on Sept.23, so these few days will be very powerful. The zodiac signs are almost infinite in their expression – as great Lives that have their own evolution, but intimately involved with human evolution; they have various levels of influence, depending upon the level of developed human response to them.
Hence, at a basic level ruled by Mercury – Virgo is a sign related to physical health, ruling the lower intestines, a discriminating and analytical mind, is precise and meticulous, often a perfectionist. Virgo the Virgin is known for its moral purity, is a nurturer, mother and healer – but can be obsessed with hygiene – a hypochondriac.
Purity may become puritanical in the instance of Gemini crusader Mary Whitehouse (Virgo moon). Virgo is prudent and work/service oriented – fastidious and dependable. Conversely, Virgo can be caught up in the lower mind, prone to nit-picking and fault-finding. Criticism by the separative mind can be Virgo’s worst trait.
As a perfectionist, Virgo often has difficulty finding a partner due to being too demanding or fussy. Virgo’s sensitivity to grossness in the environment, with people – often makes them reclusive, not unlike Cancer, another sensitive sign ruled by the Moon.
Virgo is the triple goddess – Eve, Isis and Mary that represent the three-fold healing and integration that takes place upon the mental, astral and physical planes – respectively. Virgo is one of the most important feminine symbols – like Kwan Yin, the Mother of the World, the goddess Hygieia or any of the other asteroid goddesses such as Ceres-Demeter and Pallas-Athena.
With the “feminine” moon as esoteric ruler, Virgo is nature itself – the deva kingdom which builds all the forms in nature. Humanity is occultly regarded as “masculine” and herein lies the mystery of the Mystic Marriage that will take place between these kingdoms – a long way in the future!
Virgo is the Virgin Mother who nurtures and protects the Christ child – the soul, that is gestating in the womb of time. The second ray of Love-Wisdom finds its strongest expression through this sign and many spiritual leaders such as Jesus, Krishna and Buddha were divinely conceived – of the “immaculate virgin”.
Virgo is the richly expressive writer who clothes ideas in beautiful language or poetry; the fine artist with a meticulous and refined attention to subtle detail and nuance; the seamstress or dressmaker who works with fabrics, patterns, texture and colour. In these examples, the moon as esoteric ruler veils Vulcan, the Smithy hammering at his forge, creating art and beauty.
Eucalyptus “Radioactive” Healing Oil
During the interlude of Virgo, the study of natural herbs and essential oils might be particularly appropriate. Driving through Spain or Portugal it often feels like being in Australia, given the vast forests of eucalyptus that have been introduced, mainly for commercial harvesting.
But in the beautiful parks and gardens of some Spanish cities are species of eucalyptus such as the magnificent Eucalyptus Globulus or southern blue gum. The tree to the right is over 170 years old, grown from seeds bought back by a Spanish expat priest from Australia – in 1853.
The uses of eucalytpus are many – an industrial solvent, paper making, building timber, antiseptic, deodorant, insect and rat repellent, used in foods, decongestants, toothpaste etc. Eucalyptus essential oil is well know for its healing properties – an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-virucidal, antiseptic, pain-reliever, fights bacterial, viral and fungal infections and headaches, clears respiratory tract and lungs, boosts mental clarity. Some researchers and healers claim that eucalyptus oil also kills coronavirus. Eucalyptus is also “occultly regarded as “radioactive”:
“In studying the subject of radiatory activity, we are dealing with the effect produced by the inner essence as it makes its presence felt through the form, when the form has been brought to a stage of such refinement that it becomes possible.
When this realisation is applied to all the forms in all the kingdoms, it will be found possible to bridge the gaps existing between the different forms of life, and the “elements” in every kingdom, and those unifying radiating centres will be found. The word “element” is yet confined to the basic substances in what is called essential matter, and the chemist and physicist are busy with such lives; but their correspondence (in the occult sense of the term) is to be found in every kingdom in nature, and there are forms of life in the vegetable kingdom which are occultly regarded as “radioactive,” the eucalyptus tree being one such form. There are forms of animal life equally at an analogous stage and the human unit (as it approaches “liberation”) demonstrates a similar phenomenon.”3
Virgo and the Plant Kingdom (Devas)
The vegetable kingdom has achieved a relative perfection:
“In the basic colour, green, we have the indication of the potency of Saturn. Esoterically speaking, the vegetable kingdom is upon an advanced stage of the path of discipleship, and hence Saturn and Mars are active. The influence of the latter planet is to be seen in the prevalence of the colours red, rose, yellow and orange in the flowers at this time.”4
This passage recalls the image of the “the virgin swathed in green” – as it does the middle decanate of Virgo ruled by Saturn. Saturn is also the ruler of the third ray of active-intelligence whose colour is green. Mars and Saturn are associated with the third and fourth initiations respectively5 – the former regarded as the first solar initiation, the latter as liberation from the human kindgom by the perfected “Arhat”.
The radioactivity of the collective eucalyptus (now in many other countries), indicates that this species is at the point analagous to liberation of the human unit. There are other forms of life that demonstrate this radiation – from the highly evolved domestic animals, roses and many flowers, to the precious metals and crystals of the earth.
In the mineral kingdom these life forms express radioactivity; in the vegetable kingdom as emanatory perfumes and in the animal kingdom as intelligence and devotion, the first stages of developing love. Another mineral in Australia that could be regarded as “occultly radioactive” is the physically radioactive uranium, the largest deposits of which lay in this land.
Given that all kingdoms are related to each other and that there is really no separation in the One Life, there may well be a specific and unique potency that these radioactive influences offer the inhabitants. This may apply to other eucalyptus-afforested countries and yet there may be something more specific in the nation indigenous to the eucalypt.
When considering the human kingdom and part of the world occupied by Australia and its many hundreds of ethnic minorities – these radioactive forces may well assist synthesis – through uniting and energising all participatory human groups.
Likewise, it might also accelerate spiritual growth through the sheer physicality of these forces and their purificatory and cleansing effect upon the etheric-physical body. Added to which, large doses of sunshine energise and vitalise, creating a powerful etheric constitution – that not only provides good physical health, but a powerful vehicle or interface for the expression of soul purpose.
Likewise, the effect upon the collective astral body would be potent. The kingdoms are analagous to the three lower personality vehicles: Mineral Kingdom – physical. Vegetable Kingdom – astral. Animal Kingdom – lower mental.
The calming, pacifying and healing effect of the great forests and gardens of the world are well known. The perfection achieved in the vegetable kingdom imparts its ordered beauty, harmony and perfume to humans. There are now many healing flower essences in dozens of indigenous remedies, from Bach to Western Australian wildflowers to Himalayan and Californian – many are predominantly used for the emotional state, the astral body. (See the author’s recent article on essential oils here. Quotes from the Agni Yoga books on herbs and oils here.)
The vegetable kingdom has a most esoteric relationship to the deva kingdom, as does Virgo, the Mother and builder of all forms in nature, to which the millions of lesser builders or elementals contribute, guided by the greater builders, who hold the blueprint of every individual seed species.
The love principle of Virgo, via the astral body – is also a point of least resistance and so likewise for the vegetable and deva evolutions. Traditional flowers and perfume are given as symbols of love – the devas nurture and heal:
“In the case of the devas, love is the fulfilling of the law without pain or sorrow. It is for them the line of least resistance, for they are the mother aspect, the feminine side of manifestation, and the easy path for them is to give, to nourish, and to tend. Therefore, the devas of the waters pour themselves out in service to the vegetable and animal kingdoms.”6
J.R.R. Tolkien: Virgo Rising Creator of Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien was discussed in a 2012 newsletter – from the perspective of Leo rising. The author has since revised this estimation to Virgo rising, because Tolkien was a writer and meticulous scholar – as well as other factors.
Tolkien was a professor of English at Oxford University with Sun and Mercury in Capricorn and wrote upon many themes of mystery and magic. Another factor that is most important in the changing of his rising sign from Leo to the following sign of Virgo, is the movement of the moon from late Aquarius into early Pisces.
A Pisces moon for Tolkien is a good complement to his earthy Capricorn. With Moon in Pisces square to Neptune, lord of Pisces and the oceans – here is his mystical imagination and impressionability at work, far more than an Aquarian moon would express.

Some minor detail for Virgo nerds! “Tolkien’s favourite typewriter was an expensive American Hammond Varitype, made in 1927 …” More here …
This classical “mystic” pattern describes Tolkien’s artistic sensitivity and along with Neptune’s conjunction to Pluto, has great penetrating power to probe the unconscious and hidden realms. In esoteric astrology the moon “veils” a hidden planet, “according to the intuition of the astrologer”. The moon is the esoteric ruler of Virgo and here may veil Neptune, not only because it is the ruler of Pisces but squares Neptune as well. Vulcan is another possibility for the veiled planet – hammering upon those typewriter keys! – – –
“I usually type, since my ‘hand’ tends to start fair and rapidly fall away into picturesque inscrutability. Also I like typewriters; and my dream is of suddenly finding myself rich enough to have an electric typewriter built to my specifications, to type the Fëanorian script … I typed out The Hobbit – and the whole of The Lord of the Rings twice (and several sections many times) on my bed in an attic of Manor Road.”7
Considering a Leo to Virgo rising shift, the moon moves out of Aquarius into the first degree of Pisces, whilst the rising sign moves to late Virgo rising – hence, two things at once: 1. Giving Virgo rising – the writer. 2. Giving a Pisces moon – fantasy, imagination and dreaming. The time of birth generated for this Virgo rising/Pisces moon chart is 22.59 or 11 pm.
On the Astrodatabank website, one of the best sources of good data, there are three quotes that cover this time:
“Penfield Collection quotes H. Carpenter “Tolkien” which quotes a letter by his father on p.12, “We … fetched the doctor about eight and then he stayed till 12:40 [AM] when we drank a whiskey.” Ruth Dewey rectified to 10:50 PM LMT. Paul F. Newman quotes “The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien,” edited by Humphrey Carpenter, London: HarperCollins 1955 p.183; rectified to 11:08 PM LMT, The Mountain Astrologer Feb/Mar 2002.”8
It appears therefore, that the latter time of 11.08 PM is the only one that has the moon in Pisces and, still retains Virgo rising (only just!) – which concurs with the author’s reckoning.
In the most commonly used chart that astrologers have used with Leo rising, Neptune is the esoteric ruler of that sign, hence the original attraction to it. But since discovering the doubts around Tolkien’s birth data, the author was intuitively drawn to Virgo. In the original essay, it was noted that Tolkien shared this Leo quality with Leo Sun – J.K. Rowling, creator of the Harry Potter books – produced as movies at the same time as the Lord of the Rings movies. Both stories involve much mystery and magic, as well as events that occurred in Earth’s ancient past. Yet, in this revised horoscope appraisal, it must be noted that there is even greater synastry between Tolkien’s Virgo rising and Rowling’s Virgo stellium. (See J.K. Rowling’s Virgoan Writing Skills)
Virgo rising ruler Mercury, makes a very close sextile aspect to Tolkien’s Moon, effortlessly bringing the imagination of Pisces into a suitable form – created by Mercury’s position in earthy Capricorn. Mercury rules communication – languages and their etymologies were one of Tolkien’s favorite areas of study, in fact he invented a few:
“The most developed of these are Quenya and Sindarin, the etymological connection between which formed the core of much of Tolkien’s legendarium. Language and grammar for Tolkien was a matter of aesthetics and euphony, and Quenya in particular was designed from “phonaesthetic” considerations; it was intended as an “Elven-latin”, and was phonologically based on Latin, with ingredients from Finnish, Welsh, English, and Greek.”9
Mercury is also in a very tight square to Saturn in Libra, giving Tolkien the mental tension, aesthetics and sense of balance to polish and manifest his creation. Mercury in Capricorn also invokes the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic that passes through this sign; this ray is omnipresent throughout Tolkien’s writings and may be present in his ray structure somewhere. The fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict is also most likely present in Tolkien – it is the ray of the story-teller and is co-ruled by the aforementioned planets Mercury and the Moon (veiling a planet).
A Water Grand Trine: Tolkien’s Psychism
Moon in Pisces square Neptune in Gemini was not the only “psychic sensitivity” Tolkien possessed. Perhaps Tolkien was an “unconscious psychic” – as he had a water grand trine between Jupiter in Pisces, Mars in Scorpio and the Earth in Cancer!
Water grand trines are relatively rare and have a great capacity to delve into the past and the future. A good example of a water grand trine is Michel Nostradamus, the French physician and healer – that afforded him spectacular visions of the future through his famous quatrains. (Nostradamus also had Sun and Mercury in Capricorn.) Through this latent or unconscious psychism, Tolkien tapped into Humanity’s racial memory when telling his story:
“Surviving the horrors of the Somme as a second lieutenant in the Lancashire Fusiliers , when his battalion was almost completely wiped out, Tolkien began writing to help his recovery from trench fever. His first work, The Book of Lost Tales, was a collection of short stories, where he developed the ideas for his later work, with the subtitle, ‘The History of Middle Earth’.””10
Tolkien may have even been an unconscious medium, or even impressed by a Master from the inner planes. (Perhaps he had some contact with one of the two English Masters.) The Lord of the Rings is an Atlantean tale, descriptive of its war (immortalised in the Hindu epic, The Mahabharata) – replete with sorcerers, exotic monsters, dwarves, trolls and orcs, goblins, the faery folk elves (the daeva kingdom), ghosts and ring-wraiths, black and white magic – Gandalf and Saruman.
The Influence of the Mystery Teachings
Tolkien was a member of a group of close friends called The Inklings, composed of his close friend C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams and Owen Barfield. Lewis was the creator of the famous The Chronicles of Narnia. The former three were writers of fantasy, theology and philosophy.
Barfield had a strong esoteric influence on all three writers as he explored the ideas of philosophy, reincarnation, the evolution of consciousness, theosophy and anthroposophy. Tolkien was also a devout Catholic (at least outwardly) and one Christian academic comments:
“Tolkien was caught on the cusp that joins two worlds: the traditional Christian world of angels and demons and dream-visions wherein the natural and the supernatural were inextricably interwoven, and the modern world where space and time have been radically relativized by scientific discovery, psychological exploration, and imaginative invention …
What comes as a genuine shock is the news that Tolkien’s mind and work were marked by the fictional dream-journeys of George Du Maurier, by the psychic experiences of Charlotte Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain [psychics], by the time-travel fantasies of H. G. Wells, and especially by the notion of J. W. Dunne that all temporal events are simultaneous. Dunne held that time is no less constant than space, and that by certain habits of mind we can move backward and forward over time as we traverse space, even experiencing events that have not yet happened…
Yeats and Steiner, Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, Madame Blavatsky and Annie Besant, the theosophists and anthroposophists and seancers all practiced a gnostic neo-Platonism which sought to overcome the mortal limits of time-bound flesh by human imagination alone. ….”11
It is no surprise to read these descriptions, with Tolkien’s Moon trine Uranus, indicating that hehad probably “brought in” esoteric knowledge from other incarnations and was comfortable with those kinds of ideas. Uranus as ruler of the seventh ray, exalted in Scorpio, would certainly amplify the seventh ray if it was in Tolkien’s ray make-up. Moon-Uranus is another highly creative aspect in his horoscope that brings order to his impressionable Neptunian side.
Tolkien’s characters draw deeply upon the esoteric. Gandalf is a magician (7th ray) who is neither human nor hobbit – he is one of the Masters who guide “Hobbit Humanity”, who set forth from their small world on their spiritual quest with the Ring. Gandalf’s dark adversary is Saruman, a name that is virtually an anagram of the infamous Atlantean sorcerer – Asuramaya. Tolkien said of Gandalf,
“I would venture to say that he was an incarnate “angel”…. with the other Istari, wizards, “those who know”, an emissary from the Lords of the West, sent to Middle-earth as the great crisis of Sauron loomed on the horizon. By “incarnate” I meant they were embodied in physical bodies capable of pain and weariness … Why they should take such a form is bound up with the “mythology” of the “angelic” Powers of the world of this fable.
At this point in the fabulous history the purpose was precisely to limit and hinder their exhibition of “power” on the physical plane, so that they would do what they were primarily sent for: train, advise, instruct, arouse the hearts and minds of those threatened by Sauron … Gandalf really “died” and was changed … “I am Gandalf the White, who has returned from death.””12
This latter transformation from “Gandalf the Grey” to “Gandalf the White” may very well describe the transition from the 4th to 5th initiations – from Arhat to Master. “The Istari” are described:
“… an Elvish term denoting an order or brotherhood of wizards. Such wizards are Maiar spirits older than Middle Earth itself, who have been sent by the Valar, the oldest and greatest beings of all, out of the Undying Lands into the mortal world to guide the Free Peoples of Middle-Earth … They have come secretly … As one of the Istari, Gandalf is able to wield potent magic …”13
“Istari” has a very close connection to the word “Ishtar”, an ancient name for Venus in the Chaldean and Assyrian traditions. As stated earlier, Venus (hierarchical ruler of Capricorn) is the higher self to Earth. The “Great White Lodge” on Sirius works through Venus to the White Lodge on Earth. Hence Tolkien’s “Istari’s” are most certainly those emissaries.
Note some of the terms in the previous quoted passage. “Middle Earth” could certainly be construed as the “middle rootrace” of Atlantis, between the Lemurian and Aryan rootraces. Indeed, Tolkien’s tale, The Fall of Númenor, was inspired by the legend of Atlantis. “Maiar” is connected to “maya”, whilst “Valar”is “valour”. The “Undying Lands” can be interpreted as Shangri La or Shamballa. Gollum is of course symbolic of the Human Dweller,
“Gollum was once a hobbit who became corrupted by the One Ring. His life was extended far beyond its natural limits by the effects of possessing the Ring, which he frequently referred to as “my precious” and “my birthday present”. After having it stolen by Bilbo Baggins, Gollum slavishly pursued it for the rest of his life.
During his centuries under the Ring’s influence, Gollum came to love and hate the Ring, just as he loved and hated himself. Throughout the story, Gollum is seen communing with his ego, torn between his lust for the Ring and his desire to be free of it.”14
Gollum is a dark Capricorn archetype (one of the most material and spiritual signs), almost hopelessly unredeemed – not unlike the Capricornian Scrooge from Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol – obsessed with owning an object of beauty and power – “my precious!” The quest for the One Ring is the Capricornian battle between the forces of light and dark, symbolised by the Hobbits venturing into the Land of Mordor to confront the dark lord Saruman,
“Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.”
Tolkien created this wonderfully evocative painting and poem (see below), the latter about Venus, so prominent in the painting. Earendel is Venus Hesperus the evening star that, “from the door of night as a ray of light, leapt over the twilight brim …”.
He sped from Westerland.”
Lord of the Rings Correspondence with WWII
As touched upon earlier, Tolkien began writing in his 20’s when recovering from the stress of his service in WWI. Today, people still do not understand the unimaginable horrors soldiers endured at the front – Lest We Forget! Both WWI & II are occultly regarded as one war.
Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings between 1937 and 1949, during the dark period of World War II, esoterically regarded as a recapitulation of the ancient Atlantean conflict described earlier. This was no doubt a catalyst for Tolkien that enabled him to pick up the thread from his writings in WWI, giving him mystical access to the past history of humanity. The timing of the correspondences between WWII and the Atlantean conflict are amazing.
At the outbreak of the war in 1939, transiting Jupiter and the progressed Sun simultaneously entered Pisces, directly conjoining Tolkien’s Moon in Pisces, triggering his natal Moon square Neptune aspect – drawing Tolkien deeper into his imagination and perhaps some (albeit unconscious) “psychic downloads” or the reception of “telepathic impressions”.
From April 1938 to April 1939, transiting Uranus in Taurus opposed Mars in Scorpio, part of Tolkien’s water grand trine, creating a dynamic “kite” formation. It might be speculated – that it was here that Tolkien’s seership was awakened, tapping into memories of the past Atlantean war, during its recapitulation during WWII.
The Lord of the Rings Today
As proposed in other missives, it is the author’s contention that the world has entered the third and final phase of the world wars, occultly regarded as one war – that is having a purging and purifying effect at the end of the Piscean Age, before the Aquarian Age commences.
We have been informed that the “sealing of the door where evil dwells” was effected in WWII, but since that time, within only a couple of decades, the materialistic forces managed to prise that door open again – gradually leading to the deteriorating situation of the past two decades. Perhaps the door was only partially sealed in the first place.
Now, before the imminent 2025 Centennial Conclave between the Masters of Wisdom (“The Istari”) – the Dark Forces are hurling their entire arsenal at Humanity, in a desperate bid to delay the Externalisation of the Hierarchy – an historic event, given Their withdrawal from Humanity after the ancient Atlantean war. This attack has taken place via the entire “Plannedemic” propaganda, that has truly induced a mass hypnosis around the planet, leading even advanced thinkers and disciples into the realm of maya, glamour and illusion.
Of course the author’s critics have pointed the finger, saying “that includes you” – yes, none of us are free from glamour or illusion! What appears to be lacking in the spiritual community is intuition – mainly it is speculated, because of polarisation in the concrete mind, blocking intuitive impression:
“When ideals and mental concepts and formulated thoughtforms dominate the mind of an individual, a race or humanity in general, to the exclusion of all perspective or vision and to the shutting out of the real, then they constitute an illusion for as long as they control the mind and method of life.
They prevent the free play of the intuition, with its real power to reveal the immediate future; they frequently exclude in their expression the basic principle of the solar system, Love, through the imposed control of some secondary and temporary principle; they can thus constitute a “forbidding dark cloud of rain” which serves to hide from view the “raincloud of knowable things” — that cloud of wisdom which hovers over the lower mental plane and which can be tapped and used by students and aspirants through the free play of the intuition.
Let us now consider the intuition, which is the opposite of illusion, remembering that illusion imprisons a man upon the mental plane and surrounds him entirely with man-made thoughtforms, barring out escape into the higher realms of awareness or into that loving service which must be given in the lower worlds of conscious, manifested effort.”15
The global Saruman has now reappeared, working through his various agencies of large corporations, influential billionaires, mass media and governments doing the bidding of WEF and WHO. Humanity have been caught like the proverbial “deer in the headlights”, dazzled and temporarily blinded by the “false light” of the astral plane – and, very vulnerable to the 40-ton monster truck bearing down upon it!
“I will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand.”
Until the “global Gandalf” or Istari reappear, it is up the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) to bridge the gap between Hierarchy and Humanity, to pave the way for a greater measure of the “real light” – of clarity and reason to pour down and awaken the greater majority.
Already there are many encouraging signs, but everyone must hold their perseverance and stand ever-vigilant. No one that is consciously engaged in this conflict can afford to let themselves become swamped, or dragged into the astral vortex/whirlpool – by emotional reactions to the many injustices and cruelties occurring, pressure from family and friends – or surely other horrors yet to unfold, designed to shock and terrorise.
There is no doubt that the world is truly in the thick of a great battle, in this final phase of the war. The Hierarchy are standing by, watching and waiting in their infinite compassion – testing Humanity and world disciples to stand up for themselves, reclaim their power, exercise discrimination, intuition – and cultivate courage.
Today the words from William Blake’s great hymn Jerusalem – ring louder than ever. Blake was an initiate, poet and artist – whose writings are deeply symbolic and esoteric. This poem about Britain can be easily adapted for the entire planet. “Jerusalem” means “abode of peace”, which can only be found within the recesses of every individual heart.
The “New Jerusalem” that will be established soon on planet Earth – is actually the Hierarchy, who embody the planetary heart centre and whose leader is the One who holds the Office of the Christ, the “world saviour”.16 Bear in mind also, that London is the planetary throat centre, a centre which Humanity as a whole embodies, hence decisions made in that nation profoundly affect the rest of the planet – for better or worse.
AND did those feet in ancient time
walk upon England’s mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
on England’s pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
among those dark satanic mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
till we have built Jerusalem
in England’s green and pleasant land.
The Virgo in Australia and New Zealand
These two nations were covered in another newsletter in 2020.
“The greatest social/legal/ethical dilemma for Australia (& the world) is now upon us. The divisions of our society into the vaccinated & the unvaccinated will test everything we understand & believe about human rights & dignity. Vaccipartheid – watch it unravel.” (Ronni Salt)
Both the author’s British-born grandfathers sailed out to Australia in the 1920’s – they fought and died in WWII, along with tens of thousands of other ANZAC’s (Australia New Zealand Army Corps) – contributing to the defence of the world from tyranny and fascism, retaining essential liberties that we have taken for granted. Now in 2021, those brave souls must be turning in their graves, watching both nations sucked into a great astral vortex created by fear, propaganda and intimidation – by government and world health groups.

Premier of Victoria – Dan Andrews, alleged Chinese puppet and example of tyrannical leadership. Moon in Taurus square Mercury-Mars in Leo, defines his attitude.
The fascism for which they nobly sacrificed their lives, has now returned into the world, working through many nations. No longer is the enemy clearly defined as one or two rogue nations that have declared war upon the rest of the world – it is diffused through all nations.
Astrologically, in Australia’s case, it is their Capricorn personality that has created the problem of a largely unquestioning obeyance to authority, rules and restrictions. Australia has a Virgo soul that connects with New Zealand’s Virgo personality.
Here we see the lower expression of Virgo at work in both these nations – an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) preoccupation with hygiene, germs, sterility, alignment with Big Pharma, fussiness, prone to panic about health etc.
Saturn is the ruler of the Australian Capricorn personality, rules the middle decanate of Virgo as well as the throat chakra – which this author has always assigned to Melbourne. (Sydney solar plexus/heart)17
It is in Melbourne where the worst early lockdowns were imposed, and where since, the dodgy association of the Victorian premier Dan Andrews, with the Chinese “Belt and Road” Project – was exposed.
The draconian (lower Saturn) malaise then spread to the rest of the nation – and “across the ditch” to New Zealand’s capital Auckland. New Zealand PM, Jacinda Adhern has a Capricorn moon – very close to Australia’s Capricorn sun, hence her decision to fall into lockstep with Australia -with a distinctly authoritarian and fearfully pedantic attitude.
Recently in Australia a new bill was passed in the parliament -“Identify and Disrupt” – giving Australian authorities access to any citizen’s social media or email accounts without consent, allowing them to add or delete information and send messages.18 This, like many other events – too numerous to mention, is unprecedented and illegal.
The Four Freedoms Revisited
In the past 20 months we have watched essential human liberties eroded away under the guise of pandemic (now officially downgraded to epidemic) – through illegal government decisions and laws that have ridden roughshod over the will of the people. Here is a reminder to review the diminishment of freedoms – as re-stated from other missives:
1. Freedom of Speech has been curtailed or banned around the world, whether it is participating in a peaceful street march, discussing/debating covid and vaccines – or being censored online by Facebook, YouTube, Google or Wikipedia.

As a joke, this might be funny, but it is actually a real situation, quite bizarre: “Priest Practices Social Distancing by Squirting Holy Water on Baby With Toy Gun During Baptism”.
2. Freedom of Worship Worship according to one’s faith has also been discouraged, minimised or banned. Baptisms raided, attendees slapped with on the spot fines. Weddings and funerals have had severe restrictions imposed – people are not able to express their joy or grief.
3. Freedom from Want Billions have suffered financially from the unnecessary Coronavirus restrictions – to the point where people are going hungry, using their last resources to buy food – whilst other are dying from starvation.
Others are dying because of not being able to undergo elective surgery (now the unvaccinated are being refused elective surgery), or being discouraged to come to hospitals for “fear of catching the virus.” The number of deaths from these conditions far exceed those from Covid-19.
4. Freedom from Fear Probably the most extreme transgression of the four fundamental freedoms in 2020-1. The world has witnessed the cultivation of fear by the WEF, WHO, media, governments and health “experts”. Governments around the world have taken advantage of the so-called pandemic, to introduce new laws that are heavy on surveillance and restrictions. The fear and paranoia generated has created chaos and confusion – and corresponding anger and resentment that must surely boil over very soon.
These trends have occurred all around the world but are especially prevalent in Australia, a nation that some say is being cultivated as a blueprint for other nations to follow. There is simply no good reason for Australia taking its disproportionate measures for cases reported. There is another agenda afoot, and this is not wild speculation or “paranoid conspiracy theory”.
Australia has one of the lowest death rates in the world – 949 deaths out of 38,168 cases = 0.0248 % in 18 months, or 37 deaths per million – mainly of people in the upper age group bracket with predisposing illnesses (average age is 85!) – like everywhere else in the world.
Or out of a population of 25,828,671 = 0.0036 %! And this demands some of the most insane, draconian lock-downs? Like many other nations who have been duped, Australians are using the notoriously unreliable PCR tests that are working on 40-45 cycle thresholds.
Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test and winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in chemistry – said, “The PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody … if you can amplify one single molecule up to something you can really measure, which is something you can do … So that could be thought of as a misuse of it.”19 Mullis, who was an dogged critic of Anthony Fauci for many years, died of pneumonia in Aug.2019, just a few months before Covid-19 became notorious.
Many Australians have been refused overseas travel: Record numbers of Australians are trying to escape the locked-down nation – with border force rejecting up to 15,000 applications a month. Almost 38,000 applications received to exit Australia’s closed borders in August 2021. Near 90% of applications to enter Australia on compassionate grounds refused. The government extended the outbound travel ban to at least December 17, 2021.
Aussies and Kiwis must stand up for themselves and think independently, apart from the courageous few that already have – who have risked arrest, jail and huge fines. The population has been conditioned to passively accept government dictates – with barely a whimper.
Thankfully, some legal efforts are in motion, with lawyers like Matthew Hopkins filing historic lawsuits in the New South Wales Supreme Court, arguing that recent compulsory vaccination edicts issued by state governments (“no jab, no job”) – are, “unconstitutional and not proportional to the threat posed by Covid-19”.
This latter phrase “not proportional” – is most important, given the earlier stated statistics. The fear and propaganda campaign has blown EVERYTHING out of PROPORTION! The following points apply to Australia and probably many other nations whose inhabitants are being brow-beaten into thinking that they are legally obliged, when in fact they are not:
“1. At law in Australia there is no lawful authority whatsoever to impose a vaccine mandate on the people collectively, or any human person individually – without a court order, after they have attended in court in person – and had a chance to defend themself and oppose any such order, which a judge can only lawfully approve if they are proven to be without legal capacity (that is mentally incompetent to be exercise legal capacity).
2. It is unlawful and impossible to mandate the vaccine upon anyone by any government agency, representative or individual, or by any employer or by any school.
3. State Governments carefully use words and misconstrue facts to make it sound like it’s mandatory – but it is not, and employers or school principals have no legal grounds to make it mandatory. They are trying to force everyone to voluntarily take the vaccine, the prime minister has even said, “its your choice” and their is no liability because you chose it.
4. Schools acted pre-emptively to send out letters implying, some even stating the vaccine was mandatory for children, when it is not; they are forcing children and parents to volunteer to take the jab. School principals seeking to impose vaccine mandates are guilty of crimes against humanity, the Australian Constitution, the Federal Crimes Act 1914, the Privacy Amendment Act 2020, the Bio-Security Act 2015 and the Nuremburg Code.
5. All restrictions, mask wearing, lockdowns, and vaccinations are unlawful and cannot be enacted. the only thing is threats and fines to trick you to comply. All fines are dissmissed when referred to the court’s. You do not have to do anything.”
There is also a large silent majority, somewhere between the two poles of mainstream narrative and pro personal choice – who have gone along with the insidious charade and whose silence is deafening. There is no time any longer to sit on the fence and procrastinate about this issue – as many people are doing – ducking for cover and hoping it will all blow away.
Decisions must be made, based upon true recognition of what is taking place – and that can be a painstaking process, yet decide they must – one way or the other to make a stand, assume a position – for themselves and their communities. Libra is a sign that governs this decision-making process, using the judicial mind in balancing the scales.
One can only appreciate the mind-numbing extent of attitudes by Australian leaders and health authorities when viewing some of the following videos – as well as the angry reaction of demonstrators from all around Australia. All of these government officials are very sincere in doing their job, though in the author’s opinion – sincerely deluded!
There is a distinct hard edge in many of these leaders, devoid of any compassion – who have become obsessed in running a distorted narrative. This is mass glamour of the worst kind, driven by fear, scientism and money. It might be reasonably argued, that this mass hypnosis has created a mass psychosis, that has led to psychic obsession of certain leaders and health authorities in Australia and other nations:
Dr. Joseph Mercola’s Statement
As the demonisation of the unvaccinated is now picking up pace, some sobering words from one of the “disinformation dozen” – Dr. Joseph Mercola, himself heavily criticised and marginalised by media and the medical establishment:
“Once a population has sufficiently lost touch with reality and embraced a “magical rationale” where irrationality is justified, they become capable of unthinkable horrors and abuses against people believed to be responsible for their ongoing anxiety. [Author: Australia is at this point now, with other nations not too far behind!] By convincing everyone that unvaccinated people are to blame for the never-ending pandemic, the pandemic industrial complex prevents the masses from identifying and turning on the real culprits — the string-pullers and beneficiaries of the psychological breakdown.
“It has happened many times in history: when human beings were used as slaves and property, when human beings were the subject of horrific experiments when the media and people in power deliberately manipulated human beings to believe that other humans weren’t like them, and therefore, it was permissible to mistreat or abuse them,” Luther writes.
“As the saying goes, those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And repeat it, they are. I think, regardless of our stance, we can all agree that fervently wishing for bad things to happen to those who believe differently and dehumanizing them for their beliefs is pretty awful. Don Lemon of CNN believes the unvaccinated should not be allowed to buy food or work. Does this mean he believes that they should starve to death? … CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner says that unvaccinated people shouldn’t go to bars and restaurants. A doctor pondered the ethics of whether he could refuse to see unvaccinated patients in The New York Times.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s Big Kahuna of COVID, blames those not vaccinated for a new spike in cases … Alabama Governor Kay Ivey wants everyone to blame the unvaccinated for any cases of COVID that happen to occur … That’ll really be helpful if someone unhinged loses a loved one to COVID and decides to seek vengeance on some ‘unvaccinated folk.’ After all, the governor said it was their fault. Speaking of which, Nick Cohen of The Guardian said that it was only a matter of time before ‘we turn on the unvaccinated.’”20
Prof. Peter McCullough
Following are some points by pragmatic Capricorn and eminent US cardiologist, Professor Peter McCullough, who has prepared what he calls “five key messages of scientific truth”. On the Wikipedia link above, McCullough is labelled (or damned) as giving “Covid-19 misinformation”. Never mind his outstanding credentials and many decades in his profession! He states:
1. The virus is not spread asymptomatically. That is, only sick people give it to other people.
2. We should stop testing symptomless people. That just generates false positives – creating extra ‘cases’ and extra concerns. ‘There shouldn’t be a single person on Earth that should undergo an asymptomatic test or a test done on a routine basis. For any reason. People ought to just walk past these testing stations. They have absolutely no standing whatsoever.’
3. Natural immunity is robust, complete, and durable. It cannot be improved by vaccination, or any other method. A person who has developed immunity after exposure to the virus is at minimal risk of becoming seriously ill again from Covid. Where apparent cases of that kind have been reported, a misinterpretation in the test procedure has been responsible.
Even with loosely defined cases, 11 studies involving 650,000 individuals showed a long-term recurrence rate of only 0.2 per cent. ‘Someone who is naturally immune can walk up to someone who has Covid-19, get a big cough in the face, and they are not going to get the illness.’
4. Covid-19, no matter what the variant, is easily treatable at home with simple, available drugs. About 88 per cent of hospitalisation and death is avoidable with early treatment. ‘The only way people end up in hospital and have a miserable time is when they receive no treatment.’
It’s easy to treat the illness early on, when the symptoms are mild. It has three major components: Viral replication, inflammation, and thrombosis – blood clots. Once these develop, they lower oxygen levels in the lungs and are hard to reverse.
5. The current Covid vaccines – AstraZeneca, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, and Moderna – are obsolete. ‘They do not cover the new variants. Patients are being hospitalised and getting sick, despite having the vaccines.’ And because of the record levels of deaths and injuries reported after the jabs, they should be considered ‘unsafe and unfit for human use.’”21
VIDEO: Attention NZ! Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID-19, Lockdowns & The Dangerous Jab That’s Driving Delta
Countering the Masking-Up Argument
There are many posts on social media listing the pros and cons of mask-wearing. The following points are listed by the poster (anonymous) in blue font, with the author’s responses in black font – below each point. The poster is typical of many people who have taken the mainstream narrative literally – and who sincerely believe that the measures they are taking are responsible and for the benefit of all.
Dear Friends – I have been wearing a mask since we were first asked to do so. I’m not sure why being considerate to others for the common good is now being mocked by some who are calling it “living in fear”. We all make choices, this is what happens in a free society. When I wear a mask over my nose and mouth in public and in the stores/supermarkets/pharmacies etc – I want people to know the following: I’m educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.
Not quite educated enough. You are only working within the paradigm of what you have been told by media companies, controlled by Big Pharma and groups like WHO and WEF. You do not appear to have done any research outside that paradigm. As Professor Peter McCullough has stated above and who has recently testified to senate committees, says the virus is not spread asymptomatically. That is, only sick people give it to other people. Pfizer’s former Vice President Dr. Mike Yeadon and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory for 32 years has said:
“It’s a fallacy this idea of asymptomatic transmission and that you don’t have symptoms, but you are a source of a virus. That lockdowns work, that masks have a protective value obviously for you or someone else, and that variants are scary things and we even need to close international borders in case some of these nasty foreign variants get in.”22
I don’t “live in fear” of the virus; I just want to be part of the solution, not the problem.
Great motive, but a failure to see the bigger picture here. Wearing the mask is complying with the lies that have been told and ignoring studies by surgeons and many health professionals, that masks are a waste of time. Fauci himself flip flopped on this several times. “47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects”23
I don’t feel like the “government controls me”. I think that I’m an adult contributing to the security of our society and I want others to do the same.
This is a well-meaning but very naïve statement that does not recognise how controlling many governments are – dictated to by Big Media and Pharma, WHO etc.
If we could all live with the consideration of others in mind, the whole world would be a much better place.

Funny how the mask will “protect” from Covid, but the virus is absent when the mask is (legally) taken off for smoking or eating in a restaurant?
The author’s consideration for others – is alerting them to the fact that they have been conned by propaganda, duped into believing that mask wearing and social distancing is essential.
Wearing a mask doesn’t make me weak, scared, stupid or even “controlled”. Its about being caring and responsible.
Again, noble sentiments but masks do make you stupid – through oxygen deprivation – and actually putting one on, when massive evidence states the contrary!

1950’s propaganda – via utilisation of “medical authority” – the “mass glamour of authority” under which the world still labours today – same ruse, more sophisticated methods. Instead of Big Tobacco, now Big Pharma.
When you think about your appearance, discomfort, or other people’s opinion of you, imagine a loved one – a child, father, mother, grandparent, aunt, uncle or even a stranger – placed on a ventilator, alone without you or any family member allowed at their bedside…..Ask yourself if you could have helped them a little by wearing a mask.
Sounds like a very sentimental response and again, ignoring the fact that ventilators have been proven to exacerbate the problem – as many health professionals have stated. Dozens of reports like this, should you take the time to do your due diligence: “Are doctors HARMING coronavirus patients by putting them on ventilators too early?”
I am inviting you all to copy this and post it on your wall if you agree with this message. For the sake of our health care workers, emergency paramedics, police and all those working so hard to fight this virus, please get on board with thinking of others as well as yourself. Mass gatherings and protests are not going to help our community life or economy recover more quickly!
This kind of thinking is almost beyond reach, because it indicates an wholesale acceptance of the mainstream narrative, with little or no effort to look beyond into other news sources. You have allowed yourself to become passively brainwashed.
The people who are making mass protests include countless health professionals, doctors and scientists from around the world who have condemned coronavirus lockdowns and treatment methods, but who have been marginalised by a heavily controlled mass media – which appears to be your only news source.

“World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization, former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne – yesterday said that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness. Perronne specializes in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases. He was Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Communicable Diseases of the High Council of Public Health.
Confirming the rapidly deteriorating situation in Israel and the UK, the infectious disease expert stated: “Vaccinated people should be put in quarantine, and should be isolated from the society.” He went on to say: “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others. It’s proven in Israel now – I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel – they’re having big problems, severe cases in the hospitals are among vaccinated people, and in UK also, you have the larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”
Geert Vanden Bossche
(DMV, PhD, independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.)
“Mass vaccination in the middle of a pandemic is prone to promoting selection and adaptation of immune escape variants that are featured by increasing infectiousness and resistance to spike protein (S)-directed antibodies (Abs), thereby diminishing protection in vaccinees and threatening the unvaccinated.” (
Breaking the Global Cabals
(See also Propaganda and the Esoteric Community: Mass Hypnosis in 2021.)
One often hears talk of the shadowy cabals and cartels that run the world, servants of the Forces of Materialism upon this planet. Frequently, metaphysical students dismiss out-of-hand the existence of these groups – labelling them as “conspiracy theory” – ignoring the fact that The Master who wrote our “precious” books, had the following words to say (oft-repeated by this author) – shortly after WWII:
“… the reactionary groups in every country will neither recognise the need for, nor desire this new world order which the liberation of cosmic energy (even on this initial tiny scale) can make possible; the vested interests, the big cartels, trusts and monopolies that controlled the past few decades, preceding this world war, will mobilise their resources and fight to the death to prevent the extinction of their sources of income; they will not permit, if they can help it, the passing of the control of this illimitable power into the hands of the masses, to whom it rightly belongs. The selfish interests among the big stockholders, the banking firms and the wealthy organised churches will oppose all change, except in so far as it will benefit them and bring more financial gain to their coffers.”25
Note the phrase “new world order”, which is repeated many times in the books of Alice A. Bailey – in her work as an amanuensis for The Tibetan or Master Djwhal Khul. This phrase that has been hijacked by the opponents of the spiritual “new world order” – and appropriated for their own dark stratagems.
Hence, one will often see online that Bailey is ignorantly associated with those shadowy groups, when in fact the opposite is true. The following is another passage that the author repeats (unapologetically!) – in order to illustrate the broader background behind the world’s current crisis:
“The responsibility for the widespread misery to be found today in every country in the world lies predominantly at the door of certain major interrelated groups of business-men, bankers, executives of international cartels, monopolies, trusts and organizations and directors of huge corporations who work for corporate or personal gain.
They are not interested in benefiting the public except in so far that the public demand for better living conditions will enable them—under the Law of Supply and Demand—to provide the goods, the transportation, light and power which will in the long run bring in heavier financial returns. Exploitation of man-power, the manipulation of the major planetary resources and the promotion of war for private or business profit are characteristic of their methods.”26
This problem has been increasing for the past two centuries and has reached a stage of refinement and perfection (almost), in what the world is witnessing today – “international cartels, monopolies, trusts and organizations and directors of huge corporations” – a very large shadow looming over Humanity. To put familiar faces to these groups is to drop names like Google and Facebook, Big Pharma, Tech and Media, Microsoft, Apple and Amazon, the military industrial complex, world banks like the IMF, the WEF, WHO, the corrupted United Nations and thousands of corporations you have never heard of!
The author restates these facts regularly, because repetition in the study of occultism is often required. The great irony for those who have been students and disseminators of the Wisdom for decades, is that their depth of penetration into The Mysteries is not matched by their knowledge of what goes on behind the scenes in the outer world – the world of maya, those other “darker” mysteries.
Due to the internet revolution in the past few decades, much more information has become available to millions – that includes the detailed workings of these large groups, cartels, corporations and the various individuals that are connected to them.
Most of the information is out there in the public domain and many scholars from diverse backgrounds have connected the dots in ways that has complimented each others’ work and produced thousands of books. But if the esoteric student has not read any of that material, how would they know otherwise by watching consensus media like CNN?
Just as there is a Planetary Plan held in focus by the Lord of the World – working through the Great White Brotherhood and their various ashrams of aspirants, disciples and initiates – so there is another group that serves the Dark Forces. This group is most likely greater numerically – because of Humanity’s current stage of evolution.
The majority of this group is not consciously “evil” – they are advanced mentally but many of them lack the development of love-wisdom and compassion – bright minds, ignorant hearts; their evolution has been along the will/mind line – that one sees typically in 3rd and 5th ray types (active-intelligence and science).
Many of them are prone to the ancient habit of greed, and a spiritual materialism that negates the fact of reincarnation and thousands of successive experiences over many lives.
Hence, the simple philosophy is – there is only one life, so garner the riches of the earth, live comfortably and damn the rest of Humanity! Its interesting to note that many of the super-intelligent people of Silicon Valley, because of their spiritual ignorance, are heavily into life-extension techniques and cryogenically preserving their bodies – this is the ultimate in materialism.
What one has not investigated or is uniformed about, does not in a sense exist; it only comes into awareness when penetration into the subject is initiated. But that cannot happen if the obscure unknown is dismissed outright as “conspiracy theory”; or simply ignored as if it does not exist – based upon one’s belief, not knowing or having truly investigated; or relying on someone else’s respected viewpoint. This idea can be applied to the materialist exploring spirituality, or the esotericist exploring the selfish forces that are attempting to control the world.
Would the truly earnest student of occultism dismiss the One Ineffable Cause or One About Whom Naught May Be Said – as simply beyond cognition and understanding? Of course not, these arcane subjects require the gathering of knowledge, its synthesis and reflection, penetrating into the subject through the evoked intuition. Likewise, one must apply the same approach to the hidden and manipulative human initiatives that work behind the scenes of the outer world.
Belief is in many ways an emotional perception, that takes something to be true, even if one is not sure whether it might be false. Here the intuition, imperfect as it is in most people, comes into play and contributes to belief – for better or worse.
Knowing or knowledge is based more upon concrete facts, yet one can have faulty or inaccurate knowledge that can lead to distorted beliefs – here is the conundrum! This whole realm concerns kama-manas or desire mind – composed of the forces of the higher subplanes of the astral, united with the subplanes of the lower mental; glamour and illusion are associated with these planes respectively.
When science is mixed with belief, there is produced scientific fundamentalism or scientism – much of which is heavily used in today’s “plannedemic” – prostituting real science for money, control – and an even deeper slavery to which Humanity has been accustomed.

See author’s profile, Aldous Huxley: Gemini Rising Prophet.
There is no mistaking, because of the manipulation of these cabals, cartels and corporate tools of the Dark Forces – this plannedemic was never about the virus. The virus is man-made and real, but a smokescreen for implementing an dystopian control of every aspect of our lives – digital passports, transhumanism, eugenics, electronic surveillance, a cashless society, a social credit system etc. Two years ago all these themes were dismissed as conspiracy theory, now many of them are manifesting openly.
Much of what has transpired is straight from the pages of those two prophetic books – George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s A Brave New World. This has been covered in detail in previous newsletters such as Rockefeller, WHO, Gates, WEF. If readers have not woken up to these hard facts by now, then they have surrendered without a fight to the propaganda that has been bombarding the world for almost two years.
“Even the evil forces which still remain active hide their greedy purposes behind a spurious desire for world unity, world harmony and right human relations.”27
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Afghanistan and 9/11 Come Full Circle
Afghanistan is a landlocked country at the crossroads of Central and South Asia, bordered by Pakistan to the east and south, Iran to the west, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to the north, and Tajikistan and China to the northeast. It appears that in the mists of history, an explorer called Stan discovered and named all these places after himself!
Afghanistan is a very ancient region that compares to Egypt in terms of its historical value and archaeological sites. This is partly due to the fact that it was part of greater India at one time, seeing the birth of the Zoroastrian religion and much later Hinduism and Buddhism, with such luminaries as Padmasambhava, the “lotus born” incarnating near the Afghan-Pakistan border.
The giant Buddha statues of Bamiyan, said by H.P. Blavatsky to have been built by initiates at the beginning of the Fifth Rootrace – were said to represent the heights of the various rootraces – from their etheric to solid forms.28
These statues were wantonly vandalised by the Taliban in March 2001, “as an affront to Islam” – this was only six months before Afghanistan was attacked by the USA. (Was this merely coincidence or another pre-arranged pretext?)
At one time 2,000 monks meditated in caves among the sandstone cliffs at Bamiyan. Before Islam there were mostly Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Jews and others. Afghanistan has been called the “graveyard of empires”, laying waste to the British, arguably the 9-year Soviet-Afghan war – and more recently the USA and many NATO nations that have been involved in the withdrawal.
The USA’s withdrawal from Afghanistan has brought the tragedy of 9/11 and subsequent 2001 invasion of that nation full circle – punctuated by the tragedy of fleeing Afghans clinging to planes at Kabul airport, followed by a cruel suicide bombing at Kabul airport, that took the lives of hundreds.
Here we witness Saturnian karma returning almost exactly 20 years after 9/11 – based upon a lying motive for the original invasion, trillions of dollars and thousands of lives lost, ruined or displaced – and for what? This 20th anniversary is adding another layer to the plannedemic lies and deception – for which this author has been giving detailed analyses since the beginnning of 2020.
Some have argued that the US withdrawal is a convenient distraction and smoke screen to the manufactured Covid-19 crisis, and/or simply, a badly timed and ill-planned withdrawal that has caused much unnecessary suffering. As pointed out by the Hon. Paul T. Helleyer, these lies were piled upon many other layers of lies – for decades since Operation Paperclip,
“… a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959.”29
After the Twin Towers fell (a most assuredly, well-proven inside demolition exercise noted by many professionals) – USA ran after the bogeyman that they helped to create, Osama Bin Laden – who was allegedly hiding out in the mountains of Afghanistan. A little while later in 2003, “weapons of mass destruction” was the next lying pretext for invading oil-rich Iraq – to displace that “evil dictator”, Saddam Hussein.
And it was all cynically televised as live info-tainment on CNN, complete with “embedded” journalists – a well pre-planned operation. On the topic of oil, the USA had also been working with the Taliban since the early 1990’s in relation to proposed oil pipelines passing through various regions in Afghanistan.
Now, let’s pause and take a breath! The author is aware that the reader at this point may have never questioned the mainstream narrative about 9/11, or realised the many proofs that it was not Bin Laden or other “Arab hijackers” who carried out the attacks.
Those same readers may also not be questioning the current narrative about coronavirus. Hence, in order to fully understand some excellent researches behind this subject, the author’s recent 2020 commentary on 9/11 may be of interest, 9/11 Parallels to 2020, stating:
“9/11 was the first great public hoax of the 21st century – a manufactured “Pearl Harbour” attack that gave a false pretext to invade oil-rich Middle Eastern nations – a plan that had been no secret before, or after the event. 9/11 also gave governments the excuse to exercise unprecedented powers that intruded upon the privacy of citizens, and now in 2020 – the same thing is happening and planned, to a truly appalling extent …
Now, Covid-19 is the second big hoax of the 21st century, amplified many times globally. The same or similar forces that were behind 9/11, are behind this global lockdown, under the pretext/pretence of “protecting” humanity from a dangerous virus – by way of ludicrous lockdowns, social distancing (separation), mass vaccinations, “health/immunity passports”, identity cards and never-ending masque-rades.
… Part of the blindness on 9/11, or need for many to suspend judgement, was simply not having enough information, to be sure of what was fact or propaganda. Similarly now, people have been “caught short”, barely having time to catch on to what has been happening.”30
Other 9/11 commentaries – mostly by the author include,
Transiting Saturn in the 9/11 Horoscope 2010
9/11: Imminent Revelation of the Truth 2013-14
Propaganda and the Esoteric Community: Mass Hypnosis in 2021
4-Year University Study Discredits Official 9/11 Narrative 2019
Video: 9/11 and the War on Terror
(For a longer read/reflection, this excellent essay by Prof.Michel Chossudovsky: September 11, 2001: The War Crimes Committed “In the Name of 9/11”)
Unfortunately, on the 20 years anniversary of 9/11, all media outlets who patched together documentaries, the millions who are still seeking justice for the deaths of loved ones, speeches by politicians etc. – are all based upon the false premise, the existing lies that condition the status quo. This adds another layer of tragedy to that horrific event, the dramatic irony that 9/11 was planned and executed by forces with in the USA.
Afghanistan: Pawn of Empires – Britain, Russia, USA
A little bit of background is needed in order to understand Afghanistan’s astrology chart. The modern state of Afghanistan began in the 18th century, becoming a “buffer state” between British India and the Russian Empire. It eventually became the Kingdom of Afghanistan in 1926, lasting around fifty years until the king was overthrown and a republic was established in July 1973. After a second coup in 1978, Afghanistan became a socialist state, provoking the Soviet–Afghan War in the 1980s against mujahideen rebels.31
The real motive for US involvement in Afghanistan was its ongoing cold war with Russia that began in the 1950’s, hence a proxy war with Russia began soon after the 1978 second coup:
“America’s War against the people of Afghanistan started on July 3, 1979, when President Carter, on the advice of his National Security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, “signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul” … Soviet forces (in a cooperation agreement with a secular Afghan government) were fighting the Al Qaeda mercenaries who had been recruited by the CIA.
Amply documented, the recruitment, training and indoctrination of the Mujahideen was financed by the drug trade [opium/heroin] which was supported covertly by the CIA. The terrorists were recruited starting in July 1979. They were used to undermine and destroy Afghanistan’s secular social structure. The decision of the Carter Administration in early July 1979 to intervene and destabilize Afghanistan’s secular government was conducive to Afghanistan’s destruction as a nation-state.”32
1979 was the date that Russia invaded, marking the beginning of the Soviet–Afghan War. USA, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and China, “continued supporting the rebels, delivering billions of dollars in cash and weapons … Lasting nine years, the war caused the deaths of between 562,000 and 2 million Afghans [!]… displacing about six million people who fled Afghanistan, mainly to Pakistan and Iran.”33
And finally, moving up into recent history,
“After Russia withdrew, various mujahideen factions committed widespread rape, murder and extortion, with the Taliban emerging in September 1994 as a movement and militia of students (talib) from Islamic madrassas (schools) in Pakistan, who soon had military support from Pakistan.
… they conquered more territories until finally driving out the government from Kabul in 1996, where they established an emirate … [they] were condemned internationally for the harsh enforcement of their interpretation of Islamic sharia law, which resulted in the brutal treatment of many Afghans, especially women.
During their rule, the Taliban and their allies committed massacres against Afghan civilians, denied UN food supplies to starving civilians and conducted a policy of scorched earth, burning vast areas of fertile land and destroying tens of thousands of homes.”34
Now, twenty years later, there are “indications” that the Taliban have become far more moderate and mature; their swift takeover of the country was partly due to “long and patient” networking – locally and internationally for the past two decades.
Contrary to many mainstream media propaganda news, reports on the ground indicate that life is normal and the Taliban are making concessions, amnesties, womens’ rights and the cultivation of foreign funding for new infrastructures. Time will tell!
The Astrology of Afghanistan
In this brief potted history of the last couple of centuries, lies the last gasp of the Piscean Age – of British, Soviet and American imperialism, global hegemony, perennial greed, the scramble for oil and mineral wealth etc.
One defining theme is the outgoing cycle of the sixth ray of devotion and idealism, so marked in Islamic religious fanaticism and to a degree, the Christian/evangelical fundamentalism of Western nations.
Afghani’s are a very tough people and formidable warriors – defined by their devout, religious sixth ray. But also the first ray of will-power – this nation was anciently part of India, which is a first ray soul and the first subrace of the Fifth Rootrace – from where all Western subraces emerged.
USA, Russia and Britain
Both Russia and the USA are sixth ray personalities that have been at loggerheads with their respective democratic and communist ideologies for the past century – at the end of this Piscean era and the sixth ray cycle.
Yet, both nations are Aquarian souls, the only other nation is The Netherlands. As discussed in other writings – USA, Russia and Britain are destined to be the leading triumvirate in the new Aquarian astronomical cycle of 2,160 years.
Hence the great challenge during this cuspal period of the Piscean and Aquarian ages – for antagonism to abate between the protagonists – two of whom are preventing Russia from assuming its position in the triangle.
Britain and the USA sense the power of a young Russia (that possesses the world’s largest stockpile of nuclear weapons) – and in this regard USA has had considerable influence over its mother country Britain in recent years.
In the past it could be argued that Britain held the first aspect position of the triangle in the last few centuries – with her vast empire and first ray personality. Yet, it appears that now, as a second ray soul and “elder brother”, a fading imperial power – Britain has relinquished that point and moved to the second point of the triangle, or “second aspect”. USA as a global leader has moved to the first aspect/ray point of will-power – whilst Russia holds the third point/aspect of active-intelligence.
But this situation may shift in the future, when in the coming decades the younger nations of USA and Russia will reach a greater maturity and develop better relations with one another. That will most likely see Russia swap places with USA – Russia will assume the first aspect of the triangle, whilst USA will take over the love-wisdom point from Britain – they are both second ray souls. By that time, Britain may likely be relegated to the third point of the triangle. A summary of these positions is indicated in the following table:
Having established this background, we can now move on to examine some horoscopes – not an easy task to identify the elusive Afghanistan, given the many coups, states and emirates declared in the past century. There are a few dates to consider for this current analysis: The 1973 and 1978 charts for Afghanistan, plus the 9/11 horoscope for 2001 – and of course the USA’s 1776 horoscope.
There is also a 2001 horoscope for Afghanistan, established by NATO’s occupying forces – and it does “work”, though of course it was not established “by the people”. Readers may be interested in this chart through a detailed analysis and excellent overview of the current Afghanistan situation here – by astrologer Malvin Artley.)
Chart 1: 1973 Republic established after overthrow of monarchy.
Chart 2: 1978 The “Saur Revolution” or second coup, a socialist state established.
Chart 3: 9/11 attack – pretext for invasion of Afghanistan.
Chart 4: United States of America.
Chart 5: Afghanistan under the Taliban.
Chart 1: 1973 Republic established after overthrow of monarchy.
A Cancer sun reflecting all the warring clans that have been fighting one another for centuries. A strong sense of homeland, resources and loyalties. A key conjunction of Jupiter and Moon in Aquarius, sign of revolution – reflecting the 1973 overthrow. Following are some key activations, by progression and transit – when the USA were withdrawing and the Taliban were rapidly taking over, in mid-August 2021:
1. Transiting Pluto the destroyer, opposite the Cancer sun and right on the midheaven angle, dominating the chart – regarding further regeneration of the nation, violence, upheaval, ruthlessness, terror attacks.
2. Transiting Saturn exactly conjunct Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius – another phase of karmic reckoning established in 1973.
3. Progressed Sun in Virgo with transiting Mercury-Mars passing over it – as the Taliban recaptured cities.
4. Progressed Moon in Scorpio – in the seventh house of relationships – square Venus in Leo, ruler of Taurus ascendant. A lot of lower Scorpio themes going on in this nation’s relation to other nations – betrayals, deceptions, revenge – the stirring up of maya, a review of the Taliban and Mujahideen’s attitude to women and sex.
5. Progressed Mars in Taurus conjunct ascendant: “Mars is in detriment in this sign. Its activity adds constantly to the naturally warlike nature of Taurus but the potency of the Taurian struggle is so great, esoterically speaking, that the effect of Mars is lost in the larger whole. It “adds to the glamour and confusion and yet holds within itself hope for the struggling man.””((Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.401.))
Chart 2: 1978 The “Saur Revolution”, second coup – a socialist state established.
The Sun is in Taurus conjunct the ascendant of the 1973 chart, linking one development stage to the next. The Sun is part of a T-square with warlord Mars in Leo, Earth and midheaven in Scorpio.
Uranus, planet of revolution is conjunct the midheaven, exalted in Scorpio and widely opposing the sun in Taurus. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer trine the midheaven, distributing many benefits to the Afghans:
“The new government introduced free medical care. A mass literacy campaign was launched. For women, the gains had no precedent; by the late 1980’s, half the university students were women, and women made up 40 per cent of Afghanistan’s doctors, 70 per cent of its teachers and 30 per cent of its civil servants. So radical were the changes that they remain vivid in the memories of those who benefited. Saira Noorani, a female surgeon who fled Afghanistan in 2001, recalled:
“Every girl could go to high school and university. We could go where we wanted and wear what we liked … We used to go to cafes and the cinema to see the latest Indian films on a Friday … it all started to go wrong when the mujahedin started winning … these were the people the West supported.””35
Briefly, the transits in this horoscope in mid August 2021 were:
1. Transiting Uranus opposite Uranus. Revolution once more – at the midpoint of Uranus’s 84 year cycle = 42 years since 1978. Bear in ind that 1978 preceded the proxy war between USA and Russia in 1979, plus the Soviet-Afghan war.
2. Transiting Saturn in Aquarius creating a grand cross to the T-square of Sun, Mars, midheaven. A huge point of tension and conflict reflecting the national crisis, underlined by progressed moon in Leo conjunct the point of the T-square to Mars – which also happens to be the position of USA’s north node.
3. Transiting Jupiter in Aquarius opposite progressed Mars in Leo, exact – a quite liberating transit.
Chart 3: 9/11 attack – pretext for invasion of Afghanistan.
The analysis of this horoscope has been covered in the author’s book, Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I. Suffice to say, it accurately reflects what happened on that day, particularly with the moon in Gemini in the ninth house, indicating deception related to foreign affairs. Gemini is also the personality of the USA and its glyph reflects the Twin Towers.
Gemini ruler Mercury (at one level, “the principle of illusion”), is rising on a Libra ascendant, a sign of the peacemaker often associated with its polar opposite warmonger Aries. Mercury rules the ninth house where the Gemini moon is placed -its square to Jupiter is well known for lies, exaggeration or telling tall stories!
As stated earlier, 9/11 was undisputedly a conspiracy, a planned attack from forces within the USA that was blamed upon foreigners. Neptune is a planet well known in its lower expression for deception, and was placed in Aquarius, making a minor aspect to the Virgo sun – and OBL’s Pisces sun.
Neptune was also conjunct USA’s south node in Aquarius, opposite its north node in Leo (“American exceptionalism”), mentioned in the Mars T-square of the 1979 Afghanistan chart. Jupiter and the midheaven in Cancer straddle USA’s sun in Cancer. The sun in Virgo was exactly opposite scapegoat, Osama Bin Laden’s sun in Pisces.
Bear in mind that the August 2021 withdrawal date by NATO forces came a few weeks short of the 20 years anniversary of Sept.11, 2001. The 20 year cycle is associated with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn to one another, recently conjunct in the first degree of Aquarius in December 2020.
Also, a decade or ten years is associated with cycles of the first ray or will-power that considerably impressed the world in the year 2,000 at the “fifth Shamballa impact”. (See the author’s Fifth Shamballa Impact of 2000: Ongoing Activation.)
In October, just a few weeks after 9/11/2001, came the 49 year-cycle of the Decision Initiation taken by the Masters of Wisdom. (See author’s essay Decision Initiation 2001: The Masters and the 49 Year Cycle.) There are many other points that could be noted, but suffice for now, transits to the 9/11 chart will be considered for USA’s mid-August withdrawal from Afghanistan:
1. Progressed midheaven in Leo conjunct USA’s north node in Leo opposite natal Neptune in Aquarius, conjunct 1979 Afghan. Mars T-square etc.
2. Transiting Saturn conjunct Neptune in Aquarius, activating the karma associated with the original deception.
3. Transiting Jupiter trine natal moon in Gemini – the truth will triumph over deception. In fact, these two bodies form a grand trine to the now progressed Mercury in late Libra.
4. Transiting Chiron in Aries opposite Libra rising, square to Jupiter/midheaven in Cancer – another significator of justice, law and truth.
Chart 4: United States of America.

Chart 4: United States of America. (The horoscope of the USA has numerous commentaries by the author for the past twenty years – that can be found here.)
Transits for mid-August 2021:
1. Transiting Pluto opposite Mercury in Cancer. USA is in the middle of its first ever Pluto return. All that has been built upon since 1776 is breaking down, falling apart – and the Pluto return will finish around the end of 2023. Note that USA’s Mercury in Cancer is conjunct the 1973 Afghan sun in Cancer, hence Pluto the Destroyer is a major transit for both nations.
2. Transiting Neptune opposite Neptune square Mars. This transit has been influencing since April 2020, just when a pandemic was declared by WHO. Like the Pluto transit, it will continue to the end of 2023.
This Neptune transit follows on from a similar prolonged period, 2017 – 2019 – when transiting Neptune was tracking USA’s progressed Sun in Pisces, bringing about much confusion and deception, as well as the opioid crisis.
The author has written extensively about the natal Neptune square Mars aspect in USA’s horoscope, identifying it as a pattern of emotional immaturity. Neptune and Mars rule the USA’s sixth ray personality, hence the resolution of this square will lead to personality integration and greater wisdom as a young nation.
The main problem with this square is meddling (Gemini) and creating wars (Mars) in foreign nations (Neptune 9th house); it is also related to USA’s seemingly insoluble problem of gun control and 11,000 murders by firearms annually. Mars rules guns and is prolific in Gemini – a sign of distribution and dissemination.
Neptune in Virgo is in the 9th house of foreign affairs, square to Mars in Gemini, in the 7th house of relationships. Mars in the 7th house engages and initiates new contacts and can be aggressive and volatile in relationships; particularly when driven by the idealism of its sixth ray personality – which Neptune-Mars rule. (Gemini is also USA’s personality, esoterically speaking.)
Therefore, with this long term transit of Neptune until the end of 2023, there is an opportunity for much healing (as there is with the Pluto return), regarding how USA sees itself: How it has been a victim of its own idealism and self-deception, its various humiliations on the world stage in the past five years or so. The messy and ill-planned withdrawal from Afghanistan was the toxic icing on the cake. Two other major factors are involved that will contribute to the foregoing:
1. The progressed Sun in Pisces will oppose natal Neptune/square Mars exactly by 2025.
2. Solar arc Saturn will move to an exact conjunction with Mars in Gemini in 2025. Saturn is the mind, Mars is emotion. In the next few years we might see a greater control of the nation’s emotions, but also a very frustrating period.
Along with the Pluto return, this period may signal the end of US imperialism and foreign interference. Yet, since the 1950’s it has been the CIA that has been responsible for much foreign interference; virtually from its inception, has been a law unto itself – not controlled by US government. (See the author’s The Maya of World Media and the CIA.)
“The CIA, which should exclusively gather intelligence, is a rogue paramilitary organization that oversees secret kidnappings, interrogation at black sites, torture, manhunts, and targeted assassinations across the globe.”36
3. Solar Arc Pluto conjunct midheaven. This is in orb of influence already, and will be exact in the next two years. Pluto the transformer culminating on the 10th house cusp will challenge the nation in how it handles power.
The point of least resistance can be an even greater drive for power, ruthlessness, domination and control, to over-reach on big projects, confrontations with other powerful nations. Other themes include working covertly behind the scenes, underhand tactics, criminality.
This will be a powerful period of regeneration regarding USA’s international reputation. USA will be forced to confront its motives and past patterns of behaviour, that could lead to a dramatic change in direction – which might include further humiliating falls from grace. Yet a forced change of direction may eventually lead closer to the nation’s soul path.
4. Progressed midheaven conjunct Uranus in Gemini. The progressed midheaven represents the career or “dharma” thus far unfolded for any entity, so when this angle conjoins Uranus in the next 2.5 years (exact by early Jan. 2024), some very promising and perhaps radical changes are in store. Note that this progression follows a similar timeline to the previous solar arc Pluto conjunct the natal midheaven.
The natal and progressed midheaven are both highly activated, one by Pluto and the other Uranus. Uranus is the planet of revolution and was discovered between the American and French revolutions. USA was founded upon the Uranian principles of liberty and freedom.
Now that the progressed midheaven is in orb of influence to natal Uranus, there is ample opportunity for the USA to get back to its original guiding principles, bearing in mind that Uranus-ruled Aquarius is the soul of the nation!

Women gather courageously to demand their rights under the Taliban rule during a protest in Kabul, Sept. 3, 2021.
Chart 5: Afghanistan under the Taliban
“A Taliban spokesman said that the Taliban desires peaceful relations with the international community, and does not want to live in isolation. It was also said that the Taliban desires to open channels of communication with foreign nations … the Taliban will respect the rights of women and minorities within Sharia law … will adopt a policy of non-interference in the affairs of other nations…”37
The existing Islamic Republic collapsed on 15 August 2021 – when Taliban forces seized the capital and largest city of Kabul. Then on Aug.19, 2021 there was a declaration of the re-establishment of the previous Islamic Emirate (1996-2001).
On the Virgo new moon – Sept 7, 2021, the Taliban announced their government ministers. Given the fact that their main ascent to power was in mid August, the August 19 horoscope may be the tentative one to use for now.
The outstanding feature of the horoscope is the Sun in Leo opposite Jupiter in Aquarius. Leo represents sovereignty, self-governing autonomy and can be dictatorial and tyrannical. Time will tell if Taliban 2.0 really have turned over a new leaf and what to integrate relations between Afghanistan and the rest of the world.

Pakistani educationist and Nobel prize laureate – Malala Yousafzai, has “deep concerns” after Taliban gained control over Aghanistan. In 2012, Malala was shot in the head by Ehsanullah Ehsan, the former Pakistan Taliban spokesman.
The opposition to Jupiter in Aquarius can on the one hand be magnanimous, generous and socially beneficent – but can magnify and exaggerate any of the negative traits of Leo. Jupiter in Aquarius might also have the tendency to “unify, produce fusion and blend together the various elements of the Afghans but in the lowest and most undesirable aspect”38
It is of interest to note that the Sun in Leo falls directly on Donald Trump’s Mars in Leo – it was Trump who, “initiated the withdrawal of troops himself back in February 2020 and negotiated directly with the Taliban to remove the US by May 2021.”39
In fact, the Taliban declaration of Aug.19 was just three days before the Leo “blue moon” on Aug.22, when the Sun was in the last degree of Leo – conjunct Trump’s Leo ascendant.
The Sabian Symbol for th 27th degree of Leo is “Daybreak”, a positive symbol for a new beginning for the nation, provided the new government does not resort to old patterns. The fact that the Taliban have established an Islamic emirate based upon Sharia law, is in itself a big problem – reflected by the moon in Capricorn – a very crystallised adherence to religious law with little room for compassion.
However, the moon is in a grand trine formation with Uranus and Mercury-Mars in Virgo, that does offer hope for radical (Uranus) changes, especially for women (Virgo). Conversely, it might simply reflect lower Virgo – application of the letter of the law as opposed to its spirit. Again, time will tell.
There is another grand trine – in air, involving Venus in Libra, Saturn in Aquarius and north node in Gemini. This is an excellent pattern for the cultivation of right relationships within and without the nation.
So whatever the success of the Taliban, their assumption of power may be a step for this nation on its long road to liberation. What needs to be borne in mind is that the motive of Western powers for invading Afghanistan was built entirely upon lies – those lies and deceptions were compounded through various US presidents. Other nations like Russia, Iran and China are also waiting in the wings, it remains to be seen if Afghanistan chooses to be engaged with them or not.
Recent investigations by Washington Post journalist Craig Whitlock, reveal some shocking truths about the USA’s involvement in this country – taken from thousands of interviews in, The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War. A little background reading and video is at this link. Deceptions and lies: What really happened in Afghanistan
Phillip Lindsay © 2021.
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Stripe is supported in many countries. Books by Phillip Lindsay
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.145. [↩]
- A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.409. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.1062. [↩]
- Esoteric Psychology I, Alice A. Bailey. p.246. [↩]
- Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.70. [↩]
- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.903. [↩]
- In letter 257 (16 July 1964) to Christopher Bretherton. [↩]
- Astrodatabank [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- [↩]
- Dr. Ralph Wood: “Professor of English at Baylor University, is a Tolkien expert and has studied Christian literary classics and the Inklings …. He taught for 26 years at Wake Forest University, where he won awards for distinguished teaching. His publications include “Traveling the One Road: The Lord of the Rings as a ‘Pre-Christian’ Classic. [↩]
- The Letters of J. R. R Tolkien, Humphrey Carpenter, editor (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1981), page 202. [↩]
- Jude Fisher, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Visual Companion (Boston: New York, 2001), page 55, 57. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. pp.135-6. [↩]
- The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Baily. p.23. [↩]
- Destiny of the Races and Nations I, Phillip Lindsay. [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- Dr. Joseph Mercola [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- [↩]
- The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A.Bailey. p.499. [↩]
- Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.71. [↩]
- The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.612. [↩]
- Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- 9/11 Parallels to 2020 [↩]
- Paraphrasing from Wikipedia. [↩]
- [↩]
- Quoting, paraphrasing from Wikipedia. [↩]
- Quoting, paraphrasing from Wikipedia. [↩]
- The Great Game of Smashing Countries, John Pilger. [↩]
- Chris Hedges: The revengeful suffering orchestrated by the American empire on Afghans will be of Biblical proportions. [↩]
- Wikipedia [↩]
- Paraphrasing from Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.285 – when DK was discussing Hitler and Aquarius. [↩]
- [↩]
Dear Lindsay: What a profound analysis. A never ending thank you for the tireless sacrifice you make to research, prepared publish these newsletters. It is a breath of fresh air to hear and see this current world situation in the light of the truth and wisdom. Much gratitude, Paul Movsessian
Dear Phillip,
Thanks for these magnificent, eloquent pieces of research that get a handle on many of the Hidden Presents of Humanity and add considerable depth to my own searches in these contentious fields. Wonderful!
Please keep up this valuable work,
I thought you might like our Song for virgo : Song for Virgo “Virgo Delight
Thanks for your work Phillip!
Esoteric Virgo is the quality capable of using the lower triad (Moon) to nurture, build, forge or mold (Vulcan) a purer consciousness, closer to Christ.
As you well say Phillip, exoterically this quality is reflected through selfishness as the power to censor or criticize to build what is desired. But as we already know the difference does not depend on the sign but on the consciousness that manages it.
In esoteric Virgo, looking outside is looking inside because Virgo knows that what is seen is a reflection of what is built. Later, what has been built will be put to the test in Scorpio, also a triple sign …, but this is another topic.
I have always been struck by the fact that the Soul of Paris is ruled by Virgo …, and the Soul of the country by Pisces …, does this not mean that the future of the nation is developing in Paris? The answer is yes. In the purifying power of the great city is the final expression of the country understood as a unit. “Curiously” the rising sign of the current mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, is Virgo.
Changing the subject, truly the entire “power crusade” that is moving through the Covid 19 vaccines has a strong smell of selfishness.
I explain why I have reached this conclusion, surely, as Phillip tells us, there are many other reasons to think the same, but I will tell you mine.
I passed the Covid, and in my truth I knew and felt that the disease had the power to kill …. 12 days almost without hunger and only wanting to sleep. Finally a friend from Barcelona told me: “take this David, it will be fine for you “. It was like a yellowish drink that had to be taken in small doses mixed with water. And so it was …., the next day I already wanted to have a tortilla sandwich with a beer … what joy it gave me!
What I drank, in very well measured quantities, according to the experts is something very simple, something that truly oxygenated my blood … it was chlorine dioxide …, I don’t know if it is the famous Trump bleach, but I do know that for me (and for someone else in my family) it was something very healing, easy to take, always in the right measure and very economical.
Please, do not search the Internet for what it is, because for many websites it is poison …, and as you will understand my suspicion is great because I am still alive.
Thanks David, here is one of several pieces I have written on Paris and France:Fire at Notre Dame: The Soul of Paris
Regarding David’s post on Covid 19.
I did a little looking around and found this
In the footnotes on the topic of chlorine dioxide I found this
And I thought BINGO! Since David’s friend and surely David speak Spanish, and after reading this work from Columbia.
Both CLO2 at 3000ppm and Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide at 12% are available on Amazon Mexico, maybe in your countries as well.
I personally will be taking the CLO2 protocol should the need arise.
The section on Breaking the Global Cabals is a veritable treatise on the current burning issues of who is in control and what is happening in the world today and why.
History teaches us that in the past it was tribal chieftains, warlords and monarchs who were in charge of guiding/controlling societies. Then came the period when democracy was born and power shifted to the people — supposedly. Presently we are at the stage where what we call democracy is far from being consolidated and is more like something of an experiment. Much of humanity still clings to the idea of looking to leaders to guide them and is not ready to assume the responsibility of self-governance.
Indeed, the ideal of representative democracy does not truly exist because it is common that the persons elected as “representatives“ are in actual fact perceived as leaders by the people who elected them. Now that politics has become a profession, it would seem that the people who practice this profession likewise perceive themselves as power holders, not as servants of the electors.
Democracy may not even be the final answer to the question of how society can function peacefully. The chaos we are now experiencing may be the breakup of one system as it transitions to another. The crux of our current dilemma is that past systems set up for managing societies were dealing with small social groupings, whereas today for the first time we are trying to find a way to manage a worldwide social grouping that is the result of a coalescing of multiple social groups with widely differing customs, traditions and beliefs. And professional politicians are perhaps not the best prepared for dealing with such a situation.
So where do we go from here? That’s what we are trying to figure out.