6 Responses to Virgo 2024: Ancient Virgo. Pisces Polarity. Soul of Jewish People. Roberto Assagioli. Lisbon Tremor. Externalisation of the Hierarchy.

  1. Francesc Guinart says:

    Muchas gracias Phillip, extraordinario el contenido de esa News letter. tus explicaciones y razonamientos ayudan a entender lo que esta pasando en nuestro mundo.
    Un fuerte abrazo

  2. Freda Kemp says:

    Thanks Phillip, the quotes from the letters to Assagioli where most interesting.

  3. Craig B. says:

    Thank you Phillip for the usual depth and quality of insights, revealing timely and important aspects to help understand what we are experiencing on this planet in this critical period of history.

  4. David says:

    The sign of Virgo is the mother, so from it “things” are born. If they are “things” inspired by the force of matter, they will be the lower triangle, if they are “things” inspired by the soul, they will be the upper triangle.

    It is with the qualities of Virgo that we can build, the child grows, is nourished and is built through the mother, the water and the earth in Virgo are the clay that gives form to “things”.

    Giving form, the will to build that for which we have come to live.

  5. Michael Harding says:

    The Book Ends of the United Nations
    And its Shelving
    It was the horror of a devastating war and a genocidal holocaust that significantly strengthened the establishment of the United Nations (UN), and it is the horror of ongoing wars and ongoing genocidal holocausts (without the ovens this time) that is significantly exposing the ineffectiveness, neigh, the inability, of this present UN to ever end or prevent, now or in the future any such atrocities, which just so happens to be the stated main purpose of its existence.
    The irony can’t be missed that according to the world stage picture, the people who were so brutally massacred at the beginning of this chapter in humanity’s history, are the people who are currently committing a similar brutal massacre. These people are being directly supported diplomatically, financially, and with the ways and means to prosecute war and genocide, unabated by a member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). This same nation is supplying the same services contributing to another genocide, the flower of the Ukrainian people.
    Interesting isn’t it, that a primary founding nation of the UN, would not follow the dictates of the UN Charter, by supporting war without the UN backing. This isn’t the first time this has occurred.
    Yet, there is more. The African nations have begun to kick out this nation and its vassal nation states clearly erecting the ‘You are no longer welcomed, please leave now’ signs. The hidden colonial mind set and modus of operation for the current hegemony is ever more becoming exposed.
    Of late, for some time now, I have been sensing a growing change coming to the UN, and perhaps even a change of physical location. Not that the concept of nations uniting to work in peace and harmony is devolving, in fact I would say it is evolving among many nations and peoples; but not in those nations (and those behind those nations) that have for the past 79 years steadily drove and steered this otherwise descent required organization for world peace, service, harmonized management and growth of the Four Freedoms for all, as their private global control and influencer mechanism.
    It seems that what should have happened under the auspices of the UN by now, is what is birthing in the BRICS and Global South nations. By the very fact that a very large number of nations, approximately 140 in all, want out of the old system and into the new system shows exactly where the split in the current 193 UN member nations exists.
    I ask you, why would they remain in an organization that has so utterly failed in its charter? And, when they can see and organization that so far has operated under a much more fair, just, and equitable fashion, and could grow into and organization that could overtake or add to its charter that which the current UN pretends to accomplish, such as:
    “…to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples…”
    That above quote comes directly from the preamble of the current UN. Unfortunately, none of the above high-sounding values have become a true stable reality.
    The current UN recently completed their ‘Summit of the Future’. During this session a little thing called “The Pact For the Future’’ was somehow raised to the front of the agenda. Outside of the western media spin, it is seen as more of the same babble, a ploy against BRICS, or any other competitor (sound familiar?) ever getting an opportunity to grow, a product of the Wolf in Sheep’s clothing, the Davos /WEF Crowd. You know the same crowd that after getting the UN in bed with them (note the wording), proceeded to introduce a pandemic to the world, even with a solution.
    Before going on, I need to make a few points clear. There are many fine people who are dedicated to hard work at the UN and who represent nations and believe in the charter, or at least in hope. However, let’s face it, all that work goes nowhere unless their heads of state, and the United States (and its backers) in particular, agrees. Now, I will begin.
    Here are the opening three points from the document:

    The Pact for the Future
    1. We, the Heads of State and Government, representing the peoples of the world, have gathered at United Nations Headquarters to protect the needs and interests of present and future generations through the actions in this Pact for the Future.
    2. We are at a time of profound global transformation. We are confronted by rising catastrophic and existential risks, many caused by the choices we make. Fellow human beings are enduring terrible suffering. If we do not change course, we risk tipping into a future of persistent crisis and breakdown.
    3. Yet this is also a moment of hope and opportunity. Global transformation is a chance for renewal and progress grounded in our common humanity. Advances in knowledge, science, technology and innovation could deliver a breakthrough to a better and more sustainable future for all. The choice is ours.
    The ‘Pact for the Future’ is a joke. Why should you be trusted with the future, when you continue to fail in the present with no signs of change? Three words, Gaza, Ukraine, Africa.
    What course are you seeing that needs to be changed? Why don’t you just follow the UN Charter? Or read up on the Four Freedoms and follow them, or simple think, speak and do ‘the will to good’ for all, in all adventures and endeavors?
    All that proposed use of new knowledge, science and technology sounds nice, but aren’t you currently using it to commit multiple massacres, not to mention an abysmal record in improved health and nutrition, and poverty? How about, you start showing that you can be trusted with what you have now, before you tell me about how great the future is going to be under your tutelage. Three words, Gaza, Ukraine, Africa.
    The only item that should have been on this summit schedule should have been ending the current wars and genocides. I can only conclude that the current hegemon must want them to continue.

    This coming October 24th, the UN will have been in existence for 79 years (almost a compete Uranus cycle). I find it very interesting that the astrological chart used for the UN, is placed at Washington DC. Because that is where it was finally ratified, since the United States was a founding member and a major proponent of the organization. About a year earlier on 22 July 1944 the Bretton Woods System along with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank came about. Seems to be a package deal for world management. The United States was given so to speak, ‘the mandate from heaven’, the opportunity to prosecute the Four Freedoms, struggled with that for a spell, and instead, made a pact with the devil.
    The UN Charter was signed in San Francisco on 26 June 1945, but the ratification process was completed in Washington, D.C., on October 24, 1945 at 4:45 pm. This location was chosen for the final ratification because the U.S. was one of the founding members and a major proponent of the organization, symbolizing its commitment to international cooperation and peace. So, the story went. In reality, it showed to the world unequivocally, that the new boss sat in Washington DC.
    On 22 October 2024 in Kazan, Russia, the 2024 BRICS Summit will be held. It will begin with the Sun in the last degree of Libra, in the 11th house of community conjunct Juno the asteroid of ‘relatedness’. Placement in the last degree of any sign being exceptionally strong. Interesting that the Sun, the sign of the personality is in a sign that lessons the importance of the individual, is in a community sign, conjunct Juno, the astrological significator of “commitment, steadfastness, loyalty, devotion, and a willingness to remain in a relationship…”
    DK has told us to always support the UN, and somewhere I read that a special crystal was carried to the UN location by Nichlas Roerick under direction from the Hierarchy (I don’t remember all the details and wording about both these points). He also mentioned that the USSR should never had been allowed into the UN when it was, because it wasn’t yet aligned with the principles required and wouldn’t contribute in a positive fashion, but would rather introduce problems into the organization. Well, today we face a similar situation but this time the offending nation is the United States, and their presence and running of the UN has completely destroyed the heart and purpose of the UN.
    Perhaps the host nation representing the Ajna Center of the world isn’t mature enough yet to host such a responsibility, and they need to be temporarily replaced. A future time may see the return of the UN Headquarters to New York, a day all of humanity and I dare say, the Hierarchy will celebrate with great joy, when the United States begins to live up to its motto, ‘I light the way’.
    I still support the UN, the concept, the operation of it; its just that, I don’t see it in New York at this time.
    Those book ends are Genocide. The world grows tired of the books on that shelf, and what is holding them together.

  6. Özge says:

    Merhaba Phillip,
    Türkiye’den selamlar. Emeklerin için teşekkürler.

    Hello Phillip,
    Greetings from Turkey. Thank you for your efforts.

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