8 Responses to Virgo 2022: Florence Nightingale. Mercury in Libra. Mars in Gemini. Global Scamdemic. Mystery of Betelguese.

  1. Ronald S. Ross says:


    It is remarkable to consider the countless hours on your part which went into this September “mini-book”.

    At age 90, possessor of many Roerich’s works, seven decade longtime reader and student of of AAB’s and DK’s wisdom I have some sense of your unwavering dedication, and offer deep gratitude for your presence on this planet NOW.

    Thank you good sir. I shall be dropping this earthsuit shortly, and do not wish to allow another moment to pass without acknowledging your magnificent committment to our humanity.

  2. Валентина says:

    Dear brothers and sisters,
    This week I received a letter with a topic to meditate on, which is Revelation, and that this topic is related to the coming of Christ.
    That night, the understanding clearly came that the current situation in the world has developed for a reason. External expression, as we know, is only the effect of internal causes and processes occurring at levels higher than the three worlds of human evolution. We know that humanity is the world’s Student and what happens to the microcosm – man, student, the same happens inside the Macrocosm, that is, our planet. What must happen if we wait for the coming of Christ? As you know, the Soul must defeat the Guardian and then, divinity, Christ can be manifested in a person. By analogy, Humanity is currently deciding its fate, whether Divinity will manifest itself and Christ, that is, the Soul, will come, or the guardian will win and humanity will again be in slavery. The situation of world Arjuna is evident. Because God is all there is. Man is created in the image and likeness of God. And if we consider Mankind as a whole, then the countries, as parts of the whole, must decide for themselves only one thing, which is more important than the common good or the personal good, that is, the interests and goals of individual countries. Or even united in a group of countries. Everyone should take into account that brotherhood is commanded to us, that all countries, like people, are children of God. And that everyone is equal. Everyone exists by the Will of God and no country or group can decide that if it is, in its personal opinion, more important, and more influential, and richer, and therefore should be above everyone and decide who and how to live, or not to live. Only God has this right.
    So who is who? Which country is the conductor of personal interests? And who is on the side of the Light? As you know, the person is very noisy, has a very loud voice, and the voice of the Soul can be heard only when all other voices are silent. Who is louder, who can be heard more?
    Who in this situation refuses dialogue, excludes other opinions, and pretends to defend the weak, but right, but in fact, the values ​​of individual, “chosen countries”? The crisis did not start on February 24, it turned into a war because someone decided that he was 100% right and believed in his infallibility to decide for everyone. Trampling on universal human values, freedom of will, freedom of speech, freedom to think and live as the country decides. Who wants peace? Those who sponsor weapons, pit one country against another, encourage hatred, manipulate the facts, control information so that their own peoples do not have access to information, support fascism, pretending to protect the weak from the strong.
    Appearances are deceptive, and we, the students of timeless wisdom, know this in practice, and not just theoretically. Therefore, it seems that the time has come for all of us to make a choice, but not theoretically, but in practice, that is, in our daily life. Given that those who follow the Path have a louder voice and influence, and how we deal with the situation, without preferences, without bias, realizing the responsibility for our common future. Support the Light or personal claims? The glamor is great and it is very easy to mistake one for the other.
    This was written by me almost immediately after February 24, 2022. These thoughts came to consciousness spontaneously.

    Дорогие братья и сестры,
    На этой неделе мне пришло письмо с темой, над которой необходимо размышлять, это – Откровение, и что эта тема связана с приходом Христа.
    Этой ночью, четко пришло понимание, что нынешняя ситуация в мире сложилась не просто так. Внешнее выражение, как мы знаем, только следствия внутренних причин и процессов, происходящих на уровнях выше, чем три мира человеческой эволюции. Мы знаем, что человечество – мировой Ученик и то, что происходит с микрокосмом – человеком, учеником, то же происходит и внутри Макрокосма, то есть нашей планеты. Что же должно произойти, если мы ждем приход Христа? Как известно Душа должна победить Стража и тогда, божественность, Христос может быть проявлен в человеке. По аналогии Человечество в данный момент решает свою судьбу, проявится ли Божественность и придет Христос, то есть Душа, или победит страж и человечество опять будет в рабстве. Ситуация мирового Арджуны налицо. Потому, что Бог – это все, что есть. Человек создан по образу и подобию Бога. И если рассматривать Человечество, как целое, то страны, как части целого, должны решить для себя только одно, что важнее Общее благо или благо личное, то есть интересы и цели отдельных стран. Или даже объединившихся в группу стран. Все должны учесть, что нам заповедано братство, что все страны, как и люди – чада Божьи. И что все равны. Все существуют по Воле Бога и ни одна страна или группа не может решать, что если она по личному мнению главнее, и влиятельнее, и богаче и поэтому должна быть над всеми и решать, кому и как жить, или не жить. Это право есть только у Бога.
    Так кто есть кто? Кто из стран является проводником личных интересов? А кто выступает на стороне Света? Как известно личность очень шумная, имеет очень громкий голос, а голос Души может быть услышан только тогда, когда все остальные голоса смолкнут. Кто громче, кого слышно больше?
    Кто в данной ситуации отказывается от диалога, исключает другие мнения, и делает вид, что защищает слабого, но правого, а на самом деле, ценности отдельных, «избранных стран»? Кризис не начался с 24 февраля, он перешел в войну потому, что кто – то решил, что прав стопроцентно и уверовал в свою непогрешимость решать за всех. Попирая Общечеловеческие ценности, свободу воли, свободу слова, свободу думать и жить, как решит страна. Кто хочет мира? Те, кто спонсирует оружием, натравливает одну страну на другую, поощряет ненависть, подтасовывает факты, контролирует информацию, чтобы собственные народы не имели доступа к информации, поддерживает фашизм, делая вид, что защищает слабого от сильного.
    Видимость обманчива, и нам, изучающим вневременную мудрость, это известно на деле, а не просто теоретически. Поэтому нам всем видимо пришла пора сделать выбор, но не теоретически, а на деле, то есть в нашей повседневной жизни. Учитывая то, что те, кто идет по Пути имеют более громкий голос и влияние, и от того, как мы разберемся в ситуации, без предпочтений, без пристрастий, осознавая ответственность за наше общее будущее. Поддержим Свет или личные претензии? Наваждение велико и очень легко принять одно за другое.
    Это было написано мной еще почти сразу после 24 февраля 2022 года.Эти мысли пришли в сознание спонтанно.

  3. rosalyn thurecht says:

    Thank you for all this work and brilliance.
    You are a true mystic! Endeavouring to help humanity glimpse at a wider reality.

  4. David says:

    Hello again, welcome to Virgo or the power to build!

    Thanks Phillip for your varied and intertwined articles.

    I would like to do a little analysis on Florence Nightingale’s horoscope.

    Truly in this horoscope Taurus and the ninth house have great power; It is an energy that, due to the great astrological dignity that Pluto and Jupiter have in Pisces, is focused and expressed through the seventh house, the place where the other is my truth.

    Exoterically we can also observe the meanings of the 6th house, but esoterically the role of Pisces is clearly identified with Virgo or the path of the Soul.

    We could say that the magnetism exerted by Virgo and Pisces, (both carriers of the 2nd-6th Rays …), makes the great power of Taurus sacrifice itself for the meanings of the seventh house, where clearly the patient is the complement of Virgo, is the friend, companion, “the one who guides my Soul”, the “You”, as they say in India, “God lives in you as You”.

    Put very simply, Florence Nightingale was a nurse (Virgo) with sensitivity (Pisces). Florence built (Virgo) healing energy (Pisces) thanks to the “divine” detachment of Pluto and the generosity of Jupiter both in great astrological dignity.

    In the horoscope of this great initiate, due to the position of the nodes, a “magical egoism” is suggested. It is as if she, by dedicating herself only to her own self-construction, (Virgo-South Node-house 1), discovered her great sensitivity for the other (Pisces-North Node-house 7). In truth Florence cared for the sick but she also spoke, listened and understood people, Souls, “YOU through SELF.”

    The successful expression of her vocation is written on her moon, exalted in the most spiritual house (9), ruled by Venus in Cancer in the 10th house. We would say that Florence expressed an action (vocation -10th house) highly conditioned by the exaltation of the ruler of Venus, Moon in Taurus. Here we can draw “the woman with the lamp” illuminating Love in Pisces/Virgo.

    Florence’s father, who was the only one in the family who supported the young Florence in her spiritual aspirations, in my view we have to place him in the 9th house, a father who was quickly replaced by her Soul, the moon, the esoteric regent of Virgo.

    Thanks for sharing

    1. Some good observations David! “she also spoke, listened and understood people” – listening is one of the best qualities of Pisces. Half the healing is being heard.

  5. Vicktorya Stone says:

    Excellent, Phillip. Thank you for this. (I skipped a bit on Florence, for the moment, to be honest.)
    This line is very telling, and the polarizations are increasingly ‘fixing’ or hopefully many more can be ‘in flux’, especially I notice in the US now.

    You wrote, re COVID and the one (official) acceptable narrative that many adopt:
    “As a result, some have cautiously modified their existing viewpoints, others have been turned completely upside down and woken up to the truth – whilst others still cling dogmatically to the choices they made. The latter group may stay in denial to their dying days, prevented by pride and embarrassment for admitting choices made were based upon fear, expediency or “science”.”

    Let’s do add in one other option. (Not that I want to be a nitpicking nitwit here, but) There are those who was always, and immediately, suspicious — so the ‘existing viewpoints’ would have been that ‘the gov’t’ is lying to us. This hasn’t really been modified, for me, but enhanced, as more and more of the myriad of ‘truths’ are show to be a magician’s wand waved over public opinion fairy dust.

    I guess the moral of the story may be, where Good exists (regular humans), there are retrogressive forces (those who gravitate to positions of power and promoting materialism, usually.) The retrogressive forces will call themselves the opposite of what they are, ie co-opting the early definition of what ‘progressive’ would mean, but that itself is the hoax.

    Disciples will learn to discern truth from falsity, and to not be naive or gullible to those who wish to control them. It’s a dangerous path to believe lies – and especially to promote them, with the arrogance of ‘believing’ in science, or any justification, without the due diligence of rigorous questioning.

  6. lise vølund says:

    Also, a huge THANK YOU from me for all you generously share.

  7. Jason Orr says:

    Phillip you are truly amazing. Your selfless, tireless, and endless search for the Truth is a beacon on inspiration for all. You have been an ongoing source of reasoned and contemplative reflection amidst the incessant downpour of Glamour over the past three years. Please continue to carry the mantle as one of the Light Bearers for The Hierarchy. Your sanity and perspective is a refreshing and much needed counterpoint to the cacophony of noise and distortion that bombards us nonstop.

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